American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, January 17, 1850, Image 4

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    - . WASniltpTOlT tJtfIVEUSITV ■
hpHE ftnn«»Vi«»ioh:fot is49 ; anil ’6O *rlll 6om-
X, merico, \»ith .Introductory'Lectures, on tire laat,
Monday,' of October - next.
The daily"-Lectudosthereafter will bo temporarily
ufehvcrodln the, commodious building nearly fitted
bp for .tho purpose, oh Liberty sired, one door north
hf Baltimore. ,•
; ■ medical faculty. . .
/ S. MosKcn, M, D.—lnstitutes ind Prac
tice of Medicine Med. Jurisprudence and Mental
Diseases. ■-
Osqpo;B,C. MJ Roberta; M*. D.—Obstetrics and
Dispases of VVooion oiid Children;
Rkoixald TSi Whipift, A. M. M. D.—Chemistry.
; A; SsfoVoßx. Piqoot, A. M. M: D.—Anatomy
Und Physiology; ,
B. N. Wrioiit, A, M. M. D.—-Surgery.
• F* ffOOT » -A. M. M. D.—Thcrapcutics, Mat.
1 Medici.'ahd‘Hygiene, ’
The duties Of the Domonstratorwlll-be performed
oy’thd Professor of Antxtomy. .
The Faculty, hayoat tjieir’commdnd the most am-
models, '&cV for a course as
thorough ..and complete delivered in the best
regulated institutions in the country. The Obstetri
cal SnodeU are th'e largest and best ever imported,
procured in Paris. at great coat. .
The Faculty Intend; ad &>dn as possible, to flll thc
Vacant .chairs with igontlemcn. thoroughly, qualified
to mdefthd responsible dutWthercoL . .*•
pledge themselves to unwearied devotion to
the interests .of allyybo.may lie disposed to pul them-
Belvcs.undpr their tuition..
.'Tickets $l5 each; Diploma $2O; Demonstrator
91.0; li Matriculdlion : $5. Students arriving in the
city are requested to coll oh some, member of the Fa
baity, who will give-advice with regard to tho solec
tion of a boarding house, '
further information address the Doan of the
Faculty. , ; ; REGINALD N. WRK?UT, ,
No. 103 West Fayette street,
'rrtej'i• - one ddor w •• t of Liberty sL
September 13,19-10—im
Extraorilliiary Reduction In tlio
t. PriccofUardwiiic*
Y* HAVE just rddeifed the largest and cheapest
X stock of HARDWARE, Glass, Paints, Oils,
Vurnisliop;'Saddlery, Carpenter’s and Cabinet
Maker’s Tools, Mahogony Vaneeis, ami all kinds
of Building Material ever brought to Carlisle,
consisting of Locks, Hinges, Screws, Nails and
Spikes. Persons about to biliid will iind it great
ly to,tlioir advantage to look at my stock before
purchasing elsowherri. Ootiie ami see the goods
Qnd hoar the pride and you will be Convinced that
this is realty thd Cheap Hardware Store. Also,
in store, anVUs, vices, hies and rasps, and a corn-
f dele assortment of Wall’s Best Bar Iron, also
lolled and Hoop Iron of all sizes. I have also
tHe.Themqmeter Churn, Made by Mr. Geo. Span
gler, the best’adlcle now in use.
SCYTHES.’—I have just received my Spring
S}ockof Grain arid Gnus Scythes, manufactured
expressly for my own sales, and warranted to ho
& superior article; Cradle makers and others
Will find these Sytbcs to be the host article in the
ntackelrf and at the lowest price, wholesale am)
t6ta|l, at the old stand in North Hanover street.
OcL 11, 1849. ' JOHN P. LYNE.
XcW & tuubi. Uardivarc Store.
TUB subscribers have just received at their New
and Cheap HARDWARE STOKE East High
street, opposite Ogilby’s, Dry Good Store, a largo
stock of. goods in, their lino, to which they would
call the attention of purchasers, their arrangement
in the city being such, as to enable thorn to sell their
goads at the lowest city prices; . ;
Their stock comprises a full assortment of Locks
anJLalchoa of stile and size,—Hing s, Screws;
Bolts, and every article used for buildings, Augurs
Itnd Augur Bills, Chisels, Broad and Hand Axes.
HatchoU, Drawing knives, Plains, arid Plano Bills.
Hand, Pane], and; Ripping Sows, Mill, Cross-cut
and Circular Saws, Trace and Halter chains, Haines,
Shovels, Spados. and Hoes, hay and manure Forks.
Also,'a lafgd assortment pf Pocket and Table Cut
lery.—Sjioons, Shovel and Tongs, Waters and
Trays, IldlloW Ware, Brass and onumelcd Preserv
ing Kettles, Iron Furnaces, Cedar Ward, Anvil and
Vices# Files and Rasps of every kind* , Bar, Band
and .Hoop Iron, Cast, ho it 1 . Spring and Blister
Bteol, dec. Also,
100 Boxes Window Glass.
100 Kogs Wbleerill’s Pure While Loath
6,Barrels Linseed Oil.
8 Barrels Sp, Turpentine.
Carlisle,Oct. it, 1840.
THOMAS M. MARTIN, desires to inform his
friends and the public in general, that ho has
durchased - the stork formerly belonging' -to. Jacob
Brb, Eat|., and is now ready to supply the reading
community with Bootes of all kinds at city prices.
He has just received the following new walks;
. Lynch's Expedition to the Dead Sea and Jordan.
Montague’s \ 4i . « , u
Philosophy of Religion.
. Dobrioy on Future Punishment.-.
Rural Letters, by N« P. Willis.
Wbmcn of the Revolution, by Mrs. Eilat.
Thicr'a Consulate and EmptVo, Nos. 8 & O'.
Davy Oopperfleld, part 3,
Turner, Fisher, and Davy Crockett, Comic Alma*
hac’s f0r.(859, together with nil the cheap publica
tions of the day'. •• Books ordered twice a week and
strict attention paid to orders from the country/'
All the Daily and Weekly Papers, &c.i to bo had
at the old.stand next door to Burkholder’s hotel.
Carlisle, August 10,1849
BU. 3. N; KEELER & BRO. moat rcapoctfully '
.solicits attention to ihoir fresh ninth ofEngluh,
nch, Gorman, and American Drugs, Medicines,
Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs. Glasswntc, Per
fumery, Patent Modicmcfc, *c. Having opened u
now store, No. 294 Market Street, withu fulUupply
of .Fresh Drugs ond Moihcmog, wo I'mmectfu'lly so*
licit Country Dealer's to examine our stock before
purchasing elsewtrero, promising ono and all wlnr
may fool disposed to extend to us their patronage, to
soil them*genuine Drugsand Medicines, on as liberal
terms as any other house in tiro city, faithful
ly nxetriHti all orders entrusted tons promptly and
with* dltfpntch/-
One of the proprietors being* n regular physician,
affords ample guatanleo of life genunlp quality ofall
articles sold at their establishment.
