American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, July 04, 1850, Image 4

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'K l ; WeW. ,: ttiid i cheap Store.
THE;saKsoribers respectfully announce ■ to - the
ciuzens.of Carlialo and the,
.thattheyhayo just opened in the store room ad-!
joihing Ihejaiore bf ; Mr., Ji G. Carmony, and dU
reeviy opposite Monyer’s Confectionary store* in
Ndrth'Hanoyor street,. 3 splendid assortment of
Bry Goods, consisting; in pari of
* o CldtliSj Casslmcres,
Cassinels, Satliaots and Vestings; a great stock
of .Summer Goods for weft and weaf, Mous.
de laines, Lawns, Ginghams, Bareges, Alpachns.
BarogedtjLalnos, Calicoes, Checks; Tickings,
muslins* flannels, table arid toweling drapers, ta
ble cloths, umbrellas, parasols, ribbons, stockings,
'gloves,-'linon',. cambric and silk handkerchiefs,
lacos, Oilgiriga and (nserilfigs, eap riels,irirloton,
aivislr, bdoTt, mill, jaconot and cambric muslins;
tn elegant assortment of
7:, Cheap BonnetS 1 ,
of the most fashionable kinds, Palm Leaf, Straw,
and Bfald Hats,
; ; groceries, quEENStrjrliE,
Carpet chain, hardware, &o„ somohandsomeand
cheap carpets,;together with a variety of Gqodsin
our line, which have all been laid,inallow prices,
fend will be sold cheaper than can be bought else
r We respectfully invite every body to cnll and
4udge for themselves, as .we are determined to ot
ter great bargain#. . . ’ -I
. ■;* .J, L. STERNER& CO.
April 4; 1850
fipirlny attd Summer Dry Goods,
At the Cheap Wholesale and Retail Dry-gauds
Store of '
■TTTHO'aTo now opening the largest, handsomest,
VY f and cheapest assortment offspring and Sum
tner Goods over, brought to Carlisle, among which
Will bo found aboautifOl selection of
Xiadics Dress (Goods,
hew styles; plain, changeable and striped Silks; Ba
reges Silk Tissues, Berage de Latnes, Lawns, Lin
on Lustres, Mouslin doLaines; French, English,
American and Scotch G’.nghams; French and Eng
lish Chintses; Figured, striped, bared & plain Swiss
and Book Muslins; Linen Cambric Handkhercbiofs,
French Worked Collars, Thread and Colton Laces,
and Edgings. -
tionnets & Ribbons,
of every kind, quality and price. Parasols & Sun
Shades, a very handsome assortment.
Our stock of Domestics can not bo excelled this side
bit Philadelphia. PdrehaSed previous to the advance
In cotton; we are enabled id fall 20 per cent, chcap
br than those who purchased this spring. Wo have
Muslins, Ticking!, Checks, Osnaburge, bleached and
iinbleached. Table Diapers.
The largest assortment over brought to Carlisle,
which wo are determined to solllO per cunt, cheap
or titan tho same quality can he purchased elsewhere.
Mattings, Flobr and Table Oil Cloths.
Boots Shoea, for Mon, Boy*, Women and Chil
dfehi •;
■ A Preeh Supply of Groceries, such os Sugar,
Coffee, Teas,'Molasses, dec. very cheap.
■ Persona wishing to purchase good and cheap
goods, will do well to call and examine ourexlensivc
assortment before purchasing cUewhero.
Carlisle, March 28, 1850
A THE NEW STORErdirectly opposite Wm.
XX Leonard’s old stand, North Hanover streei. The
Aubseribci respectfully Informs the citizens of Cum*
Borland county, that ho has Just rccelved.’ and now
offers for sale, a new and extensive selection of
Fancy &StapleTDry Goods;
' careful selection will be found to be d com*
plelo assortment of Foreign add Domestic Dry Goods,
comprising each and every variety.
la the Domestic Line you will find Calicoes, Mer*
{lmaok, Oboeco,?dcc.’ -..Ulnnohsit MnUa>»b>J *****
line, Conestoga, Now Market, dec. Tickings. Chocks,
Osnaburge, Drillings, dtc., all of which have been
purchased on favorable terms, and cun ho secured at
groat bargains. '
In the Silk and,Fancy Lino you will find a large
and unbroken assortment. This branch contains a
variety of styles printed Mousselino do Luincs, of su*
perior-quality; rlcli Dorcgcs and Grenadines; Crupo
do Parts, and other now Tissues for spring and sum*
met dressus; new dosTgffs for L’rftdns, Chmlictt, Ural*
Hants and painted Cambrics; now spring shades glace
Silks, gros do .Afrique, gros de nup, and rich plain
poux d’soies, and
, Brilliant Fancy Stifle Silks for Spring.
. The attention pf' particularly invited in
Ala magnificent stock of Dross Goods, constsfing of
fancy bonnet ribbons, fancy nock and cap do., of the
latest designs; Laces, Qlorea, Hosiery, Linen hand*
kerchiefs, and all kinds of fancy articles adapted for
Ladies' wear; cloths of French, English, German and
American fabric, all shades and prices;' casstm'drcs,
black, French, doeskins', spring colors’anoi designs;
a complete assortment of Vestings—satin silk* Mar*
Allies, dec. fn addition to the above named goods,
you 1 will find Mi slock to embrace a full assoitmont
of BOOTS, SHOES,'CAPS, &c., all of which ho is
prepared to offer on very fair terms. , Ho feels coufi*
dent that all who give him a call will je pleased with
his goods and his.low prices. An early call and a
Careful examination of bis goods is solicited.
’ N. W. WOODS, Agt.
Carlisle, April 11, 1850
JgL Great inducements to persons in
JQjfc . want of a good Watch.
LEWIS It. BttOOMALL, No. 110 North 2nd f
street, having rocohcd additional supplier of Gold
, and Silver Walchbs of evCi-y description; frohvLon*
deni Liverpool and SwUiorland importations, is now
. prepared' to furnish the very best article at a price
far below any over altered, of the same quality, tmdl
which cannot be uhdbrsold' by any other store in
Philadelphia* of elsewhere. Every wutch Baldwin'
b’b perfectly'regulated, oud warranted to bc aa good
as represented. ,
Watches at the following low prices:
Gbld Leveta; full jewelled, IS carat Cases,• sdS' 0D
Sliver do do do* 12 00
Gold Lopinos,jewelled, IScarat cases, 22 00
Silver . do . do 6 00
The R. Droomnll Gold Pen, a superior article in
silver rase, with pencil, and warranted, SI,6U; Gold
Pencils for $l,OO, and upwards, Gold Medallions,
"and Lookol for , D.iguoreolypo Likenesses, Gold
Chains, Gold and'hair Bracelets, Uroust Pirn, Eur
Rings, Finger Rings, and a general assortment of
every description of Jewelry at unusual low prices.
