American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, April 01, 1841, Image 4

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Now our flag is'flung to tho wild wind free,
Let it float o'er our father land—:
And the guard of its spotless fame shall bo,
Columbia’s chosetwiand., ' '
J >.IVID 11. PORT Ml It.
Those df our subscribers who promised its wood,
will cither have to bring if- on jjnmedialety; or wo
shall have to'“sAu! up shop"— that’s all.
*(Cj“Th«sc of our subscribers, in town and
country, wUtr change their places of resi
dence tins spring, \viir~pleaS(rinfonn us of
their whereabouts —so that their' papers,
may receive the proper direction*
By reference to another column it wjll bo seen
that Gov. PorUjr Ifas issued his proclamation fur
a special eiectrun-iu ijiis district, to supply
caney in the next Congress. This is rendered
necessary on account of the called session and the
Democracy of the District will at onco hdve to
prepare for the election* -As a preparatory move
ment we insert the following notice; and trust that
it will be prompt’y
The Democratic Republican Standing Commit*
tee of Cumberland county are raqueste.dtcf nieet
at tWpubiic house of Cb\.‘ Jomn' Cousma‘s,;mv
Carlisle, on Monday the yipril, all o’clock,
P. M. A full meeting Is desirable, as arrange
ments wilHiave to-be made for selecting a candi
date for Congress to be slipportodby Uie Denio
rratic party atlbe-special election on- lUe*4lh of
May. The committee is composed of
, Andrew Kreitzer, Kaai Peunsborough; t Thomas
RfcUullocb, Newton; David. Marlin, Monroef Jo
seph Trego, West Penushorough; Michael Wise,
North Middleton; James Hoover, Nowviller Win.
Drown, Miflliu; Daniel Shaffer, Alien; V\ in. Z.
Angney, Geo* D* Poiilke, Carlisle; Win. B. Cuin
mins, bhippensburg; Benjamin Myers, sen. Dick
inson; Wtiliam .Mitchell, Hupewullj Jas..Willis,
Southampton; W\ Wi. Dale»r -Mechanicsburg;
Abndiam Busier, iSitvef Spring;--Henry C. llaeh
ttt, I'rankiord.
Tor, a detailed account of the loss of the Ameri
can Ship Governor Fenner and I32livesj see op
posite page. We see it stated in several* of our
exchanges, thatJoiix-C. Carter, the mate of the
ill-fated mid who besides .the .captain, is
the only survivor of the crow and passengers, is a
native of this borough*
1 1 id time for the people of the United Slates to
begin to inquire whether they are lo be any longer
consulted, in the affairs of Government, or whether
they are to belled blindfold from one measure to
another, until they know not where they are to end.
We have just had a Presidential election, in
which no principle was declared, or any system of
policy, or ahy set of measures, was’issuq by
t the victo ious party. . , ’ ■
Wo have just had ,a" session of Cpngrcss, in
which, during three months, the victorious party
peremptorily refused to show'their hand, or to
commit themselves on a single principle, measure,
cr system, or even to indicate the substitute for
the Independent Treasury, .which‘they propose to
"Wo have just had an inaugural address from the
President elect, the largest one over delivered, and
not a word in it to give a glimpse of the course of
the new Administration in relation to a single
question, foreign or domestic, which occupies the
attention of the cohnlry. ...
And how we have a called sessioh of Congress,
involving no less than ten special elections, in
which the people-are not informed what it is that
they are Id vole oh at thbse elections, or what it is
that their representaliiria are to voteomwhen they;
meet together at tho extraordinary .seßsiondn May.
Truly these are hew scenes in the history, of
our country, and such as distinctly announce to
the people that they are to be governed and not to
govern 1 that hereafter they, arc to fallow and not to
lead the Government! that submission and acqui
'■■■ cßceh6e, passivff obedjcnce, and non-rcsistancc,iS
to be thelf part in time to comet "
« If ever there was an occasion upon earth in
which the people ought to have been. informed
what the extra session was called for—what the
I- toil and expense of ten special elections was to be
> incurred for:—this is the occasion. An election
witlfifut a principle—a session of Congress with
out a declared, measure—an inaugural wilHOuta
point—and, wo may add, a. Cabinet without a
committal to any thing! with this chaos of policy
before them» certainly tho people were entitled to.
know what they were voting about when voting
forßeprosentativesinApril, arid what'these Rep
resentatives would be called, upon todp when they
met together in May. In a free country, where
liberty of spcefhf liberty ,of. the: pMsSi'freedom, of
voting, with responsibility- in thd representative,
and tb'eijight of instriiction in the constituent, pre
vails, callingthis extra
en3irfaiyBes,sion,toliftthßveib to cease
lety, to rluit' lKe darkness, and. Omit one; ray,: of
light, for the informaiiopjOf the people. . Nothing
of this has been done.' ’Cb O p;oclarriatipn,for the
' stQdiously so.’upOh ali thßbbjeoWpf its meoUng.
