American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, April 06, 1848, Image 4

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    «-:!iie;;Tea judOtwer; Store of
' 3. W. EBY,
ri conalah’lfy supplied with a fresh and general
assortment of Groceries, embracing a lot of
Bio and Java Cofltes,
of the best, as well as of lower priced qualities
Loaf and Brown Sugars,
\la; Double refined Loaf,crushed and Pulverized,
Wb fcfoo.White Havana, Drown and clarified Su
gatft—-all of which for prices and qualities, can excelled.
In addition toour former supply of Teas we have
undertaken the sale of the Superior Teas of J. 0.
JfKKiNs & Co. of Philadelphia and have received
’and will be kept supplied with an assortment of
Green and Black Teas,
of the various kinds and qualities, , varying in
Erice from'37| els. t 0.51,35 per pound, which we
eUeve will, on trial, take the preference over all
other Teas. in this community. These teas are
put up ln packages of £, i and 1 lb. each, labelled
with’name and price of Tea, with a Metallic as
Deli as paper envelope.for preservation of the qual
ity, and each having full weight. One of the
partners.(.who selects the Teas) learned (Ills diffi-,
cult business of the Chinese themselves, while
engaged.ip the Tea Tiailo and residing among
them, and possessing this advantage, their ability
.tofurpiah, not only safe and genuine, but also the
most delicious Teas, 1 at the lowest possible prices,
is. unquestionable, and therefore they can bo con
fidently recommended to our customers.
, In-addition to which may always he had a gen
eral assortment of all other articles in the line of
opr business. All of which are offered for sale at
the lowestpossible price. We feel thankful for
past favors shown us and hope_our endeavors to
plsase will merit a continued shore of support.
1 J. W. EBY.
THE. subscribers, are now opening their Fall
stock of,HARDWARE, and to which they
Would inviie the attention of persons in want of
goods in their line, as their arrangements are such
as to'enable them to sell lower than 'any'other
: store* - -They have now a full assortment of locks,
latches, bolts, hinges, screws, and every article
for building, mill, cross-cut and circular saws,
mouse hole anvils, vices, files, rasps, chisels, au
gurs,. braces, plain bins, planes, hand, panne),
ripping and tenant saws, broad axes, drawing
knives, chopping axes, hatchets, hammers, hay
and manure forks, shovels, spades, knives, forks,
pocket knives of every style, butcher knives, ra
zors, scissors, shears, waiters, trays, brass , and
Iron head shovels and tongs, bellows, &c., with a
large and full assortment of goods for Sadlers and
Carriage Builders.
Also, 10 tons hammered and rolled iron, 2 tons
cast, shear, blister and spring steel, 50 pair EUp
ltd springs, l ion Americanjind Russia sheet iron,
60 kegs Dupont’s and Johnson’s Blasting Powder,
3000 lbs. Nova Scotia grindstones, 2000 lbs. Weth
erill’s pure*ground white lead, 300 gals. Linseed
OU, 100 gals. Turpentine, 100 boxes of ghss, as
sorted. -Also, Copal, Coach, Japan and Leather
Varnish, Mahogany and'Maple Veneers, Cedar-
Ware, Baskets, &c.
They have also Horey’s Patent Spinal Straw
Cutlers, for cutting hay, straw or corn stalks, the
best article of the kind ever offered fofsale,
September 16, 1847. .
Carpenters, Builders, Farmers,
Look to your interests and buy where you can get the
- ’ -Cheapest and Beet Lumber,
TtJST received and for sale at the old Lumber
J Yard, situated at the west end of the Harris
barg.Bridge, down at the River,
150,000 Long Pine Shingles,
good quality, at till per thousand, 90,000 of 18
inch shingles, good quality—also.
400,000 Feet of Lumber,
of 1, 11,1$ and 2 inches thickness, which will be
sold as low as at any other yard at (he river.
Common Boards
at 11,13 and $l3 per thousand, Refuse Boards
and Planks from 6 to sB*
it is as well to mention that the snbncribcr is pro*
pared to saw bills to order, at the shortest notice,
of White Pine and Oak, delivered to the Railroad
free of expense. Small building Timber always,
on hand; from 30 to 70 leet long—also, Plastering
Laths, Fence Boards, Ac., always ready for sale.
Bridgeport, Nov. IV, 1947.-—if
Health made easy for the People,
Or Physical Training, to make their Lives in thio
World Long and Happy, by the author of •* Edu.
cation: As It Is, Ought to Be, and Might
Be" First American Edition, with
BEING an elementary and interesting treatise on
Self Knowledge. Containing short and enter
taining ankles on
Food, . Heart, ' Glands, Strength,
Ealing, Stomach, Nerves, Recreations,
Digestion, Liver, Brains, Old Age,
Blood, ■ Longa, Mind, Man,
Sceietkms*. Arteries, Senses; Woman,
Head, Teine, ■ Health, Disease,
See. Ac. Ac.
Togetbei with the Great Secret—Soecess in Life
bow attained—bow to do good—causes and effects of
error—habits—passions—woman described—monde
scribed—man's errors—rich and poor—sexes —virtue
and vice—youthful errors—woman how made deli
ci(e_Troman f fl virtues, smbhron, Ac, Ac.
The whole designed for the noble purpose of im
rooving and extending educotion amongst (hepeople,
mparllng valuable knowledge on the physiology of
the human frame, and the laws which govern mental
and bodily health, See.
Any"person sending 25 cents enclosed in a letter
shall receive one copy by mail, or five copies will he
oealfor $l. Address, postage paid
May 37,1947, ly G. B. ZIEBER A Co.
