American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, October 17, 1839, Image 4

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T IE .subscriber having just arrived from the
east with some of the besj work men tha't
cuuld he procorcil, isnow prepared Co finish
'work in the most fashionable style and of the
best materials. He will manufacture any thing,
in that line of business, such as
OAS.S, OOAOHag.- c-ic-s,.
of every description.. He has now in his employ
probably one of the best "Spring Mdiersaml
Coach‘Smiths that is now in the state. His
charges shMl.bc moderate and-his work will all
be warranted.' 1 • •
Repairing dons in,the neatest manner and with
despatch.. ' .
.The subscriber humbly solicits the patronage
of the public, for which he witf tender his most
sincere thanks.'
Car/is/e, Vpri/.J$» 1839. " .ti
JU3T received and now opening at the store
of the subscribers, corner of H:\nover and
Leather streets, Carlisle, a gencralussnrtmentof
Spring Chintzes, Calicoes, Ginghams, Lawns,
Muslindelaines, Challieg, Veils,* Bonnets, Rib
bona, Cadet Cloths, Cnssimcrca, and fine Sati
nets, Also, afirst rate assortment of Domes
tics,-such as brhwn nhdblcaphed Muslins, Tick
ings, Table Cloths, with a great variety of stuffs
for Gentlemen’s Slimmer wear, such as Summer,
Cloth, French Velvet, Drillings and plain Lin
ens of all kinds, Velvet Cords, Beavcrtecns and
Nankeens—Stocks,, Cravats, Breasts and Col
lars, Gloves and VESITNGS.- Also-a good as
sortment of
Queensibare ami (Groceries,
nil of which will be sold low and on accommo
dating terms. The public arc respectfully in
vited, to call and examine before making their
psrehaseSy-and they will be sure togetfnrgains.
THE subscriber will dispose of at private sale,
the following described valuably property,
•iluatein S.mth Middleton towjiship, 4 miles,
south of Carlisle, and.within one-mite of Michael
G, Ege*s l ? orge, viz:
Three acres of lime
stone land,.all cleared and in a high state of cul
tivation. The improvement's are a
each jDne.and_a.half,stories high, : a small, Lod
Stable, an excellent apple orchard, besides a
numberot plum, peach, pear and cherry trees.
For terms, apply to the subscriber resit!'
ing on the premises.
July 25-, 1839.
mlSi-nold <S’ Co.
Have just received a large assortment of new
and oheap summer goods, Which they offer un
usually low.
. 'Flujir stock of muslins, checks* tickings, drib
lings, &c. is the best now in town. They have
just received a case of leghorn bonnets, of their
own .importation from no. 20 to 50, which they
are enabled to offer at one hall the price that has
been usual to ask for them hcrc-i find all other
goods in their ; line such as silks, nunislin de
laines, bombazeens, plain .and figured muslins,
Swiss jaconet and cambrjck,.bisliop_la\vns,.&c..
X he public arc respectfully invited to call.
THE subscribers having lately purchased the
stock of goods owned by J._M, Weaver, at
the.north-east corner of the Public Square. Car
lisle, consisting of a and general assortment
of seasonable '
--i - DRIT-GOOD3,
Also, a general assortment of Hatters* Furs and
Trimmings—all of which they will sell on the
most accommodating terms. ,
June 20,1839. tf
TME undersigned challenges the U. States to
produce the equal of Inn ■
for beauty, stability, lightness,and economy are
combined to a greater extent than in any other
hitherto invented. The motion is regulated to
the natural walk of the horses, and will give the
machine, its proper motion .with a pully on the
cylinder shaft eight inches in diameter, which
is of vast importance to prevent the band from
slipping,.and is a good'guidc for a'farmer to'tell
how much motion a power has. As •there are
some-persons continually talking of their im
provements, a man with half an eye, by taking
notice of the pully can tell that it is all a hoax.
Among numerous other.advantages which Hie
above machine possesses over all others now in
use are the fixtures for greasing every part sub
ject to friction, every pivot having-a cup sufli
ir.cicntly large to contain half a gill of .oil, with a
tight cover to keep the contents perfectly clean,
which furnishes each pivot with an ample supply
of oil at all times; so that after the machine has
been used a day or two eight hundred or a thou
sand sheaves rtiay be thrashedjwithout stopping
or injuring any part of the machine. The under
signed Has frequently seen more metal worn off
iii’thrashlng two hundred sheaves for wait of oil
. titan would have thrashed several large crops
with proper care and attention. During the
past year upwards of .fifty of the above machines
bave;beeu soldjin this and Union county,. sever
- ,al of which have hee'n'Etu-ashing almost constant- 1
Iv dUring .the .tlivasl>ing season, and as a test of
tn&ir superior claims to durability, the cost for
repairs for the whole number has not exceeded
fifteen dollars. •, Nnlwithstanding there have
been,- Comparatively sJSeak'ing, no repiars need
cd. yet the undersigned, an far'from following
,/tfic customary rule of taking less care to have
s them'well built when once introduced, has made
• several important additions calculated to add
materially to the strength and durability of'the
p same, but that none may be under the necessity
of placing implicit, confidence in the above state,
mdnt without further evidence, the undersigned
would refer them to the following persons who
have bought machines of him, viz: R.
Woods, Esq.. Cant; 5. Woods, David Glenn,
Wm Kerr, John Paul, Nathan Woods, Judge
: Stuart. John WGcehan, A. W. Sterrett, E.
