Tub FaixinoStam Xnd AurtbitA Borealis. Between .ihe hduVs of ten last night ami ’ fhVee this, trtufniiig, ; mthe. w'ere observed one of the mosttnagnifiponi; speci- of .that-extraordinary phenomena the' T'allingYstars-andmnthernlights evecAvit nessed for manygyears pash The first in-. ■ - tjicjiVibn 'dPThIS/siplpliA’,! phenomenon; -fras abbot tebminutes before'ten. .tyhefr’a; light Crimson apparently vapor, rush from -the. -■northern portion of the ■ henirephei'e,; and ■ crardnally extended to the centre- of' the’ Heavens, and 'by ten o’clock, or a quarter •. past, the whole, from cart to Avest, was, iii one vast sheet of light. It had,a most alar ming appearance, and was ■e-kactly-Uko that 'Occasioned by a ttS*nfic fires The light Va 'ificrrcbTfsidcrablc,''at bW tKffe At' scelncd'flb fall, and directly after rose Xvith intense brightness. . -Thercwere tobb'sbfc'n tninglcd with it volinries of smoke, Which rolled over ■hii'd over, and'every beholder seemed con vinced,that it was “a tremfch'dtMs conflagra tion.” ~ The consternation' in the .metropolis was very great, thousands uff persons wore running in the ‘direction of the .supposed ; 'catastrophe. The engines belonging to the iFire Brigade sfa’iioVis in Baker street,. Far ringdon’ street, . Wntling street Waterloo Viiatl, a'n'd 'lifetfifiSb those belonging to the West of England station, in fact every fire 'engine in London were horsed, amhgallopcd ■after (he supposed Ts'cc’n'e -of 'destruction,” with more than ordinary ■ energy, followed ' ’by catriages, horsemen, and vast mobs.— •'Some of the engines proceeded, as far as Ilighgateand Holloway before the. error was 'discovered. These appearaWcds lasted for upwards of two hours, and towards* mornibg 'the specta cle, became' one Of imire grandeur. At two 'o’clock this morning the phenomenon pre sented a most gorgeous scene, and one very difficult to describe. The whole of London was illuminated as light as noun day, and 'the atmosphere was remarkably clear. The -• 'southern hemisphere at the tithe-mentioned, ■although unclouded; was Very dark-, b'Ot the stars, which WrVitiuerablc, shone beau tifully. The opposite side of the Jaeayens; presented-.a singular but magnificent ..con trast; it was clear to ifte e-xtreme/ and tlic ■tiglit was very vivid, there was]continual ■ successioiVof meteors, which varied in splcn- Vloiy" i’hcy in'.thefentre ■ofVhb^f6ilVcnsya : i’nLtqccad til k they seemed ■to burst; the cifectwas 'electrical, myriads, . ‘of small stars shot out Over the hurr/on, awA . darted with that swiftness towards the barfh That the eye. scarcely could follow the track; they seemed t<>. burst also, anil throw a dark ■crimson over the entire hemisphere. The ‘colors were, the most magnificent that ever \vas ‘ecu. At half IpAtA two o’clock the ■spectacle changed to darkness, which on .’dispersing,-displayed a.luminous rainbow in the y.euith of the heavens and .round the "ridge of darkness that overhung the suuth 'cni portioYi.of the country. 'Snort afterwards' 'columns of silvery light-Tadiated from it; they iiicrqased wonderfully, intermingled a- Tmlngst crimson vapor, which frfrnVed at'the. Same time, and when .at'the full height t'h'ei "spectacle \vas beyond all imagination. Stars , \vere darting about" in alb directions, and 'continued ft util 'four o’clock, when all died ■away. During the time that they- lasted, a great many persons assembled on bcrossTlye river Thames, where they had a commanding view of the heavens, and watch ed the progress'of the phenomenon attentive ly Fromtkq Ed-ihlMcrgh Pilot. . The “Aurora Rorcalib’Wv.-is-remarkably Vivid and magnificent in the firmament on , Tuesday night (Sept. SVil.) pVesL'iiting one Vast shifting ftaWi'e of light from the northern to the sOtitTl'ern horizon. ' r (From the Philadelphia Exchange Jlodhs.) ANOTHER GREA T FIRE (THE 4TH) AT MOBILE, We learn by a letter from Mobile, recei ved on Balurd'Ay evening, that another great fire occurred in that city on the night of the Sth inst. wljltK destroyed'.the square of Wildings pn Government and Church streets-, en which the ’l'brtatre stood; sevcral.at tempts. \vcre“niade iofiru' the city.in ’olheV places-. About'seventy persobs were lodged in jail ton suspicion, ' " V ■ .kA?.?.23&5, On % trill 1 instant, by the Rev. A. T. Al’Orill, Mr. Henry JP r . Mateer, of Hogtfes lown, to Miss MaryAm* Davidson, of- this borough-. . feZ.333: l'Otli'frtt., jit Rock River Rapids, , iLtrat the residence of.heS. brother— J»-4Jv Mrs, Margaret McCord; • for- of Neuville-in this county. ■ - In this borough, on the evening of the . I.6th insh ttf Congestive Fever, Mias Catha rine Emu-, fourth daughter of Commodore Jesse Lf. Elliott, aged sixteen years and six ■ mouths-, AL'.:..'