YOLimTEER. c*' . B# Dratton, Editor and Proprietor, Jl JAMR*Y. 0+ 1648. AGENCY. n PALMER. Esq. is our authorized 'Agent for tiro iff*. receiving tmliscriidions, ami nmkhic cnHi'P/' 1 ' for'tuo American- Volunteer, al-his olllco, N. u ml Ciieamit streets, Philadelphia. . - - - - iTTii.iir of Oio Democratic Stand -ttccUMb ins Committee. , nc nil)crs of tho Domocrnlio.Slanding Com nfciiiiiljorland county, will moot at the public mlllc n-viD Martin, in the Borongli of Carlisle, h ° MONDAY, the : 1 Qj-li day of JANUARY, 1848, ° n I o'clock in tho, afternoon, for, the purpose of inn ‘ ~jf„n Eo monls for appointing .delegates to the fiTmoenilio Stale Convention, to bo held af Harris ycn ifo of March next, to nomlnatou; candi es r or i|je office ofCanal Commissioner, arid elect ri legates to ilio Democratic National Convoritiori.— aD,II attendance of the Committee is earnestlyde- A'j 1 Three op tub Committee, Bir an’« gentlemen compose said .committee: acd William Brooks), Carlisle,-E. VV.. Wm. H. , t .’yV. W., Samuel Welzell; Dickinson, John East Pohnsborough,;Gc6. Moltz } Frorikford, a Wagoner, jr.;, Hampden; N„ H. Eckels; Hope- A .. j" Mennd; Mifflin,.Wm. Sooullor; Monroe, * c , ' Paul} Mechanicßbiirg,’ Fred’k. Wondcrlich ; iimvlon, Jacob FasnaiJgKt; Newyille, Henry Fares; Sow Cumberland, Thos. Coleman ; N. Middleton, ilcnry Williams,jr.;South Middleton, Hugh Stuart; sher Spring, John Clcndontn;‘Southampton, John r Kelso; Shippensburg 80., Benjt Duke 5 Shipqns burgTp't Hugh Craig; West Pennsborough, John Clean. ' : • '■ ■ • ■ ' . ■ ■ Tjib Lkoislatube met at Harrisburg on Tuesday l a6 t, ■ Wm. 'Williamson (Whig) of Cheateftjouhty, is Speaker of tho Senate; Pearson, Somerset, Clerk, Sullivan Asst. Clerk; Tron'sc’n’g clerks, McCan ley, Franklin co., and Deshmond, Philo. . In the House th'oDomocralselected Gen. Wm. F. rocker, of Lycoming, Speaker; Col. Jock, of West moreland, Clerk; McClenry, Sergeant-aWms, Co. • PMIa; Doorkeeper, ZiegU4*Adams ' Governor's Message. —The message of Gov, Suusic was rend In the two Houses of tho Legisla ture, yesterday at noon,'and wogivo.it'toourrdadora in tliis morning’s Volunteer. In our next we shall speak of its merits. ■ - THE \VARt""STAIMPIiINO FACTS! Prior to the commencement,of hostilitiesbetween ( Mexico and the United Slates, says the Bedford Ga zcllc, no class of men were as clamorous for war as , the Federal Whigs!. They mould see in Hie Mexican nation every thing that was vile and. infamous,, and taunted the President Tor being so slow to redress our wrongs at the CunnonV molith and the point of the Bayonet. But, ad soon as Congress declared, by an almost unanimous (hat war existed between liic United Slales’ond Mexico, BY THE ACT OF MEXICO, and instructed lha President to prosecute it to nn honorable pence, the Federal Whigs began to plead the edust pflbo ENEMY and denounce their own goi’crnmcnit, thus inviting the Mexicans to treat eur brave Volunteers and Regulars, to “Bloody hands and hospitable graves” wherever they met them.— Our Army has been victorious on every Battle-Field and mi honorable peace would have bccriniadc a year ago hod it not been for the. u ,aid and L comfort ” extended to the Mexicans by tho Federal Orators and Newspapers of the, United Slates, a. fact which luis been loudly proclaimed from - the Hails of the Montezumas by F. M. VVy.Niroop/Colpncl of the First Pennsylvania Regiment, a gallant officer who Tell, home a “IVAtg,” and who, for his acts of Bravery and Chivalry on the field of Baltic, has been appoint ed to the important station of Civil and Military Gov* cfnor of Talapu. Col. Wybkoop denounces his, old- parly as TO IIUES, because of thotr unnawraT’UppDSmoirro iuuii" own Country, and we call upon all true Patriots to note the fact. ‘i The editors of tho Nor(k American at Philadel phia, tltc mouth-p'icco of lienrj> Clay, appear-.la bo entirely ignorant of tho .cause,' that produced this war, and arc daily culling upon the Government for iiifonnation on 'the subject. Now mark the Infamy of those men ! On the 941 h day of April, 184 G, be fore the existence of War was recognized by out Con gross, Ibis same JVortA American contained ■ tho fol lowing article, in which they give tho strongest pos sible reasons that could bo adduced for a Declaration of War on the part of pur Government. Hero Hist Frum.tha North American, April 21,1841). , • ' • The aspect of our nff.tira with Mexico is sullioietilly grave to demand earnest ottcntion- Our cantru is made, by the Mexican Government, Ms tiihjrct of the most dishonoring vitu/iernlion ; aquasl ear is declared against us ; our Minister is discord ed: and in short; wo are subjected to more ofhurmh. iliiin and wrong than wo have endured since the Tripolitan war. Where Is the Executive 7 All that «■« Characterized by the President as. demanding national resentment, baa occurred. Hie insults we Into invited, by sending onr Minister, wo- have ro ceired. What nciv dishonor is necessary to’arouse cur LMivcrntncol lo action ? • • Whnlwillourguvornmenldoj The wrong h, reached the uttermost. All that Mexico is capa- Me of doing against us slip linn done, Hare procla mations are declarations of War. She does not in-, tade our territory, or meet us upon only bo. I:3 use blio cannol—and sho says bo. - Every effort to imri/f, degrade and torovg she ha* exhausted. -It will not bedenied that such a policy tlonmnda action of «umo sort frtuu our government. It cannot be am ic0 yield the point in dispute. What a horning *mmo (t i s 1 1uit such men should ba allowed to. wear Ult "ame of 4 ra e,( nj „*/,/ , . ■hP;; , ,J. lm , VVlllT, i House, ns usual, was open' for Iho cct fuon of visiters pp New Year's day. , Tlfp C|TY AND ‘GdUNTV GONE FOR. Dolcgttlo elections of tho Dembcrhlic^arty, l which have excited so much attention j havo rcsnllcd favor* ably to the friends of Mri Dallae.- tn.lliV oily' 47 delegates have been .earned for Dallas, and 38 for -Buchanan*' ■, In the county 40 .wards and towpshlps went for.DaOas, arid 18, wards' and townships for Buchanan. ■ • •" "■ Lbptt obT for Counterfeits.— A gentleman informs the Minors’ Journal that ho detecte dl a. 95 bill'of the old plate of the Middletown bank, Pa., with the word “Pennsylvania”..obliterated, .and tho-word “Connecticut” substituted. Our citizens must bo on their guard. ; 1 Harpers’’New Greek Testament; with English Notes—By Ret. J. A.'SpenceYi A. M. Willi that en lorpriae whicli Is characteristic of the Harpers, they have published a new edition of tho Four Gospels and Acts of tho Apostles in Greek, with English notes, Critical, Philogical ,'nnd Ekegclical, with Maps, In dexes, &0.,‘ together'.with tho Epistles a'nd Apoc ttlypso, tho whoje forming, the complete text of tho New Testament,for tho use of Schools, Colleges and Theological Seminaries. This work will supply, a want that has long been seriously felt,'and wo have no doubt from 'the manner in which It seems to be gotten up that it-will meet tho expectations of all, and' wo .comtncnd.it to.lhc .patronage' of tho public. For sale at Knecdler’s Book store, Carlisle.' Price *1,25; . Gen. Lewis Cass. —Wo obsorvo that many of the Democratic papers in the West, begin to speak out boldly in favor of Gen. Cass, for the Presidency. It is therefore very important.lhnl Pennsylvania should be united upon one of her distinguished sods; or oth erwise she may .very busily loose the honor of.fur nishing the*Union with the President. Wo should distiko to bo'elbowed, now that wo have a fair pros pect, though wo should have no objection to General Cass, as our candidate; Ho is a great and a good man. We glory in his fame. Tiie.Presidencv.— The Bradford Reporter and tho Wilkcsbarro Farmer,-iadvocalb tho nomination of Martin Van Burgn, for tho Picsldcncy. i .v. A Soldier's'First Fight. —A young soldier of tho 7th infimtry, describing his fight, at the National Bridge, in Mexico, snys“ My feelings at tho first fire lam unable to describe. 1 did not feci inclined to run, yctioes afraid to fire for fear I should kill somebody —but after two or tlirco rounds, it was- all over, and I fired away with tho rest of thorn.'*' For the Volunteer, STATE TREASURER. , jlfr*/?dtW.7rrPcrmil'n»c to introduce, through the columns~of yom excellent paper, the name of Wh. B. Anderson, Esq. of Perry for tho office of Stale Treasurer. ‘Mr. A. needs no praise at my iio Is well and favorably known to most.of our citi zens. For many years he represented Perry county in the lowor.Houso of our State Legislature, and for liiu Inat'thrco sessions bo represented this district in the Senate. Mr. A. is a gentleman ofslcrling worth —an uncompromising Democrat,' an.active business man,and every way qualified lb discharge the duties of Slate.'Treasurer. 'Sonic yoars aincc ho receiv ed th<> canons nomination of the Democratic members of the Legislature for this same office, but,.through the treachery of.a’ few men who hud been elected os Democrats, ho was defeated in his election; 1 there fore hope to sco the present Legislature do justice to Mp.Ahdorpon, by electing him to the office out of which ho was cheated four years since, • JUSTICE; From the Ncw Orleans papars nftlie 22i1. LATER. FROM MEXICO# Mexico, Dec. 10,1847. Yesterday the train under the command of Gen. Twiggs left for Vera Cruzi Tins itftlie second train that has loft here,for tho United Slates, since the this/ unlike the first, g'ocB , do\vn \Yith n{moal the ccrtointyof.rcaclimg the coopt in safety* before oil woo doubt.. ‘ Gen. Twiggs, tlio commander of the (rain, is : too well knowmes,a.fighting general, for tho greasers willingly to attack him, unless, Indeed, they .were in overwhelming numbers, and the hopeofpliindet might bo too much for them, but I dare prophesy, if their temerity should carry them so’fur, they will get more licks than coppers. The Monitor ofycaterdoy publishes a decree from Sonor Rosa, tho Minister of Justice and Ecclcsiasti- I cal Affairs, protesting against the sale of church properly in this city, except for the benefit