American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, November 15, 1849, Image 3

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    items. of California- News
The arrival of tho Empire City, with a month's
later news from California, enables us Ip give, the
substance of all that is interesting in the way of in*
tolligence, in few words. We give the brief facts:
Our advices from San Francisco are to the first of
October. '
There ore about one hundred thousand persons in
the mines earning only three, dollars a day on an
averogc.'-, . ■ . '
’; American gold dollars sell in San Francisco at
three dollars'a piece. '
Tho new Constitution iti in progress of completion.
' Pueblo San Jose had been agreed upon as tho per
manent seat of government.
Slavery is forever prohibited.
■ Free negroes are not permitted taonloi: the State.
Tho right of suffrage is extended to all free, white
male citizens of tho United Slates, 21 years.of age,
after six months residence in the Slate,' and thirty
days in the district. ' *
Tho Legislature will convene in December, and
elect, two Senators to Congress, and proceed to. or
ganize a State government forthwith.
, Banks of discount are prohibited; and banka of
deposit aro strictly guarded, by. making tho stock
,-holders liable, &.c.
. Pay of delegates to Convention, $l7 per dnyj inter*
’poolers, s2s,per day; and clerks from $2O to $25 per
day, ‘ / . :
Tho Senate-will probablyiconsist of 14, and.the
House of 36 members.' •’
A courtvWas about to convene at San Francisco,
for the trial of the five tnulineore (Englishmen) of
the U. S, coast survey schooner Ewing, Lieut. Com*
mending McArthur. These mutineers had attempted
to drown Passed Midshipman Gibson,
. There are over 3UO square rigged vessels now in
San Francisco,, several tit Benicia, Sacramento*
Stockton, &.c.
Thermometer is usually at .100, and often at 130,
in (ho shade. . Salmon are plenty in the rivers nnd
creeks; bears, elk, antelope and deer, are found in
The embnreados or landing places that girt the
(own, exhibit, from morning till night, one continued
scene of bustle and confusion.
One man actually built and rented a house in the
space of six'hours. Whole towns go up in this way*
They have a regularly, organised Police now at
San Francisco.
Post routes and offices, are being established
through tho country, under the supervision of Colt
Allen. ‘ ;
A Frenchman, by the name of Dandcs, will bo
hung in the Pinza, on the 26th inst., fur the murder
of a friend and countryman.
They have good eating at the hotels in California
turtle soup, one dollar a plate; fish, fifty cents; mnl*
ton, 75; cold ham, 50; sausage, 75; potatoes, 25; cub*
bage and sausage, 75.
Mining tools are cosily. Picks, 35; pans, $5;
cradles for washing gold, three feet long, worth about
two dollars in the Stales, sell fur $lO.
Now York and Philadelphia papcrsscll also cents
There arrived five thousand eight hundred and
two persons in September, fifteen hundred of whom
wore not Americans.
Mr. Ferine, the actor, will open his lliculte in Sun
•Francisco next January.'•
Tnteruatliig from Now AXexlcd.
The National Intelligencer understands ihdt tho
*War Department lias received from Col; Wash
ington, commanding in New the interest
ing intelligence that ho had concluded a treaty of
;poace with' the formidable tribe of Navajeo Indi
■ana. Col. W. retarded to Santa Fe on the 25th
of September, expedition into the coun
try of ’the Navajees, during which-they entered
into Ijic treaty, From the same source, life In
telligencer also learns, that large meetings have
been held, for the formation of n territorial gov
ernment in Now Mexico. The first meeting tons
held on Tuesday, the 21st of August; and it*
'styled “a meeting of the citizens of Sanut Fe
county, held pursuant .to public notice, to consult
- upon the qu -stion of (ho organization of .a proper
territorial government.” Over this meeting Cap
. lain W. Z. Art<fney presided, assisted by XlufijM
Beach and J.. W, Folgor as Vice Presidents, arid
ijowis D. Sheets, as Secretary. Major K, H.
; Wolghtinan offered a preamble and resolutions,
~ .Which weto dlacussed with much ability and am*
: hlitude, by Mssrs, Messervy, VVeigktman, Hough
ton, Smith; Angney; Ashurst and
Tilley; tar, advanced, an
the followlrigjevening.
On thd next evenlngr the people again assembled,
. and after the had been organized, the
. Resolutions the previous evening, were
Unanimously The resolutions strongly
Sol a lerriturial govornniem
i-icAIIWJ to assemble in their
‘ Various fliMrfcfft, In order to farther the prefect.
We obiorvd by aridihohofficlal publication in
ihe Repnbliean % that LleUt.-Uol. Beall, who, in
the absence of Hoi. Washinglori, was then the
Hiilifary commamlanl in New Mexico, Jifijlfdved
the above proceedings, and recommended ihe Cit
izens to carry into effect the measure therein su"*
grated.' * °
In alluding lo the above proceedings Ihd tit
publican Bays, “that differences of opinion exist*
ed| ..creating political arguments and the subse
quent formation of two distinct parties/’ each of
which* having ha own favorite, met and renomi
nated their respective.delegates. It then gives
the returns from {ill the counties, one precinct
(Donna Anna) yet td bo heard from* os follows:
ConnlMPr Santa Fe-e Manuel Ahrares, Cant,
W. Z, Angndy, Doctor 13. V. Deroin.
County of .lose Martin, Captt
O. Su Vrain, Joso Martin, Antonio Leroux.
- County ofltio Arriba—Copt. Chapman,
Uor LUcoto* Ur. J. Nnngle, ....
County of San Miguel del Dado—Manuel An.
Baca* Gregorio Vigil, Miguel Senay Romero.
County of Uenallllo—Manuc-I Armijo, Am l
hroslo Afmijd.
■ County of Santa Anna—Thomaft Baca, Miguel
Montoya: .
County of Valondm-iJudgo Otero, Juan iofie
Sunbflca, Will hurt (\ Sltluner, Maftana Sylba,
In Cbarabonburg, oh the Bth Inst.* By the Rev.
