American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, December 13, 1849, Image 4

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    t.'lviiat, iiu H-sLMjiil",* . j
y.i!T»yi, ia
■ • wisHiitaiAN rtfivEitsiTir'
THE punuafeession for, 1843 and' ’6O will com
raenco, with Introductory, laecturosj; oh flib' last,
Monday of jOctobcr next. , , u .
The,daily. Lectures .thereafter will bp ,'tcinpbrarily
delivered, ifl . lho .commodious’ building neatly Tilted
up for the, purpose, on Liberty* street, one door north'
of Baltimore, •* : ; v - i• •
Johk C k . Morritviij.M. D.—dnatitutes and Prac
tice of tMedicine; Med. Jurisprudence and Mental
Gedhoe C. M. Ro.nF.nTB, M. D.—Obstetrics.and;
Diseases Of Wooten aml ; Children. • ' ' ’
Rboi.ta.ld N.Wuiout, A. M. Ml D.—Chemistry.
A. StowdetTigoot, A. M. M. D.—Anatomy
and Physiology, ~ .
R, N. WnioiiT, A. M. M. ’pi — Surgery.
A. 8. Piodotf," > A;'M.‘ M. D.—THornpbuVica;’ Mat.
Medics, arid Hygiene., '-j /
The dpties of the Demonstrator will be : performed
by tho’ProfijMor of Anatomy. • ~
ThVPucully liave at their command the most'am
• plo moans, models, &c., for a course as
thorough andicomplctoias,ls delivered, in; the bbsi
regulated institutions in the country. The Obstetri
cal models are tho largest and boat Over imported,
and were procured in Paris,.at great coat.
The Faculty intend, as soon as possible, to fill the
vacant chairs, with gentlemen thoroughly qualified
to meet,tho responsible duties thereof.
They pledge themselves to unwearied devotion to
the interests of all who may bo disposed to put them
selves under their tuition.
Tickets; $l5 each; Diploma §2O;, Demonstrator
$10; 'Matriculation $5. Students arriving in tho
city are, requested to; call on some member of tho Fa
culty, who will give advice with regard to. the selec
tion of a boarding house, ,&c.
For fuithor information address the Doan of tho
Faculty. . ; REGINALD N, WRIGHT,
. ■' No. 103 .West Fayette street,
... one door w''l of Liberty s!
September 13, 1840—4 m
SESSION OP' 1840—50.
THE LECTURES will coramonco on MONDAY, i
291 h October, and continue until the. 15th of I
March, ensuing-. '■ I
Chemistry and Pharmacy—WM. E. A. AIKEN, .M
. D.,’L. L. D.
Therapeutics, Materia MeJica and Hygimc—SAM*
Anatomy and Physlolocy—JOSEPH ROBYM. D.
Theory and Practice of Medicine-—\VM. POWER,
M.D; . .
Midwifery arid Diseases of Women and Children-
Lecturer, on Pathology and Demonstrator of Anato
Instruction in Clinical Medicine and Clinical Sur
gery every day at the Baltimore Inlirmary, opposite
the Medical. College, The looms for practical an
atomy will bo opened October Ist, under the charge
of the demonstrator. Fees for the entire course sdo.
Comfortable board may be obtained in the vicinty of
the Medical College.
September .13, 1849—3 m
Extraordinary Reduction In flic
Prlcoof Hardware.
I HAVE J«Bt received the largest &nd cheapest
slock of HARD WARE, Glass, Paints, Oils,
Varnishes, Saddlery, Carpenter’s and Cabinet
Maker's Tools, MaJiogonyVaneers, and all kinds
of Building; Material ever , brought to Carlisle,
consisting of Locks, Hinges, Screws, Nails and
Spikes. Persons abound build will find it great,
ly to their advantage to look at my slock before
purchasing elsewhere.. Come and see the goods
and hear the price and you will bo convinced that
this is really the Cheap Hardware Store. Also,
instore, anvils, vices, files mid rasps, and a com
plete assortment of . Watt’s Beal Bar Iron, also
Rolled and Moppjlron of all sizes. I have also
the Tbocnnmeter Chum, Made by Mr.' Goo. Span
gler, the best article how in ue«.
have just received my .Spring
stock, of Grain and Grass Scythed, manufactured
expressly for tny own sales, and warranted to lie
« superior article. Cradle makers and others
will find these bo the host anioloin the
market, and ,al the lowest price, wholesale and
retail, at the old stand in North Hanover street.
Oct.ll, 1819. JOHN P, LYNE.
IVmv Sc Cltcajp Hardware Store.
THE subscribers have just received at (heir New
and Chedip HARDWARE STOKE East High
street, opposite Ogllby'a Dry Good Store, a Urge
slock of goods in (heir line, to-which (hoy would
call the attention of purchasers, their arrangement
in the city being such, ns to enable thorn to sell their
goods at the lowest city prices. *
Their slock comprises a full assortment of Locks
ond Latches of every stile and sixo, —Hing s, Screws,
Bolls, nod every article used for buildings, Augurs
and Augur Bills, Chisels, Broad and Hand. Axes.
Hatchets, Drawing knives, Plains, and Plane Blits,
Hand, Panel, and Ripping Saws, Mill, Cross-cut
and Circular Saws. Trace and Holler chains, Homes,
Shovels, Spades, and Hoes, hay arid manure Forks.
Also, a largo nssdrtmont of Pocket and Table Cut
jory.—Spoons, Shovel and Tongs, Waters and
Frays, Hollow Ware, Brass and enameled Prescrv
ing Kettles. Iron Furnaces, Cedar Wore, Anvil and
Vices, Files and Rasps of every kind. Bar, Band
and Hoop Iron, Cast,-Shear. Spring and Blister
steel, &c. Also,
100 Boxes Window Glass.
100 Kegs WotecrilFs Pure While Lend.
8 Barrels Linseed Oil.
3 Bartels Sp. Turpentine.
p ... , WRIGHT & SAXTON,
Carlisle, Oct, 11,1840,
T'L? o n,o\!V AU i 1 r N '- Jc '’ irc *' to “'farm hi.
*■ ' “““ 1,10 puMic m goneml; lint ho hn«
durohKod tho olotß formerly belonging to J,i co i,
bat]., anil i* now ready to supply iho reading
community with Books ofiiU kind* at city price* _
Ho has just recoivod iho following now walks.- '
toy noh'a Expedition to tho Dead Soa and Jordan.
Montague's ■••••'■ ** *
Philosophy of Religion,
pobhey on Future Punishment. *
Rural Lcttnm, by N. p, Willis.
