NE’FARIOUS PROCEEDING.: 1 r The practice of impcfrting. inttt this coun . fry from Europe the refuse of her popu'atipn, . which was'adopted some years ago by; some " of the authorities pt Great Britain fora while, is how* renewed ,hy some of. the German States, as' seen by the letter nbliced below.":’ It is a matter which calls lotdly for the interference of ouf Government. Regu lations; should be instituted and rigorously enforced, that might save out shores from the pollntion.of European criminals, thus disem-* ■ bbgued-in cargoes, and protect popula tion from the foul infusion. The industri'- ous-and orderly from other countries are always welcome—but ills due; to them,' as wellns to the land of their adoption, that the stream of emigration should not be poisoned ’ by such admixtures ns are here referred to. A letter- from the. American Consul at Hesse Citssel, as we learn from the New buryport Herald, stales that the government of Hamburg deporlsfiomtimcto time those criminals, who have cither been, condemned for life, pr a' long period.- They give them , the choice either to-endure their time or to emigrate,in which case the government pays their passage. , Tney.bring steerage passen u gers from Bremen to the .United Slates, and. find them with good $l6 a head for each grown person. The Consul says; “Tjiis price tile Bremen ship owmrs could only afford by always carrying a large num ber, to. obtain which they bad their agents , over the interior of - Germany, and induced the lower class, which live in a yery impov erished state, to-emigrate, by making them believe that labor was so much demanded in, the United States thatable bodied men could earn as soon as landed two dollars a day.” A letter from Mr. List, consul at Leipsic,* says: “Not only paupers, but even criminals are transported fronuthe .interior of this country in order, to be embarked there for the United States.” 1 • _ = A'Mr; Dc Stien,'formerly en officer in the service of the diikc of Saxe Gotha, has lately made propositions to the smaller states of S.ixmiv, for transporting-, tlicif-criminals to the United States at ST'S per head, - which olfer has been accepted by several of them. The first transport of criminals,.who for the greatei'.part have been-Condemned to hard labor, fur life, (among them two notorious robbers Pfeiel and Alhracht,). will, leave Gotha on the 15th of (his mqnth, and it is intended by and by to empty all the work houses and jails of the tins man ner. There is little doubt that several other Estates will imitate, the-nefarious practice. Tt has of lafc r also become a general prac tice in the towns and boroughs of Germany, to get rid of their paupers and vicious mem bers, by collecting the means for effecting ■their passage to the United States, among the inhabitants, and by supplying (hem from the public funds; , , .•; RECOGNITION OF TEXAS BY " FRANCE. The latest French journals which, we have receiveil, announce the probable conclusion of a treaty between Texas and France. It is said to. have been negotiated by Mr. Ed ward Pontois, who was lately in this city as the Envoy Extraordinary of France, and Mr. Henderson, the agent of Texas in Paris. In relation to Texas, we find the following remarks in a late French journal:— Globe. “ J'he efforts of Mexico to regain possess ion of Texas must be unavailing. The inde pendence of that country has been achieved. This young republic is marching forward with steps which outstrip the |Wonderful dc vclopeinent of her elder sistef of the North, (United States.) ' She is -happy, too, in' not . having at her doors-a diplomacy to strangle in the cradle her infant struggles. ' . “-France had a favorable opportunity to attach Texas to heir forever, at the time of our Mexican expedition.' Our first act should have been to recognise promptly the inde pendence of Texas, from. which