ITB.PROM- Arrival, of the ganam. ! • Tbd;Mek%BltlirCb : nadaVC^t. ! ‘'J adkins,Tri)fn ilv« . podlj ttmvWdral ; Httlirax'on thc:Bd iußt. ; • y'./ 1 'ltaly*- '• • i]y. Hi»; ; - *the french noWi&’lfc.HbfclE.'' >' 1 ■ . up to t| 10 s>fchftJ ai.t uit;, ifo , iiiw.’h'.s ■ been rdcolvod In Paris of thd onify of the French troppe into Romo. Gon. Oudinoi would not mike a general atlaok beliro tho 10th or ITlh' wiien the newa oft lio failure of the Frshoe would I roach that place, and would probably ihduco the Tri uirmrale to capitulate. -I T,i ° London ; CloKof tlie 22d, P; M„ „« j( j, goneraHy bought that the Telegraph will to morrow announce tho .capitulation of Romo. . ■ lope -J, ■ THE f RENCII noMS. ’ ih„T ■ “ T a ri lo ' £ f ° r ll, °’ 5,01,1 "»•. 'cla Ms that a Telegraphic ‘despatch Rani ■ MatsoHles,' has been received; as they ■ were’ 'going' to pfesO,- an*, bouncing to thp'Perfoot the entry oftho French inth \ I'Atkbv'from home* ~l->’>■ niF‘? ty o ISlIi ull;, up to which tlnib llib ” t rr !l * d9 J ,nd a^n t a indd‘lhbir'position* " Tho French used cajolery and throats,but the'Rb mans sternly resisted dll thesd’ hdvahcesf iind iritho. most dignified manner refused loiryfeldb to tho amh* taons to surrender.issued by .Gen. Oudinolt , On Ihelllli, a'broacli'was'nffccteidlh the tV»lls,by th'Os French,'and a /portlon of their Irobfis'bntcrod thdoity; This report .Which was givcn oul'hy the .French led ,to the'belief that! (he struggle was oyer, tbul.fhe fact appears that;oni the Itttli, Gen. Oudinoi .issuedl l*. letter to tho Trlumvira ninhing a last op. pcal.lq therp, and endeavoring lo .thrnw upon (hem the . responsibilities *of the. effusion of blood: con sequent upon an assault in (he event of their re- JTusa). , jV _ . _t France*, .. ‘ •'* ;..L, f INSURHEOTIoiifjA'r J.VoNSa . , Tho attemptedl insurrection nl Curia, hag been fdl lowed hy a more formidable resistance ,16'lho laws’ at Lyons. A serious engagement lodkiplacb in'llio stroeta of lliat city bolween the tiiopa and tha mdb : in‘tho course of which a considerable number of lives write lost da 'hath sides. Barricades word thrown up wliliich were nol takcn dwuy until they .Inid'lieon balloted down by thc'ciiniiuns. 1 1 ■Thofighting commenced on the morning of Ilia Jath,,and continued till a lalo hour in tho night: bill s te Ograpli; duspatob.. dated Lyons, the Kith, Cl J.a. cluck ('. M., announces that the insurgents hud •,hep» completely.looted,. the streets dotted, and lha wn£im . " ‘'WlKly- 'l'hero arc upwards of 50,000 troops ]h and around Lyons. There was no nppreuciision or any further disturbance. • ‘ . , r v TUY LATB OONariRACY.,-. ! • Grfcol cxcilciubiil ciislcd in ditlWcnt places, and it Is evident that (ho- conspirdby of (ho Red Rt-puhli c ?? nd l ud . f ?|!lo ,,, > 4 to cy«fy department ofFrance Iwt to dvorj- lotvn It appears to ho tho general .opinion that Ilia failure of Ilia Conspiracy of the I3lli bf Jane,: 1849, is d grcaiof blow id u, u Rad Ropubli. dins than even that of Jurfc', 164 ft , . Alfr!.Vm e T t^?l'* H{, n- o ’sl b » Rul a ;d ‘»tllrii-.nco at , Marseilles; but It totally fulled, a regiment oTcav. ! airy set all right ivjlhoui blow bding siriichl ■ ! 4 i a .r • Important jiojloh, U l / 'yTT ‘l S .Tti-oik; private Sticfclo. | ry to the Curdinul Antoilh has arrived in Paris froili j.aclu, and that .he is .(lie bearer of important dca- I hatches for Ifio, French Government; and al*o of uii , hutogroph letter from llis ndlliuess to Louis Nonol Jeon, expressive of hid regret at tile bomlidrdmbhl of , Koine; ■■ t% ■ ' noM»Rs. u . 'Rumors are ogiiln rife tri Paris that'ollic^'Mlnls. tonal chungcH fire «hori( ,lo lake place. M; Dufauro and.his Jrieniij Uis ticliovcci; about to retire. i• i.atlcst pros* pXrisl 1 . . France,-np’to the luieatadvlccs, wasirandulli ■ Rollin, had .iiot as yol boon affcslcd* I'l|o;Cbolcra lius declined .in PurU. ' ■ Unngary and Auafrlni’ . U » MURE contradictor? rumors.’ 1 i ' l ' l,c n '' w " i« cnniradiofdry | somoadcoilnfarlv hr the- advantage to 11,6;; Atislrlar ,s. In-iff, Snnlltl " l«vo happened.