American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, April 19, 1849, Image 3

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    mkke w a'fife'he“ thre\y*hl$ w bl*H kar'dd wn on
the lroU'4a!u"ddivh*.ti^drf. f n/.jaiicl’’laid, there
till death!-?\V.e . were
with*him.' c, .i. v’ .• ’ •
‘'Sixteen days away, and no tidings
horn.' party sent ’ lor. relief. .* I became 1
oppressed with anxiety; weary bf'delajyariil
determined to go rn'yrtejf, Jbiilfi iri ,search of
the absentparty/ahd/m' search o( re lie! iti
the Mex lciiri f etllerrieh Is, 1' wiis aware that
our Irddps in Ned? Mexico had been engaged
iii hoamiUeis with the'* Spanish Utuhs.and,
with the Apaches, who range in (lie..valley'
01*1116 Rio uel'Norte and (he mountains where j
we were, and/becume fearful, that they (King
and.ins parly).had’been cut off,by those In-
.icoUld.imagine !'np other accidentl
id. them.' Leaving the camp employed with
the.baggage, underiuecommand of Vincen
thaler, with injunctions to follow me in three
days, t set'off down the river wilh a small
parly, consisting ofG.idey, his young neph
ew, I’rciiss, and Saunders, (Colored servant.)
VVe carried.our arms and provisions for two;
or three days./In the camp (left under the
command ol Vincehlhalei ) the metises only
had provisions, for a- lew. meals, and a sup?
ply ol five pounds of,sughr. lb each,man.—
It 1 failed Kingmy. inlention was to
rnako the Mexican settlement on the.iCoto-
a little affluent - of the Rio del.Norte,
about half a degree above Taos, (you will
see it on arid..thence-send. back
the speediest relief possible to the patty un
der Vincenlhaler.- ,
‘Oil the second day alter leaving the camp
we ertine upon a fresh trad ok Indians—two <
lodges with a considerable number of am- j
male. This did not lessen our, uneasiness
for our long absent people. The Indian trail 1
where we fell upon it. turned and went i
down the river, and we followed It, On the
filth day (after leaving the camp) we sur
prised an Indian on (he ice 01. the river
He proved to be a Utah, son of a Grand Riv
er chief whom we had formerly known, and
he behaved towards us in a friendly manner.
VVe encamped near them at night. By a
present of a rifle, my two blankets, and pth- ,
et promised rewords when we should get \
in, I prevailed on this Indian to go with us
a?ui guide to the Littlie Rio Colorado , settle- ,
niewt, and to taka with him lour ot his hor
ses to carry our little baggage. The horses
.were miseiubly poor, and could only get
‘along at a slow walk. On (he nextduy (the
sixth ol our progies*) we felt the Indian
lodges late and (ravelled only some six or
seven miles. About sunset we discovered
h little smoke, in a grove of limber, offlrorn
the river, and, thinking perhaps it might be
om express parly (King and his men) on
their ietuVri ?i we went loliee. This whs the
twenty second day,/nice Vhal party had lelt
us, and the sixdi educe A*e had lehtlie camp
under Viticemhaier. We found them—three
of Brackenridge and
Williams—the moat miserable objects I hnd
ever beheld. 1 did not recognise Creu*z
taldl’s lealiires, when Brdckeiiridge brought
him up aiijl told me his name. They -had
been starving! King hm| starved to death
a lew uay belore. His lemuins were some
six or eight miles above, near the river.—
By aid. ol the.lndian horses we carried these
three with us, down to the valley, to (he
T,uebla on the Little
reached thp foutlh day alerwimls; (the tenth
alter leaving the camp on the mountains.)
having travelled through srfow, and on loot,
one hundred and sixty miles..
‘I looked upon the feeling which induced
me to set out from.the pomp ns mi inspira
tion. Hud I remained there, waiting the
of poor King’s party, every man of
u*» imißt have perished.
‘ / 'The morning after the little Colorado Pne-
Mo, (horses and supplies not being there,)
Godey and I rode on to the jßto Iloudo, and
(hence io Tans, about twenty-five miles,
where we louiid what we needed ; and the
pexl morning Godey, whh four Mexicans,
thirty hmse* or mules, and provisions, sal
out on bis return to the rebel ,ol Vnictmiha
ley’s party. I heard from him at the Little,
< olnrado Pueblo, which he reached the same
-day he tell me, and pressed on the next
morning. Ou the way he received an acces
sion ol eight or ten horses, tinned over to
him by the orders ol Major Beall, of the ar
my, commanding officer of this northern
■dislri’Jl ol New Mexico.. From him I recei
ceivcd llio offer of every aid in Ida power,
ami such actual assistance ns ho was able to
render. Some horses, which he had just re
covered from the Ulnhs, wore loaned to me,
■and ho supplied .me from the commissary’s
department with provisions, which T could
have hud nowhere else. 1 Rad mvsell in
the midst nl friends. With Carson is living
Owens. Maxwell is at his father-in-law’s,
doing a prosperous business as a merchant
ami contractor lor the troops, t remain
here with these old comrades, while Godey
goes back; because it was not necessary for
mo io go with him, and it was necessary lor
me to-renialn, and prepare the means of re
i snmmg the expedition for California as soon
<as he returns with (he men left behind. I
: expect him on Wednesday evening, the
31st inst;/ttns being the 17ih.
*Say to your father that these are my plans
for the luluie.* -
‘At tho bogirning of February (Gmlpy
having got hack a{ dial lime) I nliall set out,
lor California, taking the Southern'route—.
tho old route-by die Itio Abajo, die Paso
del Norle, (lie sonih Buie ol (he Gila, enter
ing California by (lie Agua Calicnte, thence
\o Los Angeles, and immediately lo San
Francisco, expecting lo get there in March,
ami tinning for your arrival in April. Ilia
ihe find lime I have explored nn old rnml, but
cannot help jl unw, I edmll move rapidly, ta
king will) mo but a pari ot my parly. Ti t
survey* has been uninterrupted up lo this
point, and J shall cany it on conmnitlvely.
