v Mom Help.— The ‘‘Pennsylvania State Jour nal,” recently published at Hatrisburg by J. W. Moorehead & Co. as ah opposition paper,'which was suffered to expire from sheer starvation, has, we perceive, been purchased by Messrs. Shunk and Wcldler, and is now issued under.the title of the ‘‘Pennsylvania Bulletin,” austainingthe gen- eral-and> state administrations and the Constitu • tional Treasury. There are now no less than five English demo cratic papers published at the seat of Government, viz: The Reporter, Keystone, Stale Journal, Bul letin, and Iron Gray, all of which promise to fur ‘ nish their readers with.legislative news twice a week during the session. If the gooJ people of Pennsylvania don’t get a surfeit from that quarter, tiicn we’re no judge of things—that’s all* It sometimes happens that ‘Hop many cooks spoil the broth;” but We trust .such will not be the case with our brother typos*at Harrisburg. The Rent Wah.—The New York Courier and Enquirer < f Friday states, that the appearance,of the troops on Thursday at the seat of war, and the firm stand they maintained, with the arrival of a reinforcement and cannon, have quelled the spirit of resistance, and that the Sheriff will be able to execute his process. The only resistance to be apprehended, is that which may ensue if he at tempts to'seize the refractory and carry them to Albany, according to the tenor of the attachments from the Supreme Court.- Gov. Call of Florida has been dismissed by the President, and Robert R, Reid, Esij. appointed in his place. A fcport has been current hero for a day or two past, that several of the Philadelphia, banks, a mdngst the rest the Schuylkill, have gone by the board. We. only give the rumor as wo have hoard it. Latest from Florida.— Weliave this morn ing been favored with .the perusal of a letter from the medical director of the.army, dated Tampa Bay, Nov. 21st, which gives us the latest intelligence from that quarter. Gen. Taylor, Captains Sewell and Fulton, and Lieutenants Bragg and. Mumfurd, who liad all been down with fever, were recovering. By the same letter it appears (lie. only of ficers who have died at that place, were Captains Barker, Peyton and Griffin, whose deaths were ■sometime since noticed in this paper. Noallusion 3 whatever is made to the great mortality among the men, and from the letter we can infer that the health of the place has much improved. In the month of October, there were 490 cases of fever, of which,4l3 were intermittent, and 77 remit tent.' Sonjc of those who remained sick at (he close of November, Were tube sent oil'to the hospital at New Orleans. v ‘ The three companies of men that occupied Forts Gumming, Davenport and Sullivan, have ibarchcd for Middle .Florida, .Major McClintock with one company of the 7 lh Regiment, and one of the 3d, remained at Tampa Bay. INDIAN RELICS IN NEW JERSEY. ■—The Woodbury Gloucester county Herald of the.Sd inst, says:- “Some men while dig, ging for marl., a few days since, on Mr. Benjamin Colson’s farm, near Racoon creek, in this county, found the skeletons of three Indians. Some of the bones were in a state of preservation, nml some mouldered to dust c on being exposed to the air. They were . found two and a half feet below the surface of the ground, and four piid a half feet apart. M ith theiji were found two pieces of gold coin, dated 16C6, six rings, and three strings of beads. The Navy of the United States. —From its infancy foils present slate, most bravely, most gallantly, have (he officers and men of the naval profession in America upheld the honor of their flag; there is scarcely' one ac tion in which the slightest imputation can be cast upon any individual; they have never avoided their enemies, Excepting where it would have been the height of imprudence to have faced them; they—have'fought with the most determined valor; they have in niany cases been successful over a nation which held undisputed the command of the ocean; and this'yery circumstancetsf com bating,an,enemy flushed with almost univer sal, victory, adds a greener laurel to the Navy of the United States.