American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, November 07, 1839, Image 4

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    1/ .
"EIB V virtue of an order of sale, to tnd directed,
S® issued out of the Court of Common I’jeas of
Cumberland county, be . exposed to public
sale on the, premises,aiT Frankford- township,, on
Friday the Bth day of November, 1839, at 10 o’-
clock, A. M, the following described real estate,
lato the property of John Campbell, dep’d. and
Wm. Campbell, to witt
No, 9, in' Inquisition, bounded arid, described
Tollowa:--»-d3cghfning at a blnck oak grub in a
lino of land formerly of Philip Shambaugli, thence
by a tract now of William Campbell, north thir
teen nnd a half degrees, cast sixly-nirto porches to
a white oak, thenco forty-nine degrees cast, eight
nnd four-tenths, porches to a. post, thence north
Bovwitficn degrees, cast, one hundred and.thirty
nine porches torn post in a line of land of the heirs
ofAphn Logan, and by tho same north soventy
nino degrees, oast thirtj'-fivC and a half porches'to
a white oak, thenco north thirty-oho 'degrees, east
eleven, and a half perches, to a post in a lino of
land formerly of*; — HickernoU, and by tho
game souththirty-aix and a half degrees-, cast one
hundred and forty-seven and a half porches to a
white-oak, a corner, of hndformerly of Jacob Jum
per and by tho same south fourteen degrees, easf
ninety-four porches to, a comer of land of
tho aforesaid Philip Shambau'gh, and by tho same
south eighty-one degress, west thirty-seven nnd
two-tenths porches-to ra white oak, and. thence
south sixly-nino and a half degrees, west one hun
dred and eleven perches to the place of beginning,
CHES, neat or strict measure, having thereon e
rected a two story LOG HOUSE and a small' Log
Stable, and other improvements. - ‘ .
■ Tho conditions will be as follows: Theohc-balf
;of the.purchase money to bo paid on tho confirma
tion of the sale by tho court and tho residue in two
equal annual payments thereafter without interest,
to ho secured by mortgage or judgment bonds. ‘
JoflN MYERS, Sheriff.,
Sheriff’s Office, Carlisle, Oct. 17, 1839.
Valuable Farmfor Sale..
KjjlHE subscribers offer at private sale, • tho fol
iL.- losing described property, in Londonderry
townsV.ip,Dauphin coilntv,cnif»ining ONE HUN
SEVENTEEN PERCHES of patented Jand, 'a
bout 100 acres of which are under cultivation, the
residue being covered with good timber* The im
provements aro a largo two storya
with a bach building; water, near the door, a largo
Orchard, a wagon shed, corn crib, and a LARGE
BANK BARI?. This farm is very near, tho river
■ Htici Pennsylvania canal,- about two miles iholaw.
thcTLumbor'Yards at the mouth of the Swatara,
antl nearly the same distance-from the Union can
al. Tim nvenuog to market aro so convenient as
as to afford ready sale ..for,farm products; whilst
lumber can be procurqd without distant hauling.
The. Harrisburg anil Lancaster rail road .passes
. through tho premises. Title indisputable.. For
terms inquire of Sir.’ OiNOiucn, on the premises.
■ Near Columbia and Marietta..
. . Near Hogeslownr Cumbld co.
October 10, 1839. ■ ' 3t
The subscribers having lately purchased
Ihestock of,goods owned by John ft. Wea
ver, at the North-Bast corner of the Public
Square, Carlisle, Have,just received a.large
and splendid assortment of Fall and Win
ter'Goods, consisting in part of superior
wool-dyed black, green, invisible greon,
brown, olive, dahlia, adelaide and mixt
an assortinentof heavy Cloths for Ovcr-coats,
a- variety of styles of Cassimerea and Cassi
wtts, plain ami figured silk velvets, plain
and figured satin vesting, valentia vestings,
&c. &c. velvet co’rds. beavcrtecn, plain, and
figured,green floorcloths, red, white, yel
low and green flannels, white and colored
canton flannels, 6-4, 7-4, 8-4, 10-4 & 13-4
rose & mackinaw blankets, English, French
and German plain and figured merinoes,
black and blue-blaek bombasines, plain and
figured rept silks, black gro-tle-nap,
rines, lutestring and senshaw silks, a large
and splendid assortment of colored silks,
figured-sllks-for- bonnets, white, black and
colored satins, n variety of fashionable rib
buns. ’
6-4, 7-4, 8-4 and 10-4 lupines best meri
no shawls, chencill brocha bliinket and chal merino, olialley and. cashmere hand
kerchiefs, Irish linensi long lawW.“liiten
cambric handkerchiefs, green baraze &gauze
veils,-black lace veils, silk and pongee hand
kerchiefs. ’"
4-4, 5-4 and 6-4 bleached'and unhleachcd
muslins, 4-4 and 5-4 tickings, 6-4,’7-4 and
8-4 cotton arid linen’ diapers, 6-4, 8-4 and
10-4 linen table cloths. blue and green.cloth
fable cloths. : London, French and. Ameri
can Prints, 4-4 5-4 apron arid . furniture
checks,’mouslaino and Saxpny de laine; bo
binett. grecianeft-and book muslins,_ plain;
bar’d arid -‘figured a.wi3s,' pliuri7bar , d‘arid fig
yifed-jaconettSj Cambrica and mull muslins,
c bishop and friends ;lawn,, thread, jaepnett,
• bpbiriett and ‘cotton laces,, edgings. and. jhr
sertings, linen diaper arid crash-andbead
bags, a-targe assortment, ofhosiery, gloves,
.. handkerchiefs, stocks, suspenders, bonnets,
&c. C ottos & Rao Gahpetino, cottoriy’afn.
of all Nos. cpAerlet yarn, white aritlcolored
. carpet chain,'lamb’s wool and, merino shifts
and drawers. • Also, a large assortment of
, ~ ,-■ -; GROCERIES,.
