American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, May 12, 1842, Image 3

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won jpkjesbmjbjvj' m a 844,
Subject to the decisiotl ofaNational Convention.
The citizens of iho.Bordugh ofCarliale.-mho recog
iazb the natural and inalienable'rights of man, arc re-,
quested tothectat theCOURT HOUSE on ithmorrUto
'evening the 13 th ihst., af early candleright, to express
their disapprobation’ of the' interference of of
perhaps shoot .down the patriotic citizens of Rhode
Island now struggling T3“did" pur-Koeoludonary
ancestors, -to establish a' Republican form of Gov
. ermrtcht, in place of the Royal Charter of King Charles
11 of England
May 18,1842.
x I From tlio above; notice it will be perceived that a
meeting of the i» called for Friday, even~
ing, on tho subject of, the Rhode labnd, difficulties.—
Wc ii'iscit-the notice ct the roquestpfujtiUtnher of our
subscribers, and the callus addressed 16', a1l who sympa.
; "tHtcsTyith”llrc“peopl(!T)f that State; in-dheii-efforts to
establish a Republican form of government;, Wo trust
that the meeting will be numerously attended. It ia/h
"duty which wo owe to the citizens cT Rhode Island—
nndliy attending tho meeting we prove that wc are
not cold and indifferent spectators of an effort on‘their
- part involving principles of the most vital character,
Thoy'should receive'every encouragement from tho
. friends of equal fights every where, to maintain' their
position ebd to pefsemo in the good cause, despite the
efforts of the Aristocracy,' or tlio 'gathering into their
roid»tiofij» lured .sOidieryTor the purpose of intimida
tion. ' Meetings for this purpose or? being held all qvcr
the country—let not tho citizens of this Borough be
hindmost in the good work. ■
AFPonmii'.jVJ.a by 'iiie governor.
-ib-be—Auditor'‘Genorai,—ia—tho Irboin; of -.George R.. J
Rsi.y, ■ ' r|
WnuAJt Hoekrxs,,Esq.; of .Washington county,
to bo''.Secretary of tho -Laud Office, in'tho room of
John. Kiugensmith,- .
Jauoq Salladb, Esq., of Berks coupty, tolm'Sur- justice and insult may be offered to ua, that our nation*
vcyor General. • , ~ ; " 'al riglun may bo trampled on, and our national honor
(Tj-The first tvvo aro new appointments, and, in our tarnished, and that to redress these wrongs and vuidi
• humble opinion, ho better selections*could these rights' there is no other dlfectual modothan
' made in the S.Ulo/- They are hoth r working men— by appealing to the slrong arm of our citizen soldicrs.-
- mochanics-7wlio uro : ahlo oud*willing .to perform the., nut thc_ isjt congenial with tho
Arduous duties of tho-olfices with credit to themselves, feelings of an enlightened nation; but without the
-.iuid with honor. _„..,,..Bpmt_tp.undcrfako.o.Just w;ar,.nnjL.the. ability, to,.carry.
Mr. bALtAOB has boon re-appointed. ‘This, also,■ it on, every nation must he in the eyes'of tho world
is an excellent selection, and one which does credit to contemptible and despised. Strength ensures respect,
the appointing power. . ' * *» Preparation for war. renders war oftcn i necessary.—
Governor Pou ran his now a strong cabinet, formod Time and money arc therefore well spent in preparing
, of most excellent materials. Tho Democracy of the i defend ourselves,
State will be satisfied with tho selection. I Surrounded qa wo arc on all sides by embarrassing
<• ' questions with certain European powers, and exposed
as wo constantly' must be to insult and’aggression du
ring J thu ravages of wars among foreign nations, it be
comes our. paramount duty to look to our own means
of national dofcn,ce. If \yo {iqd our army disbanded,
our volunteers discouraged, our forts dismantled, our
navy “rotten timber,” and our legislators slumbering
at their posts, the people must take* tho matter into
their own hands, and bpck|o on their, armor at their.
highly interesting corres, ondcrico t eiween
Governor PuuTtu, and General Bthuaut of Alary
land, on Uic suhjdctof tho 'Baltimore Encampment and
the loan of the camp equipage of this State, will ho
found in another column, to which wo invite public
atteujion. It will,he seen Unit the Governor promises
to visit tho encaflipiaoiit —and as' Governor Thujas,
of Maryland, will also bo present; it will bti quite an
interesting spectacle to witness the two Governors
with jheir respective suites, reviewing the largo hedy
of citizen soldier* which are expected to jam in ibc
M.r. Bucuaxas's speech on llio Locnßill, will ho
found at length in our columns;'. It is a masterly pror'
Ruction throughput, and eaiinot fail to he hilercstmg to
all pur readers. and tl)cn hand it to
your .neighbors.,
The annual Review came oil* in this Borough on
Tucsfliy last. ’ The Voluntctra looked well and
marched Well," and altogether “made quite a creditable
display. *l y lic Militia presented the usual appearance,,
aud.iv> doubt pci formed as wcllSas they know how,' ••
- W-e remarked ape-I‘cature Uhout this annual training,
which was 1 alike creditable to town and country —wo
mean the absence of jatoxi.ation, We did not sec a
.einglftdriink man either umoiig'lha military o/speita
\oM, ftn ( d aa a consequence, nut'a quairel of any kind.
