TKKMS OP PUBUOATION.; £2 OQ per annum, in advance—or £2 SO, if not paid within the year, . : Nosubscription taken fora less term than six l - months, and n° discontinuance permitted until ; all arrearages ard A-, failui'd to .'notify,- a ' tlisconlin’uance atihe expiration of a term,' will be considered a engagement. . /> ■ Mvertisimcnh—~%\ 00‘ per square for the " first three insertions, and twenty five cents for ■ every subsequent one. ‘ LEMUEL TO DD, ATTORNEY AT L AW,' ;; iTUFFICE No. lb, Harper’s Row, in the room tfjformorly occupied by.’Tsaac Todd, Esq. , ■ Carlisle, August 26; 1841. ' "" / ’ t- SAMUEL R. HAM ILL, V. ATTORNEY AT LAW.: : •=v-% practice in the several courts of Cumbef- Jmnty. Office in Main street,' the office now jjpei by James H.Devor, Esq. • ' tbrlisle, September 30, 1841. Jjyjr.T.T aM H. I.AIVISEKTON, \ ATTORNEY AT LAW, Vr ILL practice and attend to collections, in the 'l* counties of Venango and Clauion, In any Vr. Jess that may h(j, entrusted to him, he will bp os : pi’jrJlby' Samuel A.'Pdrviance, Esq. of Butler. Office two-doors cast of Evans* Hotel*- Franklin, Dec. 0,” 1841. FR.ESH GROCERIES, &C. AT'the Store Room of the subscriber, in Main street, a few doors'west of the Court House, next door to R. Snodgrass, Ksq.,is juslreceivdda fresh supply of Groceries, Spices, &c. of every de scription and of the best qualities, viz: ' V Green Uioattd Java Coffee,. ■ r ' • Single, double aiid,Boston treble refitted •j,sLoaf Sugars. . White llavsfiiuiaaud'Brown Sugarsof va rious, qualities.- * ■ Sugar House, NewvOfleans, West India . and Boston Syrup Molassiis. Money. t Imperial, GunpowdervYoung Hyson, and Black Teas, of first and.other qualities;: Chocolate. — Baker’s No. I', and Homoe opathic, best qualities—Also. Kingg’s pre pared superior Caraccas Cocoa, sc. I’ore winter Sperm and other Oil, Sperm and Mouftl Candles, ; ....... So,\rs. — Castile. Vai'iegated, 'and Com mon, alsrf! Alinprtdand ‘other. Fancy Soap for' shaving &,c. - Tobacco. —Plug, Ladies Twist, Cavcn (llsl\,&c.llust qualities, also,.Spanish, IFalf Spanish and Cmpmun Segara. Spices Ground anil (inground, such as Cloves, Cinnamon, Ginger, Alspicc, Nut megs, Cayenne. Black I’epper anil Mace. , ....Citron, Venilla U«an,' &c. „ Mustard prepared and otherwise. - Salamtus, Alum, Indigo, Salt-pelre, F.p snin Salts, Camphor, Cream of Tartar, Po tash; Sal Soila, Starch, Rice, Sfiulf, &c. . Cheese.— Pine . Apple, Sapsagd, and Common. Best Bunch Raisins, in whole, half,, and quarterboxes, as also keg Raisins'at unusu ally low prices. . Fresh Currants, Almonds, Ground-nuts, Figs, Cream-nuts, Lemons, &c. Table Oil, White Soup Beans, Table Salt, &c. A general assortment of Pickles in Jars, Tomato Ketchup, and Horse-radish. Water,. Butter, Suda-and Sugar Crack' ers. • Salman, Mackerel,'and Herring. , Cider Vinegar. A general assortment of Queensware; Earthenware, &c, - Hair, Clothes, Sweeping, Scrpbbing; White-wash, anil other Brushes, . ■ With a variety of combs, spool cotton, thread, tapes, pins, needles, shaving boxes, pearl arid other buttons, spool stands, silver evcr-polnted pencil cases, lead pencils, beat qualities; a variety of best shoe blacking, pewter sand,' twine, bed cords,&c. An assortment of tubs, buckets, pails; marketbas kets, &c. 6ac. ■ ■ Also, a lot of Fresh Cranberries & White Horn, juy, with a variety of other articles. J. W. EI3Y; Carlisle, January 30, J 942. earlisle Efleucg, ~ y- —i ■. Eiidcniiiity against toss on damage by firm. ; CHARTER. PERPETUA J,. :. T/teSpring Garden- Fire Jnsuranee Com pany of Philadelphia, Make Insurances, either temporary or perpet ual, against lessor damage by Fire; inToWn or CpuhtryV.Qri Houses, Barns and Buildings of all kinds; bn Household Furnitpte, Merchandize, Horses, Cattle, Agricultural, CommerciaV&Man ufacturing Stock, and'Utensils'of every descrip tion, as wellas Mortgages and Ground llcnts, up on the most favorable terms. ; 1 The following are the usual rales, viz.