American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, February 22, 1849, Image 3

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    . r > '.P^FiqiAL pES.PATCiIES^-.. ,; ', !
; iias’bDenTurmi'hekby tb'd Seci’elary of
tlip Navy wjlh sevcmFlrilorcalii/g loiters from Com;
' dajq
.to Ih.ojqllcra despatched iby LU h, a nd no tyo t mady
public. >.The following Idler'is numbered. 44
; ■ Flaq-biiip Onto, Sah Francisco, ) '
. > ‘ ■ 22,1848. y •
- Nothing material has occurred since my lasi date.
Dussrlians uro less frequent, tho Ohio having lost
tai one man’aitice her arrival herb, and I thliiklho 1
.disposition to desert is general; bnt that may
tho owing to tho inclemency ol the season, which, for
a while* must, suspend the digging and washing for
gohh.except bysuch persona as are niosl amply sup
plied with good bouses; and all the nedeasariea of life
, requisite for-a winter’s.campaign, in o rigid climate,
.affording nothing for the use of man but gold. In
credible quantities of gold arc even yet daily collect
ed, and scarcely a week elapses without some now
discovery ot tho precious metal more startling than
any previous one.. >• It is said lhata small party of
five or six persons, a few days "since, struck upon a
poeKetf as tiiey term certain deposits, from whioh, in
two days, they obtained $30,000 of pure gold!
I have been living on shore at San Francisco now
two weeks and have hod ample opportunity for ex
amining tho subject, and' I ani more than ever satis
fied that tho disposal of the gold regions in tho ter
ritory of California is the best, Tf not. the only
practicable disposition that can bo mado of them in
the present disorganized state of society out here.
•. • »' * ,*• « * - * •
-The worst forebodings of evil consequent upon the
■ want of certain and. energetic administration of jus
tied in this territory are almost daily realized.-
Within tho three last weeks we have certain accounts
of fifteen murders. .In one instance an entire house*
hold of ten persons—a respectable rancbero,his wife,
[ two children, and six servants.* l .The man, whoso
1 name was Reed, had been very successful in (he
diggings during (ho summer, and had returned to
his home, near Santa Barbara, wi'th .a large amount
of gold. His house was surprised by an armed parly
and tho whole family, as above slated, were barba
rously murdered, olid the house rifloa of its golden
treasure. The perpetrators of this horrid deed arc
still at large; of the other five cases, four are high
' way robberies, committed bn parsons returning with
gold from tho mines, In a word, 1 may say with
• troth, that both persons and properly are insecure
in Upper this time; and 1 am.sorry to
a.dd lhat, in all oases of outrage and violence, as yet
discovered, emigrants from tho (j; States, disbanded
volunteers; runaway sailors, and deserters from the
army and navy, are believed to bo tho perpuliators.
>■ - -The mutinies, attended with murder, to which 1
‘alluded In niy Idler. No. 43, have been fully confirm
ed, and—not without good reason—has caused much
uneasiness to shippers ofgold from this coast.
To guard each and every vessel sailing hence with
'largo sums in gold dust, would require every ship of
the navy* The best that"! can do is to keep the
vessel of this squadron’ at sea as much as possible,
plying between the. ports'most frequented ,by oar..
(Mercantile marine. Enclosed is a-copy of a circular
(No. 6) which 1 have found it necessary to issue and
make public, in the hope that it may have some ten.
donoy to prevent a repetition of such acts os have
recently occurred on board the English schooner
Amelia and the Chilian barque Adelina.
A recent arrival from Callao reports that the
Adelina had been taken into that port, and tho mail
- neers, eight In number, piornptly executed.
I had received a request from the governor of
Valparaiso, through Mr. Moorhead, our consul atlhit '
port, to arrest and safe keep'tho-Ad.climi should 1 be
fortunate.enough to fall in with her bri (ho Mexican
coast, wi.jre it was supposed (he.mutineers might
take her. -
1 have the honor to be, your db’t servant* .
Tiiob. ,Ap C. Jones,
Comandcr in chief U. S. N. Forces,
. Pacific Ocean,
The Hon. John Y. Mason, Scc’y of Navy.
P. 8. Since ihe above Idler was written* wc have
accounts of more murders—ono in of So*
noma, and another in the vicinity.
Store Trnth than Poetry*
There Is indeed more truth than poetry in what
Iho Harrisburg Reytloue says on the subject of leg-*
; Elation oow^s«daysi
•Lot any farmer,'mechanic or laboring min* trike
up tho huge volume of acts parsed at each session,
and turn over the pages from the beginning to the
end, and sco how many he can discover in which ho
has any interest; Ho will find them almost wholly
made up of acts of incorporation, or supplementary
thereto, and special and local acts, most of which
ought never lb huvo been passed. Yet every man in
tho community is taxed to keep up this legislative
machinery between three and four months every
year. This Isa most prolific subject for the press,
end in relation to which it might do more good than
almost any other. The only subject ofgenoral into,
rest to tho people, requiring the attention of the lire
sent Legislature, is the gcnoral appropriation set,
and some additional revenue acts, which aro imperif
ously demanded. Yd these will probably bo left
they generally have been, to thp .Very, close of the
session, and then bo harrlctTthrough'ln'‘•ihp* most
imperfect manner, or lost altogether for tho wotirbf
time. Wo may talk of parlies,and of principles of
government, as much as we please, but unless they
are made productive of some good to the people, they
are of no practical utility, , - - J
Letter from a Gold Digger,
A Idler from a young mun named Sheldon, to his
Tather at Newport) R. I. dated San Francisco* Oct.