The companies wejo dismissed, at anearly hpur in the
’evening" »nd by G o'clock, the pnvuwjpias quiet as
though no parade hud taken place,
yo much .for the progress of llje Teqjpepmco cause
in-this Borough.ami yieinity. . '
J Us-Presi‘duui^^^uilj^3^ngsotJhe-H.crjai=.
. tage, oh a'visit to his old friend, Gqiu Jackson.
f(j > A sea; captain died lately at , Boston, who had
, crossed, the Atlantic one hundred und sixty.times,
made seven voyages U> China,-three to Calcutta, and
, circumnavigated the'Giobo v times, .
The-extensive Powder works at Savannah, (111.5*
were struck by lightning time .since, and .blow
-up-with-a- tremendous explosion. No livcs werc lost,
providentially, as the workmen were all at supper.
■The New Orleans Bulletin says:—“ftlr. Van Burcn
• passed the city of Natchez pa Wednesday morning
week.- The citizens of .tho .Bluff, ,'cily‘expipss much,
, qhagrin that they were not permitted an opportunity'
to salute the es-presidont. ■ A committee bad forward
ed. a formal invitation to; him; but it was hot. received
. until, after ho had embarked fyr Nashville, when Rwaa
; Vbj4tO;fpr him to alter:his arrangements”, . • \ >
v lt Stated in our Pity exchange* that eight
'■ of the.Amencan Mexico, captured in the
. Santa Fo expedition, among whom isMr. Kendall,
, editor df Jibe N< O.picayune, have bdep released by
Santa Ana, and are now On their way home. , ,
Connecticut.—'Vho Legislature of Connecticut eon-
' ,Tene4/at,Sfew Haven bn Wednesday,:. Stillman K,
- Wightman, (opp.j was choaep epeaker of. the House;:
i- i^ived : ,ll? •, against'SiYoF.M’Cohly,
;: ; CWhig,j olid «&••*
’ . .. fbr. p, a. :Horrick, ,'nnd l$ scflttering, Nathan 6.
. .-wjl ctaon yraa.(ipsin ,J. -s ] ■
■ , (Bllswbrth) and inforfed him . that tha'Legialalure
T|^ v iwn ; Jiphs«,wcn> onl’haxsdaylo, proceed tin
: ,offioe«r~n6ihdieo bayiftg been effected Iby t&e people,
. ,tha tJMnlfc^fißpsaSengflfsoscapedvvlththidriivn,'
•lmt;Iosl oil, their. Wgjptgei ' \" , l p t 1
, VIRGINIA ELECTION,—m Whig i>opert have
given up tho State, and therefore v the returns come in
slowly, compared with (ho years when tho Whigs car*
So fnr, \he Democrats, have gained Tour
Senators, and lost none. /Tho gains ore in the Louisia,
Berkley, Pittsylvania, nnd Botctourt .districts. These
gains give tho Democrats eight-majority in tho Senate.
Last year it was equally divided, qach : party having
. ThoDelegatcs elected, oa far as heard from, slandsj
DcmocraU G 2, ,Whigs 41. : ■*» ‘ ;
Democratic net gain in tlm House of Delegates, so
farySO;. making a difference of 40. ~ 'Fha-Whigs had
a majority 6f S in the House last-year; . -,. t
Should no other changes, the Democrat B
will have a majority of 46 oh j'pint ballot! ~
The Richmond Enquirer, in "alluding to tho recent
democratic triumph' in that state, has the following !
“Tho victory wo have won is more brilliant and do
cisivc-thaii wq anticipated, even in bur last paper. It
steals, the hopes of Federalism in* Virginia. - It is, in
deed, nstho Whig now professes it to ho, “I’ho Sweep, ?f
siid such a sweep os wo have never witnessed in Vir
ginia. It is almost equal to a Connecticut victory.—
,The. Democrats of.lhcJiLand_Q£,St#iodi(LHabita?'Jiave_
claimed nearly two-thirds of* tho Legislature, and* wo
may not bo very, far from attaining a similar majority.”
Intevestins Corrcspoiulence.
Harrisburg, Pcnna. April IStty 1842,
Major Gem G. H, SteUart: •. ‘ '
Sir—Lhave had the honor to rcccNe your commu
nication in Regard to the supply of Tents for tho
National Encampment of Volunteers, :to rendezvous
at Baltimore on tho 10th of May next, "it affords mb
great pleasure to tender to the volunteers thus to meet)
oil tho tents in a fit condition for the services intended,
now at a convenient to tho State. ,
lh a vc thisday forwarded un order.tO-Gcncrul Dillcr .
ot Philadelphia, [Adjutant General,] for all tho tents
procure, which ! think will amount to about
500. -You will please cause any further communica
tion that may become necessary in regard to' 7 their de»'
livery, to bo had with that officer, ,
?. In reply to your very polite invitation he present
at,this Encampment of volunteers, I have great’Satis
fiction in. assuring you, that I accept it With pleasure.
