American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, October 17, 1850, Image 3

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    BTTERSof administration'on 1110 estate pfSaml.
j Miller, deceased,' late'bf,North Middleton town
iip, CumbctlttndCoUmy/havc.been granted to
10 a subscriber living in lhe,san)o (oUnsbip, insaid
mnty, by,the Register.of the county! aforesaid, / Alt
arsons indebted to. said,estate are requested to.matte
nmodiato and .those having claims will
resent them - properly, adlliomicotcd .for settlement.
■•1 • . . PERES W. QUIGLEY, Admr.,.
October 17, ...
- Extract or Anici’icuh 6il.
THE,great remedy of nature, which bursts forth
rom the crcvico of a rock, at (ho bottom of* a well
jur'hun'drWTdut dctj’i huset bythe r mdst jiow*
rAil bhomioxl prodess, been analyzed, »ind> (ho Very
übstance of“it#'all curative virtues!'lias been disco*
erod; It is the moslsingular substance in
( is a.beautiful; clear, volatile liquid, andwjll unite
rillwo other. liquids known-—acids, .oils,.spirits or
arpontinc, ethers, &c. It is found to contain all
coosliluonl principles of a "healthy, human,-be.
: an< * to possess’the power of purifying and re*
all other substances.from Jlho corporator*
v. WAl*ftt«pn of man., Therefore, it is (ho most univer-
V Mfcmcilv in the world, being applicable Ip every
(lie human family, being-perfectly
in ihe most,delicate canes,- and eminently
’ In the most difficult diseases. For paClico
« and use, see labels, &c., on oaph bottle, where
A■ fall 'directions aro t givcn. All orders addressed to
•s.\lh‘e Sole Wholesale Agents, T. ; W. Dtott &. Sons,
132 North Second^street, Fhikdelplila, will bo
\Jsoncluttlly attended to. ■
' '•Porstfle in Carlisle, at Uio store,of A. C. F*ttb».
| 7 #.1850 ' - ■ 1 - - " ■ ■ .■'< >
» JVow rilll Goods.
AVE Just received nnd are now opening at theft
cheap Wholesale and. Retail store, n Urge and
liful selection of Pall Goods. Wo particularly
:e iho attention of tho Ladies to otir large assort
lof ‘ ’ ~ '
I.hrtics Di‘css'ttpOds, ;
iclcon, Saltin Do Shone, plain, black arid change-
Silks, Baraga do v Lnines; figured, striped, cm-
JefcJ and plain Ci.shmcrcs, Moueltn dc Laincs,
isir and Silk Lusters} plain. Mack and change*
Alpacas? plain and fancy Purrimnttus, nc\V s’tyle
cocs ami Chintzes, plain and embroidered Sack
*. Flannels, Brussels, Lace,' black silk Fringe and
, ’jjir 1 ’*' CLOTHS 4-, CASSWESES,
“,’®j[ack, French and> English Cloths; plain, black and
' Whey Cnssimercs, Satiinetts, Kentucky Joans, Vcl
(> V'yel Conle, and a (urge assortment of Vestings.
Tickings, Cheeks, Osnaburg bleached and
Eiianbleachcd Muslins, blenched shd unbleached Cot
ft;','Aon and Linen Table Diapers,
t- ',*■.‘Wiuhave received another large assortment of Cor
f? -paling which wo arc determined to sell ID per coni,
v'4&spper than the same quality cun be purchased
SAoes.—Another large lot of Boots and
has been added to our former stuck, for'Men,
Sw-.'Pjyjk Women and (children. ' • . ■ _
Supply 0/ .Groceries, such as Sugar,
x2«Mee, Teas, Molasses, &c. very cheap. •
w * B hing to purchase good and cheap
* will do well to call and examine puroxletisi^
before purchasing elsewhere, aa wa are
fe „ paui’niineif to cut goods at very,low rales, .
Oct 17, 1860
800 Reward.
tbcrlnnd Vullcy Rail Road Company wi
imo hereafter, p-iy
ree Hundred dollar s'.
who will give information that will tend (o
ion or tho individual who places ohslruo
he truck Tor the purpose of throwing off
md cars. And if the person. giving tho
wishes it, his naipo shall not bo made
Preiiilent C. V. R. /£ Com/xiny*.
Auditor’ll Kollcc,**
KfTfaWuf' the estate of John HefHcfingrr,
rmloysburjr, Cumberland county, deceased,
irmrfwd,* »l«ri the snbscribtMV who wae'ap.
£f>o last Orphans’ Court un Auditor tosel
jst the rate* odd proportions ortho assets
to among 1 the respective creditors accord*
mter established by liw, will meet lor
nf the bowse cd’9urmre> fjenhingor, near
i of (ho 11-muburg bridge, on Saturday
of November next, at 10 o’clock A. M.,
'here the siK| creditors arc requested to
their claims and demands ngulnsi the
, AHidite^.
iisT or IcttMS ~
■ COIN TUK , *VO(.ONTKKa"Bt ArPbllHliKliT 1 ,
LETTERS remaining in itio Puiloflicc
'RVId, P«.f Obi. /Ssfal ( .PuftoYi* ,hr.
r Ictlcr'i ort lliitfwilV|>l'catt) io^lliby
JlfthiUw.. • • m or kindredMondoiT Charlotte
XfAwd; Daniel M’Kinley Daniel
| llfyerman Mrs CntlwrtneMowry Samuel
|x . lltMtMrs Anna 2 . Alt'll.David
BUier William Morton Mias Snrnlt
r Blackmore James 1) Mayberry Mrs June
Baughman Philip Mayberry Joseph
-fi«6wn Mies Catharine M’Siro William
Vy-Bjfrea Jcaae Mo wry Nicholas . •
1 ’ sEar John Mount* Martin
Suod UenjiiittfiV M’Cilll Nad
V* wM'dicr Isaac Onoil David
PWoard C CJ Porter G A’Ksrf'
U- 6<s»d Daniel Parker James Warren
;4g£A»kor Win Piper Miss Ann E
Mias Rebecca ' Ruth Mias M (*
Miss Susan Rinrdan Kdwnnl 3
Rv-Jpiark Paul Rork Mias.Mary
E -Clark William RoßinsMvGW y
CroA William Smith John
Oohlgland John Sipe John ' ■ ; ,
; OudkeVEroan Tmith Joseph R
Dulaney Miaa Lilly Snider David ,
Ddwhnl’Gco. Shop Henry
■ Drqarbsugh William ShatttbangSi William
Benjamin Spencer SuflTorina . ■
* Shimcr Aaa M 8
Michael Steel Jones
3 T. M. Spahr Andrew
William Feq Snyder Jonathan •
I 'jlffalfcok Jacob Smith Albert 3
I E David Sinlabaugh David
/ W Souaenderfo N N
Ofeeo Catlmrine Stoner David
’ ShldslUill Geo Sohmlot J-odus
Oreep Kmily SlmmonWOeo '
Qoiiholl Mr Geb 3 Shearer Mias Mary
Graham W J Snider JohVi* ~,!;
GrwfChrialian Staddoh Henry
Gettffeall Adam Swlgarl Oco 1
r Gdlelen VL M Smohl Jacob
OOtianies Slovens Mra Rachel
> UMpehamer Miss SarahSouder Frederick
•” JfiwlMd Charles ShoaflW John
Tlafflibeop Geo Shuletn N. N.
