American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, August 01, 1839, Image 3

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    •I)anna;,Potter; M’Kcani Cle.trfield, Lycom
ing, Wayne arid Pike, the township elections
of .which shall he held on the third Friday in
February of every year. .
Sec,. 54. It shall'be the duty of the said
■inspectors judge to make out a ccrtifi
-cate of the, election of each township o'lficcr,
-aforesaid, which shall be sighed by tliem-and
■delivered to the constable of the proper ward,
or township, and by him delivered
■4o the said officer or left at Jiis usual place
-of abode within six'days, thereafter.
Sec. 55. It shall be the duty of the said,
inspectors and judge, to make out one other,
'certificate setting forth the votes given for
•each of the persons voted for, for. the seyeral
'township,officers aforesaid, which they shall
■sign and deliver to the pons’table of the pro
per township; \?ard or "'district, whp shall
within five days thereafter'deliver the same
•to the clerk ot the court of quarter sessions
of thejepunty, to_bo filed in his office.
* '» , * • • ,
Sec. ST. It.shaU'bc the.dufy of the sev
•eral assessors within this commonweaUh, in
making the enumeration now required by
law; of the taxable inhabitants residing with
in their respective wards, districts and town
ships, to arrange the names of such taxables
an alphabetical order.
Sec. 58._ It shall be the duty of said as
- scsSors, on or before the first day of August,
■in each year, to cause at least one copy of
the said alphabetical list of the taxable inliab-
dtanta to be posted up sit the place where any
1 -coming election is to bo held, and at such
■oilier places within such ward;-district or
township,, as the commissioners of said coun
ty may think necessary, to afford to the in
habitants thereof an opportunity of freely ex
gaming the same, ambtliey shall, further'lcoep
copies of the said returns in their oflice. or
possession, subject at all* reasonable times,
to the inspection of any without
’charge,'and shal 1_ at any time, ten days_be
fore the erection, on the application of -any
person claiming to be assessed within their"
proper waitl,-district or»townsliijv<H ,Pclaiin
ing a right to vote therein as being between
the age of twenty-one and tweWy-two years,
and having -resided, in the State one year,
enter the name of such person upon the said
return. The said assessors, on the. rtiiith
day preceding the second Tuesday of Octo-.
ber, in each year, shall sign and certify the
■return of the taxable-inhabitants and quali
fied voters,residing within their respective
wards, districts and townships,.and deliver
-the same to the county commissioners, to be
by them held and handed over, without ad
• dition or alteralioiOp the inspectors of the
elections at tye lime required by. law.
• Sec. 59. It shallbe the duty of said as
sessors* respectively, to.attend at the place
•of holdingefcry general, special or'township
■election, during the whole time said election
- is kept open, for the purpose of giving infer
tnation to the’ inspectors ..and’.judge/’when
called on, in<relation to the right of any per
son assessed by them,to > ot*e elec
tion, or such other matters in-relation to the
assessment or voters, as. the-said inspectors
or judge, or either of them, shall from time
to lime require,, for. which attendance said
assessor shall be entitled to the sum of one
dollar per day, to be paid as officers of clec
. . lion are paid bylaw, and when (he township
,is divided for which said assessor is elected,
lie shall attend at the election district in
which he resides and is entitled to vole.
* * *
,r<'“‘>§EC. 61- Every general and special elcc-
J ■ tioh shall be opened between (lie hours of
''-•eight and ten iti• the forenoon, and shall con
tinue Without interruption or adjournment
until seven o’clock in (lie evening, when (he
polls shall be closed, except in the city and 1
county of Philadelphia, the polls shall not
be closed before ten o’clock in the evening-.
■»»» ' • • «
Sec. 03. No person shall bo pnrmi’ted
to vote at any election, as aforesaid, other
than a white freeman of the age of twenty
one years or moie, who shall have resided in
this State at least one year, and in the-elec
tion districtwhere ho.offers to vote at least
ten days immediately preceding such elec
tion, and within two years paid a state or
county tax which shall hat e been assessed
at least ten days before, the election. But a
■citizen cf - the-United StatesTTtvho had-pre
viously.been a qualified voter of this State;
and removed therefrom and returned, and
who shall have the election dis
trict and paid taxes, as aforesaid, shall be
entitled to vote .after'residing in this State
■six months. Provided, That the white.frce
nien, citizens of the United States', between
the ages' of twenty-one & twenty-two years,
anif having resided in this State one'year,
anti in the election 'district tdh days, as a-
fpresaid ~BhalLbe^,r a l though
they shall hot have paid taxes.
