American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, September 13, 1849, Image 4

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    Sunkiuer Groceries*
J W. EBY, at tils Grocery and Tea store, West
i. Maiii'street, Carlisle, has just received and
opened a.fine and fresh selection of Groceries, in
addition to his fonmer variety, and is therefore
prepared to supply his customers and friends with
the finest quality of
Loaf Sugars,
either in the loaf, crushed, sifted or pulverized,
suitable, for all purposes &t the low price of ten
'cerilh per pound, and otlieV whilo or soft crushed
sugars at lower prices, together with a large lot
bf the-best ~
Brown Sugars,
fit prices suited to the different qualities, as also a
fine assortment of
Gld. Hio & Java Coffees,
Including Mocha and Laquyra, and the best qua!
ity of Rio Coffee fresh roasted*
Pepper , MUspice, Cinnamon, and all othorspices,
fresh and pure, ground and unground, constantly
m store, together. With
Honey & Molasses,
including finosl Sjrnp, Sugar .Hous'd and Orleans
Sperm, Mould, and Common Candles of al
bizes, as well as a pur.e bleached. Sjierm Oil, am
Whale OIK Of salted fish wo have
Mackeral and Herring, at retail;
. Pine Dairy Salt , in small sacks, as alfed Ground
Allum in sacks or by the smallet quantity as may
Bp wanted,together with a general assortment ol
all other articles in the lino of Groceries, such ai&
Cheese, Vinegar, Soda and Water Biscuit; &o„
all of which for quality and prices we canconfl-.
Hently recommend as equal if Hot superior lb any
bmular articles in the market.
Thankful for the encourazoinebt given us here-
We respectfully solicit a continuance ol
patronage,, winch, by strict.attention and endeav
ors to please, it shall be our object to merit.
Carlisle, July 12, 1819
Extraordinary Reduction in ilto
Price of Hardware.
I HA V* 15 just , received .the I driest and cheapest
stock of HARDWARE, Glass, Paints, Oils.
Varnishes, Saddlery, Carpenter’s anil Cabine.i
Maker’s -Tools, Mahogony Vanbprs, and all kinds
of litiifdiucp. Material ever-brought to Carlisle,
consisting 'of-Locks, Hinges, Screws* Nails, and
Spiked, Persons about to build will find It great
ly to their advantage to look at my stock before
purchasing elsewhere. Como and see the good*
and hear the price and yon will he convinced that
this is really the Cheap Hardware Store, Also,
in store, anvils, vices, files and rasps, and a com
plete assortment of Watt’s Beal Bar Iroh, also
Rolled and Hoop Iron of all sizes. I have also
Ute 'fhemonietbr Churn, Made by hir. Geo. Span
gler, the best article now In use.
SCYTHES,—I have just received my Spring
stock of Grain and Grass Scythes, manufactured
expressly for my own sales, and warranted to be
a superior article. Cradle makers and others
frill find these Sythes to be the best article in the
hiarket'. and at the lowest price, wholesale and
felail, at the old staud in North Hanover street.
Aprill9,lBl9, JOHN P. LYNIS.
New & Cheap Hardware Store.
THE subscribers hove just received at their New
and Cheap HARDWARE STORE Bast High
Street, opposite Ogilby’a Dry Good Store, a large
Block of goods in their lino, to which they would
call the attention of purchasers, their arrangement
!ri the city being such, as lo enable tbam to sell their
goods at the lowest city prices.
Their stock comprises a full assortment of .Locks
and Latches of every stile and s, Screws,
Bolts, and every article used fur buildings. Augurs
find Augur Bills, Chisels, Broad and Hand Axes,
Hatchets, Drawing knives, Plains, and Plano Bitts.
Hand, Ripping Saws, Mill, Cross-cut
find Circular caws, Trace and Halter chains, Homes,
Shovels, Spades,.and Hoes, hay and ninnnro Forks.
Also, a largo assortment of Pocket and Table Cut
lery,—Spoons, Shovel and Tongs, Waters and
Trays, Hollow Ware, Brass and enameled Preserv
ing Kettles, Iron Furnaces, Cedar Ware, Anvil ond
Vicos, Files, and Rasps of every kind; Bar, Band
and Hoop Iron, Cast, Shear Spring and Blister
Steel, &c. Also,
100 Boxes Window Glass.
iOQ Kegs WoleerilJ's Pure While Lcarf.
5 Barrels Linseed Oil.
3 Barrels Sp. Turpentine.
Carlisle, May 10,1640,
Confectionary, Fruit & Toy Store,
Noam Haxotxr Stheet.
£' OUNTRY MERCHANTS hod the public in
general, are respectfully invited to call at the
1, Stand of the subscriber, (well known as “Kriss
Kingles-Headquarters) in North Hanover street, a
few doors north of the Bank, and examine his largo
assoitmont of
Choice Confcctio'i'iarics,
mlnufacturcd of tho best material, fresh every day,
and warranted not to be surpassed by any in the
States, which will be sold at reasonable prices. Ho
has just received a large assortment of Fruits and
Nuts, consisting in.part of Oranges, Lemons, Koi
sini, Pigs, Priiens, BorJeau'x and Paper-shelled Al
monds, Filberts, crcam-nuls, pea-nuts, cocoa-nuts,
&q., which will bb sold at the lowest rates. He
would also invite attention to a! large lot of Toys
and Fancy Goods, consisting partly of fine fancy
boxes, dolls, doU.heads, Furniture m boxes, wooden I
tea sets. In ass and tin trumpet*,, basket and
bell rattles, wagontf, wheelbarrows'. Glatfs amt China!
Toys, accordoons, harmnnicans, fancs scrips, hoiri
611, hair and tooth brushes, shaving cream and him-1
dreds of other knicknncks. In connection with Ihol
above he has on hand a good assortment of Family]
Groceries, consisting in'part ofloaf,lump and brown
sugars, coffee, chocolate,choose and crackers. Im-:
perial, Young Hyson und Black Tea, Spices of all
ftinds, blacking, mutches, brushes, dec.
Tho subscriber returns his sinccio thanks to the
£bbUc for tho liberal patronage heretofore bestowed
Oh him, and hopes by a desire to please, to merit a
continuance of the same. I*. MONYBR.