A* soon as possible after reaching Calihmiin
1 shall go on with it. I shall then be able
to draw np n map and report o{ the whole
country, agreeable to our original plan.—
Vnur hiihor knows that this is un nbject pi
great desire whh me. Alt my other plans
remain entirety unaltered. A home in Cal
ifornia is (ho Hrsi point, and that will be rea
dy lor yon in April.
'Evenings Mr. St, Yrafn and Aubrey
who have just arrived from Santa Fe, culled
to see mo. I had the griitifioatimt to learn
(hat Si. Vmin sots out from Santa Fa on (ho
(he 15th oi February tot St. Louis; so (Hut
by him I shall have an eaily and sure oppor*
(unity of my letters— the one 1
now* wiiie, mid u|)icrs after’ the return ol
Godey, and np in our departure for Califor
nia. Lieut. Ueale li’li Simla Fe on Ills way
to Calitorma on the 9»h n) this month. Me
probably carried with him any le'lers that
might have been in his care, or a( Santa Fe,
for mo.
•Monday] Jamaiy 29.—My loiter assumes
a journal form. No news from Godey. A
great,deal ol (ailing weather—rain and sleet
hero—snow hi the mountains. This is to be
considered a' poor- country, mountainous,
wlih but little arabld lund, and infested with
hostile Indians. ■ ' '■ *■ - ,
‘lam anxiously waiting to hear Irom my
parly, and m much uneasiness av in their
(ale. My presence.kept them together and
quiet; my absence may have hml’a bud effect.
When we overlook King’s famished party,
hrackonridge said to me he felt himsellsaitv
So tar iho’extractsUom the firsl lotter, and
they are mournful enough. -The next, writ
ten after the return of Godey, with tho sur
vivors ot tho party, will ho still more so.—
Though written with rapidity, and confined
h events—the mind recoiling Irom the des.
'Hplinn oi scenes nn«l the delulU of wn—
-1 is still ton ninuh lor thl&imht’a paper, and
bo deterred till oar next,,
•WUh jv vlßtv.-nmonj! other areal. objects, to. tbo
[ja4l«aJppl 4 ait(l } Pitc.iflo
TUSTICE’ 0F r THE - PEACE.—Office: at his
J residence, corner of Main.street and,the, Pub
lic Square, oppoMteDurkh,elder’s Hotel. In ad
dition to ;the duties ofJustice of. the Peace; he
will attend to all'kinds of wming, such a 8 deeds,
bonds, mortgages; indentures, artioles ;1 6*f agree
ment, notes’,'&c. - .•' ; - : ‘ y - -' ,f J 7'
April 19,1849.—1nt0;'•
; Estate Notice. , > / •••/-:
LETTERS of administration: on : ilie'*dfllotb |df
Calharino Olshopfdood.i late of Monroe township,
i Cumberland county, Pa., hnvoboon granledto the sub*,
|scribcr living in suld township; Ail persona inrte.bleato
said, estate aro. feqnoatcd,ilo ( moko immediate pay
ment, those: having claims (hem
for D^mcnUbp ,
April 19,1849.— fit. ;, ; /, ; , . ■
. puilllc House.
NawTixtß, Ccmdeiilaiiij CotfxTr, Pa.
THE subscriber begs leave to inform bis friends
ami tho travelling community, that he has leased
that well known tavern stand formerly, occupied by
Col. W. H. Woodburn, nnd more recently by.Thoq,
J. Hackett, in tho borough of Ncwylllo, where ad
will bo happy to Wait on oil '.those who may favor
him with a call; Tho houso has-recently been re;
paired, and is well furnished, and for comfort and
eonycnienco is not surpassed by any-house in-the
hOrough. . .
Elis Table will at oil limes be supplied with the
best tho markets can afford, and his Bah with the
choicest liquors, '
.'* The Stahmno attached to tho property is exten
sive, and will.always be-supplied with the best of
by a careful. Ostler. ;
lie assure alt who may stop with
hln', shall be spared on ms part ,to
make (hetn-comfortable. Charges moderate..
Newvillo, April. 19,.1849-r3ro
Assignees’ Sale
Of Valuable Real Estate.
WILL bo offered at public sale ori Friday tho
18lh day of Mny nexl,at tho' residence of T.
C.'MIIIer, in Dickinson township, Cumberland co.,
the following described property* to wilt
No. I—The valuable property well known ns Cum*
berlund FurnaeCi with o SawMiH, Cool House, Te
nant Houses, and between 2 and 3000 acres of
Mountain Land, - ■
- No. 2—A Gnat Mill , to which is attached a Corn
Dryer, Shellcr uml Breaker, aSlanip Mill with a
comfortable Lug Dwelling House, SloccSmilliShop,
and from .7 to 12 acres *il* land..
No. 3—The valii;rblu /'’orm.on which said Miller
now resides, containing about 200 acres, with Slono
Dwelling House, Urge Bank'Burn, excellent
orchard of choice limit, See.
No. 4—A Tract of Lund known as (ho “Big’Mea
dov’v,” containing U(i acres of firaLrato timothy but.
No. 5—A valuable Farm, oohtnimng.l23 acres of
. first rale lund, part limcsionc and purl ■
pine land, known as the Alien Farm,**
»»»"jßaswiih- u two story Log House, Log and
Barn, Corn Cribs, Wagon Shed
anu oiinsf.outbuildings.
No. 6—A Farm ot‘2oo (Teresknown as the “Poorh
Orchard Farm,” wilh a Log House, a Double Log
Barn, &,c. (The right of. Ora on this farm reserved,
and to be sold with ihe luroacc.).
, No. 7r-A true! of 100 acres, partly cleared, haying
a Log*lloUHU (licicon, and adjoining No. G.
No. B.—A Uacl.or 100 . acres, unimproved, adjoin
ing lands of.Munin C'iuudy, John Thrush, and others.