Women ortho Revolution, hy Mm. Elbe,
Tbier’s. Consulate and Empire, Nus. 8 & 9, .
Davy Uoppertfeld, part 3r-. ; «.
Turner,. Fisher, and Davy Crockett, Comic.Alnja
nae’a for.'lB3o, together with all th? cheap public*,
lions of. the day. (looks ordered twice a week and
strict attention paid to orders from (ho country. .
All the Daily and Weekly Papers, &c., to bo had
ai, the old,stand next door to Burkholder’s hotel,
. Carlisle, August li6, 1849
DU. J. Pf. KEBrjBR A BUO. moat respectfully
aolkili aitnntion to tliolr freah Block of Engllahi
r ren C h, nn j American Drug., Medicine.,
Chemical., Paint., Oil., Dye Slunb,OJn.,wnie, Pcr
fumery, Patent Medicine., Ac. Having opened u
om,u ’ ioj iou *
arlicloa.old anholr c.ldMl.lintent 1. “tity ofall
■We especially invite druggi.l, and country mer.
ohont.i who may wl.h to hecorne agent, for "n,
Ifoeler’, Odlohralod Family Medicine.” f.landard
TO popu'or romedie.,) to forward their addre..;
.Soliciting (lie patronage of dealer., wo respectful
jy eomaio. , J. N. KBBI.ER A J)RO.,
■• „ olaah Druggutt, No. SOI Marjiet si
Sppj. 1 ,1810. ly.
assorlmeijl of 'Men’s & Boy’s
- y-Odps of ovory variety, lust received at the
fheap-fliem^rArhold At Levi. • ‘
*. • cTopiember 9? r lB'4o.' ' ■ ,
•Xss'iV.L'iW*. o?
unuos, fancygoods, books,&c.
A T "A.V i'.RSTKJK’S old established Drug; and.
-fi:' Book Store, dn Nnrlh'Hanover 'street, mi mow
supply of Drugs and medicines; fresh,and carefully
sejectod, together; with' a rich, varied and extensive
pf.P Qnc y 00^3 * Hooks, Perfumes, Soups,
Guillory} Gold and Silver<Pons.and Penblls, Curne-
Parlor Lamps,' Glrandolaa and Flow*
Vases; Bthorial Qil -Lamps. Fruits- 1 and Confec
tionary, and a variety of other articles ;,whicb. it is
impossible to onuinciate;'but 'cotnprisingrthc most
splendid display over* offered in Carlisle, and at prU
ces correspondingly cheap.. The attention, of.his
old, friends and customers arvdi the public generally
is particularly invited 10-his present stock, with
which they cannot fail to bo pleased*' . •,
r; May 24.1849. . S-'Wi. HAVERSTICK. ~•
Mardwaicv ,
opened at the new and cheap Hardware,
store of JACOB SI3NISR, a new, assortment of
Foreign and Domestic Hardware, consisting,of,a'
lull assortment of locks and latches of every otyle
and kind; hinges, screws, bolts, augurs, auger
bills, chisels, broad and hand axoe,-hatchets,
(drawing knives, planes, and piano bills; hand,
pannel, and .ripping saws; mill and crosscut saws
of Roland’s make, warranted good; a gqod assort*
meat of circular saws, warranted; traceand halter
chains of a suporldrquality that hasrievci been in
this market before, hoes,, shovels, spades, forks
and rakec; knives and.forks; iron,; japari, and brass
candlesticks;, an assortment of Bntania and Glass
Klherinl Lamps, spoons*, shovels, tongs, wrier
and iron tea kettles, brass preserving kettles, Co
dafvvare, nnvilp, vices, filhs and.rasps, of every
kind and.price. • . _ ,
Watts* bar iron, hoop andband iron, cast, shear,
spring and hlisiere4 steel, warranted good. '
. 150 boxes window glass, lower than ever.
200 kegs WelhcrilPs pure'white lead,
4 barrels Flaxseed oil, 100 galls. Turpentine.
150 kega Duncan Nails, warranted good,
, GO do*, prime warranted Corn & Grass Scythes
Please call at .the well known store of Jacob
Senor, North Hanover street, next door to Glass*
hotel, Carlisle.
♦May 2-1. 18-19
Cabinet malting 1 .
E.vton,si re Furniture: Rooms.
I jTACOB FETTER, in rear of (lie corner of North
Itj Hanover and Louiher streets, Carlisle, would the public that he has
on hand, and isconslantly manufacturing, every
description of work pertaining to the above busi
His Furniture being made out of llio best .ma
terial, by‘his own hands, ho fella no hesitation
in warranting its durability. Doing always ap
prized of tho vary latest oily fashions, he is
enabled to turn out the most
Fashionable Work
in the country, and at prices too whjch shall cor
respond with the “lightness of tho’monoy market.”
He would earnestly invite persons who are
about to commence call and ex
amine his present elegant to which he
will constantly make auditions of the newest and
mbsLmddern styles.
Tire Undertaker's branch ofbuslncss receives
especial attention,
October 4,1849
other Medicine has over been Introduced lo
xN (the public that has met with such unparallcd
success, ns Dr.'Soule’s Oriental Balm Pitts.-
Haying been but six years before the public, ami the
Advertising small when compared with most other
medicines, yet they have worked their way into cv«
cry State in the Union and Canadas. .They hate
absolutely become the standard Medicine of the dpy.
Tboy arc purely vegetable and so admirably com
pounded that whom taken in large doses they speed
ily euro acute diseases, and when taken in email
doses thoy operate like a charm, upon the most deli
coto, nervous female, and hate raised numbers from
| their beds when all other remedira teJ /aiJud. VVo
hero refer to but a few of the many mlraculous curcs
effected by the use of said Pills,
Spinal~Affeetion,~Anni Wood, of Rutland, Jef
ferson co., N. Y., was cured, after elie had been con
fined to bed 5 yedrs, with Spinal disease and Ab
scess of the Lung*. Tho.bill of her regular Physi
dan (Dr. Johnson of Olay,) had amounted to $BOO.
See Circular.
Scrofula and Nervous DefoVity.-—Mrs. Down of
Clay; N. Y. f was cured of Dyspepsia, Nervous do
bility and Scrofulous affection of tbo head, after she
had been, confined six months and all other, medi
cines had failed.