Augustus C. Wedekind,- John M, Cooper,
I3sq«, editor of the pallcy Spirit* to Miss Adalinb
M., daughter of Daniel Decherl, Fsq. of (hat placer
S On the 2d of October last, at RSngold Barrack?,'
• Texas, Corporal Wirxuu Dunn, of Company 8., 4th
U. S, Artillery. The deceased loft Carlisle Barracks
,on the 25(h of June, 1646, under a father lo a soldier,
.Captain 8. M. Washington. From exposure In
Mexico, he was attacked with rheumatism, which
caused his death. Ho received a reward of inerit for
iiis gallantry at (ho baltlo of Quona Vista, and was
universally esteemed by his officers and companions
In arms. 110 has (off an amiable wife and child (o
mourn his loss, yiho wore expecting his return in a
few months. Peace lo his ashes!
JACOB SENER has just returned from the onst<
orn cities with a now assortment of Goods, which now opening at his choon store, in North Han-'
over street,Roxt door to Glass hotel.
Oils, Glass, Paints, Copal, J^pan,
and Black Varnishes, of extra quality; Nulls and
Spikes, Watts’ Bar Iron, Cast, Shear, Blistered, and
Spring Stool; Locks, Hinges, Screws, Planes, Saws,
Ghlsols, Augers, Axes, Knives, Forks, dec. Shoo
Findings of every description. Persons wanting any
thing In the Hardware lino, would do well to give
us « call, os wo are determined to sell low for cash.
. fho highest price will bo paid for 80UAP itfON
and FLAXSEED, at the store of
Carlisle, Nov 16, 1849 JACOB BENEIL
X X. SHOE STORE,. opposite the
XJL Methodm Clmroli. Met)'. Kip Brogan., Mon’.
Thiol? Droguna, Boy.’ and Youlli’a Thick Boot.,
Women’. Lace 8001.,
Till, work lin. been monuradlurod (a order, eg.
pro.sly Tor the wlnler, end I. warranted to be bolter
than any over aold In Carlisle. Constantly on band, 1
ft ganoro) assortment oftbo bestainnlity or SOOTS I
SHOES, BROGANS, Gum Shoes, Buffalo Over:
Shoes, Books, dee., to which the attention of buyer.
'm solioltod. WM> M, PORTER.'
Buvembw IS, J 849
For the Removal (Tad Permanent Core of all
And ot those Complaints which are caused by an impaired,
weakened or unhealthy condition of the
This beautiful end convenient application of the mysterious
powers of GALVANISM and MAGNETISM, has been pro
nounced by distinguished physicians, both in Europe and the
United States, to bo the mail valuable medicinal discprery of
is used with the most perfect amt certain success in all
cases of ;
Strengthening Ihd weakened' body, giving tone to the various
organs,' and Invigorating the entire system. Also in FITS,
EROY, Knd all NERVOUS DISEASES, Wiiicli complaints arise
from one simple cause—namely,
A Derangement of the tfervOnd Systeni.
0(7- In NF.RVOUS COMPLAINTS. Drugs and Medfclnea
inrreate the diieate, Tor they weaken the vital energies or thb
already prostrated aystom ; white under the strengthening,
life-giving, vitalizing influence of Galvanism, a* applied, by
-this beautiful and wonderful discovery, the exhausted patient
and weakened sufferer is restored to farmer health, strength,
elasticity,and vigor,.
The great peculiarity and excellence of -
Sr. Ohrlatlo’a Galvanic doraUves,
consists, in the fact that they arrest and cure disease by out
ward application, in place of the nsttal mode of drugging and
physicking the patient, till exhausted Nature sinks hopelessly
under the infliction.
They ,ilrengthen the whole tyitem, equalize Ihe circulation of
Ihehlao'd, promote Ike Secrtlioni, and never do the tlighlttl injury
nude*- any. cireumthtneet. Since their Introdaolioa In the
United States, only three years since, more lhah
60,000 Persons
Including all ages, classes and conditions, among which v?en
a large number of ladles, who are peculiarly subject to Norv
oui Complaints, have been
when all hope of relief had been given up, and every thing
elsa been tried In.yain 1 . • ■
To Illustrate the use of the DBLT, suppose
the nut of a person afflicted, with that bane of civilization,
DVBPF.PBIA. or any other Chronic or Nervouf Disorder., in
Ordinary cases, stimulants are taken, which, by their action dr
(■tv nerves and muscles of (lie stomach, afford temporary relief,
hut which leave the patient in a lower state, and with injured
■rfcullios, alter, the action thus excited has ceased* Now com
pere this with the effect resulting from the application ol the
GALVANIC BELT. Take a Dyspeptic sufferer, even in the
worse symptoms of An attack, and simply tie the Belt around
the. body, using the'Magnetic Fluid as directed.' In a short
period the insensible ponyrfration will act on the positive
element Of the Dolt, thereby cabsing a Galvanic circulation
which will ptres on to the negative, and thence back again to
the positive, thus keeping up a continuous Oolvanic circula
tion throughout the system. Thus thfc most severe coses of
Of the most Undoubted Character,
From nil parts of the Country could- given, sufficient to fill
every column Ih this paper!
which conclusively proves that
11 Truth Is stranger than friction.”
Rev. Dr. Landis, a Clergyman
of New Jersey, of flitlngulihed attainment* and.exalted
reputation s
Sidney, New Joney, July
Dr. A. H. Chrutir—Dear Slbs Vou wlih to know of me
what has been the result in my own ease, of the application o|
follow*: - - •
For about twenty years I had boon suffering from Dysneiv
■io. Ever}' year the symptoms became worse, nor could I
obtain permanent relief from apy course of medical treatment
whatever. About fourteen yean since, in consequence of
frequent exposure to the weather, In the discharge of my pas
toral duties, I become subject to a severe Chronic Uhcuma
tlm. which Tor year after year, Caused mo indescribable
anguish. Farther :,in the winter of ’46 and MO, in consequence
of preaching a great dcol in rriy own and various other
churches in this region, I was attacked by lija bronchitis,
winch soon became to severe as to require an immediate sus
pension of my pastoral labors, ilfy nervous system u<<is now
tAoreoeA/y prostrated, and ha my’Bronchitis became worse, so
oisodii! my Dyspepsia and Ilbenmatie affection—thus evincing
that those disorders were connected with each oilier through
the medium of the Nervous System. In the whole nharmoco.
pcrla there seemed to bo no remedial agent which could
roach and recuperate my Nervous System ; every thing that I
had tried for this purpose had completely failed. At last !•
was led by my friends to examine your inventions, and (though
« ith no very sanguine hopes of their efficiency,) I determined
t*> try the ed’ect or (ho application of the OAI.VANIO BELT
in June, ISIS.; Td air oftKir Astonishmknt, in two oavs <it
had oone) in Kimir vitl I was cnablco to
a sinri.r saanoß on account or thk Bronchitis; and sit
UhkusUtic affection ilia rktirVlt CKAurn to tbitdlii.k mb.