- On stone and brick buildings, trom ■ 4' j 3» to 40 ctsi on $lOO, ■*• Log and frame “ 60 to 70 els. on 100. Merchandise and fornig ' ■■■ ■ turc jn brick or stone —■ ; ' buildings, from 40.t0 50 cts. on '/10D. A* Do.'in log or frame, 60 to 70 cts, dri 100. 4* Horsesj-caltle, farming i, ; utensilsandsundries, - at about' • ' . „J6ob{s..ori 'lOOi P.3?.23*U&L:::RISSS.-' ' :.: '■ . On Hn'ilt-orStonn buildings, $25 on $l,OOO, f~ the premium subject to be withdrawn at any time by the-party insuring. at adeduotion ofs percent, on the amount paid. \ .foF Jhsuranq?,,.or any,inforipa(iop, may;bq mjade either personally iVleiteriat^^^ - west qo'rnerofSixiH.and Wood streets. _ ! _ ; ? MOR'l’Of'J' M’liUGEAliLl’resid'enf. ; Ei’KßGMßHAAlljSepfetaTyi ot 'O ' i>;: : ■ Oarlis!b l py < v -j t>fi rs.; v. ' 'i'i vr v e.'i; <■■! .in r.:r !• iaaD®BUß®®OßB«ni 1..-a 1i ,m ; .;,'MpitonM’MichhhUws I ,eph Wojod.i, ij n« n j P, L. Laguetenno.v, ;l ,' liohert L. Loughead,,. ■ Elijah DaUett,,. »!>: . Chas. W.'ScHreipßrj'.-V-dfetioffSjfi^i ' . Joseph J; Sba'rpless, , : ... .yehrn^f3^lB4'g^)3f.|’ 1 ,r '' f 11UE Stockholder* of tjio Harrisburg, Carlisle and , JL'ChiiWWabui g Tt&’npiko \ftoiiii Company, 'me nbtifleiTc,:tliat jn pursuance of *0 A&of the v f?G octal Assembly f pass £"tl|'uc 1 OlhAay ofApri) A. Xt raffisik’WSfonday tta'Tthj&y rfMi® n«l, then bptmeoti tlifi'hooW of S l tM" ■: l^etelTlu^Jtoiprt(‘for ■ \ : ';■ jpHN^adflßnt y nijitix- ■ : -■ ._ V'-'-jhrt'.B.'.- ante -■S Uink|e.- . , t, v.< - BY GEO. SANDERSONfr ! ' Whole No. X 4 4 o ; itHin the County of Cumberland, 1 Pennsylvania).either for, State, County, or ComJ moh School,purposes, that the Commissioners of said county will hold lb o appeals for the year 1843, in the.' different horqughs.and townships of said cbunty, : ,at the times and places as published (below, for the purpose of hearing all persons who may apply for redress; and "to grant such relief as to lliem shalliappear just and,reasonable, to wit: , Franltfurd and- Mifflin townships, on Tuesday the Ist March next, at the public house of David Blcan, in the borough ofNewville. ■ Neivvi\hj on Wednesday the -di at the same place: 'l l . , , , llopcwcll,on Thursday the-3d, at the public house of James Sponsler, in Newburg. ■ • Southampton' and Shippensburg townphips, on Friday theAth, at the publicjhouso of John Re buck, in the horoughof Shippensburg. Shippensburg borough, on Saturday the sth, at the same place.', • . , North Middleton, on Monday the 7th, at tho Commissioners’ office,'™ the borough of Carlisle. ■’Dickinson; on Tuesday the Bth, at tho public house of Jacob Tregoi (Cumberland Hall.) IVest.P.frinsboro’, on Wednesday the 9lh, at iho public house of Geo. Sheaffbr, at Mount Rock. Silver Spring, on Thursday the 10th, at the pub lic house, of Joseph Grier, in Hdgestojvn. ; East Pennshuro', on Friday the 11th, at tho pub. lie house of Andrew Kteitzer.-'v 1 A r ew Cumberland, on Saturday the ISJIh, at the publio hotisemf Jacob Poist. | Mechanicsburg% on Monday the 14th, at the pub lie house of John Hoover. - - - j Men, pa Tuesday the 15th,-ntthe public house in Shephqrdstown. ■ | Monroe, on Wednesday the I6th, at-lhe public hpuse of John Paul, in Cliurchlown. ,| Smith. Middleton; on.