Uarlulo, Juno 14 t "1840
Cabinet Mnltlug.
Extensive Furniture Rooms.
JAOO f U FETTER", in rear of the corner of North
Hanover and Lomhor streets, Carlisle, would
ros(motl'u))y announce lo tho public iliai helms
oh hand,and is constantly manufacturing, every
description of \Vorft pertaining lO’lho above btlbi
HU Furniture being made out of llio best ma
terial, by his own hand*, lie /oils no hesitation
In warranting its durability. Being always un
prized of the vory latest city fashions, ho is
enabled 1 to turn out the most
tfashioiiablc .Work
trt the country, nnd at prices 100 which ahull cor
respond with the “lightness of tho money market.**
He would oerußßtly invite persona who aro
shout to pommonoo housekeeping to coilanil ox
amine hie present elegant elock, to which hu
will constantly moke addition! of the newest and
meet modern stylos.
The Ui(D«nT*KS|>’s htanoh of business receives
especial attention. 08
June-liy 1843
. Glass anti tlncoiistvure. ~
A LARGE und general uesortment of glues
jHL bowls, lumps, dlkhes, pitchers, Him fluted
table and bar tumblers, jelly glasses end other
glassware.- Also, Chlnjf, LiVerpool.-end'Granite
Tea 1 sols in variety. Also, plates, dishes', bowls,
cups and saucers, pitchers, custards, peppePmugs,
00/feß and tea pole, sugar bowls, cream mugs,
Ballad bowls, chamber warn, and generally all
other articles of Liverpool, Granite and Gammon
were! in stare and far sale by
Cel-lisle. July 18. J. W. EDV.
TVYB STUPES of all kinds, constantly on hand
I / by Henry A. Sturgeon. ' '
itugusf W,lSd9 '
2600 British Soldiers Killed !
JAM now receiving from the eastern cities a
large and beautiful selection of Spring & Sum?
mor Gods, 10 which I invito the ’attention of one
and all*
In Silks, Daraiges, Linen, Popelins, Linen Luo*
Ires, linen chamoos, French, English and Ameri
can chintzes, ginghams, gingham lawns, lawns,
lace and plaid muslins,, swlas, book and tarlloh,
do.; plain and fancy spring d’ lainea, bonnets, pa*
rasols, sun shades, ribbortd, Idces, fancy trim
mings, &c„ we flatter ourselves lobeablelopJease
all ia prices and style, who will favor us with a
For your own interests we ask of ydd to call and
examine our .stook of French and English black,
cloths, French and English fj|ncy colors do., fancy
French cassiideres; doe skins; black and fancy;
English and American cassimcres, silk warp
cloth and tweed, Codington and Merino cassi
mores and tiveOds, plain .and fahey Crotons and
Garobroons; buff oasaimeres, fancy jedns, silk,
satin and marseillo Vestings; plain, and, high
colored silk cravats, &c. , . • ‘
Domestic goods in aburiddhee, stick as Muslins,
Sheetings, Osnaburgs, Tickings, Drills,' cotton
pant stuff, very cheapt cdTd cambrics, domestic
'inghams, diapers, checks, nankeens, &c.
An immense dtoclc of carpets, floor oil cloths, plain
and,colored mailings, a beautiful assortment of
Transparent Blinds, dll of tVhich Will be sold un
usually low, . ..
BOOTS & SHOES of all kinds, qualities and'
prices, now receiving and on hand. . ' . i
Also, a fresh lot of GitockniES, wliibji edn not
he beat in price or quality*. My slock is very
!argo and oomplcle, and we always lake pleasure
in showlnggoods withoul charge.'
Recollect the old stand, a fow doors east of ilia
Market House, and directly opposite Wright &l
Saxton’s Hardware store.
Carlisle, March 20, 1849
Wholesale «5* Retail Store, South Hanover Street,
Carlisle t “Sign of the Bee Hive,'*
. . Respectfully calls (he attention of
bis friends lo hishew stock of Spring
and Summer Goods. Ilisimpossible
aJSssa2»to enumerate oil the articles I have
‘brsalu: sulficeit to say, vye have almost every
thing that is necessary for Ladies and Gentlemen’s
Ladies Department,— Neat figured Mouslin de
Baines* Foulard Silk and Lawns* Mohair and
Satin stripe Lustre, pink and bluo delaines, Sa
tin stripe do., second mourning Clarendons, plaid
Lyouese, black silk, bonnets, ribbons, fancy silk
ties ond scarfs, silk and linen fringes, linen tis
sues, silk flannel, pink, blu.e, and green barege;
kid, silk, and lisloe gloves; a largo assortment of
Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s hose.
GentlemenDeparlrAent.— French, and English
Cloths, from 87.} els, to $G per yard; French blk.
cussimeros, fancy do., large assortment of Vest,
ings, Croton cloths and Lustres, tweeds &cash
merot, while'linen drilling, fancy caps for boys,
China Pearl hrits fdr rnon Und (ioys, straw hats,
dll sorts and Sizes; black and fancy cravats, lisle,
kid and silk gloves.
Also, a very largo stock of bleached and un
bleached muslins, calicoes from 3 to 12}peryard,
oarppls, floor oil cloths, und a great va-iely of
Goods not mentioned. Please call and examine
uiy slock, whore you will alvtays find a full sup
pi?- . ,
New and .Cheap Spring Goods
. At the New Store;
Corner of Ifunovcr, and Louifrer Stmts, opposite
VVm, Leonard's old stand.
THK undersigned respectfully inform their
friends and the public, that they have just return
ed from Philadelphia, with a large and \VblI se
lected assortment of
New'.Spring' (tooth,
purchased, at the very lowest and which
(hoy are determined to ectl at very small profits.
Among these goods may be found Cloths & Oas
simeresj Vestings* Tweeds, Pantaloon Stuff in
variety, best American.and India Nankeen*.
Imdids Dress Goods,
consisting in part of silks, bareges, silk (issues,
alpacas, &c. A fine'lot of straw and braid
Palm Loaf Mats, Ribbons and Lace Goods, an
elegant assortment of Caliooos and five Chintzes,
suitable for the approaching season, at our usual
low prices. Checks, tickings, drillings, linens,
and the usual variety of bleached and unbleached
Boots & Shoes.