Such is the wonderful and happy results of the experiment
I have recommended the BELT and FLUID to many wtm
hare botfni irkdwlao aufl'enng from Neuralgic affections. They
nave tried them, with hasps hksOlts, I acutcr*; in svkrt
I am, dear air, very rcspeetftilly yours,
'■“"■l ffl 'rmi.liihiU willing 11,0 Tl.root or Hood, .Noli n.
n n « i° *l* *' ,lV ft , n of ‘ho Throat Nervous «nd Sick
Headache. DD-ziiies. of the Head, Neuralgia in the Foco.
Duxalng or Homing in the Kars; Dcnfnbli, Which Is generally
Nervous, and that distressed cotnplalnl, called Tic Doloreu*. *
. , t*aidy imd Paralysis.*
Afl iihyslclnns acknowledge that those terrible disease* are
caused by a deficiency of Ntrvout Energy in the affected
ihnhs. Dll. Ciiiustik’s HalvanJo Articles will supply this
ileilcient power, and afcompleteand entire cut els thus effected.
1000 Cases of Palsy arid Paralysis
have hcoji,reported to Dfi. riiuisTiK and his Agents within the
lant two y-fcors, which have Wen entirely restored.
CC7- f>f. ANi-niiw J. KTomis of Jiroofclyn, N. Y.’, liacf no<
been able t« wnjk n stop for Hoar flriir years, and was so help,
less that lie had to bo Ted. The most celebrated physicians
gnveTiim-an. In five dnys nfUr he commenced weoiTng the
tJsi.ViNii; Burt,' NfcKi.ACK, awd Umckikt*. he walked
sercH* tbo room, and in three weeks ho liud petfeetly recovered
his health. Captain Tomes Is seventy j cars of ago.
Are found of vast service In cases of Convulsions or Flis,
Spasmodic Complaint*, mid general Norvoui Aflectloui of the
(food and upper extremities. Also in polsy anil Paralysis, and
all diseases caused by a deficiency .of power or Nervous
Energy In’ (ho limbi other ofgnm of the boity.
Tie Dolorenx and Wafiralpa;
Thfio dreadful und agonir.lng compliant* nro immrStauts
relltved by tho application of the Galvanic Bklt, Necklace
and Fluid. Tho Holt dlli\iioy tho Electricity through the
lyslcm i the Necklace hna a local cflcct, ami (ho Fluid acta
directly itiirm tbs nfleeted norvea., In theae dhlrciaing
aflliollona the application NEVF.II FAILS,
Theae alarming and terrible complaint* nro olwsy* couaod
by a dttanrtmnu of l/\« Xtrvrt. Tiio llklt, Uracklet* anij
rLviy win euro nearly every cnae, no mottor how young oi
patient, or how confirmed the complaint Numoroua
proof* are In poatoailon of (ue proprietor.
« lan . y Certificate! from all p'rti 0 f the country
of the ntoat extraordinary character can bo given, if required
BUomTa tlio uae of DR
CIIHISTIL'S UjilJWfflc •ARTICLES, and (bey may
be worn by the most feeble and delicate with perfect eaae and
•afety. In many qaaea the aonaalion attending their uae )a
M/hJv pleamni and agrtttbU. They can t>e font to any part
of tha country. v* 1
The Qalvanlo Belt Three Dollars,
The Qalvanlo Necklace, Two Dollars,
The Qalvanlo Bracelets, One Dollar Each.
The Magnetic Fluid,< One Dollar.
0(7- The arlleiea are accompanied by flill and plain dlreo
tloni. Pamplileta with full particulars may be had of (he
authorlied Agent.
0(7- B*wan of CounUr/tili and Il'orMlt** Mtatlont.
,]3> Uroadwny, New Torh,
For sale in Carlisle, Pa., by the solo authorized
November 16, IS4o—lycow
Tt/TACKAIIEL. Ftfelt No. 1.3&3, Mnoltore!
JVL in store end for sole by J. W, EBY,
June H, 18-10
Second Arrival!
CHARLES' OGILBY, respectfully informs the
public, that he has commenccd .and will be open
ing for some days, his SECOND PURCHASE of
Fall & Winter Ooods; ;
His stock at present is very large and general, and
with the addition of'his secowi). pynbiusß, he flut
ters himself that ho will bo please all those
that wish to lay out their eftsh to a good advantage-
The stock consists in pirt of a Very extensive deport
ment of •
Ladies DrOSS Goods,
a valuable assortment of WINTBT? SHAWLS, of
the "most fashionable styles; French, German and
English MEftINOES; Cobergs, ParamcUas, Alpa
cas, and Sacking CLOTHS of beautiful qualities;
French and English now style Cashmeres, Mousde
Laincs; French, English, and American Chintzes.
. Also, a very general and handsome stock of
Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattmcts,
Kentucky Jeans, Kerseys, dnd a £redt rridriy dlhelc
kinds of Goods for Rerttl'omon’h wear. the
largest slocks df Whild ami Brown Muslins, that
has been in Carlisle for, several years, which was
purchased before thb Idtanck in Cotton Goon's.
Also* a full aud complete dssbhmeiU of
Boots & Sh6cs,
which will Bo sold at the lowcst-notch, together with
a largo stock of Fresh Groceries.