-Thursday tho 17th, at the-. Commissioners’ office, in the borough of Carlisle, j Carlisle Jiorough, oh Friday- the 18th, at the Commissioners*"office, in said borough, - ' Bv order pf the ComniifSSlbWtSr,' •• ' "JO UN'JR WIN, CP It, Commissioners' Office, > 7 Carlisle, Feb'. 10, 5 . ' Anulipitihn fur Tavern License. TVFOTICE ishereby given, th'at -I intend to ap- Appucalioil llol 1 ayi;in laiA-itae. p ly at thc'mixt term'itof thc rourt of Quarter ]VOTICE is hereby given, that 1 intend to ap- Sessions of Ciiinbcrlandjlouiity, for-a License to d-v ply at the next term of the court of Quarter ;l p,vem or in tho borough of Sessions of Ouniheriarid county, a. License to siijppensburg, • koep a tavern or public bouse, in. tbe- bouse l at ■ present occupy as shell in the Borough of Oar- I - lisle. - • - A. ROUHRTS. February 17, 1842. 1 Wch' tho~ui) d nrsiJricJ, citizens of the borough of Carlisle, do certify that \ve are .well 'acquainted with the above named Andfew Rohprls, and that: lie is of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with hoM8o : room and cofi-'r vcniences for the lodging atyd accommodation of strangers and,traveller^ )ohn Harper, Jos.* D, Halbert, Hugh Guullagher, John M. Gregg, Geo. Ege, Jq.i»cs Postlethwaife, Geo. Sanderson,. H eni T Rhoads, M. Holcomb, John H. Gorgas, W.Fouffc, R: A. Noble, Robert Snodgrass. , G-Macfarlane, Hugh Reed, , Qeo. W. Crabb. Application fop Ttivern License.. NO TICE; is hereby given, that I,intend'to ap ply at the next term of the court of Quarter Sessions of,Cumberland county, for.a License to keep a tavern or public house,"m the house I now occupy as such in Worth .Middleton township. • . , J). COUNMAN., February 17,1843, ’ . We, Ihe.undersignecJ, citizensof North Middle ton township, do certify |ljat we are well acquaint ed «;ith the above papied David Cornman, and that‘he is of good, repute for honesty and temper ance, and that h« ia-wefl prov Med with house room and conveniences for tire lodging and aepomr modaliori of strangers and trmrcllera, George Bpimllfe, D. Sphari^ Ab’m. Lambertonl ' ’ Richard * Parker, Elias Browiiatyell, i George Smith, NVilliam. Hpntyuud, George.Gutshali, Jacob Cornman, . Henry Jacobs, •Michael Fishburn, John, Kitcli. ' A pplicfition for Ttivern License. NOTICE is- hereby given, that I intend to ap ply at-the next .term.or the, court of Quarter Sessions of Cumberland comity,' for a License to . keep a tavern or public house; in the house of J; Palm,'and no\y,in the tenure of Mrs. Duck, on the turnpike road In Weßtpennahormrgh township. , •:: HENRY C..HACKET.. , February 17, 1842. We, the. undersigned, .citizens of .W'eatpenns horough; township,'da certify that we ‘are well ac quainted with the above named. Il'enry C. Rack et, and, that he iS,»f good repute for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with house room and oonveniences for the lodging aodacqoirunpda dinnmf-atrahgers.and travellers. Sulonttfn Bear, M. C. Davis, ■ John Wytikoop, Jacob Mypcs, ; James Montgomery, , j JamesPiper,- | James Dunlap, Appirca'tlon for l'averti License. ,TWip’tlOE. ja hereby given, that I.intend 40, ap-j -fiTy'atTiJie;£ejtf te?m;<>f,>h>i cqurt of , ; Quaftef gegsipjis of co^j',fqr.ta .tiipenpfj tq ■kebp a tayern'orpublic'house, in the h ousel now ‘ohenhy •*<#. sotjph :^ri'n(tfield f in WhStjienhs bbibogfe townsliipi l, ' l:! '. ; ■ ‘ „ ?siug>% hr'.i ! I r M»i£gOCH WqpflHCtWf ll ' /!Fp))rpßrysl7ylB43..oN_, ' ,' j v : ■jn;l9?fli J! WftjSß’*sWßS?