Spring Faehlop of Hats,
■ ■■ ar'mi oasar cxhtixl cnxar
Nil, 384 Market Street, South tide, above Eighth St.,
. Philadelphia.
Q THIS subscriber takes this method to .return
w^his-thanks to'the people of Cumberlnqd county,
fee the verydihentl ehere of patronage which they
have extender) toward* him for the laat few montha,
end wooM call 1 their attention to the fact that he hai
now introduced hi* Spring Fathion of Oentkmtn'e
/few, which'for beauty, neatneea-and durability,can
net'be OX6OIIOII by any other eatabliibment in thia 1
0117.’“ ;Thie etock comprise, too Beaver, Nutria,
Urntb, Rueeie, Silk and Mole Skin Halt of all alylea
end quililiea, together with a very Purge aatorimenl
ef Cloth, Velvet. Pluah, Fur and Glared' Capa.
Country Merchant) end othera are reapeetfully in
eited to examine the alack, which,they will'find It to
iNtir advantage to do before purclianing, os it le hi»
determination, having adopted the system of lolling
fee snsA only, to eell ai the loweat pricoa.
Md Maeket eh, aouth aide, above Bth el.
rhiln., March t«, *B4B.
Umbrcllardk Parasoli Clieap. ' -
TT7ILLIAM A. DROWN- Umbrella and Paraso,
iYV Manufacturer, 80 Market street, Philadelphia.
Dealers in Umbrellas and Parasols, wishing to pur
chase handsome goods, ofsujierlor quality cheap, aro
invited to call at, my manufactory and store, No. 80
Market street, one door below Third street* where
every variety of Umbrellas and Parasols, are sold
cheaper than they can elsewht re be obtained.
A call when you visit Philadelphia is requested-
Ah examination of my will satisfy you that it
will be to your interest to purchase of me.
Orders by letter will receive strict attention, and
goods selected adapted to your markets.
February 24, 1818.—3 m
Shoe Trimmings Stttife
CONSTANTLY on hand an assortment of Black
and colored English Lasting!, black and colored
French Lastlngs, Irish and Batnsley Sheetings and
Drillings? black and.colored Silk and Union Galloons,
Laces, Ribbons and Seam Galloons.
Johns & paynb.
North East cor. 4th and Arch.
' Philadelphia Feb. 1T,‘1848,—3m - . .
' Jew JttrhM M
nooxs iwu SHOES
A T PORTER’S SHOE sf ORE. oppo.ile (he
A. Methodist Church. ■ Men’s Kip Brogans,
Men’s Thick Brogana, Boys’ and Youln’o Thick
Boots, Women’s Lace Boots;
This work has been manufactured Ip order, ex
pressly for the Winter, and is warranted tobebei
ter than any ever sold in Carlisle. Constantly on
hand, a general aesortment of beat quality
Boots, Shoes, Brogans,
Gum Shoes, Buffalo Over-Shoes, Socks, &c. &ej,
to which the allchtion of buyers is solicited.
, , WM. M. PORTER.
Carlisle, December 16, 1847.
Hats! Huts!
•n THANKFUL for post Tsvere, and as deairou.
#S»as over to please all whomoy fayorhim with their
custom, the subscriber hereby notifies his friends and
the public generally,’ that he still keeps bis finishing
shop in No. 8, Harper’s Row, two doors north of K.
Angney’sslort, where he has constantly on hand and
will manufacture to order
Hats of Every Description,
all of the very lalcelfo.hions, and at lower prices than
ever. His stock of FURS, itc. have been selected
with great care—end he will manufacture Beaver,
Nutro, Caseimero, Moleskin, Silk and other hats in
the noweatatyfes, fully equal to any of the ctly work.
Call, then, fellow-cUiiens, and examine our assort
ment, oa wo charge nolhlhg for the sight.
February 17,1848. ,
Hardware! Hardware!!
mHB subscribers having purchased the entire
I stock of Jacob Sener, Invite the attention tff
the public to their assortment. With all the hum
bugging, boasting, and puffing made by other es
tablishments, we are able to sell Hardware as row
If not a little lower than any other Hardware
store in the county. Try us and prove us, at the
old and well known stand on North Hanover st.,
between Cornman’s Tavern and the Hal and Cap
Store of Geo. Keller. We have just received a
full and genera] assortment'of
Hardware & Building Material?,
among which maybe enumerated the following!
500 pounds American Dilat’d, Steel at 7 cents
pet lb*.
200 pounds of English Blist’d. Steel at 18$ per
lb. . '
500 pounds of Cast and Sheer Sled at 18$ per
lb. ,
500 pounds of Spring Steel 7$ els. per pound.
, 30 doz. of Corn and Grass Scythes.
100 kegs of Nails and Spikes ats4 50 per keg.
60 boxes of assorted Glass.
2000 lbs. Ground White Lead from $1 75 to
$ per keg. ;
2000 ibs. best quality of Grindstones at 1 $ to 2
rents per lb. ■
200 gallons of Linseed Oil.
With a full assortment of Building Hardware,
such as Locks, Latches, Bolts, Hinges, Screws,
Oils, Paints, Glass and Potty, Nails and Spikes*
&c,, too numerous to mention. All lobe had at
the low price Hajdware store of
Carlisle, May 6,1847. _____
New Fall and Winter Goods.
The subscriber has juet received and is no w open
ing at his store, on the south-west corner of the
Public Square, an unusually cheap stock of sea
sonable goods, such as
Cloth& Cassimeres, Sattinetts,
Flannels, Vestings, Alpacas, Silks, Bombazines,
Shawls, Muslins, Gloves, Hosiery, Ac, A splen
did slock of Calicoee, at prices varying from 6* to
IBj cents. Also,
Groceries of all kinds.
