American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, March 12, 1840, Image 3

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    to'screenrind cover up the fearful conse
quences of their misrule and prodigal ex
travagance, justly entities our present Ex
ecutive to the confidence of the community.
A’Sfate Treasury exhausted and rendered
bankrupt, by the mismanagement and waste
p ;tif hls-predecessor; -an-immense weight of
public übligations and indebtednesscontrac
ttd'htider Ritner, amounting to millions, and
deft for the present executive to discharge;
: *the resources of the commonwealth.dried up;
and enormous, most formidable and destruc
tive,-banking system hurried through- the
legislature, and clothed with the authority
<df law; against the wishes and contrary to
.’the-remonstrances of the people; these and
Innumerable other misdeeds and corruptions
'of-the Ritner or.opposition parly, demand
’the sure hand of reform, but at the sanifetiine,
Heart of the patriot;. the. wise and
deliberate judgment of the statesman, and
the impartial and just benevolence and cuur
’ -age of the philanthropist. These traits -ap
‘honorable in themselves, arid beneficial and
■necessary to thfe ‘co'fnmrinily, especially Vn
these must arduous and difficult times, when
thedevastations of anti masonic niisrblelmve
'swept over our state, we are happy to see
'combined in our present worthy ami efficient
'chief magistrate of the commonwealth.
After reading of’the Address,
On motion of Mr. LEHM AN of Philada.,
it was unanimously adopted. t .
■ Mr. PEARSON from the committee to
■prepare and report resolutions fur the adop
tion of the convention, reported the following:
Resolved, That we most cordially , and
fully approve the administration of Marlin
Van Boren, the President of the U. States;
arc delight to honor him as a noble, true
hcarted and incorruptible citizen, magistrate
and democrat, pursuing invariably.und with
singleness of heart, the pure and sound prin
ciples and maxims of Democracy,', which
were early taught in the good old Jefferso
nian school, and so triumphantly sustained
by the people under the admmistrrtion uf the
wise am) virtuous Jackson; the name of Mar
tin Van Buren will ever live in the grateful
recollection of his countrymen, with the
‘name of our- must cherished and beloved
sages and patriots.
Resolved, That in Ms administration, both
-as respects our domestic affairs and foreign
•relations whether as regards the blessings of
peace, or the security of peace, by defences
■ami s>i>o»a I l , ation for war; in his ardent and
successful exertions manfully and-tinyrfeid-
Sngly to maintain our rights and national'
honor, and yet to preserve unbroken the,
. bonds ,<|f ftjnitj. apil/af fvaliunal lmvo>ony,and
‘prosperity; in all things he has nobly acquit
ted himself as a most able and wise .states
man, a must upright magistxole and merito
rious citizen; and most justly 'dues he de
serve anil enjoy the' unbounded confidence
\)f his democratic brethren. .
•Resolved, That we approve and will sup
- port the. recommendation of Martin Vail
V uuieirjßbr the establislnnent of'an Ilulepeli-
<le»t nafimialtreasui'yj believing it is deman-
xled by (be constitution, and. that it is tfec
‘ cessary fur the safe action of the feelers!
government; , ami being firmly persuaded
-also, by the disasters and calamities fnbugh.t
.■upon out country by the ‘present banki'hg
system, that a onion ufbitnk and government
cannot fail to interweave opr destiny with
that ul tbte monarchy of Great Britain, and
entangle our peace and prosperity in the
toils of European ambition and jealousy.
Resolved, That the civil and military tal
ents and services of Col. Richard M. John
son, his virtues as a man, and the uniform
democracy of his political life; his honoured
scarS, gained in the defence iff oir'liberty;
the kind and iHp'Wendmg goodness and
beieviVlen'ce of his disposition, and the. en
. tire confidence which can, at all ’times, be
reposed in his integrity, firmness, and dem
ocratic truth, recoiftcftended him again to the
Peop'c of thi inion, as a candidate for the
Vice Prcsidencj\
Resolved,, That *eApprove of holding a
democratic National Convention at Balti
more on the day of May next; and
that Pcnnsylvaifewlll send delegates to rep
t'eseit this State id that convention and that
we .will .abide by and support the nominations
of the NpVnWaf Convention.
Resolved,’ That otir.delegates be, and (hey
are hereby instructed at said convention, to
vote fir aid ise their inflience for the nomi
nation of Martin Van Buren as the candidate
for the Presidency! aid Col.- liichird Mi
Johnson asyhb tiVidldate fur'the. Vice Pres
idency of die United Stales, at.(he next leak
suing election; .
Resolved, That We have .full and entire
confidence ip (life democracy and talents of
our excellent Guveß|or, D.ivid 1R; Porter,!
and we cordially' approve 01, bis efforts
thoroughly to reform the present corrupt
banking uystein; at the same lime, to do the {
•least possible injury t to the.public credit.ami;
the interests..ofThe cotntjionvVttalth aid of
thL" citizens; Believing that (he: principle of
la ik reform is of the Utmost and most es-
sential importance ami necessity; blit rlhal.
