American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, April 05, 1849, Image 3

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    THEI TRIiPOFiTttBJ GOLD ' , Ciifcluot;]UcotlngMTho,Appbbimentli |
Latest New* ftpni the Steamer California, aud Washington, March 29.•••
Late report* from tlio Ob d _ ,No important appointments have boon made.this
A correspondent of the Picayune,Falcon,” on * rr. . . .
. 0 •r* it - Mavuiinn week, though several commissions novo been,issued.
c'? ®^ ea P®.r Culifornm, Wittes from Muziitlun, Po a t t 7inslcrs hi. ve.been appointed i„ ; thbi.fte
11r«r°dllu.f.cU.q'bi. prevailed amoo* ’** ' #f Po, " ,B ? lv “ , ““- bat are ull ,t onimportinl
the passengers, not only the Slcecage, but after Cabin, towns. , ,
in regard to'oar treatment on board.' We, the steer- 1 The Cabinet was In session to-duy npdn the bub
ngo, ore looked upon by the commander, Capl. Mar- j oc i 0 f the Steamer filled out in thifi country, for
B |,all, as entirely beneath his digttity tnd nolioo-so - P|i iia , alt „ „, in 1 ,, 0 tonlurt n 0„ pending »«'•
much so, I assure you, that not till our grievances};. . . • ■ ~ „ rt , rtrt ,s nf , n .
had boon represented to him several limes, did he ( Oral country and,Denmark-. IM ..prominent
deign to come forward to ace us. fc The drat and second , Pest Office deportments wore, also the sohjeels ol
officers, Capt. Brooke ond Mr. Copland,-have done , consideration,- but. nd, conclusion, was arrived at.
alt in thoir power to relievo our wants j and wore ‘-phere is no doubt, however, that Robert Morris,
Copt. Brook* placed in command of the steamer, it | bo Postin „atcr of Philadelphia, and Mr.
’would bo-advantageous, not only, to.the owners, but- . •■. • - • , , .
■alfloto Americans who come by Panama to lake pas- Kofiobopgat, plafcidi at Pittsburg j ,P •
sigo to California. . Wo arrived at Acapulco, on the (eftyi . V. •
10th insl., distance fifteen miles from Panama. It The post oMcq oppolntirtenls. made to-day were
has a delightful haibor, tho water is very, cold ;wC uJJ % t i, o . department and not 4>y the Cabinet.—
anchored in nine fathoms water, some one hundred • thorn are now post masters for the towns of
yards from the Port. From tho sea it is impossible Among immi u. f v 0 .
to seo the town. Wo ran into a piss about two h*»*. Lewisburg, Lewislown, Gettysburg,. York Springs,
deed yards wide, with mountains bn each side; wo lwt j | n Blair county, Meclmnicsburg, Petersburg,
turned an angle, when the broad Pacific was entire y Marietta, &c. &c, TTho important. appointments
hid from our view, on d *h° ft j and vvero been iilndo this week, but fid far have
found l dean?; lowm not taken place. Applicants Wore tbtd lint they;
°On the 13th, wo arrived at Sim Blae.disldocte ftdni pot be served Oil Pennsylvania was disposed
Acapulco three hundred and fifty J l **®®*. . of. Tho post office appointments will first,receive
here four or five hours, landed two Peruvian paMcii. . 4 .
gors, and then proceeded to sea. But one t>r Wo of attention.
the passengers went on shore; they reported that the . AppoJutmcuts.
most ftallering accounts had been received from, the '-, Washington, April 5.
irold region. They state that tho region is ndW co- . rt , pp V P -'
vered with .now horn six In sixteen feel tfeefc and Alexander ttsmsey, cx-memher of Congress from
•hat there aro now at San Francisco sortie fifteen Ponneylvania. ha. been .|i|i«ii«ed Govornor of. Min.
thousand persons who have returned from the mines. 1 noeoto tn consequence ol tho-doolinat,on ol ex-tov
waiting until tho snow disappears. which will hajernor Ponuingloii, [So Mr. Kumeoy la out ol tho
about Juno. One ship and two brigs ore lying at t* os '*);] ' , r . . , . r
San Ula., chartered by Mexicans to take Ihom to _ 1 ho a°. v -Hohorl Allen, of Kentucky, graduate of
California. Some twentyfivo Americana are theVO, WeM Point Academy, and recently Professor of
who left New Orleans oh the 3d January via Tom-1 Pennsylvania Uniwratlj, lias been nppoi,.led Post
pico, waiting for transportation. The Mexicans, Offico agent at Cali/ornlu, vice William Voorliecs,
wlllnol allow any American logo inany veaselibey vvmnvcd. _ r. ■
■have chartered. Sis oftho Ameribans have purchased ! Oen. Wilson, of Missouri, appointed Nuv} Agent,
a longboat, with which they leave for Sim :. .. .