Also, a fresh slock of the Celebrated Fluid Lamps ,
which he has lately Introduced, and which are 1
found to be by all thal.have tried them, the roost 1
economical and desirable article in every respect
now in use. Also,
The Pekin Tea Company's Teas . He has been
appointed sole agent in this place for the sale of
the above Teas, to which he would Invite the spe
cial attention of the lovers of good Teas. The
manner in which they are put up is such, as that
the flavouris preserved for any length of limb,be
ing incased In lead or tin foil. Families .can bo
supplied with any quantity pul up in this manner
The public Vs respcclfallyJnvited to call and
examine bis stock, before purchasing elsewhere,
' inasmuch os he feels confident that hrs variety and
prices will be satisfactory to porchasers.
Carlisle, November 11, 1R47.
Philadelphia. Advertisement.
, Salamander, Fire and Thief Pboof
WARRANTED equal to any other make, and
have never been injured. by Firk or Bur
glars, in a single instance.' He also keeps on
hand a full supply of Common Chests, mode of
lighter iron, at lower prices.
Letter Copying Presses and Books.
Trucks for Stores, Factories, Ac.
Druggists 1 Presses,
Eagle Glaos Paper,
Portable Shower Baths, Ac*
Packing .Levers,
Hoisting Machines,
Refrigerators end Water Fillers.
6f South* Second St*, below Ohesnut, Phlla.
For cooling and pfoaorving MEAT, BUTTER,
MILK, and all artidlee intended for culinary pur-
KILTERS, for purylng water that la brackish or
nguddy, whether by rains, minerals,or otherwise,
can bo had of all slaea and prices, at the Waro
rooma, No. 61 Sooth Second Street, two doora be
low Cheanut street, Philadelphia.
October 7, 1847—iy*
Watches, Ac,
U AND JEWELRY.—FuII jewelled gold
nulbPatent Levers, *4O. Gold Lephiee, *Bo—
Levenr. *BO. Gold guard, vest and fob chains,
gold and silver pencils, finger rings and thimbles,
spectacles, ear rings, ihinistare cases, medallions,'
fancy card caaea, fin*, Ac. Silver fablb and tea
spoona. tea aeta, forka,'ladies, butter knives, enps,
dec. Fine plated castors, cake baskets, candlesticks,
Britannia ware, waiter*, DIACON’B PATENT
1 I, AMPS. dec. -Also gold’PatUnl Lever watches, from
r *4(l to *l6O. Watches and clocks repaired. Supe
rior diamond point gold pena at *1,60,
J. ddW.L.WARb,
106 Cheanut al. above Third el., Philadelphia
December 9,1847.—1 y . 1
-Fire Insurance. ••■ •
TH EAllenliridEastpennsbbrough Mutual Fire
InsurancoCompany of Cumberland Countv,
incorporated by an act of Assembly,is now fully
organized, and in operation uhdorthe management
of the.following'dimmissiohers, viz:
- Oht. Stayraah,-Jacob Shelly, Win. K.Gorgas,
Lewis Hyer, Chrialiah Tlizel, Robert Sldrrett,
Henry Logan, Michael Cocklin, Benjamin H.
Musser, Levi Merkel,Jacob Kirk,Sami. Prowell*,
sr, and Melchoir Broneman,who respectfully call
theattentionofeitizens of Ciiirtberland and York
counties to the advantages which the company
hold out.
The rales of insurance are as low and favorable
as any Company of the kind in* the State. Per
sons wishing to become members are invited to
make application to the agents of the company
who are willing to wait upon them at any time.
JACOB SHELLY, President.
* ‘ HenryLooan, Vice President,
Lewis Hyer, Secretary; .• ' . •
MibHAtL Cocklik, Treasurer.
February 1848. . •
Marlin, NeW Cumberland;
Christian Titicl, Allen; John C, Dunlap, Allen;
C.B.Hartnon, Kingstown; HunVy Zearing; Shire
manatown; Simon Oyater, Wilrmleysbiltg; Robert
Meore.. Carlisle. - . - -
Agents for York County—JacobKirk, general agt.
John Sberrlck, John Rankin* J; Bowmah, Peter
- Agents for A Lochman.
Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance
Company, Philadelphia.
PLE—combined with a largo joint capital! Pre
miums reduced to nearly ono half of the usual cutes..
By the Act of Incolpotalloh* the stock is pledged
for the payment of ahd losfctis which the Cdrti
ptmj may sustain. And as an additional security tti
the assured, the act requites that the profits of the
business shall bo funded and remain with the corpo
ration, as a guarantee and protection' to'the insured
against loss. This fund will be represented by scrip
issued by the Company, bearing ictcrest'not exceed
ing six percent, The insured arc enti
tled to a pro rata share of the profits of the Company,
and will receive that proportion of the aforesaid fund
in scrip, which the amount.of earned premiums paid
by him, bears to the total sum of earned premiums
and capital stock. '
The scrip thus issued, to be transferable bn* the
books of the Company as stock.
No dividend, of scrip can be made when the losses
and expenses exceed the amount of earned premiums.
The insured are protected from toss at the custom
ary rates of premiums, without any individual liabil
ity or responsibility for tho losses or expenses of the
Corporation. The assured have ell the rights of
vote at all elections, and are eligi
ble as Directors of the Corporation.'
; The subscriber has been appointed agent for this
Company, and as the mutual principle is superseding
every other mode of he would confidently
recommend it to his friends end the public.
For full particulars enquire either by letter or per
son to JOHN J. MYERS;
- Carlisle, July 22,1847.
Protection AffalnstXoss by Fire.
