1 BY JOliN D. BRATTON. VOL. U. THE AMERICAN, VOLUNTEER,, r, mjiiilelinil every Thursday.-at Carlisle,' Pn.,‘ by JOHN fc. BRATTON, upon tlio following conditions, >vhlcli wiU be rigidly ndberotl to 1 ■ ’ • TERMS or SUBSCRIPTION. for ono ycnr, i n.advanee, ■ . ( . . . . ft 2 00 fnrflix months,’ ia advance, • ,i '* . ’ y'l.oo Vo ButiacrlptloiV takoii for n leas torn) tlmn aUmdntljß, and no discontinuance permitted until all arrearages arc paid.'' 1 'fwenly-flvo per ccnt.additldnal on tile price of subscription will be required of all those who do nut pay in advance. - RATES OF VoVBRTISINQt One square, one insertion,. One square, two insertions, One square, tlirec insertions, , . Every subsequent insertion, per square, , , A liberal discount will I>e made to - those wlio tulvCrlisc by the year, or for three or six months. Omcs.—The office of llio American Volunteer is In ,tlio sec and story of James 11. Graham's now atone building,ln Soyth Hanover street, a few doors frora Burkholder's hotel, and dl ilriiv mmoßiie the Post-office, where thow having business w iH please call.. , 1 '• ‘ ! -V ' OFFICIAL DESPATCH. BATTLES OF Molino del Hey. KEPORT OF MAJ. HEN. SCOTT. > . •/; (Duplicate.) •- No. si. Headquarters or thS Army. • National Paloco of Mexico, Sept. 18, 1847. Sir sAt the end of another series of arduousand • brilliant operation*! of nioro than forty-eight hours Continuance, this glorious army hoisted, on the nior hin£ of-tljc 14lb, the colow of the United Stales oh the walls of this palace; • The victory of the Blli, at tHo Mollnos del Rcy, Wafi followed by dating reconnoissnnccs on .tho part of our distinguished cngVrtctirs—Capt. Leo, Licuts. Beauregard, Slevens.ond Tower—Major Smith, so hior, being sick, and Chp't. Maion third in rank, wounded. Their operations'were directed prinfci bally lb the s'outhVtowards.the pates of the Piedud, Ban Angel, (Nino Pcrdido)Sun Ahlonlo; tthd the Pas* fceo dc In Vign.' .. ‘ . • *■ This city stands oft a slight Swell of ground neor Ihe centre .of an irregular basin, ohd Is girdled with a ditch in its greater extent—a hnvigiiblc canal ol treat breadth and dcplh—Very difficult to bridge in the presence of an cnbmyi ahd wirVtiig at once for Hrainope, custom house pnVrtwbSv “nd military "do: fence—leaving eight entrenches or arches—each of which wo florid defended by a System ttf strong works that seemed to nothing bat fibmb mbn ahu guns to be Impregnable. ’ . ‘ Outside uni within the cross-fires Sf those gales, wo found to the south other 'bbslaclcs but little leas formidable. All the approaches Hoar .the city ato over fclcveled causeways* cUt tn places (to oppose bn) and flanked, on'botlfsldcs, by ditches also untisu* &I dimensions; Thc’htitpcrpbscross-roadshrcflnnkcd, In like manhift-, having bridges at I the intersections, Recently brokch. The meadow's tlnis checkered, are morevor, in many spots, under water or/marshy ? for it will bo remembered, wo were In thb tnidsl'of.'lho wet season, though with less rain Ilian bslia), apd we fcould not wail for tho fall of the neighboring lakes and the fconsbqbcnl 'drainage of the.. wet grounds ol the edge of the city—thb lowest in the Wholb After a close personal survey of tho southern gateSj bovered by Pillow’s division and Rlloy’S brigadcj ofi ‘Vw\gg»*—with four limes our numbers concentrated In our immediate front—l delcrminod on,lho Uth, to avoid that net wbrk'of obetacles<-and to seek, by « biiddon inversion, to tho southwest end west, less mi ftvorablo approaches. ■ -■>'[> « . To tconomiic the Jives of our gallant officers and hten, as well n«-to insure success, it became mdis pcnsiblo that this resolution should bo long masked from the enemy, attd ngnlnVthutour new movement when discovert; should ho taken for a feint, and the Old as indicating our iruo and ultimate point of at Accordingly, on the spot, the Uth, I ordered Quit tniln’s division from Coyoacan, to join Pillow by day before the solUhcfn gnteSj and then that the two major gbnorals, with Iholf' divisions, should by flight, proceed (two miles) to join mo at Tacubayo, Where I was ijUnilbrcU with Worth’s division.— Twiggs'; with Riley’s brigade and Capli Taylor and Blcploc’s field lialtorlok—the latter 12 pounders—was left in frbnl of those gales'—to munuvre,to threaten, I of to tHakli false nlladkS; In older to ocehpy -atol do* I bcivts the bhemy. Twiggs' blh?r brigade (Smith »); was left ni supporting dlstnhbo, in- the rear at San| Angbli till the morning of the l&lh; and also to sup.; port bur gbhdral depot at Misbbudne. The stratagem against the south wdS admirably executed throughout the lath and down to tho afternoon of the ldlh,whcn It wus lob lath for the enemy to recover from the fcft feels Of hid delusions . Thb first step In tho HBtv mbVdmenl was to carry Chapbllcptb t a natural ami Insblalo motind, of great HlVallnni strongly fortified at Its bUsej on its aclivi tlcs nhd heights: Besides-a numerous garrison; hero Was tho military bollvgti bf thb ftb|fhbllb,Mvllh n large number of sUbMicilloniS and 011101* student*. 1 Ihosp works were within.direct gnu shot bf the village of Tacubaya, and until carried; \Vb fcotild not approach Uic city on tho west without making' a “circuit too wide and 100 lilizariluusi • ‘ : J., In tho course of tho aalho night; that of tlio Uth, heavy batteries within easy ranges wore established. No. I, on our right, under command of Copt. Drum, 4th artillery,.relieved Into next day,‘for sbme'hOursj by Lieut Andrews of tho 3d, and No. 2,commanded by Lieut. Hagnor, ordnance, both supported by Quit man's division. Nos. 3 and 4, on' tho opposite side, supported by Pillow’s division wore commanded, tho former by Copt, Brooks and Lieut; 8.-8. Anderson; 2d artillery, alternately, and lliolpftor.hy Lieutenant Rlonc, ordinance. Tho batteries wore traced, by Copt. Roger and CopL Leo, engineer, pnd construct, cd by Uibmi'wilh tho blilo oaslilaneb of tlio young of*, fiber* of their corps and tho artillery. ' J To prepare for an assault,**! was foreseen that tho play of the batteries might run into tho second uav; .but recent captures had not only treblcdpurslcgoplo. Ccijbulalsoour amUnltlohjund wo know thutwc should fercatly augment both, by carrying tho place. 