“ Immediately after writing to you last, I left (own
for the gold mines. At the mines I had, at first
rather bad lack, but subsequently made out pri;lly
well, ami at the end of six weeks returned to this
place with one hundred ounces of pure,virgin gold,
worth in the United States $2l per ounce | ncrc'
however, It brings but 68 cash, 916 In goods, &c. : *
Part of tny gold I invested In two town Juts—
utio in this place, and one In the town of Son Joac;
this IttUor Is situated in certainly the most beautiful
valley I over saw In my life. You will boo by (ho
paper of this date, that the old firm of J. D. Hoppe &
Co., (publishers of the California,) have been dissolv
cd, and that a nowUrra has been formed. The office
is how worth 68 per day to ouch of us throe who
own it. California Is, indeed,. the place now—the
best place the poor man ever saw, as far as the bp*
portutiily for making money goes.
• • < f • i
u 1 do not think I shall slay here more than two
years, and by that time expect to bo worth something
handsome.” °
Hchrt Clay. —It appears that this gentleman
made the Whigs send him to the Senate, whether
or no ( and wo may, anticipate some Am, whoh ho
gels a chance for whacking away at Crittenden.—
Tho Louisville Chronicle says, in reference to this
“ Mr. Clay hat forced hlmioir upon Ilia olalo—for
however much the Louisville Journal and Lexington
Reporter may attempt to create tho impre«uoi) that
it la the with of Kentucky that Mr, Clay should re.
turn to the senate of tho U. Slates, they oan'deceive
Ro ono.
From tko very moment that ho was loriouily spo*
hen of as a candidate, (hero was an intense feeling
of alarm and (error amongst (ho friends of (ion. .Tay
lor, throughout the whole Slate. Tho Louisville
Lourior took strung grounds against him—Mr. Bar
bour, a Whig member of tho Kentucky senate, de
clared in his place that he would not vole for a man
who would go to Washington determined to ‘rule or
ruin —and some of (ho Tayloritos of (ho legislature
II? d ,? * orioUB consideration to attempt to defeat
nim, which was thwarted, as for as wo learn, by (ho
oetorminatioii of tho majority of tho Democrats, in
case such a contingency should arise, to veto for Mr.
being well satisfied that tho devil will bo to pay
tUo "foment ho takes hi# seal In tho Senator"
1 Feb. 20, 1849.
I hero has been but little activity in the market
alneo our lust report, but prioos generally remain’
unchanged { sales of a few' hundred bbls, FloUr qt
v 5 common brands, and for city uso,ut 95,121 a 93,.
per bbl. Tor good to choice and; extra- For Rye
Hour, and Corn Meal the demand continued limited
nt our last quotations. Gfraln—Wheat Is scarce, and
1 r R( l vonc °d prices, , The last sales of Ryo Werb
51®* n CBo. Corn—‘Supplies light; and holders ask
“7 a 58c.; sales In small lots ut 56 ; a fi7e; for gsbd
fellow. Iti Oats no ohango. Whiskey is worll» 23
*-Wc. in hhds. and bbl#.-
Kronier, Mr;
10 M las R* o *™ Zfaouaiyboth of Soriiii
Mi(ldlqtoMq|wn«bin.‘.i -
<.°?.‘! , “i, I ®t h , i oanio,”Mr. Toniia Seitz,
of Lower Dickinson, 10 Mbs Mart Be/b, bf West
rennaborotownship. ''
if On the same day, by tho sdme, Mr. Samuel
ter, ol Franklin township, York co,. to Miss Nancv
EtTer, of South Middleton tp.
y Dim
On (he 10th Inst., at the residence of; her brother,
Robert S. M’Cuno, Esq., in. Southampton township,
this county, Mrs, Jane Wallace, in the 53d year of
her age. •
/On the 19th ult. : , in Mifflin township, John
, Wallace, son of the late. Thomas Wallace, aged 13.
years, 5 months and 4 days,'
> His body was followed by a large procession to the
grave,at Newville. It is seldom that bereaved friends
and a sympathizing community are : called to mourn
the death of d young man-.of brighter prdspectsand
of groater. promise. Characterized by genuine mod
esty—tholndox of a .noble mind that seeks excel
lence rather than display, few knew his real' worth,
but llioso who know him best loved him most. He
had bson a member of the Academy at Newville for
some lime, and ho will be long and affectionately re. '
membered by his teacher and fellow.sludenUgicakMa
amiable disposition, gentlemanly doportaffißlSlHß
bright example. He possessed great eq!
decision of character, a retentive
:and active mind; and also those '
I intellectual and moral
great diligence, perseverance and succcssiffdlftnftlfrg ■
iho "hill of Sciencej" and it is beliewfctlhVliame
tinio, in travelling- up still higher tow&fcJ3t&"Ce]es
liulCjlyl M .That this was his purpose, he gave
evidence, both by his daily walk, and by uniting with
the Big Spring Presbyterian Church, at Newville ■
about two months before his death. The grief of
sorrowing friends, though great, is therefore alleviated 1
by the cheering belief that
, . “ This beloved youth -
Who, in tho glowing morn of vigorous life,
IJjfrh reaching after great nnd noble deeds.
Was suddenly cut off, with all his hopes
in sunny bloom, and unaccomplished left
Itis withered alms,—aces evorloaling dny
JJeloro hlnylQwnlng rise, in which to achieve
All gloriouT things, and get himself the name ’
That Jealous death too soon forbade on earth I
And with seraph bands, to wine his swift flight
To mysteries of cternnl bliss.”
Auditor’s Notice.
THE undersigned, appointed by the Court of Com
mon Picas, to marshall and distribute the assetts
in the hands of John K. Kelso, Assignee of William
Nonker, to and among the creditors of said Weaker
hereby gives hptice that he will attend to the duties
of said appointment at the public house of William
Olark, in Leesburg, on. Saturday the 10th day of
March next, at-10 o’clock, A.’M,, when and where
those interested may attend if they think proper.
February 22, 1840.—3t*
Estate Notice.