of, tho Mexican Government and tho Church. You will recollect (list a short time age the civil and military Governor prohibited the sale of, any of Ills properly, except by permission of (ho Government of the U. Stales, rind Rosa’s decree seems lb bo intended to counteract the effect of this prohibition. He, Rosa, pronounces oil such sales invalid oud of no effect, and speaks warmly on the subject. T'flie correspondent goes on to soy that tho people pay just tho sam6 luxes, same for clothing, fbodj &c. They think, we (bar them,and all tho battles,wo hero had with them, will not convince them to the contrri. ry. Ho then recommends the abolition ofall Mexican courts, and councils, in tho capital, and In fact, tho turning, s ovcr of a now leaf.. Ho adds, that Santa Anna nVs sent to Congress,,a report of the battles before Mexico, in which ho handles severely some of his officers, and among then! Hravo. That Congress have determined to send commissioners to Washing, ton. Ho also adds thatTuredes is movlrig with a view to his'monarchical scheme, and that lie is as sisted by one La Granja, who lately published a paper in New York.] IIKAIKIUAUTEaS OP TUB AtIMV, i ’ Mexico, Dee. 12,1847.' - CSpNEiun Oudkiis—No.,372. 1. The highways of Mexico, used or about to bo used by tho American troops, being still Infested in many, purl by those atrocious bands called guerrilla* ros and runcheros, who, under instructions from lho| Into Mexican authorities, continue to; violate every rule of warfare observed by civilized nations, it bus became necessary, in ordur to insure vigor and uria nimby in this pursuit rtf the evil, to announce to all the views and instructions of general head quarters on thin subject. «• , 2. Every American post established In Mexico, I will dally push detachments or patrols ps far as prac ticable, to disinfest tho neighborhood, ils roads and places of concealment. •’ • , 3 No quarter* will bo given to-known murderers or robbers, whether called guerrlllcros orranchoros, and whether serving under Mexican commission or not. They are equally pasts to unguarded Mexicans, foreigners and small parlies of Amei icons, and ought to bo exterminated, 4 Offenders of the above character, accidentally foiling imo Ilia linn* of American troopß, will bo momcnlnrily bold as prisoners, that. I«i not put to dentil without duo solemnity. Accordingly they will bo reported to commanding olfioorn, who will, with out lohyorder a Council,/. War lor I ho, summary trial of tho. offender, undot the known lawo.of war U 1 B lj1 AwuneUof w!“‘nay cenal.t of any number of i | PR a than throe, no more than thirteen, ° ff ,0 o . of tho law. of and may, lor ai y K , 0 , ua | loti nol eicoodlng !K"ali.fi.elory proof lh.it such prisoner, at tho fifty, orl.all.iaci y_l bclontrcft to liny party or time or c«pU'r° " ctu y „ lurdc S tore, or had aotmilly gang of known robbors or nior . Amorimn i iu ;r.irSu«"*r du * repnrlo;) l» B cno^‘l,o^„’Frle '“win bi oon.ldorod MAKUiisn. ■■ - „ thnafv °of Miss S*. «w»* tol1 * Drthi ’ place', . wwym iVNsjyNeS^ Counting-Honge -’AhiiShac, || FOR TI?B YEAILOFOUU LORO, ■* 'MP, ;;• 1848. i;: :. ||§ u S ■*■■■ • § s I :■••■;■ g g g -■ MoNTIIS, !‘January, ,’2 -3 A 9 10 It lo 1718 23 24 25 30 31 „ February,' 6 '_7 8 13 14 15 20 21 22 27 28 29 March. 5:0 7 12 13 14 19 20 21 20 27 28 'April, 2 3 4 9 10 11 10 17 18 . 23 24 25 ’.30 § 5 May. 1 2 7 8 9 M 15 10 21 22 23 28 29 30 June. 4. 5 .6 II 1313 18 19 30 35 3G 37 |H£ July. 2 3 4 9 10 11 I'G 17 18 23 24 25 30 31 / August. 6 7 8 13 1415 20 21 22 27 28 29 SEFTEUBEn, 3 4 5 10 11 12 17 18 19 24 25 26 12 3 8 9 10 15 1617 22 23 24 29 30 31 October. Noteuber. 5.6 7 12 13 14 19 20 21 26 27 28 Deceuder... 3 4 5 10 11 12 17 IS 19 24 25 26 opa -: . ergo Political, meeting. THE Democratic citizens of the Ncwyillc election district, purpose having a Meeting in thot Bor ough,'on Saturday the Bill January, at the public houspofT. Hackct at the flour of 2 o'clock P. Mr in order tu harmonious orpnnizntionand oHicient ac tion in regard to the Presidential Election; A gen eral turn out is particularly dcsirahlo at this impor tant crisis.. MANY DEMOCRATS. ■ Ncwville, January 6,1846. . . Horses .Wanted. AT7 ANTED to* purchase at Carlisle Barracks, a , VV number of dark bay anil brown horses,' from 4 *-ik . „[a 6 Vania nil, nml from 1M tn IB hands JWWAnigh. Aluft.n ———■ SZJLHay and Straw., Application lo be made to the Ant. Quor. Mtr., nt the Burrocks, between the hours of 9 A.M. and 3 o'clock P. M. d; g. Rogers, Ist r.icht. . , 2d Drag. A. A. Q. M. Janoary 0, 1648. tm , - ___ For Rent. EOUR or five two story Brick Dwelling Houses in Alexander's Row—also two Frame Dwelling Houses in East l.outher street—also two Frame Dwelling Houses in South Hanover street, adjoining Blean’s Hotel—also one Plastered Dwelling HoUso in Church Alloy. For terms apply,lo thojsubscriber, , . LEML. TODD, Ag't. Carlisle, January 6,1848. —4 t JPor Sale or Benti * A Houfo nml Lot of grouml on West Street, at present occupied by Mrs. Parker. The house is near y new, having been lenented but one year, and is in perfect order. For terms apply to Carlisle Jan. 6,-3t. G. W. HILTON. List of Letters Remaining™ theP. O.at Newcillt, January 1,1848. Alter Wm ' Miller Jacob Bohno Jeremiah Marline D Wm Fenton Charlolt Myers T Jno Piokes Abra ■ Myers & North Fry Elizabeth Richard Elizabeth Golvenjoa Smith Jno Geese John Sny tier Jacob Hcfflefmger Jos Sipo Henry Hefflefinfror Elizabeth Sitler Jacob Henry A Catherine. Whisler Bonj Knouso Catherine . Walker Elizabeth Lehman David Weiger Christian Mickey’Nency • Zeiglor John McLaughlin Jane ZeigtorDavid . ’ m b JNO. MOORE, H, M 10 Jannary C, 1948.