. No. ill) North 2nd street, 2nd door below Race
street, Philadelphia.
November 8, 1840
JUST opened at (lie new and cheap Hardware
store ofJACOU SHNEIi, a now assortment of
Foreignand Domestic Hardware, consisting of a
full ftsiorlroonl of looks and lalqlics of every style
and kind; hinges, screws, bolt*, nugurs, auger
blue, chisels, broad and hand axes, hatchets,
drawing knives* planes and piano bills; hand,
a ]» saws; mill and crosscut saws
of Roldnd s make, warranted good; a good assort*
monl ofoitoulat saws, warranted! trace and lialcor
chains of a'superior quality that Ima neyei been In
this market Uoforo, boos, shovels, spades, forks
and raksst knives and forks-, iron, japan, and brass
otildloatioksi an aaßorlmonl of Unlanla and Glass
Klherla) I.ampo, spoons, sboynln, longs, wain
and Iroii lea koUlos, brass preserving Ueulss, Co.
darware, anvils, vices, files and rasps, of every
kind ami price.
, Walla' bar Irony hoop and band iron, cast, shear
spring and blistered steel, warranted good.
* ISO boxes window, glass, lower tbnn ever.
'' 300 lings Wetliorill’s pure wbiie lead,
4 barrels Flaxseed oil, )00 galls. Turpentine,
Please oa!l at the well known store of Jacob
Saner, North Hanover street, next door to Glass’
hotel, Carlisle.
May 54,18)6
y ■y- ir
THE subscribers have,jusrreturned froln the
oily with the cheapest and best.stook ot DRY- ;
GOODS, &o„ ever.brought’to Carlisle, h con
sists in part of. ;v
Cloths, Cassimeres, Satlinels,
and Vestings; a great stock of-summer goods for
Men and Boys* wear, Mous do lainea, Lawns,
Ginghams, Bareges, Alpachas, Barege delaines,
Ibis of Calicoes,- Checks, Tickings, .Muslins,
Flannels, Table and Toweling Drapers, Table
Cloths, Oil .Cloths, Umbrellas and. Parasols, Rib
bons, Stockings, Gloves, Linen Cambric and Silk
Handkerchiefs, Lacos, Edgings and lnsenihga,of
■different kinds, Cop Nets, Tarleion, Swiss, book,
Mull, Jaconetand Cambric Muslins, Dolled Swiss
Mufitias, an elegant assortment of
of tha most fashionable kinds. Palm Leaf, Straw,
and. Braid Hats, Groceries, Queensware, Caipot
Chain, Hardware, &c., some Handsomeandcheap
CARPETS, together with a variety of Goods, in
our line, which have all been laid in for cash,and
will be sold atlower prices than they can be bought
at in the county.. We respectfully irivite.eyery
body to call and judge fur themselves, as we are
determined to offer groat bargains this season.
A. & W, BENTZ.
March 21, 1830. .
Watched, jewclery, &c._
subscriber -respectfully, infoVms his friends
und the public generally, that ho has jual relum
ed from Philadelphia with the largest and most
splendid assortment of Watches, Jewelry, &b., ever
before offered to the citizens ofthis pla je. Ills block
consists in part of
Gold and Silver Lepino Do., with a variety of Stiver
Watches, of lower prices. Gold guard chains, gold
and silver pencils) a Splendid assortment of gold pens,
of most approved nlundfacturo' silver butter knives,
silver and plated spoons, fine silver plated forks,®'
large und splendid lot-of gold and silver SPEC
TACLES. (He invites particular attention to. this
article of spectacles, ns ho can warrant them to bo
the best this side of Philadelphia.) .Common Spec,
luclcs of all-prices} a. largo and beautiful assortment
of gold Finger and Ear rings, all prices; Breast pins
in great variety', watch keys, fob and vest chains,
silver and shell card cases, a very superior article;
silver thimbles, silver combs, ettko baskets, with a
grout variety of other articles in his lino, unnecessary
io mention. Ho invites all to call und examine his
slock, assured that it cannot fall to plcuso Loth io
quality and pricoi
Carlisle, December 20, 1849—1 f
JUST received at Eby's Grocery, Uahbilt'a Bf-.
f crpacing which by following .ditec**
lions, will prbduce Bread, Cakes, &c., wilhodl
Yeast-—prepared and put up in whole, half and
quarter pound packages, with all directions neces
sary for use, and warranted to have tho.bread ready
for the oven in five minutes. Also a new article
of prepared Powder, which will produce the best
FAMILY SOFT SOAP in a few minutes, with
out ashes or fat, and when used will not injure the
hands or clothes. Prepared in New York.
Both these valuable and labor saving articles
are for sale at the Grocery and Tea store of
Carlisle, March 7, 1850. * J. W. EBY* ‘
THE Allen and Eastpennsborough Mutual Fire
Insurance Company of Cumberland county, incor
porated by an act of Assembly, is now fully or
ganized, and In operation under tho management
of the following comm'issiohers, viiJ .
Jacob Shelly, Win. K. Gorges, Michael Coclt
lin, Melchoir Bronneman, Christian Slayinan,
Simon Oyster, Jacob H. Coover, Lewis Hyer*
Henry Logan, Benjamin H. Mussor, Jacob Kirk,
Samuel Prowell, Joseph Wickershain.
The rates oT.lnsurance are as low and favorable
as any Oompans of thb kind in the . Per
son** wishing to become members .ate invited to.
make application, to the agents of tue company
who are willing to wait upon them at any time.'
J£CQP SHELLY,- P.retidtnt,
Hknkv Logan, Vice President',
Lewis Wren, Secretary,
Michakl Oocklik, Treasurer,
■ November 1,1849.
• Cumberlanden\itt\y~ Rudolph Marlin,N.Gum*
berland; C. B. Herman, Kingstown; Henryßear
ing, Shjremanstown: Robert- Mooro and Charles
Doll, Carlisle; Isaaft Kinsey, Mo. hanicsburg; Dr.
J.-Ahl, Churchtown. •
, York county— ? John JJherrick, Lisburn; Jphn
Bowman, Dillsburg; Peter Wolford, Franklin;
Jqhn Smith, Esq.,,Washington; W. 8. Picking,
Dover; Daniel Raffonsberger, J 1? W. Craft.
Hams6ur£—Houser & Lochman.
