American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, September 14, 1848, Image 4

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    St* '
Proolamatipiii ..a ;
jfi and liy ah’act of (hot General
6 1 0 oihfnonwe a 11 h cf Pennsylvania,
mttUßra- elections of* this
Commonwealth/* passed the'2d day of July, A.
D. 1839, it is of theShenff of ev’ery
county.within this G&mpibnwnallh. to give' public
notice of Iho Gondfal'EleCiions, and in e\ich notice
to enumerate-: \,j
-1. The “ ’
Designate tlie’platie al‘ wliioli the election is
High ShqrifT of the County of
hereby make known-arid give this
: ta tKd ; e!ectors df the county of Cum
mfH&SafWafroh the Second Tuesda-y ok October,
day of'the 1 month,) a Gono
fKP'Bßfciidh* wll-be held ; at the several -Clodion
, by’ l6w in said ' county, at.
vote'hy ballot for the several
named, vizi .
«mm j uneterson - -
for Governor of.the State of Pennsylvania*
for Canal Commissioner of the State of PcnnsyT
vifeisn-tjsn’i lv>v-x
to teptesp^it l tliecodntloB of Cumberland* Franklin
wftb Pdrry*in itha.Oongresa of the United States.
of Cnnaborland in Iho House
of Pennsylvania-. 1
for^r^opgfTary^ f iba d6unty 0 f Cumberland.
-Clerk of the county of Cumber
land, - ;
,< ac ,£NB PERSON .
■or of willsjbr tlio county of Cumber
land'.'>■ ■ " ' ' ■
.•'>’»* ONE PERSON
fdfCfchihilSsloner of the county of Cumberland.
fpPDipectqrof the Poor rtntl of. the House of Em-
Jrloynient of Ihe county of Cumberland.
. V >' \ *. ONE PERSON
to settle the.public accounts of the
of pumberland. .
. will, be ;held throughout the
mhriy; ■- ■ ' ■ r -.
ejection in the election district composed of
t^^RpT^jgh.of'OnrlMln, and the townships of N.
‘South Middleton, Lower Dickinson,
Eq'wc'r 4 Prahkrord, acd West. Pennsborohgh, will
Court House, in the Borouofi of
CaViisW.; 5 ,- V . * -
Th& election in thnflectlnn district composed of
SjjverJSpring township, will be held at the public
, deorge Duey, in llogeslown, in said
31 act of the General Assembly,' passed the
3lst*day bf April, A. D. 1846, the election in the
bTefilton district composed of Hampden township,
be n%ld at thd house now occupied by Henry
Bressler. in saidj,ownship. ‘
By theVame act the election in the election dis
trict composed of Lisbirn and a part of Allen town
ship, known as the Lisburn district, shall hereuf
their elections at the public bouse now
occupied fay John G. Hfck, in Lisburn/ ';
?*Ttfe ejection in the., election district composed of
Eatt'Pennsborough. township. will bo held nt4h«
public house now occupied by Samuel Ronninger, at
the west, end of the Hauisburg bridge.
.■xjrhe.'clQctloQ in the election district composed of
New-Comberland, will bo held at tho public house
of W. P. Hughes, in the Borough of Now Cumber*
.The election in .the district composed of that part
of Alien which. clectlon«Was heretofore
held at tbdTpublie house of; Wmi Hughes, in the
Borgugh of.NewCumberland, held at the
Tgntibt.Hduso.of Gcorgp,Heck,;now occupied by
Holiicrt‘CqffuyV in saidtownship.t
_VTho election in the 'district-cdmposed'of that part
or .Allen township, not included in the New Cum
berland, George Heck and Lisburn election districts,
will be held at the public house of David Shcaflcf, in
Shephordstbwn, In said township.
Tho election in thcdlstrlct composed of tho Bo-
Mcchahicsburg, will ho held at tho public
house of John Hoover, in said boroug.i.
The election in the district composed of Monroe
township, will, be hold rif the public house of John
Paul, In Churchtown, in said township.
Tho election in the district composed-of Upper
Dickinson township, will bo held at the public house
of Jacob Trego, in said township.
. ■ The election. in the district composed of the Bo
rough of Newyille, and townships of Mifflin, Upper
Frahkfq'rd, Big Spring, and that pait of Newton
township, not included in Ihe Leesburg.election
district hereinafter mentioned, will be held at the
Brick School House in the Borough, of Newvjlle.
.. The election in the district.composed of Hopewell
township, will bo held at tho School House in New
burg, in said township, *•
The election in tho district composed of the Bo
rough of Shippensburg. Shippensburg township, ond
that part of Southampton township, not included in
the. Leesburg election district, will be held at the
Council House, in tho Borough of Shippensburg.
.And ip and by an act.of tho'Genoral Assembly of
this Commonwealth, parsed the 2d July, 1839, it is
Ihifs provided, ’‘That the qualified electors of parts
of Newton and Southampton townships in the coun
ty of Cumberland, bounded, by the following lines
and distances, viz; . Beginning at the Adams county
line, thence along the line dividing the townships of
Dickinson and Newton to tho turnpike road, thence i
along said turnpike, to Centro School House on said i
turnpike,in Southampton township.thonceton point' i
on the Walnut Bottom toad at Reyhucli’s, including
BeybuckVfdrm, thence n straight direction to the i
Saw Mill- belonging to the heirs of George Clever. I
thence olong Krysher’s run to the Adams county i
lino, thence along the lino of Adams county to ihn
place of-beginnlng, bo and tho same is hereby dc-\
dared a now aml separate election district, tho eloc-\
lion to ta hold at the public house of John UaybuckJ
in Leesburg, Southampton township.