We especially invito druggists ami country mer
chants. who nmy wish to hoctrme og'ontir for “ DV.
Keeler’s Celebrated Family Medicines,” (sttrndaid'
and popular* remedies,) to* forward’ their address.-
Soliciting the patronage of dealers, wo respectful
ly remain l , J-. NrICBBMSR BRO. v
Wknlena'lc iXhiggfats, AV. 291 ftfurftet S[.
Philadelphia, Sept. 1 ,1819.—1 y.
jSk Great inducements to 1 persons in
Jyji want of a good Watch,■
. LEWIS R. BROOMALL, No. UO North 2ml
street, having receded additional supplies of Gold
and Silver Welches of every description, from Lon
don, Liverpool and Switzerland importations, is now
prepared to furnish the very hem article at a price
fur below any ever offered, of the same quality, and I
. which undersold by any other store in
Philadelphia or elsewhere. Every watch sold will
bo*perfec(ly regulated, and warranted to be us good
as represented* •
- • Watches at the following low prices;
QoldXevere, full jewelled, 18 carat cases, $3B 00
Silver do 1 db’ do )g oo
Gold ,Leplnes^jewelled, I S carol coses, 22 oo
Silver do r db . 800
Tllo LyR. Bforirnafl Gold Pen, rsuporlor article in
eflypr pencil, and w7ur.intcd,sl jso{ Geld
, Pencils for $1,00,. and upwards, Gold Medallions,
ntid Locket for Dagucreotypo Likenesses/. Gold
chain*, .Gold and hair Bracelets, Breust Pint, Ear
Rings, Finger Rings, and a general assortment of
ivory description of Jewelry at unusual low prices.
"No. 110 North 2nd street) 2nd door below Hoco
•(root, Philadelphia.
J ■ . LEWIS Jl. BHOOMA hh,
Woreinber S; MMO
Ho loiv tlie Hollidays!
itries Kingle’aHead Quarters, .
CARLISLE. !• A., .
ISthe place where country merchants nndilhc pub
lic in general, will -find the largest and best as*
sorlmohl.Of • . ■
ever offered in this county, manufactured of tho best
materia! espresslyforthe Holidays, and will be sold
Wholesale ot retail at tho Old Stand of the subscribed
North Hanoverstreet; a lew.doorsnorth OftbeDank,
whore all are invited to call; arid examine for thom
solvcs, as it would be impossililo lo mention all the
He'Would also call'attention .to a large
assortment of Fruits ahU Nuts of the latest importa
tions, consisting of
FJgsj PrUena, Grapes, Citron, Dates, Almonds. Eng
lisb .Walnuts,.Cream.Nuts, Filberts, Pen Nuts, Co
coa Nats, &c» In connection with the above' ho has
just received a larago ssoUment of. English, French,
and Ameticnh
- Toys <fc Fancy Goods, ' •
consisting in part of fine French Card and Sewing
Baskets.of entirely,_ new patterns, Fancy. Boxes’of
wood, paper and glass, ’ Wax and other Dolhhcads,
Kid and Jointed Dolcsj Basket; Rcil Dono, and other
Rattles; Games Ond Puzilcs Of thb lateMelylei Fur*
nilure, tea setts, and nine hr boxes; fiddles, guitars,
pianos, ttecordcone; hanubdnlcans; drnms, gu'hs, aiid
other articles of war, Glosa -nnd China toys, mantle
ornaments, Tools in boxes, woolly dogs, wagdns and
wheelbarrows, ttiba,.;cradlcs, Noah's ;Arkb, mosks,
marbles of all kinds,* fancy .soaps, colotigqo, ox rotir
rovy, shaving-cream, hair, and clothes Brushes; &cr.
lle;hns also, oh hand a prime lot of FRESH GRO
CERIES, consisting of Coffees, .Teas,, Sugars, Mo*
lassos, Qrackcrs, Cheese; Spices of all kinds, and in
fact all articles, in tho Groicly lino, which will bo
disposed ofat tho lowest rates. ,
•Orders from a distance thankfully received and
promptly attended to. ' P. MONYER.
Carlisle, Dec. 6, 1819. I
Second Arrival!•
(IHARLES OGIUJV, rcspcctfallylnforms thb
J public, that ilo has commenced and will be opep-i
. ing.for. some days, his SECOND PURCHASE ofl
I . Fall <fc Winter Goods.
His stock at present is vorylargo and general, and
with, the addition of his pdhciiihk, ho Hit
ters himself time he Will be ablu id pledsd all those
that wish to lay out tbeir cash to a good advantage
The sleek consists in part of a Very extensive assort
ment of *
Ladies Dress Goods (
n valuable assortment of WINTER SHAWLS, of
llio most fashionable styles} French,, Gorman and
English MERINOES, Uubergs, PotdmcUafc, Alpa
cas, and Sgfking CLOTHS of beautiful qualities}
French mid English new stylo Cashmeres, MouS dc
Laincs; French, English, arid American Chintzes.
Also, a very general and handsome
Cloths, Cassimcvcs, Sauinets,
Kentucky Jcaris, Kerseys, and a great many other
kinds of Goods for ccnllomcti’s wear.. One of the
largest stocks of White and Brown Muslinsi.tbnt
has been in Carlisle for several years, which was
purchased before the autanck in Cotton Goons.
Also, a full and complete assortment of
ISopts & Shoes,
which will bo sold at the lowest notch, together with
a large stock of Fresh Groceries.
As lively trade and small profits is the order of
the diry, wo say come one, come oil, and -secure for
yourselves good bargains. -
Carlisle, Nov 15, 1849
GROCERIES tfOlt 1340.'
A NEW supply of choice Groceries, embracing
Coffees, Sugars, Molassesi Spices, and a lot of
Green and Black .
with all the other-variety of articles in our line,
equal, and probably superior to the usual varie
ties, has just,been received and opened at the store
of the subscriber, whore ho will be pleased to of
fer them to his customers and friends without any
advance from former prices. The public haveour
wannest thanks for the encouragement extended
to us, and wo indulge the hope that we may bo
favored with n continuance of the same.
Carlisle, Oct 18,1849. , ‘ J. W. EBY.
OBUGS, f.vacv GOODS, BOOKS,&c.
AT HAVERSTICK’S old established Drug and.