- W i rtALL df- BRuXI Riohts, } October 21, 1839, - Jjtf. -, The members of the , Society of Eijual Rights are-'hereby notified that the following resolutions Will come up fur final disposition on Monday ‘averting Oct. 28. , ’ - ' ‘' extract Prom the minutes. ; -- Resqlveili 'i'Ua.t the. trustees, he and rare hereby .irtfctriictedttb' dispose- of the library : «rid.furniture belonging to the association, ‘ tttld to collect all thti Outstandingdebts due to the Society by its niembers or others, ap- Sing the! proceeds, thereof ti» the payment he debts of the Society.. . ' Aeso/Bef/,'- That- the trUstees arc hereby -instructed to bring tliWiiilternsof the cor poration to a close.by sficli a disposition of the building; by said or, otherwise as they ihail believe to' be-.nlSs.i conducive to (he in-, terests ofthe stockholders. On. motion of Mr.' Ciairierori, the resolu tions were ordered (0 lie "on the table until Monday evening oc't».3B-i anugri-the meant Rme lo be published ih. the papers of the bo :l-oughwith notice'to the members tb attend •on said evening." W ’W'-- ■■ i - 'A .a:;AV,-.sMilitJy, Sec.,,. AU>per*ona inilebted i to/ B-' UN •t>ER WOOD wil[. oblige him by liquidating ■in. ' : He this Yiver ’!a3 well as , Pqddy'a hintf H.npti H roust sooE follow.' ,' V, ; ' "•"'•■ ■ .-a:> T *5 (N 0.49 November Term, 1831)., Jasper Bennott. J» r-M , „ ,To all Cl&irdunis.ani Persons' interested.' .Notion 13 hereby given that a writ, of Scire Pa yitfs tbi Novcpilier'Cerm, 1839, to me directed Has been issued out of the court.;oi common pleas :6f ,Cuinberland eouuty on the above stutcdofcchivn tifi3 Lien,entered and recorded in Ike c'oiift of iiion pleas aforesaid. JOHN MYEftS, Sh’lT. ; ' Sheriff’s OfTico, Carlisle,. Oct; 2£, 183T* , ~HOUSEFORSAIiBT THE subscriber offers at 'private sale his Now Brick DWELLING HOUSE and Lob of of Ground, situate pn the Vest end' of Louther street, now in the docapanoy of Prof. M’Clintick. The lot is CO feet in front and 140 feet in depth. If not sold by the 11th of November it will then be offered Jot ronrfor one year. - - - . , ROSS LAMBEUTON. .Carlisle.'Bch 24,1939, ... ' lit NE.W.-GOO.DS. ’ TfclE subscribers have juat.recpived from Phil adelphia a new and splendid assortment of fall winter'goods, consisting of cloths, satinetts, ■bUrrVkcla, linsy, cotton flannels and woolen flannels, calico, moyslin do lanes and. merinoesf cheap' calicoes and muslins, shawls,and dress handker cb’ief, silk hUP.dkercliicfs, gloves, stocks, breasts ami collars, With a great •variety of winter goods and groceries, which will bo sold cheaper *thah ev er, Also, one carriage with harness, one Tillber? ry Sind three horses. * HAMILTON & GRIER.a, Carlisle, Oct. 21, 1839. . i f "■■-A"CSRD.' WM. STURGIS, Dentist", Having returned from Pittsburg, respectfully ten ders his professional "services to the citizens,of Shippensburg and the surrounding country fora few weeks. Calls from a distance in the country and from neighboring towns, will ,be promptty attended to. J Shippensburg, Oct, 24* 1839. Instate of George Nichey t dec’d, NOTICE. * LETTERS testamentary havlngbecn issued to the subscriber, on the estate "of George Nick ey, late of Frankford township, Cumberland-conn ty, dec’d; thcrefore-all persons indebted in any way to srfid estate are requested to .make payment im mediately, and those having, claims will present them without.delaymfonerly authenticated for set tlement. ' ■' . GEORGE KOSTTT, Executor, - Frankford township* —GctV3l,-ia3i>; . - i ' of F. Smith ff'oddbuhi, ctctHl\ NOTICE. Rj ETTERS of administration on the estato of {a S. Wobdbnrn, la to of Dickinson tpwnslvipV deceased, have been issued to’tho subscriber resid ing in said township. -All persons indebted to Said estate will malic payment, and those having claims ttgatast said decedent, will .present tliem for scttle * SAMUEL WOOdBURN, Adm’r. ■ Oct. 21, 1839.