' liOUls Ptofcm*'* PAiHiV.—Louis Phillippo wok ] rieil to the Princess Amelin, second daughter of 'ho'lato Kirtg df Sicily, in 1800, • By this. Indy, luio | : . n of Iho French, ho has had eight children) of ivhont eix still shivlve! , I 1 Louisa, Q.decn of Belgium, {wife of Leopold,) Dukd of Nbmours; born’ 1814 i mafried! Victoria 1 AguSU, tifCoburg, cousin of Prince Ah Maria.Clomenlindv bbhi 1617- i Francis, Prince do Joihvillc, born 1818; Ad miral of the French Navy, married Francisco; a sie. ter of tho Emperor of Brasil, and of the Queen of Duke d’Aumalo, born 1822; married to Carolina, cousin of tho King of the Two Sici *lC3fl Anthony, Duko of Montpcnaier, born 1824; married to tho sister of the Queen of Spain. , n The oldest son of Louis Philippe was Ferdinand, Duke of Orleans, born 1810; killed by jumping from his carriage, July 1842. Ho married, in 1837, Hoi cn« daughter of the Grand Duke of Mecklenburg Sch werin*—by whom .ho hod two children, \iz Louis Philippe, Count of Paris, born 1838, and now ten vonra of ago, and Robert Philippe, Duko ofChnrtrck, born 1840. ■ MABIUEfi. / On Tuesday the 21st insl., by the Rev. J. N, Hoff. inan» Mr. Jacob Myers, to.Mias Sarah Butler, both ofCarlislo. / On-Thursday the 23d inst,by the same, Mr. John to Miss Mart Jane Earnest, both of West Potinsboro’ township. yOn tho 16th inst, by the Rev. J. 8. Foulk. Mr. Jacob Smith, to Miss Anna Noecrer, both of South ampton’ tp. . ‘ . Fresh Garden Seeds. THE subscriber has just receivetTltis usual supply of GARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS, which arc warranted to bo fresh and good., ■ S. W. HAVERSTICK. Carlisle, March 30,1848. .' Register’s Notice* NOTICE is hereby givcnlo dll persons interested, that the following accounts have beuh filed in this office for examination by the accountants therein - named, and will bo presented to the Orphans' Court of Cumberland bounty, for confirmation and allow- Mice on Tuesday th 6 251 h day of April, A. D. 1848. 1. The account of George M’Giimis, administrator of Margaret Reynolds, late of the Borough of Ship* pensborg* dec’d. ' 2. The account of Scott Goyle, administrator de bonis non of Jacob Kissinger, late of WcslponusboruV township, dec'd. 3. The account of David Kulz, administrator of Samuel Ruch, late of North Middleton township, de* ceased. 4. The. account of Georgo Rupp, .administrator of George Rupley, late of Easlpennsborough township, deceased. 5. The account ofCorncliusL.Vandcrbdt, admin jstrator of Elizabeth Oxer* late bf Newton township, deceased; ' . G. The account of Joseph Musscr, bf John H; Longsdorf, late of Easlpeonsboro’ town* ship, dec'd;, filed by the administrators of the said Joseph Masscrv 7. The supplemental atconnl of John Carey, ad ministrator of DaVid Waggoner, late of the Borough bf Shippensburg, dec’d. - 8. The account of John McClelland, Executor of Elizabeth McClelland, late of Hopewell township, de* ceased. 9. The account of Scolt Coyle, administrator do bonis non with the wilt annexed of James Herron, late oftbe Borough ofNowvillc, dec'd. 10. The account ofScotl Coyle, Executor of Jacob fiarkhart, luto of the Borough of Ncwville, dec'd. 11. Tho account of Frederick Ziegler, Executor bl Philip Ziegler, late of Wcslponnsborough town ship, dec'd. " 12. The account of Mary Weakley, administratrix with the will annexed of William Weakley, late of Hie BoroUgh of Carlisle, dec’d. , 13. The account of Joseph Mosscr. administrator of Peter Fickos, late of Allen township, dec'd. 14. Tho account of John Lefover; Esq. administra tor of William Spangler, late of Dickinson township, CteM. ... 'l5, The account of Joseph of Jacob Foist, Into of tfft Borougli.ofTNew Cumber land, dec’d. . 16. The accounbof Hetokiah Yoler,odministrator of John Voter, late of Woslpennsborough, township, dec'd. _ ... 17. The account of Dr. James R. Irvine, adminis trator de bonis iton with the will annexed of VV illiam M’Candlish, lute of the Borough of Newville, dec’d. 18. The account of John Boolman, administrator oftioorgo Coover, late of Monroe township, dec'd. 19. Tho account of Joseph Cockhn, Executor of Dayid Cocklin, lalo of Allen township, dco’d. 20. Tho account of William Hurlev, one of the Executors of John Fishburn* late of Weslpennsboro’ township, dec'd, . 21. The account of Daniel Si Faylor* administra tor of Christian Flail* lalo of Southampton township, doc'd. . 