American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, October 19, 1848, Image 4

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. -ijiK»;^ws;.M\o^.;-lQ^*M*W? A ' -’■’' .'.?
TfLß.subscriborreepectfnlly anno\lhtfeVib:Vho pub*-
lie, that ho-had taken thc'&lattd lardy occupied by
Mr, Angney, al-thocorrtpr bf High street and HaN
per** Row,' \vJipro he haSjuot VeteWed from tho east
ern cities & largo and splendid asteortincrit bf
, 1 ■ *: i ? ( ;&£W‘ Gpdps *
Purchased ,irt the AVlartlic cities of the Importers and
ln'dudlng cVety-variety of Goods.--~
The Ladies are particularly invited to call and ox*
assortment of
/, .vjV.V. t •Dress Croods. "
Aoioiig which the following articles comprise a part:
superior-wool Cloth; black, and .fancy Silks; blue,
Taney, Cassimercs; fancy SummeV Goods;
Ginghams "and. Lawns; Bombast >cs and Alpacas;
Vestings ,ot' all kinds: Mous do Laines; Xiondxlh and
Don>estic OuUcoeB{ M)U9, QlovcS t Laces, Edgings,
HoMory of all kinds; together with a
largo assortment of
Altthb above Goods, have been purchased al the
cost and cheapest markets and will certnirdy bo sold
very tow,. All persons arc respectfully invited to
give him a call. JOHN E, FORSTER.
April, 20, 1848.
Tlic Tealtnd Oroocry Store of
U r
T.S donfiUnlly supplied with ft fresh and general
X assortment of Groceries-, Urtihraciflg a lot of
Rio and java Coffees,
dflho best) as well as of lower priced qualities
Loaf and BroWn Sugars,
ViA;, Double refined Loaf,crushed and Pulverized,
as also White Havana, Brown and clarified Su
gars—a)).of which for prices and qualities,'can
not be excelled.
Irt addition tdoitrfonUersdpply of'fedS Wehave
Undertaken 1 lie sale ofthe Superior Teds df J. C.
Jenkins & Cd, of Philadelpilia and have received
atid will be*kcpl supplied with an assortment of
Green and Black Teas,
of the various kinds and qualities, varying in
price from 37£ cts. to $(,*35 per pound, which we
believo will, on trial, take the preference over all
other Teas in this community. These, teas are
pul up in packages of y, 4 and 1 lb. each, labelled
with name ahd price of Tea, with a Metallic as
well as paper envelope for preservation of the qual
ilyi and each having full weight. One of the
partners (who selects the Teas) learned this diffi
cult' business of the Chinese themselves, while
engaged in the Tea Tiade and .residing among
them, and possessing this advantage, their ability
to furnish) not only safe and genuine, bul.also the
most delicious Teas, at the lowest possible prices,
is unquestionable, and therefore they can bo con
fidently recommended to our customers.
Id additiondo which may always be had a gen
eral dssortment of all other articles in the line of
dur busirtdss. All of Which are offered for sale at
tile loWesl possible price. We feel thankful for
past favors shown us and hope our endeavors-to
please will merits continued share of support.
Ji W. KBV.
l iayv Ydrk Variety Store,
T* & M. COLLIER & BROTHERS, ,beg feave
•J • to Inform the citizens of Cumberland and ad
joining counties* that they have just opened an
extensive .
Vrtridly Store*
In North Hanover street, in tile building Idiely oc
cupied by Mr. Hanlch, between Haverstick’sand
Coyle’s stores, where they will bo hUpiiy to re
ceive the,calls,of all wishing articles In their line.
I'hey will at all times keep on hand a well selec
ted assortment of Prints, (French, English and
Ametieab,) Domestic and Foreign Perfumery,
.Patent. Medicines, embracing nearly every de
scription, and in facta little of eveiy thing usually
kept in dn extensive variety store.
They are the exclusive agents for the sale of
or. Traphagcn’s celebrated “Pulmonic Mixture”
Und his “Balsamic Extract of Sarsaparilla;” Dr.
Green’s celebrated “Oxygenated Bitters,” for
dyspepsia'and phthyslc. They are also the ex
clusive agents in this county for the New York
Canton Tea. Company, and will keep constantly
On hand a large supply of their superior Teas.
Iniponelusion ihoy beg leave to say that they
are determined to sell at very small profits for cash,
and invite all wishing bargains to give them a
Carlisle, May 4,1818.
thread and Needle • Store,
No. 176 Chrtnut «f., about Seventh, Philadelphia,
X7"EEPS constantly on hand the largest and best
IV-assortment of Zophyr.and Tapestry Worsted,
Canvass, Steel Beads, Bag Clasps, Tassels,
Purse Bings, plain and shaded Purse Twist,
Cfotchett Bags, Purses, Sewing Silks, Spool-
Cottoii, Patent '/’bread, Noodles," Pins, Tidy-
Knitting Pins, Silk and Fancy Buttons,
Cords, Tapes, Silk, Colton,- Worsted and ldnen
Braids,' Em’btofdei'teir,- Perfumeries, and a general
assortment of SNGLISIi, FJiSNCU, and AMS
,\lso—solo agent for Bniwctturi'sf *s Celcbrathc
Haii? Mixture, for removing dandruff and dress
ing the hair, ulvTiVg ft a fi'ne glossy appearance,
batrtg decidedly live best article notf in
for caidf-*wltotWaTo and retail, at the Thread and
Reedle store, No. t7B Chosnat street, PhlU. •
. September 7. 1848.—ftii
rVUII* subscribers are now opening ihoV'r Fall
X stock of HARDWARE; and to winch they
would Invite the attention of persons in want ol
goods in 1 their line, as their arrangements are shell
as to- enable them to soil loWei 4 than' any other
trtore.- They havo.nowa full assortment oflouks,
latches, bolls, hinges, screws, and oVofy aVllcl'c
for buildings mill,* cross-cut and circular saws,
; mouse hole anvUW, vibes,* files; rasps, chisels; au
gurs, braces, plain bills, pianos, hahd,’ panmd,
ffnijing' and tonahi saws, broad 1 axes,'drawing
knives, chopping axefr, hatohbfs,* hammers, liny
and m.murfl forks, shovels, spades, knives, forks,
pocket knives of evety’style, butcher knives; ra
zors, soissofr, shears, Waiters, trays, brass and
iron 1 hoad* shovels and tongs, bellows, &c. t with a
laVgbatid fall assortment of goods for Sadlers and
Carriage Builders. ,
Also, lO tons hammered and'rolled iron, 2 tons
cwVahbar, blister and*spring steel, 50 pair Elip
litfsprlng*, I 1 loh Almhrican'and Russia sheet iron,
and Johnson's Olasting Fowdor,
3000 lbs. Nova Soottagrindstones, 0000 ius. Weth
erllVs. pure ground white lead, 300 gals. Linseed
Oil, 100 gals. Turpentine, 100 boxes of glass, as*
sorted 1 . Alio, Oopal, Coach, Japan and Leather
Varnish, Mahogany and Maple Veneers, Cedar
ware, Baskets, &c. 9
, Tfafcy h»*a also llnvoy’a Patent Spinal Straw
Cullen, for CullVnff hay, tlraw or corn slallia, the
bight'article of the kind ever oiforad for ante
. ' . WHIOHT&SAiXT'oN.
