American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, October 03, 1839, Image 1

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‘g2 00 per annum, in advance—or
g 2 50, if not paid within the year.
No subscription taken for a less term than six
'months, anijao discontinuance permitted ’until
oil arrearages are paid. A. failure to notify a
discontinuance at the expiration of a term, will
be considered a new engagement. :
Advertisements S* 0® P er square for the
tthree first insertions, and Mventy five cents for
every subsequent one* - - -
Tlie subscriber respectfully informs his
friends and the public generally that he has
taken that well known tavern stand at the
West end of High street, in Carlisle, for
merly kept by Mr. Henry Rhoads, - and that
the \stiow prepared to accommodate Drovers ,
Waggoners, Travellers,' 'and all others who
'may favor him with a call, in the very best
'manner. •
His Table will be constantly furnished
with the best the country can produce.. His
Bar is supplied with the choicest liquors,
• and his Stable which is large and convenient,
will be in charge of a careful and attentive
He flatters himself that, from his experi
"ence as an Innkeeper, he will be able to
tender general satisfaction.
Carlisle, May 2, 1839. , 1 ' tf
STQ R,E. ■
yßTiE’subscriber respectfully informs hisfriends
_|_ and the public in general that lie has Just
received from the city of Baltimore, an extensive
assortment of merchandize suitable to the pres
ent and approaching season, such as
'Consisting of Case Knives and Forks, Spoons,
Turks. Balls, Hinges and Screws, Pen and Pock
et Kni»es, R iz >rs, Packs ami Sprigs, Spades l<f
-•Shovels,, Hay ami Dung Forks, sevthe stones,
•rakes. £cc. 6cc. .Also, superior JJmcrican
■and English Scythes.
Mo !i IS also on hand an excellent assortment
of Patent Family Medicines, such as. pills, oils
;md » of Essences. lie
Ij.isalsion hand H -CnC ttledic.ioeS, such as the
• "t)d~i'f“6’pTke, Oi\-of- Stone and Uor fee Powders,
&c. &c. &c. •
lie. ha i also on hand an extensive assortment
of American Forest and //indostan Oil 'Stone,
suitable for Carpenters and Wood Choppers.
//.• also h is P vwder by the keg, among which
is the finest Rifle Powder. Shot, Lead, Pefcu>
si *u C ips, am l Flints..
lie also Ims an extensive and Mipcrfbr as&oifr
China, Glass ff Qucsnsware,
twenty percent cheaper than can be had else
win. re.
Rio, Si. 1) uiiingo, and Java Coffees. N<-vv
Orleans and Porto Ilico .Sugar. Orleans and So
! g n’ //oU->e M.dasse : Y- UpgV/vsonT Tnipm.iV
an 1 Rlafk Teas, Chocolate, Hire, Bariev , »Vuda
and VV iter Crackers. »9pices of ail kinds. Nuts
an l Confectionaries. Prunes R dsins. fli;> nml
Allum and Fiin*.9ilt. Far, •S’o ip and Candles
wholesale and retail, at ritv prices.
• f - ligxto?.q.
Win?, B-orly, New Krfg!-ml Rum, //.irvc sl
Whiskey? Wine nid Cider Vincg if, Etc.
fav, ndiwh, Roll *id Plug. »9panidi »nd 77 til
S\) mish C'lg ir«. M.icul) tu, Rappee and Scotch
6’auff. ,7
"Riding, Cil< and Jockev Whips ami Irishes..—
llrushes. llronnis. Print-d Rnrkets, &c.
Carpet Chain of all colors.
.Tlit* above articles in iog c.aivimlv selected,
•are offered to micrs and others .it cilv prices
C trllsle, July 4, 1839.
BUR&aa » DaJTTId*,
|>P KSPK.O I'FUDDY informs the ladies am)
'enllemen »d C irlisle and its vichdtv that
lie ?*cts Teeth in the most approved
in inner. He also scales, plugs and separates
t{eth to arrest decay;.
Dr. N. prepares a tooth powder, which whi
tens the teeth, without injuring the enamel, col
ours the gyms a fine "red and refreshes the month.
