American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, March 02, 1848, Image 4

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J. W. EBY, .
IS constantly supplied with a fresh and.general
assrfrtnienl of Groceries, embracing a lot of
-Rio and Java Codecs,
otlhe bosVas well as of lower priced qualities ~
• Loaf and Brown Sugars,
viz; Double.refined Loaf, crushed and Pulverized,
as also, While' Havana, Brown and clarified Su
gars—all of which,for prices and. qualities, can
not be excelled. •• ,
In of Teas we have
undertaken ihesale of the Superior Teas of J. C.
JbNriNs& Co., of. Philadelphia and have received
and will be-kept supplied with an assortment of
Green and Black Teas/
ofithetvarious, kinds, and qualities, varying in
price from 37&.cts. to $1,25 per pound,: which we
believe will, on trial, take.the preference over all
olher.Teas in this community. These teas are
pftt iip In packages of j-, -J and 1 lb. eafch, labelled
with na'me and price of Tea, with a Metallic as
well as paper envelope for preservation of thoqual
ily,’and-eaoh'having full weight. One of the
partnere?(who selects the Teas) learned; this diffi
cult business of the Chinese themselves, while
engaged itf the Tea Ttade and residing among
them, and possessing this advantage, their ability
tofurnish, not-only safe and genuine, but also the
most delicious Teas,-at the lowest possible prices,
is unquestionable, and therefore they can be con*
fidently recommended to our customers.
Jn addition to which may always be had a gen
eral assortment of all other articles in 'the line.of
out. business. All of which are offered for sale at
theloWesl possible price. We fee) thankful for
past frivors shown us.and hnpe our endeavors to.
please wiU'mcrit a continued share of support.
J, W. KBY.
rpHE subscriber* arc now opening their Fall
X stock of HARDWARE, and to which they
would invito the attention of persons, in want of
goods iii-their line, as their arrangements are such
as fo, enable them to sell lower than any other
store.. ..They have now a full assortment of locks,
latches, bolts, hinges,' screws, and every article
fqc, building, mill, cross-cut and circular saws,
moose hole anvils, vices, files, rasps, chisels, au-
braces, plain blits, planes, hadd, pahnel,
ripping and tenant saws, broad axes, drawing
knives, chopping axesj hatchets, hammers', hay
and manure forks, shovels, spades, knives, forks,
pocket .knives of every style, butcher kbiyes, ra
zors, scissors, shears, waiters, tiaysf brass and
iron head shovels and tongs, bellows, &c., with a
large and full assortment of goods for Sadlers and
Carriage Builders. *
Also, 10 tons hammered and rolled iron, 2 tons
cast, shear,'blister and spring steel, 50 pair EUp
tie springs, I lon American and Russia sheet iron,
50 kegs Uupont's and Johnson's Blasting Powder.
3000 lbs. Nova Scotia grindstones, 2000 lbs. Weth*
erilPs pur©'ground white lead, 300 gals. Linseed
Oil, 100 gals. Turpentine, 100 boxes of glass, as
sorted. Also, Copal, Coach, Japan and Leather
Varnish, Mahogany and .Maple Veneers, Cedar*
They have also Honey's Patent Spinal Straw
Cutters, for cutting hay, straw or corn stalks, the
best article of the kind ever offered for sale.
Carlisle, September 16, 1817.
Carpenters, Builders, Farmers,
Look to your interests and huy where yoju can gel the
■ Cheapest Lumber .
JUST received and for sale at the old Lumber
; Yard, situated at the west end of the Harris
burg Bridge, down at tho Rivor,
150,000 Long Pine Shingles,*
good quality, at $ll per thousand, 90,000 of 18
inch shingles, good quality—also,
400,000 Feet of Lumber,
of 1, I£, 1 i and 2 inches thickness, which will be
sold as low as at any other yard at the river.*
Common Boards
at 11,.13and $l3. per thousand, Refuse Boards
and Planks from G to $B.
it is as well to mention that the subscriber is pre
pared to saw bills to order, at tlio shortest* notice,
of While Pino and to the Railroad
free of expense. Small buildihg Timber always
on hand. frorn 30 to 70 tcct tong—also, Plastering
Laths. Fence Boards, &c., always ready for sale.
Bridgeport, Not. 11, 1817.—if
.Carlisle Clothing Emporium.
THB subscribers take this method of informing the
citizens of Cumberland county, and the people in
general, that they have just opened an extensive
CJothlng Store,
in South Hanover street, next door to I>. H, Arnold's
store, in the Borough of Carlisle, to which they in
vite the attention of those who may desire cheap and
fashionable clothing. We will keep constantly on
hand a largo- and well selected assortment of wearing
apparel, such as
Coats, Pantaloons, Vests, Shirts, Bosoms,
Collars, Scarfs, Gloves, Suspenders,
Handkerchief,Hat., Cups,.Boon, Shoe, amt Slip'
per., end indeed every thing necessary to’.trim out a
f.sbionable. n)an, end better articles at lower prices
than can be found at pny other establishment InCum
bertand county. Being fully, convinced that ‘wuick
Bales and small profits” do bolter than' slow salts and
large profits, wo are determined to sell at a very small
advance. Our assortmentVlll at oil times bo large
which will afford customers an opportunity of suiting
their own taste. , _
Carlisle, Sept. 30, 1847.
N. N.—Mr. Winnair D. PjtnKtitaoiv, an experi
enced and fashionable tailor, will cut for the above
establishment. Persons ptcforlng, can have their
measures taken md garments made up to order with*
out any additional charge. A ■ & L.