22. Tho account of Samuel Bowman, ndministrsi tor of Daniel Gorges, late of Allen township, dec'd. 23. Tho account of Jacob Bclshoovcr, administra tor of Jonathan Jacobs) lato of Wcslpcnnsborough township, dec'd; 24. Tho account of Abraham Myers* adminis: trator of John W. Rcighlcr* late of Dickinson low, '- iliip, dcc’di 25. Tito atcount of William Moore, administrator DfDaniclSmitlu lato of South Middleton* township; deeM. . 2G. The account of Henfry Snydeh Jh ndmmUlrat lor of Henry Snyder, sr» lato of MilUln township dec’ll. 27. I‘lto account of Robert Oiflfln, Guardian of Pclcr Mj orti mlnot Bbn of Davit! Mycra, dqo’d. 28. The account of John B. Vandcrboll, Eaq. and William Hint, -a—*-' William Rulhi administrators of John Ruih, lute of Newton township, dcc'd. 29. The account of John Agnow,’administrator af Gen. Jtmea Lambcrtonj late of (ho Borough, of Car* lisle, dcc'dr 30. The account of Jamb* H. Dovor, Esq. surviv- ing executor of William Dovor, Into of Southampton lownshipi.dec'dt 31» The account of Abraham Myers, Guardian of Mary Myers, late*of Dickinson township, dco’d. 32. The supplemental and final account of Samuel Mohlcr and Joseph SoUnbcrgor, executors of Chris li«n Molilcr, la to of Allen township, dco’J. 33. The accountof Michael Morrell,administrator of Catharine Mofrolt, laic of Monroo township, do- (cased. 34. The account of Rev. Robert Emory* oJcctltor •f Daniel Coffman, late of Silver Spring township* he’d. 35. The account of John Sheets and Jacob Sheets, [dmmistrators qf William Sheets, late ofEuslponns wough township, deo’d. * 36, The account of Robert M’Clan, executor of George Sturm, late of the Borough of Carlisle, dco’d. JAMES McCULLOCH, Register. „ Rxcister'a Office, - t wllslo, March 30, 1848.-4 t-f • ' ' - _ ''HINA. AND GLASS WARE. Fine French V Sold Band and Bngliah China 1 Tea Sottja, aupe 'l:r White Granite and Slone Ware, with blue Liv “l»ol and other Qucenawato of every variety, logo oar whli Pitted Tumblera, Winea and Gobiota, of "aw and latent alvlc, for aalo at lowoat cnah prlcoa by “aobacilber. J, W, BUY, J|arch 30, 1848. lEUaUWARE, Tubs, Buckets, Churns, Brooms, *( ““kels, Stone,and Eailhen Ware, always for '"«•! the Tea store of ’ J. W. EBY. Hitch 30,1848. ttemoral, Tin & Sheet Iron Ware Manufactory, I: • THE subscriber returns his sincere thanks to Ibe Citizens of Carlisle ami vicinity, for the liberal I patronage heretofore received, and respectfully in orms them that he has removed his establishment I to the house lately occupied hy his mother, in East Main street, nearly opposite Marlin’s Hotel; whele he will manufactuttoto older and keep constantly on hand, . J Tin Wnrc of'every description. All wares manufactured by him are warranted id be perfect in every riJaoect. Country merchants and house-keepers are respectfully Invited, to give him a call, as he is determined to sell his wares on very reasonable terms. Repairing done at all times, and at mdderate prices.. ' , . Stephen Keepers. Carlisle, March 30, 1848.—-3 t . Sow Sugaca, KflOn IjßS * of IjoVorin s ,p superior Loaf, Crushed und Pulverized Sugars, as also a fine a*- sortmout of White Havana and Orloans Sugars, at reduced prices, now selling at tho Tea store of tho subscriber. J, W. EBY March 30,1848, . .. T UST received a lot of now style Parasols and Pa . tl^ by S. A. COYLE.: MmcU 30, 1848,, Ucallli! Ucaltlin The most Effectual of ale Known Remedies ! I® l ’. Drake’s Panacea, THE ONLY RADICAL CURB FOR CON SUMPTION ! 11 also removes and permanently, cures all diseases arising from an impure slate of the blood, viz; Sctofula or King’s Evil,.Rheumatism, Obstinate Cutaneous Eruptions, Pimples or Pealules on the face. Blotches, Biles, Chronic Sore Byes, Ring Worm or Tetter, Scold Head, Enlargement and Pain of the Bones and Joints, Stubborn Ulcers, Syphilitic Symp tuma. Sciatica or .Lumbago, diseases arising'from ait injudicious uso ol Mercury,. Dropsy, Exposure orlm prudenco in. life; also, Chronic Constitutional Disor* ders,. - In this medicine dcVernl inridcelU but very potent arlicles of the vegetable kingdom are united, forming a compound entirely different in its chaiacter and properties from any other preparation, and unrivalled in its operation on the system when laboring under disease. It shoujd be in the hands of every person, who, by business, or general couftc of life, is predis posed to the very many ailimehta that render life a curse, instead of a.blessing, and. so often result in death. ' FOR SCROFULA, Dr. Diake's Panacea is recommended as a certain re medy. Not one instance of its failure has ever oc curred when freely used! It cures the disease and at tho same time imparts vigor to the whole system.