5 ■> ri.- P s!i- t iftjoW*' BttITTOS. ■ ;OTl; m THE vMERICM volunteer, fa pulillVheMeVery Thiirirdliyi al'Carllsle4lPB.,byJOllNß. BRATTON,' upon the,following conditions, which,will be rigidlyAdberedto:;/ , . , , ... ■ I'J , or SOBSCRIPTIOJf . ForoneycaT»lnc To guard tliy rosy dreams by nigbt, ( , ' And guide thy feet by day. if manhood italninlVlili wrath and guile,' . ' Petition* may declare Then surely aug«U sweetly entile,.. i Ou lispUif childhood's piayor. The Import of thy words indeed. ’ My child thou iana’luol reach} • put infant Innocence may plead, the ken of speech; . . Thou an but yet a bud of life, . .Unknowing blight or feats; And little ilieaui'vl what toll And strife, • Awaitthycoujingyears, . .1-. ■ Thine yet I shut ilia path of flowers, . . With bright nine skies above;.-,; ' And amlliitf mirth bugullestbo hours, Of inuoemteo aud love. Hut still the time will soon revolt,‘ •' ifGotl shall bless thy sjlan 5 , V7hua CbildbunU's dreams fhall all dissolve, , And thou wilt be a Man. A man.myboylXotabetbyplae* Within the ranks of llfb; And bear thy burden iwtba race, : And mingle la the strife!, Okl-when I ponder this myddld,. And recollect the snares. And stniceli'S fierce and passions wild, ' And woes ami haggard care*. < That edinpaas manhood’s weary n by; ~ .-Along thematch «f Time; . , 1 almost wish thy little day,' ' Might set lu chltuliv*wf«ctimo; Might set cl« sin or anrrnwcame, ' Athwart thy arowlnp-yeaie; - v. . To sear tue h.orl, and w uM« the frame, Ana turn thy smile* to teurs. fiat still I trust,in «ee ihe« llVe, ‘ • Tu act out miinh<>Otra part .... ; > -lAnd apite ul'ille titmll.Uirlve;', t . .. a If virtue guard Uie heart, , , I'; ' Anrt •liull not vjrti»eßui)lc‘hi*'waV. •* l , ' ‘And siaw ic bbhtw ttljfsoV’ - ■ ,l Win.** Ibfeht Voice ttttfnpbt to prny{‘ - • - - Aud ask- tiw boon el Ueavup ?- When lisp thy prayer, my child of joy 1 ceaso ihrougli tile's brief span— ' ‘ Thai i*««r may l*le** thee while a boy,' Ami blew then when a man. -. PhilaJa,, Nov. SUMO. jsiarcu«nepitB. BATTM OF KING’S MOUNTAIN,’ - . Oft TUB MBUO’B lIEVBNGB. A TALE OP WHIG AND TOttV tTARPAIfB. 't>J you remember thU day 7 , It dla* the tth of Ohtobur, 17(80, neurly two niodths after (h 6 defeat pf (•uni Galea, and after llio jnnifiiluiion Of Snmplor,— Reader of the richest history of the world—the his tory 61 your own revolution—cun >oii have forgotten it'7 ' llu« it been burled in oblivloils sileqeu beneath accumulation of more pompoUs events t Hade Us lurid baUlenlenU been euliptfed by the meteoric splendor, the fiery glare ol more gorgootis victories? Or has llio muse ol a continent yet fntfnd no'son, who would sloop losing ihValormy deeds of huiileie fight ing without a c6py, fed on parched corn, and receiv ing no pay hut the gulden coin of conscience and (lib promise of their country's good 7 Beb 1 yfihder on King's Mountain, a table eminence, with'a Ictcl summit, six hundred yards long by sixty: w'ldc/ lias the cumpof Furguson—a hollow' purulleln gram of scarlet uniforms, black uniforms, and sharp bristling steel. ‘ The drum rolls, Tho red cross Hies. The declivities sro defended hy munstruui Titans of dark rocks. Veterans, burdened in tlio fires ofa dozen ooinpnigns, stand on the mountain's lop. It is the “King’s Mountain' 1 100. Who shall think of storming its steep sides? We shall see present Jy. ' Look I three parties 4ro climbing over Vho rock*, ascending those old wolks, of Nature's handiwork, bulll dlii), distant; centuries ago perhaps in the morn* ing of creation. One moves to assault the weal end, ahother to the east, while the third will charge the centre. Is it dot a brave sight 7 Hut you cannot see them very well; for si vellof blue:mitC uhrauds the 1 mountain-through - which the eye of the sun poors pale, as If sick ul the ournaffu about in.bo,. v . - I The approach of freedom's warriors is covered by iho thin mist and (hick Irues, and even how the black rock* aid;them., J . , ,i- i Suddenly on the three sides of.the;slocl andiron parallelogram* nine hundred-rifles roar, und a hum drod about* rise) and then athousaqd Eugliwh mus Icetv answer hack with hoarse thunders olde.'lh. FurgußOli |s nbl—onnuot be surprised, Vydli fu*. Vlous calinneSs, hb attacks the umilliitiU With find bayonets,,and fyreos lliom lo retiro. Out they only give a little, and Instantly rooew tlio combat. Every massy rook btuSotnod n bk\tcry» add every pine tree burns powder. The .inarkpuipn el.the b»ok woods holding their builds To their nioulhs for awift ro» toadittjh lihd lima the torrent of fire never cdnaes,-- 'The Officers oft 'b\trh sides fight 1 like cmninon’ sol diers. It is moi'e o wholesblb. murder Ilian tf buttle , by tide. 'i • ■ 1 I ' But 101 l me- I —who ore Oioso two'standlng foremost imong the Tennesseeans on the Western -edge qf Iho mountain top.dlsduiiilng'shelter, to yield an iooli’ of ground defiant all of Britain's bayonets 7 Do you not know, copy iho bid man—how dark is hit silver hair with war's sable smoko—how dim looks I th£ while paper bn the’ hlrick'^unVmiiitle—heavens I how beautifully U blatesuovi,'kb death copies a lory’s' Of a tyrant's luqeral in every imn I—with (hfilbnld, gr^pdson,s||U b.*sldp himi, Ills eye pushes, destructive joy; matchless ecslupy, of battle ; L and yet ■ Ho. is not satisfied. . { l|o groans*: "Oh Gdd'«rjupt|re' whore is Mary’s,murderer7 Shull I Mel find—ahull »Dy other hand than mine alny hlci I” , ; . ,N PW lo«nit.ooli.or.jdduf-tlie ~V«u' .