American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, October 05, 1848, Image 4

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    Spring and Summer Goods.
Bubßcribor respectfully announces to Hid pul/-
'm. He, that he has.taken the stand lately occupied by
Mr.Ahgncy, at the corner of. High street and llar
pef’aKow, whore ho has just received from I lie oßst
. crh citica a largo add splendid nsfcortiudU of
! r .;; : , NEW GOODS'
Purchased in the Atlantic cities of the Importers and
Manufacturers, including every variety of Goods,—
Tho Ladies are particularly invited to call and ex
amino his beautiful assortment of
Dress Cioothi
P . Apiong which tho following articlan- comprise a par'd
, superior, wool Cloth; black and fancy Silks; blue,
black and fancy Oassimoros; fancy Summer Goods;
'Ginghams and Lawns; Bombufeineb- and Alpacas;
Vestings 6f all kinds; Mous de Laincs; London and
Domestic Calicoes; Milts,. GloVcs, Lnccs; Edgings,
/ HpsleVy and Ribbons of all kinds; together with a
largo assortment of . . -
. All tho aodvo Goods have been purchased at the
best and cheapest markets and Will certainly bo sold
very low. All persons are respectfully invited to
give him a call. JOHN B. FORSTER.
April, 20, 1848.
Tlio Tea and Grocery Store of
; ; J. W. EBY,
• West main street, Carlisle,
IS constantly supplied with n fresh and genera!
assortment of Groceries, embracing a4ot-of
Itio' aiMl Java Collect,
of .the best,as well as of lower priced qimlities
Loaf and Brown Sugars,
viz; Double refined Loaf,crushed and Pulverized,
as also White Havana, Drown and clarified Su
gars—-all of which for prices and qualities, can
not be excelled.
In addition to ourformcr supply of Teas wehave
undertaken ihe sale of the Superior Teas of J. C.
Jenkins & Co. of Philadelphia and havo received
and will be kept supplied with an assortment of
Green and Black Teas,
of the various kinds and qualities, varying, in 1
price from 374 cts. to 51,35 per pound, which we
believe will, on trial, take ihe preference over all
other Teas in this community. These teas are
put up in packages of $, 4 and 1 lb. each, labelled
with name and price of Tea, with a Metallic as
Well as paper envelope for preservation of the qual
ity, and ,each having full weight. One of the
partners (who selects the Teas) learned this diffi
cult business of the Chinese themselves, while
engaged in the Tea Trade and residing among
them, and possessing this advantage, iHmr ability
to furnish, not only safe and genuine, but also the
most delicious Teas, at the lowest possible prices,
. is unqueslionablo, and therefore they can bo con
fidently recommended to our customers.
In addition to which may always be had a gen
eral assortment of all blher articles In the lino of
dur business. All of which are offered for snlo at
the lowest possible price. Wo feel thankful for
past favors shown us and hope our endeavors to
please will merit a continued share of support.
J. W. EUY.
New York Variety Store*
J& M. COLLIER & BROTHERS, beg leave
t to inform the citizens of Cumberland and ad
joining counties* that they have just opened an
Variety Store,
in North Hanover street, in llio building lately oc
cupied by Mr. Hantch, between Haverstick’s and
Coyle’s, stores, where they will bo happy to re
ceive the calls of all wishing articles In their line.
They will at all times keep on hand a well selec
ted assortment of Prints, (French, English and
Amoricap,) Domestic and Foreign Perfumery,
Patent Medicines, embracing nearly every de
scription, and in facta little of oveiy thing usually
kgpt in an extensive variety store.
They are-the. exclusive agents for (he sale of
Dr, Traphagcn’s celebrated “Pulmonic Mixture”
and his ‘♦Balsamic Extract of Sarsaparilla Dr.
Green’s celebrated “Oxygenated Billers,” for
dyspepsia and plilhysio. They are.also the ex
clusive agents In this county for the New York
Canton Tea Compan}’, and will keep constantly
on hand a large supply of their superior Teas.
In cpnclqaton 'they bog leave to say that they
are determined to sell at very small profils forcash,
and invite all wishing bargains to give them a
Carlisle, May 4, 1848.
Thread and Needle Store,
. iVb. 178 Chesnut et,, above Seventh, Philadelphia. *
T7"EEPS constantly on hand the largest and beat
Xjl assortment of Zephyr and Tapestry Worsted,
Canvass, Steel Deads, Dag Clasps, Tassels,
Purse lh‘n"B, plain and shaded Purse Twist,
Crotchet! Dags, Purses, Sewing Silks, Spool-
Cotton, Patent Thread, Needles, Pins, Tidy-
Cotton, Knitting Pins, Silk and Fancy Duttons,
Cords, Tapes, Silk, Colton, Worsted and Linen
Braids, Embroideries, Perfumeries, and a general
assortment of ENGLISH , FLENCH. and AME
Also—sole agent for DniNommsr’s Celeoiiatkd
•Hair Mixture; for removing dandruff and dress
ing the hair, giving it'a fine glossy appearance,
being decidedly the beat article now in use—cheap
for cash-wholesale and retail, at the Thread and
•Needle store, No. 178 Cheanul street, Phlla.
September 7,1818.—Cm
THE subscribers are now opening their Pal.,
stock of HARDWARE, and to which they)
would invito the attention of persons in want of
goods In tholr lino, as their arrangements arc such 1
ns to enable them to soil lower than any othur
store. They have now a full assortment of locks,
latches, bolls, hinges, and every article
fbr buikling, mil), cross-cut and circular saws,
irtbuso hole anvils, vices, Ales, rasps, chisels, an*
gilts,'.braces, plain bills, pianos, hand, paumd,
ripping and tenant saws, broad axes, drawing
knives,- chopping axes, hatchets, hammers, hay
and manure forks, shovels, spades, knives, forks,
pocket'knives of every stylo, butcher knives, ra
zors, scissors, shears, waiters, trays, brass and
Iron.beadshovels and tongs, bellows, &c., wiili a
large arid full assortment of goods for Sadlers and
Carriage Guilders.
