American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, December 07, 1848, Image 3

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    Th Leading Periodical in America.
rvEDICATED to the Ladies of (he United
\J States. Edited by SarahJ. Hals, Grace
GBKNWO°b, and L. A. Godev. ~
A Novelette by Miss. E. Leslie, who contri
butes toevery No. 1
N. p. Willis’ Original Scriptural Poetry, >
T, S. Arthur, who contributes to' every No.,
illustrative of Croome’a Sketches of American'
Character. . '
We intend merely to give a notice of our inten
tions for next year, leaving to others long-edver
tigemcnls— u full of soUpd *and fury, signifying
nothing.” ; ' - ,
Agreeably'lo tho practice bflast year, the pub
lisher tyill issuo as good a number each month as
he duds in January. This is a novel feature in
Magazine publishing. During the whole of last
year ho.gave more engravings and'more reading
matter than any f of. his contemporaries, and will
continue todo so next year. * Those who subscribe
to GOOEY'S LADY’S BOOK, may do so under
the assurance that they will receive more for their
money in.the Magazine alone, than by,subscrib
ing to any other work. To, this is added andl in
cluded in the same $3. the LADY’S NEWSPA
PER, which contains In one month nearly, if not
quite as much reading matter as the other month
lies, making for $3, the amount of rfeadmg ’of two
magazines n mo ntfu There are peculiarities
about Godoy’s Lady’s Book for the ladibs that no
other Magaxino possesses. There is a Mezzotint
mid Line Engraving in each number—both by the
best artists. In addition to those, there are given
monthly what no other magazine gives—a col
ored Fashion Plate, with a full description. This
feature is peculiar to Godey, as no other wprk has
them every month and colored. Then there are
Caps, Bonnets, Chemisettes, Equestrianism for
Ladies, with Engravings. The Ladles’Wbrk
Table, with designs for knitting, netting, crotch
et, and all other kinds of work. Patterns for
Smoking Caps, Chair Covers, Window Curtains;
D’Oyley’s, Purses, Bags, &c. Health and Beau
ty, with Engravings, Model Cottages, with
ground plans, and other engravings, always il
lustrative of something useful. Music, beautiful
ly printed on tinted p&pet, which 1 may be. taken
out and bound. Colored Modern Collages, and
colored Flower Pieces occasionally. These are
all extra in x Godoy, and to be found in no other
magazine. These were all given last year, and
Will bo continued. In addition we Shall have in
‘every No., one of‘‘Crbomo’s Sketches of Ameri
can Characteristics,” a most amusing scriek, now
first given to the American public. These will
bo illustrated in every No. by a story from the
powerful pen of T. S. Arthur, Esq. “The
Changes of Fashion,”. Illustrated by Fay Robin
son, Esq. This series will be very interesting to
theladies. “The Applicability.of. the Fine Arts
to Domestic Uses,” is another series of Engrav
ings now in preparAtidnv ahd Will Be published
during the year. . u Cotiage Furniture.” Having
given 66 mahV,Model-Cottages, we intend now
to commence tile publication of Cottage Furniture
—a very ndcesSary appendage to a Cottage.,; ‘
Religion opd History. Our superior Artists,
Walters, Tucker, Pease and Welsh, are now en
engaged upon a sell of plates illustrative of these
two subjects.••
Our Music. Prepared expressly for us—most
ly original, and beautifully printed, has long com
manded a decided preference over that ofanyfrfrer
magazine. It is a feature in the The Book.
The Literary Character of Godey’s Lady Book.
With such writers as Miss Leslie, Grace Green-
Wood, W. O. Simms, Mrs. Eliot, T, S. Arthur,
Mrs. E. Oakes Smith, Mrs. J. C; Neal,H. T.
Tuckerman, H. W.. Herbert; &c.,’ thenuthor of
Ihe Widow Bedott, Professor Frost,
folldw, Holmes—and a host of others—
ways take the lead In literary merit.
For Three Dollars we will send tho Lady’s
book, containing more reading than any other
khnnUily, And the Lady’s Dollar Newspaper pub*
lishcd twice a month, which contains as much
reading as any of the $3 periodicals of the day—.
Making Ihtto pUbHcatibha In one month, or if the
subscriber thb followlhg splendid engrav
ings to the Lady’s Dollar Newspaper, (although
we would not, as engravings cannot be
Cent through the mail \VitHom being, crushed or
'creased,) we will send the beautiful plate contain
ing the portraits of Harriet Newell, Fanny Forres
ter; Mrs. Stewart, Mrs. Ann H. Judson and Mrs.
E. U. Dwight, and the plates of Christ Weeping
bver Jerusalem, The Opening of.
DcllVrranfcc of Si, Peter; dnu The ttebuhe. If
nrefered to the Newspaper or Plates, wo will send
Miss Leslie’s Novel'of Amelia, and<any three of
Mrs. Grey’s or Miss Pickering’s popular novels.
. For Five Doltard We will send twocopies ofthe
Lady’s Book; aud a set of the plates to each sub
scriber;.. \ •
For Ten Dollars we will Betid five conies of the
Lady’s Book, and a copy to trie portion sending
the club, and a set of plates to each.
For Twenty Dollars, eleven copies of the Book
a set of Plates to each BuHsoHhef t nHrl a copy
of Uie Bookjo Ihb Jiersoh feehulnq iheclbh.
For dne Dollar wo will send tho Lady’s Book
4 months, and for 25 cents any one No; Postage
io bo paid on all orders.' Address,
L. A. GODEY, 113 OHesntU St.. Phils,
December 7, Ift-18.
Ahead or all Competition:
OF LITERATURE AND ART, for January J 849.
•Mas. C. M. Kirkland and Prof. John S.
Hart> Editors. .
