American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, December 13, 1849, Image 3

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    ‘TTTHEREAS the HonurabU Fbbd«iick WattB
VV President Judge of the several Court® of Com
Won Pleas of the counties.of .Cumberland, Perry and
‘Juniata, in-Pennsylvania, and justice of the several
Courts of Oyei and Terminer and General Jail De
livery; in said, counties, and Hon. John. Stuart and
John.Clendenin, Judges of the' Court of Oyor and
Terminer and General. Jail Delivery, for'tbio trial o t f
all capital and other offences, in the said county of
Cumberland—by,their precepts to roe directed, dated
the 13th of November, 1849, have ordered the'Court
of and Terminer end .General Jail Delivery, to
be holdon at Carlisle, on the 2d Monday of January,
next,.(beingthe.l4thday) at lOo’clock in tbefore
noon, to continue two.weeks. .. therefore hereby given,'to the Coro
ner, Justices of the Peace and Constables of t hoaoid
county of Cumberland, that they are by the said pre
cept commanded to be.then and there in their proper
persons,'with their rolls, records, inquisitions, exami
nations, and other, remembrances, to do those
things which tp. their offices appertain done,and
all those that ar?.huund by rccognizancesito prosecute,
against,the.prisopers that are,or then.shall be in the ;
Jail of said county, are to be'thcro to prosecute tKom
•s shall bo.jqst* ; . ...DAVID SMITH, ShcrllT. ;
SnßHtFx!s OmcK,
Carl.isle.jDec. ; 13, 1849. V ; • '
SlicriflPsSales. ■
BY virtue of sundry writs of Venditioni Exponas,
issued.out of the Court of Common Plerts of
Cumbeilaiid'county, ahd to me directed, I’will ex
pose the foliowing-Real Estate Ip: public-sale, at the
UouYt House, iniho Borough of Carlisle,.on Satur
day the 6th day ;of January, I 860; at 10 o'clock, A.
M h vlr:
A. lot of ground situate iu Frankfonl township,
bounded by lands of ■ —■ Mountz. John Hays, Sam*
uel davery and others, containing. acres, more or
less,' having (hereon erected a story
‘Log House, &p.
Seized and-taken in execution” as the properly of
Michael Loley.
Alia, all the, interest, of Thomas 8. Wilson, in
that property known ns the CUMBERLAND FUR
NACE ESTATE, situated in Dickinson ,township,
bounded by lands formerly 'of Pr, W, Chambers, A.
G. Ego, the Pino Grove Estate,,Buchanan's heirs
and Others. Seized and taken.' in execution as the
properly,of Thomas S. Wilson.
Also, a tract of land, mtuatcd in Southampton
township, containing 4 acres, more or less, bounded
by lamia of, Martin Thrush on' the north, east and
south by Wm. Highlands, and west by John Dun*
can, having thereon erected a.two story .
■ Frame House & Kitchen.
Seized and taken in execution as tho property of
William Houk. .
Also, a tract of land, situated in South Middleton
township, known as tho
"Carlisle Iron Works Estate,”
containing 10,000 acres, more or less, having there
on erected a large Brick Mansion House, a Forge
and Furnace, a new Merchant Mill, with four run
of stone, 3 Urge Dank Barns, and necessary Tenant
Houses, Ooal'Houscs, Carpenter ana Blacksmith
Shops, Stabling, dec. Seized and taken in execution
aa the property of Mo.y E t e, Executrix of Michael
Also, a‘ tract of land, ..situated' in Southampton
township, containing 460'acres, more or less, bound'
ed by lands of R. Scott, Esq., bn tho north, Carlisle
Bank, Property on the east, the Adams county line
on the south, and lands of Charles Wharton on the
west, - Seized and taken in execution as the proper'
ty of William Greasier and James Reesides. ,
Also, a lot of ground, situated in Shippensburg,
containing 2 acres, more or less, bounded by.lands
of John Roues on the norlb, Samuel . Wilson on the
east, Alexander. Matecr on the south, and. Mary
M'Farland on the west, having-thereon erected a
two story Plastered
- House & Frame Barn,
dec. Seized and token in execution os the proper!*
of Dontcl-Powcll.
Also, several adjoining tracts of Itfnd, siftfaled in
Westpennsbcrough ond Prankford townships, con
taining 10 sctcH &, 166 perches, more or less, bound
ed by lands of Andrew Forbes, John Dunbar, Geo.
Koth and George Slromc, having thereon erected a
Stone Merchant & Grist Mill,
a Woollen Factory, Carding Factory, 4 two story
Dwelling Houses, 2 Barns, a Obopor Shop, dee.—-
Seized and taken in the property of M,
C. D&vis. And all to be sold by. me,
Carlisle, Dec. 19, 1649.
Tavctd ilcchic,
N OTICE I. hereby siren that I intend (tfnppfy at
the next term of the Court of QuartaV Sessions
of Cumberland county, for a licehie to keep a tavertf
or public-house in the house lately kept by Allen
Cook, in South Middleton township.
December 13,1849—31*
.Wo the. tfndorsigned citizens of. tho fowrTalVip of
Smith Mtddlolm), in the county of Cumberland, do
certify that we are well acquainted With the above
named John WoHVthsl be is jf good reptfto for hon*
esty apd temper*Ace, and is well provided with house,
room and conveniences for the accommodation-of
strangers and.travellers/ and thatsucb*lnnor I‘avorn j
is necessary to accommodate the public aih) entertain |
strangers and travellers.
Samuel Hailzler,
, 'William Day,
4 Henry Wise,
. Samuel Zug,
Isaac Kaufman,
George Shelter,
Wm. Barber,
Samuel Keen*,
G.D. Craighead,
. Robert Grnhom,
Genrgo Urennort’,
Jncoh Shadier,
John D. Shadier.
Tavcru License.
"VT'OTICB is hereby riven (hat I intend to apply at
J.V the next term of (he court of Quarter Sessions
of Cumberlond county, for a license to keep a tavern
or public houto in Ihe liuuhs I now occupy as such
in South Middleton township.