A well selected assortment of Men’s, Women’s
and Children’s Loots and Stipes, good and hand
GROCERIES in all their variety, viz: Sugar,
Cofice, Molasses, Pekin Tea Company’s
ted Tuas. Spices, &c., and the best quality of
Carpet Chain.
All the above have been purchased nioiiTand
will bo sold low. Please give us n call.
Carlisle. March 29, 18‘19
A eta and Cheap, Wholesale and Jiciai/, Dry-goods
'PH E subscribers respectfully announce (o the pub
-1 lie that they have taken that well known stum)
lately occupied by Sheattor & Myers, in North Han
over Btioet, 3 doors north of the Carlisle Bank, and
directly opposite to Hnvoretick’s Drug store, where
they ha«e opened the largest and cheapest assort
ment of goods over ottered to the public.
Ilfaclicg dress Roods,
among which the following comprise a part;: Blnckl
unu fancy Shllcs, Shaded do. in groat varlcty/ris-'
sues, plain, plaid and striped Uaragcs; Lawns uiU
Ginghams; a largo assortment of Linen Lustre?
plain, striped and figured D’Lnlnos, llomha£inca,
Alpaecas, Silks and Satins, plaid and striped Mus
i (ins, Capes and Worked Collars, Lncosund Edgings,
Mitts, Glover, Hosiery of all kinds.
A large assortment of Shawls, for spring and sum
mer. tiONNISTH x\ IHDUOtfS, Parasols, Mott’s
and Uoy's Wear, a great variety.
The largest assortment over ottered in Carlisle,
Malting, Floor, mid Table Oil Cloths.
Call and examine for youn>olvos t is all wo ask—
wo make ho chargo for showing goods, but esteem
the privilege o favor. ARNOLD & LEVI.
April 15, 184D’, •
Fashionable Veultlali mind
Depot Hi
TIIIG subscriber having bed milch experience in
the msnufuctory of 1)1. IN US, having served an
ojiprunllccsliip to the business, and carried it on sumo
six or eight years, end having, in oddition to his
former Depot 317 Rneo street, purchased Mr. Casss-.
ily’s slock, No. 7 Hart’s Building, N. E. corner of
Sixth and Chcsnut streets, ho has n largo assortment
of the very best Blinds at both stores, which ha will
sell ns reasonable os nriy in tho city.
Tho citizens of Carllslooml vicinity, are respect
fully invited to call and examine for themselves, be
fore purchasing elsewhere. li. W. KENSIL,
No. 7 Hart’s Uuilding, and 317 Race st. J’liila,
April 10,1648—1 y
Flue and Fresh Teas.
THE subscriber has just npnncd an enliro now
selection of BLACK & GREEN TEA'S, whloli
80 '“ ,! ' c, d from tho well known Tea sloro of
mtttalllo and paper padkagoa'—thn nhallilna vnrv
ing In prices from 37 jto 1,25 por pound,end from
Monoouragomonlreceived in IhoeelUngrf ««
leas for more than two years pest, wolmvo
son to believe wo can confidently recommend them
to our customers and tho public, as suporlor tonnv
olhorin our market. J. W. EBY -
Curlislo, July 19, 1819 '
To the Ladies,
IMUJGS 3 F AIVCy GOODS, books, &c.
A T HAVERSTrck'S oid cslnbtished Drug and
XA. Book Stire, on'North Hanover .street, a now
supply of Brigs arid medicines, fresh, ami carefully
selected, together with a rich, varied ‘and extensive
assortment of Fancy- tioods, Books, Perfumes, Soups,
C.ultlory, Gold aml&ilvor Pens and Pencils* Corne
lius’ Splendid JParloV Ldttips, Girandoles and Flow
er Vases, Elhorial Oil Lampai Fruits and Confec
tionary, and a variety of other articles which it is
impossible to enumerate, -but comprising the most
splendid display over offered in Carlisle, and at pri
ces correspondingly cheap. , The attention 1 of bis
old friends pnd .'customers nn'd the public generally
is particularly invited, to his present stock, .with
which they cannot fail to bo plcasedl « ,
-May’.24.1848. 8. W. JIAVERSTICK.
JUST opened!*xt the now and cheap. Hardware
store of JACOB SENER, a now assortment of
Foreign and Domestic Hardware, consisting of a
full assortment of looks and latches of every style
and kind; hinges, strews, bolts, augurs, aliger
bittsy chteels, broad and hand ekes, hatchets,
drawing knives; planes and plane Bills; hand;
pannel, and ripping saws; mill and crosscut saws
of Uoland.’d. make, warranted good; a good assort
ment of circiilar sdWs, warranted; trace and halter
chains of a superior duality that lias hovel.been,in
line market bofofe, booh, shovels,.spades, forks
and rakes: knives and forks; iron, japan, and brass
candlesticks; an assortment of BntaniaancJ Glass
Elherial Lamps, spoons, shovels, tongs, water
and iron led kettles; brass preserving kcttled; Ce
darware, anvils, vices, Tiles and rasps, of every
kind aRd price. •
Walts’ bar iron, hoop and band iron, east, shear,
spring and blistered steel, warranted good. •
150 boxes window glass, lower than ever.
, 200 kegs Welhorill’s pure white lend. ,
. 4 barrels Flaxseed oil, 100 galls. Turpentine.
150 kegs Duncan Nails, Warranted good. I
50 doz. prime warranted Corn & Grass Scythes 1
I, Please call at the well known store af Jacol
Senor, North Hanover street, next door to Glass’
hotel, Carlisle.,,
May 2], 18J9 •.
Great Bargain Watch and Jewelry
. Store.
jS> WHERE Gold and Silver Watches ofj
ovor y description con bo hud at from ten to
QslaiSft fifteen per cent. less than any other sloto in
New York or 'Philadelphia; ••Pefadns who wish to
got a good watch; perfectly regulated, would do well
to call at the store of the subscriber; and compare the
quality and price of his watches with that of othet*
stores. Good watches at the following exceedingly
low prices:
Gold Levers, full jewelled, IS carat cases, $2B
Silver do do .do 12
Gold Lopincs, jewelled, 18 carat ca
Silver do do
Silver Vcigo Watches, from $3 00 upwards.