-Sterrett, S. Woods. jr., S. Sowers & H.. Smith.
Anyepcrso.hs’wish»i)K to purchase or see_jhe’
‘ above "machines are invited to call at tile shop
of the undersigned in West Pomfrefstrect, Car
:, Us ) e < vk’jonk A.JNELSON. Patentee.
August -: 7i ' .*
To the Heirs' and ‘ Representatives of
-- of East Pennshorough township, deceased.
niCuCB: NOTICE that I -will hold an Inqnisi*
JL tion on a'writ of rPartitlon or Valuation, on
tha premise* late of EliiabothLnngnooker, doc’d,
on Friday theißlh day of 1839, .at: 11 o’-
' dll interested nmyrattend.'
'T., ■*••..._ . JOUN , jjYEns. SSrrlff. ■
: ’ P!icriir. ! » Odi;o, GiitU6le,^S^jt, : 3o;d;33!), i-,
COAL.! CO Ala?
JUST received and for snleat my landing near
the Steam Mill, bn the Canal, , 500. tous °‘
, Red Ash Pipe Grove C0a1,.. ,
warranted to be the best article nfjfte Icind
known at the present time; It will be . sold in
lota to suit purchasers., .
Also —a large quantity of LUMBER of difr
fcrcht kinds-imd qualities: superior S/iinff(cs\
Piaster-. Salt by the barrel, tt*c. all of which,
articles will be disposed of,at, the most i*easona?,
blc prices.
Harrisburg, June 6, 1839. ( 5m
p OR 10 good Plate Moulders arc wanted im
mediately at Oak Grove Furnace, Perry,
county, to whom constant employment will be
given and good wages’paid. /Vpply to
PLisy, FoKimJG.& Tuvpivm. •
Oak Grove, May 30, 183 p, , . ?m
£njlX GOOD REFlNERS’warned immediate
(o ly at Dickinson Forge. Apply to '
J\» Vjf. LiviL/i
May 2,1830. . tf ■
TrWfHEREAS the charter of the "Carlisle
Saving Fund Society, ** will expire in 18*1-3.
Notice is hereby given agreeably to the constltu
tion and laws of Pennsylvania that the stockhol
ders of said institution intend applying'to the
Legislature of the commonwealth for a renewal
of charier. —Change of name, style, and tide to
“Cumberland Vafley Rank,” increase of capital
to §200,000 and general discounting and banking
privileges all under such restrictions as the Leg
islature may direct. The above institution to be
continued ill Carlisle, j C^yEßs'
August 1, 1839. - . 6m :
GoeUrkc’s JtlaUhless Sanative.
The article jniblishcd-below. concerning Ahr
new and popular doctrine advanced by the i -
iustrious Gnelickc of Germany, cannot fad ol
exciting a deep and thrilling interest through
out, the country.
[Translatedfrom the German f\
Citizen s of-North and South America, ■
'l-o Louis Offon G6elicke, M . O. ot Gcr
manv, Europe, belongs the imperishable honor
of addine a new ami precious doctrine lothe
Science of Medicine —.a-new doctrine which,
though vehemently opposed by many.ot tlie. hi;
cully, (of which he is a valuable member) he
proves to he as well founded in truth as any doc
trine of Holy Writ—a doctrine, upon the verity
of which are suspended the llvcs_of .millions_of
our race, and which heholdly challenge,,his np
posersto refute, viz; CoitsuiTifiCiou is a ais tape,
always occasioned by fi disordered stole of I is
Vilafor Life Princi/ilej of the human body.-
often secretly lurking in the system for years be
fore there isibe least com/ilaint o f the lungs-and
J which may be. as certainly, though not so quickly
cured, as a comtnon cold, or sim/tle headache.-,
An invaluably precious doctrine this, as it im
parts an important lesson to the a/i/iarcnt/y
healthi' of both sexes, teaching them that this
insidious foe may he an unobserved inmatq of
their "clayey houses” even while they imagine
themselves s'crUve from its attacks, teaching
them that THEGREAI Sh.f.HE LIN IHE
This illustrious benefactor of man is also enti
tled to your unfcitpicd gratitude, and the grati
lode of a world, for the invention of his .ilalch
less Sanative, —whose healing fiat may justly
claim for it such a title, since it has so signally
triumphed over our great common enemy con
stfin/ition, both in the first and last stages,—a
medicine which lias thniouglily fillet! the va
cuum in tlie Materia Medina, and thereby proved
itsei f tlie Conqueror of- Physicians—a medicine,
for which all mankind will have abundant cause
to bless tlie benificent blind of a kind Providence
a medigioe whose wondrous virtues have been
so glowingly portrayed even by some of our
clergy, in their pastoral visits to tlie sick cham
ber:'hy'whicli means they often become the hap
py instruments of changing despondency into
hope, sickness into health, and sadaessof friends
into joyfulness. ’ L,
Goelicfec’s KTatchloss Sanative,
a medicine of more value to man than t|ie vast
mines of Austria, oy even the united treasures of
our medicine, which is obtained equal
ly from the-vegetable! mineral arid animal king
doms, and thus possesses a three-fold power,—a
medicine, which, though .designed as a remedy
for consumption solely, is possessed of a niyste
riouS influence over many diseases of tlie human
system, —a medicine, which .begins to be valued
by Physicians, who are daily witnessing its as
tonishing cures of many whom they had resign-,
cd to tlie grasp of the Insatiable Grave.'