•Also, 10 tons hpmmerod and rolled iron, 2 ions
cast, shear, blister and spring steel, 60 pair Klip,
tie springs, 1 ton American and Husain shoot iron,
50 kegs Dupont’s ond Johnson’s Hlasting Powder,
3000 lbs, Nova Soptia grind stones, 2000 lbs. VVolh
orm*B pure ground while lend, 300 gals. Linseed
■Oil, 100 gala.. Turpentine, ioo boxes of glass, as
sorted. AUo, Copal, Ooachi Japan and Leather
ond Voncora, Cedar
ware, Baskets, Ato.
n TI key have also Hovey’s Patent‘Spinal Straw
Cutlers, for cutting hay, straw or corn stalks the
best article of the kind ever offered for safe * *
Carlisle, September 10,1847. w *
Cheap watches and jewelry_i x,
\V, L. WAUI), No, 100 Cheannt street! I‘hila
. (SL phis, opposite tho, Franklin House, iranortors
o. o f.Q°lii & Silver Patent Lover WATCHES
•"■■•and monufocturora of Jewelry. A rim,! ~«■
Borlmont always on hand. Hold Patent Levers. 13
jewels; *3B; Silver do *lB to *2O; Gold Lepinos,*3o; *l2 to *IS; Clocks and Time Pieces; Gold
Pencils, *l'2s, upwards; Diamond Pointed Gold
Pens, *1 60; Gold Bracelets and Breast Pins, in
great variety. Ear Bings, Miniature Coses | Guard
Chains, *l2 to *SS; Plated Tea Sets, Castors, Coke
Baskets,'Candlesticks, Britannia Wore, Fine Ivory
Handled Table Cutlery, and a general assortmento!
Fancy Goods.
; Phils., May 26, 1848.
JUST opened q( Ilio “ BceHive” u largo lot of
Purasoletts and Sun Shades, which will ho sold
cheap. t S. A. COYLE,
■few tlno of stages^
From Carlisle to York.
r pH.E Kulujcribor begs leave to inform tho travelling
- J community, that lie rim a LtNE OF
- times a week, as follows: , Leavo Carlisle on Mon-,
day; Wednesday, and Friday mornings lit 5 o’clock,
A. M., and ,arrive at York at 1 o’clock P. M., which
will bo in lime to.take the Ymk tthiit of carsfoV Bal-.
limore'. Leave York for Carlisle at I o’clock P. M.,
(immediately after the arrival of tho cars,) on each
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, through Church
town, Diljatown and Dover.
Tho subsorlbbV assures those who .may pntronifco
him, that He has prepared hiinsclf u with comfortable
and safe stages, and will use every effort possible to
accommodate travellers.. Passengers from Carlisle
will engage passage ut tho office of tho subscriber,
and will be called for at tho places they request. .In
York passengers will engage nt the Depot, (White
Hull tavern.) GEORGE HEftDEL.
Extensive Livery Stable.
The undersigned respectfully informs the public
that he continues to curry on the Livery Business in
all Us branches at (he old stand. Ilia Horses arc
numerous and well assorted, and his .Carriages em
brace every Variety of pattern, such as Coaches,Till
bury’s, Sulkies, Buggies, &c., ull of the best finish.
His drivers arc nil careful and attentive. Saddle
horses of tho most agreeable gaits, always ready for
customers at low rales. .
The'subscriber desirous of securing tho patronage
of the public, will spare no pains or expense to ren
der his establishment worthy of the most liberal cn
Carlisle, July. 27, 1848.—1 f
Extensive Furniture Rooms.
WOIJLD most respectfully call the attention of
Housekeepers and the public generally, to
tho extensive stock of splendid Furniture, includ
ing Sofas, Wardrobes, Centre and other Tables,
Dressing and Plain Bureaus, and every variety of
Cabinet'Ware and Chairs,
which they havo just opened at their new rooms,
two doors west of the corner of North Hanover
and Louthor sis., Carlisle.
They aro. confident that the superior finish of
the workmanship, and elegance of style, in which
their articles are got tip, together with their cheap
ness, will recommend them to every person want
ing Furniture. They have alsomadearrangements
for'manufacturing and keeping a constant supply
of every article in their line, both plain and orna
mental, elegant and useful, at prices which they
cannot fail to suit purchasers. They would .earn
estly invito persons who aro about to commence
housekeeping to call and examine their present
elegant stock, to which they will constantly make
additions of the newest and most modern styles.
COFFINS made to order at the shortest notice,
for town and country. ’ •
Furniture! Furniture!2
THE. subscriber respectfully informii the public that
ho still continues to manufacture and keep on
hand, at Ins shop on North Hanover street, nearly
opposite Oilh’s, (formerly Glass’) Hotel, Carlisle,
Sideboards, Score-
TAUIE3, TABLES, ST ANUS, Desks, Book-coscs
Bedsteads, Cupboards, of every stylo and pattern, and
in short, every thing that can be made in a cabinet
The subscriber will warrant his furniture to bo
manufactured out of the best of material and by the
best of workmen, ami os to his prices bo intends to
sell low for cosh. All who will give him ocall, will
say that his furniture is cheap and good. AllwOrk
manufactured under Ins inspection. Ho particularly
invites newly married persons to give him a call and
examine for themselves—ho has np.doubt his work*
mdnship and prices will not fail to please; so don’t
forget to call before purchasing elsewhere.
The subscriber would also Inform the public (hot
bo carries on the
Collin Making Biisincgg,
and can wait on all (hose who may desire hissorvi*
ccs in that line. , Having a llkaiise, ho can attend
funerals in the country. Charges moderate.
Carlisle, Juno 16, 1848.—1 y
N. B. A lot of choice Cherry Lumber for sale
by tho subscriber.
IVciv and Cheap
Boot and Shoe Store.
