American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, November 14, 1839, Image 3

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down. The towns and villags above anil
, ;below (he capital have like Vise suffered,and
. 13 reported that some have even been sWiil-*
• do wed up and others-destroyed;rbv"'inundaf
' h' on * J-i* 1 - 6 num^er of persons that perished
were anil in the surrounding towns and,vil
lages amounts to between -200 and SOO,
yvhich number may, of ,course,ibe 'expected'
tp.swell as reports arrive from more distant.
V < [places. Amongst those who died nrcrAln
: * i ' T■, Harapeat, the wealthy Armenian merchant,
* ;V ; .and three children of Mr. Avancse. .These
• < _.''weTe tile survivors ofa family of as children,
w ' .'.and he has now been deprived of them too.
" -We have, indeed, to be grateful to Provi
' . • ‘dt nee'that-, tlibugh we have been in the midst
‘of s'6 dangers; and where niany bavepn--,
ishedrtOne ofus haVe suffered either personor
; .'pi : ppertjy.‘Ye owe certainly our escape to the
‘house being, built of the same lightJinatorials
>s, the generality of building hereto but we
liad nigh Been swallowed up by soinb open
'ihgs and gaps hr the earth, for. sotiie of these
were not many, yanjs Tor. bur' residence.—
Anoccurrence like, thiim hbt'in'the're'collec
tiori of the oldest inhabitant in this country,
niir is there any mChfii/TMlf ohe in their his
torical records.. . -
k '
Important. Decision. The Supreme.
iGourt decided yesterday n cape argued at the.
last July term, iiivolyijig the constitutionali
ty-of the Oener.iil Hanking ■ Law. The
/ Judges expressed.opinions to the effect fol
lowing- -first , that associations formed un
der the General .Banking Law .are corpora
tions ; second, . that the assent of two-rthirds
of all the members elected to each branch of
Vhe legislature was necessary for the passing
of the act; and //u>.7, that if passed by a vote
of two-thirds the act is constitutional. On
the last point Judge Bronson was not pre
pared to concur; but on the other questions
I all the Judges were agreed in opinion.
/. 1 lie objection, tltat the General 'Banking.
j • Law-was not passed by a two-third vote, diil
not (he..demurrer to the plaintiff’s
- declaratiotj.- and, whether (in a plea the court
could look byyoucl (he statute book for the
puipaseol reaching that question was . not
- decided.— JJlLany Jlrgus. ' -
. Chicago DemocraVExlra , Gel. 9.7 th.
. , •_ A built]. the
27th, a fire- broke jji*t\voon, llielniild
-injrs belonging to Henry Brown ami I).
.Hatch, and could not be attested until it
_ - -.‘had-destroyed nearly all the block ‘bountk.‘d
by Lake. Clark, South Water and iiearborn-
on the South. Side of the alley, and a
■violent rain alone projected-lhe remainder
ol the block and several adjacent ones'. Jn
/ilced, tio one can perdjet its immense ravag
es, had it been a clear and windy night.
As to the cause ol the lire there are various
•'Opinions. A huge portion of our citizens
■are'inclined- to attribute. it:to_inccmlihrics,
"and this yitAy-gidim-Ciinfirnialion'fiahti the
1 -il'gy nu:iiber of thieves detected around the
, premises,- The (ire was arrested in the direii
•.(ion of .this office-, wholly by the intervention
Ait. the late erecfcd’ftre proof building-, oceu- :
pied by IS. -W. Raymond & Cov, and by Os
mirn & Strait), uim on Dearborn street in the
direction of the 'iValre, bV pulling down of
Jilessrs Spriugand Coodriclrsoffice. With
'thc-e-xceplion of the lire proof buildin"- and
of bricti, the block was all wood*.
In addition to the above, there a're several
tint-houses consumed, containing properly
ol considerable value. Considerable dam
tige was experienced in th'e- adjoining blocks
'by the removal of Goods, &c.
Fron\ ihc Aihhville Uniofi.
A Sl'EtK of War.
-I"'jbc'lifxce to instructions from the Gen
eral Government, Annslnujg and Gen.
.Arbucle have demanded oif (lie Indian -John
Ross, a.surrender or.lhe miiiderers of Bou.-,
(limit ami RidgcS; fearing his oiVii party
Hie Cherokces themselves, Ross.rplWs'ed a
■ compliance with the demand, which pi;odu
• ced excitement on Ihc frontier. Our
latest intelligence is that Ross was to be
made prisoner, and ah immediate'war with
Cherokces feeems to be. inevitable. The
tol owing <mp.y of a feller, 'fronl Brevet Geri.'