Cough and Consumption Cured Win. flcntly,
of Pickering, C. W., was cured of a severe Gough
after ho had been confined tp his bed fora longtime,
and wus given up by the Physicians. Ho had used*
most of the cough medicines of the day, and .was
supposed by his friends and physicians, 16 be in the
last stage of Consumption. ■ •
JJi/spcpaia. —A. 1). F. Ormaby, o/ Syracuse, N
V- w>» cured of Dyspepsia, eo severe as not to bo
able to work for two years. •
Wm. Smith, of Greenwich, Conn., wnscartd of
a severe csbo of Dyspepsia, Costlvcncsa and Ner
vous Dobilitv, of years standing, after expending
largo suras of money to m> purpose, Sec Cir
Bleeding Pi7m.—Asaph L. Leonard, of Avon, N.
V., was cured of a severe case of Bleeding Tiles of
a. number of ycajs standing, after usoing ft variety
of Tilu medicines without effect.
Mih, Williamson, of Bclhloham. N, J., wasafllic- f
led for thirty years, with disease of the chest and
stomach, u few doses of these pills cured her.
John Darling, of Woalford, Oswego co.. N Y
was greatly bimcfttlcd in a case of Asthma arid dlfl
ficully of breathing, liy nsn of these pilU.
Stverccase of Vilcs.—Sohn Bolton, of Hardwick,
Otsego co., N. Y., was cured of a severe case of
Tiles and extreme coatlvcncas of long and painful
duration. Who would not sacrifice a few shil
lings to he, relieved from so distressing o com
Wm. MocUhrldgc, of SmTue Toliif, N. Y,, Was
cured of Cough, Nervous Debility, and general de
rangement of.the digestive, organs. Ho had been
sick for years, and spent hundreds of dollars to
gel relief, but to no purpose, and was so discour
n«ed he could hardly ho purauftded to take the
The above ord oil capes in which all other reme
dies failed to euro or give relief. Many of the tmniu
character might bo published if wo had space.—
For particulars sco tho Botanic Institute, which can
be had of agents.
As.thoro nro spurious Tills in circulation called
Oriental or -Sovereign Balm, ho sure to see before
you buy that the name of “ Dll. E. h. SCUMS At
EO.” is om tho face of the Boxes. None others
cun bo genuine. Wo ore not avvaro lhat any who if
making u spurious article has yet dared to make use
of our name; but some of them have had tho impu
dencoto imitate our boxes and copy our Circulars,
Certificates, &c. Unless tho public are careful when
thav purchase Ihoy will bo deceived. 1
Tho following persons, in this county, bro ogents
for tho above Medicine.
J.C. «fc G. B. Altlck, Shlnponsburav 1
Win. Buft, Nowyille,
Jacob HolVelbowcr, Nowburg. ,
Joseph L. Sterner, Mifllln township*
Terry & Cmllieb, do. ;
John Ernst, dfe,
A. Ciiihcorvjßliophordiilown.- ' • .
J: 0, MUlor, Now Cumberland; : ;
a n u !; lnßW « Tavern. Btoughslowh.
apf cu "> Shoc v v
November 1,1810 ■ 1 UtNTZ '
••:. -LIFE :INSBKAJrC!E.: .-t3
TKc, Oirartt Lifc Insufance-'Antmlty and Trust
Office No.' 150. GhcsnutVStrect, 4 1
Capital »3<K»,oo<>.
.-•• . Chgrter. ;v...
CONTINUE to make Insurances on Lives on the
most; favorable.‘terms; 1 receive.-'and execute
Trusts, anti receive (Jeposiis'on IrttereSU-' ;
’’ 'The, Capital being paid up’And Invested, togeth
er wit!\ an.accpinulated premium fund,affords a
perfect security ' to ;tho in'sdtatlv -The premium
may, bo 'paid in yearly, half’yciuly or quarterly
payments. l ’ 'v * ‘''’ V 4 *' 1 "
a.BONUS at stated periods
to the insurances of life. Tftia plan'6f insurance is
the oft,, ,i? iiijore, generally ,lh
use, than iany,plUer. in (where’, flip
subject is -understood by ihb pobplo,' and
where they .have, hafi the. longest experience.), as
appears from that 17 Life Insu
rance Companies there, ofull kinds, G 7 aro on Ibis
•plan.'--'j • v\ 7.7 . •
The first BONUS whs appropriated in Decern
bor, 1Q44, amounting to 10 per cent, on live sum
insured uhddr-thooldestpolicies* toBJ.percent.,
Vi per cebt.*, &o,“, &c., : on others* in proportion, to.
the time of standing, making an addaio.u of SIOO;
287.50; $75, fee., &c., toevery originally
insured, which is an avorage of more than 50 per
cent, on the premiums paid; and'without increas
ing the annual payment tothe Company.
. The operation of iha'BONUS will be Seen by
the following examples from the Life Insurance
Register Of the Company, thus: ' ’
••Sura • Amliof Policy ami
Pulley. - .Insured, Addition, llonud payahtu, at
... the party 1 * decease.
No. ;58 $l,OOO 3100.00 $1,100.00
■•• :88 , • 2,500 . 2£0:00 2,750.00
•• 205 , 4.000 400.00 4,400.00
276 2,000 .175.00 .2,175.00
*• 333 5,000 457,50 5,437.50
Pamphlets containing the table of rates, and
explanations of the subject) forms of application,
and further.information may, bo had rit thd’olTice,
gratis, in. person or by loiter, addressed to the
President or Actuary. V'
J 3. W. RICHARDS, President,
JNO* F. JAMES, Actuary.
Philadelphia, May 3,1849.—1 y.
and Trrtst Compimy.
OFFICE 74 Walnut street, Philadelphia.—Capita
s26o,ooo.—Charter perpetual.—Make Insurance
on lives at .(heir Philadelphia,and,oltheir
Agencies throughout the States, at the lowest rules
of premium. , •,
Rates for insuring at $lOO on a-singlo life;
Age. Fori,year. For2jcars. For Life.
20 81 Ul 1,00
80 99 1,30 2,04
40 1,29. 1,04 9JO :
60 1,86 2,07 v 3,04
si> 8,48 2,0.7 6,03
Example. —A person'aged 80 years next birth
day, by paying the company 93 cents wopld secure
to his family or Heirs $lOO should he "die in one year;
orfor $9,00 be cosurcs to them #2000; or for $l3.
annually for seven years he occurea to them $lOOO
should bo die in seven years; or fui, s3o,4B~|>aid an
nually during life, he secures $lOOO to bo paid when
ho dies.' The insurer securing hjs own *aonus, by
the difference in amount of premiums from those
charged by other officcq. For $49,60- the heirs
would receive $6OOO should ho dio in one year.
Formrof application and all particulars maybe
bad at tho office of Watts, Esq., Carlisle.
> J. W. CLAGHORN, Pres’t..
' 11. O. Tockrtt, Sbcl’y. •
Fubd’k. Watts, Att’y.
Dr. D. N, Maiios; Medical Examiner.