— [London Uni ted Service Journal. United-States—Banki —A— Pennsylvania ' country Bank remitted to the State Treasu rer a United States Bankxheck, in. payment of a tax on the amount of its declared divi-, ' dead, which was returned by the Treasurer, with two objections: first, that the bank had no authority by law. to declare a dividend during the suspension of specie payments; —and-secondi-the-dividend-declared inr May will be required in specie.— Balt. Sun. From Montevideo—Great Battle. —A cor ’ respondent of the New York Courier and Knquirer, under date of Montevideo; Oct. 4th, states, that information had been re ceived, that 6,000 men of the Enter Rois army were within six leagues of the city, and lhat.they had been attacked early in the morning by 4,000 Montevideans under Ui vera, and were then (13 M.) in the heat of - battle.--The whole town was under arms. The French had landed 400 to 600 men; and at S, Pi M. were about landing 300 more, to •ti-aid in the defence of the place, and the prb .tection of French property; The French ■ Vessels. no'w.in portareLthe Minerva, 64 guns; Sapho, -44; Ciirmila corvette, Advice cor vette, Dassas apd Alert brig and a large number of {tun boats and other small - craft. The Action, the American . sloop Fairfield, '\d two Brazilian corvettes. Great change of‘fortune.— About thirty years since, Mr. M'tiuV died at Islington, and left a farm in trust, At his two sons, both under 5 years of age. T.- ; )y were to be well “ educated; The executors concealed the will, bound the boys apprentice tp shoemakers, and never told them of their fortune. . They have-just discovered ..and proved the will; the property thirteen splendid taverns upon it; is in HoXton, Old town, and is worth •5,000,000.— -New York Herald : The Wetiimpka (Ala.) .Argus, of the 20 th , inst. says, an extensive gold mine has been discovered"in Randolph county in this state. In a single day gold to the amount of $4OOO ' was One lump was found worth over $320. The Florence Gazette_says this mine is supposed to be the richest in N. Amep. From Washington. , Just as our paper was going to press on yester day, wn received the following from the Hon. W. S. Ramsey: House of Representatives, Dec. 16, 1839. Messrs. Sanderson & Cornman: GeAtkmcn —The House mot this momipg at 12 o’clock. The following is tho result of the first ballot for Speaker;—Dixon H. Lewis 110, R. M. T. Hunter 22, John.Beli.64, Francis Granger 12, Zadoc Casey 3, W. C. Dawson 5, J. W. Jones 2— no choice. The mail closes. Yours, &c. From tho above we infer that Mr. Lewis was probably elected on the next ballot. « THE MARKETS. . Philadelphia. Flour, per bbl. S 5 75 a' 6 00 Wheat, per bushel 115 a-1 18 Rye “* 70 Corn, new “ —5O -- Oats “ 30 Harley “ 1 12 Flaxseed “ • 1 15 a 116 Rutter in'kegSj per lb, IS a 15 Whiskey, bbls. per gal. 28 a SOj Beef Cattle per 100 lbs. 6 00 a 8 00 Hogs, do. 6 00a'7 00, Baltimore. Flour, wagon price $5 25, from stores for shipment $5 50 —Whiskey, ih'banels 25 cts. Pork, ®6 sb—Beef, $5 50 to 7 00. Flour, in New York on Wednesday last, s6—at Which rate 3,000 bbls. were taken on that day for export. „ In Pittsburg Flour is dull at ® 3 37 a 3 50, from wagons'. ’ ' ■{MARRISr: \ On Sunday the. StU.uiaU by . the ..Rov,. William MTadden, Inc Rev. Daoid Shrom of' Carlisle, to M iss' Mary Prowelt of York county. , , On Thursday last, by the Rev. W."R. De Witt, Mr. Rnbirt It. Church , to Miss Catharine Pancalcc , both of New Cumberland. On the 13th inst. by the Rev. A. M’Gill, Mr. Itichard C. Woods of West Pennsborough town ship, to Miss yian/ Jljwi daughter of Mr. John Elliott of North Middleton. - ■ / .On the 21st by thq Rev. Henry Aurand, JVfr.. Mir( Girtich of North Middleton, to Mrs. Barbara Gci/ings of Carlisle. On lho 28th ult. by the Rev. J. Ulrich, Mr. John'ilohkr, to Miss Mono /furSA, both of Allen. On the same day, by the sanie, Mr. John Wolf, of Monroe, to Miss Elizabeth Cornman of Perry co. On the sth inst. by the same, Mr. George Stroeh of Dauphin county, to Miss Catharine Wise of ,S. Middleton. On the same day, by the same, Mr. Jacob Shil ling, to Miss Catharine King , both of Carlisle. On the 31st ult. at Shallsbnrg, .Mr. John Piper of Cumberland county, to Miss Sarah Smith of