American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, January 23, 1840, Image 3

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    could call up tire ghosts of tire,departed dogs
- and lazZaroni of the Milleriitowri
district I could ,a talc,unfold; but without
their supernatural aid, I pledge; myself to
prove here;"that in this precincfrwhero there
are But three hundred resident citizens, the
gentleman himself who .talks so magnani
mously about frauds, received 1,200 minori
ty. “So milch for; Buckingham.’* I now
move the previous question.
Debate in the V. S. Senate, Jan. 16,1840,
On motion of Mr. Buchanan, of Pennsyl
vania, the resolutions offered by Mr. Wil
liams, of, Maine, yesterday, calling on the
President for correspondence in relation to
the north eastern boundary, with an amend
ment proposed by Mr. Buggies, of Maine;
asking of the President to state if any thing
had been done to expel British troops from
the, disputed boundary since last March,
were, then taken bp apt! discussed.,
Mr. Buchanan, was opposed to the anremK
ment of Mr. Buggies, and hoped he would
withdraw it. It implied a censure on. the
President, inasmuch as it asked him to state
if he had done' any thing to expel British
troops. Every body knew that he had not
done so; for he-had-told the Senate, in hrs
message of the 2d of December, that the con
tingency for whicli the act of March 3d had
been passed, bad never arisen; and tbe $lO,-
600,000 that bad been placed at his disposal
to carry on a war with England, had been
returned, to the treasury. And again: It was
only till the . Ist day of this month, that the
Governor of Maine, had informed-tire Bres-'
ident, that British-troops were on the dispu
ted ground. How could he take any steps
to expel British troops before he was appri
sed of their being on the disputed ground.,
Mr. Buggies explained. He had no idea
of casting any-censure on the - President.'—
All he asked, was for such information as
.the President might communicate without
injuring the public interest. Information bad the. British giverament had
already commenced fortifications at the mouth
of the Madawaska,.nt the month of the St..
Johns, and on Damascotta lake, in direct
violation of the contract which had been en
tered into, between Sir Jglm Harvey and
Gen. Scott, and it was time (hat the people
/ ef Maine and the country knew how they
stood. Several, years hail already elapsed
since this dispute commenced, and, it'was
time it were closed. Originally, England
only asked lor the right of way, and was
willing to purchase it; but she had now, as
this quarrel had been su ft'ered'to progress 6o
far, set up an actual Claim to the territory.
M|> Allen, of Ohio, s-aid this was a Very'
delicate question, and we ought to be guar
ded how we proceeded. The amendment
of the gentleman from Maine, if adopted,
would give an impression to tlie'llritish House
of Commons that the executive was ineffi
cient, and the Senate had taken the business
out of his hands. To obviate all difficulty,
a'rul to diminish the prohabiiity.of any collis
ion with England at this moment, he moved
today the aiiiendiiieiit mVdlie tahle. At the:
suggestion of Mr. Ituclianaii, he withdrew it.
Mr. B. said, that he did not know that the
amendment, if adopted, would do any injury.
Still; ns it seemed to cast censure at the
.(’resident, he hoped it would he withdrawn.
For 'himself,'die' was .satisfied that We should
have much difficulty about this business with
England, before it was brought to a close.—
He was apprehensive that it would lead to a
war; if it did, he for one was prepared to
uieet it, coine asriViiiighr, aiid wlieiritnnighT.'
Mr. Clay had heard the resolution read,
and did not see that it cast any censure on
the President; Theconductof the Executive
in this business, he waadfappy to say-,- had
been what', it should have been, and iie had
lio 'faU)t to find'. As for other things. Said
Mr. Clay, God knows he has enough to be
anicnnblc for. He wished the amend incut
Mr: ©Uchanan said that the'remarks of
Mrv Clay hiid perfectly satisfied him that the
amendment ought to be adopted: That gen
tleman was so capable of defining things,
that Mr. BUchanau vvoiidd always yield to
his superior judgment. As fur liis,.-«Gotl
knows,” said Mr; Ik; when he files his bill
of exceptions. We shall know How to meet it.
After a few'remarks .of explanation be
tween Messrs. Buchanan, Ruggles, and Al
len of Ohio, the resolutions and the amend
menfwere adopted; ••
One hundred and fiftv eiveH lost.
The New York papers of "Wednesday
furnish the particulars of one of tile most ap
lot (6 record. .We.give below all the par
ticulars received, ■
{Correspondence of ¥ork Sun,2
Bridgeport, C9nn,, Jan. 15, 1840.
