American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, August 05, 1841, Image 6

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jy»Y virtue ot an order of the Orphans’ CqUrt
m» of Cumberland county, the, following,, real;
■estate late the property of Henry-Zimmerman,:
•deceased;'Will be sold on the premises,'6 miles,
■west of the Harrisburg Bridge, on Saturday the
28th day of August ncxt. at IS o’clock hooii of
■that Jay, to wit: ; j
Jill that certain plantation or tract qflana
situate in Gastpenhsboroiigh township, Cumber-;
land county aforesaid, bounded by lands of John
Holtz, Martin Renninger, Isaac Lorignecker
•and others, containing one fiftyacresj
•more or less,’about onelhundred acres of which!
is cieared land, and the residue well timbered.
The improvements are a
Ttvo Story JLog Bouse,.
Wlli Aim double 100 '
rand other out 'buildings. There is a. small
■streamer excellent .water running near the;
bouse, and nlso.n good spring. There is'a'first;
irate .apple 'Orchard on.'theipremises, and other,
tfruit trees. The terms of sale are as follows:. I
Two hundred dollars to be paid on the confir
mation of (One third of the purchase,
money to remain'in the land, the interest where-}
■ofistobepaid yearly and every year to thewi-l
•dow during her life, said interest to -commence
tfirstofAprilnext, and the priucipdl at her death 1
'to and among the heirs and representatives of
■the said Henry Zimmcrmartj the residue of the
gmrehase money on the said Ist of April next,
when possession willbe. given,, and until which
(time the rent ia feserved, said payments to be
secured by recognizances in the Orphans’ Court.!
June 17,1841. ’ ;• ■ 1
ITJmmsoman Bblanic Practitioner of Med-'
icine and Obstetrics, No. Z, Alexander's
Mow, Pitt Street, near the Rail Hoad .■ j
• • . . TloteL ■ ' ' • '
■R ESPECTFULLY, informs his friends and
il. the public generally, that {through spliri
ttation} he has removedtrom Shircmanstownto
Carlisle, where he may be found at all times
sinless professionally 1 engaged. 1 The-afflicted
shall stall times be treated with purely vege
table medicines, ‘‘No Poisons,” and instript ac-i
■cordance with the principles laid down 'by that
igreat reformer ia medical', science. Dr. Samuel
’ .
Chronic Cases—such as Consumption, (Liver
■ Complaint, -Dropsiest-Rhenmaiisms, and Can
cers, are more espceiallyinformed that the new
system is admirably adapted to their cases, . . .
lpvalidsfrorp adistancecan be accommoda-.
-v ttcawiffißoardinifwhile-undes-TOedicaVtreat
erienv'on reasonable termsr~" •* 1 ■
’* , * l^T, to tile
-'‘'Resolution Relative to the Amendment of
of the State Constitution, ‘
- “Resolved by the Senate and House of Repre
sentatives in'.General Assembly met. That the
. Constitution pi thi§ Commonwealth be amended
3n .section of the second article, so that
3t shall read as follows! . ,
- “That the Governor shall hold his Pfficedu-
Sng three years, from the third Tuesday ofjah
■uary.'next ensuing his election, and shall not bp
■capable of holding it longer tlian/a SUNGS. E
term or tsreb' stEAUs, in any term a! nine
Speaker of the House of Rep.
' Speaker of the Senate.
Penntytvanta,»». 5
Secretary’s Office. J —-
Ido herebyfcertlfy that the foregoing is a true
copy of a Resolution proposing an amendment
■of the Constitution, which was agreed to at the
Hast session oi the Legislature, by a majority of
the members elected to each, house, the original
«l which remains filed in this office* and in com
pliance with the tenth article of -the Constitution
«f the Commonwealth, I do hereby cause the
same to be published, as directed by the said
• IN TESTIMONY whereof, I have
hereunto set my hand and seal.of
S!ud office, at Harrisburg, this 14th
day of June, 1841.
' Secretary of fhe Commonwealth.
THE proprietor-respectfully informsthcpub
lic in general, that he is now ready to ac
commodate a large number of boarders and vi
sitors. .The Springs are miles-north
of Carlisle, and 2 J miles south of Sterretf’sCap,
* on the road leading from Carlisle'to Bloomfield
in Perry Co., in & fine, healthy and romantic
place.- . The Conodoguinet cretih and North
- which are each about two miles dis
tant, will aftbrd'anrasement to such visitors as
are fond of angling and ginning.' ia addilion to
the. most ample accommodations,' there isalso
an’ extensive bathing establishment,both warm
. and cold.
Baronche will be run from Carlisle to
the Springs during the "season, for tlie“aCcom
mbdation of visitors.
July 1, 1841. '
%A/ be held by the order, of the United
rV V ' Brethren in Chrlst;'on tKe‘larid'or jbhn
athan Neidig, 2 miles east dl 'Carlisle, to com
wsence'on the 2d of September. No Hucksters
will he permitted to come 'within the limits ore*
scribed bylaw. JOHN POHL, P. E.
