American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, November 28, 1839, Image 4

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    sair dresses, & bar-bbr;
, cjnfnisLE, '■
EI'UIINS his. thanks to and
gentlemen of the bomigh, ami tils custo
mer generally, for the liberal patrenage they
have heretofore bestowed upon him,, and res
~pectr»lly4»forms-tUcm thathe-hasJuit-i’cceived
from the city and opened for sale the following'
articles in his line of business: *
RinglclCurlson comb 3, (large fy small,)
jP'iJf Curls, . , - ~
-Plain Braids, , j _
Frizelts, (plain,)
Everlasting. Curls,, ._. .'• - .
Gentlemen's Wigs of all Winds qualities,
' Scalps, , _
'Bo. Metallic., •
Boar’s, Antique and JTdJacassar OSIiG,
II dr Powder, Nail anti Tooth Brushes, Mas!:,
ruse ami round. Soaps, fine- truth and dressing
Combs, hair Brushes, Cologne (genuine Ger
man) Lavender 8c FloridaWatcr,assorted Soaps,
Bear’s Grease, Saponnceon’s compound fur sha
ving; teeth Brushes of all qualities and descrip
tions, Bay Hum, Lip Salve, Pomatum in 'slicks,
Cream of Almonds, Cold Cream, Unman Kaly
dor, Hose Teeth Paste and Powder, Toilet Pow
der, Ivory Dressing Combs,..Glass Shaving Box
es, Variegated and Palm Slaps, Powder Puff
Boxes, Wash Bails,'. Elastic'Watch Guards,
Hones and Straps, Silver Pens anil Pencils,
Windsor and Fancy Soaps, Collars, Slocks and
Shams, Shaving Boxes and Brushes, Gum Elas
tic Woollen and Cotton Suspenders and Sua
pender Ends, Pocket Books, Silk and all other
kinds of.Purses.' , - ,
Ail of which arc offered on reasonable terms
Carlisle, Nov. 7, 1839. , : tf
Estate of Philip Zeigler, deceased.
ALL persons knowing themselves in
debted to the estate of said deceased, will
. nulKe payment nrfor before the* 6th of Decem-
ber next, and, those having claims against said
estate will present them properly authenticated
4of settlement, at the late residence of said dec.
John' Zeigler,
. . Mraham Zeigler,
Samuel Zeiglbr , « .
Jes'sd Zeigler, f Esccurs
David Zeigler, .
■ Philip Zeigler,
October $l, 1839
■• ; MeglsteF’S“Mbtlc€i. T --^,
Carlisle, November B, 1839. 5
' given Ip .nll Legatcer,
.JjSl Creditqri'.and oilier persons concerned,
Jliat the following accounts have, been filed in
ibis office fur examination, by. the accountants
therein named, and will, be presented to the Or
phans' Court of Cumberland county, for coiifi'i
ination and allowance, on Tuesday the 10th day
■of December, A. U. 1839, vizi
The administration account of .Andrew Ir
vine, Executor of Joseph Douglass, late of Sil
yer Spring township, deceased.
The administration account of Urs. Hetty
Addanis. Administratrix of Isaac Addams. late
•of East I’ennsborongh township, deceased. ,
The administration account of Samuel Me
'Curie, Executor of John Sharp, late of Newton
township,'deceased; '
The administration account of John, Houser,
Executor (if Hubert Cook, late of Monroe town
ship, deceased..
The administration account of Jacob Hcrslic,
-Administrator of Joseph'Spangler, late of North
• Middleton township, deceased, .
■ The administrat’on account of Leonard Helm,
Executor of Jacob Helm, late of Southampton
township, deceased.
The administration account of John Saxton,
Administrator of Janies Huston, lute of Silver
Spring township, deceased.
The administration' acoonnt of Joseph Shrom,
jr. t Administrator of Joseph Shrum, sen., late
of the borough of Carlisle, deceased. .
The administration account of John Minnigh
hnd-Efizabeth Stoner,-Executors.uLluhn Btoner,
late of the borough nf Newville, deceased.
The supplemental and final administration
account of Daniel'Markley, Administrator of
He’nry Moyer, late of Allen township, deceased.
The administration account of John Harper,
Esq., Administrator of William Richey, Esq.,
late of the boroughof Sfewville.-deceased.
The guardiaoship account of William Weak--
ley. Guardian of Richard S. 'Weakley, minor
non of Daniel Weakley late ol Dickinson town-,
■ship, deceased. ’ . • '
The guardianship account of William Weak
ley, Guardian of Harriet M. Weakley, now de
•ceased; who was one of the minor, children of
Daniel Weakley, late of Dickinson township,
■deceased. ■'
'file - guardianship account nf Isaac Todd,
"Esq. one of the Guardians of Christopher, Wil
liam and John Patterson; ~
Estate of Elizabeth Barnhart, deceased,
7- . ; , N.p TX■ G B - -
- Letters of Administration having been granted
to the subscriber on the estate of Elizabeth
Barnhart, late of Silver Spring township, Cum
’bovland county; deceased,, notice is hereby giv
■ ■en to all persons indebted to said estate to make
’ immediate payment, and those having claims
will present them properly authenticated for
--,_.-sedtlemeiit.dtodlh'e_jubscriber residing in said
November 7, 1839,
Those who enjoy health,"iiiust cei ta'ialy feel
’blessed when they compare themselves to those
that have been afflicted fur years with
■various diseases which'the human family are all
•subject to be troubled with. . Diseases present
themselves,in various:formsl anib from various
■Circumstances, which in .the..commencemer)t,
t mav all be checked by the uscufDr. O. P. Ilar
aich’a, Compound strengthening and. German
. -Aperient Pills,—such as DyspepsiajLivcr Coni;
. iplaints.Pain in the side. Rheumatism, General
./Debility, 'Female Diseases, and all dispases to
■which human nature is subject, where stn-
;fnr;‘using These
; Medicines always accompany TfieVn. ;.Thede
Medicines, can'be'takren with perfect safetyvby
•the'most; delicate female, as 1 they are miid'iii
aheir operation and pleasant in their effects/ ,
■ Principal Office tor the United States, No. 19
, ..North Eighth street, Philadelnhia. Also, Tor
sale by 1 J. J. MYERS & CO.