—fit-. . -ESTKAVS. €AME to the 'plantation of tho subscriber, in Dickinson towftship, sometime in September last, two heifers about years old, (one red and white, and the btherprincipallv a small red bull about one yeat old. Tho owner or own ers arc requested to 'come forward, prove property, pay charges, and’take theft away~ptherwisc'they will be disposed of according to law. , , BENJAMIN PE’FFER. Oct. 21, lS3d 3t - * . ATTENTION! THE members of the George Washington Artil lery are, hereby notified that the annual-court of apical will be held in the ARMpRY, on Monday the *Uh day orNovember 1839, between the hours of I o’clock P...M,.and .5 o’clock ..Delin quents arc required to be in attendance as a war rant will be issued for the collection of fines upon the adjournment of the court. *. . . SAM’L, CROP, Jr, Cant Carlisle, Oct. 24, 1839*. ATTENTION! THE members of the Carlisle Light Artillery arc nereb.y notified that the annual courtof appeal for said company will be held at the public house of Wm. S, Allen, in Carlisle* on Monday the 4th dayofNovembcrnnxt, atonoo’clock, P. M. when aiid where all interested can attend. . .. ; .WM, M; PORTER* Lieut, CoftulV. -:Octr2lvr4B3s. = : ■ • • JPIiOCH. .RJfI&TJLOW. WHEREAS tbe Hon, -Samuel Hepburn, President Judge pf the Court of Common Pleas in thc.comUies of Cumberland, Juniata and Perry, and the Hon, John Stuart and John litfevre , Judges of the said Court of Common Pleas of the county of Cumberland, have issued their precept hearing date the 23d day of August 1839, arid to- Ine directed,/or.holding a Court of Oyer and.Ter -miner,_and-_GeneraL_Jail_DeliYery + _and—^General- Quarter Sessions of the Peace, at Carlisle, on the second Monday of 1839, (being the 11th dnyy) at lO o’clock in ' ~t~~"NOTICE 1S HEREBY GLYBN: lo' the Coroner, iusiices of the Sf hies of the said county of C be then abd there in their Records, Inquisitiopi Remomhranees, I offices respeetj bound, b; rriso- ce, and C’b'nsta ’rrlaml, thatthey !per person with their Examinations, and other those things which to their appertain. And those wlio.are to prosecute against the that are, or then may be, in theJajl jof lerlpnd dounty, to be thoh afid there to'prose cute against them as shall b.e.jusl, . ~. ■ ■ Dated at Carlisle, tile 34th day of October igStt-, and the -Ihth year of American Independence; JOHN MYERS, Sheriffi J; NOTICFO TO CREDITORS. ( •nnAKE-NOTICE that we have applied to the .jL Judges of the court of cdmihon pleas of Cum berland, county; for the benefit of the insolvent laws of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and they have appointed Mpudaythellih day of Nov ember next, for the hparihg of us and pur creditors at the court house in thp borough of.Carlisle,when alld Whore Jou may attend if you think proper, ■ •; josEPrt mOsser, . WILIitAM G. WARDEN, . WM. fcvCURRIDEN, 'V. JOHN MILIEU, ; AUGUSTUS STEINhIAN, JOSEPH G..BOTT, JOHN L. METZ, jbiiN grove,* I Oct.tr, issb. A t fen t ion C mnher lon d G reeris. : _ Tho annual;. C cru ct- qf Appeal >y illbe held at ih o public bouse of (M^pHin^Coa^in^!|D'C&A^tQ

&. Co; • ’ 'BLANKS fOn-SALE; *' r Lifet of Causes, -* - For,Uial at November Term, 1839. ■ , First wide, commencing \\ihNqvembdr, 1839; Stocktrtii ■ ■ • vr. Mooreot al _ ; ya" Heck Kelly’9odm'r--‘ : ->-vs- - Crowoll’a athn’rs Slough’s adin’t ' ya .M’Elwaiho Rosa . . , V‘4 Mooto ~ Harlail Ss fvoD'rn'gc'r Vi Ego ■Birkman l ' ,va Swoyor " ■Wilson ~ . :7~ ys Gray & CaufmaaT Givin vs Falocu .Sccondjwctky dommtncing.(he 18 th 1939 Churdli / . _Vs fiaVis’adni’x ‘ * Barr'-' ,• ~ Vs Cra'CvfoM-• Samo ’* vs r Same , - - Fetter ' vs, Alexander Batnllz' ys" Herrfcii ; y Wopdibunr : ’ Va Noble,, Turnpike C6\ vs R. R. Company. Beltzhbover vs Paxton ot al Underwood ; , . 