Gold Pencils from $\ 00 to $8 00; Gold Pens, with
silver eases, and pencils attached, for 75 cents.
Also, a handsome assortment of new and fashion*
able Jewelry, at prices far below the usual store
prices. Old gold and silver bought or taken in ex
No. 110 North Second street, seconu door below
Raco, Phila;
Gut this advertisement out, and .bring it along,
you will then bo sure to gel into the right store.
April 19, 1849—1 y. ■
li."Soule &
NO other Medicine lias ever been Introduced to
[the public that has met with such unparallcd
success, os Dr. Soule’s OiuuxTAt Balm Puns.—
Having been but six-years before (he public, and the
advertising small when compared with must other.
medicines, yet they have worked their way into ev
ery State in ,lho Union and Canadas. They have
absolutely become the standard Medicine of the day.
They are purely vegelaWo and so admirably com
pounded that when taken in large doses they speed*
My euro acute diseases, and when taken in small
doses they operate like a charm, upon the most deli*
cate, nervous female, and have raised numbers from
their beds when all other remedies had failed. Wo
hero refer to but a few of the many miraculous cutes ,
effected by (ho use of said Pills,
Spina/ Affection, —Anna Wood, of Rutland, Jef
ferson co., N, Y., was cured, after she had Geoff con* ,
fined to bed 5 years, with Spinal disease and Ab
scess of the Lungs. The bill of her regular Physi
cian (Dr. Johnson of Clay.) had amounted to $OOO, 1
See Circular. ’
Scrofula and Nervous Debility.-- Mrs. Down of
Clay, N, Y.,wau cured of Dyspepsia, Nervous de
bility and Scrofulous affection of the head, after sho
had been confined six months and all other medi
cines had failed.
Cough and Consumption Curtd— Wm. Dcnily,'
of Pickering, C. W., was edred of a severe Cough
after ho hod been, confined to h)s bed for a longtime,
and was given up by (ho Physicians. Ho hud used
most of tho cough medicines of the day, a'ftd Wad
supposed by-his friends and physicians, to bo in the
lust stage of Consumption.
Dyspepsia. —A. U. K. Ormshy, of Syracuse, N.
Y., was cured of Dyspepsia, so severe us nut to be
able to work for two years.
Win. Smith, of Greenwich, Conn., was cured of
a severe case of Dyspepsia, Costivencss and Ner
vous Debility, of years standing, after expending
largo sums of money to ao purpose. See Cir
Dice ding Piles. —Asaph L, Leonard, of Avon, N.
Y., was cured of a severe ease of Uleeding Piles of
a number of years standing, after usuing a variety
of PUo medicines without effect.
Mrs. WiUiomson, of Bcthlcham, N. J., waaafilic-
Led for thirty years with disease of the chest.and
stomach, n few doses of these pills cured Iter,
John Darling, nf Wostford, Oswego co., N. Y.,
was greatly boncfittcd*m a caws of Asthma and dif
fictiUy of bfcditung, by use of these pills.
Severe cate of Piles. —John Bolton, of Hardwick,
Otsego co.,N. Y.-, was cured of a sofaro ease of
Biles and extreme costivcncs* of long qiul painful
duration. Who would not sacrifice a few shit*
lings to bo rolitWcd from distressing acorn
plaint. ■ '
Win. Mockbridgo, of Sodiis Point, N. Y., was
cured of Cough, NervOns Debility, and gc;tciSil do
rangemont of tho digestive organs. Ho Und boon
sick for years, and spent hundreds'.of dollars to
got relief, but to no purpose; and was so discour
aged ho could hafdly bd pursuoded fo luko' thtf
Pilld. , •
Tho above nro all coses in which all other reme
dies failed to euro or give relief. Many of the sump
Character'might bo published if .wo had space.— .
For particulars see tho Botanic Institute, which catr|
bo had of agents.
or Cdu.mntrßiTS. |
As there aro.epurious Pills in circulation called
Oriental or Sovereign. Balm, bo euro to sco befall
you buy that the name of *• PR.- B. L. SOULE &
00,” is on (ho Toco of the Boxes. None others
can ho genuine. Wojnro not awnro that any who id
making a spurious article has yet dared to make use
of our nonin; but somo of them have had the impu
donee to imllnto bur boxes and copy bur Ciroularsi
Certificates, Ace. Unless tho public oro careful when'
they purchase they will bo deceived.
Tho following persons, in this county, arc agdnttf
for tho above Medicine,
J« C. & G. B. AUick,B)iipponsbprg.
Win, Ban, Newvillo,.
Jacob Heirdbovyor, Nmvburg.
Joseph L. Stonier, Mifllin (ownahip.
Porry & Oriatjlob, . do.
John Ernst, do,
A. Oathcan, Shophordstow n.
J. O, Miller, Now Cumberland. , ; ,-
•C. Mollingcr's Tavern, Stoughstown.
A. C. Norton, (Maglnuchlln's Hotel) Carlisle;Pa.,
General Agent for Maryland and
Delaware, to whom all orders should bo addressed.
Ottrllalo, Juno 20, 1840—Gm. -
A n SUPPLY just received at Dr. Itwa
i i.Uns Drug Store,
The Girard life Insurance Annuity nnd Trust
' - Company, of Philadelphia,
. Office No. 158 Chcsnut Street,
Capital 9300,000.
Charter. Perpetual. .
CONTINU E to make Insurances on Lives on the
most favorable terms V receive end execute
Trusts, and receive deposits on Interest...
The Capital .being paid up and invested, togeth
er With an accumulated premium fund, affords a
perfect security to the insured. ’.The premium
may be paid in yearly, half yearly or (Quarterly
The Company add a BONUS at stated periods
to the insurancesof life. This plan bfinsurance is
the most approved of, arid is more generally in
use', Man ahjr other in Great Britain, (where the
subject is best understood by the people, and
where they have had the longest experience.) as
appears from tlje fa’ol, that but of 117 Life Insu
rance Companies there, of all kinds, 87 are on this
plan. . '„ f •. .. '
The first BONUS was appropriated in Decern
her, 1844, amounting to 10 per cent, on the sum
insured under the oldestpolicies; to 8£ per cent.,
7i per cent.v&c.j &c., on others, in proportion to
the time of Standing, makingan addition of $100;
5587.50; $75, &c., &c.’, to every originally
insured, which is an average of raore’than 60 per
cent, on the premiums paid, and without increas
ing.tlio annual paympnt lo.lhe Company."