Iti?SlfonMisS. Trego Lnvl
, . JfOTbor Julius Tomis Mias Sarah
• x WSw Edward 3 Turlatt Wni S
Samuel Thompson John
■'MfMrtfr RtUahntb Thompson Mrs Megapel
•fiolwwtcher Leonbart Wise.Rebecca
> - UpooWlUiarn ... Welhvrbell Asa . - ,
1 nhllTmM Sophia Wise Geo jr
; H«oKaUSf.r ff t. P Wolf Geo a - :
JfohAstiitPMlaa Jane ‘Wltabk Michael, ,
WHlhnwer John .
Jopesytpea Wilhelm Herman.,
Kflly T^fcw p Wilkinson Jno.
Ronfidffp Willi&ov Williams Samuel’ l
Lllhcr.Uco Williams Jno
Lsnd» David Zelglei l Jacob
I Lehn John Zug Jacob .
HjMIDrWM 2Wgler Andrew •
, tehn Johnathan Zpigler Abraham
' tea* Christian H Zimmerman Mias Sarah
M!Man Charles Zimmerman Caroline .
lum James Zyerr Jacob
r .-'vgff . w/hantch. f. m.
m Money Wanted
(Poo»MjtsS w«W:o»iejj«tißlk'o '.; 'l ■.!• '
THE Ninth, session will.comhioncejon, Mojidiy
Nov. ,4., In consequence of (Ho; increasing pa*
(ronago, a’laCge. and comrandiofis brick; [.edifice, has
been rendering thfc tine of the most comfort
able apd desirable insliltitiphs in the Slato,;\ : Plp s®:
rioua case ofsickrtcds liasoccOrrcd since itwas found*,
cd. The stddenia ore ,c6nStQntlyf under ; llio charge
of competent and faithful, instructors. .The. neigh*,
borhood presents no temptations, to vice or immoral*
ity. (here being flo town or village hear tbo inetitu- •
lion;: Circulars, with further Information,
.£*, addressing •. . R. K~ I).URNSS ;
, l . Principal and Proprietor, •
. - PlainJitld l t .O. t Cumb..Co.,PU.
- .October 10,1550 ~: , .... ~ .. :
Stoves! Stoves!
Gardners Poundry, East Ifigh Street,
subscriber informs Ms friend? and. ,the
public in general, .that be i still; contjnues at the
above stand» where he, haa.lbi* band a vejy large,
and choice assortment of . ..j. .. ‘ ; 1
y :i Siijenor Stcrvics,^;
pfall patterns,,sizes,.and ktndsi-wfuch he is. jVto
pared to .sell very-cheap, . Ho.has a great-variety--
of the most approved Cook. Stoves, for coal or
wood. . Also, Air Tight,Parlor,.Cannon, & Nihe
plato Wood Stoves, of all patterns,. Don’t forget
the place, and to call before purchasing elsewhere,
as.this will be found the cheapest and best estab
lishment in the place to Cbtain a good store.
: : Oct 10, 1850—3 m
Philadelphia Mourning Store.
No. 58 South Second Street, sth door above Ches-
.* - -West tide',*’ -• ' j
BESSON $c SON, would respectfully-inviti*
the atlehtltin ur wholesale ami
purchasers to ilieir Fall importations,'consist*
mg in part of: (7 • r -' •
Black cashmeres, silk cashmeres, pafatnai*
las, bombazines,-mantilja velvets’,.jnerlnoes,
poplins, bombazinn alpacas, glossy alpacas,
wide glossy silks, cloak silks, nionsaeline de
tainc, thibcl long shawls, thibetsquareahawls,
blanket long shawls, blanket square shawls,
English crapes, Italian crapes,. Veil crapes,
crape vtils, black mode or love veils, modes,
fleecy silk hose, kid gloves, scarfs,'reticules,
belling broaches, &c. - , •
Mourning long shawls, equate fihnwls, sack
flannels, azores and poplins, Hungarians, plain
silks, mousscline de Iriino, English chintzes,
collars and cun's, ribhoufe, kid gloves, bordered
handkerchiefs; French cloakings, &r., :
.October 10, IPSO—Ini
• JFrcsli Groceries*,
THE Store of the subscriber .hns.just been newly
supplied with a choice and, fresh selection of ev«
eiy l)ung in'the lino ,of a Grocer, tit. prices lower
than usual, among which are V-
from i 4 to 16 cents per pound; for good (o s strict*
ly prime artrch#' Also*'' '
for good to exits, fine, from 8 to 0. cents per pund
and (tie best qua ity of
including Loaf at. (lie old prices, togchtctr willj a
general assortment of Spices, Soaps, Chocolatos.'Sal
cralis, Indigo, comlles r Oils,? and Ofory VaVicl'y of (ho
celebrated “ ,il * •’ V.’ ” ’ -W*
Tonkin's Green and Biddle 0*039, '
and other articles. OMr friends andcustomers are
invited to pall and examine before.buying elsewhere.
We again tertdrfr out thanks to the public generally
for tho liberal patronage thus Air extended to- us
" S. W. EUY.
Carlisle, Oct 10, 1850.
New Fall Goods at tile Cheap, Store.
r TUI3 aubscrihenrhave Just returned from the
city with the cheapest and best stock of DRY
GOODS, &c., ever brought *> Carlisle. . h con
sists in part of
Cloths, Cassiiu’ert's,
and Veslinj»Bf a.grea-l Block- of suimnor goods for
Men and Boys* wear, MWs de la'inbs, Lawns,
Ginghams, Ua-ra«ea; Alpanlrasr Uarego tie laines,
lots of .Cniicobs,- Checks', Tickings, Muslins,
Flannels, Table a'ntf Toweling 1 Drapers,-Table
ClolhsvOll Cloths, U’mhrellas'Hnd Parasols, Rib
b'nis, Stockings, Dloyeff, Linen Cambric and Silk
ifahdHferclrtew, l/.ic'cW, ISdjVl’nrrs arid inSerlinga, of
different kinds, t?ap Nets, Tarlelon, Swiss, Rook,
Mull, Jaconelamf Cambric'Muslins, Dotted Swiss
oft elegant assortment of •
; Clicitp Itonncls. .
of.thto .iirtal Leaf, Straw,
and UralJ Data, (Vrocurles, Qnoenau nre, Cnrpni
t 'hain. Hard ware, &c., snine liandeomeHiidclitap
’(X/tiif*&TS y together wlili a variety of (»oods in
mir lint*, which 1 have all been laid in for cash, and
will he aot.lrtllownrprioeßJlmailiey oanbob.uijTlii
Hi the n luniy, ; \V« respectfully invite every
liWify to c’all imf j*id«rH for UmrnsHvV-S', a a vfe are
deturmmcdte’ofter great buryaina this season. i
October IBsrt.
f \ Ml E subscriber. having taken,charge of, (Ms In'
• X •liluliori. nfftrs his service* fo'tWlbhncr' pitrnns
of Iho school,and llio friends of education generally,
Ill* icliool will be conducted on the most approved
principles of instruction. From experience and by
untiring application, ho hopes to render the school
worthy of genuful nilronngc. .
