American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, July 25, 1839, Image 3

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    ■ LIST orjupwp,.
Coimhencing on' ‘Monday iltiSylZth of ’Sag.
Men~<i teorge-Amlerson, Henry Cairns,
Frederick Cairns, Jacob Long:.
Carlisle—]o\\n Hubbeft, Robert Irvine, John
'.Main, Simon'Wunderlich.
Dickinson— Siini’l Slienßer, Jas. Weakley.
East'Penhsborough —Peter Hill- ■
iVankford— Christian Myers. „ , ;
~Mechanicsburgf- Thomas Hams. -
Monroe —-Johnston Martin- -
Mifflin pavid Storrett, John Wbisler.
Newville —Scott Coyle.
Newton —James Kelso.'
North Middleton —Philip Zigler.
Shippensburg township—A.m\ row Frazer.
South Middleton —Maj. Thomas Craighead,
David Scnby.
TVest Fennsborough—'LoviiS Williams, Fre
deriSk, Zigler.
.Qllcn —Lewis Hyer, John Orr, Jos. Strock.
Carlisle —John Keller, Hugh Reed, John
Snyder. - ■ .. ■
Dickinson —Daniel DavisT Sampson Kissing
er, Benjamin Myers,jr., William Shriver,
William Spangler. Smith Woodbum., , •
East Fennsborough —Thomas Alcxader, Ja
cob Brickcr, Michael P.JDill, Jacob Sad-
Fmnkford— Darnel Mount/., jr., Daniel Rex.
Hopewell— Abraham SmithM’KinnejvSam
uel Smith. *
Monroe —David Bender. Samuel Cocklin,
Isaac Caul man, Joseph Diller, Michael
Mialder. • " 4 ‘
Mifflin —Robert Lusk, D4vid Ralston,Ma
the\v Thompson. ' n ... *.
Newton— George dlefllebower, Robt. flays,
Hugh M’Cun : Miller,-- Jacob TritL
Shipficnsburg borough —Charles Anderson,.
A'lexamler Mateer, Jacob Stcinnmn.
Shippcnsburg.township —John Jsay,
southampton-~\iohtvt A/cCune. _ ..
&)}tllrMiddlc{dn~W\\\\am Crhighcnd, sen.
John Goodvcar, jr., Oiibriel Line, Mathew
Moore, John Wolf,
Silver-spring —J.olm Fought, sen., David
Lehn, John Saxton. -
It est Pcnnshorough~M ullicw Davidson,
James Elliott. -
Allen— A/arklc, Viilliam late.
Carlisle —Peter , Gutshall, John Hamilton,'
Andrew K.err, James Loudon, Robert
A/cClan, sen., John Pool, George Reis
inger, Thoinas Trimble, William Win
holte,. Jefferson Worthhigton, Nathan W.
' L/c/ciiisfm—John Aulff, Andretv G. Ege;
---David Glenn, William Kinkead, George
L. I.ine, John .1/inich, Adam Pelfer,
Fust Pcnnsborouah— John Heck, jr.
Frankfotd Frederick Bu tariff Leonard
il/iiiich, George il/ycrs
Hopewell —John“Carson, Capt. David Dun
can, Dayid Haun7 Philip Koontx. „
Mcahmicsburg —John Coover. ■
Mifflin —Henry Railing.
Hcwton— George Cope, David Green. -
.-JVbrlh Middleton —Abner Crain, Robt. Ilca
\ South Middleton —Henry Butorfff John Pe
ters, Joseph Wolf.
Southampton —Robert Britton, Henry Hip
pensteel, Christian Rebuck.
l<%Shippehsburg borough —William A/cCon-
nell, Isaiah Y oung.
WffiSilvcr Spring —John Fircovid, sen., John
Hinkle, Jacob il/tllcr.
y 'fVnst- Penmboraugh*~~ James Grayson, Jo
seph Trego, Richard C.'Woods.
rg'lHE subscriber will dispose of at private sale,
Ihe following described valuable property,
situate in S ■nth Middleton town.sbip, 4 niilcs
south of Carlisle, and within one mile of Michael
G. life’s Forge, viz:
Throe ncres of first-rate lime
stone land, all cleared and in a high stale of cul
livatlnn. The improvements are a
each one and a half stories high, a small l,oc
Stadi.k, an excellent apple orchard, besides a
number of plum, peach, pear and cherry trees.
