American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, January 18, 1849, Image 3

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    '} FEDBRAtIsk. : ■'
Gov. Jolinion'ln IheSenate laßl winter, advocated
ihe pasaago of a bill giving.the people the right to
olocl Prosecuting Atlornics in the.several counties.
How. comes it that he does nut recommend thismea*
sure in his Message now 7
Gov. Johnson, in the Senate, also advocated the
abolishment oflhcoffioejjf Adjutant General. - Now,
as Governor, he advocates no such policy.’ This is
Federal inconsistency No, 9. ,
in tKo Senate, Gov. Johnson advocated the sale of
the public improvements. In , his Message ho does
not recommend such a policy. Inconsistency No, 3.
Such is federalism chi of power and Federalism
in power;
Slave Question in Illinois.—The. Illinois Legis.
lalaro have passed resolutions instructing their Sen*
atois.and requesting their representatives tb use all
honorable, means to procure the enactment, of such
Jaws by Congress as to expressly prohibit-tliO'exlen*
•iyn of slavery in newly acquired Territories.
’ Who is the Hero oir Buena Vista 7—The N, Y.
Evening Post has an article claiming the prinblpal
credit of the bailie of,Buena Vitsa for General Wool.
“The choice of the bailie field; the posting Of the
troops, the bold and well-directed tnanpuvrcs which
twice, might almost say, won the victory, are his
by a right which cannot bo fairly contested. 11
Prices in California.—A letter from' California,
published in the N. Y. Tribune, sayp:.
Whiskey sells here,at from $2 50 to 85 per gal*
Ion; shoes, light and heavy, 83 50 to 85 ; boots SlO
to 16. Domestic goods sell at an advance of 250
per cent, on cost, including transportation ; ready
made clothing 250 1C 350 per cl. clear profit. Good
blankets soli by the bale at 820 per pair. Watches
and jewelry bring very.high prices, with very quick
sale, and gold dust is frequently picked up at 88 to
glO per ounce.
Ark thkv Siaioos?—Mr. Swartzwetder, of the
House, lias introduced resolution* instructing our
Senator*, and recommending our Representative* in
Congress to vote for the restoration of the Toriff of
1843, "without modification The very factof ask?
ing an unconditional restoration of that Tariff, must
satisfy all that there is nocincerity in this pretention
of the Whigs.
Raiußo&d Accident. —Near Harrisburg onThurs.
day morning lost, a man by the name of John M’*
Caffrey, who resided at Middletown, was ran over by
Ihb bit's; add instantly killed.
A Chinese Dinner. — A correspondent ofthe Penn*
sylvanian, in the Navy, writes from Macao, China,
an account of a dihneb that was given to Dr. Davis,
bur Commissioner, and the officers of the Plymouth,
With Commander Sue. Ho says:
- We «al down to & rogdlor Chinese dinner of bird's*
Hat soup, duck'* feet; and I do not now remember
«alf; but 1 do know, that wb had Atneteert eourai
b, of all of which »«*, of course, had to partake,
ft to taste would have been considered Uncoar
t after we got through tho Chinese dinner, we
o commence on another, cooked according to
the Tartar fashion, which was by fur more like ours
than was the Chinese. There were about one hum
tired Mandarins present, all waiting oh and teaching
us '.Vgfitfsde barbariant" how (o use the "ehop tliekt"
r7 th » you mtlsl know, are two iticks, something
like our pen holders, only a little longer, with which
the Chinese oat all their food; when (hey Cat rice
they hold tho bowl up to the mouth, and shovel it in
most dczterotlsly with these sticks;, in fact,
with all thejr fond, which, bofdre cooking, is always
cut fine; . The dinner, and indeed all the ceremonies
of tho day, poised off pleasantly and happily, and we
left for the clly jn a good humor with our, entertain
ers, not even suspecting we hu'd eaten ddgs, or e<ilt }
•~br rats, as some began to imagine Wo had ; but I do
not and will not believe it. It is estimated by those
initiated in Chinese affairs, that each one piescnlutc
about one hundred dollars* worth, of at least vv)ut
.-fast them that.amount.. You coo, therefore, form
some Idea of the extent and magnificence, in their
way, of ihe entertainment. Ido not'care particular.'
ly, however, about eating another Chinese diplomatic
dinner, especially with chop sticks, unless 1 sec It
x cooked. '
. a math of a depraved mind, to sneer at
discropil old age, or to ridicule any one who is de
formed in his person or lackcin understanding.
. A Faithless Swain. —Miss M'Clcliund, ofßcdford,
Penns., lately rebovered damages to the amount of
f3OOO for a broach of promise of marriage from John
. Faec SoiL;—Vugbe hints are ofloal
IhaWWruor Benton has determined to take a bold
and decided eland in favor of Free Soil.
The thieves are gelling funny. A gentleman in
Cincinnalti had all hie champogno stolen tho other
OTrby one of them, who left this notes
Mr. S'.—l tried your wine. It wiin't hard
Dxatil or Major Dix.—Thq Washington (Pa.)
Reporter, of Wednesday, brings a confirmation of
the telegraphic report of the death of Major Dlx, pf
(he U. S. Army; (a brother iff Senate D»x of New
Tors,) who died in Hilisbormlgh, in that county, on
last Sabbath nibriilHg’, of Cholera. Major Dix in
company with sctrorul oilier.officers of the arniy was
en route from Now (jrloann to Washington bjty; He
had been quite unwell while coming tip the Ohio Hv.‘
er; and fell much wbfita after IpuWhg Wheeling.
't’hcjr artlvod ot Hillsborough about 8 o’clock in
the evening, and after the Horses wore changed, he
remarked that ho had the cholera and Coilld hotgo on.
