JPRY LIST FOR NOVEMBER TERM, IS3& Commencing oh Monday the 1 Uh.. „ , > GRAND JURY. L ■Mien—Henry Grove.' , ■ -- v ——— 'Carlisle —.William Alexander,, James Pos tlethwaitc, John 11. Weaver. Baldwin, Samuel IIus : tori, Jjnhn Melmfley, Sanipsoti Mullen. , ■East Rehnsborqugh —-Daniel Brctz, , JtyanA/onk—Benjamin: Alter, Geo. Kosht, ' Hopewell—James Lciby.. ■Monroe-rJohn Brimlle, Samuel Clark. ■ -Jacob Hemminger. ■Neibtort—Henry. Baker, Geo. liemebower. ■S'hippensburg Craijg., - “ borouglt—J oh n Oris wel l-.Ffcd - cidck Scott. ', . . . ■■Southampton— John .Highlands.. ‘Silver Spring —Peter E.borlvii WestyPennsborohgh~ W i I Laur-Caroth ers, Francis,Dilleivsen. ‘ - - - . *» ' , TitJIYERSN JURY—Pint TFeeli. •Jllkn— George. Heck,- Isaac Miller, James Neal, Jonas' Rupp, jr-, David Slieflcj, ‘Carlisle —Jacob Baughman, James Kelly. Dickinson —Martin Clamly,- Abr’m Kurtz, .Jairics Oliver; .ioltn Swmds. _ ■ _J Has! ftretz, jr., An drew Kreitzcr, George Rupley, jr., Joseph Sadler. -Frankford— Benjamin Bnrkludder, James G.llespie, Alexander Logan, Win. Mell. •Hipawell —Jacob Fnglcsringeri John M'Coy. ■Mmroe —John Bellzhoover, John-Bricker. •Sixhanieshurg —Henry Kiinmcl; Jacob Sly-. _ der, Frederick Womlerlicb. ‘North. Middleton —James Brown, Wiljiam (,'ornman, Daniel llunier, llenry ITeagr, John Jacobs, Jas.-Mafeer, George Wise. , Newton —-Benjamin llumborger.Hjyiry Kjn- cling. , ■Silver Spring—l:>cn'.y; 't'honVas B. Bryson, \Villia>n Keller., Shippr.n .burg borough—^.Charles Anderson; Soathamp'nn John IViyConrod Cleveiy Jacob Helm, setu, MmscS llemrthilli tieo. Helm. . • ■South fl/i.Ulcton~\i\nm Bitner, JnCoKUit- v »or. ... . . • y -K; . • iJ est Pettnabonugh —John lirickee, John ., JUiiikes. -i run ninsic .runy—Second,rn-t-h.j •Xltcn —‘Marlin Brandt, sen., John DravV -haugh, William Darkness, David, launb, George Ivmint/., Daniel jSli llv, sen. I Carlisle —=Samiiel Rnsndnger, .Volin D. Gor ans, Clemens M’Farlahe, John Procter, • I'M ward J. Stiles. Dicliiusfh- —lohh Duke-, Geo. Martin, Phi iI j Weaver, Richard Woods., , -Etmt Pennubordugh —John Bowman, ji-., A . hralntn Bret?., William Stakcmiller. Prrtulcf'ir.l —-John Bear, Admit Wolfv ' -// ipnw.U- lien rv IVefll ebnw or. HI on r'/r —Cai ey W. Aid, George Srindlpi 'Joseph Eberly, John Hopple', James Wil -1 Bains. Jfiffliil— llu"h Barr, Andrew 'M’EUvairi,. Medumirnburg— sJosttyVi Black, Ira Day, I B’lac Ivinsev. ■ ' ■/ vt>r!h■ JUi.ldldo n—-,T.icnii iJcrs; -jVew'o’l —D.lvis Skilrsi Aeionifh. —Joseph ’• IV.inVinn-. fciloer Sprtxg —.Volin Clcmlrnin, ,jr>, Adam F.icltlHmi'm'iv . . Sn/Vi A/i.l:l/elon—h)\\W jiilner, Michael tj. Kge, George Saiitll, Jiihn Wnll'. R iU'/iii ji-jf t,i —’l'lioihas n. UntfiHl, .Jacob Cremer, sen., William Ouncarti grit.,,lia- Imrt Kirly, IJewalt I s isle-. R harcnnrh —Janies iirandeberrr Jfesl /V?>jv , ioroj/g/i-~Robcrt'Montgomery, Isaac Shelleoberger, jr. • ■wroTiass.:.- . 12'h S -ptcm'ier 1539, mi oioti<»n~o}' l,ynn7 !ln»c mi all thi- lu-irs mid girlies interested in \U • estate of J seph Shrou., I ,te of Carlisle, app. :v at tV* st ited Or.di ms 1 Court t ' he IwU Ji.r Cn'nber.lahd co»mty on Tuesday r u* lOili day of IJecttnfur mx*, to show- c s unse: wmv, tl»e (fact of I n»d coot lining C 39 acres ami 2“ peivhrs s’rii't measure, and the lot contain tcris and 5 V p.iv.hes ami the 1 U contain,- |">> (5 ic.res nod .15 1 parches* atid the lot contain tr» •i;fi“U i rr. , .Hr ! u»'l-149-|»*-vchry^-and-!hp— tntdi videv Ihe'Orphans’ Chart of said county l”*'^ l^"o^*”wnir iTi r ird t ”nncJ”l , ft.; - ehteredhjf'fecol’d' ln said fcobrt, wi*= »Hv hmd ahd the seal of s‘dd . at Carlisle lhe,2SM dav of Octo. Wr, A. I). i 839. . * —*• )V W - Gl’k of Orphans* Umlft Pittshdrg SlircOry Insert 3 times said 'chargi this office. • b FubJig Sale* offi-at public ; sale, on - fl—S iiiirJay-ihe-|fl;-h r 1 liiroe toWhship} Climber rind comity, Sf mites frotn Dillshurir an'd about 1 mde from BrandlN, mill, outlie York voad; a certain'plantation or * rnntamiuvr alwuit Hm-s o* pWntct! lurid,' ad* viV** I **'’ c ** K ' , ! t Co«»k*.s ‘livtfti, ,t imes.Williams & Williani on which is erected a log • n Rood of choice fruit) with, ostoelleht FpriiißH 6O of--.tliiOr.-irt ...{■?