For terms, &o. apply to the subscriber resid
ing.on the premises, ,
July 25,-1839. ' f ■
Ah’noltl&' Co.' '
~ Tlave ’just received a large,assortment of new
mid cheap smnmer goods, v which thcy’offcr un-
Xi sin I ly ~lmvr~ ; ~— ;
Their stock of muslins, checks, tickings, drib
lings, Btc. is tlie bes*t now in town. They'have
just received a case Of leghorn their
ovvi\-importaiioh from no:;20 to they
nPe enabled to offer at one hull the'price that has
been usual to ask for them here; anc| all other
goods in4hejr Hoe such as silks, mouslin de
laiues, bombazec'ns, plain and. figured, muslins,
s\yias_idc.Otiet£ahd cambrick; bishop lawnsrgcc^
‘ ? lMie pUm.lp'Mfe. cespectfully invited to call.
. Supplerhentat to the Act of .Ordinance _ entitled
an. act regulating markets, passed by the Town
‘Council of the Borough of'Carlislc, Oct. 13,1837.
Be it ordained, that so much of the eleventh
section of 1 the. ordinance entitled an ordinace to
.regulate the markets, passedby the Town Coun
. cilof the Borough of Carlisle on the. 13th „day:;pf
.‘October,.lB.37, as relates to the benches to be used
—by Butchers for cutting meat in the markerhoiis'e
■ of sawbborough be,anathe same-isbereby repeal
ed; and that horeaftcr tHe said. Butchers, shall .be
: allowed .to use blocks not exceeding 18 inches in
•Jength with feet and cross bars as = now, used for
-benches, and bo obliged to secure the face of said
blocks from filth and imcleanliness by, turning the
* face against the .perinanent benches between the
•columns, of the markeHibuse,' without putting said
j blocks.upon.the-henches as-heretbfore ordered;,. ;
Ordained and enacted in Town Council the.SOtlu
day of July 1839. - -
- CHAS. M’CLURE, Brest. T. C.
JViiTICJE, ■ y;;
• ■ ■ :Takd notice that we have applied- to the Judgos
." of the Court of Common Picas of Cumberland
county'/for tho benefit Of the insolvent laws of this
commonwealth, and they havo appointed^-iVlpoday.
' the of, for thsTieSnag of ua
sind pur creditors at the Court House in thodhhr
- ougli of Carlisle, whcn aud tvhoro yuu may attend
if you think proper. • ' •" ,‘s , '•
u ; • V* , LEONARHyWOI/F, .
■ johnjcosiit, ;
■ . georgbmaise,;-':
-:; ■ ■ ’*' ■ JACOB CARVER.*
- ‘ July S 5, 1839. ;vt y '' • .. u't
STOIaZaN*. , ‘-;
- Between the evenings of the loth and 12th of
RINO CLOAK, lined.with satin, ..with a pointed
tassolled cape. A reward of 65 will bo given for
it and the name of the thief. ,
■" ... Enquire at this office.
‘ catilHi<nJuiy2s,.ie33. : • " •
®f otlickC’s tlflatchless Stmapte.
The article published biinvrConcenmig the
new and popular doctrine advanced by
lustrious ot (ievmany, .cannot Jail;of
cxriting a deep and thrilling-interest through
out the country-. ’ , '
' : [Translated from the German .].
Citizens of North and South ylnterica,.. <
To Louis Ofpok Goelicke, M- D- of Ger
manv, Europe, belong* tbe impeviMiable honor
of adding n kkw and precious doctrine to the
Science, of Medicine— a new docU’inc. wnicli,
ihough'vehqmcnlly opposed by many of the ta--
culty, (of : which he is 11 valuable member) lie
proves to be as well founded iulruth-as aiiy doc
triiie iif 'Huly Wi it—:i doctrine, .up™ the verity
of which are suspended the lives of--millions ot
our race, .ami which lie boldly challenges,his op
posers to refute. Viz: Consumption is a msease
always occasioned by a disordered siite of Vis
Vita:, (or Life Principle) of the human body.'
often secretly lurking in the system fdr years be
fore there is (he least complaint of the lungs - ana
'which may be as certainly, though not so quickly
cured, as a common cold , or simple headache.—
An invaluably precious.,d.octjnne this, as it im
parts an important -lesson to the .apparently
healthy of both sexes, teaching ,lhcm ; that this
insiiU us foe,
their “clayey houso.” even while they imagine
them selves'“secure from its.‘.attacks, teaching
them that tAeCHIEAI SKC UKI IN 1 HE
This illustrious benefactor of than is also enti
tled tn_ycsW£ unfeigned gratitude, and the grati
tude of .for the invention of his -Match
less Sanative, —whose healing fiat may justly
cl iim tor it-Mujia-tiilerbinCe-it has so signally,,
■ triumphed over our great.common enemy con
sumption, both in the first and hast kUrfics, —a
medicine which has thoidughly filled the va
cuum in tlie Materia Medica, and thereby proved
itself the Conqueror of Physicians —a medicine,
for which all mankind will have abundant cause
to bless the bcifificent hand of a kind'Pro' i-lence
i medicine whose wondrous virtues have Jiecn.
sovglowingly portrayed\.e.veu by* .senny ot our
clergy,'in their pastoral .visits to the hick.cliam
byv; by which means they often become the hap
. -py.- instruments -of changing; into
hope, sicknessinlbhealth, anti sudnes»of irieuds
into-30} fulness.
