American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, September 24, 1840, Image 1

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.■ TEIimOFJtffiLICMm
■ g2iDO.pwaWiiuinV'.'tnAdvance— at'*'' <■
g 2 30, if not |iaij, svlturu ttre year.
, No tubacripliontaktu for a Its* term than six'
inutithk, find no discontinuance: permitted until
al arredragiii atepaij. ' A failure, to notify, a
dlscquliiluaiWe at;the ckpfratioil of a term, will
:il Advertiscinentt~ —*3l 00 per square for the
threefirstinse'rtiftnti, aiid twenty live cents for
DB. W.Vf.EYANS» .; r :,
J7* J severe cate of Pdctjurtd-at tffiVAal
httmttreel.—M r. Daii’l Spinning of Shrewsbury,
Eden Town, New Jersey, was severely afflicted ■
With Piles formure IharTJO years. -Tiadhgdre
’course to medlCihek uf almost every description,''
■ hHo the
hut never Tdand : -the slightest relief from iiny
soiircewliatsoeyer.tinlilTtfe callednni)r.Evans,-
jof 100 CltathHintstreet} ,N. V,, ,aiid procured,
some medicine fi-otft trim, from which he found
itnniediaie'relief, find kahsetjaently a perfect
■ cure. •••■ ■• •••■ -v
■ • ' Beware qf Counterfeits. ...
: particular,lll .purchasingto
’ ibV.tlial the label of this medicine contains a no*
tice-of Its entry according 10 jict ofCongrets. —
•-Ail'd he likewise,particular in obtaining them at
'’lOJ Chatham at.,.New V“lhs of foorti the regu-;
'hr agents; ’ , ■ . .1
.. . Hamilton & Grier, Carlisle.
• affuotko wmi
at’Tiic aToiiiaeii, or NerVesJ
Suculri ciihcrCUroiiic m* Casual
UcV iSc r L >V«
nebs of'Sjjiriis, .»u*J (Scuciml l£»nai.i.U.ion; Cut*-.
.. L bUiii|iUuu, vyUctuc^oijiij^Lun^iigrii*vcr; 1 a\ •
" ci ; , Aikcciiutib)Jauutac**, boili iiiliaiy fc. Spas*
■tWotliiVCNi'aiitviKa*! .Worms, of every vaueiy;
Uhcuniaiisnu wjuiiu r Acute or Chronic; io
-1 wilii Cr me, 6-;i\miia,_Riiiia m tile llcail;
•tt »cl> Isuii J.Tt'i.M'.t Sidiv'4'y pbe:? Fcht, dear*
lei frVtci:,' Huui*i l, KeVer U Ague,
b >.i»:iibtiic' P.'dpit.dlbu *h the Heal t and AHt£>
, j »e», Kci’v’oii.i Iren ibihiy', Nervous Weakness,
*1 l ie Douloureux, <h*amps,__Fcmrile
Uostruclinns, , iieurtluiru, Headache, Cough
I.le Common ur Uuinhl, liic Ury or me
Whooping* Asthma,, (iraveh «u(tJ Dropsy.
The/J/oou/ has hithertobeen .considered bv,
D.opiViCs ami umcre, as tnegreai regulator of
(<ic auuian‘system, and such is ihe'de’Vdted ol
me adherents to ihat crfVinetWH lloctihie, that
Ljuy content tUeilAeUeAAyhlk,lhe .simple pusses
>?r.u ul tins IrtUuciuus opinion, without enquiring
ini »;■'tuts pri-mary sources from Whence Idle
lltUUh, and Vigor .emanate, ami, vMe'vet'tut ,
paiu,.sickneas, uiseasc mid tJcaVJw . Ntit so with
—Dit\ UIINT, wuitoc cMciiMve research' andprac
tical experience so eminently qualify him for. the
IprofesSum ol wliisli (ic lias been ouc-of the most
useful member's. He contends—and a moment’s
.veriectiuu will convince ahy reasoning miiidot the
■.■fenri’ccuiesslit*. th* SlcWs—Unit the VtoftYaOll, Uv
«iv and Uic associated organs are.the. primary
•and great regulators of health, and that the blood
in very many instances is dependenton these m.
gans, and that unless imultcine -leashes-TUIC
J&O.Oil-OPi'1'llE UibKASli, the Hujivrfic'url
nuoJync*"\i*b-<\\y but us foils
Vo c-u* r tpc r«ivag<\s.uf dccj/-robted maladies
Coder the'ae cuaucuucte, axjl 1 v fc.'p el lae of ye. Is
Virclose tppfK«ill<VuVyitc‘doctor hasdiscuvered a
medicine powers are inesisti
to*e, and fu prcscjrdMng, it is'with a-knowledge of
. lupcing i* radical cm c in Vite .vurioea disease*
enumerat'd,,*. Vi n il applied In the Vno*t
’critical case’s, hut he dues nut pic lend to ascribe
lu \‘ .
a supernatural >u*£eifc> v although ho-u'positive
prom* wiUiiu.-tltc YiMo..V)ledge,ul hundreds he iv
pi\ p ire*! ,lu she »v, niul when evet y-.olhci; catthv
1> n.n'ietlv hay .he* n i»iveu up. • .1,
h.ive.nev;v.r',i>ee)i known to foil in ctfectiiij; two
very srntiiyiiit; remits, that of raisinj; il'.’i ll j tile
bnl nl .ili.ftiKii anil ilisvust* tiinsc who have test*
cl tlu-ir v flicacyv aißl tliVCs amply rewHiding Or.
I hint tV.V- ui> |un£ ami .iiixii(U» aiuily to attain this
tfinjccUvu m the iIWAt-taii 1 Ally.
