American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, January 17, 1850, Image 3

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    \VlTOlifi:rtST)BBE:|ißTl ‘ > . ■ rnCAßltlEi*.’ •
*Wo atefrequenlly apkqd;says 1 . Ori.theGtU instant, by the Rev. A; H. Kretnor.Mr*
'ißniiWliewtha new; Siato of .Deseret;,is situated J J« 0B Kosf,.of;KDox county, Ohio, lo Him Mary
v . •«. r il V- i Rost, ofFrankford township,; .
Th 6 'followiDg‘ j 6xtraot l ;frora the.ConsUluuon, re- (^ on i|,b JlSlh.inaianl,: by Miv. Leonard
oently will enable bur readers; to an- Gutshallj.lo Miss Mart.Ellen-Wetzel,!both.of N.
swer ith'eiqueatldnylbsiiecially if they will, take thd Middleton township., , ,
irouUedo refer to the map of the United States ; ggBSSHBMg^^ gaaßg!BgßßgMggllgw ?
•/ 4 ‘ r . ‘ . 0 1 ’ „ . •• v •; Fourth Lcclurot •
:■ W°‘s° jP "’ THE. Executive'Committee announce to the clli:
lot hitherto eojoycdj and of, that the Fourth Lectori if the Couroo
dependence on ’H i m tor a conttnuance/of those } wi|l ba delivered In Education Hall, on Thursday
blesSlnga,-do ordain and establish a free and inde- Ewningx tho lTlh Inst;, by the Rev, J. VvE. Thorne.
penitent- government, by the name- of .the Slate Subject—2Ae Eye and lhe.Ear t the Tongue and the
.\if, D'dserel, Including all the territory of the Uni- Thumb. Admission for Ladies,. Free.. .Gentlemen
ted- Slates t within; the ■ following - boundaries, to. 12J cents each. The proceeds, aftcnpayingexpenscs,
wtVcOmihibhciHg’ai lhe33d degree of north Jal- i 0 bo opproprialed to the relief of IhcPoor. Lecture
ilu'de/where ii crosses the 108th degree of Jongi- ta coinmenco at 7,o’clock.
bf'Greenwlch; thence, running south ,John JB. Parker,- Wm. H, Miller,
and west tbthfe. northern[boundary of. Mexico; , .James Hamilton, ? at ?’
thence and dowruthe main channel of the . SAuCELELiioir, . Tubs. H. Skives, ,
Gila river, on the norlhern line of Mexico, and oil Dr. H. Hincklky, l^odle,
boundary of California,'l6 tbe S? A'Cwle/ * JxL U. Smith,
;.Uience along the coast northwea- - u Executive Committee. U 8 degrees 30 minutes of’west longitude;
tfience north to where said iiheii, intersect the di
viding'ridge. of the Sierra Nevada'mountains?
thence north'along' Oie summit of the Sierra Ne
vada mountains to the dividing range of mountains
[that separates the yraters flowing into the Colum
bia river from the waters running into the Great
Basin on the-souih, ty.the summit'of the \Vind_
'Uiver chain of'mounlaina; thence 1 sotheast and
south by the .dividing range of mountains that
'separates the waters flowing into the Gulf of
Mexico 1 from the waters flowing into the Gulf of
California; to the place of begining, as set forth
in a ; map,dravyri by Charles Preuss, and published
by order of tho Senate' of the United States in
•iffid, ' ' r ' '■
Orange’s Appll*
•• O atl0)a t'o'Congress*:. :
'.ln tbe Senate, on the I Olh’ instant Mr. Clay pre
sented tho petition;of WilliamA. Sceloy, praying
Congress to interfere in bis behalf to effect the .re-,
covery of $20,000 due him by the Government of 1
Holland.' ■; * - ■ ■ ■ [
The circumstances of (he claim were’staled to
. be, that l;i September,. 1829 j iho palace of Wil
liam, Prince, of Orange, and of the Princess, his
; wire,'.Biiuatpd near .Brussels was burglariously
‘ entered ami rubbed of ail the royal pluto, diadems,
insignia, diamonds, crown jewels, and other rich
and splendid,, articles of value; in allamounting
in value, as was said by-the Charge of the Neth
erlands; then in this country, to probably one mil
lion of dollars. The police of.all' Europe were
invoked lb discover the robbers, hut in vain.' The)
‘ government of the Netherlands sent to all the ha- j
lions of the world aparlicular description of. the
lost, witharequeal thatcustoin-hmise offt
cere and others might be.on the look-out for them.
■,,.0n the ftth November following, ihe govern
t. ment of the Netherlands authorized its ministers
2. and agents to. offer a reward of fifty thousand i
-florins. 'Phis Was done, h appeared that one
[ Constant Polari was the rubber, and that after)
[ taking, the articles he found .it inip.oasjble to do
1 anylhingwhh them, and. had buried them. In
' 1831,1 ho. look up-with a lewd woman and her
. child, and with them dug up a large portion of the
I ‘ articles, stowed them away, and, on foot, left
v? Brussels and entered Prance. Here they disposed
’ of, a portion of- thein, qitd with the residue placed |
'i in a hollow cane; a hollow umbrella-stick, and a
:V iibtlow toy for a child, reached America, and
'ip passed thu’cuelom-huuse without detection: They
)l'. P ul bp at a respectable French bdnrdingrhouse in
New Vork, where at that time dwelt one John
llowmage, a Frenchman. Howmago soon got on
lon^B ot iuflnijcy with the woman, and inveigled
out of the secret. Chevalier Huggins, the
from the Netherlands, and the petitioner,
fyf became apprised of these facts, and; after tho
most extraordinary-efforts during a period of threei
years, the petitioner succeeded in recovering (he
Sp” wliole of the lost jewels,
p During the lime between the loss a.d the arri-
W, val of the rogue in this country, the interest in
lv (ho toss had become considerably heightened from
the rumors, and afterwards the direct charge, that
the princes was his own robber. The royal family
- ' consequently, were more deeply interested in the
’• 1 { recovery, and .inducements of the.most oxtrava*
yj. ganl Character were held forward for the recovery
■ of the stolen goods. So great.WuS this feeling
that Chevalier Huggins declared itiut the inliirisic
V"' r.value of the articles was considered as nothing in
-. comparison to the slain upon tho character of the
After the conviction of I’ulari, and Ins
cxecuiioiu Instead of. the reward promised,, the
petitioner.was offered a small token; Which he in
dignantly refused. Since (hat time he has
j. received anything from Holland.
| It was known that the U, S,.haying assumed a
\ debt due by'the city, of Washington to* Holland, yearly to pay interest'and Instalment on
the same, and it had been suggested, to Mr.. Seeley
to apply to Congress, and ask them, rfs they held
. the means' of idomnity in their hands, to. withhold
from Holland an amount.of the debt due her suf
fieient to. compensate him for liis services. Jn
the papers which petitioner presented with his
memorial,.he gave what were believed to be pre
cedents for the action which he proposed.