- giving ibe advantage r'“ *" 3 ‘ r ‘ ll " s ' Jbe Hungarian (leheral, Purezel, from lliu forlrcs. I ( r I Clcnvnidolni riiaao ah attack njmn some Aindri.m entrenchments, but «u ulti mately repulsed and drived, wi|blos», into geterwar detn, ■ ll.fiwgii .tlih Austrians' ad.dli ffl hjiVhwn lrnn|ij Milferc.d severely. , ™ ') l.ia oilieg iiimlo.wii, blight by & led Jcltabtiicti. anil 1» assorted to Imyo been a brilliant vietiiry • but the Austrian aceounls woto evidently not trdslivortliv f —at least as regard's Ibcir own losses. . A iiaitAT niTTtfi. ■ , I i lie kjitilon Rlolie, oftlmevening odlie Q2d snra h'c have intelligence from Vienna to Juno Jfl'tb; J he great Mcim is s tremendous encounter with tlic Hungarians. Jhe Austrians end Russians ore said' it" 'n d i'i‘i Cn '"'"i' t ' l “ y ‘ ;i lu ? lcJ ' |,a '° lolt "o isn/IIUM* r “ LU ° Ua nll ". ltc . r of I'vcnly.lbrco tlidu ■i'his battle I,ml ( place oft the Itftli „'M tS(|,; nn lie large plain, between Kn.ih' and Wblaselburgli it istcd sixty four linurs., Tito of- ||,„ Magdyar, ■ m eiKltt thousand. The. were commanded by-Hnymafl, the Russians bjr RudloCf andthe Hungarians b# Gorgny/'- i, ' - • Allhouglt lliotiiwal. cip fi/ IKo IStl.,’ the Vehdrl of thisi battle has been received In private latter? Singularly enough no,papers allude tu it. I file." Llnfd i" of Vienna;irihtnfns. not the Aosl yistanl,(illusion In it, and another alfalr Which must not he, oonfohhdcd vyith the above i'a mentioned as Imv.tog ciccurrqd at Cypna;v j . , A -brlgadoi,was sent by ffailiilu ft* OldenbiiVg, tinder, (son. Wyss, in that dlreelioli. Cfcnersf, Wy«» was taken prisoner,,upd, baroli Gcesncr .killed.— nchlick sent out this brigade in ,coyer Id's left flank.' As ho was tndrolling' to Ruab it was beaten on the 13th ult., •. .-m -id ,i Seine repMs rdpreßnl Ibis whole brigade os fin*, tog l)f,en destroyed.. They say .that Loro's men bare qt-scrlcd .on masse from Schlik In the Magyars. Wlui I« ccUuin.CafU of wounded Tor Ihrco days, have been continually pouring [9lO Preaburg and the places nboul. A frefth fuoruTlmcnt Ihr6ugh6iil all Austria is intended.. , ' 1 * . ' i filers from OdenbUrg s/alo dial a certain Count, U.liamberluln, and others in whoso posses ion a number pfnnsspoplß of Rclicl part? hufo been found, liaVopcfcn arrested. ,Tho only inonllurt, or rather allusloh which can be gleaned from VietJhn tyftb regard to a great nnUlo rcpoilcd, is in the above. , * rriynlo loiters any (lint Iho. liattfo Saitf to have nKcn place pear u«ab. is surmise,'and lliut the do fbat oftlio Wyss, brigade has given origin to the fab ulous rumors. On the other hand Hie authorities maintain (lint (Ini route oCWjim Wan onff on' episode of (ho other UUlllOs • • ■ 1 ' " STh.L’ ANOTHER DATTL'B. iJ A o c ?m ° r tlio isili «U., from Cfncotv In 11,0 Bros rl, "if* tdonlione on affair between the ofthc.Magyars and the Russian a,'within the Gallo, einn frontier, ol Jordnnoiv. The Hussion Colonel Mogdon ;«,«»• killed. Two hundred Coinaclin wore cut off and taken prisoners. ‘ . i . , Another letter of Iho 15th, from Crocow, mentions 0 report of an engagement's! English Pass, between the advanced guard of Iho Kussians, and Bom, with n force mintboring GOOD, In which llie former was beaten. . . ■ . . CIIOLEUA* . PinUDKi.pnfA, Julj> 10. — Thirty riinoqaßcs ofcliQ era and' hvflntyidoatha within 31 hours. Cincinnati, July B.—Tho cemeteries, yesterday at noon, reported 104 interments, 74 of which were from cholera, arid tlilrty from other deceases. Pittsburg, July B,—The Sanitary, Committee this morning reported,6 esses of cholera and S deaths. New York, July 9,—'Tho report dr tlio Board of Health to*day is ISO ohotora canon and 46 deaths. Albany, July 9.:—lOcaics of cholera and 4 deaths have occurred during,the past 48 liours. ft iiuhd Cotnoo.—Tlio vacancy In (ho Proaldcnoy 6f tills Institution, occasioned by llio resignation of •lie lion. Joo] Jonen, Ima liiidnihllod ijy tlio election of Frederick A. Pochard, Eaq< Unont Island.— Tbo Loglolalureia in adaalon nt Newport, A rcaolullo'n to Thomao.W. Boor liU. forfeited civil and; political rlghfa, pjaadif •lie liouao by X majority—oyca 29, noya 28, but wea l defeated in lho Senate—ayoa 13, naya 19, Wliatj dlao could bo expected of Federal Übude laland?' F, atal AcciqxNT,-<-Sumuol . Young, formerly proi !u! , Lm 0 j t ’ ll ’iS Vo,^,in F l . on ■ Hold, ih Philadelphia, it,.". °, n M° ni M being emailed between tid ot Hie depot, junopj raov v -. ;. : DECLARATION OP INDJItEJiDKNdB, '. ■ -i' ’ ' *Vo nlnj indebted- 10-Ihd'N.'Or.Pafrlir for iho fol lowing importanl ImelligenedTroin Mexico i ■ ••*¥» PliMco. mbiisli ut rJ*ir on A’ °C 'W 01 ! 1 ' »'V. in Vliiil. we-iind' mnnt «, »1 F 9n r “ll* Hid Mowing W n V±°l , r ,, r ,^ l "=» 'f' 0 .'ho^d'translated from, iifn'iWfr- “'‘Me' 1 1 dp|lod'rS"to -hale bdirn printed, JH. this city, (Muluinoras,) wo Imvo'good ren* ,l , wa ? P rlntod on-tho other aide of the f*vbr,.(j, e 4 | nh the American aide;). i ; J* DECLARATION OP IrfDEPENi)BN6Kd-J.t3he 10,M 8.49,- ,1 Unanimous declaration of ‘the Seven Northern Stated ‘ Of the Sierra Madre df- AUxieb. , r . 