.Consisting, of Rio, St. Domingo, Xiaguira’and
Java Coffee; Young Ilysoii, Imperial & Black
Teas; Sugar House and'\Syrup; Molasses;
Chocolate,. Starch, Ginger, ■ Rice, I’eppci;,'
Allspice, Indigo, Nutmegs; Glovcs.Cinna
won, fine and coarse Salt, roll andplug'To
bacco. Snuff, Segtirs, Ac. &c. ; V , : '
; assortment of Hatters? Euf.s.and
Trimmings,- which we will, sell' at coif.,
Oct. 10,1839. ,
• „ Six CentsMeimrd, ,
, Han away from the subscriber living in
A Mifflin township, on the 14(h inst,'aii ap
-Jjrentice to the Blacksmith business, named
•Alexander Finkcnbtner, 18; years of
oge. tEfeet.B inches highamlilim built, light
Hair arid-light rcompleiion. The. above re
ward will ba paid to any person , who may
npprehend- and rqturn hiiu to .me, but no
~ chargesipaid. All pcrßbna afe'Tof>vnrried:a
-gamßt ligtbbpng'himr JACOB LAItDtST
0ct..j7;1839. ~ '
Ala|ge Msortjnßnt ofr CLOTHS of all eolbra
apd gSaiifiliss,.consisting, of extra, superfine, iifie
low priood.cloths
r . hfe jbr bahjt>up and; over coats,
< -LGNoWTCASSrM^ES,.aßpleirfid;R»scgt-’
Commencing on Monday the l\th.
■ an wo junr.
Allen —Henry Grove.’.
Carlisle —Williaiiy.Alexander, •
tlethwaite, John H. Weaver.,,-
Dickinson— James Blildwjn,. Samuel ‘Hus
ton”, John Mehhfiey, feampsmVMuttcn.
East Peimsboroitgh—Yidß\o\ Brctz. ; ■
Frankford —BenjaminiAlter, Geo. Kosht. ;
//opeute//—-Janies l.eiby. ,V, ,
Monroe— John’Brindlc, .Samuel Clark, f'rjir-.
Mifflin— Jacob Hcmmitrgcr. .-A
Netolon —Henry Baker; Geo. llclflpuo,\vc)y '
Shippensb'urg'township ■ —Hugh Craig,..’ .
“ 6oro¥^/j-~JoliivCrisweil,E'redr ;
• crick Scott.. . ‘ 'r'-
SouthanXptWx—Zo\vn jlighlatiils. ? v
Silver Spmig—r ßetcr .■
West Pen'nsborosigh—-yiil\iMn Carothei’s,'
Francis Hiller, sen. > ; ~b ■: \ ■
; TP A
Allen— George Heck, Isaac Miller, Jamps
Neal, Jonas Rupp, jr., David Slieffeiv,
Carlisle—Jacob Baiigliman, James Kelly, ■
Dickinson —Martin Cloudy, Abr’m Kurtz,
James Oliver, John Swords.
East Pennsbqfough— Daniel Brctz, jr., An--
drew Kreitzer, George Rupley, jr., Joseph
Sadler. . ‘ .7 ;,i
Frankford —Benjamin Burkholder, James
Gillespie, Alexander Bogan, Win. Mell.
Hopewell— JacobFnglesonger, John M’Coy.
Monroe— John Be|tzlmover, John Brickcr.-
Mechanicsbmg— flenry-Kimmel, Jacob Sly
der, Frederick Wonnerlicli..
North Middleton —James Brown, William
... Cornman, Daniel Hamer, Henry Hcjigy,
• John Jacobs, Jas. Mateer; George Wise.
Ncioton— rßcnjamin Humherger,Henry Kin-
ding. “• ‘ t
Silver Spring—Jac-oh Arnsherger,.Thomas
B. Bryson, William Keller.
Shippensburg borough —■ Charles Anderson.
Southampton— John Bay, Gonrod Ctcver,
Jacob Helm, scn;f Moses Hemphill, Geo.
Helm. ■' - '
South Middleton— Adam Bitner, Jacob Rit-
TFest Pcnnsborough —John Bricker, John
llcikea. •
—TRA mnSEjm -Weft..,.,
Alien—r. Martin.- Brandt, sen., John Draw-.
baugK, William Darkness,,David Lamb,
-George Lnunfz, Daniel Shelly, sen. i
Carlisle —Samuel-Bnsininger, Johti D. Oor
gas, Clemens M’Farlane, John Procter,
Edward J: Stiles. ‘ ‘
Dickinson—John Duke, Geo. Martin, Philip
Weaver,-Richard Woods. ,- ' ■
East Pennsborovgh —John Bowman, jr., A
braham Bretz, William Stakemiller.
Frankford— John Bear, Adam Wolf..
Henry Ilcfflebower. . . . •
Monroe—Carey W: 'Aid,' George Brindle,
Joseph,Eberly, John Hopple, James Wil
liams. ■’ ;* ■
Mifflin —Hugh Barr, Andrew M’glwain.
Mechanicsburg —Joseph Black, Ira Day, I-
saac-Kinscy. '• -
North Middleton —Jacob Hershey.
Newton —Davis Skilcs,
Newville —Joseph M’Darmon.
Silver Spring —John Clcndchiil;,.jr., Adam
Eichlebergcr. • ■ f
South Middleton —John Either, Michael G.
Ege, George Smith, John Wolf, f
Sottlhainplon —Thomas H. Britton, Jacob
Cremer, sen., William Duncan, sen., Ro
bert Early, Dewall Pisle.