, Our .citizens'were alarmed on Monday
evening; liy-'the appearance of a great light
at some distance. West, on the Sound, which
■ wasgencral lybelievcdtobcasteamboafon' Nothing conclusive, however, was
heard in regard to it till; the arrival of our
boat from New York on Tuesday afternoon,
which brought- tile-melancholy intelligence
that the.light was 1 occasioned by the.confla
gration of the steamboat Lexington, which
was entirely destroyed/and all on board ex
cept three perished.' One of the survivors,
Capt, Hilliard, of'Narwich, in this State;
whom we have seen and conversed-with,-
came ftn here in the boat,
■ The Lexington left New York at 3 o’clock,
, P. M., for Styningtori. About Half-past 7
o’clock, when off Eaton’s Neck, L. 1., the
wood-work casings, &c. about the flucs,?was
discovered to be on fire. ; An alarm was im
mediately given, and all efforts to subdue the
fiames the pilot headed
the, boat dicectly Long lßland shore.—
In about 15 minutes it Was found the tiller
■ ropes were burnt in-two, and the boat con
sequently The engine, how
ever,, kept in operation,.under, a, heavy head
. of steam. The three small, boats Were got
out witli'ali possible haste, but they swamped
Boon after they striick the water, in ®ense
■ quence of the speed ’fit .which the steamer
. was going towards the shore. A life-boat,
WhichWaa"aboardi"'yraSalSo : launchcd,rbut
bysdihe'incana WaSnn a few minutes unfor
tunately dost,;. Nb relief was therefore ob
tained from either, boats. ; ;When tlie
Lexington had'got within about two miles of.
th'e -shore; her engine suddenly stopped;--;
clinging to Buch' artlcles offreight' as
wguld BUSlain them, were tiow cut off. . The;
of cotton, on which some of the passengers
tried to save themselves, but none succeeded
except Capt. Hilliard and a fellowgassenger,
both of whom got astride of a single bale,
on which they kept together till 6 o’clock in
the morning, vylien the strength of Capt. Hil
liard’s companion failed him, and he fell off
and was drowned.
Capt. H. continued upoti his bale of cot
ton until 11 o’clock, A. M., Tuesday, when
he was taken'off by a sloop which went out
from SoUthport, having been thus ■ exposed
about 15 hours;. Two others, clinging to a
fragurentof the boat; were also rescued by
this sloop: one the engineer, thc;Othcra fire
man of the unfortunate boat. The bodies of
two others, one a colored woman, were like
wise taken , from a part .of the wreck,' on
which they perrsfte’i) from the cold;
The number Oh board, Capt. H«" thinks,
was not less than its, of whom 130.,-weie
passengers-, out of which he believes himself
to be the only one saved.' Among the num
ber were five or six women, anil two or three
children. The scene on, board was awful
beyond description.' The fire being mid way
of, the boat, curort" all communication from
one end to tlie other. The passengers crowd
ed together in the bow and stern, moaning
and bewailing their fate, till compelled to
cast themselves into the vyatery deep; to es
cape the fiumes. . , ,
The boat drifted with the tide, and sunk
at 3 o’clock off our'harbo'r.
On Tuesday evening last, in,this borough,
after a short illness, Mrs. Jane, wife of Mr.
Tobias Miller, and "daughter of John Corn
man, Esq. in the 26th year of hhr age.
In the burongh.of Newvdle, oti Wednes
day evening, last, John Davidson, Esq. aged
abou t 54 years. i
On Saturday evening last, near this bor
ough, EligatttthJMcDowell, second daughter
.of Andrew McDowell, Esq. aged about. 19
THEI), in East Pennsborou'gh townshiji, on
the 13th lust. Mrs. Catharine Sprout, wife
of Mr. John Sprout, arid daughter of Mr.
John Fireo'vid, Sen.,in the 24tn year of her
agf-. . . "
lire death of Mrs. Sproiit is riiUch to be
lamented'by.many affectionate friends and
relatives. Among many that were left, were
an affectionate husband, tvVo small children
and live step children, to mourn her loss - .—-
The life of this young Woman has been one
of Christian faith and affectionate love.—
Death to her did not appear to be (he King
of Terrors; sire uttered not a groan, hut
met it as she Would a long expected arid
Welcome friend. By her family and friends
sire was justly holoVed, and highly esteemed
by all who knew her. It is a consolation to,
her friends to think that altlioqgh cut off in
tire prime of life, sire is enjoying that, peace
and quietness' which attend those who per
form their duty, and ,are ready to answer
thcit-maslcV. ......
THE subscribers respectfully inform the citi
zens ofCaVUsle audits vicinity, that they
have opened a shop in VVcsl High street, in the
house formerly, occupied by Mr. Jhhn D. Gor
gas, one dpor above .Sheafcr’s tavern, and di
rectly opposite Mr. Jacob Fetter’s cabinet nia
, bostojv cmiiits, -
Ijarge.. Boston Rocliing Chairs.
Children’s Chairs of every description.