August 31, 1843.—1 y ' B
THIS article is employed with 'great'sucres*,’ and
by.(bo mos( eminent physicians of this city, (ot the
; cure of the following diseases i .
OMofuh or Kings Evil, rheumatism,cutaneous
diseases! siphliuic ({(ter and. . whit*
en-olllngSi scurvey, neuralgia or tie dolourcax, cancer,
goitre or bronchocelc, (swelled noek) spine diseases,
chronic disease of the lungs, to counteract the dqstruc
tivo effoets of morcuiy, jaundice, hypnrtrophy, or en*
largemonl of the heart, palpitation and trembling in
the region of (he heart and stomach, cnlurgCmontof
the hones, joints or ligaments, all the various diseases
of tho skin, such as ringworms, biles, pimples, car*
buncles,etc. Dyspepsia and llrer complaints,.nerv
ous olfactions, dropsical swellings, constitutional dis
orders, and diseased originating from an impure state
of (ho blood ond other fluids of (ho body, In short all
diseases where a change of the system is required.
Prepared only by tho proprietors, John G. Baker
dc Co., wholesale druggists and chemists, : Nb. 100
NorthTUird street, below 'Race strjet, Pbilo. Price
60 cents per bottle.
- Importers and Wholesale dealers in drugs, medi
cines, chemicals, patent medicine, perfumes, surgical
instruments, druggists'glassware, paints, oils, dyc
stulfs, window glass: also a new ‘arid superior article,
of Imitation, Plati Glass,•■( about' one fifth (ho
price,of English or French Plates, any size, cut to
order. •
The Compound Fluid Extract of Sarsaparilla for
sale at R. Williams' Drug store, Columbia ; John F.
Long’s Drug store, Lancaster, Pa.; 9. Elliott, Cer
lieio; and by llonry A Caslow, Druggists, corner of
Market and Third stro (s, lloniaburg. pQ.
Decomber 1, 1840—ly •
kiuts! Hals!
Srnfxo and SuMMr.n Fasnross fou (848*
rpHB subscriber would respectfully cull (ho alien-
X lion of tho public to his largo ucKcrtmCnt of
ff~\ hats, A Caps,
of thorniest, fashions of.Moleskin,
Beaver, fine White Hockey Mountain Bearer, Otter,
Brush,and Russia hats of. every quality, and at dif
ferent prices. Also on hand a fine assortment of
Slouch or yporlaman’a Hals., (very ighi) together
with a general assortmoiu of nearly every descrip.
■ (ion of Capa t (>faU sites,and at all prices. Country
dealers and all who wish lo : pqrpbsso hats or caps;
are invited to call, aatho subscriber is prepared to
i give creator bargains than can bo had elsewhere.—
• Don't forgot tho laco, No. 3, Harper's Row.
> Carlisle,May 26,1848.
Grciit Uui-ffiiluN iu Clothing!,,
To the CitixenS of Carlisle $ surrounding Countnjl
JUST arrived a largo and aplendid nssotlmdnl
of Foahioitable’Hoady-mado
1 for llio Foil and VVimer tlie store of S.
Goldman, south-east corner of Main street and
. Marker Sonora, Carlisle,..
, Tho umlereignod respectfully informs tfia cilia
zona of Carlisle and adjoining oounlry, that lio
; Iras just arrived from Philadelphia, w|ih a largo
r assorfmenf of Fashionable Heady-made Clothing,
which for cheapness nnd quality, never has been
witnessed in this place, such as—French, Gordian
and American Cloth, Dress and Frock Coats,
Over Coatnapd Business coats of all descriptions,
Cloths, Onshiniproo, pnd Soitinet Sntk Cent's j
line black and fancy Qassimoro Finlaloohsi su’pe
rior Satin and striped sll|t velvet Cloth arid Sntii.
hot Vestal Also,, a Jorge assortment of (juicy
Handkerchiefs.fine, while linen, striped 'arid red
flannel Shirts; cotton& woollen nightshirts,Draw
ers, Bosoms, Cellars,&e. Beautiful Foil style
Hats & paps,
will be sold at pilces cheaper than any whcreolse.
Goptlernen are invited to call and oiainiilo.lfis
Goods, as lie is sure that tlioso who bay will go
away with a good fit mid cheap prices,
87,.1819-r-fim 1,,, ’ ;
’Ctfouiid Allaiu.Siiiit,
A T only, 9t,37j per* sack,,, 'j'ho pnlunco hf our
A V‘9V (o’elosp the concern, will be sold for cash as
“hove. Apply at the Tea andCWpa Store of
November 8,184* J. W. EBY.
- , n ‘ { MbL' '•
i .^ESP^^r^LL'Y thd'hlie'iltlori'bf tttjfil;
Jtl/ public? to. lus'Tresh 'supply' of DfhgsV Ch v pftiU;
• cals, Dyp-siuffs, Palnia;Oila,y arm^
SpipeSj JPatept Medlcjineb', Perfumery,
• : vy Docks and Stationary,. Musical an’^'S'ur^ic^l
InstrumentSj.tfruits and; Confectionary, &c.’
’ Among'his extensive variety
3 articles rarely kept in.small. .towns..-. Leaide : luB
3 complete assortment of-drugs, chemicals, &o„,he
a hWaccordeoris, arrowroot, almonds! aloihiade oil,
’ aromatic vinegar, bibles,bead bags, Buffalocombs,
l breastpins. Dear’s oil, bandoline,-backgammon
, .boards, Bpbf
brooches,' blabk-poWialuln,’lilack 1 fat' Cobacco, Urit
f ish lustre, blue ink, Canary seed, candies; bhrds, 1
( cieam - nuts, camphinp,;cap:paper, caohore.aroma-
I Use,- composition, corn sal.yeV.court piaster, castile.
