American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, March 24, 1842, Image 3

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Borough Election.
,;Al an election Tor Borough officers held on Friday
fast, the following named persons were elected-:
Cuisr Burgess —Jacob Zug. __ • - *
- Assistant DonoEssTrJohn Snyder.:,... -
Tows' Council— Reinick Angney, Stbwart Moore,
William Moudy, Jacob Wolf, James Loudon, John D.
Gorga*, Charles Barnitz, Armstrong Noble, .David N,
Mahon. •
Tows Clerk— Robert Moore, Jr. t
Judge op Elections— Jacob Bretz.
Inspectors— John Mell, N. Hantch,.
Assessor —Henry Myers.
Scuool Directors —James Hamilton, Col, Qeorgo
McFccly, William M. Biddle..
Constadles— Robert McCartney, Henry. Gould,
Samuel Crall, John-Spalir.
(Cj’Tho election, in this Borough "'on Friday last,
came off very quietly. * There were but 352 voles
polled in all, out of about 630 voters. The question
at issue was Shin Planters vs Anti Shin Piasici's t and
was.decided in favor of the former by a large majority.
.As the new Council were elected on that principle,
jvc suppose one of their first acts will bo to give the
good people of this Borough aiid vicinity an aliun«
.dance of rag money. -change. We-hopo they' will
carry out the will of their constituents—as they arc
jduubtlesS*in'favor of the doctrine of instruction to its
fullest extent. ■ ■ - *
the first of the season, were sold
in oUr market, on Saturday morning last, &(. from 25
.to 31 i cents & piece.
Tho Rov, Thomas V. Mooue, formerly of Ncwville,
was 'on Monday Ijisl elected Pastor of the Second
PrcsbyteriaiL. UhurcK of this Mr. Mi is a
• young gentleman of undoubted piety and talents, and i
T ' will doubtless mikeim able MimJjiTof"
have made abetter selection, . * I
Judges have been elected in North
Middleton, South Middleton, Silvej Spring. MedraUr
icsburg, Upper and Lower Dickinson; Prankford, New?
-vdle r .Ncwtou r j^.outbamptotr-and-MiHHnr J —■
As usual the Federalists luAc,carried ihcir Judges
in Monroe, Allen, East Ponnsborough, West Penns
borough, Uopcwcll and Slijppensburg ?
Cfj'Tho Algebraic problem by J. G.,E. cannot np
poar, for the. reason that we have no characters or signs
to correspond with the statement, and which are neces
sary to its full understanding. The same reason ap?
"plies' hr regard to the solution dntho 'Muthematical
question which appeared in our paper of tho 10th inst.
'inis, we trust, will bo’a Sullioicut apology for their
pon-appcarancc. •*--
Buchanan— The friends of this distin
guished statesman, in Harrisburg, were to hold a
meeting lost evening, in tho Court" House st that place.
An immense gathering of the Democracy was antief
, paled.
CCFOn tho opposite page will bo found n ehorl
sketch of a debate in the Hou?e of Representatives, on
the subject of making mi appropriation “to pay tho Do
mestic Creditors of''the Commonwealth, in which one
.<»f tlte members from tills county, Mr. Colveh, par
ticipated. We hope to be cobbled shortly to l#y Air,
iC*s remarks more-at Jen'tjlh before our readers.
. AEERT FiKE COkHIM-NY.—Thrs excel
lent unci clHoiout company* of y.s\ung men, celebrated
Jtheir first anniversary on Saturday last, by a public
The company numbered £6 strong, hand
somely uniformed, with an appropriate banner and
their Engine beautifully and tastefujly decorated.—
•They marched through the principal street*, accompa
nied by music, and exited t tbo curiosity of all our citi
zens at the novelty of tlio thing, as well os tho'hand
,-coine appearance of the pippde.
r l his company, although but a ex-
istence, has on sovehil occasions-given evidence of its
v efficiency, which is highly creditable to the youth*
who compose it. It is made up principally of tlio
young mechanics of the towji—the Vbonc and sinew,”
who aio dv'er foremost in tiipe pf danger—-and proini- j
• sea fair* to. go ahead of oil tho other companies of tho
borough, in ,the sphere of usefulness--iu yhich-dhe *
• members have voluntarily embarked. • • I
We trust the ‘'Alert” may receive every encourage- ;
orient from tlio public. The praise-worthy zeal of J[ta 1
members richly entitles them to tho thanks of ©very
L \
Money Adairs In PliiladclpUa.
il/pre liynk FuifyrjAJ?rJi*sumplxon.
'Resumptiomhao fairly cqmmepccd in Philadelphia.
At a iprotiug-of- the officers of the different Banks on
- Thursday evening last, a resolution was passed ,to
commence in full next day; some of .them paid oyt
epecio on Thursday, the fqilure of the Bank of Penn
Townjihjp caused a ran on Thursday on’.soveral oth
ers, which ended in tho stoppage of tha Mechanics
Bank, the Manufacturers’’and Mechanics’. Bank; and
■ xi considcralileprcssuro.on the'Moyamcnsing Bank.—
We copy, tlio following account of ,tho state of aTaira
c irdai the Money Ariiclqof the Ledger of Friday':
; r Yesterday was a day,-of ..great huslio and excitement
■with tho people and two or three of our banks!. The
run on Wednesday against Bio Penn Township Bank,
.though it closed at tho usual hour that (lav, with tho
OMurance of its ofticcnuhatit would opeavand mbqt
. 'nil its domanda Uro following tnorning, trenched so
, deeply on its means that it failed to fulfil this promise
.arid, instead of meeting its demands, it.remained closed!