■ Book Store, on North. Hanover street, a new
supply of Drugs and.medicines, fresh and carefully
selected; together with a rich, varied and extensive
assortment of Fancy Goods, Books, Perfumes, Soaps,
Cuttlery, Gold and Silver Pens and Pencils, Corne
lias’Splendid Parlor Lamps, Girandoles and Flow
er Vases, Elllcrial Olr Lamps. Fruits ohd Confec
tionary, and a variety of other articles which it is
impossible to enumerate, hut .comprising the most
splendid display ever offered In Carlisle, and at pri
ces correspondingly cheap. Tiro intention of his
old . friends and customers attd llie public generally
is particularly invited to his present slock; with
which they cannot fail to bo pleased.
May 24.1849. 8. W. HAVERSTICK,
JUST opened at the now and ohtttp Hardware
store of JACOB SEN ER, a new assortment of
Foreign and Domestic Hardware* consisting of a
full assortment of locks and latfclies ofovory style
and kind? hinges, screw's, holtj,- rfngnfjj, nffger
hilts* chisels, broad and hand axes, hnlbhols,
drawing knives* planes and piano bills; hand,
pannel.and rippingsaws; mill and crossentoaws
ofßolandls make, warrantedgood; a good assorl
moril nfcuoulor Saws, warranted; trace and halter
chains of a superior quality that has never been in
this market .before, Jibes, shovels, spades, forks
and rakes; knives and forks; iron, japan,and brass
candlesticks; an assortment of Brilania and Glass
Etherinl Lamps, spoons, shovels, tongs, whirr
and iron lea kettles, brass preserving kettles, Co
darware, anvils, vices* files and rasps, of every
kind arid price.
Watts’ bar iron* iioop nndi hand ifori, past, shear,
spring and blistered stool, warranted good.
150 boxes window glass, lovlur than dvffr.
200 kegs WelherHl’s pure white lend.
4 barrels Flaxseed oll.ioO galls. Turpentine.
150 kegs Duncan Nails, warranted good.
50 do*/., prime warranted Corn & Grass Scythes
Please call nl the well known store of Jacob
Scner', North Hanover street, next door to Glass’
> hotel, Carlisle.
‘ May 31, 1819 .
Urtltfnet making.
Extensive 'Furniture Rooms,-
JACOB I* H FT Bit, In rent of the Corner of North
llanovor am! Lomher, streets, Carlisle, would
respectfully announce to tho public ihnl he has
on hand, and iff constantly manufacturing, every
description of work pertaining to the übove busi
Ills BurnUttro being made otU of the best mn.
lerlal, by his own bunds, he fells no hesitation
In warranting its durability. Being always ap
prized of tho very latest city fashions, he is
enabled to turn out the most
Fashionable Work
in the country, and at prices too which shall cor
respond with the “lightness of the money market.”
He would earnestly Invite persons who ore
about to commence housekeeping to call and ex
amine bis present elegrtnt stock; to which he
will constantly make additions of the newost'nnd
moat modern styles.
1 ho Undrutakkr's branch of business receives
onpooml attention. '
October 4, 1810
mastic Don iitetuiN.
A NE W and'beautiful .irllclo, 1.0110v0.l to bo ,u
-■' W"," 1 * "f Win! c-vm bofdro man.
ufuclutml. Being rla, tig will nof brink bv (hlllliii,-
and bainsrpamted in'oll ifnmy ba wa.hud' with'Z
and watbr w|ioq' .oiled, olid roadil, rii.iorad to ,| lO ,
oriitiniil b.auty, For talc ol tbo cheap morn of
. Bctfombor 13; 1840. ' j». MONYKft;'
A 'WW ;' Ui " ITCrivc , <l allbap .law,
In, .u ,( UI "W 1 * l'“oao«liir Alnionur.,
[Clolh Xap«, (Jutn Slioc, and n grant vatioiy of rliean
good.. . Ai &W. BEN'I'Z,
. >, tire 1 Insurance, '' i.,
THE. Allen and Eastpennsbprdugii Mutual Fire
Insurance Company of Cumberland cotihjy, incor
porated, by an. act of, Assembly, Is,now, fully or
ganized, and In operation unden the management
of the following: commissioners,;vizt
• Jacob Shelly,vWm. R. Gorges, Micbdfl Cock
ling Melcholr Brennemarit Christian otayman*
Simon ■ Oyster*’Jadob H. Ooover, Lewis Hyer,
Henry Logan, Benjamin Hi Mosser, Jacob Kirk,
Samuel Prowell, Joseph Wicke'rsham..
Thejales of insurance are,aslpw.ancl favorable
as any (Company bf the kind- in the Stale;- Per
sons Wishing to-betotne members are invited to
make applicatioa-to't}!e.'agentB..of the company
who are willing to wait upon them al any time.
./JACOB SHELLY, President. .
- ~ H enky Logan, Vice President.
LewisHvan, ; Secrelar)/..
M ipHASL Cocklin, TreaBui-er, x '
. November, l,.lB49. V. ,/j •• .
Martin, N. Cum
berland; C/.B.'HeHnari, lOngsiovvn;‘Henry Zear
ing, Shiremahstbwnf Robert' Modto and Chafles
Bell, Carlisle! Isaac Kinsey, Meehanitsburgj Dr.
J. Ahl, ChurchtoWrifT;", , r '
itork ed'nnth^* ;JqhV<Slierrick,- Lisburn; "Johii
Bowman,-.Dillabufg; .‘.Pblfef Franklin;
Johri Smith,'Esq'.. vVashlngtoh; W. 8. Picking,
Dover! Daniel Raftensberger, J.'W. Craft. .
• Hamburg—Houser & Laehthnh.
.'Members of the company having Policies about
to expire can have them renewed ,by making ap
plication to any of the agents. •••• ■
The Girard Life insurance Annuity ami Tfusl
Company, of 'Philadelphia,
; Office No. 159 Chesmit Street,
Capital $300,000*
Charier J*erpetiia{,
CONTINUE to make Insuranceson Lifreaoii the
most favorable terms; receive and execute
I Trusts, and receive deposits onlnterbet.'
I The Capital being paid up and invested, togeth
jer with an accumulated premium fund, affords a
perfect security to the insured. The.premium
may he paid in yearly, half yearly or quarterly
payments. .. • .•
Thedompnny add a BONUS atsidled pnHoda
(o the. insurances ofllle. This plan of insurance is
the most approved of, and is more generally in
use, than any. other in Great Britain, (whefe the
subject Is host understood by the people, and
where they have had the f experience.) as
appears from the fact, that out of 117 Life Insu
rance Companies thcru, ofall kinds, 87 are on this
pldm .