Vhe Great Central Cheap
Wholetalt ami Retail, No. 254 Markef Street, Ninth
door above Eighth South eide t Phila,
COMPRISES one of tho largest and most beautiful
assortments of HATS, CAPS and MUFFS iir
the Union; and of the latest and most approved styles,
manufactured under the immediate eupermtendfencb
of the subscriber, In tho best manner, of prime, mart'
rials, end will bo sold at the lowest ppstildb prices
* for casbe ••
The:assortment embraces a splchdid variety ‘Of
Silk,. Moleskin, Beaver, Brush, Russia, Nutria and
other HATS» beautiful finish, and a complete stock
of W>Wod»of ,Cloth, Glazed, Pur and Plush CAP.S,
of the most dbslrablo patterns, together with G supply
of Muffs, ForaiaßulWo Robes, dec.
Country Merchants and other* ore respectfully In*
vlted to famine tho stock, which they will find uto
Iheir advantage to do'beforo purchaalng, aa It la hi.
determination, having adopted the cath eyilem, to
* nd JU.
SB4'Markot at., abovo Bth at., aouth aider
Phiia., December 8,1847.— Out’
■ [ fiicha^on^Stcdm^aejdry,
The only mtin ike,OniUd Stales, fc.’ UO Market
’ sired, PHILADELPHIA,, :. -, »>
Tl/TERCHANTS are,-respectfully informed that I
iVi continue tb'rnanblbcltifc all the above goods, by
the aid 6f Bt6am, ; ndfwlthßfarrdlng ibo great opposj
tion prp.arlied opppsedUptho introduction of expen
sive improvements/ * My assortment is complete, and
prices So low, -as to giVo,enli)te salislacllbri,-. ’
03 s As .there is an. Umbrella. Store next floor, of
nearly the same Panic, it is important you should rc*
member ' ./ . . ; i
Steam Factory, and Patentee of the, Walking Cane
Umbrella, sign of the Lady and Eagle{ NoAoiy
Market streets Philadelphia w
- CCj* Attention is requested to the celebrated Walk
ing Cahe'Umbrella, a neat and.beautiful article, com
bining all the advantages of Canb and Umbrcllai ~"
February 10, lBi.B-.-6m
• Groat DdrgaliiH. , •
THIS subscriber having determined to make a
change ihhVabuslncBB,will.Bell.Qff.his present
stock of. merchandize at greatly reduced prices.—
Persons desirous of gelling good bargains, will do
well'to call, as all kindspf, goods will be sold iih
commonly Ipw for .cash. The stock is very large,
new, and well .assorted, with -Fashionable and
Staple Goods. Many .of the Goods will be said
25 per cent, less than first cost.
A largo lot of Boots and Shoes selling off at xe
duced prices; , * : . . '
Also a full assortment of Groceries, at the very
lowesl prlces. C. OGILBY.
Carlisle, January 20 < 1848. ■ •
Selling Off!
THE subscribers will sell their entire slock of
DRY GOODS, which consists of a. handsome
assortment of Merinoes, Alpachas, Cashmeres*
Rjoua. do.Lairts, Cloths, Cassiqieres, Cassinets,
Flannels,and Trimmings; yri.Ura great; variety of
other goods at reduced prices. _
This is a new stock of Goods, and laid in for
cash at the piesent low prices; some of which
will be Bold Fi/ly Fir Vent below First Cost.—
Bring on your money and. you sure to gel
good bargains. Those persons knowing themselves
indebted will please come forward ana pay up. .
3 doors souths / ihe PostOJJiee. r
. January 27,181 b. •
'Hardwaret Hardware!!
THE eubscrihers having, putohased the entire
etock of Jacob Senor, invito the attention of
the public to their assortment. With all tha hum
bogging, boasting, and puffing made by other es
tablishments,we are able to sell Hardware as low
if nola little lower .than any other Hardware
store in the county. Try us and prove ua, at the
old and well known stand on North Hanover st.,
between Common's Tavern and the Hat and Cap
Store of Geo. Keller. We have just received a
full and general assortment of
Hardware & Building Materials,
among which may be enumerated the following:
300 pounds American Blist’d. Steel at 7 cents
. p °2oo'poundB of English Blist’d; Steel at ISJper
lb, 600 pounds of Cast and Sheer Stbol at 18j per
500 pounds of Spring Steel 7 J els. per pound;
30 doz. of Corn and Grass Scythes:
100 kegs of Nails and Spikes at $4 50 per keg.
60 boxes of assorted Glass; ■
2000 lbs. Ground White Lead from $1 75 to
2OOO lbs. best quality, of Grindstones at 1 i to 2
rents per lb. .
■ 200 gallons of Linseed Oil. .
With a full assortment of Building Hardware,
such as Looks; Latches, Bolts, Hinges, Screws,
Oils, Paints, Glass and Putty, Nails and . Spikes,
&0., too numerous to mention. All lobe had at
the low pri=e HardwarO o Store N Of y & .
Carlisle, May 6.1847.
New Call aild Winter Goods.
The subscriber has just received and is ho w open'
ing at hia store, on the south-west corner of the
Public Square, an unusually cheap slock .of sea
sonable goods, such as
Cloths; Cassinieres, Sattmotts,
Flannels, Vestings, Alpacas, Silks, Bombazines,
Shawls, Muslins, Gloves, Hosiery, &c. A splen
did slock of Calicoes, at prices varying from 6} to
•18} cents. Also,
Groceries of all kinds.
Also, a fresh stock of the Celebrated Fluid Lamps,
which he has lately introduced, and which are
found to be-by all that have tried them, the most
economical and desirable article in every respect
nrfwinuse. Also,
The Pekin Tea Company s Teat. He lms been
appointed sole agent in litis p|ace for tho sale of
lire above Teas, to which he would invite (lie spe
cial attention of the lovers of good Teas. Ths
manner in which they are put up is such, as that
the flavour la.preserved for any length of time,bo
in" incased in lead or tin foil. Families can bo
supplied with any quantity pul up in this manner
, Tito public is respectfully invited to call and
. examine his Block, before purchasing.elsewhere,
1 inasmuch as ho fools confident that Ilia variety and
oricoa will he satisfactory to purchasers.
-1 Carlisle, November 11,1847.