Seplembcr 16, RM7..
W. I#« WARD,'No. 100 Chosmu street, PhiU
tf phla, opposite tho Fraldtiln House,'lmporter*
STwjof Gold * Silver Patent (.over WATCHES,,
OHlVaDil munafactarora of Jewelry. A goud aa-i
sortmerit always on bond. Gold Patent Lovoru, 131
jfcwels, s3B} Silver do $lB to s3o;<3old'Lepihcrf,s3o;|
. (Silver do $154 to sls} Clocks aiid'TiinO Pieces} Gold
Pencils*upwards;* Diamond Pointed Gold
Pen»i $160; Gold Bracelet* mid’ Broaat Pins,'ln
great variety.. Ear Rings, Miniature Cases j Guard
Ohslat, sl4 to S36J Plated Tea Sets, Cantors, Oako
Baskets. Candlesticks, Britannia Ward, Fine Ivory
'■Handled Tahlo.Outlcry, and a general cssortmenlof
. Fancy Goods. •
FWlfy'May .26, 1848 P
JUST opened at tho " Deo Hive” a large lot of
Psfssololfs eltd Hun Shades, which will bo aold
' cheap;' • S, A; COYLE;
SlcwXlnoof Stages
r PHE subscribe* begs leave to inform the travelling
_L community, that he intends to run a LINE OF
limes a week, as Leave Carlisle on .Mon*
day, Wednesday, and. Friday mornings at 5 o’clock,
A, M., and arrive at York at 1 o v clock P» M., which
will bo, in time to take the York Haiti of cars for Bah
liraorev. Leave York for Carlisle at I o’clock P. M.,
(Immediately after the arrival of the cars,) on each
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, through Church
town, Dil"etown and Dover.
The subscriber assures those Who may patronize
him, that ho lms prepared himself with comfortable
and safe stages, and will use every effort possible to
accommodate .travellers. Passengers from CArllslo
will engage passage at the office of the subscriber,
and will bo culled for nl the places they rcducst.; In
York passengers will engage at the Depot, (White
Hall tavern.) GEbRGE HENDEL.
'Extensive Livery Stable.
that .. . :y on iu«. ... .rjr Busin*.
all its brunches at the old stand. His Horses arc
numerous and well-assorted, and his Carriages em
brace every variety of pattern, ouch as Coaches, Till
bury’s, Sulkiest Buggies, all df the best finish.
His drivel's are all careful and attentive. Saddle]
horses of the most agreeable gaits, always ready for I
customers at low rates. (
' The subscriber desirous of securing iho patronage
of the public, will spare no pains or expense, to ren
der his establishment worthy of the most- libera) en
couragement, GEORGE HENDEL.
Carlisle, July 27,1848.—tf
Extensive Furniture Rooms.
WOULD most respectfully call the attention of
Housekeepers and the public generally, to
Iho extensive stock of splendid Furniture, includ
ing Sofas, Wardrobes, 'Centre and other Tables,
Dressing and Plain Bureaus, and every variety of
Cabinet Ware and Chairs,
which they have Just opened at their-new rooms,
two doors west of the corner of North Hanover
and Louther ale., Carlisle.
They are confident that the superior finish of
the workmanship, and elegance of style, in which
their articles are got up, together with their cheap
ness, will recommend them to eveiry person want
ing Furniture. They have alsomadearrangemenls
for manufacturing and keeping a constant supply
of every article in their line, both plain and orna
mental, elegant and useful, at prices which they
cannot fail to suit purchasers. They, would earn
estly irivliu petfioda who are about to commence
housekeeping to call and examine their present
elegant stock, to which they will constantly make
additions of the newest and most modern stylos,
COFFINS mdde to ordef’at thoshoMbsl notice,
for town .and country;
Furniturel Furniture!2
THE subscriber respectfully Informs the public that
he still continues to manufacture and keep on
bam), at his shop on North Hanover street, nearly
opposite Oith’s, (formerly Glass’) Hotel, Carlisle,
Sideboards, Secrc-
T ARIES, TABLES, STANDS, Desks, Book-cases
Bedsteads, Cupboards, of every stylo and pattern, and
in short, every thins that can be made in a cabinet
• The subscriber will warrant bis furniture to bo
manufactured out of the best of material and by the
best of workmen, and as to hia prices ho intends to
sell low for cash. All who will give him a call, will
say that his furniture is cheap and good. All work
manufactured under his inspection. Ho particularly
Invites newly married persons to give him a call end
examine for thomselvcs—ho has no doubt his work
manship and prices will not fail to please; so don’t
forgot (o call before purchasing elsewhere.