I’lie tooth ache will he cured, most cases,
without extraction; aijd an’ odontalgic Wash is
prepared for healing sore gums and fasten the,
teeth. -* ■t- ;
lTulies and gentlemen are'.requested to calf
an 1 eximine his collection of Porcelain nr In.-
corruptible teeth, which will never decay or
change color, and are free from aTT unpleasant
odour, durable and writ adapted for chewing,
which will be inserted in the best manner ;uid m
fair priced '
All persons wishing Dr. N. to call at their
clwelUmr-swill 'please:to[lpavC 't line‘at hisresi
tlcnce, No. 7 H tr|)cr's Umv, when lie will punc
t-i dly'alteod to every call in the lin<* of his pro
fession. l 7 ro«n a long and successful practice,
'he hopes to nive general satisfaction.
C irflsie. August 1, 1839.
. Stevenson & MHitMc,
HA VK just nerivedat thrir store, corner of
uml.Fitt streets,' opposite’Col. Fer-
Vcc's Unt 1, an assortment oI •'
_ ~ DRTX.S3,. •; • >
■ medicines. Faints,
Pye Stiiffs & yarnislies. j Their- iSnMjsjr -
stock.'has-been selected'-with KFfljs?
great care, ami is warranted to JS SS\
ue entirely fresh ami of the very e~SB£SS
best qmilitv. -The store will he uniler the im
. mediate siiperintendance of ,Mr. Dinkle, who
h is acquire^,l a thorough knowledge of the duties
of an apiit'iecafv under tne direction of Mr
-Samuel Elliott-of this; place. -
Carlisle, .August 15..T&39.
PERFUMERY to be InKl at ' . .
SxKVEtfso.y 3c Di*kl'k*s „
Drug atici Chemical Store,
HAVE JUST UC.CE,WED .it then: Dna-aml
. V iritfty Stor«\ an asHortmeut of Fruits,- pickles,
.-Preserves,.Nun, &c. - '
•■womimeuded Uv tbe Faculty, to be*
; at Ste'venaotiti Dinkle's dru£ and - variety
.siAJi't* ■ '•’ • * *
OF an iru: jn u iiily exoejU-nt dcfin-lpdon ■i :
Ijsi lull >«t Stevenson St O/uWe’e drug dud
.cu'oici I store, •
CJ VL\D OIL of i very superior quality fresl.
; {9 <lk>| d frte from raiicuiity; to be had iit S(e
jfvesotiV'Dinkle’t<lv>i)i and chemical stor«.
Whole Ko. X3li.
TtfN pursuance of the directions of the la.sfwill
|-oi Jacob-BalmeivTate of Cumberland county*
Pennsylvania, deceased, will be exposed to pub
lic sale on the premises, <Hj Tuesday the’ 15th
day of October 'next, at jfp’clock, P.'-M, the
following described real, estate ot said deceased,
to wit: , ...
neat measure, of first rate limestone land; situate
in Allen township, Cumberland county and state
of Pennsylvania, bounded by lands of Jacob Mer
kel, Daniel Shelly, John Sheely> George Rupp,
and the heirs of Join* Rupp. The improvement?
are a NEW'BANK BARN. 00 feet by 40, the
Tdwer'stdry stone and the tipper frame.
HOUSE, Jj||[
Wagon Shed , Spring House , fciwnl
and other out houses, a well of never failing good
water* near the house with a pump, an orchard
with the choicest fruit irees.qbout 100 acres are
clear and in a good state of cultivation; the re
mainder is covered with thriving limber. The
state road leading from Harrisburg to Gettys
burg runs[through said laud close to the house.
This property is situated in the rich Cumber
land Valley, about 5 miles from Harrisburg and
13 frbm'CaiTisles .
The terms will be make known on the day of
sale by ,
Executors of JacobJkiliner, dec’d-
N. B.— On ihe same day, at 5 o'clock, P. M.
will be sold a lot in Slnremanslow'n, late the
property of said deceased, bounded by lands off
Daniel Orabill and Christian Bahtier, containing,
fifty feel in front—being a town lot.