‘Tlie eitr.rurdinary success which hasattend
tj. the use of UuSt’s Botanic Pitt*. is
tlie host cntCiiuir of their superior virtues;
T.beya halve heciy the means'of raising a
host of languishing patients from the bed
of affliction, as it is clearly evinced in the
folluwin,<r - .f • \'i ' ' '
. , c£itfh>icdfbi!. :
Tq Dr, Huht\ . " ,
‘ Su—*icllcvih|; it a*, duly I owe you os a;
Nuoctflf.ihil pr.u.uuedci', as wcll.uatUos" who yiay
toe similarly I c<i}te pleasure in ucknow.
the hciiciit i have derived from the use
ofyuur valuable uicdiciiit*.
After iiiucn und Aguß; dii-
the spring and laUVfor the last Tour years,.
au | tjys pecuniary injuria attendant on the hi
dispusitiou of one on whose oxen ions a large fa*
mily was depeu lent t<»i' support, ami having
wiihout.-succcsstested tiursUHldf utonyaiiedtcal'
a.hh* jit!an eXpensel could not 1 well allWd.
ia-iiw.fall ->f iBJBi riathngUie pieihoulthry*syu}p~
onus of the dUeiiSd;l was induced
hy, d tricirV whohaii triei’your pun
A'.iastr a ptV.Krij’V of tunic Pjlk* iild iid&
f H-ive tnV: hVppmeW&ft^
you T aiTy,ji>e similarly jtlUicied—that
- tavy it lUitiJiUcteti' tile have 1 lleeu,
tr.'u'hed vviVii. iV sitioe,' ami' my ‘coll-’
v tips.^eliepthat jjuur, ,liu-
Voiic'PillS arJ i.iif tiliisi,safe, tlie'.cheapebti iiidat
eUio-u-imis, - Hod.-MdjitiV that clistresdUg
-ilist'rUa;d A -^ ij u,-, Ai II can h»r!tlie pre-:
Veilt olKr wtf fw/iT»h lilcs'sihg'y.ou
BU:uoieiUul : i..
ot uuceasur'irrutititdHttlnlV^tcevn.. 1 -'.*• v . • •
;ii- H.’Jv •,.-h: P;VM J. MV;v^O)\MICK;- ■ ;■
Ifcwarlti N. iy iBo9;‘ i ; 1 ‘
T i icb crV Voi y\ 11 lately beeii're.stor
til to H sound »uie.of liealth;ili rough the.cflieilcv
,()( ; £)ll; ~HUST’.a U.QnANICj'liUa, .thinks Jit'UO ili
--'diapeosiblediity-to suite censmUtcls; ve to
the,disease under iv uicli.liLi bed >ao l-.iiu; huiFereiVc
The syinptoins' fceri? ir.pduirulnbslriipti'm, iyitlv
Jf constant' rejection of food', heudfhbhe'p’.dpitai,
lioiiof the heart,-; lowness of" apirita,'-a ; fruUhl&>.
;‘sji'rfeilry cougli.tliiilfn'cSs, tlgiUiieas'toi.thejQh o t , t
aod didleulty Ot ;b(eatUing<‘ail)fi6st:cons.g>iit patn 1
. In the-sidd,- Idhisl hnd
pinch lenglipr ppd.debility.; •Thetfe
lion's, together with tin iiHUSilii degree bt: ll.itu-i
lence, brought on sUdhla'stnte of extreme weak.’
ness, u»,to preVeiit lilrif rtorii aiteiidlng toliisbu
.sliiesj.dtUi.dliis heidth.Appeared lpst>. beyond re-;
. cpyevy., ;,His rriciids aod ve'utivea hecante n
isrrrtcd at ihe ihejaiiciiuiy proijpect, aiid strongly;
. feCommeuded Hunt's Itjta'db' Pilli(--they were.
. •adbiiiiisteredeailil in a fewdays jffodUccd'astoii
iahingrelifcf.'iilitifiudlyrqdlizecla pet feet resttj
fatloir tosound ntalihvv- 1 *- * J , !
■ '■•'*’ ' Beware 6 f Comtermfar ■- ■-'*
AffsJ pp.hheiyiorpHruciirar iii oblainiiig theal ati
tif Grier, Carnale-
'•=> Whole Ro. 13 06 . =-
i:-.-K-t;.‘c:*- ■■ . ■>.
-' v iff,*,.
To MolAei's and Nurees.
■ The pabsage of the teeth through the ginns
produces troublesomeand.dangcroussymptoms.
•It is known by mothers tliatthere tsigreat iw
tallunilithemouth.:n(idko!nH_duringAWis I'iiVo
cess.' TheguinsSwell, the.secretitmofthe. safiya
is increased, the child is seized <ritlv hyquttit
and sudden fits of crying, watching,,stuWing ih
its sleep, .and spasms cf peculiar parts} the child
shrieks with extreme vinlmrcet,Aftti! idiiusts its
fingers intuits mouth. If theVe pVt'tuHa.ary symp
toms tire not speedily spasinodic con
vslsious universally s’Cpe’rv elfe, and sunn cause
lllfc dissolution of the infant.' if mothers who
have their littldihabes slßicted with,these dis
tressing symptoms would apply, the .celebrated
Aineilean Soothing Syrup,'which has preserytd.
hundreds of infants When thought pasUecovtiy.
from, being suddenly, attacked,.wfth that fatal
malady convulsions. ' V.n .
