American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, October 12, 1848, Image 4

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    'Spring and Summer Goods.
Carlibt.s, Pa,
f tVIE subscriber respectfully announces,lo tlio pub
• 1 lie, that ho has taken the eland lately occupied by
' ‘Mr. Angney, at tho corner of High street and Har
_, where he has just received from the oust
cities a' large and splendid assortment of
‘; V; • ; ’ new goods l
. purchased in tho Atlantic cities of tho Importers mid
. Manufacturers, including every variety of Goods.—
■ hadics are particularly invited to call and ex
■mino hls beautiful assdrtuicnt of
Dress Croods,
. Among which tho following articles comprise apart;
.Superior wool . Cloth; black and fancy Silks;, blue,
-^J* c^-°, n d-funcy Cusslmcrcn; fuicy Summer Good*;
VGinghams and .Lawns; Bombazines and Alpacas;
Veilings of all kinds; Mous do Laincs; London and
. Domestic Calicoes; Milts, Gloves, Laces, Edgings,
Hosiery and Ribbons of. ali kinds; together with a
large assortment of ,
r. •/All the above Goods have been purchased at the
? n 4 c^e ®P®*t markets and will certainly,bo sold
..very iow*. All, persons are respectfully invited to
give him a call. JOHN E. FORSTER.
I April, 20, 1848.
Tlie Tea and Grocery Store of
J. W. EBY,
IS cpnaUntly supplied with a fresh and genera 1
assortment of Groceries, embracing a lot of
Klo and Java Coffees,
of .the best, as, well as of lower priced qualities
' Loaf and Brown Sugars,
viz-* Double refined Loaf, crushed and Pulverized,
as also White Havana, Brown and clarified Su
gars*—all of which for prices and qualities, can*
not bo excelled. , .
In addition loour former supply ofTeas wehavt*
undertaken iho,sale oTthe Superior Teas of J. 6.
- Jejv&lns& Co. of Philadelphia and have received
and will be kept supplied with an assortment of -
Green and Black Teas/
of. the various kinds and qualities, varying-in
price from 37$ ols. to $1,35 per pound, which we
believe will, on trial, take the preference over all
other Teas in. this community. These leas are
pul tip in packages,of J, & and 1 lb. each, labelled
with name and price of Tea, with a Metallic as
Well as paper envelope for preservation of the qual
ity, and each having full weight. One of the
partners (who selects the Teas) learned this difTu
cult business of the Chinese themselves, while
engaged in the Tea Trade and residing among
them, and possessing this.advantage, th*Sir ability
id furnish, hot only safe and genuine, but also the
most delicious Teas, at the lowest possible prices,
is unquestionable, and therefore they can bo con
fidently recommended to our customers.
, In addition to which may always be had a gen*
eral assortment of all other articles in the lino of
our business.'--All of which are offered for sale at
the lowest possible price. We feel thankful for
past favors shown us and hope our endeavors to
please Will merit a continued share of support. 1
J. W. EI3Y. 5
Ifew York, Variety Store.
J &M. COLLIER & BROTHERS, beg leave
• to inform the citizens of.Cumborfend and ad
joining counties, that? they have just opened an
Variety Store,
in North Hanover street, in the building lately oc
cupied, by Mr. Hantch, between Haverstick’s and
Coyle's stores, where they will be happy to re
ceive the calls of all wishing articles in their line.
They will at all times keep on hand a well selec
ted assortment of Prints, (French; English and
American,) Domestic and Foreign Perfumery,
Patent Medicines, embracing nearly every do.
scuplion, and In facta little of every thing usually
kept In an extensive variety store.
They are the exclusive agents for the sale of
Dr. Traphagen’s celebrated “Pulmonic Mixture”
and his “Balsamic Extract of Sarsaparilla Dr.
Green's 'celebrated “Oxygenated Bitters," for
dyspepsia and pjithysic. They are also the ex
clusive agents in this county for the New York
Canton Tea Company, and will keep constantly
on hand a large-supply of their superior Teas.
In conclusion they beg leave to say that they
are determined to sell at very small profits for cash,
and invite all wishing bargains to give them a
Carlisle, May 4, 1848.
Thread and. Needle Store,
No. 178 Chnnul at., above Stventh t Philadelphia,
KEEPS constantly on hand the largest and best
assortment of Zephyr and Tapestry Worsted,
Canvasar, Steel Deads, Dag Clasps, Tassels,
Purse Rings, plain and shaded Purse Twist,
Crotchett Bags, Purses, Sewing Silks, Spool-
Cotton, Patent Thread, Needles, Pins, Tidy-
Cotton, Knitting Pins, Silk and Fancy Duttons,
Cords,Tapes, Silk, Colton, Worsted and Linen
Braids, Embroideries, Perfumeries, and a general
assortment of ENGLISH\ FEE NCI/, and A ME.
Also—solo agent for BniNonunsT’s CcLCBnATtD
Haib Migtuhk, for removing dandruff and dress
ing the hair, giving it a fine glossy appearance,
being decidedly the best article now in use—cheap
for cash—wholesale and retail, at the Thread and
Needle store, No. 178 Chcsnut street, PhiU,
. September 7,1848.—6 m
rpUE subscribers are now opening their Fall
X stock of HARDWARE, and to which they
would invite the attention of persons In want of.
goods in their lino* as their arrangements are such
as .to enable them to sell lower lhmt r any other
store. They have nowa full assortmentoflocks,
latches/, bolls,, hinges, screws, and every article
for building, mil), crosa-cul and circular saws,
mouse hole anvils, vices, files, rasps, chisels, au
purs, braces, plain bills, pianos, hand, pannel,
ripping and tunaut saws, broad axes, drawing
knives, chopping axes, hatchets, hammers, hay
and manure fork*, shovels, spades, knives, forks,
pocket knives of every style, butcher knives, ra
zors, scissors, shears, waiters, trays, brass and
iron.head shovels and tongs, bellows, &0., with a
large and full assortment of goods Tor Sadlers and
Carriage Builders.