The first BONUS Wafi Appropriated In tJodom
her, 1844, amounting to in. per cent, oh the sum
insured under lha oidectpnUfclos j to B;f per bent.,
7* ppr bbnt., &cl, &c.i on pthferS, in proportion to
the time of standing, making an addition of $100;
$87.50; $75, &c.,&c., to every $l,OOO, originally
insured,'wliich ia an'nverage uf more than 50. per
cent, on the. premiums paid, and without increas
ing the anndal payment tp.the Company.
This operation of the BONXTS seen, by
the following examples from the'Life-Insuranbe
Uegister of the Company, thus:
Sum nouns or Ami. ofPopry ft ml
Policy. ' . Insured.. Addition, nonus pnynlilQ' nt
' . ■ - , the party's decenso.
No. 58 $1,01)0 $lOO,OO $1,100.00
68 2,500 250.00 2,750.00
“ 205 4,000 400.00 <,400.00
•< 270 d,o(io . 175.00 : 2,175.00
“ 333 5,000 437,50 5,437.50
Pamphlets containing the table of fates, and
explanations of the subject; forme of application,
and further information maybe had nt the olpco,
gratis, in person or by potter, addressed textile
President or Actuary. . ; “ , . .
U. W/RICHAUUS, Prtsidcnl.
: JNOi F. JAMES. Jitluary,
Philadelphia, May b, 184d.—ly.
Equitable life Insurance, Annuity
OFFICE 74 Walnut street, Philadelphia,—Capita
$250,000.—-Charter perpetual.—Make Insurance
on lives at .their otfifco in Philadelphia,and at their
Agencies throughout the Statcnj at the lowest rates
of premium.
Rates for insuring at $lOO oh a single Ufa.
For 2 years. For Life.
VI : 1,110
1,30 , 2,g 4
1,04 2,70
2,07 3,94
2,97 6,03
59 ‘
For 1 year/
Example.—A person pgcd 30 years next tiirlti
day, by paying the company 05 cents would secure
to hie family:or heirs slo®,should he dio in,one year;
or for $9,00 he secures to them $1000; of for $l3
annually fur seven years he scchfes to them $lOOO
should ho d|o in seven-years; or fut $20,40 paid an
nually during life, ho secure* 81000 to bo paid when
bodies. The insurer; securing, his own bonus,by
the difference in' amount ofpremuims from those
charged by other ofiiccs. ■ For $49,60 the heirs
would receive $6OOO should he die in one year.
Forms of application,and oil particulars tnny bo
fiffd at the office of F’iifßi>*K. Watts, Esq., Cdrlislc.
• “ i;;W» CLAGIIORN, Prcs’l.
if. G. Tocicktt, Secl’y* , ,
Fiiko’k. Watts, Alt’y.
Dr. D. NVMaiio.v, Medical Examiner.
, August 31, 1849.*—1y
: Wills! Huts!
. Semxo and Suaimkh FAsnroNS fob 1848.
rpHE subscriber would respectfully call thonttqn-
X lion of the public to his largo assortment of
rn , llatn As Caps,
of tlieiatest fashions, consisting of Moleskin,
Doavor.flno While Hockey Mountain Ucavor, Otter,
Brush, and Russia huts of oVory quality f and at : dlf*
ferent prices. Also on hand a fine ossortment of
Slouch or Sportsman's Hals, (very ighl) together
with a general assortment of nearly every descrip
tion of Caps, of all ahtes, and at rill prices. Country
dealers and all who wish to purchrfoo hnU or caps,
are invited to call, as life subscribe? 1 id nVepatcd to
give greater Ivnrgoin* than can be bad elsewhere.—*
Don't forgot the lace, No. 3, Harper's How.
Carlisle,May 25,1848. .
'CJi’otft Baronins In CloUilntff
Tq the Citizen* of Carlisle surrounding Countnji
JUST arrived,n lufgo nnd splondhl'assortment
of Fashionable Roa(fy*made '
I for the Foil and Winter Trade, ot the store of S.
i Goldman, sonth-cast corner of Main street and
1 Market Square, Carlisle.
. Tho nnt|orsigned respectfully Informs the cill-
Zend of Carlisle and adjoining country, llml lie
. lias Just arrived from Philadelphia, with a largo
i assortment of Fashionable Heady-made Clothing,
• whjch for cheapness and quality, never has been
I witnessed in this place, each as—French, German
and American i Cloth, Dress and Frock Coals,
Over Coataand Business coals of ell descriptions,
Cloths, Cassimoree, and Satllnel Sark Coats i
fine black and fancy Casslmere Pantaloons) supe
rior satin and striped silk,velvet Cloth and Sattl
hot Vests., Also, a large assortment of fancy
Handkerchief; fihp white linen, striped and rod
flannel Shirts) cotl J on & Woollen nightshirts,Draw,
era, Uoaonlsl Coßart,&o.' |)oattlitol Fall styl'o :
Hats & Caps, ' V
will bo sold at prices ohonpor than any where else.
'Gentlemen arc invited to mill and examine his
Hoods, as ho la sure that those who buy will go
away- with a good fit and cheap prices.
September 411810—fim
OVoinnl Alliiia gull,
A Tohly 91,d7*iJ' p«ir sack, Tlio Imlnnco of otir
IX. lot, to cloud clio cOnccrn. will'lio aolil fod cusli'as
oliovo. Apply Ot tlio Tea and China store of
j. w. eby;
BU. JAYNE'S Family Medicines for sale a I the
Drug and Variety, store of Henry A. Sturgeon.
. DK. J. W.'KAWMKS, ' v
tho iitlention
Xv public id'his fresh supply cff.DrugSj Chemi
cals, Dye*muffs,-Paints, Oils, t Varnishes,.Window
__/QGlas9j Spices, Patent Medicines, Perfumery,
Yff Books and Stationary, Musical and Surgical
Aft lhstrumentß) Fruits and .Confectionary, ;,&o.