Unless prevented by some unexpected occurrence, j
will be with you. • .
■ I cannot allow this opportunity to. pass, without ox-
I pressing the warm gratification I feel at this.manifos
' tution of American military spirit, fin the part of the
volunteers; For-sqmo years it has been too much the
fashion, to decry and urjdcroato the organization and
encouragement of volunteers in our country, and if we
we shall find that the last ihiugrifeamTof haa been
j the policy and necessity pf pteparing for National De
fence. ' • # :
j Our legislators sobm to have forgotten that there are
: rival.nations and rival intcreats in the world] that in*
T‘: J
own expense.
I rejoice to sec- your contemplated encampment
arousing ap much ardor.'and inspiring so many of the
/Volunteers, as appear to be moving with a high sense
o£ duty and of patriotism, depend upon it. much
ghod will he'done, Vfap example will bp followed
and \Ve may hope before Jong that our Legisla
tive Assemblies will bo influenced by the sojno com
mendable spirit. It woqld teach foreign nations tooj
inclined to strike at, us. that we are os ready to return
as they-are to give the blow.
Bo pleased to accept the assqntnco of thq high re?
gard und consideration of
o .Baltimout:, 17th April, 1842,
His Excellency David R, PoaTKn,
"Sir,—-I have road yopr letter of. tho 13th. ihst., and
it becomes my pleasing, duty to'express *to
grateful sense entertained by the committee of arrange
ments—by our Volunteer corps,'and by the citizens of
Baltimore for the prompt mid s.,lbfu lory manner in
which you • have sUppcdTorward in our utmost need'
and svippliyd the requisite number of. tents'formur en
campment. ‘That substantial .favor so ■’courteously
granted by’ you ntainoment when we }nid~nfct~with*
.discouragement or, neglect in other quarters will Jong
bo remembered by ilyo citizens of, Bollimorcy and \yill
• doubtless strengthen their respect find attachment for
the State of Pennsylvania, r
| In ottering this, great accommodation to so large a
r .body of your fellow citizens' you have acted .worthily
of the great Oommortweallh over which you preride,
'and although you may' be.pcrfeclly satisfied with the
friendly'cxprcsaion bf approlxation frpm those* you have
. served, is due from them, and will not diminish tho
satisfaction you feel. v ' -
The favor you shown, ua has perhaps been en
hanced in pur. estimation .by.tho circumstance of bur
' application-for tenta having been treated withindiflfer
enco by others to whom we fclt we hod a right to look
for co-operation in sopatridlic- They
have dope nothing hut make .’ difficulties* whilst it ap
pears that you.diayo the. faculty of getting oyer those
; small difliculties. which constantly, perplex and'fetter,
• hesitating minds,, nnd lhat .you take more pleasure in.
1 actually fellow citizens than in hunting
• dp reasons, and apologies for not attonditi£ t^lb'oir
’• wants.-’' . V-V/.' ■ V ’ J
I am Burprired elected looiTico, whrlhcr
Executive or Tibgisjalisc, and. whd! according to the
invariable practice of eandiiiatea for popular favor have
.made profuw;J)fpmiaea:6f obligingness and good 'be
havionr' do. iofoiliencr remember, that the object if
public,' eeen at .sbmo risk of exceeding theirauthorily,
in taara of emergency, and, that it docs not occur to
them that nothing on*earth ; :io]. : radr» contemptible than
an dressed Op^io'afhile brief aitthdrity, ;
*. , ?y AHIiJS;-JfoF tboVpubUovgood--whci«*: principlo
h|» jximidnini' time and being
occupied in raising .dililcnltiee id defeat ihemetitoriom
Utb idapdflehta—will whether
the National Executive bad Vuthor
•ajfn# bed, and wot, bad
gationsltiah you-were to furnish tents at this time to
■such a body br.dtiien*; fli>idiers r nMornblcd'. fitrinso
many) States for such apilriDtip. object,. {the! mailer
being bbnsSdered by-mbsr people aslope, within the.
rpnge : ofsound Executive they toast
pot complain if they comb in for a of the censure
fr*but this"failure wilf attract td. Cdn
greW ■' tt will painfully-remind the pebplb that, their
public servants in ono.branch of fbo National Councils
haye_durtog..thia scsglon -wasted J> ali_ ibeir Utoe
in ‘Useless anil puorilo debates instead of< adopting
proper measures to relieve us froth our groatombar
'rassmehta at homo, and by strcngihenmg'our National
Defences of every kind, to"; guard us qgal net . dangers
from Avilhput. ■ It is not . that a fruitless
attempt was made to get . our memorial considered in
the of Representatives, when it was top late to
act upon, tho subject for arty useful purpose* ,
• 1 1 have the honor to bo, Bir, , - *
WS» great respect, ■
; , - .•!•*. Your o'bt. acrvV : . ‘ ! ■
‘ . G. H. STEUART.
HORRIBLE.—A murder -was committed at Bast
Haddam, Connecticut, about three weeks since, which
-far exceeds 4n atrocity,-any-thiug that wc-havo-scen
recorded, . 1 . % .