Ou this tract there is n good water power.
. No. 9—A Form containing 126 ncrcs, part cleared
with Log Hddsc,. t poublo Log. Barn, knotfn as the
“ .Vl'Klnncy Purin/* * •
. No, Id—A tract of 700 .acres of Timber Land,
lately purchased of. A.G. Bgcj which will bo.sold In
lots to suit-purchasers. . t .'
No. ll—/hrn?t off fifty acres of fund adjoining
ihe iM’Klnney f.irinj D.intuj Marsh, and. others. r
Also, o number of Five, and Too ttbro tots
with comforlii.blc Log Houses therein. , .. , •*_ ' ;
The above described propertied nJro ail situated in
Dick mean township, and mostly, bounded ‘ by tho
Yelluvv Breeplics .{Jreelff tVllich neverTulllng stream
propels tho furnace anti mill.. • ■
Also, f\l, (ho Barno tltiib,p.dd pined, Ilitsc.infereH of
T. C’> Mjjltr in thatwell known Magnetic Ore, Bank
on the Yellow Breeches creek, in York County.,
Tho above property will bo shown, and nil ncqcn*
sury information given to persons wishing to par*
chase, by calling on either of the subscribers, or T.
C. Miller. . . - .... • . ... ...
The usual terms ufland sales will he given.'
d. w. McCullough, .
Dickinson Ip. April ID, 1849—41
ExtraoHllimry Reduction liii tho
Price of Hardware.
I HAVE just received the largest and cheapest
stock of HARDWARE, Glass, Painls.OMs,
Varnishes, Saddlery, Carpenter’s and Cabinet
Maker’s Tools, Mahogany Veneers, and all kinds
of Building Material ever brought to Carlisle,
consisting of Locks, Hinges, Screws; Nails and
Spikes. Persons abonttp build will find it great
ly to their advantege to look at my slock before
purchasing elsewhere. Come and see the goods
and hear the price and you .will he convinced that
this Is really the Cheap Hardware Store. Also,
In store, anvils, vices, hies nnd rasps, and a com
plete assortment of Wall’s 0- at Bar Iron, also
Rolled and Hoop iron of alt sizes. I have also
the Themometer Churn, Made by Mr. Geo. Span
gler, the heal article now in use.-
SCYTHES.—I have just received my Spring
stock of Grain and Grass Scythes, manufactured
expressly for my own sales, and warranted to be
a. superior article. Cradle* makers'arid others
will find these.Sy dies to be (he best article in the
market, and at the lowest price, wholesale and
retail, at tlip old staud in North Hanover street.
April 19,1819. JOHN P. LYNE.
Onrden nnd Flower Seeds.
I HAVE just npond I my annual supply of GAR
DEN AND FLOWER SEEDS, received chiefly
from the well known establishment of Rlsley &
Co,, Now York, consisting of all the different
varieties. They are warranted fresh and good.
For sale at the Drug and Book Store of
Boots and Shoes.
JUST, OPENED, nl the new store of the sub
scribers, corner of Hanover and Louiher sis.,
a lorge assortment of men’s* women’s and child
ren's boots and 'shoes, which (hey arc sidling
cheap. S. D. POWEL, & 00.
April 19, 1819,
Cumberland Oroys.
Big Spring Adiumuillno Guards,
fXj # YOU are ordered to
/4pk» pnradonlthopubllohouijo
. i °f r * Hamilton,ln Cen
trcville, on Monday the
Court of Appeal will bo held at the same time and
BEREGES <fe LAWNS. A handsome lot of
Lawns, Mourning nnd oilier for solo
lew, at tho now store of 8 D POWELL ,*Sc CO
April 10,1640
CARPET CHAIN* The host of carpet chain al
ways on hand, and for sale at tho now store of
i . ; SO POWELL & CO.
|} ,.A|»lil 10,. 1840
Accomit of Thomas B. .Trea
surer of the Borough of Carlisle, 1849.
DR- ; .. ■; ■
Bolonce of Duplicate outstanding ibl
*1847, . .. ■ «UBGO3
Gash received of A* A» Line, late Troa-; ■ ‘ -
eater, * 153.3 ft
Amt.’ of duplicate fdr 1.848, ’ *. 8357 90
CosK rbo’d of Win M Moleor, late Bur
.. gees, - * OO
Rec’d of Joseph H Blair, Chief Burgess, -, >
• r fincs and licenses for'exhibitions, tO6 17
Rec’d for stall rent of Market House, 180 87$
Rop'd for licences for provision stoies, 30 00
Rec’d of domes CreVcr water rent, 8 65
Rec’d of sundry persons on account of
• bonds dub by them to tbe Borough, 818 98.
RecM of James Hackelt clerk to market, 37^40
Paid J no, Brannon repairing hay-coles, $ 1 00
Paid Wm Riley for copy of aesesarn’t, . 10 00
Paid James. Grover, for cleaning Letait ...
Spring, 80 00
Paid James Greyer six months'salary as
i High Constable and'Messenger, 5% £0
Paid P B Smith street regulator, 3
Paid James Hackclt for boards foi hay- .
'scales, ‘ , • • ■ . 1 25
Paid E Beatty for . ' • 88 00
Paid James Cjever * removing nuisances
and light, • 2 44 •
.Paid chairman of committee of reception • '
returning volunteers from Mexico, 30 00
Paid W Miller for repairing pumps, ' *3 00
Paid James Postlowail for repairing hay r • •
. scales, ' .6 76$
Paid George Ciomcf for cleaning grave
yard,' 6 00'
Paid A P Brb far Winding clock, 10 S OO
Pajd W putting in new pump, 14 25
Paid John Sphar for grading and piking - f - ■
Locust alley, 131 00
Foid H S Ritter Treasurer Cumbi Fire
Company annual appropriation, - . 34 00
Paid Charles Flenger Treasurer Union
Firo company annual appropriation, 34 00
Paid Ur W L Oreigh vaccine physician, 30 50
Paid 8 Elliott Tor oil, &cv for market
house, . 26 65
Paul donation to Mrs. M’Lcostcr for.
services rendered Mrs. Donnoly du
ring her illness with small pox, 10 00
Paid donation, to. Patrick Culp for- ser
vices rendered Wm Colter*# family
when ill with small pox, 30 00
Patd-J B Bratton for print*ng, 16 00
Paid P Davidson street regulator,. 6 00
Told J Spangler, do do 450
Poid.Coyer & Matcer for printing,. 13 PO
Paid Geo Rinehart work done at market
Louse, 2 26
Paid S. Keepers for repairing spouting at
motket house, I 00
Paid G. Fleming for qualifying Borough
Officers, 2 25
Paid John Waller collector for oxonera*
lions, . ■ " 7160
Paid John Walker for services and com
missions collecting duplicate.