' <the delay of. a brief and reasonable period
must necessarily take place before the fuuc-,
. tiohs of healty action in the body, politic tan
be resitmed. r
" Resolved, .ThM we will rally round ahd
, ■cordially support the general,ami state ad
ministrations; and that- the hopes and inaclii. 1 ’
nations pjf IHe, federal or antiinasqnic parties
and conquer,” are futile and vain;
Did we iieed any lesson to guard us against
‘the wilesand false professions i>f the oppo
«itioß,we might read it in.the awful calami
ties which have deldged the country, .from
the admioistrationof the con upt Ritner dy
nasty—a faction-which having been .elected
to-power 6j. a minorityvote, attempted every
. artifice, .fraud, and tidlence to petpetuate
their and destroy the
-.elective ,franchise,-and to abrogate odr re
■ publican institutions, and to erect irt their
plac va'military despotism; autl. monarchy,
established by ? the bayonet and buckshot,
and cemented by the Blood <if the people.
• Resolved, Thai from oar knowledge of
•'the sentiments of the peoplp, Saving just
icoMa from among thhtn. and being delagated
from all parts of our commonwealth, we have
. entire .confidence, that the people, are firm
and united in heart, iti support of the-great
principles prthe patty. aud of
and state administrations; and that aVtbe
approaching electionsywe will,. route and
disperse the whole forces of , the combined i
,opp6sitioh.?fipst^lghally.-dda r tnai»phantljr
■ i*' defiance of theiroft r6pealedah|J'toblush
ing falsehoods, their base ahdUnprjbcipled
iatrighes, and lona:and boastful yain glory- j
• ings. ' -y ,--i ■_-' f ■; )Vy:,l
; Resolved, That we consider the success
of Martin Van Boren in Pennsylvania, es
sential to the re-election of our present
worthy, -honest and independent democratic
‘Governor, David R. Porter. ■,
Resolved, That the democracy of Penn
sylvaniu,.have just reason .to be proud of her
Cliief.Miigi'strate, Gov. Porter, and that they
have, not oply an undiininished, but an in
creased iu his worth integrity
and merits, y. -
Resolved, That the President of this con
vention appcfi'nt u Btafe 'Central toWfuttfee of
thirteen whose'duty it shall be fb is’s'ae 'ad
dresses, and give such- mfeWnation arid re
commend such measures to the' democratic
citizens of the commonwealth, Relative to
the political aspect of affairs, as they may
consider- advisable. , . v
Resolved, That should any elector 'nofni
■lSnled by this convention, decline to accept
the nomination, nr in easy of any vacancy
occurring in the electoral'ticket before the
election, or in the delegation to the Bslti
'moVe convention, that the central .committee
be authorized to supply the vacancy within
the district '.where goth varanev occurs.
On motion of Mr; H.B.WRIGHT,it was
Resolved, That the several persons com
posing the electoral ticket for Wtesident and
Vice President of the United States, be di
rected to pledge themselves in writing to the
state central committees--that in the event
Iheyreceiveaiiinjorityaf the votes uf Penn
sylVatiia, they will vote In the electoral
college for the nominees of the democratic
national convention for President and Vice
President, and in case they or any-of them
on reasonable notice to them given by the
stale central committee, refuse or neglect to
give the-said pledge, to the said committee,
they shall have power and are directed .to
erase their names from the ticket, and sup
ply their vacancy by persons who will give
such pledge.
On motion of Mr. LOWRY, the resolu
tions were unanimously adopted.,
, 'On motion of Mr. NATHANS, it was
Resolved, That ihe delegiitijs to the Nation
al 'Convention, have power lb -fill vacancies
.whichmay occur in, their number.
On motion ' \
Resolved, That the thinks of lire conven;
tion he tendered to the commissioners' of
Dauphin county, for the use of the court
house, for (lie meeting of the convention.
On motion of Mr. GUTHRIE.
. Resolved, That the thanks of the conven
tion be tendered to the president and other
officers of the convention, for tlie able and
'faithful nianneiyn-wliich they hud performed,
their several duties.
• On motion of Mr. FLEMING, it was
Resolved, That the president be author
ized to appoint the central committee'after
tlie adjournment of the‘Convention,
On motion, of-Mr. NATHANS, it was
-Resolved, That this,‘convention fecom
nieniJ to lhe Dembcratte»Vonng Men to hold
a Young Men’s convention, at such time anil
place as- the central 'committee shall desig
nate, _
On motion of Mr. GREEN, it was
Resolved, That the Secretaries prepare
the proceedings of the convention, tp be
signed,by the officers lor publication in all
the democratic papers of the stale.
On motion of Mr. FLENNIK.EN, it was
Resolved, That this Convention concur in
the invitation propostd in the House of Re
presentatives, to invite ANDREW JACK
SON to visit this place as the guest of the
•State. •"
-Mr, VAN AMRINGE moved to amend
by adding the name of Colonel Richard M.
Johnson. -
Mr. FLENNIKBN accepted this as a
mollification, and so modified, the resolution
was unanimously adopted.
On motion of Mr. GREEN, if was
Resolved, That the thanks of this Con
vention be tendered to their President, for
the ability, firmness, courtesy and imparti
ality with which he has presided over and
conducted its deliberations.
Thp PRESIDENT then rose, and return
ed. thanks for himself and the o flic era of the
Convention, for the kind and courteous de
portment of the delegates to them, in the ex-ti
ceution of thjjir duties, which they had en
deavored to discharge to the best of their a
' fie remarked that ,so far as his own Views
extended, and that was over a t) darter of a
he had VitVer witnessed an assein-
Bl«ge,of in which there was exhib
ited 1 more talent than in the present’,' and
Where the senlimcnts'nnd principles of the
party were mere syrongly and unanimously'
carried (i'nt,.lhaii on tlie pf'esent occasimi.—
Alul hiTmusf say, that it iTreuetTwell foT the
success of the party, anti tnegreat ami sa
ctild Pause in'whith it was engaged.