The whole made of the best materials, and in
the most fashionable style. Old Chairs neatly
and rheaply rtieuded and repaired. They hope
that by strict attention to business and a dispo
sition to please, to merit and receive a liberal
share of public patronaite. . '
•Carlisle, ianuary 23, 1840. 4t
State of Pennsylvania, ?
• The Commonwealth ot Pennsyb
yanin, to Thomas Highlands, Wil
liam Highlands,. Nathan Highlands,'
Rebecca Highlands & Isabella Cum
mings, heirs at law of Margaret
Highlands,lute of Southampton town*
ship, deceased. . ; •
Whereas application has hech made*to me
Aiigney; Register for the probate ot wills
and granting letters of administration in and for
said county, for the Probate.of a pertain instru
ment of wfiting,, purporting to be a N uncupative
Will of tnca&idMargaret Highlands, deceased.
;■ Therefore you' and each of yoU.jaVte hereby!
cited to be and appear before me at my office
iiY the borough of Carlisle in said cohnty, on Sa
turday .the fhh day of February, A. I>,‘ lB4b, «t
jQne-o*clQck*-B^ , M.-of~Raid-day r -ihvn-and~there'
to contest the said Nuncupative Will if you
think-proper, otherwise itjwill be proved in due
form of law* and letters issue to the adhiinistrAr
lor.- ;
—Witness my-hand and seal Carlisle
aforesaid, this 4th day of January, A. D. 1840.
ISAAC ANGNEy, Register.
Trial Xlst for Special Court.
Itrst tbeeki commencing 24tfi Feb’y, 1840.
JVV Eby et aj ■, .. vs S Bnyd etal . ■ ■
J Martin , vs' II Wolf's udrtir
R R Company vs DNeviri
JDysert vs A DyseiVs admV
W Moore et al vs H Kennedy
.1 Pierce Vs A Pierce ' •
E Gray’s admr vs J.l.anibcrton £3c
P Gray’s atirar ,vs - Same - ' •
Second tbeehicommencing StkMafch, lß4th
G Harlan c ; t al ~ .vs W Moore, et al
CornmonweaUli -vs-J Neal ,7"
JBLyoh ;. . vs O, Houketal . . ,
R H Company vs ,J Moore : 1
TCook and wife . ;Va A Scroggs*exr
//& C Lease vs A F .Cox L
Ann Gray *' ; vs J Lambetton £s*o. '
P J Gray /, .V . .vs .
Farmbr»& Mec. B*k vg -A G Ege et al
to cßEmvons.
Jl Judges of the Court of Comihnn Pleasant
Cumbcrland /lftunty, for the benefit’ of the in
solvent law's of' tfii# they
have appointed Tup6tlnythe 11 tit of February
next* for the hearing of u» and our. creditors, at
the Court House In Carlisle; when and ■ where
ydirttiay attend if yoU'think proper. J
January 33,1840. -
Blanks Foit'MiE,
Harrisburg, Carlisle Chamb’g
EXHIBIT of tools received, repairs and ex
penses in the Harrisburg, Carlisle and
Chumbersbui'); Turnpike Rond Company, from
the Ist January to the. 31st December, 'A. D.
■1839. - •
To amount of tolls received at the
gates, - ' ■ '
Balance at the settlement (hr 1838,
paid into court at January A> JJ.
1839, tor distribution, tve, j 59J8 56
■ CR.
By balance ofIBSB paid' to .creditols
under the act: of Assembly of -
1825, 1828 and 1830, , - 52938 S$
By cash paid for repairs on road, 1,, 1090 31 j
Do Gate Keepers salaries,’ 1040 32
Do' Managers for 1839,- . ' 121 SO
Do., Treasurer's salary, 75 00
Do - Secretary’s do, 25 00
Do ' J Incidental expenses, 6l 874
Do Postage, J - 3 87i
. . Do ‘ Taxes, 228
. v ' $5437 72$
Balance paid intocouVt to be applied
to the creditors under thetici*ol*
Assembly aforesaid^
Certified on oath to the Judgesof the Court of
Common Pleas of Cumberland county, the Iflth
day of January, A. D. 1840. hv ”
l DAVID NKVm, Treasure*
January 13,1840.
'{To the Credltots of-the “Harrishutg, £ar
\jisle and Chambtrsburg 7\trnpikc Hoad
That the court of common pleas of Cumberland
ronnty have appointed Tuesday th* ilth day of
February next, at the court house, in the bor
ough of Carlisle, at 10 o’clbckv Av M. for hears
ing ahd determining the claims of the respet
tive creditors against said company, so as to
;enable the chart to distribute the money paid
into court by the treasurer of said company, a the acts of assembly, made for the
relief of said creditors on.the fist day- of April
1820, and the supplement thereto.