fub&kg sApn ~T“ i
• -Wilt be sold on the premises, on Tuesday the
S?d,of December next.,at 2 o'clock, P. M. -
. • ; ; Tteo JLpts of Ground^
■. late the pfoperty of Philip Ziegler," deceased,
v situated bn -Louther street in the borough of
- 'Carlisle, bounded-bn the east_by a lot of Mrs.
■ Byers, on the west by. John R. Turner; on the
.south by Ivouthurstreet and on .the north by an
. 'Alley. One.bftheseddfs has. erected thereon
,:„-a,smaU t.O,a HOUSE ..and small frame stable.,
-ißoth lots will be.sbld.together or separatelyto
jspitjpurchasbrs.' Possession will he given .on
.the nratof April next,.' Tebaf 3 will bo made
kaovyn oh the day of sale.
John Ziegler, - . y : -,
■,f (i:^bi , ahflm Zie%ler,\ ','
Samuel Ziegler,'
/ ; Jesse Ziegler'
:' 7 '; '~'J3avid Zieglefou t ;
. J’hilip Ziegler, .
■■■ "• " Executors of Philip Ziegler, dec. 1 ,
imp. :■
-’VT 1
NEW . ;
GO 'A G H -.53 A2SI ET &
THE subscriber having juH'urrivcd from the
east with some of the best workmen that;
coiiUl~be procurcciV ishow prepared to finish
work in the most fashionable style, and of the;
best materials. Hv 111 manutuciure any thing
in that line of business, such us ...
of every description. He hasnowin his employ
probably one of the best,Spring Makers and
Coach Smiths that is now in. the state. ,His
charges shall he moderate and his work will all
he warranted.
Repairing done in the neatest mariner and with
despatch., . ■
Trie subscriber humbly solicits the’patronage
of the public, for which lie wi lt tender his most
sincere thunks.. . ■ _ .
Car/is/e, Vprif 18, 1839. . tf
OHi is Si LOOiVilSj
SNTENDS residing permanently in Carlisle,
and wpuld' respectfully offer liis professional
services to the cilizens.of tlie placc and vicinity.
He lias taken rooms'at Col. Ferree’a Hotel,
wheredie may he fouad at ail lunml.
Persons requesting it will be waited upon at
their residences. . . •
CDr. George D. Foulke,
, Reference,— < Rev." Rids. C. ’Jhorjiton,
' (_ Dr. David Jr'. Mahon.
• Carlisle. Dec. 6, 1838.
subscribers will lease for one or more
B year?, their valuable Tan Yard, with all
its appendages. * It is one of the best' locutions
in Virginia for carrying on the business on an
extensive.scale, as there is abundant room
the materials are ample. .A number of tlte Vats
are under cover, and all the buildings are ot the
most suitable kind—besides the grinding cf Bark
(which can be gotponvement and at fair prices,)
is doncbjrwater power. # , •
Neighborhood,, as .there is no other tannery with
in several miles of the place—and there is also
every facility tor getting hides from the cities,
and sending, them to market when tanned, eith
er by.rail road or canal. ThereAs, likewise', a
demand at this place for-u large quantity of.
Leather annually by the Government.
Possession will be given immediately.
Por further particulars pnqnire of
. Harper's Ferry, Feb, 7, 1839., eowtf
" 3 -r ■
.. ... FBMALE. ...
• nHE subscriber offers at private sale the fnl-
B. lowing described valuable real estate, situate
in Allen township, Cumberland county, contain
ing 114, acres, more or less, of patented land, a
buul 90 acresof which are cleared and in a high
state- of cultivation, and the residue covered with
thriving timber- The improvements are a
raw' 'sseuss,
.£nd B cubic £o(r Barn.
two Apple Orchards, one of which is of clioicc
fruit, a never lading spring of water, ami a foun
tain pump at tlie door—also, a Tenant House.
The above mentioned tract is nearly all lime
stone land, of a good quality, and is in a healthy
neighborhood—within two miles of Mechanics
burg'andthe Cumberland Valley Hail Road, arid
about one mile tram Shcpherdstnwn.
An indisputable title will be given. For terms
apply to the subscriber near the premises.
“ ' JAMES gr.vham: ,
May 30, 1839,
A new Siiiao of Fvcigltt Care
THE subscriber, grateful for.past favors, re
spectfully acquaints hisfriends and the pub
lic, that he has put into operation on the HAR
RAIL ROAD, a line of new DOUBLE CARS,
which will run regularly between Harrisburg &
Philadelphia, hy which Goods aud-Produce of
all descriptions will be forwarded with'care and
despatch, at the lowest rates of height.