July ts, mi. ;
THE public are hereby informed, that the
subscribers® still prepared and wiling to
accommodate neighbors and the
above named ■ ~
In as good manner, at as low prices'as at
'anyotherwateringplace in the country.;. It is
unnecessary to say a word on the the
curat've* or heahng qualities of the waters' of
•■e Sspnnga, as they have been tested, and .du
ff appreciated by hundreds of . visitors from
both Europe and America. v
Persons' deslroiii of spending-a lew-weeks at
* watenag place, the present seasonXwill find'
. that the romantic scenery which surrounds the
Springs,'&c. will make it one of the most drri
xabl« places m the wortd.m which gerrflemm
and ladiesmighf’srfnJe away a few of the tedi
ous hours of We.* ■■-;,
7 journals $ Report*.,
-• »’ ' Commissions**’ Office,- »
■J,: . • Carlisle, July 92,1611. S'
•The Journals of the, Senate and House of Re
presentatives ofPennsylvania,'and the Reports
■of the State-Treasurer and Auditor General*
for IB4t, have been received at this office, ard
tare ready for delivery to those entitled to re
c«*ve them. v. v ■ -■ .•>
* lOHN IRWIN, Clk.toComm’rs.
W*7' , K I ‘ ?” held on the farm of lohri Saxton,
~ cine onthe thof t August;;,B<sarding Sc- hone*
Jktodi cM^i^<»^e^^datinpderateprices.
' THESEuhnvalledplllshaVirig’nOW Sctjulr l
eda celebrity and apopularity Unequalled in
the annals of medicine, and'aUo'having'obtain
ed the entire ‘confidence dnQ being-used an'the
prlyatejpraotide of utmost the whole body of the
mtdical faculty Snathe United Slates,Europe,
Asia,-South America, the West Indies, anda
great part Of Africa, it is unnecessary do advert
tise them at length! optto cayanything farther
of thrirmerits, than fey-stating the 1 complaints
which they are most effective-in the core of,-
and-which are as: and- bilious'
fevers, (ever.and ague, -fiyspepsia, -croup, liver
complaint, sick : headache,,jaundice,,asthma,
dropsy, rheumatism, enlargement ofthe spleen,
piles', colic, female-obstructions, .heart-burn,
furred tongue, oausea,distensions of the stom
ach and bowels, incipient diarrhcea, flatulence,
habitual.costtaeness, loss of appetite blotched
or sallow complexion/and in all cases oi torpor,
of the b'owdlS, where a cathartic or an aperient
isheeded. They are exceedingly mild in' their
operation, pioducingneithernausea,'gvlpinf nor
debility., :
Extract if -a letter Sir. : pye, tf <Que&ec, ;
"For bilious fevers, sick headache-vtorpidi-
Hof the bowels, and enlargement of the spleen,
r. Peters’ Pills are aii excellent medicine.”
Extract'of a letter from Ur. Gurney, gf New
Orleans, La.
. ’T hawe-rocervedrauch assisttmoein my prac
tice—especially in jaundice aud -yellow fever—
from the use.of, Peters’ Pills, d presume, that
on an average, 1 prescribe s hundred boxes a
month.” '■ -T- . ~ - . . ;
Extract cf a ktlerfdom IDr. Reynold»,ofGal~
■ veston, U'exae. - _
“TThov are-oertainly an excellent general fa-,
mily medicine, and there is ho quackery .about!
■them.” ..
Extract ofa letter from Dr. Waines, (Phila
“Yourpilis are the mildestin their operations,
and yet inost powerful, in their effects, of any
that I have ever met with in a practice of e ; ght
and -twenty years. Their action pn the chyle]
and hence on the impurities oftihetilood, "is evi-i
dcntly sunp^ssing. ,,,
jg) fast superseding the use o{ all-ether-reme
dies forCougha,Colds, Asthma, Croup, Hoop-.
They are not only the best but itheoheqpcst'
- tha&is' required! n and _ nil oji^linarsf]
handier fnodd of . taking medicine than in the'
shape of the lozenge. It is so small,
handy,' and withal /so pleasant, that themost
fastidious' taste -cannot reject it.. We are glad!
to perceive Shat all kinds of medicines are now
prepared in (this palatable way by (Dr. Sherman,:
and may be obtained at the depot in this city.—
■[Philada. Times.]]
.We know-of no better cough medicine than
Dr. Sherman’s Cough Lozengesr they cure so:
soon and are so pleasant that ft is almost a plea-!
sure to be sick, to be thus agreeably dosed.—-
£N. Y, Sun.j] ; - -i
Sheriff Parkins, Mr,. Burton, of Providence,!
Mr. Shaler, ofßosion.Mr.Rivers, Mr. Combs,'
Mr. Wallace, fudge Peters, Mrs.Coleman.Mr3.
Richardson, and hundreds of others of this city,
aye called to express their surprise arid com
mcndation of the speedy relief and cures effect
ed by these truly wonderful Cough Lozenges.