Mr. Clay said that he was aware that the gen
eral rule was, that when a citizen of the United
States contracts with a foreign government, lie
shall rely upon the good faith of that government
for lie fulfillment. It was thought, however, that
there were exceptions to this general rule,, of
which this appeared to be one. As tho Cdmmitte
on Finaoe had charge of the bill making > the ap
propriations out of which the petitioner asks re
< . lief, lie moved a reference to that committee.
’■ Mr. King contended that there was no propriety
t In the course suggested by-the memorial. 'This
petitioner hod contracted with tho Frince of Or
ange for certain services, and it was now proposed
- that money should he taken from the pockets of
v the private citizens of Holland,-to : withhold mo
- reys which we havocont aoted'in good faith to
. J ' pay them, and which they expect to receive in
; 4 ’gbod faith—to pay.n debt due by the Prince of
‘ Orange—the 'Gorernmenl of Holland, ' if you
to a private Individual,
I Mr. Clay said the Senator had. Slated the gen
-1 eral.nOo without doubt, Uui.thU was an cxeep
' Bon* Tho proposition was to. pay U out of a debt
duein part, at least lo the Government of Holland,
gnd it was as proper to allaoh, the debt due Hol
land, in thfc country, under lira ciroumafanoeo, qs
. to attach any btljcr property of any , foreign‘cred?
t itor, • - •• ,
| , The. reference to thoCommUlee of Finance was
I. ordered, ’ ■ ; 1 < ■ •
p'-j Eucction DaV at S-CcnrjjKNTo Citt.—Tho Califor
nia correspondent of the Tribune tell* the following
i ..story :•
:To day is olocllon, and (he polls have just closed,
All good old customs hove been transferred to , this
OUU. and accordingly we have had rain for twenty
■ four hours. This,digging, nevertheless, turned, out
j(O5 voles, all of which wore “For tho Constitution,"
As there ore two or three candidate for Stole offices the placo, the drumming up oftolcn gave one a
y rc ,U reminiscence of homo. Tlie choosing of can.
iidaloa from lists, nearly oil of whom were entirely
Unknown, was very amusing. Names, in many in*
,’iil»noes were made to stand for principles? according*
. |y,aMr. Fair got many votes.. . One of the oandl
dales, who hsd boon on the river a fow days previous,
.' Wearing a high crowned silk Hat,’with narrow brim,
lost about twenty Volos oirthst account. Some went
no further than to vote for these they actually knew.,
Oh* who took the opposite extreme, justified himself
WlhU win/—"Whsn I’left homo,” said hoj ‘>l wee,
' determined to go ft Mind. 1 went It blind in coming
to California, and I’m not going (ostop nbw, I voted
v for the Constitution, and I haVo hoVef soori (ho Con'*
M Vtilution. . 1 voted for all the candidates,,and I don't
j fiiknow* d—nod one of them. I'm going ii blind.all.
; a«<hrough, 1 am.” Tho Californians and resldent'l
who arc entitled tp volo,, Word In high'
f dpirits, on exerpjslhg the privilege fur tho firsl time
fn their lives. It made nu difference what (he ticket
Was; tho fact ofthoir having voted very. njutsh in*
Creased their self importance/for 10-day al least 1 .
|f ' ' mV-
'(£J» Ex*doVoi’rt6»‘ Trail' (Whtgyof Maryland, has
beon’ elaoledlo. tlitaU. S.' Sona'lo,’ IW pWo of flon,
iVoTcrdy Johnston, Attorney Qcmjral yf IUo United
Auditor?* Notice.
IN lho motter of-the. final administration account
ofJolm Peters,' Executor of Jacob Hurmsli, doc’d,
the undersigned. Auditor, appointed' by the Orphans 1
Court of Cumberland county, ip make distribution
pro rota among tho creditors, will ottend for that
purpose, at his office in Carlisle, bri Monday (ho 4lh
day of February'nbkt. • ' ' '■ ‘
Jahuary 17, 1850—3 t ' • '■
, mill foi uoni.
THE 'Merchant hlilt aVthe Carlisle Iron Works is
for rent.
January -17, 1850.
"VTOTICE is hereby given to all. persons interested,
JLN that the following sccounla.hdvo been filed in
this office for examination by tbs accountants therein
named, and wiil-ba prestinted lo the Orphans' Court
.of Cumberland county for 'Confirmation and allow
ance, on Tuesday the 'lStli day of February, A. D.
1850, viz: -■ ; ;
1. The account of John 1 Herman, Guardian of
Milrgurcl Musser. ■
2. Tho account of John Bowman, Executor of
Samuel Bowman, lata of Euslpcnnsborongli township,
deceased. ■
- 3.' Tho account©/JohnMlller, who was Executor
nrMichitel Wolf,.late pi Miftlirt township, deceased,
os settled by George Greegor and John Miller, Exec
utors of tho said John Miller.'.
4. The supplemenlul account of John Bownian,
surviving Executor of John Bowman, luto of Bust
Peimshorough township, deceased..
5. The uccountofGeorge Brindlo and Daniel-R.
Frieze, Executors of Michael Frieze, lute of South
Middleton township, deceased.
6. Tlio supplemental account of John Piper and
John S. Dunlop, Administrators of James Piper, lato
1 ufWcvtponiisborough township, deceased..
I . 7. The account of John Coover, jr., Administrator
I of. Samuel ll* Andrews, lato of North Middleton
township,.deceased. '
8. Tho account of Lemuel Todd, Esqi, ono of the
Executors of Samuel (Alexander, Esq., lato of tho
Borough of Carlisle, deceased.
9. Tho account of Alexander M’Dowcll. Adminis*
, Iralar of Andrew M’Dowell, lato of North Middleton
township, deceased.
10. The account of Nathan Hsnlch, Administra
tor with the Will annexed of Elizabeth Guest, l&tc of
the Borough of Carlisle, deceased.
■ll. Tho account of Frederick Wondorlich, Admin
istrator of William Quigloy, luto of the Boiough of
Mechanicsburg, deceased.
> WILLIAM GOULD, Register.
. , ReaisTKa's Office, /.. ...
Carlisle, Jun’y, 12,1850. (
DlSHoluUon .of Partnership., ",
partnership heretofore existing between the
, JL; subscribers, under tho firm of Wright & Saxton,
wap dissolved on the Ist instant, by inutual cbjisonl.'
Tho books and papers of'(he luto firm, ofd |‘n the
hands of 11. .Wright,-and all persons .Indebted Will
plouso, call and sctllo ns early as possible, alid. all
claims against them Will bd paid by him. ' .