* MST or UiTTEItS, T IST OF LETTERS remaining in the Poflt-oflico Li at Carlisle, Pa:, January 1, 1818. Person In- for letters on this Hat. will please say they arc advertised. . Akin'Mrs S llginfritz Frpdriok Benjnmon W O Jumper Benjamin Dear Ann Jones George C. Bonner David Kcrnun Miss Anna Buloliol Caiharino Light Anating B W Miss Lulwea A F Bell Mary Doylton John Miicholl R Brenizer Rimer Mnbory Joseph Burns Barnard “"j!, 1 ", B !? ll . y r Dyler Jacob MoCnho G H Bender Ph M'™ l ' l ' l J ‘ r ? o ' Caramel Robborl MofTU Haoliel G easy Henry , MdAferty James Oampell Nancy l owers Henry O , Carolliors Mary L° . , hn , Dellinger Daniel Punch James Davis Klizabela Rodgers John . Eby & Kissinger Quigly Snrnli A. History Miekkel Reynolds Fredrloa Fronosdegesteringer Gooßanck Jaaao Ferd John W 9 Slayraen Joseph Frey William Bwrm Lowia Fry Susan Snyder George Garvenrioh Elizabeth Sholley Samuel i. Gardner Daniel. Stoner John Gorges laaao Sol onbergor Abraham Cinder Jacob Spilol Sarah Givlcr William Smith Lefory D Groover Jacob ■ , Shoals Lisoboth Grosz Johns : ; Stout Henry Gutoliall Elias Sogoßebeokor • Garbnugh Gilbert .SpsrrUwrLowis G 3 Hollord Marty Ellon:8 Tusaey Samuel. Haokot Hannah rtlpner Alexander Heddor John. ' Vandyke Dr ■! Halsey Christopher W Williams Henry fr . Hollora Cambrig Williams Margaret Henderson John, W| , ' ma 'L 0 * m . , Harden Mathew Williams Samuel Harvey & Pcrvall WrayMosop a , Hall George , . Yeung Wm Esq. Harmer Xrk : , Ziders David , ; - Handahaw Margaret SANDERSONi p. m, • *j t-i ? 'V'-' r NOTICE •• C. , / . Th-iJie Stotkholders of the Carlisle Bank, • -. , NOTICEisWcby givon in conformity, with the following brdcrof court.. , V t GEO..A. LYON, Prcs’u Carlisle, lB4B, ~ /. In tho Circuit Court of tho United States, inanil for tho Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in tho Third Circuit, Session, 1847.,• Krebs, Y - j va >Npj 1, April Session, 1848. In equity,' Lyon eta!*} ;, _ And now to wit i This Aral day of December, A. . u lB f7'£* ! h ? w * t,er of lho ml Complaint of j John M. Krobays. Geo. A. Lyon and others,-Dircc rcclora of tho Carlisle.Dank, and the Subpoena, issued out of lho Circmt Court of the United States, for the Eastcrh District of Pennsylvania. No. 1 April Ses sion, 1848. I On the petition of tho defendants, setting out, al though .they, all the stockholders of the said Dank, that diffclcnt interests in different classes of the said stockholder., may require them to hove notice of the proceeding that they nitty appcaroml'dcfcnd their respective inletbla if they ehall think proper, end that from their number it would boinconvenient and expensive, to tying them in as- parties by the process of the court, and praying llio court to'make on order authorizing thcbi to give notice to tho stockholders of tho proceeding, hy a publication'of said petition and the decree of thfecourt thereon, for ifourweeks preced ing tho first daj-of April next, in one paper published in tho city of Philadelphia, and in two-papers pub lished in the Borough of Carlisle. Tho court having taken lho sam4 into consideration, make lho order ac cording to the fud prayer of lho petitioners. Uxrif.n Status, p Eastern District of Pennsylvania. 5 Bct * ' ' • ! t Gcorgo'Phlf, Clerk of lho Circuit Court of lho United Slalesj in and fur lho Eastern District of Pennpylvanio, in the Third Circuit, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and faithful copy of,tho original on file'and remaining’of record in my office. • my hand and the sealof the said court; at Philadelphia, this 2d day of December. A. D, 1847, and in the 72d yonr of the Independence of,tho said IT. -States. GEORGE PLITT,’ Januaiy 0, |848.—4t Clerk C. C, ll | \ ill ; s? %m ,d d d d AC. 51? r* T'fP 1 S 0; 7 ■Bi 12 18 14 is; 19 20 21 22! 20 27 28 29| 2 3 4 SI 9 10 11 12; 10 17 1819; 23 24 25 20; 1 2 3 4iI8? 8 9 10 USK 15 10 17 18-Uc 22 23 24 25? f 29 30 31 %«| 5 0 7 BsS§ 12 13 14 inojo 19 20 21 22 4P 20 27 28 29||g 3 4 5 GV2' 10 11 12 13*5. 17 18 19 20Jp 24 25 20 27 31 i 2 3 | 7 8 9 10«“ 14 15 10 17? J? 21 22 23 2445, 28 29 30 ||> 5 0 7 BfS“ 12 13 14 t 19 20 21 2218- i 20,27 28 29 m 234 S?P 9 10 11 12jS§ 16 17 18 1925. 23 24 25 26 m 30 31 . 6 7 8 oleg 13 14 ISIGJr 20 21 22 23SS| I 27 28 29 30lha I 4"5 6 7fp 111 12 13 144JU 118 19 20 214 T 1 25 26 27 28A!