Goods will he received at I lie' WAREHOUSE
of THOMAS J. MAXWELL, N. E. coiner of
Broad iftid Vine streets', Philadelphia, and for
warded tu Harrisburg, Carlisle, Chambershttrffi
and intermediate,places,-mid-bv-the
Harrisburg, Jan. 31,18.19. ' <
STANTLY O N HAN D,- Cash paid for almost
alTkindaof”country produce. •
THE subscriber respcctfully informs the pub
lic that she continues to cleanse Ciotheg-iof
grease, stains, Sic. in the Best manner and with
out injuring the cloth. She will also attend to
... 3DYBIMS-. " 4 ' \
all ItinHslifJYarns, C’luUls; Silks, &c. &c. any
color whicli may be desired, ,on the most accom
modatiiip terms ami with despatch.
: LHecresidence is.a few; doors east of -Mr. A;
Richards’ store. Centre Square, Carlisle.
April.2s, 1838.
- Stevenson Winkle,
HA VE just received nt their storc> corner of
High and Hitt streets, opposite Col. Fer
fee's hotel, an assortment of-iok.- ■
„ ' : feRtXCW,
; HtCedlcines.Paintß,
T)y e.Stuffs' sc" V arnislid» v t i TiiOir'l- oBHp S
stpeir Ka4" been: selected with '■ ■•••
great care, and is warranted to j JaS
be entirely fresh ant] of the very ai^ 11 ,
best quality. . The store will he under tlie im
mediate superihfcndance of.'Mr. Dihkle, who
lias acquired ii thorough knowledge’of the duties'
of ah apothecary under tne direction of Mr .
Samuel Ellintt of this place.
CarlisleyAugiist 15, 1839.
PERFUMERY to be had ut ; r
. . - '.SrEVENspy. Sc Diskle’s ..
Driigjtnd Chemical State. '■
HAVE JUST RECEIVED at .their Drug and
Variety Store, aijassortmeut of Fruits,Tickles,
preserves, Nutsi &C. v; .-.
Highly, recommended by.this' Faculty, to be
had MjSlevehson V Jjinkte’s drug apd variety
storei \ • 1 ■’■
Bleached Sperm Oil : r .
rfVF an uncommonly'excellent, description( to
beliadal-5/eycnso»h drjig,and
chemical store.’ 'd,--
iCTALADOIIj of aSflacv- superior nunlitv freab
ancUfrqefrbm tb'fe 'hhd ;t at'-Stf-:
treHerrU Dinhte'i drug-ami chemical sforvt.
Dyspepsia and TSypoobuilriacisin.
CufciTbii Dr. Harlich’s
Mr. W-M. MORRISON* of Schuylkill Sixth,
street, Philadelphia; afflicted for several years
thestomach, headache, palpitation of the heart,
impaired appetite, acrid ,rructaiinns, coldness
and weakness of the extremities, emaciation &
general debility, disturbed rest, a pressure,and
weight tit the stomach after eating, severe (tying
pains in the chest, back and sides, costiveness,
a 'dislike.fur society or conversation, languor and
lassitude upon the least occasion. Mr. Morri
son had applied to the amist eminent physicians,
who considered it beyond the power of human
skill to restore .health; however, as his
afflictions had r< diced hi in to a deplorable con
dition, having been induced by a friend, of his
to try Dr, H.irUr.h’a Medicines, as they being
highly recnofrmtndcd, by which he procured
two packages for trial; before using the second
package, lie found himself greatly, relieve d, and
by continuing the use'ot them the.disease en
tirely disippeareil—he is now.enjnymg all tile
blessings of perfect health, p ' ' ’
Fbrsdeby J. J. Myeiis Co.
Delate of Christian C'rotzer, deceased.
■ Motijejs. .
Letters of Administration on the estate of
Christian Crotxer.late of North Middleton town
ship, have been issued to the subscribers resid
ing iiraaid township. All persons indebted, to
said estate will mage payment and those having
claims will present them for settlement to
October 31, 1339. 6t
JVorth America Enstiraticc Co.
THE above-company through their “Agency
in Carlisle,” still continues tn insure all
kinds of property in this and th'e adjoining coun
ties at tire lowest rates. Tlicnsnnl.risk on stone
or brick 'houses averages aboot f t pcrannurnon
each thousand insured, and a stoc.k of merchan
dize consisting of dry goods, groceries, and the
usual assortment of a country, store,) will be in
sured at the same rate. •
Property, holders, and merchants generally
throughout this and the adjoining counties, will
please give above notice attention. Appli
cation can be aaade'eitfier by letter or in person
to the subscriber in Carlisle.
Nov. It. 1539. 6m '
BAaG-aiNEi 3Ar,<JA3ns; -
• jvjew <aooa»».
THE subscriber has just opened a very large
and splendid assortment of *
consisting in part of Cloths, Cassimcres, Cassi
netts, Plain and Figured Mertnnes, Hombaziucs,
Prince de Lainesj Saxony do., Cambrics, Mus
lins, nandkerclucfsrllosic.ry,
Groceries Sf (Qtscciisivare.
