American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, September 12, 1839, Image 4

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    COAIit COAIi!
JUST received and forsaleat myiandingncar
'the StcuinMill, on the Canal, 500’tons of
Red Ash Fine Grove Coal,
warranted to be jthc best article of the kind
known At the present time:. It will be sold in
lots to suit purchasers.
Also—a large quantity of LUMBER of dif
ferent kinds and qualities; superior Shingle&i
Plaster : Salt by-the barrel, all 'of which
articles will be disposed of at the, most reasona
ble prices
Harrisburg, June 6,109, 5m
8 OR 10 good Plate Moulders are wanted im
mediately at Oak. Grove Furnace, Perry
county, to whom constant employment
given and gdo(l wages paid. Apply to-
Plies,"Foehino & Thudiitm.
Oak Grove, May 30,-1839.,/. ... '.*c--,.2m
CJIX GOOD REFINERS wanted immediate-"
W ly el Dickinson Forge. Apply to
' A.G, EGE.
May 2,1839.
WHEREAS the-charter of the “Carlisle
Saving Fluid Society,** will expire in 1843.
Notice is hereby given agreeably to the constitu
tion and laws of Pennsylvania that the stockhol
ders of said institution intend applying to the next
Legislature of the commonwealth for a renewal
of charter.—Change Of and title to
“Cumberland Valley Bank,** Increase of capital
to S2oo,oooand general discounting and banking
privileges all under such restrictions asthe-Leg
islature'may direct. The above -institution to be
continued hi Carlisle, Cumberland county Pa,
1 ‘ JOHN J. MYERS. -
August 1, 1839.
WocUckcis JtZatchlcss Sanative .
The article published" below conccTnirig the?,
new and popular doctrine, advanced by the il
lustrious «f Germahyio.annot fail of
exciting a deep and thrilling interest through
out the country. .
[Translated from the Gcnnan.']
Citizens.of North and South America,
To Louis Offo* Goemcke, M. D. ol Ger
many, Europe, belong* the -imperishable honor
of addinga new mid precious doctrine toihe
Scicicc, of Medicine—a new doctrine which,
though vehemently opposed by many of the fa
culty, he is a valuable member) he
proves to be as well founded in, truth as any doc
trine of Holy- Writ—a doctrine, upon the verity
of which are suspended the lives of millions of
our race, and which he boldly challenges,his op
posers to refute, viz: Consumption is a disease
always occasioned by a disordered state of Vis
Vi(x, Cor Life Principle) of the human body;
often secretly lurking in the system for years be
fore there istheieast complaint of the lungs—and
which may be as certainly , though not so quickly
cured, as a common cold for simple headache
An invaluably precious doctrine-this, "as it im
parts nn important lesson to the apparently
itealthu of both sexes, teaching them that this
insidious foe. may be an unobserved inmate,of
their “clayey houses’* even whilethey Imagine"
•themselves secure from its attacks, teaching
This illustrious benefactor of man is also enti
tled to your unfeigned gratitude, and the grati
tude of a world, for the invention of his -Match
less Sanative, —whose healing fiat may justly
claim for if such a title, since it has so signally
triumphed over our great common enemy rou
eufhption', both in the first and last stages,—a
medicine “which has thoroughly filled the va
cuum in the Materia Mcdica, and thereby proved
itself the Conqueror of Physicians —a medicine,
for which all mankind will have abundant cause
to bless the beniscent hand of a kind Providence
medicine whose wondrous .virtues have been
&o glowingly portrayed even by some of our
clergy, in their pastoral visits to the sick charm
her; by which means they often become the hap
py instruments, of changing despondency into
Slope, sickness into health, and sadness of friends
Goelicke’s Matchless Sanative^
n medicine of more’value to man than the vast
mines of Austria, or even the united treasures of
our globe—a medicine, which is obtained equal
ly from the vegetable, mineral and animal king
doms, and thus possesses a three-fold power,—a
medicine, which, though designed as a remedy
for consumption solely, Is possessed of a myste
rious influence over many diseases of thg human
system,—-a medicine, which begins to be valued
by Physicians, who are daily witnessing its as
tonishing cures of many whom they had resign
ed to the grasp of the Insatiable Grave.
?DosEof the Sanative, for adults, one,drop;
for-chUdcen,-ahalf.drop; and fqrinfants, a.quar-_
ter drop;, the directions explaining A the manner
ot taking a half or quarter drop. . •
Price—Three, and. one-third rix dollars*
(52.50) per half ounce. •
•AGerman coin, value 75 cents.
For sale at the Posf<Office, Mechanicsbure:,
Cumberland county, Pa., by GEO. F. CAIN,
cole agent for Mechanicsburg.
Mechanicsburg, July 25,1839.
Having resigned her situation in the common
schools, has opened on her own account a,select
school, notexceedingthirty scholars,in thehouse
formerly occupied by Mr. James Brcdin, and
now occupied by Mr. Andrew Richards, where
she will be happy to receive the children of any
vvho, may feel disposed to patronise her. For
terms apply either at Her own residence in Han
over street, at any time between school hours,'
ot at the school room from 9 to 13 A. M. or from
----- : G.'B.PENROSE, :
June IS, 1839.
post optics, :
, Carlisle, Pa. May 1, 1839.