.11. WRIGHT;
~. ' : H. SAXTON;
■ Ctifllslb,- January 10, ISflO-ftt.
N OTIC 131
Tfltj uncfcf.oighcd having purchased thd Interest 6
his fonfier puitnnr, Mr,' H. \V’right, lakes this
method of informing hid numcroud customers and
the public generally; jtfnil hd will continue at tho
well known stand, t in East Mam stfccLdirectly bp
dosito tho sioro of Churlcs -Ogilby; where -will be
found, constantly on hand'thb lorgcsi anti cheapest'
assorlincnl of goods in'his line, such as '
. , ~ilar«lwai-c',’ Ccdnrnnrcj
Glass of every size, Paints, Oils; Dyo Stuffs, &c.—
The stibaferJbfcJ rutUrhe his sincero thanks to his
customers i and tho oomnninity generally, for the
liberal pdlrunogo given- (o (ho late linn, and hopes,
by strtbl attention (o busincvj, lb : (ncrit.und receive
a conlinuunto ol lho same; . . , .
, a ; n . EENRV- SAXTON.
January 10, 1850*
For Rail?.’
THE Store Room on West Hlgli street, now oc
cupied by Geo. R., Crooks, ml}.»btlnff Dr. Raw
lins* Drug store, is offered /or rent ftoin the Ist of
April noil. Apply to
January 10, 1860
For Rant.
THE sub’crihc^ufTurs. tot rent', from the Ist April
,next, the Stone Blacksmith Shop on the corner
olTlanovdf and North streets,'opposite Orth’s hotel.*
Also, tlio Frame Coaclunukcr Shoji adjoining oii
North street, nl present occupied by C. Long. Also
u two story Stone House in Norfh Hanover , street',
occupied by J, Burkholder. Fur tonus apply lo
JpHN''MOORE, Blacksmith.
Carlisle, January 10,1859—1 f
Tho Kow Year
HAS brought with ’ll, and added to our former
stock of Glass dc Quccnqwuro, n fine
China, Gianito, am) Blue Liverpool Tea Setts; be
sides, Dishes, Dales, Bowls, and every article'suit
able for Dinner Setts; Tumblers, Salta, Dithers,
Toilet soils, and a hbndsoiue selection of .
Rich & Fancy China,
articles, aseful oi well ns omamonlnl, making our
present slock ono of the finest ttusorlmbnts to selccl
lioin-'Qnd to which the attention of our former
friends;housekeepers, ohd others. are Invited—ptlho
oi.p stapi> nearly opposite the Post Oiltco. •
Carlisle, Jan. 10, 1800 • J.W.BBY.
COFFEES, A lot of fresh Rio and Java Cofllcs,
of brat quality, now in store—also a general as*
•orlmont of (ho now crop of GREEN AND BLACK
TEABi 'a.'gonoral assortment of Sugars, cm*
bracing , (ho- ysual, variety of Brown; also
Crushed Sugars, at former low prices, and afresh
lot of Pure Spices, ground and unground, including
Citron, Currants, &o.—as \ycll as our' other, usual
variety—aH just received and for sale by
. J. W.EBY. ,
January 10, 1860 . *
Bolls I Bolls I
rpUE subscriber has Just received a large & splen-
X did assortment SlkiohV'Djcm,*, [loose and on
embracing Neck aiid MartingaloVetraps, with
open and round bolls. Also body strapß.wiih single
and double rows. Also on band a fine assortment
of Sleigh, Sulky, and Riding Whips, with Jvoty and 1
Whalebone handles. /
January 10, 1860
Estate Notice/
LETTERS of administration on’lfVc datule’of j(lary
U'urlin, deceased, luto of Newton township,
Cumberland county, Pennsylvania, Have been grant
ed to the subscriber residing. In tWanrno township,
AH porßonsfndentod to 0d|(l estate will mnkoimmo
diafo puy’ment, on«f those having claims wilt present
thorn properly authenticated for settlement I ,'to
; Decotobeir 13,1840—0f* l ''
DU; JAYN'P’3 Tamily MbdicinW for said at tiro
Drugdnd Variety store of Henry A. Sturgeon.
litoariCE.: { **;.;■ ---"■■ •
I NTHE ; MATTER ortho writ of.
Valuation oh llio Real Estate/of, Dcitribll UJller,
deceased.' V. -V ”
Now. to will "18lh f . December,”lB49, Inquisition
confirmed ahd’.Rulo dh all tbo'heirk and parties In
interesti - vifel ’'CulhVHnb widow of Adam Uhlcr,
deceased) SusttK Uhlcr, Sara!i’Uhlur;Mary Uhlcr apt!
two other' minor chlldrcnof the said Adam Uhlcr,
..whose dames are unknown; Jacob Uhlcr, Mary Uhlcr
intermarried \yilh Theodore Lyne| Jonathan Talbert,
William Talbert, Sarali Talbert and one whose name
is unknown, children of the said: Jonathan.Tulbcrt
and; Mary his wife; James M’Cabo ami Saroh.liia
wife, and Samucl Ndilori and Eliza his jvife, to ap*
pear-at the next staled Orphans’ Court to be held tit
Carlisle in and for Cumberland county) on thd 12th
day ofFdbruary 1850,mid accept or refuse to accept
of the Rcal Estutc of Dcllrich Uhlcr, dcc’d., at the
appraisement and'valualion. '
Notice of said Rule on the parties above named is
therefore hereby given.
, DAVID SMITH, Sh’ff. .
' • Sheriff’s Office, >
Carlisle, Jan. 10,1850—3 t \
To the Heirs and Legal Representative* of T/ioa. WaU
. lace, late of the Borough of Nfwcille, deceased,
TAKE notice that by virtue of a writ orParlUion
and Valuation, Issued out of the Orphans* Court of
Cumberland county, and to me directed, I will hold
an inquisition on the Real Estate of Thos. Wallace,
doc’d.) on lho premises, on Thursday the 7lh day of
February, 1850, dt.ll o’clock A.. M., far the purpose
of. making' partition’ and valuation of said estate,
When arid where vou may attend ifyou think proper.
• ; * DAVID SMITH, Sh’if.
. • Sheriff's Office, J
Carlisle, Jan. 10; 1850.
LETTERS of Administration on the estate-of
Joseph Young, Sr., laic of Silver Spring town*
ship,Cumberland county, Pa.,’ have been issued to
"the'subscribers residing in sotd, township,-in said
county.' All persons indebted to sufd estate will
make immediate payment, and those Having claims
will present, them properly authenticated for settled
iiicnt to v • -
... JOSEPH YOUNG, Jr.).,;.