Its words isat MSundby- and weighty
A* condition nf
the Hptmii'tiffi jipM'Mn ife»ho(iy, [appear :io
me to cedi /<a-thi •camideratian if Oingrea at an
earlier day thdiiio'niltt annual teitioHfXbe., . .This
is all that We proclamation Bays in Tclaiii>n to the
businese fpr-which tfie extrabrdinary session of
Congress is called. What more vague and indefi
nite than Ihisl “Sundry important and weighty
■ motto-*” Why not name thdml / Why docs this
Slate ppper, signodby President lUnaiso.y, and
counlcraigoed by Secretary WKBSTBB.commcnce
with the most insignificant arid common place
word in : the’’English linguagcl commence yrith
the word with which a grocer’s account terminates!
“.Revenue” and "Jinanea"- aretautological. They
both mean the' same thing/ THey-both mean the
income—the annual income—of the 'Government.
Thq .only. point stated, then, is tbp revenue; and
here two inquiries immediately suggest , them
selves to the mind. Firth Arc the five millions of
Treasury notes which were granted by the late
Congress, in addition to the accruing revenue, in
sufficient to last the new Administration till Sep
tember, when Congress Could come together With
out inconvenience, and tho.oalled session run into
the stated onci and save half the expense! See.
ondlytle the Treasury to be emptied by a-distri
bution bill, and then filled by a.tariflf bill! . These
are questions which wilVoccupy the public mind,
but which cannotfind their solution,until Congress
meets. ",
We say that the proclamation' is studiously
dark on the objects of this called and we
prove it by tho contentsmf a letter wbichcontains
the internal evidence of its own authenticity.—
Tho Now, York Journal of Commerce contains a
letter from Washington written the day before the
proclamation,—Written on the 16th inst.—the proc
lamation being qu the ,17th—which says: “The
proclamation for the extra session will not, as was
supposed, set forth the reasons of the call,- Icon.
Jecturc that it will speak merely in the formal man
ner, of ortAVE and WEiontv MATTERS.’” Here
the character of tho proclamation is
foro.hand—no reasons to be given to the people—
nothing but tho formality of “grave and weighty
matters to be presented to them. - This shows
that there Was a consultation about the propriety
of giving reasons—the propriety of letting tho peo
pleknow^~wllantiey r “wpro-cal!ed-to-iiold--speoiaL
elections for, and what Congress was called to
gether in May.for; andthat it was, determined at
this consultation, to give no such information!—
So we go! The people called out to vote in the
dark—-to follow blindfold a Cabinet* and Presi
dent, and a leader in Congress, .whoso principles,
systems and measures are unknown and unknowa
. The Office SEEKKhsI-rtft would appear from
the following extract from the Washington letter
of the United Slates Gazette, dated March-20th,
that the army of office seekers, had not yql been
disbanded*:, v . r .
“Such is the pressure on the various members
of the Cabinet, {hat they findtbomftelves continue
‘ally''.impeded*'iif;their'efforts D>-transact
ness which falls within the regular and'necessary
nature of their duties. Their attention ißUfvavoid
ably kept ,-in a: state* of-distractioin from- matters
which require sblemn.and absorbing deliberation;
and it has been found impracticable to acquit
themselves, as they arc sedulously endeavoring to
do, of the fearful responsibilities of their several
stations', without rcguluting.ahd limiting the hours
in which applications for, office will be received,
and other minor and contingent, matters permitted
to occupy their care.. Ordinary visits, therefore,. 1
are only allowed between tho hours of twelve and
two, at the State and Treasury Departments; and.
the cose is not a.solitary one,, in "which an indi
vidual (not seeking office),whose business/is not
connected with the public interests, has left the
city fur- two or three weeks, intending to return,
and pursue. his object, after the demands on the
time, of the higher functionaries shall have abated,
if not subsided entirely. 1 ’
Tho Jersey City Gazette, a whig paper, has the
following in reference to Pgle’s speech,' fh-hich
was such a favorite with the Tlarrtaonians gener
ally beforethe election!
While House /’urmburc.-'—Tlm “palace” j s said
to he, destitute of overi.decent and comfortable fur
niture—Ogle's' speech to the Contrary notwith
standing. Not having the sin of publishing that
document to lay to our conscience, having no lot
or part in the matter, we ban consistently acquiesce
in w'hatever proposal is made'for providing the
President’s house with respectable fixtures>- How
stand'ouf Whig brethren in the premises, and how
will they escape the dilemma in which their ready
endorsement of Ogle’s nonsense has placed them?
“Nonsense” is a mild term,.to be sure, to apply
to tlie outrageous stories thus circulated against
Martin Van Burch, but stilt it is something to find
thatdmong tho whig press, journals are to be found
which oven venture to allude in terms of disappro
bation to Ogle’s inventions.— Pennsylvanian)
Col. R. M. Johnson. —Not long ago a ridicu
lous sto’ry was put in.circulatiehj-that Col. John
son had joined the Harrison party, which, though
promptly contradicted, we observe is still going
the rounds of the federal press. The following
extract of a'lettcr from Col. Johnson, dated on the
11th ult..which originally appeared in the N. Y.