" ’ Not 100 is hereby given,
‘♦That every person, excepting Juatlcos of tUo
Fooco, who shall hold any dike or appointment of
profit or trust under the United Slates, or of this
StoV, or any city or incorporated district, whether a
eoromissioned officer or otherwise, a subordinate offi
cur or agent, who is or shall be employed under the
legislative, executive, or judiciary department of this
Stole, or of the United Slates, or of any city or of
any incorporated district,-and also (hat every member
of Congress and of the Stale Legislature, and of the
Select or Common any city, or commis*
•loner of any Incorporated district, is by law Ineapa*
Wbof holding or exercising at Iho same time, the
office orappointmont of judge, inspector, or clerk of
any elections aof this Commonwealth, and
inspector, judge or other officer of such election shall
Uo eligiblc lo be then voted for. -
And the said act of Assembly entitled an act rela
ting to elections of tins Commonwealth, passed July
2d, 1839, further provides os follows, to wit:
“That llio inspectors and judges shall meet at the
respective places- appointed for r.oldmg the election
t „ , to which they respectively belong, Ire
of Ociohor 0 nVv lh “ of lh ° wconJ Tuesday
o„ocr ? .C;^
her of vole, for Judge if the wii 8 '“i 1 n ? m '
jholl oci A. on inspector in hi. pf lC o, A ml
Hia person who .I,'all lh. hlgho.,
bor ofvoicß for Inspector olihll not attend, the nnmnJ
elected judge shell nppoinun in.ponlor in his pl„“"
end In case Hip person «• judge .hall not ol
londj then tho inspector who received llio highom
nunjhor 01 vole, obeli appoint n judge in hi. piece
or if any Vacancy shell continue in Dm hoard fir the
eraerof one hour ofior Iho tlmo fixed hy lew Ibr the
of Jh -' 1 < ' l, ' llon - ,l,(1 fionllflod votorc of the
wS*!??' wn , ' >r '’ i,tricl ,or wlllc li sudh officer ehnll
fieVft W" elected, at the plnco of election
*lES£rfls?.?? 8 °. r Otcir numtior to fill such'vacancy,
' of the several'assessors, re
spectlioty to attend, at the piece of holding .very
general, .poclal or lownihlp election, during the
whole time laid eloelioif 1. kept open, for Iho purpose
of giving infurmellon to tho inspectors end judge
when celled on. in relation to Iho right of any por
«on Assessed by them to vole at such election, or
euch other matters in relation to, Iho Assessment of
voters astho said>. inspectors or cither of them shall
frorii time to time require,. ; ,V v , '
“No.person shall bp. permitted to. vote nl any elec
tion os aforesaid, than a. white frcpmbn of the ago of
tw.-uty-rmo years or.more,:who.shiijl hove resided,.in
:this State at year, - and Jn the election i is-
Irict where ho offers,-to I ,vote at lcast lon days imr i >
diatcly, proceeding such and within' ll b
years pajd ablate or county tax,.which, shall hr’e
been assessed dl least lon ’days before the clcction.f--
!Uut acitizcn of the United Stales who has provious
ly>-beeri a . qualified Sotcrof this ‘state,-and removed
therefrom andreturned, and who shall hfavc resided,
in the elcction'districl and paid taxes aforesaid, shall
be entitled to .vole after residing in this stole six
months, - Provided, That the Mute citizens
of the United States between the twonty-ono
ami twchty-two; years, and hove resided in the elec
tion district tori, days ns aforesaid, shall he entitled to
vole, although they shall not have paid taxes.
> “No. person shall be ndrhil\c<) to vote whoso name
is not contained in the listnf taxable inhabilantsfur
nish’cd hy the commissioners* unless, First, ho pro
duce a receipt for iho payment, within.two years, of
a shite or‘county tax assessed agreeably to’ the con
stitution, (ind give evidence oithei* on his
own bath or affirmation, or the Oath or affirmation
of another that ho has paid such a tax, or on failure
16 prndUca.a receipt, shall make oath ,to tho payment
thereof, or Second* if ho claim a right lo vote by be
ing an elector- betweet] tho ogo of twenty-one and
twenty-two years, ho'shall depose on-oath or aflirma
, lion, that ho has resided in the slate at least oho year
next before his application, and make such proof of
residence in' the district as 'is required hy this act*
and that ho does-verily believe, from the-accounts
givlih him thuthois of iho age nforesiid,'and give
such other evidence as is required by this act, where
■ upon the najne oflho person so.admitlcd to vote shall
bo inserted in tho'alphabetical, lisfby the inspectors
and a note made opposite' thereto by writing the
- .word “tax,” if ho shall bo admillcd-to vole hy reason
of haying paid tax, or tho word “ago” if ho fhall he
admitted'to vole by reason of such ago shall be coll
. c-d out to the clerks, who shall make the like notes in
iho lists of vofers kept hy-them. -
“In all cases whero iho name of the person claim
ing-'lo vote is found on the list furnished by the com
missioners and assessors, or his right lo vole whether
(/bund thereon or not, is objected to by any qualified
citizen, it shall bo the duty of the Inspectors to ex
amine such person on oath as to his qua/i/icat/oris, I
and if he claims to have resided within the state for
one year dr more, his ou/h-shall be sn/Hcient proof!
(hereof, but shall make proof by ona compe-I
lent witness, Wlio shall bo a qualified elector, that he
has resided within-the district for more than tun
days next immediately proceeding said election, and
shall also, himself swcar-that his bona fide residence,
in pursuance of ‘.his Iriwful.calling, Is within the dis
trict, und .tlta.l he did not remove into said district
for the purpose of voting therein.
“Eveiy person qualified us aforesaid, and whoshall
make duo proof, if required, of his residence and
payment of taxes, us aforesaid, shall be admitted to
volo-in the township; ward, or district, in which he
shall reside. v .