Dose of the Sanative, for adults, one drop;'
for children, a half drop( and for infants, a quar
ter drop; the directions explaining the manner
o( taking a half or quarter drop:
Price—Three and one-third rix dollars*
(S2.SO) per half ounce.
•A German coin, ya!ueJ7> cents. , .
For'salc at the Post Office, Mechanicsburc:,
jCinpbcrlami county, Pa., by GEO.- F. CAIN,
sole agent for Mechamrsburg.
Mechariicsburg, July 25, 1839.
Having resigned Jier situation in the common
schools, has opened on her own account a select
school, notexceedingthirty scholars,inihehmise
formerly occupied by Mr. James Bredin, and
now occupicd by Mr. Andrew Richards, where
she will be happy to receive the children of any
who may feel disposed to patronize her. For
termsapply either at her own residence in Han-,
over street, at any time between school hours,
01 at the school room from 9 to 12 A. M. or from
2 to 5 P; M. ‘ \
Reference, )
■ ' W. BIDDER. /
June 13, 1839.
Carlisle, Pa. May 1, 1830.
Arrival and JOe/idrture of Malle..
• ''"Arrives. Closes.
Eastern daily about IP m. Tp. m:
»« »» -** 5 p. m. IX a. m.
Western ** ** 12 m« . 9a. m.
Southern ** ** 'lQa.m. 7p.m.
Mechanicab’e ** ** IQa.m. 7p.m.
l2 9 a. iii.
Three good young Horses, suitable for sacdle
or. harness, ...
One new Tillberry, -■
. One set oi.c'ouhle brass mounted Harness,
One broad wheeled Wagon, and. ■ : i.
One sulkey. . ■ ~
Also, a lot of superior F(y Nets,, and driving
and riding Whips—all ol which wilibe sold ve
ry cheap,.. ' ■■ ' •:• ", ■.. . .
: ; ;v HAMILTON 8c GRIER. :
[ Carlisle, July 4, 1839/
;' EMNis .FOR SAL&i ■-
- •'l
To .Hitters A'' .Manufacturers.
hov-D's diiGiot
THE public are informed that the subscriber
lias bdu'ght the, right of. the above (rater
"wheel, for the State of Pennsylvania. It is con;
sidered by those having them in pse, ns ohc of
the most.important improvcmci.ts that lias ever
been introduced.-- Per.sonsdesirons of seeing the
wheel, can do so, bv calling at the foundry of
•DAVID COCKLEY, Lancaster. The an
nexed 'certificates have been givefi as a slight
testimonial of its value; they wi 11 speak for them
selves. Ail communications addressed to the
suberiber in Lancaster, Pa"., will be promptly at
tended to. ■ MICHAEL M’MATH.
April 11, 1838. If
- [Copy.] . ' . .
' This is fO ccrtijy, that I have put in one of
ITowd’s Patent Cast Iron Direct. Action Water
Wheels, in,the place of a Reaction Wheel) that
the Direct Wheel does not hood the tail race as
much by three inches as the reaction and
that I can grind seven bushels with the di’rect
action wheel 'am hour, and drive two run of
stones, where I could not grind four bushels in
the same lime with the reaction and drive one
run of stones. . ,
Ephrata tp. Lab. co. Oct. 1833.
Tins mav certify, that I have been engaged
in putting "in S. B. Hnwd’s cast iron direct ac
tion Water Wheel, both in the State of New
York and in Michigan, and can give it as my
decided opinion that with 8 feet head or under,
rightly put in, it will do more business with the
same water than anyother water wheel which
I have yet had any experience in; ami in refer
ence to hack water, is second best to none' that
[ have yet tried. In reference to guarding a
gainst icet there can he tin belter operation, and
it is very casvito he kept in repair. *
STEPHEN AIL ES, .Mill wfig’i t.
. Alloway, September.", 1818.
This may certify that I have had in my Mill,
nnc-of Mr. Howd’s direct water wheels for the
space of one year. It is a five feet wheel, and
I have had a re-action in the same place—l have
also.had Wheeler’s Union Wheel, vet I think
Mr. Howdwill do more business with less wa
ter than anv other I have tried. It dqes well
in .back water, I, have had from otoG.feel
head. I think we could do as much work with
half the water as we used fo do with the under
shoot wheel, which has.also hern in operation
in my mill. LAWRENCE RILEY.
• 1 • ’
- ' ■ T.vnriq, September :i, 1333.^-
This may certify, that «c have used one of S.
Howd’s'patent water Wheels since December
lust, by the side of a rv-actionwherl, land we
think thatHowd’s will' do double the business,
with the same water that the re action wheel
will door very near. We never have bnt.tlivee
feet head, and can pp-ind with that <yßht bushels
pci- linin’. VVc are subject to back • water. This
wheel will Rood business under back . wa- t
ter as. the re-aclinn, and we recommend it to
the attention and patrouaqe of the public.
:: ■. DR. I. C. LOOMIS,
INTENDS residing nenn mently in Carlisle,
and would respectfully oftlr.his prolcssiomil
services to the citizens of,the place ahd.vicndty.
He has taken rooms at Col. Ferree’sllotel,
wht’re lie may be found atall hours.
- Persons requesting it will be waited upon at „ ■“ ,».•
CDr. George D. Foulke,
• Reference* — < Rev. Thou. C. 'Jhornton,
v ( Dr. David A'*. Mahon.