-’•~ * ■ »
Sec. 99. If any person elected to serve
as inspector or judge as 1 aforesaid, ami hav
ing received due notice thereof, .shall ncg'-
3ect, or -without good cause refuse; to attend
-on the .day of election at the time appointed
by law, he shall in every-such case forfeit
the sum of twenty dollars.
Sec. 100. If any inspector, judge or
clerk, as aforesaid;, .shall neglect or refuse
to take upon himself tile duties of such office,
he shall and pay the sum of fifty dol
lars. or haying entered upon the saine, slial 1
Afterwards neglect or refuse to perfowh the
■duties: thereof according to law, he shall for
feit and pay the sum of one hundred dollars
for every such offeree. ' : ; ' . . ‘
Skc. 101,. Ifi'any inspector, judge or
■clerk of an election, shall presume- to act in
such capacity befofe taking arid, subscribing
,'he oath'required by this act, he shall on
. .-conviction be lined in any sum not less than
fifty, nor more’thah two, hundred dollars.
Sec. 102. ..If'any inspector, judge or
clerk, as aforesaid, shall be convicted of any
wilful fraud in'the discharge of his duties,
as aforesaid, he shall undergo an imprison
ment for any term not less than three, nor
more than twelve.muriths, and be. fined ini
any-sum nOfiless than one huridred'dollnrs,
nor more .than live hundred dollars, rind
shall be for seven.years thereafter disabled
from holding of, honor, trust, or
profit in this commonwealth, arid.fhall more-.
' over be disabled for the term aforesaidi from
—giving Iris vote at any ‘general or special e
. lection within tliis commonivealth.
. Sec. 105. If any judge of an election,
inspector, clerk or other person, before the
. poll shall be closed, shall unfold, open, or
pfy liito any ticket, with a design to iliscov-
er the name of any candidate therein, /every
person so offending shall on conviction be
lined in ariy.suin not less .than fifty nor more
than, one' hundred dollars, and, imprisoned
for any "time not 'less than one nor more than
three .months. ■ a
' •' ■ * ■»', '■». >
—-Sec-108. If any assessor shall inten
tionally neglect or refuse to assess any citi
zen of this Commonwealth; who is or shall
he subject to assessment by law, or sbairin'
like, manner neglect or refuse to-return tfio
name of the’person so assessed to the com
missioners of the proper; county, ■ or intent
tiuhally neglect or refuse to perform any
olher.duty enjoined on him by the provisions
of this act, he shall, on' conviction, thereof,
be fined in any suiri not less, than fifty nor
more than two hundred .
*V* * » "
Sec. TIT. It shall be the duty of tire in
spectors and judge of-jhc. election to reject
the votes'of all persons, who they, dr any of
them, shall know, or who-shall be proven
before them to have made, or who are in any
manner interested in any bet or wager on
the result of said election, .and onthe re
quest of liny qualified elector, said inspec
tors and judge shall receive proof to show
,the person so offering to vote, lias or has not
made any such bet or wager, or is-or is not
interested therein. .
Fou Tire week ending. 2Gth July..-
. CATTLE.—Tho’supply of Beef on the hoof
throughout the week lips been.” fully equal to .the
demand, arid prices liavo given way. We-ridw
quote choice grass-cattle at $8,50 per 100 lbs.—
Live Hogs ale .selling at-$9 a $9,25.
FlSH.—The'lncreased facilities for transporta
tion to the West have roduc.ed. the stock of Her
rings,; muT caused more. firmness on the part of
holders than is'ifsual’a't"this season. The price
remains at $5,25 a $5,37£ with a moderate de
mand; ■‘'Saln J s,of 'Tio\v No,-3 -Mackerel-have-boon -
made at s7,fp! ii*s7,37ipcr bbl. *''* .
FLOUR.—We now quote at $5,97$ to_sG from
stores, and at ss,'G2yTromß;ulroadarid wagon?.'
The demand is limited and sales confined to small
lets for city consumption. Some parcels .pf Flour
from new-wheal have reached the market, arc held
at SGjS9 from stores-.
Susquch'thna.F.'our,— Wo quote at $5,87 Ja $G
as in quality and ireshnessv
• Jfyc Fiuur. —Very dull—hold nominally at $1,50
but no sales
. (JRATX— JVlicnt*— The sales of common to best
new reds bavp generally ranged throughout the
week lit $1,20.t051,30 per bushel, arid yesterday
as high as $1,33 was paid for rod. To day a car
go cf 2200 bushels now white, of good quality, but
not suitable for family Ilnur, tfas sold at $\,35.
