TEMPERANCE ME E .TJLN G. A public meeting of the Cumberland County Temperance Society was held in the Methodist Episcopal, church on Monday ■evening the which was atteijdctl by an unusually' large and attentive audi ence; Meeting opened with prater by the r - Rev, Mr. Ulnch. The meeting was then - ably.addressed by John Zug, Esq.-who off ered the following resolutions., Resolved, That the friends of Temperance have reason to be encouraged by.the news from abroad,-anil that the voice ofhumanity calls to Pcnnsjdvania to shake off the shack - les of Intemperance by abolishing or modify ing the License, System. /{evolved, -That seven delegates be appoin ted to represent, this society in the Tempe rance Convention to be held in Harrisburg in January next. The following Gentlemen were appointed as delegates! Rev. Prcst. J. P. Durbin, John Zug, Esq. Prof. R. Emory, Russ Lumber ton, Samuel'Elliott, Prof. M. Caldwell and Rev. Joint Ulrich. On motion, / lliablved. That the Executive committee prepare, a memorial to the Legislature in reference to the existing License Laws, and 'obtain s : g taturcs to the same to be presented at an early period of the Session. Rev. 11. Aurand offered the following resolution which was..adopted : ■ , J{evolved. That the Tavern keepers of this place be respectfully,requested eiety to close their Uai> on the Sabbath. On motion ordered that the proceedings of (his meeting be published in the papers of this lidrough. On motion adjourned. S. ELLIOTT Sec’y < Mary Wagner, J Alias subpoena sur l)i -■ vs. V-vorce in the Court of ’ Joseph Ujtgncr. J Common Pleas of Cum berland county. No, 160 August-Term,lB39. . Return having been made by.-tlie .Sheriff in this case, that the defendant'Juseph Wag ner was not to be found in Jiis bailiwick, Now to wit,. 18th 1839, tlie said \'ourt ordered and decreed that publication should be made by me requiring,the said' deftMidaut to-be and appear in the Court a foresaiil.dit Carlisle, on Monday the 13lh day of January, next, tn answer to the com plaint of the \V',agnei-,&c. Wliere “ lipoii I do hereby give notice ifnd f-equirc (he said J oseph Wagner to be and appear at Car lisle as aforesaid, on the day aforesaid, to answer the complaint of, the said Mary .Wag ner aforesaid, &c. - ■ ■ JOHN MYERS, Sheriff. SlierilT’s Olfiue, Carlisle, } Nuvembei; 22,'1839.' j Tlarburn Ann Arone,~j Alias subpoena sur by her next friend | Divorce in (lie Court John /A Clark, I>6l' Comynnn Pleas of vs. . Cumberland county, George Krone. J Mo, 15" November To run 1839. Return having been made by (he Sheriff in this case, that the defendant George Krone was not to be found in his bailiwick, Now to wit, 18lh November 1839, the Said Court ' ordered and decreed that publication should be made by me, requiring-the said defend ant to be and appeaV in the Court aforesaid, on Monday the 13th day of January next, 1 1 answer to the complaint of the said Bar bara Ann Krone, &c. Whereupon Ido here by give notice and,require tile said George Krone to be and appear at Carlisle as afore said, the day aforesaid, to answer the com plaint of .he said Barbara Ann Krone, Sic. joiin jMykrsjbwS— —:—ShcrrffVOflice, Carlisle, ? November 28, 1839. $ Catharine ]ioland,~\ Alias subpoena sur by her next friend I Divorce in the Court of! Myers, >Common Fleas ofCum vs ( bcrland county,No.ll3 Fre lerick Roland.) August Term, 1'839. Return having been made by the Sheriff in this case, that the defendant Frederick Upland was not ,to be found in his bailiwick, Now to wft, isth November 1839, the. said Court ordered and decreed that.publication slidbl be made by hie, requiring the said lie •fend a lit to be and appear in the Court afore said, on Monday the 13th day of January next, to answer to the complaint of the said Catharine Roland, &c. Whereupon I do hereby give noficeaud require the said Fred erick Roland to be and appear at Carlisle as aforesaid, on the day aforesaid, to answer the "Complaint of the said Catharine Roland,, aforesaid; &c. ‘ , • ~ JOHN MYERS, Sheriff.. SherifiTs Office, Carlisle, ? November SB, 1839. J Margaret' (Foods, vs _ ■ pDivprce in the-Court of Samuel (Foods. J Common Fleas of Cum berland coiinty.No. 2 J Nov. Term, 1839. ■ Return having-been-made by the-SherilF in this case,- that the defendant Samuel - -Woods was not io.be found in liisbailiwick, Now to Wit, 18th November; J 839, the said Court ordered'and decreed that publication should be made.by ‘me, requiring the said defendant to be and appear in the CouVt a furesakl, (in Monday the IStli day of Janua 'rv next, to answer to the •complaint of the Said Margaret Woods, &c. Whereupon I ; do hereby give notice ami require the said. Samuel Woods to bejtnd appear at Carlisle - as aforesaid; on the day aforesaid, to answer the complaint of the said Margardt Woods, ....... ■ JOHN MYERS. Sheriff: Sheriff’s Office, Carlisle, ? - • L November 28,1839..' i ' , ' ; SIX CENTS REWARD. KUNAWAY from the subscri-> - her; on the 10 th instant, an Indented apprentice to the Cord- .. 