-WMMW. Ppwt»ouohiv-A nf .ovil »«iipcl i(i |)ory'rfldJtriir.; (), ,«»!»* in Ihr. >W»|ejfefA JW f«* •» .WlWv”?*. Ibadp a company of iqry’riflemen. Tnoy, Job, are [ t% It would he well If the Indy were posnastul of a moupuincers. aml do pacouilon, ?• Jlielr hfoi|ipr,.(bp*.. dbm'petfinoy:B«ffinlbhi to eoebro her against the .on >n«n of iliojr, ,owi,'.Viini)l who .itnßglo'fdr (Bsw.ofiicxocwiivfi jtl.f in omo oC accident occur- TlulcipUlnisTumUelli,nieiobbcrbefwotil,wor.lilog lohoroompauion.” and brace the jnurderor'of Mary* Oh lellilrn not areas'the nmzzto flocked;witli its snowy paper J ■. ’ . .Billion goerthe bloody workv* Cblomna repeated ly CMrge anH‘ broak-M*ortn and ohargo again.-* Campbell, Cleveland, Sevier, Shelby, end the likoy rule America's tide of war, bursting: up the mountains chitted aido* :: Furguaun’a blue eye shines like a star, and Tom Bell's red l fade burns like a comet, above the surging sea of rod busts. •• jo} length there comes a turn. Ftirguson shapes a huge wedgeMtke coluhm of solid, gleaming, blood* dripping bayonets, and slowly pushes the Americans irt:tne eastern'foot of the ' Isjall then josl? Nd. See a terriblo band of the good and trud'ftom the f cancbreaksor French Broad, iobrhundrcd Miles awdy over the Atlegliahicß have moved roand'the mountains from the west.- They aru headed by the rlflo with Ilia white paper on its muzzle, and they discharge a cataract of flame .into tho British flank. Look now how the acurlot uni* forma roll backwards up the acclivity faster than (hey came, leaving many d red cross behind them! See agkin*—-the freemen have learned to'charge; too, without bayonets. They charge In coalesced oolumnsj with fird and hot load, and drive the’elavds down the western slope in disorder lb the deep base. ’ Then the breeze springs up end clears the mountain of mist and .battle smoke, and the broadßiinofJica* ven ptnUes on the living and the dead*. As a, last, resort, (he bravo Furguspn forma his entire force Into .columns,,to cut his way but'of that awful circle of fice. Ho flingahis sword wildly on' . high, lie shouts inthundor, •* forward-charge'!" The. next instant he is a corpae. A rifle ball from , the muzzle wreathed with snowy paper, has gone through , his heart* . The British, panic stricken, throw down ihclr arms and cry for quarter. A num ber equal to the whole American army aro prisoners. - And now the old man raises a hoarse yell that sounds (he pccan-shout of nine hundred strong IhroatsflCing's 'Mountain is ours forever 7 M , ; Thus terminated glut iously an engagement'in maoy.rCspect* th? moat important waged during the war.. It struck the savages of the frontier with ter ror ‘frbm'Ohio th Florida. It laid in thu dust Bri tain’s grand schema of Tory co-operation. Lord Cornwallis heat'd of'it, paused in his'triumphant career,’ and ordered a hasty retreat to Winneboroagh, eighty “mlies'ln lit* rear. Mdrioq and Sumter heard of it', flind renewed their deadly ainbusesdee. The bailie shock was over, and the sun shone brightly dri the'dead arid dying, an broken arms and bleeding bosoms, when a jury, martial, sat (o decide a question of aVetigiog justice. Ton atrocious To riea 'wdre summarily arraigned, to thswcr the charge of fifty hiurderb. Among these pale wretches pleading for mercy, Torti Bell, the'llercdlee, in red hair, was the most abject of ell, and so, earnest were hla prayers and promises for the future, that he wss on the point of being acquitted, when an old man, with streaming white,locks, broke through the circle of guards and confronted the shivering culprit. 1 "Db'yoii, remember French Broad, and the 1 Dili of August ?’*’ yj . “Suve me from liirhf” cried the Tory captain, stretching forth hta chained bands for hulp, to the astonished bystanders. ' - ••Have you forgot'Mnry Copeland?” aaked the old Vrtao; finding his toothless gums till the blood ran but on the foam ef his lips. ,; 1 did not kill her—uli I yon cannot say that I killed ,K’erV' lho coward, failing oh ilia knees; and seeking to embrace the feet of his enemy. ‘•No—but you, forced her 19 kill herself, as-tlie sole (heshs ofaslvaiion from foul dishonor !**' “Oil! Ididhol intend to harm her," persisted the fulse.ToVyj Writhing hi tho ddst like the iHostieit rep- ; tile.';,' 1 ! ‘ .»■ * ■ 1 • ■ ''. “Then ttsc i&c) swcat ll,' answered llte oilier, with a grtm sriiUoV ’ • , The wretch, sprung up and, pledged oaths wild enoughs. wake 11 ie dead/ ;‘ _ *./ , „ ; J '■ th{« ! dai»ger ?” Inquired iKe ageef hcroj point mg'ai a silver hill glittering in his belt. ‘•Mercy! mercy!" shrieked the murderer. The eyes oflhe old man shot sparks of.living fire, as he Bnid in a hoarse,' binning whisper—“ This dag ger, on »ho mgfil of the 16th, of August, was in the heart qfan arigel. But now it is in yours,devil,** ho addedj,slril(liig t hpmc the sharp ifpel with a mutton prompt and powerful like lightning,' , , . There was a moan, and then a gurgle; and the victim lay a corpse at.the avenger’s feet: t Five minutes afterwards, nine others, 4qual tr< ofa and homicides—hung dangling from the swinging limbs of bak and pine trees, there on, the summit of KihgVUountain, which po king should again call hie own, 1 shy mote fbf efer.