CORN—The sales of Md. white have been gen
erally made throughout the wool: at the uniform
fate of 78 els for good shipping parcels. Sales in
like manner of Md. yellow at 80 aBl cts. Sales
of mixed’Virginia at 77 cents. '*
RYE—Good new is worth about 80 cents. **'
OATS—Supplies were scant at the bogining pf
the \Vcck;;and'sales of good new were mudo-at 46
cents.*- Since then the .market has been better sup
plied, and wo now note sales of 33 a *il cts.
a-, in quality. - -
PROVISIONS—The transactions in provisions
of all descriptions have been very light this'week.
Sales of, several small lots of strictly prime West*
cm Bacon, assorted have been H i cents.
There is a very largo slock of an inferior article in
market which is held at varying from 5 to
10 cents per lb according to condition. We quote
prime Baltimore cured HamS at -1-1 a 14 i cts. and
Western at 12 a 12 h cents. "Western Middlings
at Ioi a 11 cents, and Shoulders at 9y a W cts.
WHISKEY.—Sajcs cf largcTots of hhds. have
been .made this week, a'f 85V ? a 36 cents, ppd exten
sive sales ofbbls at i37i a 38 cents.'“'Retail Tots
of hhds are occasionally sold at 37 cts and of bbls
at 38i a 39 cents,’ The wagon ‘price of bbls re
mains at 33 cts exclusive of the barrel. -The in
spections for the last two weeks comprise 672 bbls
of which-373 bbls, were from the Susquehanna by
water, and, 17 bills by the Baltimore and Susque
hanna rail road.
spss. Jr. ■€. -jrsEWP)
SE ESPFCTFULLV informs the ladies and
gentlemen of Carlisle and its vicinity that'
he >cts.Artificial Teeth in the most approved
manner. ‘He also scales, plugs and separates’
teeth to arrest decay;
.Dr. N. prepares a tooth powder, wlijch whji
teiis the teeth, without injuring the enamel, col
ors the gums a fine Veil and retreshes the mouth.-
The tooth ache will be cured, in most cases,
without extraction; and an odonlidgic wash • is
ptepared ior healing sove gums and fasten tUd
; aruV gentlemen ate mpiested to call
and ex:iiijine his collection nf Forcclain or ITT
ci.rniptahlc teeth, ’ which will never decay ui
change color, and are free from all unpleasant
odt ur, durable and well adapted for chewing,
;wiiich will be inserted m thp best manner and at
fair prices. .
All persons wishing Dr. Mrto .call at their
id weliinps will“please _ to leave a line at his resi
dence, No. 7 Harper’s he will punc
tually attend to every cull in the line of .his pro
fession-. From a long*and successful practice,.’
he hopes to give general satisfaction;
Carlisle, August 1, 1839. V 3m
notice. % j
. A T an Orphans* Court held on;the 3pih day
of lBj9, and hohlen at Carlisle, in
alnkftfr Cumberland county, the following pro
ceedings were had, to .witr.
SOih April 1839, in the case of the Partition
and Valuation on the real estate of John Carey,
jute of Silver Spring township, deceased, the
Sheriff returned the said writ duly executed, on
motion of Mr; Biddle confirmed and Uuletm th&
heirs and legal represensatives to appear at the
Orphans' Court to he held on Tuesday the I'Oth
day of September next, at 10 o'clock, A, M.
at the valuation thereof, or show cause why the
same should not hie sold.
- ■■ »
'Cumberland Coimt\j\ 'ss,'
.Certified extract from the records of
Orphans* Court, in and for said
wv -* countv. ;
! -is - ■
.-rarHERBAS thfe charter of the ''Carlisle
Saving Fund Society,”_ will - expifein 1843.
Notice given.ngVeeablyiXo the.cpnstitu*
tion' ami laws'’of Pennsylvania' that the stockhol
ders of saidinstiuithminteml applying to the* next
Cegistuture of the commonwealth for a renewal
of charter.-r Change of liame,” style,. aiul thle to
‘ Cumhei laml Valley increase'of capital
to $200,000 and general discounting and hanking
privileges all under.such Restrictions as the Leg
islature may direct. The above institution to be
continued in Gurlble, Cumberland county Pn
August 1, 1830.
- Came to the residence of the subscriber, in the
kprppghof._Oarliale, on the 13th ult. a jarge white
and red shotted Cow, , with very large horns.' THo
owner is come forward, prove property,
pay charges and toko her away, or she will be dis
posed of as the law directs?