His customers ami tlie public generally,' are
raspccttully solicited to call & avail themselves
if cheap bargains,"as lie is determined to sel
Carlisle, Oct. 31. 18.39
More proofs nf the cfflca'cy of Ur. llarlicli’s
Uedicines -Mr. Josas'Hartmax, of Simmey
tovvn, Pu., cntirclv cured of the above disease,
which he was afflicted with fur six years: his
symptoms were a sense ol distension and oppres
sion after catiiiß, distressing pain in the pit of
tlie stomach, nausea, loss of appetite, giddiness
and dimness of debilit), flatulen
cy, acrid eructations, sometimes vomiting, and
pain in the rip lit side, depression nf spirits, dis
turbed test, faintness, and not able to pursue his
business without cavisins- his' imf'nediate exhaus
tion and weaiincss. Ur. Hartman is happy to
state to the public :md is willing to give any in
formation to the afflicted, respecting the won
derful benefit he received from the use of Dr.
-Harl ieh-VOi-mnouniLStrengtheninK and German
Aperient Pills. For sale bv
J. J. MYERS & Co., Carlisle.
'uvaa ooasp&ASttT
Cured'by the use of Dr. Harlich's Compound
Strengthening and German Aperient Pills. '
’--Mr. William Uiciiaud, Pittsburg, Pa, en
tirely cured ot the above distressing disease:—
his symptoms were, pain and .weight in the left
aide, loss of appetite,. vomiting, acrid eructa
tions, a distension of the stomach, sick headache,
furred tongue, ccuhtenance changed to a citron
color, difficulty of breathing, disturbed rest, at
tended with a„cough, great debility, with other
symptoms indicating great derangement of the
functions of the liver. Mr. Richard had the ad
vice oLsevei!al-phylHicians,.but- received- no-re
jjef, until using Or. flarlich's Medicine, which
roreninated in effecting a perfect cure.
'sale by;. 3. 3. MYERS Gf CO.
THE subscribers lake this method of notify
ing the|iifrjeodi>Wd v tlie public in general,
that they have commenced the above mentioned
business in all its various branches, in the shop
recently occupied by Mr. Stewart Moore, :in
Main street, nearly opposite Maj. Uehrav*s tav
ern, wliere they, will at all times be glad to re
ceive visits from customers, and furnish them
iit the shortest notice with any thing in their line
of business, such as ... **
Slides, Slippers, Jflfciirocs,&'c.S‘c.
all of .which shall be made in the neatest arid
most substantial mariner* and on the most mod
erate terms for cash or approved; country pro
’tlucc. . I'".
■‘ : , Flfcy'SbUcit a sharc of public natroriage.-
;Carlisle,Nffi.7, 1839. - .. . .tf
12th September t 839; pp niption of Mr. Lyon,
Rule.on.aU tlie licirs nndf pSfties interested hi
the estate of ■}oVcp)i,Bhi^h^ > -Carlisle* de
ceased, to* appear at the stated Orphans’ Court
to be held tor
the 10th day of December BTi6> y:;;c(apBe ; ;c(ap8e
why the tract of land containing 239; acres: and
.37 perches Strict meastirc, and the lot , contHuijf
!thg 7 acres and 55 perches, and the lot contain--;
irtg 6.acres and'ls4.perclies, and the lot contain-"
mg 6 acres,and 149 perches, and the undivided
half part ot the lot of gi oumnh 4 Wor/nleysburg
containing,sB feet hi breadth : hnd-150 : feet in
length, belonging to the estate of'said deceased,
(and describedliir the inquisition and diagram
thereof returned bythe'ShrnfTof said county at
the last September Orphans’ Court,) should not
be sold. ' ’• . : - By tue Court.’ '
Cumberland county, sa,' -
• Thatthe’above rule:was granted
by the Orphans’ Court of said county
at the time above mentioned* and is
entered of record in* said dourt;-wit
ness my hand and the-seal oT siiid
court at .Carlisle the 22d day of Octof
1839." ;.v. _ .
For, W. : FOULK, Ci’k of Orphans’ Court.
fTUST received und for salcat my landing near
(fcjj the Steam Milfron the. Canal, 500 tons of
. ' Ked AslrPiiie Grove Coa),
warranted -to be the best article of. the kind
known /it the present time: It will be sold .ill
lots to suit purchasers. . ; * /
Also—.aliirge quantity of of dif
ferent' kinds and -fjunhtiesr-anpeiioi''
Piaster I Salt by the bavrcV & c. of whicli
articles“wiirijc disposed of at the most reasona
ble prices; *
. Harrisburg, June*6,lBs9. . ;4 ; ' 5m
8 OR 10 good Plate Moulders arc .wanted Im
mediately at Oak Grove Furnace,. Pet ry.
county; to whom constant employment will be
given and good wages paid. Applvto.
* - Plies, .Foerino & Tiiudium. .
Oak Grove, May 30, 1839. ( 2m
gNIX.GOOD REFINERS wanted immediate
ly nt Dickinson Forge. Apply to
3 . A. G. EGE.
May 2, 1839. , tf
WHEREAS the charter of the "Carlisle
Saving Fund Society,” will expire in 18-13.
Notice is hereby given agreeably to the constitu
tion and laws of Pennsylvania that the stockhol
dersof said institution intend applying to the next
Legislature of the Co.mmbnwealth for a renewal
ot charter.—Change of name, style, and title to
"Cumberland Valley Bank,” increase of capital
to s2oo,oooand general discounting !md banking
privileges all under such restrictionsjtsthe Leg
islature may direct. The above institution to be
continued in Carlisle, Cumberland county Fa.
August 1, 1839. ... . fim
(if aelic&s’s UtSatchUtsa IStsnativa
The article published, below concerning.the
new and popular doctrine advanced by the il
lustrious Goclicke of Germany, cannot fail ot,
exciting a deep and thrilling interest through
out the country.