Among his extensive variety found;raany
atlides rafely kepl in small towns; - Beside his
complete assortment of drugs, chemicalm&o., he
hasaccordeons, arrowroot, almonds, alcibiade oil;
aromatic vinegar, Bibles,bead bags, Boffalooombs;
breast pins. Sear’s oil, bandoline, backgammon
boards, Beef marrow, black Ink, blacking,Bougies;
broocheBVblack pbijialum, ljlacl( fal lobacdd, Brit
ish lustre* blue ink, Odnary.seedj cartdies/cartls,
cretin nuts, camphine,cap paper, cachore aroma-1
tise, composition, corn sajve, courf plaster,castilo
j soap,ccanes, •cloth,,brushes, clocks, crystalline
soap * conversation cards, card cases, curling fluid,
colbgno water,'cut glass'exlracts, catheters, car
riage whips,’ dominoes, depilatory powder, dress
ing combs, drawing pencils, Dutch-metal, eau
lustralo, eau divine .do venus, Knglish walnuts,
envelopes, French tans, figs,'Are board aprons,
andhooks, fancy fifes,
flageolets, fiddles,and fiddle strings',‘fire works,'
gbfff pens,’gelatin,' glue; guitars & guitar Strings,
gold leaf, garden seeds,'gun cops and fcun powder,
go]d leaf ipbaccqi ’glass globes, ground rice, har
monienns, hair combs, hair brushes, hair oil; hair
dye; and hair bracelets; India and indelible ink,
ink powder and ink sand, ivory combs, Hugs and
rattles, lemons, lemon syrup, liquorice, lily while
liquid blacking, lamps and lamp' wicks, Mineral
water, musk, maccaroni, Meen fun, Macassar oil,
matches, match safes, motto wafers,‘music books,
nice salad oil, note paper, needle cases,' nerve
powder, ; No. C,”nail brushes, oranges, Oleqqhane,
prayer books, paper flowers, Pearlpowder, pewter
sand, porle monnais, pocket glasses, pbn-kpives, i
pink saucers* pcccau nuts,.prunes, powder puffs,
(philocome, post paper,, poor man’s plasters, rose I
water, raisins, hiding whips,.razors, razor straps,!
Russian Cosmetic, red ink, rose tooth paste, shav
ing- cream, soap and brushes,.snuffboxes, shaw)
pin*, shirt'studs, smelling bottles, , sachets, shell
Vdmhs, scissors, sealing wax, silver pencils, si) fa
ver leaf, starblt polish, spiced bitters,, segars, sy
ringes, sheep skins, sand soap, sponge, sahd pa
per, testaments, teaherry tooth wash, tooth ppw
defi toy Watches, Thompson’s eye >gteh, tooth
ache drops, toilet soap, iweczereqlrussfefe, lea bells,
table mala, thimbles, violins, Vermillion, ydnilla
beans, wafers* and a thousand other items 100
tedious to enumerate; The above are all for sale
at Dr. Uawllns’ Drug store, Mainstreut,Carlisle.
Physicians, Storekeepers, Pedlars, and olhofs,
will be Supplied on liberal tchns.
Medical advice gratis.
May ft, 184 t). .
l-tac Symptoms or Worms
A RE; the tongue ofion while and loaded; this
XJL breath heavy and fetid; a disagreeable or sweet
ish taste in occasionally thirst; the appe
tite extremely variable, sometimes ‘remarkably dell',
dent, and at olherc voracious, There is sometimes
a sickish feeling, with.vomiting of mucous; flatulence
of the stomach and intestines; pain in the abdomefi;
swelling, hud. hardness df tho abdomon/tho bowels
are irregular; llic stools'are slimy, and there is an oc
casional appeartlnco tif' Wolms in the evacuations; this
uriho is often milky dnd ( turbid; there, is frequently
itchincss of the fumlamcnt and nose, which' is often
swollen; there is occasionally disturbed sleep, with
grinding bf Ihe teeth, and sudden awakingin a fright.
There are, at times, headache or giddiness*, ringing
In the ears; or overt deafness,' faintness, convulsions,
drowsiness, imjolehco of manner and ill temper/ In
noinc cases epilepsy and cholera, and even apolcctic
and paralytic symptoms, and several.of tho signs of
dropsy'of the broin ; and catalepsy appear connected
whli wolms. frequently there is a short dry cough;
rthd pleuritic paths; sometimes fcohlq and irrcgulaf
pulse, palpitations and an irregular fever; the counte
nance is generally pallid, or sallow; ond somewhat
bloated; and there iS. ptcnßlbnUl flushing of
both cheeks. Any one of those signs is indicative
Of Wormfi; and the most effectual, best and cheapest
remedy is Dt. JOHN J. MYERS’ WORM TEA,
Prepared hy Dr. J. W. RAWLINS, at his wholesale
ond retail Drug store, Catlislc, Par None gcufclnfc
without, his written signature.
Wliy will parents and others poison themselves
and children with worm medicines containing mer
cury when Ihey can got ( * Dr. Minns* Worm TjU,”
which is composed of tho roots, leaves and seeds of
tho best and most effectual plants that have over been
discovered for (nb'fcurc of Worms. Each package
contains sufficient mcdic[ne for any case of Worms,
and when mado according to tho Directions id very
pleasant to lnkof‘ Fried only 25 cents.. .
{Cj*W«rrnr.tcd good of,the mcncy returned.
June 7', 1849/-ly k
mind Manufactory.
H CLARK, Venhiah Blind Monufacturcr, Sign
, of the Golden Eagle, No, 139-& 143, South
Second street, below Dock street; Philadelphia, keeps
always on-hand a large and fashionable assortment
BLINDS, manufactured;in the beat manner, and of
the best materials, and at (ho lowest cosh prices.
Having refuted oml enlarged his establishment, ho
is prepared to complete orders to any amount nl the
shortest notice, Constantly on hand aii assoflmcnt
Mahogany Furniture
of every variety, manufocturcd expressly for his own
sales, and purchasers may therefore rely on rfgood
article. . •
CO' Open In the evening. ,
Orders from ff distance packed carefully/and sent
free uf porterage, to any part ofthe city.
11. CLARK;.
Plula‘, August 16-10—ly
Dr. I. C. Loomis,
WIM. perform all bporalions upontfto T6otl.
that are renoired for their preservation/
such as Scaling, Fifing* Flagging, cjc., or will
rostoretho loss of. them, by inserting Artificial
Teeth,front a single Tooth to a.full sett.
lX7*Office on Pitt sir6ot,a few doors South of
the Railroad HolM. .<
N. D. Dr.Looirtfs will bo abseiit from Carlisle
the last ton days, in each month.
December 14, 1848. ■
WILL give his attendance In the different bron
chos of his profession, in town or country, to
all that may favor him with o call. Office opposite
(ho 2d Presbyterian Church and Wert’s Hotel, lately
occupied by Dr. Foufkc,
Carlisle, Scpl.fl, 1849—tf
»R. J. K. SMITH,
loinlera Ilia professional aorvicca to the citizens
of Carlisle ana vicinity. Ollico in Snodgrass’ How,
non door to Juallce Hoicomb’a, wlicre ho can at all
tirnea lie found, when not professionally cngaced.
Carlisle, June,?. 1849—tf ■ ’
11. K. It. LEIMAR,
(aucccaaon to nn. j. c. tint 7.)