TT U. MAT.OY, respectfully informs tho citizens
I Li_» of Carlisle and the public gcnerftl.y, that ho
\httrt opened in the store room lately occupied by Jos.
IS, GUt, opposite Bcnlx* store, and neat Monett'e Uo*
licit an oxtonslvu assortment of
ftlCU’B Hoot*, ■ - 1
Men’s and Boys’.Calf and Kip Monroes,Ladies* Kid
and Morocco Slippers, Misses ttnd Children’s GAlT
gfj*j EllS, and black and fancy colored
KID BOOTS, of the latest stylo, and
r"' 1,1 " of tho best materials, all of
which wilt bo sold ciicap for cash.
lie has also oh hum) a largo assortment ofJjoathor,
Calf Skins, Morocco, &c., and will manufacture to
order alt kinds of Boots and Shoes at . (ho shortest
Carlisle. April 13, 1848.
Hoots, Shoos and Itroguus.
TIIK attention of tlio public la invited
wf to a largo and elegant nsaorlmont of
KL HOOTS and SHOES, now opening al
SHOE STORE, Main at.,
oppositn the Methodist Church. Tho stock has
boon selected with groat care, and for style and
durability is unequalled.
Ladies 1 Trench Linen Callers, (now stylo)
do Morocco Half Gutters. do
do Kid end Morocco Slippers, Uuskins and
Ties* at all prices.
Missis’ Gaiters, Leather Hoots, Buskins and
Slippers. .
Childrens’ Gaiters, Hoots and ankle ties, of ovj
cry variety.
Men’s Calf and Morocco bools, brogons and
Hoys’ and Ybuths’Goal, Calf and Kipbrognns,
end a genoial assortment of thick work.
Alsu a groal variety of Boot and French Morpc*
op, Kid, Pink null White. Linings, Hastings, Trim-
Ficncii lioa; anil ovoty^ffo^ 1 u’S\ U “ 8k ' n 8 "I" 1
work in a slyla equal {X° be« dJ° *” k l U P , ll ">
1 May 7 • PoWeß^Co!'
ness und'ur Hie inn pM^M.
•oarnoßlly reijueeta tlioan Indebted to •elllethnW
uouounla, as it la necessary his old books should
bo closed ivilboul delay,
, , 1 WM, M, POUTlill;
July 18, 1818. *•
tet Its Works Vralsc It'l
Burns, Scalds, andall kinds ofjtnjlamedSurfs Cucrd,
X tlie most complete Burn Antidote ever known.
It instantly (as if by Magic) slops pains o
mosl ‘desperate Burns undScalds.: For old fclbres,
Bruises, Cuts; Sprains, &c;; on iiian or beast, ii is
■tho best application thulbqn be made; -Thousands
have tried,'and thousands praise it* It is the most
perfect mauler of pain ever discovered. Ail who
use, recommend it.. Every family should', bo pro
vided with it. None can tell how, soon some oi
iho family will need U.
gJggT’Obsorvo each box of the genuine Ointment
has the.nauie of S. Touscy written on'lhe outside
label. To imitate this is forgery. , ,
Boatmen, Livery Men, Fanhets, and all who
use Horses, will find this Ointment tho very best
thing they 'can use for-Collar Galls, Scratches,
Kicks,'&C. &C., on .their, animals. Surely every
merciful man would keep his animals as free from
•pain as possible. TouseyV Universal Ointment
is all that is required. Try'ii. ,
. Bites itf Insects,— For tho sling or bite of poison
ous Insects, Tousey’s Ointment is Unrivalled.—
Hundreds have tried it and. found it good.
Files Cured, For tho Piles, Tousey’s Univer
sal Ointment is one of tho bpsl remedies that can
be applied, ■ Ail .who have tried it for the File’s
recommend it;. •
Old Sores Cured . For.oid, obstinate Sores', there
is nothing equal to Tousey’s Ointment. A. per
son in Manlius had; for a number qf years, a sore
(eg that bellied the skill of the doctors. Tousey’s
Ointment was recommended by one of the visiting
physicians (who Know Us great virtues;) and two
boxes produced more benefit than the patient had
received from any and all previous remedies. Lot
all-try it.
Burns and Scalds Cured, Thousands.of cases
of Buins and Scalds, in all parts of the country;
have been cured by Tousdy’s Universal Ointment.
Certificates enongh can be had to fill thowhoio of
this sheet.
I’iolent Bruises Cured. Testimonials on-testt
jnionialsVin favor of Tousey?s Ointment for curing
Bruises, have been ottered,the proprietors. Hun
dreds in. Syracuse will certify to its great merits
in relieving (ho pain Of the most severe Bruise.—
All persons should try it.
, Scald Head Cured, Scores of cases of Scald
Head have been cured by Tdusey’s Ointment.-
Try it—it seldom fails,
Sail liheum Cured, , Of all' the remedies ever
discovered for this most disagreeable .complaint,
Tousey’s Universal Ointment is the moslcomplcle.
lit was never known to fail.
Chapped Hands cun be Cured. , Tousoy’s Uni
versal Ointment will always cure the worst cases
of Chapped .Hands. Scores of persons will slate
this. -
Sore'Lips Cured . For the cure of Sore Lips,
there was never anything made equal to Touscy’a
Ointment. 1 ' It is sure to cure llicni. Try it,.
It is a scontific compound warranted not to con-
tain any preparation of Mercury? 25
cents per box* For further particuiarscpnccrning
this really valuable Ointment, the public are re*
lerrod to Pamphlets, to be had gratis, of respecta
ble Druggists and Merchants throughout tho Uni
ted States. • ■
Prepared by S. TOUSBY, Druggist, Syracuse.
Agents for the Sale of tiik Abote.—S. W.