Sbippensburg bofough— James Brandeberry
TVest Penmboropgh— Robert Montgomery,
Isaac Slielleubergeri jr. - f
12tb September 1839, tin motion of Mr. Lyon,
Rule on all die heirs and parties, interested in
the-.cstate.of Joseph Shrom, Lite (if Carlisle, de
ceased, to appear at the stated Orphans’- Court
-to-be held for Cumberland-county on Tuesday
the 10th day of December next, to show cause
why the tract of land containing 239 . acres and
27, perches strict measure, and the lot ‘contain
ing 7 acres and 53 perches, ami the lot coritam
lug’6 acres and 154 perches, and the lot contain-'
■ing 6 acres anil .149 perches, and the undivided
-half-part ot the’lotof ground-in Wofmleyshurg
containing 58 it-ct -in-breadth, and 160 feet' in
length,' belonging to,the .estate of said deceased;
(and ’described in the inquisition and diagram
thereof returned by the. Sheriff of said comity at
the .last Septerilber Orphans* Court,) should not
-be.sold, —, ; ... Br -rnE .CtTU.HT,.
Cumberland county, a». -
• That the above rule was granted
by, the Orphans’ Court of Said county
at the time above, mentioned, and is
entered of record in said court, wit
ness my band and‘ the seal of said
• court at Carlisle the 22d day’of Octo
ber, A, D. 183*,- , ,-f ■■■•'- ■■
: ’ For W, h'O D’LX , Cl'k of Orphans’ Court.
7i Pittsburg Mercury insert 3 times and charge
tips office, ~..
PublieSalcy ;
THE subscriber will Offer atfpuliiic Side top
'Saturday the 16th day of Noyeinbfr liexti
on the GarpH township,"York
county lind partly, iri Mhoroc tmynship, Cumber
land county; 2 milea ffpiri’ Dillsßufg arid abiiot 1
mile .from.. Brandt's. mill, .on live York:raad, a
certain plantation orW "A ~ ■' ’: •
containing about34o acres ol; ijaieniecVliinda'ac!-'
joining Robert Cookes Ueirs, Janies'Williartis 8c
‘lWHliiim Clark, on whitih is creclejd a;log
afjjOod orchard qf
FprjpKsmf-water. About 60 acres df T this "tract
i’slaid off iii S aud fO acre timber lots, ; which,
will he offered'separately Ifsaid farm should not.
be sr>Ulientire- - : - ■ . ... .... ;
Conditions, of sale will .b.e made known on said,
day, when attendaricp tyili-be civen. ' i
October 31,1839. ' :
Estate of Christian' Crolief , deceased.' :
Letters of Administration on r tlte',' estate; of
sliip,'haye.beeii issueditn' the subscribers .resid
ingin.said township; All persons , indebted. t( .i
said estate wHl'.make payment and, those buying
claimiwUl pvßifwl thertpfbr seltlementto ;
D AiVID KU I : Z, -Atlm’r.
October 31.-1839. •» ; ' Gt.
> y-.Cpmmitfidnfri%Office,l 1
■ -I '.CHflislc.pct; 31, tas?. .5 J
u':T)ie.Jwipdtai?o[itbeJ&Miex«ffa :.House\of
Representatives. D.f Pennsylvania, nisi the;
ports; of;the «tnte^Tr'e«suier :
erali far iB3oebave this office,-
jthtl are fo !
receive them, 'xS
r-- -. ■, john Irwin, cicrk p
V NEW ■■ r; ww.V.
C O A G M : , y m J
v ’ IN CARLISLE, PA. ,; • \
TllEsubscriber bimogjust arrivedfcornthe
east- mntit some oftlm best, vymkmen. tibit
could he” p.'neured, isnmV prepared' to finish
work in the must fiisbiohaljlo 'style, and of the
host in uefiaK: 'Hi* Will maiiufactureVmy thing
ill that line of business; such-iis. .. .
: . •''
: hf ■every.descrip.tion. , .HehhsnnWiii his employ
.probably-: one of the beat ■ Spring Mikera iim]
that is how in the state.- His
Swrg<»;?ba.U pbc .moderate andhis work wilt nil
SCW^fiiiintisil.' •
CTvjLjpitiring done in the neatest manner and -^ith
Idespatchi ‘. . ■. . , .!.. . • . ..
The sa'Vsr.rihei 1 humblv solicits the patronage
of the public, for Which lie wW ttmik-r liis_ino«t
.sincere , T ~\.
■;; CafTis/e, XprW ’B, 1839; ; t- -—-tf--
m s. c. tooMiSi
SNXENDfc residing:’ perm ■mcutly in Carlisle,
imt wotifH * respectfully nff-T his professional
services to Uie citizens of the plareand vicinity.-
He ha.i taken moms at CoK Ferrcc’s tlotcl,
where he may- fie found at all hours, ~ •
Persons requesting it will be-waited upon at
tlidr residences,. : • ., A •’
‘ ’' „ C Tfr. Grorgt D. Foulke,
■ <7f t*v. Thou. C. V horn tort h
C Or,. DaiHd/A Mahon . ~
Carlisle;.Dec. G, 1838.,
subscribers will lease for one. or more
• JL their valuable .Tan Yard, -with all
Uh appendigea, It Is fine of the hieat IbCAtijrts
in Virginia for carrying on tfig business on an
-iiXtonMy.e'{ic.ale.» as_t]u*re is abundant room and
the materials are ample. A number of the Vats
are under cover, and all the buildings are ok the
most suitable Kind—besides the grinding of'liark
(which can he got convenient and at fair prices*)
is done by water power..
Any quantity otHides, procured in- the.
neighborhood, as there is no other tannery with*
in several miles of the. there is .also
evrrv.facililv tor getting hide? from the cities,
cr by railTaadr«'r'canair_-.XJiere
demand at. this. place for a large quantity of
Leather annually by the Government. • -
Possession will bn givrnirnmediately.'