¥ roy" 5 ■ iOsicre limberdots, w liirh J'’’- vi " V‘'. r “', srpaHatel yif said firm sbolUdmi.t be s -Id entire., of Hay, when attendance C-iyHf “■ • i:^ ^l‘UegEß 1 ‘ UegER - : rEatale of Christian diitased-. - v ■£: -- ; ati'n.; liaye heen,iaiiuVfi t.o t|ie snbscHhf rs (a-sid luff in sdd tnirnsldp.vv All.-perspn? indebted ;to - those having claltfl'i diill pifpswit, seltlemeiittd ■■: ■ n.VV/n KUTZ. A'lm',-. , • ,: RUZVjJETHCROTZEIt.'Ad’x., lO.itnber si. iaaoV:.-i-... gt ' J €>U it.VA LS&REPO RTSi •' 'y'Coiftntiitigners' Office/ . T, Triie , House,lof Representatives pf>. PenHsi’.l yania; and ,the ;Re port?>f Xteasurer , end Auditor, ften -era!,' fqf 1839,'have beeiiittcciycd at thisnffice. and are fdddy fur delivery to those .entitled to receive lllfetn. ■: ;>'>v. ■, , V■_ ’ ■ r to«Nrin^lN > Clark. -*■,?< •*. jtroujvr japjDhv JLAJvns. WILL be'oflercd for sale, by public auction, on TuetcTau the 261 h of November next. at 10 o’clock, hi. M. at the Mountain' .House, on thcCariisle and .Hanover’,-Turnpike Uiintl, six mile's south-east of Carlisle, in lots of from ten to nlimit one hundred afcrcseach. iilinot ono thoq sand acres Ot the Mount Holly Estate, It nig Cliivlly in the valley to the hhffh of the: South M aintain, adjacent to said rontl. - Part ‘Of these lands is covered with fhr;vim vohng chestnut dailjer; the_ remainder is well •lilted for agriculture', bvingnf a genii quality, and situated; in’a healthy and thickly settled llviyliliniilOod;. annrdinguii- nppnlUuiity rarely occurring in tne eastern tenuities of’ Pennsylva nia, for.persons with' a small capital, to purchase Tarmsi • 'y ' -v '' v - Terms repayment';' One siltth in cash on the day of sale, another sixth part on the seventl dav of January next, the remainder in twoequa yearly pay.m-nts with interest. Fe.r further nartictflars enquire of WILLIAM 1 MSIIAVV, Harrisburg, nr ,WM. WEAK 4KY, Paperfotvn. hear the.lands. .October SI, IBS9._— .■> NEW MS'A mint STORE. &lcvenson & jbinkie, SH* VVIS just received at their store, corner of JJ. Huh and.Hitt streets, opposite. Cot; For* ivL’a hot* I, at) assortment of ■ ; _ Rjodicinos, Faints*, I>ye Stuff's Sc V.i rnis'ic-s. Tlitir ■ stock his been selected with treat care, ami is Warranted to =y&L ht* en’irelv fresh and of the very - best qn ilitVi The store will he under the im nedi ite shperinterdanre of Mr, .J>inklc, who h-m icqtiMV 1839. Shcriif’s Sale. Hy, virtue of a writ of Pi. Fa to me direc ted issued out of the Court of Common Picas of Cumberland county, will be. Exposed to public sali .at.tlSe Court House in (lie bor ough of Carlisle, on Satur 'ay (he ninth day of Novemher, 1859, at—lo n’clnck, A. It!, tile following- described Real Estate to wit: A li O T O F GRO U'N I) si (bate in East Pen[nsbofouj;h Township, beginning at a rilcts atohg the side of live S isquelmnnah river, thence, along the land ol John VlcGord, north eighty five .and three fourth degrees, west fourteen" and seven lenth perches tpjjie centre «f a, springs .thence. -hv tha-sanie morthV di'le' and- fliree fourth degrees, west t.welve arid six tenth ncrclies to a' red oak; thence by same north fifty three degrees, cast, six and one tenth to it——, thence by same north,. ..thirty six liiid one .half degrees*, wgst twenty. Rild seven tenth perches to, a post iil the road, (lienee north Uy&* and one half , degrees, west-ten and-seven tertth perches to a post in the line, of Samuel feowinan, Ihence by said line north seventy three, and orig half degreesi~cast four, and five tenth ncrdies to a post beyond and near the red, hickory art the. bank of the said Siisrjuellanna river, thence -down said river the several courses thprcbPfifty and eight ferilh perches ,ti> the place of beginning,, contairi'ntg one acre- more 1 or less.