On motion, the Convention then adjourn
ed sine die: J"
j ijANK Biu-.-i-Tho House refused to concur in
the amendments of the Senate to Mr. Penniman’s
hill, for an immediate resumption.' .The vote wa/
i taken on Monday & stood 42 to 43. Being a ques
tion of concurrpnoo—a tie-vole .dcfealatho ameiifi
'wonts-. \
- ‘fhq stale of the bill now is tViife; the house pass*, and scniTt to the Senates-; sent
il back with amendments, which the House reject;
it noW goes back, to the Senate, in which the tjuca
tion will be to Tocodo/rom ita amendments, or in
sist on thorn. ■ If it r«atie, Mr. Pcnniman’s bill as
it .first passed tha hoUSo, Will only , want the Gov.
emor’a signature lo beoorfte.a law. If the Senate,
■insist oh its amendments, Oarnmlllces of .confer
ence will be appointed by leach house, whose pro
vince It will be.'lohicoDeile tho diflerendoS between
the houses;! If they fail to do this, tho billia lost.
' The following is the veto upon -the passage of
the bill: _1 •• • -
VEAS—Messrs. Anderson,. Andrews," Bailey,'
Benner,' Bonsall, Brodhead, Coolbaugh, Go*,'
Crispin, Evans, Flannery, Flick, George, Gra
liato.Gnffln,Griffiths, Hamlin, Hartshorne, Hel
fenateia, Henry, Rill, ,Hoga of Greene, Hotterf
steihi Johnston,Jones, Kutz, Ley, Lyons, Mo i-
P" Vn, Keif, Penmman of Phil., Penhimanof All’g,
enrose, Potts, Bitter, Roberts; Snowden,Snyder,
Stioke!,Stroheoker,Swayne, ZIMMERMAN—I 3.
.NAyS-«-MBSsrB.Barßtow, : Bruner, Butler, Car
others, Oassel, Chandler, Church,. Cole. ’ Colt;
Crabb, I) aisle. Field, Filbert,Fisher, Ford, Gtfod
win.Grata, HeginsofNorth’d, Higgins, of Hqhi
•Henderson, Herr. Hinchman,Hoga of -Mercer,
Hummel, Hutchins, Kauffman, Konigmaoher,
Law.Loidy, M’Clnrs, M’Kinstry, Morrison, Mor
ton, Park, Smith, SrtiygenSprotvWstts, Wilootj -
ZSalllhi Hopkins, SpV-i^a.:^
FLOUR in Philadelphia, RS 00
■■•■ i- in Baltimore !:'4 T 5 -
,'j. ■ ' In Carlisle, from starts', 3, 30 '
The 93d of February Was 'celebrated at Medhzn
icsburg la a manner suitable to the occasion. Du
ring tho day the Btreem Were paraded by fouroom
panics of volunteers, viz: MochamceburgXnfantiy;
commanded by Capt. Bigley; Comheriaud Guards,
commanded by Capt. Dotsheimer; Capt Moll's
company ftomlhe river, and Capt. Clendentn’s■
company, ■commanded by Lieut. Martin. Tbs'
martial appearance displayed on the occasion and
the-faeart cheering mnslo commanded respect from j
every one present. In the. evening a large con
course of the cilizensassombled at the publlo
I house of Thomas Brener, who illuminated . his
house upon the dscasWn ioa beautiful manner;in
deed every thing appeared beautiful, tranquil' and .
happy. At 8 o'clock, tho guests partook of a I
sumptuous repast prepared by Mr, Bruner, after
which the meeting was organized bV appointing
the following officers, vi«—Col, LEWIS HYEB,
President; Ebemezer Got, Capt, J, Donsncium,
-jAconßoPiEv, MaJ. S. Bsenizcb, Jacob Bow-
MAh, Georoe Roper*, Tice Presidents, and John
Embarmaalcr and Tfc J. Bodcn, Secretaries.
' The house having cogm to order, the following
toasts were drunk with tire manifestations of mirth
and hilarity usual on sudh occasions. .
By tho President: The people of the Union—
true tb themselves ufcder sill iraUtastences. . - i
By Uapt. George D. Boyers: Here's health to
the free,-iod'epemJenl spns of . America who hold
to democracy. Great was'Gen. Washington.
By John BoWermastef: The mother of Gen’l
Washington—an example Jvarthy of imitation;
may Araericanmotheni profit thereby. j
. By George Rupert; Let the mighty bulwark
of Great Brilain be iroddeh'under ibe faet of the
fiee born sons of 1 berty. j
By E. Bowmans May out country never ac
knowledge despotism. '
By Capt. J. Uorehelmen Out Army and Na
vy—may they ever be saccessful'in their engsgo
me nts. j,
By Conrad Jones:- By the thunder of American
cannon we can silence the insolebcs of the ene
mies of liberty in every land.
By Reuben Line: George Washington—the
immortal benefactor of bis country, though miss
ing firm among ns, hia memory lives forever in
the affections of his countrymen and in the hearts
of freemen every where. ,
By Jacob Rupert:' Peace to him who was the
founder of our republic and the hater of tyranny
and oppression.' -
By Richard Meiiy: The signers of the Declar
atlonof Xndepcnce—a spartan band; may they live
forever in the hearts of their country; nobler men
never dfew'breath.