Also, 10 tons hammered and rolled iron, 3 tons
oast, shear, blister and spring steel, 60 pair Klip,
tio springs; 1 ton American and Russia shoot iron,
50 kegs Dupont's and Johnson's Blasting Powder, 1
3000 lbs* Nova Scotia grindstones, 3000 lbs. Weth
-B[mlnd whilo lead, 300 gals. Linseed
uil, 100 gals. Turpentine, 100 boxes of glass, aa
vlrnUb m’.i.V 001 ’ 8 ’ O J <, \ o * , < J “P“ n “" d Leather
wars, Baskets, 9 bo. onoors, Cedar- 1
best article of the kind ever offered for snli. 1 1
„ Carlisle, & SAXI '°N.
W. L. WARD, No. 100 .treol, Pu'il a .
PW.,, Ihe p rttnk ll n Home, imporura
r;3-°f CoUl dc Silver Potent Lover WATCHES
WHKand manufacturer. of Jewelry. A gaod'ul'
•ortmpnt alwoyi on bond. Gold Potent Lever., 10
jowel.,sa_B: Silver do *lB to *2O) Gold Leplneo.JOOs
Silvor do 812 to sslsj Clocks ami Time Pieces; Gold
Pencils,'sl'2s, upwards; Diamond Pointed Gold
Pens,\sl 60; .Gold .Bracelets and Breast Pins, in
great variety. Ear Bings* Miniature Cases; Guard
Chains* $l9. to $35; Plated Tea Bets, Castors, Cake
Baskets, Candlesticks, Britannia Ware, Fine Ivory
Handled Table Cutlery, and a general assortmentof
Pauoy Goods.
Phlla., May 26, 1848.
TtJST opened at the “ Beo Hive” a large lot'of
Psraaolclls and Sun Shades, which will ho sold
cheap. S. A. COYLE.
New J4no of Stages
subscriber bogs leave to Inform the travelling
X community, that he intends to run a LINE OF
times n week, ns follows: Leave Carlisle on Mon
day, .Wednesday, find Friday mornings at 5 o’clock,
A. M., and arrive at York at 1 o’clock P. M.; which
will bo in time to lake tho York tluin ofcarsfor Bal
timore, Leave York for Carlisle at I o'clock P. M.,
(Immediately after the arrival of tlio ears,) on each
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, through Church
town, Dil'slown and Dover.
Tho subscriber assures'thoso who may patronize
him, (hat he has prepared himself with comfortable
and safe stages, and will use every effort possible to,
(accommodate travellers. Passengers • from Carlisle
will engage passage at the office of tho subscriber,
and will bo called for at the places they request. In
York passengers will engage at the Depot, (White
Hall tavern.) GEORGE HENDEL.
Extensive Livery Stable.
Tlj*. .espec. (y informs the public
ihul he Continues to carry on tho Livery Business in
all its branches at ilia old stand. His Horses are
numcrous-and 'well assorted, and his; Carriages em
brace every variety of pattern, such as Coaches. Till
hury’s, Sulkies, Buggies, &c„ all of the best finish;
His drivers nro all careful and attentive. Saddle
horses .of the moat agreeable gaits, altvaya ready for I
Customers at low rales. I
Tlio subscriber desirous of securing the patronage
of llio public, will spare no pains or expense to ron
dor his establishment worthy of the most liberal en
couragemoiit. GEORGE HENDEL.
'Carlisle, July 27, 1818.—if
Extensive Furniture Rooms,
WOULD most respectfully call the attention of
Housekeepers and the public generally, to
the .extensive stock of splendid Furniture, includ
ing Sofas, Wardrobes, Centre and other Tables.
Dressing and Plain Bureaus, and every variety of
Cabiuet Warc aud Ghairs,
which they have just opened at their new rooms,
two doors west of the corner of North Hanover
and Louther stS., Carlisle* ‘
They are confident that the superior finish of
the workmanship, and elegance of style, in which
their articles are got up, together with their cheap
new, will recommend them to every person want
ing Furniture. They have also made arrangements
for manufacturing andkeeping a constant supply
of every article in their lino, both plain and orna
mental, elegant and useful, at prices which they
cannotfail to suit purchasers. They would earn
estly invite persons who aro about to commence
housekeeping to call and examine their.present
elegant stock, to which they will constantly make
additions of .the newest and most modern styles.
COFFINS made to order at the shortest notice,
for town and country.
Furniture! Furniture!!
subscriber respectfully informs tlio public that
. he still continues, to manufacture and keep on
hand, at his shop on North Hanover street, nearly
opposite Orth's, (formerly Glass') Hotel, Carlisle,
Bureaus, Sideboards, Score-
TABLES, TABLES, STANDS, Desks, Book-casts
Bedsteads, Cupboards, of every style and pattern, and
in short, every thing that can bo made in a cabinet
Tho subscriber will warrant his furniture to bo
manufactured out of tho best of material and by the
best of workmen, and as to his prices ho intends to
sell low for cash. All who will give him a call, will
say that his furniture is cheap and good. . All work
manufactured under his inspection. Ho particularly
invites ncwlv married persons to give him a call and
examine for themselves—ho has no doubt his work*
munship and prices will not fail to please; so don't
forget to call before purchasing elsewhere.
The subscriber would also inform tho public that
he carries on the .
Collin Making Business,
and cun wait on all those who may desire his servi*
ces In that line. - Having o Heads*, ho can attend
funerals in tho country. Charges moderate.
Carlisle. Juno 16, 1848.—1 y
N. D. A lot of choice Cherry Lumber for sale
by llio subscriber.
Now mid Cheap
Boot and Shoe Store.
TT C. MALOY, respectfully informs the citizens
in. of Carlisle and the public genorul.y, that he
I has opened in the store room lately, occupied by Jos.