§ i s c THR two .atory-BiucK House and Back-building, situate in East Main street, Carlisle, lately been pied by O. Ini off. For lends apply to either of the subscribers. 1. - JACOB RHEEM, 1 LEML. TODD.-• December 30,1847.—3 t Fpf r Houses for Rent. Oj-njgL_ 11 ■ [THE subscriber offers for rent four Houses, situate' in South Hanover street. aro conven i°nt and each has a large attached to It. One of said houses is well calculated for a Grocery Store, and has been used for a nufnber of years for that purpose.' For further particulars inquire of ; * SIMON SMITH, Sr. Carlisle, December 30, 1847. 1 2 3 4lS§ 8 glOllMo 15 16 17 22 23 24 25Mfi 29 30 2 |L 6 7 8 0Q» 13 14 15 16 7J7 I 20 21 22 23 Us 127 28 29 30 "I Application for Tavern License. NOTICE is hereby given that 1' intend to apply at the nextllcjjm of the court of Quarter Sessions of Cumberland county, for a license to keep a tavern or public house In the house I now. occupy as such in I the township;of South Middleton. December 53,1847.—3 t» . Wo the undersigned citizens of the township of South Middleton in thb county of Cumberland, do certify that wc aro well acquainted, with the above named John Ricker, that he .-Is of good repute for honesty and temperance, and Is well provided with housoroom, and convcnienccs'for the accommoda tion of strangers and travellers, and that such Inn or Tavern Is necessary to accommodate the public and entortain'-etrangers and travellers; John Hartzlcr, Daniel Rider, John Myers,- Robert C. Sldrrolt, Benjamin Goodyear,. David Kryslicrj Georgo Wobbcrl, sr. Abraham Harlzlor, Peter Young, • John Anlhoncy, Benjamin Rider, . .Martin Shroincr. William Rider, , »• »>. ... ... ,r n 3C*irom IBe subscriber, residing In Car v lisle, on ltii,-SBt.i of November, 1847, on inden tured apprentice to the Boot npd Shocmakfltg busi ness, named Nicholas Wiiibmax. Said apprentice is about 6 feel 4 0r.5 inches in hcight r dark hrown hair; - Had bn when ho left a blue hangup coat, cloth, cap, cassinelt pantaloons, and striped vest. All persons bro hereby cautioned not to employer harbor said, apprentice, as T dm determined to, put the law in full force against all who do so. The obove reward will bo paid to any one who' may deliver said appren tice to me in Carlisle. _jl- L_ ... . JONATHAN COBNMAN. December 23,1847.-31 - •t .. ■ 1 THE stockholders of the “Cnrlislo Doposito Bank** are hereby notified that an election for nine Di rectors of said Batik will bo held at Hid,public house of .George Bcctom, Eaq , in the Borough of Carlisle, on Fridoy the 7lh day of January, 1848, between the hours of 12 and 4 o’clock of said day. SAMUEL HEPBURN, I!. ANGNEY, , . WILLIAM KER, SKILES WOODBURN, •.JOHN AGNEW, • Commissioner*. Carlisle, December 23, 1847.-—3 t notice, , • td l!,e Held and Repretenialiots of Robert tiilclian : non, late of, Mifflin township, Accented. rpAKE notice that iii pursuance of ft writ of Patti- JL 'tlo'n and Volualioni issued out of the Orphans’ Court of Cumberland county, and to me directed,.in Inquest will bo held on the Real Estate of said de ceased, to wit: a Lot dr piece of Ground, situate in Miiilin township, boundcd'by lands of John Shullcn bargor, containing about Two Acres, having thereon erected a Log House and Stable, with n’number of fruit trees dicreon—on Thursday the 3d day of Feb ruary, A. D. 1848, st 2 o’clock P. M., on the promi ses, for the purpose bf making partition and valuation of Iho Real Estate of anid,deceased- ■ ■ _ ~ j, ' JAMES HOFFER, Shlf. Snzniyt’s Ovfice, ’ Carlisle, Dfc. 23, 1847.-01 y ' Proclamation. WHBI BAB the Honorable Samuel Heenuiix, Pre Wen t J Udgo of the several Courts of .Com mon Pleasjof the counties of Cumberland, Perry and Juniata, in Pennsylvania, and justice of the sevorol Courts of Oyer and Terminer and Goncial Jail De livery, in mid counties, and Hon. John Stuart and John Cion lonin, Judges of the Court J)f Oyer and Terminer nd General Jail Delivery, fbr the trial of all capital and oilier offences, in the said county of Cumberlai J—by their precepts to mo directed, dated the oth of November, 1847, have ordered thd Court of Oyer aid Terminer end General Jail Delivery, to bo hidden it Carlisle bn the 2d Monday of January next, (bci g the 10th dayj'at 10 o’clock in the fore noon, to Joniinuo two week, NOTH E is therefoto hereby given, to the Coro ner, Jusib OS of the Peace and Constables of the said county of Jumbotlond, that they ore by the said, pre cept comn ondod to bo then and there in their proper persons, withllictr rolls, records, inqujoitione, exami nations, aid all other remembrance*. to do those things wb dh to their oiilcea appertain ll bo done,and all those't ! at are hound by rocognizanccAto prosecute against ll i . prisoners that are or then shall to in the Jail,of aai I county, are to bo there to prosoduto them ns shall b just., JAMBS HOFFER,Sheriff. Sitsi ivv’a Ovnoii, \ , Carllsl . Dcban, 1847. 5 u. LET) George decM.,l in said estate hi nnd illoe ly autlv .Dccei For Rent. JOHN RICKER. ’Notice. Notice. ; . • RUS of administration on the e» tat .