. (Speftckc’s Matchless EanativCf
a medicine of more value" to man than the vast
mines of Austria, or even the united treasures ol
our globe—a medicine, which .is obtained emuvl*
ly from the vegetable, miiier.aT and animal king"
rlo.m.s, and thus possesses a three-foUl.powev,—a
medicine, which, though designed as a remedy
for consumption solely, is possessed of a myste
rious influence over many diseases ol the human
'.yslem,—ra medicine,-which begins'to he valued
by Physicians,, who are daily wilnessing.lls .as
tonishing cures of-mitny whom they’had resign
vd to tlie-rgrasp of the Insatiable Grave. .. ....
Dosk of theSmative, for adults, one drqpk
for children, a half drop; ami for infants, a quar
terdrop; the directions! explaining the, manner
ot taking si half or quarter drop;
Prick—' Tinec and one-third rix dollars
(&2.5U) per half ounce. * • d (
*A German coin, value 7.5 cent*!.
For Sale at the Post Office, Mechnmcshunr.
Cumberland mnmty, Pa.,. K by GEO. ,F. CAIN,
- sole agent foy’Mechauicsburg.
Mechanicsburg, July 25,1859.
THE subscribers having lately {mrcliased the
stuck of goods owned by J. Hi. Weaver, at
die north cast corner of the public Square, Car
lisle, consisting of a large'and general assortment
of seasonable • , •
Also,'a general assortment of Hatlers’ Furs am)
Trimmings—all of which they will sell on the
most accommodating terms^
June 20, 1839. ?.
TME Proprietor respectfully informs the pub
lic in general that he is now ready I" ac
commodale-n large number of Boarders and.Vis
itovs. The Springs are situated 44 miles north
of C irlisle, Cumherland.coiinlv. Paranrl 3 miles
south hf Slerrelfls Gap, on the North Mountain,
in a fuie, healthy and romantic place. There is
an extensive
erected (hoth-warnriiiTd cold,}-and every ac
commodation may be relied on. .
■iiiiie sr. 1839. •
NTB.—A liarouche will run; daily from Car
lisle to the Springs during the season, foivthe
accommodation of Visiters. ■; 1
Estate of Jacob Myers,’deceased.
■g", ETTERSof Administration on the estate
H i-of Jacob Myers, late of South Middleton
o the subscriber resldingin the same township:
.All persons in anyway indebted to' said estate
will make payment, and -those ,having claims
will present them,' properly., authenticated,, tor
settlement. . MYERS, Adm’r.
June 13.1839., ■ ... ,
Estate of A. Harsh,, sen. deceased.
subscribers .having taken out letters of
X administration on the estate-ofr*Abrahani
Ilursh,, deceased, late of Allen township, Cum
ber liinclc 6u i u y, hereby glve notice.toiiU pcraons
indebted to said estate to make payment imme
diately, ami those having claims will present'
them properly ■
Mm'n, residing in Men lownsiii/i.
June 13. 1839, . .
The subscriberrespectfully.infornis the pub
-lic-thut he has commenced the manufac
ture of.bbot and Wirt-,
Cumberland county. P.u; *i his blacking
:te’equal'to any in th&Union, will be disposed,
of-wholesale or retail on vervimoderate terms
‘ July I!. 1839. - .v :: Vi ' : .. 3t
"WTO funeral expenses of dutdoorpau'perswilf
be allowed after tills date, unless an order
ivlief-from a Juslice.of the Peace or a Direc. :
torrbelobtUinecf at or before the tuneral',.stating
that the imlit idual is poor, anil that there are no
means fp bury,him.or her^—also, no .Physician
will .be. pasd JbEJuare.than one visit, unless by,
an octlcrfroin one of the Directors, . ',
A. W AGGONER, £■ Directors.
. j. dunlap,
' ;Juheso, 1839. / «...
i‘, jp'v-
,nd the Giraffe or Camcleopard, United!
II ■‘ill
To he exhibited at CARLISLE, on Mondm/ the Sth of ’August next. For one day only.
The proprietors oflho Giraffe nmi thb New .Vori; Circus ami Arena company rcfpecUully mlorm
the public, that.they nave entered into arrangements to travel ami exhibit together, xil the same time
unci plnco, under a pavilion large enough to, hold both exhibitions, and accommodate ,>OOO [spectators.