’(•’he course, oiMhMrnctlon Will embrace ‘ all the
brunches of n complete Classic end scientific'educe*
lion. Ofal instruction. by. lectures and explanations
will qccompmy iho.usoof the most approved text
Serins: ,
ftmrdlhg and Washing for 5 months, f 39 AO
Tuilioii and English brunches, ’JO Oil
“ - . “.Including cluesimv.lS 50
Tuition payubio quarterly iq udvuncu. Text books
will bo funiieli/ dby the Prtuclp*l ul city prices.
Ncwvlllu is a beautiful mid pleasant village ui(q£
ted in a fertile und well cultivated country, ami ic»
eossibte from oast and wusl by Railroad.- The inha
bitants of the vill.igo and surrounding country arc
holed fur (heir morality and enterprise. -
- The winter sessions will commence on the second
Monday of October) the summer on the second Mon*
day of April. sForjnutiCulars address the frincipul
at Ncwvjllß,,Cpinb. co„ | k u». .
KKPRaRNCKS.—The Faculty of Penn'u, College.—
Roy. W. M. Keynylils, D. D.j President of Capitol
U" 1 *.,.!!,, oi" U ,in«v.c.c. n.,,,*!,
lie*. D! I', Uilllo, Mlildlolown, Md,Rs«.S, Ilnrkay
W"i. Il.rr, J o.eph Hannon, M.
D., J. H. Herron, Npwvjllc
October 3, - ", * •
A LL potsoin brc lioit-by notified iHot T.ollerStosttu
a.m«nWfy bn the-cMito oP John A>jhoV, lot« f ol
the Borough of Carlisle, 1 Cumberland county, Pa.,
deceased, have'lteen granted to; (he subscriber reslu
ing in South Middleton, township* county aforesaid.
Ah parsons'having'claims; or demands sgairist iho
estate of said decedent, are requested tb mnko known
the same without dol&y, and’thnso indebted to make
payment to JOHN. STljAdlT, E*Jr. . *
Oct 3, I 860—0( ■» . - .. .
~. T STKAIf. ..
to iho residence of the subscriber Jp. East
\J IVnnsbormiftb township, Cuml».co.,nl t|ioCqnnh
tloguinei creek, S-miloß from Oyster’s Point, about
»' Iho first instant; a stray COW, about five
years old,'a brlhdio cd|W, no oilier marks.
'The owner is requested (a gome forward,
prove properly, pay charges, and lake her away, or
she will bo disnosed uf according to law.
Oelabar 3,1050—31 • . ' i
CARPET DAGS and Travelling Trunks. A large
aaaortmenl, and of a superior quality,- jdal rocoi
ed and for lalechoap by CAAS. OGILBy.
October 17* IB6o* • ? '
'■'"f r:i 'Winter Clo«^>
Savcdis il/o tic)/ 'Mctdc.
D LisyaH IFiicias^^icr^FA'cla^'Jsßiieci oQt ' ■-< ‘’ ‘ r
Court ofCommoh PRmsibft^irititfrlandcoi; A; TVf AAT JSr Tlf AV^ft
Twill cjtpQdoby- p'ribUc'.yOhdob or 6U.tbry,oV. , . • rr, ,
the Court House, ihlHo Carligtc.Von *54? u\^l l^Bs^ rE '4P and Fasuionabee CtoflliNO .
iuhlay the 3d day o‘f N6vcml*orri.^^,- , at:lO' , 'orult>cU " Stoub,
A. M,th. following mMt Drug store, and
A.ititrpf .Grbdiid, in gr ntfdoor, u,cst „f Ogllby's State.
"•» f" C.r.l«. ond
'street on t|ie west; by* l v,c!n . U y f ? Tt,,Bir lnftrc « Be <* we anmn ro
norlh 1 . R : . E: Shaplcy 'oh tluhiasl. on\i.Siurm 4 >'frteirs company to v cw bur lafge apd Aplen
on (he south, having a pHtuic ‘Alley on the catte ahd d,{ * assoMment of likadijdndde Clothing for Fall &
having thereon erected a r lw6>piory Wintorpyear. . Our dlnok consists of all kinds of
House,, and
Sheds, &c. business Werirfh»Mpnrfel In general; Suitable for (he sea-
|lJ)f BdldpaJi sailed lor a public son, culfntia made (n the most workmanlike man'
house, haymg>6oeri bcc'ufiigtl as such for many yearm ner and of tho latest Fall and 'Winter Fashions.
■■ Also, a situate in the bo- All who wish to favor tfs with a call, can sate
rough BB feci in breadth und foih twentj'*five to fifty per cent. 5 by buying nl our I
12U feel more or less, bounded on thn south stbre, nnfl rill-goods sold Warranted to give entire I
by Loulhcr street, on the west- by a lot of William saiisfflfcffljffi V • 1
Leonard and an alley, and hy lotsCof Win. Irvine on ~CafU«.b,; O ct. 3, ]gfo
.Uic nbrUi, and R. E, Shabby On tho cast, having
a, two House and a largo
&c; f wilfeVlVo*privilege of ahalleyort
the.euBl., Soiled and taken in execution as tb’tf pfo
perly.of John Cori^ntanr-*
. tract of £'ifti(],sitiiale in SoiitfiV
q mplon township, containing 140 acres &43 perches,
more or loss, bounded by lands of Col. J. ChesnuW
Henry Mowers, Marlin Thrush, John Slough, and
Conrad Clever, hating thereon a double Log (louse,
weutherboarded, a double Log Barn, a well of water.