— Scrofulous persons can never pay too much attention to the slate of their blood. Its purification should be their first aim; for perseverance will accomplish a euro of even hereditary disease. FOH ERUPTIONS OP THE SKIN, Scurvy, Scorbutic Affections, Tumors, While Swell ing, Erysipelas, Ulcers, Cancers, Running Sores, Scabs and Biles, Dr. Drake's Panacea cannot be too highly extolled it searches out the very, root of the disease, and by removing it from tho system, makes a euro certiit and permanent. INDIGESTION OR DYBPERSIA, - No medicine perhaps has ever been discovered which gives so much tone to tho stomach and causes 'the secretion of a healthy gastric juice to decompose tho food as Dr. Drake's Panacea. RHEUMATISM. Dr. Drake's Panacea is used with the greatest suc cess in Rheumatic Complaints, especially such as are, chronic. It euros by driving out all impurities And foul humors which have accumulated in the system, which arc the cause of Rheumatism, Gout, and Swcl -1 ngs o'. the joints. Other remedies sometimes give temporary relief; this entirely eradicates the disease from the system, even when the limbs end befaus are dreadfully swollen. , - • , CONSUMPTION. Consumption can ns cored —Coughs, Catarrh, Bronchitis, Spitting of blood, Asthma, Difficult or profuse expectoration, Hectic Flush, Night Sweats, Fain the side, &c., have boon cured, and can bo with as much certainty as any .other simple disease. A spe cific has tong been sought for, but. in vain until the discovery of Dr. Drake’s Panacea. It is mild and safe but certain and efficacious in its operation, and cannot possibly injure tho most delicate constitution. Wo would earnestly- recommend those afflicted to give it a trial—and we believe they will not have oc casion 1 to regret it. The system is cleansed and strengthened, the ulcers on the lungs are healed, and the patients gradually regain (heir usual health and strength. Head the following! TESTIMONY! Puila.,JD?ci 14,1847. Draw Sint—dn reply to your question respecting (ho use Of Dr. Drake’s Panacea, I will sny, that al (hough a perfect disbeliever in the existence of a Pa* uncea, or cure for all diseases, however valuable It may he in certain conditions of the system* still I ha\o believed that a cure for Consumption would be discovered sooner or later) and cuHosity led me (0 try your medicine in two very inveterate cases. They were pronounced by tho attending physicians to be pulmonary consumption, and. abandoned by them os incurable. One of the persons had been Under tho treatment of several very able practitioners for a num* ber of years, and they said alio had “ old fashioned consumption combined with scrofula,” and that she might linger for some time, but could not bo perma nently relieved. In both cases the effect of tho Pana cea has boon most gratifying. Only four dr five bot tles were used by ono Of the persons before she began to improve rapidly. Tho other took jihoUl ten; I will only add that familiar as I am with consumption by inheritance and by extensive observation as a stu dy, and knowing also the injurious effects In nine case*. out of ten of tar, boneuct, and other vegetable tunics, as well as of many of the expectorants nnd sedatives, I should never have recommended the use of Drake’s Panacea if I had not been acquainted with the Ingredient?. Suffice it to say that these ere re commended by dtir moat popular and scientific physi cians, and in their present vdmbjncd stale, form pro bably the hest'alterative that has ever been'made.— Tho cure is in accordance with a theory of consump tion broached In Franco a few year* ago, by ono of her most eminent writers on medicine* knd now es tablished by fvefs which admit of no dispute. Very respectfully Yotfrs, L, C, GUPJN. To use tho language of another, '‘Dr, Crake's Pa imcca ie always salutary in it) effects—never injuri ous, It is not eh Opiate—it is not en Expectorant. It Is not intended to lull the Invalid into e fatal secu rity. It is • great remedy—a grand healing end cu rative compound, tho great end only tomedv which medical science and skill has yet produced for the treatment of this hitherto unconquercd molady. And no person afflicted with, this