The stage was detained, and at his rcquesU Justice
of the P.eace was sent for. .who drew up his Will, dis.
posing of his properly. Hu lingered In great agony
until Sunday mqrnirig, about Iwb o’clock, when ho
died. Ho was buried in Hillsborough, oh Sunday
morning. The passengers paid off his bills, and im
mediately started on with his effects to Washington
city, wheru they will bo delivered, by his directions,
to hia brother. The four physicians who attended
him concurred in iho opinion that It was cholera.*
The News hy the AnierloA«*A Brief Abstract*
The Intelligence by the steamship America, which
arrived at Boston oh tho iSth instant, Is cloven days
later. Louis Napoleon was formally proclaimed Pro.
Bident of the Republic of France; on (lie 20lh of De
cember. Ilia term will oxplrb on ths 2d Sunday of
May, 1852. His inaugural Address is thoroughly
Republican. In (ho course of it ho look occasion to
compliment Cavaignuo In very decided terms. Od
illon Barrel has been, empowered to form Iho new
Ministry. It Is supposed that a general Amnesty
will follow the ooceksloh of (ha now President Lccird
Rollin and his parly have already commchbcd attack
ing the new government, and the National neWsrfnper
seems disposed to follow tho sardo odiirsd. Ab'dol
Kadcr has asked for his liberty*
The Pans funds exhibit much rirnlnesi. The
Cholera still prevails in London. The btdlion of the
Bank dfEngland has Increased to neatly *15,000,000
sterling. Consols 86J to 88g* Money still übun.
dsnt in London, although the demand had slightly
iqoreasod. First class paper 2} per cent, per annum,
*Tho accounts from the Cotton and woollen districts
of Lancashire are favorable. The Pope was still at
Gaels. Nothing impoi(ant from Italy. Tho Impe
rialists were successful as far os hoard from in Hun
gary. Vienna and tho provinces were all tranquil.
The Parliament of Frankfort had resolved, it was
said, to have an Emperor for Germany. Cotton
without material change. Flour duty paid, 265. Id
275. Wheat 6s. to 7s, White Corn 30x.{ best yet
low 325. 6d. The advices are to the SOth Ultimo;A_
PAil. Inquirer.
Prom the N. Y. Journal of Commerce. (Taylor FapSr.)
The Tariff of
It would teem by tlio vote of (ho V. 8. House or
Representatives last Monday, on a rcaolutlon of Mn
Eckert, of Pa., instructing the Committee Of Ways
end Means to brinjfin " a Bill based on the nrlhcU
pies of the Tariff of 1843, 11 that the
lusting after the look* and onion* of. Egypt; The'
demonstration is of no proCUCaf importance, as there
is not the slightest probability that.any such bill will
fiass the Senate; still it is of some interest a i sh'ori.
ng what the Whigs would d a. if ihexf <,eould. It \i
|hus that without (he possibility of ahy good result
ing in any way, they shake off the reinforcements hy
tohieh thty Aaee gained ihtir recent mclen/.arid’ with. I
out whose aid; they dan never gain another, nor re
loin the ascendency which they nowhold. j
I Wc publish the communication which follows, at
the request of ll A Teacher,” but at (he same lime
| vyo must be permitted to remark that It is not Exact
ly coi reel in'-all Us statements. To-say that'“ pro*
lection to education in PcnnsjdVaniaVantl.especially
in Cumberland.county, is not bken dreamed' of,” is
absurd,- 1 No doubt our system of Common Schools
contains many errors, bul at IKb bame time all will
admit that the system itself U a good one, and hai
worked wbnders, and more than realized the hopes
ofils most sanguine friends. Cumberland county is
ahead of most other counties In her efforts to promote
education, arid her schools, with a very few excep.
lions, are Jn.a .highlyprosperous- condition.. That
most of pur country teabhoors receive tCo small, a
salary we admit, but this the people themselves have
it ip their power to correct. Employ none but com*
patent teachers, and pay them a liberal compensation,
and the people will find themselves to tie the gainers.
With these remarks we insert the article following:
, For ibt American Volunteer,
jtfr. Editor —While Congress has been Invoked to
gats Laws to *• protect” home industry—while our
late Legislature lias been petitioned to protect me*
clianical business—while we have bar slandiilg ar
mies to protect our soil—protection to Education In
Pennsylvania especially in. Cumberland county, is
pot npw even dreamed of. Strange It tr, (hat this
important subject has become almost wholly neglect*
ed. Laws Were passed establishing CpidiHoii Schools
in this Slate { bdt are as deficient ahd lintneoidingi
as though earth fidd Been hunted b‘erio procure the
greatest blockheads to conceive the project. I need
only refer to the. enactment which provides that a
tax shall bo levied for school purposes twice -the
amount of the pro rata of Stale
When the effect, of this absurd law is exposed, We
shall see what ’kind of a story we*ll have to tell.
The country schools are supported only from four to
six months in theyear; generally but four,and the
teacher paid from $l5 lo $l7 per month and board
'himself. The gives the people of-each
borough, township, sms., the privilege to decide by
ballot whether, in order lo keep the schools open a
longer time each year, an “ additional lax” shall be
laid but (he school Directors give no notice of such
election to bo, held in (he month of May, nor has
isuch an election ever been held in the adjacent
(ownahips, since the Common Schools were first in*
(reduced. The Directors .can either give notice or
not do if,just as they think proper; and, inasmuch,
as they are generally all farmers and tho owners of
farms, believe it to be Inexpedient to vote for a mea
sure, or allow others to decide in its favor, which
will tax them with an additional amount—they are
all interested os far as dollars and cents are concern
ed! The Directors are not punished for neglect of
duty—no penalty whatever is* inSicUd by law. If
they refuse to. attend to (heir duly, although tho
Court would appoint others, yet ho one seems dls
posed to bring the case before tho Court, hence nolht
mg is done, and men £0 on in this respool, regardless
of law, justice, or their duty. .
