THE VOLUNTEER. John B* Bratton) ISdltor and Proprietor* CARI.ISI.K,TntoRSDAY, : ->AN>Y v .i;,lBoo."' ,Demooratto Committee* m omhtn* e ofUio Coihmittoo BW roquoßtbd to meet at&UEtiLßn'a iri Hurria burg, onTuctdaylhc al3/>’i;lock, ;P, M. for the. purpoao .of fixing (tie time and place' for the 1 meeting of the next Dcmocrallo Stale Con. vehllbrt.'; V. J. GLANCY-JONES, Chairman,' G. O&PffcftcofaV Pctefcliuy,. Ajtpolntniati by the County Commissioner** v ": The Con\roia*ipqerB of this county, on the Ist madeHlie followlng appointments, viz: * ! Oi>!hl9BioT»erB’'Attorney—jas.^Hv-Grahanirßsq. *Wr^Mi!.fr i i.s.‘fc'Cl?ik-r-VVil]iam -RileyV'.'Eeq. -bPhysiplan.lQ vV A Keeperof PubUo BuilJings—Mattin Cornman. .xjso.y %I'V jt-'T'!!:-* 1 .. 1 • _ apology fonany. dorccts in IhUwcek’ir paper* Cumberland Counts.—rl’ha re l Urn-. fqr. ; lB49,:BhowB 7,ss4';lnxabloa in Cumber of' CaVllalo cohtßins'.OCti taxabics. ’ ! ' Sodden DsATn?.— -vSergi. King and Sergt. Queen, ■both) ato bflhoU.S. Army, dled buddenly in the. name hdoso i ptiiis plac 00 h New Year 1 * morning, an ihQurj. intervening between their ■.* --v. • ■';V‘ .*‘ Daniel Sturgeon', pf tho U. S. Senate, _Vy ill p|cas.e accept our thanks, for .sending us a bound pilacQ-'Rcport, for 1848. Wo arc alfo!.£Ddcr> Our Treasury, which U was said would be bankrupt! has been.more liberally and munificently,supplied limn under the .tariff of 10-T.3. \Vhul object is to die accomplished then by a change we cannot see, unless it la to benefit monopolists and princely manufacturers I at tho expense oftho laboring and ogrieuUurol popu- I laiion. . But wo do not apprehend much danger (Vom .Ithis source, ns lung us wo have a Democratic House I and Senate to watch escribe gtntfal welfare. . Tho'question of the continuance of the S»&-7Vea* iunj system,ho respectfully submits “to Iho'wisdom' ofCongrcis," 'l'hla is altogolhor non-committal,and if it wore not that ho uses the term “-RiU-TVcoiury,” instead of Independent Treasury, wo could not perceive even (ho Inclination of his footings, But ho remarks, *';■ ; 1 r- : Tito freo Stales in tho lower house of Congress) have 137 votes'j. thb slayo l Kt6tes, oh< ■ ■ 1 > ■ OpprcMiou of the Hnuscarlan , » The following curious memotials of the tyranny Ulfey have escaped,' wore by iho Hungari ans. They aro laws to regulate affairs in Iho Thoy'.arcsij'inhmnbor, oi^aro. 'kHiiqUovva’i r ~’ j. \; *j : \>v • iX , \ ist No Hungarian shall wear his hair Idngcr.lhar^ one Inch in length.:• * ‘ * r .vi 2d No one shall wear any ejavat nr othes articles of clothing of a red color, or with rod in H. f r, 3d No.Hungariuri ,shall wear his shirt collar dour bled down a I'Amertiaine. , v v . ,7 4lh No Hungarian shall wear a beard on Ins dim or whisker* on “.is checks, Slh No ono shall wear n broad hut band on Ills hat. but only a very narrow hat band. ' 6lh No one shall wear d feather in lits i cop. ■ Such are Iho regulations. For Iho first offcnce.lho penally is flogging} for thn second, death. CB ® are curious regululhms, and-fully show, the nature of the governmcntjwhich now hh* *l® fool.uppn-prpstO l^ o Hungary. If any one is cdnoaiKo . llie ," l i Wo ,pf iho who liaspassed, AV® t* name is—Hsyndu. m Ths Goiib Dollars.— What, hastoome of Uu» gold dollars % We have not' seen qne of* them for three'mqnths. The 'Wasljingfon says'thai there has been, more .than, a million of ths g dollars icoinod and l isSued’up loiilhis‘datd. It urges'that this coinage ’should be'inorehsed jo .dl least five millions.' .Mbro tlian that, will ba re quiredrto make ihe gold doliars ; circiilato iamong Me people f unless, 'indeed;; aonie godd fortune should intervene, to drive. : the out of oirculaUtjn. ■ .Death.oYau, Editor.