The announcement of the failure of the above Bank"
'>setfspread throushoiit;ih'B-cily;"iurd the conwiidenco
was a" general distrust of the Mechanics’ 'Bank, - the
' Manufaclurers’andMechanic’ andthaMoyamonßingr
A run commenced on, all iheso. soon anor-.opening. bv
their note holders and dejioaildrs. The Mechanics’
yielded la this run.a few minute; before X o'clock, hnd
■ closed its doors.: Though two or throe handled per
sons were present at the time of (bis occurrence, those
• who were inaide as well as those who wore in front of
. the. building, quietly dispersed, The run here was so'
short that unless tboJemantls 'wore for depositee, the
- institution must have stopped full banded or else was
avoryjiooriy supplied with means., °
r - .At tile .Manufacturers’ and Mechanics’ Bank theda
nnand waualmoat entirely from note holders, and it
Wai kcpt .up with onccasing pressure at ail sides of the
,cpunter, frn:n tho opening of the benk until some time
after the usual hour for dosing. In.the eycning' the
Directors met and cpmD toiljio conclusion not to open
- the bank forclhc prpsen t.”
;At tho Moyafirensing Bpnk,the run.was later com
! ~jrm|)cfng,_its erditors hoing-lplerably quiet until bliouF’
lime bf. ths.pthppipe ;p j f the'Mechanics,*i From i
;V’wJtUattime o'clock' there (v«i a hiravy press :
', übjnt its djortgand though deipands were pinner- j
oils, tho antohuta ippeared to be generally lights. and
ahnoit enhidy froni note, heldeis, .Scarcely a deposi--
tii.drsw put money, Hero, as at.lhe Mafmfucturcra’* 1
, and ‘Mechanics' Bank payment,; were jpado in lipids 1
that lira broke™ have been dealing In for some weeks, j THE VICIOUS CIRCLE,
■ol-»di»comit , of-fromTiO'to'aO per 1 twit.—rThUrkHnl'af
currency tended considerably to check the demand, as
a number refused it altogether. It was a profitable
operation for the bank, dfufita officers seemed disposed
to make the moat of itt instead of discouraging the run,
they rathcif courted it, and closed the doors only when
there was no further demand. ‘
wilh respect to its ia ia“iiat predicament . ' .CREOLE AFFAIR,
which is called the viciaiu circle, that is toVay, in an The arrival of the Clyde with the ffetes’of thtri
eddy where the waters flow round and round in the of the Caledonia, occasioned much joy amoug._
same cifcplsthtg pool, - without change, and without on Saturday last. The additional news, how
fnabjiug the drifl which it floats to get into the do-1 cv ?V in r ™ a tion. to the “Creole” .business, changed
acending stream again. It is now in that circle, which J Vi, i .o nf of ha , t "“ 1*8“!
wiU soon become a whirlpool, as all these eddies have J
ft vortex m the centre, some large, sbme email, but terrible stale ofour financial affairs,arose ftvaguovicw
still a-vortox, in which floating object*.tire swallowed, roarshoJling of soldiers, and dll the stir, hustle
up. Its circle is* that .of depreciated faptfr money * n »p? X *. consc quciit'Upon u stotC’pf-war;.
w>ich ia now regularly performing its circuit from tho —b MUn “ lhi ®' Vc I* firstl ?
Treasury to the Gpverntne'nt creditor—from wi^h^tad^K^^— tt?hccdmo]
eminent creditor to .the broker—f(om the broker to the ; another ‘{boundary question” as far as regards the im
custom-houso—from tho custom-house to tho'Treasury pwctabiljiy..of jts settlement, ond tho probability of its'
from which it atarted—from the TroapUry again to tho I an en M° nrms; ■ jj
poor cVeditor—from- him again to thc.brotrer—again toI n^° f V »’ rnMI *» easier J-'
‘°ssrir, 0 " T" ■-"*
tothcTreasuri—thereto commence 1U endless rove, dlze, principally tobacco, and slaves, (about 135 in
lution of circling round and round, depreciating as it number.) On tho evening of tho Tth orNoycmbcr
goes, and-dcalined to perpetual movement in the same 80me . , tUc slave * rofi o upon tho crew of the vessel,
orbit until worn-out In tho circuit hr. swallowed no in mu ™ cr ™ a passenger, named Howell, who owned
b*., r...sw, ™.. air
wearing nway under this process.- Two per cent, is ; obtained complete possesainn-of tho brig, whicli under
already token off of them, and where it is to end no their, direction was taken into, the port of Nassau, in
one cai* tell. If the plana of fhc Administration sue- the island of New Providence, where she arrived'on
coed, it:will soon ho five.'ten, fifteen, twenty per cent !u° l J orn *Pff of the same month... 'At the request of
When .hoy get their Exchequer machine .o, fabricate dorojL" c™W too
paper, thp depreciaUon will go by jump*, ond plunge mutineer. an(l -with a view to of the
mtoiu lowest abyas before tlio election of 1344 can ciroumstencca of the case; such.investigation was
restore the Democracy and save the country. Instead Il 'adc by two British magistrates,* and an examination
of reclaiming tho laud nsvssos and restoring iubd a 50 . ,00k P ln “f l, y tho. Consul; .on tho report of. tho l
;ZIT " W FcdCml . TrCaSU ' 7 ' <» T , wretched cha>
latano are crying out lor more paper! Instead of get- tho mntiny-and munler. Their furrender to the Con-'
ting out of the vicious circle they are for going round however to be scnljto the United States for trial, :
and. round within it—increasing its volume and veloci- Jhr those crimes, was relhscd, on thegroqnd that the
,ty unlipa whirl is produced,’ which must swallow up Gov(?rn ° r . t*Wlod first to communicate with the 6ov- j
ail that comes within its vortex. Tho Congress elcc- fS' ,T ?"8 , ® nd on the subject In'the meantime I
rions under the new census is the firs, thing which even ££°Z
““ c ?. c , Lk thlB nmiOM course of the present Adminisr er number, of the remaining slaves were liberated, ami [
tration. Thcsa cicctioaa will take place in the fall of encouraged to go beyond tho power of tho master of
and tho spring and summer of 1343, and Con- tho vessel, or tho American Consul, by proceedings
gross will meet undcr-tbem in December, 1348.; This w, |Jf k " c ‘ lher et l^ l CO “>J control,
is, almost two yean, off-a long wait for a
remedy for such evils as we now lie under—a depress- with the information) thattho British Government has
od and falling public credit—a Treasury without one Peremptorily refused, in answer, Jo our own, to enter-
dollar ia it—forced payments of’dbpre? proposition for the amicable settlement of the
elated paper—a. national debi* growing up—a protec, S?*?# I>“vo even.been sent to BcrmuSo for
ca-.5.-w..: «‘£r:‘rr.'’ - " as
ThesoaroitiP i d, . 5 ‘ 3 °° winked at hv othera-tho land revenue given away— States for trial, are ttf be dpi* loose upon society in
ncse are me only banks ’whoso operations of tho - and no remedy for tho evil but the cause of the evil t fi ance of every p>inciple ofmoral right and intornatiori
came to pur knowledge, but, judging from appear,! that is to say, more paper money. • Already water- n^a "» . _ .