This property wifi bo sold subject to'a mortgage for
$l5OO, .with interest thereon from Ist April 1850;
Also, a lot of Ground, situate i» the bo
forigh of Shippensburg, containing 64. feel In front
on .Railroad street, und 240 feel in depth, more or
less,* bounded on, tho west by Railroad street,'on the
north by Joel Shcplcy, on the oast by an alloy, and
on (ho south by an si ey, having (hereon erected a
(wo story Drich House'and Back Building, a frame
Wiirehouse, Stabler.&c. .Seized nnd taken in cxoou^
(ion as the property ofJohn.B/ Duncan. '
Also, a tract of Laud, situate it) New
(on. township, containing 170 acres, more or.less,
bounded by lands of Daniel Kindignhd J M Wood-*
burn nn (ho north, Win. M'Furlane on the cast, Wtn
Zegurd on th.o south, and,Thomas Al'Kinney on tho
west, having thereon erected a two'story Log House
and a' Log Barn, &,c. ' Seized and taken in execution
(is the property of Jacob Weaver*
A tract of Limestone! Land,’situate, in
Dickinson township, continuing 65 acres, more or
less, bounded by lands' of John Huston, John Fish'*
burn, Win. Glenn, Eolliday Leo, and Henry Lino,
having thereon-erected a Plastered Frame one story
House and Kitchen, two Tenant Houses, Log Darni
Cistern, &c. Seized and taken- in execution as. the
property of George Lee.
Also,a tract of Limestone Land,situate
in Southampton township,' containing 200 acres,
mo.cor less, bounded oh.the north by land of Wm.
Kunkle, on (ho wrist by'Alexander Kelso, on the
south' by Jacob Cicmcr, and on the cost liy George
Kunkle, having thorcon erected a two story Frame
House,' Log. Barn, Ac. Seized and taken in exccii
lion as the property of Robert Clark.
Also, a tract of Laud, situate in Mon
roc township, bounded by lands.uf James Livingston
on the ?S ( St, M, ( Bramlf on tbe soulh t| Carey Abl on
the wesivanU Chri&tianf Harlzdl oh the" north; con
laiprngjlfiO or less, having.thereon erb*
ted i two brick House, two Tenant Houses, a
Griit Mill, Stone Barn< Frame Stable, &e. “• ■ ;i
Also, a tract of Mountain Land, situate
in Monroe township, containing 58 acres, more or
less, founded'by land* of Michael O. Brandt on the
east, James Livingston on the south, Pv F. Bge on
Bin vtast, and John lloMer on the north, -
Also, a hot of Ortmnd, situate m Mmf
roo township, containing acres, ttYoio or
bounded on the north and west hy lands of Henry
Enk on the south by Rudolph Miller. . Seized and
takon in cxecihicm as the pi'optirty bt Michael Muhf*
Also, a tract of Land, situate in Upper
Allen'township, containing 14 tiered, moVo or lew,
bounded by lands of A. Chapmarron the south', MsV*
tin Barringer oit..lhc vfcst, George Yost on tho oadt,
and John Tayfor on the’north, having ihercon crcc*
ted a one and. a half story House, and Frame
Barn-, Ac. Seized and taken in execution as tfafo
properly of Conrod Scbwinn.
Also,u tract of Land, situate in Dick
liVßon township, containing 24 acres, more or lessV
bbundbiT oft' the north by lands of Joseph Myers, on
tho oast by Philip Myers,on tho south by Jacob My
ers,and on the west by Cornelius . Myers. Seized
and taken in execution us the property of Moses
Also, a Lot of Ground, situate in nick
inson township, containing 1$ acres, moto of It**’,
hounded ort the west by lands of Philip Mycis,.on
the north by John. Lehman, on .thuuisthy Duvid
Zcigter, and OtVthe Anthony Myers. - Uoiz
:cd ond* falfon fn uJ the property of Du'viJ'
Myers* . -
Also, n Lot_(>f. prpjinJ, sjluat.o iii (lie
'Borough of containing 80 feet In front 'mid
119 fool in. dbpriv bounded'on' tlno south by North
sli<;ct, on the cadi -by J. & D", Uhnadtr,*mi tho‘ norffi
by un ulley ami on the west by John Shade., Seized
and takn in .execution as tftio property of George
Lcnlicr, .
■ Also, n frjrcl &T La’iitf/situhle iiVlTib Ho^
rough of Carllnlo. I.ounduJ on llio norlli I>jr ths Trin
die Spring Hoad, on (lie east by Robert Irvino uni]
——— Connor,on the south',by ilHi’rood leading 1 to
York, tlio west by n lot of W. l.ihe, contaid
hig. U ncrciT/'niftfe.lirTcss,'hairing {hereon erected a
large Frame Dwelling House, 06 feel in front and
48'fi'cl'dt‘cp, a largo Double Fraino Barn, and other
uccostmry OnV-huttaes, a well of water, at tho dooh
with an OrcfthhT of llio cnhictJkf fruit.
Also, a Lot of Ground, situate in (ho
Borough of Carlisle, bounded on (ho west by a lot of
Daniel Eckels, on liio north by tlio food leading to
Harrisburg, on (ho cast by |hu above described tract,*
and on the south by the York road, containing one
ncro, motto of h'rfs, htovitig thbfcon two Frame Dwel
ling Houses, and a number of fruit frees.
•Also, a Lot of Ground, situate in the
Borough of Carlisle, bounded on the south by tho
Railroad, on (ho,west by, Jacob Bhrom and,qn tho
north by —. street* containing, one sere; more Or
less. Seized ond taken in execution os the nronoity
of WilltuhrLlhe. '
Alsb, a tract of I-and, in. East
Penntburough township, containing 3 ucres and 87
perches, more or less, bounded on tho north, south
and west by Henry Longudiuf, and on ths cast,by
lie Susquehanna River; having thereon n two story
wentherboarded Frame House and Kitchen; a Darn,
part log and part frame, and a Saw Mill stlOr Seiz
ed and taken in cxecntroti aa tho property of John
Also; a Lot of Ground, silnnlo in lh«
Borough', of*. Meclianicsburg, connifning 60 feet in
front and 160 foot in depth,more or leas. bounded
oh tho north hy llio Railroad. on tlioeast hy a lot of
UcorgO; Slngizor, on the south by bn alley! and on
llio weal by —■ street, having thereon creeled a
Iwo fltory Frame House, &c. Seized nnd tuken in
cxocujjlp aa llio properly of Michael Mongos.
A’lsoj a' lfacl of Lntid, siuhue in North
Middleton townMiip; containing ISO acids, more or
leSs, bounded by the ConnodogiimoC crook on lbo
nortli,,by Uhds oFC. 1). Penroao & H. Ditier'on iRo
oast, C.-Huhl on tho south, and'Samuei Kutc on the
West, hnvinguhoraon erl a c(cd a Il'slbry FiapnJ Hqure,
Bank-Barn,' VVaah'Hbusc, Weil of water, Orchardy
Ate* Boiged’and trfken'iu'o'xocution as thO property
of Abrahajn'Tiisley.