Protection Company, will bo tinder the direction
of the following Board of Managers for the ensuing
year, vizi T. C. Miller, President; Samuel Gal
blocb, Pice President; D. W. M’CulraHh, Treasur
er; A, (i. Miller, Secretary; James Weakly, John T.
Green, John Zug, Abraham King, Richard Woods,
Samue Huston, William Paul, Scott .Coyle, Alex-
Davidson, There are also a, number of Agents op
pointed in the adjacent counties, who will receive ap
plications for insurance and forward them immediate
ly for approval to the office of the Company, when the
policy will bo issued without delay. Fo: further in
formation see the by-laws of the Company.
•• T:C. MILLER, President.
A. O. Mrttm, Secretory,
February 10, 1848.
L, H. Williams, Esq., West. Penhsborough, Gen
eral Agent. • . ’
J. A. Coyle,. Carlisle; Dr.lra Day, Mechanics*
burg; George Brindle, Monroe; Joseph M. Means,
Newburg; John Clendcnin, HogestoWnt Stephen
Culbertson, Shippcnsburg.
Green’s Celebrated Vermifuge.
Prepared by Samuel F. Green* and told wholesale
and retail by Kim.ut Lemttown , Pa,
A 8 the above article will recommend itself, 1 (he sub
scriber thinks it unnecessary to say any thing in
its favor, as numerous certificates of its good.effects
could be obtained, both in the east and wefit—-how
ever be barf thought proper to add the following only:
From R. Campbell, Esq.— l certify (hat a child
of mine; four years old was troubled with Worms,
and after using one vial of Green’s celebrated Ver
mifuge, my boy bed from 100 to 300 Worms expell
ed, and became perfectly healthy afterwards; I would
therefore recommend it to the public.
R. CAMPBELL, Huntingdon Co. f Pa.
Front James HBNbEtUot, Esq.—A daughter of
mine 8 years old discharged 120 Worms by~lbo use
of a vial of Green’s colebiated Vermifuge.
JAB. HENDERSON, Huntingdon Co., Pa,
From Jonw C. Howard.— A child of mine about
4 years old being ttoubled with Worms, X purchased
a vial of Green’s celebrated Vermifuge, and after giv-
Ing my child but two doses, it had upwirds of 40
Worms expelled. JOHN C. HOWARD.
Zanesville, Ohio, Aug. SO, 1847.
I certify that a child of mine 6 yean old was Iron*
bled with Worms, and I purchased a vial of Green’s
celebrated Vermifuge, and after giving two or three
doses my child discharged upwards of 40 Worms. I
would recommend It to the public. '
Zanesville, Sept. 6, 1847.
For sale by Wv. BratTok, Druggist, Ncwville,
Cumberland county,.Pa< '
P. 8, “You warrant the Worms and tve will war
rant the ■ medicine.” *'
February 24, 1848 —6m ; 1 7
Respectfully announces to the public that
he haa removed his WATCH and JEWELRY
piQ Store to the building one door
east of his fofmor stand, on
/—’■i Main street, where he will con.
fffii 'JSirf/ stanlly keep on hand and for
lib on the most 'reasonable
1 terms, Gold and fftlter^JUver,
&jPsg3agg3B* ne an< * Common
Broast'pina, Finger Rings, Ear Rings,
Gold apd Silver Spectacles, '
Gold and Silver Pens and Pencils, /
Diamond pointed gold pens, at from $1,37 to $3,
50. -
Fookot'compasses, pcn.knlvcs, gold guard ohaini,
and watch keys? silver thimbles, Miniature oases,
Sockets and Bracelets,
Silver Table and Tea Spoons,
Butter knives, and an infinite variety bf other arti
oles usually kept in a wcll-ftifnlshed Jewelry store
Gold Lover Watches, full jewelled, 18 carol eases,
from $45 to 890; Gold Lopines frohi |3U te 835;
Silver Lever fVom 815 to 830; Common watches,
from 85 to 812, .
My stock is large, and I am determined to sell as
low os can bo.had by retoil in the city.
Watches and Jewelry ropoirod as usual.
Carlisle, May 20, 1647,—1y. • ■ '
»r. I. C. Xoomll,
WILL perform all operations upon the Teeth,
that are required for their preservation, Scaling, filing, Flagging, &c., or will
restore the loos of them, by inserting Artificial 1
Teeth, from 1 a single Tooth to a filll soft,
dyOflioe on Pitt street, a few doors South of
the Railroad Hotel, , r , ,
N. B. Dr. Loomis will bo absent from Carlisle,
the last ten days, in each month.
Carlisle, July 4,1847.- '*
KrlssbinUloV.llchd Quarters,
North HANoyEn, .Street, Carlisle.*,, ,
THE subscriber lakes'this method of-informing
Iris friends and the public in general, that he
is constantly manufacturing and has' always on
hand CAN DIES of every variety (whiclifor qual
ity cannot he surpassed by any manufactured in
the Slate) which he will sell Wholesale or‘Retail
dlUib .Old Stand; in toorth Hanover where
he also keeps Foreign FRUITS and NUTS of the
latest importation, which will be sold at the low
est prices for cash. His stock consists in part of
the. following:
Oranges-, LemonS, Raisins, Prunes, Grapes,
Citron, Dates, Rigs,. Cocoa Nuts, Cream Nuts,
Pea Nuts, Pecan Nuts, Almonds,
nuts. Filberts, &o. • ’ . :
He would also c&tl the atlentlbn of the public
to his stock of F&ncy Articles, suitable for the ap
preaching Holidays, consisting of
which and variety surpasses any thing
of {he kind ever offered to the citizens of Carlisle.
In connection with the above he has just received
a prime lot of: .. . ... ...