- A maa named Halsey Coon, went to tho house-of -
one of his neighbors,- and’informed the family that his
wife either dead or dying from a dreadful accident,
and begged them to accompany .him back to his home,
which they did. Upon their arrival they found thp
\voman still living bat burned in a. most J shocking
moaner. * A physician was immediately sent for, and
when ho eaw ber situation ho pronounced it impossi
ble for her to live more than a few hours. Previously
to this, she hod refused to give any satisfactory account .
of tho condition she was in; but now, finding she
could not live, she confessed it was tho work of' hcr
Tiusband—that lib had beaten her was “nearly'
lied her toa chair and^ thrown a
shovel full of burning coals upon her body. The
wretched woman died in about two hours after she
was first found by the neighbors/, A jury of inquest
was called,' which pronounced a_ycrdict of death by
the hands of her,husband—whereupon ho was imme
diately arrested. - •
Tho Norwich Courier, from -which these revolting
details have been gleaned," states , that Copn’ is about
sixty years of ngq, .*ll is only about eighteen months
ago, that n ybrmerTWifo of his whs hurried to
death, in tho fire place of the same house,, and although
suspicion was strongly excited .against him then, he
was' not arrested because there wes po pfoof of bis
guilt. He was a man Of.'intempcratc habits, and the
' arc, - itiJobiei to our representative in' Gon*
grdsa, Mr. Gdsttne, for die following letter:—— ’ -
. Wa’suxsotox, Mat Bd, 1342.
A bill apportioning: the representation
of the several atateTin Congress, passed thp House to
day, sctllingj the rhtib of Representation at 60,179»-r-
Should this becomfr a law, Pennsylvania will,bo enti
tled to 34 constitute a Hoqfro of,
306 members, in the, noxt-Oangresa^
Ah amendment to the bill' was- likewise adopted, by
n.yoto.of .lOUycaa t 6.99 jiays, jrcquilingjhe..Btates tq
bp divided into Congressional districts, each district
sending to Congress ono*racmber t * ‘
' Tho waking up at this late day, of tbo‘ dormant
power of tho General Government, (if tho power be
admitted,) to exercise absolute control over tho Statesi
is anoih'r genuine Whig measure which met tho dis
approval of every democratic member in the Hodse,
* with the exception-of perhaps two, “ •' .
A States Goveiinment fou Florida',— *The Fieri?
da Star of the 28th ult. is assured that jdi? Committee
appointed by the State Convention, Jiayo decided to
issue immediately, writs of election foe State. o/Uccrs,
—thus organjziug at once a State government for
Florida, under the st. Joseph Constitution.
CCJ* FLOUR, in Philadelphia, SC; in Boltiiqpre,
V 0,15. , . p . .
' JLiotie Island.—-The Constitutional legislature*,
after completing the military appointments, adjourned
to meet at Providence on the first .Monday of July.—
lieforc adjouru-ng, a vote of thanks was passed to the
Sppakcr. The Evening Chronicle of Wednesday
save . “There is a report in town ta-dny, arjd a well ,
grounded one, tuo, as fur as we can learn, that Mr,
Dutpj J,Pearce, another 'member of the Legislature
under thp People's Constitution, who' left thjs city this
morning for Newport, his residence, will ho arrestbd
ilmnediat ly on his arrival at that place, It was sup
posed that hail would be readily taken in Illr. Pearce’s
case, Qiul tliat ho would as readily find it, Mr. Pearce
hqd an inti.nation that ho would bo arrested,
leqytn'g this city. Other arrests are talked of, and will
he-made,’without doubt,” .
'Jho Providence Express eayst Hon, Dutce I,
Pearce was. taken in custody on Thursday, at Now
’ part, undr the Algerine law, and' held to hail r in.the
spur often thousand dollars.
Mr. Drown, whose arrest yesterday,
was held to bail iii the *Um of five thousand dollars,
not as erroneously stated in the Express;
! - The was jaessioi) aCNew-r
port.; *• •-
*>THe~ r CoTnTmttee-fpr-counthig—fhp votes. IPado Qt>
Thursday’the following- report:
Whole number of yules for. Gov,
Yours, dtCr
W, King him
Thomas, Carfrcptcr has
• Spattering- .?•
. Mr. Clarke presented resolutions, rpaking requisi
tion tm the General Government for assistance in tho
present difficulties. Ho said tha'tlho Paso cohtepiplat
ed in the constitution now existed. There wasafstirong
faction- in opposition to : the laws, aud it waytho duty
of the State to place, itijplf under the protcctionguarr
ranteed byJhp cpnstitution, in order tQ prevent confu*
sion and bloodshed. * ■ ' •
Gov. Kjng tvps to arrive in Providence on .Friday,
afternoon from .Newport. A procession of citizens,
headed by : a military eacortfwaa to meet him at the
boat. , ’ - , ■, V'. ’
Dutce J, Pearce waa hold 16 bail with,two aureties,J
in the a(iqa of|h,ooo each. A.' warrant had been ia-'i
aued for tl]p arrest of Joaeph Joslin, the General Treas
urer, under the ,PeopleV Constitution. ' Bui neither
he, nor Thomas W. Dorr, thp Governor, bad been ar
rested. 1 , '■ ■ ■ ■ '
; 'On .ThnraJay.OOTerner King and auitenpaid a visit
to. Fort Adiina at.Newport,'. by; invitation of staj,
Payne,' The Governor nda received'with a salute of
fifteen guns. 1 l '
the Royal Charter
adjourned bn Friday, to meet again bn Wednesday
next, ' After the adjournment, the Governor and mem
ber* proceeded from Newport to Providence, end there
gotup a procession in ’ feeble imitation of that of the
people's party. ; The Providence Express eayor.