The Legislature should so amend the school JawJ
Instead of regulating the school tax by the State
appropriation, (6 niake It obligatory Upon tile Direc
tors to levy Sufficient tai lo support the . country
schoolsul leftal 9 months in the year, and should
repeal that part of tho law that relates lo holding
elections, giving tho people an opportunity to decide
for oroguinst-an additional tax. Hon. Jesse Miller,
Slate Superintendent of Common Schools, in his re*
port to the Legislature last winter, recommended
that the School Directors should be compelled by
law lo levy a tax to keep: the schools open at least
6 months in (he year. Even this recommendation,
, if hearkened 10, would have been better than having
bol four months, but wo .find our sublime law makers
pass by the subject unnoticed—nothing waft done!
We whofte profession it is to instruct the country
schools, must lamely ahd designedly submit to our
fate, by Having employment not niore than half of
the year, more commonly but one third of the year,
and be paid 100 a wood choppers wages—eleven dol
lars per month, allowing Six dollars per month for
boarding. This Is (he kind of •• protection*’ toe re*
ceive by law! A (atmer-who sends from four to five
children to school for four irionllU; pays on art avo
roge, about four dollars of school tax. At (he usual
mto of.instruction, «9 per quarter, would Cost him
$10; he pays but $6 al most. In shape of. fox ; here
is a clear gain of $4 made off (be teachers! Others
pay 12J cents tax, and send to school to the amount
of as many dollars, every session. A beautiful sys
tem truly! Well may the school directors complain
of a fearful want of good teachers, well may (he peo
pie weep and wail and gnash. their teeth; at finding
their school ' houses closed for want of competent
teachers—well may their children grow up inigno
ranee, whito they are imposed on by a horde of ig
noramuses, in the garb of teachers, who are employ,
ed, rather than have an empty house altogether I
No less than 5000 Common School teachers in this
Slate ore thus imposed on for want of legal proteo.
(ion. Soon, very soon, unless some wise, speedy and
effectual remedy is applied, will we go back to where
wo stood 50 years ago in the point of education
January, 1849
For the American Volunteer.
Mr. Editor— l nolic?by your paper that the State
central Committee hivo appointed Pittsburg as the
place, and the 4th ofJuiy next as the time, for hold
mg the Cana! Commissioner’s Convention. Allow
me, therefore, tilioligh tho columns of the'Volunteer,
to menlioH the name of Gkoaos H. Buania, Esq., of
old Mother Cumberland, hi a gentleman well qusli.
nod for the Canal Board. Cumberland county has
never yet, had a.Canal Commissioner.: Her claims
qrp os strong as alntost any dtlior county, and It is
to be hoped that they will nnt agoln bo overlooked.
Shquld Mr. Bughor be selected by the Democratic
Convention,Us election would be certain by a large
mojorily, A DEMOCRAT.
blitidgnlihii Deaths. ■«!»
... . Pittsburg, Jani 12.
Coj. Oakly, Cnnol bommltsionor of Illinois, died
at Ills residence on the.lst Inst.
Gen. Rulnnd, Indian Agent, and for a long limb
'attached to (ho staff of Gen. N.arrlson;dlod at Jefferson
city on the 6lh Inst;
A telegraphic dckpatch has reached this city
announcing the death of Co\onol Croghan, inspector
General in the Army. .It Is- thought that the
President will appoint Col. Duncan In his place;
Ratiikr Equivocal.—A young fellow having lieon
charged with getting, drunk tho night before,' arid
wishing to justify himself, declared ho never ,wr?
drunk, nor nevor meant to be, for it always made
him feel to had the next morning-.
the llth instant, by life Rev; A. H. Kromer,
Mr. JbNATHAN Drar, of West Pemisborough, to Miss
MjHua Dsar, of Silver Spring township, this county,
r On Thursday last, by Iho Rev. J. N. Hoffman, Mr.
David Nailor, to Miis UXtliarinu Habslir, both of
Ihjs county. ’
tho samo day, by Iho same. Mr. John Sntbcfc, Misk Elizabeth SrxvxNBoii,orgil>.
v On the 4th inst.; by thb Rev. John Frltohy; Mr.
Wm. C. Brandt, to Miss Elizabeth Goodyxar, both
ofoMonroe tp.
r On (he Gih in*t.,.Uy (hb.same, Sauuel Bt*n, to
Miss Mary Uuplt, both of Hampden township.’
on the 6lh instant, at his residence, in
East Hanoter township, Lebanon count?. Hon. Adah
Weiss, aged about 60 years.
✓Of Scarlet Fever* Oh Sunday moaning, December
10th, at Mr. John Hobcr’a, in Lancaster, Ohio, Jambs
Ephraim Sterlb, aged* 6 yearn, 8 months, and 15
days, only child of Mr. John Stcclo, of Philadelphia*
ami formerly of .Carlisle.
✓On the 35ih of December Inst, In Clermont bounty;
Ohio, Joskph Stayman, Sr., formerly of Cumberland
county, Pa., aged 67 years and 20 days.
The deceased line many friends and relatives scat,
to red through different purls of this co6dty,whowm
doubtless foal deeply affected upon (ho sad intelligence
of the death of one whom they greatly loved, and
highly, oMeemed. Hid dlrfeasb' which was billoW
ouliaky terminated fatally In thirty, liourt. Thus
in (he short space of thirty hours, ho who was,bleared
with a strong constitution nntufally.'arrd who lived
In the enjoyment of good hesllli* was suddenly cut
off, by one of tlipWo “ fierce deseaees that wait around
| to huffy riVortols home,**
How important that laying of divine revelation,
*' Ba ye also ready, for In such an hour aa you think
not, (he Son of man oomoth.'* 8.