August!,. 1839i~
' 3t,v •
RAN AW AY from'.the subsen-' ■ *gt s
ber living in the borough of.”'JSSmV*’
ftJarnslc, bn Sunday last, an indent- '
ed apprentice y* the Tailoring liu-
sjness, named Isaac Si eve ns H'a~ ■ vlxfeu
terbury. He is about, five feet kix.;—
inches high, übout i£ years of age,
boyirih appearance, very talkative and conceited,
of lair complexion, light hair, and had «ii when
he went Wi(y a mulberry colored frock, t:qai,
striped cotton Uerscihev pants ami palmleaf hat
-—he also took pother clothing with him. vl will
give the above reward and pay aUjrcasonable
expenses to buy person who will bring''him back,,
andd ft rvvarn all persons from harboringhim,
I will enforce thc-law lo its fullest extent aeninsi
all such. . ’ -
Carlisle. Aug, 1, 1839. Si
HTBY virtue of an order of the Orphans’ CnulT
of Cumberland ccuntv, will he sold on
the premises pit Friday, the fith of September,
1839, a first rate . . ;
I>art of the estate of Henry Lqngnecker, dcc’d,
situate in Allen township-, Cumberland county,
about 2 aides,front Shcpherdstotvn, hounded by
lands of Mary: M’Cew, Geo. Crists Ahriiluun
Wairenner, and others, containing about 120
ACRES. 100 acres of which ia cleared, the
balance covered with timber. The improve
ments are a two story stone .EOtJSE, a™.
a BAUN and the necessary-outhouses.
Sale to commence at 10 o’clock. A- M.
when terms ol sale Will tie made known liv •
Jlitm'r, of H. Loiigueckcr, drcW
, August 1, 1839. , 6t
Estate of John Slough, sen., deceased*
■ .... HCTZOS. -
|T E PTERS.of Administration nn the 1 estate
JSLd °r John sen late of -Stoughstownl
Cumberland county, deck], having been granted:
to the subscriber, residing In *Sciughstown, conn*
tyjdoresaid, this is therefore to give notice to all
persons having claims or demands , against the
estate of the said decedent, to make known the
same without delay, and those indebted will
please make immediate paj uunt to the'subscri
ber. 'r i ~ « - •
Joint STOUGfirAclm’r. '
- August 1, 1839. 6t
ALL person-; imUkted tu the estate nf Rnhort
t M’LaugMin, Esc]. late’of the borough of
NewviUe, tletrU, are rt-cpiested to cull and settle
their respective dot's before tlie-Slst of August
lost, on which chty all unsettled.accounts will be
placetHu tlie haiids of aiihn jrainsdii, I'atj. ior'
collection, ' ~ -
August, 1, 1839.
From the Buck Bulge Jl/ines.
TIIE. subscribe r is ready to iieliver the above
superior anjele tit tiny point in town, or.for
'wardecl to any point on tlie rail roads owcanals,
east or west.
Alstt, 111)0 COAL for Lime burning. .
1000 cords of hickory, maple, oak and pine
Wood. _ , , JOHN,.ZEAUING, ;
■ Walnut st.-rieuf life cunul, Harrisburg. '
August 1, 1339.’ 1 ' 3t
YOU are ordered to parade on- your usual
ground'on Saturday the VUh of Afigust
inat. at 2 o'clock, I J . M. completely equip! for
drill. By order of the Captain, I*
J. R..KERNAN, .0, S.
N. B.—A silver IWEEDAE will be shot fur
hy the company, on said'day. .August 0 !. ■
AT an Orphans* Court held on Tuesday the
SOtU day of Apr|l,TB39, and holdeU at Car*
lisle, in and for‘Cumberland county, : before the
Honorablc'Samucl Hepburn,- President, and the
'Associates, Judges of the same court, £s*r> as
signed,-&fc. the following proceedings were had,
to wit:’- -
•In the case' of the administration ncccUnt .of
John W. in,'Administrator ot John Nevin,
deceased, who was Executor of Eliza Hunter,
Now to. wit, SOth April J 839:
•parties interested to appear at the next Orphans*. be held on Tuesday the 10th day -of
September next, at 10 o'clock, A. M. to show
cause why >the said administration account, pass
ed the 31st August IH3O, should not be opened
so far as the charges in the said account of rent
due iir !827-8-9rUTTioiintinprto $524 25, so that
the same |uay be stricken out in the event ofrhe*
recovery of said rent, in an action-now pending,
for the same in the Common Pleas.
• Cumberland ss»
• Certified copy from tlie records of
;lheOrphuns'(‘mirtof siuircnjinly.
Clark Or/ihana* Court.
To all Claimants & Persons
interested. >
ii r
jNr facias to August Term, 1839, to me direct.