Arrival and Departure of Mails.
■ ■ ■. . Arrives. Closes.
Eastern ' daily" 1 about 10 nt, .7 p. m.
..<• “ “ 5. p. m. 11a.m.
Western “ " 12-m.i ■’ 9 a.m.
Southern •• " 10 a.m. 7 p.m.
•• 10 a.m. 7p. m,
“ .. 12 m. 9 a. m.
Mechanicsb’g ‘ 1
New villa ••
.FOR SALE. • “ " ■ •
Three good young Horses, suitable for saddle
er.harness, ■ " ■ ... .. ’ _
One hew Tillberry, - ■ • • :
One set ol double brass mounted.Harneis,.'.
One broad wheeled Wagorf, and i V= .’-: ii. -
Onesulfcey. ... . .
Also, a lotoEsnperlor Sly Nets,;, and driving
ahdriding Whips—all ol Which will.he.Bold ye
ry cheap. ■ ’j- ;
—.••.••• ~ HAMILTON&GHIER./
Carlisle, July 4,. 1839. v_ ■;
Is now opening a splendid assortment of
Spring anti Sumiher
jil the south-east corner of Market Square , well
known as Bredin's Corner % q?\d recent
.hj occufiied by Geo. IV-, Orabb t 1. _..
Blue, Black, Blue Black; Invisible Green, Ada-
lade and Brow n
Ribbed, Striped- and Plaiu O'ASSIMERES;;a
spletnlid assortment of Black,Blue-black,Green,
Manse, Fawn* Slate, Gro de Kaple, Gro de
Swa, Grp, de Sein, and Hess Italian SILKS;
Florence assorted colors, together with a splen
did assortment of Raignes, Figured Silks, a va
riety of Prints and Chintzes, new.'style Lawns,
Mousliiidelaiiics, Ginghams, PaintcdfCross-bai**
red, Striped, Jaconett 8c Cambric Muslin> a fine
assortment of ;
a superior assortment of Veils and Handker
chiefs, a general assortment of Summer, figured
and plain Satin
Summer Cloths, Sattinets, plain and striped
Linenrf, Irish Linens,Velvet Cords, Beaverteens,
Checks, Cotton Drillings, Pickings, See.
A general assortment of Leghorn, Tuscan,
and colored Nun Bonnets; Palmleaf and Leg
horn Huts. ‘ ‘
A general assortment of Gauze, ’Mantua, Love
and Satin Ribbons, a. splendid assortment of
Hosiery and Cloves.
. ■ GP.QOSP.I'SS: ,
Rio, Porto Rico, Java and Sumatra Coffees, Sur
gar, Sugarhouse and .Orleans Molasses, Young’
Hyson f Tmpcrial and Black Teas, and Soap.
His present stock of Goodshave been selected
with much care, and will be sold at such prices
as will hot-fail to give satisfaction, tp._thpsc.wish
ing to purchase, fie is very thankful for past
favors, andJippes by strict attention to business,
and a disposition to please to merit and receive
a liberal share of public patronage. , ,
•03-A large supply'of WINDOW GLASS
just received, and (prfsalb.
Carlisle, April 18, 1839. * tf
subscriber having just arrived from'the
- H•. east with some of the best workmen that
could be procured, is
work in the most fashionable style ? and of; the
best materials. He will manufacture any thing
in that line of-business, such as
of every description. He has now in his employ
probably one of the,’best Spring Makers and
Coacli Smilhs that is now in the state. Ilis
charges shall be moderate and his work will all
be warranted.
Repairing done in the neatest manner and with
The subscriber humbly solicits the patronage
of the public, for Which lie mil tender his most
sincere thanks. •.
Car/is/e, Apri/ JB, 1859. ’ If
JUST received and now opening at the store
of the subscribers, corner of Hanover and
Louther streets, Carlisle, a general assortment of
Spring Chintzes, Calicoes, Ginghams, Lawns,
Muslindelaines, .Challics, Veils, Bonnets, Rib
bons, Cadet Clotlis, Cassimercs, and fine Sati
nets. Also, a first rate assortment of Domes
tics, such as brown and bleached Muslins, Tick
ings. Table Cloths, With a great variety of stuffs
for Gentlemen’s Summer wear, such as Summer
Cloth, French Velvet, Drillings and plain; Lin
ens of all kinds. Velvet Cords, Heaverteens and
Nankeens—Stocks, Cravats, Breasts and Col
lars. Gloves and VESTINGS. Also a good as-,
sortfnentof • ‘ • •
Queenstvare and Groceries,
all of which will be sold low and on accommo
dating terms. The public are respectfully in
vited to call and examine before making their
purchases, and they will he sure to get bargains.
THE subscriber will dispose of at private sale,
the following descnbed/valuuble property, .South. Middleton .township,-4-miles
south of Carlisle, and within one mile of Michael
G. Ege’s Forge, viz: y .
Three acres of first-rate lime
stone land, all cleared and:tn a high state of cul :
tivation. The improvements are a * - '
each one and a half stories high, a small Log
Stable, an excellent apple orchard, besides a
number ot plum, peach, pear and cherry trees.