A CONCERT will* be given at' the Union
Church;.Plainfield, on Monday EvenineVJanuary
22d, 1849, in aid of the funds for building' the
church.- Those in favor of extending the know
ledge of the gospel', aa well as thp lovers of music
are alteijdo, The ,uhf
der the direction of. Prof. R. K. Burks, who will
be assisted by the Carlisle Quartette*
January 18, 1849. (
Report ortho Pdor bouse Visitors,
To die Honorablt lK Judgja of the Courtof Cumber-
, td’rid County,
Tito undersigned Committee Appointed by your
honorable body, for the purpose of visiting and ex
aminlng the condition of the Poor House of the
county, beg leave to report that they have discharged
the dudes appertaining lo their appointment; and
with pleasure-state that they have fotind every thing
itonnected with the establishment In good order.—
Tho rooms are large, clean, and neatly furnished
with good bods and excellent bedding. The food,
which is abundantly provided, is of a good quality,
wholesome and niilriclous. The, clothing substan*
ttal and comfortable. The medicalatlendance Is all
that can, under present circumstances, be possibly
rendered them. TJio recorded number, of inmates
on the Ist day of November, 1847, was 118} since
which time were, admitted 176, making the number
provided for during the year, 294, of which number
there have been discharged, died ond eloped, 186,
leaving do the Ist of November, 1848,106, being 12
less than at the same time in 1847. The .above is
exclusive of a number of wny.faring persons who rp*
ceived supper, lodging and breakfast, whoso names
do not appear on the register.
One Improvement; tohlch your Committee consid
ers not only desirable, bdt absolutely necessary, (s
the erection of a suitable building, at a reasonable
diatdnco from' tho’ real, to bo used for hospital pur*
poses, arid especially forthose who niay be laboring
under coriloglpus diseases.. At the last visit of tho
Committee, one person attacked by small pox (and
tho only case which occurred in the irtslilulidn) was
placed in a room in The building used as a bakery,
but hod the disease have spread, or many .cased op.
currcd, there would have been ho ofternallve bui to
j have placed them In some part of the buildings oc
cupied by thereat pf jhe paupers, thereby endanger*
ing not only the lives ..and health of the others, bat .
by keeping up (he disease run the risk of it spread,
ing lhrough the neighborhood. We therefore take
the liberty of. calling the attention of those whose
duty it may be, to the subject. Your Committee
cannot close their report without expressing tlioir
gratification at the apparent cheerfulness and con
tentment of those who are enjoying. tho benefits of
the noble charity, and of acknowledging the courtesy
and attention extended towards them by the Steward
at the limes of their different visits.
’. W. H. TROUT.
,THe foregoing report approved
November 15, 1848.
Cumberland Countt,as. . .. '
xili#/ 1 tCßlimon y that Bui foregoing ib a
true copy of the Report of Poor House
Visitors, bb full and entire as the fame
remains on file In my office, I have
hereunto set my hand .and affixed the
"i*' seal of said office, at Carlisle, this 17th
day ofNovember, 1848.
Notice is hereby given to all persons interested,
that the following accounts have been filed in this
office, for the examination by the accountants
therein named, and will be presented to the Or*
phan’s Court of Cumberland County for Confir*
(nation and allowance, on Tuesday* the 13th day
of February, A. D. 1849.
Ist. The account of Sam’l. Cdckiln, of
James Louden, late of Monroe tp. d?c.
2d. The account of Samuel and Miley dottle,
administrators of Jacob Oetlle.lale of Southamp
ton township, deceased.
3d. The adcodnt of. John B. Bbright and Jacob
Baker, administrators de bonis non with the will
annexed of George. Baker, Uleof SilverrSpiing
township, deceased. r
4(h. The acco.unt of Williamßaker, Guardian
of Cathenne Baker, nliiiordaUghter of Philip Ba
ker, deceased.
sth. The account of Benjamin Haverstick, ad«
township, deceased; :
6th. The account of John N. MosUer, Executor
of Esther Horst; laie of East Pennsboro township,
deceased. t i } •' •' ..
7th. The accoiint-of George Zinn, ir.j admin
istrator of Hannah Vaughn, late of Lorain county,
State of Ohio, deceased,'
Blh. The account of Isaac L. WingArdi admin
istrator of Elizabeth Kilzmlller, late of the bo
rough of Carlisle, deceased.
9th. The account of John Miller* administrator
of Abraham Landes, late of Mifflin ip. deo*d. .
10th. The account of Sami. Strom guardian of
Susan«'Samuel, Eli, Emily, Jesse and Sarah I3uch
mah minor children of Philip Buohman dec*
_ WM. GOULD, Register.
' Register Office, ■>
January 13, 1649. y
LETTERS of administration on the. estate of
f Andrew Kerr, Sr. late of the Borough of Carlisle,
.Cumberland county, Pa., dec'd., have been granted
by the Register of said county. All persons indebted
to said estate are requested to make immediate pay
ment, and thosehaving claims will present them pro
perly uthenticated for settlement to
■ ; ANDREW KERR, Jr. Exhv
January 10, 1848.-~6t
THE stockholders of the Harrisburg, Carlisle
and Chambersburg Turnpike Road Company, are
hereby notified that in pursuance of nn Act of the
General Assembly, passed tbs 10th day of April,
IB2G, an election will be held at the public house
of Henry L. Burkholder, in the Borough of Car
lisle. on Monday the sth day of March next, then
and there, between the hours of 3 and 8 o’clock,
P. M-i io elect Three Managers for said company
January la, 1849—'7t
Cti-oat Economy In Kindling Fires.
THE attention of .Country Merchants, Pedlars
and dealers generally,and families,is respectfully
invited to a composition called ,
Oheever’s Patent Fixe Kindling,
an article much needed and in demand from ail
3uarler«. Fifty cents wifi supply one fire every
ay for six months. It Is neatly done up in pack
ages; each containing 94 on,fc.ea, each. Oaks 10
inch-squares, qneo'f wnioh instanlanqohsiy taking
fire from cdrflacl With! Alijjhloil match will ignite
Charcoal. Wood and'Bituminous Coal, and with
one-fourth the ordinary quantity of \Vootl or Char
coal will kindle the Anthracite. .