— Am. Mechanic/ Adt§, M t*eter ttfe G£«r4{ , f Thta gresi monareh, In order to promote lUernlftre in his empire, ordered a. number of foreign works to be translated Into Russian, Among the manyim* portsnt works selected fof this purpose, PuflendorPs Introduction lb hls'Misterr of the tfurofican Slates' was bnef th 6 tfafisfaffogf offthfcli Peter confined io a learned monk; -The task being finished,'ilib monk presented the-manuscript to the'Czar,* who, in his presence begun to turn pvo£ the loaves,'reading a few passages to himself." flavtng'stoppod «|i & diopter toward (ho end of f|ie book, (ho attending oflToors ob* served that Ids face Changed color, snd exhibited strong marks of displeasure; “Fool,** said the Czar, turning to tho monk, “What did I bid yoiiJbwith the book T* f *To translate it, sire.** “is (his 7 then a translation 7° replied the sovereign, pointing el live iamb time to a paragraph in the original, where tho author had spoken harshly .of Russia end of the character of tho inhabitants, but Which tho good monk had in part omitted, and in part soflpiicd down in the. most flattering manner to the nation. “Hence,'* added the Incensed monarch, “and be careful that thou translate the work faithful* ly. i It is not to flutter my subjects that 1 bade llico put tho .work into Russian and print itj but rather to correct them, by placing under their eye the opinion which foreigners entertain of them, in older that they may at length'know what'they once wore, and what they now are through my exertions. 11 ( Energy. Energy iq omnipotent. The bloucls that surround the houselesit boy‘of 10-Uiiy sre dispersed, and lin la Invited tulle palace. It is'(lie work of energy* The child. Is-u ;bvggar; this .moment, ; ln a.few years to come, may stand forth, the admiration of angels I Who Inis nut soon llio life giving power of energy! It makes the wilderness to bloom as the rose! whit oris the ocean; navigates oar rivers;level* the m- **■ A Mofoar Gentlsuan.—There are adveral ffoor. •lorifß told of Jodgo.C— — one of Hie aenoclata judge* of F County. He in remarkably.delibor* *to mikJ pompous.ln. (ii* stylo of oonveraaiiun/wea;* j u wliile cru'wivl'v.’itli tt huge lie, • very high shin I coltniVund I* altogether (a* he thinks) « great 1 ninh. Among other’oflicca, (ho judge hold* that ofsbptrin. tendcntofdho of lhe 6undoy eohootp, end-not tong since etatilud hid oudilqry by the Mowing lunching uppeult “My dear children, you will remembenthal in a short time you must ell dio, end eland before a great judge ryes, a far greater judge than the one , that now oddroaio* you !’• , “Mnko way, gentlemen,", orled.a MomicliubolU renrernUtWe Vo. iho ; popujaco who wcto prowcllng jjiin.oulof I»|b place in tho ptocouion on clooifnii day,“make w«y» wo are the roprescnUlive# of tfio neopWV u M w k 6 y ollrß9^" * «turdy mumhor of llio throng, “we ero the people thom aelvue,** ' \ . T- V • ’>* - , ~ . , ’*ODR OOUNfni--MjtY IT ALWAYS BE RIGHT —BUT RUULt OR WRONG, OUR COUNTRY 7 CxUILISLE, TA-, TIIUIISUAY, fI|GEMBER lj 1845. ;; THE GRANERY: A TALE FOR EVERYBODY. AY A, O. THOMAS. j J)o not defraudihy Tieighbo?.- —Johnathan Home spun having purchased an exlehsive farmland provi ded himself with every requisite bus. bahdry, 'proposes to furnish subscribers with one quart of wheat weekly, for’.onb yearj at the low price of two dollars a year in advance, or two dollars and fifty cents', inpayment is made aflbr six months’.-,-< -‘ ~. : ... . ' TUo. facilities afforded by the government for the traeporlaliop of wheat lb every section of the Union and the'adjacent provinces, ‘M* s such as must prove satisfactory to every subscriber, and the proprietor df the Granary assures all wbo raay patronize him, that he will exert himself to supply an article of llyj best quality. , . , r *. . .. . ~, , H. fi.~Ageritfl.will bo allowed a genet-mis perbeh; loget ‘ Address (post paid) the proprietor of Iho Gra nary, Hopewclll’*•< Such was tlie prqfipcctua issued by my friend Air. Homespun!. Feeling a lively interest in his,welfare) I visited his farm; although it was a long journey from tny homo, and was pleased (0 find everything in nice ordefi Ha Ihfurdledrue Jhal he htd'cdnlrac led a large debt in the proinises. stoek sntMmpld* meats #f husbandry,.but ho had, no doubfqf his abil ity to discharge every obligation in a few years/ He also stated that he hud received 'irtany hundred sub scribers, dnd thatin four or five weeks more ho could commence the delivery of the wheat according to his proposals. , • . ~ , ,i , . The scheme, appeared plausible—ph4 mjr friend 1 was so confident of success, that Iliad not the slight; [cat doubt of. hts I entered my name as la subscriber, and when 1 101 l him he was making ! quart sacks. 1 Every week fur the space of two. years, 1 recejveu my quart of wheat, and concluded from, its excel lence and prompt delivery, Ihstcvcrylhing was pros perous with .Jonathan Homespun and his farm. So 1 gave myself nu'dneatinesa about my indebtedness Id him—for, thought 1, to a-farmer so extensively patronized at heis, the small pittance of two years* arrears would bo’but a drop in the bucket. Jl Is true there was ocoasionolly printed outlie sacks p general notice to delinquents—but I never suspected that this was,intended to his friends. The notice, however, became more and more frequent, and ha ving leisure, 1 concluded lhatl would visit my'friond, the proprietor of Iho Granary, . He greeted me cordially—but I saw there.had been trouble. Ho was evidently worn with toil and anxiety, arid in the,conversation of the-evening, ho gave mo the particulars. . . *» Herd I h»vo been laboring day and night almost two years, and am more in debt .now than when 1 began,’ My creditors are pressing for payment. I am conscious of my inability to meet Ihotr de mands, and 1 cannot perceive no result but batiks ruplcy.’