'wainiiig business -'named fiber -.Mathim, . between 19, and 20-' years of age, about 5 feel 6- inches •high, stoop shouldered and a 'little -"ffIESSBB..- i bpw legged. ’He took tyith him a pair of gray; pants and roundabout and fur cap. All persons are lorbid harboring said bovV. ' ■ ' STEWART MOORE. ’ Carlisle. Nov. 28. 1839. ' ■ • ' St- , , ITOTSCS TO CH3DZTOHO. TAKE NOTICE that I have applied to the • Judges ,of the Court of Common Pleas of Cumberland county, for. the benefit,of thejiisol vent laws of Pennsylvania, and' they have ap pointed M inday the 13'h day of January next, for the hearing of me'and my.creditors, at ; tlie count house-in- Carlisle, when aftd where you may attend Novi'jjs; 1839. Coughs, Colds Consumptions. Sirs. A. Wilson, of Lancaster county, Pa., entirely cured by the use of Dr. SwaymPs Syrup aif Wild Cherry—her symptoms were constant coughing, pain in her side, buck and head, de praved appetite, spitting of blond, no rest at night, Sc,c. After using two-bottles of Doctor Swayne’s Compound Syrup of PrunusVirginiana or Wild Cherry, she found herself relieved, ibid by the time' she Had used the third bottle, she louhd herself entirely cured of the afonsaid dis-- ease, winch site hadheen'afflicted with for three years. There are daily certificates of various persons, which add sufficient testimony of, the, great efficacy of this invaluable medicine. - For sale by J. J. My lias if Co. T'l DllrSWAVNE,Philadelphia.—lt is with sincere pleasure 1 write you these lines.— Having been reduced by a long spell of,sickness in the lower country to a very critical state of health 1 thought 1 foresaw my early dissolution. 1 had a ci nstant cough, and a sense of pain on my chest which seemed to be obstnifti d so that I coil'd not breathe with ease. , I got no, rest at night, and my constant irritation produced a high fever at times. In this alarming state I looked for help, and recollecting your advertise ment, I'sent to your agent for two Imttli sof Wild Cherry Syrup', and before using the sec ond bottle, I fuind my cough had disappeared,' anil with it ail those distressing symptoms. You are at liberty to goldish this, and I most earn esth recommend your Syrup of Wild Cherry U irk lo sufferers with diseases of the' iiihgs, as an effectual remedy. Respectfully years, Reuben Riciiaudson, Pittsburg, Sept. 27, 1839. Pcinriijal Office, No. 17 North Eighth street, where this invaluable medicine can always he "I t lined; likewise, the above ccrt : ficate may he seen, with the stghattire of a highly respectable citizen of Pittsburg, witnessing the above to-be a c ertain fact. /V 1 sn tor sale by J. J. Myers &. Co. THE several Volunteer Corps within the bounds of the Ist Brigade, 11th Division. Penns) Ivania Militia,will lake notice that 1 have received instructions from the Adjutant General hf.’the following import, and the same are here-, by cormntnicaied to them as instructions to be strictly obeyed, viE? Each ami every Volunteer Company 8c Troop is to immediately establish and keep in good or der an armory, in be deposited all arms and other military &tale property in its use nr care* a secure dry room or apartment will be sufficient, hut it must be under lock and key." Brigade Inspectors ate to visit and inspect ar mories and all military state property as often uf they may see proper. and“Tvnops not belong «ng to a regiment or battalion «t volunteers, are to lie attached to such by Brigade Inspectors. . F mcy uniforms are prohibited. All Militia Officers and all Volunteer corps are to uniform according to the regulations of the United States Ariuv. Commanding officers of Regiments arc hereby instructed to employ four boys to learn to heat the drum, four hoys to loam to ploy the fife, nod two boys to learo to play oo the bugle or trum pet, cacJi of whom will receive too dollars as snoo as he is able topcV ovm field duty ; and each boy wit! thereafter receive one dollar per day for every day he shall lawfully perform' such dotv. ' " ATI Volunteer officers and Constat,les are hereby instructed mid authorized to ask, de mand and vecciveanv and all arms and . accou trements, or other military state property,which they may come to the knowledge of not being in tlie use or care of any volunteer corps; and upon •hensgiving nelire thereof to.the undersigned • hey shall he allowed a reasonable compensation therefor.. ' W. FOUI.R. Brig. Ins. Ist Brig. 11th Div. F. M. Brigade Inspector's Office, ? Carlisle, Nov. 28, 1839. 