we should have derived important commercial advan tages. \Ye should at least have gained .this important benefiti ’from the presence of our squadron in theGiilf of McSico. . When the Spanish colonies had rendered shcmselves Je fatio independent,' France should at once .haverecognised ihcirJndepelidence, and thus have secured large market for her manufac tures and commerce. Texas presents these advantages on a smaller scale. “With a little lubber delay in this matter, nbd England will sCi?.c what Is now offered to France. “We are interested, ill. Texas politically Ms well as. confihercially, Tlie occupation - of a Mexican province by the Americans is the prelude of rTgreat event, which ihuat one day he accomplished. Jlfoteicls the final expulsion of the Spanish face from' North Jlmcrica. The Americans first begani by purchasing Loui-iana; then the Floridas; and now. they have seized Texas. The* spirit of conquest which the Americans have inherited from their ancestors, will carry them forward to panama.**. ’ ■ .Sank ofEtOnceand Bank of England.— The New York Express speaks of the peru sal of a letter from a Director in the Bank of ’France at Furls, to.his friend, in that city, received by the last packet. He says.—“l have j istfiniehed an examination of the books ‘ of the bank, and J find that the.specie on -..hand is Two Hundred and Forty Millions .of Francs, while the obligations of the bank are Tvfe Hundred ahtl Thirty Millions.— Money continues abundant, and . interest low.” vln Dollars—tlve state, in round numbers, is thus:. t'-v.' z Specie. ...,...50,000,000 Obligations, i ..... .48,000,000 CONDITION OF THE DANK OF ENGLAND. T •;; ; • 1:: Liabilities v Circulation..;.. ... . . .17,960,000 Deposites.;. .. .. ~ .7,782,000 Jiesourees. Assets.. .85,953,000 Bullion... .... ~. ~, ~2,886,000 : ‘ - i— ; A stg. 28,859,006 7 Thus the Bank pf France lias .Fifty Mil lions of Doljafsbii hand, with only Eorty- Eight Millipns of obligatinns. The Bank .of England' has shdrtibP Thirteen Millions of Dollars oh hand, while,they Kaye over Eighty Millions of Dollars in circulation, to say: nothing of tlte deposites. ?/ •''/-i - ■ On Tuesday evening October 29th by the Revi A. T. Magill, Mr. Frederick A. Ken nedy, to Miss Alary Harlan, both of Carlisle. Estate of Elizabeth Barnhart, deceased^ N OD t CB. I.ottcrsofAd ministration having been granted to the subscriber on the estate of Elisabeth Barnhart, late of Silver Spring township, Cum berland comity, deceased, notice is hereby giv* eii to all- persons indebtedto said estate to make immediate payment, and thoSe- having claims, will present them properly‘authenticated for settlement, to the subscriber residing in said' township. ' -, ' JACOB GROSS, Adm'r. November T, 1839. ” 6t- MUSIC & FRENCH. Carlisle Female Seminary, mss E. iriLL&N, from Nan York, ES now readv to receive pupils for instruction in MUSIC Ik the FRENCH LANGUAGE, at tier romps in the house of Charles Bell, Esq. in Louther street. ‘ ■' The Trustees of the Seminary have been careful to select a person, in every way qualified and well suited for tilt-station to which Miss M Hon has been appointed. -Having Ijren instructed in -France, and spent the chief part "of her life there, she speaks the 'language with great nr.rofiugv:''' ’ -«■ - JOHN REED, President of the n nrd of Trustees & of the Seminary. Carlisle, Nov. 7, 1839. 3AXP. DPIBSSiBP & BAPBEF., 'MAIN STREET, CARLISLE, METUiINS.Ids thanks to the ladies and gcmlemdit of the borough, and his custo mers gene rally,-for the liberal patronage they have heretofore bestowed upon him; and res: pcctfidly informs them that be has just received from the citv and opened for sale the following articles in bis line of business: “—Ringlet Curls on combs, (large small Puff Curls, Plain Braids. Frizctts, (plain,) ' 1 Everlasting Curls, ■ \ Gentlemen’s (Figs of all kinds qualities , Scalps,-. Do. Metallic Bear’s, Antique and JKTacassar OZXiS, 11-dr Powder, Nail ami Tooth llroshes. Musk, rose and, mood Soaps, fine tooth Combs, hair Ilrbshes, Cologne (geiiuine. 