; soap, cartes', clbth b’rdshesj'’clocks, crystalline
I soap* conversation carda,'cardcaßes’,buVling fluid,
( cologne Water! culglass extracts, catheters,icar
. riage whips,- domiboes, depilatory (powder, dress
( ing'combs, drawing_ pencils, _ Dutch metal, eau
lustrale, eau diviriS''de vends; walnuts,
L Envelope's,. Freiich fans, flgs, Are board, aprons,,
, Ashing lines and hooks, fancy boxes, flutes, fifes,
flageolsts,'.Addles’ and Addle’ strings,' fire. Works,
\ gold p a ens, : golaiin, glue, guitars & guitar sitings,
,’ g'old leaf, garden soeds, gun caps and gunpowder,
! gold-leaf tobacco, glass globes, ground rice, har
. rhoidcans, halt combs, hair brushes, hair 6i), hair
, dye, arid hair bracelets,’lndia and indelible ink,
ink, powder and ink sand, ivory combs; rings-and
. .rattles, IcmohsVlemoh syrup,’ liqUoricd, lily-white
, liquid blacking, lamps and lamp wicks; .Mineral
water, musk, maccaroni, 1 Meenfun, Macassar oil;
. matches, match safes; motto wafers,music books,
nice salad oil, note paper, needle cases, nerve
pbwdcr. No. G, nail brushes, oranges, Oleophane,
. prayer books, paper powder, pewter
sand, pnrie itionnais, pocket* glasses, penfknivcs,
pink saucers,"poccatr powder puffs,
philocome,; poat paper, poor man’s plasters, rose
water, raisins, riding whjps, razors, razor straps,
Russian cosmetic, red. ink, rose tooth paste, shav
ing cream, soap and. brushes, snuff bokes, shawl
pins, shirt studs, smelling bottles, sachets, shell
combs,, scissors, sealing wax, silver pencils, ail- ■
ver leaf, starch pollfih, Bpiced bitters, segars, sy- 1
ringesi .elieep skins, sand soap, sponge,, sand pa*. 1
pelf'testamonis, leabcrry tooth Wash, tooth pow 1
der, toy watchbs,- eye water,’ tooth .*
ache drops; toilet soap, tweezers,[trusses, tea bells, 1
(able mats, thimbles, violins,' vertnillion, vanilla \
beans, wafers, and a thousand other items tod 1
tedious to enumerate. .The above are all .for sale (
at Dr. Rawlins’ Drug store, Main street, Carlisle,
Pedlars, and olhere, t
will be supplied oriTiberal terras, ’ ]
Medical advice gratis, (
May 3,1810, . . ..- , . , |
The Symptoms of Worms
ARE, the tongue, often white anti loaded; the
breath heavy and fetid; a disagreeable or sweet
ish taste in the mouth; occasionally thirst; the oppe
tile extremely, variable, sometimes remarkably defi
cient, and at otbero .voracious. There is sometimes
'a eickiuh feeling, with vUmUing of mucous; flatulence
of the stomach and intestines; pain in the abdomen;
swelling and. hardness of the abdomen; the bowels
•ro irregular; tiro stools are slimy, and there is an ocr
casiona) appearance of worms in the evacuations; the
urine is often milky and . turbid; there is frequently
itchincss of the fundament and nose, which - la -often
swollen; there is occasionally disturbed sleep, with
grinding of me tcpthVand sudden awaking irVa!fright.
There arc, at iimes/houdoohe or giddiness; ringing
in the oars, or even convulsions,
drowsiness, indolence of manner and ill temper* In
some eases epilepsy and cholera, and even apdloctic
and paralytic symptoms, and several of the signs of
dropsy of the Wain arid catalepsy appear connected
with jvorms. - Frequently there is a short dry cough,
and pleuritic pains; sometimes feeble npd irregular
pulse, palpitations and iin irregular fever; (be counted
nance is generally pallid .or sallow, and somewhat
bloated, and there is oqcnAlonal flushing of one or
both checks.. Any one of these signs’ is indicative
of Wotms; prid the,most best and cheapest
remedy is D*. JOHN J..MYERS' VVORMTKA,
Prepared hv Dr. J'W.'liA WLINS , at his wholesale
and retail Drug store,' Carlisle, Pa* genuine
without his written signature. ‘ • < ' :
I’ Why wilf patents and others poison themselves
' and children with worm medicines containing mer
cury when they con get *• Dr. Mfehs* WWn Tea,”
wk.lfh the roots,' leaves and seeds of
the ptants mar imTDvr«t ww :
discovered. for tUe curo qf Worms. Each package
contains sufficient medicine for any case of Worms, ’
and when majo according to the Direcliorts is very
pleasant to toko. Price only 25 cents.
(O'Warranted good or the mcney returned. r
June 1849—rly
Alina wanumetort.
H CLARK. Vchuian Blind Manufacturer, Sign
, of the Golden Eagle, No, f3D A 143,' South
Second street, below Dock street, PhilodelpMa, keeps
always,on band a {urge,and fashionable ossoriment
BUNDS, manufactured in the best manner, and of
(he beat materials, and at the lowest cash prices.
Having .Tefiltcd.antJ, enlarged Ms establishment,Ho
Is prepared to complete ot'defs to any amount at the
shortest notice. Constantly on Hand on assortment
of • .
Mahogany Furniture
of every vdriely, manufactured.expressly for His own
sales* and purchasers may therefore'rely on r'gdod
article. .
Cj'Open in the evening. •
Orders from a distance packed corofully, ahd sent
free of porterage, to any port of (ho city,
. . . H. CLARK.
Flnlas August 16 10—ly
I>r. I. C. Xaomlfr,
WILL porform all.operations u’ppptho Teeth
ure required for their presentation,
such as Scalings Filing, l*Jugging t or Wfl
restoretlu loop of them, by inserting Artificial
TeeUufrom a single Tooth to a full sett.
11/*Office on Pitt street, a few doors South of
the flftilrund Hotel.
N. IK Dr. Loemis will be abaentfrom Carlisle
tht>lftettan dnya, in each month. '
Dccemtui 14,1848,
»H. JAS. Hl'CttLOCll,
WILL givjs his attendance in the different bran
dies of his profession,’ln town or ooanlry, to
ollllml may favor Him with tt call.’ Office opposite
the 2d Presbyterian Church and Wert’s HolbLlately
occupied by'Dr.Taulke, • ./• 3
Carlisle, Sept. 6,1849—(f -
»B. J, K. SMITH,
lenders Ills professional, services to Hie citizens
of Carlisle and vicinity. Olllco in Snodgrass’How,
next door to Justice Holcomb's, whore he can at all
times ho found, when not professionally cnoonod. I
Carlisle; June 7; Ifl-ID—if. ■ i
; U. |l. B, LEJUUV , ’
(socoKssoit TO SB, J, C, nstrl) \
RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of this
I^acQI ohd vlfuiity ‘ that having mode hlmaclf
inoiougbly.ncJquointciJ W|il» llib takd** as Well Q «
the practical part of Dentistry, ho is noW nropaicdto
perform oil opoiallons entrusted to.him. to Om Vatis
faetton of d|)| at moderate charges. ‘Orricfc—Sohlh
nonoycr.slreet,.adjoining tijo ofllcp of DW G. W’
Fpiilke,and,immediately oppdsjte the 2d Proihyte
ilqn church. , i; , -
March 1, IB4o~ly lt t , - ’ •- ' 1
y,? r ‘"P law ip llio. several ■oouiilibb’fCuiribcr
land, Perry.and Juqialai) ofhlslbtb judicial dial
Ifiql, , Any .piisinnss cnlriisled lb tils oarb wlll bo
promptly allonded to. Offop, in. Hts, Ego’s obr:
poalm^Jr'Bant!' HanGVPr Blt ° pt ’ i “‘“»‘liptely ppf
Carilsle, March 8, ISlS— tf '"'f," '
■ ,■:;*, 'r,, j, n. FAiittp,
*A* WOIiNEY AT L.AWi Ofifcbln North Hano.