' This infallible remedy lids preserved hundreds
when thought. past,recover.y,.froni Convulsions,
As soon as llieSt Itip is vuhhe'd on‘the gums, the
child will recover,' ’ This preparation is so in no
cent. soefiicaidouscUnd so ple-isantet Until. .child'
will rt fuse to let rubhytl with jt;vjit the.iigo, of .ha l !'. h><>!ttlis,.
though there is no appearance of teeth, one lat
tie of the syrup should he used bn' the gums to
optitthe pores. ' Parents should' never be w ith
out tiie symp in the nursery vyhere there ,ai e,
young,children, for if.a child wakes in thetiiglu
with pain in tiie gums, the Syrup Immediately!
gives ease, hy opening the 1 pores and he-alir.g the,
gtims} thereby preventing Convulsions, Fevers,
fee. v
Beware of Counterfeits,
oryc -mtioD.—lVe particular in purchasing tu
see that 'the label of this medicine contains a no
tice of its entry according to flct.cfCougrehU. —
A ml he likewise particular hi ohtaipiiig tht in. ai
i’OO Chatham st.> New York, ot froin theregu-
Ur agents, * . ’ . ;
s ujufeifci'dfc & Gr'ieYi, CaVhsie.
Caitiomile A' Jlpcricnt JF&ll&.’-
Another very scxferecab't of Inflammatory
Kheuiii'Uiiim vtii*B by pi\' Evans* Medicine.—
Mr. John A'. Carroll, .of the county-* f Wes’ches
ter, town of North Castfp, New York, had been
Severely.afilicted-With inflaiijinatory. rlienjnai.ism
feri- fdihi'tceu numthii with Violent pains in.his
limbs, great heats diOiess A d
skid. Umbs-mtich swoljeir, Vvas he f. able wujnau
.assistance uwtViftr:m bed Ii»ul.
tncjj various remedies to Wo effect. Was advis
ed hy a 'friend of his t» pV/fcaVe soihe of I)r. \V.
, -ine<lictiies of iOO'Cha’iliaV: , i alY , eet».jS..Y..
which lie immediately sent and after taking
the first dose fofttid great relief,,aml
Vug its use accm’ifiitg to 'ifis; dVrrclions for tein
d.iyss wlrs peffecil'y ijUired. Allows me tn velirr
Any pei-sou t 6 \\i\\\ lof'tb'c ti'tftli of tXie above
statement j • j.f - \ •*.
' . -• Jftcibdre of Couiilcifetlsr,' -.
j^GaUtion.—Ue paclkulHr-in. purchasing to
see ill .1 me label of tins inediefne contains a ; n‘»-
tire of it?* entry aceoniiiig'to A*t of Congress,'—
And he likewise particular in obtaining them at
st.. New VdMt,.oi* from.lbe regu
laV agents, ' k '
& Gftl’Efe, 1 GiuiioVa'.
Ccr. 10, £
Extract’.from h speech of Mr. Watson' in the
1 Richmond-Eiiquiref.
"W the administration of President
Jackson lias passed away.still the war-cry
is against his successoj-rrlhc same notes of
opposition peal oh the. car, with the,, cry of
low prices —all proceeding troin live causes
mentioned by the opposition, with the addi
tional one, that the, independent Treasury
aids introducing them! Well, Mi'.'presi
dent,' let us examine with hrcViiV this charge
“fit the -last two or thrVc ycair’s have we
not seen wheat ,S 2 a $2 IQ’ per bishel, flour
a corresponding .price? Was not tobacco
I (luring the last reason higher had been
for years—Averaging about $l2 per iOO lbs;
and was there a-Uhitcd States Hank proper?
None. The cause is to .he found in thh
shortness of these crops. Of la te our country
has been grohhilig,under the weight of most
bountiful harvests; superabundanaehus bias
tied 1 (he lahbr.of the husbandman, and, con
sequerillyr asjis always the case,. prices
necessarily decline in the absence of a de
ficiency in the crops. .When were the neces
saries of life at suph ‘reasonable 'prices, 'anu
w hen could, Jhe, poor man. live for-lesslhSn
lili ifo\y cap?,' But the blessings yffroyi-.
(fence, and the causes .>v,hic|i.Uuw from them;
are pot allowed to have their natural bearing;
bu t-truPie thchumhug systemyouropponepls.
telV : ‘tlie gbud people, tli'e Vailt.tif a Bank pf
4lie ihiited:States is. ih'e. cause 'wliy.lprices
ip-bjo fotvi.. , Mr. President, there is nothing
m.the way’of argunient more powerful than
facts! atiJ Wliat'are'lhcy in this case? . Early
in 1830, the,memorial to Congress, op the
Chamber of Thihidclphin-, (fd
he.found State Tapers,
lif that city; jin, a .short time,. from $l2 to'
s47s.—real estate, and otlfer propertyp liud
) fallen in pri>por.tion.still, : We
Uta<l ihejf ai|Jano)f.:thp, United State?. ■ ■Let
jus compare;, the ptices -of i 1830.. and I'B4o,
I'tlie foriiierperiod will),ili e,l til, I'tviili'olit a
1 Natiunalj-Bankf, i - s fiti<(■ .tlto- ■ rfty■ hand
(Tropi a o|i;acppei New; Vpilt,-'paper,', ,*' H , i ,
Jn' 4prjl,.lSSo, wUh/alu,, February,,..f.lfiffO
,;Nntioiml Bank,; 'without, a'Natipnnl
... ~- r. ; tl ,- ■■. " i r/Wheat, 75 cte.per buy;'7-..,; ~.,Banlti.,-; ;’ v:
?■ Bewaw ! of-'£buhieifeUfy(:''- -‘i: ; , tlupr,; 5,4i25 ;p«g» W> ! r.W.lKflt 88 ctjs 'per bu;.