And'ail to Ira aJd'liy me'; > . *•
1 . . DAVIb SMITH, Sh’ff. ,
' SherjfTs Office, •' > ’ »
Catllsl?, Oct. 0, 1860!$
' ’’ (ov Sal«.
Tills subscribed, ngonl lor .llio owner', offers at
private yulo„ontf of the must valuable farms In Cum
berland county, situated in South Middleton town,
ship, two miles south of CarJisla. It contains ifiO
uores of Limestone Land, 16 of which is woodland.
The improvements,qregSlone House,Sion#
ifSigW Dank B‘»tp, Spring House, Ao. There Is.
• •JiiLan excellent Spring of water oh the form,]
illiUHßand it is convenient to Churches, Schools, 1
end Mills;' 'Ror'partteularaonqhirooftho undersign,
cd residing, In Carlisle. .
. Septoulbor SG, 1650-^9l
THEL* Undersigned. respectfully informs his*
friend? nHd numerous cuaioment that he' has re
cently from Philadelphia, with a very
arid-carL-fislly selected'assoVtment of now,
V ’; . FALL GOODS, V: T, . v ll]B lovyeet prices, and. which lie is
determim' dispose.of at very small profits. ,
Snpern/ from 75 cunts to, $6 a yard..
Caeshneresj'.CaSsineis and Vestings, various
prices; , . . ■
Dremi such as Delaines, Bereges, and. a
splendid assortment of SUks. Art extensive as-,
. sortmeni of Calicoes & Ginghams. Also, Checks,
Table Djiapers,Tickings, Muslins; Bonnets, lints.
.JDfnJta and AA«cs.—A good assortment of Men’s,
TYo r niffl’s,.and Children’s Bouts afid Shoes, of
superior, quality,' and very cheap* - Also, .boy’?
and Men’s cTot r fi and ffufigarian Caps..
such rfs Sugar, Coffee; Molrfssrs, Pefcin Tea Com
pany’s cehhraled Tipis. Also, Constantly on
hand ihe’hud quality ofCarpd Chain,
The subscriber respectfully nsks aM viMio wish
good bargains, to give him an early fa'll. Don’t
forget the stand, opposite Leonard’s old diand,
North‘Hanover strefirt. ‘ • .
nmici'i KggJ. Hn'gS and Soap, la/tcnat hinrl<6t
prices. • 1
, . ,N. W. WOODS, Act.
Carlisle, 00l 3, IHSO
1 Bai-gniAs!' '
I" 'D. STERNER & t'O., have Just teceiWtl
u * and are now opening at their new store, in
North Hanover street, opposite Monyer’s Confec
tionary store, a splendid assortment of
Fall Goods,
such as Black silks, borage de laines, figured,
striped, and plain cashmeres; moustln de laincs,
mohair and silk Insiers, plain black and change
ahlonlpacns, new’ style calicoes and chintzes,
cloths nttd cassliTiercS'Sattinelis, Kentucky Jeans,
velvprcnrjjs,'nn assortment of pant stuffs, vest
ings of tilt kinds and prices; muslins, tickings,,
checks, lab|b diapers, Ac. "
; . Groceries, .
such as coflee, leas, chocolate, rice, sugar, molas
ses, alnrrjt, spices, Ac,
jSuclitm Bargain*} A largo lot* of- Bools and
Shoes bought at Auntion, will be sold 'cheaper
than had at any other store. Also a large
bIocU qC,Carpels.
VVe respectfully Invito every call and
jodgofor therosolvus, as we are determined to of
fer great targuius.
Carlisle, Ocl 3, 1350
' . f; iT«w IFtii i (i'Mt
At (hi Cbiap Store cdi ver of Ilanorer and Louther
ojipo»\(e Ilumir'e Grocfry. Sloti. . -
fTIHB undersigned moat respectfully informs ,bh*
JL fficnW-and tbtfpqbtio g<mcr*lly, u thntbf* has Jubi
nuurncdftom PliilUdvlpbiu with of well Sclented as*
saMmo-l of ‘ » .
■ : Pall / ,
nT fh'o lowest prices’,* amf v.’fiich lid is de
termined to sell nl small,profits; among them may Co
found . ’
Cloths, Cassnuer'cs, Vestings,
SaltincUs, Velvet Oords, Kentucky Jeans, &e,
LADjES DRESS GOODS, consisting in part o(
Black Silks, Cashmeres, Mmisclin do Lain'es, Alpn*
ras, Cobufgs, Ginghums,- Calicoes, Sack Flannels,
Colhrrf, 1 Knees,’ Fringes/ Ac. . 1
DOM EBTICS. Ticking's, Checks, Flnrtnels; D»if
tings, Osnuburg, Llnseys, Muslim; bleached and un
Al<To, fifocerh’s in all their' variety, viz: SbgaiV
Coffbc, Tea*. MofiUflft-s.’Splcfs.ClliAdoliite, Ike.
. Riga and Country Produce taken in exchange for
Plooso give me a call. ,
. ... -A'. C. FETTER.
CdVH&ig. Sept SO,TBSO . / •'
Tontine Crying I
THE subscriber still attends to *• Vendue Cry fnwii, frt the oiStVntry nnd fn any port of the
county,-of Real KhUu% Ferenhal ‘ Properly, &c.
Having had years of e£perh*nen In the above bu
siness, and it being a parl nf Ms eallfng* respect-'
fully obticil* a' coniitmnnco of-at least u share* of
patronage: Charges,will, irt the future, he very
moderate, to suh the times; Residence: Soudi
Bedford street, nearly orttobstfe the “Old College.’*
CaMMo, Sept Stf,
SURGEON DBNTWT, would respectfully Inform
the public lltaVhe is mm I 'prepared to perform all'
operations on the 'JVelh (bat may lift required. Ar
tificial Teeth inserted from a single tooth to atwrn*
tiro sol, upon (he latest and most approved principle.
Tho patronage of tho public is respectfully solicited.
Ho may bo found at tho residence of hie brother in
North Pitt street.
Cailisle. Sept go; 18B0—I.V
JUSTICE OF THE PEACE—Offlco at his tp
nidence, East Mnln street, nearly opposite HnlT
man’s houd, Carlisle 1 .. In addition to the duties
of Justice of the Peace, lie will attend to all kinds
of willing, such as deeds,' bonds, mortgages, in
dentures, notes, articles of agreement. &o. AD
business cnliustcd to him will bo promptly atten
ded to.