At the aforesaid'time and place the preferred'
(if any) anclall other .creditors, are requested to
have their respective claims duly authenticated,
and presented, and also, to. furnish Evidence
at the same time whether any claims have been
assigned, or are still held by the original own
ers* and also proof to'establi.-flj the consideration
oftheir Claims, Whether for work, materials, &c.
January 15, 1840.
Chambersburg ‘Telegraph,* and Harrisburg
please insert
charge Volunteer. *
To learn the Tailoring Business, .
Will be taken by the subscriber. None need
apply but boys of good moral habits.
Carlisle, January 23, 1840. tf ■
8.8 EMA.INJNG hi the Post Office at Stoughs"
BA* town, Pa. January Ist, 1840.
llrcndle Frederick Leonard Pcrrnilld 3
Feirovid .bid,— Magloughun Ezakel ,
Graham Elizabeth 2 Miller Henry
Kyle James. Schncll .George
N; W. E,
TpHE SUBSCimtER, has jtisl recciv.
JL ed in addition to bis former supply of Patent
Family and Horse Medicine, the following: arti
cles, warranted genuine, viz*, cold pressed Cas
tor Oil in phials, British Oil, Harlem do. Stone
do., Spike do.. Golden Tincture, Essence of
l.emon, do. of Cinnamon, do. of Cloves, Pepper
Mint, Elixir of Paragmic, Tincture of Assotoc
-lida,: LeuVPUIK,-C;wimm-<Io.- rOpodrlrlncr~Juth
kin’s Patent Specific fot the cure of sprains,
ulcers, &c., Lyon's Horse Powder, Windsor. t#
French Fancy Soaps, | )cs t black writing.lnk for
family use, British Lustre, Black Lead, all of
which may be bad at the. most reduced'prices
from JOHN CRAY, Agent.
South Hanover st. Carlisle. Jan. 23a-
Estate of Elizabeth Buiildp, deceased,
HE subscriber, residing in West Pennsborn
Xr tnvvnshlp, having taken out letters testamen
tary on the estate of Elizabeth Dunlap, late of-
Dickinson township, Cumberland county, dec’d,
hereby gives notice to nil persons indebted to
said estate, to make payment immediately, and
those having claims, to present'them properly
authenticated (or settlement,
January 16, 1840. ' ■ 6t*
For sale by HAMIL TON & GRIER.
Carlisle, Jan. 16, 1840.
Vaughan $P stetson's Red Liniment,
CjUPERIOK to air other applications for
icy rheumatism, chilblains, sprains, numbness
_olrheliml)S,.bti(rntss andlweaknCssofthe-joims,
■sore throat, Btc. By rubbing the Liniment well
Into the head with a hair brush at going to bed
and then covering tile head with a flannel liigbt
cap the relief afturded in that painful John of
the the- disease • ; '
Rheumatism op the Hear.
Nunie'rous cures in all the above affections have
come under the observation of the proprietors.
The following slatemeut of a remnrkable cure,
nf partial paralysis of a limlils from William
L. Norton, Esq. a well known and respectable
magistrate of Southwark! - - .
Messrs. Vaughan 8c Peterson—During sever
al weeks I suffered a pahlal baralvsis of flip
Tight arm and of the third ami fpurtli Angers of
the right hand." which sensibly affected the
whole power ofjhe latter; writing became to
me ai difficult task which I could nut execute
but with greatly diminished legibility. The.use
of half a bottle of your Liniment gave entire re-'
lief, and I cheerfully bear this testimony to its
efficacy. - For sale by ; ■
c r i t s ; i : E vENscm &DmicLE.
Carlisle, Jan. 16, 1840,.
SSdaNdE • os’-T’srß.s
POR Oi- Wag. or an\) light
colored HAIR, to a beautiful brortn or
black. A great number of gentlemen who have
pay liair in part or entirely are in the constant
habit of using this article and are never susnect-
gray.. -- - ..» -* r
Many bachelors! and Widowers hnVe' made
their fortunes in matrimony by the use of this
article. It is warranted superior to anv in the
world, and is sold ntaliout half the price of tile
European; For sale hv -
~ January 16, ,1840.-;.v. V-;. :
i Estate of Jdhn Stviler, decedaech
SLA the esfate IifJUHNSWILEH, late V ;iif
East Hennsburough township, Ciimbeflabdeoun
ty, deceased, having'issued -tp the suiljiriber
residing, in-, Silver : Spring • it
.hereby giyeu to all persons intrebted tomuke
paynient on or,before the lst of Fehiajary nestt,
and those haying plaints,to prop
erly., authenticated, for any
delay. ..... ■ •.. -t&i: ■'
• •• •' ‘ ■ ‘ ‘-i
j Executors' 1 JYtotice .
. Estate of David S. Forney, deceased,
Letters testamentary on the
estate,ol DAVID S. FORNEY, late of
the bin ough of Carlisle, county of Cumberland,
deceased, having issued to the subscribers resi
ding in said boroUgbt Notice is hereby given
to all those haying claims against said estate to
present.them for settlement without delay, and
to'those indebted to make immediate payment.
