American volunteer. (Carlisle [Pa.]) 1814-1909, July 18, 1839, Image 3

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    inous poles, far beyond the reach of smoking
chimmes or the pelt of wandering stones.—
As the hour of noon approaches, this calm
ness gradually gives place - air of.ex
citement; a chance settling wagon is seen
crawling along the street; anon, a dashing
horse gallops along,"bearing on his back,
perhaps, one of the marshals of the day, big
with excitement; while crowds of well dress
ed young men keep passing up and down
street, or may be standing at the tavern’
doors, or the corners of the street; all ap
pears to be bustle and hurry. At three o’-
clock—but hdre my pen flags! let-it-suflice
that the town is now nearly deserted; the
small boys and the large boys—the young
misses—the lover and his mistress—the
modest young men and the older men, are
all gone; scarce line remains except the con
firmed misanthrope who lies stretched in the
shade, rendering the surrounding gloom more
visible. -cAll have gone to the “Head of the
Spring,” and thither "let us repair also.—
This delightful spot, although scarcely be
yond the precincts of town, is buried in ro
mantic seclusion; the road Ties partly through
a little stretch of woodland, and slightly be
yond this a hill swells abruptly to a consid
erable height, at the foot of which from a
mong the rocks gushes fortl) a cool transpa
rent stream: a clump of noble oak and,wal
nut trees overshadow this retired spot, de
dicated to the cause of liberty, and the more ,
private matter of the heart. Here many a j
scnjimpntal flirtation has - ended in matri
ninny, and many an embryo Demosthenes I
has kept us in admiration, while he held up!
Greece ancfiPßome ns a beacon to guide us
in the pathway of duty; and here at this pro-1
sent anniversary, seated on those long cir- j
cular benches, are the elite of oiir village;
and surrounding neighborhood, each one!
contHbuting to the general joy. The c even- j
ing is spent in innocent amusements, and in
' partaking of refreshments; small parties form
and promenade the lawn; others make more
, extensive walks; while "to many the most'
pleasant walk is to the summit of the hill, I
to steal a look down through flic tree fops j
upon the lively groups below;'this hill em
braces a view of the whole ground, and du-;
ring-tlie evening is visited by almost, all the ;
company.- The party generally closes by!
sombJhld fashioned play in which all parti- j
cipate, such as “Blindmairs Bull',” or “Pri
soner's Baste,” or something of (his kind;
.mil, however the more squeamish maybe
disposer! to kick at these games elsewhere,;
lieie with a good grace (hey must submit, 1
lor it has always been customary, ami no
change is desired; it a (Turds the greatest j
pleasure to (he.greatest number—and what:
need of reform? Something or other fre
<|uen(ly occurs whipli is unexpected and goes
oil' therefore with a better relish; for instance, i
some of the more reckless part of the village I
youth take (he company by surprise bv ap
pearing in masquerade, winch throws all in
to charming confusion; children cry, and
timid young ladies seek protection in (he
arms of (heir lovers; in fact their appearance
is,enough (o strike terror among the'hold.— I
Such grotesque.shapes and dresses, andgood
IJeavcnas what hornsl (hat must once have
graced/some patriarchal ram, and such hor
rid noses turningupwards in defiance;■ Mac
’-Beth’s witches and Mljlotrs lost spirits arc
-bore personified—and'such music,!, a,gong
Were more tolerable; a garran of a horse,
long, lang, anil gray, on which one of litis
stiintly crew is mounted, completes the pic
ture. They march once or twice around,!
(lie company, take some refreshment, per
haps mount the rostrum, pr form a circle on
(lie green, and take an Indian’war dance;
when lids is over (hey depart in the same
order in -which (hey came, and marching a
long the bank of (lie stream are soon
view in the neighboring woods.
The proximity to the water causes a world
of fun to tile more juvenile part of (he com
pany. A few--years ago in the midst of a
fine.declamation, l)ie cry of a man drown
ing! a, man drowning!, reached the camp. '
The cry of lire would have been less elec
trical. All ran as by one impulse pell-mell
to the bank, to see a-drunken.fellow drawn*
out of the water, dripping.with w,ct and
shivering with .cold. When all waf over
the audience returned to get the'rcst of the
oration. It has become common to ask who
is to afford sport for the company by falling
in next, and anxious 7 parents give this as a
last charge to their children when about''to
start, as shaking a prophetic finger, they ad
vise th'erii to beware of the spring! beware of
the spring! _ ■
_ The present celebration seemed likely to
paM without any accident of this Kind, or
"indeed any accident at all, and. the hour of
sun ‘ setting was fast approaching, when a.