THE CIRCUS This exhibition,ia fitted,up in a,stylo which renders it supoHor to any thing qt
the hind, in this country. Every'cxertiojt will bo made ondhe EipiestrianßVna_wcl l ;i;.s the
Managers, to make ’it interesting, and wojthy of patronage. "The the cittiib 'xvili. preSCnr a
variety of new and'intbresting feats of Horsemanship, and other varied scones of amusement aM L>-
quostrian exercises,.which will constitute the most delightful and genteel- entertainment over ouejeu
* n THE GIRAFFE, or CAM-EI.EOPARD.—’This;stupendous, majestic, and beautiful animal, which
is exquisitely depicted in the above masterly engraving, by Mr, Adonis of New York, is acknowledg
ed to be the greatest wonder of the animal kingdom.' It fe noUonly the tallest of all known, creatures,
but tho rarest and most singular character. It has been, the great desideratum of naturalists ol -all
ages, and but few specimens seen for the last thousand years. It was known to the Per
sians about two thousand years ago,- having been brought as a present to Dydaspes, father ol y a U u . s
1.-,.several ccnturlesbelbrc tho Christian. liravbyAbyssiaus, Who from the interior .ot . Am
ca, where alono it has ever been found.
Hours of Exhibition from one to five o’clock in the afternoon,
THTKTH RU E AS tbe Hnn. Sajiuicl HKPBunN,
'■ President Judge uf the Court of Common-
J p|ens inAhe counties of-Cumberland, Juniiilu &
Perry, und the Unn. John Stlmil :uul John Jr
fr-V-m. Judges of the said Court id Common Pirns
of the county ol Cumberland, -have issued their
pteceptJicariiig date Ihe'irth day'bt April 1839,
and tn me directed, for holding a Court of oyer
and Tormliicv, and General .1 til Delivery, and
General-Quarter Sessions of the Peace, at Car
lisle, on the second Monday of August, 1839(,
(being the 12th day.,) at 10 in the fore
Jilotice is hereby given
to the Coroner,. Justices of the Peace, and Con
stables of the said count)' of Cumberland, that
they he then and there in their proper person
with their Records, Inquisitions, Examinations,
and othcl* Remembrances, to do those things
which to their offices respectively appertain.—
And those who are hound by recognizances to
prosecute against the prisonc-rs that are, or then
may he, in the Jail of Cumberland county, to he
then and thereto prosecute against them as shall
be iuat. ,
lilted at Cm lisle, the llth'day of July, 1839,
and the 64th year-of American independence.,
JOHN MYERS, Sheriff. ,
hist of Causes
.First week—commencing 12/// tdugust, 1839:
GeeseCx’rs vs Shannon adin’r &c
J Stough ■ vs RMe El wane
l{ R.Church Btc " 'vs (J Cart
J Pond ’ ys Thus C Eatie’s admr
R McGregor ' vs ante
iVloVi'ison vs J Given et al
J Fetter , •vs S Alexander
.1 clever. v , j\ V Patton" 1
B R Church See vs R-Bc-\V-McClure
4) Lamb .vs M Dunlap
~Secon d ~week—co m mcncingi 9thA ngust;
Commonwealth , vs P Livhigcr
] M Wondhtinr vs F Noble
Turn pi lie Company vs CV R R Company •
J Meixell ■“ ,vsi M Diller . _
Tims Dohhs ex’rs vs M Ehr cb-cogrtizer Sec
CV R R Company ys John Moore ,r ,
KMcßibben" V • ,vs ..J.Mcßihheh cxV ’• , . ... vs ■ J Anderson. . •
-M-Love-adm ! r -- —vs —M-Eby- co-cognizcr"
RSMcCnne vs D'Mahon
G 11 Leeper ys - F Herron ct al
WECrotzer V s J Casey .
J;Stuugh .. -ys--Monre tsf Biddle'■ .
J Meixell vs P Diller ~
P Leidig & wife -vs J Miller ct al
Commonwhh for use, vs JMiTeely ~D
R K Church &c vs J M Eye “ rl'
■ , GEO, SANDERSON, PrpthlyV
Carlisle. July 1, 1839. . - ’
State i)f S*ennstjlvania.
. Cumberland County, ss.
s-tJITr The Cnnmionwealth of .Peiinsyl
vania to Elizabeth Snider, widow &
SajHagKrelict of John Snyder'i late of Allen
township, Cumberland county, dec.
Margaret Snyder intermarried with
~ *•. . ■ Charles Eichholtz, and Henry Sny
der, heirs at law, of the said deceased,
■ ■ , Giveling.