[Translated fro hi the
Citizdns.of Aorth.a'nd South America , 4
-To Louis Of fan G6ki, Ic k K/NLp;. p r Ger
mamvEuropc, belongs the-iinptr i si i aM e honor,
of adding a kkw and precious doctrine tothe
Science of Medicine—a new doctrine Avliich,
though vehemently opposed by many- of the fa
culty, (of \y_hich_Jie is jf'.yaUmble member)
proves he,as well .founded in truth’ as anyjlpc
trine of Holy Writ—a doctrine, upon the verity
of which are suspended the lives nf .millions of
our race, and which he boldly challenges, his op
posers to refute. viz: Consumption, ift a disease
dlwans occasioned by a disordered state of -1 is
Fit {el for Life Principle ).of the-human body:
open secretly lurking in thssystem for years be
fore there is the least complaint of the lungs and
which may 6c as certainly, though not so quickly
cured, as a common cold, or simple headache.—
Air invaluably pre-cions doctrine this, as it im
parls an important lesson it) the apparently
healthy of both sexc*,’teaching-them; that this
insidious foe, may be air‘unobserved inmate of
their “clayey houses’* even while they imagine
themselves secure from its attacks, teaching
This illustrious benefactor of man is also enti
tled to your unfeigned gratitude, and the gr.di
Hide of a world, for the invention of his *Mutch.
less healing fiat may justly
claim for'it such a title, since it has so signally
triumphed over our groat common enemy con
sumption, both in theTirst and last stages,—a
medicine which has thmoughly filled the va
cnumin the Materia Medica, ami thereby proved
itself the Conqueror of Physicians — a medicine,
for which all mankind will have abundant cause
to bless the benificent hand of a kind Providence
—a mGdiGme-whose..wnn<:irQUs virtues have been
so glowingly portrayed even.Dy some oT“t>UV
clergy, in their pastoral visiuTto the sick cham
ber; by which means they often become the hap
py instruments of changing despondency into
hope, sickucssinto health, and sadnesshf blends
into jnyfuiness. c • *
Goelickc’s Matchless STanatiyCp
a medicine of more value to man than the vast
mines of Austria, or even the united treasures <»i
our globe—a'medicine, which is obtained equal-'
Iy from the.v,egctuble, mineral and animal king
doms, and thus threc-foldpfi^erj—a
medicine, which,, though designed as a remedy
for consumption solely,, is possessed of a myste
rious influence over many diseases of the human
which begins to-be valued
by Physicians, who are'daily- witnessing,, its as
tonishing cures.of many, whom they,had resign
ed' to tlie grasp.of tlie lnsatiablc Grave.
Dose of the Sanative, for adults, one drop;
for children, ahalf dropotnd formfants, a quar
ter drop f the dii^ctimislFxjjldinins'the nvanner
ol taking a half orAunvter drop".
Piuce—Three and one-thirds rix dollars*
(£2,50) per half ounce. , '
•A German coin, value 75 cents.
For sale at. the Post Office, Mechanir.shurp*,
Cumberland county, Pa., by GEO. F. CAIN,
sole agent for Meclianicshurg. ,
Mechanicsburg, July 25,1839. * ’
"HTB ESP.ECTFOLLY. infohtis thelailjes'and
MS gentlemen of Carlisle and its vicinity that
lie sets Artificial Teeth in' tin approved
manner. He also scales, pin; separates
teeth to arrest decay.;
■ Dr; N. prepares a tooth pc hieli whi
tens the teeth, without ipjiu-iiij imel, col-,
ora the gums a fine red and ret le mouth,
-The'tooth ache will be curei ist. cases,
without extraction; and an oc ; wash is
prepared for healing sore ,gui listen the
Ladies and gentlemen are requested to call
huid examhie ids collection of Purcelamor In
corrnptable teeth, . which, will never decay or
change colbW and are free' from" air unpleasant
odour, durable, and .well adapted for chewing,,
which will be inserted in the best manner and at
fair prices. .. . , 1 .
All persons wishing Dri- to feaTl “at their
dwellings will leave a line at his resi
dence, No. 7 HurperVßow, whenjie will punc
tually attend to tevery call in the line of his pro
fession. From a long and successful practice,
he hopesJto give general •satisfaction. '/
Carlisle, August 1,1839, ' ; , r Sm '
Carlisle, Pa. May 1539.
' ..Arrival and Departure of Mails. ■
-1 ■■ ,■<’Arrivesi Closes.
Eastern-, daily aboutlOrii. ’,
.. “ 5 p. m. Ita.m.
-Western?. < • <» 1 .;1S hi.: > , 9 a. : ni.-
SnnthcrnAS". “■ ; ‘ 10 a,m. Xp; m;
Meclinnicsb’g >* 'lOii.iii. ' 7p. ni.
Newv'llle. <• -12 m. : ... 9a, ni.
V A:;"
- .Three good y«dng Horses; suitable for. saddle
or harness, . ■’, _,' ‘ . - , .
One nesv Tillberriii ' , .. ; . ,
One set ot double n&ss.mounted Harness. i
Ha®HLTON ecayUEK.i,
Bnrtkle, July - - *r <?.
If© T2GS.