1 I was therefore, m no haftto In ordcriiig l on assatiU before tho works were well crippled by our missiles. , The bombardment, and capnonadoi under the cptn- Waml of Capl. Ilugor, wore'Commenced early In tho tuornlng of tho 13th. lloforo nlghlfiill, which no* cotsarily stopped oulr batteries, wo had prccolvcd thut • good impression hod boon mode on Uio oaallo; and outworks, and that a largo body of tho ondmy had rcniained outside towards tho’ oily* from on l early hour to avoid our firo and to bo on hind, on, llaCos ■Mlon, in order to reinforep tho garrison, agpinst an assault. Tho same outside force was discovered tho ttc xt morning after our butteries hod ro opened upon tho casilo, by which wp again rodpeed its garrison to needed for tho guns. : riljow and Quitman had boon in peslilon sin*® e«rly In the night of tho Uth. Mpi. Gen. Worth was now ordered to hold his division lit reserve, near th« foundry; to support Pillow; and Brigadier Lon. fcnlili, of, Twiggs’ had just arrived with,his brigade from Plodad, (twev miles,) to support Quitman. Twiggs’ guns, before the southern gates, r ®' minded us, as thu day. before, that ho with RM?y s hHgado, and Taylor’s and was in aoftvUy, threatening tho Southern, gales, apd thoro holding n g ro nt part of thb Mexican army on tho de fensive, , « Worth's division ftirnishod Pillow's nllaok with on “'•suiting party of some SBO voli'mtoor officers'mul "I*o, under Capl. MoKohile, of llio 2nd nrtlllory, •nil Twins' division, eoppliod'm slrnilor ono, corn msnclcd by Copt. Cosoy, 2d Infantry, to Quitman.— of tl\oso' little columns was ftirniabod with log ladder*.'■ ! ‘ lv •1 ho «lgnal I had appohrfodfor the attack wna Inc pomonUry cessation of fire 4ft tho part of our heavy S* )”)«*• About 8 o’clock dntliC moi'plnff of the i Jib,,judging tlmtslhe Utoio lmd‘ arrived by tho ofloat bf the feisßilcs wo bad thrown, I sent an aid-de-camp (b Pillow and aliolher to Quitman, with riotico' that the concerted signal was about to be given. Both, colurans-nbw advanbbd an : alacrity, that gave, assurance of! prompt 'success/ * The batteries seizing opportunity throw-shot andshell upon Ihd -enemy oyei’ oUr tnen. witli good effect, particularly at every attempt to rOlnforco thbwdtks frb’hi without to meet our assault! ; ■" ' . • ' •- : Gen* Pillow’s approach; on the west side) lay. .through, on. opengrotc filled withshafp shooters, who ] .were.Bpcdlly.,dislodged ; when being up.in front of| (ho attack, undepicrging into open space, at the foot! of arofcky afccflVily; that*gallant.leader was struck I doWh by an agonising Wound. ' The immediate comv; mand devolved Oh firig. Gen. Cadwolador, in tho'afc' senbo of, the senior brigadier (Ficrcq) of the qampdi vision) ph ihVilUl since the events of AugMO. On a previous tall of Pillow, Worth had just'dbnt him a 1 relnforbctneht—Col. CJdrk’d Brigade. l * - ; . The brokch bbblitlty'was still to bt asbohded.'aha a strong rodohbt; midway, to bo carried, before roach ingtho tiasllb bn the heights. - The advanct.bf oUr brave men led by brave officers, though ncceEaoHly. slow, was unwaVbrlng;o?errbfcksbhaflmB{ahUlnlnefe; ohd under; the. Ibolteet tiro of cannotl.and mUftkctry. The redoubt hoW yielded tb roslsllesfi' Valor;,ohd lho shout which followed oilnolinqcd tti (lib basllo ihofato that impended; The .enemy, were steadily driven from shelter to'shelter* The tbiteal allowed no lime to fire a single mine) withoiii the bcrtalnty of blow ing up friend and fob. .Those, whoat U distance at tempted to apply matches lu the lobg trains, werb shot down by our men.. There woB ;dbath below;a& wcll as above groiind.- At length Ihb ditch ahd wall of the main work were reached \ ihb ficalmg-iaddors Were brought up and plantedhy the storming par lies;, sumo of.lhe daring spirits first ,In the assult were cost down-—killed or woundedJ. but a lodge ment was soon mVdcp streams of heroes followed; all opposition wnd oVcrcoirfc/and several of bdf fb gimontal cblors flung out from the upper wal|s| a.midet long continued shouts of victory, which seM dismay into tho,capital. No scene could have been more an* , imoting or glorious. ‘Maj.’Gen. Quitman nobly supported by Prlgadlct Gcnorals'Shidda and P. F. Smith his other officers and men, was'up tfUh.ihc part assigned him. Sim ultaneously with ihc inbvemcht on thd west, he had gallantly approached, thd southeast of thesamo works over a causeway Wilhouls and butteries, and .defen ded by .’an army strongly, posted outside, to tho oast of the works. Those iormidablepbsta.clcs Quitman hpd 'to force with little' shclterfor bis trodps’orspaco' for manesneuvring. Deep ditches, flunking' the cause., way,-made U difficult to cross on cithci side jttlo tho I adjoining meadows, and theseagain.wereintersected by other ditches. Smith and Ins brigade had been carl}’ thrown out to make a sweep to the right, in or der to present a front against the enemy’s line, (out side,) and to turn two intervening batteries, near the foot of. Chupullcpoc., 'The .first ..of these, furnished by Twiggs’ division, wa’s commanded in succession by Capt. Casey, 2d Infantlry, and'Copt. Paul, 7th in fantry; after Casey hud been severely wounded; and the 2d under Maj; Twiggs, marine corps', killed and Ih'cn CapU Miller, 2d Pcnna* volunteers. The storm ing parly now commanded by Capt Paul, scconcd by. Capt. Roberts of tho rifles, Lieut. Stewart, and others of tho sumo regiment) Smith’s brigade, carried the two ballet ics in the road, look some guns, with ma ny prisoners) and drove the enemy posted behind in support. The Now York and South Carolina, volun tccrl, •hrigodc)nnd the 2d Pcnna. volunteers, all on the left of Quitman's line, together with por tions of his storming parties, crossed tho meadows in front, under a heavy fiho, and entered ..the outer en closure of Chspbltepcp jUcl ia lirop.lpjdir\in-lhc fl; n'al assufl/raSmilb west. ' f • \ 5 '50 .t- 7.1 , - IiOO Besides 'Major Gchs’; PMlottr and Quitman, Brig. Cans; Shields, Smitht and CtodwaladcrfUic following urc the officers and corns roost distinguished in those brilliant operationss—The