Carlisle. Dec. 6. 1838.
su!)scri9t*r> will lc;>st-hir onii or nvirr
H yeur. c , their valuable Tun \unl, with nil
its append ices. It is one nf llu; best Incatinns
in Virginia tor carrying on the business on an
extensive scale, as there is abundant room and
the materials are ample. A number of the \ ats
are under cover, and all the bnildmps are ol the
most suitable kind—besides the crin'dins of Bark
(which can be got convenient and at fair prices,)
is done by water power.
‘ Any quantity of Hides can be procured m t]ie
neigh Inn-hood, as there is no other tannery with
in several miles of the plate—and there is also
every facility tor getting hides from the cities,
and sending them to market when eith
er by rail road or canal. , There is, likewise, a
demand at this place for a large quantity of
Leather annually by the Govern fiu-nt.
Possession will be given immediately.
. For further.partictiinrs enquire of
flarpcr-’s Fen-y, Feb, 7, 1839. . enwtf ,
A tßcw ffiisac of S}iVeaa;l»< Cara
THE subscriber, grateful for past favors, re-.
si)e.clfuUyuicqm\intsJvisfjicmlsAnd JieimbcL
lie.' tlint he has put into operation on the HAR
RAIL ROAD, a line of new DOUBLE CARS,
winch will run regularly between Harrisburg Sc
Philadelphia, by which Goods and Produce of
all descriptions will be forwarded with care and
despatch, at the lowest rates of freight.
Goods will he received at the WAREHOUSE
nf THOMAS J. MAXWELL. N. E. corner of
Broad-and Vine streets, Philadelphia, and for
warded to Harrisburg, Carlisle, ChanilH-rsbiirg,
and intermediate tilaccs, and hv the subscriber,
Harrisburg; Jan. SI, 18.19;
STANTLY O Nil A NO. C.lsb paid for almost
all kinds of country produce.
THE subscriber respectfully informs the pub
lic that she continues to cleanse Clothes of
grease, stains, &c. in the best manner and with
out injuring the cloth. * She will also-attend 'to
■ DYEI-NC-- ‘
all kinds of Yarns, Cloths,'Silks, &c. 6cc. any
color whicli may be desired, on the most accom
modating terms and with clespdfch,
- Her residence is a few doors cast of Mr. A.
Richards’ltore, Centre Square, Carlisle. *
April 25, 18S8.. 1 - ’ Uy
VAHTABI.E pabjvi
ffIHE subscriber offers at private sale the fol
l" lowing described valuable real cstate;.situate
in Allen township, Cumberland county, contain
ing 114 acres, morelpr less, of n
boul 90 acres of which,are cleared and in ff high
state of cultivation, and the rchidilc covered with
tlifiving timber. The improvements areal -
A.” •, ■A roTyvo, STOUT .A.
And EoubSo Xtog Barn, ; ;
two Appje Orchards, 1 one of which is of choice
fruit, a never, failing spring of water, anil a foun
tain pump at the door—also, a Tenant Ifottae.
The above mentioned tract is nearly all lime
stone land, of a good qualify ~:tnd is in a healthy
neighborhood—within two miles of Mechanics
■burg and the Cumberland Valley Rail Road, and
aboutohe mile from Slicphei'dstown.
An indisputable title wRI he given. For terms
apply to the subscriber near the premises. -
■ c , . ’JAMES GRAHAM.
May 38,1*50, tf
Alloway.May 5, 1838,
For Alorrisou’s Universal -Mcdlclues*
Agent in the United 'Stales* having hcen
dismissed by the British College of Health, Dr.
GeorgeTuylor now pf the city of New York,
has been appointed Sile General Agent atuj Hy
gla Delegate to the United States. ■
The s.iitl. George Taylor has appointed A. D.
Glnistcnd* of Montrose, SusquohuUna county,
Pennsylvania, Sole. General Agent for the states
of Maryland had Delaware* and thirty three
counties east of the Allegheny Mountains, Penn*
sylvania; andGeorgc C. Hand, Surgeon Dentist,
of Allentown, Lehigh county* Pa., Gener il A*
gent for four enmities in the state of New \yrk,-
ami in the state of New jersey’, to wit:-
Burlington, Cape May,* Cumberland, Glqnccs
ter, Monmouth andijalcm, in the state of 1 New-
Jersey; Gchnessce, Livingston, Monroe and
Steuben, in the statc of New Yot’k*
1 lereafter, no person cun or will vend the ge
nuine Hygeian Medicines within the said dis
tricts, except by the authority ofclhe said A. D.
Oimstead and George C. Hand. All former
.agencies within'MiiddiHtrictshiVV-ing tcrmiiinteil
by the removal of 11. S. Moat," who! a now offer,
ing for sale’Under the firm of Moat Uf Pelham,
Medicines of tiu irnwn manufacture, which will
readily he detected as such will t\ot have the
signature of A . D. Clnistead t G.,C. Hand, or
Olmstead if Hand, on the cover of each box or
package. f
The leading pvinclplcsof the Tlvgcinnor Mor
isonian theoiy of Disease, are too favorably and
generally known to require a nahuUecxplanation
in this ndvertisemeht. - -
These medtcinescurc all diseases which ad
mil of a cure, and many heretofore deemed in*
They may bo given with safety to the weak
est patient, and under -cv'crv'circumstance. and
stage of human suffering, and to children of tluf
most tender age.