By -Solomon Bowcrmasten The Ladles—prac
tical democrats; they will havemo rulers butthose
of their own choice.
By John A. Einmingcr: May thetreeofllhep
ty grow throughout the world.
By Charlesßoker: Here’SsucceestotbeCum
brt-larid Volunteers atid lo our noble Msj. Rehrar.
By Capt. Bigioy: Gen. George Washington,
“First in war, first in peace and first in tUu-hearts
r. df liis.qountrymep.” ; r
By Arnold Sink: Washington and Lafayette,
brothers in arms in the War of the revolution. i
By John Hoover: Give me liberty or give toe
death. *’
By A. J. Longhdorf: The Florida War—may
it be prosecuted until peace, security and happi
ness is again restored to all its citizens—“millions,
fcr.defehce, not one cent for tribute,” '
By John T. Ayres: Theberoea of. the revolu
tion—their memory- should inspire the mind of
every American with principles such as they pos
sessed. •
'By C, K-. Einmingcr: General Green?, the
commander in the revolution, ■who defeated the
British in the south—may his name be remember
ed by the rising generation. (X
By Jabez Boyer: Eternal hostility to the ene
mies of human liberty.
By David Criswell: The day we celebrate—
“ With freedom’s soil beneath our feet,
And freedom’s banner streaming o’er us.” .
By Mrs. Brunei: General G,eorge Washington,
General Fr.incis Lafayette and General Andrew
Jackson, the champions of human rights—long
may they live in the hearts of their countrymen.
By Thos. Galbraith. A Free Press—the pion
eer of intelligence, and the terror of tyrants.
By Thomas Bruner: Long may the birth-day
of our illustrious chief bo commemorated by tho
friends.of human rights.
By J. C. Weibley: The ladies of Mechanics
burg—Health and peaco to them on earth, pleasure
and nover ending happiness to their spirits in eter-
Jacob Emminger: Long may wo temcmbof
our beloved Washington.
By W, .1. Bodcn: Pennsylvania—the Jupiter
tnnans of the union—her well yegulated System of
internal improvements, and the bold-and- decided
stand she has taken for the promotion of education
and the general diffusion of knowledge, rank her
first in the catalogue of States. I am proud to
own her as mynative State.
By Daniel Leeds: Andrew Jackson—The best
man that ever saw the sun.
By Jacob Bauman: .Gen’l. Washington—The
world his mono men u--lh story bis epitaph.
By M. Cartey: ’ Uncompromising hatred to
every iofm of tyranny.
By John Baker: Liberty is my motto-^-mV
country is my home, and my religion is to do good.
By I). Oromlich: _ The right? of man—May
they be preserved from the grasp of tyranny; ■
By Geo. Wise: David K. Porter—The choice
of the freemen of the Keystone State.
By i’cter Baker:—Universal Education—The
strongest bulwark.that can aiirrouhd
oohntry, it should be b'aill at the ptiblic expense.
By ihe Company’: OurHoalandHostess—We
thank them fully for our coed treat, and hope they
may e.pjoy many years ofhapplnesa-.' -
. Ita-KRISD!
'''On Thursday last, by the Rev., Mr. Sprechej*
William R. Gorpas, Esq. of„puipherland county,
'to Miss iV&aic/A', daughter of David Hdmmel,
Esq; of Harrisburg. J
— L -—■. r-r-vy*
- Dissolution of Partnership. -
The public are hereby notified that the
partnership heretofore existing between Jas.
Oilmor and Samuel L. Sentman ip tins' day
dissolved by mutual consent. The bunks
of sai'd firm are in--the hands of Sentman,
with Will attend to the settlement of the ac
counts 'df.silW .(inn at his residence, until'
the first day of'April licit; tildrlhg Which
time all. persons baring accpunth ~ with thfe
aforesaid firm {will please to call and Settle
the same.,; The business Will be continued
by Gilmor fit M’Kinney, at the old stand.
- ri- ------ - SA M*L L. BENTM AN. /
Newville; March 3, 1840; • |
Proclamation. ,
election for school directors.
PUHSUaN I to the provisions oftiiq'sccond
stcumi of the- General A'sseniby of this
commonwealth, entitled “An att to establish a
general'-system .of .noih.iiion school.,'’passed
the Ist day .pf,April 3134, I hereby give notice
to'all the citiaens in the several Solion)
in the coiinty ofGoniberlaml,- tpmeti in their
respective tiubbsHips im<) boW/iightti at, tjie.pla-:
ces, where thry hold. thelrjHettlons forsupervi
sors,.town couo.cDr and constables, pb. tbVtbiid
Friday ahd SCth day of -March in»t, then and
there eIcctTWOCITiZbiNS of each School
.District,itoservethree, y.eara asSchb‘l .Difeps
tors, of said Districts. which.elec,
tiohs areto be cnndncted anrtheld ipthe luma
manneraselectipns forsqperylsora and consist ‘
bles ar'cLydaw-held nhd. coiinocted.. , T ;, ~,
: 2 1; ’ . JOHN MYERS,.Sheriff 1 .
ant, act .
Relative to the Elution of Borough and.
Township OffitUrt, and for othtrpurpo-
tot. ■. . ■ s ‘ ■.