—Seized anti taken in Execution as the Property^of h. It i J{em berker, >, " : . ■ And to be sold by me, V'- - , . JOHN MTBRS/Shcrifr. ' iSherilf’s Office, Carlisle, 0ct..10,,1839. Damoiltrynold'and Magilalona'i. Alias summons his wife, in right of said Magda- (toNpv’r Term, lona, . .. ■ 1839. Nb. lit ‘I vsi ' " T :’f~V V,\ •. ' Henry Neidigh, Sdm’lNeidigh, I 7b the Kara and Daniel Neidigh, John'Neidigb; [ legal Frederick Frey and'Elizabeth UaHves of Samuel his wife, in right of said Eliza- I tllidigh/.late Beth, Hertry HighlaridsA; Dof- Pranl7furd lown othyhis wife, ip right of said sAtpfdee r d. 1 - Dorothy, John Flory & Esther Take notice his.wifo, in rightof said Esther, that tho above and Cathayir.eNeidigh. . J described. Alias oumidonsln Partition haaJjeefa issue Joat of, the ,Court of Common Pleas of Cumberland county, returnable Ulh Whcß all ihieresH ed may attend. ; ; V L ' r •' MVElis, SicnVj- ‘ , Sheriff-a Ofßce, Oot. 3,1939. ci -Red,Creen, YeTlqw, and extra fine Welsh and Swanskin witetflannels,unusually,loty at • V; , ; Arnold & Co’s, • , ... - AfERINO SHAWLS. - t & Srl Lupins blank merino Shawls ot the host quality, one fourth cheaper than they have ever bet sold in town. ’■ hr.- ■■ oct 9i y" ARNOLD &-C«; ; 4t_ HOTEL* MattbdwMooro, Og cl - ( Fa.Aur Mbchahic’s Lien., Jasper Bqpnett. i No -' 49 November Term, 1839. To all Claimants and.-Persons interested.' " Notice is hereby given that a Writ of Scire, Fa cias to November Term, 1839, to me directed has beOn ieruad.crtt of the court of commnn pleas of Cumberland county on the above stated Mechan ics Lirrrt, entered andTccorded vd the court of com mon sloak.aforeiaid. ■ ■» ' JOHN MYERS; Sh’ff. - BherifT’wpfQec,-Carlisle; 0ctr24r1837.- — ;:v ' . KQtTSB FOR..SAIijs, nPIHE subscriber offers at private sale liis New •K. if rick' DWELLING HOUSE and Lot' of of Ground,'situate on' the west end of Louther street, now in the occupancy of Prof. M’Clintick. The lot is GO feet in front and 140 feet in depth. If not sold by the 11th ofNovomber H will then, be offered for rent for one year. ' ■ . ' ROSS LAMCERTON. Carlisle, Oct. 24, 1839;, . 3t : NEW- GOODS.- THE subscribers have just received from Phil adelphia a now and splendid assortment of fall and winter poods, consisting of cloths, satinetts, blankets, linsy, cotton flannels and woolen flailnels,' calico,, mouslin de lanes and morinoes,. cheap calicoes and muslins, shawls and dress handker chief, silk handkerchiefs, gloves, stocks, breasts and collars, with a .groat variety of winter goods and groceries, which will ho sold cheaper than ov er. Also,- one carriage with harness, one Tiliber r.y and three horses, HAMILTON & GRIER. -Carlisle, Oct. 24, 1839. - A CAKO. ■ ff-lA if7Y/y?G/iy, yjcrtlis/, ' 1 Having returned from Pittsburg, respectfully fen ders his -professional services to the citizens of Shippcnsburg and the surrounding country for a few weeks. ' . • Calls from a distance in the country and from neighboring towns, will bo promptly attended to : , .Shippcnsburg, Oct. 21, IB3d. Estate of George JVick'ctj, dec'd. ' NOTICE. ’ SETTERS .testamentary having tern issued to ,4the .subscriber, bn the estate of George Kibk ry, late of Frank ford township, Cumberland coun ty, dec’d; therefore all persons indebted in any way to said estate are requested to mnko'payineiit im mediately, and those having claims will present them without delay properly authenticated for set tlement, 6GORGE KOSrir: EmcST' C " — . -. Franki'iml tuwiriJiip.— Oct. 24*. 1839 v Estate of 7\ Smith lEoodburn, dec’(l. ■ KOTICP. ■■l ETTERS of ndministtption' the estate of • S. Woodhurn, Into of Dickinson township, deceased., liave boon issued to Ihi; subscriber resid ing in said towusltuv. All persons indebted to said estate will malic.payment, and those having claims against,said decedent, will present them for settle ment. , ■ SAMUEL WOODJIURN, Adm’r. Oct, 21, 1830 Gt. USTiTOYS. 'iPiAjlß to the plantation of the subscriber, in Dickinson to\vhsjiip, sometime in September last, two-heifers, about.2}, years old,' (one rod’and white, and the other principally red)—also a small red bull -about one.year olci.“ The owner or own ers are requested to conic, forward, prove property, pay charges, and take them away.—otherwise they will be disposed of according to law. BENJAMIN PEFFKR. Oct. 21, 1339.—3 d ATTENTION! THE.mcmbcrs of the George Wadiington Arlii- Irri/ ere b-reby notified Unit the annual court o e appeal will b» held in the ARMORY, on Monday the dth day ol Novemhed Ik.qq. lu tween tlie hours .oi I oVludk I’. M. and 5 o'clock P. M* Delin quents are required to he in attendance as a war .nint will ho issued for thb-collection of fines upon the adjournment of the court. • IX ' ~ SAM’L. CROP, Jr. Capt. x Carlisle, Oct. 21, 1830. ATTETON! T IIE members of the Carlisle Light Artillery are hereby notified that tho annual court of appeal for said company will, bo hold'at the public house of Win. S.