American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, October 31, 1839, Image 3

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: Commencing onMondny (he 11th..
~ . . GRAND JURY*.
■Alien- —Henry Grove.' ■
'Carlisle William Alexander, Jam69jPos’
tlethwaitc, John 11. Weaver.
Baldwin, Samiiel llus
tori, John Meliaß'L-y, Sarripsnu Mullen.
-Jiasl Fennshorough —‘Daniel Bretz,
'/Vdnfc/bri-r-Benjamin Alter, Geo. Kosht.
Hopewell— James.Lciby. >
A^onroe—rJohn Briritlle, Samuel Clark.
Hemmingcr. ■ ~.,
NcultO)t—\\<Mry. Baker, Geo. Hefflebower.,
, Shippensburglowaship —Hugh Craig.
■ :. “ borough— -JohnCriswell',Fred-
erick Scott. ;
o\in Highlands. •
tfUon Spring —Fctec Ebcrlyi.-
Went, /V;ins6o)-ong/i—-William Carothers,
Francis Diller, sen. , s. •
TRAVERSE JURY—First if eric.
•Allen— rGem-gc Heck. Isaac Miller, James
Neal, Jonas Rupp, jr., David ShcAhc,.
‘Carlisle —Jacob Baughman, James Kelly.i-
Dickinson (Jlaiuly;. Abr’m Kurtz,
.Janies Oliver, John Swords.
East Pennsboroug’i —Danlcl firotz, jr., An
- - drew KreitzeiyGeorge Rupley. jr., Joseph
Frank ftrd —Renjani!n Burkholder, James
G.lleshie, Alexander Logan, Win. Mel I.
•ITipcwel! —Jacob Foglcaoiiger, John M’Coy.
Jlhnroc-— John Bellzlioovcr, John Bricker.
M-.chunicshurg —Henry Kitnmcli Jacob Sly
der, Frederick Wonderlich.
‘North Middleton— -James Brown, William J
(Jprnman, Daniel Humor, Henry Hoagy,’
John. Jacobs, Jas. Mateer, George Wise.
•Newton —benjamin Humberger,Henry Kjn
Silvef Spring— Jacob ArnsliergeiS 'tiunrias
B. Bryson, William KjSflor-.
•Shippend)lirg boroitgh~ Charles-''Andcrsnii:
■Soat/iamp'oh John Bay, Cmirml Clever-,
'Jacob Helm, sen., M-oseS Ireiflphillj ,Cieo.
. Helm . ■ oav v l '-:
•South Mi.Lllclon~ Adam BitneihJacbjj'illitS
nor. If . '--.v..':;-
D’esf Pennsh&rongh —John Bricker, Jolifr
Tn.o riinW. .ujr v—SaoM melt.
.. Brandt, sen., John. Dra\V-i
; haugh.AValUatu .ILcekaiess,—l3a Vid, l-aiinby
George Ivunit'/,, Daniel Sli llv, sen.
Ensminger, .John I). Car
gos, Clemens M’Farlane, John .Procter,
. l''.ilweni .1. Stiles. -
./>ir/f(;i»'m-r i .Tolii> Cuke, Gen.Marlin/I’hilip
Weaver, Richard Woods.,
■£nsl Pemtxhordugh —John Bmvman, jr., A
brahtni 15ret'/,, William Stakemiller.
T'frt'ikforJ —Tull n Rear, Adam VV’olfi
•ITiprwrJl ■■ II enry. iJefflebowor. I
■d/ournc—Citi ey W; Aid, George Srmjdley
'Joseph-Eberly, John Hopple, James Wll
- liains.
•Mifflin. —Hugh flair’, Andrew M’Elivaln.
il7rr/m)iirxit/re'^Jn:sc'pii:Ulack ) li'-.i-I)ay, I
s-tijr Ivinsev. . , '
j>i>r'h.iUi.lil/jloit —-Joc(i!> llersliey.
-jVeio'nn —Davis Skiles;
NnwvVh —Joseph .’.J'lVanonn-.
R ilar.r Rpruijf—John Clenilenin, jr», Adam
A/UITe/on— Jtdltt Bitner, Michael ti.
Kge, George Smith, John Wolf. .
R vt'h't « )' in—'l'lmmas 11. Britton, Jaroli
Ci-emer, sen., William Duncan, Sett., Ro
bert KiHv, Detvalf Risk 1 -.
R 'l/pneo ihnrg hornn^h —Janies Brandeherry
I fell Pv'i’vihorovgk— -Robert Montgomery,
Isaac ShellenUerger, jr.
12’h S •ptcm , >»*r 1539. »m ntuiion of Air. I,y*u>,
!{'uic nit all tht* lu irs and imuri-stud in
\U .* estate of J m*p?i 1 it«* of Carlisle, d*.
i hhs (1, t • UMJ). i' at tV* M itcd ()r,.h m-’ Court
t • hr In Id ha* LVi'n'K-flaud county nn Tuesday
Vic lOih day of IKmiiulm r iu x», to show cause
way tin* ira. t ot find cm. Mining C 39 acres amt
2/ fnuvhrs strict uu-msuiv, ami the lot contain
Ini' 7 irias and 5> p Jv.ho; and the I >1 contain-
Ini* (> tercs and ;15 I perches; am! the lot contain-
C -ll^-j)HThT'sv : a’n!“the' ut»divfded
h dt p u*t of the lot of ground in \Vorndevshdra
r *ntaminy 5« feet in • hVe.idtli hoi) ts'oLet in
l , rt"lh. .liylnuging to the estate of s lid deceased,
* tnd dosrti!n-d in the iiMfuishion and di rgvanl-
Vher-.-nf ivtnrned hy IMt* Siu rilf of .said county Ml
List S ptemher (>:*phans v Tonrl.) slmuhl not
s HV'f hk CcnmiV
~—l'hat i‘iv ah 'Ve Hill* was" granted
hv Hu* Orphan** Court of saifl county
at the tun * uho\ e, mi'tuhva d, am) is.