5 lirigade Inspector’s Orders. THE members of the 86th RegiincntPeon .sylvaoia Militia, will take notice that an will take place bn Saturday the 21st day of- December next, betwrc.ntUe hoarsol ten in (lie morning and six in the evening, for it TIIEDTENANTConoNEJU to filUlie vacancy made by l.ieut. Col. Carothers leaving the lim’- its of said Regiment ; . '. —Tlie members bfThe first-Battalion ,;will vote at-the house of-Frederick -Wunderlich- in -Met chanicshurg-—Superintcndant.Maj. Sami. Bren izer,. ■ “"t' ’■ Alias - sub inena sur The members'of the second' Bathiljon will vote at the house of Maj. Jacob Rehrar in Car lisle—Superintendant, George Mathews. , W. FOULK. .Brig. Ins, Brig. Ins, Nov. 28, 1839; Do not neglect itt Thousands have met a premature death for the want of a little atten tion to a comiripn cold. Have you a cough or cold? Dr. Swavne’s Compound Syrup of Prunus Virgiuiann.or AVild Cherry, a safe and medical prescription, and used in an extensive practice; will most positively afford relief, and , save, you from that awful disease, consumption, which usually-sweeps into the grave the young,' the old, the fair, the lovely, arid the gay. Have you a cough? Swayne’s Prunus Virgin iana, or Wild Cherry Syrup. is the or.lyjpmedy yo should take to cure you. For this plain rea son—that in no one of the thousands of cases where it lias been used, lias it failed to relieve. : r For sale by J, J, MYERS 8e CO. DR.SWAYNEcllcspeDted Friend t —From the,very beneficial effects; which: I-have received from the rise Of thy Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry Bark, I am fully willing to tes tify. to the astonishing effect. ■ My attack was that ofa common colu,;which began to’,threat en something'of a more serioris nature. ‘Being recommended'to use theabove Syrup, I 'finally gayelt a trial, and am.happyto say it gave tue almost instant relief, I have used it 'frequently,' and always with the'same beneficial effects, if others Would rise tills medicine at the commence mint of their colds and coughs, they Would pre vent a disease which would be-'more,alarming it its character, and nidch more obstinate in. the cure, ; EhwooU’L. Puset. ;' ‘. Ni W. corner of Arch hr, Fifth sts, Phila; ■ Eighth-month, 33, 1839. ’ V’ . above medicine is for sale by J, J, Myers &Co.,Carlisle. » -ss-n ■' v. REMOVAL. T., JT. SXMX,JB:S, HAS tIEMOVED HIS TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT to the house recently occupied by Mr. Geo.. V. Hall as a shoe store, nearly opposite the book store f»l Mr. James Loudon, where* having made extensivewillbtTahle to'ac commodate those who may favor him .with a • call, in the best and most fashionable Jtlanncr. He respectfully solicits a continuance of the -V.9.1T generous encouragement which has been already bestowed upon him. * .P. S.—He has just received the Londoh and -Philadelphia Fashions for the season. i Carlisle, Nov. 28, 1839. ’ • VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR. SALE. WILL be disposed 'of at private sale, that large two story'URICK HOUSE and premises; now in the occupancy of the Kev. Mr. Spruit*, situate in Bedford street,'in the borough of Carlisle. Possession on the first day of April next, clear of all incumbrance. This is one of the most desirable properties in the borough of Carlisle. .For terms apply to Robert Snodgrass, Esq, WILLIAM S. BISHOP; Carlisle, Nov. 28, 1839. . 3t BIiIGXDE INSPECTOR’S ORDERS. HAVE YORACOTOH? MERCHANT’S LINE. THE subscriber would'respectfully lllc travelling public that he will put oriithtf''route FROM CARLISLE TO BALTIMORE , Jn a few rate line of Troy built coaches, with good teams and-careful drivcis, to run through in 12 hours—leaving Carlisle on the ar> rival of the western cars from Ohambershurg add arrive in Baltimore for supper-cleave Bal timore at 5 o'clock in the morning, and arrive at Carlisle in time to take the eastern cars for Pittsburg 1 . Fare through ‘gs. The coaches will stop at the Baltimore and Susquehanna House, corner of Howard and Saratoga streets,’ Baltimore. , Passengers will be left in any part of the city they may desire. The undt rsigned is determined to spare no pains.or expense to make the passage comfort able to all those' whe may patronize him. ** .lAS, A. GALLAHER, Pioprietor, Carlisle, Nov. 28, 1839. tf Wonderful Cure of Oonsumptioa PERFORMED by Dr. Swayne'.s Cow/iound tiuru/i of Pruuua Virginia or Wild Cherry. tVlr. Wilson Greene, ol Lancaster county, Pa., entirely cured of the above disease.