\a. Gill, Opposite Uentz' store, and near Morrell’s Ho
tel, nn extensive assortment of
Men’s Boots,
Men's and Boys* Calf and Kip Monroes,Ladies' Kid
and Morocco Slippers, Misses and Children's Q AlT
gj*j KRS, and'black and fancy colored
made' of the best .materials, all of
which will be sold cheap for cash.
Ho has also on hand a largoossortmcntofLeatlier,
Calf Skins, Morocco, &c., and will manufacture to
older all kinds of Boots and Shoes at the shortest
Carlisle, April 13,1849.
lloots, Shoes and Drogaus.
'i'llK ulleniion of tho public ia invited
«Hr to a large and elegant assortment of.
K. BOOTS mid SHOES, now opening at
SHOE STORE, Main si.,
opposite the Methodist Chnruh. Tho stock has
been selected with groat care, and for style and
durability is unequalled.
Ladies’ French Linen Gaiters, (new style)
do Morocco Half Gaiters. 1 do
do Ki<i omJ Morocco Slippers, Buskins and
Ties, ol all prices.
Missis’ (Jailors, Leather Bools, Buskins and
Childrens' Gaiters, Boots and ankle lies, ofovj
ery variety.
Men’s Calf and Morocco boots, brogans and
slippers, .
Buys 1 and Youlha’Goot.OalfandKip brogans,
(and a goheial assortment of lliiok work. ,
U r «ai variety of Boot and French Moroc*
inlnga * While Linings, Lasi|ngB,Tfim-
IcUSTOM^V^WmM 1 ) bo B lvon n 9 ,IBUH *' to
Pwnsh bIM™ I*'Gentlemen's 1 *'Gentlemen's fine
Boot. Kid .nJ
Frenoh ties; and oveiy effort u.J, . “" d
work In a myle e<iual lotlto boSt rtiv w?.l l U,> i‘ 10
M°yTl l . I,rlC °’ b ? WM ' M ' W&TBRfcCo“
earnestly roouosts those indebted to untile Vi,
aooounls, os tl is nooensory his old books should
be closed without delay,
July 13, 1018.
JLct W6i*ksPr£iisoit t
Burns, Scalds, andallicindsnflnjlamed Sores Cuerd.
tho moel compleie Burn Antidote ever, known.
It instantly (as if by Magic) stops pains ol the
most desperate Burns and Scalds. For old Sores,
Bruises, (Juts, Sprains, &0., bn man or beast, it is
the bestapplicalionlhatcanbomade. Thousands
have tried, and thousands praise it. Ills the most
perfect master of pain ever discovered. All who
use, recommend it. Every family should be pro
vided with it. , None can tell how soon some of
the family wilt need it.
each box ofthc genuine Ointment
has the name of S. written on the outside
label; To imitate (h's is forgery.
Boatmen, Livery Men, Farmers, and all who
use Horses, will find this Ointment the very best
thingthey can nso far Collar Galls, Scratches,
Kicks, dec. &0., bn their animals. Surely every
merciful man would keep his animals as free from
pain as possible. TouseyV Universal’Ointment
is all'that is required. Try if.
Bitesof Insects.— For thd Mirigorbilnof poison
ous Insects; Tousoy’s Ointment Is Unrivalled. —
Hundreds have tried it and found it good.
Biles Cured. For. lhe Piles, Tousey’s Univer
sal Ointment is one of the best remedies that can
be applied., AH who have tried it Tor the Pile’s
recommend it.
Old Sores Cured, For old, obstinate Sores, there
is.nothihg equal to .Tqusey’s Ointment. A per
son in-Manlius had, for a number of years, a soro
log that baffled tho skill of the. doctors. Tousey’s
Ointment .was recommended by.ono.of the visiting
physicians (who Knew its great virtues,) and two
boxes produced more benefit than the patient had
received from any and all previous remedies. Lei
all try it. „ .
Burns and Scalds Cured , Thousands: of cases
of. Burns and Scalds, in all pans of the country,
have been cured by Tousey’a UmversalOinlment.
Certificates enongh can be had to fill the whole of I
this sheet. ~ •.
I Violent Bruises Cured. Testimonials on lesti
jinonials, in favor ofTousey’s Ointment Ibrcuring
Bruises, have been offered Iheproprielors. Hun? j
dreds in Syxacustrwill certify to tie . great merits
in relieving the pain of the most severe Bruise.—
All persons should try it.
Scald Head Cured. Scores of- cases of Scald
Head.have been cured by Tousey’s,Ointment-
Try it—it seldom fails. -
Salt Rheum Cured. Of all the remedies ever
discovered for this most disagreeable complaint,
To&sey’s Universal Ointment is the moat complete.
Ii was never known to fail.
Chapped Hands can be Cured . Tousey’s Uni
versal Ointment will always cure the. worst cases
of Chopped Hands. Scores of persons will state
Sore Lips Cured . For the cure of Sore Lips,
there was never anything made equal to Tousey’s
Ointment, it is sure to euro them., Try It.
it is a scentific compound warranted not to con
tain any preparation of Mercury, Sjg?“Prico 25
cents per box* For further particulars concerning
this really valuable Ointment, the'public are re
ferred,to Pamphlets, to bo had gratis, ofjespecla
ble Druggists and'Merchants throughout the Uni-,
ted Stales.
Prepared by S. TOUSEY, Druggist, Syracuse.
. AoextS for tiik Sale of tub Above.—S. W.