Eigbly pages of letter press on new type
and extra tine paper, three Mezzotinlo
Embellishments, and eight other va-
ried Illustrations, and contributions
from tho pens of the following
talented authors:
Rev. Albert Barnes, Prof. Juntos Rhoads,' Kiln
Elixa L. Sproat, Mrs. L. 11. Sigourney, Mrs. E. F.‘
Eliot, Mrs. G. C. Kinney, W. 11. C. Hoanor, John
Neal, Prof. James Xynd, Augustine Dugonno, Rev;
O. W. Dothano, D. D., Henry T. Tuokormnn, Mrs:
Francis & Osgood, George. 11. Dokor, .Rev. John
Todd, D. D., Alfred B. Slreoli Mary Smith,'John
Brown, jr., Marlon H. Rond, Mrs. C. R. I’ownsend,
Charles J. Peterson, George S. Burleigh, C. H. Wiloy,
Joseph R. Chandler, Mrs. F. B. M. Brolherson, Prof.
Joseph Aldon, Anno C. Lynch, Mrs. C. M. Kirkland,
Rev, W. 11. Furness, D. D.
The public arc already aware that the Unloh Ma
gazine has changed residence, as welt as changed
hands, since (Ira publication ofllio December number,
Messrs. Sartain-& Sloanakor having purchased it of
(be former proprietors, and transferred its place of
publication from Now York to Philadelphia, In atj*‘
(jillon, also. In the services of Mrs*. Kirkland, who
will continue, as heretofore, to contribute to Its pages,
the proprietors have engaged, os an associate Editor,
Prof, John 8. Hart, of Philadelphia. ,
It is confidently believed that tho patrons of the
Magazine will find signs of improvement, os.well as
change. Its external appearance is improved. For
evidence of this, tho reader need only look for him*
self. In tho pictorial department, tho magazine may
now fearlessly challenge a comparison with any of
its rivals. '
In redp'oel to tho Literary character of tho mags*
zino, it will be fho earnest endeavor, of alt concerned
In its publication, to soaur'6 for It the cohlribullohs
bf tho best writers that thb country affords*' The
fropriotors have already entered Into arrangements
for articles from almost every Writer of distinction in
the United States, of which thoy offer what they
blatm to bo a very respectable “first fruits,” in the
present number.
A special feature fbr the present volume will bo
(he publication of an Original Novel, tiro manuscript
df which lias boon purehaeod for (ho purpose. The
publication of this novo) wilt" conlmCnCo in, (ho third
number, and will in nA case bopslcndad into the sue
deeding year, even although a. largo number of extra
pvges have to bo printed la_bring it to p conclusion
noforo tho close of the volutno. This novel .will open
■° (ho reader a now Hold of Ampriaan traditions, on,
tlroly untouched by Irving, Cooper, or any of our
writers of historical fiction. Th'e scene of > the story
is in Nbrlh prior;, to the embodjes la (bp.form of an entertaining ficti*
tious jriarrtitiye, a mass of historical traditions re
specting;, (he early settlement,of. the Carollnas, which, 1
If we mistake not, will give quite a 1 new aspect to
that part of our national history. Tho writer, Mr,
Wiley, who has contributed a short talc, to our.brcs*
ont number, is a native of North Carolina, ana'ha's
traversed carefully, all that jtari of the country Which
he has made (he scene of his story, for the purpose of
giving tho greater fidelity, and accuta'cy to his det
scripttons. Without violating any of his iedrots, wq
raay vonturc to tell his rodders in advance, that be
has thrown an (somcthing like that with
which genius hap. invested .tho above of the Knicker
bockers) over even the 41 Dismal Swamp,” and that
not less dismal lino of sandy, harborless sea; beach,
which stretches for hundreds of miles south of Capo
Fear. . ;
Another feature will bo a series of stones by Prof.
Alden„of Williamslbw'n, Mass., illustrating tho times
of the early puritans. ,
Übv. John Todd, D. D., of Pittsfield, Mass.* will
continue tb ; contribute New England Legends, of
which 44 Tomo'of tho Wild Lakes;” in the January
number, Is o fair specimen. •
'■ '■ . PREMIUMS. ;' .
- The following 'splendid ‘ Engravings, suitable Tor
Parlor Ornaments, have been engraved at an expense
of more thanBloo.o, andaro offered as Premiums in
connection with the magazine.. The price ? of* either,
picture is of itself $3. : ; ;. . ' .
A targe whole-length Portrait of General Z,‘ Taylor
Represented resting on'his War horse, Old Whitby. on steel,'.'Barlaih;Trom
Daguerreotypes taken; from life expressly for thls
plate.; Size of the work, exclusive of tho margin, 21
by 16 inches. : •
Group of Portraita of Ihe Wqthinglnn Family.
Including G©«»..Washington, Lady; Washington,
Eleanor Parke ’Curtis, George Washington ParKfe
Ctislls,, and Washington's Favorite. Servant.' En
graving in Mezzotinto, on.slecl) by j. SartainTrom,
(he original by Savage, Size, oxduslW df margin',
24 by 16 inches.
Remember, our Premiums ore not from ala worn
out Magaxine plates, hal worth the postage on : their
transmission,'as is the, case willi (He offers.of some
others. The proprietors of Snrlain's Union Mogazlno
intend in oil Instances, when a promise is made; to
produce something oTFcal bieHt and Value; • - ’
One copy of tho Magazine, and one ofilio Pre-
miums,. $3 00
Two copies 44 « ;5 00
Five copies of tho Magazine and one of tho .
Premiums, oqd a copy of tho Magazine extra*, ....
to tho Agent, 10 00
Single copies,' • ■ > 25
.The money must accompany unch.ordcr. No.loi
ter taken: from the post office, unless tho postage is
paid. Address, , JOHN SARTAIN &. CO.
• 3d St.; opposite Merchants' Exchange, Phital
December?, 1848... - .
, THIS article is employed with great success,
ami by the most eminent physicians of this city,
for the following diseases: ’ . *
Scrofula or Kings Evil, rheumatism,cutaneous
diseases, sijphilitic aflections, littnr-and ulcers,
while swellings, scurvey, neuralgia or tiodoulou.
rouux, cancer, goitu or bronchocole,*(swelled nock)
spine diseases, chronic disease of the lungs, to
counteract the destructive effects 0 f mercury,
jaundice, hypenhopy, or enlargement of the.hdari,
palpitation and trembling of the heart and stomach,
enlargement of the hones, joints or ligaments.