* “But you have a large Jut of subscribers t” said “ Yoe, a very large Hat,*’ was the reply. “ Then why don’t you succeed V* I asked. “ Because 100 many of them ms like you,” said “ Me I” 1 rejoined in amazement, “ too many like me I” •• Pardon me,” said my friend, in a melancholy lona, “pardon me, for oppression will make even a wise man mad.' You irave had a quart of wheal Weekly fur (wo years—l have a largo list of (he same kind' of patrons, scattered here and there - over a thousand miles; If they would puy llio trifles they severally owe me, I should be directly freed from embarrassment, and goon my way. rejoicing. But (hey reasoned ’ ss.yoii" reason,.and smong-you l um brought-to the door pf ruin. ' ' t tell tho Whole force of the rebuke, and promptly paying arreruges at the increased price named.in tlie prospectus, and also a year in advance, 1 shortly hade adieu to the worthy and wrongcdjfunner, resol ved to do everything in my power to repair the inju ry 1 had done froih delinquency^ ‘ O,' ye patrons of Jonathan llptncspiin! whoever ye Wo!—ye who have eaten the wheat from his Gra nary without making payment I ye are guilty of a grievious sin of omission. Therefore, repent; pay Mm wiiut yon owe him. Uncle Sum's teamsters bring the sack of wheat every week to you, and they will carry the money safely hack ogalu to Jonalhah Homespun.' 1 ■ - Reader, if you are in arrears to this paper, do not apply tho above to your neighbor, for it it meant for YOU. , , ( A SCRUPULOUS AVITNBSQ. f An eminent lawyer was employed in sp against (ho proprietor* of ti/c Rockingham Coach.— On the paijl ,'bf tho defendant the coachman was called. Ilia examination in chief being ended, ho was. aubject to the leader's, cross examination. Ha ving, held up. Iho foto Anger of his right hand to the witnesa/and warned. Mm to give a.preciso answer to every question, and not to talk, about,.what he' might think the question immnl, ho*proceeded thus , ■ ,> . . , . , ‘‘You Rockingham coach?’* •* N«, sir, I do not.", ~.t ii . “ Why.man, did you not tell my learned friend so .this moment’!’ V No, sir, I djd hut, 1 * . t "Now* sir, I pul U lo you—l nut U on your o.i I h—do you not drive llio Rockingham Coach ? n ' t . / “ No, X drine t/ie horses/’’ on equal terms* I will tell you, a littlo incident that occured in Georgia many years ago. Judge I’,/ a celebrated duollhu, who had lost a leg, and who; waa known to bo a (lend shot, bhullcnged,Colonel D., a gentleman of groat humor and attaiiimants. The friends tried lo prevent the meeting, build no effect. Thq parties mel on the ground, when Col. D. was asked it he was ready. No, sir,” he replied. * . *'Whirl ara you waiting for, then?” inquired Judge T’s second.' . " ' • • ’ “ said Col. D., ’• I have sent my hby Intp the wobds (0 hunt' a bee gum to put my leg in, fur 1 don’t intend to give tho Judge any advantage over mo. You see he bus a wooden legl” The whole-party Voared with laughter, ond (he thing was so ridiculous lhat it broke up the fight.— Col. D. wok afterwords told it would sink Ms repu tation.' ; ' « Well,” he icplied,” “it can’t sink mo lower than u bullet'cun !” ’ ti . •• But,” titled bla frlenda," (lie popeta will bo filled about you.** ' ' ' ' ■ •« Well.*’,said he, «I would rather, fill Aft/ paper* Uiatt Aira coffin,"* 'Nq bhd udublc(j thb Colonel after theta , Not< Etauatu But Maiuu«o*—r.Sorao, rldicqlouf mlslnkoaoccur at .limes, owing IP Ilia inoiuiinga appUed tlie some iword.to our language.‘ During ibaabsencodfuphyslolanorour acquaintance the oilier day t a,genilumaneolM to sea bim| and rang, the-bell at the.door. The aunypunl waa answered.by,a'putch'iervant girl,'of w|iom,bp. Inquired.if Ilia Doctor rtaa Jn.‘, No.**; -■ •♦‘iWaa bis lady In 7° . ... h * Yea.”- 5 ; V* VVas slie engaged ?" ;; ,■ .i.. anlher>ra{)|ure«,jia she replied, “ Why> no, alio is aUedds married i" , #l Tlieganllomknslopcd. t < ;• | li J I, 'iv«< TT', { ,I, 1, 1 To Yoono.. MiiN, m fond of being .always in the eiri’tn—wlio is, fond of running,:to night nreeiinß.—tvho.lma ajowelodi Imnd nnd on amply head—who will soo liar mo.lli-, or work and 101 l while.,ebo lays in bod and .roads novels or feigns sickness—who is seiianicd to own herl'. " ■ ■ ' • ' • i&i ** IC °f Qur Union. Piokip w AN ACQUAINTANCE. 11 \'Br THH “YOUNO *UN. n t|jl ,‘hfo a'rmi }{w Ito bonaider the practicability of a cqmmunicalloii „ -s • between the Atlantic and the Pacific, tho Hoq. Tboa. or highly respectable parents, found herself some- ° r •ntenM.jntcreat throughout* concluding with the what unintentionally detained at the house of a followinglofty and inspiring,conception* of the fu friend, not farmistanl from her falherVhbu9b,o.ne lure glory apd destiny of the United States evening, andftr«> she f“«.! „ ■‘Wb.iivo, iu ti.noa,,.nd 'iramtte'd scarcely, ni^f 'had set tm i The distance to her * upon to oura«Wcs grandeur of thoi oc own home a few, blocks, howpyer, and as - pesion. V Three and a half, centuries ago, the great she gathering ot ladies and gen- Cblunibiis'—the trianwhowus afterwards carried (lemon ngfejjing at her she ’deter- j home in chains fromlUo New World which lie, had mined on rdtjmilng home unattended; and bid-' discovered —thiq