. “Il’any person shall' prevent.or, attempt to prevent
any officer of any election under this act, from hold*
mg such election, or use or threaten any
any such officer, or shall interrupt'or improperly
interfere with him in the execution of his duly, or
shall block up the window or avenue to any window
where tho same may bo.holding, or shall, riotously
disturb the pence at such election, use or
practice any intimidating throats, loraßor violence,
with design to influence unduly or overawe any
elector or to prevent him from voting or to restrain
the freedom of choice, such person on conviction
shall be fined in any sum not exceeding (ivo hundred
dollars and be imprisoned for any tinie not less than
three nor morc«lhau twelve months, and If It shall be
shown to court, where the trial of such offence shall
be hud, that the person so offending was not a resi
dent of-tho city, ward,.district, of township where
the said offence was committed, and not entitled to
vole therein, then on conviction, ho shall bo senten
ced to pay a fine of not less than one hundred, nor
more than ono: thousand dollars, and bo imprisoned
not less than six months nor more than two years.
“If any pefson or persons shall make ony bol or
wager upon tho result of any cfc.ction within this
Commonwealth, or shall offer to make any such bet
or wager, either by verbal proclamation thereof, br
by any written or printed advertisement, challenge
or invito any persons to make such bet or wager,
upon Conviction thereof, ho or they shall forfeit and
pay three (lines tho amount so Lot or to bo bet.
■“lf any person not by law qualified, shall fraudu
lently vote nt any election In this commonwealth, or
being otherwise qualified, shall vote out of his proper
district, or if any pefsort knowing* the want of such
qualification, shall aid or procure such person to vole,
the person offendinfrf shall on conviction, bo fined in
any sum not exceeding two hundred dollars, ond be
imprisoned for any term not exceeding three months.
< “If any person shall vote at more than ono election
district, or otherwise fraudulently vole more than once
on the s.imo day, or shall fraudulently fold and do;
liver to the inspector two tickets together with tho
Intent illegally to vole, rise and procure another so
to do,’ho or they offending* shrill on conviction; be
fined in any sum not less than fifty npr more limn
five hundred dollars, and bo imprisoned for any tcriff
not Jess thiinilbrco nor more than twelve months.
Ifany person not qualified to veto in tills Common
wealth, agreeably to law, (except the suns of qualifi
ed citizens,) shall appear,at any place ofclcclion for'
the purpose of issuing tickets or of influencing the
citizens qualified to vote, ho shall.on conviction, for
feit and pay any sum exceeding ono hundred dollars
for every such offence, and be imprisoned for ony
term not exceeding throe months. ''•••'
Agreeable to the provisions ofthc sixty-first section
of said act, every'General and Special Election shall
ho opened between tho hours of eight and ten in the
forenoon, rind shall continue without interruption or
adjournment until seven o’clock in the evening, when
the polls closed;
And Ihe Judges of tho respective districts afore,
said, arc by the said act required to meet at tho Court
(louse, in the Borough of Carlisle, on the third day
after the said election, being Friday the 13lli day of
Oiitubcr, then and there to perform the things re-
Iquired of them by luw. i
l OWaii. uiulor my hand alCatli.lis.lhl. S3td day of
( l August, A. D. 1848.. 3 •
JAMES UOFFEtI, Sfteri/r.
August S 4, 1848. ’ - w *
iiAnnjsnuno, pa.
rp JUS Popul-ir House recently undergone n
.1. thorough repair, and been furnished with entire
new furniture, of the bed quality, Members of the
Legislature and bllicrs, visiting the sent of Govern
ment, will find it a very desirable slopping place.
Q3* Charges moderate.
Harrisburg, July 21,1818. —Cm.
BttotHj Shoes and llro^auv.
tfjjk Till*! attention of tho public is invited
«jT to a largo and elegant assortment of
KB. J3OQ )*S ami SHOES, now opening at
opposite the Methodist Church. Tho stock has
been belcclod with ureal cure, and fur style and
durability is unequalled.
Ladies* French Linen Gaiters, (new style)
do Morocco Half Gaiters. do
do Kill and Morocco Slippers, Buskins and
Ties, at nil prices.
Missis’ (jailors, Leather Bools,.Buskins and
Childrens 1 Gaiters, Boots and ankle ties, of ovj
ory variety. •
Man's' Calf and Morocco boots, .brogans and
slippers. •,
1 Boys’and Youths 1 Goal, Calfand Kipbrogans,
and a geneial assortment of thick work. )
I tt wrUill variety ofßool and French Moroc*
tnlnga ' While Linings, Lastinge/lViui
oisTOMr\l Ivrw, 0 ,/ w ' ll 1,0 B lven na to
as Gentlemen’s fine
Boole, Kid limVM o toc 8 0 o I 'lP'' I, '' r^, . n(l 0o "B rCBB
Froncli tloa, nnd oveiy Tod ’ ‘ !uB '‘ i " 8 d
work in a stylo equal to the l.ealcU v \„ C l, T , lh< ’
l M^yT l t . pricb ’ ? ’ y W “• Mv'^UTEtt&o"
N. B—Aa tha enhaorlbor la now dolnn h„.V
1 ness under tha film of Wm. M. Porter & Oo ’&
earnestly renuesta thosn Indebted to aeiUoVbelr
»^l:^sr r^:“ Wbook “." a
July 13, 1818, '
WcVr tlno oi’ Stages
From Carlisle to York.
THE subscriber bogs.leave to inform the travelling
community, that ho intends to ruii a LINE OF
times a week, as follows: Leave Carlisle on Mon*
tlny»..Wednesday, and Friday mornings ol & o’clock,
A. M-., and arrive at York nl 1 o’clock P. M., which
will bo in lime to toko tho York Uain of cars for Bal
timore. Leave York for .Carlisle at I , o’clock P. M.,
(immediately after, the arrival of tho cars,) on each
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, through Church
town, Dil*elown and Dover.
The subscriber , assures those who may patronize
him, that he has prepared himself with comfortable
and safe stages* and will use every effort possible to
accommodate, travellers. Passengers from Carlisle
Will engage passage at tho dfftce of tho subscriber,
and will be called for at the.places they request. In
York passengers will engage at the Depot, (While
Hall tavern.) GEORGE HENDEL.