August 22. 1839.* - ,
SN pursu.ioco of the last will and testament of
.Wcorge Zmn, sen. deceased, wilfbe sold <n
toe premises, in West Pmnshonmgh township,
Cnniheiland county, on Thursday the 31st day
of October, J. D. 1839, at lUu’cleck in the lore
noon, that valuable- . ~ ’ j
Jpai’m at limestone. JLaiiil,
situ.ite hi We;?!' P'eiinsborniU’li' townjmip, hound
ed tiy lands of Siiiiuel Bear, David Ferguson,
i.tcob Bel’iahoovi r> Rev p,.and others, con
taining seventy Uvo acn s, more or less, of
which' arc cleared, and the balancy wejl chveicd
with limber, laic the estate of (icorge s£inn, sen.
deceased'. This properl) is in a high stale of
cultivation, with line improvements; the im
pruvements are a twof storv-- :
And 2>6ub!o Tog 3arn,
and also a line Apple Uichard and wcllol water
near toe doi»r. . .
vlso, urn; other Tract of first rate
l/mit,stone l.iiml,
.situate partly in West Pinnsbi r* ugh township,
and partly in Dickinson township,
county, hem tied by lands ot Jacob Beltzhoovt r,
Esq., John Trego ?ml others; c«»u
-t lining 89 acr> s, inoiv or l< ss having thii'Mn
Mr. u-d a TOG HOUSE, and Slone MgmL.
BANK BAKN, Si.r If, tie. This pn'],- l“;;J
ti-i\ is vt ry advantam (tisl\ it -cm t. tl, in a Bi.t ■■■
|,liasant‘aiid hialrhy m-isU)' ilmnl. 7
mills ui’ the hiipiitih if C-irlislf, and 4 n.ih s
I rum tin.* hnnaiKh i t Nc'v.illc, and mil'* train
tar funilKVl.ind -Valli > It dl Umid, and with ilu.*
Minis.mix. CailisU* and Chanda rslail’K 1 nrri
'inkt - tln*..iii;h it, Uisrwtll'wauml h> tin 1
Mount R. cli -siiniin-
Also, a Tract of Wootllaiid.
situate in Dickinson tmvnship f *C'umi*t r
land countv, containing 33 acres, m-re
or It ss, l)i undid bv lands of John f.tfe
v|v, list}., .John Woodburn and other*,,
.used with the above tr ut. '
tllso, that tvcll known Stride
T-,V3?.M STAND, ■
containing one acre id land then to, senate part
ly in West l\nnsborough and paitl> in Dii kin
sun to wnships.C uni I ie» I. it id county, having then*
on erected a large. two storv
SSrick Kilclicii,
ami large Ir.mje Sial)le,[y;*l'‘his pn pmy Is-situ
ated on the Harrisburg, Quisle and Chambers
burg Tut tpike, -leading. Irmn Pnihe elpbirt to
Hlitsburg, and about 7 miles from the borough
rises onThis
properly. In abort, it presents in neements to
pgj;sbus wishing to engage in the mereai.lile bu
siness and keeping public entertainment..
George Zinn, jr. is part ownenof the three
last described properties, but h‘ls interest will he
S'»M t iilong with that of Gen’ige r /. jnn, yn.' An
indisputable tulKwiil ht* given by
GI'ORtiE-BEETEM, i bailor*-
August-8, 1830. 12t
TUK suhscriluThLlFcr at private sale the hi
lowing desciiheil real estate, situate in the
township of Newton, .Cumberland county, on the
stale road, about two a>i(J,a half mile.*, west of
Newville, adjoining the Green Spring* contain
ing 185 acres, more or less, patented land, about
140 acres cleared, 90 of which is limestone land,
.12 acres of good timothy meadow and the re
mainder first rate slate land* all in a high state
of cultivation, the residue covered with thriving
limber. The improvements are a JEa^
■ - ; * log ateUsa,: ■ / flhUI
witli a stune end attached thereto, a large stone
BARN, :i well of water with a pump therein at
the dunr. . Also a tenant house*'
An indisputable title will he given. For terms
apply to the subscribers living on the premises.
JOSEPH miller;
-•- srn
August 15, 18.°>9,
T.’llv highest c*sl> price will hi** p.dd i««i
Wheat at* tl»e Cumberland Mills, -at .ill
nines, and tor-(lour made at said ini!);
August 22. 1859. . - tf
-Silk, Sttoh-h Gjui'liain 6)' Potion
Uinbrell.isi and a large assortment'of y)uiti and
figured Parasols - — ‘ '
At their store in Mi r.liiom .litirg-
Alt-VOCD & CO.
AT thfeir Ncw Store leciianicstprg, liavt
just rereiee'd a large assortmi m of siinmi; •
•go .K consisting of C issimeres, Drillings,’Lhui
, oul 'Heinpan.Cords'. .N mkeeii.s, is"c. (tc.
H 3R SALE, a lot of peaidioriirTyre o>
jßj'V the best quality.
r - J'-’v - ■ , ■ Hamilton & Grier,
August I; 1835. \ '
Carlisle, JP«. Thursday October a, 1839.