'VViibii, in tHe'Cddt’ai) {Jflid/rjiin e.vcrilsj It.ticborflba necessary.for one nation ib dissolve the political bands which, acperatcly among lliopdwfi'fS ofilio earth' tlio posltjoii to which the Ja.tfs of 'nalurb:.ohJ naidro’s God Entitled it, o j respect for tho opinion of mankind, requires Jhal f rt’c should stale tho causes whichjinpol it to the sepcrullop.; ‘ present anroburMlW free! ' 1-olh.tfrfl W 11,0 nrm *, en , which have been lie si! °“ y l ?.?PW.*. n !' annihilate Ihe indue. d/r,c|vb"'rrcc. 01 ' U ■° r ll ‘° W^»^wea f l!li.rii T^ur/i—Wearied flint our baioketP religion ctfh. threatened, by. bajrnnsti. is loitered m its ife- 1 • ond ."“'I ■*«»«#Jho. pebpie -In-tho midst or Ihdir wide domains, arc denied the rlght-of indivich ual possession, wo declare ourselves free,' ■ .SlxM-Wcaricd with iho promises which have been made to ourohildrorij Who anxiously await,in ourselves r^e"'' ' ’' r ' g '' 1 declare inf^Ti^T- 1 '! 1 U “* our ”Hod fatlicrs oreisinh. nj,. g adua ly into, the grove, litre thotilutesi without IUI3 ollovmlmn, wb deelaro ourselves free, ■ ,Ji >gh t —Wo nr icd tliat whilst misery and poverty preva i(.every where, the usurpers amass purple,and golil, wo declare ourpelvca irco, , . A , Wt A V iti. Ilia national declaration that slavery should not bo tolerated on our soil, whiio the domestic service is an odious, horrible and cruel svn. I cm, and prevails will,out alleviaitoli and without parallel, we dechirCnurselvcs free, ’ Wherefore we, the people of the seven northern slttlcs of Mexico;’appealing to the Suprctho Judge of the universe for the rectitude of „„r intentions, now solemnly proclaim and declare ■■ that these United ,\TLTr C,C ° ‘"^bpeiident P* That lliey are nhs.ilvod, from all nllegianco towards the Mexican government, and that all connection between them has ceased, is and.ought to be, entirely dissolved— have ZXhl Iri '° an ‘ l 'bdepondenf slates, wo r"'tli'io l dooU- Wo have drawn iho sword aHd thiriivn aWSv ihe BC Frhln d |‘l' N l°'r’" l 'T, da J' : Ucnlll 10 ‘y.ranld. 1 From the Information which 1 have been nh'lo in fhhi.. r r rSOr " Wcll ver,oil in tlie affairs of country, assuredly Worthy of a bcl< ter laic, n appears that tile monorchia! parly, having never abandoned the hope of attaining power; hav? endlesced will, 1110 Santa An.iistS. fh ofder; will?their eoinbined strength,- to overthrow iho eVlslirlg udinln isirajtonnnd contend for the'spolls nlicrwntds.' uou. Santa Anna, whose prrtllre in the Itepulillp s , always sufficiently powerful, appears to enlmiain I o design of seiinig ,(po„ this cirtnim.tanee to re turn lo portcri Winch, in,the dpiniu'n of many, lie will sucqccd In doing,,and perhaps in-„ ahorlTmc! ‘ ' Stam pp , hr l i l “, t ,l '“ c °mmah'danl-Ooiieral of, (his il « m °f '° ‘f“P l ‘ emo Government concorniiig the manner he should receive Gen. Santa Anna anh. I posing the ease of hi. rival on the.o .Imres, „'V,' 1 ', 0 "ply of tho government was , r xuve film with fhe liounre jlrfo a i»eneriilt’> .* liemtlnn"! ‘ r6a!,, ?ni o,n inclined to he in falor nf T OrC ft'",* “ fov ° lullon ''‘ll toko place month, bo » n t ' l " . , Kcncr " 1 ’ at,ayn ilml n slrccl /foL( oft. I “up m“!‘ A“'wK«» *|W*y.' fee Oil. i mt, be-' In tifi E. M Lane cod VVm.,Owon, in which (ho for- Th 'T fV , . 1 -T; ou " f 0« ‘lie■.lnner slightly wounded'. oVclf C “‘ B fevol.cfnoAd flrtd seVcrnT rounds Bee I’md,info/mnlion, be lal'o “ 'Vi “ Sew hfraunfeli*,’llinl iho. cholera, has cnllrcly (llßappciircd from IIW plooeinnil tluuh'o mlubil.inls wore rctnrnlng lo ll.cir hoiiids. , , 1 ho Western Texan says |al nllhonghtho oholora no longer, prevails os of. cpl.lo.nio ol Sen Antonin coses siiir.accnt; of o virulent character, principally' unions strangers'. ~ , loiocipany It oppoem fnntf the Houston Morning Star, of iho S!" 1 ' 1 J'lot there oro gold hunters oven in Texas. I t liiy oro Louisianians, and gone an an expedition Jo the mountains below Slfnta Fo, for that object,— l icyjiiiil ! nran who donld show'Mho not ilm gold?, r WW "*'"" y 1,111 M 0 11,0 “cfepheW/Mf Tlio rpllotying'i,,(Voin Iho Civilian of Iho «?3i|, i T IrAi'T"*? ?' " r i o?. n “ ns ’ “"dcr Iho command of Lieut. Neal, have 101 l San Antonio for their stoiion 1 »i«J v • 8 ,0 Nueces river. Sti* t« «i > . e ? l>T? t ° r , soinc ori,, 9 Interior counties of this “n excited from the lC' '“ l “ n organised body of negro Mured ;"'i V al " nqr ,"' 0 I’ 1 ' 1 " °r llio bolobrofed to Teias Vno 0 ?* lon r de ‘ l ,l,olr P l *" operation, late, and'll hi? l,?I?° r Gr . n, W ro “> hnvodiaappoared of “ f •!«■» Iho L!?,? s"„y 1 ! a ! " S0r ’ •’“""■'“'I “ Washington, oil Ti.o Board of rioalth of Now York 1,,, .passed „ resolution prohibiting 11,0 sale of (l.b, .boll fisb.Cmlt. and Vegetables from wagon*, earls', of other vehiolcs throughout the city, in tho public; .