None offered for sale within the aforesaid dis
turbs are genuine, unless each box or package
have a fan simile of James Morris- n’s signature,
with a sac simile of the signature of George! ay
/nr, rtn.d also the written signature of A, D. Olm
stead, G. C. Hand, or, Olmstead if with
the written signature of Sole-Agents," when’ a P*
The Pills arc of two kinds—No.’l Mid No. 2,
sold in boxes with envednpes, at 25 and to cents;
and packages at ?! and 93. E«rch packet con
tains a proportionof about two to one of No 2..
The,.Powders are in separate boxes—price2s
rents.’ . _
No chemical apothecary or druggist is ever
cuViploycd tosclkthesc medieim’s.
Respectable, persons complying with there*
quisilimisrequired may be appointed agents on
/ibera/ terms. _ ‘ 1
Officc.ancl General Dc/iot , No. !> South Front
•street, Phi/ndef/i/iia. s
A. D OUMSPEAD, General Agent,
• • -For 33 counties,* Pa.; the states of
Maryland and Delaware.
' ; HAN D,-General Agent,
For 5 counties, N. Y-., ami 7 counties, N.
The .public, is hereby notified that we have
uuUe.d-biir bushvess, and hereafter it .will be con
ducted under the firm of Olmst'ead & H ind.'
’A//orders directed to Olmsteaddc II md, No.
5 south Front street, Philadelphia, wMI receive
prompt attention
The nbnve metlirine is fnr-sale hv .
CHAHL'KS OCiILBY, Agent foi- Carlisle
Sept 20; is.'.a.,, iy —*
TSJjW'OHEtestimonials of the efficacy of Dr
JIYJhL Wm. l^fv:ins > Camomile Pills.
Philadcl/ih'm , Dec. 19. 1858.
"Sir: —Beiugon a vi>ft to Philadelphia, ’from
my native village of (Tenn,;m|o_>Y,n, 1 j-'yfully
avail myself of the opportunity oFtuldinc? a few
wnrclsj of: recommendation to your celebrated
Pills, to the abundant testimony’’already Riven
in their fav m. About four years ago.'l was at
tacked with and for several years
suffered from that complaint in jts wor>Jt stages.
Notwithstanding I tried every thing that came
before the public, I obtained no relief, till 1 ac
cidentally saw your advertisement. From the
numerous and respectable*, testimonials which
accompanied it. I had ‘•ome font lyopes that
vour medicine might not prove altogether use
less in my own 1 tried it, and jt is scarcely
necessary to add was shortly cured. Indeed live
success was greater than I could possibly have,
anticipated from even the warmest recommen
dations. As asm ill return for the benefit, you
have bestowed, I send you this acknowl.cdgmfmt
of my .thanks ami the deep sense of obligation
under which I feel myself toward von. Having"
implicit confidence in the effievey of your Cam
omile Pills, and feeling it due to mv fejlow suf
ferers; I w mid warmlv entreat all who may he
‘dragging on th»*ir existence uadertlve influence
of that scourge of the human family, Dcspepsia,
to lay aside theirVarly pn jodlc- s against such
and apply to you, that they m vy re
ceive n speedy anfi perm ment restoration.
I still reside in (reruvintowa, thon.'.h I
■queutlv Hsit the city, 'and will willlnglg give any
further information that may he desired.
Ever gr.vfcfiillv vouvs,
\ )js]m> p's i a,i)_v spepsia.
S there no cure for that distressing disease?
■ if- the t rl < Irornthnisands.. Ilr-it the many
ccrtificatcs.of cures performed by Or. Win. E
'vnm,“CnTn^imile"l'TinTC“an*l"F~tmily —Apr'iijrnf
Pills, ’ The following certific ite must certainly
convince person of the great efficacy of
this inv.iliiTtr>U* medicine.
. Dr. Wm. Evan’s—Dear Sin—l can never be
grateful enough for the cure 1 have.received by
the use of vru>j* invaluable medicine (Camomile
Pills,)* I was for fivc-yeirs very seriously
troubled with Dyspepsia, which e msed'a ner
.vous sensation throughout tpv system—so much
that Isometimes shook as' if I had,,been afflicted
with. I'alsy;’ during I afl'.this time ! tnokmanv'
medicines, hut none would cure me. At last,,
my physician gave me up/ but fortunately ot\V
day as 1 wa« speaking to a fri‘*nd on thy subject
he told me'that'Dr. Wm.- Evans' Camomile
Pills were the only mtrdicine.,..that would cure
me, of which I purchased some, and theresult
is that I am now enjoying perfect' health, . Any
person ■wishing to can call at my' hniiao,
No. 365 North,Front street, Philadelphia.
■Henry L. Campbell.
The above? .medicine is for sale by
J.J. Myers & Co. Carlisle.
MEAD THIS!—Dr. Swayne'a Compound
Syru/i of Primus Firghiiana or Wild Cher
ry.—This is decidedly one of.the best remedies
for coughs and colds now in use—it allays irri
tation of the lungs, loosens the cough, causing
the phlegm .to raise free and easy; in asthma,
puhnnnary consumption, resent.,and
coughs, wheeling and clinking of phlegm,UoaVse*
ness, difficulty, of breathing, croup, spitting of
blood, 6cc. The syrup is warranted to effect a
permanent cure, if taUehaccordingto directions
which accompany the bottles. r For sale at the
drugstore ofc J. J. Myers & Co.
■ Interesting. Cure .