wild spout’!' and a louder laugh followed,
and away ran. young arid old helter-skelter
in the direction of the spring. It was a mo
ment of excitement; and so far as conflicting
testimony can be believed, the cause appears
to have been this: a sutler was about return
ing to town with his team, consisting of a
small wagon, a bay rosenante and himself;
.from some cause or other, when half way
oyer-the stream, rosenante refused .to go for
ward, and upon the application of the whip,
he laid himself.down.m the water; the catas
trophewas at its height ns we reached 'the
bank; Harvey the driver had plunged into
the stream up to his middle, and rosenante
. was buried in mud and water, of all save his
head and tail, alid had assumed a new.char
' acter, for he was spouting water like a very
■ Whale. - Terrestrial pleasures are transient,
and the greatest difficulties yield to stubborn
perseverance;. for the charger was soon un
chained, and horse and man rose from out
their watery beds, and gained the shore like
some huge leviathan oLthe deep.
. . A post fence encloses the spring arid sey
eraf acres of ground,- amf immediately with
out is a kind of neutral ground, where every
species, of jollification is freely indulged;
here the sutler takes his stand; here the mu •
, sic. of the violin twangs. forth its unceasing
notes; here the merry dance goes round, and
all. are noisy and happy; while some fixed
with admiration sit_ on, the fence looking
anxiously on the passing- scenes within,
pleased with scenes in which they cannot
participate; well may they admire, for Mon
key Sam is himsclt a note.of admiration!
and, not'to be invidious, squinting John and
Bully Bob claim a like consideration; for al
though theseworthies have for the while been
transplanted from neighboring ■cornfields,
yet this is evidently their proper sphere;
here “Richard is himself again.” Sam
shines forth with his furniture, apron, and
broad sash of red ribbon, in addition to his
white pants r -vest, gloves, and teeth, rc
splendant; a tuft of buv/.ard feathers stuck
on his head would have converted him into
a Pawnee brave. It is singular that these
sable colored gentlemen become so patriotic
on such occasions, for their liberty is of ra
ther a restricted nature; and although the
new constitution extends more liberty to the
white man, it is of small advantage to the
negro; yet we have known some'of _thcm
who wore orderly and well disposed for the
rest of the year, whose patriotism Would
prompt them to keep the fourth of July for
a fortnight, by getting drunk every day.—
There is a phenomenon connected with this
which we will leave for wiser heads to"solve.
| Twilight is the signal for returning home;
j the sparkling bowl has boon emptied; hearts
| have been lost and won; the efficient mana
gers have established their reputation, and
j the more humble and obsequious waiters
. have made their last bow; The line of march
; is taken yi procession; the town; which du
! ring the after part of the day resembled a
| desert, is now teeming with life and anima-'
I tion, and all seem pleased with (lie occur
j rences of the day—scenes like these, oft re
peated, have given us an enviable fame.—
Other villages may emit a transient lustre,
but we have a permanent character to sup
port; and as the Hawker of the east seeks
those .marts to dispose of his, wares "where
arc congregated the greatest number of pil
' grims, sp here resort a score of young per-
I sons from- as many villages, offering their
I mile to (he general felicity, knowing that all
(hey contribute will be returned Jen fold.—
Bachelors and Widowers seek (his mart in
search ,of wives; maids and widows seek it.
in search of pleasure. Friends make this
period the lime to visit, relations to gather
home; brothers and sisters collect around the '
paternal hearth, and cousins'siwell (he num
ber; those meet who have long parted; every
hpuse almost has its quota of strangers, and
(his season like the old English Christmas
holidays-is devoted’to pleasure. Those who \
arc lar from home and have been prevented
from joining these festivities, will read with ;
intense anxiety this description of what (hey i
have.often realized, a.nd (he (ear of regret I
will start as “in retrospection they (rare the
faithfulness of (ho picture. PHILIP
The Democratic. Republicans of Cumber
land County are requested to meet at the
Court House in the Borough,of Carlisle, on
Monday the 12th of August next, (Court
M eek,) at early candle ligjit, to adopt mea
sures preparatoiy to the ensuing general e
lection. A general attendance is requested.
.l C.filtSP.
“A Disputant,-will find my answer to
his anonymous.letters in (he Herald and Ex
positor. Should ha-realty wish to dispute
with me on the merits of Physiognom3 - ,(which
1 do not expect,) I must first require ofhim
more delicacy and civility than he has al
ready shown; for whatever may hemy situ
ation in life, my motto is, and ever will be,
“Odiprqfanwn vulgus et arcco. ,,
July 18, 1839. __
The subscribers have just received a fresh
supply (from the importers,) of,GERMAN
CLOT H S,' which they will sell at lower
prices than they have ever been sold at in
Carlisle of elsewhere.