LETTERS of administration on tho estate of
Mrs. Julian Kyle, dec., late of the borough of Carlisle,
Cumberland county, -Pu., have been granted to the
subscriber residing in Weslponnsboro.’ township, in
siud county. All persons.indebted to said estate ore
requested to make immcdhle payment, und those
liavjng claims will present them properly 'authenti
cated lor settlement to • - -
ir k oo ™OMAB Wt MORIAS, Admr.
February ,22,1840—6 t .
WHEHEAB (bo Honorable Sxmuee H epochs,
Provident Judge of tho several Courts of Com
mon Plans of the comities of Cumbcilnnd. Perry nod
Junisia, in Pennsylvania, end justice of thb several
Courts of Oyer and Torminar and Gcneiol Jail Dc
hvory m said counties, and Hon. John Smart and
John Clendenin, Judges of the Court of Oyo'r. ahd
Permmerand General Jail Delivery, for tho trial of
nil capital and other offences, in the said county of
Cumberland—by their precepts to me directed,dated
thoMilhof January, 1849, have ordered the Couit
of Oyer and Toi miner end General Jail Delivery, to
he holdon at Carlisle, on the 2d Monday of Anirl
next, (being the Bill day) at JO o’clock in tho fore
noon, to continue two week.
NOl ICE is tliorofoto Jteroliy given, to the Coro
ner,’Justices,of Iho PcacOMd Constables, of tho said
county uf Cumberland, i hat they are by the said pre
cept commanded to lie then and there in their proper
persons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, oxntni
notions, and ;al( other remembrances, to do those
things which to their ollicco appertain to he done,and
all those that arc hound by recognizances, to prosecute
against tho prisoners that are nr then shall be in tho
Jail of said county, are to bo there to prosecute them
ns shall he just. JAMBS HOPPER,Sheriff-
Carlisle. Fob. 23. 1849. .}
A. & XV. UE»TZ,
HEUEB v. informs the eilizons of Carlisle ami nor.
roondjng.eoiintry. that they arc soiling off tho
of lhclr wlnlor "took of Goods at greatly
uucud prices, aomo articles much J»low ■> - , 1
Cost. ■
February 22, 1849.
J. K. CARVEIt, '
Architect & Engraver,
S,IT " PortAOKerma.
IT lo „ and Specifications or conlrael.
for f Dwellings, Ac., and layout ilio ground,
lor Country Seals or Comotorio, | together with the
arrangement of Trees iogivo tho proper eiToct, Also,
t-murches, Hospitals, Prisons, Walpr-Works, Gos
Works, Ac., op tho latest and most approyed plana,
incluiling heating, ventilating. Ad,
Philo., Fob. 82, 1849—8 m
The Cheapest Solid Nailed Travelling
Trunk Manufactory
rpHOMAS W. MATTSON, No. 198 Market SI.,
1 t >r«t Door Bolow Sixth, South side. Persons
wirhmg to huy to soil sgnln will llnil constantly on
LADIES' BONNET luatunJ..-,
Wholesale or Rcloil,
|#|l«rkotst.„ Phils,
mi-' '■
South-east cornel
February 22, 1640]
“Bo aviso li
ijPtls foil}' to
A J*^3|i9??4 i Si>n«>nd« ore suffering
f}- wUh fr ;»n Ihofo id no difficulty in
being speedily nnd pormfnonily relieved, provided
has ii«awn
punuhmwjt, 10 It would soom ovety disease bag its
roModyi fhl» Id l t uo, and itjerp je nothing in ibis
bib mote certain (hall that tkoS* 6
American Compound,
IS Iho most speedy and certain remedy for all diseases
of a delicate nature known lo (ho world, adopted"’
ovory stage of (ho disoa.e, ,ox and constitution,at ol"
imoa and seasons; (hero la no fear of exposure, do‘
tontiom from huameea, nor roalriclion in diet Prom
(ho certain and apeedy relief that it gives, it ia now
the moat popular remedy of the day. Ton thou.and
cases have been cbted by It during, lire past year
Prepared by n, practical physician, the afflicted can
rely with confidence on its curative powers over dis-
Cases of Ibis character. Full directions accomnanv
bach bottle. , • * J
Caution. —Ask for Iho Amricm Compound and
purchase only of Iho agent?. ■'
For ante by Bamukl Elliott, Carlisle; DiV Bor
nil*, Yorb; U.’Williams, Columbia; AVJWillor, Lan
caster; Dr. M’Phcrson and J. Wyofh r Horriabunr.
Price $1 per bottle,
Eobrubry SB 184'O^Bnr
THOSfE noPgoing to California, cart bo supplied
with fresh, Pipe and, Bthcrlnl Oil., at the Cheap
isrocory Store of , , 0. INHOFF. Act.
BOOTS dc SHOTihi'. A Splehdid a'asbrtmont of
waterproof BoolJ; together wilb WomonV
East High Street, Caulibl*, Pa. -.
THE subscriber r'eßpectfally informs her friend's
and the public generally, that shqhas-takdn that
well- known tavern stand in East High street, Car
lisle, formerly kept by David Martin, and thai she is
now prepored to. accommodate'.Farmers, -Drovers',
Pedlars, Travellers,'and all others who may favor
her .with a coll, in the most accommodating manner.
Heir Table, will be constantly furnished with the
best the country can produce, and her Bah is sup
plied with tho choicest Liquors. Her Stabling,
which is largo and convenient, will be in charge of
a careful Ostler. .
She flatters herself that from her experience os an
innkeeper, she will bo able to!render general satis*
Boaedkks taken by the week, month or year, on
tho most reasonable terms.
February 22, 1849—3ra
Nervous Debiliti/, Disease nf the Kidneys, and at
Diseases arising Jrom a disordered Liner or
* /. Stomach in both Male and Female.’