(roots; square,, parks and places. - , * • Major Bliss won the highest prize during tho late campaign, viz: Gen. Taylor’s daughter; a Bti worth having. This is net burs. ' O3*"0ld Whity , 'is on his way to Washington from tho South, Rise up Whigs and show your ros poet for tho gallktot old “ Wrf." lion, JlonVy Clay 1 ib* recovering from ah Attack of oholora. ■ , op a Mother -AND'OHl’i-hWtf.—Mre, [Mitchell and her ;throe children,, at Steubenville! Ohio, a lew days ago left home very.mysteriously, and have all betm found drowned, in Yellow Greek. When discovered, the two eldest children wore tied together ahd the youngest to the mother’, ~*;r PHILADELPHIAMARKETt ; • ~ , July 10,1849.' ‘ , Business gonerallyjlias been quiut to-day, thouglf some 1200 bbls: supefflne Flour have changed hands for Bliipinoni; at *4 031'per bbh fur ■Tlesh: ground, snd 84.44 for sound old oloeli. ■’ A - flirtlibf. bale of Ryo Flodr at 83 per bbl. Cprh Meal is itbadv in pneo, with sales of 800 bills,, at 82 73 tier bjib for Pontioi 1 change In tlio prices of Wheal, .continues mpderalo t sales; of 40C ? 0^. bl ’ s i‘ cls ?* “ 9F-09.;for.gond,snd prime reds, and 81.03 aBl 07, ppr.butjlieli A sale of Bye nt37e. Fdr Corn llicrejias been all improved demand, npd s 9 .mp 10,1)0,0 .bushels'of tood yellow f. ol “ 0. 1 par,bl(sliol ; . Qals trotyllriiia dull, andodr last quolattons aro, nearly nominal. ‘ file; ihailtoi ponnndcs nparly bare of Whiskey in liltils. and bbla. _ - , I, . ,] .. .>iAiiKii;rti ■■ iik. M.u ,• aV n"r Conn'., on the 24th uli.. In iho first Melhmlisl Episcopal Church, by. the Rev. Dr. J ’ y ' > V ;, fit Lee, Mass., to Miss Manwah A. liAnnoun, of Paperloivh, Pa.’. / .■< WEI)' A' NewvjUo on. thp Uih uttj/Mf. Jour Vance aged 76 years and 29 days. ' niff vl* S iT'nit.; Mr/jitt* agpd, 61 years, .. . 1 aV k" O 6< ‘r v ? onBion lisl - 3l| of /In Petersburg, Adnms county, on tlio 2711 i Mrs., MA»r A Aw.i W »b. of the Rev. Honrv Aurond in the 43d year,of lie? ego. ... ’ w„..„L Coun,y Treasurer. .■ . R,f SNOOURASS will be a candidate X\jlor.Oiun/!/treasurer, subject to the decision of llio Detnooraile County Convention. Carlisle,July Jg, 1840, ... Asslffncesliip Account. ~ ill E account of William Crrtwf rd Fm A „ « g neeofJ.ol,aßyWilwn,h«Vln^^^^d in' 1 * . . Co “ r . t ° f Common Pleas of 1,,',,-,, county, said cduft appointed the lirsVd „■ August Term, 1849| for ihe final cnofie,,f tli , „'£ f and ruib on ail persons oonreried to appear and show cause why Ihe same sim n l . be confirmed and allowed by Lid “ 1 "’ 0 ' t-.i : JAS,.,F IsAMBEUTON, Prolh’yi Prothonolary’s Ofiice, i “"O', Carlisle, July Ig; iBlo_3ts Proclamation. , ~ 7 W TWnil i hb | non i' r , obl< ’ PnrnaprcK Mini mnn n! , ‘ Jud S c of 1,10 several Courts of Uom mon Pleas of tile counUoS of CunihorUd, Perry a|!d Co ,9yl r“;: ,n ' < !" d j U!li<:0of stfveral Courts of, Oyer and-Jermmer nud Gcnerol Jail Do- JohSVt” T T'l"' “ nd Ho «* Join, Stuart and Juhn plondcmn, Judges of the Court of. Oyer and l.eranncr and General Jail Delivery, for IhoSvof oil C9pttpl>and other alienees,,ih the said counts of Sss^awsssaSa hi h' V n ri,n, l J. cr r‘ <,| " J General Jail Delivery to noon, to continue nno week. . m tiioiurc- NO TICE is iherefota hereby iriVon to lli. r.,. S2SS3SS&s# Carlisle. July 12, 134 0. J <’•'•> Summer Ctroccrioil ' T *• mV- ■•«Mj d/ocoif Wes, Or o oc^io S !in •„ - i , ]Loa <‘ Si« f ,i^ a, '2’“ nc * p, o ®™-*" C|»iulle« of nil „ j ; . Salmon, Shart: I ! l rld ifcr^ffVretail, ~. . ■ Aif»ri^x^r ! *• °™** bawasg ±a- •■«"■'••■* orß 10 W«»8e, il Shall bo our ol.jnnl .to mnri" Carlisle,' July 12, 1849 ' F , ino “'"I Fresh Teas, 1 I E subscriber bus Just opened an ynlt're bew seleolron ot BLACK & GRKEN TEAS he Inis selected /run! the well ItnosVn Tension) of the Messrs, Jdnhtiwol Philadpljihlar The assort, muni consist of lfyson, Gun powdurandOalouif Teas,(ranciful names oiriitiodl and are neatly paired pndsecured m £,}, &li ||,' metallic nnif paper, ‘qualities vs v! n? m prices from 37j to 1,25 per pound,'and from Ol ' r " !!t ' nU , !nlre " ,iv '' (l in »l>e sellinff of these lehs for moro than two years past, we have fea son to beitevo wo can confidently recommend tliom to ourcuslotnors and the public, ns superior toanv other in our mntltet. J W Viiv - Curlislo, July 12, 1819 *• ‘ V I , G#o J Pohura.vv, liam D.VV Royal John ■ ," Dovinnev Mrs Jane , Rail, John ~' nnni U | r °r/ e< , le ' idl SUdd W m ri.fesn" ■ n’J, 0 ... ~ Bhewman Baviil v Cowling Catharine , Smith. Frederick P.ur John , Shade,Sarah E Dillcr John,. Mis* Sarah Eliolf dainoa, . . , Sldvonson Jdsinia . ... :m -Smith Miss Margaret Cahy & Kissmgef - Smith J o l m II Esq ’ | hry Martin Smith Bavid 9 Pivler Rebecca Shaffer John-.'