The operaiion of the BONUS will bo seen by
(he following examples from tho Life Insurance
Register of tho Company,-thus;
Sum ,1 Bonus or Amt. of Policy nix!
Policy. Insurctl. I Addition, (tonus pnyhblo at
r the party’s decease.
ffo; 38 81,000 8100.00 81,100.00
“ 88 2,500 .250.00 2,750.00 ,
“ 205 4,000 400.00 4,400.00
•< . 270 2,000 175.00 2,175.00
•• 333 S,ooo| 437.50 5,437.50 ,
I " Pamphlets containing the table .of rates, and
of the subject, forms of application,
and further information may be had at the office,
gratis, in person or tiy letter, addressed to the
President briiclbory.
. 13. VV, RICHARDS, PrkatdenL
JNO., F. JAMES, Actuary*
Philadelphia, May 3,1849.—1 y. .
Equitable life Insurance, Annuity
. and 'JTriisl Company.
OFF, ICE 74 Walmit street, Philadelphia.—Capital
$260,000. —Charter perpetual,—Make Insurance
on lives at (heir offices in Philadelphia, and at their
Agencies throughout the States, ai the lowest ratbs
of premium. ,
Ratos for insuring at $lOO oh a single life,
Age. Fori year. For 2 years,
20 81 91
Example.—A person aged 30 years next birth
day, by paying the company Q 5 cents would secure
to his family or heirs $lOO should ho die in one year;
or for $9,90 he secures to them $1000;;or for $l3
annually for seven years he secures to them $lOOO
should ho die in seven years; or for $20,40 paid an
nually during life, he secures $lOOO to bo paid when
bodies. -The insurer securing his own bonus,by
tho differencoin amount of premiums from those
charged by other offices. For $49,60 tho heirs
would receive $5OOO Should ho tlio in ono year. '
Forms of. application and all particulars may be
had at the office of Fukji’k. Watts, Esq., Carlisle.
. J. W. CLAGHORN, Pres’t,
11. G. Tockbtt, Seci’y*
Fukii’k. Watts, Atl’y.
Dr. D. N. Maiiox, Medical Examiner.
August 31, 1848.—1 y
Fire Insurance.
IfFIHE Alien and EastponnsborougH Mutual Fire
X Insurance Company of Cumberland County,
incorporated by an act of Assembly,ls notV fully
, organized, and 1A operation undorthe management’
of tlie following commissioners, viz:
Chi Stnyman, Jacob Shelly, Wm. It. Gorgas,
Lewis Myer, Christian Tilzel, Robert Storrctt,
Henry Logan, Cocklin, Benjamin H.
Musser, Levi Merkel,Jacob Kirk,Sami. Prowell,
sr,and Melclioir Brcneman,whorespectfully call
theattention ofeitizons of Cumberland and York
counties to the advantages which the company
hold out. '*
The rates ofinsuranpe are aa low and favorable
as any Company of the kind in ifie Stale. Per
sons wishing to become members are invited to
make application to the agents - of the company
whdare willing to wailupon them at any time.
JACOB SHELLY, President.
Henry LoOan, 'President,
Lewis llvsn, Secretary.
Michael Cooklin, Treasurer .
February 3, , .
Aoewts— Rudolph Marlin, New Cumberland;
Christian Titzcl, Allen; John C. Dunlap, Allen;
C. B. Harmon, Kingstown; Henry Zcaring, Shire
manslown; Simon Oyster, Wonnloysburg; Robert
Mppro. Charted 8011, Carlisle.-
Agents forYorkCounty—JacobKirk,general agt.
John Shorrick, John Rankin, J. Bowman', P£l6r
Wolford* '
Agents Tor Harrisburg—Houser & Lochman.
Sarsaparilla. .
THIS article is employed with great success, and
by the most eminent physicians of this city, for the
euro of the following discuses: 1
Scrofula or Kings Evil, rheumatism, cutaneous
diseases, siphilitic affections, titter and ulcers, while
swellings, scurvoy, neuralgia or tic dolourous, cancer,
goitre or bronchocclo, (swelled neck) spine diseases,
chronic disease of the lungs, to counteract the destruc
tive olfocU of morcuiy, jaundice, hypnrtropby, or on
largcnVenl of this heart, palpitation and trembling in
the region of the heart end stomach, enlargement of
the bones, joints or ligaments, all the various diseased
' of the skin, such as ringworms, biles, pimples, ear
, bunclos,etc. Dyspepsia and liver complaints, norv-|
. ous affections, dropsical swellings, constitutional dis>
1 orders, and diseases originating from on impure slate
of the blood and other fluids of tbo body, in short all
diseases whore a change of the system is required.
Prepared qnly by the proprietors, John C. I3«kpr
& Co., wholesale druggists and chemists, No; 100
North Third street, below Race street, Philo. Price
60 cents per bottle.
Importers and Wholesale dealers in drugs, medi
cines, chemicals, patent medicine, porfdipda,surgical
Instrument's, druggists' glassware, paints, oils, dye
stutl's, window glass i also a now and superior
oflniTATios Platk Gtasa, at about ono fifth tho
price,of English or French Plates, any sire, cut to
order, * 1
Tho Compound Fluid Extractor Saraaparilla for
sale at R. Williams' Drug store, Columbia ; jolm F.
Long's' Drug atore, Lancaster; Pa* S. Elliott, Car
lisle } and by Henry & Coslow, Druggists, corner of
Market and Third strode, Hunialmrg, Pa.
December 7,1849—1 y
Hats! Huts!
Bpuiko a*ii Sujimkr FABiuoffa pon 1848.