- liis symp toms were a chillness, succeeded by heat, low ness of spirits, salt taste in his mouth, a dry cough, great'oppression in the breast, loss of appetite, a.fmjueut spitting and coughing up of trolhy and florid blood. Alter using ’2 bottles ol the above syrup the cough ceased; the body began to strengthen, and by using 2 more bot tles all those disagreeable feelings were remo ved. He is now enjoying perfect health To the astonish mem of all his friends. Eric, Ha., rfept. 3, 1839., Heal* Sir—l this day svmj lor some of Doctor Swaync’s Hnmus Virginia, or Wild Cherry Syrup, there is a gentleman sick at this place and has been for a long time; he has tried the medicine and finds it helps Idm much. I am oujt, please senjj some immediately; send two buttles if you cannot send us more. - In haste, yours, Bcc. ' Cincinnati. August 10th, 1839. Respected friend l)r,, Swi>y»r:—J indebted to you for the benefit I have received from the use of youVOopipound Syrup, of ..Wild Chelry R.irk, which I confess was.tlie means of restoring my. health, ; 1 was attacked with a 'common cold, which terminated m a seated dis ease upon tlie kings, 1 at.length became mhch. dehililaled from constant coughing and loss- of appetite, and gave up all hope of recovering,as many of my family had been carried off by con sumption. H- ing recommended by a friend of. mine, Mr. Weaver, to make trial of you'.* hies timnhle Si rup. 1 did so, which ended in per forming a perfect cure. ' 1 have much to say to von when I sec yon, which will he this fall. You /may make use'of these lines if.-you think proper, that those afdicted may find relief from the same trnlv, Principal Office far the sale *nf tliis medicine, 19 Nnrth Eighth sirei r. Philadelphia. Also for sale hy . J. ,1. MYERS & CO., Carlisle. Jlcuic Bronchitis, a forerunner of Consump //oH.~This disease is very much like a common catarrh, it generally Commences like an ordin ary cole), with lassitude, chilliness, slight cough and oppression and tightness about the breast. In many instances the disease seems at first of no very serious character. As the disease con* tunics the oppression in the breast increases, llie countenance becomes expressive nt anxiety, the respiration becomes more ami more labor! nns, sometimes wjteizing or rattling sound, as if the air was.forced through a narrow upper* ■ iure clogged with a viscid fluid. To neglect rW.fc.iot Mon- ■l'.l.i*-**- ' -nf— * -M»4*T-44seuse-it-mity-bo 'stTinnTT .onsrcpiences, but by a timelv application to Dr. Jflkvaijne's Comjionnd Syru/i of tViLI Cherry, with a strict attention to the directions, all these unpleasant effects wi.llhy removed.- Hr* careful, as it is sold at no placPexcept at No. 19 North Eighth st. 'nr at the respective .agents. For sale by J. J. MYEUS & CO. VAXitTABILE FARM FOR SALE.. Will be sold on the premises*, on , next, dusc.ribcd real estate, late"thc pro fiuvty of Hhilip Ziegler,"dec’d, situate, in North Muldloton township, Cumberland' county, 6 miles north of Carlisle, near the Long’s (Jap road, adjoining lands of Jas. Brown, 'John Ijehn, Simon Wunderlich, John Shade and David Uiegler, coniainingahont 245 ACRES, . tnoreor less, of First Kate-Shite Land, h.iving thereon erected a / , n . TWOSTORY ■ ; LOG lBaaMt first rate SSanlc BSrtrn, (50 feet by 30,) Spying House,' Wagon Shed, -attthilhotlfet—neffcsHary nuthui tilings,' Ondatr Retard of choice fruit. About 133 acres of this tract are clear ■ “’ypj* cd of which about ISacrcs is first rate land, and thjrj-esidue is cov ered with good chestnut and ,other tiiiib'er.— Ther? are' stmuns of never failing water run ning through nearly every field on this farm as also through the garden. ’ 'Any person wishing to view the premises bet fore the sale wjll he shown them by- catling on John Ziegler, residing thereon. A. good title .Will be given. Possession will be given on the first of April next. . < Sale,to commence at 10 o'clock, A.M-. when terms will be made known - BY TH EISXECU I'OrtS - of Philip Ziegler, dec’d. * • St Nov. 14,1859. ' MUSIC & FRENCH. Carlisle Female Seminary, • M/SS E, MTLLON, from New York) SS now ready to receive pupils dor instruction in MUSIC Scthe FUENCH LANGUAGE, at her rooms in the house of Charles Bell, Esq, in.Lnutlier street. \ .'The Trustees of the Seminary have been careful to select a person.in every wav qualified ami -well suited for jhe-slation to which" Miss Millnn.has been.appointed. - ' «s Having been instructed in Prance, and spent