, JJoctors Smith, Vanderiburgh, Comstock.llar
ins, Brigham and sevcral others of our most dis
tinguished physicians, have used these Lozenges
in their practice with invariable Success. The
medical faculty uniformly approve of ihein, as
the best cough medicine in-use. . '
Are the greatest discovery ever made fordls
pellingthe various kinds of .worms, that solre
•quently awl distressingly annoy both children
and adults. They are an infallible remedy .and.
so pleasant to the.taste that efhildren will take:
them as readily as a common peppermint LoJ
eengc.’ i
Rev, Dr. Ludlow has used them for awoyears,
and always with entire success, Daily .com-'
plaints are made by persons 'who have been
gulled out of their dollars by humbug advertis
ers, but who have found a cave in Sherman’s |
/Lozenges. Remember, you are not required fo;
buy several dollars worth of these Loeenges to
test their virtues. A few shillings worth will
■cure you.
The Rev. labee Townsend’s little girl, nine'
years old.was given up asincurableby two phy.
sicians. She was fast wasting away, and was so
miserable that death was alone look ed to for re
lief. Three doses of Sherman's Worm Lozen
ges entirely cured her. pr. Stevens, one of the
most distinguished; physicians in this country,
says, Sherman’s Worm Lozenges are the safest
and best, article ho knows of foe destroying l
worms. . , •. ... . . . ’
. Dr. Hunter, another celebrated, physician; other worm medicine in.his practice.
Dr.tJastie, 297 Droadway, N. Y. has-used,
Sherman’s Lozenges ip hjs practice for more
than two years, and never knew them to fail.
Price 25 and 3?i cents’pet/box. '
Bc..Retail Lozenge Warehouse,
No. 90 North Sixth street, Also, for sale by
Samuel Wilson O Co. Shinpensburgi William
Barr, Newvillr, :and 5. ELLIOTT, Carlisle.
fItHG subscriber, thankful for past favors; w
informs his customers arid the pub
lic in general, that ha has removed to that largo
and commodious establishment ohthaNorth-west
■comer of the Pablic.Sqaarr, : lateS}ie property of
Thomas C. Lane, which he lias fitted up ioaveiy
superior manner as a'
public no trse,
arid where he is prepared to. famish all who may
favor him with then custom with the very best
/accommodations. ' v
its central location, is very
convenient for boriaessmen; aridbeingnearthe
stopping place of the Cara on the Rail road, it will
also fumiSh Travellers with a’ ready place of rest
and refreshment. TheROOMS are laige and
airy—-the ‘ ■■■■■';* " ” ;
will always ~Ve well supplied With the best the
markets can affprd—the BA R with the best of
Liquors^—the; charges ..will be
nothing left undone on thepartof*he«tib
scribet to merit a thereof public patrohage.
' BOARDERS, will be takcriby theweek, rnoaa,
oryear., .. ... ...'1.;.'.'."..-’-. .IX '
' DROVERS will find it totheir iriteTert tO
wiih him.'ashis'pTAßLte'isumbref anda care
fin and expertenced Ostler a!ways It attendance.
v .: : j : / GEORGE BEETeST^
" Carlisle, April 1,1841; , , tf.
ffigP“Last N()tic^.^a
IT is,now nearly one year .since ray connexion
with.the‘<V o fuhteer’ establisbiient ceased,
*>«PS the books and accounts of the (inn
■ weoe an assisted So tne for my sharet-and as'a
large s .nmntnv etf-debts'dis'e' Use firm, notwith-.
unpaid, this ro awe afinal notice
jfc-nfadc bn air,before the
iSiM^Mrk^XiSSS^ P«W»S» wlll'thph
delinquent, / E. CORKMATJ
•': Carlislc,_May -.^,-
;N/ B.—Tftebpoksareleßwith'-E.'fSmUK.
Esq.lriCarlialc.': jy^J,
||U3T receivednsupplyofverysoperiOT'Toi
mato Ketcbupt for «le% Steyenson and
-■ . new .•••.. —■
PpHEsubscriberhas rented the shop hereto-
Xfore occiipiedby iHr.lLindfiey .Spottswood,
near the corner of Hanover and’Louiher streets,
and one dbor west of MK John Snyder’s store,
where he Is prepared whir the 1 best materials,
and will keep constantly on’bandand manufac
turetoorder v ’ •
,fl atSo f every D Cs’crijitibu,
TORS,; Se fic, . His work will be done .in . the
most ’fashionable style, and at moderate prices.
He solicits a share of public patronage. ,
Carlisle, MAy flO, 1841. , 6m; ,
1 Alton! ey at law.' ■ ■ ■ ■ t
OUFICEdn Main atreet, a few doors west o
the Post Office. , '
Carlisle, April 29, 1841. ~
Carlisle, PW.
OFFICE a few doors West of the'Post Office,
in Main street. ■
MUST received some desirable GOODS snlta
bio for the season, at the store of
April 23, 1841.