^>.pttMepa of Vteqtpennpy borough that yye arewell ac ijuaijjlqil .with theaboyihnamed Enoch Woodrow, arid thai'he ia : orgop3 'repu»e for honesty and tern* ' ih’whll .provided with house room andconveniences for the lodging and accommoda tion of strangers and travellers'. Edward. Phillips, , 3saac Marktyndd, George. Grose, James Smith, - .7 ‘'JoslanHqotlj " ’ Samuel Tnlt, ; 7 •' William'bnyd;' '■'&"• JdsfcjdiiEifriwh, ’Janies Foltooin - ■ : . Jiilih -Dtirilap/' ’ '-"’f : jiimds Eii\dit, ... .” ;vrt ‘ J ! J,V : e< iUPEiMOB'/WHITjS ! FAMitY : ;Ffio6R. fqi eilaat thootoftof ■ , /' • -/ ABD3. ' BONNETSI&KS $ Jhe veq jatast style, last revived at theater© of/ •" r ’v* . c^pusoer^^arev; P tJi* ~ 4 Enoch Woodrow, Jusiali Hood. George Sheaffer, -jJoho.HauL ~,, ■,. lianiel Gring; ' it V'btmcqnKTßY-—BioHTORWROria.” I.W ftiii, H ' ; -l efansii, Pa* Thursday Jttitrch 3, 184%':',;; A implication for Tavern' License, TVTOTICB 13 Hereby given, that I intend to rapt «*-T ply atlhe next- term ,'pf: the'court of, Quarter Sessions'of Cumberland county, for a License to keep a tayenv:or public. house in the horOUgh* of Shippensbutg. ST g’ pHEN COCHRAN. , . February 17, 1648. ; ; ,' 1 -' . We,tho undersigned, citizens ofthobbronghof Shippensbarg, Jo certify that we ore well acquaint* edwilh the'above named. Stephen Cochran, and that lie is of gofrd repute for honesty and temper ance, andMs well' provided with liouso rponi and convenicnpesfor the lodging and accommodation, of strangers and travellers.' , Benjamin Reynolds, Robert’Cochran, Joseph P. Nevin, P..H. Culbertson’,' ; Benjamin Duke, Stephen Culbertson, ~ Jacob Engle, Samuel Porter, D. Nevin, Wni. M’Cbnhcll,. ■ - Jojm M’Kee, Lemuel G. Duley. "Application for Tavern License. NOTICE is hereby given, that I intend to ap ply at the next term of the court of Quarter Sessions of Cumberland county, fora license to fceep a tavern or public house at the Depot on the Cumberland Valley Railroad, peay Newville, ip Newton township* r JAMES REEI>. February 17, 1849. Wo, the undersigned, citizens of Newtoyi town* ship, do certify that we are well acquainted with the above named James Reed r and that be is of good repute for honestyjand temperance, and is well provided with house room and conveniences for the lodging and accommodation of strangers and travellers,' ' Smiles Wttoilbdrn,.. Jefferson Beales. John M’Culloch, Jacob Keller, Timings M’Culloch, Samuel Hi|ier, • James- Kyle,- .Joseph Waggoner,. lsaac Waggoner, C, 1,. .Vumlerbelt, • John U 001 *! . John B. Viiiulerheltr-Jl Irvin.- Application for Tavern License. February 17, 1810. We, the undersigned, citizens of theborotjgh of Shippenaburg, do -certify that wo nre well'ac quainted with tlie above named Daniel Duke,and that he is of good repute for honesty and'temper ance, and that he is Well provided with Ijouse. room and coavcniopces for l|)e lodging and ac commodation of strangers and travellers. Jonathan Peal, ~.; ," 'JJavid Nevin. George M’Gimjess, Stephen Culbertson, Jacob Engle, ’ Reynolds, Alexander Stewart, Robert Kuans,- Jacob Snidet, George Kiminel', Robert C. Rays, William M. Matecr, Application, for Tavern License. NGTXCp is hereby given.that I intend to ap ply at the next'term of the court of Quarter Sessions of Cumberland county, for a License to lump a tavern be public house in the of Carlisle, in the house at present occupied by John H. ,Spahr, and formerly kept as n public housp (>y John Common, Ksq. . HKNBY L. BUBJvHQLDER. February 17, 1812.,' \Ve, the undersigppd, of the borough of Carlisle, do certify ||iat-we are well acquainted wrlli the above pained Henry L. Bprkholder, and that he iq of.' pod repute for honesty and - temper ance, a ill! that ho is,well provided with H.qusqyoom apef conveniences for the accom'modation'of stran gers