Members of the company having Policies about
to expire can have thorn renewed by making ap
plication to any of tho agents.
“I am a man, and doom nothing which relates to
man foreign to my feelings.
a Youth & manhood.
Klnkelln on Self Preservation.
Oif'tT 26 •
This Book, just published, is filled with useful in*
formation, on tho infirmities and diseases o. the Ge
nerative System. It addresses itself alike to Youth, j
Manhood and Old Agb, and should bo read by all. j
Tho valuable advice and impressive warning it 1
gives, will prevent ycors of misery and suffering and
bovc nnnuolly thousands of lives,
Paukntb by reading it, will learn how to prevent
thu destruction of their children. ,
A remittance of 26 cents, enclosed in u letter, od* |
dressed to Dr. K'mkelin, Philadelphia, will ensure a 1
book, under envelope, per return of mail.
1 Dr. K. fifteen years resident physician, N. W.
« cbtnOr of ThUd qnfi Unioh street, UclWejn Bpruco and
! I’iuo, Philadelphia, may bo consulted confidentially,
1 He who places himself under tho care of Dr. K..
may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman,
and confidently rely upon his skill as a physician.
* PiToons at a dislarttd’mfty addrbfli Dr. K.hy letter,
* (post paid,) and bo cured at homo.
} Packages of Medicines, Directions, dec., forwarded
1 by sending a remittance, and pul up secure from da*
J moeb or curiosity.
1 Booksellers, News Agents, Pedlars, Canvassers,
* and all others supplied with the above work at very
low rates. -
" February 7, IB6o—ly
WILL perform alloiietationßUponlheToetli
that are required for their proaorvatlon,
aunh ae Healing, Piling, Plugging, ij-c., or will
roetorrllie looe of them, byliißorling Artificial
Teeth.from a eingle Tooth to a full sett.
(17*011106 00 Fill a tree t,a few doors South of
the llallroad Hotel.
N. B. Dr.LoofniawlllhonhaontfromLarllsle
the last ton days, In each month.
Decomlier. Id; 1840.
WILL give III" attendance In the 'different bran
olica of hie ptofeiwicn, in town or country, to
all that may favor him with n call. Office opposite
the Sd Prcaoylcrlnn Church and VVcrtV field, lately
occupied by Ur. Foulho.
1 CivrUnlo.Scjil. C, 18*19 — ,
Homeopathic physician, -respectfully
tenders bln profnmlonnl services to the citlxens
of Carlisle and.viclnlly, Office hi Snodgrass* Row,
next door to Juntlcw Holcomb**, where )io can nl all
limes bn found, when not piofcßiionoU engaged.
Carlisle, June 7, 1840-r-tf
A BNOI/D & LEVI have Jubl received another
t\ large nMortimml of Onrpnti, which we are dolor
ruined to sell 10 percent dumper tbap the.lame
quality can ho purchasedelsewhere.
May-2, 1050 ’
The Ghcap Store!
Cheap Bonnets,
Bread Without Yeus .
Fire insurance.
Dr. I, C. Loomis,
And of those Complaint* which are caused by an Impaired,
weakened or unhealthy condition of the
This beautiful and convenient application of the myaterlou*
AtoWett of GALVANISM ftnd MAGNETISM, .bat been pro*
nonneed by distinguished physician#, both in Europe and the
United State*, to bathe most valuable medicinal discoveiy of
the Age.
. ' , and
I* need with the most perfect and certain auccois in all
cate* of
Strengthening the weakened body, giving tone to the Various
organa, arid invigorating the entire system. Alio in Wji’S,
ERGY, and all NERVOUS DISEASES, which complaint* arise
from one *Jmpio cau*e—namely, L ■
A Doran£bmenl df the Nervous System.
in,.NERVOUS COMPLAINTS. Drugs and Medicine*
inmiite Ihe disease, for they weaken the vital energies of the
already prostrated ayitom} while under the strengthening
Ilfe-aiving, vitalizing influence of Galvanism, as applied l»y
this beautiful and wonderful discovery, the exhausted palMi.i
and weakened sufferer is restored to former health, sliongiU,
elasticity end vigor. .
The great peculiarity end excellence of
Dr. Christie's Galvanic Curatives,
consists, in the fuel that they arreit and cure disease by oul
ward application, in place of the aanal mode of drugging and
physicking the putlent, till exhausted Nature sinks hopelessly
under the ihfliftuon. '
They tlrtnglhtn the whole system, equalise the cneulahon of
the blood, promote the secretions, and never da the slifhtest injury
under any circumstances. Since their introduction in the
United States, only three yean since, more than
60,000 Persons
Including all ages, classes and conditions, among which were
a large number of lodies, who are peculiarly subject to Norv
ous Complaints, have been
when ali tope of relief had been given up, and every thing
else been tried In vain ! «. __ ■
• To illustrate the use of the G AT«VANIO BELT, suppose
the case of a person afflicted with that bane of awiLWtkm,
DYSPEPSIA, or any, oilier Chronic or Nervous -Disorder. Jo '
fMlnary cases, sUntulanli dre taken, which, by their action or
the nerves and muscles of the stomach, aftord temporary relief,
but which leave the patient In e lower state, and with injured
faculties, after the action thus excited has ceased. Now com
pare this with the effect resulting from the .application of thr
GALVANIC BELT. Taka a Dyspeptic sufl'cicr, oven in the
worse symptoms of an attack, and simply Uo the Dclt around
the body, using tho Magnetic Fluid os* directed. In a short
period the insensible perspiration will act on the positive,
element of the Belt, thereby causing a Galvanic circulation'
which will pass on,to the negative, and thence back again to
the positive, thus kcopipg .upn continuous, Galvanic circula
tion throughout the system.' Tims ; the most severe cases o(
Of Uie most Undoubted Character,
From all parts of the Country could be given, sufficient to fill
every column in this papori ,
wUch-conclusively proves (hat
“ Tntth li Stranger than Elation.”
ciIKE ofc . , ’ , .
Rev. Dr. Landis, a Clergyman
fulshed. aUaJnmepts aai
r, of distini
of New Jersey
ißmmuuu. 1 *-— l —; «A-
: Sidney, New Jersey, July 13,1848.