For eale, wholesale and retail, at the Kindling
Depot, No. 141) South Second atrcol, Philadelphia
by,. .. J.w.gray;
January 16, 1849—3 m,
6000 PERSONS in Philadelphia alonohavo
witnessed with astonishment the wonderful effica
cy of Thomson's Compound Syrup orTAn and
Wood Naphtha, in curing consumption. Asthma,
bronchitis, obstinate ogughs, pains in the sldfc or
breast, liver complaint, &o, . r .
This preparation is oniifejy a.Vegdifable reme
dy, and may bo administered with perfect safety
to the most feeble adult or child. , Its power aaan
expectorant Is admirably adapted to relieve the
oppression in pulmonary diseases, and while it
assists nature in throwing off the vitiated matter
which collects to the injury of th. 6 system, It sets
as a generof tonld or strenglhenof.
The testimony of Physicians* and othWs, (0 the
value of thfs great remedy,' lias been of (he moat
satisfactory kind, and haajjivqn It a character and
standard as a Family medicine, that has placed it
beyond competition for the various. diseases for
which |i is employed;. ,
Prepared only at the N. E. corner of Fifth and
Spruce ats M Philo. . >
. Sold in Carlisle by J. & W. B. Fleming, at 60
cents per bottle, or five bottles for SS.
January 10,1840.—>3t
Estate Notice.
Extensive Furniture Rooms.
JACOB FfiTTER & SON, corner of Nonh
Hanover and Louther streets, Carlisle, would
respectfully announce to the public that they have
on hand t and are constantly manufacturing, every
description of work pertaining to the above busi
ness*, embracing In part, .
Sideboards, Sofas,
Tables, Wash-stands,
. Secretaries, . Mahooanv Chairs, and
Wardrobes, Work-stands.
Their Furniture being made out of the best ma
terial, by their own hands; they fell no hesitation
in warranting.its. durability. Being always ap
prised .of the very latest city fashions, they are
enabled to turn out the most
■; Fashionable Work
in the country, and at prices too which shall cor
respond With the “tightness of the money market/
They.would earnestly invite persons Who are
abouttocpjnmeriee,Housekeeping to call and ex
amine "thalH present elegant stock, to which they
wilt bonslarply mckeadditibns of the newest and
'most modem stylos’.
The branch of business receives
especial attention. , <
January 18, 1849.
HdrHstturg, Carlisle &. Cllanibcrs
. burg Tnrhplb.© Road Company.
EXHIBITof- tolls received, repairs arid expen
ses, on the “Harrisburg, Carlisle and Cham
bersburg Turnpike Road Company, n from the Ist
of January to tHe Slat of 1846, Inclu
sive, as foUrfws|lCMvitr
DR. ,
T<J amount of tolls received at gdtng, . ®3Bld 42
44 Balance at settlement for 1847;
paid Intocciuriat January 1848,
■ cn, ,
Balance of 1817, paid to creditors
per not Of haaombly of 1823,
1829 and 1830, 8084 33
Cash paidfpr repairs oh road, 964 96
“ Gale Keeper's salaries, 023 28
Managers for 1848, . 214 50
“ salary, 43 73
Secretary's- 25 .00
“ Incidental expenses, . 65 75
“ Postage, taxes; and stationary, 1120
“ Balance paid into court to bo
. appropriated under I lie act of
Assembly aforesaid,
Certified on oath to the . Judges of the court ol
Common Pleas of Cumberland county, the Bth
day of. January, A. D. 1849.
, .SAMUEL VV. NEVIN, Treas’r,
That Ihe.doiirtof Common Pleas of Cumberland
county, have appointed Tuesday the 13th day of
-February next* at the Court House, in the Bor
ough of Carlisle, at 10 o’clock A. M., for hearing
and determining the claims of the respective cred
itors ggdihst tfie So 99 to enable the
coorl to ; dlstrlbulo tlie pioney paid into court by
the Treasurer of skid company, agreeably to the
acts of Assembly, friatfejor the relief of said cred
itors on the Istdajr of April l§23,and IHO supple*
menl thereto;, At Jh,e aforesaid time dnd |>lade.
l b e Ureferrcd (iCajjyJ anda|l,p.llier .creditors, are
requested lodiaie.Ylieir respective claims duly au*
thenticdled and and also to furnish evU
dence at the same time, whether, any claims have
been assigned, or are still held by the original
owners:., and aUo proof to establish the consider*
ationbf-llioir claims, whether for work, materials,
Janmtry 18, 1849—81
The American Metropolitan,
And composed or contributions from tub most kmi
Splendid Engravings,
Executed by the/ firat Artists, from Original Designs
mado. expressly for -this periodical, by celebrated
American Painters, generally illustrative of some
point in the History of our country, or peculiar /fea
ture in Aincrican.charoclor/ .
Will be profusely illustrated by numerous Wood
Engravings, executed in tho best manner by Engra
vers of nolo from original designs;, These Wood
cuts will not be tho caricoturos of tho Art so often
presented, which have served to create, o distaste for
this arlistico style of engraving; but will be oXooulcd
by eminent engravers who have been employed at
liberal prieds to ensure the production of tho best
specimens of their skill.
A now feature in (his magazine will bo a serial
illustration of the ,
To be continued through twelve numbers. Tho pie*
lures to bo inode expressly for this magazine, by T.
H. Molteson, whoso “Spirit of'76,".“First Prayer in
Congress," ■ltoody stamped him pre-emi
nent as an Historical Painter.
Tho text descriptive or.Uiaso paintings will be IVom
the powerful pen of J. T, Headley, tho welt known
author of“Napole6n and His Marshalls, *’ “Washing
ton and Hla Generals,** &0., making, when completed,
the most , V •
Beautiful ItbuiraUd tAJt of the Father of his
Coyntry ever given, to the public,.