Extensive. Livery Stable.
Tho undersigned respectfully informs the public
that he continues to carry on the Livery Business in
nil its the old stand. His Horses are
numerous and well assorted, and his Carriages cm*
brnco every variety of pattern, such as Conches. Till
bury’s, Sulkies, Buggies, &c., all of the hesi finish.
His drivers are oil careful and attentive. Saddle
horses of tho most agreeable gaits, olwaya ready for I
customers at low rates.
,■ Tho subscriber desirous of securing (he patronage
of-tho pubi/c, will spare no pains.or expense, to ren
der liis establishment worthy of the most' liberal cn
couragomciit. GEORGE HENDEL.
Carlisle, July 27,1848. —If
WOULD most respectfully call the attention of.
Housekeepers and the public generally, to
the extensive stock of splendid Furniture, includ
ing Sofas,.Wardrobes, Centre and other 'Pablos,
Dressing and Plain Bureaus, and every variety of
Cabinet Ware and Chairs,.
Which they have just opened at their new rooms,
on the corner of North Hanover and Louther'sls.,
They are confident that the superior finish of
tho workmanship, and elegance of style, in which
llioir articles are got up, together with their cheap
new,-wilLrecoramend them to evoryporson want
ing Furniture. They have also raadearrangements
for manufacturing and keeping a constant supply
of every article in their line, both plain and orna
mental, elegant and useful, at prices which they
cannot fail to suit, purchasers. They Would earn
estly invite persons who are about to commence
housekeeping to call and 1 examine their present
elegantslock, to which they will constantly.make
ndllitiohs 6rilie v newest v artd most modernißvlGS.
COFFINS made to order at tho shortest police,
for town and country..
‘ Furniture! Furniture!! * f
THE subscriber respectfully informs the public that
he still continues to manufacture and keep on
hand, at his shop on North Eliiiovcr street, nearly
opposite Orth’s, (formerly Glass’) Hotel, Carlisle,
Bureaus, Sideboards, Score-
TAKIES, TABLES, STANDS, Desks, Book-cases
Bedsteads, Cupboards, of every stylo and pattern, and
In short, every thing that can bo made in a cabinet
shop. v '
■ The subscriber will warrant his furniture to bo
manufactured out of the best of. material and by, tho
best of workmen, and as to his prices ho intends to
sell low for cash. : All who will give hfm a call, will
siy that his furniture is cheap and good. ..All work
manufactured under his inspection. Hd particularly
invites newly married persons to give him a ball and
examine for thcmsolvcs—ho has no doubt his work
manship and prices will not fail to plcosc; so don’t
forget to coll.beforo purchasing .elsewhere.
The subscriber would also Inform the public (hat
he carries on the -
: Collin Making Bnsincis,
and can Wait on all those who may desire tyis servi
ces in that tine. Having a llhaiisk, ho cijn attend
funerals in tho country. Charges moderate,
Carlisle, June 15, 1848. ly |
N. B. A lot of choice Cherry Lumber for sale
by the subscriber. ,
HC. MAI*OY, respectfully Informs the citizens
, of Carlisle and tho public goncral.y, that he
has opened in the store room lately occupied by Jos.
S. CJitt. opposite Bent/.* store, and near Morrell's Ho
itol, an extensive assortment of .'
Men’s Hoot*,
Men's and Boys’ Calf and lUp Monroes,‘LadWK.ld
innd Morocco Slippers, Misses and Children’s QAIT-
E US, and black and fancy colored
I BOOTS,of iholntcststylo,and
gjrfrrrXN made of tho best mntcrinls, all of
which sold clicap fur cash,
Ho bos also on hand a lo.rge assortment of Leather,
Calf Skins, Morocco, &c., and will manufacture to
order all kinds of Bouts and Shoes at'tho shortest
notice. '
Carlisle, April 13, 1849.
Hut*! Huts!
Siuuno jinn Rummkii Fashions run 1848.
rpllß subscriber would respectfully call the atlon-
X.tian of the public to his largo assortment of
ffV Hals A Caps,
dW* of the latest fashions, consisting of Moleskin,
Heaver, fine'White Hockey Mountain Beaver, Otter,
Brush, and Russia hats of every quality, and at dif
ferent prices. Also on .hand a fine assortment of
Slouch or Sportsman’s Hats, (very light) together
with a general assortment of nearly every descrip
tion of Caps, of all sizes, and at all prices. Country
dealers and all who wish to purchase hats or caps,
are invited to cull, us the subscriber is prepared ,to
give greater bargains than cun bo had elsewhere.*—
Don’t forgot the place, No. 3, Harper’s Row.
Carlisle; May 25,1848, , ■
\J. W. L. WARD. No. 100 Chcsmit street, Phlla
phis, opposiin iho Franklin House, Importers
of Gold & Silver Patent Lover WATCHES,
aHafllttml manufncturorß of Jewelry. A good qs
portmciu'always on bond. Gold* Potent Levers, 13
jewels, $3B; Silver do,slB to $2O; Gold Le|)lncs,s3o;
Silver do $l2 to $l5; Clacks and Time Pieces; Gold
Pencils, $1 25, upwards; Diamond Pointed Qgld
Pens, $1 60; Gold, Bracelets and Breast Pins, In
great variety* Ear Pings, Miniature Oases; Guard
Chains, $l2 to $26; Plated Teh Bets, Castors, Cake
Baskets, Candlesticks, Britannia Wore, Fine Ivory'
Handled Table Cutlery, and a general assortment of
Fancy'Goodi. , * ,
Phila., May 86, 1848.
A Al ' DAW, will |WticO 111 tIICSOV.
Muih 1 1 0 ** Oun >borlnnd county. Office in
Mutch H ’lB4R y "'O county jail, Carlisle.
D. F. & A. 0. FETTER,
New ami Clioap
Boot and Shoe Store.