» nteretl ot Vecofal in saifl wi‘-
ness Itvy hind Mini t!»c*s E e:il of said
i . . ■- at CJurlihle the 23d dav ofOcto.
W> A. I>. ho 9.
. o . UOB’T- MOOUR; ’
F if* W. k’CMTUir' Cnc of Oi -phans’Cmift
Piits'iiir ' insert o times and chargi
th hr office; — • ——————— -
Fiiblid Said*
'subscriber will. ofT: r at“puhlic r sale nn
3 Suurday ilij* I&h Vlav<Sf.Novenvher n*'xt,
hn the premises partly in'C.ii dll tn\Vdshi’pi V y k
b'Unty and jhiialy in !if mrpe‘to\Vnshipi Climber'
tm! comity, 2 miles from about]
mile from Brandies, -mill, on the York road, a
Certain plantation nr •
containing alxmt 241) acre's’bt faitc'iited land; af'i
Hubert Cn«»k*.H I letrs*, 1 \mes WilliaTiVs 8r
vVilliani-Clark, inn wbicb is |ng - •
. SOI7G3.AM 15 ’ fiAStJ?,’;." .
h Rood prclyiad of:choic.e. fndri with ebtcellcnl
- Ahnut 60 acres of- tiii&.trart
islaidoffm'S anti -10 acre timber I<HS, which
wlljie offered separately if said f.nm should not
bes'liWntirtv , ; , ',
known on said
tlayi when attqndancb will he i-irbo, -
■ .' ... ;Mc)se3 liiiicKEii. '
October 31* 18J9. ,
Estate of Christian Crotzefi diteasuh
Letters infcAdministfati-m oh the . estate of
Christiah<lrbtzer.h>terii .North Middleton town
ship, have heel) to, the siibscifihers tesid
<inß.ii) All; persons . indebted ;to
and those having:.
claiifl 1 ) wili nrfVent/them PSr settleineot id , ,
r v nAifti>;fcU’rz,;Adm',;:.. 1 :,
■ F.IAZ CRO rZßii. Ad’x.
-'(Jf!t<^;SrC-l^Soo r A'-. 6t
Jdpii.VAiiS & ui3Pi)iri*Si■;.■;
' ■>. ,r C&>hnUsiioncrn* Office, "■ ~f •
■;J ;>;CAriijie i : y
J of^.th^7Beji.ate' afif)
Representitives of 4nd>,tbe;'.|te*.
porVs'rif nritl AnilitoivQen- j
eral.’Wl' iB39v have be,eji‘«'*!r.eiyed at this ,hjHise;J
and are redd/ fur delivery to ttipse 'entitled to
receive tUGm. ■,7VK-i '
' JQHNjRWIN* Clerk. ]
WILL he ofterctl lor sale, by public auction,
on Tuesday the 26th of JVo vemher ttejet,
at 10 o’clock, Ak the. Mountain House, oft
the:Cai4isle aud : Hanover Übad, s|x'
miles south-east of Carlisle, in lots of from ten to
about one hundred atres each,’ about onolhon-
Sand afcgos of the Mobht Holly-Estate,. l\ mg
■r.htrlly-in the valley TtTUie north" oF'ihe South
Mountain, adjacent to said road.
'Part’rtf these lands. Is covered with thriving
voting cbestmrtjimberj the remainder is well
united for agriculture, being of a good quality,
and situated in a healthy and thickly Willed
neighborhood?, affording an- opportunity rartdy
occurring in tire easterrt counties of s l > enU*iylva
nia, for persons with, a small capital, to purchase
Tnrms. - . -j
Ti rmi oLpayrhcniV.One silcth in-cosh oh the
day of sale, another sixth part on the seventh
dav of January next.nhe remainder in two equal
yearly payments with ■ „
For further particulars enquire of WILLIAM
Harrisburg, or \VM. WEAK
LEY, Fapertown; near tliejands.
October oli 1829. *4t
Stevenson MPiiikie,
I? 15” i l,st vveeived at their store, corner of
8 Hi<h and Hitt streets, opposite Col. Fer
•vc’a Until, an assortment of '
Modicinos, jPaintsv
live rttuftsAWaruishesi --Their “ '
stock h»h been selected with Eyyffi?
•treat care, and is Warranted to Jaar
be endrelv fresh and of the very
best qu tiltv. ‘The store will be under the im
nedi »te sUperinleodanre of Mr, Dinkle, who
b;is acquired a (boVotVgh kjymVledge of the duties
*f an , ao , itbi*carv..under .'the. of Mr
S« mud FVli'Ut of*this place..
(’ odislevAugust T's, !f829;
i3L. I # EIH--U\lFUY;to be bad at
. • SrKVKJfSOv & IlfvKl.R’a •
. . ' Drug and C/mUiral Store.