For further particulars enquire of
Harper’s Ferry, Feb, 7, 1839, . enwtf
* jnHIJ subscriber (,qVi's at .private sale the fol
-1 lowing'descrificd vahmbie real estate, situate
•in Allen township, Oumb&land county, contain
ing li‘l acres',, of patented land, a
boul 90 acres of which are cleared and in a high
state of cultivation, and the residue covered with
thriving timber. 'The improvements area
«ni]|o eToira.;Hotrßß, , -
ajjagfeijEl And Boublo log Barn,
two Apple Orchards, one of which is of choicfc
fruit, a never foiling spring of water, and a foun-
at the dour—also, a Tenant House.
The above mentioned tract is nearly all lime
stone land, of a good quality, and is in a healthy
neighborhood—within two miles of Mechanics
burg and the Cumberland Valley Rail Rbad, and
about nne;mlle~h*om Shepberdstown.
An indisputable title will be given. For terms
apply to Ihesubscribcr near.the premises.-
Mav 50, 1839, . tf
A new Ijinc 'of Freight Cars
- ■
THE subscriber, grateful for past favors, re
spectfully acquaints his friends and the pub
lic, that he has put into operation on the HAH
HAIL ROAD, a line of new DOUBLE CARS,
which will rim regularly between. Harrisburg Sc
Philadelphia, by which Goods and Produce of
all descriptions will be forwarded with care and
despatch; at the lowest rates of freight. -
Goods will beVeceivedatthcWAUE HOUSE
of THOMAS J. MAXWELL,-N: E. corner of
Broad and Vine, streets, Philadelphia, and for
warded to Harrisburg.: Carlisle. Chamhersburg,
and intermediate places, and Bv the subscriber,
. . ; .
Htrrisburg, J?in. 51,1839. ,
.STANT.LVON HAND. Cash paid for almost
airkihds nf coumvy'prod ucc~ -T " - ~—— -
TtfE subscriber respectfully informs the pub
lie tHat she continues to cleanse Clothes of
grease, stains,-Bcc. in the best manner and With
out injuring the cloth. She will aiao-attend ■to
v'.V ■
color which ttjay , be desired, on the most accom
modating terrny:and with despatch*.
Het.residehreW e;\Klof Mr,’ A.
Richards’ store,:Cenire SqunrprCar)Lle; -r : - r - -
'■ Tf.'^^-^ETrM-cMURH-AYr-:-'
. April'2s, r 183&.;7 -V 7- >■ ‘.s;ly,:;
Stevenson A' MHuldc,
HAVE jil'-tri'Ccivcd ;it their store, corner of
High and Pitt stwets, opp.osire ,Cpl. Per-
Tec’s .hotel; an assortrtient '
BP.VZQ' - . ; ,
Medicines, Paints,'
DyeSthffa.&.Varoishes. r-TUefr-: WMfflh.''-
riqd iii r warr»i>tefl^6 ir \’^g'^&j | V.
bfe : af the very’ " I.“*- •. !
best stoi'i wjfT lie fhiitfc'r
metliaVe siiperthAebtlaiice lor Mr.‘,
has'hctimretl a.tpofi'«Kh.khbw I |eiigepf fte (lutics.
of .an ■ap>ithep^.'Wo^ine''ffii«eHon\of ; Mr'. :
Samuel fiftiottmf this pta(;(‘. : ; • '/■ :
; : August is, 1 1&3!?.; V ■ '
'A. PEHt UMIiRY to, he : ; , -.;
HTEvkNSoy2cDisKtK L ’Si f
;•; v; : ' Chemical"Storec, -
Variety Store,- niv assbrlmeiit of-FruUs, PicHlcs,
Preserves,vKutH» scq fcvi7't.-‘-,v!. i, 'J-,* ,
y Fi^cKfcJs.^Xsia/
• .Higjjiy recoavnieuOed ,bv to. be
had at apd jtfarletyt
store. ■•■}■ y='r ■
jjflkF aonacoiriinonly cxdelldrit-description to
!Cfteiiucal;!itore\/,.jsiii ”;:? : ;ii drijVfv,
nytnn V-Dinkhk 'jtgry i - :
JUjST received nnd forsHleaVrny landing near,
the Steam Mill, ou,tUefcanal,. 500 tons of
lied Ash Pino Grove Coal,
warranted lep bethe - Lest article of; the kind
known at the prescnt.'tiiiU': - it will he sold 111
lots to.suit burcfiaWrs.,.'. .. .
. Also—u large quantity of I.nMnKR of dif
ferent .'kinds-ami qualities! superior' ShfrtgieSr
Piaster! Salt by tile haVrel, £s*c. all* of‘-ivnidi
articles will beWisposeJ of at the must reasona
ble prices. • ' ‘
--charurs Lj. berghaus.' *
.- llarrishiirg. Junefi, 1839 i .| • . */ , im :
8 ,0R 10 goo j Jllate'Mhiildcra are wanted Im
mediately at' Oak Grove- Fiirn.iciS Peiry
county, to.whom*constant:,employment will be
given and good Wages n*iu(.;.Applvto,
Pi.ies, Fobiitno.&. Titnoirjl.
.Oak Groye.rMaiy SO, 1839. V 2in -
■ -rds^Esife^'wa .
IX~(j()OD'REFINERS wanted immediate-
Q ly at Dickinson Forge. Apply to . .
A, G. EGE. ■■
May 2.1839. 1 ' ...... tf
' . ' NOTICE. v
WHERE/VS the chafU*r of the
Saving Faod Snciety,*? will expire in. 1843.
Notice is hVrehv. given-agreeahly to the constiui
tion npcHnwrt of the
ders’of saUlinstiuition intehd.applving to the next
TJegistature oT the corhmnijiyeaUli for a renewal
of charter.—t Change of name, style, and title to
* ‘.Cumberland Valley Htink,” increase of Capital
to s2oo,oooand general disclinntihg.and banking,
privileges all «nder imeh restrictions asthe Leg-'
isliiture may direct. The above institution,to be
continued in Carlisle, Cumberland P.t.