Paid T U Thompson, Treasurer, small
notes cancelled with interest,
Paid Lemuel Todd,- Esq;, professional
. service and advice,
Paid James Dunbar as Janitor,
Paid John Weakley in full of salary as
High Constable and Messenger,
Paid Christopher Lehley for grading pik*
in and claying North street, .
.Paid J M Allen 1 year’s salary as clerk,
Paid T E-Thompson 1 year's salary as
Paid W U Mathews salary as street
. cornmUsioner_and. fin work do no ,bv
him arid employfttPhy
him for the Bordugh,
Pajd sundry persons Merest oil ofccount
ofhondsj-. . ’ j
Paid James Cuhd, ; ~ . , t
Paid, Cprlisjp IJank on note held by them
again?t the Borough,
Paid Andrew Holmes interest on note
transferred to him by Carlisle 15 »nk, 23 83
Balance of duplicate lor 1048 oulstd'ng. 1544 !8
Balance in Irande of Treasurer*
- | 4322 28$
, IvUh April 1840. TKc above account bf Thomas
D. 7'hompson, Esq., Borough Treasurer, having been
examined by us and found to bo correct and true, we
have therefore passed the same.
LtlM'U TOUD,‘ 1 ' 1.,-
ADW. G. I.EOiniEßi VCOmmiHefc
April 19, 1840-31
Fnsltionnblo Vciiltiau Blind
Depots! .
THE subscriber having had much experience in
the manufactory of BLINDS, having served an
apprenticeship to the business, and carried it on some
six or eight years, and having, in addition to his
former Depot 347 Race street, purchased Air. Casua
lly’s stock. No. 7 Hart’s Building, N. E. corner of
Sixth and Chcsnut streets, ho has 0 largo assortment
of Iho vcry best Blinds at both stores, which ho will
sell os reasonable as any in the city.
The citizens of Carlisle and vicinity, are respect
fully invited to call and examino for themselves, be
fore purchasing elsewhere. ... R,. W. KBNSIL,
• No. 7 Hart's Building, and 347 Racost. Phila.
April 10, 1849—1 y
Great Bargain Watch, and Jewelry
jgaL WHERE Gold and Silver Welches of
every description con ho had-at from ten lo
fifteen per cent. less than any other store in
New York or Philadelphio. Persons who wish to
get a good watch, perfectly regulated, would do well
(o call at t)io store of the subscriber, and compare the
quality and price of his watches with that of other
stores. Good watches at the following exceedingly
low prices:
Gold Levers, full jewelled, 19 carat cases, $3B 00
Silver do do do 12 00
Gold Lcpincs, jewelled, 18 carat coses, 23 (JO
Silver do doQ 00
Silver Verge Wntchcs, from $3 00 upwards.
Gold Pencils from $1 00 to $8 00; Gold Pens, with
silver cases, and pencils attached, for 75 cents.
Also, a handsemo assortment of new and fashion*
able Jewelry, at prices far below the usual store
prices. Old gold and silver bought or taken in ox*
No. 110 North Second street, second door below
Cut this adverllaomcrU out, ond bring it along,
you will then bo sure to got into (he right store,
April 10, 1840—ly
YOU arc ordered to
uadoot M'CORD’S
ivern, ontho Walnut
lollom road, on Mon
ay tlio 7th of May
exl, at to o’clock A,
’.precisely, anna &
'coniremcnts in find
iin order.
By order of tho
oeo Myers,
. o.a.
April 10, 1849
Ncwvlllo Fciimlo Seminary.
THIS Institution, under the euro of Misses Dbii
and Rodrrtsox, will commence Its next term
May I at. Further information may'ho obtained at
(ho Institution, or refer to
Rev. A. SHARP, Newvlllo,
Dr. J. HANNON; do
Mr. WM. UARR, do
Mr, S, COYLE, do
Rev, 0, 0. M'IiANE, ContrevHlei
Rev. J. SHIELDS, Juniata co.'
Col. 11. LOGAJV, Mechanicsbuffr.'
Mr, J. M’OINLBY, Adama co.
Nowvllle, April 12, 1840—3 t» Trustees\
ALL persons are hereby notified that Loiters of
administration on the potato of Dr. A. H. Van
Hoflf, lata of the Doroagh of Meohania&burg, Cum
berland county, deceased, have been issued by the
Register of said county to the subscriber, who
resides in Alien township, county aforesaid. AH
persona having claims or demands against (ho es*
late of said deceased, aro requested io make known
tho same without delay, ond those indebted to make
payment to :
. . April 1p,,1019—0t :
$4322 28$
, wTAwm^si : ' i:;
0¥? Gpod ® ir»d/M orcHa W<S
.'returned I
fiedin accp rd a nee with the several actsoflhe Ge
neral Assemblyraß follows, m: ' ‘ 'V.