Philadelphia Advertisement.
Sai.amandir, Fine and Titter Pnoor-
WARRANTED equal to any other make, and
have never been injured by Fine or Bus
olas's, in a single instance. He also keeps on
hand a full supply of Common Chests, rogde of,
lighter iron, at lower prices.
I.sllcr Copying f'ressos and Books, •
Trucks for Stores, Factories, Ate.
Druggists’ Presses,
Eagle Glass Fapejt, ■ '
Portable Shower Baths, &c.
Packing Lavers,
Hoisting Maclmtesy
Refrigerators and Water Pikers.
01 South Second St., below Chesnut, Phils.
For cooling ami preserving MEAT, BUTTER,
MILK, ond all articles intended for culinary pur
FILTERS, for puryfjjgb water that is brackish or
muddy, whether by rains, minerals, or otherwise,
can bo had of and prices, at the Ware
rooms, No. 61 South Second Street, two doors be
low Chesnut street, Philadelphia.
October 7j 1817.—ly*
Watches, &c.
AND JEWELRY—-Full jewelled gold
■■HfikPatcnt Lovers,. #4O. Gold Lepines. $3O. —
Silver Lovers, $2O. Gold guard, vest nnd.fob chains,
gold and silver, pencils, Unger rings and thimbles,
spectacles, ear - rings, miniature eases, medallions,
fimoy card-cases, fans, flier. Silver table and tea
spoons, tea sots; forks, ladles', butter knives, cups,
flee. Fine plated castors, cake baskets', candlesticks,
Britannia ware, .waiters, DIACON’S 1 PATENT
LAMPS, Ate. Also goldPafent Lover watches, from
$4O to-$l6O. Watches and clocks repaired. Stipe-'
nor diamond point gold pens at $1,60,
J. Sc, W. L. WARD,
106 Cheanut at. above Third at., Philadelphia'
December 0,1847. —1 y
Thompson's Syrup of Tnr,. ;
\ LARGE supply. of this popular . retitody fos
A Loughs, Golds and Affections .of the Breast, liar
Just boon received at the Drug Store of -
KritiMkinKlc’N Mcstwl ,q«iai icis..
- : .Vi'-TS lytoishfEß*,]..,;::
, North Hanover, Street, Cari.isle.
flints subscriber takes''llila*iriotlioi‘of’ ihiormidg
JL bis friends and tluipubUcui gqne|-al, that ho
is constantly rrianulaciufing ami "had alwajs oh
haiid CAN DIES of bvbty varidly (winch forqual
ily cannot he surpassed tjy any manufactured in
the State.) which lib will soil Wholesale or Retail
allho Old Stand, in North. Hanoyersltoot, where
he also keeps Foreign FRUITS and NUTS of the
latest importation, which will bo'sold atlfio low
est prices foroashl Hiastock conaials Inpart of
the following: . D” .-uU >-. '
f Oranges, Lemons,' Raisins,, Prunes, Grapes,'
Citron,-Bates, Figs,- Goboh Nuts.’ Crebtb N ala,
Pea Nuts, Pecan Nuts, Almonds, English Wal
nuts’, Filberts; &c. ■ ;
. Ho would also call life attention of the public
to his stock of Fancy Articles', suitable for the ap
preaching Holidays, consisting Of, :
which for beauty anil variety atirjpaaaes any thing
of the kind over offered to the cUtaens of Carlisle.
In connection yvilh the above ho lias just received
a prime I'ot of . r‘b ”
Fresh Groceries,
consisting of superior orusheil and .refined .Loaf
Sugarai ahd a good quality of Bjowh Sugars,Oof
fee, from 8 to 12J cts.per pound; a.enperior article
of Imperial, Young Hyson and Black 'Upas; Mo
lasses of all kinds, Chocolate, Crackers, Cheese,
Rice, Blacking, Matches.; Brushes, &o. Fresh
Spiced," such as Pepper, , Alapice, Cinnamon,
Cloves, Mustard, Nutmegs & Ginger. A supply
of Irtdigo, (best quality I Alum,'Starch, . Washing
Soda, Saltpetre, Ac., Which will-be sold at reason
able prices. . “ ,
The subscriber returns his sincere thanks to the
public for the liberal patronage extended to him
during .the.time lie has been in business, and Hopes
by attention'tobusiness and a desire to please, to
merit a continuance dftbb srttnei All ordersfro'm
a distance promptly attended to: 1 ' 1 ’ I ~
i December 16, 1847 V !
Winter Supply of Drugs, Medi
cines, &C. ; ,*
S. W. HAVEHSTIGK having judt opened
his WINTER SUPPLIES of Goods, desires lo
call the particular attgnlion b{ Families andiPhy
sician to his replenished assortment of DRUGS
and MI?DlCINESrwhioh have been purchased
at the' best houses in Philadelphia, and may be
relied upon for freshness arid'excellence.
Added lo these will bo found ah entire stock of
GlaSs, &o. &e., all of which he,will ensure to be
of the best quality and at the very loWest prices'.
He has made many additions lo his stock of
BOOKS, besides securing a new supply of all the
Text Books, H istories, Headers, Lexicons,Wriling
Books, &o. now in use In College and i dur f üblic
schools— which he will dispose of on terms suit
ed to the circumstances of all.
Ilia stock of FANCY ARTICLES embraces a
rich and extensive collection whiclrit would be im
possible to enumerate, but comprising many novel
ties which cannot fail lo strike the eye and please
the taste, such as, Ladies and.Gentleman’soutlery,
gold and silver pens and pencils, Hair, tooth and
clothes Brushes, Perfumes of Rousblle’s fich nhd
extensive'varilies, fancy soaps, shavingcream, card
cases, pocket pistols, pocket books, &c,
- . Also, a new supply: of Cornelius’s elegant
Lard LAMPS, together with Sperm and Mould
Candles, Baskets, Musical Instruments, Umbrel
las, Children’s’Toys, Door. Mats, and other arti
cles in the variety line, which with a constant
supply-of fresh FRUITS, Nuts and Confectionary
of the richest quality, make a large and splendid
slock lo which ho confidently invites the attention
and patronage of his town and country friends, at
the old stand in North Hanover street, nearly op
posite the Carlisle Bank.