Bedford county. On the 12th inst. by the Rev. W. C. Bonnet, Mr. Joseph McAee, to Miss Mary .inn M cGreeger, both of Southampton. On the 10th inst, by the Rev. B. Keller, Mr. Ruplcy Croft , formerly of Carlisle, to Miss Etea nora Porrey of Gettysburg. On Thursdaylast, by the Rev. Mr. Thornton, Mr. James tiVßelh of Vt eat Pennsborough, to Miss Jane Crop of Carlisle. On the same day, by the Rev. W; T. Sprole, Mr. Robert Halbert , to Miss Henrietta Loudon, all of Carlisle. DIED; On the 28ih ult. Mr. tVilliam Crain, of North Middleton, aged about 90 years. On the 2d hist, in Fayetteville, Sir. James Rich ards, formerly of Carlisle. , On Monday night last in this place, of hem orrhage of the lungs, Mr. Joseph-Juries, a native of Wales, aged about 30 years. ’ . To the Temperance Societies of Cumberland county. The Secretary of each Temperance and Total Abstinence Society in the county, (or in his ab sence some member,) is requested to forward im mediately, by mailJ*lo Robert Emory, Chairman of tho Executive Committee, a written statement of the number now in society, both under tho old and undertho now pledge, ,the increase during the present year, and the state of the cause, in order that the same may be incorporated in the annual report of the County' Society at"its approaching anniversary. ' > Pamphlet haws , Those persons’who wish to subscribe for the Pamphlet Laws of this'Commonwealth, to be passed at the ensuing session of tho Legislature, will please send in their names on or before the firet day of January next. ■ ROBERT SNODGRASS, ' Treasurer of Cumberland County- Treasurer’s Office, 7 - ’ f Carlisle; Doc. 19, 1839.5 N. B. The subscribers for the Pamphlet Laws of last session, aro hereby informed that their “co pies” are now ready to ho delivered; ' R. S. NEW AND FASHION ABLE CM ESTABLISHMENT. subscriber respectfully; informs his old 1. customers mid the public generally, that he has, at the solicitation of his friends, re-com menced the above mentioned business in all its various branches* in the simp recently occupied •by Mr. Frederick A. Kennedy, Coachmaker, next dour to Stevenson & Dinkle’a Store, and a few doors north "of CoK Ferree’s Hotel/; Having procured heveral fir*! fate workmen, he is now prepared to manufacture toorderi iind keep constantly on haiid,/at the monl ac commodating terms,. ‘ . . Bush and Cane-Bottomed . : Chairs, Settees &Sociables, Common'Fancy: Windsor 80. Large Boston Jiocking Chairs, 'Chililreii’a Chairs tof every. iesci‘i|>tinn—the: whole made of the best materials and in the mnst fashionable style; Alsu old.chairs neatly mended; and repainted. He will also carry on the Business of sotjss & SIGH PAISTTIITG, PAPER HANGING & OIUDXNG. The subscriber hopes that by his strict atten tion to business, together witb nis long experi ence: in lire above branches, to merit and receive a share of public patronage. , . -' C. E... 8. DAVIS. : - Carlisle, Dec. 19,4839. ' _1 6t 7/ Bleached B[k*itii Oil OF an uncommonly excellent description to ;tie had at Stevenson ti Dinkle'S'iTVs and chemical store/ . . ... y, SPECIAL COURT. - , Sheriff's Office, Carlisle, Cumb. co. ? December 19th, 1839. 5 BY virtue nf a writ from the Hun. DANIEL f DURKEE, President Judge of the 19th Judicial. District of Pennsylvania, bearing date i\t York the 30th diiy*of November 1839, NO* TICE is hereby given, that A Special Court will be held before ihe said Hon, Daniel Durkeeand the Associate Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of Cumberland county,, on Monday' the 24th of February; A* D. 1840, to continue one week—nod another oh Monday .the‘9th of Maroh A. D. 1840, To continue ope week—in the Court House in the borough of Carlisle, for the trial of certain causes depending in the Qourt of (Com mon Pleas aforesaid, wherein the Hon. Samuel Hepburn was concerned asjcmmsel for one of the parties, prior to his appointment as Presi dent Judge of the 9ch Judicial District; said tausrs being embraced within the’ provisions of the 39th section hf an act of the General Assem* bly of the Commonwealth' ot Pennsylvania, passed the 14th day of April, A. D. 1834, en titled an act relative to the organization of Courts of Justice. JOHN MYERS, Sheriff. JURYLSST J For January Term, 1840. Commencing on the 13 th of January, 1840, GRAND JURY. Allen—l William Eckles. Carlisle— Andrew Blair, James Hoffor, William Mason, Henry S. Ritter.' Dicldnaon —Philip Peffer, Henry Shank, sen. Hopewell— John Myers, Monroe —John Myers, '■ r Mcchaniceburg— Lewis Zearing. Newton— William Gracey, Samuel Westheffer. Silver Spring —John Hinkle, Michael Kosht. South Middleton— James Mehafley, Win. Moore, Adam Peffer.