Respectfully informs the citizens air
Carlisle and its vicinity, that he has com
menced the -. f
Saddlery S Harness Jfletking
ttusiness ,
id all its various branches, in Main street, one
door.eagt ofitheuioce of Messrs. Angney.'Sc An
derson, and a few doors west'pf Mr.Wunder-,
lichfc tavern, where he will keep constantly on
hand, and manufacture to order at 'the-sliortest
notice and on the most reasonable tcrms,
Saddles, Smdks, Collars, Harness, Tnt'nlcs,
Sic, Ufc., He. hopes by strict attention to busi
ness,andan anxious. desire to please, to merit
.and receive aliberalshare Of public patronage.}
Having the best of workmen employed, liiscus-'
tomers may expecttherr work ito be fioiie in the 1
-neatest-ana.mo3t-snbsfantmtrmanneT~*~-- — -j
' ‘ HAVE just received at their
Dru g and Chemical store, a gcn-
assortment- of.DRUOS,
Wnaicinca. Otis. Paints,
wiHjf 'Varnishes, Dyo-stuffs, ftc
Hnff tec. all of which will be sold on
. the most accommodating terms.
Country Physicians, and others,
who buy to sell .again will .find it to their ad van-'
tage to call, as they are determined to sell low.
Carlisle,'May 13, 184 J. V _ if. ■
S|>erirf OIL
Avery-sup'erior article of §permOilinay be
had by calling at Stevenson and Uihkle’s Drug
and Chemical store. ' , '
Celebrated Heianiedl'Health <ond Life Pre-
This Medicine, although known,.for many
years as ‘Yeager’s Medicine,’ has never been ot
tered to the public for sale, until of late the pro
prietors have been prevailed. upon to offer it for
the benefit of those who are laboring under the
diseases here enumerated, vizj “
Cancer, Ulcers of the Throat and Body, Liv-i
er' Complaint, -Spitting of Blood, Whooping l
Cough, Rheumatic affections in' the head and
body, Colds of long standing; attended with se
vere pain in the breast; Consumption—in many'
cases when the patient has been abandoned by;
the physician and pronounced an incurable case,
this medicine has had the most wonderful effect.,
The proprietors are folly awpre of the numer-i
ousmedioines that are already offered to the pub- -
tic for the abarc diseases, many of . which nave
not the dKg&test eUfect-of peVforwrmg at any time
a cure—but the numerous testimonials which
have of late been given to them by some of the
most respectable citizens, there can
any doubt as regards the medicine which they
now offer and would say Kfthose afflicted—give
it bur a trial— toils directions—and we.
will warrant apermanentcure.
Directions for using it will be found accompa
nying each bottle.
Purchase them trf the Drag Store of Myers &
Haverstick. -Price 81, per bottle. -
April 22,1841. / fi m
r NEW GOOOS. i/'-i;
"HJIST received at the store of JLHDRBW
UOBASOS, a fresh supp lv of seasona
ble goods. Consistingin part of Blue, Black,
Brown. Olive, Invisible Green and Adelaide
Blue, Black, Brown, Figured and Striped Cassi
netts. Mixed, Figured and Striped Gambroons,
for pantaloons. Brown, White, striped and
Figured Linen Drilling. Kentucky, Pemisylva
nia and- Delaware-Jeans; Jenoand Pittsburg I
cords, cotton-stripes and: drills, American nan*
keenandcoloredmuslins, burlaps.Frencb 'arid
Irish linens. black, blue, mouse; fawn, Tlnk
blossom, white, slate, figured, striped and barred
silk anew style, .figured, plain, barred, striped!, cambric and mull,muslins, ,
■ Ronnvt Lawns A' Silk*,
embroidered manlua Glazed. satten and barred
ribbons, leghorn flats, straw, brad, nriri and chip
bonnets, colored, white figured leghorn* and:
palm leaf hats, brown arid black mastitis, ticks,
checks, crash and diapers; linen and cotton 4 4
5-4 and 6 4 sheetings; table-clothslinenarid cot
ton diapcr, linen, grass;’ silk, pongee, and cam-
gloiyes, hosiery, stocks and
artificial flowers;, a general assortment'of, ! ‘
all of which will be sold atprices to suit the
times. . .ALSO, Calicoes, 'painted. lawns arid
moußhn<de.laines,.cottonand gingham umbrellas
pari sails, cotton’yam and carpet chain. *!.'
Carlisle, April 23,1841. 1
fcifimir t^^dhjial^Mrp,
U-it :•,.- -; OAM.TOT.^H^
THE subscriber has taken that well-known
taverti stand; hear the'GourityHall; Carlisle,
lately occupied by Mr.< William S.Allen;where
he will atall times be prepared to accommodate
bis old jtienda aml tne.public geherally. with
every thing needful to make their visit agreea
wite the dieter
ertlign^—ahdKyefy the best,
: -f ■ 1
BOARDER 3 .will be taken by lhe weeki
month or year, - '
A. carelid OStXiER WiltijcalwaysW attend
ance,,knd DROVERS rind others will find ft to
their adwantageto givO him a tall.' ’,'
■ Bay'l3,lB4t; A .y.,
; I new GOODS;
«....The/' Sehs^ejn«t recefre&andarfc
\nditf aaortmeht of.
iT - * j
' Vftw foundry and Machine.