The subscriber would also inform the public (hat
ho carries on (ho
Collin Making Business,
andean wait on all those who may desire his servi
ces in that line. Having a lleahsk, ho can attend
funerals in tho country. Charges moderate.
Carlisle, Juno 16, 1848.—1 y
N. B. A lot of choice Cherry Lumber for sale
by the subscriber*
New and Cheap
Boot and Shoe Store.
R C, MALOY, respectfully informs the citizens
, of Carlisle and the public general.y, that he
i has o'pbridit in' the store robin lately occupied by Jos.
Is. Gilt. opposite Bcnlz’ sloi'o, and neat Morrell's Ho-
I tchan extensive assortment of,
Men’s Boots,
Men’s and Boys’ Calf and Kip Monroes,Ladies’ Kid
and Morocco Slippers, Misses and Children's GAIT
BUS, and black and fancy colored
\\ KID. BOOTS, of tho latest stylo, and
made of the best materials, all of
which will be sold cheap for cask.
He.has also on hand a large assortment of Leather,
Calf Skins, Morocco, &c., and vfill manufacture to
order all kinds of Boots and Shoes at the shortest
Carlisle, April 13, 1848,
Boots, Shoos and Brogans.
THU attention of tho public is invited
Wm to a’ largo and elegant assortment or
Wt. . pbb'FS aild SHOES, now opening at
opposite tho Mothbdlst Church. The slock has
been solbotod with groat caro, and for style and
durability le unequalled;
Ladles’ French Linen Gaiters, (now stylo)
do Morocco Half Gaiters. . do
do Kid and Morocco Slippers, Hoskins and
Ties, at all pricoe.
Missis’ Gaiters, Leather Boots, Buskins and
, (ShUdreiis' bailors, Bools and ankle ties, ofovj
ery variety. ,
Mon’s Calf and Morocco bools, brogans and
slippers. .
> Boys’ .and Youths* Goal*, Calf and Kip brogans,
nad a genetai assortment of thick wOrk. '
Also a groat variety of 800 l and French Moroc
co, Kid, Pink and While Linings; Laslings,Trlm-
"dli bo given as usual, 1 lb
CUSTOMER WORK.such ae Gonllomon'e fine
ronsh boota,Conß:o.a boots,and Uallbrs, Ladles*
iw-\rn Mg«sh Lasting Gaiters and Congress
.Vsi “2 .. M,) 'oooo Slippers, Babkina and
French lies i and every olfotl used to got up tho
work in a stylo equal to the best oily wbrit, and at
the lowest price, by WM. M. PORTER &Ou
Mny U*
, N. B.—As tho milmorlbor now Uolnß WaU
nosa under the firm of Win. M. Porter & Oo M ho
earnestly rouuoslfl .those Indebted to nettlo their
accounts* as It ia ' necessary his old bool;B should
bo closed williouldclay.
July 13/1818.
BurriSy Scalds, and all kinds ofjnjlamed Sores Ciierd .
X the most complete Bujrri Antidote evor’knowji.
U instantly (as, if by Magic); stops the
piost desperate DurnsandScaVds. ' For old,Sores,
Bruises, Cuts, Sprains? &c., oomanbr beast; it is
the best application that can bo made; Thousands
have tried, and thousands praise it. Ills the most
perfect master of pain ever discovered. All. who
use, recommend it. Every family should bo pro
vided with it.- None can iell how soon some of
the family will need it. ,
; gffig-Qbgerve eactvbox of the genuine Ointment
lias the nanio Cf,S. TpbsEY-written, on the outside
label. To imitate this is forgery. ,
. Boatmen, Livery Men, Farmers, and all who
use Horses, will find this .Ointment the very best
thing they can use ‘for Collar Galls, Scratches.
Kicks, &c. &c., bri their animals. Surely every
merciful man would keep hip animals as free from
pain as possible. Tousoy’s Universal. Ointment
is all that is required. -Try.iu
Bites tff Insects.— For thoalingorbilo of poison
ous Insects, Tousey’s Ointment is Unrivalled,—
Hundreds have tried it and found it good.
Files Cured, For the Piles, Tousey’s Univer
sal Ointment is one ofthe best remedies that can
be applied* All whd havb tried it for the Pile’s
recommend U.
Old Sores Cured, For old, obstinate Sores,lhere
is nothing equal to Totisey’a Ointment. A per
son in Manlius had, fora number of years, a sore
leg lhat'baffted the: skill of the debtors. Tousey’s
Oinlmonl was recommended by one of the visiting
physicians (who knew its great virtues,) and two
boxes produced more benefit than the patient had
received from any and alt previous remedies. Let
u!l try it.
Barns dtid ,Sca!ds Cured, Thousands of cases
of Burns and Scalds, in all parts of the country,
have been'eured by Tousey’s.Universal Ointment.
Certificated enough can bo had to fill tho whole of
this sheet;
Violent Bruises Cured, Testimonials on testi
monials, in favor of Tousey’s Ointment for curing
Cruises, have been offered the proprietors. Hun
dreds in Syracuse will certify to Its great merits
in relieving the pain of. the mostsevere Bruise.—
All persons should try if.
Scald Head (hired . Scores of cases of Scald
Head have been cured by Tousey’s Ointment-
Try it—it seldom fails.
Salt Rheum. Cured, Of all the remedies ever
discovered for this most disagreeable complaint,
Tousey’s Universal Ointment is the mostcomplele.
It was never known lo'fall. .
. Chapped Hands can be Cured . Tousey’s Uni
versal Ointment will always cure the worst cases
of Chapped-Hands. Scores of persons, will state
Sore Lips Cured . For the cure of Sore Lips,
there was never anything made equal to Tousey’s
Ointment. It is sure to cure them. Try It;
. It is a sceniificcompolind warranted not to con
tain any preparalion ( of. Mercury,. 25
cents per box* For further particulars concerning
this really valuable Ointment, the public are re
ferred to Pamphlets, to bo had gratis, of rcspecla
ble Druggists and. Merchants throughout the Uni
ted States.