-Allen, in Carlisle, eh Monday.the 4th’ da'y’af November next, atone o’clock, P. M. when, and where all interestnd can attend. ' * \V!\lrMAl’OßTEli7TjicutTCbni3’S7 Oct. 2-1, 1839. JPSSOCJLMJtMTIOJV! W'IIKREAS tho lion. Samuel .Hepburn, President Judge bf tho Court of Common Pleas fn the counties of Cumberland, Jriniaia and Perry, and the 1100. John Stuart and John Judjjes of the said Court of Common Pleas of tho county of Cumberland; have issued their precept hearing date the 23d dviy of Aud;ist lS;id, aud to me directed, for holding a Court- of Oyer and Ter miner,. and General Jail- Delivery, and General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, at Carlisle, on the seepnd Monday of November, 1839; (being the lltli day,) at 10 o’clock in tho forenoon. NOTICE IS' HEREBY- GIVEN to live Coroner,, Justibes.of thfi Peaco, and Condtat blds of the: said county, of.Curnbcrland.-thatithey ho then and there in tboir proper pordonwxtH their Records, -Inquisitions, Ex-aminations, arid other Remembrances, to dp those tbings;which to their offices rcspectivcly.appertain. And, those who are bound, by recognisances- to prosecute against tho irifohers that are, or then may bo,, in the Jail- of Cumberland county, to he then and there to proso euto”against them as shall be just. , • . Rated at Carlisle, fhe-2ltri day of October 1839; and tho 45th year of American Indcpcndcnco. _____ JOHN MYERS, Sheriff. ‘ .NOTIC.R TO CK^DITOUS. rBIAKE NOTICE that .we have applied to the Judges of the courtof eommoh pleas of Cum berland county, for the bchefii of the insolvent laws Of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and they have appointed Monday the. 11th day of Nov ember next,-for thohearihg of us ahdour creditors at the court house in the borough of Carlisle,when ahd; may attend if yori think proper.: JOSEPH MOSSER, WILLIAM G. WARDEN, VVM. L. CURRIDEN, ; JOHN MILLER; AUGUSTUS STEINMAN, JOSEPrf G. BdTT, JOHN L. A|ETZ. JOHN GROVER Oci 17, 1839.. AUcnti()i); Ciinihorliuid GiTens^i , Theannttal,Court of Appeal will fan held althe public house pf.Gpl. John' Comijian, in Curliefeon the first Monday (4th day) of Novemberjfai' one 6’cloqk in thoTifternoop, "when nll intereatod raav attend. 1 ■; ■ A; LAMBEHTOM; Copt, •' THe members of said eoidpanf \t?H meet al thS same time and pldceen business dflrniiorianoi; : ’■ , October 17,.183i) ... ‘ t;-.? meihnoks,jgkty.., - '■» Ifrenohi Welsh, German.bnd English Merinoes of all colors fdr sale cheaper thanqan be' bought Alsswhafo,.lor sale by; • . . . & Co. I' List of Causes, For tidal at November Term, 183.9; Firttwcck,commencing 11/A November, 1839 Stockton vs- . Mooro et al •Miller’s-adm’rs vs—Heck—— Kelly’s adm’ri vs Crowell’s adm’rs . Stough’s adra’r vs M’Elwarno Ross Vs' Mooro Harlan & Nobingor vs. Ego -Bifkman-■, —<9- Swoyor-- - -- - Wilson . vs Gray & Caufinan Givin • Vs, Falbon . Second week, commencing the ISt.’r November, 18S9, Cfiurcli— . vs ' Davis’ ndm’x ■ ■Barr Vs ' Crawford Sams- .vs Samo Fetter • -ys ■ Alexander- BarnitS;' . vs, Herron Woodburn ■ ys Noble Turnpike Co; * 'vs R. R. Company' . Beltzhqovor, vs Paxton ct al Underwood' Vs . Woodburn Dobb’s cx’rs. vs Eby Church vs Dickinson Colfego , Carothora ox’ra. vs Carothera Bed vs Anderson Mdrirbo■ ys Nobid Love’s adm’r vs Eby Leepbr vs' Herron Crolzer - ys Casey, Emminger vs Fleming Colder .Vs Wilson & Thayer Sliovoly vs Longsdorff Saraq vs Rupp Todd vs' Wilson, Taylor , vs Taylor- Savings Fund vs Paxton Samo vs Craighead. Welsh vs Kindig Kcnego vs Elliott Meixcll ot a! • vs ’ Woods GEO. SANDERSON, Proth’y. Estate of Jacob TP'eibley, deceased, N.O-TIIJ'E. TP ETTERS testamentary en tire estate of Jacob ibJWoih'loy, late of North Middleton township, dec’d., have been issued to the subscriber. All persons having any claims against said estate are hereby requested to present them properly authen ticated for'settlonlont, and those indebted to the same to make payment immediately. GEORGE, BRINDLE, Administrator? of Jacob Wcibley, dcc’d. Sept. 