Carlisle Dec.-16, 1847. 1 -
J& W. B. FLEMING, respectfully inform
• their friends and the public generally, that
they have taken the Drugstore lately otfned by
Mr. Franklin Mehaffey, and formerly, by Messrs.
Stevenson & Diriklei 6ri the North'West corner df
High and Pitt streets, directly opposite Um Man
sion House. Hotel, in the Borough of Carlisle,
where they have cm hand and Intend constantly
adding thereto, a large assortment of
Drugs, Medicines, Faints, Oils, r
-Dye-stuffs, Perfumes, Fancy Articles, Glass, ‘&c.,
which they are determined to sell on accommoda
ting terms. They intend giving their undivided
attention to the business,; and hope to receive a
liberal share of encouragement. Physicians pre
scriptions carefully compounded,
Carlisle, March 18,1848.
Daguerreotypes, 140 Chestnut St. HIPDADEL
PHI A, having been pronounced superior, in the
cities of Europe and the United. Slates, onddjeen.
just awarded in the city of N. Yort the GREAT:
PRIZE of.* 4 the FIRST MEDAL for the BEST
Daguerreotypes, again calls attention to his
later and still more valuable improvements. This
last is thus noticed by. the Evening Bulletin:
Tlic TruoXlgbt.
M. A. Root, the great Daguerreotyptstof this
city, has fitted up a room ln the third story of his
establishment, expressly to obtain (bo manifest
advantage of the northern light. The light from
that direction is necbssarlly. sought by all paint
ers, because of its firmness and uniformity, and
Mr. Root, with consummate fact, resolved to avail
himself of this aid, to .correct shadows.
The Boston Atlas speaks, of the portraits by the
distinguished Daguorrcotyplst, ~M. 'A; Root, and
was astonished to find ibaube art liad been carried,
to such a high degree of perfection. Mr. Root,by
some new chemical discoveries, has beoh enabled
to transfer the liumfln countenance to the Daguer
roolype plato'with an accuracy and fidelity alto
gether inconceivable. Even the joyous and laugh*
ing facp of tbo infant is transferred in an instant
to the enduring silver plate with astonlshirtg accu
racy, notwithstanding in infantljfe tberejsscarce
ly a second of time, during working hours, when
tho body is entirely at rest. .v. .
The North American and United States Gazette
'says of a Family Group of Mr. Root— <4 lt was
universally acknowledged worthy of being class
ed* among the first triumphs of this beavon-djorn
• art. n
Tho City Item days'—* 1 We are delighted > as
Philadelphians, to learn that Mr. Hoot took the
medal and highest premium for his superb pic*
tures both in New Vorkand Boston, overall com
petition. This is indeed a great triumph! Hoot's
pictures are ns near perfection as it Is possible to
set; There is though!) delicacy, finish, and tho i
nighesi'dlpgroo of artistic excellence in them."
' ‘‘The perfection of the art.*’— Boston Star,
“The boat in every point of vrew/ I —Penntyl
vania Inquirer.
“The best over exhibited in, this country,*’—N.
York Sun, . .
The Livsnpobt Custom ; House - OfrripEns ob
served, when examining a packageof'Rqol’s Da
guerreotypes, “that they were the best specimens
of the kind that had ever passed through thoir
Scotland, a groat amateur in works of art; says, ih
a letter to a Wend in Philadelphia. t “There js
nothing like tllom here; they qs bomplolo
ly in lho shade—they ere beatmfpl, and'the like
ness perfect. ** . .. .. * .
; A volumne might be filled with similarpolioeß.
But families, relatives or friends, who wish to se
cure faithful and beautiful portraits, as keepsakes
and-memorials, or simply a’s gems of an .exquisite
art, always intorbstiVig. are invited, strangers as
well as citizens,' to examine tho suriorb odfleotion
of specimens in the popular Free Admissjpp Da
guerreotype Booms pf M.-A^RpO'l,
. ~ 140’ Chestnut Street.
Phils. Dob, 10, 1847.— 0i0.V !
JOp WORK ; • i
Vpijbtediou by Flre.
Ju Prelection Compaiiy/Wlirbo Qndor the direction
of tho followjng. Board of. Managers fpr.thc .qnsuing
yc'ar,^izV"'T/C; Millbr, J^rCBhldni; v Soniuel 'GaU
hlpq^:^ie t Q,Prc«i<lfntj-ft. W, M!Culraith, TrcaSur
crj!,’A*. G. Millcr, Secretary; James Weakly, John T.
Green, Jdlin Zugi Abraham KirfgV Richard. Woods,
Samuo Huston, .William, Peal, Scott Coyle, , Alex-_
Davidson. There aroalso a numb6f of'Agbnta I 'op•:
pointed in tho adjacont counties who will receive ap
plicationsfor insurance anit foYWard them immediate
ly for approval to ihVoffiCo of-tho CoripariyvAvhen the.
policy will bo iasufed without delays For fUrthor in
fotmfilibh'sc&tlio by-laws of the Company. , t . T( ,
’■ i'-mV; , . v«r- T. Oi MlLLER, .President., i
A. G. ','Secretdry,' ’ i -
February 10, 184 S/ - : ’’ - ,v !• •
■■-.v.'AGENTE.!-- v/'- ■
L; H. ! Wiilioras, Esq., West; Gen
eral Agant. . ‘ J ''- ’• 1 ■ ‘;; '
.J.;. A.!Coylo, Carlisle; Dr.lra Day, Mcchamca
burgf} George Drindle, - M6nroe; Josepb M, Means,
Newburg; 'John Clcmlcnlnj .HogdstoWni Stephen
Cblbertson, 9hippensbdrg; : j ' : t .' . '
THE f Allen and EastpennaboroughMuthal Fire
Insurance Wf GumbferlaridCbunty,
incorp.pratedby an act of Assembly; is how fully
ottlie following - ' ’
Ghti Stayman, Jacob Shelly,' Win.'U. Gorges,
Lewis' Hyor, Christian/TUzcl, Robert .Stcrrelt,
Henry- Logan, Michael , Cocklih; Benjamin H.