Evening Post, hails the falsehood to the counter:
r “If rumor can make my friends beliove-that I
have changed or cajhchange lu'y p.QsiUon.inpolitics,.
H is. very humiliating to me.- The tumors of that
kind cannot be .worthy of any thing but the lie di
rect froth those who haye a confidence in me,”.,
One Hundred Hollars per day,— The people of
Pennsylvania should know that the federalists of
the House of Representatives have an investiga
ting Committee now in: session,-which costs.lhe
Commonwealth' more Ilian * ONE HUNDRED
DOLLARS per day; which committee is to fui>
nish means to elect the federal candidateJOHN
BAN KS. The chairman of the committcehasde
scendcd to.put inch trifling questions to a witness
as pOid you ever see himCVßXlVjOavid 111 Por
ter's horses ! The committee has been in.aes
sion about six weeks, and will undoubtedly sit till
{the scssion of the legislature rises.— Keystone.
A Grandiloquent Humbug.
i Decidedly One of the greatest fareCS of the age
has been for Some time ’ exhibiting on the public
stage here, under tho especial Supervision of a Mr.
Liglitner. a federal member of the lower house
from tho county of. Allegheny, ‘Vbtdtamaiii per •
ti/hae Consists of a epccial committee, raised bit
motion of that gentleman, which he is, aea matter
of;cp'nr»RVthe,chaipiian.. Ostensibly:.ithu been
“got up,” for tho purpose of /‘invesligating tho
corlductof the oahal oommls»ionara," bnl in reali
ty to.manufacture POLITICAI, CAPITAL in
tho earning campaign for John Banka—and this
jtoqjjjr HcaSnototheTwihohV,6pne,up6n therein*
of genllemeniwh'Qsornoralahdpolitioal reputation
is as rmßulliedasthatofanyother gentlemen in
the commonwealth. According to the. code of
ethics: adopted 6y tha jmr« AW
fiightner, it is' perfectly ffflmatoflai, whether the
fairftrnb of thesb officers he inhflmaily Sacrificed,
prhots so that SomS preleSf fpr theory of
ban he created, 'i With Mm* “tho end justifies the
meant,” and the canal comtoissionchrmaybe
slaughtered .Without compunction, ifit only auh
; The more. sffeetuMlyAo’consummate this 3ir.-
bollcal project* an entire regiment of witnesses
has been summoned hither ftom distant parts of
the elate, who in nineteen, cases out of ■ twenty,
upon examination, know not ono syllablo on ; tiro
Subject, either pro or con,'and ore again unceremo
niously dismissed. The utmpst ingenuity of the
Chairman is however taxed, to elicit something,
upon which to predicate charges of peculation,
and not unfrequentiy his interrogatories are ip;
clear violation of every principle of laW and com
mon sense. Take the following for example:
Question by Mr. Lightncr. —“Did you not, oir,
“hear Tom Williams sJy, that ho heard Charley
'■Penrose declare, that Saifi- Barclay said, that
“Tom Cochran thought, that Ner Mjddlcswarth
“dream’t, that Danny Smyser affirmed, that Theo
•‘Fenn swore, that the printer Benedict declared,
. ''John Stonebreaker alleged, that Sam Sturgeon
“confessed, that Peg-Beatty told her yellow boy
“John in a public bathroom at IteWislown—that
“Biu< Packer was ns> better Oianheshouldbef"
It is by questions such as these—hear-say evi
dence, derived through the forty-second channel—
which an impartial tribunal would scout at as
INFAMOUS in tho extreme —that this investiga
ting committee expect to arraign the present able
and unimpeachable board of canal commissioners
before the people. Oh! shame WhereTs thy blush!
All that will come out of it, however, will be, that
the state will bo saddled with an expense of same
EARS, and that Mr. Lightncr will get some of
tho federal editors to puff him as a wonderful re
former! This.’wo pre'dict, will bo tire '‘upshot’’ of
tho whole matter.— Yeoman t
Tho Canals are now open-, and boats are running
briskly. It is stated that a largo amount of goods
is now being purchased in Philadelphia, and that
a good business is expected to bo done on tho pub?
McLeod’s trial has not yot taken place, nor will
it for some -time,to come. Some informality or
mistake occurred in drawing the Jury, and the
case is held over for the present er at least until
a special venire can issue, and a new Jury attend.
Atflaost every place that we hear from, llie Fed
eral editors and leadcrs looked upon Che Inaugural
address of President Harrison, when it was first
received as a hoax.; 'There is not mucli wonder in
this, for they, had flattered themkolves that it wis
to bo something extraordinary—and so, it is—but
■not in the way they supposed,. It ia extraordinary,,
for Us for;iis.sjlly bonihast
and egptism—extraordinary '.forjts clulhsy,-awk
ward,and’unrheaning references to ancient history,
having, no. bearing, parallel to the cases with.which
they were compjvrcd-—extraordinary because it
proposes nothing for the consideration of the peo
ple, nor any measures for their relief from the pe
cuniary embarrassments with which they are sur
rounded, and which were t0..b0- swept aWay as
with the wand of the magician. No wonder, then,
that'his friends considered it a hoax, for they wore
hoaxed moefcgregiously,-whety they believed, or
pretended to believe, that Gen. Harrison was a
man of statesman-like talents, capable of produ
cing a document creditable to the nation and the
station he occupies. All who believed this were
hoaxed, and we verily believe that many now'wish
that the, apnuncialion of his election had been ,a
hoax rather than reality. Sven the venerable'
editor of the Cincinnati Advertiser, the'biographer
of Gen. Harrison, though an opponent, could not
believe the document to be genuine, so far was its
stylo and character below what he had expected;
Wo predict that Harrison’s supporters are not.yct
done beinghoaxed. He Will, if life and health bo.