. ZVOSH Groceries,
consisting of superior crushed and refined Loaf
Sugah),And a good Quality of Brown,Sugars, Cof
fee, from 8 to 12} cts per pound; a superior article
of Imperial, Young Hyson and Black Teas; Mo
lasses of all kinds, Chocolate, Crackers, Cheese,
Rice, Blacking, Matches; BVushes, &c. Fresh
Spices, such as Pepper, Alspice, Cinnamon,
Cloves, Mustard, Nutmegs & Ginger. - A supply
of Indigo, (best Quality i Alliin, Slartn, Washing
Soda, Saltpetre, &c., which will be sold at reason
able prices. , . ii
The subscriber feliirnß bis slnbore thanks tb lhe
public for tile liberal patronage extended to him
during the time he has been in business, and Hopes
by attention to business and a desire to please, to
merit a continuance of the same. All orders from
a distance promptly attended to: •
December 18, 1847.
Wittier Supply' of Dengs, - Hied I-
clues, Ac.
S. W. HAVBHSTICK having Just opened
his WINTER SUPPLIES of Goods, desires to
call the particular attention of Families and Phy
sician to his replenished assortment of DRUGS
and MEDICINES, which hdve been purchased
at the best houses in Philadelphia, and may be
relied upon for freshneos and excellence.
Added to these will be found an entire stock of
Gtass, &c. &c., all of which he will ensure to be
of the best quality and at the. very lowest prices.
He has made many additions to his stock of
BOOKS, besides securing a new’supply of all the
Text Books, Histories, Readers, Lexicons, Writing
Books, &c. now in use in College and ou^, public
schools—which he will dispose of on terms suit
ed to the circumstances of all.
His stock of FANCY ARTICLES embraces a
rich and extensive collection which it would be im
possible to enumerate, but comprising many novel
ties which cannot fail to strike the eye and please
the taste, such as Ladies and Gehlleman’soutlery,
gold and silver pens.and pencils, hair, tooth and
clothes Brushes, Perfumes of Rouselle’s rich and
extensive verities, fancy soaps, shaving cream, card
'cases, pocket pistols, pocket books, &c.
Also, a new supply of Cornelius’s elegant
Lard LAMPS, together with Sperm and Mould
Candles, Baskets, Musical Instruments, Umbrel
las, Children’s Toys, Door Mats, end other arti
cles in the variety line, which with a constant
supply of fresh FRUITS, Nuts and Confectionery
of the richest quality, make a large and splendid
slock to which ho confidently invites the attention
and patronage of his town and country friends, at
the old stand In North Hanover street, nearly op
posite the Carlisle Bank.
Carlisle Dec. 16, 1847, v
J& W. 11. FLEMING, respectfully Inform
« their friends and the public generally, -that 1
(hey have taken the Drugstore lately owned by
Mr. Franklin Mehaffey, and formerly by Messrs.
Stevenson & DinUle, on the North West corner of
High and Pitt streets, directly opposite the Man
sion House Hotel, in the Borough of Carlisle,
where they have on hand and intend Constantly
adding thereto, a large assortment of
Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils,
Dye-stuffs, Perfumes, Fancy Articles, Glass, &c.,
which lbey are determined to sell on accommoda
ting terms. They intend, giving their undivided
attention’to the business, and hope to receive a
liberal share of encouragement. Physicians pro
scriptions carefully compounded. '
Carlisle, March 18,1848.
Great improvement in the da-
Daguerreotypes, 140 Chestnut St. HIPLADEL
PHIA, having been pronounced superior, in the
cities of Europe and the United States, and been
just awarded in the city of N. Yoik the GREAT
PRIZE of “the FIRST MEDAL for the BEST
Daoubrrbotvpes,” again calls attention to his
later and still more valuable improvements. This
last Is ihuajioliced by the Evening Bulletin i
Xbe True Eight.
M. A. Root, the great Daguorreotyplsl of this
city, haa fitted up a room in the third story of his
establishment, expressly to obtain the manifest
advantage of the northern light. The light from
that direction is necessarily sought by all paint,
ers, because of its firmness ana uniformity, and
Mr. Root, with consummate fact, resolved to avail
himself of this aid, to correct shadows.
9&The Boston Atlas speaks of tho portraits by the
distinguished Daguorrcotypist, M. A. Root, and
was astonished to find that the art had been carried
to such a high degree of perfection. Mr. Root,by
some new chemical discoveries, has been enabled
to transfer (he human countenance to the Daguer
rootype plate whh an accuracy and fidelity alto,
gether inconceivable. Even the Joyous and laugh,
ing face of the infant is transferred in- an instant
to the enduring silver plate with astonishing accu
racy, notwithstanding In infant life there isscarce
ty a second of time, during working hours, when
the body Is entirely at rest.
The North American and United States Gazette
says of a Family Group *ofMr. Root—“lt was
universally acknowledged worthy of being class
ed Among (he first triumphs of this heaven-born
art.*' , ' •
The Cilj Item says—“ We are delighted as
Philadelphians, to learn that Mr/ Root took the
medal and highest premium for his superb pic
tures both in New York and Boston, overall com
petition. 'Pills is indeed a great triumph f Root’s
pictures are as near perfection as it Is possible to
gel. There is thought, delicacy, finish, and the
highest degree of artistic excellence in them.”
1 “The perfection of the art.”— Boiton Star*
- “The best in every point of view."—-Penny/
vania Inquirer.
“The best ever exhibited in this country.”—Ne
York Sun, ' :
The l ivenroot Custom 1 House'Ornosns ob
served, when examining a package of Root’s Da
guerreotypes, “that they were the best specimens
of the kind that had ever passed through their
hands.” ' - , ■ ~
. HIGH SHERIFF TATE ov Emnnonouaii,
Scotland, a great amateur inwpiks of art, saysi In
a.letter to a friend iif-Philadelphia. “There is
nothing like them here} they throw us complete
ly in the shade—they are beautiful, end the like
ness perfect.”