RESPECTFULLY Informs , the citizen* of this
place and vicinity, that having mode himself
thoroughly acquainted with lire Tawny as well ael
the practical port of Dentistry, ho is now prepared to 1
perform all operations entrusted to him. to the satis
faction of all, at moderate charges, Orvtcn—South 1
Hanover street, adjoining the billco of Dr. G. W
I'oulke, and immcjiaiory opposite Hie 2d Presbyte
rian church. , V
March 1, 1'849-—l'y,
OAMUELHRI BURN,rvlllroßiimothoprnotlco
Uof tholnwin the several eounliee (Uumher-
Innd, Porry unrl Juniata,) of Ills Into judicial dls.
met. Any husinnes entrusted to his dare will ho
promptly.attended Ip. Office in Mrs. Em’s cor.
ner room, North Hanover street, Ihrmeffiihlely op
posrlo the Bank. • . 1
Carlisle, March 8,1649—if. ,
T. U. PARKllrt,
A TTORNEY AT I.a w, Office Inf N Orth Hano
rx. vor street, in the room formerly occupied by tiro
Hon. F. Walla. . . :;-v■
March 2S,j»B49,—tf ■' : '
dical Faculty/as well' as the public Mare struck, with,
tvpndet'ot itho numerous curbsmado 'daily by ihiA*
bxtrdordiAary-.medicind, and -ia ’iidw l acknowledged'
by many of our most a
ccrtain nnd speedy clirdfor tubercular Consumption,
in Us worst stages. .‘ It- has .been .-recommonded by
that eminent MoU : ttnd ip.constantly
used in tho Marine Hospital, at; Savannah, Ga„ by.
Dr. Ariibld* the senior physician.of the Hospitals—
The London Lancet, Londonr. Medical Journal,
Braithwaite’s Retrospect, and.all other of (ho Lon
don> Medical Journals hate spoken in praise many
times oftho surprising effects of-; J , ; > ■ ■ :
■- ‘ • Dr. Hastings'- Preparation. :i-
Xt hn? been .thoroughly tried; not 1 only; in the Hbs
pitiil uhdcr Ihocharge of Dri. Ilaslihgs/in London,
but also by ollthe first physician's of,England, and
all have fully endorsed it as'an unrivalled remedy in
Consumption, snd. all other'diseases of-the Lungs.
The following are a few offfjo opinions expressed by
the Medical-Faculty,ofi'England. Doctor William?
eon, of Manchester, thus writes: .
• l Under'Us influence, I haye span, the emaciated
being, on death htul.seonjod. 10, hayo.sol
his anil strcnglh—and .ex
change his . early mornings of iutcnßoVsuffering .ond
I distressing cough for tho 3 ,calm.repose, which alone,
accompanies sound health,” .. .... ••
.. Dr, Ware, of Liverpool, says:— 11 1 regard Hast
ings’ Syrup of Naphtha as one of.the first .medical
discoveries of any age, and consider .its agency in
curing Consumption as established beyond all doubt
or question.”
Dr. Boyd, ofLancastcr, “Hails it os thogrcatcon
sumptive antidote and cuto}” ondDr. Hamilton,-of
Bath, pronounces It “the only known remedy which
may be relied on for removing tubercles from tlio
lungs and preventing formation of others.” . . ;
A single bottle will prove its efficacy., All the
proprietor asks is tho trial of one bottle, the action
of which will prove to tho patient the virtue of this
. . Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis,Decline, Aslhpio, Night
Sweats, and. Spilling ofß|oQd,are cured in a'Burpri
singly short,space of lime, the severest colds having
I yieldcd to the irealmentof tho Naphtha Syrup irt the
short space of. 48. hours. James Western, of f onti
oc, Michigan, was allocked with spitting of blood
and could obtain no relief until ho. tried Hattings\
Naphtha which stopped it in halfanhour. , To enu
merate all ,ho cures performed by. this medicine would
occupy a tbeaccompanyinghaye been selcc
ted-by the American Agent from a mass of certifi
cates and letters which have-been received by him.
N*ack, Itodkland Co., N. Y.,Sopt. 5,1848.
•M.A* F, Harrison—Sir: I wrote to inform'you of
the effect-your Syrup has hadupon my wife. She
has been afflicted with the worst form of consumption
for two years, and had boon-given up by two physi
cians, when I saw your advertisement of Dr. Hast-
I trigs’ Compound Syrup of Naphtha. Being favorably
impressed with it I bought one bottle, which had so
beneficial an.effect that shp persevered In (he use of
it. When she commenced taking it she was confin
ed to her bed, but is now enabled to be up and at
tending to her household.duties, and I,feel confident
that the usd uf a few more bottles will efilirely cure
htsf. 1 \Voulli also odd that rriy brother’s Child had
been afflicted with a,bod cough from its earliest'in
fancy, and I was* induced to try'the effect of the
Naphlha'Synip updli hcr.r'l old so, arid the uso of
half ji.botllb comgleicly clifed hfef. Toil aie.ul lib
erty to use ibis lettor^dt'your discretion. ‘
'Respectfully, Joilx d. Pzniif.
Lowville, Lewis Co.} N. Y., Aug. 19, 1948.
. RI. A. F. Please send rnr», fiftj
buttles Drj Hastings 1 Cbmpohnd Syrup of Naph
tha. This unrivalled medicine is likely to pro
duce’ a great excitement in this community, llon-j
dreds have experienced its benefilddnd thousands!
hate, witnessed its beneficial results.'. As far as
I can learn* it has cured or is fast curing every
onn ft ho has taken it, and in Several Instances it
has restored to health persons who have been
given up by the medical faculty.
Very tcspooirnlly yours, John .
Wo might fill a volume with certificates like
(hose, but we simply ask for a single trial of this
medicine, for we are confident that ilibre is no
persop suffering from any disease o( the lungs but
will find an immediate benefit and speedy cure
from Its use.
For sale in Carlisle by Dr. Rawlin*.
September 6,1840.—6 m
Myers’ Liquid Cure}
WHETHER Internal, Extern*!, Blind or Bleed
ing; Scfofulfl; White, Swellings, Ulcers, and
Ulcerated Sore Tin oat, Canker Sore Mouth, Rheu
matism, Cutaneous Drsdales, Mercurial Aifections
Ato. Also, for Scalds, Burhs, Cols,Sjirolns,Bruises’,
&c. Wo feel justified in proclaiming the fact to' the
world that 6f all medicines ever brought before .the
public, none have over been mrfre beneficial to nflllc
led humanity than ‘‘Myers’ Liquid Cure.” We
know that this is saying a great deal, but if wo were
to write voliimfcs Wo cohld too mUeh in proiso
of this Health Restoring, Life Prolonging Remedy.