* . - - - - Southampton-- James Willis. IVest Pennshorough —John Boar, Peter Duck, Jas. Dunlap, John M’Kcohan, Joseph Trego, Goorgo . Wolf. V ' TRAVERSE JURY—First TVeck. jH/ett— -Robert R. Church, Daniel Mohler." - utrliulc—C, E. R; Davis, Robert Eckles, Barnard uiendel, Johp Keller,. Jtthrr P.- Lyne, Rudesil Kntchor, James Posllethwailc, David Smith, ' ilohn Snyder, George W. Shaeffer. jMchinsbti—John Huston, Georgo Lee, Abraham / Myers, David Swords. Eraiilif ord —David Culp, Daniel Lcckey, William Sanderson, WlUfom Wallace. Hopewell —James Henderson, John Laughlin. Monroe —Georgo Brandt, -James Clark, Philip Miller, Christian Richwino, Mifflin —Adam Jacobs, Andrew M’Ehvane, David Stcrrctt. Rupley. Newton— William Buchanan, John Dougherty, Joseph Irwin, Robert.Macfarlarid, ‘Joseph Mil ler, Samuel Piper, Skiles Woodburri. North Middldui}-—John Zcigler, (of Philip.) Southampton^— William Duncan, jr., Henry Hip pensteel, Alexander. Kelso, Robert M’Clure, Shippcnsburg borough —Wra Griffin, Jacob Snider. South Middleton —Michael G. Ege, Henry Irvine, George Smith. PVesi Pennsburough— Daniel Doner. ■ TRAVERSE JURY—-Second Week. Allen— John W. Cocklin, Jacob Grissinger. Carlisle —William Baker, Jason W. Eby, Robert Irvine; Abel Keeney, James Ligget, George Mbthews, Clemens Macfarlano, Charles Ogil- by, Simon Wunderlich. Dickinson— -Samuel Allen Matthew Lynch, James Weakley, James Woodbum, sen.. f East Pennxbornugh —George Mann. Pranhford— John Armold. Hopewell —Jacob Nickoy, Adam Shullcmherger. J/unror^—Adam Brandt, Abraham Brandt, Rudolph Krysher, Stewart M’Gqwan, Jacob Tripuer, William Wcsthcfler, Mijjlin~~ Robert M’Elwain, James Stewart. NcwvilU~~ William Barr. Newton —Samuel Irwin, Robert C. Kilgore, John Maxwell, John Ruth, William Smith, Samuel Strome. Norik AJ?rfrf/etan~~Christian Hartman, Henry Sny* j. der. . ■ South Middleton— -Henryßutturff, John Hartzler, William, Jvutz, Adam Lehman, Cyrus Ring- wal l,'Peter Slotlibwer. . ' Soufk-impton— Joseph Burkholder, Robt, 11. Early. Shippembttrg borough —David Fortney, Samuel , D. Henderson. Silver Spring— -William Greenwood. West Pennsborough-^ Lewis Williams. , $5OOO WANTED , To borrow for the term of three years on interest. The money can be, if required, secured by rnort .gage_Qn_subatan t liaLJandedLcstato_m-thi3_county,. ana, ifreqiiited, security will also be given that the interest on the same will-bo paid at the expi ratibn of every six months. A letter directed to >A.B. and to the care of George Sanderson, Car lisle, Pa. will be duly attended tb. December 12, 1839. !. SHERIFF’S SALE. By virtue of sundry writs 6f Venditioni Exponas to me directed, issuedout of the Court of Common Pleas of Cumberland county, will bo exposed to public sale the Court House, in the. Borough of Carlisle, oh Saturday the llth day of January 1810, at ten o'clock A. M., the followingdescrib ed real estate,,to wit: A lot ot* ground situate in the borough of Carlisle, containing five acres one hundred, and thirty seven perches more 'or Jess; bounded by*the heirs of James Noble dec’d,, Ja cob Hdffer and the Walnut Bottom Road, having thereon 3 a small one story LOG, HOUSE and well of water.-—Seized anditaken in execution as the property of Jacob Cdri y Sen'r, Also, a tract of land situate in North Middleton township, Cumberland- county, containing forty-eight acres more or less, adjoining Henry Leidig, Mrs: Butt, Solomon Sentman and others, having thereon erected a one story LOG HOUSE and a small LOG BARN, about six acres of which is timber land.