f-:O^Caution.T^Oe;pm , 20 ,cts per .hu. .Flu'ur; ; s^.ilss-p^i<.^bl. ■
ieeftUatHlte-lubel ofth’lsvnVeiUnihe ciintaiiis a.iior (y or | lf 55,cts'. per bu.tOiils, 31 -cts perbu. ;
tbyflWHWf'SP&Wr- 'Potatoes! iB.ctspcrbu,qj.ruV,47; :
AmUie'hkewistr'pnrtlcilhir i.n obutping .them - . v. ■ k, hor'PutVmovaO ctrnWhii 1
100 Chatham stlvNew.WorJf, or from’ the r<fgul .:ficcP.|.S3.s,o, a. So pel tots.2o_Cts ; pejjbu..
'lar agents,-' ■■ - '•• cwt, , , v . ;; Beo.( per owt.
v./: . ;!': Toyk.Jpt ppr ; cwt. '.aPorjii $5 perewt.
' Of tvlvn'm jnW tfe h'art, ;;. ' -,j il Thcse:.are the■ facts,-Mr.„President, of
courae tlic different markets .-tUroughoutiihe
-Wj l S u° l Q£S i- V \ J - . country wiU iexlribit genci’all.V; -the relative
Di&ttr'msAgUe TaU. : f ! ftf.auch facts; is llm endeavori«iadcto;gull
’’-ii; .ii.'ju.-Tiii'oi
’ r,’ pficeg rm' -their p'roducer. h-, Shame;Ti3liame
,W.m. -r;''
•i*octhayeny ihcauesUups o.udresaed to ihe<FecJsviviiicb
- ■ i jsaiisfactorily. .Wfhc^o^^
IN' ilit: midst of a general and, iu many instan
ces inn unfounded prejudice against many of
uie medical remedies. tit thc-day, Or. V\ . la■
VANS’ PILLS hiiveftlic <|fuvj;iUle,<}it’liiictii n til,
ah universal, approbation, They.,arc perhaps
tlie niily mfediciiie publicly advertised that has
tile full' and unreserved ■testmhmi’ uf nledirul
men in its favor, if not ihe-only' one which gives
full Satisfaction toils purchaseis,. Ur: W. Kraus
has the satisfacrou of knowing that his
are not only regularly recommended and pre
scribed by the most experienced physicians in
their daily practice, but also, taken by those
gentlemen themselves whenever they feel the
symptoms of those diseases in\whic.U they well
know,them to be efficacious,. .He knows
be generally the casein York, .iMdbuU I
pbia, Albany, libiAon, and other Ihrge ciries in
which they extensive sale, That they
shoAld.thus compter, professional prejudice and
interested opposition*, add the agency ot
the most eminent And best informed physicians
*m the country to render them useful.lo all class
i*i, can,oiily 7 he fairly-uscinbyd to their undenia
ble and pre-eminent, vivtuysi ... . . v -
Mori conclusive sroqf* qf.-tfo rjpcaci/~<>J D r
I Pm. Evans' Eaitiamiio-and jJ/iVridnl fiil/s
CBll llFlCiV't'K. The lollcuvink cerlifuate
«mi liamlerl to Us by Mr. Van Shhair.k, of Albas
ny,.abigbly i>f ibc ,ront
iniinityvaiid wliu;ie J Vcriitaiy-cniuiov|l>cvibm!n«ls
’I jivi Septeinms Kciulirll of tire,ttVvwn.'of
4'rlbo, couiilyXif Albiu)y,,wasXot 2.o:s»P:sl t 'n>!
lik-il with 'a nervous anil mllr' us alFcctloir, ivhuh
'fur 7 years rendered lihrml to bis
buUiross, aVnl daring the last S or bis ill.
ness wag oinlhicd "to life lonised ilia >yoVplou)3
were dizziness, pains in the bead'uiid side, pal
pitatiou ol .lbe heart, of app: il.ty .fSV..—.
Afierexp'iidiug dui'inellls r.piifineuov.-. pj.o 'v
three bUndl'ed dollars' Wiifjinnp. ii,hp,p.;.‘ ■Jj.O'i'v'
p.-rnianeni velli'T, by .byatcidrn! noli dd sii.;i<l.
yeftisriiVyiilhif'Dr.-VVjhf Bfbiw* .ChmoinU/djiiH
lliJkii.i trial of tiieni 'Al'' .-'- a-amp tin ni ■ 1 >,- 1 ■
aisfo(<w'iglitr>hec ,^atf%^htb c .:«‘alKoiuiVih Imk;
mouilis jife i-.ilfi! fltefiVOv sih»*njtl cons'll- j
erhVhisaiise&;s:ehpfd(yAtinov<-d. _ The 'above-l
infyniVi'arh'A’i'is given so Uie subscriber by Mr. |
ttrivdail biho.elir -rhi* tfeea'riiHlitrWor'e, be,Vi"'He.l
cepliun. ■ -r ■•sSTBBHEN^N^CHAWK..
. tdartber with
ini')-arc SiSldiVboleSide at ICO Cbi)tVuiin ;4t,. JS;
, yi’rqm iM RxcJimond Jirtquirer.,
Gn iiisSiiihtl MhOic JPrioCs, '
■ ■ NO. I. | , ■ . v
ifftE 'll'iaUs.—• We recommend to our rea
ders tocunsulttllqarlicle front the New
York Post ami the Journal of ■ Commerge on'
'‘the low-prices, 3 ’ published .in*last Tues
speculations,'Which'shed much' light-oiithe;
present'state of the times. The Whigs cant,
much upon this subject, and raise their buky
humbugs upon it. ' Tlicy .tell Us
tifttes canno the worse—tha t theadmihiraju
tionis the cause of it—that Hardison Will
■change every thing—that change, change,
mustbe the order of the day.'. Never was
such a series of humbugs string together!