As lively trddo t and;small probts is the oidet of
the day, we say cpnio one, come all. and secure for
yourselves good bargains.
Carlisle, Ndv lb, 1849
THE subscriber, desiring to remove west, offers at
private sale, the valuable farm on which lie now
resides; situate in Dickinson township, about half a
mile west of Barnilz* mill, and adjoining properties
of Samuel, Solvers, Tobias Sites, John' Peffor, and
others, containing
11T Acres,
of Limestone and Pino Land, about -70 acres of which
are cleared, anti id a good state of cultivation, the
remainder is well covered with valuable timber, such
os Chesnut, Oak, and Pine; The Improvements are
Tenant House, a LOG BARN (with twd
l»s|"|ropfl»o f sQ a new Wagon Shod, Corn Crib,
House, and oilier out buildings. A
spring of excellent water is ednvenient to the dwel
ling, and.(ho Yellow Breeches creek, a ncvJF failing
stream, pusses through the properly. There is also,
an Apple Orchard on the property,.of good healthy
trees. Also a‘large and valuable limestone quarry,
IVom which a large portion of the farm has recertify
been limed. The Uirtoslono oo this farm Is inex
haustible, and any quantity of lime can be btirnc'd
from the some; Thera is also on this property a
valuable,lßON ORE BANK, from which there has
recently been taken a large quantity of valuable ore.
A full description of this property is deemed Un
necessary. Those wishing (d look at lh(s farm"; are
rc&peclfiiity invited to call on the subscriber,residing
on the same, who will take pleasure in showing it to
them..' ... „ GEORGE ROUSH.
November 1,1549—dt
ValaOlc Mill Property at Pnbiic
THE subscriber will offer at public sale, on Satur
day the 24(h day of November, 1849, tho valdablc
Mill and Farm on which ho now resides, situate in
North Middleton township, Cumberland county, 1
mile west of George Swlgcrt’s tavern, and 4 miles
north west of Carlisle, bounded on the south by land
of-Hcnry Snyder, on the west by land of Samuel
Grissinger, on the north by land of Philip Kichl, and
on the cast by lands of John Lciby & Marlin Reese,
containing .
106 Acres,
of excellent Slate land, of which CO acres nto Cleared
and under good fence; the residua is covered with
thriving limber. The improvements ate a ttedr
with two run of stones, country bolts* and cVory thing,
necessary in a mill. Thcro is sufficient water to
n. nl. grind the whole year. Thcro-is also a
good two LOG HOUSE; a Double Franio
■ BARN, on tho promises, and A
of never falling-water aftho doftrf
also a thriving young Orchard of Choice fruit. Any
person wishing to view said property MM please call
on the undersigned, residing on tho same, If not
sold on the above day, it will then bo offered for rent.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day,
on tho premises, when terms will he made known by
November 1,1849 —4l
Taluablo Farm at Private Sale.
THE subscriber intending to remove west, will
sell at private sale, the Farm on which henow
resides, located in West Pennsborough township,
Cumberland county, on the Conodoguinet creek,
6 miles west of Carlisle, and within 2$ miles of
he Cumberl and Valley Railroad, containing
128 Acres,
of first rate clean nirable land, in a high slain of
cultivation. There are about 400 pannels of Post
and Rail fence on the farm. The improvements
JWJI consist of a largo two story VVeaiher
boarded HOUSE, Wash House,Smoke
jMliSSrP^ ollsl ’' oni * co House, with a well of
£gS2&Sii water at the t/oor. Also, a'large Bank
iiAUiN, with Corn-cribs, Wagon Shed, &c.» aud
an Apple Orchard of good fruit. ;
Also, a two story Frame Tenant House, with a
well of water at thedobrv This Is one of the best
farms to produce a'll kinds of grain and grass In
this section’of *codnlfy. There bos been about
6000 thousand bushels of. lime pat on this farm
within the last few yfrars,'
The siibscHher vtrjß. Belli with the above tract, if
desired, on the opposite side of theoreek, ITacrea
of first rule Timothy Meadow, and about 26 acres
of good Timber land,- .• WILLIAM ALTER.
October 18, 18*19—Gt
Fire Insurance.
THE Allen and Eas.lpennsborough Mutual Fire
Insurnnoo Company* of Cumberland county, incor
porated by on act of Assembly, Is now fully or
ganized, ancl in operation under the management
df.the following commissioners, vizi
Jacob Shelly, Win. R. Gorgas, Michael Cock-
Hn, Melnhoir Brennoman,. Christian Stayinan,
Simon Oysters Jacob M; Cnovcr, Lewis Hyor,
Henry Logan, Benjamin H. Musset, Jabob Klik,
Samuel Prowcll, Joseph Wickcfsham., .. ,
The rates of instfrnned nto tfs fow and mvofable
as any Company of the. kind in the Stale. Per
dorii wishing to becotnh, niombors are invited to
muko application to the agents of the company
who are willing to waft npoh them at ans time.
iACOB,SMELLY, President,
■ , Heniiv Logan, Vice President;
Lewis liven, Secretary,
MintiAKL GOcklin, Treasured,
NbVombor 1,1849.
Cumfcr/anrf county—Rudolph Martin, N. Cum
berland; O. 13. Herman, Kingstown; Henry Zanr
ing. Shlremanstown: Robert Moore ant! Charles
Roll, Carlisle; Isaac Kinsey, Mochanloeburg; Dr.
J. Ahl. Chnrchlown.
York county— John Shorrlok, Lisburn; John
Bowman, Diilsburg; Peter Wolfonj, Franklin;
John Smith, Esq., Washington; W. S. Picking,
Dover; 1 Daniel Rnflensbergor, J. W. Craft.
HflrrMW£~Houa(?r & Loohman.
Members of the ooinpany having Policies about
(o ostpiro Ottu havo iliom renewed by maklngap
plication to any of the agents,
JOHN W. UENDEE, IKmtlsf, ;
BEGS Rave to inform his friends nnd the public,
that he has again returned homo to Carlisle, arid
Will be happy-to servo, all who mky desire
cesjn Dentistry. Office iu Harper’s Row, next door
to Guthrie> watch-maker shop!