.cd, , has been issued-out of the .Court of. Common
Pleas of Cumberland county, on the following
Mechanics 1 Lieu entered and recorded in the
Court of Common Pleas, aforesaid, vizr •••;
Robert R. Church, A Sci. Pnl sur Me-
L x L chanics* Lion,No,
DeWeejTßeck, Administra.- fl 4 August Term,
torokJohu Rodes,,dec*d. J 1839.
. . JOHN MYEUS, Sheriff:
Sheriff’s Office, } • ,
Carlisle, Aug. 1,1839. J - 5c
Between the evenings of the 10th and 12 tK of
'RINO CLOA’Krlined willtsatin,-with-a-pointed
tassolled cape.) A reward of $5 will be given for
it and the name of the thief.. • ;
. / Enquire at this office.
- Carlisle, 1 July 25,1839. •
That valuable House and Lot of Ground,
ted on Main street in the borough of Carlisle, and
directly opposite the dwelling of Maj, Edward Ar
mor, at present occupied by W. Lusk, will bo of
fered at PUBLIC SALE .at tlie Court House in
said borough, pn Tuesday the 13th day of August
next, at'3 o’clock, P. M. when terms of.salewill
be made known by . ’ • r
■ Agent for Paige & Smith.
Carlisle, July 35, 1839. 3t
<1 •' »
jTo be exhibited at C.dliLISJfEf on Monday the sth of August next, Porone day only .
The proprietors oftho Giraffe arid tlie New York Circus and Arena-.; company respectfully infojni
the public, thatthey have entered into arrangements tolravcl and exhibit together* at the same time
and place, Tinder mpavilioi) largo enough'to,hold both exhibitions, and accommodate 3000
V THEJCI&CUS.---Tliibsexhibitiba isTitledmp ina.stylb \vhicli renders it any-thing of
jtJjic kind in this country. Every exertion will be made on the part oftho Equestrians, as well as, the
ihake it interesting, and worthy of patronage. Tire scenes' in the circle will present a
sMdely * and interesting feats of Horsemanship, and other varied scenes of amusement and 15-
exerciscs, which will constitute tlie most delightful and genteel/entertainment 'ever offered
Slithis placed ’ • V,’
ctMHE GIRAFFE, or CAMELEOPARD.—This stupendous, majestic, and beautiful animal,.which
.nmquisitcly depicted in the above masterly engraving, by Mr. Adams of Now Yorkyis acknowledg
ecPto bo the greatest wonder of the animal kingdom. It is not only the tallest of all known creatures,
but the rarest and. most singular character. , It has been tlie great desideratum of naturalists of all
-ages,-and buj.. few specimens have been seen for the last thousand years. It was known-to the Per-'
sians about two thousand years ago, haying been brought as a present to Dydaspes, father of Darius
1., several centuries before the Christian Era, by Abyssians, who brought it from the interior of Afri
ca, .where alone it has over bebn found.. ~ •
- Hours of Exhibition from omv to five o’clock in tho.afternoon. • Admittance 50 cents, children .half
price. Carlisle, July 25, 1839.
WHEREAS tlie Hon. Samuel. Hepburn,
’President Judge of the Court of-Comhum
Ptens in ihe.counties of Cumberland, Juniata :&
Perry, and the linn. John Stuart a nd Jo/m /-<?-
fevre , Judges of the said Court of Capumnf Pleas,
of the county ot* Cumberland, have issued their
precept bearing date tlie 17di day of April 1539,
and to me directed, for holding a Court,of Oyer
and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery,- ami
General Quarter Sessions of the Peace," at Car
lisle, on the second M mday of. August, 1839,
’•(■being lhcT2ih day,) at 10 o'clock in the fore
Notice is hereby\ given'
to the Coroner, Justices of the Peace, and Con
stables of the said county of Cumberland; that
they he then and there in, their prppcr person
with their Records, Inquisitions, Examinations,
and other Remembrances, to do those things their offices.respectively appertain.—
And those- who are bound by recognizances to
prosecute against the prisoners that are, or then
may be, in Ihe'Jail of'Cumberlaml to Ik
then and there to prosecute against them as shall
be just. -
Dated at Carlisle, the llth clay of July, 1339,
and year of American Independence,
JOHN MYEUS, Sheriff,
.. JList of Causes
Foil TRML at AUGUST TERM, 1839,
First wrek—commencing \%th jhigush 1839.
Gecseex’rs vs Shannon aclm’r Bcc
J Slough vs K McElwanc
-U-U Ghupch-8tp J --^“r v S“-<4' Cart — .