Also all.the various diseases of the'skin, such
as tetter, ringworms, biles, 1 pimples, carbuncles,
etc, Dyspepsia and liver complaints, nervous af
fections, dropsical swellings, constitutional disor
ders, end diseases originating .from, an Impure
stale of the blood and other-fluids of the body, in
short all diseases whercachange of the system is
Prepared only by the proprietors, John C. Ba r
ker & Co, w ho esale druggists ami chemists, No.
100 North Thlrd slreel, below Race street, Phila.
Pride, 60 cents per bottle, who always keep a
good and general supply of fresh drugs. Alsp, a
new. article, Imitation Plats Glass, very stipe
rior, equal to English or French-Plates, for one
fifth the price, any size, according to order, toge
ther with oils, paints, and glass generally.
The Compound Fluid Extract of Sarsaparilla
for sale ; by Henry & Caslow, Druggists, corner of
Market and Third streets, Harrisburg, and sole
agents fur Dauphin county.
Defcsmber?, 18-48.—1 y . .
THE subscriber has just returned from the city
with a large supply of now goods.
llten’s Wear.
A largo assortment of Cloths, Cassimcrcs, Cnssi
nelts, Henlhokjr Jeans, Tweeds, and' Coatings.
liadics Ware.
Subh de Frehcli M.qrinofl, Satin Stripe, Alpacca
very handsome; Palmetto anil Coburg Cloth,
Cashmoree, Moue. do Laines, very finequailties,
French Cloßi forladics sake, large assortment of
Mourhing Goods; rind rt groat variety bf other
goods 100 numerous to mention, for sale by
« a. H. CROOKS.
• Remember tllb stand in West Main su, west of
Bretem’s Hotel. - . > ,
December 7, 1818. •’
Zttouselln cteXdlikcs*
■9O PIECES figured Mouslin do Laine, at Id*
’bought at auqlior). for sale by > ;
December 7, 1048. U R CROOKS;
Gum Shoes! Onto
AT PORTER’S SHOE STORE, you will find
a largo Assortment of Metallic Gum Shoes, Potent
Rubbers, Fdrred Rubbers and Dufiltins, Misses’
and Children’s Gum Shoes,* all first rate and war
December 7, 1848,
Tavern License.
NOTICE la hereby given that 1 intend to apply ul
the next term of the Court of Qifartcr Sessions of
Cdmftertaftd county, for a license to keep a tavern or
ptibllo house in the house 1 now occupy as such ia
Shophcrdstown; Allen township.
Dcifembor 7,1848.
Wo tho undersigned chitons of Allen township,
Cumberland county, do certify that wo are well ac
quainted with the above named David ShoifTor, that
he Is of good rentllo for honesty ahd (ompfcfatioe, and
is well provided with house room and conveniences
for the lodging and accommodation'of strangers and
travellers, omlthat sach; inn or tavern Is necessary
to accommodate tho public and entertain strangers
and travellers. .
H. Longneckor, Daniel Shelly,* !
Michael Cooklin, Andrew Bean,
J.oub Sliolly, llunry Gualor, 1 ,/
TIUwJ, George Thomas,
Charles Blngsman, Samuel Llhd,«
John W. Cooklin, , Jaipos Graham.
T'avcru lalccnso, hereby given that 1 intend to apply
at the next term of the court of Quarter Sessions
of Oumborland county, for a. keep a tav
ern or public houao in tho house I now occupy as
suoh, in the East Ward, in tho borough or Oar-
December 7,18d8. —3t ■" : / .
the undersigned citizens of the. East Ward,
oftlio Borough of Carlisle, In tho county of Cum
berland, do oortify that wo arc well'acquainted
with the above named Charles Moglaupluin, that
ho is of good repute for honesty nnd teftipotnnod,
arid is well provided With house room and, conve
niences for tho accommodation of strangers'and
travellers, and that such lon or tavern is nooossnry
to adcommodtflo tho public and entertain strangers
and travellers'.' , 1 ■ • : ,
Jno. Agnew, il* M’Ddrlnoy, ■
Pufor ppnh’r,, J.' Frank,Barron,.
R. Snodgrass, S. D. Adair,
D, Bryan, , J, B. Biattoni
Jno. E. Forster, , J. Goodyear, Jr,
It. Wright, Goo, Santlotsoii,
David MatlW, Patrick UiWideou.
Great Attraction forlhe Jlolliday||
. ICrlslklriltles jßteafr^artcrfc
THE subscriber would respectfully Inform the
oUizens of Carlisle, Wd those who tony visit
it during the, Holliday a*, that he is now martufar
tariptf and oW Hand a large assortment
&a., Suitable forlhoapproAdhihg festivities, which
will be so.ld wfiolesAle oVtelalj at the old stand',
In North J-lanover street, a few doors north of the
Bank, Mierq ho £*lso has on hand a large assort
ment of Fruits and Nuts, of the latest importation,
which will bo sold on accommodating terms, con
sisting-in part of .
Oranges, Xeinpus, Grapes,
Raisins, Prunes, Dates, Citron, Figs, Almonds,
Cocoa Nuts, Cream Nuts, Filberts, Pea Nuts,
English Walnuts, &o. .He would also call atten
tion to the best assortment of
French, German * American Toys,
ever brought to this place, consisting ip part of
fine French fancy boxes,, kid and jointed Dolls,
all sizes;.Doll heads, fine China, Common Uelph
and Wooden Tea Setts, . Kitchen setts and Furni
ture in boxes, brass and tin Trumpets, wooly
Dogs, bohe* tin, basket and other jUtlle's, penhy
•Toys of all'klnda, Waggons and Wheelbarrows,
fine tin 'J'dys. Tools in bokos, Gaines, Puzzles,
&c.j Pianos, Fiddles,TamborineS,.Hann.eoninans;
Accordeons, Drums,-Cdns, pistols. Glass and
China Toys, fine sewing Baskets, Toy and Doll
Baskets, and a .variety of other articles, in con
nexion with the above hVhaS just received a prime
lot of .
Fresh Groceries,
consisting of Pulv6rized,.Crushed, Loaf & Brown
Sugars, New Oileans, Trinidad, Syrup & Sugar
house Molasses, very cheap; Imperial, Voung
Hyson and JllAck Tha; Chocolate, Water, Soda,
SngaV and 'Pie-nlb 1 Crackers, Cheese, Rice; &c.;
Fresh Spices, such aA Nutmegs, Cinnamon. Gin
ger, Cloves, Pepper, Allspice, ground or whole.