in a low days. Wo left San Bias at 2P.M. on the l ; William Squires, recently a lurge coulnbulor ol
14th, ond arrived at the fort this morning at ten. I India.. At.tiq...l.e. to ll.n Sm.lhsnn.a.i I.isl. ulo, lisa
am writing Ibis with a pencil, lying my length on been .ippomled Charge do Affatrs to tauatemala-,
iw» riAnb .' vice Elijah Wise,
a * ~, r C’ujil.uu Payne, of Texris, has been appointed Mil-
Another letter from another passenger on board itury I SlorD | tct f pcr ’ al Galveston. I
the some steamer, dated San Bias, the 14lh, audi *, a u ] go understood llml Mr. Shermnn has been
publisUcd in the Now York Journal of Commorcev appointed lh Sluice Marshal ofNuw.Jersey.Hnd^Hlvo
j that Mr; Slnlibs Ims been superceded hi the Stale
The California cannot comfortably accommodate , p"l,^ o fVlxv‘.four persons l.avo just left in
more.than ISO passengers: bat tho captain has re- • . J Diltiin ,; t fur Uaiiforiiiil. They called
-Delved near 4UU on board, and two or three more u I|]e PreHidcnl ll efo r e leaving, and met will. 11.0
were added ut tins place. •* J* c cordial reception. An immense concodrsa of
lativo .to California are.astounding, . ll £ dlixens assembled at ll.e-depet to witness their de
czaggoruted. Among them it is said that go.u is 4
ffiund in solid maiaos of several pounds weight; that P“ “ 'non.UoorgoKvann, of Maine, haa had his
the Mexicans are exasperated on account of having I. illlo ; v , uw „U|, ,|, e President to-day. lie has
lost so valuable a coontry, and arc meditating a plan i c ,, lldudc( j lo „eeept ol tho Mexican
of reconquering it; and that aeverul thnnsand ( k , ndcrtd ),|,„, ' olld U - |3 [),ought by ll.oso
■ers (Chinese, Sandwich Islanders, Mexicans, IVru- ...mi 6
vians, Chilians and European.,) are in the country,, >» confidence, that ho, w.ll decline,
and ready to combine in resisting the enforcement of :
American laws by our officers. I
Now, as to Mexican intentions to reconquer tho
'country, 1 receive it for just what it is worth-nothing
at all; but there’ are soma things which I know to I
bofucls.und arc worth thinking of. ;t know Iho His-:
pano-Amcrican tacc, from Cape St. Luons to Capo ‘
Horn, being naturally greedy of gold,4iavo been ]
thrown into the intcnscsl exciiemcnl—a perfect fcr- (
mcnl—by the discoveries of that article in California;
thatlhis excitement has already started Ihousands of
them towards the “placers** of the yellow god, armed
to the teeth for war, and laden with implements for
mining, and that three vessels are now at San Bins,
neatly ready It) Bail, full of men determined to share
in the of the gMd region. 1 know also that
wo have oh board ihysnahip a military chief; who hue
the reputation of. being one of tho most cool, dater
mined and ’UnWaverlng of Ihn militant race; Who is
fully rcsoJjiiJa’that no foreigner shall wbtk those
'‘gold diggingß* , after his arrival; that wo Haile heir
on board this ship, and twice that number'
arc close anlcrn of us, each of whose arms are equal
to a muakot or rlfle«a “revolver" ond a Bowie
' bvery one of whom wpuld rally at the fcoTl'of^'the*
. hero of Contreras, and sacrifice hit life.
lo Booh Invaders. ‘ ( ’’
I - Now, with such facts before Ufi, what mtlstl)o hbf
i prospects when in. California? You can judge.
Newspapers.— The following, from (he Liverpool
Mercury, is not inopplicublo (o many persons in thin
part of (ho world, and to Such >Ve recommend its
careful perusal:—
Every subscriber thinks the paper is printed for
his special benefit, and If (hero la nothing in it.that
suits him, it must bo stopped—it is good ibr nothing;
Some people look over the deaths and marriages, and
actually comp Lin of tlio editor If but fuw beoplo in
his vicinity have been so fortunate as to gel married,
or so unfortunate as lodie. An editor should have
such things in his paper whether they occur.or nut.
Just as many subscribers as an editor rfiSy havejjutu
so many different tastes, has lid to feohsalt. Onb
wants slarios and poetry; anoiAcr abhors alt this.—
Tho politician wants nothing but politics. One mual
have something smart; another something sound.
One tikes anecdotes, fun and frolic; and Ihta iie&l
door neighbor wonders that a 'man of sense will put
such stuff In a paper. \Ve only wish that every
man, woman and child who roads a paper, were
compelled but one single intfnlh to edit one; They
Would find that it is ant quite sd easy matted ad they
at first supposed it loJ>c.
Letter from Col* JPremont»-Botfe_ Arrival ai
S«IUA Fe-aLoM of UlcvcU Meii.
. Sr. Lours. Mutch SO
Wo iiavo received riewfl from Santa Fe, to the 251 h
bf February. Col. Fremont had oftived there on his
way to California; taking Cook’s route. He lost
eleven men Irf the mountains from the severity ofjho
weather. We hovb only three of their names: Wise,
of St. Louis, King Rod Preup, of Washington. Thu
name of the latter will be fccojloclorf as having been
frequently mentioned by Col. Frbthont, in Ihb nurra.
live of his first expedition.
Col. Fremont did not reach the lap of the mono-
Ulna, from iho vicinity of which the JuSl accounts
received by Col. Denton left him. lie was compell
ed to return to the valley, where (ho snow foil to the
depth of thirty or forty feet, covering up all his outfit
end killing all hit mules. Ho then loft the valley
and made his way through the lulls, from whence ho
sent out a parly to obtain relief and return within u
htaled period. Not doing so, Col. Fremont started
after, and overtook them 2n six day. 110 finally
reached Taos, and the survivors of his party, being
assisted by a party sunt to their assistants, also ar
rived at that point. After they had sufficiently re
covered from tlio fatigues they had undergone, Col.
Fremont was supplied with l another outfit, by the
Quartermaster end Commissary, and he resumed his
route to California.
Lieut. Dos)) was last heard from Sorocco, 110
v?as getting on without difficulty; artd will, probably,
bo In California beforo thirty days.
Tlio Central Railroad Bridge*
Enoinser Department, P. ft. Co., J
Harrisburg, March 29, 1849. 5
Sir t—The public prints having inserted erroneous
reports in relation to injury sustained by ,llio Roll*
road Bridge over tho Suiquohaho, It Is proper that a
correct statement of the facta should bo made known.
Six spans of the structure, partly finished, only were
blown oIT. Tho contractor, (Mr. Slone) who hue hud
many years of experience in bridge building, deemed
it an unnecessary precaution to .anchor it to tho mu*
sonry, as instructed, and also omitted in the Inal
spans the vortical diagonal cross bracing. Even tho
extraordinary, wind that occurred, would, in 'my
opinion, have been insufficient to have moved tho
bridge without these precautions, 1f his anxiety to
hush the work ahead, with all possible speed, had not
.Induced him to load tho lop of the bridge, at the end
span, with the limber for the next, so as to be ready,
tlm moment tho water full, to press the work without
Indeed, the whole cause of tho disaster seems (o
have arisen from a forgetfulness of tho wholesome
rule to "make haste slowly," which, If nothing, but
an ordinary storm had occurred, would haveredoUnd*
cd to his credit.
The loss to all parties, after the material has booh
Collected, will nut probably exceed six thousand dol>
lors. '
There will be no difficulty in supplying the-defi
ciont limber, in time to prevent a delay fo opening
Hie rood to Lcwirlown, exceeding a fortnight sf inbsT.