■\ SltOp. _ V
The subscribers thankful for past fayiirs, here
by notify the public ,that;they still continue at
theirntand iin Main.Street', . a few doors east of
the Jail.'whore 'they-nre prepared to dp at Short
notice ' ■ /’■ '■ •;■
OF ALL ? KINDS, such as; Turning Lathes,
Apple Nuts, Fldister bredkers, Com shelters.
Hollow Anvils, Mandril's -Patent Machines
for • bending • Wagon ’Tyres, Wfagon -boxes
and Coach boxes of <ell sixes;. ’Stave iPlates,
MU Castings, They wilfdlso buM
v'.' ■ AND
and do nil kinds-of repairing, as they' are'well
prepared with patterns of various kinds. They
will also manufacture Cutting boxes,Ate. dec.
’i'bey are also prepared to -execute patterns
for Mill'bearing, and pf every kind,' at. short
hotice. 1 ; 1
• AlsOv On hand a lot of Witherow’s Improved
•Patent Ploughs, which they Will disposeWrea
Bonabiy, .. ’ ;•* . '
Carlisle, March 4, 1841. ”
are calculated to produce more real good than,
can possibly result from the use of any others,
for several teasons:—They are not recommend
ed to cure all} and every disease, as is generally
boasted of other preparations, (which the most
ignorant must be aware cannot be, as different
diseases require different medicines,) but each
of Dr. Leidy’s Medicines are-recommended and
adapted to, different classes- of diseases. They
do not contain Mercury, or tfbe minerals which
are combined with most, tf not all, other prepa
rations in 'use. They are perfectly safe and
pleasant to take, containing nothing.offensive or
deleterious, but being composed of Vegetable employe d,iby.yQaag,-andold^
wntroot "icwrauiv TTOin occupaiioftj'
Uempevate or 'irwrfeyme Wying,‘ They, are the
preparations of .a WegbKr Druggist,'’(Dh-Leidy,)
also Physician, attested by the most distihguisli
eil Physicians of the United States, among whom
are. Dr.'P. S. Physic, Dr. fL; Chapman, Dr.
W. Gibson, Dr. S. (Jackson, DriW. fi. Horner,
Dr. W- f"- Dewees, Dr., T; <C. Janies, Dr. J.
Redman Coxe, Dr. R. Hare, Bcc., Sic.; also, by
the Rev. W. 11. Delaney, Rdbert Adrain, L. L.
Dm J. L. Biddle, Esq., and numerous others.—,
They have been employed in innumerable in- '
'stances, with the most unexampled success, as
thousands-dan testify, among' whom are the
principal officers in Washington City, Members
of Congress, of the State Legislatures, many of
the Clergy, &c. U*c. (See certificates and re-j
commendations, accompanying the .directions'
with each Medicine, ,
Dr. txtdy’-s Medicated Extract df Sarsdjtar.
f//n.—The strongest preparation of Sarsaparilla;
in existence. One, Hundred Dollars .will be for
feited for a preparation equal to it. One Bottle,
(half a pint) is equal to six pints of the strongest'
Syrup of Sarsaparilla that can be .made. Com
ment upon the virtues of Sarsaparilla is unne
cessary—the wortd knows it—it is only .necessary i
for persons usihgat to be sure of getting a good;
preparation .of it. . See recommendations, with,
directions. !
Price gtt 00 a bottle ,
„ Dr. Leidy?s Blood, Pills,
Jt Component part. of 'Which is Sarsaparilla
Comment upon the virtues of these Pills is unne
cessary.- 'I ne publip should, be careful,to Pro
cure the Genuine, arid in purchasing Blood Pills,
to be particular and ask for Dr. Leidy’s Blood
Pills, .as imposters manufacture Pills in their
own names, calling them Blood Pills, also; think*
ing by such tricking to sell theirs, on the repu
tation of the Original,;on!y true and Genuine
Blood Pills of Dr. Leidy—upwards of one hun
dred gross of which have been sold doling the
past month. ‘
; Dr; Leidy’s Blood Pdls may be used as a gear
.tie, or active purgative, possessing properties
not contained in any’other pills—that of purify
ing the Blood and” Animal Fluids; at the same,
time removing from the. Stomach and Bowels,
all noxious, or injurious substances, which, pro
duce disease, and without deb!litating,.or pros
trating thesystem, asdo most other.iriedicines
of a purgative nature;- See directions. ! *
Price 25 cents a box.