dread disease, will he just to himself and his friends, if ho go down to tho grave without testing its virtues. A single battle, In most coses, will produce a favorable change in tho condition of any patient, however low." TO THE LADIES, todies of polo complexion and consumptive hnblto, id ouch to arc debilitated by those obalructiona liloh females are liable to, oro reatorcd by tho uao 1 a bottle or tvvo, to bloom and vigor. It la by far 10 beat remedy ever discovered for Weakly children, ad each ae hove Dad humors > being pleasant, they ike it. UJmraediately reslofos tho appetite,strength 'riolldngyian bo more surprising limn Its ihvlgoral ig effects on the human frame. Persona, all woak ond losslludo before taking It, el once become ilmst and full of energy under Us Influence. It lin icdiotoly counteracts the ncrvojoasneoaof the female line. CAUTION.—Do careful anil ««o that phiil gel lire muine Dr, DiuitaVPanacai:—it h'aa Iheaignature • Gao. F. SToniia on the wrappei-end el.o the imo “ Dr. Drako’e I’anncoo, Phlla." blown in the "prepared only by Srbnae Sc Co„ DruggUla, No. f North Stath at'roet,: Philadelphia. March 00, 1810.—ly HORTICUiTTOX. THE.subscriber willgivollis attention exclusively, |bq ensuing spring, summer and fail to Gardening m all its various trances* such as siding tile ground* sowing and planting'S'ccdsvtoying out grass plots, sodding, tanning Walks-, grafting, pruning, planting, and transplanting fruit and.shade-trees and shrub*] bery; Having had considerable .experience in'the business, with un extensive knowledge of Horticulture from books, his work, therefore, will be done in a profitable, neat and, systematic rnarnien.; As the services of such an one are much needed in this bo rough, on account of so few engaging in it, and they not understanding this highly hinor'able and intereil • tug business scientifically* and being solicited by many to engage in it for their accommodation, ho has .consented* with Iho. expcctulioh of being con. slantly The entire care and supervision qrgardons dtc., will be taken for the seaspn by the \ job- or, per day. ‘ Residence opposite' the Lutheran ch “ r< *', ' , • ,W, MILES. ~ Carlisle, March, 30, 184e~2m. . ■, Ni B.—A few fertile Lots and Gardens cultivated on the, shares. Superior Teas Sc Coffees. laddition,I addition, to. our general selection of JcnkinV Teii\—a fresh supply of which we are now receiv es* a lot of-very superior 'Coffee, embracing a fine’ article of Java and. Mocha, and.-30 bags of extra fine Rio, together-with a' lol'qf other qualities of Green Rio . Coffees; has just been added to our, stock, and warranted not to bo surpassed inequality and beauty. These and all other Groceries as usual to bo hail at the Grocery store of: -J. W.EBY, - Carlisle, March 30, 1843. . Read this Attentively! HOCTOR HOFLAND’S CELEBRATED GERMAN BITTERS, WILL effectually cure the Liver Coinplaint, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Chronic or Nervous Debility,, Indigestion, Flatulence, Asthma, Dia'-‘ beles, Disease of the Kidneys, Pulmonary Affec tions, (arising from disease of the stomach and Liver,) and.ail diseases arising, from a weak or disordered stomach in both male and female, such as Female weakness, dizziness, fullness of blood to the head, inward piles, fluttering of the heart, difficulty of breathing, constant imaginings of evil, great depression of spirits, dimness of vision, pain in the. side, bach, breast, or limbs, cold feet, &c; They remove all acidity, and give lone and ac tion to the stomach, and assist digestion; they con tain no alcoholic stimulant, and can be taken by the most delicate stomach, and will in every case entirely destroy costiveness, and renovate the whole system, removing all. impurities from.the body, and remnants.of previous diseasej and give health and vigor to the whole frame, thereby pre venting frightful dreams* walking .while asleep, &cwhich often result in abcidenti The functions of Urn Stomach afe bf the utmost importance to every one, it constituting the source and fountain of life, which Is ndtfitiom No organ possesses such remarkable none such remarkable power in.modifying every part of the system* A greater number of persona fall victims to the harrassing effects of Constipation'and Dys pepsia, and more organic diseases commencing In the digestive system, than all other diseases com bined. The many thousands who die with Ycl • low