spared him, wd fear, not hoax them only, but the
whole country, before his four years expire, to
such an extent, that a few years hence there will
be none possessed of hardihood enough to avow
that they were Harrison men.— Canton (O.) Dem.
The Inaugural Address again.—Vie make the
following additional extracts from our exchanges,
to show the estimate put upon the ‘lnaugural by '
some of those editors who ranked among*lho
friends of the present Executive.
Speaking of the address, the Now York Herald,
a Whig paper, says;
“Tlie address isdho of tho most unevenly com
posed and written documents tiiat ever came from
the brain or .pen of a .public functionary. Parts
of it ate most excellent,' and other parts most
trashy. ‘ The best parts of, it contain some of the
'soundest and purest doctrines that wete ever con
ceived; but they are hard, very hard to live up to.
Many otlier parts are unworthy tho tyro at college,
on his first attempt at composition, >.
The nonsense about “an exclusive metallic cur
rency,” is a crotchet of his own brain; a sort of a
shuttlecock which he stuck up and knocked down
for amusement three times in one paragraph. The
remarks about the District of Columbia are misera
bly Written; tho sentences are involved, complica
ted, and torfupus; they may be construed to mean
anythingor nothing. ■ The balderdash about.Qliver
CromwellaCtesar, and Bolivar; will elevate the
President m*the eyes of no oho". He dpes not .un*
dersland the character of either.' ‘ The clumsy al
lusions to Greece hnd Borne repeated again and a
gnin, may be Ihoughtolasaic by some, hut it would
be difficult to prove them so, ", '
As to the statement about no republic oyer merg
ing ’into an arialoefaoy; Gen. Harrison ought to
have read the history of Venice, and onedr two
republics wo could,name, before he made the.
sweeping-assertions we find-in his:measage. :_;' ~
The miserable manner:injvhich the subject of
abolition, and especially thedubjeot of our foreign
relations are slurred oyer; is sufficient to dtamp.the
inaugural with reproach
The Philadelphia, I.edger. apapep neutral, in.
poVltics. holda tho/dllpwing portinontlanguago:
“The currency question is entered ;.inlo, v Tho
idea of ah exclusively metallic currency .he edn
sidera to be fraught with the, most.falai consc
quonces." yylfthere ie'onepliNspiro,-pßrßpys, better
calculated than another to that sUte of
things so much deprooated'by all trueropuhlicans,
1 by which the rich are daily adding id their hoards,
and too. poor sinking deeper into penury, it Is an
exclusive metallic currency! " It appears to ns in
Ihisraatterthe President hastakenan unnecessary
alarm.' We know of no enoonotnaistf who propose
whore it exclusively prevails. _ ho could
apprehensions’ of evil* adoption, vveard nt
a loss to conceive;. had hehß*h Bpenking df a cur
tency exclusively paper, inch as we.tnow have, wo
corild .readily admit the fordo :'df hisToars, and
acknowledge thejn to ;
‘•And jroore tree joy.MamellusextVedrcOls, 1
Than'Cesat with ;
The reception that Mr. Vian Buren m
Philadelphia eftd 'NewYorh, upon.bierbiuni' t<S
Ws,nativaStateV*6!& "account of which
fcciia bn the ex
rhlfied as he has bMn by the Bnprinoipled party
now in pbwefrr-his' avery action miareprejented—
I and dorifg the whole' coursabf his PreWdonitißi
career, fliade die shining mark for the poisoned ar
rows of fieiUeh reoepifoh
thousand* of hia,countrymen, in the hour of
seeming fa a - token' of reapeot which
even a Jackson might envy. It was an homage
paid to true greatness—a great moral spectacle
upon which the world might gaze with, admira
tion.,. The' Ex-President,, so'stem.and inflexible
in the principles of hls political faillfj- has here
met with hia highest-reward—and the 'remem*
.prance of these spontaneous tokens.of approbation
will give him mote real pleasure, than if he were,
still tho dispenser of favors to the multitude. .
Fotrap Guiltv.—Peter Robinson, charged with
the murder of Mr. Soydam, whoso trial took place
recently at New Brunswick, :(N. J.) before the
Court of .Oyer and Terminer of Middlesex county,,
was found guilty of murdbr.ih the first degree, end
acntencodto be executed by hanging on Friday the
16th oFApril, ‘
Floop. —The Susquehanna, at Harrisburg, is
15 feet above low. water mark. - The water'has o
verflowed tire canal and railroad below that town
in several places, and considerable .damage has
been dono to.the public improvements. There has
not been so great a freshet for many years.