;g4567 91
Carlisle, Jari. 9, 1840,
Stray Sheep*
T subscriber living in
Munroe township, Cuni*. -
berlnhd cpunty»on the sth .'
of .December last three jlfiSnTßa
Sheep» with the Icfteais
murkcdv and. tuils cm off; .^KsSIfiS2^SSiSS?
no other marks Recollected. Said Sheep have
been In the neighborhood smce July histv The
owner is tequestetUo come forward, prove.prop
erty, pav changes and take them aWay.or they
will bedisposed of according to law.
• January 9,184 i). 3t*
1968 74 j
A SUPERIOR article for cleansing theteeth
and purifying the breath. It lias been re
coiiinpcniled by home of our. most eminent den
tists as’tlie best article of the kind before the
public.- for sale by
January 16, 1848. -
*g74OS 47
STRAYED away trmn the subscriber living
at Mount Rock,in West Pennsborough town
ship* Cumberland county* bn
l7rii of .November Jflst kK a dark red
HEIFER with a speckled fore
head* about 3 years old. Whoso
ever tykts up said estray anff returns it to me*
nr gives information where it can be had, shall
be liberally rewarded.
January 9, 1840. ; * 3i #
THE subscriber is now prepared to sell Vah
dles at 12$ cents cash by the box or less quan
tity, viz.*—-4 lbs for 50 cents* but hi uo instance
will candles be charged in the books tor a less
price than ihey are sold for at other stores.
A fair price will be given at all times for tal
low rendered or in the rough, hogs* lard and
othcT soap stuff
. . JOHN GRAY, A*ait.
Smith ftanover st. Carlisle, Jan. 16,1840.
r; - SiIOKT FACTS. ■
IT-is sometimes urged that the Rheumatism
cannot be .cured by external applications.—
I ,his may be true sometimes', but it, is also cer
tainly true thai this distressing complaint can
not be cured by Internal remedies,»»txccpt by
their long and Constant use, by which perhaps,
at the same time the system becomes generally
deranged, debilitated and destroyed. Even
were not this the case how shall the great clis
tress'of the sufferer bt? alleviated While such
slow and doubtful remedies have, their effect*
The answer is plain, candid and most true—-use
Dr. Hcwc’a XTcrve and Bono I>iniment>
No name could be more appropriate. Jt reach
es and soothes the nerves* and allays pains-most
effectually,on U»-first application* and_by> few_
applications removes inoi*eelfeciualiy and Speed-,
ily Rheumytic pains than any internal or exter-’
nal remedy-was ever known to do. Try it and
be convinced. For sale !>V . .
Carlisle, lan. 16, 1840.
OFFICE on High street, dpporite Col. Per
rce’s hotel, and near the Methodist EpiS'
Copal Church. -
Carlisle, Jan. 9; 1840. " im
Orphans’ Court Sale.
In pursuance of a decree of . the Orphans’ Court
bf Cumberland county, the undersigned will ex
pose to public sale on the promises respectively,
on Saturday tke-Slh day- of February next , at 10
o’clock in the forenoon, the following described
lola of ground, being part of the Real Estate of
Joseph Shrom, son. late of thobotough of Carlisle,
deceased, Vizi •
ii-iioi* ajF'Guoirjrn,
situqte in the Borough of Carlisle, bounded by
land of Jacob Zug on the north and west, by the
Trindle Spring road on the south and by other
■land of said deceased on the east, containing 7 .a,,
ores and 63 perches, strict measure.
Msoyidi hot of Ground,
bounded by the above described lot on the west,
by land of Jacob Zug on the north, by other land
of said deceased on the. east and by. the Trindle
Spring road on the south, containing. 6 acres and
X 64 perches, strict measure.
bounded by the last described lot on the west, Ja
cob'Zug'on the north, by a vacant piece olf-ground
on tho east, and the Trindle Spring road on the
South', containing 6 acres and 149 perches, strict
The one half of iho purchase money of each of
said lots' to bp paid oh the confirmation of the.
Sale, and ithe balance in two equal annual pay
mcntsthoreafterl:o-he-Becured: by “recognizances’
in the Orphans’ Courtwith approved security.
-There will alsobe sold on the same day 66 shares of
oh-whioh-$32 -37 j pee Share has been paid in.—
Terms cash, '
Administrator of Joseph Shrom, sen. dec;
Carlisle, Jan. 16, 1840.
of the writ of Partition and Valuation oh the
real estate of Elizabeth Lbngiiecker,.lkte of
East Pennsbofough township, deceased, ha
ving been returned to Codrt By John Myers
Sheriff, duly execdtcd‘-‘-ihe following pro
ceedings were had, vii; : ~ ; -
11th December 1 8S9, on motion; of Mr.