SecjoiuVAnival of New Goods.
■’ ’ 1 S. V A. COYLE has just returned from
and is- now opening a
large assortmcnt.of SUMMER Goods.
will bo sold 30 per cent, cheaper
than ever, consisting in part of now.slylc dress goods
for Indictr, vfz: ' -
- Striped Jasporincs, ‘ Grenadines,
Printed Bareges, Bntislo, ,
Satin Stripe do * Ploid Foil Decherro,
Mode do Lnincs, French' Ginghams?
Also; tiiargo assortment of French Cloths, Cassi
rAeVrfc arid Vestings, Bonnots, Ribbons,Gloves, Ho
siery,- Purchasers will please call and examine his
stock for themselves, as ho isdotonnined to soil cheap
for cash.
Carlisle, Juno 1, 1848. ...
Spring and Summer Goods.
. Carlisle, Pa. v
THE subscriber respectfully announces to the pub
lic,'that ho has taken,the stand lately occupied by
Mr. Angnoy, at the corner of High street.arid Har
per's Row, where ho has 1 just received from the east
ern cities.a largo and splendid assortment of
JfEW GOODS* ■/- . ,
Purchased in tho Atlantic cities of tho Imporlers anc
Manufacturers, irtcjluding every variety of Goods.—
Tile Ladieß'ftj-e parlicUlaHy invited to call and ox*
ahlino his beautiful assortment of
Dress Goods.
Among which the following articles' comprise apart:
superior wool Cloth? black and fancy Silks; blue,
black and fancy Cassimeres;.-fancy Summer Goods;
Ginghams and Xiawns; Bombasines apd Alpacas;
Vestings of all kinds: Lnincs; London and
Domestic Calicoes; .Milts, G|oVee, Locoq‘, Edgings,
Hosicly dHd Ribbohs of all kinds; together with a
largo assortment of .
All tho above Goods havo been purchased nt the
best and cheapest markets tlnd will certainly be spld
very tow. All persons are respectfully invited to
'give him a call. JOHN E. FORSTER.
April, 20, 1848. .
Tli© Toaaitd Grocery Store of
J. W. EBV,
IS constantly supplied with a fresh arid general
asaortmentof Groceries, embracing a. lot of
liio and Java Coffees,
of the best, as well as of lower priced qualities
Loaf and Brown Sugars,
viz; Double refined Loaf, crushed-and Pulverized,
as also While Havana, Drown.and clarified Su
gars—all of which for prices and qualities, can
not ho excelled.
In addition, to our former supply of TeasAvehave
undertaken >he sale oflhe Superior Teas of J. Q.
Jenkins & Co. of Philadelphia and have received
and will bo kept supplied with an assortment of
Green and Black Teas.
of the various kinds and qualities, varying in
price from 37i els. to sl,2s.pcr pound, which we
believo will, on trial, lake the preference over all
other Teas in this community. These teas are
put packages of £ and 1 lb. each, labelled
with name and price of Tea, with a Metallic as
well bs paper envelope for preservation of.lho qual
ity, and each having full weight. One of the
partners (who selects the Teas) learned this diffi
cult business of the Chinese themselves, while
engaged in the Tea Trade and. residing among
them, and.possessing this advantage,Vlfeir ability
to furnish, not only safe and genuine, but also the
most delicious Teas, at the lowest possible prices,
is unquestionable, and therefore they can be con
fidently recommended, to our customers.
In which may always bo had a gen
■eral assdjlmenrof all other articles in the line of
our business. All of which are ofiered for sale at
tho lowest possible price. We feel thankful for
past favors shown us and hope our endeavors to
please will merit a continued share of support.
J. W. EUY.
New York Variety Store,
T & M, COLLIER & BROTH ERS, beg leave
J i to inform the citizens of Cumberland and ad
joining counties, that they have just opened an
Variety Store,
in North Hanover street, in tho building lately oc
cupied by Mr. Hantch, between Haversack's and
Coyle’s stores, where they will-be happy to re
ceive the calls of all wishing articles in their line.
They will at all times keep on hand a well selec
ted assortment of Prints, (French, English and
American,) Domestic and Foreign Perfumery,
Patent Medicines, embracing nearly ,every de
scriplion, and in fact a little of ovoiy tiling usually
kept in an oxtensivo variety «
They are tho exclusive agents for tho sale of
Dr. Traphagen’s celebrated “Pulmonic Mixture”
and his “Balsamic Extract of Sarsaparilla Dr.
Green’s celebrated “Oxygenated. Bitters,” for
dyspepsia and plilhyslc. They are also the ex
clusive agents in this county for the New York
Canton Tea Company, and will keep constantly
on hnml a large supply of their superior Teas.
' In conclusion they beg leave to say that they
are determined to sell at very small profits forcash,
and invite all wishing bargains to give them a
Carlisle, May 4, 1848.
Dry Goods—Xcw Arrangement I
rpllß subscriber has just returned from (ho city and
X is now opening, at his Old Bland, on Main street,
In addition to his former slock, a large aud well se
lected assortment of fancy and staple
which ho intends to sell according to (he old mot\o,
"quick sales and small profits” Among his goods
are English and American ‘Prints, from 4 up to 12
cents; ovary variety of style and pattern;
Bleached and Brown Muslins, 86 Inch, at OJ,
English Ginghams at 12 cents. • • ' ' •
- French Lawnsat.l2, orid-over.v other article cqualy
cheap. Also, a largo assortment of
Groceries & <(.iiccuswarc.
Ho offers good New Orloins Sugar at fl, prime at 7,
crushed loaf at 10 and broken loaf at U cents—good
Rio Coffee at 0 cents—good Molasses 8 els pci quart,
Now Orleans baking Molasses at 10—also, Honey,
Syrup, u supeiior assortment of Teas, Spices, dec.