The Dhoi-hound Administration —General Hap.
risen has appointed as Gov. of Florida GEN.
RICHARD K. .CALL, the man who imported t/ie
BLOODHOUNDS into Florida. It will be re
membered that the federal hard-cider party made a
great outcry about the bloodhounds : which they
said Mr. Van Buren had obtained to hunt, tuorry
ing.and kitl the Indians. It will also be recollec
ted that when Gen. Call was in Philadelphia last
year, speech-making for Harrison, he stated he
was the'man who brought oyer the bloodhounds,
and that Mr. Yan Buren and his administration,
had nothing to do'with it. Now General Har
rison has endorsed and approved of this cold blood-
ed wicked act, by making a Governor ot the man
Who di,d it. This is not only granting afrecpar
don fpr what tho federalists called a Heaven dar
ing act! but it is approving it and rewarding the
perpetrator. fPhal hypocrisy ! ! !— Keystone.
EXACTLY SO.—The United slates Gazette
says, “the Whig party of the nation have achieved
a victory worthy o f themselves worthy oilheirprin
ciples!” Exactly sojr-and worthy of nolhingelse!
—principles .'—just think of it—the Whig
principles! —Harrison and Webster's principles!
—Bhick-cock;ide and Blue light pn'ncijr/te/ Pshaw!
you can’t come the- “DELUSION” over the peo
ple about principles, however well you may have
suceooth3d“bycTying‘ , chahgo'*— , ‘tfhango’’— 4 ‘bet-'
ter times”—“low price of grain,” &c.— Baltimore
Republican, , ’ ■ ' , ...
. William Coad, St. Mary’s-Marylund, vice James
W. Roach, removed. ' .
Robert W. Alston; Sti Mark’s, Florida, vice
John F. Kacklor, removed, ‘ '
Arnold Naudain, Delaware, vice Henry White
ly, removed.
William Floyd, Town, Creek, Maryland, vice
James R. Thompson, removed.
Daniel G. Oarns'ey, Dixon, Illinois, vice John
Dement, removed.
John C. Montgomery, .at Philadelphia,ln the
place of James Page, removed,
James Rees, at Geneva, New York, in the place
of G„ J. Grosvenor, removed.
John Chambers,' to be .Governor of the Territory
of lowa, in the place of Robert Lucas.
Otho H. W. Stull, to be Secretary of said Terri
tory, in place of J. M’Cants. i .
Thomas R. Johnson, to bo Marshal for said Ter
ritory, in tho place of Francis Gehon; ■_ J
Cornelius Darragh, to bo Attorney for the West
ern District of Pennsylvunia, vice Walter Forward,
who was appointdll to said office, but declined its
Levi Lincoln, Collector at Boston, vice George
Bancroft, resigned.
State Legislature.
Letter to the Editpr, dated
' “Harrisburg, March 37, 1841
The all engrossing subject is decided. The
,Dank’ Bill from the Senate passed the House yes
terday after undergoing sundry amendments, by
the following vote:
YEAS—Messrs. Andrews, Banks, Bard, Bell,
Brunner, Chrisraan,Clark, Correy.Oox, Cummins,
Darsie, Dunlap, Dilworth, Eyre, foreman. Funk,
Futhey, Grata, Hanna, Higgins, Hinchman, Ken
nedy, Kerr, Kicfl'er, Law, Lelhermani tighlner,
Livingston, M’Clure, M’Curdy, Middleswarth,
Miles, Montgomery, Musser, Mycr, Pearson, Pen
nell, Pumroy, Rush, Skinner,' Smith, Smyser,
Snively, Steele, Titus, Yon. Neida, Washabaugh,
Crabb,-—Speaker.—49 ,
, NAYS—Messrs.Anderson, Apple, Barf, Bean,
Boal, Bonsajl, Brpdhead (Ptkfl) Brodhead (Nlh’n)
Church,' Cortright, Dquglass,'Chaugh,
Felton, Fenton, Flannery, Flennik'en, Fliohi’Fpgle,
Fuller, Gamble, Gillis, Haas, Hahn, Holeman,
Hill, Horton, Johnston (ArmS’g) Johnston (West
moreland) Kutz, Eeidy ,'Lusk, May, M’Cully,
M’Kuraitr, Moore, Painter, Penniman, Pierce,
Pollock, Snyder, Track, Vanhorn, r Waklee, Wea
ver, Wilkinson, Wright, Zimmerman. —4B.
Ifwaa immediately sent fnthe Senate, and after
an, animated discussion to-day, tho.amqpdments
tyero cdriCurfcd In, atld the Bill passed by, the fol
lowing vole i.
j YEAS—•Ttlessrs.Barclay, Brooke, Brower,Case,
Cochran, Hiester, Huddleson, Killinger Maolay,
Mathers, Pearson, Reed; Snackman, Sterrett,.
Strobm, Sullivan, Williams, Ewing, Speaker,—lB.