January 10,1850 —6t*
XIST OF LETTERS remaining* in HioE*dst-dfnco
at Carlisle, Pa.,'January 1, 1850. Persons in
quiringfor totters on this list, will j)lcascaoy they arc
Anderson John • ■ Murphy James
Aucherman Miss Catha.MaJ M’Lochlin
Armstrong Mrs Uatha. Moore Mrs Margaret 3 .
Anderson John E Michael,Jno
Aolly Franklin • Mell David
Adams Miss Eliza Miller Samuel
Brindle Goo M C'Graham Geo 2 —'
Baughman Philip Mitchel William
Bear Miss Maria Mawry Miss Mary
Bear Samuel Malone Mis Mary , .
Brenizer David Moumz Jajjob
Duller Kev William M’Coy Thomas ' t
Burkholder Jacob .. Myers Mrs Martha
Bpypr Fanny * M’BrideJho.
Bowman John M’Belh Jno
Brisellon Kebert . Merrill Mrs Louisa E 3
Bishop J A i Misliler Michael Esq .
Baker Jno M’Belh James
Belton Col PS . Moore Mrs Cynthia
Chase Capt Lewis Morrison Joseph
Coulter Geo W - . , Meniko Miss Elviry
Cl'mepoier Sarah ' ...jVFDermdt Edward
Margaret M Mathews VVjlliam
Mr Gorman , .Mouhiz.Messrs. A or fc>
Calvert Peter Warden Charles'F
Executors of.G R CrooksM Moll & Co . ,
Miss Nancy Campbell Nowille Henry 3
Craig Hugh Ndrj CS •
Clark Mrs Sarah ‘ .Noble Francis or Jno B-
Anna E Cain NickeyJnoG
Campbell Mrs ElteabeihNewtun Uov E J
Calwell James . Niesley Abraham »
Collier MessrsNjcleOaspor - •
- Clrtrk’Samuel Pittman Thomas, v
Crain Samuel Phoane Mrs Elii
Cttatos Gbo , •• Prolts Jacob .
Cfo’siy Joseph ■ . .Parson Miss Mqlinda
Samuel > Parks Aduline 2
DillefJ Esq . - . Rhoads Samuel
Dunlap Hiram C 3 Homer Gorden R
Dice Jacob, , Stayman J A
Devinhoy -WlJliani Sons of Temperance 5 ‘
Dollar Andrew CF \ Sours B.imue)
Davis Miss Mary .fchetron Peter
Duncan J B fchvqrds'Mrs Eliza'.
Dice Jno . •. t ' J SVviger Elnora '
Desanno Mrs Hannti '. Smhh Gep S 3
Disler Vplentine . ( Slam W,S
Frehn Charles 3 ' Sliomal .
Fonasdoll Miss Snyder Michael
Gurty Jno & Co Smiley Geo 3
GeissoPaul D Shcaffer. Miss MaVgaret
Griffith Rev.A Slehman Jno '■
Cinder Jacob ’.. .Squire Jacob,
Gobhard Henry Snyder Mrs Ann Eliz.
Gilmer James Smith Geo A
GleiVney Thomod . Smith Geo W.
Gardner W & D P Stinson Geo VY
Ginter Miss Sarah Shaffer Geo ,
Hutton Mrs Elizabeth Shannon Isao
Mali Owen I? , ( , • 1 ShoaferJoel
Howard Alexander SwoyerJ # -
Horner Miss Ann Mary Shombarphr Philo II
Ho\fer4 Mi 98 Jane . - fchehblns.Thos O
Buffer Jacob , shrotn David ...
Ho word Mrs Jah£ Sherman Jno
Hurley Jacob Side) Chrislanna
Sergt HartimnhA ' . Sfurl Lewis A
Harrison Nathan* SwonjrcrSamuel
Hill Jesse. . Shriner Chas
Horning Goo 1 SedoniMrss A'nnrf
HubnorJno’ . , Tointer Augustus
Hosier Miss Mary Anh Vnttphn Isobell
Hardy Mrs Morgaret Vardeokor Frederick .
HtmlConrod Woods Tiros J
HoavingerJno . Wells Seth 3 •
Unto John Wagner Jno
Hagy Hcm'yß, ... WolfJno
llinpehamer M isa Sarah Wise Mrs Rt*brc6ft
Hnlloday J II Esq Williams David
Haslain Anthoily Watson Christopher
Irvlno Miss Maria Wise Leonard .
Irvine Soloman Wollerd Henry
Janies Mrs Mary Walt Cato
Johns Miss Marla * • Walls Mrs Sabina
Joaiah Kilgore Warner A O
John Kipgeboroug 1 Walts Fabian .
Lenhartf Pumpmaker) VVliiimiglu Miss Lydia
LenhbrrGoo. _ Wheeler Geo'
LonhartAlias Susanah Watts Mrs Sarah
•Landis Mrs JM- , ■ Woll Goorgo
M'Cousjand James A
BUCKWHEAT MEAL.—A flno article, uclcrtcd
expressly for family use. .Also Donna, Hominy,
flno Dairy Salt, Mflokaret' Haimoq, Molasses, Cider
Vinegar, Crackers, Sap Sago, flno Cheese, and oilier
useful article*. To bo bad ui (ho lowest coidi prices,
of • • El) VS.
January TO, 1850
Now Ooocls&ClioapClotlilii^.
THE subscribers have Just returned from Phila
delphia with splendid assortment ol Goods for.
'gentlemen's wear, with which they Intend offering
great inducomonts to the citizens of Carlisle and
surrounding country. They hove on-hand un as
sortment '■ ■*• '■"C’
such as Coals,,Clonks. Over-epats, Vests,
Pants, Shirts, bosoms, Collars, Under Shirts,
Drawers, Gloves, Stockings, Silk and oihorOra
vats, Pocket Handkerchiefs, Suspenders* Halay
Caps, Truhks,’ Travelling flags and Umbrellas;
all of which selling at a very emnll
advanbo b'ri‘oily ooaU'havjrig for their motto “small
profits und qlilofc Bales.” . They Wish it to bo un
dorstootVthatr tliviP ololhilig is• dll manufactured
under their own slipbrintenimhcd and not in the
oily, honco thoy aro enabled lo warrant every ar
ticle they soil'. .5
Haying an oxporlencdd culler engaged Intheir
establishment, they aroi prepared nt till times to
make to order any article in u neat,
fiiflliionnblu, and substantial manner, oml at short
. Nprth.Uai\ovcr St, opposHe Jfoni/er'a Store. I
Carlisle, Oct. •], IBJ9—OnV . . * > ; |
Estate Notice.
, Tlii’CcHouscs fovlteiU.
THE subscriber offers for‘rent,Trbm tljo first of
;A,pritnox(, a..!two on itho
corner of D’ariovcr street and Chapel alloy, ond auil*
able, for* any kind, of business. ' Also, a two story
Flustered House situated on South Honovor Street,-r-
Also, a Brick {louse, situated in Chapel alley,' ad-,
joining the obovoi ..Also', a iShop, suUithle.for.alniost
any kind of business.' For particulars enquire of
. . / , * < . SIMON SMITH. Sri
. Carlisle, January 3,1850—3 t
John VVALLbwBR, Sr. John Waixower, Jr.