'Gei nnii) Lavender and Florida Water, assorted, • iN'miLs dYe & oil. soaps, Bear's Grease, Sapnnaceon's compound for sha ving, teet|* Brushes of all quain : cs arid descrip lions, Bav Rumv Lip Salve*, Pomatum in sticks, Cream of Almonds, Cold Cream, Roman Kahn dor, Rose Teeth Paste and PotWler, Toilet Pow der, Ivory Dressing Combs,.Glass Shaving Pox es Variegated and Palm Soaps, Powder Putt’ Poxes, Wash Balls, Elastic , VVatclv Ciuards, Hones and Straps, Silver Pens and - Pencils, Windsor and Fancy fidaps, Collars, Stocks and Shams, Shaving Hdjces and Brushes, Gum. Bias ~t r ic Woi-lleivaml Cotton Suspenders and Sus p:iider_Ends,' Pocket Books. Silk and all other Kinds of Purses. . All of which are offered on reasonable terms. Carlisle, Nov. 7, 1839. ~ ; tf lIIGEOK ANB CANTINE, ■ ' BOCK SlMjbSSlfi, . ItlulnuC street t Second and Third, ... . HARRISBURG, PA. THEY are prepared to execute'all Work i their line with despatch and ih A Miperio style. Tlieir Ruling Aparatus and other nu chiuery, are of the first ordei* and latest im provements, andtiicy fee! a confidence in tliei facilities fur giving perfect satisfaction to al wlio nrav favor them with their orders. BLANK BOOKS of every description, wade to order, and forwarded to any part of the com monwealth. Paper ruled to any pattern required. Music Alhuids, Law Books, Periodicals. &c. hound ii the best style. * Nov. 7, 1839. Remaining in lhe~ Post Office at Carlisle, Pa. October 51st, 1839.’- ' ( . Enquirers will please say advertised A JK Acker Margit'fet Jones John B Esq AndersnnUichard Kenegge Anna Allison Sally Knlm John B' . King William Brongher Nathaniel Kntz William Bi-amit Tsnac. ' Kidman Samuel BnckerCleo H Dr Kinni’Samuel Barnet Peter , Ii Bnrlean Leah 1 f.amherton Abraham B ier Benjamin A Leidig David Bailey Comfort Leonhart Johahn Georg Bnnre Dali,cl B - K/J or "> MaterrJamrs- : John Heddnn $ Minnich Leonard Bolander Jane Jos Williams 3 Brown Benjamin. Mndurf Sarah Beyer Susan Miller John - - Brown Samuel H*Esq Methven Catherine W Hobs Dann-1 . , Mayer Da\id Bear John jr Menrci (j Esn Bice Mary . , M’Millan Michael. „ 0_ _ '■ ' M’Bridc J lines Cat-others Oeorge M’CabeJane j.- - - -■ Cok'-WiH'iani . : ~ - ~ Ciuitz Mary Ann O’Brien Marion M Cinniii.aniJ.icob ' O'Kare William Cramer John P Carothers William EsqParkisoh Maria Cummings Charles Dr Parsons Samuil Constable (Borahgh) Paxton Maria • ' Commer George Paxton Thomas Creamer John sen. Parks Catherine I Curts William Porter Francis C - . B. ’ Pyle Eli . Ditlore David . It ■ ‘ v Dickey John Ramsey Elizabeth Devine William - Ruff Catharine Dorr Ada m ' ' Reilly Jolm Ducy Catherine Riihl Christian 3 Riley William Esq Ueighter.Jobrt.M : Kse Michael M Ebefsoje Jacob -•i 1 . Siegfried B Y Rev Fraser James or son .- ...Suminski-A M ' -' Fairfield/Eliza / . SatterthWailCharles Friece Mjcheal Stein Samuel ; . Ffances.Ayillium II ' SCliriyer Samuel ' " G /-y ;,r TtT V Gbrrell Nancy Tiisk Jnhn' - v Gregg Elizabeth. Ulrich Mr' Griug.Danier ■ y Vanasdlen Isaac- Gaw Charles U XV . . . Gulliii.William' . Welsh Wilson* ■ ' Graham Robert Williams David a - Wolf Daniel ' Hamvm Susan Woods Richard Esq Hctrich Jmt '.Wilson James Esq Himes George, W / Wonders B Mrs Holcomb Michael Esq J J ' Hnusnet-Miry , Young ' Mathias . and > Heagy Wm ~' ■ Gertrai-d his wife or v Hersch John their children •, j Hoover Frederick • Young Lewis Hinkle. John 7f;ttler (le n rge . R. I.AMBEUTON. P. M- 25,753,000 'v MERINOES. ‘ -v;; ; ■ V French, Welsh, German, and English Merinoes of all colors for sale cheaper than can ibe bought elsewhere, for sale,by . Aimou) & Co. ! TVOOD WANTEfi AT THTS OFFICE. MAHE.IBD: WM. WEBB, List of Letters