"B® ERFOR ME D. by/ Dr. H. Sw.iyne’s Com
■impound Syrup o! Pnimn Virginiana, or. Wild
Cherry'^l!uVin}^m : ade.ti.‘<eof“ thisin valuable
Syrup in my family, which entirely cured my
child. The symptoms were .Wheezing and
Cdipking of Phlcgm,difriculty.of breathing,atten-
constaut cough, spasms, convulsions,
3c6:;bf v Iliad given up-all hopes of its re*
cdvcryAhitil I was advised to make r a trial of
this inyftlu:dde'medicine. After seeing the
wonderful effects jthad'upon mv child,"l gon
the.,same trial upon rovself,
which entirely relieved me of a cough that T was
afflicted with* for many years. , Any person
wishing to can call at my house in Beach
rtreet, above;.tUe Market, Kensington. ' .
: iPhlladelphiarJpec P, ISSB, .
The above ifledlcinejs for sale by -.
:f Cai Carifcl*.
■ IiAUP - , -
.Tlnrsubscribcrsj thankful for past.favors, take
thhi method of informing the publicUhat they
still continue thebuildingof Thrashing Machines
and Horse Pofoer, at their old stand, in Louther
streqt, Carlisle, where Farmers and others can
at all limes he supplied. They have made a
considerable, improvement on the power and
macliineT and have also attached a
'Which for'durability and simpleness of construc
tion is*surpasscd by none, and a Straw Carrier.
Having all.inanncr of confidence in the supe
riority of the above mentioned machine, Btc. they
are.willing that Farmers'shall test them before
making thte purchase.
Persons wishing to purchase or examine the
machine will please make application at the
public house ot John Cornman, Carlisle.
May 3. 1838. T : .
We know that health , and the ability to labor
is the wraith of the great mass of the fieo/i/e in
thiswsin host other countries, To fireserve,
therefore, that health by NATURAL means, is
a grand moral and fiolitical Jtiffil
nvh><h requires our utmost attention .
THE unparalleled reputation which Peters*
Pills have acquired as a Medical Restorative,
-U the most unquestionable proof that can he gi
ven of their immense importance to the afflicted,
in almost every class of diseases. The number
of letters' c rec.eiyed from patients recovering thro*
their means is really prodigious, and the com 4
plaints which they have cured are almost as vn
ried«us they are numerous. But still there ar<-
some iir which thcy*are more especially benefi.
cial than in otliLM’s* and among those may be
named the too often fatal comphiints of the sto
mach and bowels, such as Cholic, Flatulence,
and Indigestion, for which they are not only.a
certain but,an immediate cure.
It is well known that from the disarrangement
of the stomach aucPbnwcls, arise nine -tc*nths ot
all the nfala.dies nf adult and depiining life; that
this is the foundation of Flatulency, Spasmodic
Painsi Indigestion, of Apetlte Btc., andthal
those in their turn give*.birth to Dropsy, Liver
Coinplant,.Consumption, and habitual lowness of
spirits; therefore,Peters’-Pills* being the very
best medicine which has ever been discovered
for the incipient diseases of the. intestine*, are
necessariU the surest preventives of those dread*
ful, and also generaUlLorders, which embitter
mature life, and drag so many millions to un
timely graves. ’ . _ \
In speaking thus Dr. Peters arrogates nothing
to hiitvself.*hat has not been : conceded*!))* the
public. He is no needy quack or finkriown spec
ulator, whocomes: before the.AvnrUl-ns_his_awn
herald and witness, but is placed in a responsi
bility of situation by the patronage which he has
enjoyed for years, and which is increasing to an
extent urtprecedentedin the annals of medicine;;
that makes him careful to arrest nothing "which
is not borne out by the most infalible proof,* and
hence he does not fear to be put to the lest in any
thing which hVhasrpromisevt'respecting hTs Pills.'
' f)r. Peters is mosthappy to be able to state,
on -the authority of a great number of-regular,
physicians, that wherever his Vegetable Pills
have been introduced, they have almost super
ceded the adoption ! of mercurial exjreriments,
for thciy peculiar faculty in sweetening the blood,
and stimulating it to expel all noxipus juices, and
in giving strength and tone to the nerves, pre
vents dlsettsp Irom acquiring that strength which
must be got under,.if at all, by dangerous reme
died. .
D. 129 Libertv- street. New York. Each box
contains 40 pills; price SO cents. ’
These celebrated Pdls'are sold bv all the prin
cipal Druggists in Baltimore,Philadelphia,Wash
ington citv, and throughout the United Slates,
the Canadas, Texas* Mexico, and the West In
dies, and bv
JOHN J. MVERS, Carlisle,
- S. WILSON & Co,, Shippenshurg,
C;EO. OARLIN, Chambersburg,
ALEX’R SPEER, Mercersburg,
P. W, LITTLE, Do; ; ,
• D ccmbcr 6, 1838. ' ly
/rfexTAfJirs & destiojc
-I*l VE NOS PRUMS.—The.united testi j
moijy'of physicians throughout the-Uuited Slates
has fully proved the fact that Peters* Vegetable
■ Pills are the only true Vegetable Pills which will
-tand the test of analyz.Uhm'; hence the prnprie
t'T wimMjnpst earnestly urge them to the notice
nf those who have been in the habit of using, ag.
cathartics or aperients, the destructive -and irri
tating quark pills, so generally, advertised, and
which are’at hesl’bnt slow consumers of the vit d
functions, and murderous agents, even, to the
most hale.” It is true, mo**t of them produce a
purgative effect, and sometimes transient relief;
hut,in most cases they injure the .digestive-or
gans, ’ and an' habitual resorMo them must ter
minute in confirmed dvsp* psia,
;re nften.rcquired, hut--the nicest dncnniinatibh
should always he observed .n the selection; and/
if this be done, nothing injurious can result from
their, use. -
To produce this much desired result, Dr, Pe
tyys has,made it his study for several years and
feels proud to, sav he has succeeded at length far
hevond his expectations. The object of his pills
is to supercede the necessity .of a frequent re
course to injurious purgatives,- and to offer a me
dicine safe, certain, and pleasant in its operation
"“Prepared by Jos.’Priestly Pet-rs, M. D. No.