Biddle,'pi qceedihgs on said writ confirmed,
and Rule on the heirs to appear,at the /next;
stated Orphans’.Court to be held‘.On Tues
day the iltli day of atCeptor
refuse to accept the land mentibhed in" said
writ at the valuation*
By ; the Courts V;c -
’ { JOHN MYEfeS. Sheriff.
! sth Jan. 1 840., f
J)l‘.Saimiel Jackson’s celebrated
A LtBOUGH thiamediolne isbutlittleknown
JjL in the country, it has obtained for ils'diatin-
unenviable reputation ih oUr At
lanfac cbjeS. , To those afflicted with Weak stom
ach ffoih ahy dause whalevar, with indigestion,
loSspCSpiSeUte, weakness of. the spine, pains/in
back end loins, dizziness end vertigo, the Tonic
Mixlofo is strongly recommended as producing
'Bins’ apdspeedy relief.
■ to bo had in Carlisle, on/y at STEVENSON
& BINKLE’S Dnig arid Variety store.
Orphans’ Court Sale.
Ik pursuance of a decree of the Orphans’ Court
of Cumberland county, thn' undersigned Will" ex
pose toppblio sale on the premises respectively,
at the times herein stated, the following described
Real Estate of JOSEPH SHROM r Sen. late of
the borough of Carlisle, deceased, v!»i
On Monday the 2 ttk day of January next.
at. 11 o'clock la tho forenoon.
situate in North Middleton townahip, Cumberland
county, five miles north-east of Carlisle, bounded
by the Connodogninet creek, lands of Ross Lam
berton, Abraham Lamberton, Ziegler’s belts. Das
Vid Elliott and others, containing
. 239 Acres and 27 P6i*chcs,
strict measure, having thereon erected a two story
Hll jyjp of :brlok and stone, a new fhlma .
Barn and Stable, &c.
There is a never failing limed tono spring,' on. the
premises, and’ a good Well of water .with a pump;
about 80 acres of the tract are covered with young
thriving timber. One half of the purchase money
to be paid on the Ist day of April, (at which time
possession will'be delivered to the purchaser,l and
the balance in three equal annual payments there
after, tlio 'wholo of said purchase money to bo . se
cured by recognisances in the Orphans’ Court
With approved security.
Jlnd on Tuesday the 281 A day of January neat ,
at 11 o’clock in the forenoon, the undivided half of
a lot op Ground,
situate- in Wormleysburg, Cumberland county, : ——' street on tho south, by an alley
on the west, by a lot of .—■— —— r on the north,
and by the street running along the Susquehanna
River on the east, containing in the whole 58 feet
in breadth by 150 feet in length, with the privile
ges of the River bank. The,whole of the purchase
money to be paid oh the confirmation of the sale.
The grain growing an tho premises to go to tho
respective purchasers, excepting that the share o'f
tho tenant on the farm, in the, crop growing there
on, is reserved to the said tenant,
. Administrator of Joseph Shram, sen.
Carlisle, Deb. 26,1829. 4t
Tho undersigned Auditors nppolnledby the Or- 1
phans’ Court to aajust the rates and
proportions of the assets of the estate of James
Huston, late of Silver Spring township, Cumber
land county, deceased, to and among the respec
tive creditors thereof, according to tho order estab
lished by law, will meet for that purpose on Sat
urday the 25th of January inst, at 10 o’clock in
the. morning, at the house of Joseph Grier, inn
keepmyht fipgestown in said county, when , and
! where all parties interested can attend.
' Isaac w. snowden, C duduor,.
January, 2, 1840. . 4t
To the Heirs arid Legal Representatives of
ROBERT. ARMSTRONG;,, late of the
■ Borough of Carlisle, deceased.
Take notice that I will hold an Inquisition ott a
\vrit of Partition or Valuation on-the-nromiseriaKT
of Robert Armstrong, deceased, .on Tuesday tho
28th day df January, 1840, at 11'o’clock," A. M.
where all interested may attend.
JOHN MYERS, Sheriff.
Sheriff’s Office,.Carlisle, Dec. 24, 1830.
JOHN REED has made arrangements with Mr.
Smithera, by-which he will hereafter have his as
sistance in the Law Office. One or other will al
ways be found at home.
Mr. Smilhers will also aid in the business
the Law Schoo|.
Carlisle, Dec. 12, 18139. _
of the Writ of Partition and Valuation on
the Kenl'Kstatc of John Slough, late bf the
township of Newton dec’d., having been re
turned to Court by Sheriff' Myers lawfully'
executed—the following proceedings were
had, to wits
10th December lB3§ on ihotion of Mr.
Biddle, said, proceedings were confirmed,
and Rule on th i heirs to appear at the next
stated Orphans’ Court to be held on Tues
day the. 11th day of February next, and ac
cept or refuse to accept the land mentioned
in said wot. at the valuation.