. (Successor, to Funk ic. Miller,) , .
Fordwarding & Commission
And Agents for the’ Pennsylvania Central Rai
Road Company, and wholesale dealers in’Gro.
. ccrics, Produce, Coal, Plaster, Salt, Fish,
. Nalls, Bacon, Powder; &o.
Harrisburq, Pa.
January 3.1850—3m*
Mule Teams for Sale. - ,
fIIWO mule Teame at. Private Sale.—Tyo (j mule
JL, teams; (he mules are young, being tlirep ,ahd
four years old, and well broken. Goars .nearly pew
to suit.. The-mules will bo. sold altogether dr In
pairs. Apply at Mount Holly to' • ’
■■ '. - BROWN 4c glveN.
December.2o; 1849.—1 f ■_■■■■
Propcvty lu filngstbiyu fpivßcitt.
HMIE two story Brick Dwelling Douse atitJ Store
I. Roooi, situate on Main slrbpl, iri lho village of
Kingstown, is offered for rent'.. Possession given cm
the Ist of April. For terms, &c., enquire of ...
_ k . . v HENRY W. IRVIN.
December 27) 1849—41*
; For Kent. ,
rptlE itvoylory plastered lioubo, situated in East
L High street, Carlisle, and at present occupied by
Sheriff Hotter, is olTcrod for rent; There is every
convenience attached to this house, to muko it a de
sirable residence, huv/ng a good garden, fruit trees,
stable, Ac. Possession-given on the Ist of April. .
• For terms apply to . ’
. . . . . .. . JdllN GOODYEAR.
December 27,1849; . . . '
THE Commissioners of Cumberland -county, have
fixed, upon tho following times and places, for
holding the Appeals.on tho Triennial Assessment fur
the years 1830-1-2, foV the several townships und
boroughs In said county}to wit:
8W,4 -Airiu'hif, ... . hacacher, hltd. T
(Will Jau'y
an ih Jau’y
arii» jt\n*v
30t i Jau’y
3m Jau’y
3l»i Jau’y
Ist Peb’y
2<l Fob’y
■ith Fob’y
stli Fo’liy
Oth Peli’y
Olh Fob’y
7Ui Feb’y
filh Feb’y
Oils Fpb'y
nth Feb’y
IStli Fob’y
Cltli Feb’y
Uth Feb’y
K»b Feb’y
Mitlliii. ,
riliippuiisburt,' On.
tjlijmtmisliura Tp.
Sniitliaiii|>mii, -
Mon'mft, • ,
Silver SprJiijr.
New CninlierJaiid,
- •
Dickinson,- •
North Middleton,'
Carlisle,, j jy^Wanl
S. Itiiplcy'd, Ncw.villcl
Do Uo'
Do ' do'
D. Mowry’a, Ncwlmrg,
C. Znils,
Do., ilo
'Do , Uo i,
J, IToovor’a. Monitl rtocltf
J. I’mil'fl.Cliiifchtown, -
G. Duey’*; Hoguestown.
8; Hemilnger's, Urldßcpori. •
•.Do . i ,■ do*.
J. Rccter’s, Sporting Hill.
J- (Hack’s, Meclionlcfburg.
D. Shenfier, Sliepherdstown.
’ Itofllnaii’p, Slone Tavern;
’ Cmnmissloncr'sOfllce.Uarliß]
1 Do -, jo
’ Do ..^A.’do
•j Do . : do •
County Rates—Dollar rale, 31 mill,.
Stale Rules—Dollar role, 3 mills. . {
Tho return to bo made by the respective Assessors
at the limes and places determined upon for holding
Appeals for (heir respective townshipor borough; ul
which time (ho Assessors will return the names of
(wo respectable citizens of his borough or township
for tho appointment of a collector.
By order of ll]o Commissioners. .
Attest: W..RTLEY, Clk.
, ComVs, Office, Carlisle, Dec. 27, l&a9—4t
CALIFORNIA maSr be tho place to.gct
Mold* blit buy.CHEAP
.LUMHE'R, atid a goio'd deal dt it ftjr a
litlle mo\iey, call atTlhe did established
Lumber Yard of ~
il. Cliurcli & Co.J ,
til the west end of the Harrisb’g.Bridgc,
CUniborlaiid side. ■
WllEftE you can buy cheaper oud bcjlci- dum
ber limn at any oilier Yard on ibo Surquclmn-
nn river.
Dry common hoards at $ll, $l2. & $l3.
Hoards of superior quality ai $S'& 10. ••
Shingle* best quality at sl2j
Do second quality ni slo*
Do Hemlock at $7 50. .. ;■ .
Populai Plniik, r half inch iJoarde,
Yellow Pino Flooring, Boards. .{f Siding and Fcpco
Board, Ash Plank and Boards, Pannel and Ist com
mon Lumber 1, Is, 1 qnd 2 Inches (hick — dry.
Having also a.s'loam, Sow_ in pperatiqn, wc ore
prepared to Sa\v bills to order at short notice, eilhef
oak or wh.tljo plnoi Joico, 1 Scantling, and Plank, al
ways oh hand. t ..’ / . .
Tho suhsot/bers hope by strict attention
ness, and, s detorminaUqnof soiling lower thah an.V
other Yard nt.the river, that the public generally will
cal) and see their slock before purchasing elsewhere.
Bridgeport, Dec 27, 1840
Second Arrival, of Fall Goods.
i At thi) life's t Store,’
Corner of Hanover and Lau/Iter SireiU, opposite
Wm, Leonard's old standi
THE* undersigned respectfully fnfofms jus
friends and the, public, (hat ho has just returned
[ from Philadelphia, iwfth a 1 large and carefully se
lected atfsoflpipnt of _ y ,
■ , ■, , lie-w? Pall Goods,' ,
purchased at the lowest prices, and which ho is do*
tornilned to self at small 1 ptolTla.', A largc ussorlinonl
of Cloths’at from 75 cents,to $0 per yd; Cassttneres,
CassincU and Vestings, at yorious, prices.
Ladies press Goods, such as peUincs,.(Jlashinoicg,
Cobcrg liionlac Twills,’ Thibet Cloths, and a splendid
assortment oT Silks/AA. clvgant assortment of
Calicoes and Ginghams, sultublp for (he approaching
season. Checks, Tickings, bloodied and unbleached
Muslins. • . 4 >
mots and, shorn.