Hundreds, nay thousands, bless the happy hour w|icn
first (hey.-welo made acquainted with itstranutondanl
virtues; and our present purpose is to inform other
thousands, how and.where they may obtain that re
lief, which they perhaps, have long sought for in
vain, ' . - „
The superior excellence of this preparation rfvtr
all other medicines for the speedy and,permanent
cure of PILES, is well known Wall wholiavc tested
it. It has been proved in thousand* of instances,
and huS never failed to curu lho most Obstinate
Case *, and wo nro confident it never will fall if used
n proper length of lime according to directions. As
a proof of our entire confidence i% Us efficacy, wops
sure all purchaser* that, if,’ offer a proper trial, it
proves ineffectual, the money paid fur ii wifi he re*
turned , *
The “Liquid Cure” is on .qtfocfunf Reftiedy fur
Ringworms,, Biles, Pimples. Barbers’. Itch, Frosted
LiiulH, Chilblains/ Halt, Rheum, Mbsqullo Bites,
Slings of Poisonottslnsects.'&c,. and for cutaneous
diseases of every description.
It is both safe.and effectual for Rheumatism, giv
ing Immediate ofid permanent relief,
N° preparation now before the public can surpass
the excellence of tho “L'.qnhJ Curb” for Scolds,
Burns, Cuts, Sprains; Bruises, dwellings, &c. Its
effects as a real pain killer arc magical. Every Fa
mily in the land should provide themselves with this
Invaluable preparation, (he cheapness of which places
It within (he teach of oil.
Full Directions accompany coch.bnUlo, Pamph
lets containing copies of certificates from those who
hovo tested the •• Liquid Cure,” may bo had gratis
of our authorised agents. , “Myers’ Liquid Cure’’ is
prepared only by JEROME <t CO.,
• '' 21 Spruce Street, New York , I
Foi sale in Carlisle, by J. A, Rawlins,sole ngcnll
for Cumberland county.
August 23, 1840—6 tn
THANKFUf, to the citizens of Carlisle, and its
vicinity, for their increased custom, wo.again ic»
quest their company io view our largo and splendid
assoitment of . .
Di nor Sets, Tea Sola, Toilet Seta, and single piiicea,
1 cither of Glass, Chino or Stone Ware, sold in quan
-1 lilies to suit purchasers, for less than they can bo
. had elsewhere—in fact at less than Wholesale prices
| American and Bnglish.Dil.snni# Metal Goods in
Greater variety than over before offered in tlio city.
Fancy Chino In great,variety, very cheap. ( '
Wo would inpito nnypqrson vioithig tlio city lo
call and see us—thoy will at least bp pleased to walk
aroupd our beautiful store, add to view the Rabat
China and the cheapest the world produces. ,
.... No. 219 Chosnut street.
Wills., Sopf, 20, 1849. ly
Uqckcr’s Farina,
Ai new'artiele prcpiirultAmuhjfor Famillet, Ifatih,
and Ealing HUutif,
TN’i'RNDRD for Fuddtnaa, Omelet, &c., and
X dlteqbhlled for Gniol, Thickening-BoW and
Gmvoy, and ns a suhalitulo Is preferable to marly
other articles now in usq—being, very delicious.
Iho only wny to judge is to trylt. To be liadal
the store of ■ j- w FRY
. October 4, 1840' ’
1 Nervbut Debiti(y&k‘*‘ a ' n fi he and all
Distaste anSing:jrom\a-disordered Liver or
CljrpH »s,consiipotio9 ! .)nwM l |, I Pil??>^.fullness . r
o blood to the^head, acidity if IlSe slomnth, hoWf]
lioari-burHydiaguit for fooUj'fiillheJi oh weigh, j n , w ’
'stomachi'Bour.oruclAtionMinHing or { ilu|tq|-ing
pit of the stomach, shimming qf, the, fioad, hurried
and,difficult breathing, flutiering at the hcQrt.ciiok.
ingior sufficating sensations \?bcn in a lying.posulrc
dimness of vision, dots pt -webs before the,sight* fev*
eranddull pain in. the head, deficiency of pei»p| ra i
tion, yellowness of i the, skin, .and, eyep, pain in the
side,,back) cbost,limbs, &c.,| eudilen,flushes of WaV’
burnirigin the flesh, constant imaginings of evil dbj
groat depressppp of spiffs, can bc efTectudily cured by
- ;■ lIOOFiiAWD?S ; ;
..Thcir’powcrbycr the
ed— pny’plbcr preparalidh’lh jhc' }/.
Stales as the .cures attest, ( in many'caicfe'&fter skillfilj
1 physicians hod failed,. ;i ' r ■' , '-
, .Derangement of the Li ver and StbrrihcH iVc soureps
of insanity,', wjll also produed . disease of the
iheart, i Bkin,lu'ngs t arid arid 1 Inj'p the" bdiJv
'open tojonnilack of Cholera; bilious bfyelldw feve/
fond is generally \Kb first cdiisb uf Ihat'most’boni'fui
! disease, consumption/ ' ' ‘•.••-•v.
OPINIONS Ot'pilE PHlLADfei.rniA PliEga.
. “The Disjjatch ” of DcccmbeflUst^spys:
As Isvalujl«i.b Mei)iciji.K -—.\yel mve frequent
ly heard the Bitters, ininufotlur
cd by Dr.-Hoofland, spoken of. in tcrms of! con-mni
dotion, ahd.wp.knoiw. Tt Js a'too
pommon practice, in certain quarters) l'6-puff all man
ner of useless trash, tout in the case of the stioVe Bit
lers, hundreds are living witnesses of v their great
moralund -physical worth.., Aa a tnedicirjo.'for the
Inver complaint, jaundice, nctyous dchitiiy and dya.
pepsia, it.has.been found invaluable, effecting cures
and thoroughly,eradicating .diseases, when all other
medicines have failed. : We fcel : cohvincedj that in •
the Use of the German Bitters, the patient dot* not
become debilitated, hut constantly.gainESlrengih ai ,i
vigor to the frame—a fact worthy of great consider,
olipn.. The BiUers arc pleasant in li|slc otul unulj,
bo'administered under thy circumstances,
to iho.most .delicate stoniach.' Indeed they can he
used by all persons with tho' most'perfect safety. Jj
Would be Well for those who arc much affected in the
neryous system, to commence with one ten spoonful
or less,' an'd gradually increase. ' We speak Iron* ex
perience,'and ard of course, tt’hrbper, judge. 'J|, O
press far and wide, have united In recommending the
German Bitters, and to the afllictcd wc most curdjoJ
ly advise their use: 11 •
“Spit it of the Timh” of Juno 24th, says
*‘Do 6u» .oubi^crrizKxswhb'.Pro invalids, know
the many astonishing curfcs that have* been pcifoim
cd by Dr. IlboHandV celebrated Odi man Bitt(-rtil—
If they.'do not, we recommend them to'the‘‘German
Medicine Store,** oil who, ord pfflictpd wiih Liver
complaint, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, or Nervous Debili
ty; the Doctor has. cured’ many of our citizens after
tho best'physician's had failed; We hovp used them,
and they have proved lo ;bo ai medicine that every
one 'should ..know :.of; and we 1 cannot refrain giving
pur testimony'in' their favor,- nnd ; that Which gives
them greater claim Upon oUr bnaiMe'e/Tort; they are
tntirely Vegetable. t '■ /.f;;**. .
u T)ic Daily New*,” of July ( 4{b,'Bdys:
"We speak knowingly of Dr«Hoofland’s celebra
ted German Billers, when We spy it;is o blessing bf
’ (his age; and in diseases of tho biliary, digestive and
Nervous systems, |i has riot We tbltik an eqhal. U
li n Vegetable,Preparation, and made without Alco*
hoi, and to all invalids wp would/recommend it ka
worthy thoir confidence.*:'
It is from one of odr first druggists,' a gentleman
favourably knowh ihrohgbodt the United States—
tho proprietor of the “Medicated Worm Syrup.”