Muaser, Levi.MerkeljJacob KirkjSlaml. Prowell,
Br’,.ahd Melcholr Brpneman,who respectfully call
ihe.attention ofoitizenS of Cumberland and York
counties to .the advantages which the company
hold out. , * , *’ ~
The rates of insurance are as low and favorable
as any Company of the kind in the State. Per
sons wishing to become members are invited to
make application to the agents of the company
who are willing to.wait upon them at any lime.
JACOB SHELLY, President .
Henry Looan, Vice President,
Lewis Hybh, Secretary .
Michael Cocklin, j treasurer-
February 3, 1848.
Aobsta—Rudolph Marlin, Mow Cumberland;
Christian .Tilzel, Allen; John 0. Dhnlap, Allen;
O, B. Harmon, Kingstown; Henry Zcaring, Shire
manstown; Simon Oyster, Wormleysburg;. Robert
Moore, -Carlisle.
Agents for York County—JacobKirk, general agt
John Sherrick, John Rankin, J. Bowman, Pclcl
Agents for Harrisburg—Houser & Loch man.
ilawure Mutual Safety Insurance
Company, PJiiladclpltla.
PLE—combined with a large joint copUall Pre
miums reduced to nearly one half of the usual rates*
By the. Act of Incorporation, tho stock is pledged
for. the., payment of and losses which the Com
pany maysustain. And os an additional security to
thonssured<tho act requites that \\w profits of the
business shall be funded and remain with the corpo
ration, as a guarantee and protection to the insured
against /qss.-. This fund will bo represented by scrip
issued by the Company, hearing inlorcst’not oxcccd
.irigaix per cent, perarinum. The insured are enti
tled to a pro rata share of tho profits of thp Company,
1 and will receive that proportion of .tho aforesaid fund
in scrip, which the amount of earned premiums paid
by him, bears to the total sum of earned premiums
I arid capital stock. ,‘
The scrip thus issued, to bd transferable-on the
books of the Company os stock. • • . ‘
No dividend of scrip can bo made when the losses
and expenses exceed the amount of earned premiums,
Tho insured ore protected from loss at tho custom
ary fates of premiums, without any individual liabil
ity or responsibility for tho losses oi expanses of the
Corporation. The assured have all tho rights of
membership,—can vote at all elections, and are eligi
ble as Directors of the Corporation.
The subscriber has been appointed agent for this
: Company, add oa the mutual principle is superseding
ipvcry othcr mode of Insurance, ho would confidently
recommend it to his friends and tho public. . '
For full particulars enquire either by. letter dr jtar
eonto JOHN J. MYERS.
Carlisle, July 22,1847*. . :.S y••
'Economy} Utility and Eight !
. Pine Oil & Solar Lard Lamps.
MB. DYOTT & KENT, Lamp Manufacturers,
, No. 64 South Second street, one door'below
(Jhcsnut, Philadelphia, hove constantly on band a
complete assortment;of DYOTT’S Patent Improved
PINE OIL LAMPS, which arc superior in construc
tion, more simple -in arrangement and embrace- Im
provements and advantages possessed by no other
Lamps. ~Tho cost of burning .them docs not exceed
one-half of (hat of any other light, and produces a
light more brilliant .than gas. The lamps are-so
constructed that they.can bo,burned dry, when the
wick is short. The wick, which is consumed, being
supplied with oil by a feeder underneath it. This
arrangement keeps’tho oil always pure in the lomp,
and renders other cleansing altogether unnecessary,
and tho recent improvements the patentee,
qdds beauty Ip their appearance, and renders their
management so easy, that a child can *tako care of
them., Thoy arc perfectly safe, and froo from unplea
sant odour.
In addition to the above, wc.havoalargcond hand
some assortment of DYOTT’S NEWLY IMPRO
VED SOLAR LARD LAMPS, a great variety of
patterns; Hanging Lamps, suitable for Churches,
Stores, Eio)ls, Factories, Lodge Rooms, Hotels and
Billiard Saloons, and Lamps with shades, designed
for reading, and for every other purpose where light
is required. A handsome variety of CANDELA;
BRAS, BOUQUET HOLDERS, and every article
pertaining to the lamp business.. Having every fa
cility for manufacturing, wo are prepared to sell,
wholesale and retail, os cheap o« any ptbor dealers,
and the articles-are warranted equal in appearance,
and superior ip construction, to any that can bo pro
cured elsewhere. , ,
N. D. Lamps, dec. rogilt, silvoied, bronzed and fc
pdtred in the bcsl mannor. Oil lamps of every de
scription altered to' buth Pino Oil.
“ Pliila.,Bcpt. 2,1847.—Cm .
RESPECTFULLY announces to iho public that
ho has removed his WATCH antf-JBWELRY
‘ ' {■*!*!> Store to Iho* door
east of his former stand, on
Main street, whore lie will con.
'Jlwr Btanl iy keep on hand and for
(ft 91 t H Mnßi sa i° on fho most reasonable
\ Gold and Stiver Letcr,
Ltpiut and Common s'
Watches; u
Breast-pins, Finger Rings, Ear Rings,
Gold and Silver Spectacles,
Gold and Sijvcr P6ns and. Pencils,
. Diamond pointed gold pons, at from 81,37 to $2,.