. , Name*) .... ; iVb. of dais* License*
Jason W. Eby» , 13 .$lO,OO
John G* Oarmony; , 13 .10-00
Joseph p. Halbert, • J 4 7 00
Samuel JBlliott, m . 14 -.7 00
Oharlep Ogljby,. ■ 10 20 00
Charles Baipiu, (Liquors) . 13. Ijs 00
George W. Hijner, 13 10 00
A. & W.. Bents, 12 12 60
Daniel Eckels,.,(Liquors) - 14 10 60
John Faller, (Liqdois) 14 • .., ■lO 50
Jacob S. Faust, (Liquors) 14 . . 10 50
J. & JVKhoads, ; 14 7 00
W B Murray; .. ’ Jf 7Op
W Haveratick, (Liquors) 14 70 sj)
Robert Snodgrass, ' 13 10 00
James Fleming, 14 7 00
Thomas Conlyn/ . 14 7 00,
Wright & Saxtoh,., ' II 16 00
P, Mesaersmith, , 14 .7 Ou
Jacob Rheem, v . .14 7 00
George R Crooks, • 13 10 00
James M’Grahahao; 14 7 00
Michael Lehley, (Liquors) .14 , 10 60
John.Humer, (Liquors) ; , 14, 10 50
Peter Moriyer, ' i.: .I*l4 «7 00
John B.Lyne, ; /13 / ..10 00
Jacob Wolf; (Liquors) 14 .10 50
S A Coyle, . 13 10 00
Jacob Sener, .■ . , 13 10,00
Jacob Leiby, (Liqdfers) 1,1 14 , 10 50
George Poland, ' 14 700
Andrew G techier/ * •14 TOO
C. InbofL Agt. (Liqnjrs) , 14 10 60
George Heckman, (Liquors) , 14 ~ 10 60
Samuel Hoover & Co* 5 . -. , •14 ~ .7 00
THSkiles, , . v ' ? £ 14 .. 700
J. W Rawlins, (Llquorsl : '.14 , , 10 50
Wm M Porter, ,14’- ’ 7'oo
Arnold &.Livingston, V-4’ 14 , 700
Jacob Erbtvu. 14 ■ -7 00
Arnold & Levi, , • r„ . 11 • 15 00
S D .Powell &C 6 ’*•■ lit 10 00
SamueMinidgiah; . 14 7 00
JamesXVggeH ■•‘“•f., .14 7 00
Sfif’ppcivihurg'. y
Wm F. Carey, v
Robert Snodgrass, j'
Edward Scull; j
Henry Hollar,
| Gish & Hlnsey, ■
Jonathan Peal, .
J A Clippihger,
James GiMiard,
Heck & Peal,
John Fulwiler,
S Kunkle, <*:_ ' ' 1 _
John Slombaugh, *'
Philip Koontz,
Peter S Artz, Agt,
Joseph P Nevin,'
WDRHays, "
J C &, CT B Altick,
John. B Duncan, .
Robert Weish,,
Robert Scott, (Liquor!)
Georgo Trome,
Samuel Shirrs (Liquors)
L 23 80
43 05
Dickinson .
Andrew G Miller* > .
Andrew Comrey, (Liquors)
Russel & Dice*
W M Wallai
D S Deelmnn,
Isaac D Cassel, 1
.ffopcwelL ' V'
Robert ElHoil,. V
David Wheny &
• Ensfpenmborough,'' ,
Jacob Renninger. (Liquors)
Longnecker& Esimger,
Joseph G Banks*
W r csiperwshi>rotfgh,
Christian Leas; (Liquors)
Josish Hood & Son*
Donaldson & Green, ■
James G reason & Co.
Gilmore & Slough,'
William Darr, Agi. .
Scott.Coyle, , >• .
Jamison Mannon, (Liquors)
T M’Candlisb,,. ..... -i‘
Jqhn Dj|Jsj> ,
Jacob Swoyer,*'
Joseph Lauphlin, Agt.
Jos & ii fl Williams,
S S Wohderlich, :
Mr Sharp, •
Prankfurd, •
■I B Lackey & Co. (Liquors) • 14
J G & Co. (Liquors) • 14
James Kyle,,,.
Joseph Smith, .. j.;
Adams & Eshelmsh,
Southampton, .
John W Cleaver, (Liquors) . 14
Schrock, Sons & Co. 14
I Charles Oarnitz, (Liquors) 14
JWD Gilelen, 1 14
John Ernest, 14
CJyjus A Rynard, 14
. Hampden.
Thomas C. Rheem, (Liquors) 14
George W. Fesler , 14
10 00
U 00
29 48
604 00
80 00
80 00
360 98
208 33
16 37,
400 00
$4137 72
131 66
G W Singtzor,
Daniel Kryeher,
Struck & Brandt,
New Cumber/andfc
J K Bonk, (Liquors) 14
VV S Prowcl & Co. (Liquors) 14
South Middleton,
\ M Leidich, <
W Alexander,
Rider & Sailor,
P D Geiase,
Alexander Calhonrt,
Isaac Barton, (Liquors) 14
John G Miller, J 4
Mathias Bitner, (Liquors) 13
Joseph Shroll, 14
' Stiver Spring* \
H VV Maieer& Bro.
John Rml t
Dunlap & Barr,
Coyle & Sponaler,
P Mellison & Co. (L}qUnre) IS
7iinn & Arnold* fUquore) ,13
Zug & t Q«iigloy (Liquors) 13
J L Ifclgle, 13
Henry Leas,' 14
Houser & Dobb, 14
Dakerfc Miller, 14
Ira Day, 1 14
John F Spahr*' 14
Merchants ami nil concerned In’lhe above olaa
eiiloation* will lake notice that 1 will hold an ap«
peat lh the Arbitrf lion Room in the Court House*,
in tho Borough of Carlisle* on Saturday the9Blh
Instant, between tho hours of 8 o'clock A. M. 4c
4 F. M. of said daytjb afford all persona an op.
porlunity who may feel themselves agrlsved by
the above olussificatlohlo appeal from the same*
Mercantile Appraiser,
April 13. 18IP—3t
NOTICE Is hereby given, that James SwUer, of
NowTitlo, bus executed to tbo subscriber a deed
ufvoluntory assignment for the benefit of his credi*
tors. AH persons having chime Will present thorn
for settlement, and those Indebted will make payment
without delay to .....