Carlisle, Sept 19,1850—1 m ■ - ■
Ttfibe flolre and Legal Rcprcsontnllvos of George
ihitteriok, iale pf Lellerkotiny township,.Frank
|in county, Pa., deceased! "
Take notice that by Virtue ofa writ of Pnrllllon
bnd Valuation issued out of liio Oiphana* Court of
Cumberland comity, and to mo directed, 1 will' hold
an Inquisition on Iho Real Estate of said duccilcnl,
rtn the promises, lu v/ili A Iruul of Llmosldno Lind;
siluute in jlio township of North Middleton, county
nlTuiiiltoil'md, bounded by lands of Patrick M'Uulrc,
Hoira of- Solomon Gurgas, and lands of Jiilm Itam
mingor, John Myen and others, containing 76 acres
’and 112 perches, strict'measute; on Monday lho2Blh
day ofOotolrtjr, 1650, at It) o'clock in the forenoon
df said-day. when and«whero ynq-mny attend If you'
think props/. 1 ■ DAVID SMITH, Sh’ff.
• shcrliraOm«V .{. •
Carlisle, Sept. 19, *5O-3l f • ■
YJglit Light!
OP acknowledged aupenority ami purity,' manu
factured and' for sale at. the lowest Wholesale
by ■ x>AVIS % HATCH,
at the old established stand of the lath DVwjVxi*
T. Davis, OAMUEN, Now Jursey, where order* hy
. mail or otherwise are solicited, and prompt attention
twill beglvon. . The voice of the pnbllo for fifteen
'years, and the award pf a Silver Medal, ami complL
jroentary notice hy ihs lnstitute, over all
I competitors, is au/llclonl evidence of the excellence
l of our-OIL *■ ' '
Tar, Pilch, Turpentine, Rosin,and Spirits ofTwrt
pontine, for sale Wholesale and Retail.’' V
, July 26, IB6o—3m** '
House & Lot for Sale.
On. Friday ihe’Sßth 'tf October,
THE subscriber offers ot publio sale, a Lot qf
Ground, situated in Centfcville, Dickinson township,
Cumb. co*, containing 9 acres; in a good staid of culi
iivuliou, and on which there is erected a two story
n j_ BRICK HOUSE and Brick Back Build.
4aßsS9aL ings. Also,'a Tim Yard; with 18 Vats
IlMsjWßinut of doors, 3 Leafehes, 2 Limes, a Pool
running water.end, 4 .Handles In the
shop, The whole is. in good-order. There la also
a largo Btrk Shed and Shop, end good Stables at
tached, with oVefy olhef Convenience.’ The lot is
well supplied with ffbit trees of every kind. It is o
most desirable property Tor aone wishing to com*
mcnCo the Tunning Business. Any person wishing
to view the property previous to the solo eon do so
'by catling on J.Mlnnloii, who resides on thu same.
Sale to commence at 11 o’clock on said day, and
the terms rnada kpown by *
Oct. 9,1850—-3 t - •,; • .■ JOHN ZEIGLER.
Pii Ui tc Siiic Bf Kcal Esliitc;
WILL bb sold nt publio ; sale, on the premises, bn
Friday (he 18lh.dsy< of October next, the fol
lowing, described Real Estate, late the properly of
Jfuhn Myers; deceased, vitr
, Nn> L a tract of Slate and GraVfcl Lend, sUtfafe In
Mifliln township. Cumberland county, houndedby
hinds, of Henry D. Duclhouscn, Esq., John Whislcr
and others, containing , -
r> . .88 Acres* ,
of whiclt oboul 70 acfcSaro cleared end' in a good
stale of cultivation, the Residue Js,Timber Laqd pf
an excellent quality* ThCre is o flfsl'ralb Apple
Orch on s)\rd farm; and an assortment of Cherries,
Poaches, l y Uu)\s, &c. The buildings urea two story
'.ifelß&k LOG MOUSE arid' Kitchen, a BANK
fflyWab BARN, (lower story Stone,) Saw Mill, &
1 never fulling Spring of water near the
Nu. 2, ii tract of Mountain Land, adjoining the
. above tract, containing
157 Acres*
the same being covered, with the best of',
most of which con be conveniently g«.l at. .
The above (rads will be sold together or separate
IjV to suit purchasers, ...
Sale to commence'a l iffo’Clpck A.M. of said day,
when duo attendance will be gltfeA'nrtd terms of sale
made known by SAMUEL AfEGAW,
< Executor of Jo\n Myero, dec'd.
August 29,1850—8 w, 4
Valuable T6wu for Sale.
WILL bo offered at tho Court House, in Carlisle,
on'Saturday the 3d day of November 1850, nl
3 o'clock in (ho afternoon, u( public outcry, tlio fol
l6vvitip valuable property of Janies A* Dougherty and
the children of Jfolm Taylor, Viz r
A Lot of Ground, situate bn &ist Main Street,* in
said borough', bounded by a Jof of James Thompson's
heirs on the cast, on the nortii by an alley, un Ibn
west by a lot of Mrs. Kauffman, and un the south by
Main street. t S.ud,.lul is 340 feel in length, and GO
feel in breadth. There, is on sud fol a good Stone
Mill >USE, (wo stories high, 98 feel fn front on
aln street and 94 in depth, .with a Slone
Back Building attached, 37 feet in length,
consisting of a dining room and kitchen on the brat
flour, and two large rooms on tho second floor. The
front house has 3 rooms on the Aral floor, and 3 on
tho second flour. There is a good cellar under (he
same. Also a two story Sluno Building 20 feci
square, adjoining tho kitchen. .On an id lot is o good
garden with choice fruit trees. Said lot will be of*
fered as a whole or in (wo parts of equal di
vision to suit purchasers. The terms made known
on the day of safb by
Ally, fur children of Jtio. Taylor. ••
September 9G, 1650—Qt
Valuable Town Property for Sulo
ONE of the most desirable, private resiliences
In the borough, situated bn Lonthrr street. Tpe
AmA. house is a two story BRICK, 21 feet .In
front and the same distance in depths It
i contains two rooms and a hall mi tho ground
floor and .throe good.cbambers on the second floor,
'hie back buitdiVig'is also of brick, two slorie*
high, containing l two rooms up 'stabs and two
. down,- Attached-(o (his is a fine huge Kitchen,
Smoke house,' Oven,. Ac. 'j’he pnM'ra flousd js
Well finished throughout (he
(for; Tiioi'fi i'o a’rfp'dcioijs 1 CreU'f'n' pAqV the Iftteh
en door with a pump In it, and a Bath housq con
venient. 'l'lie house and back buildings possess
eVery mollefn convenience. t Theriot on which the
li'nuso stands is 30 feet front' by 2'fO in deplii, and
is full of tho choicest selections of frulttreea, con
sisting of Apples, Fears, Peaches, Prunes, Plums,
Gages and- two varieties of Grape. On tho rear
of the lot 1 , fronting ort a I*2* fobt rs or’Cciedf a
Framo Stable, built in the beat manner, 2i hy 16
feet in size, together with a corn crib, hog pens,
AW haiVset’&o., alt of which, are arranged in the
most convenient manner. . Tim property will he
sold on reasonabln terms. Persons wishing to
examine it or tiestring further information, are re
quested to call* on the editor of the Volunteer .
