Bf JOHN B. BRATTON. VOL. 36. THE AMERICAN VOLUNTEER, ’ iroty Thuminy, at CnrlfMe. I'«. by JOIIK B “ tt : l, M on the following conditions wLiil «lhle .rigidlj-aUJioped loJA**, TKItMS Or AOBSCRIfTIOK . ► . £ <,r ”. ne y®o r i , « advance, ... •W ® F.iralx months,ln advance, . . . . 1 e made to,those who advertise by the year, or for three nr six months. • < Omrjs.—The office of. ilia American Vblu*tter i» in the sec ond story nr James It. Oralmm's new stone Imlli'lns, in >*mith If mover street, a few doom fnun R-irkholder's hotel, nnd >li rert'y opoosite the Post-office, whore those having Imsicesp will plonxnrail. . . , . 31 omeat. , THB TEBIPEST WATCHER. BY C. CAnROI.I. LBKD3. [A atory In related of u young Irishman, who left his native shore to seek his fortune in the “ land of liberty f* m his youth he had contracted an engage* ntcnl with a fair maiden of his native village, and hud promised that if his golden dreams wore reolizcd in his new liomc, lie would return mid claim her us his bride. A foW years rolled on—Dame Fortune had blessed his hopes with success; lie returned, and to his great delight found thu idol of his heart true lo.hur word, and willing to share with him his dis taut col. They embarked to return, but when near the hind which was to be their future dwelling, a violent tempest arose, and the ship wus dashed to pieces on liiu rocks, lie, by a miracle, was saved, hut only to fed a worse torture than if he hud pur ishud, for his bride was drowned, and the succeeding morning ho found her mangled remains upon ti.e sea shore where they had been washed by the waves. This circumstance deranged Ins mind, and embit tered his existence. II« sold his possessions, and built him n col near the shore upon which ul).his hopes hud been wrecked; arid his greatest delight was to watch the ocean during violent tempests.] •. Ynu ask me if I love to sit ■ Where the angry bhlriwe roar,' An>l ||kl their clamor* a* they beat V .Uporfthu r«