The Improvement Bill passed both houses of the Legislature late on Tuesday evening, -and was sent to the Governor.—lt appropri ates over, one million and a half in all. The Election Billalso passed same evening. The Legislature'adjourned sine*dic on Tuesday evening last. Look out Girls. — Ei.iza Emery warns all the girls out South and West—ho.osicrs, buck-eyes and all—to look out for her gay, deceiving, runaway husband, David. She says that he has cruelly left her, and told the folks when he started that he was going South-west to preach universal salvation and marry ahoosicr. Eliza'thinks he can easily be kiiown, and to prove it says, “David has a scar,on his nose where I scratched it.” pTT’The Philadelphia Butchers have again resumed their stalls. The Speculators had to yield. Good. From the Washington Metropolis. DEFALCATIONS AND LOSSES BY BANKS, &c., UNDER FORMER .ADMINISTRATIONS. The following table of individual and bank defaults, will initiate the reader into some of the secrets of the cry of so rife among a certain class of politicians, aim which has afforded some fictitious capital, used for certain sinister purposes by these gentlemen. '.The cry of “mad dog” was never so admirably illustrated, as the case ill question. The reader will perceive that the aggregate amount of individual losses ■from receivers, collectors, &c.,-is at about $12,000,000; and that opposite to this array of figures, we have the total losses froni banks and merchants’ bonds, amount ill"- to' about $15,000,000. The greater portion of the first of these sums lias been either liquidated or paid in full, while the latter still stands,.-and, for aught wc -know, will always stand, a living monument of the beauties of the banking and credit systems. "The tree is known by its fruit.” O-- O Q , ,g s s 'll s' § g 3 S -VI ri c * s |f S £ -§ S is pj* " «> ... -0 =1 5 5 c 'g, o 1 - =» S I « 2-0 o fl O .=. fe O O 10 g S f? •2 =■“ -lo ?«S« *-- £ 55 . s. W ’ (-rK . r O b ft; rtOw^.S .^• T «c £ OO O Q I O s 9* WOC)D, O. S. June 27 ' 183? ‘ ‘ * r 30 DOLLARS -JE WARD. DESERTED from Crnsle Barracks, on the night of the 4th in* J ON* A I HAN W OKTZS, a Dragooßecruit in the JLJ. S. Army, aged 22 years. S%‘t 9 inches highygray eyes, dark hair, rudtlymmplexion—born in Cumberland county, Petsylvania—by occupa lion a farmer. Enlist l 22d April 1839, at Harrisburg, for the perd of 5 years. Tlie a liove reward will lie pfl to any person deliver ing the said deserter tdie commanding officer at Carlisle Barracks.! ’ ~ t -R- S. mx. Cap Ec Ass’t. Qv. Master. Dated at Carlisle Jrvaclis.,? June 6, 5 ' • • 8t . CHEAP JSADYIVIADE _ l«r past favori; res* -_Lpeclfully irtfolc 3 tlie public that he lias on ha ml a large assdpieht of ready made clothing at-his establish™*. a few doors west of the Post Office, in Mn street, Carlisle, which he offers for sale on:ry moderate terms. He al so continues tojtry on tlie Tailoring business, and will always: grateful for a share of public patronage. M ’PHERSON. June 13,1839 ' tf Estate^ Jacob Myers, erwisfe will be dealt with according to law, f ‘ JOHN LONGNECKER. 1839r il3t literary notice. AT a meeting of the nlumlni of Dickinson college; at the chapel, oirthe 17th flay of July, 1838, it was resolved to revive the former alumni association of said College. Every grad uate is deemed a member of the association.