September 19, 1850—If
For Sale.
UCUSI*>, Nilunlc mi (ho corner of tho
BELIEIB square in this borough, in winch 51 i.
JgMgKw duel G. Ego now resides. The title
ia ported j clour of all incumbrance, and terms wilt
bo made to accommmjuto any purchaser who will sc
tore (ho payment of the purchase money.
Sept. 19, 1850.-31 FRED.- WATTS’.
ValuableJPariir i’o? Sale,
WILL-bn fold at publio soD, on Tuesday tho 29th
day of Ot’luticr next, on tho premises, that valuable
Farm, situate in A’llcri IoU-rtshlp,Cumberland county,.
Pa., cunvonicnl to tho Slate toad end {jJicpllerdslown, l
eboluttiing . .
m Acred,
mhfo nr A-aivcf Limestone Lind, aborrt TOO* acres of ]
which uro cluaicd and in a high stale of cultivation, ,
the remainder is well Covered with Chcsnul, Locust, .
Black Ojli and Hickory timber.' Tho improvements 1
a_n ore a Fraino Duelling HOUSE, BARK, |
sdrosjfiK and other out-buildings.* A welt of good
iMsjlwLwstcr is convenient to the Dwelling, nnd
running etrvnui of Spring water passes
through the properly. Ttioro uro Uirco Apple Oroh*
aids un the premises, and. a variety of other, fruit
truce. This Farm Is well situated, and ia a very do*
Biraldo residence, and the land is superior and very
productive. . .
. There has recently been found on this bind, a vein
ofMunaonesu which bills fair to Vlolil well. A con
siderable quantity of this mineral has already been
taken from tho vein, and is pronounced very superior.
Baht (o commence at 10 o’clock A.
and tho terms uiuijo known by
. Acting- for tho hairs o( Jus, Drown,tfeo’d.
Sopl J 9, J&s'o—6w ■ ‘ ■
I'rlvnlo Sale.'
Tho subscriber offers at private sale, a valuable lot
of ground in lilts Borough, on Pomfrel street, nmi
adjoining a lot ofJosrjdi Sltea on the east, and Mory
Coufman on tho west, containing GO foot front, and
840 feet deep, having thereon creeled a two story
M plastered (louse gud Kitchen, a two sttify
Frame House, Frame Barn, Stable, and
other Out-buildings; There ]a an alum
donee of fruit treda on ihoprendtes. The
property will be sold low, and divided into half lots
if necessary, 10 suit pmclinxeis, For ferine* Ac., art
Agbnt for tbo Owner!
August 1, IflfiO . ■
iionfo and Lot for Bale.’
THE subscriber will sell n( private sale, the 1
>orly on which Ko lives, situated at'Wesl Hill,Cum- 1
mrland courtly, on tbo Hlato rood from Carlisle to 1
Nowvillo, 0 miles west of Carlisle, ahd 1 milo soulh
of Shellebarger’a mill. The Lot contains half ah
Aero of Aral rate Limestone Land, under good fenre,
jy-ML with a new two story UiliOK HOUSE,)
tHnn' SO by 24 fool, and Bock Buildlnga there
»} jffhon erec.ed. Also.awrll of excellent vVa
ter with a pump in U near tbn door, and
a number of young ond thriving Apple, Reach ontl
Cherry uccs. Tho situation U a good one for a
Tailor or any other mechanic.
This properly is. situated In a pleasant, rich and
healthy neighborhood, and will bo add low. na (he
subscriber intends moving west. For piirUeulan call
oh ihohhdorslpnrd.. DAVID /.KHILER.
1 July SM^r>o—3m 1
ON Saturday Iho igihjpf a&bscri*
bcr* by oh ordcf of the Orphans'Court ofCunw,
berland county, will esptae' to_ public ( inlo t bn Im
premises, at 3 o'clock r. MiJ thai dcsirablo
Dwelling House & Lot of Ground,
situate oh th& north-west fcornfcf of Louthor and
West streets, Carlisle, containing GO feel jft trobl btt
Loulher street, and 240 fect in depth 6'n West strecL
being the properly of the luto Joseph Halbert, dec’d.
The property will positively bo sold on said day. ■
Terms made known on the day of sale.
• • JACOB SHROMi Trasfeei .
September 2G, 1850—41 , ~ . ;
Valuable Farm forSalc. ,
WILL bo sold at public sale, on Tuesday the 29th r ‘
of October, 1850, the farm of John R. Carothcrs,dci/
ceased; situated in, Dickinson township,'Curpld co.f ,
odjninlng lahds of Levi Trego, John Uisner&t John* . f
ston Mobto. contains about . ■
. 150 Acreig,
of go'od Limestone Land, about 100 acres of whieli >
uro bleared and in.a high'state of cultivation; the
balance is well cbvcred with good limber. There le ~
also a largo Quantity, of Ijpcndt and Wnlndl. oh llifl- 2
’ £tjce,* , Tlio tulfdlngs ofo : a STONE .
4«Mf HOUSE, LOG HOUSE, and two Ttamo .
leeisygL BaRNS, Corn crib,&c. There is i well'
of never failing water.
Persons wishing ohy Information respecting the
farm will please cult on JolinXefcvcf. or 6n l|ie pro* ,
miscp.' Possession and on indispulaGfo title given on! , r
the Ist April nejit.
Attendance given and terms made known by J'
October 3.1850-3 t THE HEIRS . ;
Valuable Real Evtatc for Sale*
THE Heirs of fecorge offer .at- private
sale, that excellent Farm, situate in Silver Spring
township, Cumberland county, J mile norlh ofUuch-
I cr’s mill, on the public road from llogeslowa id *
Slcrrcli’s Gup^containing
206 Acres*'
and some Perches, of Black Slate Land of good
quality, and in a high slate of cultivation, shout 17? .
acres of which arc cleared and the residue inthriv.' .
Ing limber.’ 'i'he improvements on (ho cast side of
JM! 1 this farm ere.a InVgO Mobile BRICK
HOUSE* aijd Kitchen,' wpll finished; a '
arM * Frame BaNK BARN, o good'-.
bearing .Young Orchard,’a, will if never
l.iihug water at the door and elf (ho nccessoiy Out- ;
bniMings. , ‘
The west side contains a BTONE ’HOUSE e'ndf 1
Stable, a never failing Springtat tho door,'add ari *'
A‘pple Orchard of common fruit, ' .■?