StJR, : »S3ON-D3NT2S.T,
rflTnE subscriber fespectfully.iiiforms iiisfricnda
JL and the public in general that he lias just
assortment of merchandise suitable to the pres
ent and approaching season, such ns ■■ ,
cbiisTsting Knivcs and Forks," Spoons,"
Locks. Bolls, Hinges and Screws, Fen aiVd-PucU"-
ct Knives, Razors, Tacks and Sprigs, Spades tl
Shovels, Hay and Dung Forks, scythe stones,;
rakes. &C 1 See. Me, Also, superior American
and English Scythes. _ -
■ lie lias also oa band an excellent, assortment
of Patent Family Medicines, such as 'pills, oils
and ointments. Also, all kinds of Essences. He
has also on liand Horse, Medicines,' such as the
.Oil of Spike, Oil of Stone and Horae Powders,
(See. ike. Ike;, - - . ■ , •
7/e bin also on hand mi extensive assortment
of American Forest-iind //indostnii Oil -jitoiie,
suitable for Carpenters and Wood Choppers.
/7e also ling Powder by the keg, among which
■istlio-finest;Rifle Powder. Shot, Lead, Percus
sion Caps, aid Flints. ■ ,
He also has an extensive and superior assort
ment of -
China, Class & Quecnstvare,
twenty per cent cheaper than can be bad else
where. ■
Rio, St.’Domingo, find Java Coffees, New
Orleans and Porto Rico’Sugar. Orleans and -.Vn
gir. ll aise Molasses. Young 7/yson, Imperial
and .Black Teas, Chocolate, Rice; Barley, Soda
and Water Crackers. Spices ofall kinds. Nuts
and Confectionaries.' Primes, Raisin/,. GronniJ
-AUum'and Fine Salt. 'Tar, •S’oap.and Candles'
wholesale and rutrdLat city prices.
Wine, Brandy, New F,upland Rum, Tfarvest
Whiskey,,Wine and Cider Vinegar, Sec.
Cavendish,Roll and Ping. Spanish amiy/alf
Spanish Cigars. Mucubau, Rappee and Scotch
SaufT ‘ " ‘v
Riding, Gig.ami Jockey Whips and Lashes.
Brushes. Brooms. Painted Buckets, See.
Carpet Chain of all colors.;
'The above articles being carefully selected,
arc offered to'customers and others at city prices.
Carlisle, July 4, 1839.
public tire hereby directed to tho med
' H ical advertisements of Dr. HARLICII’S
Celebrated Compound Strengthening 'lhuic, and
German Aperient Calls, which are a Medicine
of great value to the afflicted, discovered by O.
P.'llarlich, a celebrated physician at AUdorf,
Germany, which has'been used with unpurAb
leled success throughout Germany. 'This Med
icine nnnsii-ts of two kinds, via: the German A
perient,and the Compound Strengthening 'Tonic
Pills. They arc each pat up' in small packs,
and should both be used to effect a permanent
cure,' “'Those 'whrrarir afflicted-won Idalo we! 1-tii
make a trial of this invaluable Medicine,asthey
-never produce sickness or nausea while using..
A safe and effectual remedy for ■ •
u'STSpspssa on zrfpzassTzoxTi
and all Stomach Complaints! pain in Bide, Liv fc
er Complaints,' Loss' of Appetite, Flatulency,
Palpitation of the ..GeberalDobility, Nei
vous Irritability, Sick Headache, Female Dis
eases. Spasmodic Affections, Rheumatism,
injis, Consumption, ike. ‘ The German Aperient
Pills arc to cleanse the stomach and purify the
Blood.' 'The Tonic or Strengthening Pills are
to strengthen and invigorate the nerves and di
gestive organs-and give tone to the Stomach, as
all diseases originate I ram impurities of the hl’ood
and disordered stomach.' This mode nfirealing
diseases is pursued by,all practical Physicians,
which experience has taught them to be the only
remedy to effect a cure. ’They are not only re-,
commended and prescribed by the most expe
rienced Physicians in their daily practice, but
also taken by those gentlemen themselves when
ever they feel the symptoms of those diseases,
in which-they know them to he efficacious.- 1 *
'This is the case in all large cities in which they
have an extensive stile. It is not to he under
stood that these medicines will cure all diseases
-me-rcly-hy-pu rif-ying-tho-i)U*od—.this—'Uuiv__iviLL
not do; but they certainly will, and. sufficient
authority of daily proofs asserting that those
medicines, taken as recommended by the di
rections which accompany ■ them, will cure a
great majority ot diseases of the stomach, lungs,
and livfcr, by which impurities of. lhc.jbtaodjitv
occasioned. . . / ,
A*k fur Dr. II irlich’s Compound Strengthen-,
mg Tonic,,and firman Aperient Pills,
Principd Cilice fr.r the sale of this medicine
is at No. 19 North-Eighth street, Phdadtdnhhi.
:AUo—For sale at the drug store of J. J. MY:
EUS & CO., Carlisle, who are Agents, for
Cumberland county. Nov. 21, 1839.
- & €or~: —
In their stores-in Carlisle add Mtchanlrshnrg,
■lire receiving a -fresh,assortment oi WIN.