Dr. Becliter’s Pulmonary Pre
servative, .-“i
.For pnnghs,.Colds, Asthmas Catarrhs, Influen
zas, Diseases of the Breast !c Lungs, Spilling
of Blood, and arrest of approaching
Throughout Germany this preparation isused
.more than any other, fbr.Coughs, Colds, &c. &c;
and Is there so well known; that they call it,the
••Life.Presetfrer.?? ! i .'.S.'-V• , ,
Thousands in- this pity, arid .throughout the
United'States, owe lheir present existence to
the good effects of this medicine. Numerous
certificates, have bean published? from, time to
time—further comment, is, unnecessary. See
Price SO cents a bottle. 1 - ‘ ' i
ANjnfalUbte remedy for Various affections of
. Ihe Skin, removing Pimples, Pustules, and"
, , Eruptions, of the Skin,- arid particularly ""
"" ' "adapted to the cure of Tetter arid'the
- - ■■■ ' Itch. -v"
This ointment has been used in numerous
schools throughout! the city and •county, as .well
as Factories, employing numerous giris arid boys,
and amongst,Whom Tetter and Itch, as'wellaa
other Affections ofth§,Skin,.prev.aUed; with the
most unexampleiVsuccess. ; Names of .School
Teachers, as well as Superintendents and Pro
prietors ofFactoriefc,ebwd be given, confirming
the above, but for the,delicacy they feet in hav
ing their names published' in 'connection with
such loathsome, and disagreeable affections.
Price 35 cents a box. > ' :
Dr. Lcidy’s Rliuematic Liniment,
A truly efficacious application fnr Rhuematism;
Bruises; Sprain vStiffiiess and Weakness tof the.
Joints, Numbness of the Muscles and-Limbs;
Painsaipng-theßack, Spine, Sides, and across
the Loins.
physicians' and others, have been-, frequently
published of its efficacy. See directions. -
. PriceSfjcenls a hbUle.orthrea bottles for
one dollar. ...
: ;.Tbe,foregoing Medicines,are.prepared only,
and sold Wholesale and Retail, at. , ' SI ;, ,
- I>r, LeitljrVUcalUt Enporium,
N 0.191 Second striset, tlearVirie street,
' (Sigh of the Ghlden Eagie and Serpents,) . ‘
iPhiladelphia;; ?"• - ! -
SoWatthe lfthß Store of STEVENSON Uf
PINKLEi-CaHWeyPa; ; : -rs'V.'W;
" '■ .r^ l ,'.y*'^f-'- ’,f ■' ■
■DiETER F.'EG E,'Attorney at Law, Office
Mi opposite the Carlisle Bank.
■'’» > Carlisle. Pa., .
THE Subscriber, thankful for past favors, - re
spectfully informs tire citizens of this eoiinty,
that he hasremoved to the well-known Tavern.
Stand, on tbe North- West comer of South Han
over, and Pom feet streets, recently-occupied by
George ®eetcm, Esq.i sphere he is prepared to
accoinmodate.infirat rate style, all those. who
may favor himwith their custom'
. : Srhe WOCSE is Inrgfrand commodious, and is
£ttedf«p abd furnishedyn, of elegance and
coipfoft tfnsurpassed any-house in, the bor
ough. .-As it ik-Situated in a pleasant and central,
partof the town, it -is very-convenient for -busi
nessanen and tra»elloi<s. ■ t- ,
. HisTAbLE will coltiterrfly be msppliod with
thebest the market can atfartl—and hw '
BAR withthevery best of linilors. ' f
. X>ROVERS_wiII find it to their Titterekt'tostop
with him. as hia STABLE is ample;andacare
ful andcxpcrienced Ostler will always be found
in attendance,'. j
• IF'BOARDEUS will be taken by the week
mputb,or year.
1 ww.-s. Allen.
Carlislc. April 22,184k — I£.
New Hardware, Grocery
THE subscriber hits jnstVetiMied from the ci
ties Of New York, Philadelphia and Balti
anoro.amdis now opening atbis store room Sooth.
lEastcornor.of.Markeft.Square amd Main streets,,
(formerly occupied by 6. W. Hitner, Esq.) a'ge
meral assortment of
■Oils, Paints, Varnishes,- Glass,\Brushes, Whips,
Canes, Lamps for burning Camphiiio Oil,/and a
great, variety, of artioloa useful , and necessary for
furnishing and keeping a house.
He has also, afid w-Sl .constantly kedp. on hand,
Camphirm-Offl, -aidheup and cleganLsubstitute for
Sperm Oil, onfi’havingbeen appointed the agent
Of McsSrs. Qacbccs & firothor of Newark, W. J.,
for-.theaalo of JONES’ PATENTLAMP in this
county, Iho is prepared Uo furnish Lamps and Oil
ut a very reasonable rate to all ;who may wish to
mse this new and economical light. < , •
-rr—~ -r —-o-" <*-■*; -k '-.1;. ft
to sell low, Thoso having--tfio cash to lay out
will find.itto theif.advathSSojlSjMWjiim a call,
- -.. ...HEN»Y-DTOniEL®,''
Carlisle, July 9, 1840. itf
THE subscribcr would inform his friends anc!
the-public m,general, tlmt-lie has his shop in
High street,, in the shop formerly occupied-by
Cormnok M’Manus, one' door west of N.' W.
Woods’,storej and would solicit a share of pub
lic patronage. '
"August .90, 1840','
Carlisle, Pa. August 1, 1840.
Arrival and JOe/iarture of Mailt.