19, 1839. . ' , -XJPor Sale*; THE subscriber will dispose of at private i Sale that valuable plantation, situate in land county, about 5 miles west of Carlisle on tli(j turnpike loading to Chambcrsburg, and nearly in sight of the rail road, adjoining lands of John Paul, Ex-Governor Ritncr and others, containing 161 a cres of first quality lirhestonc-laihdVof which about 60 acres is welllirtibcred. The improvements are. . A GOOD LOO SSOtTSjd: •nd LOG KITCHEN, with a LOG DARN—also a never failing well of excellent water near the, door, which, with a trifling expense, could be made to supply every field with water—also two excel lent orchards of choice fruit trees. .For terms apply to Urn. subscriber onp mile east of Carlisle, near the rail road.' M. FISHBURN, Agent for Joilas'Fishhttm, ■ September 5, 1939. 8t .. N. I!.—I have alqo several rate farms and mill properties for sale. M. F. - Calicoes, Checks, Muslins, Tickings, Cotton Flannels, Drillings, Table Cloths, Crash, Diaper, Gloves, Comforts, Gum .Suspenders, Stocks, Fur Caps, Collars, &c. &c. &c. for sale by - Arnold & Co. Farmers take Notice, Tliat I will nay fl'J cents for slaughter Hides, and 9 cents for Calfskins well taken olT:. , THOMAS WtLUAMPSdiVi Churchtown, Oct. 3, 1830; 2nl Election for Bank Directors. Carlisle Bank, Oct. 17, 1839. NOTICE is hereby given to the. Stockholders in this institution, that an election wilt be hcltTon the third Monday of November (being* the 18th day,) at tho Banking House,, for thir teen directors, to serve during the year' ertSuo. W. S. COBEAN, Cashier. i John Harper, Assignee") No’ 2G3 January Term, ' of Jones & Woodward, ( 1833. .• .. f■ v end;- Exp ? 8~ No;-40r William Barber, jn. J January Term, 1834. 22d August, 1839/- Qn motion, of M-rt Brandi bury. Rule to sliew cause why/Jories. & Wood ward for use of John Harper ajid other judgment creditors in. interest in tho fund taken by the judg ment of-George Metzgar, shall riot be substituted on-the mortgage of George Metzgar to tho amount of tho fund taken by Metzgar out of tho sale of the* house and lot of ground of. defendant’s situate in. I apertown. -Notice to be published in. two pa irirCarlisle for four successive weeks. • ' COURT* Curnhcnand cow\('y y • George Sanderson, Prothonotary fidj. of tho Court of Common PloasofCunv horiaud cGunty, .do hereby certify, tliat SjKp the aboVo a true copy of a-rulo cn- Sv' In the above case. "In testimony .jxliereof Iliavcjvereunto set_my hand and affixed tho seal of sa\d court, at Carlial'dr tho* 14th day of October, A. D. 1839^ - -GEO, SANDERSON, Pro/A’y; .N o tice , ALL porsons'indebted to the subscriber by note or otherwise, will please call arid- discharge thoir accounts on or before the first of-November, ns on that day all accounts will be put into the bands of a proper officer for collection, without re spect to petsons. ‘JACOB WOLF, ‘ Carlisle; Oct. 17, 1839* ’ . lirigatieThspector’s ’Orders.' An election Will the public house ofVVi S.Allen, on Saturtlay the 26th October inst, betweonthe hours often, in tho niorning and six in tho evening, for one Captain, onoFirst and one Second Lieutenant in tho Carlisle Idglit Artillery company, to fill vacancies occasioned by- the resil of such officers .in ;Said company. Mr. George Mathews will ..eerre: as judge and Mr. Philip Quig/eywilludt as clerk of said election. • - >V. FOULK, Brig. Ins. Oct, 15,1833. : • ■ tJß*' r WV near Shiremanstoivn, Allen township,Cum berland county, Until the 7th day of November next, for tho erection of a Stone Wall arotuid the burying ground.of the Gorman'Lutheran and Re formed congelations, near said tho' wall to bb in dimensions as follotbet five feet high .to the slope of tha roof and to bo onq foot in the ground had four feet above, tweidy-d^rj)^ inches thick in the ground and eigtitepn inches at the rooft to bo huiltwith good Gana nnd .Unto mortar. • Per sons handing thoir propoaals will mako them at 25 cubic feet per perch stone wall, to dig the foun dation,' furnishing all the moterials to the atone work; . JOHNEICHEtBERGER, Oct. 17, 1839. One of the Building Committee, ;r... . 