nncea-oround-the olhem,‘all were T alteifded loggM. iri tlw vicious circio of paper money, these i ° Q^^P ale a great deal of trophies from the agi
the men; Under the icad.o7jkq ‘‘^-!.P“ r ' ® u ? lir^ eB -°f
above three banks, a nil| iTtlic oViiep"'
gained tinfeh aa much as the overage of ttpso thfttmre I" “Emperor Nrcii6t w Aß,’ i 'i\;ho; ih tum/wYli so3n,be up- j the IoPs"of r tVie slaves who Were.
ascertained, our banks are strengthened by the .opera-' cr the'leail of “Lord AsunUrVros,” can do nothing! M ir °ugh theinetuimcntalUy of the colonial government,
lions of the day to the amount hut cry out for paper. Thus h is, and thus it muM I i o ' t . hi 1 s th ® British authorities respond, that we have'
! see it slated that tho delegates from fourteen of ho. until after the elections under the now! census ! lu° such a demand', and if we hod, thaf
|4lie^ l eccepring^h3nlnrTntTTrrfan!Msler^hr7 > lun : sJayT alla^irefltorfr ~^ & ~^g m< > cfQe y~io-ptnvcr^—l ■ * n ° P OTVcr te. th ° mUnici P al la " °f-Fn ff land
hist,,to consult logothei; on the policy ond propriety of
the provisions of the recently passed Re
sumption law, arid came to tho conclusion that they
were not legally affected by, ihe taw—that they would
-begin. to.get ready to,resume some time—and that, in
Iho,mean time, they would receive each others notes
Those sagacious, honest delegates had not then learned
wit: the .resumption
of nine of our hanks and the failure of till tho rest.—
When this information shall roach them, they , will
probably think it worth while.’if any of them can, to
“begin to get ready to resume” pretty soon. If they
do not do this; they will have,to go in,to liquidation—
no other alternative is led any bank that- hopes or de
sires to form any part of tho currency.' Tho East an
Dank has resumoß this institution did not accept of
the Relief law, - It whs stated’hero on Saturday that
Several of tho country banks ,yf this State vycro expect
ed to resume tills day, *
Although there were,collections around all these in
stitutions, and many, hold notes on which they expect
ed to bo losers; there was no where visible ill feeling
or noisy dissatisfaction. AH'seemed to-* Jock upon
these failures as in sonta measure, poepssary to reach a
purer and. more wholesome s(4t» of/‘things,.. Around
the brokers* offices there ware dusters of people, but
these gentlemen pretty- gonorallyrefused to do. much
business. They, too* evinced much distrust, and sev
eral of them, Imvifig been losers recently to considera
ble amounts, chose to forego seeming profits to incur
ring the risk.of further loss,.
, Tho resuming banka are the Philadelphia. Commer
cial, North America, Farmers* and Mechanics? Sahtli
wark, Northern Liberties, Western, Kensington, Ge>
... 1 :■
Prom the • Ledger of Monday* —
The Money market*
Baturday-waa the second successful day of resump
tion, and, unlike the day that preceded it, was almost
wholly unaccompanied by excitement or run upon tho
bunks. Tho crisis is, believed to-have passed with
these institutions, and facts show that they are strong
er now than they wore before resumption, so_ far as
their specie means are concerned; The expess of-coin
paid out over the amount received,, oi} Friday, 4s bo
lieved to be of inconsiderable tunaunt, if any; and-on
Saturday, the following examples ahn>v that they were
IdVge gainers in the omqunl of their specie. For in
Tho Philadelphia Bank received in spepio
and New-sWk funds,
And p;ud out iiis^ene,
Oafo to the institution.
The Farmers’ and Mechanics*'
ceived in Hko funds, (a larger proportion
,of It being in specie,}
Arpi paid out in specie,
Gain,to the institution, SSI,OOO
The North America Buiilf. received In
■ specie'and specie funds,
And paid out in'specie,
RESUMPTION.— Wo le.-yu from tho Pennsylva
nian of Tuesday, that the >Vjl,mngton Banka resumed
on the day previous, and that it was expected ail the
Banks in Delaware would jmmedutoly -‘follow suit.”
i he Salem (N. J.) Bank has also resumed,'
1 ho Easton Bank, and }he Farmers Bank of Read,
ing. have commenced paying specie-arid rumor says
that tho Columbia Bank, Middletown Bank, York and
Gettysburg Banka, pro also “shelling out” the hard
Speaking of the stale of things in Philadelphia, tho
Pennsylvanian says;-“Resum, tion gets along swim
mmgly inlbjs region, instead of Hie Banks being
drawn of .their specie, as and alarmists
Seemed to fear, specie flows in’ upon them. In many,
instances, their deposites in specie and specie funds are
much greater than tho amounts paid nut, and it ap
pears .that already a general confidence is restored.’’
j (CrThe Federal bloodhounds in. .Congress have got
on the track of (ho Hon. Jesse Milt.™, First Auditor,
j °- p a motion made by. Stanley, of North Carolina', to
I strike opt tho salary of that ollicer. and of consequence
I force him .to resign. After debating jfho motion fur
, four days, in wliichdime the Whig vjoli of wrath were
| liberally poured out upon tlio head of this honest man
I and efficient public officer, it was withdrawn by tho
, mover, nndlhe character of Mr. Miller'remains up--
ffcathed, (lotwithstandlng.tho fieiy ordeal through which
it has baeti pass.- Jjlr.'M. 'is nearly the only
Democrat, in office at Washington.—having, been tc
moral worth qpd undoubted business- tolonlj—hence
tiip-liitler and vindictive assault .upon his character as
s public ollicer, and the attempts of a score of hipiciy
Federal aspirants to displace him.