the chief part of her life .there, she speaiU;’the language with great.accur;icy.. JOHN RGEDi President -i- ‘ • of the Board of-T runlets & of the Silmirmrv. Carlisfei No.v. 7, 1839... : ,vif&£V~ ' ’ - -'; joh n atrefr ' - t ' ATTORNEY his id the Nljv practice uf Law, in tlflßscvcral Courts uf Cumberland' His office Is in the Public Square, next door tothedrpg'storeof Johnj, Myers ts" Co. C- . j®S v : ■ : ■ Carlisle, Nov. 21,1839*v b ’ , , ’3m V Through in filours. CERTIFICATE JAMES PARRY ]S . • BLS. Public : Will be sold at public sale oh -Tuesday the 31st day of December next, at 10 o’clock A. M., tho following described real estate late the property of Moses Scrogga dec’d;* to wit: '* A LOT OH PIECE OF GROTTNI> situate in Newton townsliip, Cumberland county, bounded by lands of Jlcv. Alex. Sharp,and jSam’l. Wild, containing about three acres, having thete bn erected a two story JLOG MiOVSE iljyn ST.IBJLE, with a TANNERY consisting of 21 vats, .a Shop pnd Bark Slied, and Mill Housc*with a noyerfail ing strcammhnihg-near said Tannery.' ' , r THe terms of sale will bo $lOO to bo paid by the purchaser on tho confirmation, of iho sale by .the Court, tho residue of ono half oh the first of April next, when possession will* be given and a deed made to tho purchaser and the balance in one year thereafter without 1 interest; to.bo secured by a lien upon tho land 6\ by bond with approved se curity, By order of Orphans’ Court. ALEXANDER SCROGGS, Adm’r. of Moses Scroggs, dec’d. Nov. 21, 1839.—3t* PUBLIC SALE. Tho subscriber will sellout public sale, oh jthb .premises,' in Dickinson' township, Cumberland county, on Friday the lith day of December, Farm of first rate Limestone SjJMJWSt, \ CONTAINING 148 ACRES, \ strict measure, a good Log -. HOUSE AND BAP.IT, a good Orchard, a well of water,and’ other, im provements, now in tlie occupancy of Jacob Claudy.' Also, on Saturday the 7th of December, a valu able FARM in Weal Pcnnsborough township* on the east of Palm’s Tavern, the great western turn pike passing the door, CONTAINING 180 ACRES, more or less, of good limestone land, a good Log House,* Orchard and olher'improvcrricnls. Sale to commence at 12 o'clock, noon, on said days. Conditions made known at the time of sale. Indisputable titles will bo madc to the properties. JAMES PIPER, Executor of Wm, McCandlish, dec'll. .Big Spring, Nov. 21, 1839. # 3t TUieJVJPIKE EEECTIOdV. Notice is hereby given to~ the-Stockholders of the Hanover and Carlisle Turnpike Road Compa ny, that an election will bo hold at the house of James M’Cash, in Petersburg, (York Springs,).on Tuesday tho 10th day of I) ecei n linr hext, "to meet two.Managors,.aniLat the same timo and place three Managers to be elected by tho Commission ers of Cumberland and Adams counties, to serve for one year. -THOMAS STEPHENS, • President of said Board Nov. 21, 1833 ORPHANS’ COURT SALE. In pursuance of a decree of Orphans’ Court of the county of Cumberland, I will ■offer at public sale on the premises, on Saturday tho 11th day of December next; at 12 o’clock, noon, the following property, viz: ■ Jl EOT OF OROUJVO, containing M acres, more Or Iqsd, situate in Mif flin township, bounded by lands of John Culbert son, Philip ICoontz and John fijhulcnbergor, hav-' ing thereon-erected a two story LOG HOUSE AND STABLE,. late tho property of John Hefilefingcr, deceased. The terms will bo cash, on tho confirmation of tho sale by the Court. PETER WEAVER, . Administrator of said dcc'd. November 91, 1839, 4t * TSI.tT SStKi. Came to the plantation of the subscriber, in N. Middleton town sbip, about 3 miles north of Car- lisle. on or about the. Ist instant, o HhjgygASrgfe WHITE U0.11t, -supposed to weigh about 125 pounds. The owner is desired to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take him away, or lie will be disposed of as the law directs, WM. CORNMAN. November 21,1835). 3t NOTICE - . TO CREDITORS. TAKE NOTICE that.wo have applied to the Judges of the court of common pleas of Cum berland county, for .the benefit of the insolvent laws of the commonwealth of" Pennsylvania, anil' they have appointed Tuesday the 10th day of Dec ember next, for the hearing of us and our creditors at the court house in the borough of Carlisle,when and whore you may attend if you think proper. WILLIAM STROHM. ELI MILLER, GEO. M. PHILLIPS, : GEORGE EGE. ■ November 21, 1839. ' , : - Calicoes, Checks, Muslins, Tickings, Colton Flannels, Drillings, Table Cloths, Crash, Dialler, Gloves, Comforts, Gum' Suspenders, Stockßf Fui Caps, Collars, &c. &c. &c. for sale by , • Ap.NOLD&Co. Farmers take Notice, That I will pay 5J cents for slaughter Hides; and -9-ceutsfur-C alls kina, well token ofi - .