3t W'Q 3*22/5 QfftCE. FORSALE. ..The subscriber -will sell the large and cbmmpjifius house in which he now resides, 'oitifpPVfain street, in the borough of; Car- Jot is 'sixty feet front on Main by tVv’o huridred and 5 forty feet on street. The buildings are large and in.good repair, and well calculated for art extensive boarding establishment. There is a well. of.excellent, water with a pbmp in the yiiVd-, an'd* large stabling ntta'clted in the rear of the loti; The terms will be moderate and made to suit the convenience of the purcha ser, and an indisputable - title given; Apply Upon the premises td Sept. 19,. 1.835-.—Bti Estate of Ji'iiliatn M. Reynolds. . WOTICB. , —-Notice isdiereby ,given thatdetters Of hd ministrqtion.-wSth, the-tvi|l- annexed'.-in- due form of law, have been granted 'to.the sub scriber on the estate of William M. Rey nolds, late of Shippcnsburg, Cumberland .County, deceased,—therefore all persons knowing themselves indebted to the said es tate,- lire requested to make immediate pay ment, and those having any ta present them without delay. GEORGE M’GINNESS, Adm’r. with the will annexed. Shippcnsburg, Sept. 19,1339. 6t Dr. Siiirtmil Jackson’s celebrated Tonic Mixture. A LTHOUGH this medicine ishutlittleknqwn in the country, fyha.B obtained for its distin guished inventor an enviable reputation/ in, our At- 1 lanUc cities* To those afflicted with weak stom ach, from any caiiso whatever, with indigestion, loss of appetite, weakness of tfic spine, pains' ih back and loins, dizziness, and vertigo, the Tonic?/ Mixture is strongly.- recommended as producing' Sure and speedy relief. To be had in Carlisle, only at STEVENSON* & DINKLE’S Drug ami Variety store. Dr- Warr.en's Effervescent Drangftt • Persons, laboring under chronic dyspepsia, indi gestion, water brash-, sour eructations and los* of appetite, will find great relief by, using a half pint tumbler of his preparation, every, morning before breakfast for about a week. For sale ip Carlisle, only at Stevbnsom & DixiciiE’s dniff apd chemical store; . ■ ° [Oct. 3. Ify-esli PriimVs. . Just,received at Stevenson & Dinkle’sUfug and chemical store, a few jars of fresh Prunes;. , Mars ball’s Worm ,&i;riip anti la- fant Preservative. THIS remedy is recommended to all paiicnts, nurses and others who have the management of children, as the nioßt.aafe and effectual worm destroying medicine yet discovered’. The symp toms denoting tho existence of worms, are indi gestion, with variable appetite, foul tongue, offen sive breath, hard, full and tense belly, with occa-, sional gripinga and pains about the naval , heat and itching sensation about the rectum, the eyes hea vy and dull, itching of the nose, short dry cough, grinding of the teeth, and starting during sleep, aUended with slow fever. When these symp toms occur, the worm syrup, if takon according to the will afford reliefby destroying the worms, and the mucus pr filinw matter ih. which they areinyplved, dhd thereby prevent their pro duction.. The Syrup has already been used with eminent success by many individuals in this plac>. , Sold in Carlisle, only at STEVENSON &DIN KLE’S Drug and Chemical store. Persons wish- Jng to try this mcdicine can he referred to individ uals of tne.highcst respectability ,in this town .who have used it in their families with groat success. Hunter’s Red Strop, Unrivalled In its eitc.cts as a sure anti expedi tloud cufc for a certain secret disease, to be bad in Carlisle; only at Stevenson & Dinlcle’s drug store. Orphans’ GourtiSrile. IN pursuance of a decree of tho OiphaiiaVGpurt of Cumberland county, I will exposof bpublkt sale on tHe promises on tMiai/ the IstAay of Jlovh ember next, at tl o’clock, A. if. a tracl of -XI WOOOLAND, situate in East Ponnsboroiigh township,. in said county, bounded' by land j)f..wido\y Spong, and lands belonging to Andrew Kreitzer, Andrew Beck; and olhcrk, containing I t acres aijd 78 perches.-^ Tliotimbcr on tltislractconsiste'of chestnut,'lnpk ory, oak, &c. and. is worthy tho aftentiorv of those wanting wood and rail timber. Terms, made known ofi the day of sale by ' . . DAVID HUME, , , , Adm'r if Jno: JHessi-ng.Jee'd. Oct.