Haverslick, Dr. J.,J. Myers, J, & W. 13, Fleming,
Cnrislc ; G; W. Singiser, Churchtown ; A. Cath
cart, Shcpherdslown; Di. Ira Day, Mcchanicshnrg;
J. C. Rccmc, Shiromanetown 5 John Q. Miller,
Lishuin ; Jane May,.Now , Cumberland; John H.
Zearing, Sporting Hill; John Coyio, Hogcstown;
John Reed, Kingstown; Housscll & Dice, Dickin
son; James Kylo; Jacksonville; J. Hood & Sonj
Springfield; .John Diilcr, Nowvillej Robt, Elliott,
Deccmncr 30,1847.—1y.* .
Cllcltcncr’s Sugar Coated Pills, or
Grand Purgative,
For the Cure.of Headache, Giddiness. Rheumatism,
Pile*, Dispcpsia, Scurvy, Smallpox, Jaundice ,
Paint in the Rack, Inward Weakness, Palpata
lion of the Heart, Rising in the Throat * Dropsy,
Jlstlima, Fevers of dll kinds, Female Complaints,
Measles,.Sail Rhcum\ Heartburn, Worms, Chole
ra Morbus, Coughs, Quincy, Whooping Cough,
Consumption, Fits, Diver Complaint , Frysipclas ,
Deafness, lickings of the Shin, Colds, Gaul, Grav
el, Nervous Complaints, and a variety of other dis
eases arising from Impurities of Hie JJlood, and
Obstructions in the Organs of Digestion, '
EXPEDIENCE has proved that nearly every
Disease originates from Impurities of the Blood or
Derangements bf the Digestive Organs; and to
secure Health, we must remove those obstructions
or restore the Blood to Its natural state; There
fore, when tho slightest derangement of the Sys
tem is indicated by Coslivcncas, orany other sigh,
it admonishes us that superfluities are gathering
in tho System, which should be removed by an ef
fectual purging. This, fact, as slated, is univer
sally known; but people have such an aversion to
medicine, that, unless the case was urgent, they
formerly preferred disease to tho cure. Since the
invention, however, of
Olickener’s Vegetable Purgative Pills
this objection is entirely removed, as they arc com
pletely enveloped with a ebating of Pure White
Sugar (am) as distinct from the internal ingredi
ents as a nut shell from the kernel) have no taste
of medicine. They are as easily to swallow o»
bits of candy. Moreover they neither, nautettte or
urijh in thosllghlesldegrco. Tlioy operate equal
ly on all the diseased parts of the System, instead
of confining themselves to, and racking any par
ticular region. Thus, for example, if the Liver bo
affected, one ingredient will operate on that par
ticular organ, and, by cleansing it of that Ex
cess of UiTe it is constantly discharging into the
stomach, restore it to its natural state. Another,
will operate on live Ulood, and remove those im
, parities which have already entered into its circu
lation; while a third will effectually expel from
the system whatever Impurities may have boon!
discharged into the stomach, and hence thrfyatrlkol
at the Root of Disease, Remove all Impure Hu
mours, open the pores externally and Internally, 1
I promote thu insensible Perspiration, obviate Flat,
ulonoy, Headache, &c.,-—separate all foreign and
' obnoxious particles from the chyle, scours a free
and healthy action to tho Heart, Lungs and Liver,
and thereby restore health oven when all other
moans have failed.
Tho entire truth of tho above can bo ascertained
by the trial of a single box; ami their virtues are
so positive and certain In restoring Health, that,
the proprietor binds himself tQ return the money
paid for them in all casoa whore they do not give
universal satisfaction, Retail price 25 els,
Havoraiick.Dr, I. J. Myers, J.& W.D. Coining,
Carlisle; G. \V. Slnglsoi;, Churchtown; A. Caih
cart, Shepiierdslown; Dr. Ira Day, Mochanlcpburg;
J. C. Roomo, Shiromanstown; John G, Millor,
Lisburn; Jano May, Now Cumberland; John H.
Hearing, Sporting Hill;. John Coyle, Hogcstown;
John Hood, Kingstown; Russell & Dice, Dickin
son; James Kyle, Jacksonville; J. Hood & Son,
Springfield; John Diller, Nowvillc; Robt. Elliott,
Nowburg. •
December 30,1817.—1y.*
IluUI Huts!
Spuing and Hummbu Fashions von 1648.
rpHJS subscriber would respectfully call tUo alien-
X lion of the public to. hie largo assortment of
fl~\ Hats & Caps,
of tho Intent fashions, consisting of Moleskin,
Reaver, fine White Hockey Mountain Reaver, Otter,
Rrush, and Russia hats of every quality, and at dif.
foront prices. Also on hand a fine assortment of
Slouch or Sportsman's Huts, (very light) together
with a general assortment of nearly every descrip
tion of Cups, of all sizes, and at all prices. Country
dealers and nil who wish to purchase hats or caps,
are invited to call, ns tho subscriber is prepared jlo
give greater bargains than cun bo had elsewhere.—
Don’t forgot tho place, No. 3, Harper’s How;
_OmIUIo, MnySC. 18-18.
. ' Vl lUi»i t. muo\viv7
A oii.Pn^ EY will practice in lliosev. 1
M„|° , of Oom'iorloud county. Ollico in ■
March o,’ IBM?' ol ' [,o “ ilc th ° coun| y jail, Carlisle.
RcaVl Uiis AUcutlvoly I
WILIS effectually cute tliecLiver Complaint.
Jaundice,', Dyspepsia;- Chronic, or Nervous
Debility, Indigestion; Flatulence,. Asthma, Dia
betes,Disease of the Kidneys, Pulmonary Affec
tions; (arising from disease of the stomach and
Liyqrv) arid, all diseases arising from a weak or
disordered stomach in both male and female, such
as female weakness, dizziness, fullness of blood
l*® a d, inward piles, fluttering of the heart,
difficulty of breathing, constant imaginings of evil,
great depression of spirits, dimness of vision, pain
in the side, back, breast, or limbs, cold feet; &c.