Havcrstick, Dr. J. J; Myers, J. 6c W. B, Fleming,
Curlsle; O. W. Singisci, Churchtuwn; A. Gath
cart, Sbepherdatown; Dr. Ira Day, Mechauicsbnrg;
J, C. Rccmo, Shircmanstown; John G. Miller,
Lisburn; Jane May, New Cumberland; John H,
Zuaring, Sporting Hill; John Coyle, Hogeslown;
John Reed, Kingstown; Rousscll 6c Dice, Dickin
son; James Kyle; Jacksonville; J. Hood & Son,
Springfield; John Dillcr, Nowville; Rato, Elliott,
Dcccmner 30,1847. —ly.*
i Clickciicr’s Sugar Coated Pills, or
Graud Purgative,
. For the Cure of Headache, Giddiness, lihetfynhlism,
, Fiksy Disptpsia. Scurvy, Smallpox, Jaundice,
Fains in the Back, Inward Weakness, Palpata
firm of the Heart, Rising in the Throat, Dropsy ,
Asthma, f'evers of all kinds, Female Complaints,
Measles, Salt Rheum, Heartburn, Worms, Chole
ra Morbus , Coughs, Quincy, Whooping Cough,
Consumption, Fits, Liver Complaint, .Erysipelas,
Deafness, Itchingsof the Skin, Colds, Gout, Grav
el, Nervous Complaints , arid a variety of other dis
eases arising from Impurities of the Blood, and
Obstructions in the Organs of Digestion, •
EXPERIENCE has proved that nearly every
. Disease originates from Impurities of the Blood or
Derangements of the Digestive Organs {land to
secure Health, we must remove those obstructions
or restore the Blood to its natural slate. There
• fore, when the slightest derangement of the Sys
i tern is indicated by Costiveness, orany othefsign,
it admonishes us that supeifluittes arc gathering
in the System, which should bb removed by an el
-1 foctual purging. This fact, as stated, is -univer
• sally known; but people have such an aversion to
l medicine, that, unless the case was urgent, they
formerly preferred disease to the cure. Since the
1 invention, however, of
Cliekener’s Vegetable Purgative Pills
this objection is entirely removed, as they are com
pletely, enveloped with a coaling of Pure White
Sugar (and as distinct from the internal ingredi
ents as a nut shell from the kernel) have no taste
of medicine. They arc as easily to swallow as
bits of candy. Moreover they neither nauseate or
gripe in the slightest degree. They operate equal
ly on all the diseased parts ol'llic System, instead
of confining themselves to, and racking nny par
ticular region. Thus, for example, if thoLivei bo
alfeoted, one ingredient will operate on (hat par
ticular organ, and, by' cleansing ]t of that Ex
cess of Bile it is constantly discharging into the '
stomach, restore it to its natural state.- Another
will operate on the Blood, and remove those im
purities which have already entered into its circu
lation; while a third will effectually expel from
the system whatever Impurities may have been
discharged into the stomach, and hence they strike
at the Root of Disease,. Remove all Imptire Hu
-1 tnours, open the pores externally and Internally,
I promote the Insensible Perspiration, obviate Flat
r uloncy, Headache, &c„—separate all foreign and
obnoxious particles from the chyle, secure a free
, and healthy action to the Heart, Lungs and Liver,
> and (hereby restore health even when all other
t means have failed.
The entire truth of the above can bo ascertained
by (be trial of a single box; and their virtues are
so positive and certain in restoring Health, that,
, the proprietor binds himself to return tho money
I paid for them in all cases where they do not give
f universal satisfaction. Retail price 25 ots per box.
I Agents von the bale or tub above,— S. W.
, HaveralickiDr. I. J. Myers,,J. A, VV. 13. Ffeming,
i Carlisle; G. W- Singlser'.-Churchlowh; A. Calh-
I cart, Shephcrdstovvn; Dr. Ira Day, Meclmniosburg;
J. C. Reeme, Shiremnnstown; John G. Miller,
Lisburn; Jane May, New Cumberland; John H.
Zearjng, Sporting Hill; John Coylo, Hogeslown;
I John Reed, Kingstown; Russell & Dice, Dickin
son; James Kyle, Jacksonville; J. Hood & Son,
I Springfield; John Dillor, Nowville; Robi. Elliott,
i December 30, 1817.—1y.*
Hats! Hals:
Spuing and Rummer Fashions for 1848,
rpHIS subscriber would respectfully cull the oiton-
X lion of tho public to his largo assortment of
rT\ Hats &' Caps,
of tho intent fashions, consisting of Moleskin,
Doavor, fine White Hockey Mountain Beaver, Otter,
Brush, ami Russia huts of every quality, and at dif
feroht prices. Also on hand a fine assortment of
Slouch or Sportsman's Huts, (very light) together
with a general assortment of nearlyevery Ucacrip
tlon of Cups, of all sizes, and at all prices. Country
dealers and ull who wish to purchase hats or caps,
are Incited to call, as tho subscriber is prepared ,lo
give greater bargains than can bo hod elsewhere.—
Boii t forgot tho places No. 3, Harper’s Row.
2 M848.
, iwiiioivnL ~
A oral a.:;! will practice in I tie sev-
Miln «trcci “liarly „n“l"u orl ,^ J ““““‘Y-,' Ohio in
March 0, I84u; PI oelto iho county Jail, Carlisle,
Read; this Attentively!
german j bitters, .
WILL, effectually, cure (he Liver'Complaint
Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Chronic or Nervous
Debility, Indigestion,, Flatulence, Asthma, Dia
betes, Disease of the Kidneys, Pulmonary Affec
tions, (arising, from disease of the stomach and
Liver,) and all diseases arising from a weak or
disordered stomach in both male and female, such
as Female weakness, dizziness, fullness of blood
to the head, inward piles, fluttering.of the.heart,
difficulty of breathing, constantimaginings of evil,
great depression of spirits, dimness of vision, paih
in the side, back, breast, or limbs, bold feel, &c.
They remove all acidity, and give, lone and ac
tion to the stomach, and assist digestion; they con
tain no alcoholic stimulant, and can be taken by
the most delicate stomach, and wiil. in every case
entirely destroy cosliveness, and renovate the
whole system, removing all impurities from the
body, and remnants of previous disease, and give
health and vigor to tho whole frame, thereby pre
venting frightful dreams, walking while asleep,
&c.. Which often result in accident.