«, 1839. , 3 t New Goods. cim.vpitn than kveii !! Just received and aimed a splendid stock of , _ . , CRY GOODS, , suitable for the season, which are offered for sale on the most accommodating terms. A. RICHARDS. Carlisle, Oct. 3, 1839. JZsidte of Samuel Stevick, deceased. : ~ JVotite is Jiereby giveh To all persons concerned, that Letters of Admin istration hhve been granted to the dubseribcr resi ding at “Herron’s Branch,” four ndilfes west of Shipperisburg, on the road to Strasburg, on tiio' personal cstato df Samuel Stevick, deceased, late of tbb borough of Shippensburg and Bounty of Cumberland. All persons, hayii(g claims or de mands against tho estate of said decbdent, are re- make known tile sardp io .mo without delay. Persons indebted are requested to make payment immediately. DAVID SPENCER; Jldm'r. . Oct. 3, 1339. - To the Heirs wii lesgtl liepiesenialtves. of MOSES SCROQGS. toli of Nekton township , deceased. ' npAKE NOTICE that I will hold an Inquisition A ona.wnt of Partition and Valuation, bn the promises late of Moses Scroggs, deceased, oh ffim das ih* 38/14 day of October, 1939; at 11 o’clock, A. M. where ajl interested may attends JOHN MYERS, Shenf. Sheriff’s Office, Carlisle, Sept. 20; 1839. Estate of Andrew Emmtnger, deceased . NOTICE. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY upon the will of Andrew Emmingor, deo’d, have been issued In dtie fonh of law to Bavid Emmingorand Samuel Sensoroau, tho Bxeoutora therein named: All persons having.clairas against the estate will present diem for settlement; and those who ate in debted will makopaymenf... ' . ■ DAVID. BMMINGER, SAMUEL SE\’BBJUN,i- n,143M4 * s ■ Oatoher-10,. 1839. ■ ‘ - ifft - ; MUSIC & FRENCH. . The Trustees of tho “CtmLISLE. FEifaLE SE}flX.tllV, ” are in treaty with nn lnatructnr of high character, and they hope to hcn69f of ins services in a very short time; .... ih-. n JOHN'.REED,. Ai - ,r President of tho Board, r - October 10,1899,. - ./V;; r - ; .■;.. . / PUBLIC SUR BY vixtiiQ of an order of Sale, to nip dirdcjocf* issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of . Cumberland county,, will bo exposed to public saloon the’premises, in Frankford township, oa b riday the Bth day orNorombor >: |BS9,.nt -10 cf- ‘ clock, A. M. the following described real opiate, late the property of John Campbell, doa-d and' Win. Campbell, to witi . A TRACT OF I,Al*p,‘ : , No:-2* in the Inquisition, bounded ’ tmd'describes— " as follows:—Beginning-nt a black oak grub in a lino of land formerly-of Philip Shnmhangh, thence . by a tract-now. of William Campbell, north thir teen and a half degrees,'east sixty-nine porches to a whito-oak,thence east, eight and four-tenths perches ld, a Post, thence north seventeen degrees, cast orlo htmdred and thirty- ■ nine perches to a post in a lino oflandof the heirs of John Logan, tmd by the samp north spyenty nme degrees, oast thirty-five and 0 half perches to a white oak, thenco-north thirty-one degrees,, oast .eleven‘.and a half porohes-to a poafein a lino of land'formerly of—- HiElccmellTand by tho Samo south, thirty-sir and a half degrees, oast- ond hundred and Tdity-sefen and a half porches to a white oak, d ffotner of landformorly of Jacob Jum- ’ porbnd by thp same south fourteen degrees, cast mnoty-fdur perches to a post, a Corner of laud 1 of the aforesaid Philip Shambaugh, and by the sain'd south oighty-dno west thirty-sevon and two-tontlia porches to a white oak, and thence south sixty-nine and a half degrees, west one hun dred and eleven perches to tho place of beginning, containing’ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY SEVEN ACRES and SEVENTY FIVE PER CHES, neat or strict measure, having thoreon c reetod a two story LOG HOUSE and a small Log Stable, ana other improvements. The conditions will be as follows: The onc-half ’ of the purchase money to bp paid, on tho confirma tion of tho Bale by tho court add the residue in two 'equal annual payments thereafter withoutlntercst, to be secured by mortgage or judgment bonds. JOHN MYERS, Sheriff. Sheriff’s Office, Carlisle, Oct. 17, 1839. J. D; ELLIOTTi V aluable Farm for Sale* THE subscribers offer at private sale; the fol io wing described property, in Londonderry toy'nship’jDauphin county, containing ONE HUN PBED ANO. TWENTY-FIVE ACRES AND - SEVENTEEN PERCHES of patented land, a bout 100 acres ofwhich aro under