Arbnckle to the lion. A.. Yell, which appears
. im the. Sf. Louis Republican giVcs the par
ticulars: - ' 1
Head Quarters, 2d Dept. W. Dry. 5
■'m ,1 Gibsop, Sept 28. 1839/ ’ C
ir. By the last mail Capt. Armstrong
‘ instructioDs f rom t j lc
' •murUei'c^J^^ 11 . , l Anr| J>aVe I
' Miphtdand.astthesc. L
Be late cmigrantswis Wave dcmaniTtSl, them
-tif John Ross; a ttd’in the 1 event of his failure
- to have them dcHver.ed at.this Forir they will
lietakenbythe'mililafvßrceVwhichniay' bor
'opposed by the CheroUeds.'.or a portion of
them, .which will lead th Serjous difTicolties.
T have therefore to request that ymi will give
notice (if this to the-inhabitahts pfWaslilhg;
‘ton and the adjoining cmmties i; thhl,ttihy.iiiay
,*be in read! ness to ,-promptljt t orn 'nnt to, (|;-
' 'fend- their ftoh-lier; add to aid tlfe military
■ -force, if neoessaiy;. C6l,.Masonlthe coA
■manding officer Wayne, il'requir(|li
to keep you advised of the.state p|a(fairs )»
- the ChsKokee tftttions'pnd in the (vent th*
' •thiCheroiceesishodld determine td'jesisl tliA
- WdiTrtipf (lie Goycftnderit, it tvilf (e nccesi
'* sary ; that' the pnm.attce -'and We; hrdnaned
' . fc|tn:es qi
~: J W a strong guard. , . ' ■/.'■'V
■ , I havAordered ari jtflitional supply of
- Sttbsistente: stores ' to Mrt .Wayfie, for file
pui pose -of.’ furnishing JucH' volunteers; of
. be aa
"" .f putfronilerand,
——' ,- —. -(ions dr the govern-
tlia much respect
jour obeJient^^ - -
ueilonk-r'iupon the
- utjFnyettevillfe
>=Ttjc Oza;rk Str
advices froih, \\y
tfjj.fitOctobli 1
Fort Wa^ nV
kee^ero/ d
• 'for Sifaddi.
. ... 699,314
J lie valirf;.of coal, sent fo'vVva'ril this year
will be little short o('"s3.obo,Ob'o, exhibiting
a vastiperease .in ten years', .aju) proving
most conclusively, what iteirt Vt is, that will
make our canals and-rail roads profitable,
, ' ■ Pennsylvania jieporlcr.
On (he 24(h Hit. by (he Rev. N. J. Sti-o'h',
Mr. Chaa. Shriner,\oM\si. Elizabeth Boltb,
both of tile vicinity of Afebhanicsburg.*
, r £ pursuance of an order of the Orphans’ Court.
of X’erry county, the subscriber. Guardian of- the .
da,, 111 oi'iZ Z,. y l on tI,D Premises, op Salur-
XlandsTD^ h t^ Crl y h?und
•tliaV^Dnnk'lefciir»„? 1 ?, c ° r ? e M >"iob, Joiia
and »«-
ahouiloutrSvfliet 4 ® ? E^°^ESJ ■
whichXe 3 °- , ac ™
timbered. \ fi n 0 JL," „9 W — tlle residue well
the lahdXuflinientlv l-i,™ wator runs through
works'. '.VL S imnroiri.m® e / 0 ’ tl i rn ,°. r< l'h a ry, ‘Water
large twS)ry Pf tS con .siat in part of a
manaioulo S rrlear of th ß
failing sttin-with a sonnirr ' n lt,a M. a hover
1 The abL°„l m a spring house contiguous. •' ,
jetie’ wIsHU |d aS’imstif a /*“ r ohance to any.
£ Uicrea?fc4 rl, lmself ' ,n a filtrate’FAßM,
ejthei 1 iii rtitSjL*i|j^ e ~7 ln<t^ e coua ty.
f ° rmor
April,uSS "«* °»P yebr from the Sf
iB3 9. - " - \
S; Army.
[ 'Chat in oppii
tKS ateountj
have been pjm
Esq; for tojlcc
20th instant, bi
of die sumo
i By ordbi
i~ r - Gi&v-^'rtCu'!,-
ket flints'.' ; As ' thb Standard *f’we
wish to ■' create no ; unnecessary
but.give the. infornfMion as we" received jt.