SUCH as constipation, inward piles, fullness or
blood to the head, acidity of the stomachj nausea,
disgust for food, fullness or weight in the
eructations, sinking or fluttering at the
Pjf i, Jt° mach, swimming of the head, hurried
fluttering at the heart, chok-
sensations when in ji lying posture;
vision, dots or webs before the sight, fev
er and dull pain in the head, deficiency of perspira
tion, yellowness of the skin and eyes, pain in the
side, back, chest, limbs, &c., sudden flushes of heat,
burning in (he flesh, constant imaginings of evil and
great depression of spirits, can be effectually cured by
Celebrated German Bitters.
I Their power.over the above diseases is not cxccll
ed—if equalled—by any other preparation in the U.
Slates as tho cures attest, in many cases after skillful
physicians had fulled/
Derongcmpntof the Liver and Stomach are sources
of insanity, and will also produce disease of tho
heart, skin, lungs ant! kidneys, and- lays the body
open to an attack of Cholera, bilious or yellow fever,
and is generally the first cause of that most baneful
disease, consumption.
“27/c Dispatch of December 31st, says:
.Ak Invaluable Mkdicink.— Wo have frequent*
ly heard tho celebrated Gorman Billers, manufacture
cd by Dr. Hoofland, spoken of in terms of commen
dation, ond wo . know deservedly so. It is a too
| common practice, in certain quarters, to puff ail man*
ncr of useless trash, but in tho case of tho above Bit
ters, hundreds are living witnesses of their great
moral and physical Worth* As a medicine for the
Liver complaint,'jaundice, nervous debility and dys
pepsia, it has been found invaluable, effecting cures
and thoroughly eradicating diseases, when all other
medicines have failed. Wo feel convinced, that In
. tho use of-tho German Bitters, the patient'docs not
become debilitated, but constantly gains strength and
vigor to. the frame—a fact worthy'of great consider
ation. The Bit*era are pleasant In taste and smell,
and can bo 'administered under inj circumstances,
to tho. most delicate stomach* Indeed' they can be
used by all persons with the most perfect safely,' It
would bo'well for those who arc much affected in the
nervoUs system, to commence With'one lea spoonful
or less, and gradually increase. We speak froth ex
perience, and are of course, a proper judge. The
press far. ond wide, have united in recommencing the
German Bitters, and to tho afllictcd wo most cordial
ly advise llicifuse. ' . _
“Sphilttf mjttmu,'' of Juno Sllh, soya:
“Do non ooon citibssb who are invalids, know
Iho many astonishing outca that have boon perform
oil by Dr. HooflanrlVcolebraUd Gciman Billets!—
Iflboy.dc not, wo recommend them fo tho “German
Medicino Store," ell . who are afflicted with Liver
complaint, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, or Nervous Debili
ty; tho Doctor lias cored many of our citizens after
(ho best physicians had failed. We have used them,
and they have proved to he a medicine that every
one should know of, and wo cannot refrain giving
our testimony in their favor, and that which .gives
them greater claim upon our linrnldo effort/they are
entirely Vegetable.
"The Daily Newt," of July dill, says;
“We spook knowingly of Dr. llociland’s coiohra
tod Gorman Bitters, when wo say it is a blessing of
this age ; and in diseases of tho biliary, digestive and
Nervous systems, it has nol.wd think an equal. It
Is a. Vegclable Prcparoliqnf'ond mode without Alco
hol, and to oil invoJidS"wo would recommend it as
worthy their confidence.'
XUS from one of our first druggists, a gentleman
favourably known throughout llio United Stales—
tho proprietor of tho “Medicated Worm Syrup.”
' Pliila., Nov. 22d, 1848.
Dear Sir—lt is with much pleasure that I testify
to the extraordinary virtues of your Gorman Bitters,
hoving sold largely of them these lost few months to’
various persons, afflicted . with Liver complaints
Dyspepsio, and debility of the Nervous system. I
can say conscientiously, that they are tho best arti
cle of the kind 1 have over sold, (and I deal in all
tho popular medicines) and I consider it the only
medicine for tho above discuses before the public, 1
1 have never sold one bottle that, has not given
satisfaction, and brought forth tho commendation of
those who, ■'
‘ h i a d ?'y b °! l >,‘° yo.“ H * the proprietor
°f fain highly Valuable article, ami to those afflicted I
with tho above complaint#,' that they may know of I
its curative properties and to enable, them'to select
the good from tho. various articles with which our
market is flooded
J. N. HOBENSACK, Druggist.
Corner of Second and Coatds slsi
Pinsicutrs hid Farixnl
Philo., Dee. 27, 1848.
Door Sit—lt is tvilli feelings of pleasure I comma*
nicato to you Iho aonsalivo cflecla (ami in A ahoil
time) of your invaluable ‘iHoofland’s celebrated Ger.
man Billers/’ upon my ay stem while laboring under
(ho Juun ice. About two yeara ago I bad an attack
of the Jaundice and was confined to the liouao six
weeks under medical treatment of the Family Pbv
aician and for aemetime after, when I went out I had
ItkJra very careful of myself, since that lime I have
had several attacks of the same diaeoao, end your
Bitters have entirely relieved and cured mo in t<vo
or three days. My nest door neighbor) Mr. Jollh
Diehl, last spring, had a long a serious spell o( Jaun
dice, ho had .1 sometime before I know it) he was
confined to his bed. As aeon as I hoard of his con
dition I Colled to eCo him and told him of the effect
yont Billers hod upon mo in the same disease. Ho
immediately sent for a bottle, and in a few date ho
was cured. I have in several .instances recommend
ed the Billers in other coses, always producing tho
same happy effect. My wife has been considerably
afflicted with Inver complaint and Neuralgia, by the
usoof the Bitters sho is well, now enjoying good
health. Wo believe from the many cures we knew
of .those Hitters effecting, that they possess in a re
markable and extraordinary degree grrnt curative
properties, mid that which enhances their value with
UB is, Dioy aro enlirdly vegetable, We nlwuj s keep
tho’liittcra on hand.and would not bo willing to ho
without them. ' .
Very respectfully* your*','
C, PEIRCE, 370 tiouiK Front Bt f j.