Fever, Cholera, Influenza, and other epidom , ics, is owing to disease or derangement there. Ifl i the digestive system ts in perfect health, the nerv s ous system and the circulation of the blood will be \ also, as upon it they depend, then epidemics loose all their terror. * Those living in, or visiting districts harraesed with Fever and Ague annually, will find that by the timely use of one or two -bottles to renovate and strengthen, the system, no excess of bile will accumulate, and they will not in one instance tajte the disease. . Prevention is far belter than cure. The rare success in treating diseases of the sto much successfully, has not been sd much a want of pathological knowledge of its functions, as the preparation of suitable vegetable compounds, so as to obtain not only their whole power, but as they would be most effectual and grateful. VVe are al! aware that too many preparations have been, and are now before the public, that act only as paliatives, and some that change the local ity of ihe.disease, or prevent it for a short period, then it returns more formidable than in the first instance. Such preparations have destroyed the public confidence. This arliclestanding alone in its number of cutes, and unrivalled, as thousands of our citizens can attest who have tested its vir. tues, can always be.depended upon for the above named diseases, .It will cure any case that can be cured by medicine, no matter who* or what else has failed; it.will perfectly restore the diseased or ganic functions of the Stomach, Intestines, Respi ration, Circulation, &c. These Bitters and the Spikenard Ointment will cure any case of Inward Piles) It is n fare occur rence to require more than one bottle of each for the worst cases. » For sale at ihe.GEltM AN MEDICINE STORE. No, 278 Race st„ dne door above Eighth, south side, Philadelphia., In Lancaster, by John F. Long; in Harrisburg, fay DanielW. Gross; in Piltsburg#hy Wm. Thorn—and by dealers gene rally throughout the United Slates. Pamphlets containing cures and description of diseases, gratis: Also for salpj His celebrated Vegetable Rheuma tic PiUs , for the cure of Godt, Rheumatism, Drop sy, and severe Nervous Affections. Spikenard Ointment r (or the cure of Piles, Tet ter, Ringworms, &c. March 30,1848;—9m Public Sale. WILL he Sold at public sale, at the late resi dence of Thomas Green, dec’d., in South Middle ton township, about live miles from Carlisle, on Saturday the Bth day of April next, the following described personal properly, vis: - 5 head of heavy draught Itbrscs, 11 Colts, id head or Fat Calllo, Cows and Young Cattle, •10 head of Hogs, I Bell of Distilling Machinery and Apparatus belonging to a distillery, 37,000 Brick, 2000 Chesntu Rails; Carriages, dinall Wa gon; Ploughs, Harrows, together with a great va riety of other articles too tedious to mention. Sale to commence at ten o'clock A, M., on said day, when the (arms will be made known by . NANCY GREEN. . March 93; 1818.—3 l; List of Causes For Irial at April 7r.rmf 1946. Firit toitk coiiimin eing on Monday iftt IUM day of April , 1846. Doltzhnovor va Brlckor el ol Church's udm'r vs Alexander's exr'rf Kerrip dfc Dufckoy vs I'isloo ol ul Knouso ta Woodburn Kyle vs Maxwell Sibbclls , vs Dcnaldoon., Marlin & RcecJ . y i Illicem Halbert Bank F. &M. vs Ha i (zed's ndinr Jaokaon 4k Co vs Alexander's air's Fridley at al vs Wingard Second Week commencing on Monday the IVh day of April, 1849. Barn lls vs Ktilly Woods for uso vs Muoro McCuno ' vs Elsrodo at at Swigort vs Orris Baaolrer vs Orris Cbrisllicb's ox’r vs" Cbrislloib’s adm'r Harris vs Woodburn ■ Vandorboit vs Woidnerolal , p au l vs Molriok Hart Vs Hook’s oi'r Barnili vs Pohroso ot al Ego’s ox'r ' vs Sidlo , Fry <6l IColstf vs lilrcenr Fry vs Rlrabirt Oyster’s adm'r vs JdhhLulz, H. Q. Hamilton', - - John Hauck,' H,.W. Grisingcr, -• .George V, Coovbti H. W. Irvine, Jacob Otstsl, Samdel Sonfioman, Pelet Bricker. 1 - Jacob Forney, Tavcrti License. NOTICE ils hereby given that I intend to apply at tho next term-of Uio doiirt of Quarter of Cumberland county, for & license to keep a tavern or public house in the house I now occupy as such in North Middleton township. DAVID COUNMAN. March Id, 1849.