Yours, truly, J. Edqmi Thomson,-
i’o S. V. Merrick, Pros'nt. • ■ Chief Eng’efi
The OirpLEßA.—This terrible opidemlb Is pr'ovoih
ing again at Now Orleans.
Col. \V«-U»*i Cftllfornta . Rxpc«Uttan UroUru
Deaths-l>y Cholera Among tho;.
Party**Cholcra at New Orlcnuii. 1
I * Nevy Orleans, March 30.
I The steamer Globe'arrived hoe from Umbos Si.
I J.ign, brings lulu dutos fro.ti that section of ibo coun
• Col. Webb’s Culifarnia expedition lias been broken
' up, partly, on account of tlie ravages or Uiu Cholera
among them. Eight of the members died of tho-
Cholera.on the . Rio Grande,, including''(bur New
Yorkers. The Globe ghlccn of the. com
pany on their return, home. ci
There was much sickness In Drasos.
The Cllblcra is increasing in-tho ojty.
Udatructlve Fire*
PiTTiDUhcn, Mnrch SD.
The Union Colton Fubtoryi with a number of oul
buildings* tho dwelling adjoining, bri'd a ridnlbct of
am-iil tenements, were destroyed by fire lost nt^hl r
TUo-loss ia'very .heavy, and thbre ifi but a partial in
surance. The piinclpul Gen. Morohcod,
the owner dflllb factory, There rt'rri •fdl'lUnatbty Ho
lives lust.
, Fruin tflt* reiHiaylvtlirlJh.
The Record of the Pledgee*
.General Taylor, in Ills Allison loltei—which all
the-Whig papers made the Tsyhir platform during
the election—said I ' *
«I have' no nrivato purposes to' accomplish—no
(>;■ rly projects to build up—no enemies to punish—
nothing to sctvc but my country.’*
It was certainly nut serving his country to allow
his Cabinet to put in Mr: McOaughy, who opposed
(ho country so vehemently during tlio luto Mexican
war. ,
In the same letter he declared :
M If elected, 1 would not be tlio mure President of
a party. 1 would c.nduavur to act independent of
p-iity domination. . I should feel bound to administer
the government untrammelled by parly schemes.^
♦•Party domination" requires Proscription—"party
schemes" the rtrfcal df the Tariff of 1840, Will he
yield lo Ilium 1 ,
ArtatUvr CalUortfld Womfc*** /
It is Slated on the authority o/a fetlorld Y: York;
from San f’ranbUfco; that a Spring has been discov
ered near Sin Francisco; which porfsesios (lie pecu
liar of colorihg. leather lb « bountiful jel
b*l.»bk,' The Iboihbf (o bo colored Is' allowed to
remain in Iho water for about six days;
terials are probably affected In like mannbrj though
no cxpuiiments luvo ns yet been made.
(CJ Members and fcfLrftqmhors of Congress scorn
In. ho (ho chief recipients of office under Gen; Tdylor.
Tjio people, themselves, stand a very poor chuneb
Their “ servant*" cut them out. Every Congress,
ihun circled to “ slay at homo" b'} his constiln. nls,
getting office from the new administration—-except
Jfisptr E. Ut ady ! \Yu were In error in staling a
few weeks since that (his sucker had been appointed
lo office. . .
John 'fyiTt.iton Frkb Track. —His Excellency
has declared for Free Trade in a letter recently pub*
Hslied in Iho Louisville Jotirtial dated Sherwood
Forest; Va., Feb. 5, and addressed to Hamilton Smith,
A certain cockney onoo dofinod love to bo nothing
more than "un insane desire to pay a young woman's
“Gone to We notice tho marriage of Mr.
Joseph Gens to Miss Amanda A. Mill..
Tho Washington correspondent of tho Philadelphia
'Ledger, say si , ~
Tho CollcctorsMp of Philadelphia is now balancing
between Col. Ramsay and Win. D. Lewis, tho coni'
mcfcial candidate of Philadelphia.
Mr. Ashmoad tho.DisUiui AUbrney of lift
Eastoln District orPhiladolphtor
A poor, starving; solitary rat; talked over the (ioor
\)f a broken bank, at midnight, and remarked, in
deep despondency
'• I ftuil like one who trcsils aloiio
Buiuu 6anAru/i( (tall (ttaotlod I”
Tennessee has caught tho spirit of emancipation,
It would seem. Tho Knoxville Tribune Is publishing
a series of efficientarticles In its fovor,.in which a
popular Convention oh the subject )■ culled for.
J3x-Prcsidetit Polk arrived at New Orleana on
the 2l*t ull., and was received and welcomed by s
speech from tho Mayor; Mr. Polk replied in a hand.
Somu and complimentary.manner;
Mr. Gotrori, lift temperance lecturer* Hi about to
have a house and let presented to him, in Syraoiisd,
N. Y. Some of (he folks there have signed a pledge
to dispense with 1 (heir rogiilar 11 'lovon onlookers,”
and appropriate thb slims thus saved towards tho
purchase of tlft house and lot',ln qucsUbti.;
Q'J'ii Is Said that " Necessity- is. the. Mother of
Invention,’‘wonder Whp .the * Daddy" was? Ho
must bo r rouser.
decided-in [Naw.iWltilh^tjaVn”"
tailrotd -'oar lias a right to; reclaim his sent, if. he
slioultl lcQvb it.' frdm anybody who may occupy it.
'Cholera has rc-appearcd in NasHVllle and
Si. Ldiiis. ; ,:*r\ : :. ■ . ' " '. ' .
Five Ships, loaded with Yea, from 'Cliiha', Arrived
at Now. York on Sunday,
iNDiviubAL Liability.— While the Legislature of
thisStnle, with, the assent and concurrence of a few
ate A elected as Democrats,is revising to incorporate
the principle of individual Dank Charters,
other Stales arc taking a stand in favor ofit. Even
federal Massachusetts has passed a law making
Bank stockholders individually liable for the rodomp
lion,of the circulation ; and a similar bill has puftsed
On© branch rtf the New York Legislature,,
r.Thu principle of individual liability, as applied to
tho stockholders in Danking.Corpefations is a sound
one j ;nml the Legislature that'infuses to apply it, is
not true to (ho interests of tho people,'and, in (his
Stile, false to tho popular will. If a popular vote
Could bo had upon this subject, we have no doubt It
would be largely and overwhclmlnglym fairolp of the
principle.— Wegt Cheiter Democrat.