NAYS—Messrs. Brown, Cbplan, Orispifh'Feg
ley,Flemingi.Gibons, 1 Hays, Headley; KiiigShbiyi
Miller; Patterson, Planter, Smith,-Snyder—l4.
The Bill is now in tho hands ofthe Executive,
withall irtdeformitiesrestinghohvily opohit.—
•A few days will decide its fate, and, inallproba
bility, a real Jackton racßßagn may bo ahtioipated.
The bill; as.ifhas passed, dlows a.cohiinuahc'c of
the Suspension for/ce wears, permits the Bachs to
issue-sma/f notes, and docs ninny other "things
shoufd t'aßtbnißhlhe nntivdsJ' - The party
which •. framed such a billofahominations, base
adopiedaleadet intho person of dndgoBA.NKS
wlthanapproprialenatne. ~
. ThelGovatnorhas justaentin,another Veto on
tho juniata
by n vote of 4Tto.4S.
; various local hills: have been acted on and
passed.cßothTiOaseaihay possibljMgreotoad
jouraahouttha 90lh of Agdlj and, inall probabili
ty too, wjtboutpaaingah Improvement Bill..; r The
dominant party'ihtbolegialatMregiTeeyldence
that they woiifd Trather/leave the; public yr of ha go
to-. dilapidation ipdidecay, than that any,-thing'
should be done which could in any way .aid the
election of Gov. Porter. To aach a pass am we
come; and Such is the commencement of the bosst-
Cd. Federal Btfatm which was to
Harrison's bleolion. Well map we owdaltm^Ood
tjsifctbs Ctmimonwedthl’^^^
t tge-care and
prevehlioitbf'disesSSprlsofthe greatest conse-
quehoe to assertain what medicine' is capable of
producing. the. desired effect, in. the easiest, nnd
at the same time, ih the moat effeclual manner.,
Brandrelh’s Vegetable Universal Fills remove all
noxious accumulations,. and purify' and invig
orate tho blood, and their good effects are npf
counterbalanced byany inconvenience; being com
posed entirely of vegetables they do tlbt expose
those who nso them tqdangei; and their effects are
as certain as they are’salutary, they are daily and
safely administered to infancy, yooth, manhood
and old age, and to women in thamostcritical and
delicate circumstances.. They do not disturb or
shock tho animal functions, but restore their order
and their health. .
- Purchase Carlisle of George W. Hitner,
and only in Cumberland, county of Agents publish
edin another part of this paper. I
TH E subscriber, thankful for past favors, re
spectfully informs his customers and tho pub
lic in general, that he has removed to that large
and Commodious establishment on tho North-west
corner of the Public Square, late the property of
Thomas C> Lane, whicli he has fitted up in a. very
superior manner as a
and where, ho is prepared to furnish all who may
favor him with their custom with tho very best
" This Hotel, from its central location, la very
convenient for business men; and being near tho
stopping place of the Cars on the Rail road, it will
also furnish Travellers With a ready place of rest
and refreshment. . The ROOMS are largo and
will always bb well supplied With the best the
markets can afford—the BAR with the best of
Liquors—the charges will bo reasonable—and
nothing shall be left undone on the part of Die sub
scriber to merit a shard of public patronage;
BOARDERS will be taken by the week, month,
or year. • -
Stabling attached to the
establishment, and. an attentive Ostl
ready to attend to that department. .
Carlisle, April 1, 1841.
IS now in Carlisle, find ir.tends to remain for a
short lime, anil respectfully offers his profes
sions] services to the inhabitants of the town and
vicinity. He is prepared to perform all dental
operations in the best manner, and to insert the
latest improved incorruptible artificial teeth
from a single one to an entire set.
Hr. A. is a graduate of the-Baltimnre College
of Dental Surgery, and.helieyes that the advan
tages, hejiqs eiijoytd/or:
V)fli:fe^scdry ; ar,(h«hiliiatttiSpr)iciiceofnVspro- -
fessioh, entities liim to tlie confidence of the pub
lic. '
Api;il 1, 184’. . - ‘
la the'.name anti liytlie authority 01
the Commonwealth of Pennsyl-
Governor of tho said Commonwealth,
To PAUL MARTIN, Sheriff of the Court
■ ly of Cumberland, JPeguire, Sends Gbeet-
INOt- , ,
Whereas a vacancy has happened in the rep
resentation dl this State in the House of Repre
sentatives of the. United States, in consequence
of the death of William S. Ramsey, Esquire, e
lected a member of the twenty-seventh Congress
from the thirteenth Congressional District
Now, therefore, in pursuance of the provisions
in such case made by the constitution of the U.
6'tates, and by the act of the General Assembly,
p issed the 2nd day of July, A. D. 1839, IJUAJ
VID R. PORTER, being vested with the exec
utive authority of the State of Pennsylvania, have
issued this writ, hereby commanding you the
said Paul Martin to hold an election in the said
county of Cumberland, ..on Tuesday the 4th of
May, for choosing a representative of this Corny
moowealtii, in the House of Representatives of
the United States, to fill the vacancy' which has
happened as aforesaid; and you are hereby re
quired and enjoined to Kohl and conduct the said
election and malic a return thereof in the man
ner and form ns by law is directed and required.