November 1,1849—5 t
OrouiMl Alltim Sail,
\ T only $1,871 per sack. The balance’ of our
xJL lot, to close the concern, will he sold for cash as
above. Apply at the Tea and China store of
November 8,1849
.. r uw OF UEXVEBB. -
XIST.OF LETTERS remaining ihlhcPoat-officc.
at Carlisle, Pa., November 1,1840. Persons in*
quiringfor letters on thielist.will pleasesaythcy are
Thopaas Askwith. , Henry Lackey
C A Appelins Charles Lawrence
Joshua Aghu Jacob Stone
Peter Breti Jacob, Line
Miss Barberra Black Wm LaufTerfl
Dr J p:Brooks Joseph Lyder
WjlJlarfrßeU Joseph Lichty
Adam BilldiV Elizabeth Lind
Andrew G Boos‘e Mrs Lugh
Wlllidm H Benton Agnes Lathtop
Alexander Black George Lnphart
John Burkholder ’ John & Peter Lotibli.
Miss Jane Dell .Oathrinb Leidich
Pealy Brown Jacob Lauiah
SamueLßendef , Joseph Mayberry Jr ot br
Miss Ana Marla BenoerDavid Mark.
Jesse Bricker;, John Moore
Geo Cbfnrnan James M’Clinlick ;
Chas Colbert . JohnM’Britfo ' •
ItoberfOamel Hetty M’Cari
Christopher Chaney Sarah ,E Miller
Miss Mary Coffman Daniel M’Carty
Mrs Mary Crawford LouiSa'MotHll 2
Geo I Odrmer - William IVPCarty Jr
James Cornicles C Merrill'
M Caldwell . Sarah A Myers
Benjamin Diller St Mary Mooro
James David Georgian! McDbugril
DS Dunlap T Miller Esq
MicnaeJ'Dcck ' Ann Martin
Henry Efbift 0 M’Elee
Francis Elliott ThomdS^M^CaffclH
Rev Jno Fohl . Benjamin Nickey *•
P Forrest Joseph Ross
Samuel F. Flint Hfcnry.Reser
W'Faox Jesse W Robb ,
James W Pollan P Rauppins
Maj Samuel Gross 2 Lewis. Raison
John Grimes Getty Ann Staunton
Miss Lucy Giil ' Maria A Shops
George Gallagher . Marlin Shnner
C I) Green Michael Stoner
John Gillbrd ■ . Levi Snett -
James.Gowen Eliza Swords
Christian Green Christian James
Cathn'ne Hear . Wm F Swiger
Alexander Hnrlen Josiah Sheaffer
.(ohn Harringlon Henry Sloat.
John Hipner Samuel M Smith
Peter Heft John.C Stevens
Charles N Halt Esq John Troup
John L H°Pklns . David Fellow
Elizabeth Hoffman TomsTomson
John H.umer 3 Samuel Thomma
Lydia Hess Thomas Vennsline
Joseph Hoovis George Wolf
James Joy 3 Wm Henry Woods Esq 2
John S Jeffrey Joseph Wart
; Mart it’J Kaufman Anna D Waggoner
Jacob Rimer Cathiine Welcome 1
Benjamin Kreider John Wall Esq
Elizabeth Kaufmah Benjamin Wetzel
Aaron Knufmati Gills Wheeler
Mrs ICfaften Joseph Watson
Mr ffcysono Lavid Whitcomb *
Nicholas LuricH Isaac Whiton
Georgp Lutz . Joseph Whitmore
John Leallr . Elizabeth Warfield
Mary A LawbdcH Tricilla W'hite
MoseaiLazanis. . ... William Zeigler
military Notice.
Head QVa. 15th DW. P. M. 7
Carlisle, Nov, 8, 1849. $
n.ii-J Wrt t In cotiformlty with an order da-
Ordew No. 3. £ tC( j , h# lO tU of October, 1849, at
General Head Quarters* Harrisburg, Po., for iho in
formation of tho uniformed militia of said division,
embracing oil rartks, jh future the undress adopted
for the army of tho United Slates have been adopted
for the Volunteers of Pennsylvania. Companies
already provided With full dress uniform Will not ho
affected Uy this order, dr now companies preferring
full dress;
In either dress, uniform of undress, Brigadier Ge
nerals and Brigade Inspectors, undbr the command
ing General, will give every information that may bo
required as regards full dress uniform, undress uni
form, sffio arniPj 'and every thing that will'bo neces
sary for the of officers, non-commissioned 1
officers, musicians, ind privates, and of all arms con
nected with the uniformed military.
By order of Brig: Gen. Edw. Armor, commanding
Division: ALEX. W. STERRETT,
■* J , - • < Adjutant General,
Pttpfcrd in Franklin and Perry, copy.
Estate Notice*
LETPERS of Administration cn.tbo estate of
Charles Ftiitori, late of Newton township, Cum
berland county, Pa., hrtve beefi granted to the sub
scriber residing iri Hopefvell township, county
aforesaid. AH persons indebted to said estate are
requested to make immediate payment, and those
having claims will present them properly authen
ticated for SeUleriienl, to’. ...
October Is, 1849—61*
Estiitd Notice.
LETTERS of Administrating) oh (ho estate of
Absalom Thinhmq; tolb of North Middleton (p.,
Cumberland county, ra* have been issued to the
subscriber residing In FrankforS township, in said
county. . persons Indebted to said . oslalo will
make unrncdiaio payment, and those having claims
will present them properly .authenticated for, settle,
ment to , ~ GEO.’ KOSHT, Adrn’r.
October tli 1849.—Ut
Estate Notice:
ALL, persbnA aro hereby notified (hat letters of
administration 6’n .(ho estate of Jacob Myers,
Into Of Allan township, Cumberland county, Pa.dcc’d,
havo beon issued by lliq Register th nnd fur jald
county, to the subscriber who resides in \Vonnlcys
burg. ln ;ilio county aforesaid,. All , persons having
claims or demondd against (no. cstolo of (ho said
doccdant, ore requested Jo make known 1
without delay, indebted to make payment
to , DAviti Stevenson, Admv.