Prepared by S; TOUSEY, Druggist,
Aos.vts for Tilr Sue of tub Above.— S. W;
Haverstlck, Dr. J. J, Myers, J. 6c W. D. Fleming,
Garisloj G. W. Singiaer, Chorchitown; A; Cath
cart, Shephordstown; Dr* Ira Day, Mechanicsbhrg;
J. C. Reemc, Shirertianstown; John G. Milter.
Lisburn; Jane May, New Cumberland; John H.
Zearing, Sporting Hill; John Coyle, Hogcstowh;
John Heed, Kingstown: Roussell & Dice, Dickin
son; James Kyle; Jacksonville; J. Hood 6c Son,
Springfield; John Differ, Nowvillc; Robt. Elliott,
Dccomncr 30, 1847.—1y.* ■
Cllckcner’s Sugar Coated Pills, or
Graud Purgative,
jFbr the Cure of,Headache, Giddiness, Rheumatism,
Piles, Dispepsia , Scurvy, Smallpox, Jaundice,
Pains in the Rack , Inward Weakness, Pafpata
linn of ike Heart, Rising it\ the tyirodt, Dropsy,
Asthma , Fevers of alt kinds, Female Complaints,
Measles , Salt Rheum, Heartburn , Wui'ms, Chole
ra Morbus , Coughs, Quincy,. Whooping Cough,
Consumption, Fitti Liver,Complaint, Erysipelas,
llchingsif the Skin , Colds , Gout, Grav
el, Nervous Complainls, and a variety of other dis
eases arising from Impurities of the Blood, and
OhstnUlioni in the Organs of Digestion,
’ EXPERIENCE has proved thfct.
Disease originates from impurities of the Blood of
Derangements of the Digestive Organs; and to
secure Health, wo must remove those obstructions
or restore tho Blood to its natural. slate; There
fore, when the slightest derangement of. the Sys
tem is indicated by Costiveness, or any other sign,
it admonishes us that superfluities are gathering
in the System* which should be removed by an ef
fectual purging. This fact, as stated, is univer
sally known; but people have such an aversion to
medicine, that, unless the case was urgent, they
formerly preferred disease to the cure. Since the
invention, however, of ‘
Olickener’s Vegetable Purgative Pills
inis objection is entirely removed,as they arc com
pletely enveloped with a coaling of Pure White
Sugar (and as distinct from the internal ingredi
ents as a nut shell from the kernel) have no taste
of medicine. They are as easily to swallow as
bits of candy. Moreover they or
gripe in the allghiesldegrec. They operate equal-
Ty on ail the diseased parts of the System, instead
of confining themselves to, and racking any par
ticular region. Thus, for example, if the Live) he
affected, one ingredient wi 1.1 operate on that par
ticular organ, and, by cleansing it of that Ex
cess of Bile il ls constantly discharging into’ the,
stomach, restore it to its natural slate. Another
wiU'operatc on the Blood, and remove those,tm-1
purities which have already entered Into its circu
lation', wlUle a third ,wllj effectually expel from
the system whatever Impurities- may have been
discharged into the stomach, and hence they strike
a\ tlVd Iwot'of Disease, Remove all Impure. Hu
inours, opdil pores externally and internally*
promote thu Irrednslble Perspiration, obviate Flat-]
ulonoy, Headache, &c M —seperato all foreign ondj
obnoxious particles from the chyle, secure a free
and.healthy action lo the Heart, Lungs and Liver,
and thereby restore health oven when all.Ollier
means have failed. * , I
The entire truth of the above can bo ascertained'
by the trial of a single box; and llieir virtues are
so positive and certain in restoring Health, that,
the proprietor binds himself to return tho money
paid for them In all cases whore they do nofclve.
universal satlsiacilbri,, Retail pries 25 els perbox.
H'»yer»llok ( DiVJ. I. Myers, J.& W. D. Fleming,
Oaitiilr; G. W. Slnglßor, Churclrlown; A,, Calh>
oart.Sheplnjrdslownj Dr. Ira Day, Mechnnicsburg;
J. 0. Rocrnai Sbirenrapstown; John G. Miller,
Lisburn; Jana May, New Cumberland; John M,
Zoaring, Sporting Hill}' John Coyle, Hogeslowni
John [toed, Kingstown; Russell & Dice, Dlokin
bon; James Kyle, Jacksonville; J. Hood & Son,
Springfield;: John Dillor, Newville; iiobt. Klllott
Newburg. .
DeoOmbor'3o,lB47. —ly.*
Huts I Hats!
.Sonrrro Ann Summeii Fabiiiotts rim 1846.
rpllß subscriber would rospoctrully call the atlon-
J[ lion of the public to Ids largo assortment of
«r\ Hats & Caps,
jfcft of tlio mtosi fashions, constating of Moleskin,
Uoavor, fine While Hockey Mountain Boavor, Otter,
Bru4h‘, anil Russia hats of every quality, ond ut dif
ferent prices. Also on hond a fine assortment of
BlOuch or Sportsman’s Hills, (yorv light) together,
wUh a general assortment of nearly every inscrip
tion of Cup*, of all sizes, and at all prices.. Country
Mors and till who -wish to purchase hots or caps,
are Invited to call, as the subscriber is prepared t lo
1 give greater bargains than can be had elsewhere.—
1 Don’t forgot the place, No. 8, linker’s Row. .
1 CarUMc, Muy 26,1648.
I VaR cc,Ub ' fo,f • ,u l° by CoLutu & Bnoi'iis.,
I Worth Hanover street. .
1 October 5, 1818.
Read tUIs Attentively I y
: i.„ >. j : ’GERMAN BITTERS.