— Messrs. James Hamilton, Thomas V. Moore, JohaZug, J. Heed, Samuel Alexander 6c Tho mas Bowman, were-appointed a "Standing Committee” to prepare business and make all necessary arrangements for a future meeting, to be held at the same place on Wednesday the 10th day of July, 1839, (being the day before comrticneement,) and to give public notice there of. The committee have performed the duties assigned them, and now give the notice icqui red. It is hoped there will be a general attend ance. Other papers friendly to the College will con fer a favor by inserting this notice. Carlisle, June 20,1839. BARGAINS! BARGAINS!! THE subscribers having lately purchased the stoclPtif goods owned bV'J..’H. Weaver, at thJ north-east corner of the Public Square, Cai lisle, consisting of a large ami general assortment of seasonable -• _ DRV-BOODS, GROCERIES, QEEENSfVJIRE, S,-c. Also, a general assortment of Hatters’ Furs and Trimmings—all of which they will sell on the most accommodating terms. K. A MONEY, H. ANDERSON, June 20.1839.' tf : fresh summer GOODS. Arnold t? Co. arc just receiving a large assortment of Goods' suitable for summer wear. The public are respectfully invited to call. / J“ ne 20 MiLbOURKE and Tweed Summer Cassi imeres, suitable fur. summer wear, for sale U\v at ARNOLD-& Co. CAUTION. TBkTOTICIi IS HEREBY GIVEN to nil ;>er- sonsi ’that, no fishing or hunting will here alttr be permitted cm the lands of the subscri- on the Letart Spring east of Carlisle, The ’lay” will be enforced against any. and every per sqj who may herealter be detected in either of tlie above pursuits within our bounds; and any jßrson giving such information ns may lead to tjc conviction or such ofTendcrs shall receive a Toward of §5. (liven under our hands the 15th Jay of June, 1839, Samuel Kutz,. Jacob Kutz, « David’Kutz, 'Christian Ruhl, Christian Crotzer, Jacob £lrb, Henry Bitzer, .Samuel Kinney, Jacob Hershe, Jonathan Ulrich Strickle#. Henry Paul. .. Figured'and Pliiin'Silks. JUST received some splendid plain, watered Grns-de-Nups arid Gro-dc-Swiss ‘bilks, which are offered at'Unusually low prices. June 20. , Arnold & Co, ..NOTICE. •' NO funeral expenses of outdoor paupers will be allowed after tliis date, unless an order ot relief from a Justice of the Peace or a Direc tor be obtained at or before the futletal, stating that the individual is poor, and that there are no means to bury him or her—also, no Physician will be paid for more than one visit, unless by an order from oneofihe Directors. ... - ’ D. EMMINGRR.} A. WAGGONER. > Directors. > J. DUNLAP, 3 June 20. 1839.' tf WILLIAMS’ VALLEY RAfti .ROAD AND MININ© COMPANY, In the Counties of Dauphin and Schuylkill , NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAI’ in pursuance of im act of Assembly, incorporating the William’s Valley Hail road*"and Mining company in the counties of Duphin and Schuylkill; books will be opened tor the subscription of stock in said company, under the direction of one or more of the com missioners named in the law, from the 4ih day of July until the lOth day of July inclusive, from 10 o’clodk ~ A. M. until 2 o’clock,T*. M., at The Hotel of George Nagle in Harrisburg. —-The—Hotel-of-Joseph- Gulbertson.-inC'/icwi bersburg, Tne Hotel of William S. Allen in Carlisle. .And from the Bth until the 14th day of July, inclusive, from the hours of ten o*clocK f A, M>> until 2 o’clock P. M. , at the Philadelphia Ex c/tanget in the city of Philadelphia, and at the hotel* of Thomas McGrath-In the borough of York. * • ' The amount of each share of stock is fifty dollars, on which $5 must be paid at the time of subscribing, and the residue as may r be inqui red by the President ahd Managers. Ail per* own names or the names of others. • .Benjamin Frick* JoHN'M AriQIJ ART * ' Silas Harry, James Burns, ■ William Gilmore, .Thomas Himes, Wm. A: Petriken,‘ Val. Hcmmel, Jr., James Fleming, U. J. Fleming, . Jacob Babb, Ch’n F. Hahnlin, Wm. D. Boas, _ JosepilW. Cake, James Wilson, • William Ilgenfritz, Leadner Ns Ott, ' Commissioners, June 20, 1839, STRAY STEER* TAKEN up trespassing on the premises of the subscriber in West Pehnsbofough township, about one mile north of Smokey town, on the banks of the Connodoguinetcreek;about the first of May last, a BRINDLE STEER, with a bell on—siippnsqjl to be about three years old. The owner is desired to Call, prove property, .pay charges and take him away or he will he dispo sed of according to law. GEORE MUSSEI.MAN, Sen. June 19, 1839, >, 3t* I POWDER By the Keg, Sect received and for sale at the store of - . •' JOHN GRAY. Agent. ■> NEW GOODS! ANDREW RICHARDS, la-now opening d splendid assoftment of Spring and Summer GOODS, At the south-east corner,of Market -Square,, wet known as JBredin*e L’other, and recent-. ,- ly occupied by Geo. fV. Crabb , COMPRISING IN PART Blue, Black, Blue Black, Invisiblc.Grceh, Ada* lade and Brown OLO.TBSV, Ribbed, Striped and Plain splendid assortment of Black,Blue-black,Green, Mause/Fawn, Gro de Naple, Gro dc Swa, Gro de Sein, and Ress Italian SILKS;- Florence assorted colors, together with a splen did assortment ofßalgues, Figured Silks, a va riety of‘Prints and Chintzes, new style Lawns, Mouslindelaiiies, Ginghams, Painted, Cross-bar red, Striped, Jacbhett'Bc'Cambric Muslin, a'find assortment of ’ CALICOES, a superior assortment ot Veils and Handker chiefs, a general assortment of Summer, figured and plain Satin ' VESTINGS, Summer Cloths, Satlinets, plain and striped Linens, Irish Linens.Velvct Cords,Beavertcerts, Checks, Colton Drillings, Tickings, 6cc. . , of Leghorn,. Tuscan, and colored Nun .Bonnets, Palmleaf and Leg horn Hats. * * A general assortment of Gauze, Mantua, Love and Satin Ribbons, a splendid assortment of Hosiery and Cloves. enoasnius: Rio, Porto Rico, Java and Sumatra Coffees, Su gar, Sugarhousc and Oilcans Molasses, Young Hyson, Imperial afid Black Teas, and Soap. His present stock of Goodshavc been selected with much care, and’will be sold at as‘will'norfairto"glve‘satisfaction toTlVose wish ing to purchase. He is very thankful for past favors, and hopes by strict attention to business, and a<-dispnsition to please to merit and receive a liberal share of public patronage. (C/'A large supply of WINDOW GLASS just received, and for sale. , Carlisle, April 18, 1839. tf 5 NEW COA CH MAKING JE&z'jtß&isrg.wjßjrzi, - - ‘ IN CARLISLE. PA. f subscriber having just arrived from the ' B east with some of the best workmen that could be procured, is now ■ prepared to finish work in the most fashionable style and of the best materials. . He will manufacture any thing in that line of business, such as . OA.S.S, COAOH3S, GI&S, SULKYS Ac CARRIAGES, - of evcry’description.' He has now in his ciriploy probably one of the best Spring Makers and Coach Smiths that is mow in the state; His charges shall be moderate and his work will all be warranted. . - -Repairing done in the neatest manner and with despatch. - -----—■- i The subscriber humbly solicits the patronage of the public, for which he wi// tender his most sincere thank's. FRED’K A. KENNEDY, Car/is/e, Vpri/ JB, 1839. tl CABSNE? MAKING BUSINESS. THE subscriber wishes, respectfully, to in form the inhabitants of Carlisle ami the public in general, that having received a rcgu-' far course of instruction in the above business, he has just returned from the city ot Philadel phia, with a complete assortment of the best MAHOGANY, and other necessary materials, and is now pre pared to manufacture in the most fashionable anti, substantial manner, SECRETARIES, bureaus, centre And end, Stands, &c. &c., and will be thankful to