This property combines several advantages, not *
only from location, hut from ftb nature of the soil
biing costly tilled,' lying nearly square and
containing about 2o acrcsof bottom or rather seconef V
; boltnm Und f which is well adapted to. the growth or •-
grain or gJs»v, thus giving it tin* double advantage- .
oTgruip and etuulk farms. This bottom rubs in front -
of the improvements from cftsl lo wcsl wh|ch ronflcrd
it very suitable to divide, 1 throwing a handsome farm
of lOtf acres, to. inch;./fire rrVuniiotJ si'Je'bflhhi
tract is (he.notrco of persons qesirous of pur*
chasing a'beautifnl connliy wnuld require
bnt-very, hlljo additional expense to render iV such.'.
Also, will bo.told's7 acres of Mountain 1 . Timber
L ind, u ith o snug improvement on it, about 2 milerf- -
distant* , • _ , . ... (
Any person wishlnglo view (ho properly can otlr 1
with the subscriber who resides on the promises. • -
September 5,1850.
Valuable Farm for Sale.
THE subscriber offer, at private satellite f»l*ow-V
ing.doscribed Real Estate,silualo in North Middlutdh' :
township, Cunihcilandconntyi containing =-■
150 Acres*
more or less,of patented Lund, about 125 of whiob'
are cleared and in a high slat'd of cultivation, anX
the residue covered wit), thriving young timber.'—
The improvements are s two story Loir
new BANK BARN, Wagon Shed and •
(lorn Crib. Also, a fine young'and*
thriving Orchard with choice fruit. The firm |e\
-well oobpied with Locust timber. -There!*
failing Spring of wiutW riour thd door,'snd-vvater
enough for a mill power. This’water dan bb brought 1, 1
in pipes Co- the haute end baA*. , , ■ •• r - A - *•
The above mentioned tract iaairLfmesloheL'and,,' '
«prt is in a healthy neighborhood,'lying upon the
Conodogolnel creek, within 2 miles of Carlisle,' and
half a mile from the Cumboflond.Vallcy Railroad.—
ft is convenient to and well ■'
for supplying said market. Tho purchaser qsn'havs
the whole farm or JOO acres with the improvements.'
An indisputable given.. For terms apply jo
subscriber. residing on the Wolnul Uotloni Road, fW
miles from Carlisle. >
September 5» 1850—ll
Vnlnnlilc Farms lor Sale;
THE.subscriber nfterrfat private sale, the follow-'
irig Real Estate, viz:
No. If situate in North Middleton township, S r
miles west of Carlisle, arid 1 mile north of the RaiN •
road, cunUiniitg. M
x 326 Acres
of Lnnd, 60 or CO acies being Limestone,. and jha, ,
remainder liral quality of £>lale Lund. About 100
acres are wdll limbered, and tho balance cleared.-
The improvements urn a good <lory.H(!)UBE!V'V f
BL-pO. . House, n Siouo Spring House, two novdr
failing # Limestone Springs, a huge and'
lS«S»fi»ff 5004 * Wogon Shed; Com Crib#';
A<£iE&ror lOuO bushels of corn. Granary vvlth‘|
Garners (or 1200 bushels of small grain. Arc- ;;Also|’ ’
a LOG HOUSE, with a Spiing near i(,‘ a largo aud.< >
new DANK BARN, ;nnde of thebest inaibrials, and
a Limo Kiln,' Tips Hindis in goqd .
having been fl.OOO,bushels* of .Limp put on lit arid • i
(here is now stone lit tho Kiln for 100 U bushels mote.
Upwards pf 000 pahncl of poal fence have beep
rnudo oh this tracip end the Locust chopped ,pn lh4
plrirei .Tide land is well situated for (wp forms*
No. 2. illunte partly in North Middleton and piirt-' . ;
|y in Silver Spring townships; 7 mile* east of Carlisle -
and IJ noilh of Kingstown, cohtHlnintp
120 Acres/
more or less. The improvements are a (wo story ■
BRICK HOUSE, a well of water near the ;door,*t‘
largo BANK BARN, and othci iiocossary.buiidings«|
About 100'acrcs are cleared, and the residue In good,
timber.. This land is now in good cuhlvotion, and
all well limed arid act in clover. 8,000 fed I of .hoards.** .
have been made into fence* mid there are 500 panne),
of post fence .on it. with Chesuul rails end Locust,,,
posts for nenrly 100 penncl more. . . ( .
For further Information call on lhe*ubsfr|ber,wht!.
will show the properly. JOHN ZOLLINGER. .-, fc
Carlisle, Aug. S 3, 1650—if
Sulc of Valuable. Konl Eilala.
WIJLL bo anti] at public sale on TUESDAY, ilia 1 ■-
J22d of October next, oi 1U o'clock, on the preV. «
the lollowing described real oslutu j ;
IV A tract of excellent lurid l«yil»p‘ 6H' ilia south.' . *
side of the Cumberland Valley Rail Road about Ahi . •
iniloa oust ofCuilialo, containingabdul 200 AOltEg,'. 4
ll ia under good fence and in rhlgll stkle of ou)|L , i
AmsL- wuofc-juSa fetm**** srea.iwo',.
I Story BRICK, HOUSE, a large briclc.
la • I SUL Dank > Barn, both recently built, ■.
HllljKjOulio necessary out buildings. There ia'*,V
wallol water (with s pilmp)'ln lho yard. Pari of
tl»h» ( ir«9t wall .limbered, ' v.'lO*’
2. About 1)0 ACRES, one mile aoyih of.(lie aboyet'
tract, of which there are about 20 Aoie* filtered,tb#l;T
balance Is excellent timber Uodi - ~,
There , will olsa be o(lfi(cd at public, eale .qir-,
THURSDAY, thc24lh orOotobcr next, nt)o o’olpcl^T s
oh the premises, two very fli>e lliiiesVone forms, slip. - , ,
alod in Toboyne township, Perry county* rt
adjoining forms, ope conliiha about ACHES,'^
I the other 175 AvltF.S. Tliey<arc i|bonl 8 yiillrf
of LunrtUhufd, nn tiio main fund Wdinp up Ijie yiij. J
Icy. Ono form ima n.STbNE M ANSIO.N‘nOin3B*
and Bmil* iJarlf orj it. Thu pthVr n’Jlmfio and*
Lop B irn. There uro’/tlii-Wlnp, ORCHARDS,
both of these phices. They «re ►itontrd in ihcinhll
fertile piirt of the county, ui)d olftr many induce*
, menta to |mrch»sers. . , t * >
1 Pcrstiiis wishing to see either of the ohove. iryftts,’/!
1 mm obtain Information 4Vnm the lennnla’ resjdlfig bo'
the premieca.'nr either of the undersigned Eiccbtora*'
I Attendance will luj given ahrf.ierms ma*fc««W'rt pm>
» day of aelA by'
I 7 • R, O. STEKRBTTV ' ,
I Executors of Thpiqia Urle, dfio’dr * eH
} July 35. —3m. • i