yoltigucr regiment, in two, detachments, cotiilnandcd by Col. Andrews and Lieut. Col. Jonslonc—the latter mostly in the lead, accom panied by Major Codwell; Cupts. Barnardi and Bid. die, of the.same-regiment—the former the first'lp plant a,regimental color, and the. latter aroong the first in Hie ussulltbo storming parly in Worth’s division, under On pi. Mackenzie, 2d artillery, with -Lieut. Seldom 6th infantry, early on the ladder and badly wounded; Liont., Armistuad,.Gtli infantryfthe first to leap into (ho ditch to, plonl .a’laddor; Lieut. Rogers, of tho 4lh. and J..P. Smith of tho Slh.infan-* try>—both mortally wounded; tho 9lh infantry; under Ci’il. Ransom, who was billed while gallantly loading that gallant regiment; tho 15th>iftfiintry under Liout. (Jol. Jloword and. Major Woods,-with CnpJ. Chase, wjiosc company gallantly carried tho redoubt midway up the acclivity:—CoK Clark’s brigade, (Worth’s dt vision) consisting of tho sth, Bth, and pari of the Gth regiments of infantry, commanded,, respectively, by Capl.Chapnvin, Maj. Montgomery and Lieut. Edward i Johnson—tho latter specially ’ noticed, wjlh Liculs. Lohgslrcets (badly,wounded—advancing—colors in } lH nd)— Plbkctjuid Merchant—tho last llircc of the Btli infantry; portions of the New Yofrk* South Car- Una, and 2d Ponna; tdluiileerft, Which delayed will) their division (Quillunn’s) by thb hot crtpogfcmchl below; arrived jlisl in lime to participate m the ns suit of tho height—particularly a detachment tinucr Lictil. llcld, New York volunteers, consisting.6l ,a company of the suine* with one of marines; and tin olhpr dotachmqnt, a portion of the.storming parly, (Twiggs’ division,*, selling' wiih Quitman) under I Lieut. Slcblci 2d infantry—after tho Tall of Lieut; Gnnll, 7th Infantry.' .. . , , ! In this conhcxloh, it is-bnl jusl Id rcball llie decis ive effect of the hcaty btttlcrles; Nos. 1,2, 3 and 4, coutniunUefl by those excellent officers—Copt. Drum, 4th artillery; assisted by Licuts. Benjamin and Por ter* of Ills company* Capt, Brooks and LictiU Andyr son, 2d arlillciy, assisted by Liobt. RUssoll; 4lh in* fanlry,‘a;voluntccr| Limits* lla'gficfrand.dtqnc; of the ordnanpo* .and Andrews;, 9d. artillery—(lie whole aupurinlcnd(?d by.Capti llugef; thief or or dnnrioo with tills army—an officer distinguishedl by every kind of merit. Tho mountain liowil&f bat lory, under Lieut Reno; oflho ordnanoo* dwvos i a • so to be particularly mentioned. Attached to tho Vol ligticrs, (t followed The'movements of that regiment and again won applause. ■' ' ■ In adding to tho livfof individuals of conspicuous merit, I nliifil limit myself to a ftw of tho many name, which might bo enumerated t—Cop . Honker, assistant adjutant gcnerol.who won special applause successively, in thp.stnff of Pillow, and Codjvalnder, Liout. Lovell, dill artillery, (wounded) chief of Quit, man’s staff I Captain Poga, ossistantodjutknt gener al wounded, and Liout. (Inmmond, 3d arhllory, lioth of Shields’ staff, and Lieut. Van Dorn, Hlijufanlry,, aid.dc : oamp Id Brig. Gen. Smith. ' . .. ■ ’l’i.bSo operations all occurred on tho.wcjd, sou 1- oast; and 'lioiglits.of Chspullopeo. ~’lo, t|.o,nb h. and at tho baao of tbo mound. inaccessible'-W! rsswaaßssawWa mender.: though twice wounded, oonlinned On duty till tile heights were carried. . ~, , V Early in the meriilng bflilel3th I repealed ‘hoob dors oftl.o night before to Major - General Worth.Jo bo with hia division at bond, to support-tho of Major Gehoral Plllowlfrom out loff. ■sooms aoon .to 1 havp. coiled lbr-itb.t .»M» dM on. .tandino ‘momentarily in, reserve, and Worth sent him Cof. Clarke’s brigade., The call, if not unnocoo; ■arv. woo at least; (Vein thebltouinatance*. unknown tome at tho time; for, soon obaorvlng that a very i.riro body of the enemy, lb the road in front of Ma- Quitman’s right, woo rocolHng rolnfokco ■SSSttßttSASFS ftaj*2tg^a*s«sa! 'W^^tsisssstfs Sr Ao wo. also boiieved. couid “OUR 3 OUNTRY—MAY it ALWAYS BE 6jl, WRONG, OUR COUNTRY.” CARLISLE, PA.j. TimRSDAy; IOYEMBER 25, 1847; hot iail to distract and to intimidate thd enemy gene ' Hilly. ■;[ ■ Y, ; ' • Worth promptly advanced with Ills remaining bri. ; gadgi—Col. Garland’s—r Lieut. Col. G. F. Smith’s light battalion,: Lieut. Col..Dqr£Gan’s field battery-—all of his three sqtipdronß of dragoons, under’ MajOhSUmriet,'which I ha^ y jusl. l otdercd up to join in> the'movement. ■ , - r : ; fV *, Having turned the forces on the west, nnd ; arriv«ng pppbsito.mj&ho north centre of ChnpuUopcc; Worth [ camo u^’wl^atho.troops in the road, under Colonel I Trousdaltf.iaßy aided by a flank "movement of apart of. id taking the bho gun breast* work, then.under the. tiro of Lieut. Jackson’s section jf.Capt,. field battery., tontinuirig to advance: this division pasSed Chapullcpcc, attacking the tight bf tho bnemy’s line,’resting on' that road, about thb n\oinenl of Hie general retreat consequent upon the Capture p( thorformidablo. castle and its outworks. • ■ Arriving some minutes lateiyandmounting the:top faf the castle, the wbplo. field lb (ho.enst, lay plainly tinder ihy view. ■, Thprcorc two routes from Chapultopcc to the cap* Ital—lho ono on the right entering the same gale, Bclon, with the road.from the south, via Fieda; and (lie.other, obliquing to the loft, to. intersect the great westernVor, San Cosmo road, in a suburb outside of tho gato pf San Cosine., ' • i Each routes (as elevated causeway) pro- - sCnls a double roadway .on tho I sido of an aqueduct of i llfpiig- moponry, and great height, resting on open | arches .and massive pillars, which, together, aflbrd < fine "points both for attack and defence* The side* \ ways of -both aqueducts arc* defended by many, strong breastworks at the gales* and before ] rebelling them: As,Wo hod wo found the I four tracks. Uqußtially dry und solid for the season. | ’Wbrlh rind Quitman were prompt in pursuing the fclreatlhg eticmy'—tllo former by the San Cosmo nijlicdiioi; and Iho latter albhg that uf - Helen. * Each had. now advanced some, hundred yards; ' . Deeming, it olMmpprlant to profit by oiif sudccfesfcs, Hnd llic cbnscqucntdismay.of the enemy, which could not be otherwise than general, I hastened to dcs palbh{ frbm Clarke's brigade, and Ihen Gailwaladcr’s, to the support ofWorlhJnnd gave orders that, the necessary heavy giihs should follow. - Picrcu } s brigade was, at the, same time; sent loQtnt. man, and, in the course’ of tho aflbrnoou, t caused ■ some additional siege pices to be added to his train. Then, after . designating Ihp.lSlh, infantry, under Lieut. Col, Howard—Morgan, thft had been ' disabled by a wound at Churubusco—as the garrison ' ofOlinpultepcc, and giving directions for the euro of tlio’prisouers of war, the captured ordnancu and ord. nance stores, I proceeded-to join , the advance of Worth,'within the suburb, and beyond tho turn at Iho junction of iho aqueduct with Iho great highway from the west to the gate of San Cosmo. 