By the Court.
JOHN MYERS, Sheriff.
Carlisle, Jan. 16, 1840.
The subscriber respectfully informs his
friends and the public, generally that he has
taken that well known taVern stand at lIIe
.West end of High street, ill Carlisle, for
merly kept by Mr, Henry Rhoads, and that
lie is’ now prepared to accommodate Drovers,
fVaggonirs, Travellers, and all others who
may favor-him with a call,' in the very best
manner. i l .
His Table will, be constantly.furnished'
with the besfthe country can produce, ■ His
Bar .is supplied,;with thei'choicest liquors.,
will be in charge of a carefhl arid attentive
: He flatters himself that, from.ins jekperi
ence as an;lnnkeeper, .he'will" be able to
ren Jet general satisfactiort. "
i : George shaffer.
Carlisle, Alay £,1839. tf
Wbrin Syriip and In-
fant Preservative.
TTlHlS,remedy is recommended-to all patients,
JL nurses and others who have the management
of children, as the most safe and effectual Worm,
destroying medicine yet discovered.,. Thosymp
toms denoting the existence of worms, are" indi
gestion, with variable appetite, foul tongue, bffen
slvo breath; hard, full and;.tense belly, with, occa
sionalgripings apd pains about the naval, heat and
itching sensation about the rectum, tho-
vy aha dull", itching of the hose, ehort;diy cough,
grinding of the teeth, and starting daring deep,
attended with sloW fever. When these symp
toms occur, thewom Syrup, if taken according to
the, directions. Will afford relief by destroying .the
worms, ahd the mucus or dimy ; matter, in which
they are Involved*, and thereby prevent ..their pro
duction, Tho Syrup has already hbon used with
eminent success by raany individuals in this place.
‘, Sold In Carlisle, onfy nt STEVENSON & DlN
KLE’SOrbgond'Chomical store; Persons wish
ing-to try ihm medicine can be referred to individ;
nals ofihehigbest respectability who
have'nsed'it in their families with great Success.
»r. Warren’s EabrvesfcentDranght.l
Peraons laboilng under chronic dyspepsia, indi,
gestion, water brash, sour eructations and loss o
appetite, will find great relief by uslng a half pint
tumbler of his preparation every theming before,
breakfast for about a week. Foynalejn Carlisle,';
ody'at.Si%vtNßpri.& s Di|ia;wV,dfhgandclicmicali
store,- - •’. v : [Oct.S.'- •
, , |5OOO WANTED, '
bon'ovf for thcicrm of throe years on interest;
The money can be, if required, secured by
gage on substantial landed estate in’ this cpunty,
fl nd, if will also bo given that
the interest oh tbo flame will bo paid at the expi
ration of every six months. A letter directed to.
A. B. and to the oaro of ,Gborg6 Sanderson, Car l
lisle, Pa. will bp duly attended to;
December 19 r lB3fih
Farmers take Notice,
That I will pay 5 J cents for slaughter Hides, ahi
0 cents for valfakins well taken off. : ,
Churchtewn, Oct, 3,1§39> 3m
List of fetters.
Remaining in tho Post Office at SinrrE.vsßono,
Pa. on JanuaW Ist, 1840. Persons calling for
letters in the following list, will plcaso say they'
are advertised.
Armstrong James
Bitner Jacob
Duckey & Waddle
Brown Philip
Blymire Ab’ra
Cramer Jacob
Crall Mary . . .
.Crall Maria
Crall Joseph
Clark Ann
Chester James
Coffey Elizab'th
Carl James
Cramer John
Crammer Wilson
Cummins Mary
Crowley Catharine
CafeV Wm. I'.
Dubs Joseph
Delhi Michael
Everts LaWronco 3
Fry Sarah ''
Pogle John
Futton Sbm’l H.
Gaman Elizabeth
Gibbons Giles C,.
Green John 3
Hahn Israel
Hall E. Sam’l Dr.
Hornish John
Horn Benjamin ~
HaldcmanJacob .
Hepburn L.
Himes George W-.
Hawthorn RobV.
Jones Robert C.
Johnston Georgo
Kyner Mary
Kmdig Daniel
, Kilzmillcr Rqbocca
. Kitzmlller Jacob
King D.-S.
Kerr Andrew R;
. Laing Elizabeth.
Led Horace
Looker Charles
Landis Francy ’
Mycars Elizabeth
Mclllroy Ann
McKeo Wm
Morrow Henry
Mclllroy Isabella
. Martin Wentlo •
Mcßride Win
Martin George,.^
—Martin- Catharind - -
“ Prise John
Piper Robert-.
Patton Ja%. Wi
Randels William
Reddick Homy
- SlnuVbndgo Jbsoph
Shaffer Jacob 2
Sando David
Scott James H.