Da. A. H.Crt»irria T Dear Sir i Vou.wish to know of me
what has been (lie rosuU Jri my own caaB, of the application ol
For about (verity yean I had been suffering from Dyspep
sia. Every year the symptoms became wone, nor could I
obtain permanent relief from any course of medical treatment
whatever. About fourteen year* since, -in consequence of
frequent exposure to the weather, In the discharge of my pas
toral duties, I became subject to a severe Chronic Uheuma
him, which for year alter year, earned me Indescribable
anguish. Farther: in the winter of’43 and *4O, inconsequence
of preaching in my-own and .various other
churches in this region, I was attacked .by the Bronchitis,
which soon became so severe as to require an immedlato bus.
pension of my pastoral labors. -My »«m»n* system u*a* now
1/iorotitMy proitrated, and as my Bronchitis became worse, so
also did my Dyspepsia and llhoumulic nfi'cction—thus evincing
that those disorders were connected with each other through
the medium of the Nervous System. In the whole nbarmaco
-1 poeia there seemed to remedial agent which could
reach and recrinerate my Nervous System ; every thing that I
had tried for this purpose had completely foiled. At last I
was led by my friends to examine your inventions, and (though
with no very sanguine hopes of their efficiency,) I determined
to try the’eff ect of the application of the GALVANIC BELT
In June, 1040. To my great astonishment, ip* two davi mt
Drsrxrm had gonz; in right days I was enabled to
Rheumatic affection has ceased to troodi.e me.
Such Is the wonderful and happy results of the experiment.
I have recommended the BELT and FLUID to- may who
have been likewise suffering from Neuralgic affections. They
have tried them, with hapm results, 1 believe, in evert
I am. dear sir, very respectfully yours,
fa used for all complaints affecting (ho Throat or Head, such si
Bronchitis, Inflammation of the Throat. Nervous end Hick
lleodophe, Uixtiness of the Head, Neuralgia in the Face,
Ouxzlng'or Roaring In the Ears, Deafness, which is generally
Nervous, and (hat distressed complaint, culled Tic Doloruux-
Palsy and Paralysis;
All physicians acknowledge that those tornhlo diseases ere
caused by a deficiency of JVert’oui Kntrgy In Ihc affected
limbs. Dr. Ciiuibtie's Galvanic Articles will supply this
deffoient p6wer,and «'complete and entire curds Ibus.t-flecled.
1000 Oases of Palsy and Paralysis
have been fcpor\ed fq pa. QiiptiTir. ttmUiii Agents within ths .
Usttwo years, which Rave been entirely iciloied. ‘
CC7“ Caf. Andrew J. F* Tomes of Brooklyn, N. Y n had not
been able to walk a step for near four years, and was to help
less that he had to be fed. The most celebrated physicians
gave him un. In live days after be commenced wearing the
G*j.i>rio, ,Uei.t, Necklace, and. Bracelets, he walked
across the room, and ihthrefvyeeks he had psiftootlyYoCuvored
his health. Captain Tomes is seventy years of age. >
Are found of vast service In rases of Convulsion* or Kit*.
Spasmodic Complaint!) snJ general Nervous Afl'nctioiis of Rib
Hoad and upper extremities Alsu In Palsy ami paralysis, and
all discuses caused by n deficiency of power or Nervous
Energy In the limbs or other oignns of the body.
Tlo Doloreux and Neuralgia.
These dreadful and agonizing com|dvints mo inuirdiatriy
relieved by the npidimUtm of tbo Galvanic Bm.t,,
and. Fluid. Tho Holt diffuses tho Klerlriclly through tho
system j tho Necklace has u local effect, and the Fluid act*
directly upon tho affected nerves. In these distressing
ulHicUons tuo application NLVKII FAILB.
These alarming and terrible comidointt are always caused
by a dcrangmrn( of Ihe Srrrti. The Bklt, Bkauklkts arm
Fluid wllf rurs nearly every cast, no matter how young o»
old tho patient, or hnw confirmed the complaint Numeioui
and astouiihlng proofs are in |>oiiesiivn of the proprietor.
fra- Many hundred Cartiflcalai from all parti of Ilia country
of tua moit extraordinary character can ba given, if required
fir?* No trouble or inconvenience atlamla the uie of DH
Cltfuarwa (MLVJINJO JUITICJ.KB, and they may
ba worn by the moil feeble and delicate with perfect caao onji
aefaty. In many caaee the aeniation attending -their uie ii
highly fUaiant and agtaabh. They can be lent to any pari
of Ilia country, .
The Galvanic Belt. Three Boilers,
The Galvanic Necklace, Two Dollare,
The Galvanic Breceleta, One. Dollej^lleiSfl.
The Megnetio Fluid, One Dollar.
/vy- The article* are accompanied by toll and, plain direc
tion*. Pamphlets with full porllcuian may be hod of the
aatliorU.d Agent.
■ JUman 0/ Coiwlir/itli an i If'urlhhti Imitation 1.
t’J!4 Broadway, Now York.
For »alo In Carlisle, Po„ by Ibo 0010 oulhotiro
November 16,1040—lyitow __ _
T IQUORS,—AII kind, ‘if Liquor., lucii e. Old
i.i Bye, Gin, French and Domoatio llrandlo., Wine
nr ell Hindi, and Cordlala of tbe beat quality,ond yl
'lbo lowo.t price., ni.tlio now and nboep .rore'i.f
R. R. R.
truly a.blessing to suffering humanity. The
Lamoare rejoiced at its curative properties, for
they can dispense with,'their crutches and walk.
'Fhe Weak bless it as an instrument in the hands
of Providence, for by its healing and strengthen
ing qualities they become strong.. The Bed-Jlid
den welcome it as a blessing from high Heaven,
for it relieves them of their' pain and misery,
cures their diseases whether it be Rheumatism*
Lumbago, Gout, Paralysis, Strains, Burns, Scalds
Sores, Sprains, and affections of the spine, or con
tracted Tendons, for by. its use they are enabled
to arise from their bed of sickness, and enjoy the
pleasures and blessings of health. The sufferer
of Neuralgia and Tic Dolcrenx, welcomes it .as
their only remedy ,in relieving them of the cruel
pains, shooting like electric shocks through the
face, head, and system, paralyzing in an instant
their energies and brilliant hopes, for the Ready
Relief is a powerfulantidole for all Nervous and
Rheumatic affections, and will cure this powerful
disease when all* other remedies have failed to
give relief. The sufferer of Tooth Ache, rejoices
when he uses the Ready Relief, for it will cure
the most torturing Tooth Ache in a few seconds.
Its Superior Strongtli.
. RADWAY'S RE\DY RELIEF is also llie
most economical medicine in use, it can be used
with the most happy results, both internally and
externally. . Cramps in the Stomach, Colic, or
Cholera Morbus, are relieved in ten minutes, and
cured entirely in fifteen or twenty; , Also if you
wish to make an ointment of it, for the cure of,
soro Lips, Chapped Flesh,. Pustular Eruptions;
take a tea spoonful of the Relief, and a table
spoonful of sweet oil, or 1 ounce pf lard, and you,
have a bettetoinlmenl or save than any other dr
(foie now in use. . . . .