ThV matter may be-seittfcd' without-nny se
rious difficulty, but we are" compelled to say.
that all this information wo-hayefeceived.fa
vors the contrary opinion. The Whnle mat
,ter looks very much like affioteof ’dreadful
preparation.’ There are 20,000 Indian war:
riprs.Upon bur-frontier, and if is imposilile to
fortell wfiat will be-the effectSTofV'the- first-
which maybe struck.. In the event
of iimdnanipng the different tribes, the for
ces of the,. Government ‘opon the. frontier
would be totally inadequate to*, the protec
tion.of our citizen's.. '1 he.-militia must be
looked to as'tlie strongarm of defence—and
amid the ‘pomp; pride and circumstance of
glorious war,* the recently organized-fcorps
of the'Gth division may have an orpportunity
of.,signalizingthcmselvesfor ‘deeds of va 1 or,
and feats of arms.’”— Pennsylvanian.. .
- From the Harrisburg Jicporter.'
.U. S. BANK.—The public will see by ai
correspondence between us and;the Auditor
General that this ins titution has W6t compil
ed with its charter, nor willf Special requi
sitions imposing upon, it- the duty to, make
monthly returnsofits.transactions. Itisdc
linqucnt in all - respects. We. shall -hereaf
ter refer foil more at large
Reporter. Office,>■ _
.Harrisburg, Nov. 7. 18S9. J
it 'a matten of impor
tance to tlie community that the continued
neglect of.the,hjink of the United State? to
furnish'its. Inunfhly statements toyour office
should be niade known iffan authentic shape,
I beg leave to repeat the enquiry which I
made last at.your ’office, tluve any
mon.thly statement? bmdi.niade by the bank of
tile United States since tlie statement of No
ycinbcy,. T 8 3 Synod if, iVof. haveymi at any
time tailed on fhe baiife to fvlrni'sh,them;-and
ha» tnat call been complied with? ~
" Respectfully, &c.
‘w. I). bGA§, .
, Gsjb. R. Espy, Esq. Aud. Gen. i’ciuia.
Auditor General’s Office, j
, .. November 7th 18S9«, y
Sir: —Vnilrs bfihip (Jay bus just come to
ami in which Voti ask (be question, “Ha ve
my monthly stateuienth been made .by the
bank of (be Unifctj Stales,since Noybmbei
1838; and if lint Have yO'ti Vi't.any time called
on Ibc bank for them, and-Illi-J that call Veen
complied with?” 3 ' : .
No statement baring been submitted- to
the department by' that bank since' j 858, I
forwarded to the president of that instill tion,
on the sth day of October last, a requisition
” ,r ?..' s t3 1 e , ncnt of.the situation of thafbank
'on the several discount da vs-subsequent to
November,- 1838; including .(he first dis
count day in (be month of That
requisition, has not complied with, nor has
any return on special requisition or montldv
‘ ig the time for which you inquire.
Uespcbtfully yours,
WmD, Boas, Esq
The following information in relation to
tins trade,;ww gather from our exchanges.
■f’he gross- -amount will, be published at ihe
close of t.h'e.season;
Lehigh 7’rade
blanch Chunk',
Ha/.leloiij a
Sugar lidaf,. -
From, the-Lehigh region, - 204,077
Srljuylkill Canal region t00ct.24 377,23"
Pine Grove or Swalara, about 20,000
I/vkens Valley, about" ~ 8,000
Susqnehapfia and JjvahcWS} 90,000
Orphans’ Court Sale.
fell KBY iJS
ice wjth a.Keaolulion of Society, -
membere and; Otherei'ijn airoirs’
m the hands: of 11. Snodnraas,
ton’ll.'n at -after thVj
iwill he trough tfortho recovery
respecttoporsohs.' I >. J
10 Board, • ■
V ; R.: CAMERON, Preat. -
■November f&i
. Will be sold dn.the
S.dOPDeceniber:next,ut‘2 o'clock, P. M. •
Tvßp JLot's of Ground,
later the property of -Philip Ziegler,. deceased,
situated on touther; street in the borough of
Carlisle, bounded An the cast by. a lot Of Mrs.