TBEJOABKETS. PHILADELPHIA. II Flour, $6 50—Wheat, 26,000 bushels have been Uken,,sayß the U. S. Gazette of last week, at $l,- 35 a 1,38 per bushel for good to very prime red wheat, and a lot of very prime southemwhite at $1,35, inferior red $1,12 a l,2o—“Corn, prime yel low 77 cts, white 71to .7G ctS-—Oats 32a33 cts— Beef Cattle, 96,50 to B,2s—Hogs,- supply largo, Upwards of 750 head sold at $7, to 825, and a fow .extra at 8,50 —Whiskey," sales in hds. at 30, and in bis.,3l} cts. . BALTIMORE, —-Flourwas selling on Eriday at $6,37 for How ard street. The price of wheat not quoted. Com, old white, sella at 67 cts, yellow 75 eta. new white 50 and 57,_ yellow CO; Ry 0.70 and 75; Oats 33. Carlisle Banc, Nov. 6, 1839. The Board of Directors of this Institution have this day declared a .dividend of three and one half per cent for-the last six months,' on the capital stock paid in, which will bo payable to the stock holders or their legal representatives on and after the 15th inst. ' W. S. COBEAN, Cashier. KEW BOOT AND SHOE manufactory. THE subscribers take this method of. notify ing their friends and the public in general, that they have commenced the abovif mentioned Imsiness in all its various branches, in the shop ncently occupied by Mi*. Stewart in Main street, nearly''opposite Maj, Hehrar’s tav ern, where they wlll at all times be glad to-rc ceive visits from custoniers.'and furnish them at the shortest notice with any thing in tlieii line of business, such as ’ ■ BOOTS. Shoes, Slippers, niay . fe'eKdisposed''pr pprniiiae her. For terpta apply cither ather own residence in Han over street,- at liny time between school hours, ot-at the school room froradto 13 A. Mi or from J 3ia#p. M. [ ATTENTIOIV. SPRINGFIELD LIGHT INFANTRY g . . Parade in Stoughstilwn on Saturday JL thuOtii of November next, at lO.o'clock fa A. M. properly equipt for drill. , By order of the Cnptnin, , BgU JOHN REDDICK B| I ■, . O. Sergeant. Y'l N. B.An appeal will he held on ,l{ the same day fur said conapany fl , J. R. O. S. Carlisle Oct. 1839. Estate of George Eickey, dec’d. ■ ■ - . : NOTICE. W ETTERS testamentary havingbeen issued to H dthe~subscriber, on the estate of George Niok ey, late of Prankford township, Cumberland coun ty, dec’d; therefore all persons indebted in any way to said estate are requested to make payment im mediately, and those having claims will present them without delay properly authenticated for set tlement. ■, GEORGE KOSHT, Executor, ?= Frankford * Oct. 34, 1839. ■■ , •j.-V/r ESTUAYS. CAME to the plantation of tho subscriber, in Dickinson township, sometime in September last, two heifers about 2 j', years old, (one red and, white, and tho other principally red) —also a small red bull about one year old. The owner or own ers are requested to come forward,,prove property, pay charges, arid take them away—otherwise they will be disposed of according to law; BENJAMIN PEFFER. Oct. 2471839/—3t . J»K OCI .'*7l. « TIOJV'. WHEREAS 'the Hon. Samuel Hepburn, President Judge of the Court of Common Pleas' in the counties of Cumberland, Juniata and Perry, and the Hon. John Stuart and John Ltfevre. Judges of the said Court of Common Pleas of the county of Cumberland, have issued their precept Tfc'aljhg date the 23d day of August 1839, and me directed, for holding a Court of Oyer and Ter miner, and General Jail Delivery, and General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, at Carlisle, on the second Monday November, 1839, (being, the 11th day*) at 10 o’oloclc in the forenoon. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN - to the Justices of the Peace, find Consta bles of the said county of Cumberland, tliSt they bo then and there in their proper poison with their Records, ’lnquisitions, Examinations, and other Rememlrfances, to Jo those things which to their offices respectively appertain. And those who are bound by recognizances to prosecute against the prisoners that arc, or then may be, in the Jail of Cumberland county, to be then and there to prose cute against them as shall be just. Dated at Carlisle, the 24th day of October 1830, and the 451 h year of American Independence. -JOHN UYVKSy Sheriff. NOTICE TO C)RI2piTORS. TAKE NOTICE that we have applied to the Judges of the court of common pleas of Cum berland county, for the benefitofthe insolvent laws of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania,.and they havb-appointed Monday the 11th day of Nov ember next, for the hearing of us and our creditors at the court house in the borough of Carlisle,when and where you-may attendjf you think proper. ' , JOSEPH MOSSER, -:: 1 WILLIAM G. WARDEN, - JOHN MILLER, AUGUSTUS STEINMAN, * JOSEPH G. BOTT, JOHN-L..METZ,. JOHN GROVE,* . Oct. 17, 1839. >V; : String, or send the Remnants. All persons indebted to WM. B. UN DERWOOD will oblige him by liquidating their accounts before the cold weather sets in." tte hopes this notice will answer as. well as Faddy's hint, if not, it must sooh follow. October S 4, lB§9*. Sheriff’s Sale. fiy virtue of a writ of B'i. Fa to me direc ted issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Cumberland county, will be Exposed to' public sale, at the Court';the bor ough of Carlisle, on Saturday the-ninth day of November, 1839, at 10 o’clock; A., M. the following described Real Bstate to—wit:, A LOT OF GROUND; feiliiate-m East Pcnnsbordugh Township, beginning at a rock along the side (if-the' Susquehannab river, theuc.c alojig the land of John'McCord, north eighty five and three fourth, degrees, west fourteen and seven tenth. - perches to the centre of a spring, thenije by the same north* one anti three fourth degrees, west twelve and six tenth perches to a red oak, thence by same north fifty three degrees, east, six and one tenth perehes"to - a - -^^rthencc' - by - sanic:.m)rth, thirty six and pn.e half degrees, west twenty and seven tenth perches, td a the road, thence north tw.enty six and one half degrees, west ten and seven tenth perches; to" a post in the' line of Samuel Bowman, thence by said tide north seventy three and one, half degrees, eaSt four and rfivc tenth 1 perches 1 toapostbeyomland'neai'thered hickory oh the. bank of the said Susquehanna river, -thence-down said river, the several courses thereof fifty and eight tenth perches to the place of beginning, containing one acre more'or less.—Seized and taken in ..Execution as the Property of J3i It i Rem berget, ■ - ... . ■ And to be sold by me, JOHN MYERS, Sheriff’. Sheriff’s Office, Carlisle, Oct. 10, 1839. Daniel Reynold arid. Magdalena" his wife, in right of said Magda* lena, . Daniel Neidigh, John Neidigh,' I legal Rejtresen- Frederick Frey and Elizabeth ytaiivea cf iamuel his wife, in right of said Eliza-' -Neidigh, late tf beth, Henry Highlands & Dor-_ Frankfortl iown otiiy his wife, in right'of jaaid- ship, act'd. ' Dorothy, John'F!ory &- Eather . Take notice his wife, in right of said Esther, that the above and Catharine Neidigh. J described Alias Summons ipiFartitiOn has been issued out of the Court ofGomtnon Picas of Cumberland county, roturaamo 11th November 1839, when all interest* ed.may attend. JOHN MYERS * --..*1 -iUXAKOf . Vj Sheriff’s Office, Ca.lisle, Oct. 3,183JJ. rr'No::ti c e, . A LL persons indebted to the subscriber by note or otherwise, will, please call, and' discharge their accounts oh or before the first of November,' as on that Jay all accounts trill be put into the hands of a proper officer for collection, without re* spect to persons. JACOB WOLF.'' i Carlisle, Oct. 17,1889. ■ ■ • MERINO : f . :■ ■ 4-4, s*l, &<4& 6-4 Lupins blank merino Shawls of the best quality; one fourth cheaper than .thoy have evw be* Sold in town. , . . ...;H Out,». " ARNOtI) & ■Estate of Andrew Emminger, deceased. NOTICE.' , . Letters testamentary upon tho will of Andrew Emminger, dec’d, have been issued ih duo form qf law to David Emminger and Samuel Senseman, the Executors therein named: All persona having claims against the estate, will present,them for settlement, and those who are ine dqbtSd will make payment. . . .' •*' DAVID EMMINGER, ?rw u w SBNSEMAN.ii * ’ October 10, 1838. 