—31* Wo ihe-umlcisigncd citizens of the township ol North Middleton, do certify that wo arc well ac quainted with the above named David Cornman,thß. ho is of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with house room and conveniences for the accommodation of strangers and travellers, and that such Inn or Tavern is necessary to accom* modate the'public & entertain strangers & travellers, Joseph Lichty, George Brindle, George Smith, , George Wisrj; Mathew Thompson, John Lchni Samuel Weary, Jacob Hartman, Jdhn Bpaf, John Weary, Jacob Zeiglcrj Goo, Weary. Win. Jacobs, Tavern License; VrdTltJE Is hereby given that I irUeiid to appt. ; at IN the Hdfct Icrnl olthe codrt of Qiinrtcr SeMionsof CUmboHdhd cdunty, for a license to keep d taVotrt ot public houdo in the house I tidWocciipy ds Such in South Middleton towrUhip. PHILIP BRECHDILIj. March 18, 1841—31 ! We tho undersigned ciUicns of the township of South Middleton, do certify that wo-are well ac quainted with the above named Philip BrecHbill, that lid is of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with house room dud convenien ces for the lodging arid'accommodation of strangers and travellers, and that such Inn or Tavern is neces sary to accommodate the public and entertain stran gers and travellers. Peter Gutshall, Christian Leib, David Plank, George O'Dennol, Frederick Rider, Jacoti Gutshall, Abraham Fisher, John Plank, Emanuel Wise, Jacob Wise, George Harnish* William Wise. Tavern License. NOTICE is hereby given that I intend to apply at the next term of the court of Quarter Sessions of Cumberland county, for a license to keep a tavern or public lidlise in the House lately occupied by LeviG. Clark, at Oybter’s Point, in Easl Penrtsboro’ town ship. CHARLES SCHOENER. March 16, 1848;—3t We the undersigned citizens of East Penhsborongh township, do certify that wo are well acquainted with the above mimed Charles Schooner, that hb is of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is well pro vided with house room and conveniences for the lodg ing and accommodotion of strangers and travellers. And that such inn or tavern Is necessary to accom modate the public and entertain strangers and travel lers. H. Church; Thomas Eystcr; 8. Rertningdr, Michael Frpe, Jacob G. Rupp, John Zearing, Joseph Sadler} • LeVl Q. Clark} . Wm. Sadler, • Hamilton Mooret Alifaharii Ovcrholtztjr, John .Wolf. ‘Tavern License. NOTICE is hereby given that I Intend to apply at the tlext terrii of thb coiirt of Quarter Sesftioris of Oumbcriahd collnly, for a license to keep a tavern or public bouse in the lioliso I nbtV occupy as sUch in Netvton totvnsbip. March 16,1346.—31 We the undersigned citizens of Newton township, do certify that we are well acquainted with the, above named John Wilkins, that he Is of good repute for honesty and temperance,.ancl is well provided with bouse room and conveniences for the lodging and accommodation of strangers and travellers, and that such inn or tavern is necessary to ricconintodato ihc public and entertain strangers and travellers. James Watson; Corhelius L. Vahdcrbclt, Daniel Dyers, Daniel Kirldlg, Joshua Vanderbelt; William Lehman’, Michael Halo, Qcorgo Gethefj John D. Vonderbclt, Jocl Dnckof, Henry Kitidig, J. SWoycr. ... rolled rpifE Books, Notes, Accounts, Judgments. Ac., of X R. Angnby, Having been assigned by him to the undersigned, for yaliio teecKbd, hove he.cn placed in (hb hands of Sbiith, Esq. foi collection, Upon whom dll indebted arc requested to cult and make pnyhieni within twenty days from this date, other* wise suits will bo brought without respect to persons. EOKEL, UAIOUEL & CO. | • GILLESPIE & JONES, SAML. HOOD Ac CO. tel Motbh l 6; ld49—3t -- . , Proclamation. WHEREAS tho Honorable Samuel Hr.nmix, President Judge of tho several Courts of Com mon Plead of the counties of Cumberland, Pern and Juniata, in Ponrisylvpnln, and justice of (hi) soyeful Courts of Oyer and’Tofmlrier arid Ocrifcrri/Jail De livery, in sdld codntiesj anti Hoh. John Stuart and John Clohdfchih, Jridges of the Corirt of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Dcllvfcfy, for (ho trial of all capital and other offences, In the dalil county of Cumberland—by their precepts to mo directed, dated tho I OtH df January,* 1848, ha*e ordered (116 Cpd|( of Oyer oitd Tcimlnpr end General Jail Delivery, to be holden 'at Carlisle, on the 2nd .Monday of April next, (being UielOthday) at 10 o’clock in tho fore noon, to continue two week; . • j. NOTICE is therefore hereby given; to tub Coro ner, Justices of tho Vcuce and Constables of the said county of Cumberland, that they arc by tho said pre cept commanded to bb ihen arid there In their proper persons, with their rolls, records!,’ inquisitibha, exarhi nations, arid all oihft ..remembrances. to do those things which to their offices appertain to bo done,'and all thrfso that ofo bedrid by against tHfa prUoriofd that are of then shall bo iri the Jail of said county; are to’ bo there to prosecute llieiri as shall bo just. JAMES HOFFEU,Sheriff , SiiKniPv’a Orricit; 7 ' Carlisle. March 2, 1848: $ " ' Notice;. , LETTERS' of Administration do bonis hob With the will annexed, on tho ealato of Joseph Hunter, late ortho Borough of Newhtlllb, Cnmberland co., Pa., deo’d.