A volomne might be filled with similar notices.
But families, relatives or friends, who wish to se
cure faithful and beautiful portraits, as keepsakes
and memorials, or simply as gems of an exquisite
sire,. always interesting, are invited, strangers as
well ns citizens, to okarhlne the.superb collection
ofspedimens in the popular Free Admission Du
euerreotype Rooms of M. A. ROOT,
' 1 140 Chestnut Street.
Phlla-Dec. 16.1847—Cih, ~ ■ .
Chrisimusand New Years Presents.
Cheap Watches & Jewelry!
, TTTHOLESALE and Retail, at the'Philadelphia
~VV Watch and Jewelrj Store, No. 96 North Sec
ond street corner of Qarrry, Philadelphia. :
Gold Lever Watches full jewelled 18 carrat
Silver Lever Watches, full jewelled,
Silver Lever Watches seven jewels; i
Silver Lepinc. Watches jewelled,
Qudrtlex Watches, gqod qualUy;
Imitation do
Gold Spectacles,
Fine Silver Spectacles,
Gold Bracelets with topaz stones,
Gold Pons with silver holder and pencil,
Ladies* Gold Pencils,. ! .
SilVer Tee spoons from $4,60 per set to:
Gold Finger Rings, from 37$ cents to
Witch Glasses, best’ 18$ cents;
Patent 18$; Lunct 25.- Other articles in
proportion. *
All gobds waironlcd to bo what they are sold for.
Oh liahd Some gold and silver Lever and Lupines,
! still lower than the abovq prices. - ■
On Hand a large assortment of siher table, dessert,
tea, salt and mustard spoons, soup-ladles, sugar tongs,
napkih rings, fruit & btlttbr knives; thimbles,shields,
knitting needle cases and Sheaths, purse and reticle
clafips. Thb silvel 1 Warranted lo bb equal lb Ameri
can coin.
Also, a great variety pffino Gold Jewelry, consist*
ing in. part of Finger Rings of all styles, act with
Dltimohdb, Etnb.alUs; Rubies, Turquoise, Topaz,
Carnet; Oofhbllah; Jasper, Capo May, Amethyst and
other Hones; Breastpins and Bibelots. of all styles,
set with Stpneb and Corncobs; dhdehamoled-—Eor
rings of. alt styles, Gold chains of all styles, and of
the finest qualilty—together with all other articles in
the line, which will bo sold much below New York
prices, wholesale or retail. O. CONRAD.
No. 96 North Second street,corner of Quorry.lin
poHbh p,f Walblies, JbWcllef, and Manufacturer o
Silver Ware:
Phila., December S 3, 1847.
ilEßlbVAli; '
"Quick Sales and SmallProfit}'
DR* J. MYERS, has lately mooted his
Ipf Drug and Book Store
to the loigo room in Main street, recently
occupied by 8. M. Harris, owned by Mrs. Knox, and
nodfty opposite the MelHadlsl Chifrdh. He will in
future give all his time, (oxcopt-when engaged in
Professional business.) to the interests of bis store;
and having secured the services of careful and expe
rienced assistants, he confidently assures his friends
and ibe public, IRfll their ordeffi dncl prescriptions
shall have the most accurate attention.
Dr. Myers also informs his friends that in addition
to his former large assortment of
(of the latter, a Very chdlce and extensive collection,)
he has just opened a splefidid afiSbftmfeht of
Danes,- Pkrfumbbt,
Paints, Books, (all kipds,)
Oils, Statiokabt,
Qpicrb, . Laud Lamps,
Fbuits, Fakct Abticxeb,
E'amily Groceries,
of every. Variety and price—and as ho intends doing
business on life popular, terms of “quick sales and
small profits,” ho is determined to sell Gbocxbiks,
and every other africle he may offer, as Itito ai they
can be had in Carlisle. He gives a geritffdl invitation
to all his friends to call. •
CC/’For the accommodation of his friends; Dr. My
ers’ Drug Store will he Open at a!! botfrs oh Sunday
for the sale of Medicines only.
Asthma, Bronehiiit',’Spitting Blood, Pain in the
Side and Breati;Soft Throat, Hoartenes s, Palpi •
iaiion of tjie Hearty ' Whooping Cough, Croup,
Hives, NentmeTrtimrt, Liver Complaint and
Diseased Kidneys, art raditallp
A LTHOUGH the great fatality orPalntofrrftydis
esses, at this time shows that there are particu
lar casrs that render still too applicable the designa
tion of approbta medieorum —the disgrace of physi
cians—to this class.of diseases; and that there are
stages in their progress, which having once been
reached, recovery is doubtful. Still no one should
despair. The writings of physicians, who have given
to these, affections particular attention, abound with
many recorded cases of recovery when the patient
bad reached a seeming hopeless stage of the discose;
and there is* at this time, a remedy prepared in Phil *
adelphia which has met with the most triumphant
and cheering success in the most obstinate forms, of
ThroaJ and Pulmonary diseases—so as to have ob
tained. (he sanction and employment in the practice
of many physicians.
Allusion is had to Thomson’s Compound Byrap of
Tar and Wood Naphtha—(he preparation of one,
who, having given to diseases of the lungs and their
moans of cure, the moat careful and thorough atten
tion, presented to the public this groat remedy.
The soothing ond curative power of Tar has often
bson observed in severe coughs and consumption.—
But in the above preparation, beside some of our most
valuable vegetable peetorate there is conjoined with
It (he Wood Naphtha, a medicine but lately introdu
ced, but which has been employed with the most sat
isfactory results in England, in pulmonary consump
tion, especially of a tuberculous form..