all who may please to patronise him. His‘terms shall be as moderate ns the nature of the work and the exigence of the times will afford. Approved country,produce taken inpayment. To close the tfoncern, BEDSTEADS of various kinds will be made; upon which the weary may refio'se— and, should Death overtake them, COFFINS will be made according to order, in which to deposite their remains that they may be at rest. d/”Pl easc call at his Shop in North Hanover street," Carlisle, fiext door to Mr. Abel Keeney, where all drdet's will be thankfully received, ami the utmost punctuality observed, by WILLIAJU C. GIBSON; May 23,1839. 6teow ThcMcmbcrs of the Societij of Equal High's are hereby notifi e d That the Treasurer has been instructed “ to notify the members, that unless -all arrearages and quarterly contributions are fully pa'uhpreyious tb . the 4th of July next, the act. counts will be placed in the hands of a Magis trate for collection." ' ' ,-R. CAMERON, Treasured; June 19tb, 1839. 3ts;. • . A CARP* SARAH Hr K. ORB Asti Having resigned her situation in the common schools; has opened on her own account a select school, not exceeding thirty scholai s,in thchouse formerly occupied by Mr. James.Bredin, and ,n6w occupied by Mr; Andrew Richards, where she will be happy to receive the children’ofhny who may feel disposed to patronize her. For terms apply cither at hey own residence in Han over street, air any time between school hours, or at the school room from 9 to 12 A. M. or from 2 to 5 P. M. Rkkehescf.; C. B. PENROSE. MRS. L. BIDDLE; • W. M. BIDDLE, REV. P. H. GREENLEAF, GEO; A. LYON. June 13,1839. . . Estate of Jit Harsh, sen. deceased, NOTICE THE subscribers having taken out letters of administration on the estate of Abraham Hursh, 1 deceased, late'of Allen township, Cum berland county; hereby give notice to all persons indebted to said estate to make' payment, imme diately. and those having claims will present them properly authenticated for settlement. » ABRAHAM HURSH; , - CHRISTIAN HURSH, _ residing toxtfishijfc 'j ‘r*i *‘ r GOLDENBAIL HOTEL, WEST HIGH STREET OAHZ.XSZ.Ej The subscriber, respectfully informs bis friends and the public geherally that he has taken that well known tavern stand at the West end of High street,' in Carlisle, for merly kept by Mr. Henry Rhoads, arid that he is now prepared to, accommodate Drovers, Waggoners, Travellers, and all others who’ may favor him with, a call,- in the very best manner; . ; • His Table will be constantly furnished with the best the country can preduce.' His Bar is supplied with the,choicest liquors, and his Stable which is' large and convenient, will be in charge of a careful and attentive ostler. ■ '' ti t * lie flatters himself that, from his experi ence as an Innkeeper,>he wilLbe able to render general satisfaction. GEORGE SHAFFER. Carlisle, May 9, 1839,. tf Notice to Cretlitors. TAKE NOTICE that t)ie subscribers have been appointed Auditors.tq,marshal-the as sets of.the cstare of David Nciswaiigcry amoni; tiie creditors, ami that we will meet for-that purpose at the house of John Hoover, iti Meclian icsburg; on Saturday the be! of August-'next, ai -10 o'clock; A. M. where all persons having claims will present them for settlement. JOHN (COOVKR, -) , MIC H’L HOO VEU, h Auditors. ... -HENRY. LEAS,-, _j :t - VALUABLE PAHBE r - . : FOBS ALE. \ 7 riHE subscriber offers at private sate thcjnl* A. lowing described valuable real estate, situfttd in Allen township, Cumberland county, contain ing U 4 atres, more or less, of patented lun.o, h bout 90 acres of which are cleared and in a high, state of cultivation, and the residue covered with thriving timber. - The improvements arc a iwa TWO STpRY fln||. ■ STOWS HOUSE, tllilsJyegj - And’-SJoublo Log' Bare, two Apple Orchards, one of which,is, of choicd frnit, a never (ailing spring of water, and a foun-‘ tain pump at the itypr—also, a Tctiaht House,] Xhc above inentioned.tractJSj;early.nll lime stone land, of a good quality* : an‘d a healthy neighborhood—within two_rt»ilcs* of Mechanics burg and the Cumberland Valley Rail Road, and about cue mile front Shepherdstowri.