Sbb. 1. Be it enacted py the Senate and
House of "Representatives of- tlie Oonni,oD-,
wealth of- Pennsylvania in General Assem
bly met, arid it is hereby enicted by the au
thority of tlie Same,, That when a borpugh
forms part of a fowri'ship dr townships, code
posing'tdgetherorte‘general election district,
and which are entitled by the act to Mich
this is a supplement td scparately elect two
justices of the peace, it snfell be the duty of
tlie judge and inspectors elected to hold the
general and township elections of each year,
to provide a separate bo*, into which they
shall pdt the tickets voted Tor justices of the
peace fur said borough, and tpe tickets: vo
ted for justices of the theddalineil
voters of the towbship,'shall liaVd the word
“Township” written or printed oh the out
sides and the tickets voted for justices of
the peace by-the qualified voters of the bo
rough shall have,the word “Borough” writ
ten or printed on the outside,. anu the said
judge ami inspectors shall count the votes
so voted for justices of the peach for said
boroughf- and- return thesamein like_ man
ner as is provided for ih the election ofjus
tices of the jieace for townships,,’
’ Sso. 97. Whenever it shall bricome ne
cessary for theyhizens of any township in
any ol the counties of this Commonwealth,
which has been or shall be divided in any
way in ’fonning any election district of dis"-
tricts to elect Justices "of’the 1 peace, judges
and inspectors of elections, assessors, con
stables; school directors of other township
odifcefs, in pursuance of any act of acts of
assembly, the qualified voters of such town
ship shall meet at the usual place of holding
tlreir annual township elections respectively,
and shall then and Jthere proceed to elect
such officers in the .manner now provided
for by law, and the returns of such elections
shall'be made out in the same, manner as-is
now provided for by the latys.of..this. Com
mimweulth; and such township election so
held in any township which may be divided
as aforesaid, shall be held and conducted
only by the judge, inspectors and clerks re
siding in the district 'where the place of
holding the- township election is or may-lie
located,, any law to the, contrary notwith
standing; / J roeiderf,'Flmt whenever a vacan
cy happens by death, resignation, removal
or otherwise, then the judge or inspector re’-
siding in the township ami district nearest
to the place'of holding the township election
shall hold and conduct llie-snme.rr -
Sec. 28. It shall,be thejlpty of the judge
and inspectors holding and conducting such
township election, to keep ns many separate
lists of'voters for judges and inspectors of
elections as there, are election districts or
parts of election districts in such township
respectively, in which- they shall deposits
the votes.of the citizens residing within the
limits'of. sbCIS dirityicts of parts of districts
W jmlgcs ab'd inspectors of tlie general elec
tions in their particular'districts, and the re
turns' thereof shall be made out and certified
in’ conformity with the j revisions of tlie act
of the second. July, Anno Domini 18S9, enr
titled "an act relating lo the elections of this
common wealth;” and. in cases where .-part
only of the township, toms, in connection
with other parts of other .'townships, a', gen
eral electiop district, the judge‘holding sucli
township election shall meet the judge or
judges from the other township or townships
forming part of such general election district
at the place of holding the general election,
and the said judges shall then and there pro
ceed to make out a general return froin their
respective returns, which , shall be signed,
certified, and returned with theirseveral re
turns in like manner as is now provided fpr
by liiw •
Sec. 39. It shall be the duty of the Sec
retary of the Commonwealth, immediately
after the passage of this act, to furnish thov
sheriff of eacii'county in the state with y
certified copy of the .firsf,_.twenty-seventh,.
twenty-eighth and twenty-ninth sections
thereof, and if, shall be the duty of the said
sheriffs to publish the same in their respec
tive counties, either by hand bills or in two
or more newspapers published in said coun
ties respectively; and until the township
olectioiiffluc held; during the present month
of March 1 . ~ . .. ,
ilArlusburg, ?
Secretary’s Office, March 7 1840. J
1 cer.tifviliat.the abovciand Fore-,
1. going are true copies of the first,
?.twenty-seyeiifh,-twenty-eighth &
; twenty-nintlv se£tions-oflan act of
the general assembly; entitled ' v an
act relative to j the election of borough .and
toWnship omdSyß'. an'd ftijr other pilfposea,’?
approved this day.ns die same (remains on
file in this office. VVitness my hand and
seal of office the day amVyear a’foi'esaid.
fll. R.SHUNK,
| Scc’V Gnmmnnwealth.
1 ;• , ■ JOHN MYERS. Sheriff;
Sheriff’s Office, ’>
Carlisle, March 12, 1840. 5
_ 'Estnte_qf Martha £lliott, deseai^d.
-i) rlt K. r r '
tErVEH'S I'AKY on. the
• estate, (if, Martha Elliott,* late of Nmtil
ivipldleitin township, deceased, have been issn.
ed to the suiiscfiln r.residing in t)!e same town,
ship! All persons indebted to said decedent, are
requested to makepayment, and thomr- having
claiiuß’.wiH present them property authenticated
lor seitlnlifcai.
March 13. 1840. . ' > .fit
‘fKTO I ICE is hereby given ‘to the Tield ufß- '
cers andf ) Hirers ni command of companies
flint I have received mid pin ready lodistrihuie.
Military Disciplines, Pmnphlet Laws and. Ord.
ers from the AdjiUitnt Cleoeral. jtM of Which may
be had by.calling jin me, at my office inCarlisle.