—Seized and taken in execution‘as thopjoperty of John McFeeky. A lso, a Tract of Land, situate in Southampton township, Cumberland county, con taining fifty acres more or less; bounded by lands of Jacob Hook, the heirs of William Scott, dec’d, and the Franklin county lir\e, having.thereonerec-s ted a two story Log House and a log Stable, and other out houses and an appleorchard. • ■ Also* a' Tract of Land, situate the townshipaforeaaid, containing five acres, jupre or less, bounded.by lands of Jacob Hock, janiea Sturgis, and others, having thereon erectcd a small log House; and small stable.—Seized and' taken in execution asithe property of John Hejitfricla. ALSO, A LOT OF GBOUND,:Bfi|Bte:in the borougipnf Carlisle, containing eight'aorcs, more' or less, adjoining lands of the heirs of James No ble on the east, the Cumherlandrfalleyllnil Road on the south,lothef.ptoporty Jhamberton ba the west, and .Brown’s. lah£ oh,'the north.— Seized.and taken in execution aS the'property of James Lambertont Vi . ‘ : And to he’sold.by rM®S v.‘ . JOHN MYERS, Shbtiff. , ' Sheriff’s Offipo, Carllm, Doc. 13; .1839. •Military. ..We are requested to Lieut. JOHN HAMILTON; of Carlisle, as a candidate for Lieu tenant Colonel of the BGth Regiment Pennsylvania Militia. Dec. f>. NOTICrTO COLLECTORS. The Collectors of the county-of Cumberland, are requested to make use of every possible exer tion in the collection of the County Taxes. They are also requested to be prompt in their payments to the Cohnty Treasurer. The county' funds be ing now nearly exhaustcdy.and having about four thousand dollars to pay'on or before the first of January next, will require vigilance and punctual ity both on behalf of the people and collectors, to meet the payment of the aforesaid sum. Further indulgence cannot be given. A. C. STE&RETT, -- J. CORN MAN, > Commissioners, A.M/KERR, 3 .■ Attest— John Irwin, Cleric, ■ MALAGA GRAPES. A fresh supply of Malaga Grapes, Lemons, Figs, Raisins, Almonds, Pickles, Anchories, Olives and Tomato Catsup, just received at STEVENSON-&DINKLE’S Dec. 5. Drug and Variety Store. STHATED OR DRIVEN AWAY From the cattle Range of Jonas Henry, upon the North Mountain near the Laurel Run, in Toboyne township, Perry county, about the first- of July last, four head of young cattle,.viz; one red and white.steer three years old, marked on the under part of the loft car; a black heifer with a white stripe along the back and marked on the left car, three years old; one black steer with a white stripe along the back, two years old; the fourth, a red heifer with a white head, and marked as the others on the left ear, about one and a half year old.— Any person having taken up said cattle, and for warding information thereof to the subscriber near Andersonsburg Post Office, shall be liberally re warded for all reasonable expense and trouble. JONATHAN MOOSE, Madison township, Dec. 5, 1839,' Six Cents Reward,. Runaway from the subscriber in Silver Spring township on the2lst ult. an indented colored boy named WILLIAM ROBISON, about 18 years of age, and about 5 fc'etB inches high; clothing, &c v . not recollected. All persons arc cautioned against harboring or trusting him on my account. JOSEPH KENAGA. December 5,1839. 3t* TO PURCHASERS. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. ’rhb subscriber intending to,.rcmovelotho west, will dispose of at public sale on the premises, on Saturday the 28 thUOy of December\ 1839, at 10 o’clock, A. M., a first rate farm of prime land, situate in South Middleton township, about 2 miles south of Carlisle, containing 100 acres jof S*alcntc KITCHEN, and a DOUBLE LOG BARN weatherbbarded.— There is also a thriving young Orchard of choice fruit trees. The Bony. Brook Spring rises- on this farm a few rods.from the house, which ensures a never failing watertodho housc, -and also to the cattle from every field on the farm. The whole is under good fehco and in a high state of cultivation. A clear and indisputable ti tle will bo given, and the payments made to suit purchasers, ANDREW OATMAN. December 12, 1839. 