THE subscriber would respectfully call tho atten
tion of tho public to Ilia largo assortment of
SR Hats & Caps,
of thorniest fashions, consisting of Moleskin,
Beaver, One While Ilockoy Mountain Denver, Ottor,
Brush, and rtuHoio lints of every quality, and at dif
fdronl prices. Also on hand a fmo assortment of
Slouch or Sportsman's lints, (vary ighl) together
with a general 'assortment of nearly every doncrln.
lion ofOaps.ofnll sizes, and at all prices. Country
dcolcrnand all wh» wish to purebnao lints or cape,
aro invited to cull, as thb suhactllior la prepared to
give greater bargain, than can ho had elsewhere.*—
Don't forgot the placo. No, 3, ITnrpor's Dow,
Onrli«lo,Mny jjf), 18'18.
NEWARK Furniture Varnlah, just■ received o
Dr. Rawlins' Drug store.
May 7,11810 :
RESPECTFULLY invites the attention of the
public to, his fresh supply of progs, Chemir
cals, Dyo-.stbffs, Paints, Oils, yaTniehe.BjWiniiow
»Glaas t Spices, patent Medicines, Perfumery,
tw Books and Stationary, Musical,and Surgical
Instruments, Fruits and Confectionary, &o.
Among his extensive variety may be found
articles rarely kept in small towns. Beside his
complete assortment of drugs, chemicals, &c., he
has accordeons, arrowroot* almonds, alcibiade oil,
aromatic vinegar, bibies,bead bags, Buflalocombs,
breastpins. Bear’s oil, bandoline,'backgammon
boards, Beef marrow, blabklhh, blacking, bougies,
brooches, black.pomatum, black fat tobacco, Brit
ish lustre, blue ink, Canary seed, candies, cards,
cream nuts, camphine, cap, paper, cachore aroma
tise, composition, corn salve, court piasterj caslile
soap,’.canes,. cloth brushes, clocks, crystalline
soap, conversation cards, card cases, curling fluid,
oolo'gno vVateh c.UI glass extracts, catheters, car
riage whips, dominoes, depilatory powder, dress
ing combs, drawing pencils, Dutch', metal, eau
luetrale, eau divine de venus, English walnuts,
envelopes, French fans, figs, fire board aprons,
fishing lines and, hooks, fancy boxes, flutes, fifes,
flageolsts, Addles and fiddle strings, fire wofks|
gold pens, gelatin, glue, guitars & guitar strings,
gold leaf, garden seeds, gun caps and gun powder,
gold leaf globes, ground rice, har
monlcahs, hair combs, halt brushesj-hair oil* hair
dye, and hair bracelets, India, and indelible ink,
ink powder and ink sand, ivory combs, rings and
rattles, lemons, lemon syrup, liquorice, lily while
liquid blacking, lamps and lamp wick?, Mineral
water, musk, maccnroni, Meen fun, Macassar oil,
matches, match safes, motto wafers,music boohs,
nice-salad oil,' note.paper, needle cases, nerve
powder, No. A, nbll bruShed, oriingcs,Oleophane,
prayer-books, paper flowers,Pearl powder, pewter
sand, porle monnais, pocket glasses, pen-knives,
pink saucers, peccau nuts, prunes, powder puffs,
philocome, post paper, poor man’s plasters, rose
water, raisins, riding whips, razors, razor straps,
Uussian cosmetic, red ink, rose loqjh paste, shav
ing cream, soap and brushes, snuff boxes, shaw l
pins, shirt studs, smelling, bottles, sachets, shell
combs, scissors, sealing, wax.sjiver peheils,sil.
tver leaf, starch polish, spiced billers, segars, sy
ringes, sheep skins, sand soap, sponge, sand pa
per, testaments, teaberfy tooth wash, tooth pow !
der,.tdy watbhes,. ']|7»o/npbp < h , s eye water, tooth
ache drops, toilelsoap, tweezcrsqtrusses, tea bells,
table mats, thimbles, violins, Vermillion, vanilla
beans, wafers, and a thousand other items too
tedious to enumerate. The.aboveare all for sale
at Dr. Uawlins’ Drug store, v, oin street,Carlisle
Physicians, Storekeepers, Pedlars, and others,
will bo supplied on liberal terms.
Medical advice gratis.
• _May 3, 1849. ’
Tlio Symptoms of Worms
/V RE, tho orfen^white-and loaded; the
-TjL breath heavy and fetid; n disagreeable or sweet*
ish taste in the mouth; occasionally thirst; tho appe
tite extremely variable, sometimes remorkahly defi
cient, and at olherc voracious. There is fiorhetimes
a aickish feeling, with vomiting of mucous; flatulence
of the stomach and intestines; pain in the abdomen;
swelling and hardness of the abdomen; tho bowels
i arc irregular; the stools ate slimy, and there is an oc
; cosional appearance of woims in the evacuations; the
; urine is often milky and turbid; there is frequently
1 itphincss of tho fundament and nose, which is often
) swollen; there is ocfcrfslonoliy disturbed sleep, with
- grinding of the teeth, andsudden awaking in a fright,
i There arc, at times, headache or giddiness; ringing
i in the ears, proven deafness, faintness, convulsions,
) drowsiness, indolence of manner and ill temper. In
r some coses epilepsy anfl cholera, and even apolcclic
and paralytic symptoms, and several of the signs of
j dropsy of tho brain and catalepsy appear connected
, with worms. , Frequently (boro is a short dry cough,!
and pleuritic pains; sometimes’ feeble, and Irregular
pulse, palpitations and an irregularfevcr; the counte
nance is generally pallid or sul/ow, and somewhat
bloated, and there is occasional flushing of one or
both checks. Any ono of those signs is indicative
of Worms; and tho most effectual, best and cheapest
remedy is Dr. JOHN J. MYERS’ WORM TEA,
Prepared by Dr, J, IK HA WLTNS, at Iris wholesale
and retail Drug store, Carlisle, Pa. None genuine
without his written signature.
Why will parents and others poison tfiemeclves ,
and children with worm medicine? containing mer
cury when they can get “ Dr. Mruis’ Worm Tka,”
which is composed of the roots, leaves and seeds of
the best and most effectual plants that hove over been
discovered for tho.curo of Worms.- Each package
contains pufficienl medicine for any case of Worms,
and when made according to the Directions is very
pleasant to take. Price only 25 cents.
(Ij*Warranted good or the mcney returned.