. Can stronger testimony bo adduced by nriy Prepa
ration before the public! A single bottle will con-
vinco any ono of their power over ilißoosb. They
uro enliroly Vegetable, and will permuiioiflty destroy
tho most obstinate costlvencßS, and give strength and
vigor to tho frame, at no time debilitating the pntlcnlj
being afoo grateful to tho/uosl! delicate stomach un*
der onycircamßluncoa, and can bo administered with
jirrfoct solely to delicate infants—they dro free from
Alcohol, Syrup. Acids, Calomel’, and all minorol and
injurious ingredients.
They Can bo taken of all. times and tinder all clr
cuimloncoff,'no. ordinary exposure will prevent ihom
hosing a salutary cflcct, ond nq bad result can accrue
from on ovdf dose; ' , .
Foi said. Wholesale .and retail. ,nt- tIW prfacjW
j Race Philo, i.• ‘t. '
For eale in Qorliblo, by Sam’drl E(.liott, and
I dbfljdrfl.gendrolly tllroufelHJuVthb Slate. .
. February 23, 184U—ly
hiAiy'sioiv iiotJsktloTEi^-'-''
Fronting an the Cumberland Valley Rail Road,
'’V v ‘ : ■ 5 -X. ■ Carlisle, Pa. ; ■' v v. •
LATELY kept by J. a. Wlhrolt, has Just been
lO BU^BCf *ber, It Is newly finished,
and has peon thoroughly repaired. 1 . •
Passengers in the cars, strangers, travellers, and
visiters (b Carlisle, are invited’to call. .
Term* moderate, and every attention paid to the!
coihfort.and convenience of all who patronize the es
tablishment. DAVID MARTIN.
February 15, 1840.—tf
The sixty third anniversary of the Belles Lottros
Society .of Dickinson College will bo celebrated in
the, Methodist E. Church, of this borough, on the
evening of the 22nd inst.* The public is respectful
ly invited to attend. Doorsopon at 6$ o’clock, ex
orciees to commence at 7 o'clock. .
■ . J. A. MOORE
; : T. R. INGRAM.
' ‘ .Committee of arrangements. .
Appeals for IS49*
THE; Commissioners of Cumberland county, heto notice to those persons concerned, that they
have appointed the following times and place* for the
bearing of appeals for the respective townships and
Townships A: Boro’s. | Time of Appeal. | At Coram’rs Office.
E. Pcnn'sborough,
Mifflin, ,
Silver Spring,'
Mcchanicsbnrg, -
Shippepahurg 13.,
South Middleton,
W. Pcnnabofough.
Dickinson,’ ' ;
North Middleton,
Now. Cumberland,
Allen, ■ ' V’ :
February 19lb,
“ Iflih,
44 , 20th,
44 20th.
44 2lst,
' 44 22d,
44 22d,
41 23d,
44 23d,
44 34th,
, 44 24th,
44 ‘ 26th,
44 26th,
41 . 27th,
. 44 28th,
44 28th,
March. Ist,
' 44 - . 2d,
JOHN .MELL, >GomtntV
Attest— Wm. Riley, Glk.
February's, 1849.—3 t
Estate Notice.
* ALL persons are hereby notified that Letters of
administration on the estate of Gabriel. Line, lafe
of South Middleton township,Cumberland county,
deceased, have been issued by the Register of said
county to tltp subscribers, one of whom, Thomas
Lee, resides in Dickinson township, and the other,
Mary Line, in South Middleton township, county
aforesaid. 5 All persons having claims or demands
agaihstthe estate of said deceased, are requested
to make known the same without delays and those make payment to •
- • ‘ THOMAS LEE, ) . ,
“/ : ■>, : . MARY LINE. j Adrats*, ,
Pe|j-B,MB49—Gt :
THE Jtifors who have been summoned to al
lendTtlie Special Court on the 19th day of Febru
ary neit, are hereby notified that they wilinot be
required to attend. JAMES
..'.Siiißirr'e Omcß, )
Carlisle, Feb. 1, 1849. 5 :•
Amcudmcut of OMlktaUcfc.
Story 19,-TfNo person shall sell any hay to a
citizqn of the borough, unless by,the stack, with
out having the same weighed in the hay scales, or
patent . bqlanco, before it* delivery to tho purcha
serv«nder the penalty of Five Dollars. (Borough
Ordijmnce, passed Uth January,’lB4l. ’
- JantiaxyJ3,
Section 19, of Ordinance passed Illli of January,
1841, be so amended as to strike out (he words “a
citizen of the borough,” and insert in lieu thereof
the words “any person residing- within tho limits
of the borough.” JACOB RHEEM, PresT.
* Anesl—*Jas. M, Allen, Secl’y.
Feb 8, 1840—31-
trnn CORD® °f good Black Oak Bark wanted
UUU at Middlesex Mills, for which $3 per
cord fur the rough bark, or 45 els per 100 IDs; if
abavedclear of the rose will be paid, if delivered
before tho let of August next. Pieces not to be
shorler'lhanTS inches in length.
February 1,1849—8 m
n—'l’iili subscriber offers for rent,from
4HM»lho Ist of April next, his Brick Dwel-
Mouse and Store Room, situate in
Cumb. co. The situation
fa a good one for a store, and will be rented on
reasonable terms. HENRY WiInVINB,
Feb 8, 1849—-it*
mill Property IV)r lienti
fpHE FARM AND MILL known as the pron
1. orty of William Ci Chambers, situate In
Dickinson township, near Hoffman's tavern, is
offered .for rent for three years from the Ist of
April next. Tho farm contains
- 400 Aci'cs,
of which dime I ISO is cleared and in a high state
of cultivation. Tim MILL is in good condition,
and its location is in a section of country to ren
doEjfeprofitablo. For information respecting said
property, enquire of F. Walls, Esq. Carlisle, or
of the Undersigned, residing near Plainfield.