3t* N. B,—The above property will be disposed of at private sale, if a suitable purchaser offers, pre vious to that day; but if not so disposed of, it will positively be sold at public sale on tho above mentioned day. A. O. Estate of T. Smith Woodhurn , c/ec’rf. NOTICE. ■ ■ ETTERS of administration on the estate of ■ AT. S. Woodburn, late of Dickinson township, deceased, have been issued to the subscriber resid ing in said towriship.. All persons indebted to Said estate will make payment, and those having claims against said decedent, will present them for settle ment. . SAMUEL WOODBURN, Adra’r, Oct. 21, 1839.—Gt. Calicoes, Checks, Muslins, Tickings, Cotton Flannels, Drillings, Tabledqths, Crash, Diaper, Gloves, Comforts, Gum Suspenders, Stocks, -Fur Gaps, Cqjlars, &c.\fec. &c. for sale by , , v Arnou) & 'Co. toiv'Wafren's Effervescent Draughty Persons laboring under chronic dyspepsia, tndi gestion, water brash, sour eructations and-loss o appetite, will find great relief by using a half pint tumbler of bis preparation every morning before breakfast for about a week. Per, sale io Carlisle, only at Stevenson & Dinkle’s drug and chemical .store. ! [Oct.3.— MERINO SHAWLS. 4-4, 5-4, 6-4 & 8-4 Lupins blank merino Shawls of the best qfiality, ono fourth cheaper than they have "ever bet sold ia town. , Oct. 3. ARNOLD & Co. STRWHOKSE. Camo to fec.public 'hausfl_plLtlie._i. /ft: subscriber in Silver Spring township, Cumberland county, on the2othult. an IRON ROAN HORSE, with two white spots on the. right side and one on the left' caused by the saddle, and a small star on the fore head, about 6 years old and shod all round. The owner is desired to.como forward, prove property, pay charges and take him away or ho will bo dis posed of as the law directs. MICHAEL LEIDIG, Sen. Doc. 12, 1839. LAW NOTICE. . JOHN REED has made arrangements with Mri Smithers, by which he will hereafter have his as sistance in the Law Office. . One or other will al ways at home.. . . Mr. Smithers will also, aid in the bueiness of the Law School.. . ■ , Carlisle, Dec, 19, 1839. , V-/:- • , Harriet CatVns. ht/'l.v AHaa subpoena sur her neif /rifiw Divorcela the Court Jas. - \ >of Common Pleas of ; • ■" Cumberland co.. No. Joseph Cairns.. I J 15 Nov. Term, 1839. ’ JHeturn having been made .by the Sheriff .iffpiHm.'case,’ that the” defendant Joseph Cairns was not to be found in bis bailiwick. Now’to wit, 10th December, 1859, the said Court ordered and decreed that publication shouldvbeimade by me, requiring the said defendant to be and appear in the Court,a foresaid, oh Monday , the 13th day of Janua ry next, to,answer.to the complaint of the said Harriet Cairns, &c. Whereupon _ I do.hereby give notice and require the said Joseph Cairns to be and appear at Carlisle as,aforesaid, oh the day aforesaid,.toanswer the complaint . of;the sajd Harriet Cairns, &C.' '■■■.'-P*'’'. ■ V —v, ’'. - JOHN MYERS. Sheriff. ■ vShbriff’sOffice.CarJisle,?' ■ l December 12, 1839,' 5 • PROCLAMATION. Whereas the Hon. Samuel Hepdubn, President Judge of the Court of Common Pleas in the coun ties of Cumberland, Juniata and Perry, and the Hon. John Sluari and John Lffevre , Judges of the said Court of Common Pleas of the county* of Cumberland, Tiavo issued their precept hoaripg dqte the 33d day of November 1839, and to me directed; for holding a Court of Oyer and Termin er, aqd General Jail Delivery, and. General Quar ter Sessions of the Peace, at Carlisle, on the sec ond Monday of Januair, 1840, (being the 13th day,) at 10 o’clock in the forenoon. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the Coronbr, Justices of the Peace, and Con stables of the said county of Cumberland, that they be then and there in their proper person with their Records, Inquisitions, Examinations, and other Remembrances, to do those things which *to their offices respectively ’ appertain. Arid those who are hound by recognizances to prosecute a galnst the prisoners that arc, or then may be* in the Jail of Cumberland county, to be then and there to prosecute against them as shall be just. Dated at Carlisle, the’l3th day of. December, 1839, and the 6 4th year of American Independence. JPHN MYERS, Sh’ffV VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. That largo and substantial BRICK BUILD ING formerly known the Methodist’ Church, and now owned by the Equal Rights Society, is hereby OFFERED AT PRIVATE SALE . The building is 45 by GO feet, two stories high, and contains three rooms on the first floor and. a hall 42 by 54 feet on the second, and may readily bo converted into purpose for which a sub stantial building anoample space is requisite. If not sold before Saturday the 4th day of January next, it will on that day bo offered at public sale, at 3 o!clook, P. ,M, at Jhe Court House. For terms, &c. 