The functions of the stomach are of the utmost
importance to every one, it constituting the source
and fountain of life, which is nutrition. No organ
possesses such remarkable sympathies, none such
remarkable power-in modifying, every part of the
system. A greater number of persons fall victims
lo the harrassing effects of Constipation and Dys
pepsia, bnd more organic diseases commencing in
the digestive system, than all other diseases com
bined.. The many thousands who die with Yel
low Fever, Cholera, Influenza, and other epidem
ics, is owing lo disease or derangement there. If
the digestive system is in perfect health, the nerv
ous system and the circulation of tho blood will bo
also, as upon it they depend, then epidemics loose
all their terror.
Those living iri, or visiting districts harrassed
(with Fever and Ague annually, will find that by
the timely use of one or two bottles to renovate
| and strengthen, the system, no excess of bile will
accumulate, and (hey will not in one instance take
tho disease. Prevention is far belter than cure.
1 Tho rare success in treating diseases oflho.slo
much successfully, has not been so much a want
of pathological knowledge of its functions, as the
preparation of-suitable vegetable compounds, soas
to obtain not only thclr.whole power, but as they
would be most effectual and grateful.
VVc arc all aware that too many preparations
have been, and are now before the public, that aol
only as palmtivcs, and some that change the local
ity of the disease, or prevent it fora short period,
then it returns more formidable than in .the first
instance. Such preparations have destroyed-the
public confidence. This article standing alone in
Us number of cutes, and unrivalled; as thousands
of our citizens can attest who have tested its vir.
lues, can always be depended upon for the above
named diseases. It will cure any case that can
he cured by medicine, no matter who, or what else
has failed; it will perfectly restore tho disoased,or
ganic functions of the Stomach, Intestines, Respi
ration, Circulation, &o.
. These Bitters and tho Spikenard Ointment will
cure any case of Inward Piles; it is a rare occur
rence to require more than one bottle of each for
the worst cases.
No.. 278,Race st., one door above south
side, Philadelphia. In Lancaster, by John F.
Long; in Harrisburg, by Daniel W. Gross; in
Pittsburg, by Win. Thorn—and by dealers gene
rally throughout the United Stales.
Pamphlets containing cures and description of
diseases, gratis, . • x
Also for sale, his celebrated fagetabte Rheuma
lie Fills, for the cure of Gout, Rheumatism, Drop
sy, and, severe Nervous Affections.
Spikenard Ointment, for tiie cure of Piles, Tel
ter, Ringworms, &c.
March 30,1818.—9 m
Scc wliat SlKcrmaii’sltfOzciigcs have
S HERMAN’S Worm Lozenges will immediately
remove all these unpleasant symptoms, and re
store to perfect health. Sister Ignatius,. Superior of
the Catholic Half Orphan Asylum has added her tes
timony in their favor, to the thousands which have
gone before. She states that there are over 100 child
ren In tho Asylum, and that they have been in ’the
habit of using Sherman’s. Lozenges, and she has al
ways found them to bo attended with tho most bene
ficial effects. They have been proved to be infallible
in over 400,000 cases.
Consumption, Influenza, Coughs, Colds, Whoop
ing Cough, Tightness of tho Lungs or Chest may be
cured. Rev. Darius Anthony Was very low from
Consumption. Jonathan Howarth,thocclobratcd tem
perance lecturer, was reduced to the verge of the
grave by raising blood. Rev. Mr. Dunbar, of Now
York, tho Rev. Mr. Do Forest, Evangelist in tho
Western part of this state, Rev. Sebastian Streeter, of
Boston, the wife ofOrasmus Dibble, Esq.ln Moravia,
and hundreds of others, have been iclievod and cured
by a propel uso of Sherman’s Cough Lozenges, and
no medicine has eve.-been offered to the public
which has been more effectual in the relief of those
diseases,or which can bo recommend with more con
fidence. They allay all itching or irritation, render
the cough easy, promote expectoration,, remove the
cause, and produce tho most happy and lasting ef
fects. j''.-'
Headache, Palpitation of the Heart, Lowness of
Spirits, Sca-Sickncss, Despondency, Faintness,Chol
ic, Spasms, Crampsof the Stomach, Summer or Bow
el Complaints, also all the distressing symptoms aris
ing from free living, or a night of dissipation are
quickly and entirely relieved by using Sherman’s
Cliamphor Lozcngcis, They act speedily and relievo
in a very short space of time, giving lone and vigor
[to the system, and enable a person using them to un
dergo great mental or bodily fatigue.
Rheumatism, Weak Back, pain end weakness in
the Breast, Back, Limbs and other paits oflho body
are speedily and effectually relieved by Sherman’s
Poor Man’s Plaster,whirh coats, only 12$ cents, and
is within the reach of oil. Bo great has become the
reputation ofthls article, that one million will not be
gin to supply the annual demand. It Isaoknowlodg
ed to bo tho best strengthening Plaster In the world.
Beware of Imposition.— Dr Sherman's Poor Man’s
Plaster has his name with directions printed on the
back of tho Plaster, and a simile «p) of tho
Doctors written name under the directions. None
others ore genuine, or to be relied upon, Dr. Sher.
man’s Waiehousc is No. 100 Nassau at. New York
. Agents for tub sale of the above.—S. W.
Huvorstiok, Dr. J. J. Myers,J.& W.B. Ffeming,
Carlisle; G. W. Slngiser, Churchtown; A. Cuth
oarl,Shopherdetown; Dr. Ira Day, Meohanicsburg;
J. O.Roemc, Shiromanstown; John G. Miller,
Lisburn; Jane May, New Cumberland; John H.