Rionr or SEAncn.—Tbis doctrine, so haughtily
set pp by Great Britain., has been fleblyinep and ic
futed by our Minister at Paris, Gen. Cass, in a pamph
let of some sixteen or twenty pages, which lips recent
ly been published. The appearance of the pamphlet
has created quite a.soniation intiip British and-French
Courts. Brimh statesmen .denounce it—-and the'
French Ministry applaud ii Much now light is
thrown upon the subject by its arguments, ami the
General has earned, for linnself a character in Europe
which but few American statesmen can aspire to. -
Nflre Murders in Florida.—We learn from the
Baltimore Sun. that on Alia 24th uIU, in Columbia
county, Florida, .the dwelling of n jiri Tillis was at
tacited by a patty of Indians, tcnortwclveiu number.
M home. Btdhe time. Mre..T. and
one child were shot dead—the child, was shot with on
arrow. A ybUng lady and two 1 children wero-tnortally.,
wounded—’tho.two latter withai; Captain Mc-
Clellan and a party of citizens started in pursuit of the
Indians. . ,
Anpfhtr '
Change, —Tho' Herald and Expositor, pf
thi» plage, has passed into,thV-hiinds oCR. W, HJib-
DWToa, Esg. by whom it will hereafter be conducted.’
! Mr. M. formerly edited;tho GrtlyobvirgSlar.and more
yeeenUy theXancaeter Biproiner, ,(bo(h Abtimaßonio
prints)and inis therefore cdnaiderable Mperiehcejn.
the business. Whether the H<^Jii»4»-io'{snaicted
on AnUmasont^^^^Kdpiea, Bli a a m i xtu re
o£ both, wo ore unjtSjf to" aayp but, judgingfrom some
hints throwu-out in tho inaugural, wo shopld lather bo
induied to suppose the former—particularly tis tho
narno of Gen. Scott? (Mr. Slovene’ “candidate for the
Presidency) appears ai;tho mast-head of the first paper
issuedbjr.lho noweditor. -TjUsis nohe.of our business;
hpweyer-s-pnd wo therefore close our notice of the
change; 'by wishipg Mr. M.i anccce# in hia new entci
* ’.Jj
I AppnorniATioxs.—Air, Wright, from the improve-j
I merit
* improvements of the commonwealth; s:c. making tit,e
following appropriations oiul provisions
1 Repairs, •
Repairs, French Crock Feeder,
fcJhenango and Concaut line,
Tioga and Tunkhannock lino,
New Work on finished lined,
Reservoirs at Allegheny Portage,
Franklin lino,
In casfr of fresbcf or casualty, the Governor is to
borrow for one year, at six per cent., the suJif certified
by two engineers on the credit.of the commonwealth,
a sum not to exceed $015,000, reimbursable after July,
IS6U. If loans cannot be effected, the governor to
issue certificates of loon, not less than $lOO, payable
in ton years, with six per cenriutercsl to such’persons
us the Ciute may be- indebted to for work done on the'
lines, for which these appropriations are made, but not
to exceed $015,000. — licyxiunc;
From the Dayton f otuoJ Transcript .
Governor I 1 OK IJJ Ji of Fennsyleunia.
1 < Wc hope wc shall nut be suspected oi' •partizauism,’
' j if we should ...u;ve some menuon ol tae su-iiing tuteg
' rity, fom all party consiueraUun, ol tuts tony
jjriMt mid good Hum.,' And ia such times ot general,
almost universal, defection 'among public scryauts, and
the destruction oi pu.Jic credit'by the >ibtaliuu ol tae
sacreduess ol plighted iuliti, bow pleasant it u to uo
: able to refer to one individual, who has been proof
against the corrupting inlluence ol the times; und who,
under the most inauspicious circumstances, has main
tained his integrity unspotted. *Jt is tiuly u sunny
. spot amidst the'general gloom! And certainly such
} an individual is iiuvjd Porter, liaised to
, oinco at u time when the uiiairs of tiie citato over whose
destinies h.o yyas'called to preside,, were in a most de
plorable. situation; and during -whoso administration
wildest and most dangerous passions oi tuuUitmuu
soul were aroused almost to frantic madness; when (he
two great contending political parlies, were waging a
ward cxtcrmimi.i.n upon each other, the
surest road to political preferment, was-a total disregard
©rcveiy public interest, and a blind und fatal adnerehco
i to J a*tv; —to sea 1 a man under such circumstances, uu
swayed by all these considerations, and pursuing, with
undeviating zeal, the injcrcsts of Ul6 |>eople and. by 1
every means laboring for the preservation of the fiiiu;
credit,, and honor of. iho State, is surely, a
rftihgrto^y.CTyTJatHo^bosoinil'' ‘. T
Where i s the State, whose financial operations were
so^much-embarrassed,_and. whose means ipuicct its U«
pbililics, wero so limited as yet,
| under the administration of Jiavid tt. Porter, over>
which could be done, has been tlolib to preserve
inviolate the public credit—and it must ulford the
highest gratification to every real lover of his-Country,
•to know that the clTorts of Governor Porter .have re
suited gloriously for the honor of the Keystone State.