'apply to R. CAMERON, } ' A. HENDEL, £ Committee . JNO. HAMILTON, 3 Carlisle Pcc. 12, 1839. 4t NOTICE' To -Constables. Retailers. &c. In and by an act of the General Assembly of Pennsylvania, entitled “An act graduat ing the duties upon wholesale dealers and retailers of merchandize, and prescribing the mode of issuing licences and .collecting said duties,” it is made the duty of the’Con stablcs of the respective townships within the. County of.-Cumbcrlaiid, and.Jiv?y,.-?5% hereby required to make out, on oath or af firmation, and deliver to the Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions, a separate list of all the wholesale and retail dealers in goo.ds, wares, and merchandize-y-wines or distilled spirits-ydrugs. or medicines—except those that are the growth or produce of the United .States,'on or before the first of next January sessions, "being the 13th day. Merchants, Dealers, and others embraced .in the said act, are also notified, that the Associate- Judges and Comiriissioners of said County, will attend at the Commissioners’ office on Friday the 17th of January-1840, at ten o’- : clock in tho forenoon, for the purpose of hearing and classifying’ all retailers within saiil Cou,nty, agreeably to the said act, where all such as think proper may attend. ••••• Attest—john Irwin, Clerk to Commissioners. Commissioners’ Office, ? Carlisle, Dec. 12, 1939. J Marshall's Worm Syrup and In fant Preservative. THIS remedy is recommended to all patients, nurses and others whohave the management of children, as the most safe and effectual worm destroying medicine yet discovered. The symp toms demoting the existence of worms, are indi gestion, with variable appetite, foul tongue, offen sive breath, hard, full.and tense belly, with peca sioftal gripings and pains about the navalv heatand itching sensation about the rectum, the eyes hea vy arid dull, itching of the nose, short dry cough, grinding of the teeth, and starting during sleep, attended with slow ffever- When these, ‘symp toms Occur, the worn syrup, if taken according to the directions, will afford relief by destroying the worms, and the mucus or slimy matter" in “which they are involved, and thereby prevent their pro duction: Tho Syrup has already been used with eminent success by many individuals in this place. Sold in Carlisle, only at STE VENSON & DIN KLE’S Drug arid Chemical store. Persons wish ing to try this medicine edn be referred to individ uals of the highest respectability in this town who have used it in their families with gepat success. JBtanter’s Mlcil Itrop, Unrivalled in its effects as a. sure and expedi tious cure for a certain secret .disease, to be had in Carlisle, only at Stevenson & Dinkle’s drug store. FOR RE FROM THE FIRST OF APRIL 1840. A number of Brick and other dwellings, with gardens, &c. attached, on Ppmfret street, the pro*, porty of Carney’s heirs. RonraTrom $23 to $5O. Also—The Uvoatory plasterednouse and pro mises on the Main street,-at present occupied by \Vm. Lusk, Esq., nearly opposite Maj. E. Armor, &c.> Rent $lOO. APPb r t 0 L J. W. EBY. Carlisle, Dcc-.5,. J 839. N.OTIOB TO ORaDITORB. ■ TAKE NOTICE,that we'havc applied to,the Judges of the Court of Cnmniuu Pleas of Cumberland county, for the benefit bf the insol vent laws of Pennsylvania, and they have,ap f minted Monday the 13th day of January next, nr the heaving of its and our creditors, at the court house in Carlisle, when and where you may at tend if you thinti proper. ' v- JACOB WEIBLEY, r WILLIAM C. WARDEN, DAVID REICHARD, JACOB COWMAN, THOMAS JONES ' • HENRY MURRAY, . " ' . JOSEPH SPRINGER, JOSEPH W. PATTON. ■ Do. 19. 