The determination to produce a monthly periodical
which shall be eminently. American and exclusively
original in every department; wo Teel assured will
meet the approbation or a liberal public, and its prnc
lipal fulfilment secure & patronage indicative of the
worm interest which is universally taken in this
country for the advance of. American Literature and
Art. i -v
The names oTsome of ftose (Yam whom wo have
received oonlriAuiinns, hr are encouraged to expect
assistance, will bo found in the following list:
Mrs. L, Child, William C. Bryant,
Mrs. L; H. Sigourney; Fit* Green tfalleek,'
Mrs. B. C.JSmbury, • J, T. Headley,
Mrs. Ann 9. Stephens; . N. P. Willis,
Mr*. Francca.S. r O*good, .0. F. Hoffman,
Mrs. E. F. Ellcl, ~ Ti S.-Arthur, ,
Mrs. C. M. Kirkland,' C» Edwards Lester,' *
Mrs. C. M. Stark, U. T. Tuokerman,
Mrs, E. Little, , John. Brougham,
Mrs. C. H. Duller, Francis C, Woodworth,
Mrs. S. H. Whitman,' W, Gilmore Simms,
Mr*. Mary S: B. Dana, George \V. Peck,'
Mrs. Jane C. Campbell, Edgar A. Poo,. .
Mias Ci M. Sedgwick,’ . E. A. Duyckinok,’
Miss Hannah F, Goi)l<J, Orville Dewey, i
Miss Louise O. Ijtuntef, George Wilkins Kendall,
Miss Martha Russell,' IT. P. Grattan,
Miss Augusta Browne, Ralph Hoyt.
Thu'first number of the “ Metropolitan” will be
published on the first of January, 1849,. ?ntf
Ijy on tho first of each month. Dealers In' periodicals
throughout the United Slates and IhS Canadas, who
wish to become agents for the “ Molropollton,'.' wijl
please apply to the publisher immediately. All,Post
Masters ara desired tn act as agents for It—-the usual
disoaitnt mqde Jo them;
. 4 . A Specimen number.
Will be sent to any one wishing to see It, on applh
cation to the publisher,'post paid.
One copy one year, In advance, $3,00
Ona copy, two,years, r A 00.
Two £op(oii oho year;' “• :5 00
Five conies *' ** 10 00,
Eight copies « ‘V 15 00,
Twelve, " ’ “ , •• 20,00
Address (post paid) ISRAEL POST,'
959 Broadway, New York.
January 18,18 49.
Southern Literal
PROSPECTUS Eon 1849.~-FirTEENTit Volume
The. editor of : the Me.eengor in issuing the
Prospectus of a Now Volume takes
announce,to its patrons snd the public that he linn
made such, arrangements for .the' coming year .as
Will ehnhie itim to raise the work lo an even high
er standard of excellence than it has ever yet at
tained. In addition to the present large and ex
cellent list of Original contributors, he hasseciired
the services of many other authors of known abil
tty who Will supply the pages of the Magino with
Reviews, Historical and Biographical Sketches, Abe.
sis, Talss, Travels, Euays, Poms, Critiques,
, , ■ and Papers on the Army, Navy, and other
National Subjects.
The able papers on Scientific subjects which
haye hitherto attracted euch marked attention
throughout the country, will be followed up by
others, equally Instructive and entertaining; while
the readers of the Work will ho kept well-informed
of European itilelligende, literary, political and
scientific) by a regular Parih Correspondence from
the pen of a gentleman who has access tothq most
accurate sources of information, and whose fine
taste and general scholarship render him iri on
especial manner fitted for the task.; ,
Of the Editorial and Critical Department the
Editor will only say that it Will embrace copious
notes on current literature and reviews of all new
American or Foreign, works of general interest
and value. Fils opinions drill at least be always
honestly and fearlessly avowed,,'
The. Messenger, on the lot of JanUory next will
enter upon, its Fifteenth Volume and Fifteenth
Year of Ite piielepce. This respectable age is
the surest guarantee of lie permanence. To the
' South it appeals for renewed liberality and sup.
port that it may not only continuers heretofore,
the compeer of the best Northern Period (eats,but
aspire. to yet higher,triumphs and a still wider
field pf usefulness. As the only Southern Maga
zine strictly literary in its characters just seci|on
hi pride should encourage and foster It. Thirap
peal however is connected with the,assurance, on
the pay of the Editor, that its Intrinsic, merits
shall always.command an extended circulation*
With a view io improve the appearance of the
work the Editor announces that the Fifteenth
Volume wiiiappeafin ENTIRELY NEWTYPE
from the best Northern foundry; so that for typo
graphical excellence the Messenger shall be un
surpassed,.. . .
~ ?' e Sodlherh Literary Messenger is pub
lished in monthly numbers. Each number con
lams not less than 64 large super-royal pages,
primed on good type, and in the best mahner and
on a Ef r *ke'mosl beautiful quality.
2. The Messenger Is mailed regularly. ori or
about the first day of. every month in the year.
Twelve numbers make a volume—and tho price
of subscription is $5 per volume, payable’in ad*
yance'—nor will the work be segUo any one un
less theorder for it bo accompanied with the cash.
The year commences with the January number.
To subscriptions received for loss than Hie year,
unless the individual subscribing chooses to pay
the full price of a years subscription for a loss np
• rlod. I
2084 33
$5894 75
$4012 77
1881 98
$5394 75
risk of transmitting subscriptions by
mail will be assumed by the proprietor. But
every subscriber thus transmitting payment, is re
quested (besides talcing proper evidence of the
fact and dale of to retain.a memorandum
of the.number and particular marks of the note
sent; or subscriptions may be remitted through
the Pokt Masters,.according to the present laws,
4. If a subscription is not directed to be discon
tinued before the first number of a volume has
been pubjished, it Will be taken aS a continuance
fbratiotboryear.., .. . . .