, Nbwvlllo,-April 19,.181‘J-3t«.
13 10 00
12 <l3 60
7. ,00
14 : 7 # oo
l. 13 n .10.00
14 ,7 00
13 1250
H t 7 OO
13\ l» 00
13 ' in oo
13 id oo
14 7 00
is in oo
14. 7 00
II 15 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
14- 700
14 . 10 60
14 7 00
14 10 SO
13 10 00
14 10 SO
13 10 00
14 7 00
13 10 00
14 . . 700
I 4 7 00
U ' 7 00
14 ~ 7 00
u le so
U 7 00
U 7 00
IS 15 00
■ 13 ■ 10 00
fir ''l4. 7 00
14 7 00
J 3 10 00
12 12 ’6O
13' 10,-00
13 .15 00
13 10 00
' ■ H 7 00
14 . 7 00
14. 7 00
M r 7 00
- ,/\i 7 00
.14 7 00
10 60
10 60
14 7 00
H 7 00
U 7 00
10 50
7 00
10 60
7 00
7 00
7 00
10 60
7 00
13 10 00
U 7 00
14 7 00
10 50
10 50
13’ 10 00
14 7 00
U 7 00
14 7 00
12 50
10 00
7 00
15 00
* 7 06,
13/ 10 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
13 10 00
15 00
15 00
15 00
10 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
7 00
I IST,OF LETTERS remaining in thcPost-oliice
4 at ; Carlisle,'Pa.,. April. 1*1849. Persons in-
lettorson this Jistj will pleasesaytbbyare
advertised. ; ,
Barrens Mary A Myers Elisabeth 3
Baker D C Esq McKaig & Maguire
Black Susannah.M Moumx MarUo,
Bairsiacker.Barbra Mowery Martih \
BaughmapJphilip • .Marshall James Adolfos
Closer Samttel Mayberry William.
Boltzhoover teeorge Miley William .
Coughlin John r; . Mon Son Frederick ~«
Cooper & Townsend • • Minick Michael (tanner)
Gorman Philipr' McCune Jane E
Gall John / ' , I^eely,Joseph..,,
paresley John W Nelson CatheHnb,
‘ Neasbet Hester A ..
Dohely Elizabeth 2 Orris ChjislopherS ,
Donnelly Thomas Peet Elizabeth
fjecKer Susannah . , Parris N B .
Deeses Emma t*iribeOn,orgb *
Duffy John H 3 . Peterman W H
|srpsi John Esq Rease Martain
Fisher Daniel. • Hasp. Michael
Kessler George W Rexrulh Henry *
Graybill Ante Real vorle Joseph T-
Griffith. John. A Sheaffer David W
Huntsman David' Sh’eaffer David
Hoween C ShrinerMartin
Smith Dr., .
Hal) James Spangler Geo &T 1
Kirk Jncop > Jpcob Gunkio 5
Kenedy John • Sllner Miss E ■
1 ICleiss Mary E Smith Jesse. Esq
1 Lay Catbrine. Suiters D S . ?
1 Lininger Peter . . Woods Marprel "
1 McConiiaclcThomas Wardecker Frederick
1 Moore James •, . Wilson HP .
Modock Elizabeth Wrlght Wllliam
' McGehan Benjamin Williams Elisea
Muaalem&n George , ‘ , Zigier CeoTge
Moers v Peter / GEO. SANDERSON,P.M.
To the■ Vtilers of Cumberland county,
T^BW'CW-CJTIZBJvS —Encouraged by .punier,
•_fi ous friends, I hereby-offer myself id your con
sideration as a cqod|date,tpr the
of Cumberland county, at the ensuing general elec
tion, subject to the decision of the Democratic Coun
ty Convention* Should Ihe nominated and elected,
I pledge myself to discharge the duties of said office
with impartiality, r ' DAVID CRISWELL.
Shippensburg, April 14, 1649
To the Voters of Cumberland county.
FELLOW-CITIZENS—At the solicitation ol
friends t hbreby offer myself to your conside
ration fts a candidate far the
of the ensuing general election, subject to thedeci
■ion of the Whig County Convention. Should Ibe
nominated and elected,.!.promise to discharge tbs
duties of the office Ith > fidelity and humanity. I
therefore respectfully solicit y<\ur support.
Newvjlle, April' 12,-1849
To the Voters of Cumberland county.
PELLOW-CITIRENS—I hereby offer myself ns
a, candidate for the
of Cumberland county, and solicit your support, pled*
ging .myself if elected, to discharge the duties of said
olllce with fidelity. •
Wcßtpennsboro’ tp. April 12, 1849 *
To the Voters of:Cumberland county .
T^ELEOW-CITIZEN^— I offer myself to, your
J; consideration for the .
Object to the nomination of tbo Whig County Com
ventbm., Should A>rldfitrfi«nougb<to be elected,
I will discharge' the duties of .(ho ctffice With imparti
ality and fidelity.
Carlisle* AJ)HI 12, 1849
To the Polcrft of Cumberland county .
17'13LLOW-CITIZENS—I oflVrmyself to your
ij conMiieration ns a cnndiilnte fur lhn ; .
of Cumberland co ii ntyt a itKornexl general~elec
tion, subject to the decision'of the Democratic
County Convention* Should Ibe nominated and
elected, 1 pledge myself to discharge the duties
of said office with fidelity
Carlisle, April fi. 1849
To the Voters of Cumberland county*
EELLOW^CITIZENS —Using solicited .by a
number of my frieftdsi I oiler my self as a can
didate for the -
at the ensuing''election',’and \vfll be thankful for
your suffrages; Should I bo elected, 1 hereby
fironiieo to perform the duties of'eald office faith
iilly. JOHN F. HUNTER.