. They relpoye all acidity, and give tone and ac
tion to tlie stomach, and assist digestion; they con
tain no alcoholic stimulant, and can be taken by
the most delicate stomach, am) will in
entirely destroy costiveness, and renovate the
whole system, removing, all impurities from the
body, and remnants of previous disease, and give
health, and: vigor to. the whole iframo, thereby pre
venting frightful dreains, walking while asleep,
&c., whioh often result in accident.
; , Fbo functions of the stomach are of the.utmost
importance to every one, it constituting the source
and fountain of life, which is nutrition. Nq organ
possesses such remarkable sympathies, nfftie such
remarkable power in modifying every part of the
system. A g’reator number of persons fall victims
to the harrassing effects of Constipation and
pepsia, and more organic diseases commencing in
the digestive system; than all.olher diseases com-
The many thousands who die with Yel
low. Cholera, Influenza, and other epidem
ics,is owing ip disease or derangement there. If
tlie digestive,system is in perfect hoallh r the nerv
ous system and tho circulation of the blood will be
also, as upon it they depend, then epidemics loose
all their terror. .
Those living in, or visiting districts harcassed
with Foyer and Ague annually, will find that by
the timely use of 'one or two bottles to renovate
arid strengthen the system, no excess of bile will
accumulate, and they will notin one Instance take
tho disease. Prevention iq far belter than cure.
Tho rare success in treating diseases of the' sto
much Successfully, has not been so much a want
of pathological knowledge of its functions, as the
preparation of, suitable vegetable compounds, so as
to obtain not only their whole power, but as they
would bo mast effcctuaVand grateful.
We are ~air aware that 100 many preparations
have been, arid are now before the public, that act
only as pallatives, and some that charige the local
ity of.the disease, or prevent it fora short period,
then it returns more formidable , than in tho first
instance. Such preparations have destroyed the
public confidence. This article standing alone in
its number of cuies, and unrivalled, as thousands
of our. citizens ran attest who have tested its vir.
lues, can always bo depended upon for the above
named diseases. It will euro any case that can
be cured by medicine, no matter who, or what ojse
has faUed; it will perfectly restore the diseased or
ganic functions of the Stomach, Intestines, Uespi
ration, Circulation, &c.
Those Hitters and tho Spikenard. Ointment will
cure any case of Inward Piles; itisa"raro occur
rence to' require more, than one bottle of each for
tho .worst cases.
No. 278 Race st., one door above Eighth, south
aide, Philadelphia. In Lancaster, by John F.
Long; in Harrisburg, by Daniel W.- Gross; in
Pittsburg, by Wm. Thorn—and by dealers gene
rally throughout the United Stales,
Pamphlets containing cures and description of
diseases, gratis.
Also for sale, his celebrated Vegetable Rheuma
tic Pills , for the euro of Gout, Rheumatism, Drop
sy, and severe Nervous Affections. ,
Spikenard Ointment, for the cure of Piles, Tot
ter, Ringworms, &c.
March 30, 1848.—9 m
Sec ivliat Sherman’s Lozenges have
SHERMAN'S Worm Loiongos will immediately
remove all these unpleasant symptoms, anti re
store to perfect health.' Sister Ignatius, Superior of
the Catholic Half Orphan Asylum has added hertes
liiriony in their favor, to the thousands which have
gone before. Slip slates that there are over 100 child
ren in tho Asylum, and that they have been in the
habit of using Sherman’s Lozenges, and she has al
ways found them to bo attended with tho most bene
ficial effects. They have been proved to bo infallible
in over 400,000 cases.
Consumption, Influenza, Coughs, Colds, Whoop
ing Cough, Tightness of the Lungs or Chest maybe
cured. Rev. Darius Anthony was very low from
Consumption. Jonathan Howarthjtbocolebratcd tem
perance lecturer, was reduced to tho verge of the
grave by raising Mood. Rov. Mr. Dunbar, of New
York, tho Rov. Mr. Do Forest, Evangelist in the
Western part of this stale, Rov. Sebastian Streeter, of
Boston, tho wife of Orasmus Dibble, Moravia,
and hundreds of others, have been relieved and cured
by a propel use of Sherman’s Gough Lozenges, and
no medicine has over been offered to the. public
which has been more effectual in tho relief of those
diseases, or which con bo recommend with more con
fidence. They allay all itching or irritation, render
the cough easy, promote expectoration, remove the
cause, and produce the. most happy and .lasting ef
Headache, Frflpilation.of tho Heart, Lowness of
Spirits, Sca-Sickncss, Despondency, Faintness, Chol
ic, Spasms, Crampsof tho Stomach, Summer orßow
el Complaints, also all tho distressing symptoms aris
ing from free living, or a night of dissipation are
quickly and entirely relieved by using Sherman’s
Chomphor Lozengcrs. They ocl speedily and relievo
in n very short space of time, giving. tone and vigor I
to the system, and enable a person using them to un
dergo. grout mental or bodily fatigue. j
Rheumatism, Weak Back, pain and weakness in i
tho Breast, Buck, Limbs and other parts of the body
are speedily and effectually relieved by Sherman’s
Poor Man’s Fluster, which coals only 12$ cents, and
U within the reach of all. Bo groat has become tho
reputation oftbU article, that otto million will not be
gin to supply tho annual demand. It Is acknowleda
cd Jo bo the best strengthening Fluster In tho world.
'Beware of Tmjioaition.-rDt Sherman’s Poor Man’s
Floater has his name with directions printed on tho
back of tho Plaster, and a CC j*fac simile .£0 of tho
1 Doctors written name under tho directions. None
others arc genuine, or to bo relied upon- Dr. Slier.
, man’s Warehouse is No. 100 Nassau st. Now York-
Aoents fo# the sale of the above.—S. W,
1 liavoratick, Dr, J. J. Myers, J.& W.B.Floming,
! Carlisle; G, W. Singisor, Churchtown;, A, Oath
t oan,Slmphordslown; Dr. Ira Day, Moohanlcsburg;
J. O, Roemo, Shlremanstown; John G. Miller,
Uaburn; Jnno May, Now Cumberland; John H.