Carlisle, July 18, HSS9. 4t
■if first-rate IPlano JPortc.
.Enquire of (be Editors of (be Volunteer.
■ July 18.J839.
At an Orphans’ Court held on '■Tuesday
the AOthday of .April 1839, at_Cailialo,'m,
and for Cumberland County, before' the
Honorable Samuel Hepburn, President; and
John Slcuart and John Jcftver, Inquires,
Associate Judges of the same Court, &c. the
following proceedings were had, to wit:
SOth April 1839, upon the petition of
George McGinnis, Esq. executor of the last
will and testament of Hr. John Ealy, late of
the Borough of Shippcnsburg, deceased, re-i
speptfully representingthat- hp settled Ins'
I final account of the estate of-the.said decea
sed, and the same was'passed by this Court,,
oh the 3d of SeptemberA. D. 1833, and that
the balance found at said settlement in the
hands of said petitioner, has been fidly paid
according to law, and that since the passage
of said final account, no goods or chatties,
rights or credits of the said estate have came
to the hands or possession of petitioner,;and
praying the Court to discharge him from the
further administratioriof the said estate, and
from his Office of executor, under the will
aforesaid, and he will pray &c, ’ , ; -
SOth April' 1839, rule granted on the heirs
and legatees of said testator to shew cause
at the Orphans’ Court to be held on Mon
day-tha- 12thday'of~Augiist~ncxtr'u r hythc
said executor shall not be discharged &c. ■
Cumberland County, as._ '
Certified copy-from the records
of the Orphans’ Court of said couu-
July 16; 1839.
-■ ' ; ; Cik. 0.-C. ,
Carlisle, July 18, 1839. St
Strayed away from the subscriber residing
one mile from Fayetteville, Franklin Coun
ty, Pa - , on the 7th inst., a bay Mare and bay
Colt. They were seen on the 9th near Mary
Ann Furnace. Any person who will secure
said mare & colt, and drop nie a line through
the Post Office, to Fayetteville, shall receive
the above reward.
AT a slated Orphans’ Court begun on Tues
day the SOth day of April, A. I). .1839, at
Carlisle in and for the county of Cumberland,
.the following proceedings were had,-viz: -
In the rase of the partition mid valuation of
the Heal Estate of JOSEPH.' SHItOM, late of
the borough of Carlisle, deceased, on motion of
Mr. Eynn, Rule on all the parties interested
therein (hat they be and'appear at the next sta
ted Orphans* Court to be held at Carlisle on
Tuesday the 10th day of September next at 10
o’clock, A, M. toaoceptor refuse such shaie of
portion ot the said Real Ent.Ue as they may res*
pec.tively he legally entitled to take at the valu
ation thereof.
In thb rase of the sums or accounts returned in
tin.* Inventory of the personal estate of the said
Joseph Shrom, dece ised: On mat inn of. Mr-I.Von,
Rule on all the parties interested to anpeaf atthe
said Jta'.ed (irplians’ Court to be held at Carlisle
as aforesaid on Tuesday the said 10th day of
, September next at 10 oVlurk, A. M. In show
i muse if any they have why the sum of six hun
/ dred and seventy two dollars and forty seven
cents chartful to his daughter Elizabeth M’Cord,
( and the sum of six hundred and seventy six: del
\ Inis Charged to his daughter Marv M’CJranahan,
f and the sunt t.f thirteen hundred and thiitcen
j dollars and seventy cents charged to his son ,h,-
seph Shrom, jr., and the sum of seven hundred
j and twenty three dollars and eighty four cents
; charged to his son David Shrom, and the sum of
j fourteen hundred and eighty seven dollars and
I ninety six cents- charged to-hts son -Jacob Slirom,
and t he sum of three hundred and thirty five
dollars andffy two cents charged to Ids dangh
-1 Ter Eleanor Smith, and the sum of twenty three
'hundred and .nine dollars and thirty seven rents
charged to bis son W illiam Shrom. and ihg sum
ol one thousand and twenty five dollars charged
to his son 1* redvjdch Shrom, and the sum of one
hundred and thirty one dollars and fifty cents
| charged to Ids daughter Barbara WvliV,* should
j not he brought into hotchpot, and settled for in
the distribution of the real and personal estate
| ol the said Jos *ph Shrom, deceased, as so much
advanced to them by their said father in part nr ;
1 in full of their respective shares in the'real and
i personal estate of the vdd deceased. I
.. AND I
In the case of the petition of Joseph fchmm, jr.