December 13, 1849—31*
. We the undersigned chitons of South Middleton
township, in the county of Cumberland, do certify
that we are well acquainted with the above named
John Ricker, that he is of good repute for honesty
and temperance, and is well provided with house
room and convenioncea for the accommodation of
alrangors and travellers, and that such Inn or Tavern
is .necessary, to accommodate the public and entertain
strangers and traveller
Robert C. Stewelt, Daniel Rider,
' George .W* Wolf* Benjamin Rider,
John Baker, . Jacob Myers,
, Ssmuel Marlin,; David .Frederick,
Peter Young, John Myers,
George Webbert, sr. . George Carver,
Henry Webbert, John Goodyear,
Jacob Goodyear, Cyrus Ringwalt,
William Rider, Abraham Hartzler.
Tavern License.
NOTICE is hereby given (hat I Intend to apply at
tho nest lor in of (he court of Quarter Sessions of
Cumberland county* fur a license to keep a tavern or
publio liouee in the house at prevent occupied by Joe.
Orier. In Hogestown, Cumberland county, Pa.
’ , ? C. fl. HILDEBRAND.
December 13,1849—31*
’ We, - the subscribers, citizens of Silver Spring town
eh Ip, |n the county of Cumberland, do certify that
Ibe Uvnrn proposed kept by Caleb D. IHlde.
brand, in tl>e (own of Hogcslown, h neoesvary (u
accommodate (he public and entertain strangers and
travellers; and that (he (laid Caleb D. Hildebrand Is
of cood repute for honesty and temperance, and Is
well provided With house room and oonvenlbhoba for
the aooommoddtiob bf stranger* and travellers.
J. Mi Marlin, John Lutz,
Ddvld Reed, Frederick Myers,-'
Fisher Nesbel,- ’ 1 ’ ’ William Knnaga;
Peter Phillips, 1 Thomas Fisher,
• ' Isaac Zeamur,' Jacob Whitman,
Henry Vpglesong, John Ciemman,
Thomas Anderson, Samuel Hess,-
Samuel Kuls, George Forney,
MAOKAREL. Freeh No, 1,9 &3, Maokarel
In atorir and for aale by J* W^EBY.
DR. JAYNE'S Family Medicines for sale at the
Drug, and Variety store of Henry\ A. Sturgeon.
", CoVERIiV’S IIOTEI.. •" ~-J;
CjlNdE the close of 'the lust business se&soh, thl-
O Hotel has been greatly Enlarged, and undergone
a thorough alteration, renovation, papering- and re
furnishing, thereby modernizing and making It deci
dedly the most comfortable, convenient and best ar
langed Hotel, at the seat of Government,
The location is peculiarly flnol and such as to add
( really to the comfort of guests] being in the most
central and delightful part of Hafrisburg.>
The building con tains 71 chambers} is three stories
high; eighty feet front on Second street, and 60 feet
.fronton Market Square,'with two wings extending
back 140 feet and a capacious court in the centre.
The DINING ROOM is capable of seating 126
HOT AND COLD BATHS ha»b been added and
compriee part of - the new improvements.
The various departments of. the House have .been
placed under such managementias .enables the Pro
prietor to guarantee to his patrons, friends,, and, the
(ravelling community, that every possible attention
will bo given to (heircomfort..
, After returning his sincere thanks for. the very
liberal patronage heretofore extended to him, he most
respectfully solicits a continuance of it. ’. .
, 'Harrisburg, Dec. 18, • -
Household Furniture at Public Sale.
THE undersigned will sell St'public auction,'at
Iris residence, on. West High street, in the ’Borough
of Curlislc, on WEDNESDAY, the 19th imUnt.his
Household Furniture. ...
The articles will he sold nearly in (he following.or
■ dcr: ■
I. Tin Ware, Stone Ware, Wash Tubs, Meat-Bar*
rels, and -other Wooden Ware, Garden-Tools,'Side
Saddle,'Bridle, Wheelbarrow, Soap, 2 barrels of Vine
gar, 2 CookingSloves, and a great variety of kitchen
utensils. ....
Among which are 2 Dinner Sets, 2 Tea Sets, Castor,
Tumblers, Pitchers, Gloss Dishes, Glass Bowls, Da.
cantors, Wine Glosses, dec. Alto a tine set of Bril
tnnia Ware, Dining Tobies, DreokfislTables,Choirs,
Carpet, Coal Slovo and apporatus,.Window Blind*;
Clock, and a fine
111. PARLOR FURNITURE.—Sofa, todngfcs,
Rooking Cbalrt, Fine Walnut, Choirs, Walnut Con
tre Tabic, (marble top.) Pedestal (do;) Card Tnblus,
Stove; Lamps, Mantle Candlobrass, Book Cast, Win
dow Blinds,and n fine
and apparatus, Wo/drobes, Dressing Bureaus; Com
mon Bureaus, Toilet Tables, Chairs, Sewing Stands;
Feather Beds, Hair Muttraases, French, High. Post;
and Plain Bedttoac}*; Cradle,Crib, High Dctk.Ettlry;
Sinir, and Chamber Carpets, Stair Rods, and Window
Blinds, 2 Sheet Iron Drums, and 2 Air Tight Stovqs.
V. An assortment of Books, Maps, Prints, &o.—
Also, a lot 6f Wood and Coal.
Terms— Cush, fot all sales under ten dollars. For
sales of from ten to fifty dollars, notes with approved
security payable at the Carlisle Deposit Bank, sixty
days after dale; and for sales of more than fifty dol
lars, four months credit will bo given.
Sale to Commence at 10 o’clock; A. M.
Di'cembcr 6,1849—2t, '
XIST OF LETTERS remaining inthcPost-offlco
at Carlisle, Pa., December 1,1849. Persons in-
on thislist, will pleasesaythoy are
Austin Mr 6 James
Akerd Mrs Malgafet M’Clure Mrfl
Arnold John Marfjuart John jr.
Arnold C Mickey Lewis
A*kew Wm M’Grahon G
Drisban William M’Culloch Samuel
Bush Dr. ChrUt Miller Joseph
Burns Mrs Rebecca M’Lpan Win
Bradley Samuel . M’Callofth James
BilnerAdam Moore John'
Brown E C Esq Mtfudy Mids Catharine
Baker Philip Myers Mrs Sarah
Been Israel M’lntire Chas J T
Beecher Petftr -Myers Mfw Susbn
Boles Jerome W. iCTCoff Jacob
Befck Nathan . Murphy John .