For terms, Bec. apply to the subscriber resid
ing on the premises.
July 25, 1839.
•Mrnold A' Co.
Have just received a large assortment of new
and oheap summer goods, which they offer un
usually low. ‘ •
Their stock of muslins, checks, tickings, dril
lings, &c. is the best now in town. They have
just received a. case of leghorn bonnets, of their
own importation from no. 20 to 50; which' they
are enabled to offer at one halt the price that has
been usual to ask forthe.m_herei and all other
goods in their line such as silks, mouslin de
lames, bombazeens, plain. and-:figurecl muslins*
swiss jacopet &c.
i he public are respectfully invited to call. ;
THE subscribers having lately-purchased the
stock of goods owned by J.H, Weaver, at,
the north-east corner of the Public Square, Car
lisle, consisting of a large and general assortment
of seasonable
Also, a general assortment of Hatters’Furs and
Trimmings—all of which they will sell on.the'
most accommodating terms. , '
’ R. A MONEY, '
•June 2g, 1839. TV 1 ' tf ;
Estate of John Stoughfscn., deceased. -.
;; . .ITOTICB..
B ETTERS of Adhaiiyistration on the. estate
JLd of John Stough,.seh... late of Stoughstown,
Cui^otland' county, deVd, haying bep.n granted
' . r subsorib'eri'resldirigjn Stpiighstpwn, couh
•ty alnresaia, tinsels therefore to give nbticeto an
persons having'-demands against the
estate of the-said decedent, tb'make.known the
syne/without- delay, : ynd; thgsi;_ jndebted .wilt
jileasemake. immediate payment to the subserk
' ’ -r - *. JOHN STOUGH, Adm’r. ■
August, 1. 1839.' v ' ; : 6t
{To 'Hillers, A 'manufacturers.
Action water wheel.
THE public-are informed that the subscriber
has bought the right of the above water
wheel,'for the State of Pennsylvania. Itlscon
sidcred by those; having them in use, as one of,
the most important improvements that has-ever
been introduced. Personsdesirous of seeingthe
wheel, can-do so, by calling at thc foundry of
DAVID COCKLEY, Lancaster. The ai\ :
nexcd certificates Wave been given as a. slight
testimonial of its value; they wißspcak for them*'
selves. All communications addressed to the
suberiber inXancustcr, Pa., will be promptly at
tended to. ' . rr 1 * - 4
April! 1, 1839.
rCoPV.]-, •
‘ This is to certify, that I have put in one of
Howd’s Patent Cast Iron Direct. Action Water
Wheels,"in' theplaceof a Reaction Wheel; that
the Direct Whccl'clbes not flood the tail race as
much by three inches as the reaction did, and
that I can grind seven bushels’With the direct
action wheel an hour, .and drive, two run of
stones* where I.could not grind-four.bushels in
the same time .with the reaction ah'd drive one
ruuofstones. '
Ephrata tp' „
Alloway,May 5, 1838.
This may certify, that I have been engaged
in putting in S. B. Howd’s cast iron direct, ac
tion Water Wheel.both in the State of- New
York and„in Michigan, arid can give it as my
decided opinion that witlfß feet head er tinder,
rightly put in, it will do more lousiness with the
same water than any other water wheel which
I hrive yet had any experience in, ami in refer
ence to back water,, is second best to none that
I have yet tried. In reference to guarding a
gainst ice; there can be no better operation, anti
it is very easy to be kept in repair. ■ *
STEPHEN AXLES, Millwright'
'Allrtway, September 3, 1838.
This may'certify ttyit.l have had in’my Mill
one of Mr. Howd*s direct water wheels for the
space of one year. It is a five feet wheel, and
1 havehad a re-aclion in the same place—l have
also had Whecle.r’s UnionAVheeb-yct I think.
Mr. Howd*s will do more business vjiih.less wa
ter than any other I have tried... It does lv?ell
in back water. I have had from's to 6 feel
head. I think we could dofcas niuch worJtAvith
lialf the water as we used to do with the under
shoot wheel \ which has also been in operation?
in rtiy milk . LAWRENCE RILEY.
Lyons, September 3, 1833.
This may ihat we haye used one oFS.
Howd’s putent’water Wheels since December
last, by the side of, a re-action wheel, and we
think that Howd’s will do double the busing,
with the same water that-the re actiou wheel
wijl do or veryjicaiv We never, have hut three
feet head, and can grind with that eight bushels
pcrliour. We are subject to back-water. This
wheel wiU do as good business under back wa
t£iv as* the re-action, and we recommend it to
the attention and patronage of the public.
fNTENDS residing permanently in Carlisle,
and wcnlld respectfully offer his professional
servlcesto the citizens of the place And.vicinity.
He has taken rooms at pol. J?eiTce*s Hotel,
where he may be found at all hours.
Persons requesting it will be waited npon7|at
their residences.