1 ys Woodbum ■ - . Dobb’s ex’ra vp Eby ?, Church • va “Dickinson College Carolhers ox’ri vs Carotbers Leo - ; ' vs Anderson McftreJo vs Noble. Love’s adm’r va, Eby Leeper ~"va Herron otal Crotzcr ys Casey, vs Fleming ' vS Wilson & .Thayer * Kmmingcr Colder . Sncvcly vs Longsdorff Same. . " *• vs Rupp Todd vs Wilson Taylor • i vs’ Taylor Savings Fund 1 vs Paxton Same ys Craighead Welsh vs KiniHg Ko'negb " vs Elliott Mcixcll et al vs Woods CEO. SANDERSON, Proth’y Estate of Jacob JFeibley, deceased, - -flrO’TlXvE. ; "ET ETTERS. testamentary on the estate of Jacob §L*jjWeiblcy, late of'North'Middjptoii township, dock!., have been issued to the'subscriber. - All persons having any claims against'said estate are hereby, requestedto presentthem properly authen ticated fbr settlement, and those indebted to ibo same lamakepaymcnt immediately. r , GEORGE BUINDLE, AdininistratoV of Jacob Wciblc}vdcc*d. Sept. 19, 1839. ’* . For Sale. THE subscriber will dispose of at that valuable plantation situate in ’county, about 5 miles west of Carlisle on the. turnpike loadFngjto Cnambersburg, and nearly in* sight of the rail road, adjoining lands of Jolvq Paul) Ex-Governor Ritner and others, containing 161 a crcs of first quality limestone land, of which about CO acres is well timbered.-, The improvements are A GOOD LOG HOtTSE andLOG KITCHEN, with a LOG BARN—also a never failing well of excellent water near the door, which, with a trifling expense, could bomado to supply every field with water—-also two excel lent orchards of choice fruit trees. For terms apply to the subscriber ctae'iiißc ca'St of Carlisle, hear the rail road. M. FISHBURN, Jlgeni for Jonas Fiahburn. - September 5, 1839. , 8t N. B;—I have also several other first and mill properties for sale. 1 ’ M. F. . Calfcoc?, Checks, MuSlins, Tickings, Colton Flannels, Drillings, Table Cloths, Crash, Diaper, Gloves, Comforts, Gum Suspenders, Stocks, Fur Caps, Collars, &Xr. &*c. fo? Sale by- Arnold & Co. Farmers take Notice, That I willnay 5) cents for slaughter Hides, and 0 cents for Calfskins well taken off. THOMAS .WILLIAMSON. Churchtown, Oct.-3, 1839. 2m Election far SBanlclfircctoro. Caiilisle Bank, Oct. 17, 1839. i&TOTICE is hereby given to the Stockholders JL\I in-this institution, that'an election will be held on the third Monday of iVui finbcr ncol, (being the 18th day,) at the Banking House, for ’fnin teen mnEcTons, to serve during the' ytaV 'tlieii to ensue. W. S. COBEAN. Cashier, John Harper, Assignee') No. 2C5 January Term, of Jones & Woodward, < 1833. t'-A v""Vend. Exp’s. No. -10 X Williaih BafbeVjr. J January Tenia, 1834-. 1 32d August, 1839. On motion of Mr; Branded bury, Rule to shew cause why'Jones- & Wood ward for use of John Harper and other judgment creditors in interest in the fund taken try the’judg ment of. George Metzgar, shall not be substituted on the mortgage of George Metzgar to the amount of the fund taken by Metzgar out of the sale_of the house and lot of ground of defendant’s situate in Papertown. Notice.to be published in two pa pers in' Carlisle for four SUccussiVo-weeks. -. ‘ .. •'■ • • ... By jiiE couirr. . CuWibe'rfand counly i ss‘. : . —-- -—-- • I, George Sandereoh’,; Pfqlhonblary g bf the Court of Common Pleas of Chm-, j berland county, do hereby certify, that • the above is a true copy of a rhle clu stered in the above case. In testimony a’ whereof I have Hereunto set my hand ahd affixed the'seal of said court, at Carlisle, the 14th d'ajr oT Oc'tob’er, jl. D. 1839i'' • .., Gfed. SANDERSONi Proth'y. ■■ ... .Mo tic e, ■■■- ■' ALL persons Indebted to the subscriber by note or otherwise, will please call ahd discharo-o. their accounts on or before the first of November," aS oh that day all.accounts will be put into,the hands of a proper offider for fcollectioh, withoutre spcct to persons. ' JACOB WOLF. ' Carlisle, Oct. 17, 1839. , "Brigade.lnspector’s Orders. Ah .election jvilLfite jilaco at the publichousc of.W. S. Alien, on Saturday the 26th'October inst, between, the Rows of ten-in the mprning'.and six in.the evening, for ohe Captain, one First arid one Second Lieutenant'in the Crif lisle Light Artillery compariy.ato fill vacancies the, res ignation, of, suoholllpera. in said company. Mr. George ‘Mathews - will settle ,8s- jhdge arid -Mr. Philip Quigfey will act'as rilgrk oFsaid election. W. FOTjLlt, Brig. InS 1 . • Oct, 15,1839. PROP It tie teCeived'by thesubscribcr rdsidirig '■ T w nearShitcmahslown, Allen township,CunWi berland ’pdunly, iuhtil the 7th dajrof Ninches ■tidbit in the pound andeighteen roof, to.bo £u i 1 t.w ith goodsand and limo-mortarj Peg “dons Handing their pfopoSalb" will at ilation; fiindsWng : idl-|be’iiih«i^d : H»'^S-%hb' : wbrt; ’ t£?;; JOHN EIGHEtBEitGER, i' ■ 4 ;’ ! One ihcSiiibUng()oiiimitiee* r f; .p.ci 17,1839, v ,,,- r *; V W 3t - r WQpjyjmNTED^TTHiSOFFiCE, ALTHOUGHthis medicine is butUtjge known in the cduntry, it has obtained for its distin guished inventor an enviable reputation