—The* Columbus. (Gp.) En quirer of the dlli lnst;, corricslo us dressed in mourn, nig for-the death, of Geo. W. Hardwitk, one of llio editors of that paper. Byroats said to have remarked that‘‘the greatest trial to a tho ungraceful pel of of eating eggs.", Somo Fapkoo remarks that the pool could never have seen a lady hanging on by .the teeth to a blaring-hot corn cob.:> ... . , Worse' off than the House .up Tiie Senator^,of Ohio .have hold- twodiundr'ed ond eleven ballot 11 ngs for-a presiding without being able to make a choice. They arc divided—lB to 18. r : ■ Death of the State Rrporteß.—R.M* Burr, Esq., Stole Reporter, died suddenly in Reading, on .Wed nesday last, Mr. Barr was\appointed by Governor Shnnk, and discharged (ho duties of 1)1* offices .with fidelity, and satisfaction to the legal profession. Ills term would lidvo.cxpircd in January next. . Death or Mr. Knoop.—Wo regret to learn that Gcorgo W. Knoop, (ho celebrated viplonpcllistv died at his resilience in, Pliiludvtplila, bn Tuesday lasl.rj- Tho loss of Mr. Knoop lo the musical circles,,and a host of personal'friends, wiihbe irreparable, v Melancholy 1 Bereavement.—The Philu. ■ North /lnien’cbn, of Saturday, says—Wo* regret lo learn that tho Hon. Joel Jones, mayor of this bily, met with., a melancholy bcrcavemonti yesterday, in the loaa of an only, daughter, an interesting child about six years old. The circumstances attending the death . of (ho little girl, were of a Very distressing nature. . Oh Monday lust, she swallowed n piece of ivory, about the size of a small button, wliich'lodged in her throat, and the.injury she, thereby sustained, resulted fatally, in spito of the most eminent surgi cal and medical skill. • Affecting Incident.—The Boston ■ Herald men tions the occurrence of a. singular Incident* sumo days ngo, in the City Lunatic Asylum, .‘ flbmq years since a woman came to,this ’country, from Ireland, and was recently followed by her daughter. Doth were seized wlt/i insanity, and withorit knowledge of each olhcr’a fate, came to the Asylum for treatment. Being accidentally; placed near.each other, (hey mot in the hall,and their clouded reason waSslifilelenily strong and clear to permit them to rocogiiifcb each other. Tho meeting, tinder the circumitpnccs, was. oftho most affecting character,and naturally awoke strong interest in those who witnessed lt» - - - TetKfltui'H ’Timooart ti!b Scientific American la authorized to Malctiml ah*.extensive guila pc'rcHa manufacturer of Now Vorli,stands rea dy .to lay. down# and guaranty, its integrity for .-ten years, a lino across the At)antio)of perfectly insulated wires covered with GntU Pcrctfe;Tor a sum.not to exceed three.lidllisns of dollars, to be completed jn twenty months from date of contract. This grand scheme wilt receive (he attention of Congress at on early day. . 110 is also ready to lay down o : pimildr lino pntho underground plan, from the Rlissusippl Is the Pacific, to bo completed within threo years from the dale of contjact. . A Triumph ok SunoEßt.-—Surgery as a science, of ’ Into years, says tho Public Ledger, has been exteruiing its operations into now field#, and notes, Kepi*/nnd lower jaws nro supplied from puHlons of thu' face and head will) as much fucillly as tho' broken note of a statue cap bo restored Will) ft lilllq ; chiy. The N, V. Journal,of Commerce records n singular ease of ft munwho presented himself to Professor Parker of the Crosby Street. Medical School. Ile wus' suf- ■ fering from a cunccroos affection of the Jower jaw, both of-which wero extensively diseased. Jl was decided thatlhey must bo removed, or dcoth'would soon follow. Tho; man consented, and put’hd* der the influence of chloroform. I'Jol oiily lho llp, but most of tho lower jaw WaS cut away, leaving a , hideous opening, directly into.tho throat. ,To close 1 i up this aperture, and enable the man to retain food Idiißcoliohs