Bricker Miss Mary. AhnNlll Mrs MaYy A
BemellStephen Nyhan Rebecca
Chroety lsoo Odcan Land
CllheSimen Parks Adeline
Caldwell J M H Porter Miss Tabilha,*
Colp Dfrvid Pitman T D Esq
Garmon C P PluaerJbhn
Collier J. M & Brothers Rider Wto 1 .
Caller John Richesoh MarJ’
Carothers Miss M. G. Riekebaugh Jacofr
Carothers Wm W Rhoads Samuel
Croft Henf* . Ritchie Robert
Clelland Mrs Catharine Ronkfn Miss Margery
Caufman Mrd Catharinoßitner James
Cahhvoll liev RhSel Misii Mary A
Caufman Mrs Mary A'nnßihehart Henry
Cfrfrk Wrfir Ringland Jta N
Carson John v Keep John EW ,
Crider John- Snyder Henry
Dea Patrick Smith Mfs Harlot
Dili Miss Margate* Smith George A
Diehl Michael 2 Sharp Slevratt
Diffinbaugh Jacob ( IsaW
Davids-,n Miss BlizabdhtjHienff. David
DraOhui Harriet ShOtfode Petei 1 -
Emmet Joseph JV Seaton Mia* AiVgeline 2
Ewell G S Sihilh Phbebd
Eeker DaVid St'aiib Bernard
Eagin Mrs Margafot' Sulivan Horty
Ettor Samuel Stoner David*
Evprisbuch Wm Stftmd Wiliam*
Frahn Choi'les . Sdn’gfy Sdifa'rt
PeltfbiV Joseph Schuler THomadC
Fronce Mrs (J Stoner Michael
Ffaafler John P Esq’ Sangry Mrd*
Fishhurn Mrs Eliza Sangry MissSarfeh 1
Fetrow Sanders David
Garner Davftl Smyth Hugh'
Glnglier Jolm ( Shlnk Miss Abbf
Grimes John 9‘ a Stumbaugh Jacob
Gieler Frederick Stoner Augustus H
Graham Samuel Sfuiih Jpseph H.
Goodyear Benjamin Staffer James
Graham Charles 2 1 SuUvfin John
Grhel Patrick fSlrickler Samuel
Gutshall Adam Snyder Jacob A
Gross Fercilla Smith S'S , a
Ojlespy Patrick Sticklemop Jacblj'
Gensje Wilhelm Fred Simon Geo
Gillard James Swangor George jr
Hosier George Spaur Andrew
Hoffman Elizabeth Shaly Miss Mary
Heogy John Stanger John Lewis 9
Hill Jesse'S Stewart Alex
Hupperd Johnathan' Stratton Jacob
Hooker Adam- Stine Mies Catharine
Hamilton Douglass Schandoe David
Handsheok George Trlslle Moses 3
Henriok George ■ Thompson. James 3
Hosier John Troup.Samuel
Henline Aron : Tomlisson Miss Amanda
Harley Miss Sarah Thorp Benjamin L
Hurley Mrs S ‘ Venasdlen John
Hsnington Grien . Venasdlen Mies E.
Hesse F W Williams Messrs & Bros
Hard Susm Ward Barney
Henline Aulnh Waists? George
Harlramn Abraham Wert Jeremiah 9'
Hoover John While James
John James Wright Georgana 9
Johnson E H WlaaLlgd
Kuhns George Williams Samuel'
Kline John Walla Rov J •
Kinslrr Charles WHaon Joseph
Line George . Williams Mrs B
Lang Michael Woods Alexander' *
toy John Wheeler Wm
Leedy John W A Woods Mlaa Sarah
Lehman ttefid Wirioh 0. H. ’
toib Chrtatrart Wagner Samuel
Lehman Mary M Wagner Mrs Mary A
Longneoker uenjsmltf Whitmer Joseph
Lenvln Miss Mary Wledner John
M'Clure Mrs Matilda Zelglor Mrs Susan.
MoffltJohn , n
Miller GW B. D. WUNDERLICH, P. M..
IValiogaiijr SidebotlfrcKj
Brussels. Cai-pcii
v Education Coiivcnllou .. .
THE Board. of Directors of the Carlisle District in
vite a meeting of two Delegates from each School
District; College, andAcademy,,and one from each
Select School in the counties of Cumberland and
Perryj to assemble In the Court House, in Carlisle,
on Wednesday the 19lb df. December, 1849, at two
o'clock; P. M.; to choose delegates corresponding to
the number of members in the General Assembly
from said counties, to altend a Slate Convention to
be held in Harrisburg in January next, and if thought
expedient to adopt such measures as may best pro*
mote .the cause of education*
All the Teachers who may be present will be in
vited to ail in said Convention as honorary members.
/ .- JAMES HAMILTON, Secl’y.,
December ft, 1849.,
Ho for the Hollidays r
Kriss Kipgle’s Head Quarters,
IS tho place where country merchants and the pub
lic in general, will find the largest and best as
sortment of
ever.offered in this county, manufactured of the best
; malerial .espresß'y for the Holidays, and will be sold
wholesale or retail- at the Old Stand of the subscriber
North Hanover street, a few doorsnoitb of the Dank,
where all arc invited to call and examine for them
selves, as it would be impossible to mention all, the
varieties. .He would also call attention to a large
assortment of Fruits and Nuts of tho latest importa
tions, consisting of ...
Figs, Pruens, Grapes, Citron,-Dates, Almonds, Eng
lish Walnuts, Cream Nuts, Filberts, Pea Nuts, Co
coa Nuts, dec. In connection with the above .bo has
just received a laragessortmenl of English, French,
and American
Toys & Fancy CJoodsj
constating in part of fine French Card and Sowing
Baskets of. entirely new patterns, Fancy Boxes of
wood, paper and glass, Wsi and oiltet. Doll-heads,
Kid and Jointed Doles; Basket, Bell Bone) and other
Rallies, Games and Pozzies of the latest style; Fur
niture; lea setts, and nine In botes, fiddles; guitars;
pianos, dccordeons, hafmeonicans, drums, gUnS, and
other articles of wri*, Glass and China toys, mantle
ornaments, Tools iiii boxes; woolly -dogs; wagons and
Wheelbarrows, tubs,’cradles,-Noah's ArkS, masks,
marbles of all kinds, fancy Soaps; colougne, ox mat*
rdw; sbaWflg b'ftfafti; half Sftd clothes., Brushes; Afc:
tie has also oh hand d primb lot of FRESH, GRO
CERIES, consisting of CoflheS, Teds, Sugars, Mo
lassos, Crackers, Cheese, Spiced of all kinds, a fid in
fact all articles in the Grocery line; which willbb
disposed of at tho lowest rated. • ,
Orders fforp a didtartco ihdhkfully received ana
promptly dttended to', P; MONYER.