-,- L. - THOMAS AVILLIAMSON, . Churchtown, Oct. 3, 1839. —• 2m" Estate of T. Smith JVoodburn, dec'll. -- ■ :‘ : N(rricE. -‘: . H ETTEIiS of administration on the estate of - J3_dT. S. Woodbum, late of Dickinson township, deceased, have been issued to the subscriber resid ing In said township. All persons indebted to said estate will makepayment, and those having claims’ against said decedent, will present them for Settle ment. • . „ SAMUEL WOODBURN. Adm’r. Oot, 24, 1839.-*-6t; •... . . . - Cloths and Cassintieres. A-large assortment of CLOTHS of ail colors and quantities, consisting of extras superfine j fide and a large assortment of low priced pdothsrisultaU ble for bang-up and'over coals*' ' ■■■ - ■ LONDON CASSXSIERES, ?[iplcndid assort ment of all just received by OoU 3, /r ARNOLD & GO. MerWp s&arrLp. 4-1, 5-i, 6*J&B-4 Lupins blank merino Shawls of the best .quality, .one fourth cheaper than they have oyer befc 'sbld in toWn. - Otft.:a; ARNOLD & Go. HICKOK AND GANTINE, 'BOOK BINDSP.B, , . «■ : ; Walnut street Second and third, , HARRISBURG, PA. THEY are prepared to execute all. work in thejr line with despatch and in a superior style, Their Ruling Aparatus'and other nia* chincry, are qt the first‘.order undiatcat im provements, ami they feel a confidence in their facilities fur giving perfect satisfaction toull whomay faVor them-with their orders. . BLANK BOOKS of every description, made to order, and forwarded to any, part of the cbm-, inonwenlth, vr- ", r. . .Paper ruled.tpanypattprn required. Music, Albums, J.aw Books, Perioiicafsi &c. bound in the.best stylo., Nov., 7,1839. H*ooj)wsKTm4T- TmaoPfficß. , HOTEL, West street oAßiisi.E. The subscrlbef respectfully informs tils friends and the public generally that he lias taken that well, known tavern stand at (lie West end of Higli street, in Carlisle, for- keptbyM r- Henry. Rhoads, and-that lie is now prepared to accomntodatc Drovers, Waggoners, Travellers, and all others who may favor him \yth a call, in the very best manner. , ■ . " His Table will Be constantly furnished with the best the country can produce. His Bar is supplied with the choicest liquors; and his Stable which is large and convenient, will he in charge of a careful and attentive ostler. He flatters himself that, from his expedi ence as an Innkeeper, he will bo able to fender general satisfaction. , GEORGE SHAFFER. Carlisle, May#, 1839. tf String, or send the Meninants. All persons indebted to WM. B. UN, HER WOOD will oblige him by liquidating their accounts before the cold weather . sets in. He. hopes this notice will answer as well as Paddy's, hint, if not, it must soon follow. - t x ■ October 24,1839-. ' Estate of George Nickey, det'sL NOTICE. LETTERS testamentary having been issued to the subscriber, on the estate of George Nick oy, late of Frankford township, Cumberland coun ty, dcc.’d; therefore all persons-indebtbd in any way to sard estate arc requested totnake payment im mediately, and. those having claims will present them'without delay properly authenticated for set tlement. GEORGE KO.S,HT t Executor, Frankford township. Oct. 21, .1839, SPIW'II9EJV&. '■ Carlisle Bank, NoV. B, 1839. ■ The Board.of Directdrs of'this Institution have this' day dcdlarcd a-dividend of three,and one half per-cent for the last six months,—on the capital stock paid in, which will bo payable to tho slock-: holders or their legal representatives on and after tho 15th inst. ' Orphans’ Court Sale. ■ In pursuance of orders from the comities of Cum berland and York, will bo sold by tho subscribers, On Saturday the \Alh day of December next rit 11 o’clock in the forenoon on tho promises, the following valuable real estate, late .the property of Abraham Hursh, deceased, situate and lying part ly in tho township of Allen in tho county of Cum land, and partly in tho township on Monahan in tho county of York. The part situate and . lying in the said township of Allen consiste of twenty three acres of good limestone.land with a first rate MERCHANT MILL thcrooh erected on tho Yellow Breeches creek, el se a two story frame HOUSE A.VD KITCHEN adjoining tho same—also a doubla log end frame BARN and other improvements. Said Mill has font pair of stones and rubbers and a garlic machine. This part of the estate is boundecTby lands of Detrioh Steiner, Michael Cocklin and others and the Yel -low-Brcechcs-creek.