Hearing, Sporting Hill; John Coylo, Hogeslown;
\ John Heed, Kingstown; Russell & Dice, Dickin
. B °n? James Kyle, Jacksonville; J, Hood & Son.
’ Springfield; John Diller, Nowvillc; Robt. Elliott
' Nowburg.
[ December 30,1847. ly.*§
West PlilliulcliiUla Stovo Works.
rPTHK subscribers respectfully inform their
-L friends and the public that they are now pre
pared to execute any orders with which they may
be favored, for their West Philadelphia Complete
Cook Stove, of which they have three sizes; Can
non and Pare Cylinder Stoves, seven sizes; Bases
and Tops , for Cylinder Stoves, five sizes; Oven,
Plates, four sizes; Oollano Air-tight ParlorStovcs;
(for wood,) two sizes; Gas Ovons, three sizes.
Cast-iron Healers, and a largo and beautiful ns
sorlmont of Patterns for Iron Bailing,
Their goods are all. made of tho best material
and from now and beautiful designs, ’
Their West Philadelphia Oootplelo Is, without
doubt, the host and most sslosblo Cook Stovo In
the market. Tlmy are constructed with Moll’s
FiUent Feodor, Front and Grate, which gives thorn
a decided superiority overall others. They only
want a. trial to confirm what is lioro assorted. 1
Casllngs'of all kinds made to order with jirompt
mme alid despatch.
Samples may ho soon and orders loft at (ho
Foundry, or at J. B. Kohler’s, IBt north Second
st.; Matbloii & Doisoau’s 187 south Second st„
and at Williams & Hinds’, 398 Market si,
August 31, 1818.—Cm
Dr. KevlcFs pauacea.
TPOR the removal Vnd permanent cure of all die-
X-'eases arising from an impure state of tho.4)lood,
and habit of the body; viz: \
disease .of the Chest,.Bronchitis, Pleurisy',
Catarrh, etc., Scrofula in call its Stages, Tetter, scald
Head, Blotches, Cutaneous Eruptions of tho bead;
face and extremities, Ulcers, Chronic,.Affections'of
tho stomach and Liver, Chronic Rheumatism, White
Swellings; Abccescs, Syphilitic disorder, constitu
tional Debility, and all mercurial and hereditary pre
dispositions, &c.
Lot no one deceive themselves, that because a sin
glo excess of any kind does not occasion immediate
ly an attack of disease, it is therefore harmless.—
Every violation, of an organic law, carries, with., it
sooner or later als punishment. In the groat majori
ty. of situations to which man is exposed in' social
life, it Is the continued application of . less powerful
causes, which gradually, and often imperceptibly ef
fects tho change, and ruins the constitulion, before
danger is.drdamt of. The majority of human ail
ments Is of slow of slow progress, con
sequently admits only of slow cure.. Scrofula, con
sumption, dyspepsia, white, swelling, gout, chronic
affections of tho stomach, liver, spine, head, eyes and
extremities, embrace this close—each being the effect
of on alteration in tho vessels of nutrition;effecting
vegltativo life from dn antecedent acquired, or here-
cause,-nothing short of powerful alterative
medicines, promises the least hope 10 the invalid.—
Fallatiycs will never cure, and often do . much mis?
chief. Tbrn’csand Alteratives, combined with a pro
per regqnio of diet—the one to strengthen, the other
to change morbid action, are what pathology incul
cates. Read tho following valuable testimony.
Philadelphia, June 9, 1847.
Having .been apprized of the Panacea , it affords
me much pleasure to be ablc£o recommend it as a
valuable remedy in that class of chronic, constitu
tional, and glaudular diseases to which it is especial
ly adapted. . To those who aro afflicted, arid require
medicine as an alterative , cannot obtain it in a more
agreeable, active, and . uniform state, than is to be
found in tho Panacea . I have used it, in several
instances with decided, success.
Yours, &c. • D. ALLISON, M.D.
•Prepared rind sold N, W. Cor. of Third & South
street, and by Druggists; Storekeepers and others,
throughout the country.
For particulars-see - pamphlets'. Price, $ I large
bottles—ss half dozen. ,
For sale at the Drug store of Samuel Elliott,
in Carlisle. .
April 27, 1648.—\y
. Great American Remedy.
207 Main btiiket, Buffalo, N. Y.
DR. G. C. VAUGHN’S Vegetable Lilhontriptic
Mixture, a celebrated medicine which nns made
great cures in ail diseases, is now introduced into this
section. Tho limits ,of an advertisement will not
permit an extended notice of'this remedy; wo have
only to say it has for its Agents In the. United States
and Canadas a largo number of educated Medical
Practitioners in high professional standing, who make
a general use of it in their practice in the following
diseases) „
... Dropsy, Gravel, and diseases of (ho urinary organs;
Piles and all diseases of . the blood; derangements of
the Liver, &c., and all gcnorat diseases of the system.
It is particularly requested that all who contemplate
the use of this article, or who. desire information re*
spooling it,.will obtain a Pamphlctof 83 pages, which
Agents whoso names ato below will gladly give away;
this book treats upon tho method of euro-—explain*
(he properties of the article, and the diseases it hits
been used for over this country and Europe for four
years with such perfect effect. Over 16 pages of tes
timony from the highest quarters will bo found, with
names, places and dates, which can bo written to by
any one interested, and the parties will answer post
paid communications.
Do particular and ask for thu Pamphlet, as ho oth
er such pamphlet has ever been seen. The evidence
of the power of this medicine over all diseases is guar
anteed by persons of well known standing in society.