CDr. Georgt D, Foulke,
Reference , — -s Rev. T/ios. C. 7 hornton,
C. Dr, David jV, Mahon .
Carlisle. Dcc.*C, 1838.
■' PP& RBMT,
THE subscribers will lease for one m* more
years, their valuable Tim Yard, with all
Us appendages, It is one of the best*locations
in Virginia for carrying on the business on an
extensive scale, as there is abundant room and
the materials are ample. A number of the Vats
are undercover, and all the buildings are of the
most suitable kind—besides the grinding of Bark
(which can be got convenient and at fair prices,)
is done by water power. •* ~~ ~
Any quantity ol Hides can be procured in the
neighborhood, as there isno other tannery with
in several miles of the place—and there is also
every facility tor getting hides from the cities,
and sending them to market when tanned, eith
er by rail road or canal. There .is, likewise, a
demand at this place for a large quantity, .of
Leather the Government.
Possession will he given immediately.
For further particulars enquire of
Harper’s Ferry, Feb, 7, 1839. * eowtf
A new fiine of Freight Cars
THE_snbscriber, grateful for.past favors, re
spectfully acquaints hisfriends anti the pub
lic, that he bits put into operation on the HAR
RAIL ROAD, a line 6f new DOUBLE CARS,
which will run regularly between Harrisburg &
Philadelphia, by which GoddsGmd Produce of
all descriptions will be.forwarded with care and
despatch, at the lowesf rates of freight.
Goods will be received at the VV AREHOUSE
Broad and Vice streets, Philadelphia-, ami for
warded to Harrisburg,; Carlisle, Chambersbnrg,
and intermediate places, and bv"the Subscriber,
Harrisburg, lan. 31,1839;
ST ANTLYON HAND. Cash paid for almost
all kinds of country produce.
THE-subscribcr/respectfully-informs thepuh
licthat she continuesto cleanse .Clothes of
grease, stains; Bcc. in the best manner and with
out injuring the cloth. She will also attend to
' • - DY3HTG:
all kinds of. Yarns, Cloths, Silks, Bcc, &c. any
color which may be desired, on the most accom*
modating terms and with.defcpatch., . . •
' Her residence is a few doors east of Mr. A.
Richards’ store. Centre Sguare, Carlisle,
April 25, 1838,
• ly
’ PHE subscriber offers at private sale the fol
t lowing described valuable real estate, situate'
in Alien township,-Cumberland county, contain
ing 114 acres, more or less,,of patented land, a
bout'9o acres of which are cleared and ili a high
state of Cultivation, and the residue-covered with
thriving timber. The improvements are a .
re ; B-TOIT3 HOTTSS, ‘
And Double Log Earn,
two Apple Orchards, one. of which is of choice
fruit, a never lading:spring qf water, and a foun
tain pumpat thqjloor—also, a Tenant House.. ■
The above mentioned tract is nearly all lime
stone land, of a good quality, aml is in a hoaltliy
neighborhood—within tjvo miles of Mechanics
burg arid the Cumberland yrilleyßaUßoad.'and
about one mite from Shefiherdstown,, j
, ;j An indisputable title will be, given. For Verms
apply to the. subscriber near thepremises. -
re •• • JAMES GRAHAM, i
May 30, 1333, " . , . tf
. .r. For Marflsoii’s.Universal Medicines.
Horatio shepherd Mo'AT.iatc sole
Agent in the Umted'St’atcs, having been
dismissed British College of Health, Div;
George Taylor now of the city”of New York
has been appointed SMe Genera! Agent and Hy
giaDelegate to thc.United States.
, The suid George Taylgr has appointed A. D ( .
Olmstcad, of Montrose,. Susquehanna county,
■Pennsylvanin, Sole General Agent foi; tile states
-pf Maryland and Delaware, and thirty three
counties cast of thc AUeghcny Mountains, Penn
sylvania; and George C; Hand, Surgeon Dentist,
.pfAUcntown, Lcbigli county, PS.; General A
gent for four counties in'the state of
amlseycn in thc.state of New Jersey, to
Burlington, Cape May, T . Cumberland,
ter,.Monmouth and Salem, in the state of New
Jersey; Gennessce, Livingston, Monroe and
Steuben, in the state of New York.
Hereafter, no person can or will vend the ge
nuine Medicines within the said dis
tricts, except by.tjic authority of.lhe said A.D..
Olmstcad and George C. Hand, All-former
agencies wilnin said districts having terminated,
by the removal of H l . S. Moat, who is now offeri
ing for sale under the firm, of Moat f if Pelham,
'Medicines of their own manufacture, which will
readily be detected, as such will nbt have the
sionature -of-vf. D, Olmstcad , G. C, Hand, or
.Olmstcad tsf Hand, on the cover of each
package, v
The leading principles of the Ilygcian or Mor
isonian theoiy of Disease, are too favorably apd
generally known to require a minute explanation
in this advevtiscn\m\t.
These medicines cure all diseases which ad
mit of a cure, and many heretofore deemed in-'
curable. ‘ _
They may be given with safety to the weak
est patient, and under every .circumstance and
stage of human suffering, and to children of the
most tender age! ■ .