—That part of ihn rsl;ilo aitu alo and lying in the said township of Monahan is bounded by the said creek, the widow Knisely, Detrich Steiner and others, and consists of twenty seven acres of land, about seventeen acres of which cleared ahd the balance in woodland-. The pro perty aforesaid will bo sold subject to the payment of the interest on $2125 85 to Maty Knisely (wid ow of Samuel Knisely) yearly and every year du ring her natural life—said interest being payable bn the 14th of August.in each and every year—al so subject after the’, death of said widow to the payment of $185174 to John Knisely, Jacob Knise ly, John Brenizor and wife and Christina Knisely, each and every one. The other terms and oondi liojisjof“sale wilfbe made known on the day of sale by '' - * ABRAHAM HURSH, .... CHRISTIAN HURSH, - Administrator* of Abraham Hurst), dat'A " NoVember 14,1839; , . ; - - - 1, 1 - ■ Orphans’Court Sale. in pursuance of an order of the Orphans’ Court of Perry county, the subscriber, Guardian of die minor children of Samuel Bornhisel, late of Tyrone township, Perry county, deceased, will expose to sale by public outcry, on the premises, otl Satur day the 2ls< of December next, at 10 o’clock. A; M.- tho following described REAL ESTATE, vizi r A Tract of Land, situate itTTyrqno township. Perry county, bound ed by lands of Daniel and George Minich, Jona than Dunkleberger, Robert Creeps heirs and Hen ry Titzoll’s heirs, containing . TQX ACRES, 146 PERCHES, abquf-150 acres of which are cleared, 30 aerenof tyhich a(e first rate MEADOW—the residue well timbered. A fine, stream of Vyater runs through’ the land, sufficiently largo to turn ordinary water "works. The improvements- consist in part of a . brick siojjse, : . elntl Tenant. Ilottse, DOUBLE LOG BARN. witli shedd all round it," Carriage Houso, Wagon Shed and’Blacksmith Shop, - 'Tljere.id h weiror-tyater > npar'hfhe;-doorof'tha tnWaipiiv.hpn'se, witjFalputo failing spring witha' Spring hoass contiguout* 'si The abbVo properly presents a fair chance lo anjr. one wishing to suit himself in a first rate FARM, as there are very few superior to it in tlio eounty, either in point of fertility otjocation. It is sitoa ted, on tile great road leading from Londisburg Ho the Burnt Cabins, within 3 miles of the forrnbt place, and 9 miles wpstof fllodmficld. , _ ‘ A clear and indisputable title'will be gifSh'. made known on tho day of sale by -h , SOLOMON BOWER, Guardi*. . 'N. B. if the abovo property is not sold oh said day, it will be rented for one year from the Idt. of Apnl next. ' : ' November LI, 1839. . ■ St THE subscribers have just received from Phil* adelpbia a new and splendid assortment of fall and. winter goods, consisting of qloths, satinetis* blankets,linsy, cotton flannels and woolen flahnels, calico, mouslin-de dunes - and merinoca, cheap calicoes and muslins, shawls and dress haiidker chief, silk handkerchiefs, gloves,-stocks,‘breasts and collars, with a- great variety of winter goods and groceries, which will be sold cheaper'tbanev er. Also, cne carriage with' harness, one Tillber ry and throa horses. . 1 W i r - ». HAMILTON & GRIER. Ostlislp, Orf. IBW.-, • W. S. COBEAN, Cashier. NEW GOODS! Th° subscribers haying lately purchased tne stock of goods.owned by John' H. Rea ver, at the North-East corncr:of .'the Public Square, Carlisle, haVc jiist received a large and splendid assortment Of EXth and Win ter Goods, consisting in part of'superior Wnol jdyed black; - greeny invisible greeny brown, olive, dahlia, adelaide and mist CLOTHS-, anassoftrtiehtof heavy Cloths for Over-coats, a variety of styles of Cassimeres and Cassi J nctls, plaid ahil figured silk velvets, plain and figured satiri vesting,- valentia vestings, &c. &c. Velvet cords, bcaverteen, plain and figured green floor cloths, red, white, yel low and green flannels, white'and colored canton flannels, 6-4, 7-4, 8-4, 10-4 Si 42-4 rose & mackinaw blankets,. English, French and German plain and figured merinues, black and blue-blaek bombazines, plain and figdl'ed rept silks, black gro-de-nap, gro-de rincst lutestring and senshaw silks, a large and splendid assortment of colored silks, figured silks for bonnets, white, black and colored satins, a Variety of fashionable rib bons; . 6-4, ?-4, 8-4 and 10-4 lupines best meri no shawls, chcneill brocha blanket and chal ley do. merino,.Challey and cashmere hand kerchiefs,,.lrish linens; long lawns, lirlen cambric handkerchiefs, gyedhliaraze & gauze veils, black’ lace Veils, sdk and pongee hand kerchiefs. ■ 4-4, 5-4 and 6*4 bleached and unbleached mucins, 4-4 and 5-4 tickings,,6-4, 7-4 and 8-4 cotton and linen diapers, 6-4, 8-4 aiid 10-4 linen table cloths, blue and green cloth table cloths. London,-French and Ameri-. can Prints, 4-4 -5-4 apron and furniture checks, mouslaine and saxony de laine, bb binctt, grecianett and boojk muslins, plain, bar’d and figured swiss, plain, bar’d and fig ured jaconetts. Cambrics and mull muslins, bishop, and friends lawn, thread, gaconett, bobinett and cotton laces, edgings and in sellings, linen diaper and crash and bead bags, a large assortment of hosiery, gloves, handkerchiefs, stocks, suspenders, bonnets, &t.. Cotton & Ra'6 Carpetino, cotton yam of all Nos.’ coAerlet yarn, white and colored carpet chain, lamb’s wool and merino shirts and draw-ere.