. Carlisle, Dec. 6, 181& , • •
■' Sarllii’s Unitfn Magazine.
A Impartial pread HaSdrtardfed to Sartatn ihe
XX credit of publishing tho best Magosine in Ame
rica. The deoisiOn id founded upon the established
fad that Ire publishes better and more varied ombsf
llsmcrits than arty'of his rivals; and (hat lie pays for
original contribution's Wore than all his competitors
combined and hertee h'aS SecUrod authors of (be high
est repute In America and Europe;
Single copies 95 cents.
One copy 83 per annum, ami a premium of either
James K. Polk, William Henry. Harrison, group of
tho Washington'FamUy,General Taylor, Benjamin
Weet, or Henry Clay,. Either of Ihoau engravings is
worth alone 83. - , ,
Two copies 85 per annum; and cither of tho above
premiums to each subscriber. 11
Five copies 810 per annum, and an extra Magazine
ahd one of the premiums to tho agent or person get
ting up the club. ' ■*
Having made arrangements with the publishers for
copies of tho celebrated niezzoljnto. Picture. “ The
Death Bed ofJohn Wesley, 4 ' we mako the following
One copy pf the Magazine ope year, and the Wes
toy Print, s3* or 90 copies of the Wesley Print, and
9 copies of Bartaio's Union Magazine fur 83ft.
. Remember,' the Impresrfoni are not from worn oat
English Plates, but from a no# platb engraved In the
highest sty 16. of the art, Those sending their money
early will gel good Imp'feSs'ioAS.'
OFFBIt BXTKAOrtpifffXfti-f . '
Any 06# sub'scribdr sending us 85 prior to,{ho Ist
4,r F«li>ytr) 1900, iU«ll ivotlt* In ,«t)n ii run avia of
Sartain's Magoiine ,/cfc. fSttf and 1850, .and fwo
volumes of Campbell's Foreign Monthly Magazine,
end the Washington nr Taylor print, thus' securing
upwards of 400 engravings for 85.
Tlie post town sending the largest ntfmber of mail
Subscribers for the year 1850, prior to the Ist of April tqg6thq{ with 1 tho advance payment, will be
entitled, frails to the same number of Surialn’s Ma
gazine for the. year 1651. For the second largest
lisl each .subscriber will be entitled to one of our
premium plates. Remember these plates are of a
largo site and suitable for a parlor ornament.
Persons wishing to get up a club will be supplied
a specimen number; by writing fur it and payinglfie
postage. ,
Terms invariably in advance. Address,
December 5,1849. Philadelphia »
The Leading Periodical in America,
ANEW volume of this magnificent Magazine will
be commenced in January, tB5U', fn a eiylc of
remarkable an'd unequalled beauty., Numbering
among Us contributors the beat AulliOra’ in llt'ecouri
fry,’ the propriolbrs intend adding to fhd attractions
which •glilldr ih Ua’ piigef a senes' of plates Which
will far aurpaaa, in'point of excellence and* beauty,'
any thing which may bo fuVm»)iud‘ b)l any publica
tion of a aTmilar character in AWei'lda. It I* not
aeying 100 much to aaaert that thb qow Volume will
commence with a {fttTect blazb ( ofliWary and arils
tic light,-and the ascendancy lltli'i acquired" shall' be
fully siAlal'ridd throughout the entire volume.'
PREMIUM PLATES, Tlio publisher. h.V. in'
preparation a number of exquisite plotcs designed sV
Premiums' to new subscribers’.' AWong llioee may b6‘
ihentioned an engraving of perfect beauty, entitled
"Christ Dluseing Little Children"—another,"Bbifing
the Saviour to the Tomb"—and yet an6thef,’a splen
did Portrait of thq late distinguished and reverend
Biahop White; BbsUles these. are the Reverie,* an
engraving by an'ernihonf fihglish arlialfwitibh' hha
been considered, : by all who have aeon’ll,‘to be oho of
the moat beautiful apcclmcna of art ever presented by
any. Magazine publisher, end a complete series of
mezzotint poi traits of American Uoroea.
TERMS. Per Throe Dollars, paid in advance,
We will furnish the Magazine and either oflhe above
pfihl'a, or a eet of the Portraits, at the option of tlio
For Five Dollara two copies for one year, end a
copy of either of the. above Prints to each subscriber.
For Ten Dollar's ilVo copies for one year, and one
copy extra to the Poslnibaler or person forming the
club, and either of the above Prints, or a set of the
Portraits to each subscriber.
For Twenty Dollars, eleven copies for one year,
and either of the above Prints or.a sol of portraits
to each subscriber, and one' dopy'estra to the Post*
master or person sending the club, with a copy of
the large Print os an additional premium.
, Any person furnishing the names of Twenty sub
scribers or,upwards, will) the advance paymenl,Bliall
bis entitled to a .complete cony of W. H. Graham’s
"American Historical and Biographical Library,” a
roost valuable work.
A‘ PREMIUM OFFER. Tho Post Office of ahy
fown in the Union',-from tfhittlrwo shall receive the
greatest numbef of •übabribor's (0 Graham’s' Mbga
sine, during tHtr’ybtaf between 1 IhO Ist of January,
1850, and the 1st 1 of January, 1651‘, (the Magazine to
be mailed to siidh Post Office, or to' aObleribbrs*
through it,) shall 1 bo entitled to a continuance of the
whole nttmbef of the aubaoriptiuns, gratuitously, for
one ybsf afterllie expiration of the year for which
their subsOfipllbnlf shall‘have been paid. The Ms*
Sarfne will be continued' ort', either to the aobsoribera
oi* to tlie through whom we may
receive the orders; for quantities',-and to whom the
package or packages.' may be dirsetsd; or to both, if
there should be both in the same town, as the esse
insv be.
rootage on all latlera to be pro-paid. Address
No, OS Qhtinut St. t PM fa.