•. October 3s, 1849—61
Carlisle Deposit Bank,. (
. i ~ . . November 6, 1849,
THE Directors of this Institution have this day
declared a dividend on iho capital stock of 3 per
cent, for iho Inst six months, which will bo paid to
the stockholders or their legal representative*), on or
after the ICtli instant.
. W.S.CODEAN, Cdelntr,
November 8,1649—31
Carlisle Deposit Dank, J
k t November 1,184 D. j
AN elcctfon for riino,Directors of (hie Institution,
to serve ono year, will bo holdai the Banking House,
on Monday UioiQth Instant,'between tho hours of 1(1
d*6lock A. M.antl 2P. M. s
W, S'. COBEAN, Cashier.
r ~ ■ NOTICE, t ; '
Carlisle Bank, Oct. 1&, 1?49.
AN election fur Thirteen Directors of this Institu
tion, to serve for one your, will, bo held at (iio
Banking House, on Monday the 19ll| dity of Novom
ber rteXl. bol\Vdon the hours of 10 A. M. and 9 o’clock
p. M l . GEO’ A. LYON, IVes't.
October 25.1849—; .
APPLICATION will bo made at thflnext session
oftho Legislature of Ponnsylrlrirtia, for an alter
mion in the charter of (he Carlisle Deposlte Bank, so
as to Confer upon tho Institution the rights and pri
vileges of a Dunk ofissbe
1W order of the Board of Directors-’
W. S, COBBAN, Cashier.
CarlKe Dcposile Bank. 7
June 80, 1840, S
DU. A, HINKLEY, Physician and Surgeon, ha.
virig taken the dwelling aptl office on Alain si.,
recently occupied by. Dr. J. J. Myers, respectfully
tenders his professional services to tho citizens of
Carlisle nnd the adjacent country,
i Carlisle, November 8,1849—81*
nRANBERRIBS have been received and are for
V/ule at . J, W, KBY’S;
October 1 4,*1849 •
Fall'Dry Goods!
At the New Store.
Corner of Hanover and Loufher Streets, opposite
■\Vm. Leonard's did stand.
THE undesigned respectfully informs his
friends find the public; that he has just returned
from Philadelphia; with a large And Carefully se
lected assortment of
New Tali ddoaS;
Consisting of an extensive.variety. Every article
will be sold at the voty lowest prices.
Mims de Latnci!—~ All the most: desirable styles
of neat figured, and tho best shades of plain fa ue,
mode, scarlet, pink, green, crimson, &c.
Rich Figured Cashmeres! —A complete stock of
elegant styles .which will be sold at very email
Dress Silks!-^- Brocade figured, plain, change
able; striped glace, and the roost superior qualities
of glossy blabks;
Changeable Grcin arid Black Mantilla Satin,the
most (ashionable'article for the fall;
. Silk Fringes, Laces. Gimps, Boltings, Collars,
Gloves, Hosiery, &c. ...
Fail and Winter Ribbons, of every quality, and
at all prices. Also, a large stock of elegant
/ Staple CroodSj,
whlchi hayo been selected with much care, and
will be sold at.very great bargains. Our assort
ment of Cloths, Cassimeres..Vestings, heavy pan
taloon stuff, Flannels, Sheetings,Tickings, Ging
hams, Checks,.Galleons, Muslins, Table Covers,
Napkins, .Drillings, Linens, bleached and un
bleached Muslins, &c., is very large, varied, and
complete. Also'on hand, a well selected assort
ment of ’ . -
for men, women, and children, at lowbt prices
than ever. , . >
GROCERIES In nil their variety, viz: Sugar,
Coffee, Molasses, Pekin Tea Company's celebra
ted Teas; Spices, &c., and the Best quality of
Carpel Chain.
. N. W. WOODS, Jlgl,
Seplember27, 1819.
Tremendous Arrival
At Mi Chebjp Wholesale and Retail Drygoods
Store of
THEY have just received and are now opening
In North.Hanovef street, 3 doors north of the Car
lisle Bank and opposite Havefslick’s Drug store,
the most extensive assortment ofFuli and Winter
Goods; over brought to Carjlnle; Among these
goods may be found a beatiiltiil selection of
Ladles Da*css Goods,
plain, black and changeable Silks; silk striped,
figured, and embroidered Cashmeres, small figVl
and striped Delaines; in great variety; plain, black,
and changeable Alpacas, Mohair Lusters, plain
and figured Sack Cloth, French Merinos. Parri
matlcs, worsted plaids, bonnet satins, ribbons,
Brussels Lace, black silk fringe and hello.
SHJiWLS,— -Tcrkera, Thibet, Mous do Lain,
and plaid Shawls; Moravlon, Lamb’s Woo), Al
paca and Silk Hose; Gloves and Mills.
. CLOTHS £*; CJSSIMEUES, Sattinetts, Ken
lucky Jeans, Velvets, Pilot Cloth, Drab and Bea
ver Cloths, fur men’s, overcoats and sacks.
Boots & Shoes.
We have added to our immense stock of Dry
goods, a large assortment of Boots and Shoes,
rhioh will be sold very cheap at the store qf Ar
old & Levi,
September 27, 1849.