1 At this junction of roads, wo first passed otic of those formidable systems of city defences, spoken,.of above, and had not a gun I—a strong proof—l. Thai (ho enemy had expected Us io full'in the attack upon Chnjlultepec.cven If It meant tiny things more than a feint 2. That, in either ease, wo designed, in his bcljofito return and double our forces njVaiusUthc. Southern gates—a delusion kept up. active ’ demonstrations of Twiggs and the forces, - .filled on: : that side | and 3. That advancing the . reduction ofChapdllepcc, the enemy had ftot.tinio to shift guns—our previous captures had loft .him, com . paralivcly, but few—from Lite Southern gales. Within those disgaruishcd works, I found bur I troops engaged in a street fight against the enemy i posted in gardens, at on housetops— . oil flat,’ wilh’pnrapcts.’. Worth 'ordered.'for ward, the ; mobnUJb cd by. skirmishers nnd pioneers, with pick axes and crow bars, to force windows and doors, or to burrow through walls, The assailants were soon inancnual ity of position fatal to the enemy. 13y 8 o’clock in the evening, Worth had curried two batteries in this suburb.. According to my instructions, ho hero post*, cd guards and sentinels, nnd placed his troops under shelter for the night. There was but one more ob stacle—tho San Cosmo gale (custom house) between him nnd tho groat square in front of,the cathedral pnd palace—lho heart of the city.; and that barrier, it was known, could .not, by daylight, resist our slogo guns'thirty .minutes. ' . I had gone back to (ho foot of Chapultenec, tho point from which the two aqueducts begin.to diverge, some hours earlier, in order to bo near that now de pot, npd in easy communication..with Quitman and Twiggs os,well as with. Worth. From this point I ordered oil detachments nnd stragglers to their respective corps, then in advance; sent to Quilmnn additional siege guns, ammunition, entrenching .tools; .directed TwiggsVremaining bri gado, Riley’s, from. Piedod, to support VVorlh, and Captain Slcptoc’s field battery } also at Piedad, to re- join Quitnian'a division. ' ■ ' Hind boon, from: tlld' drat, Well rawa>o that, the western, orSan Coemoi Won. tho loGsHithcullyoulo to the centre and conquest of, lito capital; and, there fore, intended'iliot Quitman alionld only manomvro and threaten the Delon or southwestern order lo favor tho main attack Ijiy \Vor(h—lpbwing Ihtl the strong defences ai'tho Bolen wore directly under Ihc ffimsof the much, stronger,fortress, called (ho cilidel, jhat within,, Both of these defences of the enemy were also easy.simporling distance from tho San Angel(or NinoPerdino) and San An tonin gates. ■ Hpneo the greater support, in numbers, given to Worth’s movement oa the main attack.' Those views I repeatedly, in the course of.the dav, communicated lo Maj. Gen. Quitman ; But, being in hot pursuit—gallant himself, and übtyjuppnrled by Brig. Gbporuls Shields badly wounded before Cbapultepcc, and -rcAisirig to .retire —oa.wclUd.by slUheonifccrspndmcn of the column —Uiiilriian bonlinUcd to press forward, under flank dad dlfcfci fires f carried ah intermediate battery o( two gdnfl; and then the galo’boforo- two o’clock in tho afternoon, but not without proportionate m fcrpttsod by his steady maintenance of that position. Hero; of the heavy battery—4th artillery—pupl. iirfan) And Lieut. Benjamin were mortally wounded, and jJebl, Dorter, its third In rank; slightly. The lon# bf lliosb tW6 rrtesl'.fllillhghislicd officers the army will long, thobrftr; tlonla.; J. B. Merngno and Wm. Cuntyi of the South Carolina Volunteers, also of high merit, foil on tho; same occasion—bpsided many W* bravest non.qomniiasioncd ollibbra and men—parties lurly'in Copt*. EJrmn’s Veteran fcoi/jpahy; I cart not. In this place, give humoflor numbers; but full returns of tho killed and wounded of all corps* Inthoir recent operations, will accompany ihls roport..;. ■ Quitman, within tho city—adding several nov/ dc : fences to tho position lio had won, and sheltering nis corps as well us.praolicublp—powa.woilcd the,return ,pf daylight under lip, guns of the formidable,pUadol, yet to bp subdued. ‘, tl . . u . - : ' At about 4 o’oclclt no^t*raQrning, f (3opt. J4j) a do filiation of tiio' ayantbmunto' (city council) wkiled upon- mo lo report Hint tiio fedornl Rovornmonl aS«I the army of Moxiqo lici.cl fled .from (lip oapilnl aWWe Hired hoiirs before, end to Jcniandlernis oroabltUlp llnn In fevorofllio churcli; tho oilieons, end tho mu nicipal bulhorilibs.: I prnhiptly replied, tlmtl woi d .Inn np capitulationthat the ,city had been virtpuljy in bur iioascssion from tho (lino of tho pdemepts of ftjolod' by Worth nhd QuUman the day before,; Hint I'rcirrettoii -the allonl oacapo of the Mexican army; tbatil alionld levy-upon:tho city a mndoralocoilttlhu tion, for special..purposespond that the Amofiopn nrmV'Bliould obmo. under no terms, not self-imposed —such only- as ita own hopor, the dignity of Hi? u. Stales, and the spirit, pf the ape, alionld,, in my opin ion, inlporiousiy,doniond nnd impose..' ■For (ho'torms, so impbabd, I refer the dcparlhieht toisubabpuont General Orders, N05..287 and 283, (paragraph* 7, 8 bnd.D, oft|io lpltor,) coplca of which are horpwUh ouclMod.,l , - . .'At Ilia termination of the interview with the city deputation, ! communicated/ about- daylight,brdbrs * to Worth and Qnllmnn to advance slowly nnd.oau. lioualy .'