in our At lantic cities. To those afflicted with weak stom ach from any cause whatever, with indigestion, loss of appetite, weakness of the spine, pains in .bach and loins, dizziness and vertigo, the Mixture is strongly recommended- as ' producing .sure and speedy relief. To bo had in Carlisle, only at STEVENSON & DINKLE’S Drug and Variety store. Er. Warren’s Effervescent Draught. . B persons laboring under dhronlc dyspepsia, indi gestion, water brash, sour eructations and loss of appetite, will find groat relief by using a half pint tumbler, of every morning before breakfast for about a week. For salo in Carlisle, only at Stevl-nson & Dinkle’s drug and chemical store.- _ , • ' [Oct. 3. ■ 1 <■ - ’ '■ iiia**— - -•?!Jii, ii.' A -Hi 1 lines. ■•/rJtetTeccived at Stevenson & Dinkle’s drugahj chcmicahstorc, a few jars of fresh Prunes. . THIS, remedy is recommended to all patients, nurses and others who have the management of children* as the most safe and .effectual worm destroying ibcdicino yot discovered. The symp toms denoting the existence of worms, are indi gestion, >vith variable appetite, "foul tohgue, often stye breath, hardi full and tense belly,'with occa sional gripingsabd pains about the naval, hentand Itching sensation ahbiit the rectum, the eyes hea vy and dull, itching of the nose, short dry cough, grinding of the teeth,* and starting during sleep, attended with slow fever. When these symp toms occur, the worm syrup, if taken according to the-directions, will afford relief by destroying the worms, and the mucus Or slimy matter in which they are involved, and thereby pjroyent {heir pro duction.. The SjTyrup has already been used with eminent success by many individuals in this place. Sold in Carlisle, only at STEVENSON.& DIN KLE’S Drug artd.Chemical,store. Persons wish ing to try this medicine can be referred to individ uals of the highest respectability irl this town who have used it in their families with groat success. ‘ Ifimlcr’s Med Sfrop 9 Unrivalled in its*effects as a sure and* expedi tious cure for a certain secret disease, to be had in Carlisle, only at Stevenson & Dinklc’s drugstore'* Orphans’ Court Sale. SN pursuance, of a decree, of the Orphans’- Court of Cumberland county, I will expose, to public sale on the premises on Friday the Isi day cf Nov atibcr at 11 o’clock, A. 4t. a, tract of WbObLAWD!. situate in East Pennsborough township, in said county, bounded by land of widow Sporig, and lands belonging to Andrew Krcitzer, Andrew Beck, arid others; containing 14 acres "arid 78 perches.— The timber omthis tract consists of chestnut, hick ory, oak,&c. and is w orthytho attention of those warning wob.d and rail timber. Terms made known 6ft tho'uay of sale by ' ... David iiume, ' 'JlfinCr of Jno, ilc&tng, &cV,” New Goods. ; ever.:!!! Just received and opened n Splendid Stock of ~ . DRY GOODS, ■, .i.v suitable far thb^seasan, 1 whieh af c~offerc J for sale on yhq most accommodating terms. - ——-. .. , , A. RICHARD'S. Cirlisle, Oct. 3, 1839. ’. v To all persons concerned, that' Letters" of Admin istration have been granted to the subscriber resi ding at “Herron’s Branch,” four miles west of SillppeHsMurg, op the road to Strasburg, on the personal estate of Samuel Steyick, deceased,' late of the borough of Shippehsuurg :nul county of Cumberland. All persons haying claims. or de rnands against the estate of said decedent, are re quested to fiiake known the samedto''-me', without delay. Persons indebted are requested to make payment immediately.' a • • . .. DAVID SPENCER, Mm'f, Oct. 3, 1839. - 6t • To the Heirs and legal Representatives of MOSES SCROGGS, late of midton township, deceased. ; TAKE NUTiCK that I will Hold aji lnquisitiori oh a writ of Partition and AMdalion, on tlie premises late of Sfoses Scroggs, deceased, oh Mon day the Wth day, if October, t939j;at 11 o’clock, A; -M. where all interested may attend. ... . JOHN' M.YKRS, Sheriff. •. SlierifF-’s OlHccij Carlisle, Sept. ’26,i839i : , - Emmiriger, deceased . : .i-N4>TicE,v-: KEOTiSRS TESTAMENTARY upon ; the %U^ Vndn ' W EWminuerj- have been isauediitilnaaQrin of law to -David' Emmingorand Samuel Se® man,>se Executors; therein named: AUMrsonsbaving claims against will wto arein deijlfidWlllTmate payment " ’”, ' • ' :f,. _. ’ ■ ■ DAVdD EMMINGER, •">•_ . ••• SAMUEL SENSEMAN,J £sfscutor4i .fpOSWlf'or 10, 1839.'