J Pond ; vs .Thos C. Gant.’s
R .McGregor ' vs nme
J Morrison
X Clever
U-U-Church See
D Lamb .
vs J Given et al
ys S Alexander ~
vs JW. Patton
.vs—G & -W-vkVlcCiure
vs • M Dunlap
'Seeond\i>eek—’Commcncins 19/// August*
Commonwealth vs iPLivingcv,'
JM W oocllju'rn ■ 5 F Noble "
Turnpike Company' vs C Vll 11 Company
J-Meixell - --vs —M-Bil|er— *— : ——
rims Dobbs ex’rij vs.. M Eby co : cpgniaer &c
C-'V'U'H/Cjjmpanyi’’’vs’' John Moore .
IC MclCibberi vs J McKibben exV
S Lee vs J Anderson
M Lovc-nflm’r , -/ vs M jEby “
R S McCnne vs X) Malion
G R Leeper vs F Herron et al
,W E.Crotzer vs. J Casey
J Stough, . ' vs Moore tsf Diddle
.J Meixell 7 .Vs P Biller i
P Leidig & v/ife Vs /4 Miller et al
Commonw'th for use vs I MrFeely
R R Church &c : . -r vs J M Eu'e .
. Carlisle; Jsily 1718,39. ' ™. ' '
State of JPetmsytvama.
Cumberland County, ss.
• Jhiej.Commonwealth of Pennsyi
vaniato Elizabeth Snyder, widow Si
1 relict of John'Snytlerj bite; of' Allen
' township, Cumberland county, dec.-
Margaret Snyder intermarried with
Charles EichhoUz, and Henry Sny
der, heirs at law of the. salddeceased, • .
■, *■ - ,-iW' ■ Greeting.
Whereas applioatioiviins been made to me I
saac Aligned, Register foVthe Probate of,Wills
and granting Letters of Administration In -and
for Ciimberlandxounty, for the Probate of a cer
tain-instrument of writing purporting to be a
nuncupative codicil to the last will and testament
of the sipd John Snyder, deceased." -
Therefore you and each of you are .hereby ci!
ted to appear before me iit’my office in the bor
| oiigh of Carlisle in said county, on Saturday the
Sdday ot August next, at 10 oh;Vick, A. M. ut
((aid day,-then and there! to contest the said nnn'-
iupative’cudicii if yon think
it will be proved in 1 due form of law, and letters
issnd-to the executory a
— Witness my handand seal of office At Carlisle
aforesaid, this tenth day of July, A. D. 1839.
' ISAAC Aj\ GNE Y, Register.
AT their New Store in Mcchdnicaburg, have
just received a large assortment of summer
goods, consisting of Linen
t Camel
he Giraffe
AT a.stated Orphans' Court begun on Tues
day the SO'th day of April, A. D. 1839, at
Cai lisle in' and, for tlie county of Cumberland,
the following proceedings were had, viz:
In-the case of the partition and valuation of
die Real Estate of JOSEPH. SIIUOJI, late of
the borough of Carlisle, deceased, oh motion ox
Mr. Lynn, 1 . Rule on .all the parties interested
therein that they beam! appear at the,next sta
ted Orphans* 'Court*” to be held at Carlisle on
Tuesday the 10th day of September next at 10
o’clock, A. M. to accept or refuse such shaie or
poVlion. of dip said Real Estate as they may res
pectively be legally entitled to take at the valu
ation thereof.
the case of the sums or accounts returned in
the Inventory of the persona! estate of the said
Joseph Shrom,deceased: Ou-motion of Mr. Lyon,
Kulgbn all the parlics.intcrcsled to appear at the
said stated Orphans’.Court to be held at Carlisle
as aforesaid on Tuesday the said 10th day of
September next at 10 o’clock, A. M. to shew,
cause if any they have why the sum of six 'hurt •
dred and seventy two dollars dud forty seven
cents charged to'his daughter Elizabeth M’Cord,
uid thesum of six hundred audjseventy six dot
lays charged to his,dunghter Mary M’Gvanuhan,
and the sum of. thirteen hundred and thhteen
dollars ami seventy cents charged t'ojiis son Jo
seph Shrom, jiv, and the sum o i seven hundred,
and twenty three dollars and eighty four cents
charged, to his son David Shrom, and the sum.of
fourteen hundred and eighty seven dollars and
ninety six cents charged to .his son Jacob Shrom/
and the sum of three - hundred and thirty $ve y
dollars and fifty two cents charged to hisdaugh
ter Eleanor Smith,■-and the sum of- twenty three {
hundred ami nine dollars and thirty stven cents
charged to his sou William Shrom, and the sum
to. his son Frederick Shrom, and the sum of one
hundrefl and thirty-one-dollars-and-fifty-cents
charged to his daughter Barbara Wylie, should
hot be brought into hotchpot* and settled for in
the distribution of the real and personal estate
of the said-Joseph Shrom, deceased, as so much
advanceiVto them by their said father in part or
in full of their respective shares in the Veal and
personal estate of,tlie_sajd. deceased. _ ... ■ :
'ln the case of the petition 6f ; Joseph Shrom, jr.