(to guord ■ against treachery) towards-U«J, heart of tho ,city, and lo occupy i.te stronger and , more commanding points./ Quitman procoedW to i the greator whare, planted guards,nndnol^ 1 tho dolors of tho United States, pnl|io paUonal iii —containing- the halls of Congress-hHil fexeciltivo apatfiftHhta of.federal Mexico; In this grateful scr .vice, Qjliiiaan might have been anticipated by Worth, bdt forwy express .orders, halting.the latter, at, the head qf.tho Alamedd t (a green park) within throe aquares^^.that goal of general ambilioii. . The ca. I riitalp pimeverj was not taken' by any brio or »twoi Mrpdfbfttrby the talent, the, science, the gallantry J the proves ol this entire army... Im ; tho, glorious conquest,.VrW had contributed—early and powerfully —lhd killed, the wounded, a.j\dJilJor duty —dl Vera Crua,derfo Gordo, Contreras, San Antonio, Cliurd j busco, &l#ce battles,) tho Molinas del Ucy, and Cha- tnuch as those who fought at the gates of Bolbfrand San Cosmc. • Sboh&Uer wo had entered, and were la the ucKof city, a fire was opened’upon us from tho‘ tlal-lfcofs of the houses, from windows and cor ners of.Bjrccts, by some 2000 convicts liberaloAUhe by the flying government—joined by, ninny Mexican soldiers, who had dis |bandcd,incmßolvc3 and thrown off tlicir'uniforms;— This rMaWfut war lasted more than twenty four hourfl|.|f£opito of the exertions of tho riiuniclpal dll* (horiliq& f 4and was not put down until wo had lost many ihoW, including several officers, killed or Wound ed, and had punished tho miscreants. Their objects j were, 1 to gratify national hatred } and in the general I alarm' dnd. confusion to plunder wealthy inhabitants I— parttouforly deserted houses. But families are now generally returning; business of every kind lias been rbstfined, and the city is already tranquil and the admirable conduct (with excep tions and trifling) of our gallant troops. . This attny has been more disgusted than surprised that, by.a&mo sinister process on the part of certain individuals at home, its numbers have been, gene,ral ly, almost trebled In our public papers—beginningat Washington. ■ . feared, inadequate garrisons at Vora Crutf, Pcrotc, and Puebla—with , much larger being obliged, most reluctantly, from tho snmd'CfiUKC (general paucity of mUnberfc) to aban. I don wo marched [August 7-10].from Puebla with only. 10.788,*rank and file. This number in-1 ctudbs. the garrison of Jnlupa, and/tho 2*129 men by Brig. Gen. Pierce, August C.' At Contreras, Churubusco, Ac!, [August 20,] wc had but"f?497 men engaged —after deducting the i garrison of San Augufelin, (our general dcprtl,) tho ' intermediate sick and the dead;.at tho MolinoS del I Bey (September 8) but three brigades, with, some loaValty.srid artillery—making' in dll $251. men— were’ irfthb battle; in the two days—Sept. 12 &13 i —our whole operating force, after deducting, again l tho-recgpi killed, wounded and sick, logclhcr-wUh; llic garrison of Miscoac (the general,depot) and that! of Tacub&ya, was but 7180; and finally, after'do-; ducting iHb'new garrison at Chapullcpcc, with the billed and iwoumleil of tho two days, we took pbsscs-' sion (Sept/14) uf this great capital with less than COOO! And I reassert, upon accumulated and un questionable cVidcnbc, tiffin not qiio'df those con. diets, Was' this nfmy opposed by ftswer than three and a hall limes iis numbers—in several Of them by a yet greater excess, i. I recapitulate our'losses since wo arrived in the basin’of Mexico. Angiint,-19,, 20.—Killed 137, including 14 qfficcra. Wounded, 337, including 62 officers. Missing, (pro bably killed) 38 rank and file. Total 1052. September Blhi;—Killed 116, including 9 officers. Wounded, *665, including 49 officers. slissing l 8 rank and'file. Total 789. _ September 12, 13, 14.—Killed 130, including 10 703, including 68 officers., Mis ' v uffieprs.. ‘ On the other hand this small force has beaten on the same occasions, in view of their-capital, the whole Mexican army, of (at Iho beginning) thirty odd thousand men—posted always in chosen posi tions, behind entrenchments, or more formidable dc* fences of nature and art; killed or wounded, of that number, more than 7000 officers and men; taken 3730 prisoners, one seventh officers, Including 13 generals, of whom 3 had been prcaidenlsof (Jus re public; caUtofcd more than 20 colors and standards, 75 pieces pf ordnance, besides 57 waff pieces, 20,000 small aims,an immense quantity of shot, shells,pow der, &c. dfcO.’ ■ . , Oflliat cpcmy.once so,formidable In number®! ap pointments,ortillery, &.C., twonlyodd thousand have disbandoned themselves in despair, leaving, os is known, not more than three fragments—the largest about 2500—now wondering in different directions, without magazines or a military chest, and living at free quarters upon their own people. General Santa Anna, hhiiselfa fugitive, is believed to bo point of resigning the chief magistracy, and escaping, to neutral Guatemala. A now. Presi dent,'no doubt, will soon bo,dcclarcd, and llio federal Congress Is ’expected' to reassemble at Quorctaro, 125 miles north of,this, on tho Zacatecas roud some limodn Pclobefj I have-seen and given safe con duct through-this city to several of Us members.