iloii T Walls * l ° r<>ora form “ rl J occu Pi cJ by, Iho
March SS ( ,lS4B;^lf
«n !• ;■ .vAt.-,«6!i»pMliwrw».hsffi -TaHJiV.
nU : REI),DAILY r .ByMPB-H/VBflNqS\,CpM,
dicdl Faculty, otf oB,the public are. struck t vyUh
wo/ider tit ilho nymoxpua curesmauo .tlua
b*tVo!ordinary ia, mow. j
hy’hiany of our most ,cminent physicians |q, Ihj a,
'Certain : and speedy, cure.for, tubercular tju/isu'mpUoq,
in its worst.plages. . ;i U- has l)een ; recommended, Jiy
that eminent physician,; Dr. coMtonlly;
used in the Marino Hospital,.al r BayiLupah, On., by,
1»; 'Arnold-, the senior, phypiciqn.qf.tbejHqsnilql.-T;
The London. Lancet, Lyndon Medical, JflUjnol,
lirpithwaito’s PoUQspeqh. lbo L (on T
"don Medical,Journals .havospokpn lu.pruisq many
limes of thb surprising eiTccls of
r-' p'r.-Maatingf' IVepatatfan.) ’ii
It has been thoroughly tried, : notoniynn<tho'HoBi
pjtul under the 1 Chargb of:Dr. Hastings, in-London,
but also 1 by'all lhb ; firstrphysicians ofi.Bhgland. aDd
all-havc fully' endorsed it asaq uriiivalltd> remedyun
Consumption, arid all ..other-diseases of-tbe Lungs,
Tlio following are a few of thoopinions expressed by
the Mc’dicdl Faculty ? of England. Doctor Williamr
son, of Manchester, thus’wriles: ■ > : ■
: "Under its injlutnce, -I have scon the emaciated
being,onwhose brow death had seemed to’ have set
hla'seal, acquire invigoratiofi and strength—and ex
change bis early .mornings ofvintenso sulferingand
distressing cough foV tfatf calm-repose wluch;alouo
accompanies sound health.” . ’ . '
1 Dr. Ware, of Liierpoul, aa.js'.r— u Ircgatd Host
ings* Syrup.of one of the first .medical
discoveries of any age; and consider .its qgciicy In
curing’CohsUmplion as established, beyond all doubt
orquestion.” .>
.■ Dr. Boyd,ofLancnstor, *‘Hails it os the great con
sumptive antidote uhd euro;’' and DM Hamilton, of j
Bath, pronounces it “the only known remedy which:
may be ‘relied on for removing'tubercles frohvtho
lungs and preventing formation of olheid.”
Atiingld bbttlowill prove its elficacy.. AHithe
proprietor the trial of one bottle; the action
of which will prove to tho patient the virtue of this
medicine, 'vi M'l/'..; - f IN-i-',; '
:Couglifl, Colds. Bronchitis, Decline* Asthma, Night
SWeats, ami Spitting of Blood, arofcurcd in a surpri
singly short space : of time} the.scveroal
yielded to the treatment o/*lhelVsphtlJo;Syrup|n the
short space.of dS.'liours. Jamca'Western,of Ponti
ac, Michigan,. waS' attacked with, spiUipg pf bipod
and could obtain no relief until he tried Hotting
Naphtha whicb inhalfanhour., To enu
merate all .he cures performed bytius medicine would
occupy a volume, the accompanying have been selec
ted by the American Agent front a,muss Of cchifi*
cates and IcUcrs.whicbhaVo been received by .him. 1
NxACKt Rockland Co., N. V„ Sept. 5,18-18.,
M. A. F. Harrison-r-Sirt I wrote lb inform you of
the effect your Syrup has hud upon! niywifc. She
has bach oflllctcd with the wbrstTorm of consumption
foi two years, and hod been 1 given'up by two physi
cians, when I Saw* your advertisement of -Dr. Hast
ings’ Compound Syrup of Naphtha. Being favorably
impressed wlth'il I bought' one bottle, which-hnd-so
beneficial an effect that'she persevered in the use of
it. When She boromcnce‘d 'tnkih{r it she was confin
ed to her bed, but is'now cnablcd'lo bo Up and at
tending to her household duticS, and I feel confident
that the Use uf a Any inore bottles will entirely cure'
her. '.I would a’lsb add that my brother’* child h«il
been afflicted with a bad coligh ftoin its cnHicsi'm*
fancy, and I was induced to lry tlie etttfct of lh‘c
Naphtha Syrup unon.heh I did so, arid the' u'so of
half a bottle completely cured her, Y6u ; are at lib>
erty to use this fetter at your discretion... . ,
Respectfully,.. John G. Pink?.
. Lowvillb, 1/owlh C0.,,N. Y.\ AugUB, 1848.
M* A. F*-,Hafrißon~.Slf I. please send mo fifty
bottles Dr. Hastings* Compound. Syrup ©(Naph
tha. v This unrivalled medicine is likely* to pro
duce n great excitement in this community.’ Hun
dreds have experienced its benefits and thousands
hare witnessed its beneficial results. -As fur as
1 can learo, it has cured or is fust curing every
one who has. taken it,' and in several instances it
lifts restored to health persons who hare been
given up by the medical faculty. ,
Very respectfully, yours, John BfrNNEbicy.
We might llll.avolume with certificates like
these, but vre simply nsk for a single tnal-of ilila
medicine, for we are confident that, there ds’nh
person suffering fromany diseasbol the lungs but
will find an immediate benefit and speedy,cure
from ils'use... i * r : ,
For sale In Carlisle, b'y.Dr, Rawlins.