■ V.With tab 'exception of Buch meinbera nf tho Gen
otal: Assembly who nmhbered nine- hnn-:
drcd nnd thirty,pn’e alhlbld, jTbo inlhioiybonijratiiea
turned,put 83It op horaeTiapk. therewerpl36;and oh
foot 604. ~flo got out bhh>hov.of.
ly, tvyo'of the companies imposed a fine of foiir dollars,
for. ;
ibid to pay that fine, wore lb'ewcll lhehamf
her of n pugeani, which tbpy.4iwppiotr»a,” '
v. VBorrliigtOh Anthony, th# Bneijff bf tbo suffrage*
ptttv. waaTrteslba iftTTidaJf iftd hjttd uf bail in the
VTh» its SBlb-u{l n etatebUpd ft*
dfrlho hrtw Ma? 4, ’fit ltw 'lho
* 1 \
Dear Sir:
Yours, «Sfc,
Very Respectfully,
'.Those-.who. wxuld, create-the impression
thatrGoy.-.Durr has backed out from the peo
ple,' will- please'read the following resolve,
passed [at ||ie grea t meeting.. at [Providence,
on Friday evening:— [ A ;
, Resolved;, .That-Thqhias -Wi.-Dorr, .the
Governor of bur .grate, be requested person-
the cause of the people of Rhode Island,
‘and to.xonvey our protest against the entr
pluyment of the National 1 F,taxes in the set
tlement of a question involving the right of
the People tii establish or change their form
of Government."
The New' Yurk Era of Monday snyst- “In
pttrsqauce of this request, Gov, Dorr passed
through this city yesterday,-oh his way-lo-
Washington; and after he.ltas an interview
■with' the President’!- if the latter farms or
persists it; a determination to lend the aid
of his ofßcial ta.snbvert the sOverign
ty of the People of Rhode Island and over
throw their - constitutional"government,die
xvill tln sirdelibcrateljr atviPwith full know
ledge', ’ He will have to answer to the judg
diieitt vvhich-hislory through all lurte will re
cord against him. And if he im
peached, ns he would riclily deserve,
cannot claim that his course was taken in
ignorance, or from other than adespotic love
of power, and a dastardly design th stifle the
flame of liberty in inic of the weakest of the
confederated States.
It may be advisable to advert to some of
the efforts which are strenuously making to
injure here the'moral strength of the Ped
ple’s.cause in Uhode Island. Its enemies
are insiduoitsly representing that the. autho
rity of the.old system has been acknowledg
ed because some two' W-three members of
the Constitutional Legislature have giv'en
bail, when arrested on treason. It is a suf-
ficient answer to this to state that the form*
judicial*system of the State is.adopted by
the People’s;Cunstilittion, and those mem
bers were therefore bound by their oaths lo
support that instrument, to. respect the S
upreme Quurt,. which it recognizes. Again
it is asserted that every thing has bfcen sur
rendered, because' GbV. Durr has left the
State and proceeded to Washington. ‘Let
those who please comfort .themselves with
St delusion, fpe know lb.£ plan,and Ccoo\
. lie-will quaver
in*ton, \vhich will be inafow-days.he will
bring decisive intelligence' relative tp the
President’s intentions. Whatever.theyfmay
be, the operations of the government under
the People’s, C6nstitution-will*be, energetic
chlly cai'ried on,and the accounts with, thp
‘‘Royalists,” settled in any manner they
may .select. .If the-Presidcnt declines furth
er interference, »ll will he well; the.p6op]e
of Rhode Island are perfectly able lo "lake
care of their_dwn lories.”. But, if otherwise;
and llicy arc threatened with an armed force
from abroad,-they appeal to their—brethern
tliruughout the country to check such iped
lihg. They ask them to senil iTienTeiiouglr
.to keep off the . United States soldiery, and
they will do every thins else themselves.-*-
Tub O-vlt Wat to account for tho Branched! Pills
being so eminently successful in curing every .variety
of disease, is, that they assist nature in expelling from
tho body all those impure humors, winch not only
cause but produce disease. ■„ ■
1 To those of a costive habit. Ibis medicine, is invalu
able, being tho mildest and most, .elfrctual cadiartic
that can possibly bo administered, and can never in
jure, though taken for any length of time, .
",Be careful to get the genuine.
Purchase iruCarlisle, of. Gap, -W. Hitner, and
only in Cumberland county of Agents published
in another part of this paper.