Given under my hand and the great sea) of the
State at Harrisburg this 30th day of March,
in tlie year of qur Lord one thousand eight
hundred and forty-one, and of the Common
wealth tlie sixty-fifth. | V
Bv the Governor'.
H. I’ETKIk.EN, Deputy Secretary.
of the Commonwealth.
In pursuance of the above writ, I PAUL
MARTIN, nigh Sheriff of Cumberland bounty,
do hereby give public,notice that, an election
will be held in said county, on TUESDAY the
4th of MAY, for a representative in Congress,
occasioned by the death of the Hon. William S.
Ramsey. l ’
; And the several Judges and Inspectors, (with
the clerks appointed by them,) who were elect
cd on the 19th of March, are required to uttend
and perform at the said election the several du
ties enjoined on them by law.
Aiwlthercluvn Judges Of the several election
districts of Cumberland county, are hereby re
quired to meet at the Cohrt House, in the Bo
iough of Carllsle. on Friday next after the said
election; lit 11; o'clock A. M,, with certificates
of the election in their districts, ; " ’ ’
Given under my hnnd at Carlisle, this Ist day 61
Apili Ar D. 1841, and the slxty-fiftli.year ol
American Independence; ' ’
On Monday night lhn 29th of March, were left
at .ihehoaseqf the subscriber, one Bay Horse,
with three ophite legs, ahd ;one dark brown Mare,
with the left hfnd leg white;-; The above; Horses
were sent to the care, of the undersigned, by a man
now in the Frederick county (Md.) Jail, on charge
of horse stealing, who oallnliimself Wilkins, hut
whose,real name is supposed to be John Russell,
apd aro no doiibt stolen property. The Owner or
owners ,by proving property and paying charges
can have them, on applying to the subscriber iff
Hogestown, Cumberland county. Pa. :
.Hogestown, April 1,T841.,’' .. Bt. ;
rpHE notes given at. the iale of tlie peisonsl
JL property of Anthony Black, dec’d, wero doe
bn’the 6th of: February Tost:'.This is therefore to
give, noticethatunless - payment Kroadb on Ot-be
foif tbo !7lh of April, the notes will be left in
the harids bf a proper officer fotcdllecUon.
■ *l ofA.ELAQK.dedM .
April u'.iaii.:
N S 3 Aft » W A R B
SnbSOribera’ haVfe'dpened i a : general assort
ment of'npw good*? (in the room lately occupied
6y Messrs- Hamilton os Griet, on the South hast
Comer of Hanover aridXoutheratreetßj) consisting
Having geleoted thcir. goods: with .cSrefrtbey ms
prepared t» sell low. , I'hose desirottsof purcha
sipg will find it totheix advahtage tp s.
® al -i; „ BOSSERMAN 1 & HlJtT6>r.
Carlifil*, April i, ; IjWU.:
f (IHE subset iher hereby inldmnt hit Customers
A and the public in genor-d, thsl he has remo
ved his 800 l £5" Shoe Manufactory from Pamfrtt
to the Main sirei-t, in the room formerly accii-'
pid-)is an office by'J. Squitr, E>q. n few doors
nhrst of the Car Office, on the north side of the
street, where he will manufacture BOOTS and -
LHuliSof every description, in a rear, fashion
able ami substantial manner, at moderate prices *
for cash, good paper, or approved country .pro
duce; He returns Ids sincere thanks to ids cus
tomers for their favors, and will be happy to
serve Client as formerly. A* the same time, lie,
respectfully solicitsashareofthe-pubhc’sravor.
Punctuality may
Carlisle, April 1,1841. 3t
-N. B. An apprentice .will he taken to- learn
the above business- •
- STRAYED from-the subscriber, hi the Bor
ough of Carlisle,.on tiaturdaV. the
Sam 27th ult. a.SMALL DARK RED
.fdTtf COW, with crumpled hornj ind
WS=Sse>& white face, end sunk in the rump.—
Any informatloh-thatcan-bSrglven of her will he
thankfully received and liberally rewarded- ;
vv-m. mcpherson. *
Carlisle, April 1, 1941. , *[ 3t.;
Teeth t Teeth I Teeth Z
HR. 11. EBAiIGH,
Begs leave,to inform the citizens of Carlisle
end its vicinity, that ho has made arrangements, to
spend the greater part of bis lime in Carlisle, , sod
may be consulted at his rooms at McFatlane’s Ho
tel on all the various Branches of his profession.
Families in Town and Country visited ns usual.
Dr. E> has given Messrs. Stevenson & Dinkle. a
Receipt for making and fuiniahing Ids unrivalled
Carnation Dentifrice, where itmey, bo had whola
eale'and retail.'
Carlisle, April 1,164 L , ■ : St-
Mr. SAnoEnsaN:—l have read with astonish-*
ment an advertisement in your paper, hi width
TTcertaln JOSEI'II OITO has published me as
a Runaway Apprentice. With your permission.