A v)d!1 flolccted nssoVtiniint of Nfeu’ai Women’®, and
Chlldrcn-a Uootn and Shoes, Rood and'handsome,—
tiay'fl oridMon’a Cloth un'd'-Ifungarion Cans, /
GUOCKRIHS in nil tliolf variety, viz:' Sugnrl
Oofleo, Molasaos, PelcinTou Comnony’scolebra*
letf Teas. Spices, &c M and the test quality of
Carnet Chain.
December ,20, 1810
N. 13. All orders from (ho country promptly at
tend to. lings, ftggs, 13uUor ( and oil kinds of Pro
duce taken at market prices*
Superior Groceries.
fIIHG subscriber'bogs leave to Inform Ida friends
und (ho public, in general, that ho has just re
turned from the oily* with a largo and general assort
ihcnl of •
® Fresh Crfoccricsy
ill of which ho la prepared to soil at
very smdll advance. Ilia Block ii com.
posed of a general assortment of everything in (he
grocery line, embracing in pnrtTuas, Coffee*,Sugars,
Molasses, Spicot, Tobacco and Sogara, Queonswnro
and Glassware, Fish and Salt, Crackers and Cheese*
Ffultß, Nuts, and Candies, Pinoand Eihcriul Oils,
Fluid Lamps,. llama.and Pried Beef, Beans, While
Corn, Vinegar, Toys, Mutches, Bfushcs, &o.
Persons wilt And their advantage lo give me
a dall/et fam determined to sell ftl very modorste
profits. Don’t forgotthoildnd,South Hanover alroot,
next door lo Hannon's (Into Eahohnaii's) huhtl, and
within two doors of the Volunteer Printing Office*
Carlisle, Poocmtar 20, 1819—-It
TTtLUID’ LAMPS.—A new ln£pf those suport
h of Lambs have just been rsobtvod by
J “ V C. INHOFF. Agt.
J* IQUORS.—French 'opd Uasborry Brandy,
j Jamnlba spirits, Md., Port, and L. \Vinos,
old Hyo Whiskey, &o. of very superior quality,
constantly oh hand.. A new supply just received:
SINCE the close of the l&st business season,.this
Hotel has. been greatly pnlqrgod. and undergone
a thonufgh alteration,: renovation* papering pml re
furnishing, thereby modernizing and making it deci;
doJlythp most comfortable, convenient and best .ar
ranged Hotel, the seat of Government.
,;Tholocation is peculiarly fine, and such as to add
greatly to .the comfort of guests, being in tbe-most
central upa delightful part of Harrisburg. ,'
/ Tho.building. contains 71 chambers;is throe storiep
I;igh; eighty feet front oh Second street, and 50 feet
front ph Market Square, with two wings extending
back 140 feet and q capacious court in thd cenlrq. ,:
The DINING Rbd.M is capable of seating 125
person#. vi. • . i ,i. ... ~
.ANp, CpLD BATHS have been added ond
comprise part of tho /jew improvements. •' • ,
,'i ThO,various departments of tho House have been,
placed tinder such management as enables the Pro*
prictor to guarantee to ms patrons, friends, and tho
that every possible attention
will ho.giv'pn to the|rconiforl. :l t ,/. i
, returning his,sincere thanks for .tho very,
libofdl, pdtronogja.herctofo/e qxtended to him, he most
respcclfhlly Bolibits o continuance of it.
Harrisburg, Dec; 13, 1940—Sm .
WM. M. PORTER has just’receivod a large and
elegant assortment of ( "
suited to the present season, among which are Men
and Boys’ Thick Bools, Kip & Calf do.; Gum Shoes,
Buffalo Over Shoes, &c. Ladles’ Gaiters,-Buskins*
Slippers and Ties, of Leather, Morocco and Kid,
mode in’the latest style; a large supply of Misses-and
Childrens Gaiters, Boots and Buskins. Evcryde
scription of work made to order ns usual. (
. Call at Porter’s Shoo Store, Main street, opposite
the Methodist Church.
December 20, 1949,
JACOB SENER has just-returned from tho onst
orn citios with a now assortment of Goods, which
he Is now opening at his. cliedn slorpj in North Han
over street, next door to Glass KotoK
Oils, Glass, Paints, Oopai, Japan]
and Black Varnished, of extra quajlty ;--Nails anil
Spikes, Watts*-Bur Iron, Cast, Shear, Blistered, and
Spring Btccl; Locks,- Hinaos, Screws,- Pianos, ijpws,
Chilis, Augers, Axcs’ linivcs, Forks, dec. Shop
Findings of ovefy description. Persons Naming any
thirds in the Hardware Unc, wouid do well to givu
us « cull, So wo are determined to sell lowfor cash,
j The highest price will.lip,paid for SUltAt* HtON
and FIjAXSEED, at the. store-of
Carlisle,Nov 16, IB{9 JACOB SENER.
Great Holiday Atlraclious!
Watches] Jcwclcpy, &c.
THE subscriber respectfully'informs his friends
and the public pcnerally, that be has just return
ed Oorrt Pbiladolphiu with the largest.and most
splendid-asBor|incnl of \Vatcbeo ? Jewelry, Ac., ever
beforeoffered, to the citizens of ibisplacci His stock
consists in part of . . ,
Gold and Silver Lopino Do., will) a variety of Silver
Watches, of lower prices. Gold guard chains, gold
and silver pencils; a splendid assortment of gold pons;
of most approved manufacture; silver butter knives,
silver and plated spoons, fino silver, plutod forks, a
largo and splendid, lot of gold and'silver . SPEC;
TACLES. (He tnviUfl*parlicular attention to this
article of spectacles, os Ite can warrant them lo be
the best this side’of Philadelphia.) Common Spec,
taclcs of all prices; a-largo und beautiful assortment
of gold Finger and Ear rings, all prices; Broast pins
in groat variety, watch keys, and vest chains;
silver und shell card, cases, .a very superior article;
silver Jtiimblcs, silver cujtd baskets; wi(h a
great variety pf other articles irlhis.llqe, iipnccsssary
ty rncniipn. T^ | invile8 | p|l to cxamifje
S.tucU, assured .lljal il cmlriyl fail to please both in
quality and price. . j>\ «-. , . . •
•.V ; u ; ‘ THOMAS CONLYN.
Carlisle, Dcccmbcr SQ, 1642—1 f
For Hie Holjdays!