Zoaring, Sporting Hill; John Coyle, Hogeslown;
John Reed, Kingstown; Russell & Dice, Dickin
son; James Kyle, Jacksonville; J. Hood & Son,
Springfield; John Dillcr, Nowville; Robt. Elliott
Newburg. *
December 30, 1847. ly.*§
Wvst Stove Works,
f| v I‘HK subscribers respectfully inform their
X friends and llto public that they arc now pre
pared to execute any orders with which they may
bo favored, for their West Philadelphia Complete
Cook Slovo, of which they have throe sizes; Can
non and Boro Cylinder Stoves, seven sizes; Oases
and Tops for Cylinder Stoves, live sizes; Oven,
Plates,four sizes; Collage Air-tight ParlorSloves;
(for wood,) two sizes; Gas Ovens, litres sizos-
Costdron Healers, and a largo and bountiful as
sbrlmont of Patterns for Iron Hailing,
Their goods era nil muds of. the best material,
and Ifom new’ ami beautiful designs,
Thpir.Wosi Philadelphia Complete is, without
daubt, tlio best and most saleable Cook Slovo in
(he market,. They aro constructed with Mbit's
Patent Feeder, Front and Grate, which gives them
a decided superiority over all others. They only
want a trial to confirm what is hero assorted, ■
Coalings of all kindo made Ibotdor with prompt
ness and despatch.
Samples may ha soon and orders left at tho
Foundry, or at J; B. Kohler's, 104 north Second
at.; Mnthieu & Doisoau’s 187 south Second at.,
und at Williams & Hinds', 098 Market st. v
August 31,1818.—Cm J
Dr. Kqcicr’s Panacea.
FOR the removal and permanent euro of , all dis
eases arising from an impure state of the Blood,
and habit of the body, viz s
Chronic disease of the Chest, Bronchitis, Pleurisy,
Catarrh,'etc;; Scrofula in call its stages, Tetter, scald
Head*Blotches, Cutaneous Eruptions of the head,
face and extremities, Ulcers, Chronic Affections of
the stomach and Liver, Chronic Rheumatism,. White
Swellings, Abccescs, Syphilitic disorders,constitu
tional Debility, and alt mcrcurialand hereditary pre
dispositions, &c.
Let no one deceive themselves, that because o sin
gle cxcqhs of any kind does not occasion immediate
ly an attack of discaso, it is therefore harmless.—
Every violation of an organic law, carries with it
sooher.Or Inter its punishment! In the great majori
ty of situations to which man is exposed in social
life, it is tho continued, application of less powerful
causes, which gradually, and often imperceptibly ef
fects tho change,and ruins the'constitution, before
danger iailrenmt of. . Tho majority of.human ail
ments Is of slow, growth, and of slow progress, con
sequently admits only of slow cure. Scrofula, con
sumption, dyspepsia, white swelling, gout, chronic
offcctions of (ho stomach, liver, spine,head, eyes and
extremities, embrace this class—each being the effect
of an alteration iq tho vessels of nutrition, effecting
vogitativo life from an antecedent acquired, or here
ditary causo, nothing short of powerful alterative
medicines, promises' the least hope to the. invalid,—
PallativcsAvill never cure, and often do much mis
chief. . Tonics and Alteratives, combined with a pro
per regemo of diet—the one to strengthen, the other
to change morbid action, are what pathology, incul
cates, Read the following Valuable testimony.
PiutADßtPuii, June 0, 1847.
Having been apprized of the Panacea, it affords
mo much pleasure to be able to recommend it os a
valuable remedy in that class of chronic, constitu
tional, and glaudular diseases to which it is especial
ly adapted. To those.who aro afflicted,.and require
medicine as an alterative , cannot obtain it In a more
agreeable, active, and uniform state; than is to be
found in (ho Panacea . I have used it, in several
instances with decided success.
Yours, &c. D. ALLISON, M. D.
- Prepared and sold N. W. Cor. of Third &-South
street, and by Druggists, Storekeepers and others,
throughout the country.
For particulars see pamphlets. \ Price $1 large
bottles—ss half dozen.
For sale at tho Drug store of Samuel Elliott,
in Carlisle.
April 27, 1648.—1 y
Great American Reined v.
207 Maijt street, Buffalo, N. Y.
DR. G. C. .VAUGHN’S Vegetable Lithontrlplic*
Mixture, a celebrated medicine which iinuh
great cures in all diseases, is now introduced into ilu'r
section. The. limits of on advertisement will not.
permit an extended notice of this remedy; wc ha'-t
only to say it has for its Agents in tlio United Si;itt>
and Canadas a largo number of educated Medical
Piaclilioncrs in high profossionaUtnnding, who makr'
a general use of it in their practice in. the following
' Dropsy, Gravel, and diseases of (ho urinary Organs;
Piles and oil diseases of the blood;, derur.grinehts ml
the Liver, dec., and dll general diseases of the system.
It is particularly requested that.nil who conteuijluh
the uso of this article, or who desire information re
specting it, will obtain a Pamphlet of 32 pages, which
Agents whose names are below will gladly give away;
this book treots upon the method of cUro—explain*
the properties of the article, and tho diseases it has
been used for over this country and Emupo for four
. years with such perfect effects Over 16 pages of trs
' limony from the highest quailers will he found, will) J
names, places and dates, which can bo written to hy J
any one interested, and the parties will answer, post
paid communications.
• Bo particular and ask for tho Pamphlet, ns no oth
er such pa mpblcl bos over been scon. The evidence
ofxho power of this medicine over all diseases is guar
anteed by persons of well known standing in society.
' Put up in 30 oz. and 12 oz. bottles. Price $2, 30
0z.;51120x.; the larger being tho cheaper. Every
bottle bas“G. C, VAUGHN” written on the direc
tions, dee. See pamphlet, page Prepared by
Dr. 0,0. VAUGHN, and sold at Principal Ollicc.
207 Main street, Buffalo, N. Y. . Offices devoted to
sale of this article exclusively, 132 Nassau, N. York,
and corner of Essex and Washington, Salcm. Moss..
and by all Druggists throughout this country and
Canada as Agents.