administrator of 1 the estate of the said Joseph
Shrom, deceased, presented to the .said Court,
setting forth that the said deceased in his life
time, to wit t on or about the 31st of August last,
hud entered into a parol contract to sell and con*
vcy to George Spangler of Carlisle, the undivi
ded half part of u lot of ground containing about
fiveaeves move or less, situate in South Middle
ton township* or partly in said township and"
partly in the- borough of Carlisle, bounded on
the north by land of I. B. Favkei, Esq./on the
east by a road, on the south by Steel’s lane and
Daniel Tlinkte, mconslcl
erntion of one seventy five dollars to
be paid to him by the said Spangler—that the said'
Joseplv-Shrom died seized of the said undivided
hall: part oTsuid lot willVourhaving made suffix
cient tfib performance of said con
tract, and that tile said contract had been so far
executed that it would be, against res
cind iti See. On motion of Mr. Lyon, RuUmhi
the said George.S/iangier and the heirs of said
deceased to appear at the said Orphans’ Court
to be held at Cjulisle.aforesaid on the said 10th
day of September next at 10 o’clock, A. M. to
answer the said petition and shew cabse if any
tKfere be, why a specific performance of the said
contract should not be decreed by the Court a*
greeably to the prayer of Hie petitioner.
n ; - ;' By-cuErCoujtT.-
Pennsylvania. _ .
Cumberland Caimty r es. • ■
•v’lyjSr 'l' l testimony that- the.three .rules
above stated were made by the Or
slSpPhlln5 ’ Court of said ; county in the,
*SW§ cascs above mentioned, at their sea-..
yvRV s jon in May last, and are entered no
the records oTsolfi coifi-t, 1 have here
to set my hand'"and ultixed-my-oflicial seal this
ls>UJuly > i 830.--: ■ "
; . \V. POULK, Gl’kO.C.
! «® first-rate Piano Forte.
Enquire of the Editors of the-Volunteer. Ift, 1*839-
ard, Ui
Supplemental to the Act or Priiinarico entitled
on act. regulating markets, passed by the Town
Council ot thoßorough of Carlisle, Oct. 13, }Bsi- •
Be' ft- ordained, that so much of the
Section of tlto ordinance ontitled an ordinaco to
regd'ato the markets, passed by the Town Counr
cil of iho Borriughof Carlisle on the 13th day of
.October, 1837, ah relates to the benches to bo used
"by Butchers for cutting meat in the market house
'of said borodgh ho, and the same is hereby repeal
ed; and that hereafter the said Bntchcrs shall bo,
allowed to uso hldgka not exceeding 18 inches in
length with feet and cross bars as now used for
benches, and be obliged lo secure the face of said
blocks from filth and.uhcleanlinoss by
face against the permanent benches between the
'columns of the market house, jddthont putting said
blocks.upon the benches as heretofore ordered.
Ordained and cnaoted’in Towjl Council the 20th
'day of July 1839. ' '
■. 6Ha6. MJCLUJBE, Frost. T. O.
• Attest—a Jacob S<frbiEHS Clerk.
V JVO'i'iCE. ..
- . Take notice that wo have applied to the Judges
of the Court of Common. Picas of Cumberland
county, for the benefit of the insolvent laws of this
commonwealth, and they have appointed Monday
the 12th day of August next, for the hearing of us
and our creditors at the Court House-in the bor- I
ough of Carlisle, When and whore you may attend
if you think propey. ....
July 35, 1839. . .
THE subscriber will tHspose of at private sale,
the following described valuable property,
situate )n Smth Middleton township, 4 miles
south .of Carlisle, and within ope mile of Michael
G. EgcVForge, vizi ' '
'l’hrcC acre so ffi t-rateli me -
stone land, all cleared arid in a high state"ofxul‘-
nvution. -The improveHierits are a '
■ijOG lIOIiSjE &' EtllCr si£oi% ",
each one and a half stories high, a small Loci
Stablk, an excellent-apple orchard, besides u
number-ot plum, peach, pear and cherry trees,
Fur terpis, &e, apply to the subscriber reside
ing on the premises.
July 25, 1839. :: ■ ■ • - • •
Have just received a large assortment of hew
and ohcap summer goods, which they offer lim
usivdly-lmv. - , .