... < ’ Shainbranch RehcJca »• .. Whop John / ... (»raliam William *6SvviVard Wm P Miller William’ JM. tsleyensdri Wa'fner C I ra r.’ ", i, - , J Seidel Christiana M • l.iun Davids, j Shelly Ephrahaih I | | i i) , .;heinp ! e,r,Sarah. Steiff Charles o/per George 'i.'olbtM Ihfemlaft - . ssafcr Hartley Thomas&cr’J . Tail Heirs of , , J Tanigor (Jeorfro Irvine VVnliam Gen r Troitp John * Ileirsol*. : _ J . Tlmmma Peter , r"a ’ C^ r "? •V,. „ r„ Torhet Allen S ~ ’ lordan Nathan ~; , Uhler George , ■ {/^ r , n S nZ ' }Vslls Elanora ; {V 'f } fi’.W Washington Samuel e y r PI 'on>“3 Whiteman Oalharino Mly Leyt Watson George Kerns Charles . Wealeom Catharine Eeib Clir.slian or i Wagoner John Walter Christian jr.J. Wise Henry ir . Lehman Jacob VV W'arliel Elizabeth Lunke John * Wyant John t , 'l?l’ er . 1 William While Priscilla Leidich Widow Yartells James LolirJohn : Zigler.GVV ~ A. HENDEL, Pi M. i.\llho public that has met with such unnWlcd success, esDj.aouje’s On,**™, DuaXS Mnvingbeen' htft.dr.r,years'before the public;find the 1> criming small when compared with most oilier medicines, have worked their way into cv cry.Slatc in. the Union, and Canadas. ’J’hcy have absolutely hfconio tho slapddrd Medicine df ll,e day., I hey are purely and «o adrphahjy com pounded that w ion Imge speed y cure,acute diseases, and (Vilen InKch in small j doses they operate like a charm, iipoli the most deli- Mmlr'l ler | ? nd l . lnvc rai ?ed numbers from their beds when all other-remedies had foiled. Wo LurV 0 'n U ‘ ° r ll,i> man y niiraciilous cuics cllmed by the use of said Pills, ‘Spinal Affection. —Anna Wood, of Rutland, Jof fersan CO., Pi. Y., was cured, after she had been con hued to bed 0 years, with’Spinal disease mid Ah seess of the Lungs. The bill of her regular. Rhysi- lnS ° n ° f nlll " unlcl * 10 SMO, Scrofu/q and'Nervous DeMi/y.-Mrs. Down of I C ay, N. Y., was cored of Dyspepsia, Nervous dc ,i.i, f ana Surofuloua affection of me head, after-she Usd been confined via, months and nil other modi- Cinos had failed. * • r Coupl, and dinaumption Cured -Wm/Donliy, of I-iekcrilig, C. W., was cured, of a severb Lloiigl, after lie had beoii confined to his bed fora longtime and was given up by tho Physicians; Jfe had used |mo«lof the cough mediums* of ihb duy.nnd wus supposed by his friends and physicians, lo’|jb in ilib | last stugo of Consumption. . , ■Dyspepsia. —A. B, F. olf Syrrtcdso, IV. Yu i was of (Dyspepsia. so severe os riot to bo , nhlo to work for two years. . WnvJSmithj'of Grucmviclf, Colhn., was curoil of a severe case of Dyspepsia, Coslivenm and Ner vous Dcbilltr, of years standing, oiler expending mrgo sums of money to no purpose,. b L . O Weeding Piles.— Asaph 1,. Leonard,’ of Avon,' N. V., \vus curedof n severe cnee of Bleeding p|( t . s 0 f ,111 vinilu-r of yc;.is standing, after useing d variety (d nlo medicines without cll'cct. 1 . Mis. vyiniainsoni.of Uolli|chnm, N. J.. v*as nfllic-' ted for thirty years with, disease of the chest olid stomach, 11 few,doses of these pills cured her ...John Darling,of Weslford, Oswego co./r? Y I was greatly honoliited in n com of Asthma aild dli fieully of breathing,,hy uso of these pills, , .JSeoereeqsiof ll'el/tm; of KfardwielV, tilsc”o ci/., IN. Y,, was cured of a severe case of 1 ilea mid extreme coelivoness, of long and painful duration.-.,, Who, would, but sacrifice a few shift hugs ,to ho relieved' from','so distressing o’ coin plumt. , Win. Moclihrldgc; ofSodtiV Point,'Yawn's cured of Cough, Nervous Debility, am) genual de rangement of the digestive organs. ,ilb hud hcon ('sick for years,and Bjieirt hundreds’' of dollars to I got relief, but to no purpose,,on(Jl was so disoour- I aged ho could hardly bo pursuadod to tako tho Pills. j The above are oil capes in which oil other romo dies fulled to cure or give relief. Many of tho same character might bo published if wo had space.— Tor particulars aeo tho Botanic Institute, whlcli : can bo hud of ogonts; < ' J.,w. uuV, Dtiwins p* CoujitKiifkiTA, Aslhoro.aro spurious. Pills in circulation exiled Oriental or Sovereign Bolin, bo euro to. coo before you buy that tbs. name of *• PR. B. L.6OUPB & CO. M id on the fnoo of iho Poxes. Nona others ettn bo, genuine. Wo.nru not nwnro (hat any, who is, making a spurious arliclo has yot (Inrod to make use I of our.ngme; but.somo bf thom have had tho Impu* dence to imitate our boxes and copy our Circulars. Certificates, dec* Unless tbo public ore corofdl when iHoy purchase they will bo deceiv'd. The following persons, in this county, aifa flgrnts for tVo, above Medicine.' . J. C. Ac Q, B. Aftlok, Sljlpponaburg”. Wm. Bnfi, IVowv|/|o, JftcolvHoflclbowof, Nowburg. 