■ ; April 3, i 849.
There lias beijn a moderate demand to-day for
superfine and further sales have beep made
at for cocrtmoa brands, arid for city Use -at
84,75 a 03:25 for gpdd Id choice brands. Rye Flour
ts find nl $3. A further sale of Corn Meal at $2,50
per bbl. Grain—Demand for Wheat limited at 93
a 9Rc, for fair to prime Veds. Rye la worth 606. in
small lots for distilling. Corn lias /uir de*
mand, with Sale? trt some ekjenl.
further saie.of Southern at 30c.; Whiskey—Hhds»
are held at 20) a 21c. and In bblsl at 21 a 31)..
' 39th uh.,by the Rev. A. Kromcr.JVir. C. Mi
. Long, to Miss Ann, daughter of Joseph Shram; Esq.;
all of Carlisle. . , ‘ • . < ,
i/ On U«o tSlh of Faßnlnry last, by tho Rev. J. 8.
Wiisz, Mr. Jacob Gees, to Miss Nanov Dabluausen,
Mifflin township. J
✓'On the 6th ull., by the same, Mr. EuXs Sxduß-rcil,
to Miss Barbara Lbsjier, of llopojv.ell. , .
1 fo n the 22d inst.. by the same, Mr. CUspar Lksiikr,
1 of Hopewell, to Miss Margaret Cook, of Mifflin Ip.
■ '■y" r ",' : ■
*AI .Nowvi!lc on tho 28lh ult., of Catarrh fever,
after nn illness of ten weeks, Emma Catharine, only
daughter of the Rev. J. S. Wcisz.
‘‘Happy lambs that are soon gathered Into the
Saviour’s bosom."
JOHN ,C. RAKER, Mrs. J. C. Baker, George E.
Bake)-, Mrs. G. 11. Baker* Henry F. Baker, Jasper
A. Bakc»,(of SuUabury, New Hampshire,) who have
given Concerts with distinguished success during the
lust four years,-in the cities and principal towns of
twenty Slates of the Union, respectfully announce
Dial IhJ, will civo a VOCAL ENTERTAINMENT,
ondSATURDAY Evenings, April Iqill andTtln (An
entire tihaii'ge of Programme on Saturday evening.)
On rV|ilch occasions they .will introduce a Programme
Of thfclr CHOICEST PIECES, mostly .original—
cmnnrl«ing a Variety ol NEW AND PdPULAR
GLEES, hot performed at their fdrmbr Cdnberia Sri
this Borough, three .vent’s since. ' -
• fCj’ at 7 o’clock— I Cnncck to odniftibHbe
at 7j. Tickets 25, cental Children Not aßuittrß,
unless übCodipnoicil by sonic adult,who will, vouch
for thclr gobtl bshuViour. ‘
’ (£7*lVla'hy pieccsmf the Bakers’ Music lire publish
cd by C. H. KEITH. Boston, and by HALL & SON;
Now York, and may be obtained .at Music Stores
generally, throughout thb Union. TJio tlakerk have
it for sale after each concert, arranged for a Piand
accompaniment. :
Note. —Several'months since, a now and short
lived Club of singcrs, who wore soinclvlial overnni
ious for (heir own prosperity, put )n circulation d
report, which found its way into a largo number of
newspapers, that Mr. George E. Baker (the basso of
the linkers,) died nearly a year ago, Subh, however,
x 9 hot tho ease. George is yet alive, umi his “DbufiLfc
bass voice" continues (oyislonish oil who hear it.*
Arrangements uro already made for the Rakers in
other townp; they will therefore give but two enter*
(aimnentfl in this place. ' .
Agent fur (he Baker Vocalists.
April 5.
Tfiß MulhodUt Episcopal Church, having fqsulv
cd lo rent nut ihclr scale for one year; notice is here,
by giv&n to nil whom ll may concern, Ihiil M»o Com*
mlttcc dppoiuled for that pufposo will (Providence
penuJUine} ho in the Church at (0 o'clock on FRL
DAY NeXT, lo ferii soa(a lo those doslrfng them.
They will uiso atlchd cm Iho nbxt day, n( iho same
hodeej to nccdmmddnto did not attend the
previous day, in hchwif of iho tommjilcc.
; • . - . JOHN-PHILLIPS, Chairman'
CaifiuiO, April 5, 1849.—11.
To the Voters qf. Czlmbcr/dnJ cotinly.
FELLOW-CITIZENS— 1 offer myself toybhr
consideration att a candidate fur the.
orComberldnd county; at lha nnxt (renera!l T ’elec*
(ion, subject to liib decision pf-lho Democratic
County Convention. Should Ibe nominated and
elected, I plediju ittyself to the duties
gf said Clfice with fidelity.
Carlisle, April 5. 1843
To the Voters of Cumberland county.
FELLOW.riTIZENS— Being solicited by a
number of my friends. I offer myself as a can
didate for the
at the ensuing election, and will be thankful for
your suffrages. Should 1 bo elected, ( hereby 1
promise to perforin the duties of said riffire faith
fully. , JOHN P. HUNTER..
Carlisle, April 6, 1819
Brigade Inspector*
FELLOW-CITIZENS— 1 otler myself to your
consideration as u candidate for the office of
Brigade Inspector, at the ensuing election in June,
and will be thankful for your support,
Hugh W, McCullough.
Dickinson Ip. April 5, 1849
. Brigade Inspector.
riiO tUe Voters ok CtntßskLAkb Countv. —Having
JL been encouraged by a number of my frlnnda, I
offer myself la your oornddornilon ai a candidate fur
tiro office «f BRIGADE INSPECTOR, ut (fib ensil
ing election; I lliuroforu respectfully solicit your
suffrages for said bftlco; WM/A. KELSO.
April 5, 1849,—t0.
subscriber begs leave to inform Ms friends
X nnd the public, that he has. removed hie shop
(o North Hanover street, in the shop lately ooou
pled by William Winliolu, next door to Lynn’6
Hardware store, whore he will continue to carry
. on the
Boot &■ Shoemaking
■ Business fn aft ita branches* He
wifi constantly keep on Hand ladles and gentle
men's 800 l j.. Shoes? Slipper?,‘ &o. t all of which
ho will maWufaoWe \w hisoWi) ahop.tinuWarrant
to be what they arc rhprcseijlorf. TKan|tfql for
past favors, ho respectfully solicits a continuance
of the same. •
OouNTav PnoDUcB taken n’t market prices in
exchange for work, » vt
Carlisle, April 5, 1849—Vm.