cultivation, the residue being covered with good timber. The im provements are a largo two story * BJSICK lIOTSK, with a back building) water near the door, a largo Orchard, a wagon shed, com crib, and a LARGE RANK BARN. This farm is very near the river and Pennsylvania canal, about two miles, below* . ; the Lumber Yards at tho mouth of the- Swatara, and nearly tho sarao,distance from tho Union can al.. The avenues to market are so conVohient as ss to afford ready sale for hinu products; whilst lumber can be procured without difitaht hauling. Tiio Harrisburg and -Lancaster rail road passes through tho premised. Title-indisputable; —For terms inquire of Mr-, GiNaaic>z,'-on tho promises. S. S. HALDEMAN, Near Columbia and Marietta. " . geo, H. BUCHER, . , - . Near Hogestown, Cumb’d co: October 10,1839.. . lit The subscribers having lately purchased the stock of goods owned bjf John H. Wea ver, at the North-East corner of the Public .Square, Carlisle, have just received a large land splendid assortment of Finn and Win ter Goods, consisting hi part of "Superior wool dyed black, green, invisible green) brown, olive, dablia, adelaidc and mixt CLOTHS, ■an assortment of heavy Cloths for Orcr-crtafs; a variety of styles'of Caiainicres and Cassi- and figured silk velvets, plain and figured satin vesting, Valtntia vestings, &c. &c. velvetcords, beavcrtcen, plain and figured green flpor cloths; red* white, yel low and green flannels, white and colored canton flannels, 6-4,.r-4, 8-4, 10-4 & 12-4 roae ; & mackinaw blankets, English, French andv.German plain and-figured, merinoea, "IjlaeK and blui-blaek bombazincs/plain arci figdred hep.t silts, black gro-de-nap, gro-de :rines, llitestring and senshaw silks, a large! ami splendid assortment of colored silks; figured silks for bonnets, white, black and colored satins, a variety of fashionable rib : bohs. ' ' ■ . I —6-4, T-4, 8-4-and-lb s 4-iiij)ihc3 bes{ meri— no shawls, cheneill brocha biuiikct and clinl- Icy do. merino, chnlley and cashmere hand kerchiefs, Irish linens* long lawns, lined cambric handkerchiefs, green haraze & gadze veils, black lace veils, silk and pongee hand kerchiefs; , • ■ • 4-4, 5-4 and'S-4 bldachcd gnd unbleached muslins, 4-4 am) 5-4 tickings, 6^4,7-4 and 8-4 cotton ithtl iinbrrßiSJjcrs, 6-4, 8-4 and ; 10-4 linen table cloths,ib(iie and green cloth table . pHotliS:.,, Lp'ridon, French and Ameri can.' Prints,* 4-4 5-4 apron and fumitory chfefcks, mousiaine and saxony de laine, bo fairiett, grecianett ,'nnd book innsUria, .plain; Har’d and figured Swiss, plaid,bar’d jiad fig- • ured y-lconclts, CamliHcs and inull muslins, , bishop, and friends lawn; thread, jaconett; bob!nett;and cotton laces,-edgings 1 apd ih> sertingsj—lined; diaper- and crash and. bead bags, a large assortment of Kos’bry; gloves; ■ handkerchiefs, ‘Stocks, suspenders; bonnets;’ &c. Cotton & Rao Carpeting, holtdn yarri of all Nos. coAerlet yarn, white arid colored carpet chain, lamb’s wool and iperino shirtS, and drawers. Also; rt large assortment of GROCERIES* ~, consisting, of-Rio, jSti L'nCT>ra.hnti Java Coflhe; Young Hyson, iijipefiam Black Teas; Sugar Hoiase .and Syrup hlqlasdcsj Chocolate. dstarchi-Ginger, Rice; Pepper,r Allsj>ice t ,Jndlgo, Nutmegs, Cloves; .Cinna ihort;.flhe~and coarse Salt, roll and plug To--. bacco.Smiff. Sogers, &c.&c; . : Also,- an assortment of Hatters’ Furs and Trimmings, which w.owjll cost. . ' . ANGNEY & ANDERSON. Ocl\lo, 1839; , - . St* Cents He ward. , - Ban away from the subscriber, lining in? / Mifflin township, dn’the 14th inst;. ah ap prentice to the Blacksmith htrsiftess, named age; 5 feet 8 inches high ahd slim bull t, ligh t hair and light'cpinplevmn. The above re- , ward will op paid to any person ’who may apprehend _ arid return ’niw' to, me,'but no" „•' charges paid. 7 All persons are forwarned n-'; gainst harboring him.- JACQB LANDIS,- i-. , Oct. ir; 1539. . : CJoths and Cassimercs. i-AlargeSsshitmeßtof CiLOTEfS *ef- a)lleolcr*- 1 and quantified, corisisting of exp*,.superfine, Ciftf, and a largo assortment of low. pncedfclotKVsuxta hle for bang-up, and over coats..’ ; - ■ • ■ LONDON-CASISI'MERES, a splendid *edm , , montpfallholots,{asireceiviodbV ; j- Get, 3,. ; ; ■ _ NEW GOODS! getat