All ofde« thankfully received and punctually
attended (o.M ■ ' .. ' P.-MONYBR.
Carlisle, November 30; . 1 '
Strong Breeze from Philadelphia.
CrtAS. OGILBY T will bo receiving this week ,a
largo scleclioil tif Winter Odddft, comprising
French and English iftorlnoes, Cashmeres, Mobslinea,
Tokair Shawls, and various articles of Ladies dress
: (jd'/dtock of Cloths, Casslmerss, Vestings* &c.,
will bo unusually largoand of the choicest stylo the
city market can produce.
Ladies and Gentlemen are respectfully invited, lo
cAII drid oJcnmine for themselves. Remember the
Dig Sign and Big Windows,.a few doors east qf'tho
Market House, and directly opposite Martin’s Hotel.
IMPORTERS and DE ALERS in Foreign and Do
mestic Hardware, Gians, Pdinta, Oils,Nails, Iron,
Steel, &c., East High street, opposite Ogilby’s Dry
Good store, have just, received and are now opening
a large of Goods in their lino, to which
they would invite the attention of Farmers, Mechan
ics, Builders, House-keepers, and others wanting
Hardware, as their stock has been bought at the low
est rales, and will be sold at a small profit.
They have also received d few ,of“Hovey*s Patent
Straw and .Cora Stalk Cutters,” to which they would
invito the attention of Farmers. These machines
have taken the premium at nearly oil the Agricultu
ral; Exhibitions In the, country, end are considered
preferable to any other cutter now in use,
October 26, IS4S.
THE subscribers would announce to the public that
they faiave.just returned from the Eastern cities
with a magnificent selection of
Fall & Winter Goods,
consisting of cloths, cassimeres spd vesting, of the
modi varied and beautiful patterns, all of which wil
be made-up in the most approved stylo. .They also
keep superior Shtris, Bosoms, Cottars , Slocks, neck
ond pocket handkerchiefs,, euspcndcie, gloves, ho
siery, hats, caps,and boots; in short, every thing in
a gentleman’s furnishing line, which will be sold at
the smallest profits. They will also sell goods ; by
the yard chcapdrjhnn any similar establishment in
the county. The cutting will be attended to as here
tofore by .W- B. Parkinson. Our work is all ihsde
under our own supervision.
Store in North Hanover street, nearly opposite the
Carlisle, October 26,1648.
/"(RANpERRIES of: the best quality in store,
\J and by P. MONYER.
November 30, 1818. ‘
Canary and Hemp Seed*
AFRESFtaupply of tho above named seeds,
just received by P, MONYER.
.November SO, 1818.
Roussoll’s Nectar.
A SUPPLY of the above named Winter drink,
has been received by P. MONYER.
November 30,1818.
A LOT of Fresh Cranberries just received and for
sale at the storo of
November 16, 1848.
A LOT of ohbibe No. 1 MackcrnJ (9 whole, half
add. quarter barrels, in store and for sale by
:■ October 26,1848. a J. WTEBY.
-. - Co flee. Sugar/ &c.*
A- LARGE and general supply of fresh Rio,
XJL Mocho and Java Coffees, ns also Brown,
Crhdhcd and PulverizedLbafShgars; of best
quality; bbsldes a gfenerol selection of fresh Spices
altfkyS oft hand dt (ho old Grocery and Tea store
of S, W. EBY,
Carlisle; Oclobbr 26,1846.
Table Oil; .
A CHOICE brand of superior Olivo Oil received
XX -and for sale at tho Ten and Grocery storo of
Carlisle, November 16, 1648.
A SPLENDID assortment of Mens and Boys
cloth And olbblolh Cvita just received, and for
sale cheap at tho new store of
* S. D. POWELL & CO.
Carlisle, November 2, 1848. •
i Rub* V/untcd.
rpHE highest price *lll be paid (In cash or in pa-
X per) by (ho subscriberf6rgood RAGS.' Thoregs
fuoy bo delivered at the paper-mill, 6 miles from Oar
lisle, or at the Warehouso of Mr.‘ Jacob Rhoem, In
Carlisle. 1 W. B. MULLEN.
f Successor of Dr,'John Creigh, deceated.J
WILL attend all medical calls in town or country,
by day or night, and will give every alfohUoh {6 pa
tients entrusted to his oaro.
Office in East High street, opposite Ogilby’s store
November 28, 1848, Cm
Cabinet Nuhtifgi
1 THE subscriber respectfully informs the public
that he will manufacture to order ■
Cabinet Ware fSSSSSts
ESSS3 of every description, such
as Bureaus. Secretariesj Sofa?; Tables, Bedsteads and
all articles in his lino, and will 'sell os cheap as pan
*bo bought any whore In iho county,' and Will warrant
Ills'furniture of ; good matorlal’aml durable workman
ship, 110 would invito Iho public to call and 6xom-
Ino his slock boforo purchasing elsewhere.'
n Coriins made at lh* shortest notice and on mode
rate . . . GEORGE &PANOLER,
i.CarlUo, Oct. 13, 1848.' ‘
' Buguemotypoti. ,
.. THOSE wishing to haVc correct pictures of them
selves or their friends would da wplh to ca|l soon at
the Daguerreotype RoominMarkol Square, Carlisle.
Room open (Vein BA. M. till 6P. M. . *• I
1 November X 6,1848. 1 J.A. THOMSON.’
! Begliter’s Notice.
is hereby given to alf persons ittfcroßted,
the following accounts: havA bdeh.-filed in
this officA’fht examination,'by the qcconptantstholrfi
ift named,'land will be presented to the ,6'rplWnfl*
Court of jOuniborlaiid county; for confirmation ort'd
allo^Anco,/on Tuesday Ihe 12th day of December,
A. to. iS4i •. \ 1
... r. Th’e, Account of Jacob ttofler, administrator Of
Nathan Rccd, laVe of the borough of Nowvllle, do
ccAsed. ' I
3; Tllo Accddnt of D r ; ft. G. Voting. Ex’r. of Mar
gatet Yodijg, late of Hampden township; dec’d.