129 Liberty street. New York., Each box con
tains 40 pills., Price 50 cents. Tor sale by' J.
J. Mvefs, and S. Elliott, Carlisle, and Samuel
-Wilson fcc Co. Shippensburg; -•*■ Dec. 6.
Pcldrs’ Vegetable Pills. V
IR/STOKE than throe millions ,of boxes ot these*
If JL celebrated pills have'been sold in the U,
Siiau-a since January, 1835. >
Hundreds and thousands bless the day they
became acquainted with Peters* Vegetable Pills t
.which in consequencet-of their extraordinary
goodness, have attained a popularity unprece
dented in the history of medicine.
When taken according to the directions ac
companying them, they are highly beneficial in
the prevention and cure of Bilious Fever, Fever
and Ague, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, Sick
Headach, Jaundice, Asthma, Dropsy, Rheuma
tism, Enlargement of the Spleen, Piles, Cholic,
Female Obstructions, Heart Bum, Nausen,
Furred,Tongue, Distension of the Stomach and
. Bowels, Incipient Diarrhoea, Flatulence, Hah-:
itual Costiveness, Loss of Apetite, Blotched or
Sallow Complexion, arid in all cases of Torpor
of theiß.iwcls, where a cathartic or,an aperient
is needed;; They are exceedingly mild in their
operation, producing neither nausea, griping nor
debility, -
- The efficacy of these Pllls is so well known,
and their use so general, that.further comment
is considered unnecessary, ’Dec. 6.,
Mfeadache, Stetc and JVlervous...
TMOSK who have;suffered, and are weary ft
-suffering from these'djstressi ng complaints',
will, find in'Peleri' Vegetable Pills a remedy'-at
once certaih. and immediate in its effects., '
. In Dysfie/isia they stand unrivalled t many have
been cured in a few weeks after having suffered
under this dreadful complaint for years. ;
In ( habitual Costiveness they are decidedly su
perior to any Vegetable Pills ever yet; discover
ed, and besides thiathey are rccomnientfcd by
arid leading members of them
For sale ns ; /. ; ' pe& V, i
For using Dr. Peters' 1 Celebrated Vegetable
.■[ PILLS. ... ..
1, Because they are exceedingly popular,
which proves them to be exceedingly good,
2. . Because they are composed of simples
which have the power to do good in an immense
number of cases, without possessing the means
to do injury in any. „
3 Because they are not a quack medicine,but
the scientific compound of a physician,
who has made his profession the study of hislife.
4 Because they are not unpieasant.tolake nor
distressing to retain, while they art most effect
ive to operate. '
fl Because they arc recommended as standard
medicine by the regular faculty..
6 Because by keeping the system in a natural
state of they cure almost every disease
which is incidental to the human framed
7 Because they and noriable, and
will retain all their virtues in full vigor, in any
climate; nmVfor any length of time;
8 Bemuse, notwithstanding their simplicity
and mildness/ they art* one of the speediest pur
gative medicines which has yet been discovered,
9 "Because they are an unfailing remedy for
procuring a good appetite.
30 Because in cases of spleen or despondency,
by their healthy influence on the excited state of
the body, they have a most happy effect, In*
calming, and.invigorating the mind.
11 Because they effect their cures without
*the..jisual attendants of other pills, sickness and
ghipinpV’* , .
12 Because as. well as being an unrivalled
purifiernf the general.system,-they are a sover
eign remedy for sick head-ache.
13 Because they differ from the majority of
medicines, in the fact that tKe more they are
known the more they are approved.
14 Because as their application creates no
debility in the system., they may be taken with
out producing any hindrance to business or the
usual pursuits of every day life.
15 Because when once introduced-into a fam
ily, op,a village, they almost immediately take
the precedence of alt other medicines in genera/
complaints. ’
1C Because a,number of the wonderful euros
they effected, can he substantiated without
any undue means being resorted, to, to procure
invalid testimonies. «
1 7 Because their composition is such, thnt
they arc equally the usual diseases
of warm, cold, or temperate climates* .. .
18 Because two or three, are in general 'suf
ficient fora dose—so that, as is the case'with
the gcnerality-of patent; medicines—the -patient
is not compelled to make aineal of tin m.
19 r ßecaq><” each individual pill is .put up un
del* the immediate superintendence of the. pr< -
prictor, so that no mistake in the comp* sitien on
quantity can possibly occur thro tl.c emc
lesstiess /if a.less interested agent.