- - 1 ' ,vThe Trustees "of ■ tfio “(IiJILISIiE 4®3£EVAS^’Vnre ; artTiistrUctor''of high of his' Services id'a , v®^‘iiliort"t6(n»K* r l--V'' ; ' /Ijl, : JOHN REED, . ff 'President oflhsßoatd,, ■ -Gitoher 10,163? r ' v kuat FOR SALE. ’ i sell (he darge and coriimodions wlucb he now resides, bitth'e Main street nVtIVe lsmnpgb of Car lisle; 'flic lot:. !»• sixty feet front, on Main street, by "two hundred and forty feet bn dJedfprdmfneet.- -TheJmildingsmreJarge.and hr.gooifc-.repair, and well calculated tor an extensive boarding 'establishment. There is a 1 Well' of excel ten t water with a pumpiri the yaWli’aftd la'rge staffing attached in life rear -of the lot, " The: terms will be moderate and made to suit the convenience of the purcha ser, and an.indisputable titlcgiv.cn, Apply ■upon the premises to . Sept.. 1D..1839.— 8t Estate of If'iUiaW.hl. Reynolds. NOTICES. Notice is hereby, given, that letters of tul fninistration with the Will annexed, in due form of law, have grafted to: MY■ virtue, bfan order of sale, to mo. directed, issubU'out of the Court of'Common Pleas of Ctimbbrl4fi£ county, .will bo bxposed to public Qajoaph Ure.preinisca, m Frankford township, on Fridhy ;tho .Blh day of November, 183.0, at 10 o*- M. the following described real estate, laterth«r-property-of-John Campbell, dccM and Win. Campbell, to wit: -A Til AC'S* OF ff. AND, No., Z f in the Inquisition, bounded and described as follows:--Begiunin£ at a black oak grub in a lino oflaftd former! y of Philip Sharabaugh, tlience by a tract now of William Campbell,, north thir teen and, a half degrees, cast sixtyrnino perches to a white oak, thence forly-niho, degrees east', eight und four-tenths perches to. a post, thence north seventeen degrees, east-ono hundred and thirty nine porches to a post in a lino of land of the heirs bCJoim Logan,.and:by: thdl.Bame. north, sov.enty'r. pine .degrees, east lliirtyffive and a half perches to a white oak, thence north thirty-one degrees, east eleven and a half porches to a post in a, line, of formerly of —w Hickernell, and by tho same south thirty-six and a half degrees, cast one hundred and forty-seven and a half perches to a white oak, a corner of land formerly of Jacob Juni per and by tho same south fourteen degrees, east ninctydburperches to a post, a corrier of land' of tho aforesaid Philip Shambaugh, and by the same south eighty-one qmetcsh. west thirty-seven and twortentha porches to a white oak, and thence south sixty-njne and a half degrees, west one hun dred apd olovoh perches to the place of beginning, containing f)NE’HUNDRED AND TWENTY SEVEN ACRES and SEVENTY FIVE PER CHES, ncat'or strict measure, having thereon e rectcd a two story LOG HOUSE and.a small Log Stable, and .other improvements. The conditions will be as follows: Tho onc-half of tho purchase money to bo paid on thoconfirma tion*of tho sale by the court and the residue in two equal annual payments thereafter without interest, to bo'Secured by mortgage or judgment bonds** .•JOHN MYERS, Sheriff. . Sheriff’s Oilice, Carlisle, Oct, 17, 1839. J. D. ELLIOTT. - , , ATTENTION Officers of the ZSdUeg’t Ist Brig. I\th Div. ¥0 V arc ordered to appear at Leo’s' M Hoads on Saturday tlio SCtli day of October, in full uniform, equipped for drill—to meet precisely at 10 o’clock on said day. By order of JAMES.OHESMBT, Col. com’dg. Lcc’b M Hoads, Oct. 17,1839 1 . Han away from the subscriber living in Mifflin township, on the. 14th inst. an ap pvftvitico’ to. ;l)e ;Blacksmith business, lulmeil age, 5 feet 8 inches high (iiul slim built, light hair ,and light'complexion. Thogabovc re ward.will be paid to any .peraunvivlio niay apprehend and return liiui to me, hilt ho fenargejb paid.