6t 11st of Causes, For trial at November Term, 1839. Pint wet!;, commencing lllh November, 1839, Stockton , . VS-. Moorootal , ' Miller’s adni’rs . vs Heck • Kelly’s adm’r , vs Crowell’s adm’rs .Stough’s adm’r vs M’Elwains ttbss ■ _ vs- Moors • Harlan & Nobingor vs Ego Birkman • . vs Swoyer Wilson' vs t Gray & Caufman Givin , ” ■ vs Falooh Second Week, commencing the 18 lit November, 1839. Church . vb Davis’adm’x Barr . va Crawford Sam# VB Same Fetter, vs Alexander Barnita vs Herron Woodbiim V ” vs Noble Turnpike Go. vs ' ft. ft. Company Bcitzhoover vs Paxton ot ai Underwood vs Woodburn Dobb’s ox’rs vs Eby Church vs Dickinson College Carothors ox’rs vs Carotbers Leo .' vs Anderson Monrob ■ vs Noble Love’s adm’r ys Eby Deeper *. Crotzer Emminger Colder-- Snevcly Same Todd' Taylor vs Taylor- Savings Fund vs Paxton Same vs Craighead Welsh vs Kindlg c Kcnogo vs Elliott Meixcll et al vs Woods GEO. SANDERSON, Proth’y, Estate of Jqcoh TFeibley, deceased. .■ . notk;«.., , LETTERS testamentary on the estate of Jacob Weibley, late of North Middleton township, deo’d., have been issued to the subscriber. All persons having any claims against said estate are hereby requested to present them properly authen ticated for settlement, and. those indebted to the same to make payment — ’ GEORGK BUINDLE; Administrator of Jacob Weibley; dec’d. . Sept. 19, 1839. ' , ■ , ' Calicoes, Ciieoks, Muslins, Tickings, Cotton Flannels, Drillings, Table Cloths, Crash, Diaper, Gloves, Comforts, Gum Suspenders, Stocks', Pur Caps, Collars, &c. &c. &c. for sale by \ • „ • Arnold &. Co. Farmers take Notice, That I will pay SJ conts for slaughter Hides, and 9 cents for Calfskins well taken off. .. THOMAS WILLIAMSON. ChurcMbwn, Oct. 3, 1839. ■ 2m J Election tor Bank IHrectors Carlisle Bank, Oct. 17, T 839. TfcfOTICE is hereby given to the Stockholders in this institution, that an election will ho hold, on the third Monday of November next, (being the JBth day,) at the Banking House, for thir teen, directors, to servo during the year then to ensue. Jiatalc of T. Smith Woodhurn, dec’J. NOTICE. B ETTERS of administration on the estate of JLIT. S. Woodburn; late of Dickinson township, deceased, have been issued to tho subscriber resid ing in said township. All persons indebted to said estate will make payment, and those having claims' against said decedent,' will present them for settle ment. SAMUEL WOODBURN, Adra’r. Oct. 21, 1839 Gt. WitiAd received subscriber residing near Shiromanatown, Allen township,Cum berland county, Until the 7th day oft November next, for the erection of a Stono Wall around the burying ground of the German Lutheran and Re formed congregations, hear said Shiremanstown— tho wall to be in dimensions as follows; Five feet high to the slope of the roof and to bo oho foot iti the ground and four feet above, twenty-two inched thick ih tho ground and eighteen inches at the roof; to be,built, with good sand and lime mortar. Per finiia handing their proposals will make them nt 25 cubic feet per perch stone wall, to dig,the foun dation, furnishing all the materials to tho stone work. ' JOHN BIGHELBERGER, Oct. 17, 1839. Matthfi^;¥ <,ore > ?Sci. Fa. suiv Mechanic's Lien. iotSi .tt, J N °' NovomberTerm, 1839, -JvJit Jonnei —: ; To all:Claimants and Personainlerestcd. is hereby given that a writ ofcScire For bias to, November Term, 1839,d0 me directed has been issued.but of the court of common pleas of county on.tho above stated Meehan* ics Lien,'entered