great. Columbus,, in the year 14112, ding her fr&niTS good .hurried along'departed from Europe to arrive in the Bast by go* .upon tlje her into which- 1 ing West. It was a sublime conception. He was her family hdt) quite recently/removed,-from an-(*« the line of success, when the intervention of two other part of'tjie cily.f - continents, not dreamed of before, arrested ,hia pro* Upon turning the first, iiomoi, oho wap sudden- Now, in Urn nineteenth century, mechanic.,! ly startled Lryvlho approach of a well dre3sed S;''‘; u ‘ ; . cn “ blc “ hta greet design to ho fulfilled. In young man, who accosted her with a-‘good ove-A 1 "; hcgmnmg.and mihabdtbarum.agc.,thoae«w^ i,„J a barrier to the intercourse of nations. Jlseparatcd I f a'i e . . | Mi; F: nations. Mechanical genius, in inventing the ship, horns! Alarmed for an instant, alto won Id have. co „ verlcd l|lo b „ ti „ > lo , r#cilil TUo » )a „ d and avoided the stranger; but as he advanced to icr, ctmlinßn „ became tbs obstruction; The two Amur side, she yonjnred to turn towards him, and a icaa mitrvoning have prevented Europe and A.iu glance .®atisflsj .her—*she recognised the young , f ro( n communicating on the straight lino. For three gentleman ae g familiar acquaintance. Dieguis- centuriesand a hall this obstacle has frustrated tlio ing her volceotml replying in a timid tone, she * grand design of Columbia. Now in bur day me* accepted ThajwpfTered' gallantry, dslormlncd at •cliamc.il genius has again triumphed over tlio obsta. once to admimflier a lesson to her young friend,’cles of nature. and converted into a facility Hist which he shtwd not forget.- The conversation J which had bo long been an liiipsselblo barrier. The which’ brief, and the beau suspecting 'steam car lias Worked upon (he land, and to a degree nothing, as htifras nqi aware that tho family had, hr transcending the miracle which the ship in bur changed theifiouarlers, tripped alon<* at the young jbarous-agea, worked upon the ocean., Tho land has lady’s side, apparently very well pleased with hiB . n ’dw becoino tbo facility fur the most distant com companion, Jna.few minutes they hailed before muujcalioti, the conveyance being invented which i a modest brick'4ouse, in a somewhat retired.street! a - m }^ , * a I les f )ot l ,n , ,ea . p l ,B ® e * , 10.l 0 . 1,0 ,nler * at,tho westerly and tho lady rolinguished her at- l 'T" f ’, l “' ld! w " !!■>“; ol » l * 0 !« wh l? h •‘"I’l"* lendnpt’s ariq.W - • * 1 Columbus; wo aro in the line between Europe and “ Will you, Ini” whlajicied iho lady toft- As^' o u 00r pnwBc , 0 remove that obstacle, W* rn . J ■'s&' ‘, •. .• to .convert it Into a facility, and to carty him oh to hia “ Thank yon,- was the reply, and his fair com- hmd of promise and hope with u rapidity, a preci* panlon opened the front door. Closing it careful-. B \on und a safely unknown to all ocean navigation, ly, they found/tliomselyfes In the entry,'in total a king.-ond a queen.started I|im upon.h.i* great cn. darkness. .... terprisc.. Ullv§ In the bands of a Republic to cum* ~; * 4 Wail a Ipocnenl,”. said the ysnng woman, pleteil. It Is In bur the People of the “aod be petfeetjy quiet* v 1 wil| relurn instantly,” United States, of this .nineteenth century. Let us I and vyilh. lliosfliwords, sbo aOceided ttie stalls raise ourselves up. . Let us rlsa’lo tho grandeur of which led to ihVpnrlois. .'' ’ t the ocoAslon,. lief us complete the grand design of Thu firqt ißfiughl of the; youh" man, as hi Columbus, by putting Europe and Asia into coimnu* retired,'was tooneri the froht. door and move! for nication, ; ,and...that to our advantage, through tbo he suspected aU was not aa ho at first anticipated, hoatl ufi puc'own country, tel ua give, lo hta aliipa, H&rotnrnod td (ha door, it was fast. Ho funthlod ““‘'""“J ~nkn° "n l “ for the latch, if lock, or tvhalever secured, 11, but •» former Innca. Let u, mak. the .ron road and and an instant ho heard roolslfSts approaching In (lie darkness, fM ,invention, ri»o abovecv; His heart thttiihed against his ribs; and 1.0 began ' ,| ]in Sectional, per.dnal, or local. Let ua bo :to wish htinselfharely out of doors again; but ho , coch lllu National Lagialntore lo build tho groat was quickly reassured by the encouraging wins- JO ,d vpon great nationaUins which. unites £u* per of his, made ncquainlance, who Bp- fopcarid A?ia—the lino-which wiq find,’on our con** I pronched him apparently with great oaulioni a tinent, the Bay cTSan Franclscont oneond.Sl. Lou* “ Hushl”, she said, “all is safe. He quiet la In the middle, the national metropolis,.and groat now, n momem~remove your bouts from your feet commercial emporiums at tiio oilier; and which shall - —1 will return in an instant.” be adorned with its crowning honor, the collossnl . Out hero content, and drawing pff bin bools, ho secured them together, and held them in his hand,.to atvail the return of his lady friend, who had agaiiv&scundetl the front stairs. Entering thd parlor a moment afterwards, the female.roguo .foijnd some half a sente of young lady friends, with their brothers and beaux pres ent to whom she quickly and briefly communica ted the adventdre; M’ve got him.,in the entry, down stairs, I "‘she. said,, 11 keep perfectly still, don’l betx3y. breath ol sound, and, I wlli f.l/bVyoti fjfthe BporUin a moment.’