THE subscribers have just completed their pur
chases of Fall and Winter Goods. Their stock
consists in part of CLOTHS and Oasatmeres;
Vestings from $1 to $5 per yd.; Cassinets. of all
colors and prices; White, Yellow, and Red Flan
nels; Kentucky Joans, Velvet Cords, Hoavcrtoens,
Calicoes hy the carl load; Ginghams, Mous do
Laines, Merinoes, Paramatta and Thibet Cloths,
Coburg cloths, Alpachas, Fancy Mohair Lustres;
Checks, Tickings, Domestic Ginghams, Canton
Flannels, Lindseys, Plain de Laines, in pinks,
brown, mnmne, and black,; for I2£ cis. per yard;
Mous de Laines, Thibet and Tekerrt
Long Shawls from $3 to $10; Silk and Linen
Handkerchiefs; cotton, woollen and cashmere
Stockings; Irish Linens, Gloves; Cloth, Glazed,
and Fur CAPS; Gimps and Fringes; Ribbons in
variety; combs, woollen stocking Yarn, all quali
ties, colors and prices; Steel Beads, Purse Twist
and Clasps; Purses, Scarfs, Green Barage; Table
covers of linen and cloth; carpet chain, table dia
per, crash and linen diaper, edgings and laces,
and a good assortment of trimmings, lower than
Onin Shoes,
all sizes and prices; Umbrellas, Carpets, Queens*
ware, Hardware, Groceries, &c.
All the above we purchased with gold and. sil
ver, and saved about 16 per coni, oyer those who
bought on credit. Gall and examine our Goods,
we are determined to sell them at very small pro
fits. A. & W, BENTZ.
•October 18, 1819.
A NEW supply of choice Groceries, embracing
Coflees, Sugars, Molasses, Spices, and a foi of
Graea.and Black T&adf y
withal! the other variety of articles inonf lino,'
equal, and probably superior to the nsutf) varie
ties, has Just been received mid opened at the store
of the subscriber, whore bo will bn pleased In .of-J
fur them to his customers and friends ioilfuntt any
advance from former prices. The public have our
warmest (hanks for the encouragement extended
lo us, and we indulge the hope that wo may be
favored with a continuance 6f vivo same.
Carlisle, Oct 18, 1849. 3. W.’ EBY.
, „ MEW BllfclilNCftlfi. '
MRS. NEFF respectfully announces to tho Ladles
of Carlisle, that sho lias ononed at her store
next door to tho Post Office,' a splendid assortment of
, , Fall & Winter Millinery.' „ _
of the latest and most fißliiorpiblo sidles.' Tho goods
have been selected with great cure, Irom the bust oily
houses, and sho can assure her,customers Ihallhey
ate tho LATEST FXLL FASHIONS. -Her slock
consists of every variety of .Velvet, Fr.n hy Silk, and
Satin,. Bonnots, ChlTdron’i Mata find Cops,‘•Ladles’
Dress Caps; together With un asaor’lnicnt of FANCY I
GOODS,'embracing In part of Fepthers, Flowers,!
Ribbons, 1 Bonnet Cups, Me,' t Alsu, Dress Goods,'such
as Silks, Turc Satins, iTrooli’a and French Fluid Long
Shawls’, Mil fa, fn grout variety, Ac. 1 tl . .
Bonnots altered In the most neat and fashionable
manner. Having engaged the services of n fashion
able Milliner from the cfty,sW hopes by strict ulten
lloh (o buslricseVto plonso all who may favor her with
a call, . i - i Mrs.'M. NEFF.
Carlisle, tfov. 1,1849-41
Drug and Variety Store.
THE subscriber respectfully announces to the pub
lic, (hut ho has taken that well known atond,
lately oWnod hy James Fleming, on the corner of
Pitt and High streets, directly opposite tho Mansion
House, where he will keep constantly on band an
assortment of DRUGS, MEDICINES, Paints, Oils,
Perfumery, and Fancy Articles, which, ho is deter
mined to sell low. Haying encaged the services of
an experienced Druggist, bo flatters himself to bd
able to gtvo general satisfaction to all.
Physicians and Country Merchants supplied at
r duccd prices. HENRY A. STURGEON.
Carlisle, August 10,1840.
llc«kor’a Fnrliin, 1
A neu> article prepared expressly for Families, Hotels,
and Eating Houeet, .
TNTRNDED for Puddinga’, Omelet, ani
X. unequalled for Gruel, Thlokenlhfl ■ Soup and
Gravoy, and as a substitute is preferable to many
other articles, now In .nan—being very delicious.
The,only way to Judge is to try it, To be hndai
the store of. L W. EBV,
• October 4f 1840 .
WiiwvUle Academy; ~
-Select Classical axd Scientific School;
Neuwilicr, Cumberland County, Pa.
IT is confidently believed that few Institution! ofief
greater inducements to students than the above;
located in the midst of dcommunity proverbial ffci;
their intelligence, morality and regard for the interest!
of religion, tins Academy can effectually guard tt«l
members from ovilond iiumoraUnfluencea.
lages are likewise offered to those desiring to pursue
the study of (lie physical science's, surpassing those
of most similar institutions.
Those having sons or wards, and wishing: to send
them to a Seminary of learning, are respectfully soli
cited to ! visit Nowyillo, and judge of ttib advantages
for themselves, or, at least, procure a circular con
taining full particulars, by addressing • .v .
, JAMBS HUSTON, Principal:
Newvillc, Pa., Aug. 23, 1849—1 y .
jpiaiiiileld Classical Academy.
Four miles west of Carlisle, between the . iVe&iilli
Slate Road and the Cumberland Valley Railrfa'd'.
THE Seventh scssibh will commence on Monday
the filh of NovbV.,lB4o. . The number of students
is limited, and they dre carefully prepared'for Col
lege, Counting House; &c. . , ‘
The situation precludes the possibility of atudenW
associating with the vibibus or depraved,being remote
from town or village, though easily accessible %y,
.Stale Road or Cumberland Valley Railroad,both of
which pdss through lands attached to thelhelitatioA.'
TfiRMS; .
Boariiing,'washing t tuitloDt&c,,CpersesB.3 $6O
Latin or. Greek ,( •' )6 Q.ty {
InstrUmfentUl. Music* Oft
FreHeli bi* Gorman ;. 6 0v
Clrciilabwith rofeienccs,&c.,furnishcdby . ,
. R. K. BURNS, Principal.
October d, 1849.—1 y >
WATCafcS s
&■ Great inducements to persons im
Walit df a gdod Watch.