Read the following from Dn. Youno, the eminent
Phila., January 18, 1647.
Measr*. Anokrt doDioKsoa:—Gentlemen—Hav
ing recommended in my practice, and used in my own
family, Thomson’s Compound Syrup of Ter and
Wood Naphtha, I bavo no hesitation in saying that
it Is one of tho best preperetions of the kind in use,
end persons suffering from colds, coughs, affections
of the throat, breast, dec, so prevalent at this season
of the year, cannot use any medicine that will cure
or prevent eontumplion sooner than Thomson’s
Compound Syrup of Tar and Wood Naphtha. 1
Wm. Youwo, M. D., 168 SprucO at.
This valuable medicine Is prepared only at, the
North East corner of Fifth and Spruce streets, Phila.
Sold in Carlisle, at the Grocery store of W. EB Y.
Price of large bottles $l, or six bottles foi $6, Be
ware of imitation.
November 85, 1847.
* Extensive Furniture ltdoins/
V. P. & A. O. PEtTER,
WOULD most respectfully call the attention of
Housekeepers and the public generally, to
the extensive stock of splendid Furniture, includ
ing Sofas, Wardrobes, Centre and other Tables,
Dressing and Plain Bureaus, and every variety of
Cabinet Ware and Chairs,
which they have }ust opened at their new rooms,
on the corner of North Hanover and Loulher sts,,
They are confident that, the, superior finish of
the workmanship, ant) elegance of style, in which
their articles are got up, together with their cheap
ness, will recommend them to every person want
ing Furniture. They have alsbmadearrangcments
for manufacturing and keeping a constant supply
of every article in their line, both plain and orna
mental, elegant and useful, at prices which they
cannot fall to suit purchasers. They would earn*
eslly Invile-.persons who ore about t 6, commence,
housekeeping to. call and examine their present
elegant stock, lo'whioh they will constantly make,
additions of the newest and moatl,modern styles..
OOF’FINS made to order at ll’io shortest, notice,
for town and country. ■
. Ooor'gd Willis FouKkc<
(Graduate of Jefferton Medical College,Philadelphia.)
RE6FBOTFULLY offer* to the public hiaprofba
aibna) services in the practice of Medicine, Stji:- 1
gory, and Midwifery. 1 .
OvncK at the residence of hia fatber jn South
Hanover street, directly opposite MorretlVflstq He
berts') Hold, and the Second FreakyVciidh OhVrch.
Carlisle April 8,-1817,* ly . '
tot Us Works Praise
Burnt, Scalds, and allkinds nf Inflamed S' I
J. th B mpEJt complete Burn Antidote evl.i ’ >1
h instantly (as it by Magic) stops pal, ?»»|
most desperate Burns and Scald's. pL . . <lij
Bruises; Gilts, Sprains, &o„ on man or £ S °"<l
the best application that can be made. Th '' "'1
have tried, and thousands praise it. "li 1 B ib
perfect master of pain over discovered An" I ''!
usd, recommend it. Every, family shoals n
vided with it. None can tell how soon . b ° p 'l
the family will need it, 1 so &«ol
SJ@r Observe each box of the genuine n;„, I
lias the name of S. Tousty written on
label. :To imitate this is forgery. eou >iijl
Boatmen, Livery Men, .Farmers, and nit , I
use Horses, will find this. Ointment the J! , 1
thing they can use for Collar Galls. Se™?'l
Kicks, &0. &C., on their animals. Surelv “I
merciful man Would keep his animals as fL'r"'l|
pain as possible; Tousey’s Universal Oinil'"l
Is all.thal'is required. Try it. " m, wl
Bites of Insects —For the sting or bite of n„i I
ous Insects, Tousey’a Ointment is Umivall; "l
Hundreds have tried it and found it good '""I
Biles Cured. For-lhe Piles, Toosey’s' H„i, I
sal Ointmentia one of the best remedies it,,, I
be applied . ,AII who have tried it f or g,. 5,,“1
recommend it. s l
Old Sores Cured, Forold.obslinateSorcs it, I
is nothing equal to .Tousey’s Ointment. » » J
soft in Manlius had, for a number of years * 1
leg that baffled the skill of the doctors. ' Touse o ’*
Ointment was recommended by one of the viti/j
physicians (who anew its great virtues,) and tiH
libxes produced more benefit than the patientiiJl
received from any and all previous remedies I .1
all try it. w, l
Burns and Scalds Cured, Thousands of ca.
of Burns’and Scalds, in all parts of the cornu' 1
have been cured by Tousey’s Universal Oinimm'
Certificates enongh.oan bo had to fill the whole ri
this sheet. , 11
Violent Bruitii Cured. Testimonials on lesiH
menials, in favor of Toosoy’s Ointment for curia.
Bruises, have been ofiered the proprietors. ih|f
dreds in Syracuse will certify to its great merit*
in relievingtlie pain of the most Severe Braise'—
All persons should try it.
Scald Head Cured. Scores of cases of Scald
Head have been cured by Tousey’s Ointment-
Try. it—it, Seldom fails. ~
Salt Bheum' CuMl Of all lbs remedies enr
discovered for this fhbat disagreeable romplaim.
Tousey’e U niyetsal Ointment is the most complete
It was never known to fail.
' 8,00
v ’ 1 I*6o
. Chapped Handh tiaii be Cured. Touspy’s Un|;
versal OlnlWeni ifrllt always cure the worst case*
of Chapped Hands. Scores of persons will slit#
this. ' 1
Sore Lips Cured. For the cure of Sore Lips,-
there was never anything made equal to Tousej’s
Ointment. Itia sure to cure them. Try it.