• Jl. Times can’t.he worse, iiidccdi! -.Why
aVc 'they nut . better 'than, they -were three
years ago,-or than they were during two or,
three periods-of,the boasted'bank? Look
jnt Mr. Clay’s speech soineyearsago. Wheat,
.flour, corn, everyThin^vto fact, was .moth
lower then than now. : But times are not us
bad as they, were three years ago. - . There
are jio_shiiiplaslers -With ;'us. - BanKigmtcy
has 'Slopped. The towns are tint!riehing in
many respects. -Who ever saw so many
buildings raisingin Richmond ns at tldatinie?'ia the saine case in Charleston, SaVitonah,
and other 'Southern cities. Ship-huil'ding
too, is advancing to the Northwith unesam-,
pled rapidity, ■
2. The Administration is not the cause of.
the embarrassments complained of. The
peopl'd have . over : banked, and over .dealt;
and tlint is the cause, us Mr. Biddle' said
some.years ago.
S-. How-is General Harrison .to improve,
’o'ur-cetulition?' Wilt he pay my debts or
yotrrsv pVay? Will he pay what tin; West
‘owes to the East, what one bank owes an
other, or what the people owe-Jhe banks?-
Who dreams it? But lie wllluPht stilish a
great National Bank. , Aye, will he? Vio
late the Constitution,"will he? And!for
what?’ How is that institution to relievo
the people? , Where is lie to obtain the fif
teen dr'twenty millions'of'specie on which
to found it?. : Or if he build it on air, not on.
specie, is such institution w‘orthy of Sup-.
■ port? Or if Wd takes Ihd'specie that is, m
. the countryto build his bank on, will ho hot
tap the other banks for it, ail'd thus stvaih
them', and through , them the peopl'd., more and
itiore? ... • '
p ;4. Sat we must haVe changcl- clrangc'J
And are we not having change]?.. Are -not
the times - gradually aml. surely mending
themselves? Is not nature performing her,
own cure? ; This has always been so, aiid is
■so now. Times ahr mending, and they will
continue to mend. ■ ■ ■ '<•
*.V '-'A.
y '••opr 1 country—right or Wiiokp.”
tart&te, JPa JThitrsady September 24> 1840.
no. n.
cratib'frienila will put these questions to (he
Feds, and insist upon full-, fair and explicit
answers: ,
Why dld real estate, which cost, in 1817,
88,500,000, hrntg orilV T&SQO.O'OO, in 1819?
Was it flie want of a United States Bank?
'.Wily was itfluur sold frotn 12 dol
lars per ’b'iii'rel VB l7s arid only 94,30iiri'
in 1819? , Was ifGenvJuckaohV “tinkering
with / "
■ Why-.were our impoVfs sixtr millions more
thati Wur expridsin 1816? Wnsitilie Vspa
cie humbug?” ■,
- Why were thousands and tensof thousands
thrown out of employment in’d 1819?
Was it the '
_i - ,\Vhy was’ it that in 1816. and 1817 wild
arid reckless speculations were engaged in,
and. wanton extravagance, arid luxury the
order of the dny? Was it the. '.'want of
paper money ... , . -
Why was jt in 1818, *19,.’20 and fil, ouV
banks, our merchants arid our manufacturers,
from Maine to Georgia,were all involved m
common bankruptcy? Was it caused by .the
"administration of iMartin Van fiuren?”.
Why were, the exchanges more deranged
in ; . 1818,- and the" three ‘ subsequent years,
than they were before, or have been since?
Was it the "want of a great regulator??’
, From the- Globe.
• \'Vyhito 4 Elavory—Gen. Hnrrlson. _
• We have received from Indianopolis a cer
tified copy, eiidcr the 'broad seal’ of the
State of Indiana, of the-1 Uh, SOtli, and 31st
sections ol the act of 1807Vapproved by Gen.
Harrison, providing furtive' sale of white men,
and women in certain cases;'and also the Sd
section of an act regfllutiitg elections, ap
proved in. Ijke manner, requiring a property
•qualification in voters for Representatives,
&c. Tim copy is in the following words,
viz-; ■; .’ .;. ■
AN Act ftKSPECtrNG CRnfBS : -
Sec. 11. If any person shall ddlawfully
assault or threaten another in any menacing
manner, or shall strike or wound another, lie
shall, upon conviefioath'ereof,- he lined 4n-a
sum not exceeding one hundred Hollars; and
'the court before who'ni PncU, conviction be
had, may, in their discretion, cause the of
fender totntcr idle recognizance wltlTsurety
ftir the peace and good behaviour, for a term
not exceeding onc.year. —— r •. ,
Sec., 30. When any person or persons'
shallron tonviclioirof" anyliTiine'dr “Prcaclf
of any penal law, be sentenced'to pay a fine
or fines, with,or without the costs of prose
cution, if shall and maybe lawful’for the
court, before whom such conviction shall he
.had,.do order, the sheriff to. sell or-hire the
person or persons so,conv icted, to service to
any person or persons who will pay the said
fine and costs for- such term of time as the
s'aid court shall judge reasonable; and if such
person or.persons so sentenced and hired, oi;
sold, shall abscond from the service of hia or
her master or mistress, before the term ol
such servitudc'sliuli he expired. he-or she so'
absconding shall, on conviction before a jus
tice of the peace, be whipped with thirty
nine stripes, and shall, moreover, serve two
days for every olVe so, lust. . ‘ ‘
Sec. S-l. The judges of the several courts
of record in this Territory'shall give this
act in charge to the grand jury at each-mid.
every court ill which a grand jury shall be
sworn. ,
Speaker of the.lfousc of Representatives.