1 • Joseph, L.,8/ornen MiUlin township^ Perry «fc OrlalUdb, dpi John Ernst, do/ ,A. Cntbcan. Shepliordslowni' ■ " J, G. Miller, Lialiurnl ; . C, Mollinger'f Taycm, Rloughstowci. A; 0. Norton, (Mbglauchlln'o llolulS Cnrlialo.Pa.. General Agent for Ponn.ylvanin, Maryland and Delaware, to whom nil order, ehould bo addree.Vd. • Carlisle, Jbno 29, lBi9.~Gm. OF■ LETTIJRs; To ‘the VoterspfCumberland cOtihiyl Tr E^ L ?.W-CITIZENS_I3, e In R . solicitedby a Xmimber of rnyfricndH, 1 offer myself as a can didate forlhe ; k ••'vV OFFICE OK SHERiFK.V at ihe ensuing election, and will be thanliful for your suffrage?.' Should ( be elected, 1 hereby promise to perform (bo duliea.of said ofllce failh , n y 'r ; . ' i OHN Pi HUNTEI?.,- ‘ Carlisle, April 5,1840 ITMEKT. To’the Voters of Cumberland county, r^i^flZEKS— -EnoournpcJ by nuracr -0 ri( ) n^s ? Ihercby'olTcr tnycclrio yotir con siderslion os n Candidate/or f lhb : , • , .OFFICE OP ISHEfttfr*, , of Camheriand coUniy, di Iho ensuing general oici> lion, subject to.the decision of ll\o Democratic Coun ty. Convention, Should I lie nominated and elected, f plcijge myself,to discharge tlic.dulics of said office will; impartiality., DAVID GIUSWELL, ' Smppcnsliurg, April, U, 1849 ty’&KityWAflit CihitißcHdiid doUnfy. CITIZENS—I offer myself to Tour JL conahleiatioh ae a Sandidalp for (he , ' . OFFICE OF SHERIFF; . alrhjccl to the decision' of. the Democratic- Coaniv Convention; Pledging mysqll; in the event of ray nommaimn and election, to diadhargo the duties of loolfico to ilio beat'of ‘my ability,- : Andrew Roberts. . Juno 19, 18 4d' VoUr* of Cumberland county . PIIIiLOW-CITIZICNS— .I offer myself lo ybiir i. oonahlerplipn jis acapdldale for lltS '■ . - OFFICE O'l? county, at life ne*t mnewrejce lion, subject to the decision of Ihii Dontoofntife County Convention. Should Ibe nominated end offeM' 1 * f |pd ? ?o ,n .V Be > r , o discharge the duties of said office w/lh fidelity.' • ■. DAVID SMITH; ;j Carlisle, April 5i 1849 To the Voters of Cumberland county. FtLI.OVy^C’n'IZEIVS—At (lie solicitation, of many friends I hereby offer riiyscif to ydur coiisido ration aa a candidate for tho '' *" "7 OFFICE OF SHERIFF, : Sion Of nI SU wl- BC ?.'’ ral o ' e<-iion ’ aniijcct icf 11,0 deri 1011 of tho Whig County Convention. Should Ihe notninaied o.nd eldeiej"! promise, to dUchorgo the duties yi(,.tho oraco ;with , fidelity and'. humanity, 1 thorofore p aetfully solicit youV support,. , . , Nowville, April 1 iS, MuU Alt ’ To the -voters of Cumberland county. , FELLOW encohraßfcd hy a IhrTho" fi! '” ill * > 1 om:r m > olf hao o B anilid«(o OFFICE OF SHERIFF, of Cumberland county, ai.((io dhsuing general elec. PodTf . U r CCI l °r lllo i leci,ion ° r Hio S D’emoiirutic ,dne, i l°T C . lon> ®' ,O " U Ib ° nominated and li 1 Fndg. o myself to dischbrgo tho duties of said office with impartiality. 1 therefore respectful: ly solicii-yonr support. J. LONGNECKER rVonnlcyshorg, May 10, 1649. ■ To the Voters of Cumberland county riELLOW-OITIZBKS-l offer myself to' you, .F consideration for tho.' / OFFICE OF SHERIFF, subjcol .0 the nomination of the Whig County Con vralinn. Should Iho fortunsio.cnough to bo elected, r! 111 dl f l'? r p th " ■'“lies of the office with import'' ality nod fidelity. - vr. . , . 1 v pr, . ... noUfiftT M’CAJITNEY. Carlisle, April 12, 1840 To the Voters, of Cumberland county a SSS IZENS -' h ™">- «®' ; OFFICE 6F SHERIFF, of d, “ c,, “' eo 1 du,iM or * u W m ’ J D'oNAL'DSON. Wcstpctfnfilnn'o’ ip. April 12, 1840 ' Carlisle-Sulphur ~^aj~ .15 ,r Springs. THE Proprietor respectfully intoim, hi,' Wradi JL' putdic’Rcnernlly; that ho is prepared to accomodate commforlly a large number of visitors and boarders. ' - . ■ The Spring, ore 4J miles North iif C«rli,lc,‘Cn'm hcrland County, Pa„ situated in a healthy „nd ro mnntic place. Hot and Cold Dell,, f„ g „ o j ordor and every accommodation'may he relied on. ■ ’ w n p ,„ cobnman. N. B. Good Heck, ,n readme,, for tho Siding at Handle * or Hilton's Livery, Carlisle, Juno 24, 1840*^-6« .1 • . A CARD. The. tnuDr/iKG iMi' white shi.pher SPRINGS, ailunloil in Onmborlaptl county i*a in o piclnmqna portion of file inonnlniiiF.,' niul ffiiiln' imlM nbnlrpf JVoiyvjllo, Jiao recently boon IJiicJ up wiili ncjy.natf t'ommrulloiis l.uildiilgn. , ~ Thooiibßcribor having provided Irlmmjf with'good Copk« and waitnro, hopco by close and poioo'ipil op-1 plication to business, to'bo qbli (o give general satis.’ facllmi to nil who,may favor him with n call. . A linn oflfack* will nlwoyo bo rcoilvnl thplVew. 1 fill o Han ol °n 1110 arrival of tho Cara lo'carrv naaaon. gers to (ho Springs, . 