Byers, on thetyest by John I!. Turner,, on 'the
smith by Lnuther sti eet and on the’nnrt'b by an
Alley, One of those lots has-erected thereorf
r nie r italjlc.
lihtli lots will l>e sold, together nr separately, Jo
suit purchasers. Possession will' he jiiven on
the.hrat of. April next.. .Fcrms, will be made’
Known on tfie day. olVsale,\ - ; v-
■ . John Ziegler,
> , Abraham Ziegler,
Samuel. Ziegler, .
V . Jesse Ziegler,
. ‘ u ' David Ziegler,
'Philip Ziegler,
■■ ,i' ■ Executors of Philip ZiegUr, dec.
■Nov. 11, 1839. ‘ . .
Register’s Notice.
' .. _ . .. Carlisle, Novembers, 1839. y
• is.'Tiereby given IoNiU Legatees,
-Lv Creditors and other persons concerned,
• l l , ‘‘ « e to ! lovv '0& have been filed in
tins office fur exadiimition, by- the accountants
therein named, and \ pvesehted to the Or*
phans* Court of Cumberland coupty, for confir*
malion ami allowance on Tuesday iheTOih day
.of I)ecember, A*. D. 1839, viz: „ -
; . i.^ e n'diinnislratiou account of Andrew fr
yiite. fc.xcr.mnr of Joseph Douglass, late of Sil
ve£, township, deceased. ' “
1 he admiiii?\ration account of Mrs. Hetty.
Addams, Adiniaistratrikof Isaac Addams, late
0 * e onsT)nn;.V\gh' township, (licensed.
1 hr administration ac'coftnt of Samuel Me*
Cune, Executor of John Sharp, late of Newton
township, deceased. ~ i
I hcmlministraiion arcount of John Houser,
Executor nf Robert Cooki late of Monroe town*
ship, deceased.
I he ad ministration account of JacolrHcrshe,
AdiTiHusirator of Joseph Spangleivlale of North
Aliddlcton township, deceased.-
The adminislrat : on :rccoimt ofLeonard Helm,
Executor of Jacob Helm, late of Southampton
township, deceased. -
I he adri'iinistrafion account of,Jphn Saxton,
Administrator of James ILnston, hue of Silver
bpniig.township, .deceased,
. adminlslj’atinirnccounl of Joseph Shfoni,
jr ; . Administrator of Joseph Shrom, sen-, late
of the borough (if Carlisle,’ deceased. . ..
i \L c . a^n, ’ n *^ nrcobnl of“inhn Minnigh
and Elizabeth Stoner, Executors of JnhivStonciV
borough of Newville, deceased.
' lteMtnplcmental and final administration
ticcimnt of Daniel Marklcy, Administrator, of
Henry Mover, late of Allen tuwiisTFtp’, deceased.'
1 he’ad mimstratinn'account‘of John "Harper,
E-q,> Administrator hf William Richer, Esq.,
late of the borough of NcwvlHe. rfereased.
1 Ihe guardianship acci imt (if W.ifliam Weak.
• * V:V ,K ; i ,n VVefiklev, minor
son of Daniel Weakley late of Dickinson town
ship, diceasud.
- The gnanli.<nship account orWllMam Weak
ly* Guardian of Harriet M. Weakley, now de
ceased, who was fine of the minor children ol‘
Daniel Weakle), late, of Dickinson township,
deceased. _ .
. The ..giiardLansl»ip_a<icomit— l lVddri
one of the Gn mlians dr ciirislopher, \V
ham aiid Jolm Patterson. -
_ ISAAC ANGN.EV, Register
DY .
JV‘<trth"Jßmericn Insurance Co.
. Philadelphia:
alii.i-e company ilu'f.u K h tlu ir ."Agency
. • i lh r7 ai s * il * tn insure all
kinds of property ni this and tlu* adjoining conn
lies at the lowest rales. The usual risk on stone
or brick houses averages about per annum on
each thousand insured, and a stock nf merchan
dize consisting id I\vy goods, groceries, and the
usual assortment of a country sto:e, will be hr
sured at the same rale, »
I roperty holders, anil merchants gcnendlv
ihroiighnnt-ihis and’4lie adjtmniig counties; wid
please give the above, notice atuhtion.' Anpli
cation can be made either by letter or in person
to the buhsenher in Carlisle.
■ 34,743
"Nov. 14, 1839.
. Sale.