June 7,1849—1 y
For Life.
1 BUni) MlAiufitclory.
H CLARK, v oniiinn Blind Manufacturer, Sign
I of Iho Golden Eagle, No, I SSI & 143, Somh
Second street, below Dock stri ct, Philadelphia, keens
always on hand a Wgc and fusTiiVnable -apartment
BLINDS, manufactured in (lie best manner, and of
tho best materials, and at Iho lowest cosh prices.
Having refitted and enlarged his establishment, he
is prepared Jo completei orders to any amount at the
shortest notice, Constantly on hand an asoo/nncnl
Mahogany Furniture
of every voriety, manufactured expressly for tiis own
n?tSde°“ J purch “ i " !r8 m "y ttbreforo rely on a good
CO* Opon in Iho evening.
Orders from a distance packed carefully, and sent
free of porterage,-to any part of ilio cily,
PhilayAugust 10, 1840— ly . , *
WILL perform all operations upontho Teed,
that are required for their preservation
auch as Scaling , Filing, Plugging , cjc., or wiii
restore the loss of them, hy inserting Artificial
Teeth, from a single Tooth to a full sett.
HyOllicoon Pitt street, a few doors South o;
the Railroad Hotel.
N. B. Dr.LoomiswillboabsentfromCarlisle
tho last ton days, in each month.
December 14, 1848,
WILL give Ilia attendance In the ditlbront bron.
cliea of ins profession, in lown or country, to
ravor hhn with a call. Onico opposite
tho 2d Prcsbyleibin Chutehand Wert’s Hotel, aloly
occupied by Dr. Foulko. 1
Carlisle, Sopl. G, 1810—tf
DR. Jf, K. SitUTII,
-LI tenders his professional services to Iho ciliicns
of Carlisle and vicinity. Office in Sandglass’ Row,
next door to Justice Holcomb’s, where ho can at all
Irnics bo found, when not piofessionally engaged.
Carlisle, June 7. 1849—tf
11. it. it. i, io hi A it, “
(aucccssoii to nil. j, d. mrr,')
T) ESPEOTFULLY Informs tho citizens of this
Xli place end vicinity, that having made himself
hoioughiy acquainted with the tiuout ns well as
tho practical part of Dcntintry, he is now prepnicdlu
perform all opciotiona entrusted to him, to the satis
luclion of all, at moderate charges’. Omen—South
Hanover street, adjoining tho office of Dr. O. W.
r oulKe, and immediately opposite iho Sd Presbyto.
nan church.
March 1, 1840—ly .
SAMUEL HEPBURN, will resume the practice
of the law in the several counties (Oumßdi'-
land, Perry and Juniata,) of his late Judicial dla
trict. Any business entrusted to his oare will bo
promptly atlondpd 10. Office in Mrs, Egu’a oot.
nor room, North Hanover street, linmodlately op
posito tho Bank. '
Cnrllslo, March 8,1849 if
A TTORNBY AT LAW, Office in North Hano-
Xl-vor street, in Hie room formerly occupied by the
Hon, F. Watts. ,
1 March 82, 1610,-rtf. '
PR. J. Wv »AWIiOS,
Dr. I. C. Xooiniisj
Cured Daily, by dr. Hastings’ cow.
(licol Faculty, as public, are struck,With
wondbr at tho daily by thia
extraordinary raedicihe, and ib now acknowledged
by many of our most ■ eminent, physicians to he 4
pertain and speedy cure for,tabcrjcular Consumption'
|n h? w.bfst staged. It’.has, bqqh recommended by
that eminent physician, Dr. Molt and is constantly
used in the Marine Hospital, at Savannah, Ga., by
Dr. Arnold, tho senior physician of. the Hospital.-^
She,. ]London Lancet, London MedicalJoarnai'
raittiwaito’s Retrospect, and tho Lon!
don Medical Journals have spoken in praise many
times of the surprising effects of
Dr, Hastings’ Preparation, ,
;It has been thoroughly tried,mot only in the Hos!
under the Charge of Dr! Hastings, in London
but also by all the first 'physicians.of England, am
all have fully endorsed ft as an unrivalltd remedy i»
Consumption, ond . all other diseases of the Lungs
The,following are a few of the opinions expressed by
the Medical Faculty of England, Doctor ’Willianfi
son, of Manchester, thus Writes:
“Under its influence, I have scon the emaciated
being, on whoso brow death had seemed to have set
pis seal, acquire invigorotion and strength—and ex*
change hi? early mornings of intense suffering. an(i
distressing cough for the calm repose which alone
accompanies sound health.” • ‘
Dr, Ware, of Liverpool, says*—« \ regard Hast
ings’Syrup of Naphtha as one of the first medical
discoveries of arty ago, and consider its agency in
curing Consumption as established beyond all douM
or question,” . .
Dr. Boyd, of Lancaster, “Halls it os the great con*
Bumptive antidote and cute;” and Dr.. Hamilton, 0}
Bath, pronounces it “the only .known remedy which
may bo relied on for. removing tubercles from the
lungs and preventing formation of others.”. .
A single bottle will prove-its efficacy. All the
proprietor asks is tho trial of one bottle, the actloq
of which will prove to tho patient the virtue of this
. Coughs. Colds, Bronchitis, Decline, Aslhmo, Night
Sweats, and .Spitting of Blood, are cured in a surpri
singly short space of lime; the severest colds having
yielded to the treatrnont.of the Naphtha Syrup in th 4
short space of 48 hours. James,Western, ofPonti
ac, Michigan, wds attached with spitting of blood
and could no relief until he tried Hasting**
Najihiha which stopped it in half an hour. To enu«
mcratfedl .ho cures performed by tin’s medicine would
occupy a volume^ thoaccompanyinghave been solcc*
ted by tho American Agent fi;oin.a mass of certifi-’
cates and letters whipb-havo been received by him.