December 1049. •
Godey’s Lady’s book, ,
For 1850 aKall .surpass that of, 1&49, and exceed
all Magazines Past, Present, and to Come.
TERMS—Cath in advance, pottmgt paid.
SUBSCRIBERS to a dob, or single subscribers
may choose-different engravings. One copy one
year $3, with any two of the following, splendid pro*
miuro plates;. VDealh bed of the Rev. John Wesley/’
••Wesley preaching in IheGwenap Amphitheatre/’
••America Guided by Wisdom,” “General Taylor and
Old Whilcy,” “Likeness of the Rev. John Wesley,”
“Do of Ida cO-laborer,. the Rev. John Fletcher.” the
lost two (hough separate engravings, wo count only
as one premium.
• Two copies for 85, and two of the above prints to
each subscriber* .
~ Five copies for #lO, and an extra copy of the Book,
and any two of.the above engravings to llio person
sending the elubV
Eleven copies Tor 820, and an extra copy of the
Book, and any three ol the above engravings to the
person sending-the club. . . '
Any person sending $5 in advance, subscription
for 1850 and ’5l, will be entitled to any four of-the
abovo engravings. .
For $2O in advance, ton topics of the Book
will be sent, and a copy of either of tho above mag.
nificcnl prints sent to each subscriber; They can;
In all oases, select which they please.
For $3O we will send ten copifct hf the Book; fliid
thirty copies of any of tho above engravings.
Single numbers of the Lndy*s Book, 25 cents: ‘
The above; : are lorge slxcd parlor prints. ..The
“Death bed of Johh Wesley 1 * contains many portraits;
“Wesley. preabhing in. the Amphitheatre” contains
hundreds of figilros, and cost $l5OO id engrave it.—
“Atncriba ,GUidcd by Wisdom” is a Irery large line
engraving and cost 818U0 to'engrave it. “General
Taylor and Old Wliitey” is one of the largest oflhc
Gbnbful Taylor prints, and is engraved from'an orig
inal painting, at a cost of $lOOO. t Tlio heads of
Weplcy and Fletcher are ofa good sire fur framing.
Premiums ore only sent when the subscriptions are
remitted direct td the Publisher.
, The Laot's Bdujc for 1850 will contain several
hundred good engravings.
Postmasters and others sending Clubs will oblige
us' very much, by having them all addressed (done
name. It is no Inconvenience to. them, and will be a
•fcreat fabor to ns.
Premiums, to ti/r Toims scndino the Largest
Number oH Subscribers.
The town sending us the largest number of mail
subscribers for 1850, will b$ entitled to the Lady's
Book fur 1851, gratis; and the next in number, each
Subscriber shall have any one bfjhe above plates.
‘ -j .113 ChtShiit St,\ Philadelphia
December 6,1849.
N6TIOE is hereby given to all persons interested,'
that the foltowihg accounts Rave befcn filed in this
office fob examination by the aceoufitniitß therein
named; and Will be presented io the Orphans* Court
of Cumberland cbimiy fof eonftrrtialion mid allow
ance, on Tuesday, (he 18(h day of December, 1849.
. 1. Tho account of George Zinn, Jr., administra
tor of Catharine Grove, late of the State of
3. The adeount of. George Brlndle," guardian of
hhaline Humer.
3. .The neebunt of John Lohn, guardian ofßenja
■ln and Charles Spiser.
4. The.aceounlof Andrew Blair, guardian of Mar
ia Holmes.
5. The supplemental and final octount of John
Felels, Executor of Jacob Harnish, late of South
Middleton township, deceased.
6. Tho account of William Greenwood, Adminis*
trator.of JoKftGrccrtwoodylole of Dickinson township;
deceased. " _ r -.,.
7. The fffiai account of William Patton; one of
the administrators of Henry C. Hachclt; lule of the
tbe-borough of Newville, deceased,,
8. Tho account of David Brenizef, administrate!
of Catharine Elsrodc, laleuf llio borough of Shippens
burg, deceased.
9. The account of George ti. Bucher,’guardian of
Ann Eliza Matecr. , . ..
10. .The ageount of John Sprout, administrator of
Beinjamin Ebcrly, late orHampden township,dcc'd.
11. .The account of William Ker,' guardian of
Adallno.Fulwiler. „ . f
f 2, The Recount of David Slerrctt, administrator
ofSamnel DySort; late of Mifflin township, deceased.
13. The.acbountorChristian Fuilor.edin'ir,<«iruiof
ofjqcdb of MiflUn xrt#oi|nj>; deceased.
14. aecounl.6f ( Wm. M. Beo(em and Samuel
Sonseman; aumfmatratbrq of Adam Lbhgsdorf; late bf
Silver Spring lownaliip, 1 deceased. * ~ . .
15. Tho account bf John Moorb; administrator do
bonis non with the will annexed, of John Moore ( 'lal!e
of Dickinson township,-deceased. *
, WILLIAM GOULD, Register.
. RfcoiaTEa's Office,. /.
Carlisle, Noy. 17, 1849. f .
JTloiiutrUu Laud for Sale.
TWILL offer the undivided half of NINETY acres
of Mountain Land, late the properly of Andrew
M'Dowell, deo'd., (being the interest of two of the
heirs) at public sale, at the Court House, in the Bo
rough of Carlisle, on Saturday the 291 h day of De*
comber next, at II o'clock in the forenoon. This
land is well timbered, and lies in Crane's Gap. The
new road to Lamborton’s Saw Mill, passing nearly
through the centre of It) It Is bounded by lands of
Pslton do Moore, A. Lambcrlon and others. Terms
made'known on the ddy of sale by
.r , Att'y.for e/ iht Hein. •
November 29, 1849—fit .
Orphans* Court Safe.