60. '
Pocket compasses, pen-knives, gold guard chains,
ana watch keys, silver thimbles, Miniature oases,
Lockets and Bracelets,'
Silver Table and Tea Spoons,
Duller kmvos, and an infinite variety of .other arti*
clcb usually kept in a woll-furnlshcd Jewelry store
'Gold Lover WalclioS, full jewelled, 18 oaiot oases,
from $45 to 690; Gold Lopinos. from $3O to $35;
Silver Lover from $l5 to $3O; Common watches,
from $5 to $l2.
, My slook Is largo, and I am determined to sell os
low as can bo had by city. •
. Watches and Jowolry repaired as usual.
Carlisle, May 20, 1847.—1 y. '
Dr. I. C. Loomis,
YICTiLL perform oli-oporaUone.upon tho Teeth,
■YY. that are required, for their preservation,
such,as .Sealing* Filing*!Plugging, {J'cmiOT will
restore the loss of them, by inserting Artificial
Teeth, from a single. Tooth to a full eett.
’ Pitt street, a few ol
the Railroad Hotel.
N. B. Dr. LoomiswillboabsenlfromCarlisle,
the last ton days, In each month. ;
Carlisle, July 4,184(h , : ’
; ‘ ! 6)tieap ?e ! weify f ! \ |V
WHOLESALE and Retail, at tbio Philadelphia
\Valch and Jowclrj Store, Ho. 90 North Sec
ond street corner of QarfryfPbiladclpbia..
Gold] LovtorWalchoa full jewcllcd lS carrot
1 ■ easel , ■ <, ■ -',80,00
Silver Lever Watches, full jewelled, * 18*00
Silver Lover Wofchba seven jewels,- ,
SHvei Lopine Watches jewelled,
QuaVlicr Watches, good quality, , . B,OQ
Imitation . ;do , ‘ ,M®
Fine SUvor Spoctoclta, ~
Gold BfdceieisWith topaz dtonCßl ; :, 3,00
Gold Pens \vlth silver holder and pencil,, 1,00
Ladies*Gold Pencils, / • W
Silver Tea spoons from $4.50 per set to , .= 0,00
Gold Finger Rings, from 3?i cents to ' ‘ B°i oo
Watch'Glassos, best quality—plain 12J ccbls^
Patent 18Jt Lunet 25/ Other articlobm _ ‘
AU P to-be what they arosoldfor.
On band some gold and silver Lover and Lepincs,
still lower then the above prices. ’ ' ’
• On hand a large assortment of siher table, dessert,
tea, salt and mustard spoons, soup ladles, sugar longs,
napkin rings, fruit & butter knives, Ihimblcsishic ds,
knitting-needle cities and sheaths,-purse and reticle
clasps; ,Tho silver worranttd to bo equal lo Ameri
can coin; • • ■ • ■ ,
Also, a groat variety qffino Gold Jewelry, consist
ing. in /part of Finger -Rings of all styles, set with
Diamonds, Erne,elds, E aides, Turquoise, ‘ t opaz.
Carnet, Cornelian, Jasper,-Capo May, Amelbyatand
other (toneaj Bfeeitpins ond Bracelets of all stylts.-
aclwilh Stones and; ComconSiiand' enameled—Ear
rings of all styles, Gold chains of all styles, and of
thb finest qualilty—together -with all other articles in
thodino, which will ho sold much below Nopt York
prices,-wholesale nr retail. O. GOA EAU. ,
No. 96 North Second street, corner of Quarry,
! porter of Watches,. Jeweller, and Manufacturer o
i Silver Ware# ■ ■
Philo., December, 23, 1847.--
KEJlpy Ali.
"Quick Sales and Small Profits '.'
t jjR. J. MYERS, Ims lately removed his
Drug and Book Store
to the loigo room in Main street, recently
occupied by S. M. Harris, owned by Mrs. Knox, and
nearly opposite the Methodist Church. Ho will in
future give all his time, (exempt when engaged in
Professional business.) to tho interests of his store;
and having secured tho services of careful and eipc.
ricnccd assistants, he confidently assures his friends
and tho public, that their orders and prescriptions
shall have the:moat accurate attention. '
Dr. Myers also informs his friends that in addition
to his former largo assortment of
(oflhe latter, a very choice and extensive collection
ho has just opened a splendid assortment of
Boors, (all kinds,)
Lard Lamps;
Pahct AnfictEs,
Family Groceries,
of every variety and price—and ns lie intends doing
business on the popular terms of “quick soles and
small profits/’ he is determined to sell Ghoceiues.
and every’other article ho may offer, as low. as they
can bo ha'd in Carlisle. Ho gives d general invitation
to oil his friends to 1 call. -
(E/*j*or the accommodation of his friends, Df.My*
ers’ Drug Store will bo open at all hours on Sunday
for the sale of Medicines only.
Asthma, Bronchitis, Spitting Blond, Pain in the
Side and Breast , Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Palpi
tation of the Heart „ Whooping Cough, Croup,
Hives, Nervous Tremors, Liver Complaint and
' BiseMed'Kidneys, are radically cured by
A LTHOUGH the great totality of Pulmonary dis-
IX eases, at (his lime shows that there arc purlieu
; lar cases that render still too applicable the designa
tion of apptohia medicorum —the disgrace of, physi
cians—to this class of diseases; and that there are
stages in their progicss. which' having once been
reached, recovery is doubtful. -Still'no one should
despair. The writings of physicians, who have given
to these affections particular attention,.abound with
many recorded cases of recovery when the patient
had reached a seeming hopeless stage -of the disease;
and there is, at this time, a remedy prepared in Phil
adelphia which has' metpvllh (be most triumphant
and cheering success in (ho most obstinate forms of
Throat and, Pulmonary diseases—so as to have ob
tained the sanction and employment in the practice
of many physicians. .
Allusion is had to Thomson’s Compound Syrup of
Tar and Wood Naphtha—the preparation of one.
who, having given to diseases of thb lungs and their
means of cure, the most careful and thorough atten
tion, presented to the public this great remedy.