JIiST opened at this largo and well known es|
tablishment, llio most splendid assortment of
richly embellished and superbly illustrated Am
nuals, Uili-Oooks,'and Poetical Works, together
with an extensive variety of CHILDREN'S
PICTORIAL BOOKS, for chlldren t of nil ages,
suitable as presents for the Holydays. His as:
sorlmonl In this Une Is the finest hejtas over pre
sented,. and,canpol fail to please,' an the
beauty of tho books ns in. thetr cheapness. He
has also just opened n splendid assortment of
Holyday Fancy tioodijj
which -it would be Impossible laonumor.aio inap
’ advertisement, bu.t which comprise every variety
; of elegant fancy articles, of the.newest styles and
He would call particular attention
to his choice supply of PERFUMES, from the
celebrated establishments of Roussel, Haul and
others, with Fanqy Soaps and every article de
sired for ;| ltie toilet.,. Xjso.’Musfcal Instruments,
Ladies and penlleniens Cutlery, in great variety,
Gold and Pencils, Port Monnairs, Walking
Cane?* Baskets in groat variety, anti the most
elpgant assortment of Girandoles, Flower Vases,
Screens, . /
. Parlor arid Study Lainiis, \ j
either for lard.or burning fluid, which baa,never ,
been this botough.. Also, FRUITS, I
NUTS arid an innumerable variety of other, arti
cles, which it is impossible to mention in dptail,'
but which comprise almost every ortlcfo
can be asked for in tlie line of &o.
The public am especially invited,to call ami see.
them during the HolydajQ..-, Remember the old
stand; North Hanover Street,.,
..... .m , *«. S. \V. HAVERSTICK.
December CO, 1849.
Pry Goods! Dry Goods!
f Slnro, corner of Jiunovcr end Louthor
opposite Wm. Loonurd’f old stand.'.
, CAL'L' and examine,
Brbadclollis, Cassliricfcs,'- Satftiiets,’
, aild Vestings J
Mousolinde Laines, Ginghams,
TRIMMINGS, i\c. Also, .
Call and see for yourselves.
N. W. WOODS, Ag‘t.
December 20, 1849. •,
FRUIT, spices, &c.—Raisins. Oranges, Figs, Nuts
of all kinds, Citron, Mace, Nutmegs, Cinoumpp,
Clove*. Alspico. Pepper, <fcc., all fresh and j|bud, just
focoivod, uncT for sale at ttfo
{'tUANBERRIES.— A v fine lot olWporlor Cranbcr
) Hes just received by
SUPERIOR TIbAS.—A largo assortment Of fino
Dluck and Green Toss, (new crop,) from (ho well'
bnowri house of (ha Cnhlori Tea Company, constantly
on hand and for sale by C. INIiOFF, Agt.
BUCKWHEAT MEAT,, of Superior nuolUy, for
family use. Tor sale liy C, INHOET, Agt.
QUEKNSWAKE, Glassware, &c.—Now. oa
hnmln vcrylargo asaor.Mwont of Common Waro,
Uranlto Warn, China and Glass Ware, al all pri
ons,.ami for sale by C. INUOFF, Agt,
TMSII AND SALT.—J.uiUfeqolvcd No. 1 Hoc
1' kerol, fresh and good,. Also Sail, nil k).-*
.P r r,a v>ils.—Sovofal .lmrrols Just /IIIACKEKS—Water,. Soda, 1 Sugar, can*
•K'- . L t'oodaunuly will ,1m oooalnnlly Vainnlly on hand, A freih aupnlyjuiii repaired
H" ~opl on hand hy U. IN HOFF, Agt, by O. INHOPF^Adi.
And of those Complaints which are caused lmpairad*
\\ eukoncd or unhealthy condition pi the
Nxb icy OV s system"
Tlii« beautiful and convenient application of.tiie myitertoua
pon-tn of GALVANISM and MAUNB’CISM, hu beanpro.?
nOnnced by diitingnlibed ,|ib jaician«rboth iu rtutfcp* and Ih*
United Slate*, to be Uie mott valuable medicinal diteaveiy y
the .*ge. ' - • * i ‘
MA O »k + io. .fluid;;,,,;
U uifeS with the moit perfect and certain tucceta .is,*!!
Strengthening tho weakened body, giving tone to the ration*
orgHiu, ami invigorating the entire avalem; Also ill .FITS*
F.ROV.and all NERVOUS DISEASES, whichcomplaint* axis*
from one slfnpilo can»o—namely,
A Derangement of the Nervous Systenu .
{J(7- In.,NttILVOUB COMPLAINTS. Drugs and Alediclnes
I iuei'rait the dlitdtt, for they weaken the vital energies of the
already prostrated system; while under the strengthening.,
life-giving, influence of Galvanism, as'appllftd'l»y
tins beautiful ant) wonderful discovery, the exhausted patient
and weakened sufferer is restored to former health,.alienglk,
elasticity and vigor. . • • • I'' *
' The fl«at excellences . . ~
. i( . w , Dr. phriatle’li Qalvanlo Ooratlvf*,,.,
consist*,' In the-fuel (hat.ther arrest end cure disease'by anil
ward npfilicafivit;in place of the usual mode of drugging, aikl.
physicking the patient, till exhausted Nature sinks hnpelesaly
uinler tho inllintmiu . * ••. »v- »' ■
- j-Thry ill i/i« viholi li/tlem, rqrtalixt lke eireulaUm pj*
tht lined, pratiiole lie itet eiiuiit, and nriitr do lit illfMett
mitltr nny 'eireumihtnett.' Since their introduction In the*
United Slates. only three years since, more than v ,
, „.;feo,ooo Persons
including-all ages, classes anil conditions, among which wen
a large number of ladies, who are,peculiarly, subject to Nerv -
uus Complaints, lyave been
when all h*>pb nf relief had been given up, and every thing
else been tried Inivain ! ' • • •
■ To illustiate.the upkof the O AT«VAIVIC BRI»T, suppose,
the case of a person, afflicted with that bane of civilisations
UV6PF.PBIA.or an’y Other Chronic or Nervous- Disorder, do
ordinary cases, stimulants are taken, which, by their action or,
uiv nen e* and muscles of the stomach, allord oi-y relief
but which leave the patient hi a lower atate, and with beared
faculties, .liter the action thus excited has ceased. Now com
pare-this with the effect .resulting from the application ol Ibe
GALVANIC BK.LT. 'J ake a' Dyspeptic sufleier, even in thtf
Worse symptoms of an attack, and simply tie the Belt arontuV
the bodv, using the Magnetic Fluid as directed. In a short,
period the insensible.perspiration will abt on the positive/,
element al the Belli theref^.causing a Galvanic-circulation
which will pass on to the.-nngatire, and thence back again 10
the po'lihe. Urns keepingiuparontinuom Galvanic ei<cul£
lion throughout the system.* Thus Die most saver* cases of*
Of tlie most tyidoubted Obaraet«r, ~
From all parts of the Country could be given, sufficient to flu'
every column in this popoc!,
which conclusively proves that
" Truth Is strainer than Fiction.”
RilEßJlATisji, iSli DYSPEPSIA.' >
Rev. Dr. Landis, a Clergyman
»f New Jersey, of distinguished',attainment*’ su'd exiltev'
, i«' ■ Sionkti New Jersey, July W,
Dr. A. H. Ciibutik—D.cnr ;Bir: You with to know .of ana;
what hu been Iho remit in my own cue, of the application olf
follow* i , '.. Vki
■ For about iwmty year* I had been suffering frumoDyspep.)