—- 'The government Will find itself without resources; no army,'no arsenals, no magazines, nnd but little rove, nuo, internal or external. Still,’suchis the obstinacy, or.rather infatuation of this people, that it-is-very doubtful whether tho new authorities will dare suo for peace on Dip terms' which, in the recent negotia tions, were made known by our ministpr. , , V*in « - » ‘ In conclusion, 1 beg to enumerate, due ('commendation and’thanks, tho distinguished staff, pflklrs, gortbrai and personal, who, in our last operations in front of-iho, enemy, accoinpanlcd-ino, 'and comiiiumcftlcd orders to every point and through every danger,’ Lieut. Col. Hitchcock, noting inspector general; Major Turnbull end Uout. Hardcasllo,.to pographical engineers; Illajor Kirby, chief piiymas. .ter; Cupt,.lrwin, chief quartermaster; Cupt. Grayson* chiufeommissary; Cupt. 0. L. Scott, chief m the ad jutant general’s department; Lieut. Williams, aid-de camp; Lieut. Lay, military'secretary, and Major J. I*. Quines, 'Kentucky cavalry, voluntooriuld-de-cuinp. Copt. Leo, engineer, so constantly distinguished, alsp boro important orders from mo (Sept. 13) Until, ho fainted from a wound dnd the loss of IWo nights sleep at tho batteries; - LloUlsi Boahrogofd, Slovens, And Tower, oil wotinded, were employed with ,iho divisions, and Liouts* G. W. Smith and G,-B. McClol. lan with the company, ofaapperMtand 1 hose five lieutenants of engineers, like their captain, won tho admiration of. all about them* The ordnance officers, Cufdoln Huger, Lictfls. Ha#ncr;SlonoJand Uono; were highly, effective,-and, distinguishedI at lho seybrnl baVeiics; and I must add that Capl. McKin slry, assistant qunriermufiter; ijt the close of the ope. rotiuMfi, ciccutfd several Intportant tonlmissiond for mo p« a spocml volunteer; , ( ; Surgeon General 'Lawson, and Iho medical stafl generally* were skilful and untiring In nnd out of tfi-c, In ministering to tho numerous wounded. To illustrate tho operations in thty basin, I en’cfoad two bcattriful drawings, prepared undorjtho direc tions of Major Turnbull, mostly fVoni actual durvey. .. I have tho honor to sir with high respoct, your most obedient scrvppt, . WINFIELP SGOTT. Tho Hon. Wij.ljam L. MaWcy, Secretary of War. lioW To iuc IjUFPYrr-iy genius in tho; West,.gives the following as bis opinion, of wlmt-cdnslllotcs per* feet.bliss,s . m IJo .content os long as.your mouth if MI body' worm, rbinemporj.tlio pppf, I * lo .un don’t robyoiy neighbor’s lion f oo»*» n-V I editor’s pocket, nor entertain an Ihff .to trout) kick dull carp,to tl.o dobep. own bouts, sew'on your own .buttons, and ■">«?*s take a paporf ' “ J ' - . 'nl-Douila.. Jorrold.lho Editor i»f the DanflJow., puli tl.o finunoliil condition of tngland ■ 'lllf V Rn«i“ ; o,,oM , l ? " H . i” U i "iJ . ■ JVilholdslii Clio British' hind*, ho could' drnlh Block lie b . v |. itro .absolutely, et his D ; n VucSi.'.trofihihg. 1. dligracoful I. our .pationa) oharadlcr.** * ; , SPEECH OP VICE PRESIDENT ALLAS, Ils'conlinucncO. And, so long as tins system shall Delivered before a large.meeting q/*i/,^i)emp C r fl striclod lolho extent of liioantics imposed on jorcign citizens of Piltehurg — September 18, 1847. I g oo jf B f or the'support of the government. By,means I. had hoped that I might ho of this system, our manufactures will continue to .cm excused on tho occasion of my present iour into the j o y protection ,to the amount of every tent of the western part of my unlive Slate, from making any roveifubirom foreign goods,which compete with those public .speeches whatever. For upwards tif forty ' o f our manufacture, whether that;amount shall bo years, my sentiments, and sympathies, and political _ largo or small.' X have thought it tioi amiss loinakd acts have been, with llie/democrtvcy.of Pennsylvania 1 j|, es{ j fow remarks upon this topic, though an apology in all ihoir,trials, their difficqUles; arid their success. | f or having dwelt upon it is;perhaps, due to you, from. . es, 'Aly sentiments upon all-lhc important questions tho free and full discussions whjch you undoubtedly .which claimed llieirallcntion have. therefore become ; | m v o o Ren heard and participated in; and I therefore known to all who art conversant.with the politics of t p nSB to another'subject, confident that your own our State and our country*;, called | commoti.Hunac vlowh of the corrcclnoiss of the present upon toapeak to yqUupon important -subjects, now policy, will lead In Its approval. claiming the attention of; lb© country ; and do not -Much is said, of late, in relation to,the manner of feel that I have a right to refuse.,, truly urge conducing the present war with MoXicoi; Tho.sub- • as ah excuse .for not making any public addresses; tlie j c tt is pn© Which -rightfully claims the aticrilluh df fact, that this lour has beep, undertaken jiololy and ollr whole country. W© are at war with d sfelcf exclusively with a view to pay a family.Jyisil; but, a Oliristhnf people, whoso.faf()i,from having come iiito ypur, tho cllizuuß of } l9 unliquily ulonc, Is entitled .ip dlir deference.and Pittsburg having kindly extended ld,mo an invitation rospobll However wb. may differ in relation to the to yisit their cf|y, Id partake of thelrgederoUa liospl- question of ilib war itself, every good citizen, roiisl.. iality, witness the stale of fclrcUm’stnniccs/surroUnd- desire that it should be. brought to a close as speed!, ingrllicm, I with ploasuid comply‘With the present ly, t as |iosasblc{ compatible with the honor and the Call upon me:. , 1 r ’ /!•.' r f„.\ V l, Interests of. «Ut , ( fcotiutry, and Urn rights of licr.cill. 1 have understood that, thp ,Corporate seal of the /cna. jiiii while remarks - arc made Condemning thd city of Pittsburg Is rhttdb up of the coaljoParms of niahbct In which the war has ufcen brought tho celebrated Earl ofCliaUiutri, who has been known n jul thus fur conducted, it would seem that Uiowholoi as tho most distinguished, pnd ardent friend of the subject has not received that ultcntlbni which its im- Amcrican cause, in iho Urn© of our first struggle for porlanbo demanded;., It would lie .well at least Id Independence.. Out lljerp hpi been suggested to my know and ponder Well uport nil the caiiacs which led .. mind; oh-coining to your city, whul 1 conceive to be i 0 it, and all Ilia results which have thusfnr followed a,more appropriate coat.of-arms Ilian that—derived ij, before ficnlchco.ofcondoihi|Jstion is from tho plifsulls, tho character for industry, and the And whafc.Worts the caused' vvluth led to thisAW.sr?, business habits of the people; together with the groat Some contend that thh annexation of Texas-wis-the sources of tliclr.WcaUh ahd continued prosperity.— immediate,cause of the war; while others think that When distant as much as twelve miles from your (his was but a remote cause. -The true causes, pro city, 1 could distinguish a dork and almost fixed numerous, but tho principal ones.may boi* cloud of cpal smoke; .1 Have since board that many enumerated., They were—an unjustifiable. cnplumlfc!