J,o u_a who first drew o'ur breath in Pennsylvania, and
,to whom her interests and honor arc still dear, it is a
matter of .leal satisfaction tp.scc her pass from this-fierv
ordeal, ‘without even. the .smell of lire upon’ tier irai
menu. , And if real worth ami sterling integrity, cii
litle any man to the gratitude of-, his follow citizens
Dav!d Ihttenhousa Porter will not bo forgotten
Would there were more, many more just such men, at j
tho helm of public affairs,. j
Aie pitanoi. fdnoe.—The §t. Augustine Kewp
Bays: ‘‘Tho winter bos been remarkably .mild, and j
our ancient city is again perfumed with the delightful
odor ofthe orange-blossom, the present ■ appoarancobf
the trees, there will bo a fine ctop.of orange produced
in'St. Augustine next fall.” ' .*■
■■■. Lb ■ ■ ■' ■ ■- ■_ j
. A PnihrcTios.-aWe ere “ncither a prophct por
the. eon of a prophet, 1 ’ and yet, wo venture thoprrdloc
tien that before-three months ohall hivo passed away,
all tile Banlts -in- the Stale that con Wumb, wiil have
Lpesumed—anti flmt.those which are;insolvent will be
[ forced inld'a otate'of liquidation. ' We hate .this pro
diction; not on.the dispoaitibn or willingncMoftho in
stitutions in question—but on thejri»rf«lil)lo force of
public dpinitm. : gone by in wlndf the
rUbuO *"rni cih'6o held at bay. The popular wUI hu"
been set at defiance for nearly five■ years,- nptil at
length tho |ast,y£«tigo,pf is; -The
people' are-.determined on a resumption—and a
eumption they. ?u»BT jmd :wi 11 Moxkour
diction,:... .*... >,.. •*
■ .(Xj'A Bank Cohyontionwas hold at Xiaficaafcr' on
Thursday last’ 'The most oftheßanks out of the
.city pf Philadelphia were what action
they took on the subject bf 'reshmptioa jiap not vet
transpired. The Lancaster papere of this week will
probably .containWmf.wcbuntor their dciina*. ’ '
-Our AdministrtUioi
To -comply with, ij. With, regard tp cqmpensjitiori, in
the words of Lord Campbell, “slavery is not recognized
i.y * lO tawa of England, and tlie slave is free, ivs'o
jseto, as soon as He seis foot on British territory.”
It seen by-this that the two governments arc
jjjjy P|bcc<l in_cxartly antagonistic positions—Th&
AlcLeod/Case,/ and the “Oregon Territory Ques
i , on( ? the ’North-Eastern- Boundary Question,*’
i B yir \ ni ° V, lsl?nificancc ' Reside the prejpnt-, national
umicuJty. i hey were subjects of_dcbalc.
and negotiation. Here debate is ended, and ncgocra
tion is ofrio avail. The murderers.have been rclens
| cd, the slaves set free, and Great Britain not only ;
I admits rhe fact, but justifies it, and refuses to entertain 1
any proposition in relation to it, - ' ,
; ' vl| al/tho result of all this wiU be, is hard to con
jecture.. J'he case \vcare a very threatening aspect.
A war is a thing scarcely to be contemplated, and vet
omj almost inevitable. Groat Britain is using
the olayc Question as-a cloak to a thousand continued
aggressions, and we must put a slop to it or there will
3>o no end to their encroachments. Even the conti
nental powers begin to view things in this light, and
are disposed to fight shy of Her dissimulation. Look
at. France, for instance, Mr..Gubcct has refused Ip rati
fy the treaty to unite with England, without reserve,
m relation to slave trade—although Victoria In' her
speech pronounced that treaty cone.luded. And what
reason did Mr. Guizot give Lord Aberdeen for thtf re
fusal of France] Because the latter was “not certain
■of the probity and disinterestedness of. Great Britain” j
in .the premises! '
■ 25,000
", 25,000
| A War is not therefore B(? ray improbable a thing
!as U may nt tirst-nppear. At any rate wo should bo
prepared. The British ore not sending their steam
•shjpa here, oil comanjUd by. officers in ike Boyql
JNafy, for nothing! It must* be amusing to Ihatgov
crnmrht to see Ijpw wo welcome' to our shores vessels '
built expressly.for.ihc contingency Of a tear ioith us
and how wefetc officers who have been expressly sc
lected to come among us, for. the purpose of becoiuing
familiar with our coast, the position' end’ countings of
our harbors, the nature and extent of opr resources, I
and obtaining any olhcrinformation calculated, in .tho|
CV War * r* aCl9 k* completely nt their mercy.
Wo beg our readers, to think of these things.—
Sjnnfof the Timet. “ ~ 1
The Loufsinna Legislature CuAncas'
•hf. ('OS Ft an, Esq., U. S. Senator .from that State, In
the room of Mr, Mouton. resinned.
■ CCj'The Secret!ry of the Nary,' itis.raiiiorca. too
ordered four vessels of toot to cruise oh the coast of
Africa, for tho purpose of assisting to .suppress tho
■Slave - Irade, end also' to.provcnt American vessel 9(
from-being searched by British cruisers. The squad;,
ron is tube commanded by Copt. Ramsays
Avornr.n QisK bHrMtsTios. —T.hc paying
.lot of the AtcJjnfalaya Bank, near- Nov* Orleans, hap
been discovered to bo a defaulter to tho amount of #-
bout 5100,0001 ——: —
■ Horrible- Pdrricide.-r.The •‘Spirit of the Times,”
published;,. at Batavia, Gycane county, Now York,
gives tho following particulars of on act of cold bipod
ed atrocity, perpetrated at Bryan, on Wednesday last;
tho 16th inst:—
A you rig man by .the .name uf Benjamin T.AVhite,
hjnung Air several yearp past had a gtudgo againsfhis
-father, on neepuhtof not. Doing put in possession of a
portibn or-propeify, determined to satiate his revenge
ful feelings by murdering both bis father nhd step
mother!—White came up to the house as his parent
was entering the door; ho took hold of his coat collar,
pulled him about, so as to face him, took out a pistol
from his pocket and shot him just under the ehmildef.