' , • , JOHN J. IVIYERS;
~. August 1, 1839.' , 6in -
Goclickc’s •Jflntcfilcss &fmaiive*
The article published below-concerning the
new and popular doctrine advanced by the il
lustrious Goelicke.of Germany, cannot fail of
cxcjtTng ii deep ancl thrilling interest through
out the country. "”V‘T
1_ Translated from the German,
Citizens of' North and. South America, ;
To Lduis Orroa Goki.IjCKE. M. D. ot'Ger
many, Europe, belongi'the imperishable honor
o.f adding a new and precious DOCTiUNiuothe
Sciciice Of -Metiicinu—a new; (1 opirun; ,vyhxch 4 .
jlumgh vehement Iy nijpnsed hy many uf
cu}ty,“(of which lie Vs a valuabVe member) die
proves to be as .well founded in truth as any doc
trine of Hilly Writ—a doctrine, upon the verity
of which arc suspended' the Uvea of’millions of
our race, and which he boldly challenges,his opr
posers to refute, viz; ComitmfUion is a disease
always-occasioned by a disordered stnfcof Pis
T/V.c, Cor Life Principle) of the human bodyt
often secretly lurking in the system for
forc there is the least coin/ilahit of the lungs -dnd
which may be as certainly,.though not so quickly
cured , as a common cold , or sim/de
Ah invaluably precious doctrine this, as it,im
ports an important lesson to- the 1
healthy of both sexes, teaching them that this
insidious foe may be an unobserved mmaiemf
.their “clayey houses” even while they imagine
themselves secure from its attacks,, teaching
-'Fids illustrious benefactor of .man is also enti
tled to your unfeigned gratitude, andthegrati
tnde of a world, for the invention of his •Match
less- Sanative t ~~ whose healing fin* justly, a title, since it.has so signally
triumphed over our great common enemy con
sum/Uiont both in. the. first and last stages,—a
medicine‘which has thoroughly filled the va
cuum in the Materia Medica.. and thereby proved
itself thsi. Qpnqueror °.f Physicians —a medicine,
for which aft mankind will have abundant cause
to Mess the benifWnt.hand of a kind Providence
—•a medicine whose wondrous virtues have been
so glowingly portrayed **ven by. some of our
clergv, in their pastoral visits to the Vick cham
her* bv.which meansthey often become the hap*'
pv' instruments- of changing despondency.into
hone, sicknessinto health, and sutlnessof friends
info joy fulness.
Goelicfco’3 matchless Sanative.
a medicine of move Value; to man than the vast
mines of Austria, or even the united treasures ot
our globe—a medicine, which i» obtained equal*
ly from the vegetable, jmneral.andnnhnahking
nomsrand thus possessesTrihlee-fold power,—a
medicine., which, though designed as a remedy
fir consumption solely, is possessed of a myste
rious i n flu en ceo y erm any_d i sea sen of the human
system,—a medicine, which begins to be valued
by Physicians, who are daily witnessing its as
tonishing cures ?-f; many whom they had resign*
cc! to the grasp of the ,Insatiable Grave. ,
ITosK of theSinative, for adults, one.drop;
ter drop; llie directions explaining the manner
ot taking a half or quarter drop,; . 7 -
PntcK—Three and one-third' rlx dollars*
($2?5()) per half ounce; -7 > .‘. ; ’
•A German coin, value 75 cents. - , y '
For saleat.the £bst Office, .Mechhnicshurc’,
Cumberland county, Pa.’, : -by G,EO % F; CAIN*
sol** agent for -- V -
55,1839.‘ • '
j jrhmp,,
.. :S ;, D3N.T:ST,
.the ladierand
r gcutlem,euiid‘ CuHlsle and its .viciniiv llTut
he sets Artificial Teeth in the most approved
manner* He also scales, plugs 1 and separates
tetth to arrest decay . ' ■ -
—Dr. Nr prepares a tooth powder,.whlrlbwhi
tens the teeth, without.injuring the enamel., col
or.S;the gums jy.fine,fed\e mouth.
The tooth ache >yill be cured, in most; cases,
without extraction; and ah ndoiitaVgic wash' is
prepared for Healing sore gums arnffasten tlie
'teeth... -. •'*. ; ’
Ladies irindtgeotlemen ore requested, to call
arid examine.’ his’cpllectinnof, Pqreclain dr In
corniptahle teetli, which will never deC4y. dr
chadgeici'lnr. ‘tnnl 'are ; .free from all unpleasant
odour, durable arid well,adapted for chewing,
which will be inserted ftvHits best manner and at
fair prices. • ■ vf- - -1.-—2_vl
- All persons -wishing. Dr. N. to call .nt their
diyellines will blease’to leave a line at his resi
lience. Nn. 7 H.ii'pL'v’s Row, wlien lie will punc
tually attend to every call in thedincaiMiis pro*'
fessinn. Prom, a long. add.' successful practice,
be hopes to give -general' satisfaction.’ •' ivt , -
Curllsie,' Airgustl ySSg, tv, 3m, ;
, .■ ~
, Carlisic, i.. May 1,1839 s
Arrivalaml c De/iartuTc of Mails. , '■
"vv, , ~, . jfrrivcH. ;V : dVords.
Eastern r daily , : abduJ.tOriiV'- Tp.m.'
■ dft ‘'s' lia.jn;;
VVc.ilei’Os' ' ■ 9 aim.
Southern;:; ■V•< . : *‘ 10 a. in. 7p. nr.
Mechanio’sb'g -v,'. ■■ ■7 P- •»-
New,vilie ; ?l ■■ ,J‘ " ; ~ “ IQrn.’ ,9 a. in.
• ifefcAMtffiiyi:on; Bv ;
■fiThrec g(>od:yMnie'^oFSe : s; J suttdble'fdr saddle
orhiMWsV-': : «?v,
:VOnri,new'tij»%^;vi , v : ■ ’V •; .