administratorof the estate of-thc- said Joseph
j Shrom, deceased, presented to the said Court,
j setting lot tli (bat the said deceased “in hit life
time, to wit. on or about the 3i*sW>f A-ugu*4 last, I
| had entered Into a parol contract ttfsell'and c-on
' Vt ‘V to (icorge Spangler of Carlisle, the midivi
j ded half part of a lot of ground containing about
five acres more or less, situate in South Middle*
ton township, or partly In said . township and
partly in the borough *of Carlisle, hounded on
the north by land of I. 11. Parkci, E.sq., on the
east by a road, on the south bv Steel’s hmc and
on the west by land of Daniel Dink’ consid
eration of one hundred 8c seventy five dollars to
be paid to him by the said'Spangler—that thc-smid
Joseph Slirom died-seized of the sajd undivided
hall part of said lot without having niade suffi
cient provision for the performance of said con
tract, and that the said contract had been so far'
that it would bb against equity to res
cind it, &c. On .motion of Mr. Lvon, Rule on
S/iangler and.the heirs of said
dcc&rscd to appear tit the said -Orphans’ Coma*
to be held at Carlisle aforesaid on the said - 10th
day of September next at 10 o’clock, A*. M. to
answer the said petition and shew cause if any
there be;-u'hy~a spccific p'erTofnTairreofThe said
contract should not be decreed by the Court a
grecably to the prayer-of the petitioner.
Bv rn£‘Cot/nr.
.- G. A. MEUCCI.
Cumberland County, ss.
•In testimony that-the* three rules
above stated were’made by the Or
phansLCourt of said -county in tlie
casesjalmve-mentioncd, at-their-scs^
sion in May.laat, .and, are entered on
' the recoi d.H of said court, I have here,
to set tuy hand and.affixed my official seal tins
15th July, 1839. .
Statt of Pennsylvania,
■mj. The Commonwealth of Pennsyl-
SMfgm/U vama to Elizabeth Snvder, widow &
«ffS.fisB>s relictof JohnSnydcrrlate - ofTAllen
' township, Cumberland cuutuy, dec,
-vSSwtS^’, Margaret Snyder intermarried witli
~ . 1 Charles Eichholtz, and Henry Sny
deri heirs at law of the said deceased,
■ ' .. *
Whereas application has been made to nip I
saac Augney, Register for the Probate of Wills
and granting Letters of Administration in and
for Cumberland county, for.the Probate of a cer.
tain instrument of writing purporting to be a
nuncupative codicil to the last will and testament
of the said Johh Snyder, deceased.'
Therefore you.aud each orytiii are hereby ci
ted to appear before me at in the bor
ough of Carlisle in said county, the
3d day ot August next, at 10 o'clock, Ai-Mv of
said day, then and there to contest the said nun
cupative codicil if yog think proper—otherwise
jLAviU .hciproved-in due form of law,-and letters
issue to tlie executor.
, Witness my hand and seal of office at Carlisle
uforesgid, this tenth dnv.of July, A. D. 1839. -
■. ~ . ISAAe 'ylA OsV&Yi -Regitier
A Tstheir New Store in have
-'jusuroccived a large assortment pf summer
goods, consisting of Cassimeres, Drillings, -Linen
and Hcippan Cords, Nankeens, fcf c_. £fc.
D* tittt% can q c n ntt t x*
. Runaway from the subscriber JS, ,
on the 9th instant, an indented jjjSESi
apprentice; to the Tailoring Bu
siness, .named JOHN N. CAR
OTHERS. He had on when lie
went away a black fatinet round
about, striped linen pants and black hat.—
He is hard of hearing, and has a down cast
look when spoken to. He is about 5 feet 4>
or 5 inch(Ss'high.
The above reward but no charges,will be
paid.for the apprehension and delivery of
said runaway to me in Carlisle; and all per
sons are cautioned against harboring him, as
the severest penalties of the law will be in
flicted against those who may do so.
July 18, 1856.