// IVR JUST /{/iCJt/rua at their Drug and
Variety Stnr-’, m -issortmeut of Fnlits,
verves, Kalv; ?;c. •'•’’*
Highly recoiiMiietided be tbe .Facuby, to be
li i l ,u' S'fvenso/i Dlnkle's drug am)'variety
store. • •
Tin? subscriber respectfully informs his
friends aild the public generally that lie has
taken that well known tavern stand at the
West end of High street, inaCarlisle, for
merly kept by Mr, Henry Rhoads, and that
he is now prepared to accommodate Drovers,
ff'us-vjneii, Travellers, _and all others who,
niay favor hint, with ft call, in the. very best
Ills Ta'ile will he constantly furnished
with the best the country can produce. His
and his-is/«6/i which is large and convenient,
will be lii charge Of a carefill and attentive 1
He fiattefs. hlntsbllf that', frrtui his experi
ence as an Innkeeper, he will bd able to
render general satisfaction.
Carlisle, May 2, 1839. ' (f
Brins’, or sentl the JBXemutrnfs.
All persons indebted to WM, B. -UN
DERWOOD will oblige him by tiqiiidulina
their accounts before the cold weather sets
in. lie hopes this notice will answer as
well as Paddy's hint, if not, it mast soon
October k4j, 1839-.
Sheriff’s Sale.
H.v virtue of a .writ of Fi. Fa to me direc
ted issued out of the Court of Gomnion Plea;
of Cumberland county, will be Exposed to
public salt! at, tile Coitrt House in the bor
ough nf C.iflisle, oil Satur 'ay the ninth-day
of 1 o’clock, A. hi;
tile following - described Real Estate to wit;
situate itt East Pennsbprout-h Township,
beginning at a flick atoHg the’ side of (he
Susquehanna). river, thence along the land
of 1 John McCord; north eighty five and three
fourth degrees, west fourteen and seven
tenth pefehes _to the centre of a spring,
thence by (he -same north, ode and three
fourth degrees, west twelve anil six tenth
perches to a. red Pah; thence By same mirth
fifty three degrees, cast, six and <ine tenth
to ar— I —, thence by same north,
thirty fix and one half wgst twchiy
Arid seven- tenth perchris to- a post iri thu
road', (hcittA- north-Uvbnty-six-’and-otie-lmlf
degrees, west ten and seven tenth porches
to a- post in_ the line. of Samuel Bowman,
ihencc by said dine north seventy three and
one., half degrees; east four amVfive tenth
perches to’a post beyond arid neat-the red
hickory ort (Be brink uf (he said SUsc|uellann.a
fiver, therice cjnw.ii said ’ river - the. several
courses thereof'fifty and eight tcrith perches
to the place of beginning,, coritairiidg one
acre more or less.—Seized anil taken in
Execution as the /Jv li t liem
berber, , • „
. And to be sold by mb, „:
- . JOHN MYERS, Sheriff.
Sheriff's Office, Carlisle, Oct. 10, 1839.
Damel.Reynotd’ nhjl Magdalena-) Alias summons
bis wife, in right of said Magda- •to Nov’r Term,
lena, 1839. No. II; -
V- -■ , , ,V3l . I
Heray Neidigh, SdmTNeidigh, 7b the Heirs and
Daniel Neidigh, John Neidigh, . legal Represent
Frederick Frey and' Elizabeth ytalives cf Samuel
his wife, in right of-said Eliza- HiidigA,.late nf
Beth,"Henry. Highlands &Dor- /J**rdnAfurd tenant
othy hia wifojlix right off said ship, fac'd.
Dorothy, John Flory dc Esther Take notice
Lhis wife, inright.of said Esther, that the above
and Catharine Neidigh. J described/Alias
Sutrrnlondin Partiiion has Been iOsiiddont of the
Oourt'of Common Pleas of Cumberland county,
returnable’ 1 flh NoVdmbor XB33j all interest!
Pd.may attend. /, ... . ’ •
' - ’ V . JOHN MYEES,’ Sheriff. "
Shcrtirs Office, Ca.hsle, 00t.,3,18,39, 6t
_ Red,‘Green, Yotlow and extra fine Welsli arid
Swanskin wilerflanriels, liiiaSually low at -
/ 1- Aarjotn & Go’s..
•: i:■ . MEJilffd SHAWLS .'i
blank roerino.Shawle
pf thebpst quality, one fourth cheaper _thim they
haveeypr bet,- Bold in town; . ; .V;;/ J - . .'S'
Get. 3; "■ ARNOLD &■ CPi ■[-
Matthew Mooro, ? S ci. Fm Bnr , Mfcchanie , 9 Lion ,
Jasper Bennett. sNo*5 No *. 49 November Term, 1839.
To all Claimants arid.-Persons interested. •
' Notice is herebyjpven that a ; writ of Scire Fa
cias ,to Noyeraher Term, 1839, to me directed has
been issuod.oot of tho court .of. common-pleas of
Cumberland coanty orv thq above stated Mechan
ics Lien, entered and recorded in thc.cdurt of com
mon ploaS-aforei'iid. '
- JOHN MYERS, Sh’ff.