20 Because theyjpuril) the frame without
debilitating the system. * • /»* •
21 Because, notwithstanding thetr’
popularity, no person has ever ventured to raise
against them the breath of censure, which would
not have been the case, if envy gould have clis*
covered in therti a single flaw-to cavil at.
this fact is. of the .utmost
importance),—ladies in a c«rlain situatii n ,r nfny
take th,em, (not more than two or thr'eat a
time howevci!) .without in . the Slifih test degree
incurring the hazard of nhorth n.
virtues of Peters’ inestimable pills, confined to
this desirable end alone, it would give tlum'a
-decided advantage over the medicines of all (rni
pelitors, as in no cases is there more danger-to
he apprehended, or for., which so few have been
discovered, as the one re ferred to. .
23 Because while they are so < filcieot in
operations with adults they nwiy-at-lhe wune-time.
be adminis t ered to childn n and - et en to infants, •
in small quantities, half a pill for instance, with
out the Slightest danger. ‘ *
24 Because their virtues are .acknowledged
island pre-eminent, for their soothing it flncncf
upon young ladies’.vhile suflerinp from the usual
changes of life, as directed by the laws of Re
tire. . Dec 6,
CHERRY.-7-'! his nuclit iiif is cfiind lo the
public as an effectual niiiti!) in all aft'fctipns in
dicative «t Pulmonary (lisrasfs, hath in then re
cent and snore advanced t *lagc>; such
Pulmonary Consum/ifion, rtru.t ir thicnic
coughs, hoai-stne's, hooping nujjh, .whttzing,
and difficulty of breathing, spittii g of' hlo< d,
nitfjjt sweats, &r. This n nit dy is high!) use
fill to persons whnse.iU-rves have hi t n injnn d *
by calomel' or excessiveprief, jin at Jess of 4)h rd,
the supmiiiWTTm of arc ustomed discharges,t;
cutatWTTus eruptions, tnt« mpi rate -h>.h-
which'-febd to renovate • r
How many persons do we daily
behold approaching to an untimeh giaw, wrist
ed in the bloom of voulh fn ni their,- ap.. n |e*
tivesjind friend*-', affih ri d with that-c« mn.r s. and
clestrnc Ive.ravage!*, called Ci osun-pfiM’ which
soon wastes the mist-ruble.snffi n r tu til ihi > ho
come be\ oml the jioiverj-f human sXiil. If Vnch
sufferers make a trial otpr.Ru nine's
invaluable im dicing they would sofrn find Them
selves more hem-fitted than hypnjphinji the va
rious im ffr tive~t‘em< dies with which* ml* pa
pers daily alv-mid. This sVrnp Irnnudiati lv
hehlris to heal the ulcj rated lung*-, sto) pint’ pio
fuse night sweats, mitiuntint* the dislns-ing
rough, and at the same time inducing ahhv
and natural exper-tOration also reiftving the
shortness, of broathnmj.pain in the. Chest, which
-liarrass-tlje-snflrerci- c\n— <>:er«se #
and finally the hectic flush in the palid and 'c
mariated cheek, will soon begin to vanish, ;md
the sufferer will here perceive, himself snatclu d
from a premature grave into the enjoyment again
of comfortable health.
--Ofacn'c—The above medicine is for sale at
the ■'Medical Offifa t Jpo. 19 North Eighth street,
Philadelphia, where all orders must he address-
To avoid imposition the Proprietor’*, name
is impressed in the bottles; likewise his signal
tui\ j is life labels.nn the bottles,
Prire.slper bortle; or six bottles
Forsale hv JJ. MYERS £^Ch;,Carlisle,
PERSONS whose,nerves h'ave'beeit injured
by calomel, or excessive giiet, great-luss a .
uiood, tlijKuppresaion of aocustomth dischaigtsl*
or cutaneous eruptions*iutempe**tfc vhdbits, i i\V?
other causes which tfnd to relax ’aid enervate'*
the nervous system, will find a fffTi.d to mji thfe s
and comfort,inEVANS’CAMOMItEPILLS.
Those afflicted with Epilepsy or Falling Sick- ;
ness, Palsy, Serious Apoplexy; and organic af
factions of.the heart, nausea, vomiting, pains in
the side,.breast, limbs,'Head, stomach, or buck,
will find.themselves immediately relieve d; hv .
PILLS. Dtv Evans does not pretend to say that
in Jill debilitated and impaired constitutions—
in nervous diseases of all kinds, particularly .of
the digestive organs, j and in incipient! coiisump? 1
tion, whether of the lungs or liver, they, will
cur r .That-dreadful disease; -
might have bcen-checkedinitscomnivnc foment, ,
and disappoiuted of its'prey ail over. ifiy . land,
if the first symptoms bf'nefvduißr.debi)ii\ , -:'.ha(i
been counteracted by the Camomile Flower
chemically prepared, together with bijiiiy other
diseases, where other remedies have proved
fatal. - • .• •/ '
Mow trianirtJfersdns do wc daily find toAifcd
with that difyjlful disease, Sick Hcadmifr. If
they would only make trial ' of this'.invaluable
medicine, they would perceive that';life is a
pleasure and not a source of misery and abhor*
renceV In conclusion I would warn nervous
persons against the abstraction of blood', either
by letches, cupprng, or-the employment of the .
lancet. Uraslic purgatives i n delicate habits
are almost equally improper. Those are : prac
tices too often resorted ,tp in such cases, but they
seldom tail to prove highly injurious. Certifi
cates of cores are daily received which add snf.
fir.ien t test!mon yof the great effichcv of, this in.
valuablejledicine, in relieving afflicted than,
kind., Jeor sale by ■ i . ‘ ,
- v■ W Jtryere ti Co., Carlisle,