3. Th’o accdtint‘of AdAm JEichclbcrger, deceased,
Guardian <|f AbrahAm Sioigleman, as settled by said
4. The Account of Jacob Hoover, Ex’r of Nathan
iel Ruby, late of Eastponnsboro* township, dec’d.
5. The (account of John Bobb; Ex*r of Adam
Eichelborgtr, late of Silver Spring township, deo’d.,
• 6. The Account of Thomas Urie, administrator de
bonis non with the will annexed of Dr. Lemuel Qua-,
tin, late of the borough of Carlisle, dec’d,
7. The Account of William Harper, Ex’r of Jqhn
Harper, latb of Mifflin township, dec’d.
0. The Recount of John M’Dowell, Ex’r of Aghea
Dougless, late of the borough of OarlUie,,doc’(d.
9. The account of Andrew Blair, B*’r of .John
M’Clure, JV.fc late of (ho Wrotigh of Carlisle, dec’d.
10. THp account, 6f the Rev. Robert M’Cachrcn,
Ex’r of Elizabeth Johnson, lute of the borough of
Newville, dec’d.
11. The account ofGeorgo Sanderson, admlnistra.
tor de bCnfs non of John Slough, late’ of’ Newton
lowtiship, dec’d.
, 12, Tho account of Susan Otto, administratrix of
John Otlo;dale of Sooth 'Middleton township,’deo’d.
13, Tlieiacoount of Jacob ,Sener, Ex’r, of Francis*
cus' Brumtyack; late Of' the boroUgh of Carlisle, .de
ceased. •. ,
14. The account.orJohnSprobl, Ex’r of Elizabeth
Cauffman,. late of Hampden township, deo’d.. ■
15. The account of Jadob Nickoy,
of David. Nickey, late of Frandford township,’ de*
16. Thb accoont.of Joseph D. Halbert; Eeq., ad
ministrator, with llio will annbtcd.'qf Raphael Kline;
late ofthe-borough of Carlisle, dcc’d.
17. The’.account of Jojin Piper, Jr., administrator
of John Piper, IdteofMonroe township, dcc’d. .
18; The account of Wm.' M. 'Biddle/ admin?
Istralor of Major Georgo Blaney, late of the .United
States Army/decM* 1 - v u . :
Reg i stir's Office, >
Nov. 16; 1648 4l f
■VIOTICE Is hereby glventhnt the Undersigned
IN has been appointed an auditor by the Court
of Common Pleas of Cumberland county, lb mar
shall and distribute the assetts in the hands of
Charles Barnitz and Jacob Hotter, Assignees of
John Mi. Good, to and among the creditors of the
said Good, and that he.will attend to said duties
at his office, la Carlisle, on Saturday the I6lb
day of Decembot next, at 10 o’clock A. M. The
creditors will please present their claims at that
time, and all pArtleb Interested may then and there
attend if they think proper.
November 30, 1848.—3 t 1 .
Auditor’s Notice.
' THE Auditor appointed by'the Court ofCoromon
Pleas of Cumberland county; to marshal end distri
bute the assets in the hands of Henry Lcldigh, As
signee of tsaab Kemper, will attend to the duties of
hla appointment at his office in the borough of Car
lisle, on Saturday the 9th day of' December next, at
10 o’clock ini the forenoon, at which time and place
creditors will presenttbeirclaims, and all particsin*
tercstdd may attend if they ihink proper.
WM. B. KNOX, Auditor. .
• November 23, 1848.—ht ' ..i..
LETTERS of administration on the estate of
Dr. John Creigh, late of the Borough of Carlisle,
Cumberland county. Pa., dec’d., have.been granted
by the'Register of said county. All persons indebted
to said estate are requested to make immediate pay
ment, and tboscbavlng claims will present them pro authenticated for settlement to .
November 16, 1848.—6 t
LETTERS of administration on tho estate of
John Greenwood, deq., late of Nowlon tp., Cumber
land county, Pa., have been granted to the subscriber
residing in said township. All persons Indebted to
suid estate are requested to. make immediate pay
ment, and. those having claims will present thbm
properly authenticated for settlement. .
Nov. 2,1848.—61*
OF tho Allen and Eaatpedndborough Muttial Eire
Insurance Company of Cumberland county,Sep*
tember 4, 1848.
Amount of property insured op to Sop
- tember 6, 2847, $1945,015
Amount insured the past year, $163,50A
Annulled tho past year, 7,438
Whole amount now insured, #2090,281
Amount of premium qotes in tho Tjca
syry at last report, $127,070
Am’l depositedthb float year, $13,339 10 . "
Cancelled. “ 376.00
: —512,963 10
Whole am’l of notes now in force, . $140,642 10
Whole ntfmhfer of policies issued, . 1414
Now in fimty 1406
Balancb In the I'rebshry* bn (he 6{ft of ' !
September 1848, -' $3,684 86
Per centage received past year; 660 33
Interest recMvtid. - , .86 62
Raid E,‘ rfeaßy for printing, #l3 00
Pold J. D.'Bratton , do - .16 QU
Paid commission bn tax; 160 86
Paid ihterest, 10 00 -
Pdld’Managcrs, 84 39
, , Damage by Fire.
Paid Jonas Lavon, 475 06$
Paid Knot’s heirs, 6 06 .
Paid J. H. Graham* 832 53
Paid Qootge*M’Fecly, Iflfl pp
Paid Jamcd §tart, 866 66
J. W. EBY.
- , ." , ; $8,138 06$
Balance In the Treasury, $2,213 73A
* LEWIS HYER, Sco’ty.
November 33, 1846.—9 t
‘TTTHO Wont* to buy cheap Lumber 1, Let them
VV coll'down sf CHURCH’S old Lumber
near the west end of tho old Harrisburg Bridge, at
the River, Cumberland side, where they can buy
Common Boards
for $ll per thousand, and Pine Shingles for $0 per
thousand,? . .. .