TKE subscriber wltl offer at public sale, under an
order of Orphans' GoUrt, on. Saturday the 16th
day of December, lAd 9,’, at 2 ( o'clock P. M., on tho
premises, the following described rep) ealate,'tp wit f
, A tract of Grav'd)' Land,‘situate, in' East Ponnsbo
mugh township, Cumberland'couhfy,’about a mile
from', Fairvlew, bounded by lands' of George Mann,'
Jaco);E!che(berger, arid others, containing
.. o*4' Aore J a<S 38 Perches,
all of which is cleared land, except about 4 acres,
haviVjg nbobl b'sciesormoodow land. The improve
- ments are a one and a half story LOU
HOUSE,LOG BARN,Corn Crib,Spring
liSiiMlHousp, end Orchard.
egggtgSi .The terms of sale arc—sloo'to be paid
on the day of sale',- ofne half of the purchase money on
the lot day of April, 1860, whin, possosVmh'will be
giVo,n*, and t*hb balance In two equal annual pay mania
without interest, to'be secured by judgmcnto.ot re-
cognisance.’ , , ( JOHN BIIEETZ, ,
y t , , £dmr, of Jacob Kauffman.
November 28,1849
Tavern License/
NOTItIE Is hbreby-firenf that-I intend to apply
at (he next terWof the Court'of Quartet Sessions
of Cumberland cotinly, for a license lo keep i tavern
or public bouse in the jimise now occupied, by Cirnsl
M'Glaughtini in the East Ward, in the Borough of
November 39, 1849—31*
We the undersigned cilisens of the East Ward, in
this Dorough of Carl isle, in the ouunly of Cumberland,
do certify that we are well acquainted with the above
named Joseph Hoisor, that ho )s of good repute fpr,
hbnbsty and temperance, and is well provided wills]
house rbbm’snd conveniences (hr the,accommodation
of and' travellers, and that suoti inn or
tavern is necessary to accommodate tho public and
entertain strangers' sh'd'lrsvelTors. ,
. Jacob Zug, 4« me* Noble,'
Chas. Maglauchlin, F. Gat^nor,’
Goo. M’Fcely, R. MTJurlney,'
M. Holcomb, Edward Shower/
Jno. IC. Smith, E. Common, 1 ,
John Moore. Joseph Wilson.
J*. D. Dtatton, . ' • ' -’i-.-
A T 4 PbRTEU’B SHOD STOftE. opposite the
tx. MW» Kip Brogans, Men’s
Thiftk Brogans, Days’ and' Youth's' Thick Boots,
Women's Lace Boots'.
This work hat been manufactured' to, order, ox.
prcialy for tho winter, and la warranted I,o] be
than any oyer sold in Carlisle. Constantly nn hand,
a general assortment of llio best quality .of BOOTS.
SHOES, OROOANS, Gum Shoos, Buffalo Over
Shoes, Socks; &0., to which- llm attention bf buyers
issolioiH* „ wii, M. PORTER.
, Novelot^j
■ • 'm ■* ■ > 5 - ■
IVtiwvllle Academy*
SzLkot Classical ard' Scientific Scaoot,
Nete'ville, Cumberland County , Pa.,
ITU confidently believed that few institutions offer
greater inducements to students -than the tbove.
Located In the midst of d community pioverbiul for
their, intelligence,.morality and regard for the interests
of religion, this Academy can effectually guard its
members from evil and immoral influences;., Advan
tages are likewise offered to those desiring to pursue
the study of the physical sciences, surpassing those
oFmost simitar institutions. _. fr
Those having sons or wards, and wishing to send
them to a Seminary of learning, are respectfully soli
cited to visit Newville, and judge of the advantages
for themselves, or, at least, procure a circular con
taining full particulars, by addressing :
Newvillo, Pa., Aug. S 3, 1849~1y
I HAVE just received a fresh stock of Medicines,
Paints, Glass,.Oil, drc., which Having been pur
chased with great oath at the best city houses, I can
confidently recommend to Families, Physicians,
Country Merchants Hntl Dbalers, as being fresh and
- , DRUGS. -
PaldtU Kerbs and Exrlacts,
Fine Chemicals, . Spices, ground or whole.
Instruments. • : Essences, ..
Pure Essentidl Gils, .Perfumery, «Scc.
Cod Liver Oii— Warranted Genuine.
Log and Qom 'Woods,
Oil Vitriol, V ,
. Copperas,
Lac Dye
Madders, -
Sumac, 4
Wethcrill A Brother's Pure Lead) Chrome; Green
and Yellow, Point and Varnish, Brushes, Jersey
Window Glass, Linseed-Oil, Turpentine, Copnl and
Coach Varnish, and Red Lead; All of which, will
he sold at (he very lowest market price, at the cheap
Drug and Book store of
s: w. HAVERsnfcK:
. Carlisle, Nov, 22, 1849 .
JACOB SENER has just returned from the east
ern cities #itb a new assortment of Goods, which
he is riow'opentng at bis cheap store,' Iff North Han
over street, next door to Glass' hotel.
Oils, Glass, Paints, Copal, Japan,
and Black Varnished, df extra duality; Nails and
Spikes) Watts 4 Bar Iron I ,' Cast, Shear, Blistered, and
Spring Steel; Locks', Hinges) Screws; Planes, Saws,
Chisels, Axes) Knives,,Forks,’' Ac. Shoo
Findings of ovefy description. Persons' wanting any
thing in the Hardware lino, would do.well to give
us a call, as we nro determined to sell low for cash.
The highest price will be paid for SCRAP IRON
and FLAXSEED, at tho store of
Carlisle, Noy 15, 1849 JACOB SENER.
Trcimcndous Arrival
At the Cheap Wholesale and Retail Dry-goods
■ tyure of . .
. THEY have just received and are how openiitf
in North Hanover street, 3 doors north of the Car
lisle Bank and opposite Havorstick’s Drug store.*
the most extensive assortment of Fall and Wintef
Goods, ever brought lo Carlisle. Among, tliese
goods may be found a beautiful selection of
Xaclictf jtfreos Ctoods,’
plain, black and changbablo Silks; silk striped,
figured; and embroidered Cashmeres, small fig’rd
and striped Delatnbs; in gfeal variety; plain, black;
and changeable Alpacas) Moitaif Lusters, plain
tfnd figured Sack Cloth, French’ Merinos. Parri
inaiioa; Worsted plaids,. bVnn'ei satins, ribbons,
Brussels Lace,* Mack silk fringe and.bells. - ,
'| , lilbet| Lain;
and plaid Shawls; Moravioh, Lamb’s Wool, Al
paca and,Silk Hose? Gfovea and Mitts.
CLOTHS & CASSmEItES, Satiineils, Ken
tucky Jeans, Velvets, Pilot Cloih, Prab and Bea
vdr Cloths, for men’s overcoats and eack£;
. Boots & Shoes.