Carlisle) April 13, 1848.
fpilE subscribers arc now opening their Fall
_L slock of HARDWARE, and to which they
would invito the attention of parsons in want of
goads in their lino, as their arrangements atosuoh
as to enable tliont to sell lower than any other
store. They have now a full assortment of locks,
latches, bolls, hinges, screws, and every article
for building, mill, orotls.out and circular saws,
moose hole anvils, vices, files, rasps, obisols, au
gurs, braces, plain bills, planes, hand, ponnel,
ripping and tenant saws, broad axes, drawing
knives, chopping axes, batobots, hammers, hay
and manure forke, shovels, spades, knives,Turks,
pocket knives of every stylo, bntolior knives, ra
zors, scissors, shears, waiters, trays, brass and
Iron head shovels and tonga, bellows, &0., .with a
large and full assortment of goods for Sadlers and
Carriage Uuilders,
Also, 10 lons hammered and rolled iron, 8 lons
east, shear, blister nod spring stool, 60 pair Blip
lie springs, 1 ion American and Russia shoot iron,
60 kegs Dupont's and .fohnson’s Blasting Powder,
Sopolbs.NovaSootingrlndslonos.BOOOlhs. Well),
orill’s pure ground while lend, 300 gals. I.lnseod
Oil, 100 gals. Turpentine, 100 boxes of glass, as- 1
sorted. Also, Copal, Coach, Japan and Leather 1
Varnish, Mahogany and Maple Veneers, Cddor
wato, Baskets, tko. • ■ ■ '
They have also Hovey’s Patent Spinal Strliw
Cullers, (or colling hay, straw or corn stalks, the
best article of the kind ever offered for sale.
Carlisle, September 10,1817.
JUST opened at Iho “Bco Hive” a largo lot of
Parnsolotts and Sun Shades, which will lie sold
t Or. Keelers Panacea. #
EOR renidval ahd permanenf eure of all dis
.cases arislqg from an impure slate of the Blood,
and habit of tho body, viz: \ .
; Chroriic disoase of the Chest, Bronchitis, Pleurisy,
Catarrh, eto.V Scrofula in call its stages, Toilet,-scald
Hoad, Blotches)'Cutaneous Eruptions of tho head,
face and ; extremities,' Ulcers, Chronic-. Affections of
the stomach and:Liver, Chronic Rheumatism, White
Swellings, Abcessca, Syphilitic disorders, constitu
tional Debility, and all mercurial and hereditary pre
dispositions, &c. #
Lc' ho ,ono deceive themselves, that because a sin
gle exdess of any kind docs not occasion immediate
ly an attack of disease, it is therefore harmless.-
Every violation of oh organic law; carries with it
ftooncr or later its punishment. In the great majori
ty of situations to which man is exposed in social
life, if is tho. continued application of less powerful
causes, Which gradually, and often imperceptibly ef
fects tho change, and ruins the constitution, before
dangcris dreamt ofr’ The majority of human ail
ments is of slow growth, and of slow progress, con
sequently admits only ttf.‘slow cure. Scrofula; con
sumption; dyspepsia,. .swelling, gout, chronic
afieftlohs of tile stomach, liver, spine, head, eyes and
extremities, embrace this classi—each being thoeflbet
of an olloration in the vessels of nutrition, effecting
vogitalivo life from on antecedent acquired, or-here
ditary couse, nothing short of powerful alterative
mcdicihcS, promises the least hope to tho invalid.—
Pallarivcs will never cure, and often, do much mis
chief. Tonics and Alteratives, combined with a pro
per regome of diet—tho. one tqstrongthch, the other
to change morbid action, are what pathology incul
cates. Reodthc following valuable testimony.
Philadelphia, Juno 9, 1847.
Having been apprized of the PonacSa, If affords
mo much pleasure to bo able to recommend it as a
valuable remedy in that-class of chronic, constitu
tional, and gloildulab diseases to which it Is especial
ly adapted, To those who arc afflicted, and require
medicine as an alterative , cannot obtain it in a more
agreeable, active, otfd uniform slate, than is to be
found in tho Panacea . I havb used it, in several
Instances witli decided success. . *
Yours, &c. D. ALLISON, M. D,
Prepared and sold N. W. Cor. of. Third & South
street, and by Druggists, Storekeepers and others,
throughout the country.
For particulars see pamphlets, Prifco $1 large
bottles—s 6 half dozen. . ; ,
F v or sale at thb Drilg store of Samull Elliott,
in Carlisle..
April 27, 18.48.—1 y . ,
Great American Remedy.
207 Maik street, Buffalo, N: V. ,
DR.G. C. VAUGHN’S Vegetable TAthdhlriiuic
Mixture, a celebrated medicine which nos made
great cures in all diseases, is now introduced into this
section. The limits of an advertisement will not,
permit an extended notice of this fcfricdy; we, have
only to say it has for its Agents in the United States
and Canadas a largo ntlmbbf of educated Medical
FiQctilioncrs in high professional who make
a general use of it in their practice iti the following
diseases: ‘ .
Dropsy, Gravel, and diseases of the urinary organs;
Piles and all diseases of the blood; derangements of
tho Liver, &c., and all general diseases of thesysterm
It is particularly requested that all who contemplate
the use of this article, or who desire, information re
specting it, will obtain a Pamphlet of 32 pages, which
Agents whose names are bolowwill gladly give away;
this book treats upon thd method of cure—explains
the properties of the article, and the diseases it has
been used for over tins country and Europe for four
years with such perfect effect. O ver 16 pages of tes
timony from the highest quniters will,be found, with
names, places and dates, which can be written'to by
any one interested, and tho parties will answer post
paid communications. % ,
Do particular ond ask for tho'Pamphlct, as no oth
er such pamphlet has ever been seen. Tho evidence
of the power of this medicine over all diseases is guar
anteed by persona of well known standing in society.