’ In fact this medicine, when reduced to two
thirds its own strength by adding as much epirjts
of wine, will give you. bettor. Liniment than any
now in use.
Beauty is a beautiful Head of lux
uriant Hair.
Tho lady or gentleman wlio desires a beautiful
article tu drees their hair, are advised to.make use
of Had way’s Circassian,Balm; It possesses many
advantages over all oilier hair tonics,and prepara
tions. First It cleanses the scalp from dandruff,
gives tone snd vigor to the roots,and bulbs, invig
orates to. healthy action the germ of life, which
gives to the hair a healthy root, and forces the
hair to grow, it cures Baldness, stops the hair
from falling out, makes, it fine, strong; soil, and
glossy, keeps it from turning, grey, or becoming
discolored. It is truly a luxury to dress the hair
with this delicious preparation.
Rad way’s Circassian Balm, for invrgoratlng the
Whir, cleansing tho scalp, removing dandruff, and
curing baldness, is truly .a Valuable preparation.
A lady who had. been sick for some time had lost
every panicle of her hair previous to her sickness,
her hair would fall out : she was recommended
to try the .Circassian Balm as a hair restorer, she
used six bottles with (lie most happy results, her
hair is now fine, soft, glossylong, and luxuriant.
Tliis preparation makes the hair moist, fine, soft,
and silky, and predisposes it to curt; ye, with
bald heads, weak hair, badihair, try a bottle of
the Circassian Balm r prepared by Radway & Co.,
and you will soon have a luxuriant head of hair.
Sold for 25 cents in lafge bottles. Ask for Rad
way’s Circassian Balm, ICI Fulton Street, Now
York. . ..
Radway’s Soap.
Tho extrnordinaty effects of Radway’s Soap in
removing Ton, Sun. Burns, Pimples.'Blotches,
Pustules, Telte/, Rash, Scurvy, Morphew, and
(he Bites, aqd slings ot insects, is truly astonish-,
ing; besides, it is certain of transforming a dark,
discolored and repulsive viDage. to a.clean and
beautiful complexion.' , In all osfsbs ask foMlad-
N. B.—Radway’s Medicated Soap in steel en
gravings are 25 cents, ail ethers , are counterfeit.
Look for the steel otfpraVinf.' . »
For sale in Carlisle by J. W t Rawlins, and Sami.
Elliott; 2n Shippensburg by Dr. Hays. -
Juno I, 1860—2 m -
Thankful io'.u» dtiun. of cariuio, .ndii.
vicinity, for thoir increased custom, cVc again re
quest their company to view our. large and sploudii)
aasoitment of
Dinner Sets, Tea Sols, Toilet Sots, and single pieces,
either .of Glass, Chino or Slone Ware, sold in quan
tities to'suit purchasers, for loss than they can be
had elsewhere—in fact atlossthan Wholesale prices.
American and English Bruannio Motal Goods in
greater variety than over before offered in the city.
Fancy China In great variety, very cheap.
Wo would invito any person visiting the city to
call and see us—they will at least bo pleasdTl to walk
around-our beautiful store, and to view the finest
“China and tho cheapest the world produces.
' * ■ No. 219 Chcsnulslrcct.
/ PhiU.,Bept.B0 > 18d0.r-ly ■ u
At P. Mouycr’d
IB tho placo whore country merchants and the pub
lic in general, will find tho largest ohd best as
sorlmcnt of .
ever offered in thin county, manufactured of tho best
material csprcssly for tho Holidays, and will bo sold
wholesale or retail at tho Old Stand of the subscriber
North Hanover street, a few doorsnoith of tho Bank,
whore all are invited to call and examine for them
selves, os it would ho impossible to mention all the
varieties. lie would also-call attention to a large
assortment of Fruits and Nuts of tho latest importa
tions, consisting of
Figs, Pruens, Grapes, Citron, Dates, Almonds, Eng
lish Walnuts* Cream Nuts, Filberts, Poa Nuts, Co
coa Nuts, Ac. In connection with tho above ho has
just received aUrogo ssotlmenlof English, French,
and American
Toy# A Fancy Goods,
consisting in part of fine French Card and Sewing
Baskets of entirely now patterns, Fancy Boxes oi
wood, paper atid glass, Wax and other Doll-heads,
Kid and Jointed Dotes; Basket, 801 l Bone,and olliui
Rattles, Games end Puzzles of tho latest style; Fur
nilure, lea sells, and nine in boxes, fiddles, guitars,
pianos, accordootis, hanneonicans, drums, guns, pud
other articles of war, Glass and China toys, mantle
ornaments, Tools in boxes, woolly dogs, wagons and
wheelbarrows, tubs,‘cradles, Noah's Arks,-masks,
marbles of all kinds, fancy soaps, colougno, px mar
row, shaving oroam, hair and clothes Brushes, Ac.
lie has also on hand n primo lot of FRESH GRO
CERIES, consisting of Coffees, Teas, Sugars, Mo
lasses, Crackers, Cheese, Spicos of all kinds, and in
fact all articles in tho Grocery line, which will be
disposed of at the lowest rates.
Orders from a distance thankfully received and
promptly attended to. . P. MONYER.
Cailislo, Dec. 6,1640.
piano rouxES.
in Iho United Sloloe, con' olvynye ba found at the
warehouse of tlto subscriber, 171 Uiicsnut street, übnvd
Fifth, nt tbo old etend occupied more than 0 third of
a century by Mr. Goorgo Willie, rnueic publiehor,
, „ AIOLIANS, &c„ *c.,
fieelt from tbo most celebrated Manufacturers In Now
York, Boston, Baltimora, Philadelphia, and olsowhoroi
Bald, wholesale and retail, at Iba maker’s cash prices.
171 Chesnut st, Philo.
February 81,1860—1 y :
CTARPET BAGS and Travelling Trunks, A large
J aiaorlntanl, and of a superior quality, In.l rdooi*
ved and for eale cheap by ' CAAS. OGILBV.
April 85,1650
I!at curt.A without the least, shadow of doubt, very tunny bt
.the most strongly developed cnees of ulcerated and diseased lungs
—sucti cases us were never cured- by any other medicines—-end
whieh wero sb utterly hopeless, tbnt the diseased persons Were
pronounced by physicians and friends, to be actually dying.