6. Any one enclosing,a $2O current bill, atotie
time, with th? names of Five new subscribers,
shall receive hvk copies df the Messenger for one
6, The mutual obligations of the publisher and
subscriber, for thtf year, tire fully Incurred os soon
as the first No. of the Volume is issued; and after
that time, no discontinuance of a subscription will
bo permitted; Nor will any subscription bo dis
continued while anything remains due thereof
unless at (he option of the editor. \ ..
4 Editor .and Proprietor.
Richmond Va., Jan. 18,1849
More New Goods at tlic
THE subscribers would respectfully inform their
friends and the public, that they have Just return*
ed from Philadelphia with.n large lot of
purchased nt reduced prices. Among those goods
may be fodnd Cloths, Cassimeres and Saliinelle,
low priced, medium, and of the best quality.
Ladies Dress Goods, such as Cashmeres, Alpa
cas, plaid Stripes, Mpus. de Lains, «J:c.
Terkerre and other Shawls, good quality and
now style.
Also, a splendid assortment of Calicoes! aj
prices from 4to 13J. Cheap Tickings and Mus
lins of all kinds, and a largo and elegant lot ol
Dome and Shoes,, with n good assortment of Gro
ceries, f qjl of which vvq.are determined to sell low.
The Pykin.Tea Company’s far famed Teas are
also for Bale by us at Philadelphia Retail prices.
Please give us a coll at Jho Corner of Hanover &
Louther eta. - & & CO
Carlisle, December 7, 1846.
Bargains! Burgalrid!
rpHE subscriber will commence (his week to cut
i. down his winter stock of goods at . very reduced
prices Tor cash, MI persons in want of cheap goods
will Hud it decidedly to their odvantage to call and
examine this : largo and cheap assortment of goods,
I have very recently opened a large and beautiful as
sorlment which I am determined to sell pi very jow
figures. Old stock will be sold, off without regard to
Recollect the old eland, cast Main streets opposite
Martin’s hotel, CHAB« OGILBY.
December 14, 1948.
For the Holidays I
JUST received at the atoro of 8. W. HAVER
STICK, South Hanover street t
Raisins; Lemons;
Prunes, (bapes;
D*tes, Pigs,
Citron, Almonds;
Sugar-plume, Oocoo-nuts,'
Mint-sticks, Cream-nuts,'
Licorice, . Filberts.
Candies, I’ea-nulsi
Sugar-drops, English WalnUts.
Oranges, ,r.
December 21,1848—5 t
, ~ fcoffee, Sugar, &ci
A LARGE and general .supply of fresh Rio,
IX Mocho and Java Co/feea, ns alio Brown,
Crushed and .Pulverized Sugars;, of heat
quality, boajdeaageooraUelection of fresh Spioes
always ori hand at the old Grocery and Tea store
of J. VV. EBY.
A LOT of Fnali,Crf hliorrios juil received end for
■alo ol the olo'ro of
Table Oil. , , . ,
ACrfOIOB brand (if superior Olive Oil received
ami for aala at the Tea and Grocery atofe of
Canary and Hemp Seed.
A, FRESH supply of the above named, scads,
XX Jual received by P. MONYKK. '
nouatioll>« IScotar. .
A SUPPLY of the above named Wlntey drink,
/V. has been received by P, MONYEB.
November SO, 1819,
.U6ots&Bubcs* .
JU,ST, received, several oases of Mon’s, Wo
men’s, Misses’ and Hoy's Boots, Shops and Pro.
gaits, and for sale very low at tho new store of
November .fy 1&4B,
Wew Ciothlng store.'
Corner of Hanritr and LmitJier Slrrete, in tltfwM
formerly occupied by C. Inhoff, at a Grocery Sw*>
THE subictibcr hot received .tad II now opining
o 'choice Selection of Winter Ooade, oanaistlhy
of Clothe, Caaeimeree end Veatingt, newett latent
the lowest rates, which he will make up Into
Frock and Dre» (Mil)
Over Co(.ts t Sacks, Clocks, Pants And Vest*,. Dmi
and Frock Coaia of cloth from $6 upwards, Paata
from $1,60 to $6, Yosts from 76 els. to 98, Cloak*
from $8 to $?0. He also keeps sblirts, bosoms, ool*
lars„neck and pocket handkerchiefs, comforts, caps,
gloves and hosiery, In short everything appertaining
to a gentleman’s waxdrohe. As he is agent for All
extensive house hie will he enabled to offer Creak
goods at least once a month. He will receive reg
larly the New. York and Philadelphia
and will spare no pains in gelling up hla work, la
the most durable and fashionable manner. Ha wW,
alto moke up work purchased at oUer stores to lb*
most coreful manner. He will pay particular fttlsft*'
tion to Children’s clothing. He respectfully aoUeHa
a share of pUMic patronage.
Agent for the Proprietor.
Carlisle, December 21, 1848.
AOVSRTHEotKTnc ••votoimxk" sr aeroikncsxt.
,§lB. Jlnd be it further 4Metad t * * • '*• • ; a •
*ml all made under tbs orders of the Post
naater General, In a newspaper or newspaper*, of letters iia*
sailed for in any Post-office, shall be Inserted in. tbepiMror
paper* of the town or place where the office adveraafog any
bssitu&led.baThig the largest circulation. , \
XJTmp Pott’Offict tew, patttd AfsrcA 3,1848.
OF LETTERS roraainingin thePost-of&fiii
at C&rlislo, Pa., January 1, 1849. Persons in',
quiringfor loiters oh this list, will please say they tMI
advertised. ,
Anderson Jahics . McCandless James
Best Daniel Mukselman John
Orennemnn & Givler Mundorf David
Hell William Mussleman Samuel
Cdrncroopa Joseph McConion John R
Cornbrobst Joseph - Mobnli Adam .