Put up in 80 oz. and 12 oz. bottles. Price $2, 80
oz.;sl 12 oz.; tho larger being tho cheaper. Every
bottle has “G, C. VAUGHN” written on the-direc
tions, &c. See pamphlet, page 28. Prepared by
Ur, G. O. VAUGHN; ond sold at Principal Office,
1207 Main street, Buffalo, N. Y. Offices devoted to
sale of this article exclusively, 182 Nassau, N. York,
and corner of Essex and Washington, Salem, Mass.,
and .by all Druggists throughout this country and
Canada as Agents. N
. For sale .by S. W. Havorstick, Carlisle; M, Lutz,
Harrisburg;Rasßcl & Dice, Dickinson;.J, C. & G.B.
Altick, Sbippensburg; Adams &Esholman, Sloughs
March 2,1848.—1 y
• case,
Silver Lover Watches,'full jewelled,
Silver Lover Welches seven jewels,
Silver LepSne Welches jewelled,
Quartier Watches, good quality,
Imitation' do
Gold Spectacles, " ■
Fine Silver Spectacles,
Gold Bracelets with topaz stones,
Gold Pens with silver holder and pencil.
Ladies* Gold Pencils,
Silver Tea spoons from $4,60 per set to
Gold Finger Rings, from S7£ cents to
Watch Glasses, best quality—plain I2j cents;
: ' . . Patent 181; Lunct 25. Other articles in
Plaiuflcld Classical Academy. proportion.
Four miles west of Carlisle between the Newoille
State Road and the Cumberland Valley Railroad.
THE Fourth session will commence on MONDAY
the Ist of May, 1848. Tho number of students
is limited, and they are carefully prepared for Col
lege, Counting House, &c.
Tho situation precludes tho possibility of students
associating with, tho vicious or depraved, being remote
from town or village, though easily accessible by
Stale Road or Cumberland Volley Railroad, butlr of
which pass through lands attached to tho institution.
Boarding, washing, tuition, &c., (per boss.) $6O 00
Latin or Greek, 6 00
Instrumental Music 10 00
French or German ■ 1 ' 5 00
Circulars with roibumccs, &c, t furnished by
R.K. BUKNB, Principal.
April .13, 1848.—1 y
Fire Insurance.
THE Allen and Bastpennsborough Mutual Fire
Insuranco.Cbrapany of Curhbc/land'County,
incorporated by an act of Assembly, is now fully
organized, and In operation under themanagement
of the following commissioners, viz: .
Chi. Stayman, Jacob Shelly, Wm. U. Gorges,
Lewis Hyer, Christian Tilzel, Robert Blurred,
Henry Logan, Michael CockUn, Benjamin H.
Musser, Levi Merkel, Jacob Kirk,Sami. Prowoll,
sr,and Mclohoir Broneman,who respectfully oafl
thoallention of citizens of Cumberland and York
counties to the advantages which the company
hold out.
The rotes of insurance arc ns 1 o w and favorable
as any Company of the kind in the State. Per
sons wishing to become members are invited to
make application tolho agents of the company
who are willing to wait upon them at any time.
, JACOB SHELLY, President,
Henry Logan, Vice President,
Lewis Hybr, Secretary, . •
Michael Cocklin, Treasurer,
February 3,1848,
Auest.— Rudolph Marlin, Now Cumberland’
Christian Tilzol, Alien i John 0. Dunlop, Allen’
O. D. Harmon, Kingstown j Henry Zouring, Sliire’
manatowni Simon Oyalor, Wotmlayaburgj Robert
Mooro, Charles 8011, Carlisle.
Agent, for York County-JacohKlrk, general ngl.
John Shornck, John Rankin, J. Rowimin, Rotor
Agents for Harrisburg—Houser & Lochnmn.
Protection Agalngt Lott* by Fire.
-Jr. f rotl ;f l ' o . n Company, will bo under tho dii-octlon
ol tho following Buurd of Managers for tho ensuing
yoor, viz! T. 0. Miller, President;, Samuel Gul
braith, Vico President; D, W. M’Oullocli, Troasur
or; A, O. Miller,Secretory; James Weakly, John T.
urccn, John Zug, Abraham . King. Richard Wood*,
oomuol Huston, William Peal, Bcotl*'Cpyle, Alox-
Duvldson. There aro also a number of Agents ap
pointed in the adjacent counties who wiR receive ap
plications for insurance and forward them immediate
ly for opjfroval to tho office ofJho Company, when the
policy.will bo issued without dblay, Foi further in
formation see the by* laws of tho Company.
'£• 0* MILLER, President,
A.Ci. Mil tin, Secretary,
February 10, 1840,
L, 11, Williams, Esq., West Ponnsboroiigh. Gen
eral Agent.
J. A. Coyle, Carlisle; Er.Tra Day, Moohnnics
burg; George Rrimllo, Monroe; Joseph M. Moans.
Nowburg; Jolm Cloiulonlh, Hogeslown; Stephen
vulbcrtaon, ShipponubUrg.
Dr. I. C.
WlLfc perform all operations upon tho Teeih
that are required for their presorvalion
such as Scaling Filing,Plugging, f Ct . % oTwiJ j
restore the IoDS of them, by inserting Artificial
Teeth, from a single Tooth to a full sctti
. on Pitt street, a few doors South nt
the Railroad Hotel. ‘ ' 01
N. B. Dr. Loomis will bo absent from Carlisle
the last.ton-days, in each month.
; Carlisle, July 4,1847.
Dr. George WilU§Fonlkc, .
(Graduate of Jefferson Medical College;Philadelphia.)
OFFICE at the residence. of his r father in South
Hanover street, MorrcllVHolcl.
, Carlisle,-Pa, ■
May 18, 18,48.—-ly •
Doctor A. Raukiii.
EESPECTFULLY lendirs to iho inhabitants of
Carlisle and its vicinity, his professional services
in all its various departments. Hoping from his long
experience and unremitting attention to the duties of
his profession, to merit a snare of public patronage.
When not absent on profcssionol business he moy,ot
all times, uc found either at his office, next door to
Mr. Snodgrass’ store, or at his lodgings at Boetcm’a
Hotel. :
Carlisle, May 18, 1848.