For sale by S. W. Haverstick, Carlisle; M. Lu’z,
Harrisburg;Russ'cr& Dice, Dickinson; J. C. 6c G.B.
Alllck, Shippensburg; Adams dcEshelman, Sloughs
MarchS, 1848.—1 y *
Plalnfleld Classical Academy*
Four miles west of Carlisle , between the Ne'iooille
State Road and the Cumberland Valley Railroad.
THE Fourth scssion.will commence on MONDAY
the Ist of Mny, 1848. Tho number of students
U limited, ami they are carefully-prepared for Col
logo, Counting House, &c.
The situation precludes the possibility of students
associating with tho vicious or depraved, being remote
from town or village, though easily accessible by
State Road or Cumberland Valley Railroad, both of
which pass through lands attached to.the institution.
Hoarding, washing, tuition, &c., (per scss.) $OO.OO
Latin or Greek, fi 00
Instrumental Music . • 10 00
French or Gorman. 5 00
Circulars with references, d:c., furnished l>v
ILK, BURNS, Frimipal.
April 13,. 18/18.—ly
Fire Insurance,
TH EAllen andEastpennsborough Mutual Fin
Insurance Company of Cumberland County,
incorporated by on act of Assembly, U now fully
organized,and lnoperQtionundorUieuiiuui<;ciufiii
of the following commissioners, viz;
Cht. Stay man, Jacob Shelly, Win. It. Oorgim.
Lewis Hyer, Christian Tltzel, Ruben Stem'll,-
Homy Logan, Michael Cocklln,-Benjamin H.
Musser, Levi Merkel,Jacob Kirk,Sami. Hrowoll,
sr.and Melchoir Dreneman,whoreapoi!tfuily call
theattentlonofoUizons of Cumberland and York
counties to the advantages which the company
Thoratos of insurance are us low and favorable
os any Company of the kind in the State. Per
sons wishing to become members are invited to
make application to the agents of the company
who are willing to wait upon them at any time.
JACOB SHELLY, President.
Henry Looan, Vice ,Pmideni.
Lewis Hyer, Secretary,
' Michael Cooklin, Treasurer .
February 3, 1848.
Aokwts— Rudolph Morlin, Now Cumberland;
t Christian Titzol, Allen; John C. Dunlap, Alien;
; O. D. Harmon, Kingstown; Henry Zoaring, Shiro
manslown; Simon Oyster, Worniloysburc: Robert
Moore, Charles Bell, Carlisle.
Agents forYorkCounty—JacobKirlc,general aal
John Bhorrlck, John Rankin, J. Bowman. Peter
Agents for Harrisburg—Houser & Locluuun,
Protection Against Loun by Fire,.
X Protection Company, will be under tho direction
of the following Board of' Managers for tho ensuing
your, viz: T. C. Miller, President; Samuel Gal
braith, Vico President; 1). W. M’Gulloch, Treasur
er; A, O, Miller,Secretary; James Weakly, JohnT.
Green, John Ziig, Abraham King, Richard Woods,
Samuel Huston,' William Peal, Scott Coyle, Alex-
Dnvidson. There are also a number of Agents ap
pointed in the adjacent counties who will receive ap
plications forlnsurance and forward them immediate
ly for approval to the office t of the Company, when (he
policy will bo Issued wllhoutdelay. Fm further In
formation see tho by.laws of tho Company.
: ' T, 0. MILLER, President,
~A» o. Miller, Sdercfurv,
/ Fobruary 10, 1848,
L, H, Williams, Esq., West Ponnsborough, Gen
eral Agent.
J. A. Coyle, Carlisle; Ur.lra Day, Mechanics
burg; Ooorgo Brlritllo, Monroo; Joseph M. Moans,
Nowhtirg; John Clondonin, llogc.lown; Stephen
Culbertson, Shlpponeburg,
Dr.I.C. Loomis,
TX7ILL perform'all operations upon thoTecil,
VV that are required for their prcaervaliin
sucli as Scaling, Filing, Plugging, &c., or will
restore the loss of them, by inserting Artificial
Teeth, from a single Tooth to a full sett. 1,
on Pitt street, a few doors South J
the Railroad Hotel. 01
N. B. Dr. Loomis will bo absent from Carlisle
the Inst ton days, in each month.
. Carlisle, July 4,1847. .
Dr. George Willis Foiilhc7
(Graduate ofJejfcreon Medical College, Philadelphia.)
OFFICE at Ibo residence of his father in South
lianoycr street, directly opposite Morrell's Houl,
CAin.isr.s, Pa.
May 18, 1848.—1 y .
Doctor .A. Dalikin;
RESPECTFULLY tend rs to the inhabitants of
Carlisle and its vicinity, bis profclsional services
in all its various departments. Hoping from bis lone
experience and uhrcinitlingaltehtion (o'the duties of
Ins profession, to merit a share of public patronage.
Whvn not absent on professional business he may, ai
all times, be found cilber at his office, next door („
Mr. SnoJgioss* store, or at his lodgings at Bectem’*
Hotel. .
Carlisle, May 18. 1848.
Drugs! Drugs:
3. Prices Reduced. 3
PHYSICIANS, Country . Merchants and Pedlars,
arc invited to call and examine my stock of Me
dicinen, Paints, Glass, o>il, Varnishes, &c.
Pok-iit Medicines, I Herbs and Extract*,
Fine Chemicals, I Spices, ground & whole.
Instruments, . I Essences,
Pure Esscn.ial Oils, j Perfumery, Ac.
Log and Cam Weeds,
Oil Vitriol,
Lac Dye.
Wclherill & Brother's Pure Lead, Chrome Green
and Yellow,-Point & Varnish Brushes, Jersey Win,
dow Glass, Litisded Oil; Turpentine, Copal.& Comh
Varnish, and Red Lend. . All of which *i.l l-e sold
at the very lowest market piicc, at the cheap Drue
and Book store of -
Carlisle, Juno 1, 1848.