Njtack; Rockland Co., N. Y.,„Scpt. 5,18481
.M.A. F. Harrison—Sir: £ wrolo'to inform you of
lr.o effect jour Sjrnp Inis hod upon mj wife. She
has bach afflicted with the, worst form of consumption
for tWU years, aful.hatl fleet £fven up by 'two physi*
cians, when I saw your advertisement of. Hr. Hast
ings’ Compound Syrup of JVtfph'lftV.' Being favorably
impressed with it f l)t>ogh't nge .bottle, which hod so
beneficial, an effect that she persevered in the use of
it., When she cominfncc(l tolling it site was coatin',
ed to, her (teU, but is now enabled,to bo np and at
tending to her household duties, and I Ael confident
that the use of a few more bottles will entirely chrs
her. I.woyld also odd ‘hut hty brother’s child had
been afflicted with a bud cough from its earliest in
fancy, and J was induced to try the effect of tha
Naphtha Syrup upon her. I did so, and the use of
half a bottle completely cured her. You are at lib
erty to use this letter at your discretion.
Respectfully, 1 John G. Psnsr.
. Lowvii,lk, Lewis Co., N. Y.. Aug. J 2, Jft4&
M. A. F, Harrison—Sir t Please scud mejjfty
bodies Dr. Hastings* Compound Syrup of Naph
tha. Tins unrivalled medicine is likely to pro.
duco a great excitement in this community. Hun
(dreds have expeeienced its benefits and thousands
rhdve witnessed its beneficial results. As far aa
I can learn, it has cured or is fast curing every
oho who has taken it, and in several instances 11
has restored to health persons who lurfd 6-LA
given up by the medical faculty. t ~M
Very respectfully yours, Jwim
VVe might fill a volume with certificates like
those, but we simply ask to o single trial of this
medicine, for we are'confidenl that there is no
person suffering from any clisfiOKc oi il.r lung* | )U i
will find an immediate benefit and speedy euro
from its use.
For sale in Carlisle, by Dr. Rawlins.
September li, 1819 fim
MyoiV Liquid Care,
WHETHER Internal, External, Ulindor lilccd-
Scrofula, White Swellings, Dicers, alii
Ulcerated Sore Throat. Canker Sore. Month, Rhiili
matram; Cutaneous Disenacs, Mercurial Mice lion?,
te J w°V r °l , c "I J P um “‘ Huts,Sprains,Bruises,
r P roc '“iining U»o f, lc l to the
ffotld that of all medicines ever brought before the
fed 1 lmmalli > ii l “t7 o, '. r x l r n ™ O, “ l ’ c,K ' ici ">to ufflic
led humanity than "Myers' Unuid Cure" W 6
know that this is saying a great deal, but "
fo wfjte volumes wo could not say 100 much in praisi
of this Health Reelori/rg, Life .Prolonging Reincdy .
Hum reds, nay thousands, bices the happy hogr when
first they were made acquainted with its tranicen iMit
vitlucs; and our present purpose is to inform other
l>usnnda, how and where they may obtain that re
vain ’ Cl * I QIi 0 soliqhi fof in
>hi« preparation over
le or pn lho e “‘S Immanent
ii iVbn^n 81 J" 1 ! known whS have tested .
and'hni J I'ren pfovfid iftWsa'n* of instances,
and hos never failed lo euro tho most OUtinuU
Cam, and vvo are confident it never will fail if used
aEf'af " Bth “■ li,nc ““■»»» '» A.
a proof of our entire confidence in Its ellicacv we aa
mme“ „cir r^l,“ai' :r /r t,ru| ' lfi ' "f" s ' . v'°l>crtrial; it,
’ ’/ /,C mmC ' J VM fur It mtlte rt
• lho .‘‘Liquid Cure" Is an elfectual Remedy for
? S*°rl*’nV “ vKmpl “' u “ rb e'«' Itch, Frosted
s "'”' ? l ll l lui,, '‘ Wl Rhoiihf, Bites.
ani r °'
r the Y?'. e " ,0 P" 1 surpass
tno excellence of the “Liquid Cure” for Scalds
Burns, Cuts, Sprains, Bruises, Swellings, * c . Its
1 olfecls as a real pain killer are magical. Every Fa
ri! J V"| t |“ " m “ ll . oulJ Provide themselves with this
"",;ii.’° chc “ l " u ™ of " bid ‘
Tull Directions accompany each hotilo. Pamnli
pla containing copies of certificates from those who
have tested the “ Liquid Cure," may bo had gratis
of our authorised agents, “MyersM.iquid Cure” is
prepared only by JEROME & CO.,
» , 2r .Spruee Street, Keto York.
l ot solo l»i Carlisle, by J. A. Kawm*?, bolo agcnl
for Cumberlhiul coiinly,
August 23, ISiQ—Cm
11. (/Humni, It, H, Oiiuncu, J. Lond SZCKKiU
i-i'iiinun; ujiiiEn 11
M. Churcli &Co,,
l *lo Sloml. weal end of Iho
old Harrisburg bridge, down nl the riv'or, l',OUU,.'
uyu foot of I UP cbenpcstnmi boat lumbot on tho bonk,
consisting of Pano),'lilt Common, Sd Common and
rofuao Boards and Plonk of I, IJ, Ij, and tvro inch
thickness. Also, Poplar plank, Scantling and half
inch Boards, olarga quantity oflong Shingles, Pcncd
rails, Juice, Scantling, &c»'
.si 1 r? , h r.° "m? “ ‘“ Wl ' lil1 J noperation.and
can furnish building limber at iho shortest notice,
fanes boards, shingling and plastering lathes, and
prepared to furnish any article in Iho lumber'
OCPDry Boards on hand at $ll per M.
* d Comnion bo “ r J», 10 feet long, at
nol r , h L?„ bS ?'i t ’ orB , l 'T I ’ J 'e" ric ' “ l, c»'ion to bush
noss.nnd a dotorniinallon of selling liiwcr' than .ns,
rin", rJ “I* i lO ,i,or ’ lllal 1,10 I ’ uUlc Sonerolly wiU
May d sTIBM III? bof9ro P“ rol ‘»oing elsewhere.
Observe This.
PURCHASERS are notified that S. As Coyle Is tie*
I tonnlned to eoH Ids Sl)k Tissues, Bareges,Lawns
Ginghams, I,lnert Tissues, and Calicoes of every
stylo and quality, without regard to cost, parsons*,
wonting any of tho above goods Will And |t to their
advantage to coll and examine for the thoinssclvoV
, Carlisle Juno 51U