‘l ' One set rit rnaont t’cl Harness,: - '
1 Vrd--iv-v : GRIEB, •
.. (Jnlf^d^^,
■ '■'* ■■'*'* ■ ! -Alini v •
..•••; ■' v;y;Hoiftjsiß pbWiia
''/chiXCA~K9. 's ?rooAskthirds!'
tliis’-nitthoa df.'fiifhrftiihg tlihy
stillcnatiaac.tlieb.uikiinguff9/(ras//i'r)g ; /ljac'/i/nfa
and Horet PotvcK at then*•oldest in ETiutliyv
street, Carlisle,’wliL-ve Farttiers and otliers call
iit'all limes be/siipplied.' ’ They have made a
considerable^'improvement <m tlve . powtr and
machine, iihd have also attached a. ',. -
which for durability aiiti sinipicoi-aa of construe',
tinn is surpassed by iione, mid ,a Sirivw Carrier.
Having all manlier of confidence in tlie supe 7 '
machine, Ac. they;
are .Willing that Farmers shall leal them before
making' the purchase," ;
; I'ei-aoiia wi3hiii'g lo pal*c,baat; tiy examine the
'machine Will;j-lenSc ■’make application at the
public house.ot johb Chrnmatl,.Ciirli'lr.t -
.■ 'May.3,-3838. , :.*,- * ..
nrtiik subscriber respectfully, informs his friends
-A: sand tile public in general, that -be, baa. Just’
received from tliecity nf B iltimnre. ini extensive
assortment of merchandize suitable to the pres
ent and approaching season, siicli as
a A.P.D’WAR'fi,'
consisting.of.Casp Knives.and, Forks.- Spoons,
Locks. Bolls, Hinges and Screws, I’eo and I’eclr
et Knives, Razors, Tacks aud.Sprigs, Spades &
Shovels. Hay and Diing .Forks, scythe,stones,
rakes. &c &r„ Also, superior American
■and English Scythe*.
Ife has'also on Ivuiid an excellent assortment
of Patent Family Medicines, such as pills, inis
and ointments. Also, all kinds of Essences, 'He
has also oil hand H a-se 'Medicines, such as the
Oil of Spike, .Oil of Stone and Horse Powders,
Bcc. See. Bcc.
He lias also on liand an extensive assortment
of American Forest and /fin-iostah Oil ■■Stone,
suitable for Carpenters and VVooil,Choppers. ■
. He also the keg, aiiiong which
is tlie finest liifie Powder.. Sliot, Lead, Percus
sioii Caps, and Flints., . -
He also lias an extensive nnu superior assort*
anent of i ■ *-■ ~ 1
China, Gians <S* qmensware,
twenty per cent cheaper than had else
* Rio, St. Domingo, and Java CoftVes.. New
Orleans and Porto Rico Sugar.- Orleansuind Su
gar .//>use Molassc- I,. 'Young //yson. Imperial
and Black Teas, Chocolate, Hire, Barley. Soda
-and Water drackePs;' Spiccjiof all kinds. Nuts
and’Cni/febtionaries; -Prunes,-Raisins.- - Ornund
rAlluqi-.aml. F»ue-'Sa)t:i' -iYiiV-Soap .and Candles
wholesale and rctailVat city prices; 1 -
Wine, ‘Brandy, New England Isum,
Whiskey» Wine and Cider Vinegar, jkc.
: Cavendish*Uoll’antl Plug. Spanish and,Waif
Spanish Cigars. Mucubau, Rappee and Scotch
'Snuff. ' ‘ •—■
• r SHOES <&' BOOTS.
Riding;'Giif-anrt'Jockey Whips and Las'ies.—
Hi'usheS. llinnmsV I’amtud Hncket's; Bcc.
darpot Chain of all color 9.0
Tlic aliove articles iu-iiu; carefully selected,
ai o olfered to customers ami others at city prices;
. • JOHN GRAY, Agent, .
C trlisle, July 4, 1839. ~ ,
TM I", highest cash-price will he paid for
Wheat at the Cumberland'.Mills, at all
times, auditor- flour made at snld inill.
August 22, 1839. '. : . ,tf ■
To tHSillers •hnnnftecturcrs.
T!JE public are informed that the subscriber
has bought the right of the above water
wheel, for the Slate ?)f Fennsylvania, It is con
sidered by Omse having them in use, as one of
the most important improvements that has ever
been introduced. . Persons desirous of seeingthe
wheel, ca'ii do so, bv calling at the foundry »»f
DAVID GOCKLEY. Lancaster. The an
nexed certificates have been given as-a slight
testimonial of its value; they will speak for them
selves. All communications addressed to the
suberiberin Lancaster, Pa„ will be promptly at
tended to. ,
April 11, 1839.
, . ft-opy ] ■
Thisiirto'c-ejftiiy,"'that I have put in one of
HovdV Patent Cast Iron Direct Action Water
•Wheels, in tile place of a Reaction Wheel: that
the Direct Wheel tines not flood the tail race as
much by three, inches as the reaction did,, and
that I can ..grind seven bush,els with the direct
action wheel. an .hour, and drive, two/run of
stones, where 1 could not Rrind four bushels in
the-same-lime \vith-,thEjreactipri,an(l drive _one
run of stones. ..
Ephrata tp. Lan. co. Oct. 1838.'
Alloway, May 3, 1838. "
Thismav cientify, that I have been engaged'
in putting in. S.'B. Howd’.s cast iron direct • sc
tion;Watei' Wheel, hnth in the. State of New
York' and in Michigan, and can give it as mv.
alec\ded , Tipmioh'lhM“Wlrh~B'fcet:head-oi“nndcr,-
rightly pat in. it will dn more business with the
same'water.than nay other water wheel which’
I have yet had any. experience in, nndin refer-'
race jn ha'ct'watcri ia second best in, jahne that
I IVave y.et7tr|ed’.:s In th guarding a*
giiinst ici-s 1 there can be nn hetter operation, and
it i&'very eaiiv to he kent iiurepair..-
STEPHEN AIL.ES, Milliifight.