John GAiumilitts,
Admr. of Benjamin Myers, deo’d.
February 8,1819. —3 t
. . , Jing
community that ho Ims purchased tho right to
for the counties of Cumberland and Fiftnltlhr. Fut-J
incrn who have rfsed this Corn Shefler, pYonoUnce It
a most Involuahlo'inVontiott.., Uls Pimple" in its con*
ritrjetton and not liable to got out of order. It sop
states the corn from tbecob, without breaking either,
and delivers’ tlto corn fclcan and. lit for market. It
shell* fYom tort (o twenty bushels per hoar. Eight
hundred of theni httvo been sold the past soasoft bjl
the Inventor, nil of which were highly approved.*
.Persons wishing 10 see tho above Corn Shelter, enn
Jo so by colling at (ho shop of the subscriber,'corner
of North Hanovor and Leather dtYoola, Carlisle, wV
ho will keippconStontly on hand a largo n;^j )Cr * f
•110. B.fry hmti *nd niiMori>hoii'. > ' I Wvo tho abovij
ehe.p but >f»lu«blo (Jorn Sh.o'nof, , , . ■■■
. L „ DAVID j. i
Ciullplo. Jnb. 26. WO.—‘.ini. 1 • '
oAP'S—r'.-- - 1
fur Utah? ’ Uy “ “ nJ tJ ' llWron ’ a 01o "> Cap., and
,or *“ le b ? ' • ■ QEO RCJiOOKS '
§ 18» .And bbltfartherenaeletly •' V * * '-• •*
Ami'nirildvcillsoijionts made nn.dor.llic order's, of Hie Tost
.ijasturOonorQl.ln u mhvsimjicror newspapers, of lotterß nn»
called form any Poal.otjko.slmil be inserted in Hie paper or
pa’pdrs of tile town orjdlibs when) tljcoflice advcrtißluif may
DOiltuatcd, lirtving tins largest circulation.,
IMtoPoH-OJJiec Law, pasted Marcfit,lB4s.
LIST OF LETTERS remaining inJjlicPoat-ofiicd
at Carlisle* Pa., February I, Id-lB? X’oraons in
quiringibr lottors on tills list, will, please suy they aro
Adams William .
Alexander Wm or ')
John Dice 5
Allbrighi Solaman-
Andorson Jane L
Arven Eve
Bearlsreal .
Brenneman & Givler
Brown John
BixlerJohn ;
i Blosier Davet
Bender Jacob
Barrack Andrew '
Cowick John
Clay Jacob
Coil James
Crown D C
Carothers John H
Coaster Margaret,
Dunbar Mellw
Dr** 5 - R
Jevinney Dennis *
Dewall Dewall Ken
Dlx R.S Esq .
bought Robbert
i Gorges Isaac 3
I Giffio Robert
I Griscom/Wm M
Garvner Jacob'
Greacy William
Harris S M'
Hass Charles
Hopkind John
Hosier Joseph
Hamer Jacob. Esq
f Hoch Nicholaua
Herahel Elizabeth .
Jarrot Mary
Jones Hetty
Jacobs Susannah
James Richard S
Kincade James
Koch Mr
d o,
Knox Francis
Ly ter Joseph
Lowry Albert
Low Peter
-LETTERS testamentary on tho estate of George
Nuglc, Into ;of Dickinson township, dec., have been
granted by the Register of said county to the subscri
ber residing in same township.. All'pcrsons having
claims against said estate-will present them fur settle*
menl, and these indebted are requested to make Im
mediate payment to
Jan. 95, 1849.—61.«
Estate n<*U£c.
LETTERS of: administratiou on the estate ofJ
Andrew Kerr, Sr. late of jbb Borough.of.Carlisle,
Cumberland county, Pa.‘, ifoc*d;idiaVo .been granted
by the Register of said county. All persons indebted
to said estate are requested to make immediate pay
ment, and thoschaving claims will present them pro ulhonlicatcif for settlement to
January 18, 1849.—fit
fpHB Commissioners of Cumberland Couhly,
JL deem it proper to Inform the public that the
stated meetings of the Board of Commissioners
will be hold'on the second ond fourth Mondays of
each month, at which time, any persons having
business with said Board, will moot them at their
office in Carlisle. By order of (be Commission
ers. . Attest: . . W.M. RiLEY, CMv
January 4, 1849.—Cm
THE stockholders of the Harrisburg, Carlisle
and Chamhersbnrg Turnpike Road Company, are
hereby notified that in pursuance of an Act of the
General Assembly; passed the lotli day of April,
1826, ah. election will be held at the public house
of Henry L. Burkholder, in the Borough of Car
lisle. on Monday the slh day of March next, then
and there, between the hours of 3 and 6 o’clock,
P. M-, to elect Three Managers for said company
January 18, 1849—71
THE subscriber wishes to make known to the
public that ho has been appointed Phobic Auc
tioneer, for thd bdtaugil df Carlisle, by Ins Ex
cellency Governor Johnston, In plade of Mh Wm.
Gould, bledtcd Register of this county. Me will
redelve at his Auction Rooih. in (ho ffear of the I
Market House, Dry Goods, Groceries, Wards,
Furniture, Horses, Cows, and ever}' description
of farming utensils; all of which tVill he Sold for
cash to the advantage of persons moving away.—
He will, as Usual, attend to crying Sales lr> town
and country, on reasonable terms. Having bad
years of experience, he hopes to receive n share of 1
public patronage. WM. MILfiS '
Feb 0, 104&—3t*
!ftgg=» fHE undersigned hereby gives hblifce
fflw thnt he will attend'as heretofore to the
business of VENDUE CRYING In toWn end
dounlry. Ho deems this notice necessary to cor
rect a misapprehension existing in lhemlhds of
some of his friends lhalho lids disdonilnuml the
business. Thankful for the patronage heretofore
given him. lie hopes to merit and receive a fcon
llnuanbo of tile same. VVM. GOULD. ■
Carlisle, Feb. B, iBl9
Dissolution of DurlHotfchiii.