* ‘ . The'lights wCfo removed, the party arranged themselves arouitd the room—tho bulk of the company knew* the victim intimately—and tho lady descended the stairs and approached lior friend. , “Softly, now,” nhe added, taking the hand which was unoccupied with the boots, “softly. All is quiet up stairs—all is arranged—come'” on.) Mio led her gallant shyly along the stairway; (Its bools dangled aghinal the railing—“Ahl’ 1 exclaimed the fair one p “ for pity Vsako make no noise, orkl) Is losi!”* . . The beau moved on, grasped hta boots more se curely nt his side, nor,.dreamed of aught save bliss. Least of all did he suspect the existence of a. huge rent in hia stockings—but lie was u bachelor, and this was buTa trifle. They entered the parlor. At) was darkness and Tfio lady, closed the /juor behind them, and led her coinpaniqn t tniq(he centre of the room.* , Not a breath little did the gentleman auspeci itial he was at that moment surrounded by a dozen of Ills acquaintances., “ Remain here, one inotnoM,” said iho girl, “I will get a light— ° \ . The gallant raised iliesofl hand which had.con ducted him. thus far. toward—ho knew not what— and, ventured to press upon it a kiss;, but it was dexterously, withdrawn ut the very .“nick of time,'* and Ids llps romo in contact with his own fingers! ’ , ■ ’ : n■ k “ : Walta moment,” added his Inamorata, leav-, ing him quickly—dud then passing through a .door at (he further extremity, of the room, she dis appeared. A minute had scarcely elapsed, bul k seemed a month in tho little party, who worn nearly choking with suppressed merriment; it was an ago to the victim;, ,11 (it the gentle foot steps were heard again, Iho beau gazed anxiously towards tho dUoctUm of the Uogr—it opened with a singly movement—a blaze of light rushed in)o| tho’ parlor* and behind it thq face of an old and familiar acquaintance! . ’ : “Ladies aiid gchilfchlcn l ' H she said, “this is Mr.'Smith.”.,* ■ Such a “hat ha I” as went on front thpt Utile ootorio et that rnonuuil wap 6el<)om,|jenrd,in t|te neighborhood bcforp.or sinco., Poor Sinith stood fora moment,■ not paralysed—that would bn a faint term of lie was frozen—oo-; tuaily slatu-li£bd iq Mb,tracks | and lip luiggfd Ms boots to 1 hia side, coughed 1 , sheeted,' choked—then grinned a gljaslly smilo. ~ 1 ■’ Aa floon sa (ho. paroxism of laughter was over, tho lady brought forth a chair, ami placing it be fore tho victim, said t>, “ Pray, bo seated/Vu. Spilth.; He turned upon his tormentor a,look of 90ml cM recognition, and like KaUiaff, his wits coming to his relief, he replied: ; . , .; ■ “Did you think; Gaily, I dld’nt know yon 1” Another roar followed this remark,. und tho company wer« soon upon good tprms., This wps his first and, last effort at picking up an acquaintance; ami U a cure for “spark ing” with him. Within six months ho made am ple apology for his error by making 1 Miss Gaily —Mrs. Smith 1' Tlw fUlon flatw IH»lon Friday I#»l a liidy in iKtfc cliy roetked’ tllo following 'lollor, containing lbs sunt of.sst> t . • •• n I herein enclose the amount, of a ehm of money w'Stqh I diilioncilly, took from your former husband several .years ago.. I hove been on' the sea many years, and about six months ego I was ingreat, dan ger'll'going to tho bollbm. when ell my.,sins eUred Juno, and I feeolvadio reponljfGod spared my life. Whon Tpama a.liaro i:.fyund your.hUsbancl wee deed. t'lmvo i soitroh'ed for. you and atft liiankfiit to find whin you lived. 1 hbpo you will forgive me,-a. I think Ood hae. The way of the transgressor is herd. ‘ , .i , . , .Tun Pxnitxnt Titter." vu riipaand nrn they who-do not - advertiser for they shall.rarely be troubled with outtomets,” I Sensible paragraph, that'.'■ Kt;kaiNT ! kxTJßAC'l?. At (lie groat Railway Conveotiorihold in'Si. Louis, Stultio at tho. great Columbus, wliqqq design h ue complishes, hewn.from the great mass, of a peak of the. Rocky mountains, overlooking the road—the mountain itself the. pedestal, and tlie status n part of the mou»taln--“poinliug with outstretched orjn to the western horizon, and saying In thpflying paaacn. gcr, there is Ihe ! there ujlndia A CIIASGB OF BOOTS* Mr. Mackey, a recent traveller in (ho U. States, gives the following graphic account of a trick play ed in Uarolins, and which, it appears, is by no moans an uncommon one s ’• ,-.. t -> ,4’ilavipg had but littlo rest, on board the steamer tho previous night, Kslcpl soundly in one lets the firsl'nighl tsbore. How far into the morn* ing my slumbers would have carried mel know not, but at a pretty early hour 1 was aroused by a noise which for tho few moments elapsing between the deep steep and perfect consciousness, 1 look to be the ringing of the sleigh bells in the streets of. u Canadian town. 1 was soon undeceived, the intense heal, even at that early-hour, driving all notions of winter; sleighs, and sleigh belts, out of my head.— Rut (hough in Caroline, there was still the jingling of the bolls lo remind mo of Canada. Every boll in (ho house seemed lh have become suddenly bewitch ed'bul my own, und anxious to know whu( was the matter, I somi made Uto join in the chorus. Even in the ringing of bells one can truce lo some extent (ho difference between characters, and forborne time I amused myself watching the different luani/esla* lions of temper on the part of those that pulled (hem, Which they Indicated. Some rang gently, as iftbote pulling them shrunk from being troublesome; others uuthorutivcly, st if the ringers would bo . obeyed at unco and without another summons; am)'others again angrily, ps if they had already boen frequent |y pulled,.)n vain. Very soon became.angry, some waxing Into a lowering, passion* for although all,plight riqg, all could not bo possibly answered at otico* 'l had.