~. of you. arc much interested in effort* to overcome 0 f property of American citizens, withholding’ from this dark cloud resting over your otherwise bountiful Uicm their just dues, and violating their rights, with cily j and that your government have been consider- o ut even BRor of redress ; .insults almost innumerable’ ing tho propriety of adopting ©mno plan in order lo upon.tho flag of pnr.couriiry ; ami a direct trespass effect this object. I have heard this ; und I have upon our soil, and slaughter of our countrymen.— seriously thought whether it would be proper loadopl Texas had been annexed lo our Union. She had such a plan, In this immense Volbtno of coal smoko, been a Sovereign and independent nation. Ori enter; rising as it were lo heaven, and striking the view of log our confederacy; we were bound lo protect Jicr., the belioldcr at so great a distance—What is indica- \Vhon, therefore, her soil was threatened with inva» r led ? What does it mean ?. It at once informs the sion, our. government sought lo find the most effeer mind of the rising prosperity, and wealth, and iinpor* mal means by which to overcome liio mqdllatod cyi). thneo of the 11 Iron City,” and indicates, the-two Thb’ brave, iringnnnlmous;, patriotic, and .long-tried grehtsotirccß whencethatweaUhdnd Importance are soldier,old Zachary Taylor, was directed to, lake derived.,,-It to-the most - appropriate such, a position in the tbrritory of TeXas as would things which may.be .woven into a now cpal-ofurros h CB t enable hint lo prolcfct Occupying i for your city. These great 'sources'- of wealth arc n position Upon Old rivfc'f Nuofced; lie soon ascertained ! coul and iron'. In tho formation of a new coat-of* (hatariotlicr.position was raVs?l® c ? , * ra^e in order Id I arms, suppose you were to adopt for its supporters effect the objefct.. lie therdfore at once suggested two columns of smoke. .Let its crest also bo ©cloud ahd rectfmmcndcil io the Executive the occupation of smoke; and the base on which to rest the columns a post Urande. This admirable and may bo of coul dnd iron ore—thelaller in the process sagacious recommendation was at once complied of being smelled; and tho supporters arid the crest with, and ho took a position in accordance wlth hls of your ebat-ofarms would thus bo truly indicated, bwn views of tho work minified to hhn t and upon and, would most aptly represent the causes of all this whom could the administration hhvo more implicitly life, and activity, and business; of this wonderful relied, in a similar emergency; than upon this old . perfection in the mechanic arts; oflho beauty and n nd tried patriot and soldier? This wash**, « r *‘ - excellence of yoiir fabrics; and of the scene of pros, movement. And none have forgollen the eveN porily, unexcelled in this western world. This memorable Btli and 9th of May, 1846, when ho-wns mighty volume ought not lo bo destroyed.. It ought the hero of two battles, m their deadmg still to remain.’opened before you. lo remind your features, the most brilliant achievements of the reVo citizens, and itU'who may visit you, of the sources of luiinnafs war. , . ' . : your 1 greatness; nnd tho extent-to which you arc one then doubted that the position ot uoncrai nronared lo go, In order lo maintain your exalted po- Tdrlcf' was within tho limits nf 1 exas; nnd while sUion. b ’ uns Ihc Nucecs, no one accused the government of I am pleased lo see, here, all the evidences of high*; tho United Btu to with the design ol making war ly.civillzcd life—comfort, intelligence, and the great- U p o n IVjcxico. But finhs«qiU'Mt dcvclopomenla prnvca ■•'‘Jrhsnss.of pctlficllsn ja • Umt ll» odvnnc rf’ Omi«i.l> *TOg.’,|g . honor.to onjr cily m-llio rir.mio.wns not only propyr, bal aoliially oollcn country. Tlib gHjui rUy uf Vi^tliii!clylu nnd Jioraic mcrcinl emuorium of tho Stale, does onlTioatl so Tlic.olWoiyrMiJmtUoßl wlicriy.crfrno ptoywrlyPtrino . truly irrand a atruotiiro ni this, fur tho purpuaca for Mexican general, Arista, was caainlncd, it wi,ich it was appropriated j anil in addition to thi», that lie was in tho possen.lotl of liosjlive orders Iroui there wore manufacturing establishments etcond lo 1,1» government lo matte war-upon liio people ol UlO . fow in tho country I and numerous private toaiden- United Stales i ami his conducl, fur some nme.Jjrc i ccs, cmbrafcing nil lilts' essential requisites of eonve. y’mus to llmsc haltlcsj proved tlml he wns qng B a I niencc, cloganeo, taste, and beauty. 1 cannot but bo i„ carryinu into elleol the oidi-rs of ,j delighled at all theso. evidences of prosperity I and Tills single fact allords U suliieienl Hl.i“W JJ.*" ain truly rejoiced lo find none of the bvjdcncos ol lhal those «lm charge uponi Iho present nthliinislr.il on ruiit wilieli had by many Uckn so contidonlly pro- Iho act of beginning'tins war. And How. pas luo dieted {.but everything lo oxcito In.tlw mind scnli- wofdjcen condnolcd 7 Just an nil our wars have been moots of pleasure and adiniralien; . conducted heretofore, and oh they always should uq But there arc many topics upon iVhloh you ar6 no —relying.upon the volunteers of onr-fcoOplf^—those doiibt anxious (o’hear sdmti rinfurks. I Imtc no who fi*ol that their arb at swlld—for tho secrets to Ktep frbm the American people In relation defence of (ho country. ; ; to any subject claiming their utlcnlion; Holding a go long.as oijr felloW-citlzens, shall popctlon our prominent station in the government; it is of course present polldj., oil our tears most bo conducted In d expected of mo that 1 will state frankly my views on similor maimer. Wo never can be, wo never ought all subi'ccts wliiell their servants may be called upon m be, prepaid! for war. Our people, wont neither to net |ahd 1 do this cheerfully; without regard to largo armies nbi fleets, except when llioir rights all whether they shall bo generally accepted by those a people are .assailed, their soil invaded, or Uioir,. who hoar me, or not. They are tho.honest convlc- countrymen slaughtered by a foreign loo; and ill an* lions of my own mind, tf they shall square with oases of sudden invasion; tho constitution