Whereas application has been made to ine I
saaC:<Angntfy<-Kegistcr ,for the Prbliate of Wills
and.granting Letters of Administration in. and
for Oumberlandxonnty, for the PyolVate of a cer.
tain histrument.oLiiyjitmg-purporting. to-be d
nuncupative codicil to the lust, will and testament
of the said John Snyder, deceased. . !>;.
. Therefore you.and each of you are liorehy ci
ted to upnearbefore me at my office in the hdyj
nugh of Carlisle in said county, on Saturday nie
3d day of August next, at-30 oV.lnclf,' A., M. of
said day,then and'the sald.tjhn:
cupatWe codicil- if you thinh.propef—otl|e™jfe'
jt-will he prpveddo due-form of law.-aiidlletlprs
issue to tile executor. .:• - ■ 1 aV 1
‘ VVitriess my hand.and seal of office at CnfHsle
afofesaid; this tenth day-ofrlidy; A. dji'.l333.!'r 1
■ ISAAG AAGWKY, os%us- x ::
; tA .T their N ew Store in ‘A tecmniiki>urff,){ave
7% hist received a large.assortrfieptiqf summer
goods; consisting of Cassimercs, JJfillings,- Linen
and, H'dSipan Cordsj Nankeens,'b’c. &c. " '■
i 'p|
AT a stated Orphans’ Court begun on Tues*
"clay tTu* SOill day of Apvil, A. I). 1839, at
o.n ti’sle inland lor the county or Cumberland,
the following proceedings were had, vizt .
In the rase of UiO partitioiVnnd valuation of
live Ileal Estate of JOSEPII SIIUO.M, late of
the borough of Carlisle, deceased, on motion oi
Mr. Lyon, Rule on alj the parties interested
thereiii that they be and appear nt’thc next sta
led Orphans* Court to’ he held at Carlisle on
. Tuesday life 10th day of September next at 1,0,
o’clock, A. M. to accept or refuse such shaie or
portion of the said Ileal Folate,as thq.y may. 1 res*
pcctivcly be legally entitled to take al the Valu
ation thereof.
, In the case id the sums or accounts returned in
the Inventory of the personal estate of the said
Josepii Shrom,deceased:,Oa mation of Mr. Lyon,
Role on all tile parties interested to appear at the
said stated Orphans’ Court to be held at Carlisle
as aforesaid on Tuesday the said lOtlnday of
September next at 10 o'clock,' A. M. to shew
cause if any they have "why the sum at six hun
dred unU seventy two dollars and forty severe
cents charged to his daughter Elizabeth Sl’Cord,
■uid tile sum at six hundred and seventy Vtx'dol•
lavs charged to his daughter Mary M’Granahan,
and tile sum, at thirteen hundred and thirteen
dollars and seventy cents charged to his son Jo
seph Shrom,,jr,, and the sum of seven hundred
and twenty three dollars and eighty four cents
charged to his sou David Slironi, and the sum of
fourteen hundred and eighty seven dollars and
ninety six cents charged to his son Jacob Slironi,
and llic Mini of three hundred and thirty dve
dollars and fifty two'cents charged Tunis dau'gh-'
ter Eleanor Saiith, and the sum of twenty three
hundred and nitigdoHars and thirty seven cents
charged to his son AVillitim Shrom, and the sum
of one thousand and twenty ftve'dollars charged
todiis snri Fredericlr Shrqm, and the:sli_m ,qr ; i?M«
hundred and thirty one-dollars'and -fifty cents
charged to ids daughter Barbara Wylie, should
not he brought into hotchpot,', and settledfor. in
ttnramrilifluhn ot the real and personal estate"
of the said Joseph Shrom, deceased,.as so much
advanced to them by their saidfather in part or
i it full of their.rcspectiye slvareshi the real and’
personal estate of the said •deceased. " T ; ! -
■ . AND
,In'thecaseof the pelition.of Joseph Slirc!i]n,jr..
administrator of tlie estate of the said - Joseph
Shi-oni, de'ccasl-d, presented to-the- said; Court,"
time,;to Avit, on or .about the 31st of. August last,
laid entered into a parol contract to sell andeoii
ycy to George Spangler of Carlisle, the undivi
ded half-part of a lot of ground Containing about
five.tlcies more or less, situate in South Middle
ion township, or partly in said township .and.
partly in the borough of Carlisle, bounded on
the,north by. hind of I. li. Parket; Esq., on the
east by a roadjoh the south by Steel’s lane and
on the west by land of consid
eratioh, Ji'uDihiM.Scjeycnty five dollars to
liepaid to himby<Ue'Wl3-bpans>p6S^“ oh ®' i “ ,a ’
Joseph Shrom died seized of the said undivided
halt part of said lot wklioOt having .made suffi
cient provision for the perfhnnaiicc of .said .pony;
tract,- find that llie said contract had bepiPso far"
executed that it. would be against equity-fh res
cimfit, &c.' Oh. ihntion of Mr. liyoig-Kule on
the said Clcorge S/ianglersati llie heirs "of said
deceased to the s,aidy Qrphans| Court
to beheld at Cat-lisle aforesaid on the said- 10th
day of September ni.-xtaiJO o’clnclt, A. M. to
answer the said pe'titlbn’aml.shew causfe if- any
there, be, ,ivhy-a.«pib:ifi£-performance of.'tlie-siild
not he decreed by the Court a
greeably to the prayer ot the petitioner.