In pursuance of orders from the cojmties of Ctimj
beriand ami York, will be sold by the I
On Tuesday the 14 Ih day of December next, I
5 1 ,, 11 o’clock in-llio forertoon o» the promises, tho
■following yaluablo.real estate, late the property of
Abraham Harsh,, deceased, situate arid lying part-
Jy in the township of Allen in tho county orCiim-i
land, and partly in tho township di> Monahan m‘
the county of The part situate and lying,
in tho said township of Allen of twenty
tlireo acrcs of good limestone land with a first rate
—MEReff^frflLL .
thereon erected on the Yellow BK-eches creek. al
so a two atoryfrarild ... •
, not $ E^DtKrri^iajjf;
aJoUblelpg and fwnia
: - ~, biry
and otherimprovemenls. ,Said Mill hn«'r
of stones ancLrubbers and 1 h ? s four-pair
. Steiner, Michael Coeklin and nil"* 8 °I , Dctric h
Jew Breeches creok •-Thai-; °y , S r ®a E ! n d the Yel
ato and lying■jn’tiibsbid^S^orM^h Bifn *
bounded .by the said V .u pof Monnl >an is
Detnch Steinet and othora^ond 1 * ' v i do 'y Knisely/
Seven acres.of land nlimit s’ a " d consists of twenty ,
is. cleared and the llatp!
Petty liforesatd will be sn b d “ nd : --Ofo Pro-.i
of die interest on 52J33 sj t 0 »i® ot t ?‘ l ! 0 Payment ,1
ow yfSamucl Kmselyy,“ Kmsely (wid-,
ring her natural life_iiid ?»I y - a ™ every year dn
on th Wh of August in eaoh e abd 'A™ s payable
so;sufect after tV dcath nf i^ 7 ycar—=>l
paymefi of $lB5 171 to JnL rr ai ' d i widw ’ *° «>o
& Joirnali’i and
wdl please, insert, tho abovo 7
and forward hill to this 3
,* # *nf janc ,
iY ?rJt Gazette;
imes, mark pri
e ,? r ° ? re ordered to i
nm winter aniform f ■
, ne % (I6th Nov.) a t v
journed Coart of. Abßet
quent members; • .
.Nov. 14..'.:,. SA t'
and; whoro you.ffiajf^p.U^
Mm- _
Will bfe sold on tiiepremises, on
Ijdonday the 2d day of December next.
Ore.following described real estate, late the pro
perty of Philip Segler, dec’d, situate in Morth
Middleton to wn sh IpC umI)ell a n (I coipily, 6
■miles north of Carlisle, near the Long’s (Jap
road, adjoining lamia ofJas; Kvbwn.JuhnXiehil,
Simon. .John. Shade ami David
Rieglef, containing about-a , ‘
hj,< more or less, of
': First Hate Slate .Land,
having thereon erected a ,
el first rate Bank Barn,
(60 feet by 50,) Spring- House, VVagon Shed,
and all other out buildings, and an
JS& . v Orchard of choice fruit. ;
About IGo.ncres of this tract are clear-
cd of which about 12 acres'rale
feSSsmeadfiw land, and the residue is cov
ered with good oheipiuit and othey timber.—
There are streams of never failing water run
ning through nearly every field on this farm as
alim throuiOl,thejsqiden.", ' ■ . ', ,
Any person wishmg Jo yip.w the premisda be
fore the sale will be shown them by calling on
John Ziegler, residing'thereon. A good title
•wiII he given. Possession will be given onl the
first of April next. ’
Sale to commence at 10 o’clock,' A. M. when
terms will be made known
‘Nov. J-1,1839.
i ! . Sf^O.
In their stores in Carlisle and Mtxhanicshurar,
, are Just receiving a fresh assortment dl r WIN
. TEIt GOODS, -consisting* in part, .of a general
lissonnumCot line and ■:■ . ■ \
; ■ " OEOTHS, ■
of all colors, heavy Heftier,. Pilot, and *Mohair
Cloths for overcoats; Cassimeres, plain, striped
! and rib-dj Cassinells of all colors, and qualities;
some veiy low priced.plain and figured Silk Vel
, V c * s t.'P*ain and figured Satin Vestings; silk, va->
lenda and other Vesting?; s Velvet Cords, Bea
verteyns, Mplgskjns,.>y,hite; red, green and yel
low Elmuicl's, white'and cohered. Canton Flan
nels uncL Doeskins, Table Diaper, linen Table
Cloths;.7-4, 8 4. 9 4; IQ-4, 12i4 and 13 4 Rose,
Duflichl and Whitney Blankets; French, Welsh
• and-Gei’inun Merinoes; black -and -blue- black-
Bombazines; figured Do.; plain,and figured rept
Silks? gros (Jc Paris, gros tie Rheihs, grhs de
Naps,-MaUeoni and Venitia Lutestring and Sen
shaw Silks;Vhaiidsomehssorf'meiit of light.