Sheriff's Office, Carlisle, Oct. 24, 1837.
fIfMIE subscriber offers at private sale ilia Now
Brick DWELLING HOUSE and ,Lot of
of Ground, sitnato on the west end of toother,
street, How in the occupancy of Prof. MiCliptick.
The lot is Gtf feet in front and" 140 feet in depth.
If not sold by the 11th of Novombcr it will then,
bo offered for rent for one year.
Carlisle, Oct. 24,1839-., • 3t
THE subscribers bavo just received from Phil
adelphia a noW and splendid assortment of fall
anil winter goods, consisting of cloths, satinetts,
blankets, linsy, cotton flannels and Woolen flannels,
calico,, mouslin de lanes and mcrinoes, cheap
calicoes and muslins, shawls and dress handker
chief, silk handkerchiefs, gloves, stocks, breasts
and collars, with a .groat variety of winter goods
and groceries, which will he sold cheaper than ov
er. Also, end carriage with harness, one Tillbcr
ry and three horses.
Carlisle; Oct. 24, 1839.
. A (!AKD.
, W_M._ STVIt G IS,,
Having returned from Pittsburg, respectfully ten
ders bis profess!.'n il services to the citizens of
Sbippensburg and the surrounding country for a
few wejdts,
(]!alls from a.distance in the country and from,
neighboring towns', will bo promptly attended to^
. Sbippensburg, Oct. 2), 183 d. .
Estate of George A’ickcij, dec , d.
LETTERS testamentary havingbeen issued to
the subscriber, on the pstate. of George Xjek
ey, I ate of Fronkford township, Cumberland boun
ty, dec’d; therefore all persons indebted in any way
.to said estate are requested to make payment im
mediately, and those having claims will present
them without delay properly authenticated for set
, ... r Frankfort! {ownsliip,
Oc);. 2.1 j 133& . < -
Estates/ T. Smith IVoodburn, dee'll. ■
H ETTERS of administration oh the estate of
S: W.oodbum, late of Dickinson towiisbip,
deceased, have been issued to tbs subscriber resid
ing in. said lowusbipv . All persons indebted to said
estate will Snake, payment, and those bqving claims
against said decedent, will present them forisettle
Oct. 21, lta9 Gt. '
_ 14ST8*A>’S.. -
AMR to the plantation of the subscriber, in
Dickinson township, sometime in September
last, two heifers about 2 j .years old - , (one red arid
white, nnd-tho-othcrprincipallyrcd)=abn aamall'
"red'bull about one year old. The owner, or own
ers are requested to conie forward* prove property;
pay charges„and.tako them away—otherwise they
will be disposed of according to'law.
THE members of the Ger/rge IVaxhingtnn Ariik
kry are hereby notified that the annual court
appeal will be held in the ARMORY, on Monday
the 4th day of November 1839, between the hours
-of 1 o’clock P. M. ami 5 o’clock P. M- Delin
quents are required to he in attendance as a war
rant will be issued for the collection of fines upon
the udjournmeht'cf the court.
. , SAM’Xj, CHOP, Jr. Capt.
Carlisle, Oct. 21, 1839,
THE members of the Carlisle Light Artillery arc
hereby notified that the annual court of appeal
• for said company will' bo hold at the public house
of Win, S. Allen, in Carlisle, oh Monday, the 4th
day of November next, atone o’clock, P. M. when
and.whqro nil.interested can attend-—-
W M. M. PORTER, Lieut. Corad’g,
Oct. f 24, 1839, '
W"IIKREAS the Hon. Samuel .Hepburn,
President Judge bf the Court of Gomiftoo
Pleas in the counties of Cumberland, Juniata and
Perry, and
Judges of the said Court ofCommoh Pleas of the
-ebunfy of CumbcTlalid, hnv6' iss~ue'(l l]iGlr procopt
hearing date the 23d day of August 1839, and to
me directed, for holding a Court of Oyer and Terr
miner,, and General Jail Delivery, and General.
Quarter Sessions of the Peaco, at Carlisle, on the
seeprid Monday, of November, 1839, (being the
lltli day,) at 10 o’clock in the forenoon.'
to ih© .Coroner, the Peaces and
bles.of the. Said county of durmierlnnd, that’they
bo thon and there in tnoir proper porSoawlili-iheir
Records, Inquisitions, Examinations, ahiji other
Remembrances, to do those things.whicb-to their
offices respectively appertain. Anti those who are
bound by recognizances to prosecute against .tho
prißoHcrs that arc, or then may be, in the Jail of
Cumberland county, to he then and there to prose-.
cuto'against them as shall be just. ;
*. Dated at Carlisle, the&UFi day of October 1.8395
and tho 45th yes%r of American Independence.
'• : : • : - . JOHN MyERS, Siterijf. \
r|UKB NOTICE that .we have applied to the
-ft ■ Judges of the court of eomipoh pleas ofCum
berland -eounty, for the benefit of the insolvent
laws of tho oommonwealth of Pennsylvania, and
they have appointed Monday the llth day of Nov
ember next, for tho hearing of us and our creditors
at the court house inthe borough of Carlisle,when
aba where you may- attend if you think’primer.
JOHN L. METZ, ■ • .
001. 17, 183 g,
• A-1 tQ« t m i|a io.u ml»o.rl tnvd Greens;#
The annual Court of Appeal will be held at the
public tyousoef Opl. Jobn'Comman. ifl Oarlieleon
the firstdllonday (4th day) of November;'at' one
o’clock in the afternoon, when jail, interested m&v
attend. A; -
%THo member* Ofsoid. company WSlineel at thS
same time and pKcecn business : V
,Ocrobet 17,:1839.: :,„ \, -y;.