■: | -B»' TOE-' COVRT...
Pennsylvania. , .
Cumberland Vounty, ss. ‘ ‘
• : lii,testimony that dlie -tUree-riiles
(drove stated were made hy.'theaOr
plums’ Court of said county, in the
cases above mentioned, at tlieir- ses
shintiliTtlay last, anil afe ehtered.oh
.. . ■■■-■, . ,ilic records of said court, .I have here
to set my baud and alfixed myYoHioial. seid- tUia
IStli July, 1839. . - ‘ . ■A isye-.D
-: D, J . V . ROBERT MOORE, for i
: - ■; w. FOULK, Cl’k O. 0, '
Silk, Scotch Gingham fij Cotton
Umbrellas orai a targe assortment .of fplain-'.hnd
figured Paraspis for sale Q do ' -
, W.iWV- Aftheirstore'ihMechanicshurg"
■Admittance - 50 cents,’'children half
- Carlisle, Ju1y’25,1839.
■., GOLI)13?i BAM.
H W : -r-
The subscriber - respectfully informs his
friends and the public generally that he has
taken that well known tavern stand at the
-West end of High'street', in Carlisle, for
merly kept by Mr.'Henry Rhoads, andthat
he is now prepared to accommodate Droecrs,
Jf'uggoncrs, : Travellers, and all others who
may favor him with a call, in the very host
Wianner, 1
His Table will 'j>e 'constantly'.furnished
with the best the corintry can produce..,' His
Bar is supplied'with the choicest liquors,
‘arid his'Stable which is large and convenient,
will be in charge of O- careful and attentive
ostler.- •
lie flatters himself that, from his expcrN
cnco ns--an- InnkecpcivhcwULbe able to
render general satisfaction.
Carlisle, May 2, 1839. tf ,
Remaining in the Post Office at Mechanics
burg, Pa. July Ist, 1839.
./ohn T Ayers Jacob Mumtna
J olm SAt lee Henry Mater
William Rennett . Samuel- Mater
_A & S Coyle John Manning.
■/olm Crotzer , David Miller
Dr Henry Coleman Frederick May
Jacob Goover Jjjshua~Moyer
Michael Dill Miss Sarah; Martin
James Dunlap'Esq Catlnina Mosy,
William Dean Joseph Newcomer . "
Abrm Eshelmari John G Rupp
William Fagan 4 -Ruth Reese
John Fisher Joseph Rhodes 2
Migs Sarah Fisher Aron Rowe M D
Jacob Gross . Miss Elizabeth >
Jamison Hannon &Co Swisher * y
Margaret Ingram Elizabeth Sifaert
DS Jones William Short •
John Knows Peter Seidel .
Rcnj Krider Henry Smith
Jacob Leifzel Miss E II Smith.
David Leidig'h Miss Susanna Spidlc
John Landis F'rederick Seidle
Jacob Leidig .Miclde Winger,
;J.obn Line.
George Mitchler ’ Deneville Weaver
' • GEO. F. CAIN, P.-M,
Remaining in the Post Office at Ncwville,
Pa. SOlh June, 1839. , ■ •
John Bricker Ezekiel M’Laugblin
Jacob .Brown -_ , Jane-E. Miller ,
Robert.-Crawford - Rbbf Middleton
Sarah' Crawford John Miller ;
Simon Crawl A. J. North . "
Mary Carnahan John Reed (depot)
John Davidson, Esiq. John Reed of Nathan
Henry Dfedgo Elizabeth Richards
Abram Esbleimtn ' C.athrine Reifsnyder
Samuel Etter Emiley Randolph
Abram Erb John Sharp
David Ernst Jacob Stevick .