W. FOULtIC. Cl’k O. C.
WHEREAS the Hon. Samuel HepburW,
Presiderit Judge of the Court of Common
Picas in jhe counties of Cumberland, Juniata &
Perry, and the Hori. John Stuart ai \t\John I-e
-fevre, Judges of the said Court of Common Pleas
of the county of Cumberland, have issued their
precept bearing date the 17tli day of April .1839,
and to me directed, for holding a Court of Oyer
and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery, and
General Quarter Cession? of the Peace, at Car
lisle, on the second Monday of August, 1839,
(being the 12(1i day,) at 10 o’clock in the, fore
Notice is hereby given
to the Coroner, Justices of the Peace, and Con
stables of the said county of Cumberland, that
they he then and there in their, proper person
•with their Records, Inquisitions, Examinations,
and other Remembrances, to do those things
which to their offices respectively appertain.—
And those who"arc bound by recognizances to
prosecute against the prisoners that are, or th?n
may be, in the Jail of Cumberland county, to be
then and thereto prosecute against them as shall
be fust. * •
Dated at Carlisle, the 11th day of July, 1839,
and the G4-th year of American Independence.
JOHN MYERS, Sheriff.
THE subscribers having lately purchased the
stork of goods owned by J. H. Weaver, at
the north-cast corner of the Public Square, Car
lisle, consisting of a large and general assortment
of seasonable ” • * ..
Also, a general assortment of Hatters’ X 7 ursand
Trimmings—all of which they will sell on the.
most accommodating terms.
June 20. 1839. ■ tf
JList of Causes
First W'-ek—commencing 12/// August, 1839.
Geese ex’rs vs Shannon admV &C
J Stongh t > vs K McEhvanc
R R-Church.Sec ys -G Cart
J Fond vs -Thos C-Lane's adair
R McGregor vs nmc
J Morrison vs J Given et al
J Fetter vs S Alexander
.1 Clever v« J W Fatten
I? K Church Bcc vs ' G & W McClure
D Lamb M Dunlap
Second coHWU'ncing 19/// August.
Corr\mnnw(*alih vs 1* Living* r
J Momfhurn vs F Noble
Turnpike Company vs C R Company
J Meixell \s M Oilier ’
/Flips Dobbs rxVs vs, M Eby co-rognizcr &c
C V R R.Company vs John Moore
K McKibbcn vs- J McKibben cx’r
S Lee „ v.v J Anderson '
M Love ad mV vs M Eby co-cognizcr
R S McCnnc va D Mahon
O U I.ceper vs F Herron ct al
\V E Crotzcr \s J Ca’sey
J Stmigh vs Mnorg Riddle
J Meixell vs F Diller
F Leidig 8c wife; ys J Miller ct al
Commonw’ih for use vs J MrFeely ’
R R<,Church &c vs J M Egc
Carlisle, July 1, 1839. »
’T&tTO funeral expenses of out door paupers a ill
-XXI .bv allowed after this date, unless an order
ot relief from n Justice of the Fence or a Direc
tor be obtained al or before the funeral, •jtating
ill at tile indi \ it I ml is poor, and that there are no,
means to bury him or her—also, no Physician
-will be ■paM“fnr;]lvorc tlrnn“nnc'vis-it, unlcsrby*
an order 1 rom one of the Directors.
A.\VA(i(J(')NEK,> - irectcrs. • *
June 20, 1839. tf
H^ V virtue of sundry writs of Venditioni Ex
hh punas, to me directed issued out of the
Court of Common Fleas of Cumberland County,
will be exposed to Public Sale, at (lie -Court
House, in pie borough of Carlisle, on Friday the
2nd day of August A.. I). 1839, at 10 o'clock,.A.
M. the following described real estate, to wits
A tract of land situate in East
Ponnsborough township, Cumberland County,
containing seventy .seven acres, more or less,
bounded by lands of Samuel Boyer, Jolm lvessell,
Is' ac Longneckcr Sc Jacob Kuntz, having there,
on erected a one and n half story Log House,
small Stone Log-Barn,-und other out
houses. - . • \
Also, a. tract of Mountain land
situate in Eus’t'PiMin.sborough township, Cumber
land County, contaimng'twenty-six acres, more
or less, bounded by lands of John Kissell,
Ncwcomcr, Jacob Kuntz, and others. Seized
and taken in execution as the property of Jacob
lillenbr.rger .
Also, a lot of ground situate
in P.ipcrtown, South Middletontownship, Cum
-berland-Cinuntyfrcontwining SO feetnn,breudthr&
200 feet.Jn.dt*pth, more or less, adjoining lands
of John Hartzell, John McClure, and the Balti
more turnpike road, having thereon erected a
one ami a half story Log House, /s*c. Seized
and taken in execution as the property of-Wil
liam Barber* .