-, have boon issued to the shbaenher re siJlnir in thu aambplncp., All pefsona.lndebted*o snid osiatV are requested lo mafte payment and those having claims will prejfcrtl iflhm properly authenticated . March 2, is4B.—(it ' .. ■ ' NHtttc; '; - I fiE'ft’fcnSof Administration on tfio.oslato of Mary Dock, late of,(ho Oorongli pf Nowvlllb, Caojhorlapd county. Pa., dop’d., have been issued lo lha stibsiriber residing Inaatd Borough. All persona indebted to sold calalp nro requested to make iintnedialo payment, and tlioap having claims will present thorn' propefly authenticated'for sal, (lenient to I,EWIS UHOADS; Adra’r. March 2,1848.^-01 Wood Wanted AT'THIS QmOE IMMEDIATELY. Notice* LETTERS bt nimini.lT.rion on the estate of Mr*. Elizabeth Hbrman.Ute ot HiWet Spring tomwhip, doc’d., hovo been granted to the aubscuber*, the firal named residing in the same township, end the last named in Monroe township. All persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay ment,and those having claims will ptefenttbem pro perly authenticated for settlement to C. B. HERMAN, M. G. BELTZHOOVER, March 2, 1848,—fit* Adm’rs. WILLIAM ¥. BRO WN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. will practice in ihoae* eral Courts of Cumberland county. Office In Main street, nearly opposite the county jail. CerlliWi March 9,1848. OLIVER Sc MOLAN t TMPORTEUS & DEALERS in Zephyr WdrateA X Canvaued, Patterns, Cbitons, Needles,. Pin*) Sewing Silk, Steel Bead*, Dag Clasps, Steel Pared Rings, Purfto Clasps, pldin arid Shaded Purse Twist. Trimmings) Fbncy Goods. Ac; Cheap.for cash to Wholesale liealerti at the New Thread ahd Nebdlb Stote, No, 3 NUrlh Fourth 8(4 and fro. 178 Ch'cfcnut St., PhlU. March 9. 1848.—fit fe'irit Arrival 61 New Spring Goods’., THE undersigned have returned from the city with one of the largest and cheapest stocks of iNEAV SPRIM GOODS, ; ever brought to Carlisle. It consists in part 01 5000 yards of new Calicoes at 4, 6}, 8,9,10, and I‘2J cents pnr yard. 1&00 yards new Scotching bams at i‘2J, 11}, 18} and S 3 els. per yard. Bias black west of Ertgland and. French Cibthft ftCai slmerosjchoapet thanever.. AlaoChebkMiekingti flannels; nlpachas, and muslins' tor a mere aong« being Cheaper tl»ah wis eveir dtaamed of. Also our usual aSsortmeht of Groceries & Queenawaret The above is but a sample—wecan’lenumerate the oneitenth part of the different aHlbleß we have for sale. VVe to all* if yob want tb save mo* ney In buying youl goods ball on bs obr goods liave all been bought forbdsh, and of course wh dan sell bonsujbrably lower than those who .bay oil credit. . A. &W. BENTZ, 3 daori iouth of tke Pott Cstt\ . March d, 18-lb. TT AS jbsl received a lot of superior Fronbh Clolhi [J and Casalincrcs, which ho will sell or make td order, on terms lo eUlt Uio limes, at his old eland op* jlos\te the. Railroad olficciWcel High sited) Carlisle; February 17, t 848; Wholesale Clothing 'Warehouse, No. 152 J Markkt StuKKT, brtwrrk 4th flt 6tb) PIUI.ADBU’ItIAt r'PHE subheHUbr iVapcctfully soliclla the alieniioH JL of Country Merchants and Dtsalcls generally, id an examination of a complete slock bt Ready-made nothing, which for extent, varieiy and workmanship, he flat* tert himself will give universal satisfaction, while but reduced scale of priccS-prescnts to purchasers induced inonls wdteh cdHnDt bo surpassed other cstalK lisUmtht in the United Slates. _ JACOB REED; Philadelphia, March 2, 184fe.