were'carried on hearty to the dot ftnd downward, until e flaps* I ,large enough to bring ihero round beneath the upper jaw* and ucarly.closa up the opening, wore secured. Thoi wound has since heal* od. Tho man's lower Jaw is gono.and his mouth', now Is merely an opening under tho upper jaw, cn. abloa him to uho simple food ; but ho line no power of.inasticalion; Distinct ertlculallon is destroyed, and 4 yolho make himself understood by a guttural sort of language. This is the 6IH operation 1 which lias been performed upon this man, oml yet another will probably bo necessary. Indications of the disease begin again to manifest themselves, and so tenaciously is life coveted, that ho is oven anxious 1 ho t to have other portions of his face and jdW,! removed, if tho dlsoiso can bo eradicated./ " ' Fast . Travelling.— Tho’ express, with' lit? President's Message, reached Albany In'di hours and 40 minutes from New York—distance ID2A miles—-rato'or running aiiljour .l K * President Taylor and Slavery rlsburg Kcytjom, In-speaking of Gen,./Taylor 1 * IMeesngo,says: ;■ ■; . i. ,;r. Oii the quostrch of slavery In thdjtorrliorlßB, lh‘6 President |s for-hon-inlbrvcntlon,, nnd jbltibgmo people settle thb nuoalion for lliornaolvcß. This is tho ground wliioli Gen. CosaboldlY aiuToptnjy assumed bcfqrQ ihp olcclion. wliild Taylor remained mum,pbrmiuinghls frjohds.inyho north to represent him ps.opposqd to iipoxlonsion, while in the «ou|ht ho loft his friends to represent him as in fnvor of It*,or to infer his opinions fromhla locality and the fuel that ho wns a slaveholder .himself. i This; kind of double deal ing,-wo trust, Will never prevail again*' On tho tariff andOnlovnal improvements, It is Wltl£ but and out. " i.lliß',estimated .that .10,000 slaves have i died l , ofi cholera in tho Southern cities.- - • > h-i -* 1 : ; | CANAIi COMMISSIOriEn. WoJmvo been a friend to publish the following conimunioallyhi which wo do whh grout pleasures. ; We havd kUofrhnr. Ouca from our our. Heel recollection. Ho i'r a mp.l worlhy man in ov ery iro.pbci; and wflald mako a moat efficient mem. ber'.of ibft'Canul JJoar.d.. j OtrES, ESQ. ' Mr. Editor recent -number ■ of tho * Juniata Register’* introduces' the'name .of this gentleman’ in connection with llioofHco of Cano! Commissioner. It may, perhups, bo an early, period to suggest tho numos o/ candidates, though 1 see other journals of Pennsylvania bringing forivurd'their friends of both parties with tho ft/ptff[Oon£asfc]pf; Ihfh mer its and claims; Presuming, therefore, that it is m accordance with tho'cusioinary usages of political organizations to commence early »«forth their candidates before tho public; I'oannol refrain from joining- heartily the Mr, Olcs. r | , r T i I jv r r '| rin-l/ / t’J 1 1 fs s • - il.liavo the pleasure ofthnowing.hfaßWbJl, uHddah .speakjofjhim intelligibly.f‘,hp ( thrown upon hla ovvnjesaurpeswilji toe,rough world before him. No “ royal road ” either to loaHiiogiop slation throw open its) gates amHnvited him to an oaky,-indolent pursuit. ebbs was. ever I®, bp himaclf.and by,lumssir.- Bul;.l)iii('pcbspepyhouirh Tur from alluring, did noi dauni ! bim; <; good constitution, a'sooltd ■morul nnitiVo. a'pbW’erful will, and indomilablp-pcrp;ovcrancp r ho baffled fear lessly every, difficulty which,met him and triumph ed over all obstacles. . By trade a carpenter ho «och rebelled the head of his profeastorii jind alaTgeriata ber of .court, housbadnd ji.dayy tho confidence of the public in. hiaskillundinlegriiy.