ured Silks for Bonnet?; Lupins 7-4 and 8-& Me
rino SJ)a\yls;blanket,br»'cha and cliiilley Shawl's,
lace Rdgings, bobinet Quillings, tape edge quil
ling Bobjnets; Indie and British Swiss Muslins,
Mull AJuslins, jaCConet and demi Cambric, cross
bar’d and jaconet Muslins, a large as
.sqrlnicnt of Irish Linens, Russia Diapgr, Osan-
Inirg’s 1%4 Ticklenbnrg Sheetings* plain and
ng*d green Baize, for- floor cloths, Ingrain and
Venithm Carprfin,g,;a ; lafge assortment, of Sus
pioulers; Gloves, Hosiery,.§cc. sc. *
hikrwjse, in Mecharyasburg, a large/ assort-
articles in the groctry. line, which they offej
lower than can he bought elsewhere, ful* casl
I or'country produce,
Nov. 14. lfcS£r'
tar lisle IFemale Seminary,
. Jf(SS K. lilHiLOjy, frquL iVe to PbrA,
I? ''T. v ; ':V : "’y to receive pupils Inranstiaictirin
m her rooms in tlie house of. Charles Bell, Esti
in Louther street.
1 he I lustce.s of the Seminary- have been'
careful to select a person In every wav qualified
,and well suited for the station to which Miss-
Waving been instructed in France,'and spent
the chief -there,-she speaks the'
language.with' great arruraev.
- ■ JOHN REED, Fre«ident
of the Board of Trustees &;of the Seminary.
Carlisle', Nov. 7, 1839.
Esta te of Elizabeth Barnhart, deceased.
N O T 1 O B.
ttcrs of Administration having been grantedt
to the subscriber on,the estate of Elizabeth
Barnhart, late oi Silver Spring town ship, Cum
berland cnnnly,"deceased, notice is hereby giv
en to all persons indebted estate to make
mi oicdiate payment,, anti those bas ing claim s'
Will present, the,til properly authenticated for
settlement, to. the subscriber residing in said
towflship. - , , ■
V ■ "■- • JACOB GROSS. Adm’r.
November,!'-, 1839. • 6 ,
1 URNS his thanks jtp'thu ’ladies and
Jlft; gentlemen of the borough,; and his custo
nieis generally, for the liberal patronage rn :
bestowed upim. him
pectluliy aiforbis thenfe.
« Rfaida,
finite; (plain,)
Everlasting Curie,-
: fcntlemen’e frige of
scalps, r J
rose and round Snaps- fine” 0 .' 1 P ru ’ ,l,es > -Musk,
Combs, hiir.Brushes’ Goi. mid • llnss,t 'K
man) Lavender and. ElnridiPw ? t,,ni “ e
Bcsr’s Grease SapoMCMnVr, SOAPS.V
v ,n S. teeth sha
t[ons,Bavj{nm;LinSalve"Pilftri a ;’ sddeiicl
? r “I? 1 ?tAlmofic|*; Cold CrfiS? 8 t?™ ,n sf,c ks,
dor^Uose.TeethPaste flliStaor B *?'’- on,a ' l Kale.
der Ivory Pot j
VaricKatetl am||pa|,n--Cn^^^
■*3ite : ¥SsfeSf®KS ;
’A]y j>. CAJVTijV f
Vr '
' .Vorkuta
of Philip ZreglWi-rfcc'd .
, - -3t
~ ala t* offMip Xeizl e
.' WOTSCK • ■ ’ -•■
A-• in.
f a S le^---J::ir
,? f the best
, . Estate df George Nickey/ dcc’d. , -
. ...., -• jrqTiciE.-. ’.’ .;
T ETTl?RSto»tainenta!ry having been issued to
JLithe subscriber, on the estata,b? George Nick
oy, late of Frankbjfd township, Cuiiberiand coun
ty.dec’d; therefore all persons indebted ju anyway
to said estate-are reqilejSd to make payment
mediately, and those having claimswill'present
.them wdhoul delay prpper)y._authenlicated for set
tlement. .
GEOItGE KOSHT. Executor,
f-ranliford township.
Oct. 24. 1839.