. . Carlisle, April 5,184 a '•
T^Br.nOW.cmZENS—Being by « num-
JJ lor of my friends, I oiler myself to yobr constfo*
ration at a candidate fur tho office of Brigade In
spector, nt tho ensuing election in June, and respect*
fully solicit your suffrages. i- • *
DAVID wherry.
Ncwburg, April 12, 1849
Brigade Inspector.
FELLOW-CITIZENS:-! offer myself to your
consideration for the office of Brigade Inspector,
at the next election, and respectfully solicit your suf
frages, pledging taysolf if elected, to discharge the
duties of said office with fidelity.
Uogcstown, March 30, 1840.—2 m
Rrigado Inspector.
FELLOW CITIZENS—Being solicited by a num
ber of my friends, I offer myself to your consid
eration as a candidate for'tho office of ‘BRIGADE
INSPECTOR, at the ensuing election in June) and
will bo thankful for your support.
Carlisle, March 83, 1849.—2 m.
Brigade Inspector*
.T^EIjLOW-CrnZRNS—I ofler myself to your
Jj consideration as a candidate foriho office of
Brigade Inspector, hi (he ensuing election in June,
and will bo thankful for your support,
hugm w. McCullough.
Dickinson Jp. Apn( 5, 1849
, Ifrlgado Inspector.
boon oncouroged by n number of my rriandfl, I
offer myself to your contdderntlon ni IV ca piliilnlo for
tlio office of BRIGADE INSPECTOR. at H)o cord
ing oleollon. 1 there fora rusju’cl fully Billicit your
•uffregos for said office. WiM. A. KELSO.
, April 5, 1649.—t0. • ' * .
Brlpdb Inlpoclbr.
Fellow-citizens.-— i offer myeoif to your
consideration n» » candidate for tho office of
Brigade Inspector, ol tho ensuing election, and will
bo thankful for your copper. HENBy, WOLF.
South Middleton Ip.. March BH, 18-10. ,
tlt-igndc Inspector.
FELLOW-CITIZENS it Soldiers of the. Chan
ty of Cumberland t—l offer myself pa ican
didato for tho oflloo of Brigade /pimecMr,' at .the
coming election In June, next, atm Solicit your,
suffrages (or lltp oatno, and If elected I pledgemy
anlflltat I will faltlifiilly discharge the duties of
tlio offico with honesty, fidelity and impartiality.
Kingstown, March 20, 1810—to
Nltrliiglioltl Ugiu Inftintry I
H PARADE at tho politic house of Joacph Stuart,
Hln Springfield, on Mondny tho 7lh doy of Mny,
h next, at 10 o’clock A, M, precioclv, in ouinmof
milltir'iii, ptbperly cgulpt' for drill.i l By order of Ihb
Copt. jfsEPii jiuou.o.a,
, Aijtll'lB,rl3«*
i... Greatest Inducements
.. ARNOtSr& ' V
New and Cheap, Wholesale, and Hciai} t Bry-gpotti , v
•• • Store V;
THE subscribers respectfully announce to the pobr x'Js
liclhat ;lliey bavelaken that well known stand ,
lately occupied;by Shoafier& Myers,in North Han? <. „.*
tirer attest* B.doors north of the .Carlisle Bank, end -.1
directly opposite lo Haveretick’s ,Drug, whore',
they haveopened- the largest' and; cheapest assort-.' »>i J
ment of goods everoHered tolhepubllc*;, •. .W_ : *. ■ !'•!. M»:i
ilress Ooods,
ohiong which'the following comprise a part': 1 Blacks /‘
and fancy Silks,. Shadbd do. Jn .great variciy/Tls- '/.
sues, plain, plaid and striped Barages; Lawns an. 4
Ginghams; a largo assorttnentof Linen Lustres^. - V
plain, striped and figured D’Lainesi Bombaztiies, : /
Alpaccas'Silka and SatlnS. plald and striped Mas-,'
(ms, -Worked Cellars, Laces and Edgings, ’,
Milts, Glover, Hosiery of all klhdfr.
A large assortment of Shawls, for spring and sum? ,' " p
mer. BONNETS $ RIBBONS, Parasols, Men’*'
and Boy’s Wear, a great variety, * r
r '.' i
Carpeting .
The IdrgeM. assortment-ever offered InCarlisid,
Mailing, Floor, and. Table Oil Cloths. •, j , ;,.r
Groceries ami .of evciy quality ana
piiQ©*>- . t '- ’ V ‘ v *: .
Coll ond.crarninofor yoorselve*i is all we Sik— ■'
wo moke no charge for show.ingrgoodS, butestspm •
iheprivilege a fpoif; ARNOLD & LEVI,
ApHI 16, 1849. ‘ i'.r.;'* ■ •■'
, ./ New Spring Goods*,.,- t U v
Jbet received nnd now opening an elegantossofti
mcot.oF.S'f APLE and LRESS GOODS, such,as •».,*
plain and figured Bareges, Elncn Lustres ofdifferent. . r.n
, colors and styles, Lawns of every style and price,
large assortment of Ginghams, cheaper than ever, ,: r
Muslins, a large assortment of Laqt - -»».*. "3
and GuutJrn'iea’s Kid.Gloves,* Lisle u
■hhu Tnread Gloves. A largo asaortment,oQmttnj£ ••
bojinet Ribbons.. Also,- Hosiery, Tuck anfl'stdo ♦
combs, Steel Beads, Bag and Purse clasps,sl}dcfv“. :•
rings and silk twist of every color, A largo assort*; .-i .♦< ■->
meut bfßoye* and Men's ' : ’ ’ 1 kiy
. 'Spring & Summer Wear, ■ "... ".'f
albo, beautiful prints, fast' color's; English chintzes, ..V
hanhdsomo patterns, together with a large assortment. \
of bleached and brown Muslins and other ’.