It possesses nil,the cleansing nmlpurltylng virtues nearly a*
powerful mid active ns tho preparation which we call ■
Tills differs from that, because this possesses asysral othkb
llKDicationS which are peculiarly adapted to, and are.essentially
necessary, to euro ,
ntnl all diseases of n pulmonary nature, such diseases ns usually
prove so fatal under ordinary treatment, when they attack
TliiS Breast, Throat, lungs, and Heart.
This Balsam heals and eitr'es Ulcers in the Lungs, and elsewhere
ittttrna//y, os Certainly and easily ns the PuRIKYINO Extract
cures and heals ulcers externally; This Balsam cures Nine cases
of Cough and Consumption out of 7’cn, alter all other remedies
have failed to do good.
Thousands of consumptions
and Chronic Coughs, abundantly prove lie unfailing eftcaey In
such diseases, and its undoubted curative power, and soothing,
healing properties in tho following complaints and diseases, via. i
Spitting of [Uood, UUeding at the Lungs, Pain in the Breast xtnd
Hide, Night-Sweats, Nervous Complaints, Palpitation of the Heart,
Cholera Infantum, Dysentery, and Summer Complaints, in Children
and Adults —and AuL
No remedy that has been offered to tho public, has ever been
half ns certain rind effect ualln restoring ALL tho incidental weak
nesses, ami irregularities of tho sox, as Brant's Pulmonary
Balsam. It makes no difference whether tho derangement ho
suppression, excess,' or other incidental weakness—it REGU
LATES ALL, by strengthening, the system, eounltsinr the circu
BILITV. See our Pamphlets for proof.’
From the Girl to the Women, and the Wamanal middle age—
tho one case is accelerated, and tho other to'gradually suppressed,
ns to prevent any of tho fatal diseases that frequently arise In
consequence of such change.'
Wd state this cure to prove tho power to save /»/*,.when this
Balsam is tisod, Oven alter tho person i* considered, by physician
and trionds to be lit the last stages of disease— actually dying—
and, In this case, so far gone, that Dio shroud and lunal clothes
wore bought. For the particulars of this coso, and the respecta
ble and undoubted proof of nil the circumstances and facts, wo
refer to Our PAMPHLETS.
This cure was effected on Mr*. 7IBA DYKEMAN, of Ballston
Spa, Saratoga Co.; N. Y. Wo can prove beyond a doubt, many
other almost equally as hopeless, and innumerable case* of Coughs .
and Consumptions CURED, which were pronounced incurable by
Skilful physicians.'
See the cum of Doct. Hubbard, of Stamford, Conn., end otliors.
DYSPEPSIA —Sco the euro ot T. S. Wilcox, merchant
of Attica, Wyoming co.,N. y.,and many more, In our PoniphkU.
Nervous Discuses nnd Dernngements
ire Cured by Brant's Balsam without fall.
dren and Adu/ti—and
aro always cured by this Balsam.-.
Tuts Balaam Is tho best anodyne in the world to soothe and
qulot cross, fretful children to sleep, and cause them to rest q*»-
tlly, nnd yet It dots not contain any. OPIUM) Laudanum, or
Paregoric, and therefore, never Injures, affects, or diseases the
brain, as preparations of opium do. Weakly Children will be
come vlrsiiv, hkalThv, and hearty, and grow rapidly by the
use of this Balsam.
No mother need ever mourn the death of her child by Choi*
bia Infantum, while teething, if BRANT.’S > PULMONARY
BALSAM be administered; - It should bo, for such cases,
given in larger than tho ordinary doses
.for Life and Health are in Hie Blood.
Tlhtt Is not one of nil the various remedies purporting to he
iiKtiors of tbo blood. Unit begins to vossets as much purifying
ml Healing Virtue as
This I’aniMEti' ta wholly prepared from Tfgr/aWej.nud cures
he must obstinate, and long-standing-diseases of tbo blood,
vllliinit puking, purging,'tiohenittj', or iteCitlliHtMg. It cleanses,
hen/tlh'ns, invigorates, makes new, healthy khod, and gives
eu vigor nnd ne» life to tho whole system. .
(lava been cured (ho past and present years, of diseases of the
blond, by this i’mi/ier—and such cures were made too, by the
Four .Times Less Quantity, and dt *
Four, Times k Lcsß Cost;
than iuchdlsqaaps can be cured hySarsoparilla, or anyblherr eau
tdy that fins been aa yut-oß the public.
AVfI Wish It ware ’possible to puhtlsh lo Um world, at.ono .flow.
that are now uvinu and enjoying good ebsLtit; whoncknowl
I’dgo themselves indebted to tlie purifying and healing efficacy
.»f Brant's Indian Vuri/itr. -This PuRiKIER enre#
mul all Impure disuses or Ihe blood, viz. : Seald-llmd, Salt-
Itheum , ll’ieuimiliim, Eruption!, Pimplet on the Face, Piles, JUlrt,
Ulceit, Cotfuitnest, Mercurial* IHiftsiei, Liver Complaint, i’ufn*
in the Hack, Side, and Limbs, KusA of Ulood la Ihe Head, etc., etc.
It la n question of no steal! Importance for Uio Afflicted to do
ld«, which, of all tlio •nr.npntiUns and other remedies, Is tho
Wo say, Hranl't Indian Purifier it cheaper nnd’inore curnlivo—
beenure. on* battle of it, which cun bo bought for One Dollar, con-
Ulus Four Times as much medical fjjir.acy ns one. bottle of Sat
*aparilla, which also costs one dollar. If wo hereafter uroru illnt
larsapntilla it us dear at one dollar a botllo. ns HranVt Purifier
would bo at four dollari n bottle, beenuso tho Purifier contains
greater MRPICAI. kkkiuact than sarsaparilla, then earsapa*.
rllla elionld 1m sold id hotnlyfive cents a bottle, to bo ns cheap ns
tbu PuriHur ntuno dullnr. But rs oar assertion does not prove
tho grimier powur'ftnd medical virtues of this Furiflor, when
compared with tho' best dnrsaparUltts, wo shall therefore Allow
how much disease lm* been cured
Tho first cose wo stale, Is the cure which was effected in Mr
J. 11. llntkin, of Romo, Oneida Co.. H. Y-, mid wo risk not arty
uf our veracity, when we.say that this Is (lie nasi unlooked-for
•ad hopelctt cate of ouo of tb- '
Most Horrid Scrofulas
that over haa beca cured since tho world was created ; and this
was cured by Ten Times Less of Brant's Purifier, and at Less
Cost, than ever n vase half as revolting ami .hopelctt was
eared by Ten Times as much Sarsaparilla. For lull particu*.