LIST OF LETTERS toraainmgin thcPost*of&CQ
ftl Carlislo, Pa., April. 1t:1649.l t :1649. Persons in
quiringfpr letters oft this list, will please say they a re
adverted., ' }
Barrens! IMayyA. Myers Elizabeth 2
BakerDCEsq MoKaig&Maguire.
Black-Susannah M Mounts Martin ■;
Bairstacker Barbra Mowery Marlin ,
Baughman Philip Marshall James Adolfus
Bloser Samuel Mayberry William
BellzhooVqV George Miley William .
Coughlin Johh Moqson Frederick;
(hooper & Town Send Minick Michael (tanne
Gorman Philip McCuno Jane E
Call Johh v ‘ " . Neely Joseph'-
, Garesley John W NcUon Catherine
Cavanaugh Wra. . NeaslWt Hester A
I Donely Elisabeth 2 Orris Christophers
Donnelly Thomas Peel Elizabeth ,
Decker &a4annah ’ Parris N B
Deeses Ertinia Price George
Duffy John.'H 2 , Peterman W H
Ernst John'Esq . pease Marinin *
Fiehec danlel . . Hasp Michael
Fessler O W . Rexrutn Henry
Graybi 11 Anlo . ftealverte Joseph T .
Griffith John A . Shenffer David W
HuntamatiiiDavid Sheaffer David
HoWsen OrShriner Martin
Hippfchamhier \Vni Smith Dr
Hall Jami* Spangler Geo & 1
KtrkJdoop , Jacob Gunklo i
Kenedy John Stiner Mtss.,E
Kleiea Mqry E s ’ Smith Jesse Esq
Lay Cathrine. Sellers D S
Lininger Pfcter Woods, Margret
MoCormftek'ThdmdA , Wardecker Frederick
Moota James WilStm R r
Modock Elizabeth Wright William
McGehan‘Benjamin Williams Klised
Mussleinao George Zigler Goorgb
MoerS PetiV
■;'o' S. A. COYI.E’S ' , ~
Wholesale $ Retail Store, South Homter Strecf,
- variisle, “Sigh of the Bee Hite,' 1
Respectfully balls Hie qil'ehtibn of
bis friend's to his new stock of Spring
Summer Goods. It is Impossible
e^S^(2p to enumerate nil the articles I have
for sale: 'suffice it to say, we have almost every
thing that Is necessary for Ladies and Gentlemen's
wealr. . Vj, • .
Ladtea ntparlmet »/.—Neal figured. Mobslin de
Laines, Foulard.Silk.and Lawns; Mohair and
Satin, stripe Lustre, pink ami blue de laines, Sa
tin stripe do,, second mourning Clarendons, piatd
Lyouese, hlack silk, bonnets, ribbons, fancy silk
ties and scarfs, silk ami linen fringes, linen tis
sues, eilk fiaqnel, pink, blue, and green Halegei
kid, silk, and lisloe glpvest.a large assortment of
Ladies 1 , Misses’and Children's hose. .
Genttemeifa Department.— French anti Knglish
Cloths, from 87$ cts. to $6 per yard) French blk.
cassitneresi fancy do., large assortment ofrVest*
ingsf'Oroion cloths and Lu.strfs,. 1 tweeds &cash
meret,'wh)te linen drilling, fancy caps for boys,
China Pearl .hats for men and boys, straw
all sorts and'sizes; black and fancy crayats,.lib(ei
kid and silk gloves. ■ ' i
i Also, a very large stock of bleabhed and tin*
.bleached muslins,calicoes from 3 to 13$per yard, 1
carpets, floor oil cloths, and a great va ioiy of
Goods not mentioned. Ploase call and examine
my' stock, where you will always find a full sup
ply. ' ‘
Carlisle, April 5, 1640 : v
VTATHAN HANTCH, having removed his
IN Cheap.Clothing-Store to the room formerly Maj. Lamberton, between Conlyn'a
Jywttlery‘store and Burkholder’* hotel, in West
Main street, would re e pectfuji y_ inlp r m his friends
and jhas he intends to continue the
businesl Ajrhetetofdre.. lie has just received a
(afge assortmcnFof , '
Sitting ami Summer. .Goods,
drhlbh he will have rHacle up at the shortest notice
and in the most desirable (banner. He will con
stantly have on hand p large selection of
iCcndy.irindc! Clothing,
cheeper than ever, offered to the .public,
such as black and blue dress coats; frock & sack
coats of various colorsj tweed coats of all shapes
and colors; summer cloth coals; lineni-bottoh and
jeans coats, and all other kinds.of' fash'ionaWtf’
coats; black and fancy cashmere/pantsf .summer,
pants of hyery description and color; plain and
fancy satin Vests! summer vests, ail sorts and
colors; shirt hoaomb and collars; nock and pocket
handkerchiefs; stocks, suSpendors of all kinds,
and vary cheap. ' .Don't forget thb plate - .. ’
Carlisle, April 6,1849—3 m
Superior XiinVai’di '
IL.FAdST, grateful for the liberal
tl patronage bestowed upon him since ho com
menced business, would invito his
friends and tho public in genera); to cal) and ex
amine His present stock of new and splendid •
Timvarfc of all Kinds, ,
at J. two doors west of the rail
road office, Carlisle. Orders for Tinware thank
fully received, and promptly attended. IoV Mend
ing of nil kinds .attended to. ‘ Housekeepers and
oihers irt need of Tinware Will find ii to their ad
vantage m glvfthim a call.'.
April 5, 1849—^Iin*
TZ, LOTHfIOJVNo- 30 youth Second Si t
• upper side, next door to Sharpless & Sons,
Philadelphia. respectfully invites the attention of
the Ladles of Carlisle and vicinity, to lus very
soled assortment of Spring and Summer
Straw Bonnets Sc Hate,
at extremely low prices. Merchants and Opaler?
supplied. Altering, Bleaching and Pressing,
dune In a superior manner, and ut short notice!
~T. 55, LOTHROP.
No. 30 Sputh 9d filrfel, west side! next door to
Sharpies? & Sons. Phiia.