and travellers. .John Common, J. Uolsaple," John P.,Lyne, R. Curmnan, Samuel Myersi -■ v AVm; M. Pofterr I Hugh Gaullagher, A. llemlet, , J. Re'hrar, W. M. Beetem, . Isaac Angney, Samuel Crop, jr. Michael G. Ege, George Taylor, W, Fiiulk,- •' , - John Halficlih- Application for Tavern Licpnpo; N OTICK is hereby given, that I intend Jo ap ply at the next term of, the court of Quarter Sessions of Cumberland'oohnty, for a License to keep a tavern drppblfp house. in the house .lately{W.bS.,JUlen,-in-tlie,- borough of Carlisle. : : , DAVID BLEAN. ’ February 17,1843. VVe, the undersigned, citizens of the.bdrough of ; certify; that we are well acquainted with - the above named Davjd Bjean, and that he is of good repute for hopesly opd temperance, 1 apr) jq well proyjded with, house rooirrand ponvepiepces' the lodging and apporanroifafion of. strangers ait3~(ntveUetfe. Paul Marlin, - George Brown, Isaac.Angney, John Moore, T.lJ.Skiles', , Samuel M*K.eehan, , Jiihu Harper, Charles Barmlz, . ■Thi>rhas"‘CiraigheAdiTri*l>,tli'p',Qiiyg^j r i t A. Richards, 1 GcorgeSauderson. ; Christian .InhoiT, „ . .. .. Application I^cense^' E is hordby'gtvon, that it intend! (A tip-, . plyi at the pestter iao£th a iComtof .Quarter JtjJjjcSngeto" kepp a Tavern or Public VloiißfVfn the hou-se now gppiipied' pi inch;',fey 'Jgjm fougnJoCNewviUti.; ”| - ELIAS DJ3IHL. ! *• . .* .... --'i : 'We, the undersigned,,citizens pf fhe borough; of Newvilie,.do hereby certify that vypare wellac-i quainted with the above named Kliag Delhi, andj that he is. of good repute for' honesty and tern-! perance, apd'iS well provided, with house room! and convepiences.for the lodging and apcgpnnoda tion c of strangers and travellers; “• 7: Jqhh Heffleman, , \ ■ fvV VVtn; kiink, , t ; f ,.; damps Cfilmor, .„ .7 .IViiclmel Hcffleman, . lAbjraltain; Killari^. rlds< -jdatnuel JameStWiilner; ;vi- ' JucoU2eiglpr. ■< James Kennedy. ! : Septan, «na'EngllA;Meii nook 1 just ioO<&eS, : oa'«xtonri?a assortment, at the .tote of, ;■ ' , ’ «'pAßEs.'; ehippsntbwg. sr?; felittliir Thefollowing is. the bektbricf account of ' VVashinguniV personal habi ts and char acter we hav'e’eyer seen, ..-We find (t in the iSeW.York Commercial. The readertvitj find thefollowing habitaatrietly observed: ■ I, - He was devout,. ■ • , ■ %' Ho was an early riser: ' 3. He was'exact and orderly, '4. He was strictly temperate, ’ ’ • 5,. He jvaa industrious,' 6. He maintained tire social distinctions in reference to station,and authority. •7; He was serious and' dignified. 1 " “iiet the reader watch- cjnsely in Id in and others-the effect of early fisilig, strictorder, industry and temperance, dimply as (he habits uf/life, and lie .will find reason to be astonished', and to impress 'them upon the minds of all the youngr i - THE PERSONAL UHAItACTEIt UNO HAPITS Oj? Washington— -The : following : are recollec tions ul Washington, derived from repented' opportunities during the three last years ol |ps public'life. He was over six- feet in pltythre, of strung-muscular fralifc, without fullness of. covering, --well ■■ formed and straight. - He was a man of extraordinary physical strength. In 1 his house his action was calm, deliberate and dignified, without pretensions, to gracefulness or peculiar man. uer, but merely natural, and' such as one thinks it should he in such a man; When walking 'in the, street, his r movements had nul the soldierly air which might be expect ed, His habitual motions had peep formed )ong before he took command of the .primes, in the wars of the interior, and in .the. sur veying of wilderness lands, employments in wjiich grace pud