- All persons are forwai-ned a gainst harboring Inin. JACOB LANDIS. Oct. 17, 1839., , . ’ - -n ' Valuable Farm for Sale. THE subscribers offer, at private sale, the fol lowing described property, in Londonderry township,Dauphin county,containing ONE H UN BRED AND TWENTV-FIVE ACRES AND SEVENTEEN PERCHES of patented land, a bout 100 acres of which arc under cultivation, the residue being coverod with good limber. - Tho-im provenicnts are a largo two story • -- ; —BR-WJK-HOFSEy with a back building; water near tho door, a largo Orchard', a Wagon shed, corn crib, and a-LARGE BANR. BARN. This farm ?s very near the river and Pennsylvania canal, about two miles below the Lumber. Yards at the mouth of the Swatara, and nearly the same distance from tho Union can al. The avenues to market are so convenient as ss to afford ready sale for farm products; whilst lumber can bo procured without distant hauling. The Haiftsburg and Lancaster rail-road passes through tho premises. Title indisputable; Fur terms inquire of Mr. Gingrich, on tho premises. S. S. HALDEMAN, Near Columbia and Marietta. , GEO. H. BUCHER, . Near Hogcstown, Cumb’d 00. October 10, 1830'. - ’ 31 The subscribers having Intel}' purchased' the. stock of goods owned by John H. Wea ver, at the Nrtrth-Kast corner of the ‘Public Square, Carlisle, have just received a large ami Splendid assortment of Fall and Win ter (joODs, consisting in part of superiot wool dyed black, green," invisible green; brown.-olive, dahlia, adelaidcand.iuiit . an assortment of heavy Cloths for Ov,er-cbata, a variety of styles of Cassitneres Und Cassi rielts, plain and figured Silk velvets; plain and figured satin vesting, valehtia ye&tiHgsj &c. &c. velvet cords, beavefteen, plain and figured green floor cloths; red, white, yel low and. green flannels; white and colored i , J pose & mackinaw blankets, English, Frentli and German plain and ‘ figured mcrinoes; black and bliiiffe&cfc-.bombazines; plain and figured, rept silks, black gro-de-nill) g'.’p-dc rines, lutestring and s'enslmw silks, a large" alid splendid .assortment of colored .silks, figuredisilks for bonnets, white.'black and colored sahhs, a variety of fashionable rib bons.. . . , , . ■• v. 6-4, 7-4, 8-4 and 10-4 lupines best meri no shawls,'clfcneill broeha blanket and riliul ley do'.-merino, chhlley and cashmere hand kerchief?, Irish -linens, -king lawns, linen caipbfip hand kerchiefs, preen hara&e fitgauxe veils, black lace veils, silk, arid pongee hand kerchiefs; . • . , . 4-4, 5-4 and 6-4 bleaclicd arid unbleached muslins, 4-4 and 5 : 4 tickings, 6-4, 7-4 and B r 4. cotton and linen diapers, 6-4, 8,-4 and 10-4 linen table cloths, blue and green cloth table^clpths; y Horidorii;:Ffench and'Atperi cari Pliiita; 4-4 5-4 apron, arid furniture checks, mouslainc and saxony do laine; bo* biriptti .grecianctt and book muslins, plain; bar’d and. figured swiss, plain, bat’d and fig ured jaepnetts, cambrics and mull .iriUslins, bishop and friends lawn, thread, jacdiiett, bobinett .and cotton laces, edgings,arid in sertirigs, -linen, diaper -and crash arid bead bags, a large .assortment of. Hos’ery, glove's, handkerchiefs, Blocks, suspenders, bonnets, &c. : Corrott & Rio CarpCtinO, cotton yarn ’of all No 3. coAerlej; yarri, wliite and colored carpet.chnini lairib’s wool and merino.shirts arid dfawersi ~ Also, a large, .assortment ,of Groceries,, consisting of Rioj St:, Domingo, fyaguira.and l£ya doffee{Toiing Hyson, linperiaV&.Biacfc ’feasj" Sugar House .and - Syrup Molasses;' . Chocolate,, Starch, .Ginger, 'Rice, Pepper, Allspice, Indigo, Nutmegs;..Cloves, Cinna mon, fine.and coarse Sal and plug To- Bdc.co.-Sriuir, Segafs. &c. &c, .-!• - Also, an assortment of Hatters’Fuft and | Trimmings;-which iVe; will sell at cost, \ : . ANGNEY & ANDERSON., ’'! Oct. 10,1839, ; 5 6i' : . Six Cents JSSewaref. NEW GOODS! CLOTHS, NEW DRUG & VAmm ST9RE. Stevenson SHnUic, HAVE J«*t received at their store. corner c.f High and Pitt streets, opposite Col. Pvr rce's hotel, *tm assortment ot . - '■DP.ftgs..'".. - Medicines, taints. Dye,Stuffs.Bc VarnVshesl -Their , stock has been selected, with ; great care, aiid is warranted to j/MJjx&ix be entirely fresh and of the yeyy best quality. The store wlJHie tinder the im mediate Dinkle, wlm has acquired a thorough knowledge of thedutics of an apothecary under, tne diirctjdou of Mr. Samuel Elliott of this phrf*. ' \ fWlwle, August 15, 1839. . ... A ORE VT VAIMPiTY OF SOAPS ANI) A- PERFUMERY to be had at - StEVKNSO!T-5c Dijklk's Drug aud Chemical Store. STEVENSON & OINKL: HAVE JUST HECEirED at their Drug and Variety Storr, ati assortm jut" of Fruits, Pickles, Preserves, Nuts, Bcc. PUECIvI/E WASH. Highly recommended hv the Faculty, to he had at S'lcvermoh & Dinklc's UVdg and variety store. v TO THE PUBLIC. THE. subscribers have now growing, about thirteen thousand IVIORUS MULTICAU-• LIS MULBERRY TREES, from roots and cut tings this season, measuring from ono to six feet high, with'ihany strong branches to each, which they will ’foil low for cash, to be delivered to pur chasers at'the proper time of taking up said trees this fall, or next Bprlftg,’ab will ‘best suit the . chiser, JACOB SQUIER & CO. Carlisle, Adguct 29, 1839, 'tf ”f>FT.II^2 T TERS ’ Remaining in the Post Oflico at STqooiloTOWMj ■. Pa. October let, 1539. „ , Bumbarger Jacob • Kyle John Cramer Christopher Slough- Jacob, Cap —• Carothera Mary Aiin Trill Peter Gnodheart Abraham, ? Thomas George Isaac or Jacob 5 Van Riper Garett Groham Elizabeth - JOHN STOUGII, P. M-. 