Drugs! Drugs! ■
H Prices Reduced, a
PHYSICIANS,' Coantry Merchants ami Pedlars,
are invited to cull and examine my stock of Me
dicines, Paints, Glass, Oil, Varnishes, &c.
Patent. Medicines, Herbs and Extracts,
Fine Chemicals,. - Spices, ground &- whole.
Instruments, Essences,
Pure Essential Oils, Perfumery, &c,
Log and Cam Woods,
Oil Vitriol,
Lac Dye,"
Welhctill & Brother’s Pure I,cod, Chronic Green
and Yellow, Paint & Varnish Brushes, Jersey Win
dow Glass, Linseed Oil, Turpentine, Copal & Coach
Varnish, ond Red Lead. All .of which wU be s o ] ( |
at the very lowest market price, at the cheap 1W
ana Book store of b
rI- i i , HAVEHS'ncK.
Carlisle, June 1, 1848.
Carpets and Oil Clollis.
Persons wishing to buy Carpets & Oil Cloths,
very cheap, will find it greatly to their advantage
to call on, the subscriber, as ho is under a very low
rent, and his other expenses are so light, that he
is enabled to sell goods wholesale or retail, at the
lowest prices in the city, and. he offers a very
choice assortment of
VENITIANS of all kinds, J
And Oil Cloths from 2 10 24 feet wide to cut for
rooms, halls, &c. &c. t with a great variety, of low
priced Ingrain Carpels, from 25 to 50 cents, and
Stair and Entry Carpels, from 10 to 60 cents per
yard. Also, Hearth Rugs, Table Covers, Floor
Cloths, Cotton and Rag Carpets, &c., -
H. H. ELDUJDGE, No. 41 Strawberry si.
• One door above Chesnut, near Second.
Phila., -Aug. 24, 1848.—3 m
Cheap Watches & Jewelry!
WHOLESALE and Retail, at the Philadelphia
Watch and Jowelrj Store, No. 06 North Sec
ond street corner of Qarrry, Philadelphia,
Gold Lover Watches full jewelled 18 curral
All goods wairallied to be who! they are sold for.
On hand some gold and silver Lever and L pine*,
still lower than tho above prices. '
On hand a largo assortmont’of sihor table, dessert,
tea, suit and mustard spoons, soup ladles, sugar tongs,
napkin rings, fruit & butter knives, thimbles,shields,
knitting noodle coses and sheaths, purse and reticle
clasps. Tho silver warranted to bo equal to Amen*
can coin.
Also, a great variety of fine Gold Jewelry, consist
ing in, pnrt-of Fir.gcr Rings of oil styles, set with
Diamonds, Embiolds,' Rubies, Torquolse, Topaz,
Carnot, Cornelian, Jasper, Capo May, Amrlhystsml
omen tones; Breastpins and Bracelets of all styles,
sot with Stones and Oamcons, and enameled—Ear
rings of all stylos, Gold chains of all stylos, and of
tho finest qualilty—together with all other artlclrsln
tho lino, which will bo sold much below New York
prices, wholesale or retail, O. CONRAD.
No. 90 North Second street, corner of Quarry,lni
porter of Watches, Jeweller, and Manufacturer a
Silver Wore.
Philo., December 23,1847
No, 234 North Second street, N, IV. corner of
Cultowhill elrtit, Philadelphia,
THE Likenesses taken and beautifully colored
at this well known establishment, for<hrc./Ju/*
/ar. are universally conceded to bo equal in every
respect to cn.v in the city. Pictures taken equal
ly well in cloudy and clear weather. A larirr as
sortment of Medallions nnALockets on hand nif,«m
$2 to $5, including U, e picture. * ,fom
Thoaubaoriboraroapeolfully inviio tl.o citizens
of Cumberland oounly, lo call and examine spcci
mcna of Urn laical improvcmcnla in the an of Da
guortoolyplng, whicli will bo exhibited oliecifullv
and without charge, J
Philo., July G, 1846.—Cm
New Goods I
WHO want! to buy clicnp Lumber 1 Let ilitiJ
cull down ul OHUHCH’S old Lumber Yard
near Ibo wcel end of Iho old Harrlaburg Uridce, ul
Iho llivor, Cunucrland side, where they can buy
Common Boards
for $ll per thomond, ond I’lno Shlnglca for 10 eti
thousand. v 1
Tins subscriber, thankful for past favors now of
fore to tho public at bin old oatabllahcd Lumber Yard
luSdMof' ° ,d
on the bank of lira river, eomn.ling of 8()0i000 ,„„ g
p nq SI ingloa of Iho beet quality, 100,000 long while
pliio Shingles, »d quality, and 40.000 of Is iucb
Slmigloa, together with 000,000 feel of Lumber of
assorted thiclinoßßea and qualllioe, aucb ae I, If, Ij,
Zn i u 0 ."' 11 . !,'.' 1 ; ‘4, and S inch lil Cm-
P l ' i’ y* «nd « lnch9d Common. Also, Adi
Pl “ nk * Popl-rb Scanning and half bull
Boatde, 11 no and Hemlock Jolco and Scontlius,
aeneoned Oak Plonk, Dry Panncl, let and 2d Com
mon Hoards ami Plank, stuck up in tho yard shtco
last year, and If persons tolls you to tho contrary
don t believe them, but call nnd soo.
Having also a Btoam Saw Mill in operation, and
a largo stock of Timber on hand, bulb Pino and Oek,
the subscriber Is prepared (o saw bills to order, fcnc*
boards, barn floor plank, laths and paillng at short’
notice. ,
The subscriber hopes by strict attention to busing
and a determination to sell lower than any otM.
lardyit the river, that his old customers uud rt>®
I’Ubhi) generally, will givo him a call before purely
sing elsewhere. lIISNUY CUUKOIi-
Bridgeport, May 25, 1810,