. Alioway. Septcmber’3,'lB3B; ,
This may certify 1 that 1 have had in my Mill
one of Mr.’Howd’s direct water,wheels for the
space of one,year. .It is or five feet wheel, and
I have had a 'redaction in the same place—l have
also'had .Wheeler’s Union Wheel, vet I .think
Mr. Howl’s will tinman- business with U-sswa
tei thnnainy other I have tried. :lt 4p,es.: well
in. back water, i. I have had. from 5 to 6 feet'
head.' 1 think we could’miich wo’l’k with
half the watgr'las wesnsed to do with, the under
shnot wheel, which has also, hern.ln liberation
-in my mill, i ' LAWRENCE RILEY.
• I, -v;’;, , l
This may certify, that we have useddue df.S.
Howd’s.patent waiev Wheels .since;December
last', bv the side. of., a : re«aclipn wheel," nritl. y/e
think-tllat Howd’s'will
with the same"wafer that fe.aCtiou ; wheel
whljlo(irvery.neiir;; ; We nevey.hriyd'bnt three
feet hrad, arid can;grind witjv.that eightJnlslifls
per hrin'r, We ave sj<l>|er.t t£> hack-water. This
Whptd.will do as goiid business Uiideh'backawa-
reiac.tinny and; we- rccpmnieiiiV' it, to
the* attention and patroriape nf the leibltr, ■
h • ■ : .SI-MON HORT r, : -
MlI-E^.S. : LKACH.-
"H STIAX) THIS!- Dr. Smnyrie'aCo w flannel
ry .-r-'i'hlstisdlecftTedly one
fpyciriiirlts.rind cctds'nnry iiuuje-^it; rillkys irri-l
tafion v loosens'the -cdußli.-caiisirig}
.tKcr^l)lc%ni ! t9
lUilinhriary ciOisiunpttrtrth' rtsdht . arid .chronic
hlnridj 'Bee,'yyThe syrop is warcatited tri effec-t'a'
rPecn'rifKnV Qijrrii if
svhiciilaccdmtTany th«bo“leS'^^dWi¥aS,th‘e t
'drugstore of J. J. MrES^kCd,
PERSONS whosenervca have beeh.injured
by .calomel) orcxccssive grief, grefttlu>s,o£
oiuod.tlltsuppresaionofattlSmdmtd, discharges
or cutaneous
live nervous systehiV will-find afrifOtt-th, sort he
and comfort,id EVANS' CATHOMILE PILLS;
Those'ii flUctedwitlnHpilrpsyovf ailing'Slck-v
ness,.Palsy, Serious, Apoplexy, and organic,af-j
lections of the vnnctini’, painsin
the side, 1 breast, limbs, head, stomach'or, IvncU.’
wil) find themselves'-imhiediutclv-relieved,"’4vV
using JEVAtiB* CAMOSiItE hud AIPEniENT,
~ Dr.' Evans does not pretend tpnay that
1 i a)l debilitated; and. impaired constitutb ni—
io.neryous diseases of: all kinds,,particida.rly,,of
tlie.dijje.siiye organs, and in incipient’ cniisiiri’-'p
tiori, wfietfieV of the iUngs. or’ liyeri >ill
.pure. , Tliat dhcadftil disease,; Cor.MnvfUiov,
mighthave been ch'ecked in its com iiienci ment,
a'rtd disappointed of its prey all over,; the land,
it the first symptoms of nerveus debility had
been, countetnjvte'dby, the Camomile ' Flower'
Chemically prepared, together with 'fnany’ot her
diseases,-where other remedies' hat e prbutl
fatal. i
m Mov» pinny pe'rshns'dn we daily find tortured
with that dreadful disease, Sick.Hradac/if. If
they would only make trialof this invaluable
medicine, they would’perceive that life Is a
pleasure nnd noth snort c of misery and abl.rr
rrllfce. v tir conclusion -T would : want," nerv, us
persons against the'abstraction of blot d, eiih, r
by leeclve“i copping, or the employon-ig ,rf the
lancet.., Drastic purgatives in .delicate habits
are almost equally improper. 'Those are pVor
tices toopfton yesoHed to in such cases; bill lltt y
seldom fail to prove highly injurious.'" Ceitifif
rates Of cores are daily received'which arid mif>
ficient the groat efficacy of tliisin.
valuable Medicine,- in relieving afflicted map,
kind. For side by ‘ v V
J. J. Jirtirrs if.Co„ Carlisle-, \ '
_ Drjnutt Vi t».
May 25, 1659. - , /■ -. . Apt tits, ■
CliEll Uy.r—Thjs medicine’ is’ < Ifered to the
piibllc asan effectual remedy in alluffections in
dicative o\ .Fu{mortary discahca, both iu their re
cent and advanced.stagesfMich \s.s jh,tlsiria\
Pulmonary- CofibUmfiliort, recent, or. chi.cuic
coUghs, hoarseness, hooping coiigfi,*- whet zing i
and ifißicuUy of breathing,*'spitting i»f hlocr>
night sweats Bcc. This mutely is highly nse'*-
ful to persons whose nerves have beta injured
by calomel oh excessive grief, great loss of bh id>
the snppl'CSsion of accustomed. discharges, , il' ‘
cutaneous eruptions, intemperate habits,to* oih
ct ,causes 'which' tend-to renovate or relaX-'thb
nervous system. How many'persons do v. e daily
behold approaching tnan’iihtiinelv gra\ e,wn st-.