.u•, 1 ;;
; French; Welsh, German, arid'Ehgliah Merihoes
of all colors for sale cheaper than; pan bebought
elsewhere, fer salejiy AhKOLD & Cot .
List of Causes*
For trial at Term, 1839; .
First l auk, commencing 1839,
Stockton vs ’Mooro otal
Miller’s adm-*ri»--—-vs—Heck - ; ---
Kelly’s ndm’r vs Crowell’s adm’ts
Stough’a adm’r vs M’Elwaiqo
Ross ’ . vs htoorp -
Harlan & Nebingor vs. Ego :
Birkman, 'So Swoydr'
Wilson ' vs Gxay& Caitfinan
Givin ys Faloon .
Sicotid ioseli, commencing the 18(’i November ', 1839.
Church , ' vs Davis’ adm’i.
Barr ’ Va Crawford
SamO. vs Samd. ’
Fetter - vs Alexander.-
Barnita, ' J vs Herron
Wo’odburii vs.- Nobio ,
Turnpike Co. vs R. R. Company
Boltzhodvdr, vs Paxton otal - -
Underwood’ Vs ■ Woodbum
Dobb’s cx’ri vs Eby
Church vs Dickinson Collhgo
Carothora ox’rs, vs Carothetis
Led . vs Anderson
Monroo . V# NobiiS
Love’s ndm’r vs Eby
Leopcr vs Herron ot,al
Crotzer ~ vs Casey,
Emmingor- vs Fleming
Colder vs Wilson & Thayer
Snovoly • vs - Longsdorff
Same vs Rupp
Todd vs Wilson.
Taylor - , vs Taylor
Savings Fund vs Paxton
Same vs Craighead.
Welsh v vs Kihdig
Kenego vs Elliott-
Mcixcll ot al vs Woods
. .GEO. SANDERSON, Proth’y.
JSstate of Jacob fP’eibley, decerned,
B" ETTERS testamentary on the estate of Jacob
SLJWeibley, Into of North Middleton township,
dcc’d., have been issued to the subscriber. All
persons having any claims against said estate are
hereby requested io present them properly authen
ticated for settlement, and those indebted to the
same to make payment immediately.
, GEDUOE mtfNIXbE, •
Adrainistratof of Jacob Wcililoy, dee’d.-
Sept. 19, 1839.
For Sale..-
wilLdispbac of-at privato Salc
- that valuablo.plantation situate in Cumber
land county, about 5 miles west of Carlisle on tlio
turnpike loading 1 to Cliambcrsburg, and nearly in
sight of the rail road, adjoining lands of John Paul,
Ex-Governor Ritner and others, containing 161 a
cres of first quality limestpncdand, of which about
60 acres is well timbered. The improvements arc
and LOG KITCHfeN, with a LOG BARN—also
a never failing well of - excellent water near the
door, which, with a trifling expense, cou]d be
to supply every field-with water—also two excel
lent orchards of choice fruit trees.*’For. terms apply
to the, subscriber one mile, east of Carlisle, near
the rail road,.. . : '‘ r "'' •' " "
Jlgcnt for Joints Fishbufn,
September 5, 1839.
. N. JJ.—l.have also.several other ArsrrTTtoTarms
and mill properties for sale. M; F.
Calicoes,-Checks, Muslins, Tickings, Cotton
Flannels, Drillings, Tablo*Cloths, Crash, Diaper,
Gloves, Comfort* Gum Suspenders, Stocks, ,Fur
Cups, Collars &c. &c. &c, for sale by
Arnold & Co.
Farmers take Notice,
That I will nay 5J cents for slaughter Hides, and
9 cents, for Calfskins well taken olT.'
*Churchtown, Oct. 3, 183& ’ 2rri
Election fot* Sank Efircclors.
Carlisle Bank, Oct. 17, 1839.
MO-TrpE is lierehy given to tho Stockholders
in this institution, that an election will be
held on the third Monday of November nexti (beiug>
tho 18th day,) at tho Banking House* for
teen directors, to serve during tho year then to
W. S. COBEAN, Cashier.
John Harper, Assignee") ' No. 2Go January Term,
of Jones & Woodward, (.1833. ;
: ~ f Vend; Exp’s. No; 40:
William Barber, jn. J January Term, 1834.
22d August, 1839. On motioh. of Mr: Brandi
bury. Rule to shew cause Why/Jories & Wood
ward for use of John Harper aKd other judgment
creditors in. interest in the fund taken by the judg
ment of George shall not be substituted
on tho mortgage of George Metzgar to the amount
of tho fund taken by Motzgar out 6f tho salo of tho >
house and lot ofground of defendant’s
Tapejrtown. Notipo to bo # published in two pa
pers in. Carlisle for four successive weeks. •
Cumberland county ,
I George Sanderson, Prothonotary
S&*..- of the Court of Common Ploas ofCjinw
berland county, do hereby certify that
SSSp the above ia a true'copy'.of a.rule ep
v tefed In theabovecaae. In testimony
: ' .■; . I Jiavo-. hereunto sot my.-hapd
and affixed.tho seal of sapi court, at Carlialcf tlic i
14th day of Ociober, A. D> 1839,, "
.No t i c e.