Put up in 30 oz. ond 12 oz. bottles. ’Price ?2, 90
oz.; $1 12 oz.; tho larger being tho cheaper. Every
bottle has'.‘G. C. VAUGHN” writtcn.oh tho direc-
tions, &c. See pamphlet, page 28. Prepaid by
Dr. G. C. VAUGHN, and sold at Principal Office,
207 Main street; Buffalo, N, Y. .Offices devoted to
sale of this article exclusively, 13.2 Nassau, N. York,
and corner of Essex and Woshingtnn, Salem, Mass.,
and by all Druggists throughout this country and
Canada as Agents.
For sjile by S. W, Haverstick, Carlisle; .M. Lii%
Hnrrisburgißusscl & Dice,Dickinson; J. C. duG.D.
Allick, Shippensburg; Adams AEsli'clnian, Stoughr
town. ' . ,•
MarchS, 1848.—1 y
Plainfield Classical Academy.
Four miles west of Carlisle , between the Newville
State Road and the Cumberland Valley Railroad.
rpHE Fourth session will commence on MONDAY
X the Ist of. May, 1848. The number of students
is limited, and they ore carefully prepared for Col
lege, Counting House, dec.
Tho situation precludes tho possibility of students
associating with the vicious or depraved, being remote
from town or village, though easily accessible by
Stale Road or Cumberland Valley Railroad; both of
which pass through lands attached to tho institution.
Boarding, washing, tuition, &c., (per boss.) $5O 00
Latin or Greek, 5 00
Instrumental Music 10 00
French or German t 5 00
Circulars with rcfotonccs, &c., furnished by
R. K. BURNS, Principal.
April 13, 1848.—1 y
Fire Insurance.
rpH IS Allen and Eastponnsborough Mutual Fire
A Insurance Company of Cumberland County,
incorporated by an act of Assembly, is now fully
organized,and in operation undortbe management
of the following commissioners, viz: r
Chi. Jacob Shelly, Wm. It. Gorges,
Lewis Hyer, Christian Titzel, Robert Slorrett,'
Henry Logan, Michael Cocklin, Benjamin H.
Mussor,Levi Merkel,Jacob Kirk,Saml. Prowell,
sr,nnd Melchoir Ur6neman,whorespeotfully call
the attention ofeitizens of Cumborland-and York
counties to the advantages which the company
The rates of insurance are as low and favorable
as any Company of the kind irt the State, Per
sons wishing to become members are invited to
make application to the agents of the company
who arc willing to wait upon them at nny time.
Hbnry Logan, Vice President.
Lewis llybr, Secretary,
Michael Cocklin, 'JVca^urer,
February 3, 1848.
Aobsts— Rudolph Marlin, Now Cumberland)
Christian Titzol, Allen) John O. Dunlop, Alien)
C. B. Harmon, Kingstown ) Henry Zcaring, Shiro
manstown) Simon Oystor, Wormloyaburgt Robert
Moore, Charles Boil, Carlisle.
Agents for York County—Jacob Kirk, general, ngt,
John Shorrick, John, J. Bowman, Fetor
Agents for Harrisburgr-Houser & Loohmon.
Protection Against Loss by Fire.
J- Proloclloh Company, will ho under the direction
of (no following Board of Managers for tho ensuing
year, vlj; T, O. Miller, President;. Samuel Gal
orailh, Vice President; D. W. M’Culloch, Treasur
er; A. O. Miller,Secretary; James Weakly, JolmT.
Green, John Zug, Abraham King, Richard Woods,
Samuel Huston, William Peal, Scott Coyle, Alex-
Davidson. There ore also a number of Agents ap
pointed in the adjacent counties who will receive ap
plications for insurance and forward them immediate
ly for approval to the office of the Company, w.hontho
policy will bo issued without delay. Foi fui'thor in
formation see the by*laws of thfrOnmpany.
Ann* 1 MILLER, ‘'President*
A. G. Milleh, Secretary.
February 10, 1848*
L,H. Williams, Bs<j., West Ponnsborough, Gen
eral Agent,
J, A. Coyle, Carlisle; Dr.lra Day, Mechanics
hurg; George.Urlmllo, Monroe; Joseph M* Means.
Newburg; John Clondonln, llogcstown; Stephen
Oulborteon, Bhipponsburg.
Dr. I. Ci Xoomis,
WILL perforiil all operations upon the Teeth
that are required'for their preservation
such as Scaling, l<Hltng, Plugging, &c., or will
restore the loss of them, by inserting Artificial
Teeth, from a single Tooth toa.full sett.
(£7*Office oh Pitt street, a few doors,South of
the Railroad Hotel.
N. B« Dr. Loomis will be absent from Carlisle
the last ten days, in each month.
Carlisle, July 4, 1847. : : ,
Dr. Georg© Willis Foiilltc,
(Graduate of Jefferson Medical Philadelphia.}
OFFICE at the residence of hie father in'South
Hanover street, directly opposite Morjrctt’s Hotel.
. Carlisle, Pa. ~ -
May 18; 1848.—1 y . '
.. , JDoctor A. Rankin. L
Respectfully inhabitontß of
Carlisle and its yicim.lyvhis professional services
in all its various departiqenU. Hoping from his Jong
experience and unromiUihg otientioh to the duties of
his profession, to-merit'd share'of public patronage,
When not absent oh'professional business be may, at
all times; bo found.either at bis office, next door to
Mr. Snodgrass* store, or at his lodgings at Bcetcra'a
Hotel. ..
Carlisle, May 18, t 848; . ,
'Drugs! Drugs!
H Prices Reduced, a
PHYSICIANS,- Couhjry Merchants and Pedlars,
arc invited to. caU'ond examine my stock of Me*
dicines, Paints, Glass, Oil; Varnishes, &c.
Patent Medicines, ;■ Herbs and Extracts,
Fine Chemicals, • Spices, grOund & wha<«'
Instruments, Essences, -
Pure Essential Oils,, v ; Perfumery, &c.
DYE JStlfppSyr
’ 'Log and Cam Weeds,
oi| Vitriol;, : ;■
Lsc Dye.