Hu then threw him down and commenced heating !
him with the butt of the pistol. The stepmother im
mediately ran to the assistance of her husband, and
bad.tlio presence of mind to teach down and-piek up
the pistol (which had fallen in thp affray) nhd wap
raising up when She perceived the murderer draping
another {ram his pocket which he aimedi at her—and
■she only escaped her husband's fate, by throwing-up
1 her arm and diverting the aim of the pistol, which was
. A red .but, without effect. Jhe young, than, then made
i for the wpods but waspursuqd by a mfinW of dtitchd
and ot /opr hours,. - In Speaking of
tho murder'to onoof'lua captors hosaid,“ldon’tknow
whetfrcrl killed the old man or not. bul l meant to—
-l,took gops! aiml". . . ■ ', . ■ _;, .
I has® seonm. letter written id bis father last winter,
nbfujnds in.inore abusive, outrageous, nnd irri
pions isnguage tb'ahj'l ever eaw condensed into an e
dwapaca.! He dotes tho letter with: “So fare" ye
wou iw lad present. jiao' contemptible did jackass, «nd
spawilTof an adder." ; Whi tojjusaJeljrltklgdd'in our
nusorablsund i :
Annual Popart of the Directors ofthb Fonn*
j jtcen publisbod. ond-tho-<»ndjUou cvf- iiio Institution is
os gratifying. AlthobeginmngqT
this ycmy there were 106 and 46 girls.
7S are supported
7* by New. Jersey, and 15 bylhclr friends, orthefunds
of.the InatUutioiC : expenew* during list jwr ex* ;
>n-tmd-Wo/en-flfami/u<durta,— |,W'Q~l^T|yy')C?T^~
lea accompanying the census returns, it appeal a 06 llil lliV£ilJU illAlil] l U ,
- whoienmount of capital invested in. the man- ; BjIBENEZER D. HJUTZ, successor to F. A i
.acture of cotton ill the United States, is $61,102,369; hcnneity, Coach Milker, tatesplinsure ill
end in the manufacture' of wool $18,705,184. The. »yf«pwg_«h» paMig-getierally.that tf Isprepaid
t*, . . , ■■ ; 5 . . to render satisfaction in the construction or ror>;i'
whole number of cotton factories 19 1310; number of; of' . _ lor y
persons employed in them 72,119. The whole pum-j fi^Trppirrft'an
for of woolen factories ii 1420; number of persons I - *ggsgßw‘3 ‘
employed 21,842.- Massachusetts has the largest | overy'descriplion. Hia workmen
amount in bath tho cotton and woollen manufacture.' c^aef1 ’ being originally from'tlte ci l
j —■ ■ ■ 1 oU'biliultlphia, (and limtself likewise} —and hill
materials are of thu host kind. , • ,
OAItUIAfiKS will be finished in Ihetnoot in,,
proved stylo, and nothing wanting to giva
full eatislaclioa to alj vyhomay favor him with
their.custom. lie therefore hope* .to receive n
slmraiof public patronage.: •• • .' ;
' The establishment is in .Flit street, south <•!
High,, in lliOtearof tlißi Methodist Episcontt
Parllsle, March 17, 1849.
N. B. Old carriages, ot.’any ktnd of’trade that i$
marketable, taken in exchange for new work. -
E. D. N.
dj’A great battle took place .in. Sotilh America last
month. The President of. Pern (Gamjliiiij,) invaded
Bolivia with an army of 4,ooomen. Uo mct by
a force of 7,000. The battlo lasted but thirty minutes,
yet there wear killed, wounded, anil taken prisoners,
8,000 out of the 4,080 Peruvians, and the President,
himself .was killed. . The Bolivian loos was only 150.'
• CC}’fn the United States Supremo Court, at Wash*
ington, qn Saturday week, the celebrated Gaines’ casa
was allowed togo over. nmt tsrm, ’ whan *
decision may be expected. ' . •..,
CCJ* Ab/ure-appears in a stale of resumption—
iftho Banes ate not. Farmer* from the country tqi(
us; that tha_grain never- presented a finer appearance
so early in the season, than it doca at Iho present time.
Asthma Gnnxo J-Sir. Jamca Ward, reaiding at 214
South Fifth street, Philadelphia, was afflicted with the
Asthma. From its effects upon the-system, he was
reduced to a more skeleton, and as ho thought beyond
.the reach of all human aid;’ many .medicines had been
recommended os a sure remedy, but on trial provcdTo
be of little or no service, until finally ho wae, through l
tho persuasion* of a friend, induced to'try tho Bftm
dreth Vegetable Vnivtnal Pills, which iiiicss than
five weeks succeeded''in'making a perfect curet'Mr.
W. is a heolthy respectable citizen of Philadelphia; and
well known as being a man of truth ond honor, and
in order to satisfy tho, inquityhf any person, ho will,
with pleasure, give them every information relative 10
his case, by applying os above.. '
Purchase in Carlisle; of Geo. W, Hitner, and
only tirCumberland county of Agents published
in another part of this’ paper. \
Shall Sickness or Health Prevail 7
Ifisjwident that the former will if there U not.tnpro
■cate 01 attention paid Wfiot ore the
primary causes of the very great, variety. of disease^-
which wc daily behold. Afflicted pgrson, >vete you
not first attacked with hilsoriiht stomach, attended
with sickness, costivcncss, a derangement of the. slom*
acb and digestive organs, (probably caused'by indulge
freely in rich food, a sedentary life, irregular
meals, exposure; late hours, intomperaheo, &c.)— *.
•These mostly are t)io effuse of affliction at the present
day. • Wh,cn '‘ theso symptoms occur, if you desire.