Myers’ I/iqma Cure,
WHETHER .ln(ctnai,.Exlernal, Blind or Bft-ctE
■nß.Sctofula, While Swellings, Ulcere, ami
Ulcerated Rpro fj'htool, Canker Sore Mouih, liiicu
maliain, Chtaneoua I)i«ca«c8, Mercurial. Affeetiono,
Ac. Also, for Scolds, Burns, Cuts,Sproiiia,Bruises,
Ac. Wo foci Justified In'proclaiming tho fact to the
world that of nil medicines ever ,brought btftfrc the
public, none have ever been niche beneficial to ofilic
ted humanity than “My ere' Liquid Cure," , We
know that this is saying a great deal, hut if wo wero
to write volnmcswe could mil any ton much in praise
uf this Health Restoring, Life Prolonging Ifmhcdy
Hundreds, nay thousands, Men,the happy hour when
first they were inode acquainted with its transcendent
virtues; and bur present purpose is to inform other
thousands, how and whore they may bhlafn that ro
lief, which they perhaps, have long Bought for In
vain. ,
TH'o Mccllehtfe of tins pfopnfolfoftitfttr
all medicines for tho speedy and pdmnfont
cure of PILES, Uwellknown to oil who have tested
it. It has hcon proved Irt Ihoi/saniTs of lnatancos;
and bus never failed to euro tho most Obstinate
Coat, mid wo nro confident it never'will fail if used
a proper length of time according to direction.. Si
a proof of offr entire confidence in iis cfilcdcy, we os.
sure all purchasers that, if, after a proper: trial, it
proves ineffectual, the money.puid fur it wilt be re
turned. ... ,
Tho /•Liquid C«o'’ is lon effectual Remedy for
Ringworms, Uilce,. Pimple*, Uarhcra' Kch, Pro.tcd
Limb,, Chilblains, EoR Rhcimi, Musquitg Rites
Slings of Poiaoneu, Insects, Ae., and for 0010110008’
diseases of every clusrnnUon. ,•,
ft is hoili Sale end effectual for RHcnmalisra, giv
tng immediate and permanent relief, u
No preparation now before tho public can surpass
Out excellence of tho L quid Cure” for, bealds'
Sprome, Uruiecs, Swellings, ice. hi
effects as a teal pain killer ore migleel. Evbry Fa
mtly in the Ijnd should proVidu themselves with thli
( Fuil pitectiohs,acco|ni,on,v ceclt hntilc. Pamiih
lets containing of corlificaics frogt those who
have tested the *• Liquid .Cure,” may bo had gratis
of our authorised ogonte. “MjiV Liquid ! Chio" is
prepared only by JEROME A (SO., ■
„ ~ - ' »1 s Pfuee Street,Nelo'Yorlt.
l ot so 0 in Carlisle, by J. A. R*wua.,«ilcngcnl
for Cumberland county, ° ;
August 83; 1840—Qm
[ H JUIEUI ll .Vllien •' I
H- Church &co„
bn .‘l“ iU I 1 ‘land, west end of Iho
tool * 1 “ r ' l “ llur B ljri * 1 8 l! . down al lire river, I,QUO;.’
we feel of the cheapest olid heal lumber on Iho honk
consist,jm-ofTmiel, Ist Oomrnon, sd Com „„,i
refoso Boards and Plonk of 1 u. u
i ‘Wellness.,i Also, Popl»r plonk. Scantling and half
' oflong. Shingles, Fend
fence boards, shingling and ploslcrll.p .‘huhes ini!
- Prepared to an/bnl^®^
O-Hry »onjrJ» W Ifopd at HI per hi., '•’ ’
btu * h
Tho iionq iy alrict oltontldli io'buil!
"“.‘V vtytynWfW of * oUln »' ld »o> llkn tnji
other Yard oUlm lf)al tho public generally bill
M™^JsjiZ|? LBlbro I ’ UrCl ' a,inff efaewiiiio!
A"Arnold^and -WvTliavo
JJ added to their immonsu Block pfiDry Goodbt
a largo assortment ofMen’s, WqmerW.and Chili
September 87,~ la-tO.v r , ,V‘ :
August I« f 18«
•.t:< ....
<;n.<i. ;'®ra»'<ii bilh'Male anlt Fimttlt rO . |„,,.
'tWQlfiVs cqnplipaiiblV, ijivferd pijt»i"fhllliw#ib r ,
0 blo'otflp'tbo betid, 1 ocidte ,of »>J“ *tc/rAirtli''HßUaorf,.
'bcart-b'uriK disßusl' for lh« .
: Bttfmach.’sour crucluliohkjtfililiinß iilim i
pft'df iHVatomucli;\avvihinj|ng J of
Wnd.diffiauU lircuiKing,' fltHfcriiftf at-flirf bciti thft'ki i
aufficaiuig a'Mlaatibnb wicri in iflyidg^pOjlUrej.
or'n'nd dullpain ih'ihn 'hoadV.dbfitiebty of
tionJjellownoss pf (ho skirt' 'PWrt 1 in* the 1
fl^dd,■b'acK>V^>dB t 'l.ii^V , • '
burning jn Jbe ./ioshiMhhslo^t'irn’a^hinka'of'eyil'in'd'.,
Weill iloproaßibri' Db dui'ed bv i
: ; Celebrated German; BjtterSi ''
Their power-byci- the'above disea^es'is 1 rfdt '^xcelJ-
'kty/othcr »|tf ttie U.
Stales as tho cures attest, m'm'ahy dodcVhftcr skillful
physicians had foiled* ‘ r-j , ’ ,! *
Ucrarigcmehtof the liWer and Stomach era aonrces
of insanity, and will aUojproduco 1 disease of (be
heart, skin, lungs arid kidney*, ntitl lay s tHe'body
open to on attack qf Cholera, bilious or,yellow fever,
and is generally the. first cause of that most baneful
disease, cohsuiyptlon,., , . > (1( 11
01HNIOW8 Qtyi’nE
1 “The Dispattk,” of December 31st,says:j ,
Ah Invaluable Mainersß.-r-We bayg frequqnl-,
|y heard iho colobraled Geumin Eillcifl, manufattur
«d by Dr. Hoollond, spoken at in terms of commen
dation, 1 and Wo know- deservedly ■ r ao.V.-It.-U ja Job.*
common in certain quarters,-to puffiallman
nnr of useless trosh.lmt inthocasu ufthc;above Bit*
ters. hundreds are iivipfe .witnesses of their,great,
moral und physical worth* .As-a medicine for the
liWor complaint, jaundice, nervous debility and dys
pepsia, if has been found
and thoroughly eradicating diseases, when all ’other
medicines have,failed. Wo feel 1 convinced, that in’
' the use of the German Hitlers, the pnlitiildoesnot
become debiiiialcd,but constantly gains strength »iid ;
vigor to the framb—a fact Worthy of great consider;
alion. TließiUbrs ire pleasant in taste arid smell,
and can ho' administered under uiy circumstances,
to,the most delicate stomach.'’.lndeed they can’ be
used by all poYsotis with iho most perfect dufcly. ; It
.would for those who are mudi'affccte'din (ho
nervous system, to commence with' on? ten spoonful
or less, and gradually mcieuse. We sprdk from ex
perience, and are of course; a proper judge; 'J*he
press fur ond-wfde, hove united In recommending the
German 1 Bitters, and to the uillictcd wo most cordial
ly advise their use.