° V. Onrt, Into of tho Rorbugh of Carlisle, lssued to’ the suhscriher raiding loroiigh; * ‘All' persons indebted to said to make immediate' payment, , having claims will present thorn proper utlcatcd *?. r qHN* AGNI3VV, Atlm’f. ihertG* ■ ■ - Wood Wanted THJB OFFICE IMMEDIATELY, Protlionotary’H Notice. NOTICE is hereby given lo al! persons Interested! that the following Accounts have been hied in this .office, for examination by the accountants there* in named, and will bo presented to the Court of Com mon Pleas of Cumbctland county, for. confirmation and allowance, on Moodny the 10th day of January, >ud. 1848.. • •; ; T. The Account of Samuel Beatty, Assignee of James Beatty. . , . 3. The Account of John W. Bossernian, Commit* 100 of Rebecca Bosserman, a lunatic. '• . 3. Tlib account of John Hupp, Assignee' of Joscpli Ingram. . W> M. BEETEM, Frothy. - PftdTItONpTAAVVOWICE, J Carlisle, December, IC, 1847. f littstSollcc. THE Books of tho late firm of. John Nodle Sc Co. are in the hands oftlid.subqcribcr fdr collection. All persons knowing themselves,indebted to said firm, will toko notice that If their accounts aro. not settled on or. before the Ist of January next, ihu Books and accounts 'will, after that dale, bo placed |n tho hands of a Justice for collection., tIOBERT MOORE. December, 16,1847.—3 t Notice. LETTERS of administration on tho estate of Con rod Ernest, lute of South Middleton township, dcc’d., have been granted to the subsciibcr residing in tlib same township. All persons indebted to said estate aro requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present (hem properly au thenticated for settlement to' GEORGE ERNEST; Adm’r. December 9, 1847.—Gt . Estate Notice. LETTERS of administration on theostdteof Adorn ; Longsdorf, Esq., late of Silver Spring township., Cumberland county. Pa., have been granted by the Register of said county to the subscribers. All per sons indebted to said estate are requested .to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present'them propo.ly authenticated for settlement, to Samuel Scnseman, near Ilogcstowni or to W.M Bectcm, Carlisle. SAMUET. SENSEMAN, W. M. BEETEM. December S, 1847.—6 t Large merchant mm at Privtt • Sale. rpHE subscribers offer at private sale, a large three* X story MERCHANT MILL, with four run of stone anil Corn liner attached, on on improved plan. .This valuable mill properly, together with the Brick Dwelling, liiTils New Small-Bank Barn, and eleven acrcn and three perches of land, now offered for sale, is situated in Hampden township', Cumberland county, bn the Conodoquin net creek, about five miles from Harrisburg and two milca north of the turnpike leading to Carlisle. The property was formerly Known as Alexander Pen* rose’s mill, and has. since been thoroughly renewed from the wnterhouso to the ground. It has a never foiling water-power, and ilo situation being in a rich grain growing country, offers peculiar advantages to capitalists. For further pnrticulors apply to John Johnson, in 'Harrisburg, -or to the subscribers, the fust residing on the premises. • JOHN S. SNAVELYj Jr. • geo; snavely. Doc. 30, 1847.—3 t. Town Property at Public Sale. '. THE subscriber will offer at public sale el the Court House on MONDAY, the loth day of Jan niry, ISlbiat 10 o’clock in the forenoon, the fol lowing described Houses and Lots.. ri_n , A two story weatherboarded HOUSE, BRICK BACK BUILDING & LOT jiSifiP|i»of GROUND, situate on East High at. JsasSßin the borough of Carlisle, adjoining property of C. McManus’ heirs on the west. Ste phen Kerr’s heirs on the east,' containing 30 feet in front on said street, and extending 210 feet to a 1 20 foot alley. Part of this lot ia laid off and work ed ns a garden and is now cultivated, and on the remainder of the lot aro upwards of 100 choice -EmitTrees, consisting,'of Apple, Teach, .Plum, "" nf wllir i.f J" Also, an OUT LOT, containing THREE ACRES more or less, situated at llip junction of the York and Trindle Spring roads, known as the “ point lot, 1 ' which is at present under good fence and in a high slate of cultivation. , Also a two story BRIC.K HOUSE and Lot or piece of ground, situate on the south east corner of North & West streets, in said borough, containing twenty feel in front on. West sift’d, increasing at the back of said house .to the width 0f.30 foot, and extending in depth.eastward 75 feet along North street. This house being recently built is finished in the most coprplete manner, with convenient out houses &o. • The terms of sale, which will bo ffeasohablo, will bo made known by the subscriber on the day of Sale. NATHANIEL HANTCH. December 23, 1847—31 ' VUluablo town Property for Sale. THE subscriber offers at private sale Hie new and convenient Dwelling HOUSE & Lot ofGROUN D now occupied by himself, in South Hanover street, a few doors sonlli of Pomfrct. The House Is 03 fool n_a deep by 22 feet front, is entirely now end imbibed in the most modern style, with Ji!!l|lL the best materials; and in point of design and convenience will compaio with nny house in Hie borough of Carlisle. It lias two parlors with folding doors,'dining room, llitchon end boll on. the first finer, all of good size, and five comfortable chambers on tho second floor* The attio is plaster* cd, and contains three pleasant and well finished chambers, An excellent Cistern with pump, is in the' kilclicn* There are also two excellent cellars.