To the Community at targe.
I wish to inform tho afflicted, through the medium
of the public-press, of the wonderful efficacy of that
truly valuable new -‘‘discovered Medicine,” viz.: Dr,
HarlicKo Compound Strengthening and Aperient
German Pills, I feel, and consider it my duty: in or,
der that others may receive relief front the Berne source.
For two years f was-subject to that peace-destroying
discora, Dyspepsia, and its accomprinirncnts, Obstinate
Constipation of the Bowels, Flatulency, pain in-the*
side and stomach, sickness in the head, &c., and used
medicine until I began to think there was no help for
mej'l had little faith in "published remedies” until I
called on some of those who have been cured by the
above medicine,-which induced me to giyo it a trial.
X procured, the medicine and used it for three weeks,
when my .health was entirely restored. It is now a
hout'thrco months since I quit using it, and no return
of the disease or Us symptoms appearing, I feel war
ranted in’adding my testimony in behalf of others, be
fore the community. .
Accept my best wiqhcp, and
Believe mo ever yours’ &c,
, - b W.M, CLARKE,
ipittshnig City, Jan’y 11,1641, . .. ..........
/ At Union Mills, Erie county, Pa., on the ijilh of
'April, at the advanced age of 81 years and 4 months,
Mrs, MARY jiIILES, consort of William Milos, Esq,,
anduister of the late David'Watts of Carlisle.
In this borough, ,pn Saturday Inst, Mrs,
Elizabeth lilach, it) the SStli-yeaf of her
On Monday last, in this borough, of a
Pulmonary complaint, Mr. Edward Dough
erty, eldest sou of the late Richard Dough
erty, aged about 44 years. , •
ITT this borough, on Sunday last, Michael,
infant snn~ of Francis l’orter,-
agejl 10 months, . : ; f
At Mount Holly,, in Snuth - Middleton
tow-nship, oh Thursday lasl,-,M r»,- Dolly
7/on'ie%> aged-64 years, .
thp township, >S.n caml'nlnte for ' '
of the ist Rrignfle, l.lth Uivisi^n^P,M.,nm
ified'citizens., vV-
May 13,. 1843. (
fCIP Joseph H.lhalman, w
for MAJOR of the 86th Regiment P* |&>
. May,13.184?.
’’wJf ■ ,a
for; nf: the 861 h:
prtitj^ljlj&thankfu},: for ths
friends, •
Orilsb, A^nXSSfTS^'J.^-Orni
JlVcholson I*amtp JFor Sale*:
SN pursuance of ji writ issuedjjy his Excellen
cy, David B. pbrter, Governor of the Common
wealth of Pennsylvania, to*fce undersigned, Com
missioner ,on the-part.of the Commonwealth to
settle the estates'of John Nicholson Peter
Daymen, there will be offered at Public Sale, at
.the Court House, in the bbrbugh.of Carlisle, on
Tueeday,thei l4th flny of Junetiext .at 2 o’clock
, P, M., the following' described- tracts of land, sit
uate in the county of Cumberland, to wit:
A tract i)t‘ia ll nr Sofit 14-
ampton" township, adjoining Satnnei Nicholson,
Shiah Nicholsoft and others, containing 401 acres
153. perches and alloWSltne, surveyed uh'awarrant
in the name of Samuel Nicholson, dated De
cember«l793j ’ "i. f.
. A tract nf land situate!n South
omptdh township, adjoining Joseph Ogden, Jos.
Kerr and others, containing 438 aores.los perches'
and allowance, surveyed on a warrant in thdaahnpi
of John Blanchard, dated ajtji March’, 1794. ' I
A true/ br iaiid sittiate on tlie
North Mountain, on the north branch of Conodo
guinet creek,'adjoining! 36bp Nicholson and oth
ers, containing 37(1 gores 63 petche* and allow
. nnce,ji)irseyfid,<in_a'\vj<tranl .tbltona.Nicho)son,;
dated 95th Novem|)er,l793, \
The above iand Was sold by the former Oom,
missioners, and the purchasers’ having neglected
to pay the purchase money, the sales have-been
I vacated, &o.
■ A credit will be given, and terms made known
onlheday of sale, , ■ ! -
' . Commissioner.
OommissionerVOffico, >
Harrisburg, May. 5,1843. 5 ■ ,
ICT’-It is understood that Gen. SAMUEL
ALEXANDERj-if : elected,-wili serve as
Lieutenant Colonel of the Ist Battalion of
Cumberland Volunteers.:-,
Carlisle, May 5, 1842.
tC7»Major SAMUEL TRITT, of West
Fennsborough township; will hep candidate
for. • ,
. Brigade Inspector,
at.the election in June iicjt,-and, respectfully
solicits: the suflVagca of the people for sat'd
oflicc. .--r
i May 6, 1842.
|C7»Lieut. ROBF.RT M’tABTNRY, is
a candidate foe; Tst„d/«joc_-.of the Ist Battal
ion of, VtilLhe.