Bi till AMBERS,
President of the Sedate.
Approved, 17th Sept. 1807. . .
Sec. S, lastclausc, (the first clause is ciiiV
cei-ning the oath of judges of elections;)
fit is therefore enacted-, that every' free
male inhabitant of the age of-twenty-oiie
yeai-s; rtsideh't iii th'b -Territory; and who
lias been a citizen of,any State iii the Union,
or whohath been tvvo-years resident -in -the
Territory; and-hdlds a 'freehold in fifty .ac res’
of - land vyi'tiiiil atv^cotfiiiy : of tlte saibOr Or
any less quantity i'rt'lnb county in which he
shall fesWei-,Whtfcli;,Vvilh thcimprovements
made thereon; shall be of the value of one
hundred dollars, or who hits paid for, and' in
virtue of a depd qf covenant fur,further as
surances them ‘.a person vested with’ the' fee,
is in actual 'possession of fifty acres of land;
spbjexiib’laiialion in therounty iii frliichhe
shall he resident, shall ,be and ,are . hereby-,
declared to he .duly qualified -.electors of
ReprcsehtatVvcS. for the -countiesMn, which
they are .respectively residen t. 1 : . -
, r ' jesse b.-Thomas,-.; v
-Speaker Of llie'ttouse of Representatives.;
■■ a rai- r B. CHAMBERS,
' ' 1 "v - • •-'President of the CoUncili ■;'
- Approved, ; 17tlf Sept.' 1807;
' iNDIANA. to \v‘lU ,
J 'I. Williixiii j. Broun, Secretary 9T Stale,
(or ; ,'ceptiiy'thkt
anil Slst 'sectipns’ of 5 w Aji "act relhectihg
primes ami; tiiihlftments;’. anil of "llie last
'clalke.onnS llUrd_ sectidhiof('A law' to tek-,
both of .which are hbw'von
‘file; in man9’st;ript: fOrihi‘,iiV:myyofflce; '' H-
In tcB|iranriy%:hereof, 1 have hereunto set
* n mv''hhnilvahU' haite affixed 'the seal j
\': ! !(4
>:■'* -■ v :: " : AVMi.JVBBOWN,- =;
vv-r/' -
tl’lTHe "wlioig pl-t pit* of il veil;
-MBS' Br< t dftlliie'aiitsivif
• siinsXmeg'andtvuiVieri)
shall be soldf it ilses^
ieri? (1
; .riv '■
7v*”i^? n M # rba r .o.?s, l c.Dunlrie8 i men hayp i
I>yenMa ; lnto slavery in alFages for various
27ew Series—Vol. 5, No. 15.
causes,sometimes for Crime nml sometimes
for sonjetimcsWpiTen'cea a
gaihst rtfe'commuiiity of- which they were,
'members,'ami - Sometimes in consequence of
nml taken’prisoners in war.
• Under Harrison’s law, ipen anil women j
wyirotobe sohl'for their poVerty.
■ ■ The sale was-npt to be ih consequence of
'committing the crime, but in consequence of
‘qorbehi^uble^bpay^he”&te'mrf7fpsis L !“It1
‘wa* of the pehalty assapl.ti
and .butteryi or other offehefca'against ttie
penal laws; it‘constituted no part of the sen
tence in such casjts. The sentence was to
pay d certain amount as tine, and (lie costs
of prosecution. The man who.hnd property
paid his money and wasTrccj, he wlip had
not, must be sold, hot for the crime, but for
the poverty which'deprived him of the means
of payment. ~.
’ In approving that net, Gen. Ilnnison
showed that he. considered liberty and prop
erly equal in consideration. The, rich man’s
money, and . the poor, man’s liberty, were
balanced against each other. . The rVeh man
ihiipht pay the pcnhlty piohey anil
1 gofreef hut the po or .liberty, must,' be.’
| taken to pay it. (Ben. Ilnrrisoh’s adcon-!
I eiders money and liberty of the same value!!
1 Is tins a principle which freemen ought to.
i recognise by placing its advocate at the head
of the Republic? flhl.our fathcra of the ReV-
I olution light for MONEYS Oh the contrary
did they not pour out their money nml their
blood also like water for LIBERTY? Lib
erty was the Watch word nml liberty the
prize of a bloody and protracted.civil' war.
Liberty was achieved, anil bcliojd.n, second
generation has not passed away, before snmp
of the children of revolutionary fathers place
this blond bought prize on a level with mbn
eyt\ r They would SELL even the pons of
j die,Revolution and WHIP-them TH.IRTV
NINK LASH,ES for running ;a\va]y fronr
' their masters! 1 11 M . ,
The second measure approved by General
'Harrison is ih keeping with the - first. Poor
mch.who-were -fit to be sold as slaves, Geh.
Harrison hiithrally thought were ’ nolf fit to
enjoy the right .of suifrage. The liberty
which was worthy only placed op n
level-with money in the penal ■ code of the
country, was not' thought worthy of a voice
in the Government. Here property was
placed above liberty? Beinga freeman, did
not, in, OcncraLJlarnsoii’s estimation, give
a tpan a right to vote, tlis liberty was coni,
aidered as entitled to no protection, While, to
nroperty iyas assigned all the powers of the
Government. Property had all the repre
sentation; hi'shayy hone. V ;
. VVhat could be expected, ns the result- of
such a creed, but that liberty should' he sold?