THE undersigned challenges theU. States to
produce the equal of his
for Ifaouty, stability and economy are
combined to a greater extent than iiv any other
hitherto invented. Tlur mutton Is regulated to
■the natural walk of the horses, 'and-will give the
machine its proper motion with a pully on the
cylinder shaft eight inches .in diameter, which
is of''Vase'importance to prevent the band from
slipping, and is a good guide for atarmerAo tell
how much motion n power has. As there are
some persons continually talking of their im
provements, a man with half mi eye, by taking
notice of the pully Can tell that it is all a hoax.
Among numerous oilier advantages which the
above‘machine possesses over aH-others now in
use are the fixtures for greasing.every part sub
ject to friction, every pivot having a’cup suffi
ciently largt* to contain half a gill of oil, with a
tight cover to keep the contents perfectly clean,
which furnishes each pivot with an ample supply
of oil at all times, so that after the machine has
been used a day or two eight hundred or a thou*
sand sheaves may be thrashed without-stopping
or injuring any part of the machine.*-- The under
signed Ims frequently seen move metal worn off
in thrashing two hundred sheaves for want of oil
than would have thrashed several large crops
with proper cave and attention** During the
past year upwards of fifty of the above machines
have been sold in this.and Onion county, sever
al of which have been thrashing almost constant
ly during the. thrashing season, and as a test of
llieir superior claims to durability, the cost fur
ripairTfbr the whole nuinber has hot exceeded
fifteen dollars. ' Notwithstanding there have
been, Comparatively speaking, no repiurs need
ed, yet the undersigned, so'far from following,
the customary rule of taking less care to. have
.them well built when once iutiajjriucccl, Ims made
several important additions toncUl
materially to the strength and durability of the
same, but (hat none may be under the’necessity
of.placmg 'implicit confidence in fhe above state
ment without further evidence, the undersigned
would refer them to the following persons who
h tve bought machines ufafcim, viz: It. 11. D.
'Woods, lisq., *Capt, S/Woods, David Glenn,
VVm.Kerr, John raid, Nathan Woods,’Judge
Siu ti t, John M’Cieehan, A- VV. Steneit, E.
Sterr.elirSrWoofls, 1 jr., S. Sowers £c*ll. 'Smith.
Anv persons wishing to purchase or see the
above 1 machines are ‘imiltd to call at the :hop
of the mult raigncjl in West Homfret street, Car
lisle-. * - - •
JOHN A. NELSON,- Patentee.
August 15. 1839. ' 2m*
Whereas in ami by an act of tlfe General
Assembly of the Goimnomvealth of Pennsyl
vania entitled “An act relating to the elec
tions of this Commonwealth,” passed the
2d day of July Anno Domini one thousand
eight hundred and thirty nine, it is made the
duty of the Sheriff of every County within
this Commonwealth to give public notice of
the General Elections and in such notice to
1. The,officers to be elected.
2. Designate the place at which the elec
tion is to be held.
' r John Myers, High SherilTof the County
of Cumberland, do hereby make known and
give this
to the electors of the Comity of Cumberland,
that on the secqntl Tuesday of October next.
(being the Bth day of the month,) a General
Hlection will be held at the several election
districts established by law in sahl County,
at which time they will vote byTiallot for
the several officers hereinafter nained/viz:
A.nil by the first anil second sections of
♦he same act it is directed, “That it shall be
the duty of the constable or constables, of
each township, Ward and district, at least
ten days before the day herein after appoint
ed for the election of inspectors, to give pub
lic notice, by six or more printed or written
ONE PERSON 7 advertisements, affixed at as many-of the
for the office of Prothonotary of said Coun-: ~,03t public places therein, of the time and
i place, of holding such election.”,
ONE PERSON ) In case of the neglect, .refusal, death or
for the office of Register'of Wills of said absence from the couiitv, of the constable or
County. " constables, of any township, ward or district,
. ONE PERSON - the supervisors of-the township or district,
for the offices of Recorder of Deeds, Clerk the assessors of the ward, as the case may'
of the Courts of General Quarter Sessions,, shall perform the dudes herein before re-
Oyer and Terminer, and Orphans’ Court 0 f .qMircd to
‘ i stables, under the Jike penalty. Provided %
ONE COMMISSIONER That the said supervisors or assessors shall
for the County of Cumberland. "l not be required to give more than five days
ONE DIRECTOR OF THE POOR • notice of the time add placeTorholdingsuth
and&of the House of Employment of said \ election-” . ’ . -
County, nnd „ And by the 11thi section of the samc act
to represent the County of Cumberland in
the House of Representatives of»Pennsylva :
nia '
tojiet ttatho - public, accounts ot the County-
Commissioners &cv 1 i
And the elections in the different election'
districts in said county will be held at the
following places, yiz: , i
The election in the election district com-]
posed of the Borough-of Carlisle, and town-!