and recorded in the court of com ihdn pleas aforesaid. JOHN MYERS, Sh’ff. Sheriff’s Office, Carlisle, Oct. 24, 1837, HOUSE FOR SALE. ffJHE subscriber offers at'priViUdSdld his NcW JL Brick. DWELLING HpUSE and Lot of of. Ground, situate on. the vi’est end of Loutller in the occupancy of Prof. M’Clintick; The 60 feetin front l^ - depth., Ifnot sold by the ilth of November it will ithen bo offered for rent for one year: ! •“ ROSS LAMBERTON. Carlisle, Oct. 24, 1839. St Alias summons td'Nov’r Term, 1839. No. 11. goods. v ;; subscribers have just received fjdm Phil •X adelphia a new. and splendid assortment .of fall and winter goods, consisting of cloths, satinetts, blankets, linsy, cotton flannels and woolen flannels, moualin de lanes and merinoes, cheap calicoes, hmt'muslins, shawls and dress handker chief, silk handkerchiefs, gldveSj stocks, breasts and collars, with n 'great variety of winter goods and groceries, which will he-sold cheaper than ey of. Also, one carriage with harness, dno Tillbcr rv and three horses. • 1 ■ - HAMILTON & CRIER. ! Carlisle, Oct. 24,1839. / Sheriff. - A CAItU. . WM. STURGIS, Dentist, - . Having retarded from Pittsbjirg, respectfußy ten-; ders his professional-servicea~to Ahe citizens'of ShippSnshurg and the surrounding country fora few weeks. . ■ Calls from a,distance in .the country and front, ’neighboring towns, will, be promptly attended to. - ' Shippeneburg t .Qct. 94, JBS9. , ! vs. Herron ot al . . ‘ vs Casey, , vs Fleming • - vs Wilson & Thayer vs ’ LorigsdoriT ■ ‘vs Rupp vs Wilson W. S. COBEAN, Cashier. rjßoi* ti&sjLs One of the Building Committee. FOR SALE. The subscriber will sell the . large and commodious house'hr which he .hnw reside*,- on the . Main 'street, in (he borough of Car lisle. The lot is sixty feet front on Mail' street, by two hundred and forty feet on Bedford street. The buildings are large am; in good repair, and well calculated lor am extensive boarding establishment. There is a well of excellent water with a punip in the yard, and large stabling attached in,the rear of (he lot. The tei'ms will be moderate ami made to suit the convenience of thc purcha ser, and an indisputable title given. Appl y upon the premiscs-tb Sept. 19, 1830.—8 t Estate of William M. Reynolds, NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that letters of ad ministration with the will annexed, in (hi l form of law, have been granted to the sub scriber on the estate of William M. Rey nolds,' late of Shippcnsburg, -Cumberland Comity, deceased, —therefore all persons knowing themselves indebted to the said, es tate, are requested to make immediate pay ment, and • those having any just claims to present them without delay. ■GEORGE M’GINNESS,- Adm’r. with the will atmesed. . Shippcnsburg, Sept. 19, 1339. (it. Div Samuel Jackson’s cclcbralor.- Tohic Mixture. ALTHOUGH this medicine is but little know:- irr the country, it has obtained for its. dUtin guished inventor our At lantic cities. To those afflicted with weak stair, uch from any cause whatever* with in'lig--'{-:tior-. loss of appetite, weakness of the spine, pains in back ana loins, dizziness and vertigo, the Toni Mixture is strongly. rcconimcndcfd as produeijj';: s6re and speedy relief. • To be had in Carlisle, only at STEVEXSOX' &JDJNKLE , S Drug imd Variety Blare. Br. Warren’s Effervescent Draught. Persons laboring under chronic dyspepsia, indi gestion*, water brash, sour eructations and loss t-i appetite, will find great relief by using a half pin tumbler of his preparation every morning hefor. breakfast for about a week. For'sale in Carlisle, only at Stevenson & Uinkle’s drug and chemical •store. [Oct. 3, Krcslijh-iuuvs. . Just received at Stovenson.