Ajsoj si‘ ti'ac.t of land sitiiatc in
South Middleton township, containing fifty acres;
more or less, adjoining lands of Jacob mrnitz.
Elisha White’s heirs, James Noble’s devisees,
and the Letart Spring. Imving-thereon-erpr.tpfl a
r two*stoi*y Stone House, Stone Spring House, a
Eng Barn and Apple Orchard, and several
springs of water are on the premises. Seized
and trken in execution as the property of IVillia
Foulfc . . • .
And-ull'to be sold hv me,
■'' ' . JOHN MYERS, Sheriff. *
. ShefifF’s Office, X
Carlisle, July 4.1839, J
TEIF. Proprietor respectfully informs the pub
lic in general that iu- is tibw ready "to ac
commodate a lavge numberdf Bforders and Vis
itors. The Springs are-situated’4*’.miles north
;df Carlisle, Cumberland county. Pa. and 3 miles
south of Sterrett’s Gap; bn the North Mountain,
in aline, healthy 1 and romantic place! ..There is
an extensive ' _a__
erected ,{bpth warm and.cold,) and every ac
commodation relied on. •
■ •, D. CORNMAN; ..
June 27, .1839. ■■ : ' . „> , 6t '
N. B.—A Baroucjie will run daily from Car
lisle to the. Springs -during the season, for, the
accpmmodation pf Visiters. -D.C;
ALL persons knowing themselves indebted to
the estate of Jacob Lehman, late ot Dick
inson township,- deceased, arc hereby notified
for the last time to make payment on or beforp
the Ist day of August next —also the Vendue
Notes, given at the sale of said deceased's per
sonal property, are now due* and-must be paid
at farthest by the above mentioned time.
Philip sword, Admv.
Dickinson township, July 4, 1839, ot*
The subscriber respectfully informs his friends
and the public in general that he has just
reecived from thccity.of Baltimore, an extensive
assortment of merchandize suitable to the pres
ent and approaching season, such as
consisting of Case-Knives and Forks, Spoons,
Locks. Bobs, Hinges and Screws, Pen and Pock
et Knives, Razors, Tacks and Sprigs, Spades &
Shovels, Hay and Dung Forks, scythe stones,
rakes, &ci Bcc. tic. Also, superior American
and English Scythes. +
He has also on hand an excellent assortment
of Patent Family Medicines, such as pills,’ oils
and ointments. Also; all kinds of Essences. He
has also on hand Horse Medicines, such as the
Oil of Spike, Oil of stoncand Horse Powders,
See. See, &c.
He has also on hand an extensive assortment
of American Forest and //ihdostan Oil £tonc,
suitable for Carpenters and Wood Choppers.
Hu also has Powder by the lceg, among which
is the finest Rifle Powder, Shot, Lead, Percus
sion Caps, and Flints.
//e also has an extensive and superior assort
ment of ..
China , Glass A* Queensware,
twenty per cent cheaper than-can be-h ad else
Rio; *St. Domingo, and Java Coffees. New
Orleans and Porto Rico Sugar. Orleans and Su
gir //ouse Molassc*. Young Hysnx), Imperial
and Black Teas, Chocolate, Rice, Barley, Soda
and,Water Crackers. (Spices hf all kinds. Nuts
and Confectionaries. Pnines/Raisins. Ground
Allum, and Fine Salt. Tar, Soap and Candies
wholesale and retail, at city prices.
Wine, Brandy, New England Rofh, //arvcsl
Whiskey, Wiucand'Cider Vinegar, &c.
Cavendish, Roll and Flag. - Spanish and //alf
Spanish Cigars. Mucubau, Rappee and Scotch
Riding, Gig and Jockey'Whips and‘Lnslfes.—
Broshes. , Brooms. -■Fainted Buckets, &c.
Carpet Chain of all colors.
The above articles being'carcfuUy selected,
are offered to customers ami others at city prices.
JOHN G RAY, - Agent*--
' Carlisle, July 4, 1839,
The subscriber respectfully informs his
friends and-the public generally that he has
taken 1 that well known tavern stnhd at the
West end of High street, in Carlisle! for
merly kept by Mr. Henry Rhoads, and that
be is now prepared to accommodate Drovers,
ll’agaofiers. Travellers, and all others who
may favor him with a call, in the very best
His Table will be constantly furnished
with the best the country can produce. His
Bar is supplied with the choicest .liquors,
and his Stable which is large and convenient,
will be in charge of a careful and attentive
ostler. 1
He flatters himself that, from his experi
ence as an Innkeeper, he will be able to
render general satisfaction.