TEII GOODS, consisting, in part, of a general
and law priced ,
of all colors,* heavy Uef vor, Piloty 'and Mohair
Cloths for overcoats; Cassimeres, plain, striped
and rib’dvCassinetts of all colons and qualities;
some vci y priccd"pl.du and figured Silk VeU
vets; plain and figured Satin Vestings; silk, Va
lencia and other Vesting?; Velvet
verteens, Moleskins, white* red, green and yel
low FUnnels, white and colored Canton Flan
nels mTd~Do(rskiTTs7~
Cloths, 7-4, 8 4, 9 4, ,10 4, 12-4 and 13 4 Rose,
Dnflield aud-Whitocy Blankets; French, Welsh
and German Merihoes* black tand blue black
Bombazines;'figured Do.t plain and figured typt
'Silks; gros (te Paris, gros de Rhcins, gros de
Naps, Maitebni and Venitia Lutestring and Sen*
shaw Silks; a handsome nssorlrnent of light figf
uved. Silks for Bonnets; Lupins 7-4 and'B-4 Me
rino Shawlstblunket.brocha and challey Shawls,
lace Edgings, hohinel Quillings, tape edge quil
ling- Bobinels; Indie and British,Swiss Muslins,
Mull Muslins,-jacconet Ci'oss
bar’d cambric and ]acon<*f'Mnslins l a large v a.s-,
soVttnent of Irish Linens, Russla-Diuper, Osan
hurg’s 12-4 Ticklenbnrg Sheetings, plain and
fig’d-green Baize for. floor cloths. Ingrain, and
■Venitmu Carpeting, a.larfce assortment of-Sus-?
peuders/Glnves; Hosiery,-Bcc, &c. ' -N -’
. LikeVvise.hi Mechaincsbtirg/a largerassbrt
meut bf'Qrocevics niid tiqpbrs; consulting of rill
articrds in the grocery line, wliiclV they offer
lower thnneari be bought elsewhere, for cash
or coCTntry produce, =
. .sfhv v l4 r lB39, : ;■ v : . •. : : ‘ .
Entirgly the.use of Dr. O. P. Har
licli’s Compound VSfrengtlu'ning and German
Anfrient Pills;—Mr. SOLOMON WILSON.
pH. , afilleted for tivo years with
the above,distressing,disease.‘of- which He had
in use his crutches fbr*lB months,
were excruciating pain in, all his joints, especl- ;
ally ,in Uia hip; : shoulder and ancles, paid, iiicrear
sing always towards evening attended with heat.
Mr; Wilson, was at one time not able to move,
hisiiinibs oh, account of the pain being so great,
he being'advised.Hy; a frl.cnd bf his to- procure
Harli Ch’s P»|ls of which to theAgeht
in Vyest Chester and, procured rSbmet oh nsihg
the medicihe tlxe third dHytlic bain disappeared
nnU 'liis strength Tncivusing fast, : 'and hi three
Weeks was able to his business, which
hejiad not dope 8 mqnilisj ifnr the,'benefit
of others afflicted, he wishes those lines publish
ed.that they ma y be relieved,, and agUifi ehjqy
the pleasures of a healthy-life.' ‘ ■* . ;
~ ..For;saic by,; MYERS COw
:>i AKD
: f:ivnts;tnlc6
this method of informing thc'pubire thatuhey
still continue the building of Thrashing Machines
and Horse Tomr.nt their old.staml, in Li.uihcv
street,Carlisle, where.Farpier»and_othe.rs_cau
at all Linus be supplied. They have made a
considerable improvement on the)-'power-, anil
machine, and Have also attached a _ : ■
which for durability'anil simpleness of constr'nr
tionl^surpassed,by.non'e^'ni.d^:a Sfroio Carrier .
Havingall manner of confidence in the supc
riority.of the above mentioned machine; &c.. they
iirt? willing that Farmers shall test •them before
making the purchase. . ; .
Persons wisjiing to purchase or examine the
machine will please make application 'at the
public house ut John Common, Carlisle..
May. 3, 1838.
This disease discovered by u fixed obtuse
pain aiid Weight id the right side tinder the shot I
ribs, attended ■with heat, uncasim-ss about this
pit of the stomach, —there is in the right side
also n distension—-the patient loses his appetite
and becomes rick and troubled with vomiting.
The tongue becomes-r'ouglraud black,'counten
ance ohaiigesto n pale nr citron color or yellow*
like those afflicted with Jaundiced-difficulty of
breathing, disturbed rest,.attended with n dry
cough, ddlknUy.-pnaying on the; lelt side-rthc
body heconus weak, and finally the diseus'e ter
minates into another of n more serious -nature,
Which in all probability Is far beyond the. power
of human skill.- I)i'. Harlich’s Compound .
Tonic Strengthening & fiei'nian Apyiimt Hill.-*
if taken at the commencement of this disease, \
will check it, and by continuing the use of the
medicine* a few wet ks, a perfect cute will ho
pet Formed. Thousands can testify to this fact*
. Certificates of many persons may daily he set n
of the efficacy of this invaluable medicine, by
applying at the Medical Office* No. .l.O.Norihr
Eighth street, Philadelphia. - for-sMe by .
J. J., MYERS, & CO.
TIIK highest cash price will be paid'.Ter
Wheat at the Cumberland Mills, at all
times, ami lor Ilnur uiade at said mill.
August 2*2, 1539, '-••• tf
To '■
HSWS'S DIKEod’ ...
■ ACTIG.y'WATRR.'W’IiESit. ;
Plplcili'public arc informed that the subscitbi’r
JL hasv bought the- ngl.J -<if -the above. - water*,
wheel, frr.the ritate of'Pf-nnsylvania, ll is c« *
sidered -bv those;-having-them in use,-as one or
the most imp.a unt improvements that has eur
been introduced. Persons desirous of seeing the
wheel,‘can do ’so, hv calling at the’h undry of
DAVID COC'ivLliYj .Lancaster. The an
nexed certificates have been given’ns a slight
.testimonial nf.its value;.th<yLwbl speak for tlu ,n
-selves.. All addressed to the
suberiherin f. ancastcri Pa„ will be promptly at*
tended to.-
April 11, 1839.