LEWIS R. BROOMALL; No. UO North 2n s
efrccl, having recfchcd additional supplies of Gold’
and Silver Watches of es6ry description, from Lon
don. Liverpool and Switierlahd importations, is now
prepared to furnish (he very best article at a price,*
fur below, any ever offered, of Uiosame quality, and'
which cannot be undersold, by uny ( other slore iri
Philadelphia or elsewhere. 'E*or£ watch sold will
bb JJetfeclly regulated, and warranted lb be as good 1
as represented! , j . '
. Watches at the following low prices: ’
Gold Levers, full jewelled, IS carat cases, #2B 06 }
Silver do do. do 12 Op!
* m yy.
Gold Lcpincs,jewelled, 18 corat cases, $2 00
'Silver, do do turf
The L. R. Bronmoll Gold Pen, a.superior article Irf
silver case, with pencil, and warranted, $1,60; Gold*
Pencils for $l,OO, and upwards, Gold Medallion},'
and Locket for Dagucrcotypo Likenesses," Gold'
chains, Gold and hair Bracelets, Break Pint; Ear.
Kings, Finger Rings, and a general assortment of
every, description of Jewelry at unusual low prices.
No. 110 North 2nd street, 2nd dodf below Ra<&’
street, Philadelphia. . * ,
November 8, IS4o'
Spruce Street Cabinet Waroroom^'
No. 119 SphtiCK St. helow 6th, Puiti,
Constantly on Hand a large a«*(tiienr
of superior .. ~
Walnut and Mahogany Furniture,*
mnnufacturcJ in the best manner, of modern style,’
and at moderate prices, embracing .
Sofas, , Parlor Chairs, .
Wardrobes, Rocking Chairs, ;
Dressing Bureaus, Tclo-atclcs, ~4 ./»•
French Bedsteads, . Centro and Pier Tables,"
High Post Bedsteads, Wash Stands,
•Hat Hacks, Secretaries,
Extension Tables, dee. &c, ..
Every article,is made of .the best*
and warranted. '' ”V.
Phila,, August 9,1849—1 y " . . ...
THANKFUL’ lo jhe citlien. of Citt&effMitf
vicinity,.for their increased cu’flroto, bjp again rc
qpbtl (heir company* id view obr largo and# plebcUdl 1
Suftitmcpi of .. »V-v . , ».‘ 4 . '
Dr-ner Sets, Tea Sets, To* lef Sets, and single pieces!’
either of Glues; China or Stone Ware, sold in qasnt
titles to suit purchasers, for Ices than they can be,
had elsewhere—in fact allcss than Wholesale priced
American and. English Britannia Metal Goode in*
greater variety than ever before offered in iho city.
, Fancy China in'great variety, very cheap.
Wo would invite any person visiting the city to
call and ace us—(hey will at least bo pleated to Walk!
around bur beautiful store; and to view the finest*
China A’nd tho cheapest the world produces. 1 ’
• . - . No. 219 Chesnul street.
Phila., Sept, 20, 1849.—1 y
Now Goods Sc Clioap Clothing:. '
THE subscribers have Just returned.from Phlla-’
rfwlphia with splendid assortment of Goods for
gentlemen’s wear, with which they Intend offering,
great,inducements to the citizens of Carlisle ana #
surrounding country. They havO on hand an as**
sditmbni - ....
such-as Dress Coots, Cloaks, Over-coats, Vests,’
Pants, Shirts, Bosoms, Collars, Under
Drawers, Gloves, Stockings, Silk and other. Cr
avats, Pocket Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, Ffdts,'
Caps, Trunks,' Travelling Bags end Unibi'eHas;’
oil of which they intend selling at a vor4 small!
advance on city cost, having fort heir
profits and quick sales.” , They wish if tp be un
derstood that their clothing la all Mnufuclorcd
under their own superintendence anfi not* In the
city, henco they are enabled to Warrant every ar
ticle they sell. , ( ,
Having an experienced ciiltfer engaged in their
establishment, they are prbpafei at all limes
make to order a’ny article oftlpthing in anest*
fashionable; and substantial manner, and at short
notice. . .. AILNOLI) & LIVINGSTON)
‘ .North Hanover apposite Monger's Store,
Carlisle, Oct. <i, tb4o—*3m
Great Bargains In , t
To the Cilurn* of tidrltsU Sf surrounding Country!
a Jnrgo and splendid assortment;'
of Fashionable Heady-made
for the Fall and Winter Trade, at iho store of
Goldman, Bouth*easl corner of Main street •and'
Mnrkol Snnnre, Carlisle. 1
, Tlio undersigned respectfully the .eili.n
zens of Carlisle and adjoining oodhtty,
has Just arrived from Philadelphia, With a large
assortment of Fashionable Heady-made
'which for cheapness and quality,’ nev?r has .been
witnessed In this nlaee, sucn as— French, German
and American Cloth, Dress and F/ocft. Coali,
Over Coataand Business oontsof all
Cloths, Oassiineres, and Satlinoi Coata;
lino binok and fancy Gasslmere Pahlalognej sup#,
riot; satin and striped silk velvet Cloth and
net Vests. Also, jv,largo assortment df fkndy
1 Handkerchief;'*!tno wliitd' linen, striped*. aha nkt
flannel Shirts; cotton &wobllen night sliinV,l)ra«»
era, Bosoms', Collars, dfcV, Beapilfol Fall style
.... fiats 4: daps,
will be enld'et'pride, ehenpoMhanen/Vbore cite.
,Gentlemen are invited lo cal! .and examine his'
Goods, aft ho Is sure that those, who buy will go'
away with a good fit and cheap prices,
September 37. 1810—Cm
JUBT RGOtUVCD at the cheap atone,'a*great vat'
riety of all colon of Woollen ¥arHolio, tons
anil Square Shawla from * I to *IXIO, eerhelieip. In
deed) Maui do lininea, Glnghama, Steel Head! and
Taiiela, Puree Twiet, Claapa, and a great earlely of
Woollen lloae. A. Jc W. BENTg,'
November V, 1849. >, i.
DU. To'wnaond’a SariapaHlla for aalo at Ihb'Drlir
atom of floury A,. Sturgeon,- -■ r "V, - / *
Aojuel 16,184> !-/ U ;..r", \ ’fj.