Tiieiristopk of muslins, cliccWlickings, drill
lings, &c. is the best now in town. They liavc
just received a case of leghorn bonnets, of their
own importation from no. '2O to 50, which they
are enabled to offer ay one half the price that has
been usual to ask for them here Land all other
goods in their line such as silks,riiouslin de
lames, bnmbazeens, plain, and figured muslins,
SWISS jaconet nnd cajnbncjt. Iri'slyop lawns, See,
1 he public are respectfully'invited to call., ,
THE subscribers having lately purchased the
stock of goods owned by 3 .1-1. Weaver, at
the north east corner of the Public Square,"Car*'
lisle, consisting of,a large and general assortment
of seasonable •- ’
•--- DRIT-CidODS,.
Also, a general assortment of Halters’ Furs ami
Trimmings—all of which they will sell on tha
most accommodating terms.
" - - U.ASGNEY,
June 20, 1839. . tf
Cr aeliclce’s *Watchlcss Sanative*
Thearticle published below concerning the
new and popular doctrine advanced by ihe il
lustrious Guelicke of Germany, cannot fail of
exciting a deepaud thrilling interest through l
out the country,
[Translatedfrom l)ie German.^
Citizens of A'orth and South America,
"ToLouis'Offok Goemcke, M. D. of Ger
many, Europe, belongs the imperishable honcr
of adding a jcew and PBECious'DbcTRiNE to the
Science of Medicine—a new doctrine which*
lliouglv vehemently opposed" by many of the fa
culty, (of which lit;is a valuably member) lie
proves to be as well founded in truth as any doc
trine of Holy-Writ—a doctrine, Upbn-Uie verity .
of which arc suspended the lives of millions of
our race, and which, he boldly challengeS.his op
always occasioned by a disordered state of Vis
Vitos, for Life' Principle ) of the hutpan body’s
often secretly lurking in the system for years be-
Jore there is'the least complaint of Hie lungs— and
which map be as certainly,'though npt jo quick h)
cured, as a common cold, or-stmple hcaduchc.-*-
An invaluably precious doctrine this, .us it im
pairs an important lesson to the' ap/iarently
/(CTf//ip pf .bptli_sexeSj teaching tlietn that this
insidious foe an unobserved inmaie’of *•
their “clayey houses’ 4 'cveh while they imagine .
themselves secure from its attacks, teaching
. Tliis illustrious benefactor of hi an is also enti
tled to yopr unfeigned .gratitude, and the grati
tude of a world, for the invention-of his Match-. ■■■
less Sapative,^- whose healing fiat may justly
claim for it such a title, since it has- so Signally _
triumphed over -bur gTeat commotOßnenay eon-
liur/ifiioh, I»thin'.theli'rataiid laslsy^bs,— a.
medicine,which has thoionghly fillcd the va
cuumin the Materia-Mcdicn.undtliercby. proved
itself the Conqueror of Physicians—a. medicine,..
Tor which alTmankind will have abundant cause"
to bless the beniiicent hand of a kind Providence :
—a medicine Whose woadrous.virtues have been '
so’glowingly portrayed even-by Some of out',
clergy, in their pastoral visits to the sick cham
ber; by which means they often become the hap- '
py,instruments of changing despondency into,
hope, sicknessintohealth, and sadness of friends ■
• Qdolislio’s Jiffatchless SanatWe* "
a medicine of more value, than the vast >
mines of Austria, or even the United treasures of .
our globe—a medicine, which is obtained equal- t
iy from the Vegetable", mineral and animaHiing
.doms, and thus possesses a tliroe-foid power,—a
medicine, which, though designed ns a remedy
for consumption solely, is possessed of. a myslc-';
rious influence over many diseases of the human
system,—a medicine,, which .begins to be Valued ■
by. Physicians, whp.are,.daily. witnessing its as- -
tonishing cure's cf many whom they had,rcaign
"edrto nf thu InsatiableGrave;.;-'• —,
■ Dose of the Sanative, fob.adults,.OriC^drop;.
for children, a half drop; and for infants,'yuqiiart ;.-
ter dropi the directions explaining the manned
of takingn half or quarter drop. • V' , r . y :
Price— Three and one-third vix ; dollars*-"'
(S2.SO) per hrdf ounce.
»A German coin.. value. ?5 cent 5.......
~ For sale at the Post Office,"Slechnnicsburev
Cumberland county, Pai', by GEO, F. CAIN,
sole agent for Mechanicsburg.
: MeChanicsburg, July. 25,1839,
AlrnoUl &' Co.