. We have added to our immense stock of Dry
a largo assortment of Boots and Shoot,
rhich will be sold very dlibap at the store of Ar
o(d & Levi.
Noiv Gobdf A €iottilng« v
THE subscribers have just returned from Phila
delphia with splendid assortment of Goods for
gehttepnen’s wear, with which they intend offering
great inducements to the citizens of Carlisle and
surrounding country. They have on hand an as
sortment i
such as Dress Coats, Cloaks, Over-coats, Vests,
1 Pants, Shirts, Bosoms, Collars, Under Shirts,
Drawers, Gloves, Stockings, Silk and other Cra
vats, Pocket Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, Hats,
Caps, Trunks, Travelling Bags and Umbrellas;
alt of which they intend selling at a very small
advance on city cost, having for their motto “small
profits and quick sales.** They wish it to bo' un
derstood that their clothing jspfl'manufactured
under .their own superinlendancQ and not in the
city, bonce they are ditabled fo Warrant every ar
ticle they sell. t>
Having anexperienced cutter engaged In their
establishment, they aro prepared at all limes' to
mako to ordef any article of clothing in a neat,
fashionable,'anti substantial manner, and at short
, jfortK Hanover St, oppuiiU Mbnycr’t Store,
Carllsle,Oct. 4,1649—3 m ,
' . , , fiuHurnncu. .
THE Allen and Kostpennsborough Mutual Firo
Insurance Company of Cumberland county, incor
porated by an act of Assembly, is now fully or
ganised /,ant| in the management
of the following'commissioner^,.yiij’ ,
Jacob Shelly, )Vm'. if. Gorgas, MlchaelCock
lin, Molchoif. Rrepneman, Christian Stayman,
Simon Oysteff Jacob, H.'JCduver v Lewis Hyer,
Henry Lbga'n, Benjamin H. Muaser, Jacob lurk,
Samuel Ptowcll, Joseph Wl’ckorsli'am.'. .. t
The rates of insurance aro pit low and favorable
as any Company of the kind in the Slate. Per
sons wishing to become roembora are invited to
make application to tl)« agents' of the company
who ate willing to.waif upon them at any time.
JA‘pO*B SHELLY, Pmidtnt,
, ~... . HcnhvLqqan, ! r ice PrfMtdeni,'
, Lkwis Hvzn, Secretary,
Miohasl Cocrlin, Treasurer,
November 1, 1'849’. <
„ ..... . a'gents. .. .
Cumberland county—Rudolph Marlin, N. Cum
berland; C. B. Herman, Kingstown; Henry Zeor
ihg. Shiromnnstown: Robert Mooro and Charles
Bell, Carlisle;’lsaac Klotjoy, Mochanlosburg; Dr.
J. Ah\» C.hurpljtomi/
York cuun/y—rJqlin Sherrlok, Lisburn;' John
Bowman, Diilaburg; Peter Wolford, Franklin;
John Smith, Esq., Washington; W.,8. IJlcalng,
Dover) Daniel RafTbnsboigor, J. W, Craft.
c ~.
Members of the company buying Policies about
to expire pan have them renewed by making ap
plication Wahy of the ogunts.'
It OTIC 10.
APPLlOATlbtywllfhemade at (lie next session
ofthe Legislalureof Penhsylnnnia, for snaller
alion in the charter of the Carlisle Deposit!} Bank, so
ns'to confer upon the Institution the rights'and pri
vileges of a Bank of Issue.
. By order of tho Board of Directors.' «
W. 8. COBBAN, Cashlei.
Carln.e Dopoidfe TJank,7
June 30,1840/ 5
TUBT RECEIVED at the cheap great va
riaty of sUcolprspf Woollen.Y,arp also, Long
and Sdbafo Shawls (tom tl lu sM)o,,yery cheap, In
deed; Mode da Lali )ep< CJltigwima, Steel Bead* ’
W &K.B«. A - &W - BENTZ -
PluluQcld Classical Academy*
Four mtlti weit of Carlitlt, b'tlicten ths Newilli
Statt Road and tht Cumberland Valley Railroad',
THE Seventh teuton will commence on Monday
The number of students •
is limited, and they ate carefully prepared for OoU
lege, Counting Home, &c.
f The situation precludes the possibility of students
associating wllh tHeyiciobsor depraved,being remoU
from town or village, though ciilly accessible by.
State Road or Cumberluh'd Volley Railroad, both of
which pass tbiotighlapda attached to the institution!
•‘ terms; • '• ; -
Boarding,washing,tuition; &fc.,(per seisi) |6O 00
Latin or Greek;, 6 00
Inatrinhontal Music . .10 00
French or G.ermab , , d 0v
Circulars with rofei cnees, dec,, furnished by
j , . . R.K;BURNS,Principal.
October 8,1640.—1 y . 1 ‘ ’
CUcijip Clothing Store*
......... Great Bargains ! ; ,
Tltfe subscriber would respectfully Inforrp his
friends and the piiMicin general, thathehasri-v
moved bia large and extensive aKsoriroent of
Rcndy-niadc Clothing
to the room recently occupied as a store by George
W. Hllner, on East Main street, directly opposite l '
Elliott’s Drug store; and within two doors ot Ogilby's
store, where ho will keep constantly, oh band, all
kinds of Ready-made and everything per
taining to gemlemch's.wardrobes., The clothing he
offers for sale is made up in his own shop, by ekpr
ncnccd workmen; and under-h'lS ovtfi supervision.—.
He feels prepared to, offer great bargains in the
CloiHing line; and to test this facile would earnest-:
ly invite the citizens of (his county to give him -■[
call, and examine iheijuathy of Hli stock and his
prices, before puicnasirig elsewhere. ,-
He will nlso. fie heretofore, continue to make up.
all kinds of Clothing according ib'^order,and those’'
who prefer ii; can have ttieir measures taken, and
their -ganrients, made dp to ttieir pleasement. Al
ways on hand a. Jorge andrimerii of Cloths, CtssU .
bieres, Saliinels. Voßlingsj dcci , c
Don't forget the plcco~dlfcctly opposite Elliott's*,
store,' and within (wo dob*s pf .Ogilby's.
. N aTMan if A'NTCH.
Carlisle, No* 23, 1849—3 in - .