—Sin Great American BcttitiQyi WESTERN NEW YORK COLLEGE OP HEALTH; ; 20? Maiw sTnxfet, fiurPAttt, N; Yi , DR;G. C. VAUGHNS Vegetable LilhoniripUe Mixture s celebrated medicine which nas made great cures In all diseases, is nbw Ihtrollbced into thU, sectldh. The IlmiU of an advctliiemcnl wlllhol permit art fexlcridcd notice of this remedy; we haV# only to say it has for Us Agents In the United Slated tinJ Canadas a largo nhmber of bdlibatfcd Medical Pißclltlonbtk in High ptofaßalonalßlinding, whoroakb a general use of It lb thfelr practice in thb following diseases: Dropsy; Gravel, dnd diseases of the urinary bfgahi; - Piles and all diseases of the blood; derangements of Iho Liver; &c., and qll general diseases df tfab system: It is particularly requested that all whh contemplate the use of this article; or who djssiib ihlbrtnatlbn re specting it, will obtain a Pamphlet of 32 pagea, which Agents tjkrhosb names ate below will gladly giveaway this book treats upon the method of fchto—bsplainl the properties of the article, hnd the diseases li" ha 9 been used for.over (his country ahd Ehtopo for four years wilh'such perfect effect; D«er 16 pages of tes timony from the highest quarters will be found, with dames,' places and dates, which can be. written to by any oho ihtcrcsifcd, ahd the parties will answer post* 1 paid communicolions. . , lie pnrtichlat and ask fot lire Pamphlet, as no oth er sdcl) ptfmphlet has fcvCr befen setn. Thb evidence' of rim power of this medicine over all diseases Is guttri' rintred by persons of wpll khhwn standing in iocietyj Put up in 30 oz. and 12 oz: bottles. Price $2, SO, oz.i $1 12 oz,; the largerbeing iho cheaper; Every, lioitlo lids “G. C: VAUGHN” written bn the direef lions,* dee. See pamphlet, page £&. Prepared Dr. G.C. VAUGHN; and gold at Prlhcipdl Office:. 207 Main street. Buffalo. N; Y.. Oflicbi dhyoted tor sale of this article Inclusively, 183 Natan, N. York/ and corner df Essex and Washington, Salem. Maid:., and by dll Druggists throughout this country and Canada os Agents. , . .. ' • , For idle Ijy S* W. Hoverstick, Carlisle: M. Lu% Harrisburg! Russel & tHcc/tiickinson; J. 0. otG.B:' Altick, ShippcHsbUrgi Adams AEsticlmah, BloUghif town'. Mtvrch £,1843.—iy . ./■ JOHN WILKINS, 50,000 g victim Erctf Year Fail a prey to ing Blond , Heelie Flier and Night Sweats, MBS. ADAMS, CGIIi slcctt, HarleW, suffered i year with, a cough, pain in ilia cheat*; night awciils, anil nil thb aggravated symptom* of Cion-'' sumption ! nollllng fell tied her till aha Cried Shef fnnn’d Balsam—half a bottle cuitd her. , J, Ulcerated Lungi and Xrcer.—Mr: E. T. Law-* fence, Jackson ilrect, Brooklyn, after years of suffer:, ing, and Irca'led by variohs phsiciohs, was pronoun:, ced Incurable from iilcorntcJ luhgsand liver. Dylngj r 08 was supposed, lie tried iho liaison); Us effects, tvefe must mitaculohs { ctvo hollies chfed him. ’ I‘leiirittf ft/iii CdnsaHlpfione— Mrs. Baggas, tesif, ding at S 8 Sheriff street, "l 6 years old, has been sub-* jeet lo attacks of pleurisy and consumptive cough* for years.' The Balsam lias saved her from veri gfent suffering: .. _ Asthma and VilnsuthpliLh.—h. Jr. Deals, lp.Dc lancoy street; gave il tohis sifter-in-law who had been an invalid fof ycofs from AMhmn; to another ton sidered as in colVeifmpflon. It relieved them otoneb ib that they travelled several hundred miles. • Bottling 8100d —I* always alarming. “load* to iho worst kind of Cohahmption; and unless afrested in Unit Id generally fatal: Sherman’s All-Hiklitig Balsam is the best remedy knownj it heals tjio bounded or ruptured blood vessels of the lungs, and thereby effects a permanent cufo. white other reme dies duly stop Iho blood for the llfne. A few .nosed of this lialsairf will satisfy the most skeptical that if la the medicine required—ll has been, succcssfbl 1« many coded, and that too where they had rim Into tl ! rapid decline; or.aa mote generally baprtfledj "Haa ty Consumption," Young persons'; or (hoab of mid dle ago, arc mofti subject (6 (head attack'than the. dgbd. ' . ~ Price S 6 cents find $ I per bollle. Dr. ShofirlotTs Cough ami Worm Lesonges, and Poof Man’* Plasters, sold as above. > Principal OfficolOß Nassau street. New York. : '■ ~ AiiENTs.FoiiTiia aai.it or the Auovk,—S. We flaverstlpk. Dr, J. J: Myota, I.&VV. B. Fleming 1 , 1 Carlisle i ,Q. W. Sihpiaar. Churcbtownj A. Ciitn-‘- oan.Shepherdslown; Dr.lra Day, Mcchanleibilrgf J. C. Ueemo, Shlremanatown; John ©. Miller, 1 Lisburn; Jano May, New Cumherlendf John Zonring, Sporting Hill; John OoyliV nogeslown: John lined, klnoMowm Russell & BWe, Dlekijy. son; J nines kylo, : Jacksonville; £ Sptlnßfle'ai John pillcr, NcwVilloi Robt, BllioH. Nftwburg. t)ocombor 30, $ • • ■ _ ‘ • Notts & «P ,,£C »* ' ' , ' J nn Kc« »r mU .nd sdiim. ju.t mwln* .nd 100 ,ho «rnTBA^' T; 11. Sklletj