— Thb'lot extends 120 feel buck and bus thereon all the necessary and convenient out buildings, including smoke house,'bake house, stable, hog pen, chicken coon. &c. besides a number of very select and choice crane vines and fruit trees, Altogether this prop* erty forms a most desirable residence, and is well worthy the attention of, capltnllstfl.’ , Also.lhoPßAME UUILDING adjoining Ihpahovo now occupied ns a Chair Manufactory. Said build* mg is 21 feet front by 34 deep, two and a half stones high, the lower storv of which Is plastered, and ot u trifling expense could bo converted Into an excellent dwelling, and is considered one oftho bestsUnds for u Grocery Store now in the borough. High.rents hate been offered for It, but it could not bo spared. There is also five years’ insurance upon tho whole. Persons desirous of purchasing in a pleasant and business part of Hie town, will now have an opporlu. nltyj and ifnot sold before tho lOlli of January, 1848, will bo offered at public outcry at tho Court house. For further particulars enquire of thoundor sieded onlho promises. C. E. K. DAVIS. Carlisle, Dec. 16,\847.--4t. ORPHANS’ COURT SALE, IN pursuaileo of an order of tlio Orplmna’ Court of Cumberland comity, will bo sold at public sale, at the Court House, in tlio butougb ofCarlislo. on Mon day tlio 10th day of January 1848, at 10 o clock, A. M. of said day, the following described real oslale, lalo tlio properly of Oon. James Lamberton, dco d,j V 17,: A I,ot of «romul ? .llualo on'tlid norlli side of Main street, in I 1 Cl, ofC.rll.lo, bounded by lo,l> onho l.olro of Ja cob Curt, doo'd,in°(>nnl onMoin street, and A two story Stone II onsc fff-fwLiiucK ttnlialnit, toff ItOrn, ' Myyj||[ . Stabling and Warehouse. . Toons ,vlll bo made known on the day of solo by * ai ’ it,til hn gold afllio fame time and plnco, two . A, “°' r PoinboHand Valley Rail Road Stool,. shares of Coinbcriand t y JonN A ONKW, ■ Adminhtratir ofJamtt Lamlmlm, d'c'J. ,er 7,1847. " ' Ocioty roil SAI-K OB,KISST. ", A - HOUSE Mill lot of ground with Stabling, Wnah , Altaian, WooiHlou.o, Ac., .ItuMeJ on South Hanover atrcet.ln tho Borough of Urltale, for ono yinr from the l«t‘ofvAprll, 1 818”, Cormbrly the real- Sonco of tho Hov. T. V. Monro." Tor tenon apply to .. JOHN AONRAY, Ag't)' December . , JT. 8.-rrT/ie obuvepro|icrty la alao offered for &W Sheriff's Sales. BY virtue of 1 sundry writs of Venditioni Exponas, issue-.] bat of the court of Common Pleas of Cum berland county, and to mo directed, I will expose (he following Real'Estate for sale at the Collrt Hooae»Jn the Borough of Carlisle, ori Friday the 7th January* 1848, at 10 o’clock. A, M. . . All tho interest of Peter E» Weakley* being thd bqp»fifth .part of a tract of land situate 1 in Dickie* son township* containing 140 Acres, more or - less*' hounded hy lands of Wmi Craiglnw* Samuel Cfcro** there, Henry Sprigg arid Christopher Johnson, hat* ing thereon erected a two story , ■ BRICK HOUSE, FRAME KITCHEN, FRAME BAHN, arid;Wagon Qfifcd, Seised and taken in execution: .as the propcrly-of Peter Ei Weakley. Also, a tract of land situate in ISoulU Middleton township, containing 9G acres, more or less, adjoining lands of John Cukor on tho West* John Btaart, Esq* on the south, Thomas Green's heirs oh the north* having thereon creeled a two story House, JLog MtarUi Stable, and other out-hoUscs. . Also, n tract of Mountain Land, containing t 4 acres, more or loss, adjoining Elias Jonesontheweat* John Zug on tho.south, Robert Given on the cast and John Stuart on the north; 'Seized and taken in exe* cution as tho properly Of Henry Hartzell, And all to bo sold by me, ' JAMES HOFFER, SK'fT. Sheriff's Office, 7 Carlisle, Dec. 9/1847. $ Orphans’ Court Sale Of Valuable Real Estate. : BY an order of salo of the Orphans* Court of Cnni J hciland county* to the directed, as Trustee to make sale of. the same,* Twill expose the following Real Properly, (laic the proper y of Jacob Triprter, dec'd., of Monroe township,) to salo by public VShdue or outcry, on Saturday tho Blh day of January next, Ort* the premises, at 12 o'clock at noon, to wilt .A Lot of Ground* situate in Monroe township, bounded by. lands of John Baker, sr., Jacob Sollenbergei* the Forgo Road, and tho Lisnurn road, containing - 13 Acres and 29 Perches, neat measure* On tlio lot, is erected als star/ jfcft tog Housej jssljljt A new Frame Barn, -J=«iEiisanil °'^ lcr necessary out-house; there is, . also a good Young Apple Orchard on it. Also, another lot of Ground in said township, con-* ‘taming 5 Acres, bounded by lands of Johnston Mar? tin, Jacob Strode, and others Both tracts are cleared, and under good fence, and will be exposed to .sale separately.,-, The terms of sale nto as follows I—Five, pet cent*; to be paid on the confirmation of the sale'. Oho third of the purchase money to romaifl In the land, the.in* terest whereof is to bo paid, yearly and every year to the Widow, during her life, and the principal at her; donlli lo the heirs.' One half the remainder of the I purchase money to bo paid on the first of April next* when possession will be given, and the teiiduo in two equal annual instalments thereon without Interests— The purchaser to pay the taxes of the year X848.