PAINTS. a.' a ‘
Welherill & Brother’s Pure Lend, Chrome Green
end Yellow, Paint & Varnish Brushes, Jersey \Vin
dow Glass, Linseed Oil, Turpentine, Copal & Coach
Varnish, and Red Lead. All of whicfi wlil he sold
Qt J"if,.??*? lowCBt market price, at the cheap Drue
ana Book store of .... 6
ni‘ i , 'i . . W ‘ MA-VeESTICK.
Carlisle, Juno 1, 1848. ,
W St Philadelphia Stove Works.
rPTHE Subscribers respectfully inform their
X frifends and the public that they are now pre
pared to execute any orders with which they may
be favored, for their VVeal Philadelphia Complete
Cook Stove, of which they have three sizes; Can
non and Data Cylinder Stoves; seven sizes; Bases
and Tops for Cylinder Stoves, five sizes; Oven,
Plates, four sizes; Cottage Air-light Parlor Stores;
(for vvood,) two sizes; Gas Ovens, three slzes-
I'ast-iron Heaters, and a large and beautiful as
sorlment of Patterns for Iron Bailing.
( Their goods are all made ofthe Best Material,
and.from new a&d bttaiitiful designs.
Their West Philadelphia Complete is, without
doubt, the best and most saleable Cook Stove in
the market.; They are constructed with Mott’s
Patent Feeder, Front and Grate, which gives them
a decided superiority over ail others. They only
want a trial, to confirm what is here asserted.
Castings of all kinds made to order with prompt
ness and despatch.
Samples may be seen and orders left ,at the
Foundry, or at J. B. Kohler’s, 154 north Second
st.; Mathieu & Doiseau’s 187 south Second sh,
and at Williams & Hinds’, 398 Market st.
August 24, 1848.—6 m
Carpels aud Oil Cloths.
xi_ Persons wishing to buy Carpels & Oil Cloths,
very cheap, will find it greatly to their advantage
to call on the subscriber, as he is under a very low
rent, and his other o'x ponses are so light, that ho
is onaMed to sell goods wholesale or retail, at the
lowest prices in the city, and ho offers a very
choice assortment of 1
VENITIANS of all kinds, J
Ami Oil Orths from 2 lo 24 feet wide to cut for
rooms, halls, &c. &0., with a great variely of low
priced Ingrain Carpels, from 25 lo 60 cents, and
Stair and Entry Carpets, from 10 to 50 cents per
yard. Also, Hearth Bugs, Table Covers, Floor
Cloths, Cotton and Hag Carpets,,&c.
11. H. ELDRIDGE, No. 41 Strawberry st.
One door above Chesnut, near Second*
Phila., Aug. 24, 1818.—3 m
The Cheapest leather Travelling
Trank Manufactory
HIGHLY IMPORTANT to Country Merchants
and persons visiting Philadelphia, to know
where to purchase Travelling Trunks of a superior
quality, and at a low. price. Thomas W. Mattson,
108 Market st. first door holow Sixth, south side,
manufactures solid riveted Iron frame, Iron bound
Leather Travelling Trunks, Valises, Ladies bonnet
Cases, Carpet Rags, Boys and Girls School Saleh*
els, dee. .Ho has constantly on. hand over 200
Trunks, which he will sell low for cash, and Trunks
of the very best quality. ,
Phila., Juno 39, 1848.—am
No. 234 North Second street, N. W. corner of
Callowhill street, Philadelphia.
THE Likenesses taken and beautifully colored
at this well known establishment, for One Bol
lary are universally conceded to be equal in every
respect to any in the city. , Pictures taken equal*
iy well In cloudy and clear weather. A large a**
sortmenfof Medallions arid Lockets on hand, at from
$2 to $5, including the picture.
» The subscribers respectfully Invite the citizens
of Cumberland county, lo call and examine speci
mens of tho latest improvements in the art of Dn*
guorreotyplng, which will bo exhibited cheerfully
and without charge.
n ., , T. & J. C. TENNET.
Pliiln., July C, 1848.—Gm
Wow Goods!
WHO wonts to [my cheap Lumber! Lei them
call down at OHDKCII'B old Lumber Yard,'
nc or .lHo;woat ohd of the old Harrisburg' Bridge, at
the lUvef, Cumberland side, where they can buy'
Common Boards
for $ll per thouaand, and Pino Shingles for $0 pc;
Tho.aubedrlbor, thankful for past favors, now of
fora to tho public nl his old oatablished Llimbcr YmJ,
at tho wool end of the old-Uaukbufe Bridge, the
best selected lot of C.Zj .
on,tho hank of the rivor, conalating of 200,000 long
plno Shingles qf tho boat quality, 160,000 long while
pine Shingles,'2d quality, and 40,000 of 18 inch
Shingles, together with 000,000 feet of ‘Lumber of
assorted thicknesses and qualities, such aa 1, IJ.lj,
and 2 Inch Pannql; 1, Is, 14, and 2 inch Ist Com
mon} 1, 14, 14. cod 2 inch 2d Common. Also, Ash'
and Poplar Plank, Poplar, Scantling and half inch
Boards, Pino .and Hemlock Joico and Scantling’
Bonaoned Oak Plank, Dry Panno], Ist and 2d Com
mon Hoards and Plonk, stuck up in tho. yard since
last year, and if persons tolls you to tho conliory
don’t believe them* but coll and see#.
Having also a Steam Saw Mill in operation, am!
a largo stock of-Timhor on hand, both Pino and Ooki
tho subscriber is prepared to saw bills to order, fence
boards, barn floor plank, laths obd palling at shod
The subscriber hopes by strict attention to business
and a determination to' soil lower than any other
Yard at tho river, that his old customers and tho
publia generally, will give him a call before purcho*
sing cUowhoro. . HENUY CHUKCH.
Bridgeport, May 25,1818.-