ships of North Middleton, Smith Middleton,
Lower Dickinson, Lower Frankford, and
Lower Westpennsborough, will be held ut !
the Court House in the borough of Carlisle.
The election in the district composed of;
Silver Spring township, will be held at the
Public House of Joseph Grier in Hogestown,
in said township.
Title election in the district composed of
; Eastpennsburbugh township, will be held at
the Public House of Andrcw.K’ said
township. . •
The election in the district composed of
New Cumberland and a part of Allen town
ship,' will be held at the Public House of John
Sourbeck, in’New Cumberland.
The electron in the di-trict composed of
Lisburn and a part of Allen township, will
be held at the public house of Peter M.’Cann,
in Lisburn." . ’ .
The election. in the district composed of
that part of Allen township; not included in
fhe'New ; Cuinberland and. Lisburn election
districts, will be held at the public housetif
David Shcafer, in Shepherclatown in.said
township.;- ’’’ f.
• The election in the district composed of
the-borbugh of -Mechanicsbura;, will/hie hold
at the public house of-John Hoover.insaid
borough;.. , • ' <&•',
Tne election in the district of 1
Munrbe township,' will be the public
house of Widow Eaul in Churchtown, in
said-township.” ' " ; I,;/.' --'-
*l’lie; election in the,distrirtj composed n' 1
Upper 'Dickinson township. will be held at
Weakley’s School House,- in laid township.
The etection’ in the district composed of
the borough of Newville.and townships of
Mifflin, Upper Frank ford,U(iper\Vestpenns
borough,'and that part of Newton township,
not included in the Leesburg, election dis
trict herein after mentioned, will be held at
the Brick School House,' in the borough of
Newville. •
The election in the. district composed of
the township of Hopewell, will be held at
the School House in Newburg in said town
ship. ,
’fhe election in the district composed of
the borough of Shippensburg, Shippensburg
township, and that part of Southampton
township, not included in the Le’esburg e
lection district, will be held at the Council
House, in the borough of Shippensburg,
And in and by an act of the General As
sembly of this Commonwealth, passed the
2d July 1839', it is thus provided, “That the
qualified electors of parts.of Newton anil
Southampton towp,ships in the. county of
Cumberland, bountled by the following lines
and distances viz:—Begmningat the Adams
county line,, thence along the line dividing
the townships of Dickinson and Newton to
the turnpike road, thence along said turnpike
to Centre school-house, on said turnpike, in
Southampton township, thence to a point on
the Walnut Bottom-road at Reybuck’s, in
eluding-Reybuck’s farm-, thence a" straight
direction to the saw-mili belonging to the
heirs'of George Clever, thence along Kry
.slur’s run to.the Adams county line, thence,
along the fine of Adams*county to the place
of., beginning, be and the same is hereby de
clared a new and separate election district,
the general election to be held at the public,
house now occupied by Win,
Leesburg Southampton township. ' . 1
And in and by .the Otli -section.of the first
mentioned act of Assembly passed the 5d of
July .1839, it is directed that, “The quali
fied citizens of the several wards, districts
and townships, shall meet on the Friday next
preceding the second Tuesday in' October
next, at the several places now prescribed
by law for bolding the ward, district and
township elections, and each of said quali
fied citizens shall vote by ballot fur one
son as judge, and also for one person as in
spector of election, and the person having
the greatest number of votes !or judge.shull
be publicly declared to be the judge of elec
tions, and llictwo persons having the great
est number of votes for inspector shall be
publicly declared to be inspectors of-elcc
tion. But when any township has been or
shall be divided in lorming an election dis
trict, judges and inspectors of the election'
shall be cliusenm the manner prescribed in,
the seventh section of this act.”