^STsb'i"V ? lai^ , 4Sori!menr of 7 -groceries;; —— consisting of Rio, St. Domingo, Laguira and Java Coffee; Young Hyson, Imperial & Black. Teas> Sugar . House and SytUp Molasses; Chocolate; Starch, Ginger, Rich, Pepper, Allspice, Indigo, Nutmegs, Cloves, Cinna-* mon, fine and coarse Salt, roll and plug To bacco, Snuff, Scgars, &,c. &c. Also, ah assortment of Halters’ Furs ahd Trimmings, which we will sell at cost, ANC Get. 10,1830 ANGNEY fit ANDERSON. fOft SALE. The subscriber will sell the large and ebmmodious house in, which he now resides* on the Main street, in the borough of Car* lisle. The lot is sixty feet front on Main street, by two hundred and forty feet on Bedford street. The buildings are large and • in good repair, and well calculated lor an extensive boarding establishment. ■ There is a well of excellent water with a pump in the yard, and large stabling attached in the rear of the lot. The terms will be moderate and made to suit the convenience of the purcha ser, and an indisputable title given. Apply upon the premises to - ■ J.D. ELLIOTT. Sept. 19, ; Dxv Samuel Jackson’s celebrated Tonic Mixture. ALTHOUGH thismedicine.is but little knowA in tho country, it has obtained Yor its dietin' pushed inventor un enviable reputation in our At* fantio cities. To those afflicted with weak stom ach from any cause whatever, with indigestion, loss of appetite, weakness of the spine, pains in back and.loins, dizziness and vertigo, the Tonic Mixture is strongly recommended-as producing sure and speedy relief. To be had in Carlisle, only at STEVENSON & HINKLE’S Drug and. Variety store. Br. Warren’s Effervescent Draught. Persons laboring under chronic dyspepsia, indi gestion, water brash, sour eructations and- loss bf nppotito/will find great relief by-using n-halfpirtt tumbler of his preparation• every morning-before breakfast for about a week. For sale in Carlisle* only at Slxtekson & DI-nexe's dtilgand ckctnical store. • •. ! : [Oct. 3. Fresh Prunes, dost reserved at Slovonson & Dinklo’s drug and ekomieal store, a few jars of/raA Prunes, : ; Marshall’s Worm Syrup and In- fnnt Preservative. . THIS remedy is recommended to all Jratienls* nurses and others who hare the management of children, as the most safe and cfftcliml \vorm destroying, mcdiciho.yct discovered; '.The symp toms denoting the existence of wonhS, are indi , gestion, with variable appetite, foul tongue* offen sivp breath, s hatd, full and tense belly, with occa sional gripihgs and pains about the naval, heat and itching sensation about the rectum, tho eyes, hea vy and dull, itching bf the nose* short dry cough', grinding of the teeth, and starting during sleep, attended with' sloW fever; When these symp toms occhr, tho worm syrup, if taken according to. tho directions,' tviU aflbrd relief by destroyihg the worms, and the mucusor slimy-matter in which, theyafo involved; and thereby prevent their pro duction. Tho Syrup hah already hebn used with eminent Succocs by niany individuals in tbisploce. 1 Sold in Carlisle-, it STEVENSON & HIN KLE'S Drug and Chemical store.', Persons wish- . Jiig to.tiy thjs mcdicine.oah be referred'to individ uals ofthehighest respectability in this town wh<* ' have nsod it in their families with greatsucecss. ~7' Hunt c’s Red, TJnhvaJlod in its effects as a sure nrn( eJtpedi-;^ w iious cure? for a certain secret discase. to be had in Carlisle* only at Stevenson & pinklo’« drug-store* ■ jfatalp of Samuel Sicvtck, JiTotice is hereby given " To all persona-concerned, that Letters of Admin' ‘ isiration have been granted to.tho subscriber resi ding at “Herton’s Branch,!l_.four'miles -west of Shippcnsburg, on the road -to.Strasburg, on tho personal estate of Samuel Stevicfe, deceased, lato 1 of tho borough of Shippcnahurg and county of .. 1 Cumberland. AU pcfsons having claims or de mands against theifetatoof saiddecedent, are re- • ' quested to maho known the samd=to mb within* '• :>\- delay, demons indebted aid requested to nak«'vr. payment immediately. ' UAVID SPENCER, : Ok Oct. 3, 1889. Bed, Green, Ycllqwv and extra fineWelsk and : ; wwaMlnii wittt undsu*Uy at •: • ' 'V* '•*