elegance-werenot like-, ly acquired.' • ’■ ... ,'| , .At ths age of sixty-five, time had dime nothing "towards bending hini, out' ot hjs natural erectness. , His .deportment was invariably grave, ft was sopi-iety that stop ped short ol soilness—liis presence inspir ed a veneration and.feeling of awe, rarely', ex perienced in the presence uf ahy nian, '--His mode of speaking was slowjind deliberate, nut as though he wasin search of.fine-VVords, but that he might, fitter those only adapted to his.purpose, . It was the"usage of all per sons in good_society, to attend Mrs. Wash ington's levees every Friday evening. He •wan- nUyays— present; —frhe“yuung7ladics used-to throng around him, in .conversation,. There were some of the well remembered belles,of tliat day whom! agiiied themselves, to betiiivurites .with. him. As, these werp the oiily opportunities they had of conver sation with him,they were disposed fo use them. One would think that a genflcmaip and a gallant soldier, if he could ever laugh, or dress liis countenance in smiles, would du so when surrounded by young and ad mii'ing beauties/', put this was never so: the countenance of Washington, never DANIEL DUKE. softened or changed its habitual gravity. Une vvho had lived always in the family said ( that his manner in public life, and in l|tp seclusion of most rented life,, was al- ways the same. Being asked whether Washington, could laugh, this person said that this was a rare occurrence, but (!jat one-instance was remembered, \yl(en lie laughed most lieurtily at her narration of an incident in which- she \yas partly con cerned;- and in \yli.ich |ve applauded her agency. The late General Cobb, ! who was long a member of his family during the war, and \yl)q enjoyed a laugh as myelins any man cupld—said that lie never saw Washington laugh, excepting..when Col. Scamniel—if thisvyas die -person—rcamu tp dine:,at head quarters, Scamniel had a fund of ludicrous anecdotes, and a, manner iof telling them which, relaxed the grayity of 1 the'.c'uin rounder' in chief. - . . ! General Cobh also said that.the forms of proce'edings.athead quarters were exact and precise, orderly and punctual. "At the apr pointed momeitt, Washington appeared, at I the breakfast' table, ffe expected to.find ail ipeiqhersofliis family—pobb, Hamilton and. Humphreys werel.jt,njpng;thein—await ing him. He came dressed for the day, and brought with him the letters find dispatches of the proceeding-day,-withshort uietnoran ,da of the answers to be made, aisu^the-sub-. I stance, of orders' to be issued. When break | fast was.over these tyeye djstrihutefl.'smorig ins aids to bepqt intq form.-t!-, 1 ■ •; Soon after .hp ipunnted his horse toviait his truups, and'expected. to find, on Ins re tain before noon, all the papers prepared’ for his inspection and signature. There : was-no familiarity; in his presence, ;it was all sobriety andbusiness.-Hisoupde ‘if I'fp yyas abstemious and temperate.: He had a decided preference fur,certain;sarts of fooil, probably.frbtn early associations; Through military family, he gave part of eycfy day, to private prayer and deyqtjoq.' •-. . 1 . . While he lived in Philadelphia,.as Presi dent, he rose af fopr in the morning, aiu) .the general role of hia house.was'.tliat the tires shopld'hocuyereiVyandf holigh iSexliiigulßli ed'af d certain hourf Hliether th was nine or ten, i$ Rotrepallepte'dl'h J He devoted dne lfpar every 1 other ThureV. day frdih'thyed' tp'roijr to puhfi^yhdUl'Y’' H'jjJ u nderstobd ' himself; \ to be .visited;’ J asl,Ythp] President of the United States,, ahd hot on his.owq aoc'pgnt.