Carpets, and 01l Clotlis.
I'X. Persons wishing lo buy Carpels & Oil Cl. tbs,
very cheap, will find it greatly to their
to call on tho subscriber, as he is under a iLMylmv
rent, and' I.U other expenses nra so light, Midi ho
is enabled .to scllgoods .wholesale or retail, at thu
lowest prices in the city, and ho offers a vny
choice assortment of
VKNTI lANS of all hinds, J
And Oil Cletbs from 2 to 24 feel wide to cut’ Tor
rooms, halls, &c. &c., with a great'variety of low
priced Ingrain Carpels, from 25 to 60 cents, and
Stair and Entry Carpels, from 10 lo 50 cents per
•yard. Also, Hearth Rugs, Table Corns, Floor
Cloths, Cotton,and Rag Carpels, &c,
H. H. ELDRIDGE, No* 41 Strawberry si,
One door above Cheenut, near Second.
Pliila., Aug. 21, 1618 3m
Cheap Watches & Jewelry!
WHOLESALE and Retail, at the .Philadelphia
Watch and Jcwclrj Store, No, 06 North'fctc
ohd street corner of (.Jarrr.y, Philadelphia.,
Gold Lev er .Watches lull jewelled 18 carrot
cm*, * - 38,00
Silver Lover Watches, full jewelled, JB.lO
Silver Lever. Watches seven jewels, 10*00
Silver Lupine Watches jewelled, llVo
..Watches, good quality, . q*oo
luiitulioii do g’go
Gold Spectacles, ‘ 7*oo
Fine Silver Spectacles, I*so
Gold Bracelets with topaz stories, a*€o
Gold Pens with silver holdbr and pencil, j *t)u
Ladies'Quid Pencils, . .
Silver Tea spoons fimn $4,80 per set to G*( 0
Gold Flutter Rings,from 37£ cents to 8(i 00
Watch Glasses, best quality—plain cents
■Patent 18J; Lunct 25. ’Other articles In *
proportion. . >.
- All goods wai runted to bo whol they ore sold fur.
On hand some gold and silver Lever and J. pirns,
still lower than the above prices.
Oil Iraud b largo nseortlneutof silior table, dessril,
l««. sail mill mustard spoons, soup ladles, sugar leaps,
ii:i,ik ; n tings, riuh i bullet knives, thimble,„hielil P ,
kniiiing needle cases and ehceilis, purse and tciit ls
claa|is. Tire silver warranted to bo equal to Amiri
can coin, ■
•Also, u Rival variety of lino Gold Jewelry, consist
ing In. part of Fir.gcr Rings of all styhs. m i with
Diamonds, Dine, aids, Rubies, Torqucise, Topaz,
Carnet, Cornelian, Jasper, Cape. May, Ami ihyst ami
utner % lanes; Breastpins and Bracelets o( nil «ivlis,
sot with Stones and Campons, am! enamdul—Kiu
rings of.all'styles, Cold chains of all styles, nml of
tho finest qimlilty—together with all other atlichs In
the line, which will-bo. sold much below New Yoik
prices, wholesale or retail. O. CONRAD.
No. 06,North tficnnd aired, corner of Quarry. Im
porter of Watches, Jeweller, and Munufuduru o
Silver Ware.
Phils., Demnhor 23,.18-17
. No. 234 North Second strict, N.' tV. corntr rf
CaUutvhill strict, I‘hihdelphia.
r |MlE Likeneeeea taken and beautifully colored
JL at iliia well known eatablishmenld'or One Dol
lar* are universally conceded to be equal in every
respect to any in the city. Pictures taken eniiah
ly w ell in cloudy and clear weather. A lurtre as*
sorttnent of Medallions and Lockets on Jtand. at from
$3 to 85, including the picture.
The auhsctlbera respectfully invilo Hie cillierm
of Cumberland county. lo call and examine
inena of the laical hnptoven/enls in the an of Da
guerreotyping, which will bo exhibited oheeifullv
and without charge.
T. & J, C, TEN NET
Pliila,, July 6, 1848.—Cm
New Goods!
WHO wnil. to buy cheap Lumbcrl Lrl Hum
roll clown ot CHUHC/PS old Lumber Yard,
nror Ibo west end of the old Horrisburg Bridge, ot
the iuver, Cumjurlond side, where they enn t<try
Common Boards
for Sll per tbnuaund, mill Pino Shingles for *0 per
thousand, - 1
The subscriber, thankful for peat favors, now of
fora to Ibo public at bis old established Lumber Void,
at the weal ond of tho old Hotriaburg Bridge, the
best tcloclcu lot of b ’
on the bank of tho river, consisting of 300,000 long
p no Shingles of Ho best c lU ality, 160,000 long while
hi , ingles, 3d ijuohly, and <lO,OOO of Is inch
Shingles, together with 000.000 foot of Lumber of
assorted thicknesses and qualities, such os 1. id, IW
mlift n ?| P .T noli .» inch Ist Com
mont !, U. ij. and 2 inch 2d Common. Also, Ash
Tl^,V I 'iu r P “ nk .' E°I )l * r * Scantling and half inch
Boards, lino end Hemlock Joico ond Scantling,
seasoned Oak Plonk, Dry Pannel, Ist and 2d Com
mon Boards and .Plonk, stuck up in the yard s'nco
lust year, and If persons tells you to tho contrary
don l believe them but call and see.
Having also a Steam Saw Mill in operation, and
a largo slock of Timber on liudd,-built Piho and Oak,
the subscriber [a prepared to sow bills to order, fence'.
.boards, barn floor, plunk, laths and palling at shorl 1
- Pho.subscriber hopes by strict attention to business'
and a determination' to soil lowor than any other'
Yard at tho rivor, (bat his old customers and tbd
public generally, will give him a call -before puu'li;/
aing elsewhere. ’ HENIiY CHUUCH.
Bridgeport, May 26, 1818.