ALL persons'indebtcd to the subscriber b¥ note
or otherwise, will please .Cairadirdkiehargo
their accounts on or before the first of November,
ns on that day all accounts will bo put into the
hands of a proper officer for collection, without re
spect to poisons. , JACOB WOLF.
■' Carlisle; Oct. 17, lS39i
brigade Inspector’s Orders.-
An election will take place .at the .public house
of Wi S. Allen, oii,Saturday the 26th October Inst,
between the hours of ten, in the morning and sir
in the evening, for one Captain; ono First and one
Second Lieutenant in-tho Carlisle Light Artillery
company, to fill vaoanciesocoasionedby the teat
imatioh of such officers insaid Mr.
George Mathews will serve as judge and Mr.
Philip Quig/ey will act aa clerk of said election.
W.FOULK, Brig. Ins.
Oct. IS, 1339. _ ■
UA/lLlihd received by the subscriber rosldirig
r W.w near Shiremanstoivn, Allen township,Cum
berland county, until tho 7th day of November
next, for thoerectihn of a’Stone Wall - around the
burying ground of the Gorman Lutheran and'lfe
formed congregations, near said Shircmansfewb—
tho wall jo be in'dimensions as feUodrst Five feet
high ( to the’ slope of tha roof and to bo pnq foot in
the ground and four feef above, inches
thidkinffio ground .and eigHtopriincheaat the roof,
io,bo built. With gpodaanu and litno mortar. Per
sons handing their proposals will mate thom'at
S 5 cubic feat per perch stone wall;- to dig the foun;
dation, furnishing all the materials/to the. stone
One of tht JBuildtng'Committee.
6ct. 17, 1935'.
-The subscriber will sell the iarge and
cbbtmgJi°uB house in which lie now resides,
street, iifthe borough of Cnr-
IWeigsTlie lot is "sixty feet front on Main
9tjeet; bjr tVyo burldred; arid-forty feet on
Begird street. The buildings are large, and
in>good repair; and well calculated for art
extensive boarding establishment, 'f hercis
n well of excellent water with a primp in the
yard; and’ large stabling alta'ch’ed in the rear
of the-lotv _ The terms will be moderate and
made to suit the convenience of the purcha
ser, and an. indisputable title given;’ Apply
Upon the premises tri '
.Sept. 19,. 1,833’.—5t.
Estate of William hi. EeynoUs.
: . NOTICE!. ;; , ’
Notice is. licreby given that fetters of ad
ministration with; the-tvi)f annexed', in clue
form of law, havobeen granted to .the sub
scriber on the estate of William M. Rey
nolds, late of Shippcnsburg, Cumberland
.County, deceased,—therefore all persons
knowing themselves indebted to the said es
tate, are requested to make immediate pay
ment, and those having any just claims to
present them without delny._ <
Adm’r. with the,will annexed.
Shippcnsburg, Sept. 19,1339. .. 6t
Dr. Satrtutil Jackson’s cclebrftVcd
Tonie Mixture!).
ALTHOUGH this medicine is but little knpwrt
in the country»it has obtained for its distin
guished inventor an enviable reputation* in, our AW
lantric cities* To those afflicted with weak stom
ach, from any cadso whatever, with indigestion,
loss of appetite, weakness of tho spine, pains in
back and loins, dizziness and vertigo, the Tonic
is strongly recommended as producing
sure and speedy relief. ' .
To be had in Carlisle, only at STEVENSONi
& DINKLE’S Drug ami Variety store..
33r. Warr.en's Efipryescent Drapgft t■
Persons laboring under chronic dyspepsia, indi
gestion, water brash, sour eructations and los* of
appetite, will find great relief by using a half pint
tumbler of his preparation every • morning bcfdre
breakfast for about a.week,. For sale ip Carlisle,
only arSxEVfiNsoN & drun-apd chemical
store; ° [Oct. 3.
. Just received at Stevenson & Dinkle’s drug and
chemical store* a few jars off rah Prunes;,
Marsbiill’s Worm Synip and In-
THIS remedy is recommended to all patients,
nurses and others who have the managerftent
of children, as the and effectual worm
destroying medicin* yet discovered; The symp
toms denoting the existence of \V-orm&, are indi
gestion, _\vitl»Jvariable, appetite, foul tongue, offe*
sivebrcat)i,-hard, full and tense belly* with *■'
' 'nal 1 ’ ’ * \l. r ~
sional and pains about the navak,
idling sensation about the .rectum,' tho eye
vy and dull, itching of the nose, short dry cough,
grinding of the teeth, and sleep,
attended with slow’fever. When these symp
toms occur, tho worm syrup, if taken according to
live direction?*, will afford relicfby destroying C tito
worms, and the mucus pc Slimy matter in. which
thoyarc Involved, dhd thereby prevent tHoir, pro
duction. The- Syrup has already been used with
eminent success by many individuals in this*plac\
Sold in* Carlisle, only at STEVENSON & DIN-
IvLE’S Drug and Chemical store. Persons wish
ing to try this medicine can he referred to individ
uals .of the highest respectability in this town who
have used it in their families with, great success.
Hunter's ItcA Ifrop,
\ Unrivalled in its effects as a sure and .expedi
tions cur'd for a certain secret disease, to be had in
Carlisle, only at Stov,enson & Dinkle’s.drug store.