WILL effectually cure the Liver Complaint •
Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Chronic or Nervous,
Debility, Indigestion, Flatulence, Asthrnh,.Dia
betes, Disease of the KidneysiPulimcYiary Affec
tions, (arising’from disease of the stomach and
Liver,) and ..all .diseases arising from a weak of
disordered stomach in both male and female, such
as Female weakness, dizziness; fullness of blood
to the head, inward piles, fluttering of lhe,hearl,
difficulty ofbreaUilng, constant imaginings ofevil,
great depression of spirits, dimness of vision, pain
in the;eide, back, breast, or limbs; cold feet, i &o.'
They remove all acidity, and give tone and ac
tion to thestomAo)i, and asaisl digestion;, they con
tain no alcoholic, stimulant, and can be taken by
the most,deljcate stomach, and will inbvery case
entirely destroy costiveness, and renovate the
whole removing all impurities from the
body, and remnants of previous disease, and give
health and vigor .to the whole frame, thereby pre
venting‘frightful dreams, walking While asleep,
&c., which often result in accident;
, The functions of the stomach are of the utmost
importance to every one, it constituting the source
and fountain of life; which is nutrition.. No organ
possesses such remarkable sympathies, none such
remarkable power in modifying every part of the
system. A greater number of persons fall victims
to the harassing effects of Constipation and Dys
pepsia, and more organic diseases commencing iri
the digestive system, than all other diseases com
bined. . The many thousands who die with Yel
low Fever, Cholera, Influenza, ahd other epidem
ics’, is owing to disease or derangement there.. If
the digestive system is in perfect health, the nerv
obs system ahd the circblatioh of the blood will be
also, as upon It they depend, then epidemics loose
all their terror. '
Those living in, or visiting districts, harrassed
with Fover.and Ague annually’, will find that by
the timely use of or two bottles to renovate
and strengthen- the system, no excess of bile will
accumulate, and they will .not in one instance take
(lie disease. . Prevention is fhr belief than cure.
'Pile rare success in treating diseases of tho sto
much successfully, has not been so much a want
of pathological knowledge of its functions, as the
preparation of suilaible vegetable compounds, soas
to obtain not only their whole power, but as they
would be most effectual and grateful. ' .
We are all. aware that too many preparations
have been, and are how before tho public, that act
only as paliatives, and some that change the local
ity of the disease, or prevent it fur a short period,
then it returns more formidable than in the.first
instance.. Such preparations have destroyed the
public confidence; This atiicle standing alone in
its number of cutes; and unrivalled; as thousands
of our citizens ran attest who havb tested its {rir.
tues, can always be depended upon for the above
homed diseases. It will cure any case that can
be cured by medicine, no mailer who,‘or wh'at else
has failed; it will perfectly restore the diseased or
ganic. functions of the Stomach, Intestines, Respi
ration, Circulation, &c.
These Bitters and the Spikenard Ointment will
cure any case of Inward Piles; it is a rare occur
rence to require more than one bottle-of each for
-the worst cases. ,
wo. 278 Race st., one door above Eighth, south
side, Philadelphia. In Lancaster by John F.
Long; in Harrisburg, by Daniel W, Gross; in
Pittsburg, by Wm. Thorn—and by dealers gene
rally throughout the United States.
Pamphlets containing cures and description of
diseases, gratis.
Also for sale; his celebrated Vegetable Rheuma
tic Pitts, for the cure of Gout, Rheumatism, Drop
sy, and severe Nervous Affections.
Spikenard Ointment, for the cure of Piles, Tot
ter, Ringworms, &c. :
March 30, 1848.—Ora
See what Slicrmnu’sLozenges have
QIIERMAN’S. Worm Lozenges will immediately
O rcmoVo oil these unpleasant symptoms, aiid re
store to perfect health. Sister.lgnatius; Superior of
the Catholic Half Orphan Asylum has added her tes
timony in their favor, to (ho thousands which have
gone.before. She states that there ere over 100 child
ren in the Asylum, and that they have been in.the
habit of using Sherman’s. Lozenges, and she has' al
ways found them to be attended with tho most bene
ficial effects. , They have been proved to bo infallible
in over 400,000 coses.'
Consumption, Influenza, Cohghs; Colds, Whoop
ing Cough, Tightness Of the Lungs or Chest may bo
cited. Rev. Darius Anthony was very low from
Consumption. Jonathan How.orth,thocolebratcd tem
perance lecturer, was reduced to the verge, of the
grave by roising Mood. Rev. Mr. Dunbar, of New
York, tho Rev.’ lifr- Do Forest, Evangelist in the
Western part of this slate, Rev. Sebastian Streeter, of
Boston, the wife of Orasmus.Dibblo, Esq.inMoravia,
and hundreds of others, have been lelievcd and cured
by a propci uso of Sherman’s Cough Lozenges, and
no medicine has ever been . offered to tho .public
which has been more effectual in the relief of those
diseases, or which can bo recommend with moro con
fidence. They allay all itching or irritation, render
tho cough easy, promote expectoration, remove (he
cause, and produce tho most happy and lasting ef
Headache, Palpitation of (ho Heart, Lowness of
spirits, Sea-Sickness, Despondency, Faintness,Chol
ic, Spasms, Crampsof the Stomach, Summer or Dow
el Complaints, also all the distressing symptoms oris*
ing from free living, or n night of dissipation are
quickly .and entirely relieved by using Sherman's
Chnmpbor Lozongors. They act speedily and relieve
in a very short space of time, giving tone and vigor
to (ho system, end enable a person usin'g them to un
dergo great mental or bodily fatigue.
Rheumatism, Weak Dock, pain'arid weakness in
the Breast, Back, Limbs and other parts of the body
arc speedily and effectually relieved by Shormon’s
, Poor Man's Plaster,which costs only 12 J cents, and
Its within the reach of all. So great has become the
I reputation of this article, that one million will not bo*
I gin to supply the annual demand. Itisacknbwledg*
cd to bo the best strengthening Plaster In the world.