, ~, ■ JESTRAVS. ~
the plantation of the subscriber, ip
township, dometime in September
last, two heifers abbut.s j. years, old,, (one red find
white,, and ffie oilier principally red)—also a small
red bull about orgryoat old. Tile owner or own
ers are requested to tomb’ forward, provo property,
pay charges,' and take them away—otherwise they
Will be disposed ofacoording to law.
Dot. 21, 1839.—3 j ;
MSrinSi Or send the IlcmnantH.
All persons indebfetl'.fb, WM. B. UN
DERWOOD will.oblige Him by liquidating
their accouhls before the cold weather sets
in.. Ite hopes this notice will, answer as
WelV as PbJdQsT hint, if not, it must soon
foll,o\w' \ , .
October 24, 1839.'-
. CA(UilBfcE BaNK, NTbV. 5, teSSl'''
The Board of. Directors of. this Institution have
this day declared a dividend of three and one half
per cont jfor. the last’six months,' : on the capital
stock paid in, which will bo payable. to tho stock
holders or their. legal.representatives cn and after
the 15th' inst; ~ ”
to Tin: pimif.
THE subscribers have 1 ' now growing, -about
thirteen thousand MOR.US MUETIPAO
LIS MULBERRY TREES,' from roots and' cut
tings lliis season, measuring from one to six - iffeec
high, with manjy strong branches to each, which;
will.sell low for cash, to bo delivered to pur*
chadors at the proper time of taking up' said trees
this fall, or next spring, as will best suit,tho pur
chaser, ... - -■
Carlisle, Jlugust 29, 1839. L . tt
rpHE subscribers take,this method of
JL ing their friends and the public in general,
that they .have commenced the above mentioned
Jtusiness-in-iiH its-varioHs-hraiicfie9rin'the*shup“
recently occupied-by-Mr. Stewart Moore, ill'
-Main street, nearly opposite May. Uehiar.’stav.
ern.- wliei-.c they i w,ill at all glad-to' re 1 -
ceivc visits Troni customers, mid furnish them
at the shortest notice wilh any thing in th’girlirie
of business, such as . , ■ . '
- 80b.t8.--/ .
Shoes, Slippers , •Hiciirocs,ffc. S'c,
all of which shall be made in the neatest ainf*
most snbstantialhianner, arid on the.most mod
erate tern|s for .cash or approved country pro
dare. , 1
1 hey Solicit a share of public patronage.
Carlisle; Nov. 7, 1839. tf
Respectfully, infornis the public 1 that she has re
moved from Lancaster to Carlisle,.andcstiU c.nn-
VrV!i?w’.'iV S - ,>al s ! u ' I h, ct/ l9brated KTAD DOG
MEDICINE. She can be .consulted and tlie
medicine obtained at’ John Haiiiilton’s, south
east corner of Hanorer and I.anther streets, with
whom she resides,
A comipittee was appointed by a town meet
mg in Lancaster, ttj moke an examination con
cerning the medicine! when It was ascertained
that not one case of Hydrophobia had occurred
where the medicine.was taken, amongthe many
hundred who have used it in the vicinity of
Lancaster. It has idso bqpn proven beyond a
doubt,that this is thy,only medicine vet discov
wAl prevent that must linrrid disease
-HYDROPHOraMi which alwas terminates
the life of its victim by an awful death.
Carlisle, Nov, 4, 1839.^,
i 5
, J3 miA)T ■
stripes, equippep:
||ARG ; AINSi:::v.-'K:
\ :
it opened aveiylarge
and spljiridjtL
p';,'-' 3 ' 1 lain mid Figured...
. Grocertcs XQncensicu
CyMi bcf. 31, ;1539.
n v
W. S. COBEAN, Gashier.
W L. ~~^aam77~~ ——- J “ ~' t ll°i|is.mri l , --
•A • •■■V'hS-.J. . 9 W u . r £f^osbbSa^.^ ll
AN, Ist Serg t. I / !
I Shipponßbt'r&.o | i t >^ l r l 8 ; .- .- V V* "
.v ■*-■ ! /:
. FOR NOVEMBER.- :jj3S9. - .,
., , r;
baugh, • .
;*•? j .
eas. 'Clemens M’Farlane, John . , .
,;-» i -*;r'sX ■:
Ic,- ,
“‘I: ' 1
I- •*..,•
..„■■■ 4
,S, .* <
te^ eor ee . ’
( Cromer, gen., Witoasi i\ rii w* *3£ c.