THJ3 partnb'rslilp,liitlierlo oxisiing between the
suoahribora,, In carrying on the Ooaclwnaklnn
BuaihUas In the bordugb of Carlisle, il-ha dissolv
bd by mutual donaeni on the afltli ulli All per
sona indebted to tho late firm will oil I oh Robert
Allison, without dela_v* and make settlement, and
all having accounts against the firm will present
'•tom for scitlemeHl.
February.!, iSlD.—ll
N. n. Tlib subscriber will Conlinuo to carry oh
Ihe tba thimnktng JJmincst at ihu old stand, and
will bo (luppj la /Ccoive.oMlirS. for all articles In
lislino. .ItOOGKT ALLISON.
WASlimCTOit uom,
rplIE uhdirsrghcd having leaned (lint well known 1
X ond COMMODIOUS /IOTEh, silimlo ort Main
street, 6nr (I/O iiofth*wofil corner of the puhlfo affttuitv
in tlfo Uorough of Carlisle, l*u., lately in (ho oecw
• pnney of George Doeteni, i3sc(, would f*sp«rtTulty
InfonA hfc friends nnd (do public generally, (hut ho
(is now prepared to accommodate all Who may fuvoi 1
hfm with n cnll, in a manner which ho (luilcr* nlm
tioir cannot full to prove satisfactory The house hw
(ho most pleasant location irt the ho/oGgli* tyo**•
on Main sireol and (ho ptVhlld equnro—la u » **iv¥
slops from (ho Railroad Depot, mid hdCnA: ’. , n Vl w
Court lloi.Hr.- I( hU «c»uVw« U i lh ' 1
furniluro imri oth H odd “
choicest nnd mo*’ 1 l *° BU Pl‘Hod with iho
m: “«
wlfh I.V -will nl'voyajio *up.ill"l
h% b “ W,#oUg - ,, W,J M ' OHW l,y c ' lr " fu ‘
.Long. George
Lenher.Georg -
.Miller Joseph
M’Alllslor David
M’Kabo Jane Ann
Massey Pamela
Marian A. G *
Myers Mlchiel .
Myers John
Nebinger G ft
Nolan ftev John 3 '
Natcher William
Naiohpr Elizabeth
O’fteiiy E 3
Oxborough Mary
Pray Anna E
Piper Carey
Pearson C H
Parson William
Rife Danfel
.Smiley George .
Scribun WmP
Spencer James'
SnyderMacob B
Sima Mary
Stoflfer Jolm
Stoner Hannah
Swigerl George
Stayman Joseph
Shank David
Smith William
Snyder John • ;
Smith Eliza
Sheaffer George
Thompson J (7.
Thompson Isabelea
1 Tobin James
Tatlocb John H
Wonderly John
Wolf Susan
Washington Samuel
Worlz John' Esq
Wolf Charles
Wise Michael
Wheler Giles
Wetzel Jacob sr
Wetzel Jacob jr
Waller Levi
Not ice.
■ ’•rvr--*"** T 0 -BultorJ[|akci;B, c - ,■ ■
THE- aubßcritjertrhftjipg purchased the‘right of
f Cumberland county for making CrowcU’s Patent
Thermometer Churns, they would respectfully-in
; form the Farmers and the public in general, that ihdy
willmoke and offer for sale these churns at the Cab*
inel Wareroom of George Spangler, in North Hen
over street, next door to David Smith’s office. . The
principal advantage this churn has over ell other
churns is, that it is so constructed that the top can be
taken off so qa to give free access to the inside'of the.
churn) which makesit convenient to pul'lh the cream
nmJ get out tbo biUtcr. A thermomcter ls htlactpd
to the one end of ihc.chiirn so as to .show the ekact
tcmpcmture.of the cream,-which experience shows
should he GO degrees to makegood butter. A cham*
her or space is arranged around.the bottom of the
churn for tho purpose of admitting eold'or warm w**
ter, so as to bring tho cream to the desired tempera*
lure without mixing tho wntciwitb the crcam.-The
secret in churning butter is to have your crcam:&t
tho proper temperature—it .will produce more- and
belter butter arid take less time in churning-—lt churn*
equally well in cold or warm weather, no such thing
as haying .Scalded butter—nil that is .necessary to
hiako good butler all scasona of the year is to gel one
of Orowell’s Patent Thermometer Churns, Wo would
most respectfully invito the public to call and exam*
ine.for themselves, . .
■ v • ■ BAML, MYERS,
Carlisle, Oct. I£, 1848.
Mr. George Spangler i
Sir—We have been using the Thermometer Churtt
I got of/you for. sometime Snd finO it-far superior to
tho old barrel churn for several reasons. First, great
saving of time in getting butter the average time of
churning being about fifteen minutes, (all Weathers)
we have got butter in the short space often hiinuteS,
Secondly, the butter whch obtained is much firmet
than When . Using any other churn.
folks say they would not exchange for any other
churn and twice the original cost of the Tfaermome*
ter churn. ’ Yours, Ac.
• September 28, 1848.
Mr*- Getirge Spangler > , '-j/ -
I have the Crowell Thermometer Churn
for mo # in use ol my place,.aml l do not hesiiate id
say that-no farmer should be without'it. Fifteen
minutes is all the. lime required to make butler, and
the value of this saving of time and labor consists in
this—that it requires no more time St any one seaton
than another, and that the temperature of the cream,
necessary to make butter. Is produced with certainty
and without tho admixture Of worm or cold wstef
with the cronm itself. FREDK. WATTS.
August 17, 1848.