-'-He .lie’^dlh that, every one tyhjf 'ingnp-' fthhAT&fie phihe gentlei man whom h(ii'khpsv2bimVfe!fc‘: :.H'e lived on 1 the sduth Bfde or Marhe’t strcet. jUst helow Sixth*'. ing : rpom',in.tee’.fpar,- twci»ty ; fiveYor !leet :ifi"iehgth iqdVudihg’.lhe; Jprojepghg; ed h er -yMUeih.lp. 6nd : flbo^?frpiß'frpntto.^ar.uh^ we'rh yonduhtcd into hisVdih'hg rpoWtlrpro whichaU Yeeatshad.hei^ time.: they saW'thfttall toanly figureof! wgshmgtQ^^ and|ftlh? | f' r ‘~'i'j’ t 'S'l [AT TWO I)G!HtA?IS PElt ANNUM. h i A ; cd. behind in a large silU baei'yellow gloves, onhishandsholdingacocked-hut with h cockade; in, it,ahdthe edge adorned with a i blackfeathcrabout an inch. vvide, wore knee and shoe buckles,; and a long; sword,’ with a .finely wrought and polished steel hilt, which appeared on;, the -left hip, (he coat worn oyer the blade; and .appearing from under the folds.behind. The spabbard Was white polishedleather, !V ~ From 'Alexander's We'elt[y.'Masmg&, A Burglary preventid; 4y a Courting Match,—A. few nights since some„ rascals, attempting tp break into; a house in Kensing ton, attracted the attention of a : couple of Ipvers difthe house opposite,’ who wei;6 en gaged; insome amatory exercises, andwlibse appearance at the door startled the r'obbers,- .who fleilf carrying away i|othilig b.u't a pad? lock which'(hey had broken hit' the grating. Jd.Burglary aided, by a Courting Match, Uninvited ■—Qn the same ‘night as the above.agentleinati residing in Kensing ton was alarmed, fromhis suimbprS by a gfrange noise,and stating Soto liis'wife, was to|d that it was their daughter, a sweet girl of seventeen, whom fhty'hid lyft doing»the agreeable to 3 yoMnggentleman who had ex-' hibited 'violent symptoms of matrimony.— Satisfied, with tins assurance, "they address ed 'them, again'to sleep,” from which they' were agaiiv startled byarepctitioiilpf tjie same noise, whichthey thought was rather louder than .two lovers would make, though .a poet once told-of a whole "wood tremblihg-to a" hiss.” Determined to satis. l fy.jhis doubts, "the gentleman softly stole dpiyh stairs to .the -back-.parlour,-and. there WaS astonished by seeing jjozeiv "gal lows looKing” rahcplsj vvhpAyere hiking up what -might-be. Rrhphioafly styled" Vthe devil's dcright.’t ahd with a-perfect abandon that'showed they considered themselVes,“at home.” Naturally .surprised, and not re- ' iishihg 'such'in'tTuderS; "thc host wciit'b p' stairs, and, getting 1 his pistols, returned— when at the last step, his ‘fiiot'cntcl’.ing in the stair rod.-tripped him up. and, in thej fall. the pistol - waS discharged in the direc tion of the\pobbers, wounding one of them (as was afterwards seen by the blood,) and demolishing in its courses plaster of pans Cupid, r and shatfei ihg ihto fragments a large and costly looking glass, the scamps in the confusion doing some jumping and running that would, reflected credit on .the most famous professor of the lofty art. 1 Lights were brought, and the gentleman had'the pleasure of lboking at as pretty a picture of: ruins as was up. Pies, cakes, pre serves, and nicknacks of all kinds| yvere | strewed in a most melancholy mannpr over the room; lumps of butter werp thrown iipon j imd trampled into the'Torkey carpet; piles of-napkins and table lipeii were’ trampled together, and the contents of several dozen. wine bottles emptied upon them, and the ap- j pearances around indicated that the rascals had emptied as many more down their throats | —costly cpt glass dishes were in pieces, and! the phafrs, sofas, ottomans. &c., cut in a must shameful manner. The silver plate,' spoons, j and other valuables' wpre