April 5,1849 —3m
jtfLClibico dardcii Sc Flower
'flg SEEKS, ■ ■ ffijg
,; r ROSES. GRAPE -VINES &o. ...
I7oil sale at fylaupay’s Carden, Rising Sun Vil-
J.logo, near Philadelphia, and in the Market
below Sixth street, oVery day, a large assortment
of alt kinds pf Seeds, prounhouse and hardy
plants’, &e. wholesale &bd retail. All orders
uromtilly attended to..
All kinds of vegotablo plants, &c. in season.
The above are all raised by thu subscriber, at
his extensive horticultural grounds, whom the col
lection Can bo seen. Plants, &o. packed to carry
with Safety.
, Address 5; MoUpayv Seedsman, Rising Sun
Post Office, Philadelphia bb,
April 6, 1819—St
THE account, of Joseph M. Medhi, Esq;, Assignee
of ChrUUoh Pislo, having been prebohlcd to iho
court of Common Pleas of Cumberland qo.\ finfd court
eppojnted tho Ist day of AptH Term, 1040, for thn.
hnal pasfdgb ofi’did, abColint, and rule on all persona
Inlcrcslcil to appear and thaw cauce why tho aamo
ehall riot bo alluivod nml contlrmod by on id court.
... ~ JAB. F, LAMDEKTON, Prolh’y-
ProlhonoiaryVOltlcq,,, 3
CarlUlo, Match 18.1610. 5
STRAYED from lira auba'cribot on Ilia Blh inaturil,
a Wide Foirtrtr Dig, * lill liver .fcoloroU
bichi oho (go an tho right front foul, ia between 3 A.
3 yoirra'.oTi,,nuiwtra ijt tho nap, of “ Donr.";, Apj,
|raraOt| tolutrilng.ould dog.ot glvlng aucll information
that 1 oari got him. shall have lira above reword.
. Carlisle, Maroli 33,1849<-3t
dEd. dANDt!RSON,I , .M.
nouuoC9t ißounciii
Aifelgnecsliip Adboiini;
Ywo dollar* Kowabd.
. . Brlg*Ml4 Inspector/ ;,, ,■' ;
offer .myp.e’Jf (o.Wf
Jj coh&iderdllonfor ifie office of Brigade Jntpeaof •»
at (ho hextolectloA, arid respectfully solicit your suf
frages. pledging, niyeeff if fleeted, to diachorge (ho
duties of said offic'e vnlh fidelity, . '
Hogcstown, March 3s, 19.40,—5m •
Brigade liisticctbK , '
FELEO W-CITIZUNS & Soldiers of tfio Coun
,ly pf Cumberland :—I offer myself as a can
didate for the office of Brigade inspector*, at the Juno next, ai.d .solicit yon{.
suffrages for the same, and if elected 1 pledge my
self that I,will faithfully discharge the duties of
the office with honesty, fidelity and impartiality.
* Kiggstown, March 39, 18-19—te
llrlgatlc Inspector,
FfiLEOW CITIZENS— Being solicited by a num
ber of my-friends', 1 offer myself to your consid
eration ns a.candidate for. the office of UIUGADE
INSPECTOR, at the ettsuing-election In Juno, and
will lie thankful for yoiir support. .
§AM’L. crop.
Carlisle, Ms’rch 22, 1849,—2m.
Brigade Inspector;
FEUiOWiCrmENa;— I offer thyself to your
consideration as a candidate for..(Up dffice of
Brigade Inspector, el ihV'on&oiHg eleciioh;
' . / HENRY WOlit 1 .
South MidAleWn ip., March 20, 1849. .
A. B. SII4RI*,
Attorney at win pmyico in Rie
several courts in Cumberland county. Office in
Graham's building, opposite tbotfost office.
March 22, 1849.—1nU
Superior firobei-ics) Aci
THE subscriber begs leave io inform his friends
and the public in general, that he has just re
turned from the city, with alurgsand general as
sortment of ,
J ?resh Groceries}
all of which has been seleiiiecl with gteat bars,,
and will be Sold at great bargains. His stock is
composed of a general assortment of everything
lh the Grocery line.
TEAS—GiIo Putvdor, Imperial* Yoling Hyson,
Chulan, Pouchang and Souchong, of extra to
medium quality, from the celebrated ••Pekin
Tea Company. 1 *
COFFEE—Rio* Prim‘d. Green, Old White, and
. low priced Laguira, Java; Maricaibo; and St.
SUGARS—Loaf, Lrunp, boars© and tine Crash-
ed, Pulverized, Porta Rico, New Orleans; and
White and Box Havana; . ,
MOLASSES—Lovering syrup, honey,low priced
Sugat House, N, Orleans, Muscovado,Trinidad
SPlCES—Pepper, allspice, ginger, ground and
TOBACCO—Cavendish, ;»|ujj, twist,comprising
all thh hbst Virginia brands. ' '
SlRCARS—Havanna, Principeo & half Spanish.
hand a Very large supply of Common Ware,
Granite Ware; China Ware and Glass Ware,
.at all (irici-3.- . . .
FISH &SALT—Jlisi deceived Nos. 1 &2 Mack- fletrtng, fresh and. good. Also best
duality of Codfish. Also, Salt.
CHEESE—A superior article of Cheese, warran
ted prime, just received;
FIGS, &c.—A Urge anil fresh supply of VigsJ
Raisins, Oranges, Pruned, Curraiiw, Pea Nuis,
Ground E. WclnllU, fco,, JUsl opened,
for sate cheap! •
CRACKERS—Water, Soda, Sugar, &e., con
stantly on lr*nd, A fresh supply received.
CANDIES—AII kinds of candies fresh arid good,
constantly on hand. . .
BRUSHES—A large assortment of Brushes, em
bracing all kinds, will be sold cheap.
FLUID LAMPS—These lainpß have been lately
introduced, and are found to be, by all who
have tried them, the most desirable and econo
mical lamp now in use—producing a light al
most equal togas*. Alargeaaaortmeritonhand.
Also, tubes for same.
PINE & ETHERIAL OlLS—Several barrels
just received; A good supply will constantly
be kept on hand. .
FAMILY HAMS—Slapg & Shay’s extra sugar
mired Hams* Ccefand Tongues, just received.