Tho subscriber, lhapkfulfor past favors, how of
fers to Iho public at his old established L&inbbr Yard,
at. iho west end of tho old Harrisburg Bridge, the
best selected lot. of
on the bank of tho river, consisting of 200,000 long
pine Shingles of (ho best quality, 160.000 longwhito
pine Shingles, 2d quality, nn<J 40,000 of (8 Infch
Shingles, together With 000,000 foot of Lumber of
assorted thicknesses and qualities, such ns 1, IJ, Ij,
and 2 inch Pannol; 1, 14, J 4, and 8 iqch Ist.Com
mon} 1, 14. 14, end 2 inch 2d Common. ' Also, Ash
and Poplar Plank, Poplar, Scantling -andltalf inch
Boards, Pino and Hemlock Joico und Scahlling.
seasoned Oak Plank, Pajjpcl, Ist and 2d Com
rrion Bijafds and Plahk, stuck up in Iho yard e!nce
last year, and' if persons tolls you to tho contrary
don’t believe them. but coll and see. ,
Having also n Sloartf Sow Mil) in. operation, and.
a largo stock of Timber on.hnm|/bi>(li Pino and Oak,
tho BUbscrlboris prepared to saw bills to order, fence
boards,' barn floor plank, laths and pulling at short
hbtioq. •. * ■ ’'•. • : <" ■!
Tho auWcribor hopes by strict attention Iq,business!
and, a determination to sell .lower than any other
Yard nt the rlvorj that his old customers and. tho
rublb generally, will give him •>’call boforo purcha
sing elsewhere. . HENRY CHURCH.
Maj 26,1(148.' 1 ' . >
Auditor’s Notice.
Estate Notice.
Aunnai Report
$4,‘351 80
H«vf Uooda!
To Butter makers.
THE. subscribers having purchased the right of
Cumberland county for making Crowell’s Patent
Thermometer Churns,', they wouldrespoctfully in
form thoFaWncrs and the public in general, that they
will make add oiler for sale these churha at the Cab
inet Waforooin of George Spangler, in Ndtlh Han
over street,' holt ddd'r lo David Smith's office'. The
principal advantage (hia churd has over all other
Churns is, ‘that it is so constructed that the top Can bo
taken oif so as to give free Access to the Inside of the
clnirn, which makes it convenient to put in the cream
and get but the butter. A thermometer is Attached
to the. one end of the churn to show the exact
temperature of the cream, which experience show's CO degrees to make good bulled./ A cham
ber or. space Is arranged around tbo bottom of the
churn for the purpose of admitting cold or,warm wa
ter, so as to. bring the cream to the desired
turo without mixing the water with the cream. The
secret in churning butter is to have your cream ai
the proper temperature—it will, produce moV'o And
bettor butter'and take less time id ch\irrilng : —\\ churns
equally well in cold dr, no such thing
a£ having pealded, butter—all that, is necessary to
make- good butter all seASona of the y ear Is to get oh‘e
’of Crowell's Patent Thcrmdrhqter thufnfl. We wobld
most respectfully Invito the .public to ‘call and exam
ine for themselves; . , , , ." , *
. .. . SAML. MYERS.
Carlisle, Oct. 18, 1845. / *
Atr. George Spongier .*, - .
Sir—We have been using the Thermometer Churn
I. got of you for some time and find it far superior to
the old barrel churn for several reasons. -First, great
saving of time in, gettipß butter, the average time of
churning.being about fifteen minutes; (ell weathers)
we have got butter In-the short Apace often minutes.
Secondly; the. butter when obtained U much firmer
than whert iising. any other churn. , tihally, mjr
folks,say they would not exchange for any.other
churn and twice the,original cost of th’e
ter churtt. Yours, &c. .
, Seplhrabct 2&, 1848. ' ■ '
Mr? George Spangler > • . . ,
, . X Hav'e tHb Crdwell Thermometer Churn you made
fof'mb in Use al my place, and! do not hesitate to
feity that no farmer should be without it Fifteen
minutes is all the tinto required td hake butler, and
the value Pfthis laVlrig of tlrtib dhd labor consists In
it requires tlnie Al any one season
than another,' and that the temperature oflbooreaul,
necessary to make butter, is produced with, certainty
and without the admixture of warm or cold watel
with the cream Itself. ' FREDK; WATTS.
'August 17, 1848.
To ike Public
For the benefit of the Bettor par t of irtdti (lonian)
I give this certificate after using the Thermometer
churn made by Mr. George Spangler of this place, I
would have none other in my family. Wo have
been using the churn for thirty yoa;s past;
and I must say it fa not to be compared to Crowell's
Thermometer Churn, either for speed of cKurnirig or
convenience. In the old barrel churn- it took gener*
ally from four to-six hours to chiirn the churning
now in the Thermometer churn wo can churn butler
in from fifteen to twenty minutes, by bringing (he
cream to the proper temperature, {can recommend
it to the public os no cheat.
September 4, 1848.
WILLIAM WEBB, takes this method of return'
ing hia sincere thanks to bis numerous friends and
the public generally, for the liberal encouragement
they have bestowed upon fata), arid would inform
them that he has just received from the city a large
and.very superior lot of. *
Metallic Wigs, ,
Three quarter do.;' Scalp,' Ladies' plain Frizcttes, or
front Braids; also a small assortment of LadiesVCurls,
a splbndid attlclo, of late & improved style on combs,
Brushes, &8;
He has alsd received a select and superior lot, of
Hair, Tooth, Nall and Clothes brushes 1 , English
and Buffalo Morn Cmnbsi Dressing, and Pocket, do),
unities that cannot fail to recommend themselves by
theiriuperidr.Qmsh; , t s y
■ ‘ Ladies and others wishing to purchase dnylblng
in.the above line, will, find it tp theta advantage by
palling nnd.eidmining tny .stopk, as I j£el confident
that the articles, and prices attached to them, will
ensure genoral.satisfaction. „
Carlisle, Nov. 23, 164&—3i
Taluablo. Property at Public Sale.
BY virtue of an Order of the Court of Common
Plcdi of Cumberland county; in d proceeding ir
partition between James .Wbodburn* and. Samue
Woodblirhi et al., 1 will expose (b public sate, on.tho
premises, on Thursday, tho 21st of December, 1848,
all that certain tract of Land, situate.and being in
the township of Dickinson, and county of Cumber
land, bounded by lands of Isaac D. Parker, Esq. Ja
cob DcHzhoovcr, Johnson Mootc, and others, con
taining. ■ i • ...