done tip rn rolls to be carried away* which watffrustrated by the | arrival-of the gciiilpnian. The'fault 61 the whole affair rests upon the youg lady or gen tleman, for hat) they not been courting in the early part qf the evening, the "old folks would have had a- proper apprehension of tlfp noise and taken steps to stop the rpis ’jcbief and to catch the robbers., Self our young menmla carry,in their,- first enterprise; tlieylose all heart. It the young merchant fails men say ho is.rqined,: If the finest geijlus; studies at one of our colleges, and is not 1 -installed in an office in one yearafterwards in the city . oh suburbs of Boston or New York, it seems to his friends and himself that hp is right in being'disheartened apd in complaining the rest pf.this life. A -sfurdy lad-from New: Hampshire or,Ye‘nnont„who in {urn trfcs all the professions; who teams it doi i. Joirn SfoßGii. Esq'. Stoughaloiyn. ; >■ DANIEL KRysnKR. Esq. Churchtown. .• lACqa EoNONECKEh.-Esq. -Wornilcysbiirg'. - 3. B, Dr A wdaug it, Cedar Spring, Allen t[>. . I Martin G. RufP, Esq. Shireiiianstown., ■f; - ] profit by soiho df 1 message builders. ■ l ’';■■, ) Tlie ducUmortt, qs thereaderwill set. cobbler’s- It was actually handeilbya shoe;* maker tpagcntlenianin.thecounty Maryland, who, without questioning the i terns, paid, the samcs •; V ~ Sqtiire'SpAiiKEß, ■ , V ; ■ To : Wooton, Shoemaker, Pet. 36. CI.ogM u p Miss Betty, Mended .up. Miss Jenny, Toe Capp’d Master Dil jy. Tarn , d"'up, clog’d fit mend- ' :'e maid. • '■ j -'..‘T ,<& Heel tap’d Master Johnny, VS 7, I in Mexico to create a havjr and to -strenghen the military'establishment. ; : ' The fact is notorious, tlwtsevprglVfSßeU of .war, within the .past month, hayeyhecty sent to the United States for the use hf that Government, and information Is received, from sources’ entitled” toTcreilit," llialjtwo steam ships of ;formidable equipments are daily expected'from England. On the land warlike preparation 1 1ms advanced-on a still greater scale; , Report mentions thirty thousand men, well organized•and disciplin’: ed, filling the’ranks of the'regular- 'fo raise so, large a force'by .sea and {land must-have acquired'a prodigious effort 1 on the part of a' country impoverished 1 ' ami exhausted by many years of intestine com motion, as Mexico has been;- ■ Neither could any; motive,; bpt one of ambition pr rcyppgs have promptedthe .’movement. >Vith lacts'like these, before us,; no’doubt can be entertained as to .what,-isthe' inlcn* tioh of.tUe.unusual arangement,’ . ..V 1 Bioody Business.—The Cincinnati Gaz ette gives the following account of'iWeadr ful/slaughter of , - ■ -Aye'lcarh'frqnj W carriesoivtha piincipal Blauglilcring huHse, that l :atvhU > eStablisliitienti • Jnefeltoyc'-lsen Killed this yearSSisSlhngs,' ngaiuat ahout 102.P00 last warv -Atthe 1 principal house? neap b'cen‘ fc(llqd; a‘. |jnpt about 8.000 have been' ' Last. yeari hfr. Coleinan killed abbut SS.QOO fro'm Ken- and - this- yeaf : l,2oO.J‘;fTho gfeaieru u mber" of'hogs' ha vecbuie 'this yea r frhipTntliana. o The* hhga packed.. tlds.yeaf, will fall short of thaUust yea|/$f boutOo or 40,000. -/X< / -’V u'JSEraeuloM Reasvextd. —TheSicabenvillo (Ohio):lJmoaciy*/op Friday morning. th&ptacoJor PU^'wrg t '|Wilh,two;todip| -ania/gentlef had- iwnUeii wlpi .tWneavy obouta/roile’castof this phlcOv theotago/becaroe Un> ,• dijT?r 8?1I (gage rolled" over and over, with the paßßMOgfrß'.ln it, nntilitcaught.on .a ; tpot,. merit ihemralvea or be drowned,/ wlaclvtbey/old v The driver. reacp&i tbe ddvrnitheatrcain.-' ;Theigcntlemgnaaved‘tutneelfc-^.' i ■ : ' '!_■ V D fi Di;, »•