Jacob Ecma.n Mrs. Rebecca Sfcrrct
Samuel Funk J M Sbcalor -
John Grove Peter Sp'ahr
David Green George Simons
Geo Humes. Geo, Torbct
Tims Hofflefinger Abraham Whisler
Paul Harburn Abraham Wise
Betsy Kenilig Thus. Wallace
Rev. Ch’n Lepley Capt. Thos. Wallace
CrqgeM’Cune James'Wallace
John M’Keehan
At an Orphans’, Court helcfon Tuesday
the 30th day of April 1839, at Carlisle, in
and for Cumberland County, before'the
Honorable Samuel Hepourn, President; and
John Steuurt and John Lefcver, Esquires,
Associate Judges of the.same Court, &c.the
following proceedings' were had, to wit: -
30th April 1839, upon the petition of
George McGinnis, Esq. executor of.the last
will and testament of Dr. John Ealy, late .of
the Borough of Shippensburg, deceased, re
spectfully representing that he settled his
final account of the estate of the said decea
sed, and the same was passed by. this Court,
on of September.A. D. 1833, and that
the-balance found at said settlement
hands of said petitioner, has hech.fully paid
according to .law', and that since the passage
of...said--fiiial account,'-no-goods or- chattles,-
rights or credits of the said estate have came
to the hands or possession of petitioner, and
-praying the Court to discharge,him from the
-further administration, of the said estate, and
from his office.of executor, under the will
aforesaid, and he will pray, &c.. - —, •-
. 30th April'.lB3fh rule granted on the heirs
at the Orphans’. Court to be held on/Mon
day the 13th day of August next, why the
Said executor shall not be discharged &c.' ;
Cumberland Ccfywty, S 3. '
• Certified copy . from the‘records
of the.Orphans’ Court of said coun-
Clk. O. C.
..Carlisle; July .J6,-18i39. v : .
; 'Xlie subscribers-have just received a fresh
supply (from the importers,) of GERMAN
C L O T,H S, which they will sell at lower
prices thahVthey have ever been- sold>at-in
Carlisle or elsowltere. : V,,' - : ■
Carlisle,.July. 18,-1 BS9. ; ’ . ,-4t
‘ Strayed away from the, subspribor residing
one mile from’Fayetteville, Franklin Coun
ty, Pa. bn the ftb inst., a bay Mare and bay
Colt. They ,were seen oh the 9th near Mary
Ann Furnace. .Any ymrson who.will secure
said mare & colt, and drop me a ,line through
the Post Offl'ce, shall receive
the above reward. - ' ■■
•' July 18, 1839.. ' -V 3t.
first-rate Piano Forte.
Enquire bf’the Editors of thb.Volunteer.'Wif
July J 8; 1839. i. W-.’ W-
T fIHE subscriber offers at.private sale life fnl?
JLilbwingdescribed valualsfereal estate, situate
in Allen township, .Cumberland county, contain,-'i
ing 114 ncies.imort QfcJess.'of patented Jand; inn
state of cultivation, nnd.fhc residue covered .With' ■
thriving limber. The improvements are.u .
And Double. Bog* Barn, .
two Apple Orchards, one of.which is of phuica
fi hit, a never. I ailing, spring of water, and a fmnri
tain pump atthe door—also, a Tenant House.
The above mentioned tract is nearly all' lime
stone land, of a good quality, and is in a healthy
neighborhood—within'two'miks of Mechanics
burg and tbe-Cmnberland-Valley liailHoad, ami
about one mile from Shepherdstown. - ■
"An indisputable title will be given. For terms 1
apply to the subscriber near.the premises.
■May 30, 1839, , . . —if
'“Having resigned herVituatiqn in thecommon
schools, has opened on hgr own account a select
achaul, not exceeding thirty, the house
formerly occupied by Mr. James Brcdln, and
now occupied by Miv Andrew Richards, where
she will be happy to receive the children of any,
who may fcchdisposed to patronize her. For
terms apply cither at her own residence In Ilan
over street, at any time.between school, Ivans,
or at the school room from 9 to 12 A. M.»iv.rom
2 to 5 F. M.
Uekeuemck, . - '
- • VV: M. BIUBEE. ' V
' ‘ > GEO. A. LYOJS.
June 10, 1839, • • , ' .
ALL persons knowing themselves indebted to
flic estate bf Jacob Lehman, late ot Dick
inson. township, deceased, are hereby notified
tor the last lime to make payment oh or before
tll.e;ist"day brAuKUst next—^nlsb'the' Vendue
Ndtesi given at the sale of said deceased’s . pci*
sonal property,-are now due, and must be paid
at farthest by tbq above mentioned time.
Dickinson tovynship, Jrtly 4, 1839, ' '...-St*
rjIHE subscriber respectfully informs hisfriends *
ibe public ijVgenem) that-, lie- has,'jusc.
"received from the city of Baltimore, an extensive
assortment of merchandise suitable to the pres
ent and approaching season, siichas'_ ■ _
: ‘ hardware,- - A
consisting of Qise. Kiiives and Forks, Spoons,
Locks. Bolts, Hinges and Screws,'Pen and Pock
cl Knives, Razors, Tacks and SprigsrSpades
Shovels, Hay and Dung Forks, scythe stones,
rakes, 2cc.j«c‘, 6fc. Also, superior American "
and English Sajthes.