' Notice is hereby also given to all thofm who
haverlaims for servieys rendered at the Clencr
,af Cohrl M nlial - which recently conversed at
Mr. Heeieiii'i in Carlisle; ahH of which Major
.Gent' A! Green was President, to come forward
and make their claims known.
, . . W. FOUf.K. -
Brig.-Ins. Ist Briei Hth Die. P. If.
. Brigade ln>peotorVOffice,?. .
Carlisle. March 1?, 1840. > : 4l
who cm come wall recommended as to
■ ■ Ilia character for.honesty' and capability,
rtiav hfer of a »ifuaWoH.;by expiring «the bf
fice ofthi?’Athericad Volonteer; ; ; - .
An unmarried man, .wUh.recommenaaUons
from hls last .emptover wOnld Be preferred.
March 19, JMO. 'fV tf-.
To the Voters of Cumberland
: comity. 11
Genttemrt—l <to hereby offer myself at tlie
next u«ier»l el«mti"n as a candidate for the office
ol SHERIFF «f said county, and will be tbank
, North Middleton township.
March 12, 1840. •• - - r te
BARGAINS can he liad yet at the, store of
, the subscribers,'as they are determined to
ofT (heir entire stock. The~will;:sell the
entire stock wholesale if a purchaser should of
fer. ' The store, room, cellar, and warehouse,
are for rent, ' . .- ■
For terms enquire of the mbscrlhero, .
Carlisle. March I8, ( J&«. . ■ _
M, i. t. LOOMIS^
HAS returned to Carlisle, and will,as nere
tuforc, attend K> ll\e practice ol Dentistry.
He may be found at Col. rerree's hotel. ;
Persona requesting It will be waited upon at
their residences, ''. ; ' ,
difference,--- <Kev. Thot. V. '/ horn tan,
CDr. David JV,-Mahon,
Carlisle. March 18, IH4O. ,
JACOB >s h cundid'Hic for
election to the . rtice o/ Justice of.'tlu? Peace,
and .will be tlianktul for, the support ol the peo*
pie of the Bnroihrh of Carlisle*
-Mircli-12.1840. --- .2t
RCjftfertf SNODGRASS is a can
did ilc fur elect!' 'll to tile office ut Justice of the
Peace , and will be tliuoKlul for the support of
th'- people. ■ ■ . ,V . " '
.Carlisle,'March 5, 1840. . St
To the declare of the Borough bfC&rlislet
I hiii u candidate for the-office of ’Juslke ol
the Peace. '
.February SO, 1840.
To the debtors of the Borough of Carlishi
. Fellow ClTl*Eni—ll ffer myseil lo,yi urcon
•sltieratjoit fur Hie tiftc** of .Justice of the Iftace,
■it tlu-api onacliing election InMu'cli m Xt .
Ymns. tec. , JACOB BRE 12
February 20.1840. 2t
To the Electors of the Borough of Carlisle:
Fellow Cilizent~l iffcr niyarll, to your con
sideration ns a candid ile.for theoffice of Justice
of the Peace. , Should you thiultme worthy ot
yntlr -xipport ami elect me, I will-discharge the
duties of the office tnlpartiallv and to the best'of
mV judgment. Yours, Cre.
February 27, 1&40. 4t
Mtain. Sanderton ContmtaS- Sfe
Vii HM* iillliiillhre In tin* citizens of'Cirllsle,
(hilt WM. B, UNDERWOOD will stand h pull
at the eiiMllii't; election for Justice lit the Peace,
ami if elected, he will diarliahse the duiiea oi
the office without fear or fivor, to the best ol
his Hgfenient.
Fetajuary 20,1840. ... St .
nex,x<ow citizens,
ENCOURACED by a number of jny friends
I take the-liberty to offer can-
Oi'i.ile for the i ffice-nf
Jfmttce of. the Peace,
at the ensiling election, anti pledge invscll, if
elected, to discharge the duties of the office with
fidi lity ahd impartiality.
Owing to'4 misfortune'well known tnmy fel
low citizens,renders it difficult for foe to pursue
my present calling~l therefore most—earnestly
solicit part of y>mr suffrages for add office.'
. yours, gtc.
Carlisle, Feb 13. 1840. 6t
•To the hectors of the Borough
of Carlisle, »
Fellow Citi»ens—l .offer trust if ip your
ronsidei'a.tlnh as a candid.dr Tor the office if
justice of the Jpertce,
and will be thankful for vouf support.
Feb 13 : 1 6l
A BOUT to remove to the coumrv, the cub-
rxiiohe-t«H>uhlic-vt , mh>t' at-liis
i cadence on Saturday the 14ih insl. ftt 10 o'clock
A. M. u varh-tv of housv*hoU|,. . ¥
Terms will be made known-on the day of gale,
, J. t), ELLIOTT.
Carlisle, March .5, 1840.
Catharine Ualand, A Alias subpoena sur Di-
Ay her next friend f vi-rce in the Court of Com-.
Myers," V man Pleas of Cumberland
. • ys ’ V'r.untv, N". 113 August
Tied crick Roland, ’ Tehn, 1840 . • t.