And by the 7th section.of the same act it
is directed that, “Where any township has
been, or shall be, divided in forming an elec
tion district, the qualified citizens of each
part of such divided township, shall sever
ally elect in the manner and at the. time’
and place aforesaid, two inspectors for each
of election districts, qnd shall
also elect one person to serve as judge of
the elections in each district, to perform the
duties enjoined by the sixjh section of this
it is directed that the election o( judges and
inspectors shall be conducted by the officers
[now required bylaw to holtlcflie elections
’ for inspectors and assessors, and the same
shall be conducted in the inaniier now pro- 5
:scribed by law. -
j And by the-3d clause of the 13 th section",
i of the samcaOt it is provided, “That every
person, excepting justices of the peace, who
shall hold any office or appointment of profit
!mr trust under the government of the United
| States, or of this State.-or of any city or iil
xnrporated district,, whether a commissioned
officer or otherwise, a subordinate officer or
agent, who is, or shall'be, employed under
the' legislative; executive or.judiciary dor
partment of this State, or of flic. U. States;
or of any city or incorporated district,, and
also that every member of and of
the state legislature, and of the- select or
common council of anycitv.orcommission
ers of any incorporated bylaw,,
incapable of holding.;or cxercisWg, at the
same time, the officeorappointment ofcjudge,
inspector or clerk of any election of the
Comm nwealthi and that no iggpgctor, judge
or otherofficer of any such election, shall he
eligible' to any office to be then votqd for.
my hand at Carlisle, this sth
day of September, A. D. 1839.
; :f , JOHN MYERS, Sheriff.
A Graduate of‘ the'Universify of Pisir,-
Offers his services for 'he instruction of Pu
pils -in the Latin, Italian, and French; lan-,
guages: Re is willing togive lessons cither
privately or to Terms moderate'.r-
Persons in Carlisle who have already: re
ceived his instructions, tytn answer for .his
professional qualifications. . r ■
, Reference may also be had to Hon. Saji’l
Hepburn, and to David Paul
BkoWn* Philadelphia
iV o t i c e.
Z?ew Series--Vdl. Ko. 16.
From the Keystone,
■ ; Perhaps one of tho most .illiberaland dis
ingenuous systems of- warfare.e'mployed by
the unsciupulous opponents of the present
state administration, is that which seeks to
prejudice the minds of the community by
groundless and exaggerated;statements in
relation to the alleged increase of tho state,
debt. While our, opponents are unceasing
in their endeavors to palm upon the commu
nity the simple fact, that our state debt,
since' (he induction of-Gov.'Porter, has been
increased—they studiously and unfairly a
void all manner of explanation in relation to
the. purposes to which the loans contracted
under the present administration have been
applied, and Seek to create the impression,
that the money has been expended for debts
incurred by Governor-Porter;-— Nothing can
be further from, the truth.— Nearly every
dollar loaned under the administration of
Governor Porter, has been applied to the
liquidation of debts incurred by bis prede
cessor, Joseph Ritn'er, and some of the loans
yet are intended to meet the liabilities of the
stale,.fastened upon it by fhe administration
of tbe “Great Rejected Haw manifestly
illiberal, bow cbacteristic of the utter want
of magnanimity and. honor. otv.lhe part of our.,
federal opponents, to charge upon Governor
Porter as a Sin that which was made his un
pleasant duty, viz: the borrowing of money
to pay off the liabilities'|'Baddled upon the
state by bis predecessor, jliscph Ritner!
In order, to set the public mind right upon
this subject, we have obtained from the state
treasurer’s offlee the subjoined, statement,
shewing at a single and comprehensive glance
the amount of loans contracted by the pres
ent administration, and the purposes to
which they have been applied:—
Loans per act of Jan. 26, ! 39, 81,200,000 00
Feb, 9, “ 1,280,000 00
“ " ” " 470 .