He has also-on hand'an excellent assortment
of Patent Family Medicines, sqch as pills, oils
and Also, all kinds of Essences. He
has also on hand Horse Medicines, such ns the'
Oil'of Spike, Oil of Stone and Horse Powders,’
&r. &c. Bcc. ’ . - „
He has also on hand'an extensive assortment
of American Forest and //inclnstan-OH .Stone,
suitable for Carpenters and Wood Choppers:
J also has Powder by .lhe keg, among which
ls l lhe finest Rifle Puwdeiv Shot, Lead, Percus
sion Caps, and Flints? '
y/e also has an extensive and superior assort,
meutof * • * *
China, Class &' Queensivare, '
twenty per cent cheaper, than can be had elite
Where; ...
Kio, Sc. Domingo, anti Java Coffees.. New
Orleans-and FortoUico Sugar. Orleans and Su
gir //ouse Molasses'.- Young //yson, Imperial
and Black 'fees, Chocolate,- Hice, Barley, Soda
and Water of all kinds. Nuts
'amKtonfect jbnaries Prunes, Uaisins. Gfound
Allum and Fine Salt. Tar, Soap and Candles
'Wholesale,and-retiul, at city prices. •-
Wine, Brandy, New England Rum, Ha rvest
VVldskey, Wine arid Cider Vinegar, &c.
Cavendish, Roll and Plug. Spanish and Walt
Spanish Cigars.. Mucubuu, Rappee and Scotch
Riding, Gig .and Jockey Whips and Lashes,—
'Brushes. Brooms. Painted,Buckets,.Bccl
Carpet Chain of all colors.-
The above articles being carefully selected,
are offered to customers-and city"prices.
. JOHN GRAY, Agent,
Carlisle, July-4,-183?. 1
BY yirtuejof sundry writs of Venditioni Ex
ponas,, to me directed issued cut ef the -
Court of Common Picas of Cumberland County,
will be exposed to Public Sale, at the' Court-
House, in the bnroir.rll ntctulisle, nn t-ridaytho — August A. H- 1839, at lO'o’clocjj, A.
M. the following descyillcd real estates to wit:
A tract of land«ituufe in East
Perinsborough township, Cumberland County,
contaiiiing.severiiy seven 1 aeres, more or less,
.bounded by lands of. Samuel BijycrvJohn Kessell, -
1-Lac Lorignecker &. Jacob Kaiitz, having there
on-erected a one .arid’ a half story. Log Housy,’
smaUStotveTloubi, and'Eog Barri, airdjoth'er out
houses; ■ ■
Also, a tract of Mountain -land
situate in East Pennsborbugh townsbipi-Cumber
land County, containing
or less, bounded, bylands of Jolin Kissell,
Newcomer, Jacob Kurils, and otheffir-Seized
and as.the property pf Jacob .
2Lttenbergc]i\\ f : : ‘ ;t : ,'p
Also, a lot of ground situate
-firirland Countyracoiitainlpg-50 feet in breadth, & -
SWtfeei hi deifth’, : more biylesri, lands
of John'Haflze}Jj<;John>McClorej;:and tpe’Balti-'
more, turnpike'-rriad, having thereon erected a
iine arid a half, story Log House,- fife. , Seized
and taken, in execution as the .property of IVt!- ;
Hunt Barber, 1 '■ a ,
;Q:Als6, a tract of lain! situate in '
iSriritUMiddlvton township', cbritainmg fifty acres, .
•morp or Jess, adjoining. lanils.of Jacob Barnitz,
Elisha White's hvirib: James Nohle’s'dcvisiiesi
and the Lctart Spririiti’ having thereon erected a
two story Stone llrius'e;'Stone Spring House, a ,
Log Barii : add :A)>plb®fcbaYd,' .and several
sprliigs of water are,on' tlic 1 p’remUcs.:, Seized
and tt ken in execution usthe property ot
Boult. V. 1 -; "
, . . And all to hesold by me,__„ .-.u,
■ „, ; ‘ JOHN M YERS, Sheriff. : ,
’ Sheriff's Office, ?
Carlisle, July ♦. 1839. J ‘
FOR SAtE,:: ',.;'; :-
ot ham's*) . J? 6 ~. -
One new TilUieny. •• ■ •• :
aet rnpunted J-aurntss,' f ,
.Oiie.bwadwl)eelcd Wagonrand,;--'^-:-.-,
and; 'di'i'iiriff'
.^ e^v;ir> aS%AJ&TOK : .
Carlisles My ,4,185% V . J;,-
■ s:t.o-u : b,j
- y..*