has wisely the sentiments of thine wild heat rao, I will he plead vested in tlio Chief Magistrate tho ppwor.to proycht edi if not;, wo must cpntinljd to disagree; and I bn- aggression! and even to asacrl ournghls. deles pooch'not the honesty of purpose of those who differ see, then, how this war has.been ioriddcledh, lit in opinion from thb feroat dbiilocratio parly; with all ilio difficulties Incidenl to bumiMlglls.lii which l aeli . " . . settled and hostile country, with..but.. o IWlidfiil ot I huVo heretofore given expression to niy sen Li- regular soldiers, and the preparations to ho made for moots ilpon the subject df lllb groat ellaiigo that has equipping, nnihsilpporlingj iiiid quulltyidg .Ibr-Mtyicq EE In cur revenue laws, known as tho tariff. , 'utge vpiunleer force; we h..Ve 111 Ms than niglileei; On this Sbbiect oho may spcak willioul limill and niontllfi advanced to the capital pf hlcxico; we, Iniyo to present, my views on this point; would only be to lakcn several of her moat important eilicaj tyo hato rcndal tvliul lias already been Bald; Thefo la oitp tonnnored nearly two-lhlrps nl her territory., , , idea- however, that may bo advanced, which baa not, Tho manner,in which tho Wat has been eopducled ( pmh*ahi;djcmi plcsbrttod as often as it should have is only f.illy In be judged by the results wl.iel. have , [con. P Many persona suppose that tho late tariff net taken plnce since its noiuinqnecincnl, and "Inch m»/ is not calculated to effect that good which would have yet lake place; and 1 hcrctorc whatever may be * i ' resulted from that of 1842. Tho tariff of IHlli.diff- respecting mistakes that have been made, lot ,ua look eradtis !truc, ftoindliat of 1842, but in w|wl7 Ily at the resells, end wbvvih find that all mao, wl 2 a roduolnmof tho rale of duties oh some articles ,‘ a have,been must immediate y eoijneoled with.,' *,“18 elningo in others, fixing upon them n higher rale; entitled to Ilia hlgliesl applause; endJ-? /} ( an abandonment of the system ofspoeifio dulles; and ho fairly ..meted uni until it shall bo, brought ip a also that of minimum duties. It also provides for a close, anil all tlio circumstances- surrounding 111 different mode of collecting tile duties on imports.— principal ticlofs shall he mnclu known; a Mere, llion, is tlio difference between tile two laws, slioulcl.he lirouglu to a tcrniiiiatiou, ta my arjen 0, There it a change/ Tills nobody will deny. Hut it sire; What more can we deairbf is still a tariff;-and time gives a denial IbTlib prb. Invapibn iwo hove achieved victory after j/t W"* "P "/■ «“ 1 !** f £ 0 h“ l have Already .oiidi.i-- toxca Upon imported, artieles. Inprofereirte toe direct toiuoreof spljor ngi n » o '„ r lux.ltiey go -Bh’stuln Ihefr own manufactures, l» cd n 2 l „ oura ,,i y ihal wu \vj|l npl bo the exact extent df the amount of ihilloa collected. j a iq olitain ffoin iliem » |[U |(< whether that nirtodnt elmll bo 938,000,000, or pnly insuhcd hare .. d g' M „rity nbalpal lliq 930,-Onff.OOO; This tariff la not onehccnrdirig wifi spec el. . . And In idlimii mn.l any litet idea of free trade; hut la positively, [o tho rept-lilian of l j 1 , ' f„ r this geeiiri y mvfeM of the duties aeeruing under it. a re.lrlcl.on «, ionk-tn „ r Me,len alone, ,W, , upon cpniincrco. 1 ,i „ ir-inn the abModtlaaf nnly their own solemn pledge That wo ahull.nol In thia Slate, of nil oihorn In tho U * nlore | lun ;-/ (icrc’aflcr bo wronged with ImmiMlly*,,. r./ i ofexciabs of internal duties Irnposed ifpon mcreh ||M ,|ji, ttnr , been, conducted? .At iliso had claimed; perhaps tlio «««•“* Purtl , # y|J ol ! 0 "„ .lop „f its progre?s. wo have njbtined Ihp gpv. ■iltorttlnW of tlio poo;,lei effect.^of ofnu.ci.l of Mexico tliat wo were willing and unxio^ Vanitt had probably ''“f, 1 a r M proughl forlioaeo; for the aoiiiiowledgeiiiclilof .wrong on ’ siibli n system, ffho.niqtwf. ha' on(r sfneo as her part, dnd a prainiso to wrong us more. .. to their nloro ppusldofoll i > IT T||(J Evt nl (ho.gales of lior capital, w gonoruUii com. 1794„wJ.eii an ptfiio % % ,Vol| ki.own'.- maml yields to, the. impulse «C geoM.-W>u to rcqiilt.oflho.Ww mu ;°; £ Id' been' most fully and might have cnlcred aa a .conqueror, wiih .bannyre. Tlie londonoy nrsliell (aw md u ~B, BO jalo, and waving and drome’ boating, amid thu oud hpwlq of fentloasly, "/ml™ "derslocd by them— the “dag. ofwi.r," ho l.alla, and, In lhokplrU-o.f i.. . lh(? /■ | iy over/ cqiisldoratlori negotiator,loll*tho Too “ I\ c icifift for lyoW fl,„y had bo*n „ru,„ enmilry to auiiport ceado ln,in(liol injury upon Ml Wo.mptcW wMI colincbted 1 ' . ," y I,‘d liatcncd attentively In tp deaf justly .tnWarda ua.nrtd Ihojwb «W »o Hint system , am t / imorcsts of tlio State wore ftiomls.Thon you will dnd us mmc vbndy lei Jofcn j those. nppema. '' u ' ulo |jb llio ||„ re | lll m l |,|,. ynnr nllorq. end firesides than wc.hay u „ vrr been to dcdniodofloogr I UP fcnJ ,^ r f|, o bv il waa Inlllul pnnlallmenl and, U(l ,', n you.”’ tt bite rercdmc. fro aoino oxlcnl, tho npphnl llibs made Lo hoped that llioro will ,mw bo peace; and ',inl lh«T wrong 'file people believed,and they still coil, result will proyo.'noiioficlal lb the inlere,V t ; nm | record I'lnne to believe, that the mere ounslllutional and tlio with lh» lilghtoal aenso oflionbr, uftha Alexfom s'*- least ohnoximiß mode of, providing for, llio wnnld,of , ton , -. nil , r „ a ro, autrly v.onp who tho ffon'ornl government,'’Is not, by ‘V.lcrnil exclaus, nonco nt ihe PiicrlßcQ of thaliltfMt , aj)f |. Irtit- 4iy duties laid nKjjl lorqlgn good«.‘'Bn long na 1 lienor of tho United SialesL 'fMtJfSk' qieilean this shall contVnuo ,lq hd IhoipplToy fayPtcdUw i;,-• napi ;jliqlbikjli will opt l/olhoCJ V 1 popple, ' odmmerco .innal C(jnl|,nuo 4o ; bp.testiiclod''loi wns, ji ■ • a o fliro the pooplq of great . aoino oxloiiij and tlio,asBori; lb> j tpai out govornutonU -.■Tfisto Is Mother iao»n“' l " I[r( , #t j o ,| 0 f alien lion/. id q gbvoi;nr,g nvb r ftoq Uadi, it tlidrofoTO draplialla mom e„ t , and wtogfL. SaonU Ptgt.) ' qcnlod by the very tdyio which pro framed for 1; : I***'. mam* viftJriWr -.-J v )■; ‘h:-i AT 52 00 PER ASSDH. ■ KO, U'.'