It is a scentific compound warranted not to con*
tarn any pirepaialibn of Mercury,
cents per box* For further particulars concerning
this really valuable Ointment, the public are t£
ferred to Pamphlets; to be had gratia, of respect*,
ble Dtajggidts rind Merchants throughout (he Uni*
ted Stated.
Prepared by S. TOUSEY, Druggist, Syracuse.
- Aoekts for tux Salk or the Auote.—S. W;
HaVerStick, Dr. J.J. Myers, J. W. D. Fleming;
Carislo.; 0; W. Singiser, Churchtuwn; A.Csih.
caff. Sbephirdstown ; Dr. Ira Day, Mechanicsbnrg;
J. C. Rebmo, Shiremansiown; John G. Miller;
Lisburn; Jane May, New Cumberland; John II;
Zeatlng,. Sporting Hill; John Coyle, Hogcstonn;
John Reed, Kingstown; Roussell & Dice, Dichin*
son; James Kyle; Jacksonville; J. Hood & Son,
Springfield; John Diller, NewVrlle; Holt. Elliott, 1
Deccrancr 30,1847.-— ly/
Ollckctacr’s Sugar Coated Pills, or'
Cfrdtfd Fufgadvc,
I'ur the Cure of Headache, Giddinm, JtheunwlhM;
Fites, IHspcpeia, Scurvy, Smallpox, Jauntin',
Faint in the Back, Jninatd Weakness, Palpts-'
iinnif the Heart, Biting in the Throat, Dnpp
jUtlhma, Fevers of ail kindt, Fehiale Complahu,
Meatlet, Salt Bheum, Heartburn, Worm, Mold
ra Mdftlui, CoUghi, Quincy, Whooping Cmgl,
Consumption, Fits, fiver Complaint, Brytipchi
Deafness, Bchingtof the Skin, Colds, Gout, Gran
el, kervout Complaints, and a variety of other din
eases arising from Impurities of the Jllood, aad
Obstructions in the Organs of Digestion,
EXPEDIENCE has proved that nearly era;
Disease originates from Impurities of ilia U10w1../
Derangements of the Digestive Organs; and H
secure Health, we tnhst remote those ebstruemr
or restore the Blood to its natural state. Ita'
fore, when the slightest derangement of the oja*
lem is indicated by Coettyrmess. or any othernm
it admonishes us lhai supetfluilies ate patheni g
in the System, which removed hj an el*
leclual purging. This fact, as stated, ia unm«
sally known; but people Imvesuoh anammotito
medicine, that, unless the case was urgent, they,
formerly preferred disease to the cure. Since tho
invention, however, of •
OUckener’s Vegetable PurgativePilu
this objection Is entirely removed, as they aif cw
plclely enveloped with p coating of 1 ore
Sugar (and as distinct from the internal ingndi
enls as a nut shell from the kernel) have no »< •
of medicine. They ate as easily Jo swalM
hits of candy. Moreover they neither nauseate ir
in the slightest degree. They operateequal
fy on all the diseased parte of the Syf'™. >«'''•*
of confining themselves to. and any I«
licular region. .Thus, for example,
affected, one ingredient will, operate on d I
ticular organ, and, by cleansing it of I'• »
cess of Bile it la constantly discharging into l
stomach, restore it to it. natural stale, to '
will operate on the Blood, and remove I»' n
purities which have already entered Into ils ct t
fa.ion; while a third will eifectnal y c,pvl 6«
llie system whatever impurities may ae ,
discharged Into the stomach, and honco they »> “
at the Hoot of Disease, Remove all
moots, open tlte pores externally and''?“ ,n r /,r
promote the Insensible-Perspiration, obviate D
ulency. Headache, feci, -separate al forotfn.«•
obnoxious parileles from thp chyle, ■ , i j ver(
and healthy action to the Heart, Lu, 'f o "? | h(
and thereby restore health even when all out"
tneans have failed. v--»i.<ifiained
The entire irnlh of the above can be a6«m
by the trial of a single box; and‘l l * r ‘
so positive and certain in restoring He n,
the proprielor binds himself to noTgi-V
paid for them In all eases where they do no
universal satisfaction. lielaH W/
Aoxitri run or ti x J° B F]enl | n g,
Haversllclt,Dr. I. J.Myers.J. g, Calb-
Carlisle; ,G. W. Singlaer. Ghurchloan
cart, Shepherdstown; Dr. Ira Day .Mac an
J. C. Reeme, Sblreman.lown; Joh
Lisburn; Jana May; New C Hogeetowni
S3.WSSS am
30,1847— iy-* ,
Wm. 11. Hlflliardson/ Steam rW
The only antin'the United staie, '£°‘
Tl/rEHCIHAKTS aroretpcclfully i^ o m e j oi)<i | l ,
JVi continue to montirocluroolLtb „ rcn i o[ip°“'
the ;Bid,pf Btoam, " o, j uh j! ,n jl jLion cif«P cfr .-
tion pfpoillpf opposed to iho l ' l '" ' “ . l | ctf ,,n')
mve imprpvetndnttf,,, My.^^g l
prices .olow,to R lv " c " li '° jl door. 0 ’
(TJ» As there Uon TJmhrella St . . g |j
neaily the somd nomo, it itf import" ll * ?
“ >mb ° r WILUAM H. ,
Steam Factory, and patentee ofth J )oj| .
Umbrella, eirni of the Lady and Eagle.
Market t/reel, Pmadelphia. . b ale d ('
TT Attention i» T«,qt}o»M nillcle, W" 1 ’
ihgCeno Umbrella,o «ot and
blningill tho advantage, of Oono and uin
I Kobrtiory 10,1848.— fini