*,brief Umo 4 lo,potion those.things cro 1 tho waiters were, hpurd hurrying.up and down Htnirs 1 snd along (Its wooden,lobbies which echoed to (heir footsteps. , Things now appeared to bo getting serf’ out, and jumping out of Jicd 1 opened my door just , as a troop of black follows were hurrying past each with 0 buckol of wbler in his Imnd. 1 immediately inferred that tho house was on fire; and us American houses generally on such occasions go off like gun cotton, 1 sprang b.ick into my room, with * view In partly .dressing myself and making my escape. A universal cry for “ bools,” however, uUn«M with ev ery variety of imprecation on that lunciioimry's head, from the simple ejaculation to the elaborate prayer, sooq convinced me that the ease was less ur. gent than I had supposed, und on rurlher.lnvcstiga ] lion U turned out that the unusual hubbub had been I oroalod by. porrfo one : playing .overnight the old and I qlurnsy trick ofchanglng the bools before they were taken from the bed room doors to be cleaned, so tbit on being Replaced In the morning, each guest , woe prsvidcd ( \vilh Ms neighbor’s Inslead of his owh< 1 had lain dowa the happy possessor pf a pair of Wei lingtons, which, in the ..morning, I found coAVeriei) Into unsightly, highlows., After some search my Wellingtons were discovered in another hull, stand ing el a lady’s door, whoso shoes had been .placed before lhat itf a Texan volunteer on, Ms way.lo Mox loo und glory. It was not (ho,good fortune of oil so readily Jo discover tfieir property, (lie majority of the.guests hjtviug to breakfast in slippers, during which tho unreclaimed bouts snd shoes Wore collect ed together in tho great ImlLeauh man afterword* selecting, »«;ho best could. ,0/1(11. the nature nf the Joke was discovered, the pour Roots hod a narrow es cape of hi. life, and' U was smuslng to witness the t(i« chuckle of the black waiters, as, bn discovering the.lrlpk,,they quietly, relumed.with tholr tlnemp* tied buckets, to tholr jospeoUve posts.” Horn Is wiml some rusty, ornaly, old bachelor < Says of the Udies. VVKaI shall be done With tho | inoorrigihle old sinner? A STueaontt facT.— Tho Brooklyn Adyerlieer 1 Bays : “ Dip tho Atlantic Ocean dry.with n tea- •' ahootibiaslon this Journal from going nhond—twist ' youf' heel (nlo tho too of your boot—make post masters perform their promises, and subscribers nay the prinlsr—aand up fishing hooks with bal loons and fish for stars—gat aetrido of a gossamer spd ohasa a oninrt—wiioii a rain storm is coming down-lilts the cataract 'of Niagara, tomembar whore you left your upnbrclla—obopa s rouatpiiiq. with a brickbat—ln short prove all tilings' hitherto' bonaidoted impossible, to !>• possible, Jbut; never coat, a Woman to say alio will, when she has niadu.up lior inipd to say she icon'/. ,y. . . • Go to, Strang for advice, and rolailves-for n?lluWJib.and you will always'lmvß ■ supply. ' ... AT SSOOPEBANIiIIM.* KO. 27v ‘Front iHe Philadelphia, liedfer* ' ! ! ■ ( THE MONET SIXtUIKT; • In almost, every, resolution passed by the Con- ’ mention of, Mapbl’ahtviterij, field pt Trenton, last - wcbk,forlKejhlrpbseofufglfigupontheaUentUmbf • Congress; through.higher .ditties, more protection. „ of domestic inanufactUTefs>.we find an assurance ~ of how.much better OS'-the farmers are under .a system of high duties than when allowed the. freedom of the market of the world. Consider- ‘' trig that thd C6nyen,tior? tva? composed, exclusive* ly bf manufacturerSi.ihe farmers, merchants and , ; mechanids not having,been.honored by: even: men- , lion in the call, this dechiralipn by. the Cpnven-: . • lion is modest, to say ilio least, '‘.'l’lie patronising , manner In which (ho mariubcibrfirs propose to. v quietly insinuate their fingers into the pocket* 1 of those employed inv agricultural pursuits,'.palling thorn the while encouragingly, pa the,back, .. . the assurance how advantageous it is fpr.thelr in- . terest, might be la^on^ns.a. good'joke, bailor the more serious consequences ..that 1 may growTrom ’ permitting it to pass unrehuked. The farming in- . leresia of the.,Union .Is aWake to this mptlpiiof . markets, and understand, the effects of protection arid prohibition upon their .own pursuit* quite aa well as the manufacturers can tell .them,.and ; will.,'. Wo have, no doubt, take the care: to be fully hejird ■ in Congress;,,,Some idea-.of the character ana value of the take trgdb* which Is.only V«i« bf th* ’ .V’ agricultural, outlets, to, (lie.market of lheiwor|df may bo.fqrmed f/om si paragraph ,inf the Buffalo \ j Commercial, of Noy. 6 ; whicii slates that on the evening previous, 15 steamers, 2 popellers‘, 3 br|g«'' and 21 schooners hod amvtdin-thaipprt; prlngr T log IGO.OOO barrels, of jlpuv^fi.OOO,bushels of' ’ wheat, 806 live bogs, 2300 boxes of cheese, and . large quantities of other produce.. This ia some- . . thing for one.day. It is. also noticed that -tho , propeller illir.ois, at tho same time, was bn her way down, with 4,445 barreis-of flour and 2,111. bushels of wheat, equal *to 590 tons of merchan dise; and the steamer Empire Stale was 'on her . , way down, .with 7,000 barrels of flour, said ip bo. (he largest cargo ever brought by one vessel. So. large an interest as is indicated by these’jnoVe-: • inent3. ilia nut probable will be trusted to" thq-. guardian protecUons.hip of the manufacturers.of.