VINEGAR—AIways on hand. Vinegar of the best
quality*.. -*. r
&c.—Wbile beans, of excellent quality
on hannd. •
MISCELLANEOUS—-Rice,otardh, eailairalus,
1 a|um', Boap, candles, mdstard, indl*
. go.- ba».lead, buckets, Bci * . ; .
LIQUORS—Ho will keep oh hand at rill limes
superior Liquors, which ho will be able to dia-
pose ofcheapi. .. . t , , ~ ..
Pnrdhtisers will find it id their interest to-ex
amino my Gipods befoie purchasing else*
where,as I ant, determined to .very, mode*
rale profile. l)on*t forget,tlia ,stand, oouin Han
ovef fiifeei, pe&l doer ia tifeep’s hotel,’apd within
two floors of .the. Volunteer Printing Office, and
nearly opposite iho Poet Office.' . ,
C. iNHOFF, Agt. |
March 29, 1619.
Important Hews br Tulegi j
2600 British Soldiers Killed!
TAM now,receiving from the eastern cities o
__ largo and beautlfuT.aoleclion of Spring &. Sum
mer Goods, to wliloh 1 invite tlio attention oi' one
and all*
To the Ladies, . ■*.
In SMks, Boraigee, Linen, Popeiins, Linen Lus*
Area, linen chameoe, French, JBnJjliah.anil Amen*
oan ohiniv.os, ginghams, gingham lawns, lawns',
lace and plaid swirs, book ami tarlton,
do.) plain arid fancy spring d! iaines* bonnet#, pa
raaulsl enn shades, ribbon#, Jacpe,.fancy trim
tilings, &c., we (taller ourselves to beable to please
all in prices and style, who will favor us with a
call* * v.-. . r .
. , 0M; Gentlemen,
For your own Interests we ask of you to call and
examine our. stock of French and English black
cloths* French and English fancy colors do., fancy
French onssiinercs, doe skins, blank and fancy)
English and American oasstmeres, silk warn
cloth and tweed, Codington and Merino bassl*
meres and tweeds, plain and fancy Crotons and
Gam.brbonß, ( raaeimeyoß* fanny jeans, silk,
satin nnd mrirselllo , Vesting*) plain) and high
colored silk cravats, &c. ...
Domestic good* hi abundance, such as Muslins,
Sheetings. Osnahurgs, Tickings, Drills, cotton
pant stuff, very cheap* col*d domestic
ginghams, diapers, checks, nankeens, i&c;
•' .Carpets* , .■
Ah immamv* stock of carpets, floor oil oluths,' plain
npd colored mailings, ,p ta&HtKuVassortment of
TraitapaVcni llltcida, all of which will be sold un
usOnlly-hnV.; • .t ‘
: UQOTS & SHOES of all kinds, qualities and
prions, mow receiving and on hand.
' Also, n fresh lot of GnoovaiKS, wbtoli, nen .not
he boat In price or quality. My stunk Is very
largo and complete, nnd we always lake pleasure
in Showing goods without charge,
. (iecollfot the old stand*a.few dqnrs ejisl ofjho
Market Hodpm .find directly opposite Wright &
Saxton’s Hardware atbfei , • . •
Carlisle. March 29, 1649
Commission Merchants,
Flour, Grain, Seeds,’ Lumber & Ifti
No. £8 Commerce Wharf,
V ... MORE.
March S3,lB49—dm*
-*' •' ‘‘ v ■’
.NOTICE ishereby g\?eh to ail personimtereaU
.ed Ifipi thb followingaccounts have Been .filed']h
Ihia Oflfcto for examinaljon by the accountants
therein named'* ttnfrvfill be presented to the’Orph
an’a (1 oi i J r tof Cuuib er I and Copnly for confirma
tion aiid allowance, oh Tuesday the 241 h day of
April, A. Di 1849:
I. The account of Rbb’t. McElwam, admr. of
Jane Shannon, late of Mlffln township, dec’d.
9. The account of Rob’l. McElWain, admr, of
Sarah Hatton, late of this coonty, ‘de’c’d. ; ,
*l. The accownlhf Henry BuohwaUer.guar’
Nancy Lehman, daughter of Caiharin Lehman,
deb. •-
4. The account of (I. Uuohwallcr.goar’d.of Dar
barn Lehhian, daughter of .Catharine, Lehman,
decM. ", -I;.- <
_ 6. The account of Benj. Erb, admr**of
belh Krb, late of Eastpennsbormigh ip., oeC f *l».r;,
6. The account of Joseph. Bppley, admr.of He*'
ter M’Cann'j late of Allen lp,,dec’d. . - •.< ' -
7. Tpo account, of T. Bradley, gear’d. of Anh
B. OooUt niinor daughter oi David Cook, dec’d,
' 8. The acdbiinl of T. Bradley, guar’d. of John
R, Cook, minor David Cook, decM.
D. The;accpUhl-6f Hbpry .Logan, guar’d. of
John Cook, minor eon of John Cook, dec’d,
10. 'life account of Henry Logan, guar’d. of Ra
chel Cook, minor daughter..of,John CooK,deo’d.
11. The account uf Henry. Logan, guar’d. of
Jampa.Gook, minor sph of John U.Qok,deD'd. ;
L3.'J)he accopn of Henry Logahjguar’d*., of
Robert. Cook, hilnbrson of John Cook, dec’d.
13. Tihe.abbQyn.LQf. John Myers a‘dmr-of Joboh
Myers, late or. Hopewell township, defe’d/.v
The account of H. of John
Vorilesnng, laieofSlWbr Spring township, i|e«’d.
Ip. The abcuunt of Isaac Le fever and, Jacob
Bowman; Exit’ai of Sami . Bowman, lata of Wesu
pennsbomugh township, t qec’n../ . , v ...
10. The accollnt.of Christian,Zook andCpnrod
Seidle; Extra, of Frederick Seldle, late of Hslnpr
don tp.. dec’U. . ..:
It, The Recount Oyster, t one of thb Etlrs.
of George Oyster; late of KaslpennSborbugh tp,i
18. Miibr(ipilistofc Miller
Extra, of Jabob Miller, late of Silver. Spring. tpV
19. The account of Sarah Dnfßeld, ExeolltrHt; of
Margaret Mebdonald, late of iho liorqilgn of Car
lisle, decenied. , i • . . rU 1 * -
20. The accqupt of Isaac Lefever, admlnlstra
lor of Jacob Lehman; late of .Weal Penhabotnbgh
township, deceased. r ..