' it cun ii having been iiiadt"by ibe-Sberiff in
ibViTCßscf tl.artbe defenilanf 'Fredrrtck Kdlidid
was ii"l to-be found in hisb.dliwick, Sow to wit,
18lh NoVember 1839,-the s ud coiirtordendand
'derreed-ttnit-ptibliratuarshnuldlnj made I)}' ire,
mpliring the said-defehdant Vo-be-and-appear
pi the court aforesaid, on Moifcjgjf the IStb day
ipf April next, to ahKwer.pi llie ci mplaint of the
said fathlifine Roland, |cr. Wbereupi n I do’
b. rebjr.Kit e notice Shd ft quire the said Fftd
lirick Roland to be and appear at Carlisle as
aforesaid, on ‘the day aforesaid, to answer' the
complaint of the said Catharine Rrland.
, 1 JOHN MYERS, Sheriff.
Shertff’s OffiofwjC-irUsle.?
March S. f-i4O. ... S • _6t
Mary IVagntr.'i Alias subpoena 'sur Divorce
. vs : vio theCrdrrof Coninoai Pleas
' ' . ' r'. : 160 August Term. 1839 ' <
Return having been made by the Sheriff in
this case, that the defendant Joseph Wagner
whs not to be foiijld in his bailiwick, Now to wit,
1 8 10 NoOeitther JBS9, the' said Court,order* djb
decreed khal publication should he truide by me
requiring the said defendant to he and appear
in tiit.court aforesaid, at Carlisle, on Monday
the ISthday of April nettt, to answer to the
complaint of the said Wary Wagner, e/c.
Whereupon I do hereby give Police and
the said Joseph Wagner to be and, appear at
Carlisle as aforesaid, to answer the complaintol
the said Mary wapner »fofes»id."4cc. -
'•- ev ■ ; . - JOHN MYERS, Sheri Jr.
Sheriff’s Of)}’ g, .Carlisle, >
March 5
Barbara Anri Jtrihe.*} Alias snbphenasiirDi
,An KeYnexiy friendf force .In the ©iirt of
John //. Vtark,' yCommpn Picas <>• Cun, v
vs,, ' I herjand county. No. ISf
•; -GeorgeKroni.J NovemberTerm, 1859.
. haying beep jiiade by the SherilT in
this cage* thattliede.fendSot George Krone was.
not to hejound in ms bailiwick, Now ,to wit,.
IBih NoyemberlBs9, ,lhe iraTd coQrt ordered and
decreed that publication should be made by me, ;
r.eqnlHng.the sHid defendant ta be, and- appear
in the court aforesaid, on Monday the ISlh.dav
of April next, to answer to tpe crim.plajnt of ih<
said-Barbara. Ann . W hereupon 1
do hereby give notice and require the.asid Geo.
Krona to be and appear at Carlisle as aforesaid.
the day aforesaid, to answer the Complaint tf
the said Barhkw Ann Kr>bA-Bre|it
■ o : "JOHN MVBlfSy Sheri®
ip» ■
THE buirmissihotV of. Crimbrf 1 .ml r.' unty;
, will receive projM-s ds at-the house of John
Conim:oi, jnnkeepi r, jn'tlie iiormndiof Cal join
on I liursday the 16111 of Apiil next, IV ovo nb (
«iid 13 o'clock in the forenoon for tIVe 'erection -
Ol RgO-K) «.,«| substantial ,
s WOOS3W 8“.2303 ; r*
across tile Vellow Bree' creek, i.t ilk place
wher-r the public road (roni Carlisle,at Hr ndt’a
fording, crosses Raid creyk, in the township of
Monroe* ofthe following-diriienslo'ns; I tii-'wlii 1 —
To contain In length from uric abutment to the
other 90 h et.-und 16 feet wide itithe clear, tlte
abutments to be about 1 A feet thick ea’cli. or
more if required, in a splavirig direction, with
a regular slope, ami to be eight lect high from
the bottom of.liie creek, fmhi whence » wooden
arch i,s'to he started : imd to extend across snjd
Clerk trtrti one abutment to.the olHer,-supp..'rt- .
• ed tin good a'nd sahstantial stone allotments) Uie '
floor to be dohble floored with two incli plunk,
the'upper Boor.’oak and the lower y< How pim'j ’
the. sides and gable ends to he sufficiently Melt’
to udriiit.cnvered.Se hay Wagons to pass.tins-ugh
the sifrie, hay 18 feit in the clear, to he closely
weatherboarded and painted red, the whole to
he well roofed with- good while pin- .sliimrk-si
, the Whole oftne Wood win k to he, wi-ll .secured
with iron boltk,"reHdy i e\f's;.Etc."" Ffninilie hark
of the ahutrnents the filling shall c nsisl< f earth
- -imd stone. und-tn J>e.,wilLsoppovO d Wi thriving
walls three feel high above the filling on «ach
side, and to- extend in that manner on the two
eXtrenie lMdes of the bridge until the filling nod
walling shall meet the road with an ascent and
descent pot exceeding five degrees i lev; tin,
itonfthe mad to said hiTdge; the wood work to
be .built of sriOTld'arid substantial -timber) the
stone WoVk .of large g od atone, lirric and sand
' mortar well pointed. The party contracting to
give sficl) security a? the Commissioners mpy
require for the faithful performance of the woi k
manship-and permanency of said bridge.
Proposals to be accompanied with a plan.—
. Should nn'rieVif the proposals meet 'he apprnba’-
tln'n of tlie Cpinini'SU'nrrs they wijl on the same
day, between » and S oVh'rk in -ih.e qfteVnrori,
expose the said public- sale, and cell
the tama to the lowest and best bidder.