• None offered for sale within the aforesaid dis
tricts arc genuine, unless each box or package
have a fac simile of James Morrison’s signature,
with a sac simile of the signature of George Tay
/or, and also the written signature of A. D. Olm
stead, G. C. Hand, or Olmstcad iff Hand, with
the written signature of Sole Agents, when ap.
pointed. ’ ”
The Pills are of.two kinds—No. 1 and No. 2,
sold in boxes with envelopes, at 25 4 and 50 cents?
and packages at $1 and $3. Each* packet con-
a proportion ofabout'two’To one of No 2.'
The Powders arc in separate boxes—price 25
No chemical apothecary or druggist is ever
employed to sell these medicines.
Respectable persons complying with there*
quisitinns required may be appointed agents on
Office and General Dcjiot, Wo. 5 South Front
street, Phi/adel/ihia. •
A. 17. OLMSTEAD. General Agent,
For 33 counties, Pa.? the states of
Maryland and Delaware.
G. C. HAND, General Agent,
For 5 counties, N. Y., andT couhtios, N. J.-
The public is he.reby notified that we have
united our business, and hereafter it will be con
ducted under the firm oFOlnistea'd £f.Hand._..,
A// orders directed to Olmstcad & Hand, No.
5 south Front street, Philadelphia* will receive
prompt attention.
The above medicine is for sale by
CHARLES OGILBY, Agent for Carlisle.
• Sept 20, 1838. ... ly
MORE testimonials of the efficacy of Dr.
.Win..Evans* Camomile Pills.
• *' " “'v, Dec. 19, 1838.
Sir;—Being on a visit lb Philadelphia, from
my native village of Germantown, I joyfully
avail myself of the opportunity of adding a few
words of recommendation to your celebrated
Pills, to the abundant testimony already given
in their favor. About four years ago, 1 was at
tacked with Dyspepsia, and for several years
suffered from thm complaint in its worst stagesr
Notwithstanding I tried every thing that came
before the public, I obtained no relief, till I ac
cidentally sa,w your advertisement. From the
numerous and respectable testimonials which
accompanied‘it, I had some faint hopes' that
.your medicine might iiqi prove altogether use
less in my bwn case. I tried it, and it-is scarcely
necessary tn add was shortly cured. Indeed the
success was greater than I could possibly have
anticipated front even the warmest recommen
dations. As a small return for the benefit., you
have bestowed, 1 send you this acknowledgment
of my thanks and the deep sense of obligation
nndej* which I feel myself toward you. Having
implicit confidence in the efficacy of your Cam
omile Pills, and feeling it due to my fellow suf
ferers, I would warmly entreat; all who may be
dragging on their existence under the influence
of. that scourge of the human family, Dyspepsia,
to lay aside their early prejudiced against .such
remedied, and apply tn you, that they may re
ceive a speedy and permanent restoration.
I still reside in Germantown, though I fre
quently visit the city, and will willinglg give any
.further information that may be desired.
Ever gratefully yours,
Dyspepsin, Dyspepsia.
fS there no cure for that distressing disease?
is the echo trom thousands; Read the many
certificates of cures performed by Dr. Wm. E
vans* C imomile 'Tonic and Family Aperient
Pills, The following certificate must certainly
convince every person of the great efficacy ot
this-invatuahlc medifcine. -
Dr. Wm. Evans —Dear Sir:—l can never be
grateful enough for the cure I have received by
-the useof your invaluable medicine (Camomile
Pills,) I was fo'p five years very seriously
vous sensation throughout my system—so much
that Isomerimes shook as if.jt had been afflicted
with palsy; duriog all" this time I took many
medicines, but none would cure me. At last,
my physician gave me up; but fortunately one
day as I was speaking to a friend rtn the subject
he told me that Dr, Wm. Evans* Camomile
Pills were the only medicine that would cure
me,"of which I purchased some, and the result
is that lam now enjoying perfect health, Any
person wishing to see me can call at my house,
No. 365 North Front street, Philadelphia.
: Henry L. Campbell,'-!-
•The above medic/mc is for sale'JwV r . /.
J J. J. Myers fijcjGo. Carlisle.
READ THl3!—»r. Swayne’s Com/wmid
Syru/i of Primus Virginiana orWild Cher
ry.—This is decidedly one of the bestTemedies
for coughs and colds now in use—it allays irri
tation of the lungs, loosens the cough, causing
the phlegm to raise free and easy, in asthma,
pulmonary consumption, resent and, chronic
coughs,wheezing choking of phlegm,hoarse-,
ness, diliiculty of breathing,. croup, spitting of
blood, Bcc. The syrup is warranted to effect a
permanent cure, if taken according to directions
which accompany, the bottles. For sale at the
drugstore of JJ J. Mvers Ec Co.