-j These facts pro Ml urged for any object they are not competent lb accomplish,’and .I ljavo no'-, wish..liut they shpuld-be, cohsidercdviira'light in .which they aro not intended to be viewed;*they slirlply Iftdlcald iho industry and fidelity -of lhe~man concerning whom they are related.: i* ’ v Though never a solicitor of governtnent patronage, Mr. Oles has frequently been engaged upon the pub. lie works; and 1 his ebVcrvalion-and experience in this department hero been eminently calculated to give him a practical-familiarity with tho complicated duties incident to tho office of canal commissioner; and tho Ural instance Is ycl td bo pdynriccd in which ho ever rendering,llje irip’sl. dpthplclo satif. faction. 1 have bp that if ho is elected, he will make One oftho most-energetic and efficient officers that department hasknownstnee its organization. , ... } ’ 4 “ Fur several years Mr. Olcs has boon’ living upon his beautiful farm In Juniata,county,’'.enjoying tho well earned reward ol his innnly e.xorttpns. Bland, affable and upright In his inicrcourse with men, ho possesses the respect of a Urge circle of friends, and no inconsiderable portion of his lime is devoted to reading and conversation.,/Soi fur, ks ho is known (and his acquaintance is by no ,‘incarisi limited} no miin stands'lilghcr in public estimation ; and in tho event of- his‘ nomination by parly, his election is beyond thb possibility of a doubt. Cj* A bill has been introduced ill' the legislature of Soutli CurolinA, inipo«ing ; a ( fipo ; of l god twelve months imprisonment tipoH'aJij? postmaster who shall Knowingly deliver ip unyj person any.* written or printed poptr'dr^lci^Cj cnl dilated to dislurb lho’peace bftho people-ih relation to the slave population thereof.! /i'lh’s 4 pf.ppnreo, will amount to noUilngVobthe poslhlu>l(cr .lifts no discre tion in the mutter* . ji, AJN jx Canada.— Ths Canadian dovern m.eht Is ul length' taking engnibantfe. of the advo cates of nnneialion, To have signed the dftnbiatldn ad(|ross r or th'advocate tho proposition, |s political treas'ori, panisliubloby >cmovq'lTrom-office Irt all ra ses where officcs.aru held by i(herabtla l ai|itf. i her .of functionaries 1 < have.' been,(removed ’fafVthis cause. CttV o* MahV ClloKtilßfii—Tiro plnfclniiilU CMs- Han Herald states'that Indianapolis; ihp : cbJrllalt of Indians, has a population of C;750 whlil? dliiirchcif I>Bo9. c|mrch members, and 1 j5OO member's ;or ; ,tlio Sabbath Schools.. - .. .■ y . tfIARRIUD. • .{• /.'f * On Ihfl nirrWl., by tho. Rev; O. M;iy Oanibl Robinson,to.Miss KuziißEiii 1 Wolb; fy/tfi 6f ihb ticinhy of Pajteribwfy, •“ . In FlHsbdrg, on lb©•■olliv'MpJ‘J6hn!Oi Beattys formerly of' ihld’DoroughV in lhb-24111 year ol' his ago. 1 ' • *. •'• ./At Spring Forgo, on-ita I9lh uU,! pfio,r ; .Biiong and s»¥etei iUnobfl, A* Ciuod,-. in lb© 60ib jpnr ol' his agiu f, FOR THE YEAR pF OUR LORIT 1850. ' f £ ?- S • S ? ' | S. a ’■&- .?• & 1 a 3 . 4 ■ site • I e.' 7 .i-a,' » luriiiiialSj, ■ ■ ■'■ 13 '.14 15 10 >Wi .18'.J0’/R ai , ’■ 20 21"' 33 ' 23!. 24- 25 26Ug :. : 27 28 '29 :30' 31 ;" W l-VshpAßt,'' •" '!'* ‘ -’’l" v2as| ■ . ■ 3 4 s*. :0 ■■■! ■ 8 013- M 'lO. 11 12:13 14"lfi : 10)K ,a> : < :li, -17 I 8; 19 ::20.21» 22 23ik V • ' i 24 25 » 2(i ' 27- 28' W Mardii,' ; 1 -1 2ift£ 3 -,.4 6 .6: j 7!-':B.'ioO2,',13,M \ ./ M. 46. »IR.. V i.J6..,.19,.;8P5|| f,n i. .li,. SI, 22 93. 24,25‘i 26...2715? 1, - ,i! .98 , 20 ,30 , 31' M Aupuix,.•, ■;. ■, x.i a.r Wl.. A 6,...r7 .■ 5 8, : ,3.„!1P?p .1.., 1 ~ ii, ,12 .13,:i4,'is. ,a.a„.i7Si6 ii ,iii :18,,J0, '2O, ,121112211193 ,2® ... ,i!;i i ~86. ,90 ,97,98 ’B9.**.;,V* Bmunn, ~i 1,.,.,« ,v3,..'.4; ~‘6 ■,,G,.r„715. j ■■■•",■■■ !i ■■!. . J.6...W, Jfr..13.ii80.,.81||» )!• ;mi .......'. . -23.1.93 ~2.4,. , Hffß Ootokb, ... nil., 8,1 ,3.. 4,1,615, R o 7 s o id li i9?p M 13, ,14 ilGj.lG 17 18 lOifc i ’8 *S ! Misfit NovKUDKrii‘ 11 JI ip. [tv-M.xv'p i&l 1 ,■■,,■47,:.1,8 -'lll ;20", 21' "29 2W JI _ ‘m, 2 i ;27 28 -'p!)3nfc JI m.-* ~i,l •• U .'i16.;i17, t -18,• 19...80/.BIIL m V, •••■ .■■.,.i-.!,.92„ Bgi.B4u.JW, ,86V 8J...1 BMB n: .1 • I”. CvMOEtILAND,