•. -36
To the Heirs and JRepresenfafivcs of T/
as Mehaffy, late of Curiiberland county,
" 'deciidsed, viz: ’
'l*o VViUiain-Ailison, Archibald X hn.ston,.Sa
rah Johnston, John ShacffeV ahd Catharine hiS
wife, late Catharine Johnston, Mathew J< hnv
toi», Divid Johnston him I HnlxrVl -ChAthaMi nod
Betsy his wife, Jhhnsteiv, he : r* Xi.d
representatives of, Joseph Johnston :ind Man a
ret his Wife, late Margaret Allison, P» Ih lU<:*
C.'i’oiick, late Polly Allison, and Sirah Ad«>* a,
who are thejuirs ami representatives • f.Maih
ew Allison and his wife, deceased,., F« iv*
merlv Sarah Melvafly and daughter of the said
Thomasl. To James, Thcne-s, John', and An*
drew MehaflV.and James M’C.lunt and Keh« e ra
Uehctra Mehaff , and Levi Ihnk
and M ifgnret his wife, late Margarr t Mehi.ffvf
heirs and.represenfhti' es <*f- John IVL In ff>, dr
ceased, who was one of the s‘o»k of the srul
Thomas Mehaffy • /ToThymn* H’gWands h« if
and representative of Mary.Lh'e; diseased”,
forjiierlv Mary Mein ffy,'di.iu;hn v of the said
Thdmri* Mehaffy . To Thonms IJhhhjj, J rru f',.
John,'and Andrew ‘lJohhc, Abraham K» slow iSf
Margaret his .wife, ‘ late Maiparet I) 1 hhs, a*d
William Ai’huckle and Nancy his wife, h e
Nancv Dobbs,-heirs *nd representatives * 1 T l>‘-
(lias and. Jc nnett Dobhs, dec„e«Bed, wMr li *« : d
Jephetl was u ifnugluer <-f the sftfd 1 hrfti'HS Me 1
haffv; .
Oil the petition ol the shove named Sarah Al
lison ami others, of the said htirs, to. the Or;
f chans’ Court.of ibe raid county* Pule- rn the
itir* and ea to appear at an Oi*-
phans* 0- urt to he held at Carlisle in and ft i tl e
said county of Cumberland.on Tuesday the SS.ih
day of April, A. D. one thousand»iirht hm died
and forty, to shew can«e why.purpatt /N*. K
n.f the tract of land of fehfch 'the said *} hfcmai
Molviffv died seizi d situate in Si-inl M'* dh 'on
township in said county* as dcWribed in the in
quisition aiid partition of'Said tract np’poav’nea*
nionglhe-records of the' <)rphans*-Court at Car
lisle, shall not be sold agreeably to the laws of
this commonwealth* And Rule on the same
herrs and representatives, to she w came at the
Mni’e lime and place, why Rome suitable perse n
slvall not he appointed by .the said court, tins*
teefer making surh sale, agreeably to the acts
of»s«Vmb|y-in surh cMfie rnHde aiul pmvidtdk-
By the Court, . ••. *
■ W. FOULK. c;v t 6. C.
February 27, IS4O, . '^ T
In pursuance of an order of die Orphans’
fyvurt of piUuberland coun'y, will lie expo
sed to/public.sai'e on // etjnisday. J/te . \s{h
day of £prfl next, at IS o’clock at noon, Vm
fhepremises, the following liimUau; the leiii
estate of Christian Cruiser, deceased, to wiu
situate in •North-Mid'dietohdownridpipf rill
county,-adjoining lands . of 1 David Einir,-
Christian Rulij. Saniutl Ruiz, awl Jmb
Brb,,cbntainipg bnehundied ami sixiy fi or
acres, hi ore or less, neat measure', all of
jritich (except about |ive acres of woodland)
is cleared and underexcellent fences, and
in the highest state of cultivation. Thia
property"is situate" about- two mites and u
half from Carlisle, between the turnpike and
rail road, and .has the Lelart saving running
through it. The ImprovchVehil arc a huge
■ • .House. - (rajlM
tind Kitchen, ■ Ggs&PSSs
two stories high, a weatherboardedVLOfi
HOtFSBi tivb itdriea-high, a
with corn cribs; and other small buildings.
There is ah excellent well of water near to
the hollsea, anil a'thriving young Orchjiid of
apple and peach trees on' the- premises*. A
portion of this farni is first ralV meadow
land. ■, , ;; ; • ’
The terms and conditions of sale, will be
made known by the administrator on the
day of sale.
.. :Adm v r 6f fcfrrtitliin fcrotier, dcfc’d.
February _ . r .„ .fit
■ i t;iteof Cf-uiu-, luitdn!tli Mid.
n,cion township dec.hitve b otr ui *■ s U C.*dt nl hi- stih
*cHber'ret»4ii>K in
indt-btefi ■wj) I matt, pj».v.n.wif. v iifid h«< Iii(;
ronfd.Pp«e,Ptan(v -vAncJftit tj),^
,T«Sn hrrfti .VfJ?' :. = ;
r Atte»t~lrmxT awiurC/rH-
Miircli 5, 1840.
Orphans’ Court Bale.
All/ that certain Plantation or
T R ACT OF IVA&'ift.
JStt&eqf Crains, tUiettsed,