.. Interesting C-iire
PERFORMED by Dr, H. Swayne’s Com-,
pound Syrup of Primus Virginiana, orWild
Cherry;-—Having made use of this invaluable
Syrup in my family,.which entirely'cured my
child;- The symptoms were Wheezing'and
Choking of Phlegm,difficulty of breathing,atten
ded with constant cough’, spasms, convulsions,
Scc.;oE;iyhich I had, given up all hopes of its re
covery ,’uotill was advised to make a i trial of
this, invaluable medicine. After seeing .the
.wonderful effects it had upon mV child, I con
cluded ,to;make the same trial npori 1 myself,
which entirely relieved me of ri cough that I was
hfflicte'd with'for many years. Any person
wishing' tq see’ m.e can call at my house in Beach
rtreetn abovVihc'Mirkct.-Kensingtnn., , •
-■ ■;;Vre.' re- re~ , John Wiixcox. *
--PJiiiadelphiaj Dec 7, 1838.' ;
• 'Tlie.above medicine is for saieby
;; - ■ J., J.;MYERS& Co., Carlisle.
r ■ • Akd. . .
subsci’ibers, thankfiilTor past favbrsTt'ake
thisrmethod.of informing the public that they
still continue the building of Throbbing Machines
'and Horse JPoiver y at their bid stand, in Louther
street, Carlisle, where Farmers and others can
at all limes he supplied; ,They have made a
considerable improvement cm' tlie! power and
machine, and have also attached a
which for durability and simplenessof construc
tion is surpassed by none, and a Straw Carrier.
Having all manner of confidence in the supe
riority q? the above mentioned machine, &c. they
are willing that Farmers shall test them before
making the purchase.
Persons wishing to purchase or examine the
machihd will please make application at the
public house of John Cornman, Carlisle.
May 3, JB3B. *. *
II B A L T 11.
We know that health, and the ability to labor
is the wealth oj^the greahmass of" tHe fieo/ile in
this as in moat other countries . 7b preserve,
therefore, that health by JVA 7 ORAL, means . is
a grand moral and /wfitical scheme t to JulJil
which requires our utmost attention.
THE unparalleled reputation which Peters’
Pillshave acquired as a Medical Restorative,
is the most unquestionable proof that can he gi
ven of their immcnsc.importancctot.heafflicted/
in almost every class of diseases. The number
of letters received frofn patients recovering thro’
their means is really prodigious, and’ tlie com
plaints which they have cured are almost as va
ried as they are numerous. But still there are
some in which they are more especially benefi
cial than in others; and among those may be
named the too often fatal complaints of tlie sto
mach and bowels, such as Cholic, Flatulence,
and Indigestion, for which they arc not only a
certain but an immediate cure. well, known that from the disarrangement
of the stomach and bowels, arise nine tenths of
all the maladies of adult and declining life; that
this is the foundation of Flatulency, Spasmodic
Pains, -Indigestion, Loss of Apctitc &c., and that
those in their turn give hlrth'to Dropsy, Liver
Complant, Consumption, and habitual lowness of
spirits? therefore Peters* Pills being the very
best medicine which has ever been discovered
for the incipient diseases.of the intestines, are
qccessarily the surest preventives of those dread
ful, and also general disorders, vHiiclT embitter
mature life, and drag so many millions,, to un
timely graves. ’ V
In speaking thus Dr. Peters arrogates nothing
tb J hYmself that has not been conceded by the
public. .. needy quack orunknbwn spec
ulator, .who comes before tfic world as his own
herald and witness, but is placed in a responsi
bility of situation by the patronage, which lie has
enjoyed for years,’ and which is increasing" to - an
extent unprecedented in the annals of medicine,
that makes him careful to arrest nothing wjuch
is not borne nut by the most Infaliblc proof, and
hence he does not fear to be put-to the t_est in any
thing which he has profmsect respecting liisPlTls,
Dr. Peters is most happy to be able -to state,
on the authority-of..a great number of regular
physicians, that wherever his Vegetable Pills
have been introduced, they have almost super
ceded the adoption of mercurial experiments,
for their peculiar laculty in sweetening the blood,
and stimulating it to expel all noxious juices, 'and
in giving strength and tone to the nerves, pre
vents disease from acquiring that-strength which
.must he got under, if at all, by dangerous reme
D. 129 Liberty street, New York. Each box
contains 40 pills; price 50 cents. ,
These celebrated Pills arc sold by-all the prin
cipal Druggists 5n Baltimore,Philadelphia,Wash
ington city, and throughout th 6 United Slates,
the Canadas, Texas, Mexico, and the West In
dies, and bv
JOHN J. MYERS, Carlisle,
S.'WILSON gcCo., Shippensburg,
GEO, GARLIN, Chamhcrsburg,
ALEX’R SPEER, Merccrsburg,
. P. W- LITTLE, ■ Do.
December 6, 1838, ly
TIVE NOS TRUMS^ —The united testi
mony of physicians throughout the United States
has fully proved the fact that Peters* Vegetable
Pills are thc only true Vegetable Pills which will
stand the test of analyzation? hence tile proprie
tor would most earnestly urge them to the notice
of those who have been in the habit of using, os
cathartics or aperients, the destructive and irri
tating quack pUTa»so generally advertised, and
which'are at bestLntslow consumers of the vital
functions, and murderous agents, even to the
most hale; —It-is-true, most of them produce a
purgative effect, and sometimes transient relief?
out in most cases they injure the digestive or
gans, and an habitual resort to them must ter
minate in confirmed dyspepsia- • 4
It is true that cathartic and Aperient medicines
are often required,'but the nicest discrimination
should always be observed ,n the selection; and,,
if this be done, nothing injuriousTcan result from
their use.