'List of Letters Uerrjaining.in the Post Office at Hogestowjt, Pa' VBW-AS^fci^* SwA. - %^ v - -••*•• Samuel L Ad dams Gfco.Kitea . r tVXis9 Mary BurtiiMr Hamilton & Graff ’ ' Henry Ditzcr Andrew Kritetfr Geo Baker Wm Kenagy 3 Geo Jßglslioovct Mrs Ann Murry Daniel Cbffrpan Lewis Nos# Dr Daniel Clu’gatofc Joseph NeWodmw John FT Dunlap Mr Rceeajr Henry Ewalt Christian Swiler 8 . Peter Emerick;. Mrs ,E L Stayman Miss Isabella Eckel# Geo St^ighlertiah Cbnrod. Furst Geo Sehnel Sarh’l Fisher, jr Isaac Slonecker James Gill , John Trimble Win Glover Henry Voglesonsr Martin Harman Stephen Vanosdal# Daniel Hursliman John Wplif 9 David Humo, Esq David.W.altor . ’ JOILV CLEN&EMN; Jr. P. M. Sheriff’s Sal By virtue of a writ ,of Fi. Fa to me direc - ted issued outbf the Court of Common Pleas of Cumberland co'unty, will be Exposed to public sale at the Court House in the bor ough of Carlisle, on Saturday .the ninth day of r November, ,1839, at 10 o’clock, A. Al. the following described Real Estate to wit: A LOT OF GROUND situate in East Pennsborouoh Township; beginning at a rock along the side of the Susquehannah- river, thence al.ong the land of John McCord, north eighty five and three fourth degrees, west fouiteeir'nnd seven tenth perches to the centre of a spring, thence by the same north, one and three fourth degrees-, west twelve and six tenth perches tb a red oak, thence by same north ,fift.ohfed' degrees, east, six undone tenth perches to h, „ thence by same north) thirty six and one half degrees, west twenty and seven tenth perches to a post in the. fpad. thente north twenty six and. one half degrees) w.est. ten. and sev'cn.tcnth perches {6 a post in, tbodineof Samuel Bowman: thence by said line .north seventy three and one "half. degrees, - east four- and-five tenth pbrehes to a post bfeyopd and, neai- th.e red -hickory on the bank of-the said Susquehanna river, thence down said river the several courses thereof fifty And eight tenth perches (o .thtj place of beginning, containing ond acre mtlfo br ,lossi—Seized and taken id Execution as- the Property of D, J> Hcm berger t And to be sold hv me; ' . ■ JQIIN MYERS, Sheriff. SherifF’4 Office, Carlisle,' Oct. 10, 1839. “ Daniel Reynold and Magdi Jii? Mi rigjtt ofsaid m iena, . Henry Ncidigh, Sam’l N* Ilctrs and Daniel. Neldigh, John Represent Frederick Frey and Eli'. rfSamite/. hi£ wife, in right of said i :n y , tale v/ bethi Henry Highlands & fund iotcht othy_his wife, in right of fccV. Dorothy i John Flory & 13j :o',noticd his wife, in right of said Ec ie above, and Caiharir.e'Neidigh. 'Alina Summons in PartiUoJ baa been issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Cumberland..febiihty; returnable IUK ftfoVcinbcr 1839, whcn all interest-, qd may attend; . ... . ; .. JOHN MYERSi 'Sheriff: Sheriff ■& Office, Ca.liale, Oct. 3, 1339;' 6t To tht-JHiiri .and heal- Representatives of JOflN STOUGII, late of tftwiaii town ship, deceased. \ rktAKE NOTICE that I frill itold arilhqriiSitiort A- on a writ of .Pariitioh or -Valuation, ori : thd promises lato of John Siougfi, deceaseds on Thors-' day the Wh dad of October, 1839. at 1 i o’clocti A; M. wKefoall iritorested may attsml.' " ‘ ■: , JOHN MYERS* #r;J; Sheriff's Office, Carlisle,.Sept..2G,Tfe39._ Cloths -arid -£ A largo assorttqont.of CLOTItS of all' IsoWs and qnanritiasi eonsisting of exfraThOpMfiafeAAßS and a large assortment of low priced cloths eiitei bid for bangijip add twot coats. ‘ !i .; - ' LONDON OASSIMERES. s eploniid asaorta merit of aUjColoiß, just received by Oct. 3. ;; ' ; ARNOLD it. COr Red, GioenyVelJofr «dd;os{rpißno .^VelaK:a«'d\#:'; ; Swanskin - witqflanifel*, bnrisuallvlow rifei-uXajS - ®;. :. -: y,. c-t’!- - AjLvbim’fc Co’^ fy. :; !' Wank iP£ft o d**" 'fiav® ewbrit V^K»=«.|S summons tr’r Termi No.