' He will also continue to keep on £and a large and ‘ ‘ M *
fresh supply of Groceries, which dispose of ■
cheap." . * ••
Purchasers will Jo well to cjII ami see before they
purchase elsewhere, : G. R. CROOKS,
Carlisle, April 12, 1849 r : * ~
• THE sdbscribora would announce to the '
that they.have just returned.from the Eastern/ciUhs
with a magnificent selection of , C ,!.•>” ;
. Spring & CfOoas,
consisting of Cloths, Cgftqttnercs and Veilings, of the •
most varied nnd beautiful patterns, all 1 of which,will _ ;
bo made-up! in the moat approved style. They algo 1 ,
keep superior - * =
Neck and Pocket Handkerchiefs, lores, .1 •> ~
Hosiery, Hats, Caps and- Hoots; in short, every things-.r\ jn
in a gentleman’s furhishihg line, which will bo sold V
at the smallest profits. They will ojao sell goods by - . -i
tho yard cheaper lhap any siimlat establishment' w'ei
the county. Tho cutting will be attended toby .an.-,, w -i\
experienced tailor from the city. Who cuts bis gafc **
ments a faipode. Out work is all made under il u
ownsupoTvistbh. , \
Store in North Hanoher street, 3 doors .north of.
Mr. Haverstick’s Drug store, nnd nearly opposite' thi
March 22* 1849
' Removal.. , ■, ; *
rriHß subscriber bogs leave to inform His • * JJ.r
JL and the public, that he has removed his shop , ' ",
lo North Hanover strwpr* ip the ehop.laiely occu, v .
pled fay William, VVinholtz, next door id •’s. w * vt , *
Hardware slorei.wkere be will continue to carry
on the r ... r#
* Shoemakliig •..
fi&t Business in alHts branches.'* He
will constantly keep bn hnhd ladies and
men’s Byoia, Shot?*,' Slippers, &0., all orwfiicfi 1 '
he will manufacture in his own shop, and warrant * . *?
to be what they are represented. Thankful for ' ‘
past favors, he respectfully solicits a continuance
oftliesamp. . ... , /■. H
CouNTftV PttoDura taken at market prices in
exchange for work. ■
Carlisle, April 5,1849—1 m
Superior T(iXwarci .
JOSEPH B. FAUST, grateful for'tho liberal . ;
patronage bestowed upon.him ,elnee ...
menced business, would respectfully Invite Hip,,
friends and the l.o call and ex*
amine his present stock of new-and splendid ....
. Tinware of all Kinds,
at J. S.\Fauci’s store, two doors west of the tafY*.
road office, Cftrfisle. Orders for Tinware thank- •> «*.
fully received, and promptly attended t 0. .; Mend--.» c ’
Ingofall kinds attended to. Housekeepers and/ 1 ’ ' V*
others iii need of Tinware will And it to their ad*'
vantogd to give him a call* • >v .
April 5, 18-lO—lm* , ' f - ”
THE partnership heretofore existing between ths , r ‘
subscribers, under (he nomp of A/ Blair « Bon,“
U dissolved by mijtuahiconscnt.' , The Dopks,log«K
thor wilh nil. other evidence of .Indebtedness, ramal|L f ‘'
in tho hands of Andrew H. J3|air, who wjdl attend to* ‘ ‘
tho soUlomonV.of all accounts,Aik parsons ‘-
led, oi who have claims, are requested, to ball and'eiU
lie within three months. All unsettled accounts af*. .
ter that date, will be put into the hands of, a propet . r " '*
person fo.i collection,
. ANDREW H. BLAIItf' '• '
April 12, 1849—8t*
Tho subscriber w\il fpntinne at the old stand/ai)u ~ t
will prfySosh lor all articles in his line of business*' . v> :
1 All kinds of shoo leather of the best .quality will; be; ,
kept constantly on hand* . Also wanted 160 cords of
bark. ‘ • 1 ANDREW* If. Df/Afft.
„ . ,Notice.i ,
rpHB Jurors who have been summoned (p alleqd.
x at Iho Court of Common Pleas to bo held pt, ’ * .
Carlisle, on Monday tho 1 Oth .day of,
aro hereby notified thot. llioylvill-not bo reqolrcd.ld ’!/
attend, - . ' JAMES HOPPER, Sh’iT, . ' ,
Sheriff’s Office. Carlisle, April 12, 1849.
j, n. pijiKEß,,
A TTOHNEVT AT LA W,' O/Ticb ia North Han«,
XI *er street, In the room formerly occupied by the
Hoa. F. Wa.lls. j
■ March 35, 1840.—1 f. .
, A. fillD. ~, , M ,r„ ;
SAMUEL HEPBURN, will resumeihWpiielies:, '.'''l
of the law In .lire several counties ! j i,
land, Porry and Juniata,) of hjs lain judicial, dies..
triot. Any business entrusted to his date willing ~ A
promptly aljemled ,10. , Olllco in Mr>. Kgu'a.cpryij l '
nor ioom, North Hanover street, immediately 0pr...;
posilu the Bank. . . . ..t ■ ' $.
Carlisle, March B,lBlo—tf . , ■.•'■ViivVi
■ A. B. SHARP, .. ...
Attorney at law [i r ivm practice iMh« r
|ievera\ comU \n Cumberland coanly. ,“ ,o|tic«
Graham’s building, oppoß.lw tho Poit office.
March 33, 1840,—1m
VtifcCJEON DBNtWTv i V 1
(ftvccKHson to nn. j, e v uspf.) "
*n ESPECTFULLY Infotm* ,lha h*na of thl* *
XV; place and vicinity, thtt having made, himself
thoroughly acquainted with Iho tUxqiit aVweirW : TM , p
the practical part of Dentistry, hole now prepited t(V ! * Jt
perform all opeifttione entrusted hi him, To
faction of all, at moderate chargee;' ,O»Tirc»^*Booth^ f Viw
Hnnovor street, adjoining iho dfllceipfdMia;
TnUlko. end .immediately OPPO»U? Th* gd 1 ■} t s . !.
'- March ’ : .«»> .#***
n. n. B. tEiun,
, Hr r
, Sift
■ ( V Mif
,r i ’ t
r.> c?
n * ,»JI
V i.V>*