Carlisle, May 2, 18S9. tf
JUST received and for sale nt my landing'near
the Steam Mill, On tlje Canal, 500 tons of
lied Ash Pine Grove Coal,
warranted "to be the best article of the kind
known At the present time: It will be sold -in
lots tg_Aujt.purchasers..
Also-*a large quantity of LUMBER of dif
ferent*'kinds and qualities: superior S/iittfflcs;
/Vaster :-«Sa//--Uy-tbe-barrelr‘£!te—-aH-of--'which*
articles will be disposed of at the most reasona
ble prices
Harrisburg, June 6,°1839. ' , 5m
Estate of A. Hursh , sen. deceased.
THE subscribers having taken out
~mlmim§trat!6n on'tbe estate of Abraham
Hursh, dete&sed/ late of Allen township, Cum
berland county, hereby give notice to all persons
indebted to said estate to make payment imme
diately, and those having claims will present
them properly authenticated for settlement.
Adm'rs, residing in Mien township.
June 13, 1839. 6t -
IList of ILcttct's
REMAINING in the Posit Office at tUcKin
son, Pa. July 1, 1839.
Frederick Bollinger Fratlcis S 7/utcliison
John Cpover 2 Mary Ann McLaughlin
J N Carqthers John Nogle . ' ■
Jacob Claudy . • Mrs Mary, Smith .
Ephraim Coovci- T G Smith
Louis Douglass John Stewart
David FineffocU James Weak ley ,
...... A, G. miller;.P; M--
Estate of Jacob Myers, deceased*
TT TETTERS of Administration on the, estate
B i of Jacob Myersi late of South Middleton
township, Cumberland county, hpve been issued
to the subscriber residing in thc’sHme townshipf
All persons inany way Indebted to said estate
:wUi;mal:e;paymentr and; those
>yill present them, authenticated, tor
setdemeht. . - . • . - .
. Junel3,iB39.
■JOHN MYERS. Adm’r. 1
just receivingW’Jarjje
, assortment of Good? suitable for summer
.wear. The public are respectfully invited 'to
call. : June,SO
The Subscriber respectfully ihforms the pub
lic that lie has commenced the manufac
ture of boot nncl shoe at Mid-.
dlescX, Cumberland county. Pa; This blacking .
is. equal to any In the Union; and will be disposed ;
of wholesale or retail on very moderate termb?
'July 11, 1859. * ' 3t ■
WILL be in this plac£ about the 10th inst.,
and remain for one week only, and may
be consulted professionally at Col. Ferrcc's ho*
tel, ns usual.
July 8, 1839. * v
ssiEsetirjFis s*isjE.
BY virtue of a writ of Venditioni lixpnnas to
me directed, issued nut of the Court of.
Common Pkds of Cumberland county, will be
exposed to public sale at the Courthouse in the
borough of Carlisle/, on Friday the 9d» day of
August, 1839, at 10 o'clock, A. M. the following
described real estate, tpwit:
All the. interest of PATRICK BOYLE
in a half lot of Ground; situate In the borough
of Carlisle, containing 240 feet in depth, more
or less, adjoining lots of John. Early on the
Louther street on the south, Robert Layburn on
the west, and an alley on the north, having
thereon creeled a two story XtOG* KOTTSS*
frame Stable and other out houses. Seized nnd
taken in execution as thc property of Patrick
Boyle . Audio be sold’liv mo,
JOHN MVERS. Sheriff.
•Sheriff's Office, Carlisle, July 1J,;183P. 5t
| gY virtue of sundry writs of Venditioni Kx-
BB ponas.to_ine__d,irectedil.issued _ont_ of tlu.*
Court of Common Pleas of Cumberland com ■»,
ty, will be exposed to public sale at the Court
house in the.borough of Carlisle, on Friday the.
9th day 6f August, 1839, at ten o’clock, A. M.
the following described real, estate, to witr
Jl Tract of JLatid,
situate in pickinsoif township, containing two
hundred ami Vivehly-fivo acres, more or., less*
adjoining lands of Samuel Carotjicrs. Johns
ton, the Presbyterian church ami others, having
thereon erected a two, sjtocy-.brlc^,
" , 'is _o' u' s'si V' ’".ffili;
and a two story frame house
other out houses. Seized and taken'in execution
as tjie property of/»-’////«/7i L. lleakley. ' . >
And to bt sold bv me.