Arrives. Closes,
Eastern daily about 12 m. 7 p.m.
, , ■“ ■‘■’s p;m. 10 a.m.
Western •• <’ 11 a. m. 11 a. m.
” • " tl a. m. 4p. m.
Southern , •’ « 13. m. 10 a. m.
Mechanicsb’g, ” « 13 m. 7p. m.
Newville . «• <■ 11 hnl. 11 a. m;
Fresh Drugs, Medicines, ijc.
The subscribers have hist received ii supply of
fresh Drugs,Medicines,Chemicals, Oils,Paints,
Varnishes, Dye Stuffs, ’Fruits, Bcc., all of which
will be sold on reasonable terms by
- ojr. jr. c..
RESPECTFULLY informs -the ladies and
gentlemen of Carlisle and its vicinity that
he sets Artificial Teeth in the most approved
manner.; He also scales, plugs, and separates
teeth, to arrest decay. . ......
Dr; N, prepares a tooth powder, which whi
tens the* teeth, without Injuring the enamel, col
ors the gums a fine-red and refreshes the mouth.
.The tooth,'ache will be cured, in. most; cases,
without extraction; arid ,ah, .odontalgic wash is
prepared for' treating store gunrri’and fasten tlie
teeth.' • ‘ ' " - '■ 'f*■ ‘■
- Ladies arid gentlemen are l requested to’'tali’
arid examine'his collection .of Porcelain or In
■corruptaMe teeth, which will never decay or
change color, arid are free from all unpleasant
odour, durable and well adapted for chewing,
wbich-wiU be iusened in the best mariner and at
fair prices. . : v -■
All persons wishing Or. N- to call,at.their,
dwellings will please to leave, a Hoe at,his resi
dence, No. 7 Harper’s Row,' when he will punc
tually attend'to every call in the line of his pro
fession. .Frona'a.long. and successful practice,
he hones to give general . satisfaction.
Carlisle, August a, 1;839. m
HAS just received arid is rioriv opening at his
stand in West High Street, a general assort
ment of new and fashiooaMe <gooda, euVtal>lo for
gentlemen's wear, such as ; , . >'
Blue, Green, Invisible, Fancy and Cadet mixed. .
Black, Blue, light Doe skin, fancy? arid single
milled- ‘ ’
Satina; figured; Silts,Valancie9, arid Hareailes.
Such as Stocks; Gloves. Srispendera, .Handker
chiefs &e. All of which will be sold arid made
up;’in. the most fashionable manner, and* at Abe
shortest notice,;
Carlisle, luly.SOfb, 1840.—1 f. *-
nchnsTuvi 1 -
: DR. I. C. LOOMIS, ,
K permanently located in and will
lerform all operations that arereeOired in
talSuraery. such ai F! LIN G, PLUGGING
nod.EXTRACTINtr TEETH.and inserting
AH FIFICIAL TEETH froth a single tooth to
a 101 l set.. He will also,attend to all dtseasesor
the MouttvGluins, regulate
the firataadsecond dentition sahstp rehaer the
teeth .of children and’ y oung'persons regular and
beautiful. Dr. Loomis rnayat all timet be found
athUoKceln Main street, opposite M’Farl ane’s
Carlisle. Jpne W, 184jt. ~„ ... ~, Vtt.V.
Olt 6f,verj*fiiic Quality', just
'! v -v- :
• 'Sms/
Resurrection or Persian Pitts'.
' Judge not lest ’ye be judged—keep on hand
something for a wet day—be sick
ness in case it should coihe—beready;tostop it
before it gets toodeepaihold—use.lne'Persian
Pills in season, and thousandsi yea tens pf thou
sands might be saved from' long'arid’lingering
(its of sickness by using.the Vegetable ,Persian
Pills freely; Noinjury can ehsne from using the
Persian Pills. to yoUth or them
according to tho 1 directibns.and ybu will be,
warranted withasuriecure. ; Try them before
you judge—dont' stand stillarid pay'there is no
forme.butbe Upand a doing while the day
They will cure all curable diseasckif ta
ken according to directions. Physicians fan no
'longer hold hack— those that are honest, and
havc.seeti their; effects, now recommend then*
and use them in their practice. We feelthank
ful that an all-wise Providence has seen,, ht to
bring to liphton, all-prevailing remedy that will
cure,almost every disease in our country. Do
■ not condemn them until you have' used them
and give* them-a fair‘trial;and We are certain’ 1
you will riot only use them yourself, but recom
mend them 1 to your friends and the public gen
€rally, -
eiile *n' all the principle villages iri
Pennsylvania. WM. H. TAYLOR. at Harrs
hurg, general agent for Pennsylvania arid Mary
am!.—All, orders -serit to him at Harrisburg,
willbe promptly-attended to,
Carlisle—'Stevenson and Dinkle.
: Sliippensburg—3. ® rackenridge.' - ■
• Ilogestown—Ed ward Miller.
White House—A. G. Miller.
'Ncwville—A.J. North.
Or' IMebrexv Piaster.