THE.eubsorib'ers have tast-oompleted theirj>ur.‘
chases of Kail and Winter Goods.. Theirsteek;
consists in part of CLOTHS andCassiinere*/
Vestings from 01 io $5 poryd.; Cassinpts.jof all
colors and prices; White, Yullow, and lied'Flan*' :
nols; Kentucky Jeans, Velvet Cords, Beaverteens,.
Calicoes by the cart load! ginghams, Mous de
Laincs, Merlnocs, Paramatta apd Thibet Cloths*
Coburg cloths, Alpachas, Fancy Mohair Lustres^ 1
Checks, Tickings, Domestic Ginghams; Canton’
Flannels, Lindseys., Plafn tie liaines, In pinks* -
brown, marnrie, and black, for 18J eta. per yardf
Mous de Laines, Thibet and Tekerfl :
Long from $3 to, ® 10; Silk and Linen
Handkerchiefs; cotton, 1 >ioollen and cnshtiiere
Stacking?; Irish Linens,' Glovesf Cloth; Glased/
and Fur CAPS; Gimps and Fringes; Ribbons in
fsriety; combs, woollen shocking Yarn, ail qual|/
ties,* colors And prices/ Steel Beads,, Purse Twist,
and Clasps' Purses, Scar/s,' Green Oarage; Table]
covers of linen and cloth; carpet dia-*
ser, crash and linen diaper, edging* inti la"£es/
inti a good assortment of trimmings, lower thin
usual,* ■ . r-
Gnm Shoes,
all siiesana prices? Umbrellas; Carpets, Queens* 7
ware. Hardware Vi Grocerleo, 4ic.
All the aboye we purchased with gold and sil
ver, anti saved, about 15 per cent, over those who
bought on credit. Gall aqd examine our Goods,]
we are determined to fell them ut very amall
fas: . ,A. &W. UENTZ.
tfclober 18, 1849.
Fall Dry Goodst
.. At tho .
Corner of Hanover, ajid 'Louther Stre'da, oppotit*
Wm. old aland,
j'fHET ttntfoiiigned respectfully informs his],
(riends,and the, public,-that he hasjual returned
from Philadelphia,' with a large and carefully se-*
looted assortment of , v
: JttotyK Pall Goods,*,
consisting of an N Htensive variety. tfrorysrticle
will be aold aftHe rejy, lowest price*.'/, v ,
Mims dt Laims!~~ All the most desirable styles
of neat figured, and life best shades of plain b'ue/
mode, scarlet, phdc, creen f crims6n,‘isc t ; ' .
JUch Figured Cushmeresl—\ complete stock of'
elegant styles which will be Bold .at very email'
profits, , -
Ihess Silks! —Brocade figured,, pla\n A change*
able, striped glace, and the most superior qualities
of glossy blacks. . H ... ,
Changeable Green and Black Mantilla Satin, the
most fashionable article for the fall.’ • .
. SilklVingai Laces. Gimps, Boltings, Collars/
: Gloves,. Hosiery, &c. ... . j
s ,shiland WtnierJUbbons, of every nullity, and
at all prices, large stock of elegant
i(1 , Slnpl/ Goods, - i; ~
which have been much .care* and.
will* be
moot ofClpihc, Cussiinorps. Vostlpgs, hyayypan/,
taioon stuff, flannels, Shoednas*, Tickings, tii'ng/
hams, Checks, Calicoes,. Muslins, Tablp Covers/,
Napkins, Prillings, f.inens, bleached ao4 tin']’
bjeached Muslins, &p., is very large, varied, jamj,
comploie. Aldo on hand, a well selected assort*
mom'of . .. .
for men, women, end children, iU lower prioea
than evpr. , .
GROCER lES in nil ihelr variety, vixi Sugar,'<
C-oflee, Molasses, Pekin
led Teas.- Spioei, &o.‘, and the beat quality ot
Carpet Chain.
N. W. WOODS, Jgt:
September' 97, 1640.
A NEW supply of choice Groceries, embracfntf-
Coffees, Sugar*, Molasses, Spices, and a lot of
Green and Black Toaity,..
withal! the other variety of. afticles jn.oar Jin#,’
equal, and probably superior tpo, usual vari*»
lies, has Just been rpceived and opened at the store,
of the auhsoriber, where ho w'll) ,6b to of- r
fer them to his customers and friends* wil/touf any
advance from former prices'.’, M have our
warmest thanks for llie encouragement attendee!
to. usVand wo Indulge the hnfto |hal wo may bb ■*
favored with a continuance of tno same, i
- Carllslr/Ucl ... . J. W, EBV. ,
... Drn( (til'd Vrtrlclj - Store.'
rnHE aubicrib«r reapdctrully inncuncpilo (he puhp"
X lie, that !io ( ha|talirn [lint well known ttandd
lately tl pj»ne‘d[ by. Jqmea Fleniig'g, on the corner of
Pill ant) High alreela, directly oppdpUe life Meniipp
Ifouap, w)tere he will keep conatantly ai> hen'il in
nijorlmor.t uf DRUGS, MIJLUiTNIiw, Pqlntt, gite,'
Tvrfurpery, and Fancy Article", whlchhc tedr)*?.
mined to eel 1 low, ilnVipa ipq eerviepa or
"11 experienced flruggint,' be fillipin',hltnadlf to be
able to give general patinfoctlon to elb ; ,
Phyilclnha end Country Merchant* kiinplled nt
r duoed pricea. HIJNIIY A. STCuSeoN.
Catllale, AugiieV J. 6 ,: 1840.’ , . '
UasoHnr’s Fnrlun,
A new article prapareJaMriiiiy/orFamllira./M,/*.’,
and £aijpff Haunt, ...
TNTBNDED ,for dfudcfinßa, Omelet, &q.; and
X unequalled ,Cot Gruel. Thickening Poplar!?,
Gm*ey. and*. eanb.Utnlel. fly* feirtTwlblSwe _
other articles itpwTn >tee-~Vdo(r --
The only vKoy ro s6*l u; . i, ' e, l d . e,l « » u » •
the .loro of * - -* l “
i jt w. euv*
./CtoheM, 1810 i - i V
ptRANBCRUIES have bean received and era Tor'
VJ aala at J. W. KDY%i )
October X if!49 ' ■• '
~ - : ! c * - ■, rt.