Game! David ' . Mussleman George jfr
Cratbn Alexander Minich Peter
CratobShsan Mickey David
Pecker .Susan McGowan John
Di.’t R S Esq , . . Mull Georga.
Donely Elisabeth Price Charlet.
Doy|e Jago Phillips D _
Eckard John Quigley Perea w
Fry Martin Rogers P D •
Finkenbindor David Rawlins John W(M D)..
Floming.WlUon S 6tevensonWro
Felrow Jos Stroy Catharine Ann
FraizorJohn Slehman John ;? ,
Freeze Valentine Stayman Dr Joseph 8
Grimes. John (Teacher) Schock, Sons & Co ■
Gibson John . Scholl Martha S
Groft. Mrs (Widow) Shefler k Fleming .
MurbertJohn Shambaugh John F
Hack George Stoner Augustus Q
Hosier Mary . Strino Henry
Hoerner David . sadler Joshua
Holmes R ‘ Seely Josiah H
HofTerl Susanna E Shaid David
Mossier George , Stevisen Inity
Hoch Jonas , . ' Snyder AB.
Humes George or Alcx’rTageri Willlanl
Hnmshire Adam Tatiock John H ‘
Irvine Patience Tompson Ellin i-
Kirnagn Ann A Elizab’h Wight Wilera M-
Kennedy John Wight Wiliam S
Kirk Rev A G Wondrlech Jdhir
Keppler Jacob Wilke Margel
Lesler Mary A Wilson James Esq
Montague James ■ • - ... t
BV v]rtiin of n writ (tom tho Hon. NcrruKtiL
B. Eloped,. Brosideni Judge ot the 12ih Judicial
District of Pennsylvania, bearing date ai Harris*
burg, tbc 4th day of December, A. D. 1848,..
that a.Special Court will bp held by tlieaaid Hoot
Nathaniel 13. Eldred, ry/d the Associate bf
the Court of Common Pleas of Cumberland boop*
iy,at the Court llqußp, in the. Borough of.
commencing ( on Monday the 19th day of February
1849, to continue one week, for
pending, in the court of, Common Pleas .of Cutnf
herlaad county, in which.lho Hon. Samuel Hep
burn was Concerned ns bounfeel for ope of the. pari
lies', prior to his appointment as President Judgb
of the lihh. Judicial District, and such.otherC|Qtfi
as are..embraced within,the provisions <?f theacl
of tho tieneral Assembly, passed the |4lh April,
relative to tHe organizatipn of courts of Jut
lice. Of said Special court, JuroisahdailpcriOQS
concerned will lake nolicn. /
, Sheriff's Office, }
Carlisle, Deo. 14, 1848; y '
fJTHE. Commissioners of Gutnherland county,
JL proper to inform the public that the
slated meetings of the Board of Commlislohera
will be Held on iho second and fourth Mondays of
each month, at which time any persons,
business with said Board, will meet themallheir
office in Carlisle. By order of the Commission* .
orS. Attest : ... ~ \VM. RILE'?, Clk,
January 4, IB49.~Crri 1
rpllß undersigned, Auditor, appointed by the On
X phons'.Court of Cumberland county, Jo marshal
and distribute the acacia of the ostoto of Enoch Wood*
row, Idle of Wcslpchntjboroujjh township, {fac'd., In:
iho hands of John B., his gdrplhfalrator*
to .and among iho creditors of anid deceqaedi hereby
gives notice to, ail persona interested,that-he will at
tend to the duties of hi* appointment qt his office, In
the Borough.of Ncwvilfa, bn Thursday, the Ist day
of February, 1649, at 1.0 o'clock. A, Mi
December 20, ISlS.——St*
drpliiiiis’ Court Sale.
IN pursuance of ah order pflhe Orphans*, Court of
Cumberland county, the Repl Esfate of John
preortwood, late of said county/deceased, consisting
of a W(n . ~ .
, or Tract of Land,
snunto in Dickinson lownsliip, in said county, bound
ed by lands of Addro Coover, Thomas Ship and
others, containing .
, 4t Acres, more or loss,
with tbo Improvements, will bo offered far sate at
public vonduo or outcry, on (he premises, by (he un
dersigned, his administrator,,bp, Saturday the 8d day
of February, 18.4 D, nt II q’clocft, 1 A. M. of said day*
, 'farms cash on conflmnlfon .of the sale and exaett*
Uon and delivery of a deed, to the purchaser. * '
December 21,1848—>7t
llonsc it Lot foiv Sale:
TUB HOUSE and LOT in East Main slrefti
adjoining Andrew Holmes and othore,ai pieaenl
occupied by S, D. Adair, Eaq. t is for The
lot is SB feet fronting on Main street, ahd 240 feet lo an alloy. The is 33 feet in front
witii Back-buildings, &0., ami, will bo sold at leu
than cost. Apply lo , J. W. EBY.i
3. W. EBY,
ONE amongst llio best stands In Iho Boronobi *
largo and comniodions bouse, having thirteen
apartments and a cellar undot the whole, near ths
Centre Square, situate on High alrcet, nearly op,
ooalto poetom’s hotel, nnd at present occupied by
Mr. Carmony as a store. For terms apply ttf
Onrlisle, January 4, 1848—gt
llonao & nuichamtth siiop for Rout
THE suher.rjbor offers for rent from the let of April
nb*l. a House and Blacksmith Shop, with an.
aero of Ground nttachcd. Tlio situation is a first
late ono for a 13laokflmUh,'and will be rented oil
[moderate terms. The shop Is situated S tnlleswftl
lof CarlUlfi. In Frank ford township, and Mai theft,
I aldenoo of the undersigned. ‘ , V'
Dcccmlicr 28, 18^8.—3l*
Special Court!
Auditor’s IVolicoi