*!«•' Every year (he symptoms became could I
üblnin jiormunent relief from any course of. tneAkel treatment
whatever. About fourteen year* since, in ooruoijuencC oil'
fn-'ijnent e\jK»iurc to (ho wcather,'ln the discharge of my,|>«s>.
(oral ditties, I become subject severe L*)irnnlo Rhnuma*.
Uim which for year after.year, caused me indescribable,
anguish. Further: in (lie winter of '46 and. MU. in oonsorjueDpe
of preaching a great deal iu my own and various other,
churches Ju this legion, ) wot attached- by the Bronchitis,
wh)ch>*oon become so severe as to requite on immediate sus
pension of my pastoral labors. My* neortidijn/fw trmufw,
thoroughly prctiraltd, and as my Dronchitis bccanie worse, so
also did my Dyipe|wia and Ithemnatra affection—thus evincing '
Unit those disorders wore connected with each other through
lire medium of (lie Nervous System. In the whole pharmeco.
pmla.there seemed to be no rcntedlah-agtnt .which cuuldf,
resell and recuperate my Nervous System; every thlhg that b
had tried, fur'lnis purpose had completely fulled. At Isst-d,
was led by rn« friends to examine your inventions, and (though*
with no very sanguine hopes of their cillciflncyA I determined;
to try the effect m the application of the.GALVANIC BELT
AND NEUKLACE, wilh Ihe MAUNETffi.FLUJD.* This was
in June, ie-18. To ur ghkat AstomimWh't,**" two uavr mv.
Drsrxpsu h*i> uonvj in Kiuitg p*TJ J. was «n*«t,r:n ire
RKivriK uv pastoiui. i.Aionrf miii*>MAne I iims oMifrsn -
a sinciLK ikm vior on Ai'uoor)* or • th k BnoHcmtJsj irni-nr,
Itnni’MATir *ryrcrinn rtis to taquaik hk.
Such is Ihe happy results of (lie experiment,
I have recommended the BELT and FlilllD to many who
hare haen likowiia aufl'ering lVom Neuralgia affection*. They.*
have tried them, with nun results, J rblirvr, hi ktrrv
] «rii, tTsari air, very respectfully •yours, • ,
(> used/or all complaints affucUop (lie Throat or {lead, such tc
UmachiAia, hiflnmmution or the. Throat, Nervous and Hick,
Uecdspho, Di/rlnesa of the Head,. Neuralgia. In (bn Vice,'
Diming or limning in the (Cars, lieafAaA*. which is generally 1
fsonous, anJ tlmt dMiessud «nm|>luint, called 'lie Uvloreufe '
Palsy end paralysis. .
• All oln ilciuns acknowledge thal ili*«fl'terftitle illienses *r*
entued by n iffjie/cncy of Ntrrnnt '/hisrgg la the affected;
Utohs. ()», Umuam.'» Uplvaide Articles villi 'supply tbit
dcllcicnt power, and n complete and entire cuie ls thus effected.
1000' Oasea of Palsy and Paralyse, .
have been to Us.Cumstik end iiii Agents within the
itut two j fnr», which htuc been.enlirely icslprcd. . ,
CCf’ tlst*. Anbuxw J. V. TnNrsbr Brooklyn, N. Y,, hied not
hern nblo In walk * step for ticir four years; and was so helps
less tins I ho had to he fod. The most oclcbretediphyslciarue
gnve him n 0.,, In fire days alter he commenced.westing that
iJauamu Ilri.r, NicatscKj sNi)'l)l«ArKU-ta."ha walked! 1
arms* the mom, and in three weeks he.had perfectly recovered
his houlth. L’aplulu Tomes isearonly y cats of age.-
..... dA. CiHßiatife’PVyjr.a .
Art found of mil service In coses of CninMibdeMoM' Vitiu
Sjmsmnitio (.'omplainls, mid general NorvopstA/Teclilins of (ha
I mid and upper extremities Alio /n raf*/ 1 &ua'tbrth*lt, and*
alldheaiei earned hy a .defielcne/Wi.powaroi 1 Non out
Knergy in the limbs or other orgwni of the bod/. . ,
... tflo Doloreux,
Tltr*c (hractful omi agonialnff com|\lfinU #ro (mmtdMfM
I'li'tnl h IliO r.f Uio
.mi Ki l’in. 'J'lio■ Half «ic •H|i*(ri(Mtyi , Uii*tfrfh l|i»
; llif Ne«’JilHce")in« .-n )**al .nflocl.-awl Hie, Fjui4r «e4a
liirclli’ m*>ll IliO nffeolM Tifrrfo. 1(1 .thc*o JJiUtailng
irtliclloiif the pj'l'Uculhui KKVKIt FAILS. .
Theio nJ«rminff and 1 terrible comitlainli mo alwayvcau**d
lay n drintitfitrut t>/ tka Xtrvti. Til# JU.t.T, Un&OVLKTt aKt»
Kicm will onto ucArly oiory can, fto maUcr liow )oungpi
old the. jaoUoiit, or how confirmed iho complaint*., Numerous
ana tilonlihfng proofs aiv lit jmiseahton'of tlie pfojirletpt.’ \
Qff- Many hundred UerliflcaUa from. all pati.s ol Uiaoounlnt
of iTie most extraordinary character given, If rtf)h)ie£
•' QrT* No (rouble Of lncon»enl»ncV»t > .ei , uli'Ui* hie ol DH
ciiHtarisra, cmljvnic -.l u t:ol ks, and tw mar
be worn by the most feeble end do’.kate with perfect MM and
safatv. In many cm** thi •••.nation fttehdtng their uae in
M(Aly plsaisiti and ajidcailt. They CW be lent' to any* ratt
olthe country, , . :•■>* } .. ( , . * * ■
• •" Pribes:' 1
Tha Galvanic Balt, - Three Dollar*, ■
Tha Galvanic Eaohlaoa,. Two Dollars,
Tha. Galvanic Bracelets, Ona Dollar, ijaoh.'
The Ma.fynalio Fluid, , ([
.'ft?* Tha article* art adcnmpanUJ by fhU.and piUn dlro»
Uoni, •pamphlet* with full particular! may be,had ol the
QMlnOrUod Ageijt ; 1 “ wo
(hT- c / CounltrJ'tilt « )tl { IPorlMtii.
nENF.KAt. aoiSt 'fn®3
VZi BrowlWiJV WtTf Tort,
For in Carlisle, Pa M by the solo aothoiirttd'
* »AM’L. BLUOTTv;,
November 16,1540 ~ .
iS Agt.