Beware of /mpostftort.—Dr Shetman'sPbor Man's
Plaster has his name with directions printed on the I
bock of the Plaster, and a fae simtVe -TTI of the 1
1 Doctors written name under the directions. None
1 others arc genuine, or to ho rcliedupon. Dr. Shor.
man’s Warehouse is No. 106 Nassau st. New York-
Aoents for tub sale or the xdovb.—S. W.
1 Haversliok, Dr. .1. J. Myors, J.& W.B. Fleming,
' Carlisle; G. W. Slngiser, Churchtown; A, Oath
| cari.Shepherdatown; Dr. Ira Day, Mcohanlcsbiirg;
J. C. Hoeme, Shiremanslown; John G. Miller,
5 Lisburn; Jane May, New Cumberland; Jclm H.
* Zonrlng, Sporting Hill; John Coylo, Hogestown;
* John Reed, Kingstown; Russell & Dice, Dickln
* son; .lames Kyle, Jacksonville; J. Hood & Son,
* Springfield; John Diller, Nowvlllc; Robt. Elliott
* Nowburg.
’ December 80,1847.—1y.*§
West Philadelphia Stove Works.
rpTHB subscribers roapcotfully inform their
X friends and the public that they aro now pre-
Eared to execute any orders with which'they may
e favored, for their West Philadelphia Complete
Coojt Stove, of which they haVo three sizes; Can
non and Baro Cylinder Stoves; seven sizes; Oases
and Tops for Cylinder Stoves, five sizes; Oven,
Pintos, four sizes; Cottage Air-tight DarlorStovos;
(for wood,) two sizes; Gas Ovens, three sizes-
Cast-iron Heaters, and n largo and beautiful as
sortment of Patterns for Iron Hailing,
Their goods are all made of the best material,
and from new and beautiful designs, •
Their West Philadelphia Complete is, without
doubt, lliu best and most saleable Cook Sftovo in‘
(lie market. They aro oonstrpoled with Mott’s
Patent Feodor, Front and Orate, which gives them
a decided' superiority over all others. They only
want a trial to confirm what is hero asserted.
Castings of all kinds made toordor with prompt
ness and despatch.
• Samples may bo soon and orders loft al the
Foundry, or at j. I). Kohler’s, 164 north Second
Ht.p-Mathieu & Doisoau's 187 south Second st.,
and at Williams & Hinds’, 398 Market st.
August Q4,lolB,—Cm
... .... : ., r , . I :
rr A..BISH;OP, BUocesBor lq Dr-J-J- Myers?
J, ".h£B,just opening a largo
and welrselocied;assortment oj* Fresh Drugs, Me
dicines, &c. r among; which will be found;,tho fol
lowing:.,'-,-.:; •••> ? . ■,* _
Opium, ,> : t -./.Cutlery, .
Camphor, , r Oils, ,
Epsom Salts, ' ' QuhSine, 'b. ’
Dye-stuffs, > ■ Aicoubti,
Spices, Turpentine, -T
i Pine Oil, &C, &c. 1
Also a very large assortment of ’perfumery, hair
brushes, tooth.brushes,- umbrellas,;walldhg canes.
Roussel’s and Hauel’s Shaving creartvfltfaFs oil, 11
cologn.wator, Imir dye, ox marrow, fanoy.soaps,
Extracts Mean Fun, curling fluid and fpnoy arti
cles of every description, to which he respectfully
Invites the attention of the public. His assortment
is a full and rich one, and he hopes, by strict at
tention and, low prices, to receive a
liberal share of patronage. Physicians prescrip
tions carefully compounded..
Carlisle, May.4,.1848. J. A. BISHOP.
New Spring and Goods.
The subscriber has just received and is now open
ing at his store, on the south-west corner of the
Public Square,'ah Unusually cheap stock of sea
sonable goods, such as
Cloths; Oassimeres, Vestings,
Alpacas, Silks,-BbmbaZines, Lawns, Ginghams,
Cambric, Jaconet, Mull,. Swiss; Book and other
descriptions of fine white Muslins; Checks, Tick*
ings, Gloves, Hosiery, &c. ,
A large stock of MUSLINS, white $ unbleach
ed, from | to J in breadth? and from .4 cents per.
yard.up in price.
A splendid stock of CALICOES; at. prices,
varying from 4 to IQ4 ms*. -.
Also a fresh stock of the
which he has lately introduced, and which arc
found to be by all UijU have tried them, llie most
economical and desirable article in every respect
now in use. Also, .
The Pekin Tea Company's Teas. He has been
appointed sole agent in this ploce for the sale ol
the above Teas, to which ho would invite Hie sppJ
dial attention:of the lovers of good Teas,. The
manner in which they aro put up is midi. a$ that
the flavour is preserved for any length, of lime.bc
ing Incased in lead or tin foil., Families can be
supplied willi any quantity put up In tins manner
The. public is respectfully invited to ball and
examine his stock; before purchasing elsewhere,
inasmuch as he feels confident that Ills variety and
prices will be satisfactory to purchasers.
•Carlisle, April 6, 1848.
Confectionary, Trull & Toy Store,
North Hanover Street, Carlisle.
THE subscriber would respectfully inform coun
try merchants and the'public generally, thalhe
is constantly manufacturing and has always on
hand CANDIES of every variety (which for qual
ity cannot be surpassed by any manufactured in
the State) which he will sell wholesale or Retail
at the Old Stand, in North Hanover, street, a few
doors north of the Carlisle Deposit Bank, where
he has also on hand FRUITS and NUTS of the
latest importation, which will be sold at the low
flst'priccs for cash. His stock consists in part of
Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Figs, Prunes, Dales,
Cocoa Nuts. Cream Nuts, Pea Nuts, English
Walnuts, Almonds, Pecan Nuts, Filberts, &c.