ed in the bloom of vnitH from their dear vela*
tiersaiul frler.ds, afflicted withjbaf comn.on al.d
clesUViciive ravage*;, pallcd. .Cprfsuniptreffr.K hirW y
a 0 iViJse^iMe si jffi H*r ui-til iheyJnT
come beV-OhcUbe shilll : 1 f-such
sufferers would only malic a trial of l)r.Swayme*s
invaluable medicine, they would soon find thitn
selves more bemfitted than-bvgalphtng the va*
rimis ineffective remedies with Which our pa
pers.daily abound. This sy'nip immediately
begins* to heal the ulcerated tuiVgr, sti ppii.g pt r
fnse night sweats, imtieating- the' dist ressing
congh, and at the saine lime inducing a KeaUhv
and, natural expectoration sdso leUeving the
shortness and pain in the clu st, H hicli
harross the sufferer on rhe slightest exercise»
and finally the-lßctir flnsh in the: indid land
mneiated cheeh,'will sjpon begin to .vanish, and
here perceive himself snatclu d
(mm a Premature grave into the enjnymt hl .again
Tif-romfortable health. > .-V -
].Oh*t*rve~ The above medicine is for sale at
the Mcdtcnl Offi-re, No. 19
Piiihybdphia, where all orders nut'st be adep-esa
ed. To avoid imposition the
is impressed in the bottle*-; likewise Id* sipita*
Hire is nftarho'd to the hill'd* on the bottles*,-
t’lire JI per hottlo, dr «ix br-ttles for ss. ■.
Fnr»--'el’y J J. M\ERS & C6.,Carru>lr,
,M iv 22. ‘ .
xtva&rvsxA. ! mrsPEP siA
MOKE te«in»oni:ils of the efficacy of Dr.
•Win* Evans 1 Camomile Pills. .
' V) re. 19, 1838. ■
, Sir:—living on a vi*ic to I’hihiddphia, from
my native village of Germantown, 1 joyfully
avail myself of the opportunity of adding a- few
words of recommendation to your celebrated
Pills, to the abundant testimony, already given
in their favor. About four 1 wa» at
tacked with Dyspepsia,; and for several. years
suffered from that complaint in its worst stages.
Notwithstanding 1 tried every thing that came
before the public, I obtained no relief, till I ac
cidentally saw yudr uHveytjsemenn ; From'.the
numerous and respectable .testimonials which
.accompa«ji»Vlit,' I had some ‘ faint' hopes->hat
•vfmr medicine might not prove altogether dst-
Jess in mv own case.' 1 It, and it is‘scarcely
jiecessary tondd wassh',rrlv cured. • Indeed.the
success was greater than I could possibly have
anticipated.from even the warmest recommen
dations. As asm illTetiirn for.the benefit' you
have bestowed, i send you this,acknowledgment
of mv thanks om] the deep - sehse"of obligation
under which T feel myself toward yon. Having
implicit conficlende of yninbfhArn-.
hmile Pill^nnd 1 feeling it.due to my.fellow suf
ferers, LiVituld .wnrmlv entreat;ali who may he
op their existence under the influence
rnf that^coiirge.Qf^ie.humanfttntitetl^lL^Rbb
to lay aside thcir«?ar|y prejudices against ' Midi
remedies, and apply to you, that .they may
a speedy ..
I.stlll residedn Germantown, ihoqgh: I fre
quently visit tTiecjty, am! wilVwillinglg.give any
further information that njky be desireih' ~ ■; :
Ever gratefully vour*. ‘ r ’ r
IS there no'cure fjnr that' disti'essiugl (lisente?
: is tile echo Iroin thiius;liuls. ihe-m:tny
by. l)r.,'\Vm,. E*,
Pills, 1 The following certificate • iiiiisl certaiiily
convince evei*y person of the great efficacy of
tills invoitiible’nie.licine. ' . . ;
,TUr;AVm: JBVAtts^UcarSiri—X- can never; Its
grateful enough Cor' life cure 1 have received by.
the Use of vnur iuvalu ib)e medicine (CamoMll.l4
Pills,) -T was 'fon five' years' very seriously
troubled with Hi sp. psia.wltich Caused' a ,:uer
■ymis sensation throughout my. sys^m.—so niuplt
that I Sometimes shoijk-as; if I had been aSlftted
with' i.'alsyjefdurinsVall, this.time -I took many
njedicjee's;;.but hone .’would* elite 1 me. '' At.'last,'
trie up;. 1 but 1 . 1 fortunately ohe'
day ns Twasspeakirigtb a friend "ondPhe subject
he told me that llr. AVm. Kvuuis* Camomile
Pillsavere the only medicine that would cure
.me, of which I purdtased.scvme,,,and tfie result
is.thHf r , am'nra\v : eniriyii>f perfect health;.’'? Any
person'wishing to she me'cati tall at myi'liraUse,
No.. 365 Nortlv Front street,-Philadelphia. .
: ' .a or ■ ’rtv . , HjCNRt li. eAMFDKfct. ■ ■
. ..Theabnve medir.ine'is fof sale by » a
, . V , , J. J, Mvkhs & Co. Carlisle. ■
JhiteresHni'gf Cure ,
'OfeR)FtVHMl5pi:Uv -D^'^i" ;
A -P'Wn'l Sytup ot .PruttUs yirsmiatiai if Wild
,CUtrrry.~Hrtvih|» made use :of this invaluable
ln my family, Which clitifelV' cured mV
Child. -"The symptoms, Wheezing nhd
-Clmkjh'glif Phlegin.ilifflcUlty of hreatiiinsr.aUen*-
iKcl wllhCnnslant cnugh r spasms/coiiVol sinus,
SCc. or.\yliich I .had giyeh .up,«Jl, (topes pj its re-
COViTlU.mxtil I was. advised to make a trial of
elated; : ib:''mVdc6' f tb'ef, •
jiwith -for,.'
,'v|shing^nsce ; Beach
r.ti;e'et,;nboy,e;ta^,itarfeeF < l : i ;
: ,"The medioinei^ i^:*-''?