Without the means pf self-protection, what
was to be expected but should be put
up to the''highest bidder Whenever mammon
should.command it?
This creed is far, very far, behind the ago'
in which we Vive; yet is any thing better to
be cxpccfcd from the Federal ,party, who so
daringly attempted to put down the freedom
of elections .in Pennsylvania. b.V (lie srynrd?
Who at the present session of Congress have
attempted to make up a majority of the
House of forcing in usur-.
pers? Who in, their hard cider, log cabin,
and bear baiting, mode of electioneering,
treat the people ns if fhev thought.them, fit
Only to be BOUGHT ANDSOLI)? Vet
us take, care how we put power-,into- the
hands of men of such principles... It is easy
to preserve our liberties bv vigilance; hut if
the power and thc-arms of the Government
were ,the hands of the hard cider
gatherings, which, in tens of thousands, are
<1 rnnimcd .togcther at the command of their
leaders, who would answer, for the security,
of freedom or life!
Melancholy Shipwreck.
X.OSS of tbo brig Florence of JTew York
: r, .. . With, Fifty laves.
Tlithrjg Attention, whjch arrived at Bos
tnn on Monday' frnm,.St. Johns,. Newfound
land, furnished J,ho Messrs. Topliff, of the
Excliftpge—reoma, With an ’account of the
Wreck: of the brig Florence, of; New York,
on lier return 'from Rotterdam-to. -thlsj port.
She left the latter place on the 30th June, if
appears - with--a ere wnf; eight inerr,- and
seventy passengers; -She was, under the
command.of Samuel Rose, who had taken
charge of her on" her outward, vOvage. —
He) 1 caV-go was composed chiefly of a few
casks of, wine and a small quantity of bal
last. ThcTollbWing’narrative-is given’ by
.the mate, who arrived, iii.-Boston;with the
Attention. * ';
-“They were favored with pleasant wehflif
.'er. until.- nearly :up ; .with-the eastern, part, of
the Banks of Newfoundland—after that they
weronasailedAvithasUcccssiorioF gales, at
tended with' fog and rain,, the-time of
their shipwreck. On ;Sunday, ■ pipriiing,
August 9, off the ;Inpk put.sang.n'ut
.“hard doVvii -thc, ahead.”r—
'The helini-Wa'a immediately. putTalce, hut
.before the -sails were taken aback.-.tho hrig
struck the'rocks on her gtarboard-ffidc. - -A;.
se.vcn'or eight miles per hour. . She instantly
filled- and fell ■ oyer on liet* side; Immedi
ately a accpp; nf cnnfuaion /ind. prc-
Jfejited itself, the 7 liorrot of whichfCaii lie.
better imagined:.tlian-.described,; .Here -the
wife -and; -husband bidding-each oilier, a last
-fareAvell—tbe frnntic- mnthcr - clasping her
.in%nt:lft,.ben.bhspm;is)sf even depth.s|iould.
'net Repiirafe them, ahd.gonib Whd--had no
.tp : 4!ipiri|.lfn&^
dhAVi-fyainl y -thought). wnp.lif, iec(pre K flie!m(a)
iFar.-.^Yesf, changed itpindeAtinj l» PD pibrnnlj
hpm.e ip;death,; (in .attempting tp swinidq
lAwliThp^Xeightof.ttje: mhnby^Rpbßdfiertijto
rlhebnttqm.i’,,),,,,:!);:;^ zfUiy pisji;-
. “Caplain llpip, wifh .cpmtpe.ndabmi.yopV
with safety; For. this purpose the second
rr ;
r xaENT^.-- '
JoHN.Mciom'., Esq. Newvlll- >*• • V: i
Joseph M.-MKAKB I ,EHq.
JoUNWuNDERLIeH. E«q. Sbtppi lUbuVgi ,
William M. Matbeh, EVq. tee's 14 UtrtritV
John MEUArpy, UickinWu township. ,
Job#.Cleiidkhlw,JjvEsb., ftogestown. ’
George e. Cain, Ks'q. Mech'umcsUurg.
Frederick Wondbrlicr, do;'
J AMRs,Elliott,. Esq.. Springfield... ■, lev
DanielKryihf.h, Esq. Cluirchlowu. 4 lV
: Jacob. Longnkckeb, Esq. Wormleysburs;,
1 Elinkst. Cedur Spring, Alien tp.
Marti® CJ. Kbpp, Esq. Sliiremuustbwii.
mate,, Mr. AYillinm Tlobbs, of Springfiiu.
Mass, took thocndofa-lineamleprung;
from the Vessel to a ledge winch lay between
her and the. shore;, bu t utlho same, time a!) i
overwlielmitig, jea over took Him, and clashed
the devoted sailor against ’ tha rooks, a
mangled coVps'e.": Captain Rusenestattsmpt
ed the, on|y ihcans of saving flid-lives ot’
those on board.. {le'was more fuctanate and
icaclied-lhc laiul L inafetj; Tlia craw worn
all saved, with the, exception of. the second
matdfbut only SO of.the. 70 passengersvvcie
saved by Capf. Rose, and the chief mate,
Mr. Schofield, at the imminent peril of their
own lives. By the fimo, all were on shore
that was saved, about three,hours after tin-.-
brig Struck, lltcrc was scarcely two plank,
together; atl wasHiferally in.splinfcrs. Thui.