tors, eee our Pamphlet. .... a
Mr. llnskin states that ho had been confined to his bed One
Year, and was not expected to live (io*afy-/uur hours longer, when
he commenced using the Purifier t Ida nock whs eaten nearly
oil' from ear lu car—n hole was oaten through the Windnhte—
his oar nearly eaten out—tho use of one arm destroyed—an Ulcer,
m largo as a man's hand, had nearly eaten through Ida side— and
there wore on libit hi nil,
Twenty Large, Deep, Dlechnrglng Ulcers,
—Hint tho firtt but lie he used, enabled him to get off nf Mt bed
whore ho bad been confined twelve months—tho second bottle
enabled him to get out of the haute— tbo third bottle enabled
him to icalA (wo mtltt, and (hat tho usn uf
tured all the Ulcere, and restored him to health tnd e/r«nc(A,
so that ho was able to i eoik and attend to butineet again, as hs
bad formerly done.. . „ „
This cure Is certified In by Fouetbbh RrrpeotabllC wit
hbsbbs, viz. i by Duel. That. Williams, uno of tho moat rcepecl
able physician* of Homo—by Mr. (). It. Brawn, proprietor and
keoiwr of lira West Horae hotel—by Metere. Uisttl A I-eonard,
Wholesale and retail druggists, and by «l*«u other pertoni all
residents of Rome. ,
doctors call it wonderful I
BOOT. IRA JOHNSON, of Lexington, Oft™
to us. January Ist, 1840 1 1 be«mo • c s fi“*‘" , l o J n w^ l | , mT N aßY
astonishing ulfecUof your DRANI 8 INDIAN PULMONARY
BALSAM, by having witnessed some inoit cur** ot
CoNsuMrTioH produced by Its uso, in Monlicollo. SulUvaaCo.,
Now York, about a year since; and have since felt Rnxkms that
Us (mini cfilcucy might bocoma more generally known. Tho
lasi summer 1 had » brolhor-iil-law quite sick with consumption,
and I lull confident, from wlint I had scon of tho efficacy of
Brant's Balsam, timl if I could prouuro it for his mo, It would
cure him; and us wo could not find it in tills county, 1 went to
Sullivan county, about ninety miles, and puichuscd several but.
tics j but before I relumed with the medicine, ho died. One of my
neighbors was llieu very much allUcted with pain in the breast
ami side,and with such n stricture and tightness wross his chest,
that ho breathed witli great difficulty. Ho used one botllo of the
medicine that I brought, mid It gave immediate relief, and cured
him. My wife has used another bottle, and situ says it linstlonu
lier more good than all tho other medicines she over took.
From the benefit those persons have derived, end from my roc*
ommendations, from what 1 had previously hoard and seen
of its good works, many persons hero are now wanting the
mndicinus; oud as there Is nd agent lu this town, they have pur*
sueded mo lo Writ© for an agency. .
Yours, respectfully, IRA JOHNSON.
Mr. CORNELIUS 11. SMITH, mtrehnnt, Callint Cinln, Brio
Co;N. y., January Ifl, JBW, enldi Your Dbant’b Indian Pul*
tfbKAUY Balsam, nnd’UnAHT’fl Purifying Extract, arc nearly
oil aolds and I wont Immediately another supply, for they teH
mor* rapidly and giro belttr laliifartion, than nil tbo other meal*
olnos wo have for lalo. 'iho Pulmonary lUlbam hoaralaoda
lady boro from a bed of damroroua ond aovoro alcknoaa. which
iho nm<f die with a consumption op Tim lunob. After all
had pronounced Iho caaa koptUu, aha commenced taXtug u. mu *
f/aka»—and mm aba la well I .
For sale in Carlisle by Dr> J.-W . JiataHna-aml «S.
W, Ilawttick; by W. D. E, Hays and J.C. & G.
B. Alllek In Shipponeburgiby Win. Loyd In Lisburn;
by J. F. Spain lit Moobnnloaburg; by J.H. Ilotron,
In Nowvilla; by J.- M. LuU In Harrisburg; and
by ngento in all parts of Iho Stale. All lotion end
ardors must bo addressed to Wallace do Co. 106
Broadway, Now York.
Mareb SB, IBso—oowly
JUST received ond for sale, very low 150 sacks al
Liverpool Ground AllouiSalt. 1 Alsoalot of vdry
superior Ground Rock lino Salt In small and band,
soma Sacks snd Bossi, for Family and Dairy use.
For .ala by , ■ J. W, EllY.
BLANK EXECUTIONS, printed un goad paper,
for sale at this Office.
Wc Stndy to Plcagc I
THE attention of Builders and others, is respect,
fully entitled to the extensive and well selected
slock of
Building Hardware and Tools,
now offered by the.subscriber, consisting,in pan as
follows ;‘
Americon Front Door Locks, upright, with night
work; plated or. brass furniture, or porcelain all
Amorickn Front Door Locks, upright, plain, p! v
tod or brass furniture, oir porcelain.
American Front. Door Locks', and Store Door, Ho.
rizontal or Upright, brass furniture, or porcelain.
American Rim Locks, all sizes & qualities. While
or brass furniture, or porcelain. *
; American, mortice locks, all sizes, with plated,white
or brass furniture, or porcelain. .
American morticp latches, oil sizes, with plated,
white or.brass furniturp, or poicclain*
American piortico and rim closet locks, plated or
brass escutcheons, or porcelain.
. American dropi stop, thumb,, gate, and store door
Also, imported locks and latches of every dcscrip.
(ion; Baldwin’s, and American Butt Hinges, of all
sizes, fast or loose joint;: shutter, gate, strop, T;, and
backdap hinges, all kinds; shutter, gate, door, flush,
and spring bolts, of wrought or cast iron and braes,
every description; screws, sprigs, glue, sand-paper of
the best quality; American Axle and sham axle pul
leys, of every variety; American buttons, plain or on
plates, brass, iron, or bronzed; American nubs, plated,
white, iron, or wood, oil kinds; Sash-cord, common
arid patent, with other articles too.numcrousto men.
lion.. Nails and Sash Weights at Factory prices.
All Goods delivered free ol eh rge to any part of
iho City and.Districls. At this establishment can bo
found one of tho largest and best assortments of
white ami fancy Nobs, for locks, &c.» in the city;
some patterns, 6f which, cannot bo seen, or obtained,
at any other store. - t ' •
Spoor'& JacksonV Back, panel, hand, and Uipp
Saws, imported expressly fur retail sales, all selected
with care. Sole Agent for the celebrated Ploncs, Ac.
made by E. W. Carpenter, of Lancaster, Pa., being
all made of split wood, and the bills.ground and
tried. Realty's & Williams' make of chisels, axes,
hatchets, drawing knives, dee., all warranted good.—
Pugh’s & Slack’s make of augers and auger bills, all
sizes. American squares and bevils of every descrip.