March' Z 7, " 470,000 00
“ June 27. “ l,150',()b0 00
Amount total,
The above $4,100,000 has been applied (o
the payment of the following loans and debts
contracted bv the administration of JOSEPH
Temporary loan, pcf act of Juno
16, 183(5, ; - $200,000 90
“ “ April 14, IR3B, 800,000 00
Balance of appropriations, per
act of April 14, 1838, 50T,749 92
* Repairs on the Juniata breach, 380,000 00
Interest on Internal Improve-
ment debt Ist of Feb. 1839, 602,250 OS
Debts due contractors, &c. under
the liilncr administration, on
the different lines of internal
580,000 00
Ditto—forrepairs which had al
ready been made bn the several'
lines, 300,000 00
RITNER’S LEGACY, $3,260,000 00
Tjie following permanent loans
. contracted before Governor
Porter came into office, have
also been paid out of the mo- ■
ney loaned under his admin
istration: "
Loan per act of March
30. 132-4. $600,000
Ditto-Dec. T, 1829, 90,000
“ April 11, 8125, 150,000
$4,100,000 00
Independently of the debt of THREE
THOUSAND DOLLARS, left by Ritner
as a "legacy” upon the state when ho went
out of office'there is now. due to.the con
tractors oh tljat imperishable monument of
folly and corruption, the GETTYSBURG
sand dollars, for which a permanent loan has
been authorised by the legislature, but which,
owing either to the want of will or want of
power of the hanks, has not yet. been taken.
When taken, it will swell the Ritner “lega
DOLLARS, which that sagacious ec'ondmi- 1
ert/ and foresighled statesman, juded by his!
disinterested advisers, left hanging with,
mill-stonc weight upon the shoulders of the
'commonwealth, when an aroused people in-,
dighantly hurled him from the station, which
neither nature or education had ever fitted
him to fill. To meet these heavy demands |
upon the public purse, Ins.successor, on as
suming theAeigns of power, found a treasury, I
which had been drained by the insatiate
leeches who had fattened upon its vitals, to j
the very dregs, yrjth, scarcely funds enough:
in it : to mend a broken window dr repair the
gate'that leads into the enclosure.:. With
that undaunted, determination which is so
eminently charactoristic-of-thcman,’ David
if. Porter immediately applied his unflagging
energies’to the truly Herculean/task'of res-'
cuing our state fi;om the utter bankruptcy to
widen.the folly and prodigality of, his blun
dering predecessor had well nigh reduced
her, and as a consequence,, the greater part
of this immense debt has.becn paid off,'and
the commonwealth relieved; from the “en
tangling alliances’’ which threatened her. ,
So far as economy and a prudent husban
dry of resources are concerned, we are sure
the administration of .Gov,/ Porter thus far
must inevitably bear away the palm- from
that of his condemned predecessor. No man
wfiir&vcr sat in did,executive chairpf Penn
sylvania-. had abundance of means
flowing from' various sources into the state
treasury, during his continuance in office,
than Ritner.The millions which
came.’iilto |d s hands in-the shape of bank
hribeB;:;cnminonly called bonuses, .surplus
revenue, &c., properly would have
donejnnch for tiie_completidn; of the great
internal improvement system of Pennsylva
nia., But instead of so applying these vast
sums, ,in the first ycar of Governor Ritner’s
adminiatratiem ho aanctidned the squander-
/John Moore, Esq. Newville;
Joseph M. Means, Esq. Hopewell tfiwnsUip.
John Wuni>erlich, Esq..Snipprnsburi;.
William M. Matekr. Esq.Lce l a>i Koada.
John MEHAFFYijibckiiison township.
John CLKibENtsTj!-. Esq., Hogritnwn.
George P, Cain, Esq. J/Jechonicsburg..- ■-
1 .Frederick Wondehmch, do.*
James Ei;liott, Esq. Springfield.
Daniel Kbysher. E«'n Oorchtown.
Jacob Longneckf.r. Esq- Wormlrvshurg.
George Ernest, Cedar Spring, Allen tp.
ing of millions to the works of private cost
panieb, being emphatically nothing more than
the diet of so much of the public money to
corporations, in whoso welfare,the State
had not a particle of interest in common.—
Wcall remember the lavish, imprudent, and
suicidal improvement bill, passed by the fed
eral legislature of 1835~ ? 56, and approved
by JOSEPH RITNER,. containing appro
priations to the amount of near FIVE AND
A HALF MILLIONS, whereof not more
than two millions were applied to the main
lines of the State improvements —the residua
being scattered abroad maitily for the bene
fit of bloated corporations and the advance
ment of private interests, leaving the Statu
improvements as SECONDARY objects!
What a contrast is here presented by the
prudent, economical, and sagacious course
pursued in the first year of the administra
tion ,of Gov. Porter! The improvement bill
of last session, instead of being swelled by
gifts to corporations, to a prodigious extent,
contained nothing more than the requisite,
indispensable appropriations to-the main
lines and repairs, being two-thirds less in
amount than that passed in the first year of
the Ritner reign, and wisely closing the doors
of the public-treasury against the horde of
cormorants, who are ever bn the alert to
grasp “the purse firings of the people.” Ho
laid liis hand upon the Uitncf system of ex
travagance by vetoing the local appropria-,
fipn bill; and brought back the energies of
the; State from being wasted upon unimport
ant bbjects to a concentration upon the great
arteries of canals and railroads of the Com
monwealth.. ... . . ...