May 5, 1842,
— • ; ■ Being encouraged by
a number ofmyfrienda, I ofter.myselfraa’a
candidate for the office of Ht'igade lli*
specter in Jane next, and will be llianK
ful for your support. ''
Carlisle,' AprilVM, 1842. —; .r - :
JCT’We are authorized-tostate-thatGen,
EUWAHD ARMOR will be a candidate,
and'will be supported for a re-election to.
the officcof Brigadier General, v( the Ist
Brig, llth Div. P. Mat the election:ln
June next, by . MANY-VOTERS.
• Carlisle, April 28, 1842, . •
(C7*We are requested to announce that
Lieut. Col. ARMSTRONG NOBLE will
be a' candidate for Colonel of the 197th - Re
gihient, P. M. at the election in June, next,
and will receive the support of
Carlisle, April 28,1842,
' authorized to say that Capt.
WILLIAM MOUDY will he a candidate'
for Lieutenant. Colonel of the Ist Battalion,
Cumberland Volunteers, at the ensuing ,c
-lection in Jnne, and will bo supported by .'
Carlisle, April 28, 1843, ’ !
|CJ“We are authorized to state that Lieut.
JOHN HAMILTON will be a candidate
for Lieutenant Colonel of the 19rtl) fleg’t
P, M. at the election in June, and wil.l re
ceive a warm support froni
Carlisle, April 28,1842.
fiEer’ chanicsburg, will be a candidate for Bri
gade Inspector of the Ist Brigade, 11th -Division,
B. M. at the ensuing election in June—arid're
ripectfully solicits t)ie yotes’of his fellow citizens
for said office., ■ 1
April 7, 1849:
■fflngSF* Ren. WfRDIS FOULK.wiII ho a cari
tSw : didatofdr re-election to life officp.of Bri
gade Inspector, at the election, in! Jurieijiext, and
will be thankful for the Support of bis fellow, citi
zens, V : '
'"Carlisle, April T:,184Q. r^',
FeUoWr-Citiz'ens ifSoldiers of the Ist Battalion, Ifli/A
•fapft,Utßrig,lMhlHt.,,:j l : ,
.1 offer mysplf a candidate for the office qfMA
JOB of said Battalion,-ntr thU election in Jime
next. ’. Should,! be elected; theresfiall npthirigbe,
wanting on my. part in defence of my
and Twill discharge the responsible duties of-the
bffice.w;Uh-fideli»y, in peace and'in wnr*A I:'.
.. Yours, 1 GEORGE D. B'OVEfti
Carlisle; April 28;-1843. . , . . . . ■ '.-V
, I offer niyself tq. y6i^
candidate foy'thedtlice'.Qf. I
at ■ tl»i'
tiesXif BrtittiiSw?'•>-
; >.Cirlii|)<r< Afrit -
Ssw'i, ;'Sp^ngWVrtrttfv v, ‘Ul beacaijjdidatifor
fcltbe eoli
lionaa a-aMHraßfiUw bfflf e at : , *
.. •> /.", -
rrUlci* cicjuij?/" * r
DU I. C. LOOMIS,.UImiUIf. Ir permanently.,
located in Carlisle, and Will perforin all PP fc *
miens that -ircibquiredm t}m ptpctice of liis.jfiru-.
fession—such as;. ’,"
Extracting, Filing, Plugging, and'lnsert,'
ing. Jlflificial Teeth,
from a tingle tooth to an entire set., . ,
fj. Ij.—For a f(>w months ensuing, Dri Loomis
will bo- in Carlisle l)Ve fißst two WbeKs in each,
month—after which, 1 he wi)l bo absent until the
piiisT two weeks in uhchrtpllWing inonxh—at;
which period ho may be fmmihat his .
Office, opposite AV Fortune's Ifatd. -
. ‘ Carlisle, ;May 5,1842.— ly ' .r- ■' '■. > J '
~ , Estate of Peter Boyer, dec’d. '
H BJTTEIiS testamentary on the estate of Peter,
1 A tiojer, late of IJast, Pcnnsfiorougli township,
Cujnliprlau4'couhty, liave been issued, to tlioaub-
Bcribers residing in aalfltowqship: Arf pefsond
indebted, to.aaid estate are requested to niahe pay
ment ftp ntediptoly—and, those having ciauna Ki,
present them yeltUpM^;4elay, property aulheutica r ,
ted for settlement-', 1 .
’■ •• "• SAMUEL BOYER,
■, A
May 8,1819
SSrigtide SnHpectvr''ti
THE enrolled inhabitants subject to militia du- ',
ly, residing Id Curiiberland county, are here-- ‘
by notified that an election will- be licld on Mon- ■ _
day the 6th of June p&ti.between the hours of' 1(J»
in the forenoon and 6 tjj thb'.aftemoon, in the sav-,. *
etnl BattaUpne (newatrangoment) in said county.
One Brigadier'General, ar)d_, •
One Brigade Inspector, .
for the Ist Brigade lull Div. P. M.;-
' ‘ One, Colonel, and ’ /
One Lieiflendht CdloneU'
, for each reginient, und for ■
One Major,- „
for each battalion in said regiraentns follows, viz- ’ ,
; The metnbera.of the Ist 23d reg’t will
vole at ttia house of Col. J. \Vynkbop in Smokey
town,,MaJ; Jacob, Kissinger superinteridant.