The soothing and curative pow*r of Tor has often
been observed in severe coughs and consumption.—
But in the above preparation, beside some of our most
valuable vegetable pectorals there is conjoined with
it the Wboo Naphtha, a medicine but lately introdu
ced, but which has been employed with the most sot
isfactory results in England, in pulmonary consump
tion, especially of a tuberculous form.
Road the following from Dn.Yoc.xa, the eminen:
, oculist: . .
Pnm., January 18, 1847. -
Messrs. Auokkt &Dickso?( Gentlemen—Hav
ing recommended in my practice,and used In my own
family, Thomson’s Compound Syrup of Tar and
Wood Naphtha, I.lmvo no hesitation in saying that
It is one of the best preparations of the kind in use.
and persons suffering from colds, coughs, affections
of the throat, breast, &c |t so.prevalent at Ibis season
of tbo year, ctmnol use any medicine that will cure
or prepenf consumption sooner than Thomson’s
Compound Syrup of Tar and Wood Naphtha.
- W«, Youwo, M. D., 162 Spruce st«
This valuable medicine is prepared only n! (he
North East corner of Fifth and Spruce streets, Philo.
Sold in Carlisle, by R. ANGNEY. *
Price of Inigo bottles $l, or six bottles foi $5. Be
ware of Imitation.
November 25, 1847.
Exloimlvo Furniture Room*.
D. F. & A. C. FETfBR,
“TTTOULD most respectfully call the attention of
Yi\ Housekeepers and tho public generally, to
the extensive stock of splendid Furniture, includ
ing Sofas, Wardrobes, Centro and oilier Tabled,
Dressing and'Plain Bureaus, and every variety of
Cabinet Ware and Chairs,
which thoy.havo just opened at their new rooms,
on the corner of North Hanover and Loiilher fie.,
Carlisle. •
They aro confident that the superior finish of
the workmanship, and ologanco of stylo, in which
their articles aro got up, together with thoir cheap
ness, will rooommond, thorn to every person wont
ing Furniture; They have also made arrangements
for manufacturing and hooping a constant supply
of every article in thoir lino, both plain and orna
mental, ologant and useful, at prices which they
oannot fail to suit purchasers. They would earn
estly Invito persons who are about to commence
housekeeping to call and examine thoir present
ologah.t stock, to which they will constantly make
additions of the nowost and most modern stylos.
COFFINS made to order at tho shortest notice,
for town and country;
Dr. Ooorgo Willis Foulkc,
( Graduate of Jefferson Medical College Philadelphia.)
■QESPEOTFULLY offers to the public h[s profes-'
Xl/sional services in tho practice of Modlojho, Sur
gery, and Midwifery.
: Ovfick at tho residence of Ills father. In South
Hanover street, directly opposite Morrell’s flute Re-
I berts') Hotel, and tho Second Presbyterian Church.
1 Carlisle'Aprils, 1047.—iy !
StacplMird’B Tcrniiftigc,
PARENTS, Physicians and Nurses, read .
lowing certificate of cure of fiia by sticnh n
VerdiSfugo, _We have in our possession than, ,
ttf coVtillcatca which it ia needless to publish li,, '
this chows the virtue of the medicine and iu i,°' M
lesaness. l '..Remomjier. that (Shepherd's Verii
never sickens children, and never fails to’giva'ibd!
a godd appetite—it combines many valuable mo
.tiostindependent of the worm, destroying, dt c l
doing good wherever it is used. *' 11
N*w Brhfiiit, Union Co., P a . >
‘ : I July 12, 1B47; 'f
My child four years old has been subject to fii
from thbogc of four months, end pronounced )™ ih
physicians after their utmost'exertions to be
hie—and at oils' time disponed of her life and njj
shd wodld Wot live two hours, refusing to" leave uied
bind fdr her saying it would be of no use. 1 cou .'j
not induce myself to believe that worms wore notth
scourco of her disease, ' in consequence of whith !
purchased three or four hollies of Jaynes Vermifoc
which I used according to direction without it
ducing any good effects. I next used Morrison''
without any belter success, besides various oil,/
kinds, but,all Id no purpose. Mr. E. Wilson, A.™
of Shepherd’s Vermifuge, induced trie try Shepherd'
Worm Destroyer,,which I am happy tossy altera,!
sing,three bottles entirely, cured her,a large quanfu,
of worms having been clpellcd. She hod been ,
long afflicted by having fils every day, that the hid
not been able to walk dr talk until the last sir niomlii
since, using Shcpherd’s.Vcrmirugc. She has tala,
tnonced to talk and walk and I am satisfied that
Shepherd’s Vermifuge has produced all these harin,
results, and therefore recommend it as on invaluliif
medicine. ‘ Price 25 cents per bottle. .
DAVID mauck;
The following ccrtificatea nro from cilizeno rniij;
ing in Franklin county. Pa., anil who arc knonn I#
many oflho readers of the Volunteer;
1 RoeKantlnoi Pai, April 29,1647,
After having used, without success, a Vermifuge
which' was Kchl in high estimation, I was indued la
try Shepherd's.' To my daughter, who is eight vein
old, I gave four doses, and which had the effect of
expelling a largo number of worms. I can teeoni
mend it ua n good article.
For Hole by the following appointed Agents, o.
W. Hilncr,'Carlisle; John Fulwiler, Sbipprnilior.)
J, Burkhart, Ncwville; Robert Elliott, Kewhurej
A. Richards & Co., Plainfield; Eoby & Kiting™
Kingstown; S. &*B. A. liogestown; J.&j,
MiUisoh, Mcchahicsburg, William Alexander, Pi!
pcrtqwn. ...
Septembers, 1847.—6 m
Shcplicrd’s SarsapariUn.