To produce this much desired result, Dr. Pe
ters has made it his study for .several years and
feels proud to say>he has succeeded at length far
-be-yoml-his-expectaiiohs Xhc-DbJ.ectof.his.piUs.
is to supercede the necessity of a frequent re
course to injurious purgatives, and to offer a me
dicine safe, certain, and pleasant in its operation.
Prepared by Jos. Priestly Peters, M, -D, No.
129 Liberty street,, New York. Each box con
tains 40 pills* Price 50 cents.. For sale by J.
J. Myers, and S. Elliott, "Carlisle, and Samuel
Wilson & Co. Shippensburg. Dec. 6,
Peters’ "Vegetable Pills. -■
MORE than three millions of boxes of these
celebraVed.pills liavo been sold-in the U.
■States since January,.lB3s, -
'Hupdreds and thousands bless the day they
became acquainted with Peters'-Vegetable Pills,
.winch. sh. consequence of. their -extraordinary.'
goodness, have attained a popularity unprece
dented in the history of medicine.
When taken according to the directions ac
companying them, they are highly beneficial in
the prevention and' cure of Bilious Fever; Fever
and Ague, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, Sick
Headach.daundice, Asthma, Dropsy, Rheuma
tism, Enlargement of- the Spleeq, Piles, Cholic,
Female ;Obstructions, Heart Burn, Nansen,
Furred Tongue, Distension of the Stomach and
Bowels, Incipient Diarrhoea, Flatulence, Hab
itual Costivencss, Loss of Apetite, Blotched or
Sallow Complexion, and in all cases of Torpor
of the Bowels, where a cathartic or an aperient
is needed. They are exceedingly mild in their
operation, producing neither nausea, gripipgrior
'■■Tjie-,efficacy of these Pills is so well known,
nnd 'thejr'use so general, that further comment
is conaidered unnecessary, ... Dec. 6.-
Headache, Sick and Jlfervows,
THOSE who have suffered, and are weary of
suffering from these-distressing’ complaints,
will find in Peters’, Vegetable-Pills a remedy at
once certain, and iriimedmtein its effects.
In Dyi/te/isia they stand unri valled , many have
been cured in a few weeks after having suffered
under this-dreadful complaint for years. - ■
’■ In habitual Costiveness they are decidedly su
perior to pny Vegetable Pills eyer yet discover
ed, and besidestliis they are. recommended by
a l l ll'ceminentand leading members' of the me
dical Faculty, - - ; :? s .■ .
For sale as above, ■ Dec. 6.
~ ; ' • ■; •-
For using Dr, Peters 5 Celebrated Vegetable
1. Because, they arc exceedingly popular,
which proves them to be exceedingly good.
■2. Because' they are composed of simp]cs
which have the power to do good in an immense
number of cases, without possessing the means
to do injury iit any. . ' ",
3 Because they arc not a quack medicine,but
the scientific compound of a regular.physician,
who has made his profession the study of his life.
4 Because they are not unpleasant to take nor
distressing to retain, while they are most.effcct
ive to operate. •
5 Because are recommended as standard
medicine by the regularTacuhy.
6 Because by keeping the system in a natural
state of action, they cure almost every disease
which is incidental to the human frame.
7 Because they arc cheap and portable, and
will retain all their virtues in full vigor, in any
climate; and for any length of time. r
8 Because, nbtwithstanding their simplicity
and they are one of the speediest pur
gative medicines which has yet been discovered.
9 Because they arc an unfailing remedy for
procuring a good appetite.
10 Because in cases of spleen or despondency,
by their healthy influence bn the excited state of
the body, they have a most happy effect, in
calming, and invigorating the mind.
11 'Because they effect their cures without
the usual attendants of other pills, sickness and
12 Because as well as being an unrivalled
purifier of the general system, they are a sover
eign remedy for sick head-ache.
13 Because they differ from the majority of
medicines, in the fact that the more they arc
known the more they are approved.
14 Because as their application creates no
debility in the system, they may be taken with
out producing any hindrance to business or th«
usual pursuits of every day life.
15 ' Because when once inlroduccd-into a fairf*
ily, or a village, they almost immediately take
the precedence of all other medicines in genera/
16 Because a number of the wonderful cures
they have effected, can be substantiated without
any undue means bciijg rcsoi ted to, to procure
invalid testimonies.
17 Because their composition is such, that
they are equally applicable to the usual diseases
of warm, cold, or ttrnpenUC* climates.
18 Because two or three, are in general ’suf
ficient for a dose—so that, as is the rase with
the generality of patent medinnes—the patient
is not compelled to make a meal of them.