Cion. American rules, gauges, sawsclts, compasses,
screwdrivcs, dee. American C. S. Hammers, Claw
and Riveting, oil sizes; Anvils ond Vices, all sizes;
steel, lron, and wooden braces, with C. 8. Bitts, in
great variety; W. Greaves «Sc Son's,. Butcher's, and
other celebrated makes of chisels, files, piano irons,
dee.; Addis's celebrated Carving tools, all shapes.
Making one of the best and most extensive assort*
ments of Building Hardware and Tools in the State.
At this establishment it is considered a pleasure to
show the Goods. -You ore invi'ed to call and ex*
amino the assortment, and hour the prices asked, be*
fore purchasing elsewhere. Come and net it*.
No. 287 Market si., between 7th & Bth
March \4, 1860—3 m upper side, Phila,
The Symptoms of Worms
A RE, the tonguooften white and loaded; the
XX breath heavy ond fetid; a disagreeable or sweet
ish tuste in the mouth; occasionally thirst; the appe
tile extremely variable, sometimes rcmurkobly defi
cient, and at othere voracious. There is sometimes
a sickish feeling, with vomiting of mucous; flatulence
of the stomach and intestines; pain in the abdomen;
swelling and hardness of the abdomen; the bowels
are irregular; the stools arc slimy, ond there is an oc
casional appearance of.woims in the evacuations; the
urine id often milky and turbid; there is frequently
itchincss of the fundament and nose, which is often
swollen; there is occasionally disturbed sleep, with
grindin g of me teeth, and sudden awaking in a fright.
There are, at times, headache or giddiness; ringing
in the ears, or oven deafness, faintness, convulsion*,
drowsiness, indolence of manner and ill temper. In
somo.cases epilepsy and cholcta, and even apoicclic
and paralytic symptoms, and several of .the signs of
dropsy of the brain Anil catalepsy appear connected
with worms.' Frequently there is a short dry cough*
and pleuritic ■pains;'sOmelirocs feeble'and Irregular
puiso, palpitations and an irregular fever; the Counte
nance. }.k generally. ptillld of sallow, ond somewhat
bloated, and there-is occasional flubbing of one of
both checks. Any one of those signs is indicaiivo
of Worms; and the moat cflectunl, best and cheapest
remedy is Dr. JOHN J. MYERS' WORM TI2A,
Prepared by Dr. J. W. HA WLJH'H, at his wboWoln
and retail Drug store, Carlisle, Pa. None genuine
without his written signature;
-Why will parents and others poison IbefnepVc*
ond children with worm medicines chqtnininp mer
cury when they can got ‘*Dr. Minut 1 Wonu Tka,”
which is composed of the roots, loaves and seeds of
the best and most effectual plants that haveoverbren
discovered for the euro of Worms. Each package
contains sufficient medicine for any case of Worm*,
and when made according to. the Directions is very
pleasant to lake. Pilco only 26. cents, -
(Cj'Warror.ted good or the rncncy returned.
Juno 7, 1840—ly
DR. J; N. KEELER A IiRO. most respectfully
solicit# attention to (heir fresh stock of Englirb
French, German, and American Drugs, Medteims,
Chemicals, Puintd, Oils, Dye StutVs.GlaseWßic, Per*
fumcry, Patent Medicines, Ac. Having opened a
now store, No. 294 Market Street, with a full supply
of Fresh Drugs and Medicines, wo respectfully so*
licit Country Dealers Id examine pur stork before
purchasing elsewhere, promising one and all who
may fool disposed to extend to us their patronage, lo
sell then; genuine Diugsand Medicines, on os lil-cniJ
terms os any other house in the city, und to IkfihfuN
ty execute nil orders entrusted to us promptly
with dispatch.
One of the proprietors being a regular physician,
affords ample gmuontno of tho gonupio quality of all
articles sold nt their establishment.
Wo especially invito druggists and country mrr*
chants, who may wish to become agents for “Dr*
Keeler’s Celebrated Family Medicines,” (stnnduul
arid popular remedies.) to forward their address.
tdoliciting the patronage of dealers, we respectful*
ty remain, J. N.KEELER A BRO.,
Wholesale Druggists, Ko. ZQi.flfarkei St>
Philadelphia, Sept. 1 ,1840,—1y.
Pure Wines and Liquors.
THE attention of Poolers and. Hotel keepers, i>
requested to my fine assortment of Wines .and Id*
quora selected with great cnio from stocks in Europe
and in this Country, and from sources which enable
iuo to guarantee their purity. •
llrandies of every description from $1 to $5 per
Whiskey, fine Irish, Scotch and Monongsbe/s>
Old Jamaica Rum, Holluml Gin & Poach Brandy.
Madeira, Sherry and Port Wines of every variety
and grade, from 76 els to $0 per gallon.
.Champagne of all cqlohrotcd brand#, $9,50 tn SIG.
Claret. Fine Table Claret at $3 and higher gruilc*;
also, Lisbon, Tencrlfle, Malaga, Muscat, &i*. Wild
Cherry Urnndy, Raspberry, Blackberry and Launder
Brandy, dec.
The Country Tiadc supplied at wholesale prices*
A complete assortment of Wines and Lhjuors, very
cheap for culinary purposes.
Orders promptly attended to. Goods carefully
packed and forwarded by "Express" Samples
to any part of tho, country free of charge, by address*
ing, postpoid, A. 11. McCALLAi
\yino Merchant, 30 Walnut street, I’lnla.
April 18, 1860—3 m |
DUESS silks'. The subscriber hoe lust opener]
an dxtonoivo olock of Dress Silks of the lob’*'
otyloo, which ho olforo el unusually low prices. 1
special attention of I lie indies is solicited.
April 25, 1860 , N W WOODS. Agt^
f ADIESSHOEk Jootroooloodofulloeonilionil
lj of tho boot quollly nnd nowee* olylo PhiMoh
Shooo. Aloe o good ooiorlinont of Children ■■
and Sheco, no"l, Imndiomo nnd good, at tho P
otoro of CHAB.OOli.ui-
April 28,1850 - ' ''
A TTOBNEY AT LAW-OlTico in tho
A. of Mlso Mndinnlo, neat the olorool A. A
Ucutz. South Ilanovor btreH. .
' Cuilislo, Ajitll 4, lB6d—ly