1 May 31, 1849—rfrrf A CARD. will readme tho practice Mot inn law in llm several counties (Ot/fnbnr* land* Pdrry nnd Juniata,) l orifis lute judicial dla* tnet. . Any -buMneßß. entrusted to liU Vmro will Ire promptly attended,to* Mfa, Hun's cor. nnr roopi« North Ilanovof street, immediately on* poßitn tho Uanft. 9 *. CMrlfsle, March 8,1849— \t ... Dit. j, k. siurrtt, . 17 n9Mdqi>ATnfc ;PIIYBIUJAN, ros"p<)rir,,l|V tenders his professional services to tho citizens oi Uarlisio mul vipnnly/ ...Oifya in' BnodmuM 1 K o w. nozt door to Justice Holcomb's,.where hp can ol all times liefuund,,wiipn mu piofeasionafly engaged; Carlndo, Juno 7, 184tT— if ' J. M. PAUKCIt, A TTORMIIY A'p LAW, Oflic.o in North Unno-' XI oorstrool, in tlto rooirif formerly oceupied hv tho Hon.. I*, Watts. ' 1 ' ■ March 22, 1849.—1 f. . , BLOOMFIELD HOTEL, Ulooinflold, Perry County, Pn; HENRY D; WOODRUFF. . May, 17, 1840—3 m “Illicit Sales and Small I*roflts.” rnilEi RED FLAG CLOTHING STORE, Smiili' _L Ha never, atreel, lielgw Benlza.’ atpro i. (lie place to buy tiinliifin;ibio rfyily Clothing,Tint Cheap, oat Clothing under the nunjannw-aellhig ulllio above fatoro. From S 3 lo dTlnchea Clnlh DroaaContaatssso/ worth 91.1 j do. *7, worth 815 J aupor.Frehoh wool' dyed Blank, nt 89, worth 830 j Panla fidm 81 Si to 80i Jlaok nod Figured Satin Voela at *} St), worth . '— . , - . May 3,1847. Itcfres|tliy g Drink's. ROUSSEL'S MINEKAL-; . Sparkling nnd bright, ' ■ . In its liquid light, • , wq not only sparkling and bright—bul fur it, flavor it ia herd to beat. . , i iJH'K e ? a , inacod t ho tWpli. fu'.u 0f 110 ” c ,” , . 0n ’ m °y lie hod, together with tho nhovo.nntnod Mineral Water, nt tho Wholo nnlo nnd Hplnil confectionary of P, MONYBII Juno 14, 1840 - ‘ ' May 7,11810 Wm.ChamJlef, James Donaldson, i Gen. Chandler, Jas, JJntlioiu, . t . Franklin Darbef, O. O. Cramer, - Elijah SwHior, Daniel Rif«, J-tV-Kim*. Levi Snell,- ~ John Cr&tgi . ( John Deeiiicr,’ Thomas Edic, Allen. * ’ Wm. Darkness, (John. JJn*vm«n, DlrtKJ^SON 1 . '• Robert Linn,. . N» Middleton. • Win; M. Henderson,- 'B. Middleton. Robert Given;’ .»i , John M.Good) Aa't. John Kelly, .. • Monroe".' •. i Michael lleliahoom. C. & P. A. A til, Hopewell. "• ' Robert Quigley, , John Loughlm, j Newton. • Jacob An, J ' SobriiA M Ptok, Mpj Conyer,-* . % J.WORTHINGyotf ,•.><• Appraiser.' ._ The f?. rc B°ms pctaona retuiiied io tha Count* Treasurer, will coll for their licences! onbrtetoS * , ’lo Ibt of July, 1849. . ; e6bERT ttOORE/ County Treasurer, SfollcetoTax-paycrs. UI9 provision! of tlio act of 1844,.any U couniy paying inlo il.o State Treasury the Siaio J ax levied on aueh county, prior to tlie 17th of Jul/ I n any year,is entitled lonnaltalenioniorSji'efctlnt; on (lic amoiint flo pQid t |J , ■ j ..y . : ' ■ TIIO undersigned;' Cainininlanw of'Comlierlsricf - County, |o Wpw. of (he above provisions consider if equitable. and proper, that those who by ihe'prompt puyjncnl of their luxes prior to l(ie above date, enable the Jreasurar lo pay over thu Sluto lux, so as to re-* ceivo Iho aforesaid abulcmcntof 6 per cent;, (ho be nefit of which haa hitherto been fiiijovfe'd b$ the cilu zens pf. the county goncrai!y J v. B (,n U (d bo allowed’* deduct ori oP IhiiC ampunl by Ihp adlhorlzed the dlftbrenldoHeciorl to make Mid abaft l mcnirrctri Ihc.Slute (ax, in all base* where the Slate and County lax U paid to the collector before the lfth k day 6f July, 1849, when said abalementshaU omoUitt' to ono cent or more, no fractions of a cent to be cre dltQd/.. - . ..\ . .... Slricd illq act pf 1844,. the ,Comqi|as|oners’havei npid iho Slate :tox of, this county .annually lb the Stale, rrenqurer, wjihin the limb prescribed by lha octi.snd ,lhe fou,, r.ccqiye.d l(ie .benefit of an, a.b9lc;nent : of 1 5 ,ppr cqpl. tlicr l bqn..but tq pied said payment they huvo fonnd it necessary.heretofore lo’ appropriate a ( part of the county, funds, to meet iho deficiency occasioned by c[ul;nguenl» t until the bal [ahee of thq.Slulo tax was collected, h therefor* becomes necessary ,10, require .the paymebt of both*' Slate and county to* lo cnlitio the payer t’otbe afore/' said abatement upon lho aforesaid StateTai : -i Tho undersigned therefore confidently anticipMo/ (hat the above arrangement, and the further induced mcnl of enabling Cumberland equnty to maintafn thd character for prompinosa and fidelity which she'hbS acquired In thu discharge of her obligations to lh«( Commonwealth, wll| inducaove'ryciiitehltKiisofiarfea. their Slate and county lux prior lothe ITth doV of Jul y* lUNIEL COBLE. ; 1 JOHN WELL,/. • :> v ' Attest—Wsi. Uttxv. hfi?"'