He would also inform the publio that he has
just returned from tbo city with a largo stock of
Fresh Family Groceries,
consisting of superior double refined, crushed and
pulverized Loaf Sugars, Brown Sugars, among
which is a very fair article for G| cents per lb.—
Coffee from Bto 12J cts jier lb. Teas, a superior
article of Imperial, Young Hyson and Black Tea. all kinds; Water, Soda nnd Sugar
Crackers, Cheese, Chocolate. Rice, Blacking,
Matches, Brushes, &o. Fresh Spices, such as
Pepper, Allspice, Cinnamon, Cloves, Nutmegs,
Ginger and Mustard. A supply.of indigo, (best
quality; Alum,'Starch, Washing Soda, Saltpetre,
&o;< which will be sold at the lowest rates.
The subscriber returns his sincere thanks to the
public for the liberal patronage extended to him,
and hopes by a desire to please to merit a contin
uance of the Sams'. All orders from a distance
thankfully received dnd promptly attended to.
Carlisle, May 4, 1848. . . ..• ■
Plainfield Classical Academy.
Four miles west of Carlisle, between the Newtille.
Slate Road and the Cumberland Valley Railroad.
THE Fourth session will commence on MONDAY
the Ist of May, 1848. Tho number of students
is limited, and they aio carefully prepared for Col
lege, Counting House, &c.
The situation precludes the possibility of students
associating with the vicious or depraved, being remote
from town or village, though easily accessible by
State Road or Cumberland Valley Railroad, both of
which pass through lands attached to the Institution.
Boarding, washing, tuition, &c., (per scsa.) 950 00
Latin'or Greek, 500
instrumental Music
French or German. I G 00
Circulars with rofoicncca, &c., furnished by
R.K. BURNS, Principal.
October 2,1848. —1 y
Fire Insurance.
THE Allen and Enstpennsborough Mutual Fire
Insurance Company of Cumberland County,
incorporated by onact of Assembly,is now fully
of the vie:
Ohl. Staymttn, Jacob VVm. U.Gorgas,
.Lewis Hydr, Christian TltEol, Robert Storrett,
I Henry Logan, Michael CockUn, Benjamin H.
I Mussor, Levi Merkel,Jacob Kirk,Sami. Prowoll,
I sr.and Meichoir Broneman,wborespoctfully dal)
thoattention of citizens of Cumberland and York I
•counties to the advantages which the company
. hold out.
i ' j rho rales ofinsurance areas low and favorable
• as/my Company of the kind in the State. Per*
• sons wishing to become members are invited to
. make application to the agents of the company
, who are willing to wait upon them nt any time.
1 JACOB SHELLY, President.
Henry Looan, J r ipe President,
Lewis Hybr, Secretary,
Michael Cockun, 2'reasurer,
February 3, 1848.
Aosntb —Rudolph Martin, Now Cumberland;
Christian Titzel, Alien; John O. Dunlap. Allan;
C. D. Harmon, Kingstown; Henry Zoaring, Shire
manstowh; Simon Oyster, Wormloyaburg; Robert
Moore. Charles 8011, Carlisle.
Agents for York County—JacohKlrk,general agt,
John Shorrick, John Rankin, 3. Bowman, Peter
Wojford. ' ' 1
Agents for Harrisburg—Houser & Locbman.
Protection Against Loss by Fire.
X Protection Company, will bo under the direction
of (ho following Board of Managers for the ensuing
year, viz: T. 0. Miller, President; Samuel Gal
braith, Vico President; D. W, M’Cuiloch,'Treasur
er; A. G, Miller,Secretary! James Weekly, JohnT.
Qroon, John Zug, Abraham King, Richard Woods,
Samuel Huston, William Peal, Scott Coyle, Ales-
Davidson. There ore also a number of Agents ap
pointed in the adjacent counties who willrocolvo ap
plications forinsuraheo and forward (hem immediate
ly for approval to the office of (ho Company, when tho
policy will bo issued without delay. Foi further in
formation boo the by• laws of tho Company.
, T. O,MILLER, President*
A. G» Mtiizn, Secretary,
, * February 10, 1848.
L, IL.Williams, Esq.j West Pont)Bboroug|i,Ooj
oral Agent. ..
J. A.Coylo, Carlisle; Dr, Ira Day, .Mechanics
hdrg; George Urindlo,'Monroe; Joseph Af. Moans,
Newburg; John Clondunln, Hogeslotvii; Stephen
Culbertson, Shipponeburg.
WILL perform all Operations upon the,Teeth
that, are required , for, their preservation,
suciias 'ScalingsFiling, Plugging,\&c* % of will
restore, the loss of them, by inserting Artificial
Teeth, from a single Tooth to.a full sett..
(E7*office on Pitt street, a few doors South of
the Railroad Hotel.
N. B. Dr. Loomis will bo absent from Carlisle
the last ton,days, in,each monih, > •
Carlisle, July 4, 1847. ’ ’ v -
, llr, George Willis Foiilltcj ,
(Graduate of Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia.)
OFFICE at the'residence of his father ImSouth
Hanover street, directly opposite Morrell’s Hoicl.
Carlisle, Pa.
May 18, 18481—!>;
Doctor A. Raiikiu.
RESPECTFULLY tend* rs to (ho inhabitants of
Carlisle and its vicinity, his professional services
in all its various departments. Hoping from his long
experience ahd unremitting attention to the duties of
his profession, to merit a share of public patronage.
When not absent on professional business he may, at
nil times, be found oilhcr.ut his office, next door to
Mr. Snodgrass’store, oral bis lodgings at Bcctem’s
Cariislc.May 18, ,1848.
Drugs T Drugs 1 - .
W Prices Reduced. W
PHYSICIANS, Country, Merchants and Pedlars,
are invited to cull and examine my stock of Me
dicines, Paints, Glass, Oil, Varnishes, &c.
Patent. Medicines, [Herbs and Extract,.
Fine Chemicals,' / PSpiecs, ground & whole.
Instruments, * Essences,
Pure Esaon.ial Oils,. Perfumery, Ac.
Log and Cam Woeds,
Oil Vitriol,..