Smith Sam’l
Sanders John . , . •
Shoemaker Magduen&
Slater Wm.-M. ,
, Smith Ira
Sipe William .
-Tritt Jacob
Thompson Writ.
Trago Charles B.
W a ddle Jambs'
Wills Jesseo
Zoarfoss Samuel
Zcigler Suaanhak^
IjIST of fetfers
Remaining in the Post Office at Misciut«lti*v
mins, Pa. January Ist, 1840, Which if. not
taken out in three months will bo sent t(i
the Post Office Deparfmertt ns dead let?
, ters. 1 ' , , ■
Elizabeth Adams Michael Jjcidig
-Jackson Andrews Sarah Lc'ujig
Samuel Bingcman Peter Livinger
John Bowcrmaster Adam J. Leibharl.
John Bashofc John Myers
Peter Bcrnhart ' Samvel Miller
Maj.'S. Brenizer-- M. Mohler
David Bah Samuel Mater
Henry Bohbs Eli Miller
James Brown Jane Rigg
11. F. Coleman’ Jacob Riser
Somuel Coovcr Jacob'Rupp
Archibald Jonathan' Ress
Adam Eichclbergcr D. Risinger
Martin Pry - Joseph Smith
William Paged , George Strohm
Jacob Hlirsh Prancis Scott
Benj.-Kreiter ~t; Miss Eliza Sheaffer
Enos Kemper Joseph Singiser
John Koser f Susan Yeager
Adam Kress • . Chas. Young,
Phillip Lcob Jacob Zimmerman
List of Letters
Reihaining in ihi Post Office at Carlisle >
Pa. December Sl sf, 18S9.
Enquirers will please say advertised.
Adair Win. North A J
Here Mary . Nielson David
Brenneman M. Nelson John
Blubauch David 3 O’Brien Richard Estj
Buck Daniel, Fred- ? Olifent Peter Esq
erick or Jacob 5 Parks'A&lliam
Black John Rbdisill Jacob M.
Craighead Thos-. Esq.Rilncr M. Esq.
Culberson Joseph Rhcem John Esq.
Craten Edward Reamer John
Clark Anh Rheem Lidia
Carothe'rS Andrew Roe Jonas H.
Cook David Runley Charles S.
Carbthers W. Esq. Smith Mary
Carte Jacob Smith Sam’l.
Colton Collin Rev*. Sharpe-Iscballa (L
CornmanWilliam —Sihifh-W-iUiani
Ditloia George ■ Stoffcr John
Ellis Benjamin Smith Thornton A.
Fisher Stnnuel Scobey George & Goa
.Fleming WilsOH Sowers Samuel
Foriaiibe Frederick ' Shisler Philip
Fircobcd Margaret ■ Smith Cunul
Grincr John Stardman Charles
Galbraith-Wnn StrkVgfellow-John
GUtshall Henry ~Sh! u garsJacob-—
Gerard Samuel Shugcrt Sabina (wi- ?
Glenn William dow) J
Hinkle John . Sturm Margaret. .
Haskell Earle T. Shurtleli',Roswell -•
Houk Dedrick 2 Shrum Redick ■
Hall George V. 2 Wise Leonard
Hoover D.,-' .■> V White'Hugh,Esq.
Hummer Michael, Woods Richard C.-J
Hunt Thos. P. Rev. & Co; 5,
Kittsanlle.r Elizabeth Winter Michael V, •"
.Kruger John " 1 Williams Josiah
Kirig Cathcrino WatsonChristophcr ? '
KielvJehn . or Samuel . j
Eohgarl Benjamin Worrall Jemcs A
Leidigh Hcnry AVightman Rebecca' .
Lehman Jacob Wunderlich David
Libhart Jacob -—; AVpi f George •'
’EobaUhjdSeph; ■ A AVallaCk George T;
,Eine\Vm.(Dick. tpi) Whisler J. &TLBV
LiebMary Williams David
Mullin Nancy AVisser Rudolph. • ‘
Myers John , W.iggoricr Abra’m J
Meueci- G. Esqi - .&EDunlap, Eeqs.jJ 1
Meyers Itenrey . Wink Daniel "
McKebey Bernard Wilson John
McCiintlck Robert -Young.Joseph , ' s i
McOart John JSiglcrJa'cob 2 A'A
McCliineJames. - ■
. , For Rcn<,
That large and caAmiodiou» BRICK HOUSE,
and GarJfih,'&c. atlachbd, situate'Tieat Carlisle “
at present in the occupancy of thfe Hon.. S-ilou
burn; f Posawaißri will ho of A J .
pril next Fortcrmaapply to Judge
(he premisee.ertd .Tudan Line, directly opposite,
CwliSe, Jan, S, 1549, s,.u; ‘jv