Orphans’ 'Co.u^^ie..'
IN pursuance of a decree of tho
of Cumberland county, I Vvill exjSosd'tbpußlft
sale ott 'the premises on Fridalj the isl da 'tf itf j/pjf
ember next, at ti o'clock, A. Al; a tract of
situate in East Pcnnsborough _tow nslup, in said
county, bounded by land of widory Spoiig, and
lands belonging to Andrew Kreitror, Andrew. Beck;
andotheiUjConfaining. If acres.ani-78 perctica-itJ
The timber on this tract ednsisttfof chestnut, hick
ory, oak, &c. and. is worthy tho attention of those
wanting wood and rail timber. Terms made known
oA the day of sale by
. , . , Jldm'r of JiifT. Sleisinsr, dec'd.
- fretfS, 1339. : ’ • 3t
Just received, and opened a splendid stock of
, . IjliY GOODS, , :
suitable for; tlie season, which arc offered for sale
on the most accommodating terms.
Bfthb codim.
Carlisle, Oct. 3, 1839.
JSstdte of Samuel Stcvick , deceased .
I J%'otice ishereby friveii -
Toall persons concerned, that Lcttera-ofAdmin
istration bhve been granted to the Subscriber resi
ding at‘‘Mcrrmi’s liranch,” four elite west of
Shlppensburg, on the road to Stnisbnrg, on the
personal estate of Samuel Stovick, deceased, late
of tbo borough of Shlppensburg and County of
Cumberland. All persons haying claims or de
mands against the estate of said decedent, ate re-
make known tUo Same to .mo without
delay. Persons indebted are requested to . make
payment immediately; •
Oct. 3, 1339;
To the Heirs r>i d legal Representatives. of
SCROGGS, tote of Hewton
township, deceased,
npAKE NOTICE tjiat I will hold an Inquisition
A on awnt of Partition and Valuation, oh the,
-premises late of Moses Scroggs, deceased, oh M</n
-<% IheSSffx day of October, 1339; at 11 o’clock, A.
M. where all interested may attend;
.• - . JOHN MYERS, Sheriff.
Sheriff’s Office, Carlisle, Sept. 36, 1839.
Estate of Andrew Emmingcr, dcecased K
li will of Andrew Emminger, deo’d,-havoboon
issued Ih’diio form of law to Savid Emmingorand
Samuel Sensomort, the; Executors therein nafifeili-
AIL persons having,claims against the estate will
present tliem for settlement, and those who ate in.
debtsiwill make payments •
October 10,1839. ■' ‘ 1 ~ ISt
• The Trustees of the “CJIRUSI& FEtfjLE
SEMIM/my,” aro in treaty with of
high charactor,_and they hope to hoifieflf
oflus semoes in a very shorttimei,- ■ :
Jhbmrtfi. .
.O&ob'et 10,1589, '■
f:mt Preservative.
New Goods:
r ; -i .! v,‘ M
BY virtue of an order of fcalo, ip nj£ directed*
issued.out of the Court of Oommbii Picas of
Cumberland county,, will, bo to publio
sale on the promises. In Frank ford lownsbjp, pa
.Friday_tho 8 th. day j?*-
clock, A. M., the following described idal ojatate,
late the property of John Camphoil. doa’d smd ;
Wm, Campbell, to wits •
,„A TRACT OF ’ .
N 0.2, in thc Inquisition, bounded and described,
ns follows:—Bpginning-at a black oakTgrnb in a
lino ofland formerly of Philip Shnmhangh, thenco
by n tract now. of William Campbell, north thir
teen and fi. half degrees, east sixty-nine porches to
a wlutoonk, thence degrees east, eight
and four-tenths' perches to d post, thence north
seventeen degrees, east otic, hahdred and tbirty
nino perches to a post inm lino of londof the heirs
of John Logan; and- by tbs samp north seventy
"tob degrees, oast thirty-five and 0 half perches to
a white oak, thenco north'thirty-one degrees, oast
eleven and. a half porohos to" a post in a lino pf
land’ formerly of — — ■- ■ Hickeraell, and by the
same south, thirty-six and a half degroos, oast ono
hundred and toity-seVon and a halt porches> to u
white oak, a Coiner oflarfd fonnoily of Jacob Jum
per hnd’by the aanm south fourteen degrees, cast
ninety-four perches to a peat, a ’corner of land of
the aforesaid Philip Shambaugh, and by the same
south oighty-ono west thirty-seven and,
two-tontlis.perches to' a ivhito oak, and thenco
south sixty-nine and a half degrees, west bno hun
dred and eleven perches to the place of beginning,
CHES, neat or strict measure, having thorcon c
reetod a t\yo stoty, LOG HOUSE- and a small Log
Stable, a’nd otlier improvements.
Tha_c,onditibns’will be as follows: The one-half
of the purchase money to bp paid, on tho confirma
tion of tho sale by the court aiid the residue in two
equal annual payments thereafter without Interest,
to, bo secured by mortgage or judgment bonds,
i .. . JOHN MYERS, Sheriff.
■ Sheriff's Office, Carlisle, Oct. 17, 1839.
.'Valuable Farm for Sale.