21. The supplemental and final account of
Daniel Bro, Executor of Solomon Rhplcy, late of
Wormleysbutg, ilec-dt . ~ ‘ *.
99. The account of.’William Harper, Guardian
bf John H. Wallace, dec’d., wHb wds a-niinbr.
23. Thu account of George 0. Craighead, Ex-.
senior.of- George Craighead; Idle of South Mid
lleton township, dec’d. \ . ,
21. Tile,account of David Rinc, Guardian of
William Givler;, minor eon of Heriry.-GWler,
dectasad. .... •,;- x , ■.. '.•
25. Tlie account of Thomas D. Urielde.ccased,
Gumdran of Edward .West, as settled ty said
Uuatdian’s administrator.
2tf. 'Hie account of Oavid Ernat v adtniniBlralor
>f George Djldosser, Idle of Sou Hi Middleton
township* deceased
VVM. GOULD, RegUlor-
WIEREAS the Hunorubk Ur.rßtm*»
President J ad go of the several Counts of Coin*
nion Pleas of llie counljes of Ourpbpi land, Perry ah<j
Jiinialo, in Pennsylvania, ondjustice of tne several
Courls of Oyer mid Terminer and Gcncial Jail De
livery, in said counties, and Hoii.
John Olendonin, Judges .of the Court of.Oyer and
Terminer and General Jail Delivery, for ita irlpl ijf
all,' capital and k olher b(Tepees, in ilia said county «l|
Cumberland—by their ptecopU io me dqfeu
the Dili of Jariuary, 1849. have ordered the CJlirt
ofOyer and Terminer rml General Jail DcUvery r to
be holdcn at Carlisle, on the 2d Monday of Apirl
next, (being the Qtb'day) at 10 o'clock in (before
noon. Io continue (wo week: •
M NOTICE is therefore hereby gtfeti; ifa* tlib Cbfo*.
ner*Justices or the Peace and Oeniiabiei oPtn^Skfil.
county of ihtU they are by the
ceptcommented to be then am) therein their pyppfcf
persons; wifh tlipir rolls, rccofdej, inrjuMUionq,’exami
nations,’ dnd all . other-remembrances, to do, tnb#e
things which to their bfilcea appertain to be dpopjanll
ail those that are bound by recognisances, to prosecute
against the prisoners that arc or then Shalt pq in the
Jail of said county, are to be there to prosccute tbein
as shill bo just. JAMES UOFFER,Sheriff
1. Susnirr’s Office; i
Carlisle.*Poh. 22, 1849; $ ■-;•••
Estate ftotitc.
LETTERS bf adminfstfatnm ,ph t,he, opiate, of
Cumberland county* Pa,decM„ have boon granted
by the Register of Bind county, to the t scriji>i;r living
in said, borough*: poisons indebted tossed estate
are requostod to make immediate payment,,arid those
having claims will presontthem ulhoimca
tod for settlement to ■ , • •• ■ •
, . OEO. SANDERSON,' Adin'r
Match 8, IB6o—fit ....
... . . A CARD, ( •
QAMUBI< lIEi’OUBN/willfysumpihepracKce
o>»rthn In tho, several chuntiee (Uuiribef-
Inndi Perry a«»tl Juniata,) of his lots Judicial ,dis«
irlot. Any. tTusinVss rntniMpd Ip hiaoare will be
promptly attended, to. . Office. in Mrs* Ege'e cor.
nor room, Norih Hanover street, immediately bp.
poelte tho Bank, , > * vl .
Oarljnle, JMordi 8,
. U. R. R. LGJUmi.
•, (Bt.’cDr.fl»on rq Dfi j; ;to* ;
ESPECTFITLLY infoimb tiiovcitizens
IX place ami vicinity, that having, nvnie himself
thoroughly acquainted with the THkotix at well at
the practical pari of Dentistry.-ho is now prepared to
perform all opeialions entrusted to him, lo the satis
faction of all, ai moderate cnarges. Ovtice—Bqoth
Hanover street, adioinitig (he office of Dr, O. W«
Pouiko. and. iuinlediaioly opposite the 2d Presbyte
rian church. -
March 1,1849—1 y
Store Boom and Duelling Homo
v» *.l -r.. For Belli. • . -
TttA't* plastered Slbno House, In which the sub
scriber has his office, situated on (be Worth side at
West High street, is offered for rent. It will be
thoroughly repaired, and lha rooms lo the west end
filled up as a store, to be rented, scpMMloly/ifdesirea,
r WM. B. KNOX AUortitfr
Carlisle, March 8,1649. ’
,T<* XluUdcrst Curpontcrs, &e t • •
IK Aft AAA FEET of U«**ed Carolina Floor
fo(J(JiUUU i««
J 6()U,0(/U foot dressed Spruce Flooring Boards, .
800,000 *• “ While Pino
800.000 “ “■ Ind’n Uivtt ,** - - 1
100.000 “ “ .Fencing,Shelving, dee. (
and. Ingest stock of dressed Lumber
ever dfforcd for tale in this or any other market. It
was dressed in the brat manner last aummo, and (all,
ami may therefore bo lelied upon not to shrink.’ *'
Orilers from thei country accompanied with' the
Gash or City reference, if satisfactorywill bo sttety
tied to with espeolol care. >
® ,own St. Wharf, Philadelphia.
Phiiadeipuia, March 88, \S49.—9nv I
. Galolnod anil Laud blaster; -■
[ • 810 M MERCHANTS.
IT ahnuld npt b'o forgotten that P, COGGINS de
; Co., of Philadelphia, ire manufacturing and baa.
Iflon.tantly on hand, a auperlnr article of QALCIN.
ED PLASTER, which they aeit .at tha low rat. of
30 canta par btiahal, or (1 37J par bairal i and .lao
tha Aral quality of LAND PLASTER, for Agrlon).
lural purpoaea. at tha reduced rata qf 17 oonta par
huahel, or Q 0 conta par bqrrp), ‘ 1 . '
(Jn,h. Cafl at eithar eaUbllahihaht,''
Sclmylklll Eighth, nhovo W|l|ow Street, or Drown>
• Slfeef Whaif on tho DolatVerpi . : ■
. (CJ’Onlcta promptly dolitprpd to Oat. or Steamboat'
witituU additional charge.
Phllvdelpnior March 13, 1849,—dt. .