-f The balance of the grain In the ground lo go to the i purchaser, after reserving the cropers one half, and the widows third of the other half. ’The purchas* money to bcsccund byiecogniXoncca. ’ ■ - .JOHN ENCJt, TriisfM. December 23, Idit.—3l # •• '• , : ,■ Town. Property for Sale, WILL bo exposed to public Bale, at' the Court House, in Ibe Botough of Carlisle, (If not sold at private solo before that day,) on Monday the Kith" Jay of January, 1848, a LOT of GIIOUND, aituate in North West street, opposite the property of Rodb* scl Natchor, in the Borough of Carlisle, ISO feet in depth to an alley, and 45 feet in front. The has provementa are two ... J&SL. Brick Dwelling Houses, !illil!l9«Uh Quick stories, each building contain* 4 rooms. The houses are new end in good condition. This properly will be sold SeparaUH I ly or together, to suit purchasers! ' ' , Also, at the same time and place; Will •hotbfferea ■C 1. 1t,,, nrennrtv BIM jn the OCCUPanCy of Ad»B> sonwm&P| In i i ii by property of Charles Ogilby,abil oti the property of Robert Allison, containing 30.. feet In front, and 120 feet deep. The improvement* \n • large two story Brick Dwelling House, containing bU rooms, with alllck «tory, logclhervrlth a Kilchon, Smoko House. Boko Oven, anil other Cfr" ccasary outbuildings, all in good condition. The properties above described will be sold on BC-* commodalinf; and easy terms, which will be made known on the day of solo by the proprietors. Senses man dir. Allison. . * . , .. , ' . WILLIAM GOULD, Auctioneer. ■ ■ Carlisle, December 9,1847.—9 t . '' . ■ ~ ! ~Hou«c for Rent 9N the corner of Leather end East Uriels, i’bd house has 9 rooms and kitchen hi the hassment/ to several convenient-rooms, Ednnite Off JOHN DBANNONs;, Carlisle! December 29,1847.—81 1,. For Rents ■’ . rpilfi hotiso situate in South itdhSVer sirsei/hsil 1. door to A.&.W; Denis's Hlorc, and st present occupied hy Henry 8. Hitter. The house is wc it calculated for a dwelling, and is also one of the beat stands for a store or shop in town. Possession given on tile Ist of April next. Enquire of .V PETER GDTSHAtL. Carlisle, December 9, 1847.—tf € Ilf ietnius Variety. JtiST OPENING now Sugars flhd Coffees, ohoico Teas, New Orleans (new crop) Baking, Steam Syrop, and Sugar House Molasses. CRANBERRIES. A a Splendid assortment of Chinaand QueensWaro. Also a handsome selection of ■ Fancy Ware, settable for Holiday I’reaciila, and a general as sortment of Candles. Oil, Brushes, and'almost every olhof thing belonging to a Grocer. . J. W. EBY,/. Carlisle, December 16,1817. - , ■' C'UriNluiiis and New Years Prcocnltv Cheap Watches & Jewelry 1 WHOLESALE and Kololl, at thq Philadelphia Welch end Jewelry Store, No. 9B North Sec' ond etrool comer of Qarrry, Philadelphia. . ; Gold Lover Wnlchce full jewelled 18 cartel i CDHO ' Silver Lover Wnlchce. full jewelled) , -19,00 Silver Lover Wolchce seven Jewels, : ' Jinn Silvci Lepino Wolchce Jewelled, - Quotllet Watches, good quality, ■ J>jjjj f Imitation do jqo I Gold Spectocloe, ; i’« 0 . Fine Silver Spoclocled, , Gold Broccieie with lopoJetohedr ' : Gold Peno with Oliver holder end pencil/ jfiO Ladies* Gold Poncile, . 1 n'ltn Silver Tcoepoone from *4,60 per ectW • »,"» Gold Finger Hingsifrom 37J c0 , n . , “ 1 “ , 80 ' 0 ® Welch Gloeocg, beet quality—plain l»| contej , ■ Palcnl 18Ji Lnnet S 6, Othet articles f v • ffilmoda'wni ranted to lio-ivhot they ore wld'lbr- Oil bond some gold end eilver Lertr irrd Lcplnee, •till lower than the above pficeec >•„ On bond a lorgo assortment of omer table,degeert, 100. eolt ond mueiord opoono, soup ladles, epgar, tenge, nopkln tinge, fruit dc butler bnivoe, Ihimhlef,shields ,• knitting noodle cooco ond ohoolhe, puree end.reticle' cioapo: The silver warranted to bo equal to Atom-- cmacoln, ■ >'i •’.•V/ Also, a grout variety offino Gol4 Jewelry, Ing in port of Finger Hinge of ell styles, Ml'with Hiamonde, Emo.oldo, Babies, Torquoloe, Topev llornct, Cornelian, deeper, Gone Moy,'Amethyst and •/ilfton tones; Breastpins ond urocelotsof oil’ set with Stones and ComeoM, and enameled—Bar ringe of all etylee, Gold chafes of ell .lyles.‘end the finest dualilty—together with oil “'her inrK '.V“ '.'.fes,vliui will bo sold much 1 ptlcco, whoVeealo or retail*. fflibW*- I ''^ ■ NO. 00 North SceotVd etrcjl, ,T npttcr of Watched, Jew?...Vanfaelwei of Silver .Ware,'. 'I fft^Wctrnbcr r