Ib Me Pubtib i , i
For the benefit of the belter pert of man (women)
I give (his certificate after using the Thermomelef
churn made by .Mr. George Spangler of this place, I
would have nohe-other in niy family* Wo have
been using tho pld barrel'churn for thirty yerira past,
»nd I must say Hie not lo be Compared to Crowell*#
Thermometer Churn, either for speed of. churning or
convenience.* •In (Infold barrel churn - It took uener*
ally from four to six hours to churn the chUrnThg~- the Thermometer churn wo can churn bdttef
in from fifteen to twenty minutes* by bringing' the
crc&m lo tho proper temperature. I can recommend
it to ihc’.publjc as no cheat, 0;
September 4,184 ft,
Great National exhibition,
"Wo. 50 North Sixth Streeii Philadelphia. 1 /.
Foil n aliorl tlnih only:— SHERMAN & TO't).
covering id,ooo fpet ofcanvass I Icsbows In the
moat perfect manner the .towns, cities, mountains!
rivers, ranches, plantations, domestic animals,
grain fields of Mexico, Habits nf the Mexicans,
characier'nmJ scenery of the army under Taylor,
with their marcheV,encampments, battles, fording
of rivers, trainsof pack mules, and all iholnleredu
ing scenery and incidents of tha.'canipaigrijfrom
Corpus Chrlslito liuena Vista;, the whole fonnjiig’
the most amusing and instructive exhibition eyef
in tho city* The Sketches were taken from na
ture by one of Gen. Tayior!s officers, and arnCor 3
root ns life. It was visited by oyer 100.000 persona,
in Now York, (having been exhibited there for
several months in succession,) among Whom word .
the clergy, judges, &nd thu most fashionable peo*
pie of the oily,
Tickets2s cents; Children under 10, price.
Doors open every night, until furihet notice, at Gj
o’clock. Panorama Commences moving nt 7$
precisely* An Explanatory Lectureisgiveant
each exhibition. Afternoon .Exhibitions 3 o’clocln
Cut this advertisement out nnd.put it in.’youf
pocket. Remember the plade, Franklin.Hitll, 6d
North Sixth street,,nearA,rchi .-vi,. * 4
Philq., Fob 8, 1819—!m
New tllotlijng Store.
Cdrnir of-Hanover and Leather StreetB t fit the reofH
formerly occupied by C. InhoJ'iat a Grocery Store)
'PHI'* subscriber has irceireU and is now opeftihtf
.L H choice selection of Winter Goods, consirftiAjf
of Clollis, Cnsfllincrca nnd Vestings, newest stylo it
(ho lowest rates; wiiicb hb.wjll make up into.
Fi'odi dmi Dress Coats,-
Over Cot Is, Sacks; Clonks, Pants and VWW, J)tht4
and Froth Coals of fcloth from #O-upward*, FahU
from $1,50 to $O, Vests from 75 eta. to $Sy Cloaks
from $0 (o $BO. lie also kpppa shirts,
lore, nock and pofckrt handkerchiefs, fcotoforU; ct»p*i
gloves and hosiery; Jn short everything dppfertklhihg
to a gcnUemdn’i tVoadroho. , As ho 2a rfgcifii fof ah
extensive hotiso he will he enabled to oflei ftplh
goods nt least once a monthi lie will tfcceiye rfcbhi
larly York and Philadelphia , r 1 '<*
ondivltl ftpnte no pains in gifting ftp his ttbfi In
the nioftj durable and fashionable manner. Ho will
also rime up work purchased at oUcr Morfesift (ho
irioftt careful manner. Ho will pay pailiculor atten
tion to Children's ctolhifig. (lb respectfully AoilCits
d rfnare of public patrohapo.
W. D. PAftft'lrtSOft,
Agent for (ho Proprietor.
Carlisle, pocembir 21, 1848; .. :n * v ■
■ THOItISON’S /■■■>
W NAPHTHA, for tho prevention and bdre of
Pulmoimry Consumption, Pleurisy, Uronihliis,
chronic boi*o (bloat, liver boinpl.iint, oslhmaybhroj
nio afleciiohs of tho kidneys, &c.
More Praoji—Another AftanUhing tjilrk I i
Tuckkrton", N. .1,,-March iff, ibi6 t '
Three ycnrp rfgo, in 6onBf([uen6o 6,f
lion, .in osalailng lo launch a hoal, lii(p.urid A
Wood voadel In rny long?,' which Wins
profaso ppiuing of Blond, nnd consenuehl debl|)iyi
so that. l lind lo atop work. I procured. llip beist
mod too I treatment, Inn iho bleeding recurred t«rV
often, accompanied wiili.feiier. Ihn dhoitllmoH
cough came on, with (Treat oppression, hectlcfovi
or and night awenla. Thud I -»oni on, (rre;,„„,
ly growing worda,, apd. 1, became ,
didcpurngod, firifltAlMS’ldomU't
trial of Thnn.aonV Compel'. "‘J* * ■
which i had ferfmiut* •*s:‘s^ r d l , i l ,rw > 1 - °f
ring wl.ieh liimN
nioh be^., fl to
; Prepared only at the N. K. corner of Pifrti'aild
SprucPMB.,VhUn. v ‘ > •/ / „•. *[
. Sold In Carlisle by James K|cprinir, at'flOoenfa
V 0 ’ ■itnilt'i’ftr'flvd hotiles fcr’fij, A Jlr.'l • 3
• February 8, lfHo~3l • ~,L ~u >
. ~' ''• row KENT. !;•,
JkmdL. , »*>t*soriber o(fer». fpr ront frorrj
or A|>ru, m i. uib,iwp,«iow
['O'iW l , lR H in Whbi. Porofmmil
mawrim'iml at pri?nu odoupind by John Weak.
«y.: Tim llousu )«.,In gflod oondltialfc.wMlt*
kliolirn mill oilim mii-liuildlngg all
In-good order. Unqulr.o of, in.. .. rr • ,i (
' , ■ ’ • SOPHIAi STURM.I"<
I'nlimnry 1, 1811). ... ri-, n.’ll
' . v Wood, Wanted 'Z. u