*?Sph HofifteTiiucSt* of June 24th, says:. ,
**lPo ouH Gooi) ciTizKss whbaro invalids, know
1110 mahy.nhtptiUUing Cureß.lhul have been; pciform
ed by 1);. Hoolland’s celebrated
If they do not, wu rrcppiniciultheni'jo the ‘‘German
Mcdivinu aU who arc afflicti-d with Diver
fcbnipluint, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, or Tferyous.Debili*
ty; ihc Doctor bos cured many of our citizepsafter ,
Uio beat physicians had failed. . We have used them. '
uhd jbey have proved io be-'a medicine that 'eveiy
unu should know of. and We cannot'retrain giving -
oUr lb their favor, and thui whirh gives
them gtculbr claim upon our humble ate
u Tht Daily Newt” of July .4lh, says.:. >' •
“We ftpfeak knowingly of Dr; llnolland's rolebra
(ed German Bitters, when we soy it is n blessing of ’>
this ngh ; and In direriSOs df the biliary, digestivbund .'
pNertoninyfitemVil has not we Ihlhk on equuh It
is u Vegetable Preparation, ami made Without Alco
hol;/Tnd to' tfll lnvultds we Would fccotmni<nd it as '
woflhy tbelr cobfidelife. 1 . 1
. Is from one of bor first druggietij'k gthl/fcinan
favourably knownlhl-ptigbqtit tbh UhJtcdiSlaics—
the proprietor of the ‘•Medicated Worm t>yiup.”
Pbiln.; Nov.^sd-jg^g.i
DrqrSir—ltu wlth much.pleasure thoi,l.iestify
Jo the oxtraort\ii»sry ; virtues tif >pUr, Get man Biiteia,
having,sold largely, onhdn these hut f t w months to
*iiriolt».|ier«bn»,, : «flHcted : w|ih Liyrr ebmidalnls
Dye||epBia, aiid .debility of the. Nervous sy*u m . -I
! iun say that ibc\ are.ib,/|,,. 8 | nMj.
clo of-the kind 1 ! havb ever /sold, 1 - (rind PfleaKin l jl/i
Ihc.pophhir'medUdncs) and I ednaidvr liiheonly
medicine for tlio tibi>vl u disciiß( , s before (ho public. ■
1 have novorquld ono bottle that has net given
satisfaction, and bfodghl forth tho’ commendation of
those wh6 ua6d H;' > ■ - ‘1
I deem this try duty yhu as lhr'jirri'prtrtdr
t)f (bis highly vuluxhlo article. and in those ml
with the obovc ihuJ iJmv kttow of
ils-curutite | f r6|ic rtii;» Bml |i) enable, (/tun toselpot
the good from ihu venous. articles with width our
njarktl is Hooded* ...
Druggist,, ■
. Pf Second slid «|r;
•linnAiea isn I.ivu CiijU’i.aist eonmi aftc*
ItU.ICIANH HAD FallMi} •! '
, _ •' . Philo. k Dtic. 27 IR4R
. Dior Srf—lt is wSth fMing» oi )druour/l ct.nimu
iiicaieio you the MiiMiivo eiiecia.(and in *■
lime) ol your mviiluolilo .
man Ilium," ti|.un my sy.uin while |i,i, ur j ll ,' ulldt .~
llio Jam. ice. About two year. ago I |,„d aliack
ol tho Jaundice ai.ll wtfs lonlinoil to Ihe hdisa six
.weeks under medic,.l treatment of ilie fomilv I'l.v
sici'uti and for Boinetiuio ufier, wl„ »f , u . il( ,
to ho very careful of my si If, ainrr that tlAiO I fiavo
bad SO (era I «ltack> Cllhe Same disee.e I lal^rl 1 J our
Uit ers have elite r relieved uml cured too il, ~Vc
or three days. My neat door neighbor. Mr. Join,
u.ehl las! ai.rtrtg.-hjd a long a eefiou.,, ellol jaun-
Jind^reu. 1 i •»
dlfnm I cailed 16 see him mid mid him nf ihe\dVci
you! hitlers had upon me in ihe disease Ho
immediately aeiit-ftr a holllfc, and In'« few da’ a Ire
was cund.i 1 have in seveial inal „..i ■
uni. 1 ••••I neea rcci.mmindr
cd the Ulllets, in. oilier cosia, always lha
same happy elfecl. My „i,„
afflicted wil l lave, eoniiilahil and Ke Ul a| K j u . b , l|,^
use uf the Uliters she is'wull ii.hi. r. • •! f i
hcßiih. w o .i> v ii.. Vo T rroi \ a ih^;; li ; i " w l .^ w > iw
of those Bluer. ZZ$ ZZ'u^Z
markable und extraordinary dini,,,, , .•
I-ropeHicß. ..rid Unit which enhaifL
us they are oimrely vegeluhlc. Wo alwot s kern
wUlmuiThcmr »•
•; • ‘Very respectfully; yours, ■
i n ' ' ’ j 370 Mouth Fitont st
nOan tationgdilcsimiony be adduced bv nnv
ration beforu the public 1 A sinnln imhl«
vinca,.., ono of'their ! e ' VI, l I f™
tiro entirely Vegetable, arid willnerm.n .’i' 1 . H l *
the moat oiistirtalQ co, ivene,. aml™v"?‘ , '' ,, ' tro > r
»l ? o, to .ho'!
being also graleful lo Ihe masi deli,oii,.'s,„ m !
dor any eircm,..h.nees, a.,d can he a drV.iilii.tTr" .Uhh
perfoe. safe,, delieii.e free film
A Icohol, byrupi Aeida, Calomel, arid dll mineral ii'ml
injurious iiipredionis,- - J
r Tkycsu bo token at all lime, u „j„ ,u r!l .
ouintlancn, no urdlnnrj- oxpn.nro will prove,i :lVih
; Foi wt,pleialpifinj; rofafr.'.W ifei 1
Tluoj street, INulb., ... ~ , , JM : ( *” *
nuuiiictoiy »rpbpket,|ipoii«.
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toroai* by culling al Ibia . ...
vi« riiv:ttMWM/T
PI u PD a OAtKStf J.
rWtt.-Auff. 36, 1840— 0w .