Who. with these (acts staring him in thb
face, can full to perceive, the great ami pal
pable injustice done by the fedei'al presses
to Governor Porter, in charging him with
waste and prodigality 1 On the contrary he
that hath eyes to see must be convinced, that
his administration thus far'has been charac
terized by pnplence, economy and just re
gard for the intercsts : of L the"pedpie7-to which
that ot his inconsistent and blundering prtP
dcccssor was an utter stranger. : |
S4,lt)0,000 00
Thomas Jefferson And the Mechlendcro
We find the subjhincd_ngtj.c_e_inJbQ.New
York-Whig, of a recent discovery in rela
tion to the Mechlenberg Declaration of In
dependence, which fully exonerates Mr. Jef
ferson from the charge so frequently of late
years brought against him. of having plag
iarised from that instrument, several strike
ing coincidences of thought and phrase being
pointed out in his immortal paper, and in
that which preceded' it from the patriots ot
the town above mentioned. The accusation
w as so plausible that Mr. Jefferson's friends
wore often somewhat staggered by it; but
from the discovery of Air, Force, it seems
that ingenious roguery interpolated the pas -
sages in question for the purpose of injuring
the fair fame of the Sage of Monticello, who
had never seen nr heard of the Mecklenburg
Declaration at the time that on the part of
the United States was written and. adopted!
Mr. Jefferson Vindicated.- r-For several
years past, die fame of Thomas Jefferson has
been-assailed with a charge of plagiarism in
the draft of the Declaration of Independence-.
The accusation is in substance that he co
pied from the Mecklenburg Declaration—is
sued in Mecklenburg, N. C., bn the 20th of
April, X77A, (more than a year before the
Declaration by Congress,)—several striking
passages and sentiments, and especially the
concluding pledge of “our lives, our fortunes*
and-our sacred honor.” Mr. Jefferson, in
repelling this charge denied that any such.
Declaration as that of Mecklenburg was ov
er issued at all. In this he was. mistakem
The Mecklenburg Declaration was actually
framed and issued oh the2olhof April ,Xrr4
—more than a year before the Declaration
of Congress—but Mr. Jefferson had proba l
lily never seen or heard uf_iLw.hca-liC-draft
cd the world-renowned documents Peter
Force, Esq.', of Washington,.in pursuinghis
antiquarian researches, has discovered a
North Carolina paper printed sis weeks af
ter the Mecklenburg Declaration, and con
taining that diepn mmlt—iut-hOlfflC
passages which Mr, Jefferson is accused' of
copying from it. These must therefore have
been stolen from the National Declaration
at some subsequent period by. some busy-,
body, and-engrafted upon its Mecklchburg
namesake. The evidence is conclusive!
both that there was a primary Declaration at
Mecklenburg, and that Mr- Jefferson bor
rowed nothing from. As the accusation a
gainst him was. a serious one, and has been
so thoroughly refuted, we trust those who
have aided to give it currency will be equal
ly ready to spread the refutation.
840,000 00
the—purpose of presenting io our
readers, at one View, the inost material,
changes made in the inode of conducting
elections, we have drawn lip the following
list of items which it is highly necessary
should be remembered by every voter. .
No person who holds an office of any kind
under any authority, except a justice of the
peace, can be a Judge, inspector or Clerk - at
any election uf.tlusCummqiuvcaUh.
To. entitle a person to, vote, he must have
resided in the State at least one year, and
in the district where he offers to Vote, at
least ten days immediately preceding the
election. He must have paid a stale or
county tax within two years, that was assess*
ed at least ten, days before the election.—
Persons between the ages of tn'enty-onehUil;
twenty-two years, who have r o»i ri ed pne'jjiar
iif tile state and teii days in the disfficTf* can
vote Without having paid a tax. i ; ’ "
A qualified voter who removed front the
state and returned, may, after he shall have
resided in the slate six months and in the
ten days, vote upon the payment Us
a tax assessed at least ten days before the
election.' .-
T No person is entitled to vole who tes oa
interest, in any bet on the electibljl :