& Dinklb’s drug anp chemical store, a few jura of fresh Prunes. Mai-sliall’s Worm Synij> aml ln- r — fant lVese.i-vativ«. THIS remedy is, recommended to all patients, nurses and others tylio hare the manay-rn-n of children, as. the most safe and effectual worn destroying medicine yet discovered. The symp toms denoting the existence of wormo, are indi gestion, with variable appetite, foul.tongue, olft n sive broath, hard,full and tense belly, with 000.1 aiorialgripings and,| ains about the naval, heataa itching sensation about the rectum, the eyes boo ■vy and dull, itohingof tlie nose, short dry cough grinding of the teeth, and starting-during sit op attended with alow feyer. When these symp toms occur, the worm syrup, if talten according t thd directions, will*afford relief by, destroying the worms, and the mucus or slimy mutter in Which they arc involved, and thereby prevent their pro duotion. The. Syrup has already been used Will, eminent success by many individualaTn this place. Sold ih'Cariiale, only at STEVENSON & DIN KLE’S Drug and Chemical store. Persons wish ing to try this medicine caWlie referred to individ uals of tho highest respectability in this totvn wli •> have used it in their families with groat success. Ihinlcr’s,. Red 12rcp, Unrivalled in its effects as a sura arid expedi tious cure for.a certain secret disease, to be had h Carlisle, only at Stevenson.& Dinklo’s drugstore. Estate of Samuel Sfevick, deceased, J%*oiice is hereby given To all persons concerned, that Letters of Admin istration have been granted to tb£ subscriber nfsi ding at “Herron’s Branch,” .four miles west of Shippensburg, on the" road to Slrcsburg,. oil tli' personal estate of Samuel Strivick, deceased, lal* of the borough** of Shippensbiirg and county r 'Cumberland* All persons having claims'cr de mands against the estate of said decedent, are re- 3 nested to make known the same to mo without slay... Persons indebted are requested to make* payment immediately, ■ -j» * • DAVID SPENCE&'rf/AnV. Oct; 3, 1839. • • , f»t XSOIjIWBsV- BALfc HOTEL, WEST HIGH CTESETGAXIX.SSI.E. The subscribeF' fespqetriilly inftirins hi? friehds and the public,generally that.he lias taken that well, known tavern stand at (lie West end of High street, in' Carlisle, IneHykcprbjAlr. llenryillioaHS/ ami that he 13 now prepared to acdOmtnodate Drovers, Waggoners,Travellers, and alt others who may faVor him with a. call,. in the very best nlanner. ■ ' • r ft is Table will be constantly, furnished with the best the coitnfrV can produce. Ills Bar is supplied with the choicest liquors, and his Stable \vliich is large and convenient, will be in charge of a careful and attentive ostler. ' He flatters himself that, from his experi- an Innkeeper, he'will be render general satisfaction. ' GEORGE SHAFFER. Carlisle, May 2, 1839. jf John Haroer, AGsign(*'V :No. :’£3 January Term, ofJone»&Woodwonlj'riB33i' : ';,.'v,, v .,- '«:••• , A'end. 4O - W ilham Barber. jr. J January T(nn, iB^i. 22<1 August, 1839. On motion of MtV Ilritido bury. Rule tp shew ..cjhiso why Jones & jVVodtl; ward far use of John Harper and Titlwrjudn'ment creditors in interest in the fund taken by the judg-. ■ ment of George Melzgar, shall not be eubstiluu rl on the mortgage of George AtetzgaV to the'amounf. t of Uje fund taken by Metzgar cut of tlie sale of the ' house and Jot of ground of’ defendant's situate!'in' Papcrtown. Notice to he published in , two pi-, pars in Carlisle for foiu successive weeks. ■. ~ ’ Rr tKs'ccVar. Cumhirhnd eoltn.'y', ?*.' , , ■ ,Vi • I George ?atidersrh,-; prr.tbcnet3'ry of the Court oifQommon Pleas of Cum- K befhmd county, do hereby certify that r the aHiree’isa true crpj cf a nilc ef.- tsred in the aboye.casp.'ilnrfeetimor.y r ' whereof I hare hereunto wt--niy; ; }ra>.d and affixed the seal of ssid court; at.Chtiisle, tha 1 Hth day of October, A; T); 1838.. /.■ ' v GEO. SANDSRSd^P^;y. ; . ■ lied. Green,-Yellow.and c-xtra fir.e Vt'elhfyei'.d Swanskin wile Hanrolp, unusually lev.- at r’ ' ’ -. V . A»:bw;&'Co'<-. 3. D. ELLIOTT