^ ’ New Jersey, " A MODERN VIRGINIUS. In these disordered times, (lie current history,of Europe offers many incidents no less full of inter est than the moat thrilling of ancient history* finely touched, as are.the latter with the.charlti ,of classical associations, , „ . . •i Virginias slew lifts daughter to save her from., the haughty pntrician whose passions she had un- 5 consciously excited'by her beauty* and ' who, *! Claimed her as hia.kUve*/ A spirit similar to lliaVj , which tl|ua prompted a father, to oneof.the noblest.. aci9.in anuquUy,ha9, in our agc,iuteiy ied a hus band to slay his wife in order lb save her from, • outrage worse than death on the part of the Span- : ish Uopps who BTo nvw- m Italy. It seems* says d parfator pf,ihe. incident, that at Zagarolo, ono of the Italian provinces, a young married woman*' having just thudded, into Nso.manhobd, w IV6»C ; ‘baihd, * bad been sought by Contending suitors and given, to the man, she loved, become the object ot'de&ira to this levies,s band, i Gpld, stratagems, and tn- t (riguee, were resorted to, in order to get posession of the price,,.. They, were ba/Ded.jn every attempt —at length they forced an.cntfftpc§ into the housed and found her sheltered, in her husband’s arma.^;-,,- Theyrushid to (tar his grasp—in thal ’ fearful moment nil was Ibaj} and in the wildness, and energy of despair, to stive her from dishonor*, ' more dreadful Tar than death, the wretched, huf bapd plungers tNfjgei in her heart. U waa jßomah story enacted<|n.modern times, s Nature the best LoairuN.—The instinct*,o&T aniimils are sirongor.argumints.lo establish truth- .* than can be elaborated in all the schools of logic . ever founded by man. * ANiMAt Instinct—the Swine.—'The fallowing, fact illustrates the efficiency of thp .water treatf ment'uf disease, and lUe almost ihhxllibUUy of • animal instinct. . * .■. '* Mr, Curtis Black, a farmer in Beoket, Massa chusetts, had several large swine, which sickened, and-refused food, until they became emaciated to, : more skeletons and one of them had diedi when the remaining ones were turned out to d'«, . They,,, wondered 'away* ami disappeared, and worn sup* posed to have died. Several days afterwards,, thdv were found under a ledge of rocks, In a large spring fit cold water, entirely covered with water * and mud, except their noses. The ntxi day they, . returned lb their sty, restored to healthy and fat-. / lened finuly. Such had buerl their fever, thn.t every bristle am} hair, of the bodies fell off. ' iV should.bo observed; that tHesfr, twine Word - not confined to a cldsupen, with n floor, buihsdf n lorgu nuolosuro. connected with tho pty, amlliad , free access to the ground. - t , , , Desperate I'nooKkmNos.—At a certain' faring i‘ house, whore wo wer? slightly acquahtK4*ltvp*l.t a large low-headed youth, who had ijcqn employed., , as'MiolpV to assist in the usual wnrkuhoui ihe, ' farm.'- ssaid youth bnro llin cognoriien of Jnstdli,. ' and was unfortunately of an.eitbrmohs. appetite. . VVe say unlpnunaUdy, fbt ha it known. , that the gooddatpo \vliu superintended thcdoincs- , lie manors of thp,establishment was'rotl|prc\ose. and of a saving nature, and ,saw with horiqr vi'hbt. lutoaas. Joe was making upon her larder;-' Slip '' therefore providtd the plainest food, and. finally;. J.oii’s principul dlah was bean porridge. standing it was bean porndgu qfu n for breakfast*, dinner and supper, Joe never murmured, the beaus ' began ip diminish in quantity, til) at ()M&,)hpK* . 1 wore like pngul’s visits“few uud f.tr balwyomV v ;. It so happened that Joe cam* ?s .usual tp,djj)her f and aSiiistial found his purridgo/eady; bui.‘w‘bfult. 5 ly deficient in; regard to. ,i.Tho ,phA watchmi him as he slowly.sllrrp.d ,the cpiopo«nd; •w'llh his pewter spoon, irhen Buddeii|y..hh ' vtp and laid 'asldti his jacket, fhhn.nO>**”* «li/’ vest, he then slowly unhuiionsd-hls shift rlsbandfcw f ••Why Jim,'* exclaimed the dame, who had ite gardpd these proceedings with ihe'pliiipsl iistoh-, islinienl, “Joe, What on niilh arc you a going.to r du!” .!-■ , . ’i-u. : • i .■. , •*Uul 4f said Jo.q with, a dcsporalo utr, ‘‘why _ I’m goin* to dive for beans!’* , > v v ; ]{ j a almost needless to add that Joevhavlhßp proved that b? “ never aftctUcfceo.i a full supply. . . 1J t 1 • ■; Character.— We may judge of.a 1 man's char*,: acier by what lie loves—whanpU'aseslvlm, Vf a-: person mauifeais doligbUu Uw -and sordid objqeiV —the vulgar sting dm) dubaelng'lahgutitfd 5 inths misfortune of hU fellows, or cruelty,;t\n\msU* we may at onaa determine Utecotnplejdon of ,Uir character. On, Vlte contrary t }f he lives'purity, modesty, truth ; If virtuous pdrauUd , ehgdg« 4 'l|lsi beau and draw out hi* aflVotlona, we ate Satisfied that Uo is an upright man. ' is \’* Si.Atibtneßa.— u If there la any body imdeMbo,- canister of Heaven that 1 have in ; utter .escw*: l sopoo,*l Bays lho'am\ablo Mra.l^mlpgioh, 1 “U ia a slandoteri g6lhit‘ about ttfte b vita’boa«Qon»*f^g. i tor;ili6urling>his.calomel .about •hue* ; f A it« I always,Know one A y ARolly f HinU lnl ,3 ' U - u Iwd'.lamped him! wUMiH 1"""“ -.ipnal, and ovcijlUini; lie looka fll opftaj, ! w turn,yellow.’’ , ...... . ' Smiuo huldeniul TtUulnrobbod Ihomli.loiury bo* dr tliofcowlllown Benda/Bohpo| recently,! i V if i :# : • , U- ■ 1