[Corv ]
This is to cei tip-,-that 1 ha v Q put in-one- of
11-iwd’s Patentee! ist Iron Direct Action Water
Wilei Is,-in •the'jjlace cvf a IleacfioiVAVhetl: that
the-Direcl Wheel dues not flood the tad met* as
much by inches as the reaction did, and
that- I can grind seven-bushels with the direct
action wheel an hour, and drive two urn of
stones, where 1 could'nnpgrind lour buduls in
the same lime with the rcaction-ntuKlrive hi C
nmol stones. ' j.
Ephratalp. L iu. co. Oci. 1838.
Alloway, May 5. IKSIJ,
This nnv rcr'JFv, tlut Thai e been i'nj;ii};r(l
in putting in S b Ilowd’s cast iron direrf ac
tion Wnicr Wh«*» I, both in the Slum if Ni*w
York ;itid in Michlgani' nod call **ive it :i£ my
derided opinion that will* S feci header nndti,
rightly pul in, h will do move badness with tlie
same wait r linn any otlu r water' whet I which
-I-li-;-VLc_y-c--Ul'uul..;iii) , _eMjje-r-ience..iu v .ami ju_!:cfci -
ence In I’fick water, is second best to none that
I have yet .tried. In reference to' guarding a
gainst ice; there rah bi* no belter operation) and
ii is very easy tri in r» pair.
STEPHEN AILES, Millwright^-
’ Allowav,-September 3,18.1 R _
This mnv certify that 1 Inn e had in my Mill
one of Mr. Tluwd’s direct wheels for the
sjnee of one \ ear. It is si five feet whei 1, anti
I h ive had a ro-aerion in the same place—l have
also had AVhet l- ; rfs Union Wheel, yet f'think
Mp. Hmvd’.s will do more business with less wa
ter than any other.! have tried. U docs well*
dn back wafer. I haye had f|‘oni_ stn Af l - 1 t
head.-' I think we could do us much work "lib
h:\lfthc.w\ter as wo used to do w.Hh Ihc under
shoot wheel, which has aKn-bem in ouerntiuu
in my mill. , EAVVRENCE KiLEV.
T, v.niis,_September I.- 1838.
This may certify, that.we have used one of S.
HowcPs patent, water Wheels since - December
last, by the side of, a re-'Jiclioiuwhcef, uluf tee
think that Ilmvcl’s will do double the business,
with the san?e wviter that the re action wheel'
wi|l door very hear. We never have but three
feet head, and can grind .with that eightbushchs
per hour* We are subject to back water.- 'l‘hi»
wheel will dp asarond business ulider, back wa»
ter~a?'ihT’w-^criT»nVa»vkwe r 'n*( ; coiTijnrnd'‘it“ta'“
the atrention and ,patTon’ure of thi* public"
■ . Simon nuurt.
• . . . : Ml LES S. LEACH. .
Ten years standing, cured by I tie use of pt.
-- II'JiRLWtV.S 'Compound Strengthening
and GermwiTipericnt. Tills :
Mrs. Haiiaii:U.oykli, wife of. William Boyer,
NWth Fourth street shore Callowhill, Philaricl-
of the above rlistrcssiii); dis
ease. Hersyniploms were, habitual costivencss
of tlie bowels; total lossofiippetife, excruciating
pilin'iii the side, stomach ami hack, depression
of spirits, extreme-debility, could hut lie oiy her
left side.without an aggravation of pain, with
other symptoms indicating a great derangement
in the functions of tile liver. . Mrs. Boyer -Was
attended by sevei*l of 'ihe first P.hysiciansi but
received but little relief front their
at last, a'frienil of hcrs procured, a-packngd of
DK Harlich’s Strengthening and German Ape
, rient Pills, which, by the use of 'one -package,
induced tier to continue with the medicine, which
reunited in efiectlhgia permanent cure, -.beyond
the expectations of her friends. -
.For sale by . 11. MYERS & Co,,Caylislc.
t Dr. O. P. llinLicu’s. canifiouftU: Streiigih
-Those pills yenioye all those distressing diseases,
.which'•are'liable'tobe'’a]ffl}cted wfih.*-
,They remove' mothid Sccre*ions whiph
.when refciined, soon iiitjufe a number ofjliseaSes
a)idr«ftentimes render. Females unhappy and
afrijlieir lives; - Those pills . used ac
coydihg-to directions;immediately time a new
and henUhjraction tliroughout-the whole system-"
fitirifyirig the bto‘63, and givbtg‘ itringih to_
the xtpinaeh and briwels, at'the same' Ume.'fe-
IVevirig'thtipaihbi the side/ haoh , and loinsi'sir/
viOK appetitoJihd invigoi'atinKthe system again
In Us proper functions and restoring tranquil re-'
pose; " ,■■ -■ ■
• Ask for Dr. Maliicb’s CompoundStrength—,-
eiiihiy Tonic, and German Aperient Pills.; ■ Prjn- i
mpplCffige, T 9 NprtK'Eighth :
pltia. Also for sale-atthe drag store of : ..-a
1. J. MYERS & CO., Carlisle.