I embrace* the same medium of informing the
public of the true stale of • the case. , I acknow
ledge I was with him in the capacity of an ap*.
prentice fpr about eleven months—but at the
expiration of that time, finding if al together" im
possible, according tip the bargain which we had,
to serve him any longer, J asked liberty of him
to obtain niy freedom, which he accordingly
granted in thotpreaeoce of witness. He has now
taken the privilege of advertising me ns having
absconded, which is done for the purppse of
slandering my character—and, as I.observed
before, 1 wish you to publish this, in order to let
the public know that the said OTTO has ptib- '
Hished a complete F At, sE n pop jig ain stmg,;.
■Newvme, March 19,1841. 3i*
THE subscribers have just received from Phil*
adelphia, at. their store, hi-South" Hanover 1 ,
street, a large and general assortment of
Spring A' Summer Goods *
of the best quality,,. They have also on hand's
large stock' of Groceries and Flour, all of which
they offer to'(lie public (for cash) aslow as they
can be purchased at any other establishment in
the county,- ,
Carlisle, March 24,1841.
Brigade Inspectol’s Orders.
THE enrolled Inhabitants subject to .military
duty residing Within the bqpnds,' of the. Ist
Brigade llth'Dir. P. M., will parade,and drill
in companies ,or troops under their respective
commanding officers on Monday the 3d day ot
May next, and the Regiments and Battalions
will parade for inspection ns follows, viz:
The Ist Bat 86lh Rcg’t and the 2d Bat Cumb
Vol'dn Monday the 10th day ad- May next.
The 2d Bat 86th Reg’t and the Ist Bat Cumb
Vol On Wednesday the 12th of May.
The Ist Bat 23d Hegt on Thursday- the 13th of
May. ’ .
The 3d Bat same Regt on Friday the 14th of
The Ist Rcgt Cumb Vol on Saturday the ldth
of May. "
The 2d Bat 39th Kegt on Monday the 17 s ih of
The Ist Bat same Regt on Tuesday the 18lh
of M ly. , : ■
The ,2d Bat Perry county at the same
place, on one of the two last named days at the
,order of the commanding officer ot the said Bat,
The 3d Bat 'll3th-.Regt on Wednesday the
19th ot May. . •’
Tits 2d Bat same Regt on Thursday flic 20th
ql May. ■ - .
Tlie Ist Bat of Perry Vol on Friday the 21st
of May.
The Ist Bat 113th Regt on Saturday the 22J
of May.
Company Armories must he in order,for in
specting and the pieces .of .Artillery and,appa
ratus thereto belonging-miist be in the field for
Officers in command of companies- of; Militia
must have at least 4-rSerpeants and 4 Corporals
to each company at Regimental cr Battalion in
spection. • , .
Commanding, officers nr Reginrients or -Inde
pendent Battalions and the officers ih.comifiand
of companies or troops,* must make their annual
return of their respective commands to the un
dersigned on the day of the Regimental or Batlal,
ion inspection to which they respectively belong.
- W.TOUI.K, Brig.lnsp,
, *■ Ist Brig, nth Uiv. p. »1.
Brig. Insp. Office, March 25, 1841. ■.
TWO apprentices to learn (ho Saddlery Suft J
nets] in Springfield, Cumberland County r-V
Boys between IS andTfi. years of age, whocair,
coihe.weU reUommended* wotdd be , : 7
March 18,1841, ' ,‘ ‘ \'ZS.
R ich Farming hesnut Laimls.
PERSONS wishing to' purchase lands bf "
above description already surveyed, in lots
■ot from ten to onc TiuiuTfed acrcß/ part of the
Mount Holly Estate) within a short riistunceot
Carlisle, will have an opportunity-afforded,otf
liberaf terms of pavmenti oy rnlUng on theedb
scriher at Mr. McFarlane’s Hotel, fa- Carlisle,
on the'lath, I3tli, 39th, and 20th days of April
Agent of tVio FarnaeraSc Meclmnicb.
March 25,' 1841- . . . ; V
The undersigned will receive th» .
bid Church, on Saturday the 3d day of April neil ~'
from 12 to .2 o’clock, for the building nf a new, "
Church, on Longadorff’e church, ground, in StK«“V
Springtownship.of the following,dimensions, to.
wit; 6p feet long by 45, feet wide, to hofmilt of .
lime atone and brick, the foundation to pa raiecd of
limestone 10-about the hoigßth
bottom, then to commence with good and:suffictent.
brick Uinch walls to thoheighih of JB*«,.tnhe.
hnilt after theplanoflheGoraian Reformed Church i
of Carlisle, in a good and, workcnanlikbi tnattneß,
the contractor-to purchase alp the, put,
the undersigned will: Kaye a« the haollng d.Oh? ? ,: ?.
.: March W, 1841.. . i-l:>v ; :«n.
-;w 3»SDr‘; ! c
•' -Op Saturday Asst,-in this borough,'JW-Mrrji,- •
youageat child of James and' Ellm-'Mattinpigir
d yeartj'Stnonthaahd SO-daye. I ; ;
J. & A. RENTE.