254 Acres, more or less.
‘ Tho terms of sale will bo:—-Five per cent, of tho
• purchase money to be paid at tho time of the confir
mation of tho sole, the rosiduo of one-half of the pur*
1 chase money to be paid on tho lat of April, 1849,
when possession of (he land will bo given, and (he
balance in- three annual pkyipcnrs, without interest,
all of which payments Cbofl be secured $ huqd and
mortgage, and tbo share of the said Mathew David
son and his six named children, shall remain in (ho
land during his life time, the interest of which.shall
ho paid, to hiiu .l'oj’.pml dijr/ijg })ik Jifo J; timo, or,unli|
his said children signify (heir willingness that ,
the principal sum |ie paid to him. or,any part thpre- (
of, and then the same shall bo paid as (ho said mort
gage becomes duo. • .i .
~ . . . , JAMES fjtOEFER, Sh’fT.
Bhoti(Ta Office, Carlisle, Nov. 30i 1848.
Public Sale of Town Property.
THAT largo two olory PLASTERED STONjJ
• HOUSE, situated on tho north aide qf
ffiiM Weal High street, in tho borough of Cer
i,,,gLr»lol adjoining tiro now brick .tores of
liUiHHEtumingcr dc.Sonsjrarrn, is offered fqr.gelo,
Thofo is a largo Stono Warehonao on itro lot, parto:
which belongs to the property now offered. If not
.did irhforo Saturday tho.S3d day of December next
it will, be offered at pnblto vontlge on that day,altbo
Court Houao, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. Per
son, can view the property at any lime by calling on
tho subscriber at hia office, on tho promises. ,
WM.B, KNOX; Att’y for J. R.' Kno*.
November SO, 1648.
a MII A THE property known as MIDDLE
ffIMMa SEX MlLLS.situatoinNorth Middle
li«lilß» t<?l> toWnB h'P* 3 miles east of Carlisle.
inSßHfcTiicro are 00 aores of cleared land, a
new Merchant Mill, with four run of starves, Saw
Mill, Plaster and Clover Mill* The waiter power
is one of tho best in tho Stale.
, Also, will be rented, separately, (ho FULLING
and C ARDING MILL.. Fot paHiculare apply to
Agent for Iho owner*.
-November 30,1846.—4( ~ •
THE subscriber will offer.'at public sale, on Iho (
premises, on Saturday llio 23d day of Docombcr next, |
tbo following described properly, visi,. I( :>«.
A lot of. ground, sftualo in Pomfrot street, in the
borough of Carlisle, having thereon, creeled a
o-L-a f Fram4 House,’
ij stories high, 20 foci in (Vanl wlth a
IJiHffiOTbaok,building 24 feet, and a Frame Bla-
JSSBBftblo, a good Garden, dtb.
Also,'a lot of ground adjoining the above* contain-.
2ng 30 -feet in fronfand 240 in depth, having a two
■lory FRAME HOUSE, weutherboarded, .with a.
Brick back building 24 feel, (Venting,on PomlVo* ■*.<
onri.i ll Frame Hoppe, fronting on' Chape! Alloy, ant
alrm good condition. \ •
1 ho terms of sale are—One*four(h qf the purchase
money to bo paid oash, end the balance In four equal
I annual payments thereafter.:). , . ... .
I The above properly will positively be sold on said
day, to Iho highest bidder.
-J -w • HAKE.
: Nuvirnbqt.D, 1848 7i» . , V:
AY T^°?^C^^eW^e'l ; Y,
207 Main Street, Buffalo, N. K
DR. g. C. VAUGHN’S Vegetable WAohtriptlc
Mixture, a celebrated medicine Which hi! mad* '
great cures in all diseases, fa now Introduced intothis
section. The limits of ait advertisement will fcUk
permit an extended notice of this remedy; frb
only to say it has for its Agerits in the United dtitsi'
and Canadas d largo number of educated medical
practitioners in high professional standing, who make
a general Use of it in tbeir practice id the following
diseases: Dropsy, gravel, and diseases of Ihd aria*
ary organs; Flies and all diseases ot the blood;'dey
rangements of the Liver, dec., and all gohoral diseases
of the aystoih. It is particularly re’dilcsted that tit
Who contemplate the use of this article, br who desire -
Information respecting It, will obtain A tiampblet of
32 pages, Which Agents whoso names are below wilt
gladly give Away,; this book treats Upon the method
of the properties of the article, and
the diseases it Has been Used for over this country
an 1 Europe for four years with such perfect effect.—
'Over 16 pages ofteslinldny froih the highestquirtisrs
will bo found, with names, places ah'd Uatbsl Whlch
can be written to by any one interested*, Add this
tic# will answer post paid communication*.- -
80-particular and ctsk. fbh the pamphlet; as riojhliefr
suck pamphlet has ever been seen*. . The eUdenclsdr
the power Of this medicine oyer all diseases frguU*
ahtccd by persons of well known standing In society*.
Put up, in 30 ( ok. and 12 ok. bottles. Price.££,3o
oi ; $1 12 oi.\ the larger being the/cheapen Ever Jr
bottle has k * C. VAUGnN M Bus dlrac*-. t
tiona, dec. See pamphlet page 28V Fre'hirWdbyDf*. !
G. C./VAConx*. and sold at the principal pnScfe,SP7 -
Main street, Buffalo, N Y. Offices devoted to this
;ale Of this article,, exclusively, 132 Noma, New
York; and corner of Essex and Waa|iid gi'on, ; Baletn','
Mass., and by all Druggists throughout this cotlrilry
and Canada as Agents. . , .. . ~
For sale by W. Hayersljck, Cdilisle ~ M. littlii
HArHsbUrg; Russel & Dice, Dickinson; J. C.JcG. Bl
Allick, Bhippensburg; Adams dt EsHelrttSn,6toUghsV
.town. .
I Octobef do; iS4§. • _
' X*urliy the JBlobdl r .