THE public will plcadc examine and ace Ihatlhrj
get Shcpherd’s'Sarsaparilla, os there ore many jir£
pnralions by the name of Sarsaparilla. Bhp|ihenl'i'
never fail# to cure long standing eases of Rhcumsi.
ism, Scrofula, Tetter, Ringworms and Consumption,
Of the numerous certificates of cure read the follow. 1
YitLloW SpßlKos.-Dloir co., P a .,>
August 11, 1847. 3
I purchased two bottles of Shepherd s Sarsaparilla
and administered it .o my boy seventeen month* old
who had been effected with scrofula for six months.
I ain ; happy to find him.entircly cured, the lumps on
his neck having disappeared so as to leave no iigh
of their over bating been there. Ilia health is n
good now from all appcamticcs as if he had ncm
been afflicted with the disease mentioned.
Mr. Green Is well known in B 1 ir county, is a
respectable farmer and bis veracity will not hedouU<
cd by any one who'knows him*
For pimples.on the face, Shepherd’s Ssrsaparilli
is a never . failing cure. It purifies the Mood sod
thereby gives beauty to the eyes and complexion.
This disease in its acute form is Inflamationofthe
iqcmbranca of the joints, with a disposition to mi
grate or shift from one joint to ahother, or to reiiiin
Internal' organs, and especially to'the mtfti.fitshWi/
the heart.' In this form of- rheumatism thrre is*',
casionolly fever; Iho joints ore much awolhu itl
excessively painful. In the chronic variety lint
arc no marked.constitutional symptoms, hut in n.sij
cases, particularly in ilrbililHled habits, wln n lit
general health of the body has been deranged by pn*
vious disease or, 100 great exertion of body ormliul,
a permanent distortion of the joints nml crm>Vtdno»
of the limbs are almost certain to follow. Msuy me
dicines have hcrn.producod, and which yint r«jic*
sented as being certain cures for this disease, ki ill,
or nearly so, have failed to receive the confltlenreol
iho public. At this'time no medicine h« him
claims on the community, than Shepherd’s Ssm|i*
rilla,‘ for -the alleviation and absolute ewe of
troublesome and exceedingly painful discart.
Eruphum vf jhe Skin, — These are exhihWto
various- forms. Pimples nml Blotches on the fare,
which so frequently, disfigure the moat odmirrd ft**
lures, these, with -Cancerous Affections,
Neuralgia, Jaundice, &c.. produce qailr i»
array of complaints resulting from I mpuity ol
blood. AIL these, with the diseased condition oL de
the nyslrm, caused by the excessive use of mens'll
will generally yield In that admirable prrpnrnlim/
medicine known ns Shepherd's Sarsaparilla.
Price 75 cents per bottle. • ,
For Bale by the following appointed agent. G.w.
Hilncr,-Carlisle; John Fulwilor, Shippensluirp; J*
Bmkhnrl, Newville; Robert Elliott, wlmrg ; A.
Kicfmrds & Cn. t Plainfield; Baby & Kissinger,
Kingstown; S. & S..A. Coyle, Hogeslown; J- «'*•
Mlllison, Mechautcsburg; William Alexander, U*
'September 2, 1847.—flm
Slicplicr.l’s Coinponud ItlodlcaU'd
For the cure of CM, Coughs . Catarrh, hroiMh
Hoarseness, Son Throaty Croup, A*thm°, P
ting of Blood,and all-other complaint* of
Throat and Breast, and those arising from a •
■ ordered condition of the Lungs, anajur clear 5
the Voice, «Vc. • . /* ' ,
The articles composing the. Compound
Cnmly havo been selected with the utniorl rare
attention, and.entirely .from tho Vegetable Kmp
—therefore no fenr need bo npprt bended 0 „.
cing even the slightest Injurious effect} on tw .
trary, it la asserted; and without ciagporslM'n- .
is one of the most efficient articles, In cur
; above mentioned complaints, that h- s over
offered to the public*From its being p!ea»n» t
tnsto, and nt the same time so certain in »■ ” '
reputation has been pained for-il, such as but c
tides of tho kind can protend to claim. I nc
cts. per Package. . , -llla fl.
For sale by the following appointed *gen •
W.Hitncf, Carlisle; John Fulwilcr. Shippew''"
J. Burkhart. Newvlllc; Robf. Elliott, Kewbitrji .
Richards & Co., Plainfield; - Baby obd Ki* ~
Kingstown; 8. 6c 8. A. Coylei Hogeslown; J-‘
Millison. Mechanicsborg; William Al«*a n 1
Septembers, 1847.—6 m
Health made easy lor the
Or Phytical JVoini ng, to moke their Xl«« '
World Long and Homy: ly Ike author ,
. cation? %e ft It, Ought to He, aod M<B"
Be," First American Edition, »i»
Additions/ :
BEING an elementary ami intoro.tWg " : „,j
Self Knowledge. Containipg phdrt I
taining article*on 1 e
Food, .Heart, Gland*, = «£***
Ealing,. Stomach', Nerve.,- {“*7
Pige.tlon, Uvcr, -Drain., OMAS*
Blood, , liunge, . Mltad, Jj, ’ „
Secretion., Arterie., 60n.e.,
Head, Vein., Health,
. dtc.dcc; Arc. . . n jiifo
Together with the Great Secret— Bar ,
how attained—bow to do good—cauae „ j ( /
error—hoblteT—pa.aloha—.woman dc.crlt>ru ii)i|B
acrlbod—man*, error.—rich and I ,oor r" , r .j e JelF
and vice—youthful error.—woman how
cate—woman’* virtue, ombllion. “ c ‘ * ' nM of If'
The whole' de.lgnod for the'noble I’" f. c „ o [ilt,
proving and attending education among j oeJ C I.
itatparting valuable knowledge on the pnj , 114 l
the human frame, and the lowa which govern
end bodily health, dec. i„.rd in » l (l ,
Any poraon .ending a* cent" c, ' c ' ro pi cB will w
.hall receive ono copy by mall, or live c p
eenl for »1.. Addrc.., |h«m» P»W 888 *»'
May97.1847.-ly 0.1). AIEDE 11