* Commissioner’s OtQco, ‘ ;> Carlisle, May 3,1849—3 m | . Estate Notice. t T, ETTE(!S ofadmiiiistralton ph ihqMlofo oWm- IA-i 1 d< * d -' Jsto. of 3il«er Spring,township/ Cumberland county, Pa,,'hsvc loon graoltdAolhosiifc •ccllcr icing in said township. AH (/orslns Jnrfehlcdlo said,estate -aro requested to inako.fmmcdinto pay,, mcnl, and those haying 'claims will present themi properly authenticatedfpr settlement ho,- ‘ , ■ , i ■ J : i JOilN TRfMBLEi, Adni'r., Juno 21,1843—G1» ... . . ~1 'Non’icr; ■ A PPI.ICATION, will he made at. thencit session. £L of the Legislature of Pcnnsylnitnio, for an o|t«r-(, nlion in Hie charier, of tile Carlisle Deposits Bank, for ns to confer upon the Institution tlio rigUis old prk, alleges pi p Bapk,of issue. By order of the Board ofjDirecfpra. .. CarU.o D erosiie^ dU “ ;Cl^ Juno 30, 1840. . J... . . I. 1 I , i„ „ t dissoii;tio!». I'TiflE partnership, befqlo/oro .e*ifling Jiejweeii' i. Iho.undcrsiytipd, iij onrrj jn(r„on (lift manufao-- lure of brick, line been dissolved, byipulual consent., The books .end,' are (ft fbrf hands of VV. I'atk, wind is nulhor/zed i 0 scale lie same,, VV. PARK.' t o: HAYS. ‘ Cartfslc, July 6, IBJ9—Si.' I (Stilling Off at Cost! THE a.Qbscrljw fVhow soiling q)| his stqpk of jyii ' 1 Goods at COST, for (.nab. , l’c:aoqi wishing to iny ouuhclr money to odyqntago WiM ulpoßOxaUand. examine, my stock, as t ba*q n and general as-' aortnvtit of Dry Gqodf, which la m iUsirquß ofsHU n»g for-cash. ~,U is impossible lo cniujieraie the dlfJ fcrcnl ktndlof, goods, .-Bulric6 \i tq fin* (hoi I has® a full .qsfottincut..of Cloths, Onsslmcreß; Tweedy Summq# P»6ds for pnntaluons and coals, Calicoes: ’ ICinghnms, ami Dress Goods for LadicB lt Curp.elß, |{qT' b laiery. Gloves, dtc. Purchasers arojnvlicd |o«oll at ’. ■ho “Ueq Hive” in North Hanover street, Carlisle* a.AVcotfLfiV SCOTT COYLE, July 6, 1840. Observe TIUs. pyp(?.HAWS)nS arc, notified A, Coy la la del* X lermlned to sell his JJ^rpg^% (jingliama, J’ipsufco; npd Cj»ljcof,B of,«yc^y s .' stylo and fljiulily, without rnpari) Jo cost, persppi. wonJing pny of the above goods will fliuj it 4 jotjbelr . adyaiitugo to call npd oxaminu for tVe (lieaieolVcs. .OarlUle Juno.2l. . .... miIJOS, WjtW'COODS, BPQPi^c,; AT,IIA VERSTIOK'S old established Drug ’ Rook Store,-qp Nprth Hanover struct, a ( n'«w, : . supply of Di*U£S anil raedioihos, fresh apt] coiofilltv' ■aeledfid, together with a rich. vnrietj and' extensive' assortment of Fancy Goods, Uooks, Perfatnea, 8oan« " CutlJoryv Gold and SH.ver fctia (\n«l Pripc;)*, Gornp llua’ SjilcniHil Pa r\ot Estops, Gifandola* and Flow.’ er Vpsea, Etljctlaj Oil Lamps. Prulla ,ai)l jUftnfeo-* . tlonpry, and a yonply of other articles ,whleK l{ {■ impossible to .ojiupiemte, hot, coinptiefnff tK e moss [ftplemljtl (lisping pier offered in <•;■» corpojponJihgly chc» B , rfli. .ft.nllon, of.W pU friemle anffcpilomcr. nml Iho putOc gener.llT - is pftrtlctjlprly invited t,o his pr.caent stock, will* which, lhf*y canrtel fall lo hb pleased.- . , lB4O. S-W.HAVERSTrOfe,- W. -or. caiman pr FIT T ii.p nisp »»»»*«,; . , , CillllßLl, J>i', * , 2FFERR for sale on tho moil- rec.onablo term. 'll Utga aaaorlinent of choice Drug, and Medlcini. 'i oiu, Jcc.j wUlf tha mot? 8 a Oi Ino Patent Medina. Alin, an elegant Ua&H? ■ raant of Perfnrneryiflnllal, and ShavingVffi/alSfc ■"f °' e Tn\ 11 “, ir D . ve - H«lf Oil. in fftkt vaitau Whl’ N |' ’ 1 o ,° lh ’ F1 ;" h a(iil Cloth Oruatiai!’7 Whlpa In groat _vanely, Unihrellaa; canc..Pbrk*i i.?’ 1 ”'; 1 "!' «»' 4 i rnkatahda, Motto wafer, ahd 1 ' Sonia, rin? wiling and nolo paper envelope.. lor., Pino Kplvea arid Sclaaora. Ra.or .tion.'ip«£ + - cywjup. Card case.,. Fancy boioa, Cotnellu.' P«ur opt J-nrd Lamps. Globe, and wick., Lard Oil' Sn.rm' i “ktoralvo ofVtt’^!^an*'v Domestic Sogar., Tobacco and Snutf. ■ ■ VLiv u*“ (.all and examine the .took—h’o 1. prapared (*'■ olfor Indncementa to purchased'(tf ca.hf' <’ "“ '*l . Curllalc, May 10, J54J,. , 1 , j yj U'-h.U'i • Appraised AFy Distiller*,. fcaji county, as dc net of Aisembly, passed the 16l CARLISLE. . Edward Sliower, Henry Barniu, Win. Alexander, Wra. T.Phafer, - Jacob Low/ ; Kinds. whiskey Quits 27,000 *obn Hannon, A. C..N6,rtqn, 10.000 12,000 0,000 whiskey 63,000 15.000 27.000 iuno 29i 1&40— 3t JAMES rtEMiwo: HENX ' iibg, HouW.i irt lopsided by mo pi per >lh of April, lB4oi : I ; ''; Y ' V 8 Distiller •!' 8 Brewer . < . , 10 Hjewer*;. 8 Eatlng-hbuee 8 Ealitijr-bbaiß 8 Beor*iiou»fi 4 Medicine 4 • ’♦?': 4 '■ u:\' Uetmst. US 90 . 1800 ' SOD .fioq a oo ‘:s oo a oo i -■ ;.♦» il , ; l\ '■ , 4 V. •> 4 fj. 4 - ' 'I r ; » 4 • •• 4 , 0 Distiller 9 10 ' i‘ a do ; bo- .7 1 - •» so 66 7 . ", 9 M 8 •• •I ■ it sS 19 » ,6 00 8 oil' V *.i*. r S OOr '"s.r.t'.