- - i>R. KEEEEXt’S paivaceA;
E OR the removal dhdpermanebt cbfe of, all dis
cases arising from an impure stdte bfthe
and habit of thobody, viz: . ' ’
Chronic bronchitis', catarrh, pleurisy*, cotignii dc.‘,
scrofula In dll Its scald-head, salt iHetonij *
chtancohs erupliohVof the head’, face, body, and ex
tremities, chronic diseases of the liver, f tomicb, ahii.
bowels, chronic rbcUmatlsth;, chronic enlargement of .
the joints and ligaments, white swellings, hip-joint
affections, abceases, UlccrSj syphilitic disorders, mer
curial arid betedilary predispositldhsihib..
Spring and slimmer have pasted away, and autumn ■
is once more with' tis. There is d melancholy sad
ness in the season and all nature seems to feel thij
change that 11 stealing silently on. ; Man seeini Id
shrink from the coming winter ahd prepares hijnself ‘
to moot the changes which the seasons impose upon
him.. But how is if witli the bea-rldclen.jjatrtVT to
scrofula, liver*diseases, chest fhemiUsmJ ’
or any,of the numerous disorders time thaif -
rise In the organs of digestion arid sd soon, ufy.up Uw
springs of life! How..does ho feel the changes!—•
Whdf gloomy forebodings lie in the future! The
sear and yellow leaf of autumn remind him that **d#*
coy’s effacing lingers” are already active in their ■
tvoik of desolation’. He feels dad kiiowslhal with*
but relief • • ; , , , • r .
. >Vilh him life’s scenes o’er*,
. . .. His beating heart will cease to beat. . i
But bounteous band of nature'scattered
around us no remedy ip drive disease, from the sya-|
again tho upon the cheek!— j
Must hours, days, wee&s and months, be consumed
'ln anguish and suffering 1 Our answer is emphstir l
cally noi the Panacea is a remedy pf. unsurpassed‘
alterative,powers and.will *Oj faf aa.humaa ggeugf
and foresight drive disease .fjjom the ; system
and fpstorc |t again to From the/papt we
may judge What has once been don,#
can be done again. FrtJip the advantages co^k
ferrod bn the afflicted by the Panacea, ( dll mar rea
sonably hope for, and expect to derive PCQefltaT :
Read tho following evidence: .■ „ . ,
.PmcAnsirnii, June 9, 1847. _
Having been apprized of the nature of
cea, it affoidi me much pleasure to be ible t t? jocoqi? •
mpnd itjSß a remedy for those con-.
slilbribndMnd glaudular diseases, to which It u
pecially adapted, 'J'hose who affixedand, JO;
(Joire imjdipino as alterative, cannot in.r
more active Ojhd uniform state, than
be found in the I have Used, it in several
instances with decided success.' Yoijra
• prepared. North-west corner 3d & South strrelf,
Philadelphia. For sale by Samvsl Elliott, parr
jislo, and by Druggists *and Merchants throughout
ih'eamnty. , t . . , t ■ . ; ~
Price $1 fycf boltlg.or 0 bottles lor For par
ticulars st|o pamphlets.; >.
October 26, 1848.— 6 m . •
T\R." A ; ,D- n graduate of {bo
JL/ mgtonUnlvdrslly of .Baltimore, anjl wbo hM
attended one of the principal med/oa.l schpolsof
Germany, the, University of
fqr.two yep re t|je.,plpckloy Hospital near Phila
delphia, offers to the puMfo bis professional sem
ces* fn all its branches. • ■ r , j.
Plainfield,, Cumberland county,
>Cailielo, on the State road leading to Newsmen
(September 14, 1848.——3oi* . ~ .
~~. Nciv ArHvixi. ~~7^
THE subscribers.biavQ just received Rota t’mlaclti
phia a new and Fresh supply of
mA ~ Bungs, jUeaifeipfeiiJ,,
)¥ Dye-stuffs, Perfumery; Fancy A nicies, ,&.c M «kP
Our stock Is now largo and complete,*©
ffe determined not tq bo undersold, but to spU qt tlje
lowest cash prices, we Invite the attention of country
merchants, physicians and others, to examine our
gootjjs and prices before purchasing.elsewhere. t ,
June 16,1848. J. & W. B. FLEMING.
■ ~ XIFE y [S ,
Penn Mutual Lire Ingea A^cepoMpAiy.
A'o, 31 WalnuL St. Capital bSO.OOP. j
fPHis Company is.notv ready to males Insures/;*.
. X on Lives, on the mutual system, without iia
• bllily beyond llio noiount of the premium., n,„ i .
Ail the profile of the oorapnny divided Sfinually
among the insured. ■ 1 >. "!> ,i'i,,
The paid monthly, quarterly,
semi-annually;' orannually, ar,opp-|islf of the pie
tn juni may bu paid in a note at IQ'jnonths* V>
Individuals Insured in, this ,company become
members of the oorporalioh, and voloforTtui-
IfbS. ■ .. ■), ; . , ' " t, ,(,
I?«r,tfiri planter security of parties insuring, with,
tills company, a guarantee capital of,s£o,ooo,h»a
I been created to moot tho losses ,thaf qiab aebrup
upon policips isauntLbJl lint, company,.lmbb hoiS.
and used by the IPtuelcea, until a papltal exceed-,
ing (Hat, amount has been realized from thferecblMs
of premimns. ~ , , n
DAWIRL Li MllXfik;President.
•Wnia M. pLARK, Vico President*.
. .lokn W.Honxm, Secretary. ■
The undersigned hss. been appointed Agent for
Blank.applications for Insurancci with
full particulars, can ho ; had at the hew alore.'cot.
ner of Hanover and lioulher sis, '■
" ■ 1 ■ s.d,po^F
teas. .
A FRESH supply of
MX ,M<i n gonerol variety of Green. Ten, .just
opened by ■■ ' \ .< J, W. EBY.
October 96, 1848.. ■
'• ‘-'M rs..«.«UIW!»%.
A LOT of toty./ino new Salmon,, jufUeleired
ZX' end. forsaly nt iheelore of,. jT„
October afy 1848. , V , J,AV,;|ptV,
Dr. G. W. Foulkc,- Examining PhyailJiS?
Carlisle, Nov, 9, 1648, :i * ,*’y