1839.' -■ ' '- - ■ '3t *■ 1 NEW GOODS. „ ' THE subscribers have just received from Phil adelphia a new and splendid assortment nf fall midwinter goods, consisting of cloths,' satinetts, blankets, linsy, cotton flannels and woolen flannels, calico, moualln do lanes and merinocs, cheap calicoes and muslins, shawls and dress handker chief, silk handkerchiefs, gloves, stocks, breasts and collars, with a. great variety of winter goods and groceries, which will bo sold cheaper than ov er. ■ Also, one carriage withhatness, one Tillber-' ry. and three horses. ’ HAMILTON & GRIER. .. Carlisle, Oot. 24,1839. Red, Greep, Yellow and extra fine Welsh and Swanskin wito flannels, unusually low at ' . Aenold & Co’s. Cloths and Cassimeres. ■ A large assortment of CLQTHS of all colors and quantities, consisting of extra, superfine, line add a large assortment of low priced cloths suita ble for bang-up and over coats. i . LONDON CASSIMERES, a splendid assort ’meht of all colors, just received by A.'J: Oct, 3. - , ARNOLD & 00. Pint week, commencing 13 th January , |B4O. Miller’s adm’rs vs 1 Heck Kelly’s adm’r vs Crowell’s adm’rs Barr vs Crawford Same vo Same Barnit£ vs Herron ' Egolff & Phillips vs Phillips & Welsh Martin ■ vs Wolf’s adm’r Cairothers ex’rs vs Carqthors Posler for use vs ' Moore Emmingcr for use vs» Fleming Second week , commencing the 20 th January, 1840. Moore for uso ’ vs Waltman .Commonwealth vs Rehrcr Trego. * ' vs LindseJ. Todd vs Wilson , ■ Faylor vs i- Faylor Bixler vs Dunlap Savings Fund vs Paxton Same vs Craighead Welsh vs Kindig Hershman vs domicilin' Hershman for use ■vs Martin Commonw’th for use vs Strohm ct al Shaeffor’s adm’r vs Wise GEO. SANDERSON, Proth’y. Remaining in the Post Office at Carlisle, -ParNovember 30//i,1859. Enquirers , willpleasc'say advertised. . A ' King Mary- Armstrong John sr. Ker,William ■ Armstrong Jonathan Kauffman John 11. Anderson R. L Anthony Johb & Daniel Lewis John B Leib Mary t Busih C. Dr. ° Libhart Jacob Burleigh C. C. « Lcckey Daniel Esq. Brown James Latimer M. \Vm. Esq "Bell David Laly John Briloh John D., Line Maria Brown Matthew Lefever John Esq. Ball Elizabeth Lafferty John 7 Bussard John M Barber Perry Minich John Bott Joseph , Moore Mary Ann Buchanan Arthur Miller Susan Bower Moses Morias John Bohl Adam dr HenryMiller-Nancy-. - Siever * 5 Miller Sarah Myers Abraham Metzger A. W. Myers David Mrller George-- M’Cormick Samuel Criter John Carter William :!2*>wjsw^)>:oe6rgtr 7 "P Clark Sa'muel Carothers William Oiraighead Thomas, jr. Nisloy Elizabeth Cougfr Elizabeth or E- 7 Neidigh Joseph,Z* lizabeth Brcghbill 5 0 Carothers M. Eliza Ocker Henry Carothers Armstrong * P. Crouse Adam ' Pefier Peter B ! J) Perry Sarah Davis C. Mcihuseiati Powers Samson Dundore. Jacob , .ft E Ritter John Ege George Randolph' William F Eaby Christian v S Erb Jacob Scig Jacob J 'F ' Sturm Margaret- FishbumJohn Estj. Spoltswoou Harriett Fleming John Stuart Joseph M. Ferguson John Stans Elanor Foster-Henry- Sorda David G ~ Stevenson John Gondy Samuel Steel William Gill Robert or Thomas Smith Jane Gutshall John Shannon Mary Gangewcre Allen M. Smith Thomas Galbraith Thompson Sterm Elizabeth Greenly George T II ~ Turner Robert Higan Catharine . Tate Tibitha Humer Sarah W Hummer Daniel . * Windermnker William Hennerbcrger Peter .Whiting Alfred Hossler Benjamin Woodland Mar}' A. Haines Rupin W 7 orkman Elizabeth Hoyor Joseph Wallace Thomas D Houpt Samuel Wollct Georg© . ■Hirsh John Rev* —-WcrtJolm — Heintz Reubin Doctor Wert Martin J Wright Israel P Johnston A. Miss Witmcr Jacob Johnston Samuel K Ziegler Jacob Kelly John (miller) Zcaring John H. Klinsman William Zorbangh Charles 2 R. LAMBERTON, P. M. GOLUENBALL HOTEL, ***** WEST HGH STREETO&RKSIE. The subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public generally that he has taken that well known tavern stand-at the West end of High street, in Carlisle, for- » merly kept by Mr. Henry Rhoads, and that he is now. prepared to accommodate Drovers, Waggoners, Travellers, and all others who may favor him with a call, in the very best manner. His Table will be constantly-furnished with the best the country can produce. His Bar is supplied.with the choicest liquors, and his Stable which is largwaml convenient, will bq in charge of a careful and attentive ostler. • He flatters himself that, from his experi ence as