‘JOHN MVEUS, Sheriff.-
Sheriffs Office*. 7 ■
Carlisle, July 1 ]‘ r lSJ9. y 5t
eY virtue of a writ of Levari, Facias to me
directed, issued out of the Com t of .Coa»«
inon Pleas of Cumberland county, will be expo
sed .to public sale at the court house in the bof’<
ough ot. Carlisle, on Friday the &th of August
-1839, at 10 o’clock, A. M. the following descri
bed real estate, to wit:
- that
plan.tution anti tract of land, situate town- •
ship nf South, Middleton in the county of Cum
j berlahd, hounded and described as follows* “to
wit: Beginning at an nsh oak tree on Mountain
creek, thence by lands nf tiic heirs of Charles
•McClure, deck', sniih fourteen and a half de
grees, cast thirty three perches to a-pb&t, thenefc
across said creek by land Of John McClure nod
the heirs of Joseph‘Knox dec’J, (called the Pa
i per Mill tract,) south- seventy fnc degrees and
(U half, west thirty perches to mountain stone,
, thence along the //.mover and Carlisle Turnpike
1 Road, north nine and a half degrees, west fifteen
( perches and two tenths to limestone, thchcc by
•*{ the same land McClure and 'Knox’s heirs,
i a uith eighty nine degrees, west fifty five perches .
I and seven.tenths to a white oak. thence by the
same land, north one and a half degrees,'"east
forty four perches hud seven tenths (o a ’pnvt,
• thence by the sante land, south eighty two and
three Tdurths degrees, west fifty.three perches
and five tcnthsjo a post, thence by- the same
land, north nine degrees, west twenty live per
ches and six tenths, to a post, thence by lands of
William-Moore’s heirs, north fifty five degrees,
I cAst seventy eight perches to u black o ik, thence
across said Turnpike by the same land, north,
forty three degrees, cast one hundred and live
perches to n Spanish oak, thence hy land of tiny l ’-
heirs cf. Philip Rvichter, dcc*d, south* fifty four.,
degrees and one fouith, cast thirty three perch
es and seven tenths to a hlnck oak; thence by the
seme land, north thirty two degrees, cast twen
ty one perches and seven tenths tb a stoiie hcap,
thence by land formerly of Jacob Job; south six
ty three and a half degrees, east twenty six per
ches and seven to a hole on the bank of
Mountain creek, thence up said creek byitssev
oral courses and distances to the place of begin
mng, cnntaining oiVe himdrcd ami"eight acres and.'
eighty-five parches and allowances, together with -
courses, rights, privileges and ’’Appurtenances,
whatsoever thereunto belonging, or in anyway
appertaining: having thereon erected a two
story lug bouse and two one story .log.hopses nine!
a large brick hank barn. .Seized sind taken in *
execution as the. property of IVilidm Bardorjy 4
and Sam fit on MuUln.
-’, And tti lie sold hv me,' ' . - ...
JOHN HVERS, Sheriffs
-''Sheriffs OflifteTCsipTisJeVT ~‘W.
July 11,1839,., 3 - ■
To all €!laimtnits and jFcrsoiis
T&TOTICE is hereby given that a writ of stirc.
Jjvfacias to August Term,.1839, to medireet
edj has been issued out of the Court pi Common
Pleas of Cumberland cm the following
Mechanic's Liens entered and- recorded, in the
Court of Common Pleas aforesaid, viz:,'
■William Alexander, . - ...
vs.} -
The Trustees of Dick-/
insoh College, in the bo- (chlnics'Li^en No 49
rough of Carlisle* in the f a ** » r , *l,OOO
county of' Cumberlaiid-i Al, B Ubt . tcrm -i BS9 -.
(owners) apd Henry My- j . u f
ers, contractor. ‘ k '
Samuel RcsSler, __ T Sci. Fa. sur Mcchn
+ ' ■ S-nics’l.ien, No.26Au-
James Moore; ,■ _> gust Term, 1839.
- .^Sheriff'sOlucc, 5 “
.Carlisle, July ,11/1339; J ,;■ . [si
tst. of JLettera
'Bn EMAINING in, the Post Office at' SfoKgfi*'
fl_%; town. Pa, July 15t,1839.'%'' '
Anderson VVilliani;>’ : - : Hafei;ty John
K-or-S ;BivnyneUer-
Gaster James . -v T'u~>2Vtoorc VVlDinm ::'.cV- •
. Hisk'ey 'Valuntmo* fytekey js;
Hcariy-George ‘ \ I’Av, Uhoatfs *
plaint iwaUJid,*-.
Silks; whicU arejolTeVed n't UMsuidlyjb'vJnrices.
; i'j V,- '..'Untold'(ir ■Can : ; .