Read this before you stop, tliendonot stop
there, but tend and get a box of the-JEW
want to keep painand weakness far from you—
ask the person who ihas used at and he will tell
■you] that he has been-oorcd of the rheuuiatiKnri
and several other direful diseases that had
■drawn him aAl<vt|> in aheap, and had drawn
his Joints all put of place, and he was, conipelb
, fid to confide',Himsdt to his house, ami he. will
tell you that it cured hhn, and that he is now
well, will cure, all chronic 'diseases, or where
vit^^\^the^se : 8f Hhetr iimbsliy' applj to'
the parts affected. • The wonderful cures effect—
; edfiy the anplication of- arc the en- -
grossing subjects of the dav, go where yiii will will hear but that Sir. Such-H
-one, or Mr. .So-and-so was"restored to the heal-
I thy use of their limbs by the application of this
1 piaster—;or ■that they sire, glad that Mr. Such-a
-■ one" has got about again—really say- they, tlfis
K taster must be a good plaster or it would mt
ave cured so bad a case as that—or you will
hear some person that lias been gone from home
sometime exclaim when he returns at finding a
person on his foot lie never expected to see
again, why, ihow isMi-is, I sec' he is about—l
thought his case incurable—well every body
thought’ so Inn; Ihtt he has used the .lew David’s
or Hebrew Plaster, and got well—and so it is
performing cures ail over tin; whole country
where it is vised- 1 ' V '
For sate at all the principal villages in Penn
sylvania and Maryland. > . _ •
VVM. H. .TAYLOR, general agent for Mary,
land and Pennsylvania. -All orders' addressed
to him,.at Harrisburg, Pa. will receive prom|>t
Carlisle—Stevenson and.Dinkle.
Shippcnsburg—J. Brackenridgc,
.Hogestown—Edward Miller.
Wliite House—A. G. Miller.
Newville—A. J. North.
fiT.onar. n'. rr.r,rx,
Respectfully announces to the citi
zens of Carlisle and the public in general,
that he has opened the above business in the
bouse formerly occupied by Dr. Roland, nearly
■apposite the Carlisle RanK.'and hextdoorto Ar
nold Uf Co’s,store, where he intends Keeping
•cnnstanUy-on hand a large assortment of CAN
DIES arm ' >
.. > .SYRUPS,
such as Lelnon, Ginger’, Pine Apple, Sarsapar
illa", Grapge, Capilair, and Strawberry,all of
which are manufactured by hwnself-ralso, V/a
ter, Soda, SaWer widSweetCß ACKERS. He
intends keeping-constantly on hand a large, as
sortment of.
. pmriT.and
such ds Raisins, Figs, Prunes, Dates, ■Ourrapts,
Oranges, Lemons, Citroiv Ahnomls, Cream-
Nuts, Filberts, Gnglnh.Widnuts, Ground Nuts,
Cotna Nuts,tie. Bcc. ••• .
■ All of the above he will self svlinlcsalefe retail
and all others, will .find itto their advantage by
calling before purchasing elscwherei.. All ord
ers from'the country will be thankfully rebt-iv.
ed nndpromptly attended to.'
irtteiided to at the shortest notice,
ICE CREAM served up'for parties, tee,
N. B.—Two apprentices wanted to the above
business. None need apply' unless they ban
come well recommended.
May 7, 1840. " “ r
The American Corn Plaster stands unrivalled
n the long list of remedies for the cure of corns,
All thatis necessary tn order to test its virtues
s to make trial ol the article, when, its efficacy
will be.bzperienred.' Foh sale by r
BAKERS and others . that mate use. of, gen
uine, N.,N. Orleans jnolasse's.'Rre informed
that Jl is for sale by , C, BABIJIITZ.
;l ' Ccrtiileatesorrfgencff
Par the Sale of 'Bf.andreth*s Universal ' Ve
getable Pills, are . field in Cumberland
county by the folldwtng agents. ;
GEO. W. HITNEE, Carlisle. 1 : ;
; ■ -S.’Culbertsoh.'Shiiipeosburg.-;-. ' :
Adamßiegle; Mechanicsbnrg. !;
~ Gilmore.Bc M’Klnney, Newyille,„ J
X; Hiegle 8c Co., Ohurchtown. •■ ;
'■ M. G. Rupp. ShiremanstOwm ' .‘r ;
;iAs counterfeits of these pills’ are'iii eoene eases
soldforthe genuine .opes, the safety of the put*
lit requires that none should; be purchased ex
cept -om those recognized as agents above. " ,
' Economy.
The Vestlmental SpTrilspreparedbyflr^W.
C. McPherson, are warranted to be superior M ;
to any other preparation of the kind now in swe
forthe removal of allkindsofGrease.-Tar.Oll, *
Paint, Wax, fs'c,, from- ladies & gentlemen's .
wearing apparil., Forsale InCarlisle by ■
V, r '' *
Blacd and white Kusala. Vigbnia.'Furi Chip, i
Hats.forshlo wholtsalexiKl’retaiU- o :*