* * *k'
Av Richards ’
’Ehe subscriber reBpectfully,,iiifbriii9 bis!
friends and the public generally that lib Ims \
taken that well known tavern 'stand at llie -
West end of .High street, in Carlisle, for- ■
nierly kept by Mfc Henry Rhoads, and, that
.'i® 1 ? prep Hi-ea ion«.«umodate Drovers,'
Waggoners, /rawllcri, and a) Teniers
may (avofcliQjjKvith a call, in the very best
manner. .
- .His constantly furnished,
with the the 'country can produce, ' Hi's
"““if', 3® .supplied with the, choicest liquors,
and his Stable which islarjje and cphvenient,
will be in charge of'a cardful and'attentive
'ostler..,.. '*• ..
... He flatters himself that, from tiis experi
ence as an Innkeeper, lie will be: able to
reridebgeneral satisfaction.
Carlisle, May 2, 1839. tf
Estate pf Ahdrew Emnl'ingcr, deceased'.
jr ewers testamentary upon the
pjjibswill of Andrew Emminger, dec’d, havobeeii
1 duo form of law to David Emmlftgorand
SanSpcl'gehsomanrtho Executors therein named:
All persons having claims against the estate will
present them fpr settlement, and those who are in
debted-will make payment
October 10, 1833. ‘ . 6f
Estate of Jacob t-Peibley, deceased',
. N; OTI,C IE . .
T UTTERS testamentary on the estate of Jacob >
HUWcibley, late of North 'Middleton township,
deq’d.', havebcen issued to the subscriber. All
persons haying any claims against said estate are
hereby Requested to present them properly authen
ticated-for Settlement, and those indebted to tho
same to make payment immediately.
. . Administrator of Jacob Weibley, dcc’di
Sept. 19, 1839.
Calicoes,. Checks, Muslins, Tickings, Colton
Flannels, Drillings, Table Cloths, Crash, Diapcri
Gloves, Comforts, Gbm Suspenders,[Stocks, Fur
Caps, Collars,-&b. occ. &c. for sale 'by ,
1 ’ r; Anxoi.b.&Co.
- Farmers take Notice;.
That I will pay 5J cents for slaughter Hides, and
9 cents for Calfskins Well taken off. —■' . '
Churchtown, Oct 3,1839 i, •. £ m
. —, . , J
mccttpn for.SSanhJßiirecr,ortr. /j
.. GAKListE Bank, Oct. aj'lssa:
■JkTQTICE is'hercSy given to the[Stockholders
ln 1S —rJ
neld on the third Monday of November fi&r/, (beinEr I'■
IbcMwi day,) at the - BaiiKing.'Houso, for thir- ]
TEENDiiuscTvna, to serve during the year then td !
Estate of T. Smith, fl'oodburn, dcc'd,
NOTICE : . '■
B ETTERS of. administration on,the estate of „
S. Woddburn, Into of Dickinson township,
deceased, have been issued subscriber resid
mg in said township; All persons indebted to said *
estate will-make payment, and those having claims'
against said decedent, will present them for Scttlc
tnont. , ...
Oot. 9-1,'1839.—6t, ■ • : ■„
•'PtfiEpiibscriber privacy salo-his Now
A; Brick DWELLING HOUSE:and Lot' ol*
of Ground, situate on tho west ond of Leather
street, how in tho occupanoyofProf.M’Clintick,
The lot is 60 foot in front and 140 feet in
If hot sold by tho UthofNoTtmbcr itwitl .then
;be offered for iron)! for one year. r
■■ ■■■■ ROSS lamberton;
Carlisle, 0«. 24, 1839. . 3,:
[ -V:.,%NEW
THIS Subscribers
adelphia a new and splondjd' assortment of fall
1 and wintpr-goods, consisting of cloths,, shtiheits,
blanl£ets,Jm3y; cotton flannels and woolen flaflnels,’
calico, mouslin de lanes and nibrmdes, ■ cheap -
calicoes and. muslins, shawls.and dress hnndker- •
chief,-silkhandkerchiefs,.gloves, stacks, breasts
and collars, with a.grdat rarity of Winter, goods'. ..
- and whTch wiirbe sofd eb’eaper ;than oy
er. Also, one.carriage with harness, oho Tillßer
ry and three horses. - r ,4 > •
-L s . , V-' . & GRIER,' •. ‘
Carlisle, Oct. 34, 18 39! - . 4 ■
ft. r> * »• wv-'
4 •
, • i
. m.- 'I
r :