• - Copperas*
Lae Dye;
WcthcriHA Brother’s Pure Lead, Chrome Crern
anil Yellow,Point dc Varnish Brushes, Jvre Win
dow Glass, Linseed Oil,Turpentine,'Cnpal & Conch
Varnish, and. Red Lead. All of which wi.l fa sold
at . tile very lowest market price, at the cheap Drug
and Book store of
.Carlisle, Jurio 1, ie4s.
Carpets arid OH Cloths.
IX, Pefsons.wisliing tobuy Carpets&Oll Ch-lhs,
very cheap, will find it greatly to their advantage
to caiLon the subscriber, as ho is under n-very low
rent, and his other expenses are so light, that he
is enabled,lqsell goods wholesale or retail,at tho
lowest prices In the city, and ho offers a very
choice assortment of-.
. VENITIANS of all,kinds, J
And Oil Olrths from 2 to 24 feet wide to cut for
looms, nails, &c. scc., with a great variety of low
priced Ingrain Carpets, from 25 to 60 cents, and
Stair and. Entry Carpels, from 10 to 50 cents per
yard. Also, Hearth Rugs, Table Covers, Floor
Clothe, Ooiionaml Rag Carpets, Ac.
H. 11. ELDRIDGE, No. 41 Strawberry sf.
One door above Chesnut, near Second, .
Phila., Aug. 21, 1818.—3 m
Cheap Watches & Jewelry!
WHOLESALE and Retail, at the Philadelphia
Watch.ond Jewclr) Store, No. 00 North Sec
ond street corner of Qarrry, Philadelphia.
Gold Lover Watches full jewelled 18 carrot
case, . , 38,00
Silver Lever Watches, full jewelled, 18.00
Silver Lever Watches seven jewels, 10,00
Silver Lcplno Watches jewelled, ll,uQ.
Quarticr Watches, good quality, 8,00.
Imitation do 5,00
Gold Spectacles, 7,00
Fine Silver Spectacle*,, . 1,50
Gold Bracelets with topaz stones, 3,00'
Gold Pens with silver bolder.and pencil, 1,00
Ladies* Gold Pencils, 1,76
Silver Too spoons from $4,60 per set to . 0,00
Gold Finger Rings,from 37$ cents to 80,00
Wotch Glasses, best quality—plain 12$ cents;
Patent 18|; Lunct 25, Other articles in
All goods warranted to bo what they are so|d for.
On -hand some gold and silver Lover and L pines,
stili lower than tho above prices.
On hand a Urge assortment'of silver (able, dessert,
ten, salt and mustard spoons, soup ladles, sugar tongs,
napkin rings, fault & butter knives, thimlilcs.shields,
knitting needle coses and sheaths, purse and reticle
clasps. Tho silver warranted to he equal io Ameri
can coin. ■ *
Also, n great variety offmc Gold Jew,dry, consist
ing in part of Flr.ger Ringf of ajl styles, schwillr
Diamonds, Emo.olds, Rubies, Torquoise, Topaz,
Carnet, Cornelian, Jasper, Cnpp May, Auuthystand
other (tones; Breastpins and Bracelets of nil styles,
sot with Slones and Corneous, and enameled—Ear
rings of all "styles; Gold chains of all styles, and of
the finest qualilty—together with all other nrliclrsm
the line, which, will bo sold much below New York,
prices, wholesale or retail, O. CON RA D.
• No. 00 North Second street, corner of Quarry, Im
porter of Watches. Jeweller, and Manufacturer o
Silver Ware.
Philo., December 23,1847
10 00
Ao. 234 North Second afreet, N. (t r . corner of
Calluwhill street, Philadelphia.
THE Likenesses taken and beautifully colored
at this well known establishment, for One Dol
lar, are universally conceded to bo equal in every
respect to any in the city. Pictures taken equal
ly woll ln cloudy and dear weather. A large as
sortment of Medallions and Loektls on hand, at from
$2 to 86, including the picture.
.The subscribers icspecifully invito the citizen*
of Cumberland county, to call and examine epcci
mens of the latest improvements in the art of Dn
ffhcrrootypinp, which will bo exhibited cheeifuMV
and without charge. . *
- T. & J. C. TENNET.
Plnla., July G, 1818 6m
New Goods!
WHO wnnts lo buy chc.p' LumberT Let Ihcm'
call down >1 OHUHCH’S old Lumber Yard;
near tho west end of ihb old Harrisburg Bridge, at
the River,' Cumjerland' aide, where Urey can buy
Common Boards
for $ll per thousand, and Pino Shingles for $9 per 1
thousand. 1
Tho subscriber, thankful for past favors, now of
fer* to tho public at his old established Lumber Yard,
at the west end of tho old Harrisburg Undue, tho
boat selected lot,of •
on tho bank of Iho river, consisting of 200,000 long"
pino Shingles of tho host quality,‘ longwhilo
pino Shingles, 2d quality,- and 40,000 of 18 inch*
Shingles, together willi 600,000 feet of Lumber of
assorted thicknesses and qualities, such as 1, Is, I A,‘
and 2 Inch Panned; I,ls, Is, ondslnrh Ist Com
mon; I, and 3 inch Sd Common. Also, Ash
and Poplar Plank, Poplar, Scantling and half inch
Boarda, Pino and Hemlock Joico and Scahtlingr
seasoned Oak Plonk, Dry Panncl, Ist and 2d Com
mon Boards and Plank, stuck up In tho yard s’ncc
lost year, and if persons tolls you to the conliary
don’t believe them, but call und see.
Having also n Steam Saw Mill in operation, and
a largo stock of Timber on hand, both Pino and Oek»
tho subscriber is prepared to saw bills to order, fence,
boards, barn floor plank, laths and polling at short
notice. ‘ ,
• Tho subscriber hopes by slrlctattcntlon lo bushiest
and n dotormfnotioh to soli lower than any other
Yard ot tho river, that his old-customers and lb o ,
publia generally, will give him n call before purclm*
sing olsewjioro. HENRY CHUIfOH.
Bridgeport, May 26,1818.