THE subscribers offer at private sale, the fol
lowing described property, in Londonderry
township',Dauphin county .containing ONE H UN
SEVENTEEN PERCHES of patented land, a
bout 100 acres of which aro under cultivation, the
•residue being covered with good timber. The im-'
provomonts ate a large two atory^
with a back building; water near the door, a large
Orchard, a wagon shed, com crib, and a LARGE ,
BANK BARN. This farm is very near the river
gnd Pennsylvania canal, about twd w
thi! Lumber Yards at tfio mouth of tlie Swatara.
and nearly the same distance from the Union can
alK The avenues to market are so convohiehtas
ss to afford ready sale for farm products; whilst
lumber can be procured without distant hauling.
The Harrisburg and .Lancaster rail road passes
through the .premises. Title indisputable. Fur -
term's inquire of Mr.. Gingrich, oil the premises.
. S. S. .HALDEMAN, .
Near Columbia and Marietta.
Neat Hogeslown, Cumb’d co;
October 10, 1839. ill,
The subscribers having lately purchased
the stock of goods owned by John H. Wea
ver, ttt the Nbrth-Eas't corner of the Public
Square, Carlisle; have just receivedßTlarge
and splendid- assortment of Finn and. Win
ter Goods, consisting id part of'Superior
wool dyed black, green, invisible green;
brown, olive, dahlia, adelaidc and milt
an assortment oflleavyClotbs Tor Over-chats;
a variety ot sty los-ot 'C&Ssin%crca and Cassi
■netts, plain and figured silk velvets, plain
and figured satin vesting, Valfentia vestings,
&c." &c. velvet.cords, bcavertech, plain and
figured greeh floor cloths; red 1 white, yel
low and green flannels/ \yhite and colored
canton flannels, 6-4, 7-4» 8-4, 10-4 & 12-4
rose;& mackinaw blankets, English, French
apdiGerman plain and figured .mcrinocs,
hlacfc and blucddaek bombazines,•plain and
figured hep.t silks, black gro-de-nap, gro-de
,rines, llitestring and senshaw silks, a'large!
and splendid assortment of colored silks;
figured silks for bonnets,' white, black and
colored satins,'a variety of fashionable rib
bons., ' ,
6=4^-r-4, B*4 aifd^.o44-iflftth?l - figst"fiSfn T '
no shawls, cheneill brocha blanket.and clml
ley do. merino, challey and cashmere hand
kerchiefs, .Irish linens, long, lawns, lined
: cambric handkerchiefs, green haraze & gauze!
veils, black lace veils, silk and, pongee hand
kerchiefs; • '
4-4, 5-4;and 6-4 bldachcd and unbleached
imislins, 4-4 and 5-4 tickings, 6-4, 7-4 and
8-4 _ cotton ahtl iinbn tliapcrB, 6-4, 8-4 and
-10-4 linen table cloths, Blue and green cloth
table dhotlisi , Loridon, French and Ameri
can. Prints,- 4-4 5r4 aproh and furniture
chfetks, mottslaine and saxony do laine, bp
’biriptt,- grecianCtt nnd book inusUriS, plain,-.
Bar’d add figured swiss, plain,,bar’d abd.fig
ured jdconct.ts, CamtiHcs and riiull muslins,
bishop - anu-frien.ds-lawni-thfeftd; jiiconett;
bobinetl, and cotton laces, edgings and iri
sertings, linen, diaper; and crash and. bead
bags, a large assortment bf Hns’hryt gioves;-
hdndfeecctMels, Slocfes, snspendcrS; bonnets.
Sic; Cotton Si Rao Cabpetino, bduon yarri
of all Nos. coverlet yarn, white'find colored
carpet chain, lamb’s'wool and merino shirty
and drawers. Also/a large assbrtment of
,i-i —
Cbnsistinc; of Rio, Sit. poiriijigo; LagnirMnA
Java Cnflfce; Young Hyson, Impenai& Black
Teas; Sugar Ho.use .and Syrup Molasses;
Chocolate, -Starch, Ginger, Rice,’ Peppery
AUsjdee. Indigo, Nutrhegs,.Cloves, .Cinna
ntori, flfieand. coarse’ Salt, roll and plug. To
bacco, Snuff, Segats, &c. Stc. ... ,
Also, an assortment of amV
Trimmings, which we vvill cost. v
Oct. 10, 18o&;
Six Cents Reward,
~ Ban away from the subscriber .li+ing in?
Mifllm township, o’rt’the I,4th inst.- an ap
prentice to the Blacksmith htrsitiess, named'
Alexander Finhenbine.r , i abhiit 18 rears of'
age, 3 feet fHnchea high and slim built,4ight
hair and light'complexion.- "Yhe above re
ward will be paid to any person ’who may
apprehcad ahtf refurh*'h'itu: to me, but no'
ciiargqs paid; All person? are forwarned a-,
gainst harboring him.- ’ JACQB LANDIS.'
Oct; ir; 1839. 1 ■ ■■■>■
Cloths and Cassim^£es./
A large'assbrnhent; of CLOTHS ef ajl' iblonr
and qaaudtieSVTOmsistipg of efctra, jraperfinerfiifor
-and a largo assortment of low: pncßdttxoth#'suits-r 4 ! ■
bio for bang-up ami over coats..* - , ■ r
; LONOOItfeASSIMEKES, a splendid ~
moritofalj coldteyjastrecdivddby ■ i *l‘ ; i
•; qctiS.. ; ;•• • y ■/