37 were thrown ‘ashore upon a barren, ami
to them an unknown part of the.coast. —
Many were half.'elait, and most of them
without sliced, Not it was
saved. In this pitiablo'cbnditionVtlic'y com
menced their journey through thick woods
and swamps, and over, bleak and. rugged-
Inlls-i in hopes of finding some human iiiibi
- taliohl'-. "... i ,■ - , . . ■
•‘For four days they con tinued their ,onij,rfi ; i '
governed ehielly by the wind, 'He sun, moon
and stars being obscured nearly aij (his time
by the Tog ami rain squalls, which latter
ivero very frequent; sometimes eating balk
from the trees and what—few berries they
could fiiidi Early on the morning of tin;
12ih, CaptrUose and'Mrf Schofield 'ascend
cdahill in hopes the Ibg might clear off, am",
afford them « view of 'fhO-'surrounding
country. At niho'o’clock the weather clear
ed’a little hml they were enabled, tit fice.tlm •
liarbor and village of Renoutc. The happy
intelligence was toon communicated to the
rest, and they* resumed their march Willi
lighter hearts. - ‘When they entered the.
village, its hospitable inhabitants welcomed
liiehi with every thing’their preseuL-neeil
demanded.. Mr. Goodrich,of whose benevo :
fence the crew and passengers speak in the
warmest terms of gratitude, .cave them
money and-clothes, and furnished them with
!avessel to convey' them to St. Johns, the
residence of .the United, States, Consular
Agent. At 9, I’. M., 011 Saturday, the 15lit
they lauded at St. Johns; , , „ . .
- “'l’lic nevrs of theif arrival sWn brought
to the shore rich and poor, old and. young,
thrusting bread into th'e hands of the ship:
wrecked strangeVS, & others taking the poor
wretches home with them- 'Nothing was spa
red which could suggest to allev ate their
wants or sulferings. The next day T being
Sunday, nulhing was publicly done for ihcnii
but oii Monday, handbills where posted up. :
requesting a meeting,to tuke> place at the
Chamber of Commerce, to devise means to
relieve the necessities of those whom fate
had thrown upon our shores.' —Some seventy
or eighty pounds were collected in a short
time, and,resolutions were passed to raise a
sufficient sum whereby the endgarnts .might
be enabled to reach the place,of their desti
nation. A committee was also apnointed (d
receive clothing or money from all who fell
disposed t 6 give. -Ca’ptain M*. did not learn
the result, as he sailed' on ihe. followiiig
morning, but thinks from the-‘philanthropic
spirit manifested by the people of St. Johns’,
that the unfortunate people wctc amply pro
vided for.” - \ -
GEN. HATRISON’S dlack cock
adE standing All mV speech
As ive ufu publishing IVum ltle.!
Pa. Adler (Eagle) fenjnc scenes ami titter
ings of the democrats under the Mack cock
ade reign ul terror of old John. Adams, wc,
consider it important.thiit.wo Should keep in
View at live same tiihe.Gen. Harrison’s speech
in Congress in favor’of the
of old John Adams, which edrried on 'gMch
horrible persecution against die Democratic
citizens. ... ‘ . ,
The following resolution, was under con
sideration in Congress: '.. :>'■
Jlfsolueii, That so much of the act passed ,
the ißtii of: July! 1798> entitled “an act'to
augment the army of the IT. .States; and for
the President
of the Uiiitcd States toraisc twelve addition
al regiments of inlanliT, anthsiv troops ol
tight dragoons, add to appoint two major
generals! an inspector-general; three
diet* generals and an adjutant goneralj and so.
nlucli of the act pasted the Sd uf Wiirch ;om!
thousand seven hundred rind nineiy-ivine, -
■entitled “An act W the better oigauizing
of the trolips of the U.' States, niid tor-other
purposes;” a's riuthurizcajhe appoiiitmelit ot
a contidanilur of the army, and; a -qnarfci -
faster general, ought to be „
Ordered, That the said motion be commit
ted to a cdmiiiitted uf tltc-n;hole Htjusp:” ,;, •
On the 9th January, 1600, 51 rl 1 - Harrison
(the present General ‘William llenryiltar
risoii.-the ndiiiined lif tltpsHafrisburg Gon
veiitibn forihe'.Hciiidl'htT) nuido’.n speech
agtddst the a hove (esoiu lion.- s-’ r ‘
• This speech is tubclouiid in Dnane's,-An
rora of llfe SllrFehidatyt ia llu-ic
inthVlk Vfepoided:. ;: ' ; L : - ;
—“Mr', Harrison said—The’rcsolu(lorThas
lite'crr So ably spoken ofi that i( dould n(it be
expeetd to riceivd tlrotri 1" ha t
he .should add; hut \vhen it wuß. i'ecollecled.
;tbat he bail no 'other.,
opinion-bit'a hy subject tniit came b'eforn the
House, than by taking part in thfe
tint having a-votb" iii? ihodinuse~he, trusted
he tifeell innkl?'bd. hpoliigy.' Inn rising On the
Subject; :ivhfcU'tdliijn’irV®® l '*d :^ / M.npS rt ®M^
■ on^* • ■■■ •-S ■- ' i
the .disband
itds?.bVdb liirg® poiAi'oii,dfthe:tiiiiii!ipy : force
i :t®dijvbn ; - di?isl rous^conife-;
' vi|ifV 'inis,‘opinion, hej-.;waB ;
i Wf«.o : of
' stiliieiitsiraoit -that they - would; |W»tW
lain these: rOyces, Vhau' thatyh?y;»houl ; d be ■
■ disbanded!!u-■» ,:-v£-
•.'The- employment, of, liis past Id*,, nit.
i'^^ i 'fC>jhihSeddfrSccmd ; d’c£(-y^-['