Compound Strmglhenifig and ’formed Aperient
'Pills, os they are»a"euro medicine to-tem'ove Vheao dis*.
tressing attacks. The properties of this medicine are
fitst cleanse (he stomach and bowels, remove‘bile ami
i binoug. matters, purify the■ blood,. whn?h, .when ob
r-striietcdrsfabjeet-the-mxly—te~pain’ond~distfoBe.?>'* Thnr
U effected by a few. doses'of the German Aperient
Pitta. After this is accomplished, the Strengthening
Tonic Pitts are used to give strength and vigor to tho
system, «£c. • In a course of this treatment.-the patient
will be health, when all symptoms
of dispepsia, liver .complaint, «ck headache, pain in
the side, limbs, and other. bodilyJinfirmatics, .will be
completely eradicated.
. Principal Office,. No, 19 North, Eighth street,
PhiladolpKiffT- -r- --:
On Tuesday lhe-15lh ult, by tbo Rev. Jno. Heck,
Mr. Samuel Wr+siler, to 'Miss' C btHorinc-' Ahn,
daughter of Jacob, Lehman, Esqi, all of West Penns
borough township. . •
Qn Tuesday evening the 16th inst., by the Rav.,
H. Aurnnd, Mr. James W, Culbertson, of Shippons
burg, to Miss Rebecca ShrOm, of.Carlisle.
On the 12th inst., by the Rev. John Ulrich, Mr,
Robert Griffith, of Baltimore, Md. to Miss Rebecca
Keepcy, of Carlisle 1 /
On the 17|h inst., by the same, Mr. Joseph Zigter,
to Mias Margaret Jacobs, of lyprth Middleton township,
Oh the 16th uIK, at Harrisburg, by the pcy. John
Ulrich, Mr. Anthony Fieltbum , to Mias Sulonie Ann
Lefever , all of Dickinson township, in tlris County.
On the same day, at the same place, by the same,
"SU, Joshua Fishburn, ot Middlesex* to "SUm?.Margaret
Phil'ps^ of Mrchanicsburg. *- ■' ' '
On the 10th inst., by’ the same, Mr George IVTcr,
to Miss Ilenrjei/a AnaersoQ, alf of Nprth Middleton
tqwnehip, -i . ' , A —-— —
. On tho same dav, by the same, Mr. Samuel Good
r/eor, of South Middleton township,' to Miss Mary
Morret , of-Monroo township.
' On the same day, by the same, Mr. George Sailor,
to Miss Sophia. Elizabeth Otto, all of South Middle,
ton township.
On the same dny, by ’the same, Mr. Mats Deem,
it* Mrs. Julia Moore, ell of this place.
Will,bo delivered before tho Alert"Fire' Componv
m-,‘‘Education Hall,’.’ .on, TUESDAY EVENING
inst ' ) 7 i i ‘ ilo< *. V J. ELLIS
BONHAM. Esq. Subject!—o3'Braos’s Abnnsss
fo ms Dauoiiteii.
_Ladieo admitted gratis; Gentlemen 12J cents.—
DootsAvillhe opened ni a quarter before 'seven. •
' March 24, ,1842. ’' ! ' '.
iff A Jarge supply of good
' Equalities, just received at prices from 13 to
i Id cts. per pound.
TEAS. ' Young Hyson, Imperial, Gunpowder
and Black Teas, of various qualities, from 75 cts.
to $3,08 per- ifc. .- ■■-■ ■■■
Wfcr Beat quality. Spring and winter Sperm
a,tsl;?s'ta : sl,37J. 'Vinter Wh a In'oil at 80 eta;
per gallon. With a general assortment of Coffees,
VVhke anJ .llrown Sugars - and other articles, at
pHcrm corresponding—For
tail, at ths Grocery Store of
J. \V. EDY.
Carlisle, March 34.1343. ,
MSrisatle Inspectors’ tinier.
npH.B enrolled inhabitants subject to military
i duty residing in Cumberland county, will pa
jade and drill in companies or troops under their
respective commanding officers ori Monday the 2d
day oytlay. next, and the regimenisand’buttalions
will parade for inspection as follows:, 1 ’
The Ist battalion 80tli reg’t P,‘ M. and the 2d
battalion Cumberland-Volunteers, oh Monday the
Slli day of May next. •
'The 2d battalion .rgg’t and the Ist,battalion'
Cumberland Volunteers, on Tuesday tho lOih of
Miiy.' , _ '
' Tjia Ist battalion 23d reg’t-on Widneßdav lho
11 thof May.—--•,; !_
'Tho Si battalion same, reg’t on Thursdav the
12lh of May. - y ‘
• Tho Ist regV Cumberland .Volunteers on. Fr
iday the 13th of May. ,< ■ j
. .'Company Armories must be. in rpadiijoßS, arid
tbs pieces of Artillery must lis In. the .Cold for ins
spection. ' ■■ ' ' " if 1 - is.'; : ’V.,
Obnimandlng officers of regiments br lndepcnd
ent battalions,,and. officeraßi command o'pcotppa.-
pies or ffo.o'ps must make a return of iheir’ com
mands to :tha undersigned on tlie. day of their re
■spttctivo.baltuliuhlor regimental training*. ■' 7 , ■
W.F.OUU£,Br&.Ius P :::
Brig. Insp. Office; : I 5 ' *
..Carlrath, March 21,1542. $ '
■ Npwwm*
{finitfftiwl of tyring irji'tfit
:,.-: ; ; ~ " ■
i'.J 'P' T I
B#»X®j|pVl ,^^’'^'HUad(rfDlil»«<tf^<
jftJl ajd aasbrliienlitient of Seatoriablt Ofiodi, of
jl^V^bs^W'which |heylhvite^J^«lonoj’
as' oahnot.faii; to meet
of . ‘ ’ H 'M:
fJP 11 subscriber respectfully informs his pa-
JL irons and lhe public in general, that he has
removed his Fashionable Clialr Making Establish
meht to the west side of .South Handver street, a
few doors south of Dr. Geo. D. Foulko’sV. Hav
ing procured first rate yvorkmen, hois prepared iu
manufacture to orderand’keepconstantly on hand,'
a supply:at th» most accommodating term's of ’
. liuth fy Cane Doltdmcd
HI • ’ CHAIRS, ”' '
. Settees (? Sociabless ■
Common lc Fancy.
wsnbsok chairs, .