Those of the Bdbattalion same reg’t at the pub
lio'ho'gse ofMr. Kennedy inNewville, Maj. John
Casey superintendent. ■ „ •,
The Ist battalion 86th reg’t at the publicTfptlßo
at OysJor’s Point, Copt. Joseph lidngneckor su*.
"Vfhe battalion same reg’.tatthe public house ,
of Mr. ffoeyerim Mechijiiicsburg, Maj.;S. Brent'r
ier superintendent. 1 ', .
' The Ist battalion 196ffi reg’t at the public hoose
of Mr. Maxwell at LeenK Hoad a, CapU 3. V) -
Sch»Vflsra^' - ’6aljt^?m^JJ , Olnwsop.?rih* , * n >‘r
QUta ''l
Tfxe Ist battalion I97tk reg Wat thepublicKousa
"of ikvfdßleap MajorTi Craighead ....
" U^he"Whal P talibh,aaiTie teg’tpat the-public house
ofH. L. Burkholder in Carlisle, Capt-1 1 - Pavu.-
son auperintendant.’ , •• -- ... '
The let battalion. Oumb, Vol. at-the_publ^- ——
house of M. M’Clolland in Carlisle, Captain M,
VVise superintendent... , , -
'The 2d battalion Cumb.Vol.- at the public
house of F. VVonderlich in Mechanictburg, Capt.
Martin sttberintendant. ' J .. „ , .
Apd those of the Ist reg’t Cumb. Yol. will vole
at the public h°wse o( GpU Wm. H. Woodburn tn
NWlire73raior|oabprATlsgeEppermtcndaut.--- —■
• On-or before the hour appointed for opeptpg Splu
election, each superintendent Will appoint puepet^
son' who, with siinsoir r tyttl act as judge, aputWO
other persons who will serve as clerks to emd c
leetion, ail of.whom (& the supermlcndant) before ,
entprir.gon said duly, must be sworn nrufii rnica, v
perform said service fairly and impartially, and to
make a true return thereof to the undersigned with
in ten days after said election,!’ the -oath or affir- f 0
mation may bo .administered by a commissioned
military officer or Justice of the Peace, fhe pit
' sent captains of militia companies must make ?u ; ,
correct rolls “agreeable to. the .newmrrangement. ,
of those residing in their present respective com
panies, which rolls they must furnish to the sn
perintemlant of thebattalionelectmn in the bounda
of which: such enrolled men reside, op or before
the hour appointed for opeping said rlpptions.
Volunteer captains niust furnish tolls of their
respective commands to the super,iptepdbnt of thw.
election for the reg’t or battalion to which they
severally belong, on or before the jiourOppoiuted
for opening said elections. ■/ • J • . ,
Any one here appointed siipcimtc/dant, wish- .
ing not to serve, on account ol being a .
or from any, other cause, Will please notify theim-,
dersigped, in timo that another may be appointed,
in his f pom.
\V. FOULK, Bnp. !«*(>•
Ist Blip;11th 1 Uiv. P. .. •
Britradp inBpeclD ,, ■ - -
Carlisle, Sit 1842. Jj >■■' ■
Garriage&for Sale.
1 -CAlit - V
npnHR Bufiserilu&Juiß bp hand /M.. 1 ®;.!?. .
it now CAURIaGKS and TILLBIiKIUS. c.
avdry superior maupfatture,-which.lie Will sr
at very raoilerald'piicfß. T|ie articks may >o
seeh at Mr.'HuUi.tich’a Garriape House, near _ll p,
'comet of Hanover aml LoutherEtTCets—and .will. .
hg-dianosed of op suclr teraia an will euit purdia- _
wUVJpVen- to. tho aioount offS each, w.o
.. ,:’ : 3 i '- -
Tux : -^V
- JVtheeiitig of:the.Tex l^-cf s (without re ■
Spßctdo the Stony Kiteetothp,
f*»jjelianna, rivcr, will be lipl<l. AWM
FiWnnUeilich, inthe fcoroßeh of. Median
icsbmg7tra> StHwrdtiy:the
tbtfhrooiit of tas to oe paia Cuni
b'erlaojl 'entity to the etim of; .
iipiliM-sivfn tboiiumdtfqllait. It ia to be
ralse his yoice 'ngnl.nat tbe .recklesa course
L*6Ul“t^;E^NO.6 U1 “ t^; E^N0 . • ’•
/ AnrfrgB.tB4& j •-• ..
J:P.TTRRS teßtairieritary on (hp rotate or .
Cartliil^i‘l>nVe^ r eh' s 6uei\«)rtWHubßc,i'iber:
All perperis iriilehlcdto paid’«“«taXe. nrs re- ’
," "1
•U^ ) ? rs ‘!.'^--';
Wlhfci:itwmea^lWs'' i f,=,
<baV”tjinef i(Vi»>anir
WWhanite-of air: officervfur■■ r«!* - ..;,
a • r \'f~