_ ... Pliilo., No..i2U, .I^B.
Dear Sit—ll is With much pleasure that I testify
to tl.o extraordinary virtues of your Giiimnn Bitters
having sold largely of them these last few inonihs to*
Ittrlotis persons, afflicted, with 'Liver complaints,'
Dyspepsia, and'dubi|l|y'of the'Nervous system.' I
car) suy'cofiAcictitibiisly, that they arc (ho boat arti
cle of the kind I have over sold, (and I deal in oil
tho pOprfbit mpdjCfncs) ayid I'consider; it the'only
medicine fur tho above* diabases before tlic public.
1 have never sold one buttle that 'has riot given
satisfaction, and brought foflh the commendation of
mosc (vno usidlt. ‘ ' - ‘
I deem this my d(i(y both to you an the proprietor
of this highly valuable article, and to those hfllifin/
V*Uh the above complaint?, that they may knov of
ifk ctffnlrto prdperties and to enable them Id «ltt\
the good from Uio taiiotis articles wiih'nhich oat
market la flooded.
J. N. HODEI**SACK,-Druggist.
Corner of Second and • ssts.i
< Cuiil' , | I AIST CUKKII AF’fSM
, IIAII '-Pii U.ll !
*]' a . ■ ' \:';;,Jliilii., : l)cc.2UB4B.
. Dear Sir—lt Is with feelings of pleasure Tebnmui
nitate to you the sensativo cOotis (and in a shot
lime) of your invalu-iblo ‘tllooflrtmi’s celebrated Gtr
rrran Uitlerß,” upon my system while Inhering under
(ho Jaun ice. About two years ago I had an attack
of the Jaundice and was conflneJ to iho house six
Week* under medical treatment of the : Pami|y PhV
sician and for .sometime after, whin iWnt nut 1 had
to he +t(y careful of mj self, since that tiiiie I have
had steeral attacks of the some disease.-and • your
Bitters have entirely relieved and cured mo In'two
or three dayk.; My nest door neighbor,* Mr. John
Diehl, last spring,-hod a long a BeriouaspelM Jsun
illco, lic luul. t Bomclimo before I know il: ho wub
condned lo hahod.. An anon on Ihobrd of hi> con
dition I called lo Rcc liitti rmd told him of Iho.ciroot
your Bitters lisd upon me imho name dUmeo. J/o
nnmcdiataly scut for u bottle, and in few d. alio
was cun d. 1 jinvo in aomal i„.t,. 11Pr . trdum ,ni nd
od the Hitlers in other ceara, alwaya ~r (1 dnoing Iho'
ImL , r P, ' l V U ' Cl - Mjr ? i . fo h »* conaidotahly
afflicted with I, ,«o, complaint oud Kcurol R ia,by Iho
usoof the B liters aho t. well,,„„„ enjoying good
hoa Hr., Wo believe from tht V m,„y turns ie “now
of. I huso Bitters effecting. , Uat thci.,p„r, t ,».i„ are
marlm du and oiiraordmary g, ,„t curative
properlies, mid that which enhance, thtlrValun whh
ua ia, they are entirely vegetable.; \V Q ,alwhva keep
the Bitters on hand and would not be \. Uliliß to he
.without them. . , ’ ''; : ■
. Very toapci tfully, your,, ' ’ "
C. PBIIKJE, 370 aouiliTfonl at.
Con aliongcr lealimony ho nddnrcil by any Prepa
ration licfilre tho public 1 A alhglo hollla will eon
vinco any one of their power over diacoao. Tiny
ore entirely Vegetable, and wiiipcrhioncmly dealroy
tho most ohalinnlo coaiivoncsi, and gitc alnVigih niid
vigor to Iho frame, at no lime .debilitating Iho palieril;
tilling also grateful lo the moat delicaia aionihcb nn.
derany circumstance?, and can he a Jniinistcrrtl with
perfect fiofely to dpljciilo infarrLßv 111cy ore, free from
Alcohol, Syrup, Acids, Calomel, arid oil mineral and
injurious Ingredients, ’ :
J hoy con ho taken at nil times and under all clr«
ouinslnnccs, no ordinary exposure will prevent them
having a,salutary cHbctfOnd no bud result con accrue
from an over dose. i* • i ■ . ; i
Foi>nl«, Wholesale ond.retall.'ni the principal
Race street; PH4|p.' - 1
Poraulo In Carlisle; by SAMnsii :l Ei.i.ioTT, and
ircsnectolilo dealers ftcnerally thrbughouUhe State.
, February 22, 1840— ly 1 •• 1
JHannlaClory or Pookol lioohft, &c.
‘No. fisi Chesnut Street t nbove Sccorul % PhUa.
TUB aubßprlbQr .rospecifuny.Bollcita'putrlic.ntlbn'
tjpivto lijs supcriqi of.
. Pocket. DooKs,; V- ‘>oQk o tiKo<jWM ’ .
Danker ..Cases,.,* and other-fine>CullcryV
'Dil].Dook»i i Gold Pens and
Dressing Cases* \ SegarCases, -\, , n .,
’ Cdrd Coses, ChesSlMcn,..,
Fort Monaioa, Rack Gammon Boards,
__arses, Domirlos, &fc., &o, -
Ills assortment consists of tho mostdosbionable and >
modern at vies, of the finest', quality ohd-excellent
workmanship, embracing every desirable fancy psl
torn, which ho will at oil lime# bo prepared id Wblb
rt and furnish wholesale or retail on the moßrplcM , ‘
mg terms, <I s . • ,
Purchasers who dosird to fcopply themselves wllh (
articles of the host quality ,wljl consulhlbdr own in*
torcsts by culljng al ihis establishment* . . ,
•• : , F. ft. SJWITH, '
'Vothei Booh Manufacturer] 'Chc&W
Phlla, Aug.3o, 1840—Om