Largo Boston Rocking Chairs* Cushioned .am)
Spring'Seated Boston Rocking Chairs, Nursing
Cushioned, and Spring SeatedßockingChairs.
Also, Children’s small chairs of every description,
1 The wholo made of the best materials and upon
the most Itriprovcdand fashionable style. II if
will also repair and rdpaint old chairs, and con
tinue, the business of House and Sign Painting,
Paper llangii)gj'.Glajp(ignpd,GlJding. ' : '
■ The.subscribcr hopes by strict aliention to bin
sinois, together with hi#'long experience in ,tl«i
above business, to merit the continuance of the,
patronage so liberally’bestowed upon him,'
■ . CVE. K. DAVIS.
Carlisle, Matih- 17, ,1848. .
.Vcio Foundry
'• Shop. '
■by /notify the .public I 'that- they SlflJ; coiitimfc'&ti*'.
£«r pld siHndmUalu btfeet; a few 'doors''cost < i
i the Jail, where ihey utc prepared to.clo at ihti v A
{| IJQIiCb • • * .
£.. ' ; -
~t OF ALL KINJiS, such as Turning Lathes,
g JJnple Nuts, pfaister breakers, Corn sheUcrt.
? Hollow /Jnvils, Mandril's Patent Machine*
'^or^ending'lFagorr'Pyres] Wagon-, boxey --
: and coach boxes of ” all sizesStqvp Plates ,
Mill castings, q-esfye'.■rhegunUalsotukti
. „ : AND.. . r _J- •
and do all kinds of repairing, as they are fveli •
prepared with patterns al various kinds. They
will also nianuUcture Cutting boxes, Bcr. Sty,
They are also prepared to execute patterr-e
fur Milt - Gearing, and of every kind, at slant
Also, on hand a lot of AVithcrnw’s Improved
Patent Ploughs, which they rti. _
suitably/ •-
Carlisle, March 17, 1812.
■ ' COMSTOCK’S 4c CO. *
Celebrated Medicines.
JOHN 3. RIVERS Co. have been appoint-,
ed Agents in Carlisle - for (lie, above medicines
—and have just received from New V orlr a largo
assortment —consisting in part of
The Balm of Columhja.
—llcwes-Nervous ifc Cone Liniment,
Hays celebrated Liniment, • ■
East India Hair Bye.
Bartholomew’s Expectorant.
Dr. Daily’s Riagicai Paitt Extractor.
Boornjan’s Plaisier.-'
Roach& Jled Bug Banc,-Ac., together with n
large assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Ctiemirah,
Paints, Oils, Dye Etufis, Ac. &c., which will Li
sol'd wholesale or retail at the lowest prices, .
March 17,1842.
Application for Titvern License.
TfcTbTlCB is hereby given, that-Linlend to aj
ply a_l tbetlext term of the Court of Quarter
Session's of Cumberland county.tfdr'h License t >
keep a Tavern or Publje House, in the house for
morly kept by Francis Porter', and latterly by 3 bo.
Wilkins; in Udgastown.
Hogcstown, March 17," 1818. .
We, tho undersigned, citizens of Silver Spring
township, do hereby certify that wo are well ac
quainted with' Ibc abovO named Win;' Quigley, A,
that he is of good repute for honesty, and tem
perance, nnd is well provided wtth boose room
and cdnveiyence.v/ortho
tion of strangers and travellers, ' „ ‘ ,
.Joscpli Crain, - Ab’in. Hosier,
11. \V.fWalecr;, Janits.Amlcrarin, ‘
'William Bell, ] , George Trimble,'
John SL.RJujr.tin,-'' : John Ulironisttr,.
Edw’tl. Porter, John L u,z > ■ •
A. tv. - Giair, . / RViii. K. Bremzer,
C. B - . Hi-rinan,' ■ 1 Samuel Fought; "
Francis Porter/ Win. Culbertson,
John Matter, ' *flnmias Antlcrsnn,
. A ppUcalioii for Tavern: License.
Tkj QTJ C E is hosby given, that I inland .to np
ply at the nesit ,t«rm of Qiinrloi
Sessions of Cumberland for; a, LiCoriso to
keep a'itavtrn or, public lioijse, m'lfie jiblisd X ndtv
occupy, in‘East .J’enrilibprqhgli township,' balled
Oyster’s I’ointi . -r-. , • • •’ M • •
March I?, 1542. ...
Wc,the undcrslpncd ciiUeneofEaetPcrmahorci’
township,' Ount\>erland. counly,,do,per,tifydl>at W
are Wfllrswjnaintod •with the' nhove_pan)ed Jacob..;.'
B. Yerbea, and is. of pood repute tor liiir- "
esty a.rid : toidporanco;~iind i 3 AVcir;provla;yi'viUi
accommodation of eiraiigoys .. ,
Sio\on‘ Qyster,' ! . ;_. Jlcnry; I’nranljt s ' j
tJeorpe .Cail, :. ; jCJiEtierly. V/ •
MMiliain Oygtcri JtL'.a iJeorge '
George' 'Fr&Ci ; -; r ':-; : ■ yGcpigelOyster, -.7; / ‘'
Davitl’UruWj(cry'i lUeqrvOWrcliJ/
lmperial and Bluii **"?>. *“0
' A "\7
•v?''/I:'-- ■•".
’ "A very;Supetior ,4i»ticis;i!(v^p.‘!P!);^ a J^! ;
■had H l *»£•
;and.,C *,7/ : .;-rr.:*;...
pn _&VllTH , S.>bwr
I, Svvvcnj^ -yr , |hM
1 J.
l'lCK:Li,o’ti.a ;ioie