^ An indisputable titld wilbbe given. /For terms; apply to the subscribe!’ near the premises. j , James graham. . -May SO, 1839, tf Estate of Nancy Weaver, dcc’d. , KOTtCEi THE public will take notice tluit’Letters of Administration have tli'is day been.issued to the subscriber, on the estate of Nancy Weaker, Ijite of Monroe township, Cumberland county. 1 All who have claims against said deceased arc requested to make the same known to the sub scriber; residing in IJillslnirg, without delay, and all who are indebted to said estate are re* quired to-call anti fecttle the sanie; - lUI -- LEVI W. WEAVER. May 17, 1839. ■ 6t COAILI.CO'AEiV . JUST received ami forsaleat my landing near the Steam Mill, on the Canal, 500 tons of' Bed Ash Pine Grbve Coal, . warranted the best article of the kind known At the present-time: It will be sold in jots to suit purchasers. , i Also—a large quantity of LthMBEU of dif ferent kinds.ami qualities: superior S/thiglesi Plaster: Salt by, the barrel, ts*c» all which articles will be disposed of at the most reasona ble prices. CHAUI-tiS L. BBttGHAUSj Harrisburg, June C, 1839. ' ... 3m VALUABLE REAL ESTATE S'OP.SALE. THE- subscriber will sell at private sale,-a vah uable tract of land, situate inNcwton'town ship. Cumberland county, about a half mile west of Sloughstown, on lli’c turnpike leading l l(V ■ Chambersburg,-adjoining lands ot JobrtStough and Samuel Brgwnellcr, containing 9 1 X T V-_ EIG HT Mii ES, of first rate. UME. ■ STONE LANU, about fifteen acres,of which arc covered with thriving. Young Timber; the remainder.ia under good fence aiid ina high state - of cultivation, having thereon crcctcd a '. . TWOSTOH'ST X.OG HOUSS. Jjlliai AND NEW-LOG BARM _ There is also on -the premises a thriving ijoitng ‘aftjtlc orchqidy.. .■ • • / ; * "Any person wishing to view the premisesttill,,MVhldhig~m;rFranfcford~ township, about one mile Alrev’-rmill;; and a short diatarice.from Hetrick's store. ! SAMUEL. MAUQUART. .j 2m. : . June 1839. TEACHERS WANTED. - ■ Ij AOtJß'teachers (three male and one female) B' are wanted to' late charge of, the schools of the Mechanicsburg Districtj. Cumberland coun ty, Pa. Proposals will be received by the PrcS. identof the Board, from teachers who may wish a situation,in which they will'statc the salary per month,.for which they, will teach.■ The recep tion of pfopbsals Will ’of' Julv next immediately after which a selection of the teachers will be made by the board.' ' Schools •to commence on the first of November following. It is expected that satisfactory evidence will be given as to moral character and’quaiifications,' . . . - JACOB WEAVER, Prcs’t. ' Geokge F. Cain, Sec’y. ■ Mechanicsburg, June 6, 1839.' 4t STRAY MARSi CAME to the public house of the subscriber in Silver Spring township, on the 30th ult. a Sorrel Mare, iibnut ll ycnrs old, Intwcch lG and ir hands high. with a star on theforchead and rough shod before. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay ciydijes and take her away, orlilic will be as’ : the-Jaw directs. A BEIDIG. Sen. . .June Jo, 1833.-. . ■ / A.’ .. i 3t‘ trmbrf^ 8 Shd alarge assortment"'of; plain, ami Parasols far sale by: ' i ' - ; ... co;- '*