19 Because each individual'pill is put up un ‘
der the immediate superintendence of the pro
prietor, so that nn mistake in the composiiit n w
quantity ran possibly occur through the care
lessness-of a less interested agent. •
20 Because the)* purif) the frame without
debilitating thesystem. *
‘2l Because, notwithstanding their immense
popularity, .no person has ever ventured to raise
against them the breath of censure, which would
hot have been the case, if envy could have dis
covered irrthem a single flaw to caviPar, .—
Because—(and this fact is of the utmost
importance)—ladies in a certain situation may
take them, (not more than two or three at a
time however!) without in the slightest degree
incurring the hazard of abortion. Were the
virtues of Peters’ iilestimabJc pills, confined to
this desirable-end alone, it would give them- a
decided advantage over the medicines of all com
petitors, as in no cases is theye more danger-to
be apprehended, or for which so few have beeif
discovered, as the one referred to.
23 Because.whilc-lhcy are so c fficient in their
operations with adults they may at the same time
be administered to children and even to infants,
in small quantities, half a pill, for instance, with
out the slightest danger.
24 Because-iheir virtues are acknowledged
to stand pre-eminent, for their soothing influence
upon young ladies while suffering from the usual
changes of life, as directed by the laws of Ten
ure. ■ Dec. 6;
CHERRY.—’This medicine is offered- to the
public as an effectual remedy in all affections in
dicative of Pulmonary distahcs, both in their re
cent and moreadvanced stages;such KsshthnWy
Pulmonary recent or chronic
coughs, hoarseness, hooping cough, wheezing,
and difficulty of breathing, spitting of blood,
night sweats, Bcc. This remedy is highly use
ful to persons whose nerves have been injured
by calomel or excessive grief, great loss of blood,
the suppression of accustomed discharges, or
cutaneous eruptions, intemperate habits, or oth
er causes which tend to renovate or relax the
nervous system. How many persons do we daily
behold approaching^)an untimely grave,wrest
ed in the bloom of vonlh from* their dear rela
tives and friends, afllictcd with that common and
destructive ravager, called Consumption which
soon wastes the miserable- sufferer until they be
come beyond the power of human skill. If such
sufferers would only make a trial of Dr.Swnyne’s
invaluable medicine, they would soon find them
selves more hcnefiUed than by gulphing the va
rious ineffective remrdics'with which our pa
pers daily abound. This syrup immediately,
begins to heal tUe ulccratodlungsTstopping pro
fuse night sweats, mitigating the distressing
cough, and at the same"time inducing a healthy
and natural expectoration also relieving the
shortness of breath and pain in the chest, which
harrass the sufferer on the slightest exercise,,
and finally the hectic flush in the'palid -and e
maciatcd cheek, will soon begin to vanish, and
the sufferer will here perceive himself snatched
from a premature grave into the enjoyment again
of comfortable health. -v.
Obsen'e-~ The above medicine is for -sale at
the Medical Office , No. 19 North Eighth street;
*Phi!adelphia,-where all ordersmust-he address—
ed. To avoid imposition the Proprietor’s name
is impressed in the bottles; likewise .his signa
ture is attached to. the labclsoh the bottles.—
Price $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $ 5.
. For sale by *«- J; J: ; MYjEKS Co.,Carlisle,
PERSONS whose nervesjiave been (injured
by calgriifcl, or excessive grief, great loss of
blood, the suppression of accustomed discharges
or cutaneous eruptions, intemperate habits, or
other causes which tend to relax and enervate
the nervous system, will find a friend to soothe
and comfort-,in--EVANS?-CAMOMILE PILLS.
Those afflicted with Epilepsy or Falling Sick.- -
ness, Palsy,' Serious Apoplexy, and organic af
fections of the heart, nausea, vomiting, pains in
the side, breast, limbs, head, stomach or back,
will find themselves, immediately relieved, by
■PILLS* Dr- Evans does not prelend to say that
in all debilitated’and impaired constitutions—
in nervous diseases of all kinds, particularly, of
the digestive organs, and .in incipient consump
tion, whether of the lungs or liver, they will
cure.. rThat dreadful disease; Consumption,
might have been checked in its commencement,
and disappointed of itsr prey all over the land,
it the first symptoms of nervous" debility had
been counteracted" by the Camomile Flower
chemically prepared, together with many other
diseases, where other remedies 1 ha%£ proved
fatal. .
How many persons do we daily find tortured
with that dreadful disease. Sick Headache. If
they would only make trial- of this invaluable
medicine, they would perceive that life is a
pleasure and not'a source of misery and abhor
rence. • In conclusion I would warn, nervous
.persons against the abstraction of blood; either
by leeches,xupping, or the employment of the
lancet. Drastic purgatives in delicate habits
are almost equally improper. Those are prac
tices too often such cases; but they
seldom fail to,prove highly injurious. Certifi
cates of curej are daily received which add suf
ficient testimony of the great efficacy of'thisin.
valuable Medicine, in relieving afflicted man.
kind. -For sale by -V . 1 :
’ J. J. Myers £S Co. ', Carlisle. ■
1 . Demutt Vf Bumgardner, York. ;
May 23, 18.">9. Agents.